DCSJ Prep Parent Handbook

Page 30


s Our Va lues We flourish at St John’s We will always contribute to all aspects of life at St John’s. We will love and respect our school and the whole community. We will be courageous. We will strive to be our best self. DEAN CLOSE ST JOHN’S | PREPAR ATORY 3 Contents Our Values 3 Welcome 5 Brief History 8 The School Day 9 Communication from the School 12 Music & Drama 15 Sport 16 Computers & Email 18 Boarding 20 Communication & Parental Links 24 The House System 26 St John’s Links 29 Friends of St John’s 30



I want to give an especially warm welcome to our new families and hope that you will soon feel settled as part of our community. Each year is always special and seeing the children embrace all that we have to offer is incredibly uplifting and a privilege to be a part of. We have a wonderful team of dedicated and talented staff who will provide outstanding pastoral care and academic challenge to each and every child. Being a small school means that we can foster meaningful relationships we understand that really knowing one another is vital to supporting each child in the best possible way. Our school is a happy one and our values of love, courage and contribution underpin all that we do. Our aim is to ensure that your children leave as well rounded and grounded young people, who are ready for the challenges of senior school. We want every child to flourish whilst here, making the most of a prep school education to find their passions, make mistakes, build friendships and grow as individuals. We also know that childhood is the most precious of days and we embrace the outdoors to ensure that the childhood at Dean Close St John’s is the very best. I hope that as we embark on a new academic year there will be many opportunities to get to you all much better. Mr Nick Thrower Head WE ARE DELIGHTED TO WELCOME YOU ALL TO JOIN US ON AN EXCITING JOURNEY AS YOUR CHILD PROGRESSES THROUGH ST JOHN’S PREP SCHOOL.


Childhood at Dean Close St John’s is more than an education, it is a profound feeling of freedom; a chance to climb trees, get muddy knees, light fires, to take risks and to be challenged, to laugh and to build lifelong friendships. Being given the independence to explore their learning, both inside and outside the classroom, is an essential ingredient to every child’s educational journey. When combined with nurturing creativity, children are shaped into curious, resilient and outstanding learners, whose focus is not merely on a destination but on the skills acquired and honed along the way. St John’s teaches children to think, to be utterly kind in every situation, to ask inquisitive questions and then to leave as confident learners, faithful friends and compassionate leaders. DEAN CLOSE ST JOHN’S PREPARATORY SCHOOL IS A THRIVING INDEPENDENT, CO -EDUCATIONAL DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL NESTLED IN LEAFY GROUNDS OVERLOOKING CHEPSTOW CASTLE AND THE RIVER WYE.


Not a minute wa sted, not a moment rush ed.


Mr James Mansfield designed the part of the school called Tutshill House (now known as Old House) in 1800. Sir George Bolton (a former tutor to George III’s daughters) bought it in 1805 and built the impressive two storey structure overlooking the River Wye.


A brief history of S t J ohn’s

Sir George travelled to the West Indies in 1806, dying there in 1807 never seeing his magnificent house completed. Alterations were made in 1908, including the main gate ball finials. During the next few years the property became the home of the Vicar of Tidenham until a Mr Gentry purchased the property in 1922 with the intention of starting a school, which opened in 1923. The current Head, Mr Nick Thrower, has been in place since 2021. St John’s has been part of the Dean Close Foundation since 2015.



There are also a number of clubs that your child can sign up to at the start of each term.

Afternoon lessons end at 4.15pm and then there is afternoon registration till 4.30pm when form tutors will dismiss the children. If there are any children who have not been picked up they will join late stay.

Morning Break

A child will only be allowed to go with someone other than their parent or guardian, if their form tutor has been notified in writing beforehand, stating the name of the ‘collector’ and who they are. If you know you are going to be late to collect your child please telephone or email the School Reception to let staff know. If you can foresee a problem for a particular day, please let us know as soon as possible. With advance warning, we can make arrangements to help. Children are welcome to stay on after school and do their prep or after school activities under the supervision of duty staff, who provide cover until 5:30pm.

During the lunch break children are free to play, if they do not have clubs. Special Dietary Requirements If your child requires any special dietary provision, please let us have the information in writing and we will cater for their needs.


During morning break children are supervised as they play in our outdoor spaces. If the weather is wet, the children are undercover or indoors. Children are provided with a snack. Children are encouraged to have water throughout the school day. There are cold water stations around school for pupils to access.

Children may be dropped at school at 8am where a duty teacher will be ready to welcome them. No day pupils should arrive on the school site before 8am, unless by prior arrangement with the School Reception, or your child’s form teacher. Breakfast can be booked if needed. Please book in with reception the day before breakfast is required. Breakfast is in the dining hall from 8am. The school day officially begins with registration in form rooms at 8:20am. In the event of a child arriving late (after the registration period) they must report to the School Reception to be marked present. Please note that persistent lateness will be brought to the attention of the Head. Lessons commence after registration or whole school assembly.

The End of the Day

T h e Sch o ol Da y

Lunchtime School lunches are provided for all children and they are expected to have lunch in school. All pupils have their lunch cooked, prepared and served in one of the two school dining rooms. The school provides healthy food, which is all cooked on site. A vegetarian option, salad and fruit are always available. Menus are displayed in the School Reception three weeks in advance, on the school website and are available on request. Please note that we are a nut free school. We value eating together and high priority is given to the development of good table manners.

The school provides a drink and a small snack for any children who are staying late after school at 4:30pm. Should you wish, your child can join the boarders for their evening meal at 6:00pm. Please book this at the start of the day. An additional charge will be added to the end of term bill. Arrival & departure Pupils arriving at school by car must be dropped off in the school car park. Any child walking to and from school unaccompanied must inform the Head of Pastoral Care in writing.

Minibus drivers are all equipped with mobile phones and their contact numbers are provided on request. Please be patient when trying to contact a driver as they may be on the road and not able to take your call until it is safe for them to pull off the road and bring the vehicle to a halt. Children travelling on buses are made aware of the conduct expected of them, and that failure to comply with the drivers’ instructions may endanger the lives of both themselves and others.

The school sends parents an advance holiday date list and it would be appreciated if children were not taken on holiday during term time. Any request for leave of absence from school during term time should be made in writing to the Head. If children are taken out of school it means they are missing important lessons and assessments and although every effort will be made to see that they have the necessary information from missed lessons, this is not a substitute for them being present. Minor Absences Requests for minor absences during the day for medical or dental appointments should be made directly to the School Reception. If you have to take your child out of school during the day for any reason, it is essential that you sign out from the School Reception when you take your child and sign back in when you return.

The school will take firm action if pupils persistently disregard the code of conduct. Food and drink are not allowed to be consumed on the minibuses. Adverse Weather The school will always be open regardless of the prevailing weather conditions as we have the boarders to care for. In the case of bad weather, children should continue to come to school if they can do so without being endangered. Parents who are unable to get their children to school should inform the school of their situation at their earliest convenience. In the case of the school minibuses, it may be necessary to suspend the service in the interests of safety. The drivers will make the decision as to whether the minibuses will run or not. Parents of children using buses will be informed of the decision to suspend the bus service.


Pupils are not permitted to leave the school grounds during the normal school day unless they are accompanied by a member of staff. The school boundary can be taken as the school walls and fences. School Minibuses The school runs a small fleet of minibuses daily (Monday to Friday) to and from St John’s. The exact routes are dependent upon demand and vary from time to time. To keep the timings reasonable, it may be necessary for pupils living in outlying areas to be taken to, and collected from, an agreed rendezvous point.

Holidays & Exeats

To find out further details and to book places on the buses, please contact the School Reception.

Drivers are obliged to report instances of poor behaviour and any failure to comply with instructions on their buses.

It is vital that the school is notified of the reason for a child’s absence, either in advance or on the day. Where the reason for a child’s absence is yet to be ascertained, the School Reception staff will endeavour to contact the home of the child. The School Reception staff will try to make contact before morning break of that day.


Communica t ion f r om th e Sch o ol

It is vital that the school is able to contact families in case of an emergency, and parents are asked to keep the School Reception fully informed of any changes to contact details, including address, email address, telephone numbers for work, mobile, home, relatives and guardians. The school uses the iSAMS management information system to send email and text updates to parents. The iSAMS text message system is used to provide updates on certain events such as away trips and sports matches. This system allows messages to be sent to all parents (or specified groups of parents) simultaneously. If you are not receiving messages, please inform the School Reception.

Gett ing in touch

School website and Headmaster’s weekly update

School Reception

Non-urgent communication about your child should, in the first instance, be with their form tutor or subject teacher. Please contact any of the staff via email or phone. We will endeavour to respond within 24 hours. It may be more appropriate to arrange a meeting to discuss more complex issues. Academic matters are led by the Director of Studies and Heads of Department. Pastoral matters are led by the Head of Pastoral Care.

All urgent emails should be sent to the School Reception. On the subject line of your email please put ‘For the attention of, or FAO’ and write the name of the staff member. Please contact staff directly for any non urgent matters. All incoming mail should be handed to the School Reception. Outside of regular hours, for enquiries about boarders or children at late stay after 6pm, the school may be contacted via the boarding house on 01291 621008. Our Staff We work very closely with parents, guardians and carers to promote the education and welfare of each pupil. All members of staff are happy to be contacted to discuss the progress of any pupil and we use a wide range of printed and electronic means to keep you informed, as well as the many opportunities that arise for face-toface discussions.

For staff contact details, please see the Curriculum Booklet.


The Head will always be made aware of any significant issues regarding pupils. Often the Deputy Head will become involved in day-to - day dealings with parents as will the Head when appropriate. The Head is always available to see parents and can be contacted via his PA, Mrs Lorraine Colthart: colthartl@deanclosestjohns.org.uk

School Calendar

The School website contains information about the school, term dates and uniform, as well as pictures and news items about the school’s current and past events. The Head also writes a weekly email to parents to keep them informed about life at St John’s.

The School Reception is situated at the front of the main building through the conservatory and is usually staffed by Hayley Williams. In term time it is open: Monday Friday: 8.00am 6.00pm Telephone: 01291 622 045 Email: office@deanclosestjohns.org.uk

Parent Portal Here you can access school reports and other key information. You will receive your log in when your child starts at St John’s. Whatsapp Each class has a dedicated parent representative and Whatsapp group. Twitter @DCSJ official Facebook www facebook com/deanclosestjohns Instagram dcsj official Linkedin www.linkedin.com/company/dean close st johns Website www.deanclosestjohns.org.uk

This is issued to all pupils and parents at the start of each term and it contains a guide to the events of the term. The school does try to make this as accurate as possible, but changes will be notified, giving as much notice as possible.

Equal Opportunities Promoting equal opportunities is fundamental to the aims and ethos of Dean Close St John’s. We welcome applications from pupils from all ethnic groups, backgrounds and creeds and everyone is treated equally. Human rights and freedoms are respected but must be balanced with the needs and rules of our school community and the rights and freedoms of others. St John’s seeks to provide a welcoming atmosphere where all individuals feel valued and can make the most of their abilities, including those with learning difficulties and disabilities, on the proviso that the educational needs of the child can be met within the school’s academic environment. For more information please see our Equal Opportunities policy available on the Dean Close Foundation website. Outings School trips are an integral part of the curriculum at St John’s and every opportunity is taken to use these to enrich the experiences of the children where relevant. You will be informed about these in advance. Thorough risk assessments are carried out prior to taking any children on a school trip. Staff take nothing for granted where safety is an issue; if necessary they will make a pre trip inspection of the site and facilities to be visited.

Form Tutors and Addit iona l Pr ov ision

Learning Support The Learning Support Department at St John’s makes provision for pupils who require additional support to ensure that they have full access to the curriculum. Teachers and learning support staff work collaboratively in planning differentiated learning objectives, teaching methods and access strategies, while catering to pupil’s individual learning styles and needs. This integrated, whole school model of delivery promotes excellent communication between parents, learning support staff and teachers, as well as significantly enriching each child’s development and learning experience. Specifically, learning support staff work closely with teachers to plan in- class support, pair and small group work, as well as the 1:1 sessions for those children requiring intensive support.

The more frequent, tailor made lessons in small groups and pairs throughout the week significantly promote peer learning, which is a powerful way for a child to learn. The School has a clearly defined process for following up concerns relating to any form of learning difficulty in a pupil. Individual and Group Education Plans are devised and reviewed periodically in liaison with all relevant staff and parents, and each child is assessed and monitored throughout the year.

Parents play a crucial role in their child’s education and overall progress; therefore, they participate fully in all discussions and decisions around their child’s needs. Some additional lessons may incur a charge.

Pupils have a form tutor who they see every day. As well as checking that they are keeping on top of their academic studies and giving relevant feedback from other subject staff, the form tutor’s role is to encourage and support pupils. Parents should see the form tutor as their first point of contact should there be any concern about any aspect of their child’s life at the school. Form tutors are in the best position to be able to assist children in solving problems at school. Should problems persist, the form tutor will then refer to the Head of Pastoral Care, the Deputy Head and finally to the Head.



All pupils take music as a class subject throughout their school career. There are also other opportunities for singing and performing such as in the Chamber and Junior Choirs. Each year group takes part in school musical productions, the Carol Service, Speech Day and the Summer Concert.


Pupils are also able to take individual singing lessons. Peripatetic teachers keep parents informed of their child’s progress.

Pupils are also able to take up individual tuition in musical instruments. Those who have reached a proficient standard enter the associated board grade examinations. Instruments taught include piano, violin, cello, trumpet, trombone, saxophone, clarinet, flute, percussion, guitar and drums.

The school choirs meet for rehearsals during the week and perform regularly at the church services and at other festivals and functions throughout the year.

16 DEAN CLOSE ST JOHN’S | PREPAR ATORY Music lessons & tuition


The School Orchestra meets regularly and there are opportunities for ensembles to perform throughout the year. Any parent wishing their child to take up extra tuition should contact the Director of Music who will be happy to organise the tuition for you. Tuition costs are available from the School Reception. Lessons take place during the school day and great care is taken to ensure the impact on other lessons is minimal. Drama Pupils have weekly drama lessons where the focus is on developing performance skills, collaboration and confidence. There is also the opportunity for pupils to have Speech and Drama lesson and work towards LAMDA examinations. These take place in small groups and a tuition cost applies. Lessons take place during the school day and a rotation system is used to minimise the impact on other lessons. If you are interested in Speech and Drama lessons for your child, please contact the Head of Drama.

Spor t

Children selected for teams will be notified by the team sheet posted on the information boards in school and an email will go out to parents at the beginning of the week. Unless a selected pupil has written consent for non-participation in a sporting activity they will be expected to participate in this important part of school life. Directions to away venues are available via the School Reception for parents who wish to support these fixtures. The support of parents and friends is most welcome at all fixtures and match teas. Some inter school fixtures also take place on Saturdays and occasionally on Sundays. Children who are selected for these teams are expected to attend. We aim to give as much notice as possible for any weekend fixtures. Clubs & activities Staff offer a number of after-school clubs which normally take place between 4:30pm and 5:30pm. Children may elect to do one or more of these activities depending on availability and their other commitments. These activities may include: pop lacrosse, gymnastics, swimming, cricket, cross country, IT/computer club, photography, gardening, school newspaper club and debating.

• Helmets must be worn for hard ball cricket


• appropriate football/rugby boots must have studs conforming to the BS 6366 “kite mark” standard.

• A cricket box is compulsory for hard ball cricket

• Shin pads and a gum shield are compulsory for hockey • Shin pads are compulsory for football • Gum shields are compulsory for rugby from Year 4

Appropriate dress is expected for all children opting for sporting activities such as golf, tennis, badminton, etc.

Inter-school fixtures

• Correct footwear is essential for games and where

Games kit & protection All children are expected to have the required games kit as specified in the uniform lists. All items must have the pupils name permanently labelled.

Computers & Ema il

The school has a computer suite which is available for independent use by all pupils at various times of the day. Pupils do have access to the internet although there is control software installed to prevent access to undesirable materials. Children in Year 5 and above are expected to bring their own Chromebook into school. Children are given strict guidelines regarding the use of the internet and those who persistently try to access undesirable or blocked sites will have their access to the computers restricted. All pupils have an email address and are free to use this facility to contact family and friends. There are strict guidelines as to what they may and may not send via email. The ICT department has the facility to take a random sample from all outgoing and incoming email. These samples are taken on a weekly basis and children who persistently break the rules regarding the use of email will have the facility removed.


• I will not bring my mobile phone into school.

The policy for the Acceptable Use of ICT has been produced to ensure protection of all parties the pupils, the parents, the staff and the school. The school reserves the right to monitor, view or delete any data that may be held on its computer systems and to monitor network, internet and email use. Any breach of this policy may result in disciplinary action. The following section of the policy is signed by the pupils at the start of each year.

• I will never arrange to meet anyone and I will tell a teacher if someone asks to meet me.

• It is my responsibility to look after any device I am allowed to bring into school and will carry it safely and sensibly, not leaving it in unsafe places.

• I will tell a responsible person if I find any damage or faults with technology, however this may have happened.

• I will not try to access anything illegal or inappropriate.

Acceptable use of ICT

For the safety of others:

• I will not interfere with the way that others use their technology.

• I will not download Chrome extensions without permission

The school is a mobile and smart watch free zone and they should not be brought into school unless permission has been granted by the Deputy Head.

I will take my Chromebook home every day.

For the safety of the school:

• I will not download anything that I do not have the right to use.


Our internet is carefully filtered to screen unsuitable sites at source. Social networking sites, such as Facebook, are blocked on the school system as are other sites we consider to be unsuitable for your age groups.

• I will be polite and responsible when I communicate with others.

• If I am a boarder I will keep my phone in the boarding house and use it according to the boarding house rules.

• I will not deliberately bypass any systems designed to keep the school safer.

The school has provided computers and internet access to help you learn. You are responsible for your own behaviour on the internet just as you are on the playground.

• I will not access computers at school, including my Chromebook if I have one, without a teacher being present to supervise me.

• I understand that my use of technology will be supervised and monitored

• I will not communicate negative comments about others which may cause hurt or distress or have a negative impact on their online reputation.

• I will not take or share images of anyone without their permission.

ICT Policy Agreement

E-Safety Seminars on e safety are held for both pupils and parents to highlight potential dangers when using computers. The school encourages parents to similarly monitor their children’s use of computers in the home.

• I will keep my own personal information safe as well as that of others. I will not share my address or phone number with anyone online.

• I will keep my passwords safe and will not use anyone else’s (even with their permission).

For my own personal safety:

• I will charge my Chromebook at home to keep the classroom a safe place to move around.

Mobile Phones

In such circumstances phones should be handed in to the School Reception at the beginning of the day and collected before the journey home. The school can accept no liability for a phone that is lost, tampered with or stolen. Boarders must leave their mobile phones and smart watches in the Boarding House during the day, but are allowed access once school is over.

• I will not contact people online, or enter competitions or chat rooms.

• I will not make unauthorised copies of software or unauthorised recordings.

• I will tell a trusted adult such as my form tutor or Miss Duncan if anything makes me feel uncomfortable or upset when I see it online.

• I will not send or receive chain emails.


The library is stocked w thousands of fiction and fiction books, to which continually. All pupils ha regular access to the libr can borrow books to ta The library is catalogued one of the most advanc management systems a This includes an Acceler Reading Programme, w allows us to track and ta o t e progress our pupils make. PSHE All pupils take part in the Personal Social Health and Citizenship Education (PSHE) programme. This aims to prepare pupils for life, raise their awareness of their own needs and those of others as part of a community, as well increase their understanding of wider global issues. Within the PSHE programme many issues are addressed including: drugs and substance abuse, sexual relationships (in Years 6, 7 and 8), current affairs and topics associated with itizenship. In line with current policy, there is a Prevent module about safeguarding people from the threat of terrorism, which is delivered at an appropriate level to the various age groups.



The Boarding House caters for up to 30 boarders, including those who stay on a flexible basis whether it be for a weekday, the weekend or longer. It actively promotes the safety and welfare of all children by providing a stable, caring atmosphere within which each child’s physical, emotional and intellectual needs can be met. It is very much a family based, home away from home environment, with the Houseparents responsible for the children every morning, and from 4:30pm onwards on most evenings and at weekends.

It is essential that children’s passports and any necessary visas are kept up to date. Parents are asked to ensure this and then to pass all such documentation to the Boarding Parent for safekeeping.

Children living overseas

School doctor The school doctor for boarders is based at the Vauxhall Practice, Tutshill Surgery, Chepstow. Boarding pupils also require a completed and signed Doctors Registration Form (GMS 1) (purple form). Without these boarders cannot be registered with the School Doctor and obtain medical treatment. Boarders must not re-register with their family doctor during the holidays but can obtain treatment as a temporary resident.


Flexi-Boarding St John’s offers its pupils the chance to experience boarding life through flexi-boarding opportunities. For more information on how this works please contact the School Reception.

When children are travelling overseas as unaccompanied minors, it is essential that parents complete the necessary unaccompanied minors forms from the airline and send these to the Head of Boarding in advance of the day of travel. Guardians All children whose parents reside abroad must have an independent guardian who can fulfil the role as laid out on the guardian form and in line with the Guardian Policy. These forms should be signed by both parents and guardians and returned to the School Reception. Parents who normally live in England or Wales, but who have to be away or abroad for a short time, must leave an address and telephone number with the Head of Boarding. Escorted Travel Children travelling abroad can be escorted to and from all major airports at the beginning and end of term (there is an extra cost for this service).

• Self application of sunscreen of at least factor 15 provided by parents


Scheduled immunisations on the NHS programme will be administered by visiting nurses from Gloucestershire Child Health. Parental consent is always obtained in writing before any vaccines are given.

• Sit in the shade whenever possible

Travel vaccinations will not be given in school. These will need to be obtained through your own GP service. If boarders require additional vaccinations, a written request must be submitted to

Management of minor short term illnesses (e.g. chicken pox, impetigo, diarrhoea and vomiting) and guidance on exclusion from and returning to school will be taken from Public Health England. For further information see guidance on infection control in schools and other childcare settings at www.gov.uk Parents are asked to inform the school about any illnesses as soon as possible so appropriate precautions can be taken to prevent them spreading. Safe in the sun Form tutors and games staff will instruct pupils as follows:

Medical Conditions

• Wearing of hat when appropriate


• Encourage intake of fluids

Pupils who have or develop a long-term medical condition (e.g. allergies, asthma, and diabetes) during their time at St John’s will have a care plan drawn up to meet their needs. This will be completed by the Health Care Coordinator in conjunction with information gained from the parents and doctors. Pupils with medical conditions will be fully integrated, wherever possible, into the school community and supported in every aspect to ensure they have the same opportunities as their peers whilst being kept safe and their condition well managed.

The fully- equipped Treatment Room is located next to the School Reception and is staffed by the Health Care Coordinator. We also have facilities for administering first aid at various locations around the school. First aid boxes are situated in key areas of the school. We always take first aid kits with us when groups of pupils go out of school on organised trips or to participate in sporting events. Most members of the teaching staff are trained to provide basic first aid. We keep records of all accidents and injuries, and have a procedure in place for ensuring that they are reviewed regularly in order, where possible, to minimise the likelihood of recurrence. We will always contact parents if a child suffers anything more than a trivial injury, or if he/she becomes unwell, or if we have any worries or concerns about their health. If a day pupil needs medication during the school day a form, available from the School Reception, must be filled out giving consent for the Health Care Coordinator to administer the medicine. The medication will be locked in the medicine cupboard or fridge in the Treatment Room. Medicines must be collected at the end of the school day. St John’s acknowledges its responsibility under RIDDOR to report certain occurrences to the Health and Safety Executive. Parents are always informed about illness or accidents involving a visit to the Hospital Casualty Department. Day children are cared for in the Treatment Room if they become unwell during the school day. Parents are informed if it is necessary for them to be taken home. Boarders will be cared for under the guidance of the Health Care Coordinator, in the Boarding House. Parents/guardians of boarding children will be kept informed and if deemed necessary, arrangements will be made for them to go home.


Dental, Optical, Orthodontist appointments


of fees through sickness) b)


Please use the holidays for routine checks to avoid interruptions to school life. Treatment may be continued during term time when necessary. Parents should contact the School Reception to report pupil medical appointments and provide as much notice as possible. Boarding pupils are accompanied to any hospital or dental appointment by our Health Care Coordinator. Taxi fares may be payable for routine appointments. The school has arranged for all pupils to be covered by the Pupil’s Personal Accident Insurance Scheme at no additional charge. following pupil insurances are available on an opt-in basis. The School Fees Refund Scheme (loss Personal Pupils’ Healthcare

the Health Care Coordinator who will liaise with the school GP.

Effects Insurance Scheme c)


24 DEAN CLOSE ST JOHN’S | PREPAR ATORY Communica t ion & Parenta l Links

• The possession of illegal drugs and the abuse of solvents

Open Mornings

St John’s School Shop

• Buying and selling from/to each other without authorisation

• Smoking or drinking or the possession of tobacco or alcohol

• Chewing gum, spitting, swearing, gambling


The School Shop is a one-stop -shop for uniform, conveniently located on the school grounds. The shop is run by the school for the benefit of the pupils and prices are as competitive as they can possibly be, taking into consideration quality and durability. Appointments In order that uniform may be purchased for the new school year, the shop operates a system of personal appointments for both new starters and current pupils, and has regular opening hours during term time that are conveniently scheduled around drop off and pick up times. Email Jo Wardshop @deanclosestjohns.org.uk or call on 07785 550911 to make your appointment, or to place an order. The shop holiday opening hours are available on the school website or via the School Reception.

We have Open Mornings throughout year. Parents are taken on a personal tour of the School and the grounds and meet the Head, Mr Nick Thrower, along with staff and Year 8 pupils, for coffee and an informal chat. The visit provides an opportunity for conversations about every aspect of your child’s learning and character, talents and interests, allowing us to demonstrate how we support and develop them at St John’s.

Prohibitions These include:

• The possession of toy guns or any other toys that maybe used to harm others

• Mobile phones

T h e

The House system at St John’s is an integral part of the pastoral system and of the life of the school. There are four houses and all children are allocated to a house (siblings are not necessarily in the same houses). Houses are led by teaching staff who are assisted in the day-to - day running of the house by elected Year 8 pupils who are chosen as Heads of Houses by the children themselves. The House system provides opportunities for all to participate and to take responsibility. It is hoped that children will take a special interest in their house and participate in all house competitions and activities to the best of their ability. There are usually three/four formal house meetings every term although others may be called when necessary.

House System


• 25 Achievement Awards = bronze badge/certificate

• 100 Achievement Awards = platinum badge/certificate

Achievement awards and credits A highlight of the year is the house music competition when every child in every house participates in the performance of a house song. A selection of songs are then repeated for parents’ entertainment at the annual Speech Day.


• 75 Achievement Awards = gold badge/certificate

The Houses are as follows: Dean (Blue); Gwent (Green); Severn (Red) and Wye (Yellow). Achievement Awards are given for praiseworthy standards and effort in academic work. Achievement Awards are recorded in the child’s homework diary and are accumulated to achieve certification at the following levels:

Embassy Tie The presentation of an Embassy Tie is a St John’s tradition. Formerly it was presented to prefects who, on receipt of their tie, were granted the freedom of the Embassy to use as a common room. This tie is now presented as a mark of seniority in the school and the recipients are encouraged to display a mode of conduct that will be a positive role model for the younger pupils. Ties are presented on entry to Year 7.

Year 7 and 8 children also wear a different blazer and enjoy their final two years with additional leadership opportunities integrated into their school experience. Bullying We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our pupils so they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at our school. If bullying does occur, incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively.

• 50 Achievement Awards = silver badge/certificate

The child who accumulates the most Achievement Awards in the school over the year is awarded a prize on Speech Day. Credits are our pastoral reward system. Pupils can collect credits by following the St. John’s Values. The collect their credits on a credit card and can ‘bank’ them at the school bank. The school bank managers are Year 8 pupils who are in charge of keeping a record for each pupil. The pupil can then buy items at the credit shop when they have enough. There is lots ‘for sale’ at the shop such as balls, water bottles, puzzles, computer breaks, non school uniform days and much more.

We are a TELLING school; this means that anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell the staff. Our full Anti-Bullying policy can be found on the Dean Close Foundation website. We welcome feedback from all members of the school community on the efficacy of our anti bullying measures. Assemblies The School enjoys regular whole school assemblies. The School encourages pupil participation and these are seen as important collective events. We talk about the Christian faith and celebrate other religions. We welcome visitors from all religious backgrounds. Pastoral Care Staff meet regularly before the start of school and pupils’ wellbeing is always top of the agenda. Pupils should feel comfortable to talk to any member of staff in confidence. Any child experiencing problems of a serious nature should feel free to talk to their parents, guardians or immediate family about any matter of concern at any time. The school has an Independent Listener, Mrs Fiona Gardiner, who can be telephoned in confidence. Pupils have access to the number at school.

During the course of the year, houses compete in sporting, academic and cultural competitions, all of which, together with the individual Achievement Awards, count towards the Crows and Cranes Shield awarded on Speech Day.

Health & Safety Fire alarm tests are carried out regularly, as are fire drills. Parents should obey the school site speed limit (5mph) at all times and drive with extreme care around the School. Parents are reminded not to park or wait outside the School Reception in the ‘drop - off ’ zone.

Lost Property Our aim is to help children towards independence by encouraging them to be responsible for their own belongings.

A major part in this is played by parents naming each item of clothing or equipment brought into school.


All children will be expected to keep track of their property. If a child does lose something they will be sent to check the lost property. If they fail to find their property they should, after checking all areas, report to their form tutor. A checklist is available in all pupil planners to encourage pupils to be more responsible and independent in their preparation for each and every school day.

These functions take place at the end of the Trinity Term and are whole school events. Parents and family are encouraged to attend. All children are expected to attend these events.

Parents are encouraged to attend and may take their children home directly from the church at the end of the service. All other pupils are returned to school and may be collected at 4:30pm as on a normal school day, except half terms and end of term when pick up is earlier. Please refer to the school calendar. There is no after school care available on church service days that fall on an exeat weekends or half-term.

School Concerts & plays These activities take place throughout the school year and children are expected to attend as required. These events appear in the school calendar.


Services are generally led by the reader of St Luke’s, and the Head usually invites a speaker to deliver a short address on an appropriate topic. This is a lovely time to hear the school choirs. All pupils attending church services must wear a school blazer. Christmas Carol Service At the end of the Michaelmas Term the church service takes the form of nine lessons and carols and is held in St Mary’s Priory, in Chepstow.

Sports Day, Speech Day & Summer Concert

Church Services

The school makes use of the facilities of St Luke’s Church, Tutshill, for the purposes of holding school church services. Services are usually held on Friday afternoon’s preceding exeat weekends, half-term and end of term.


St John’s has a very supportive and lively Parents’ Association, known as the Friends of St John’s (FOSJ). They organise a wide range of fundraising events. They are always interested to hear from new members, so please contact the School Reception or FOSJ@deanclosestjohns.org.uk if you would like to find out more. FOSJ often organise a School Ball for parents at the end of the Trinity Term after Speech Day. They also organise a variety of events involving parents and pupils at various times during the year. Any funds collected from these events, go either to charity or back into school initiatives.

Friends of S t J ohn’s


Notice of leaving Notice to leave the school must be in a letter addressed to the Head, signed by all parties to the parent contract. A full term’s notice is required, otherwise a term’s fees in lieu of notice will be payable. Complaints If there are any complaints or concerns, parents should speak or write as soon as possible to either the Head or the Deputy Head. For initial concerns it may be best to speak to the form tutor; they appreciate the support of the parents and prefer to hear directly of any queries or worries.

Policies & Procedures The following are available on the Dean Close Foundation website or can be requested from the School office. • Policy and arrangements for admissions • English as an Additional Language (EAL) Policy • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy (SEND) • Curriculum policy • Policy to promote good behaviour, set out sanctions and exclusions • Health & Safety Policy • Missing Child Policy • First Aid Policy • Relationship and Sex and Health Education Policy • Privacy Policy • Complaints Policy and Proceedure • Data Protection Policy • Equality Policy for Staff • Equality Policy for Students • Accessibility Policy and Plan • Risk Assessment Policy • Admissions Policy • Recruitment Process Policy • Safeguarding Policy • Anti Bullying Policy • Parent Contract

TutshillTutshilld Hill,Castlefor ’sean Close St JohnD www g.uk.deanclosestjohns.or 01291 622 045 NP16 7LE eshirerestGlouc Dean Close St John’s Castleford Hill, Tutshill Gloucestershire NP16 7LE 01291 622 045 www.deanclosestjohns.org.uk

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