Graphic Erica
Design 2011
Trial And Error creating a photoshop self portrait a year in Review
pop art self In Designing my portrait, it took
me several tries before I finally settled on a design I liked. The assignment was to choose a heroic quality we possess and then express it in a self portrait designed in the pop art style. I wanted to emphasize voice and expression, and I communicated these ideas through emphasis on my mouth as well as bright colors. By trying so many variations on the same theme, I was able to expand my skills as a designer.
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Second Semester
we began exploring the uses of Adobe Photoshop. We learned a variety of Photoshop techniques and created backgrounds (right) that could be used in later projects. In the project on the left, we played around with color variations and inversions.
This Project
was to design a photoshop collage based on a book. I chose to base mine on the novel Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. In creating my collage, I used layering techniques to develop an antique effect. I used old lace and wallpaper in the background, and blended them into a picture of an old plantation house. I then used a picture from a famous scene in the movie based on the novel to give the design an overall feeling of emotion and nostalgia. The text at the top is from the last line of the book, and I used several design techniques to give it dimension and depth. Overall, I liked this project because it gave me an opportunity to display my Photoshop skills while at the same time conveying a message about a work of fiction that means a lot to me. 6
table of
elements of design
basics of typography
photoshop magic
pop art self portrait
4 5 6 7
Erica Hendry Pd. 3
o ww wow wow
Erica Hendry pd. 3
wowwowwow wowwowwow wowwowwow wowwowwow Erica Hendry pd. 3
We next focused on the principles of typography. We focused on type contrast, as well as the characteristics of all the various font families. Our project was to create a personal logo that employed the typographical techniques we learned and also communicated an idea about ourselves. I tried out several different logo variations, playing with color and design.
Erica Hendry pd. 3
In the beginning of the year, we focused on the basics of design. We learned about the importance of line, positive and negative space as well as color and shape. We experimented with pattern and focal points. The culminating project of the unit was a compass rose, in which we used colors, shapes and pattern to express ourselves and convey the principles of design that we had learned.