mrsjosephdesign Graphic Design course portfolio example

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mrs. j o s e p h a R t DeSIGN


GraphicDesign a sampling of our assignments and an example of the Personal Portfolio + Presentation final year-end culminating assignment.

Line Shape Color Typography Personal Logo Collage Illustration Self-Portrait







Essential Statement: Line - is expressive.

Essential Questions: How is line expressive? How do we express ourselves using Line?


The expanded Square assignment focuses on Positve- Negative space, implied Line and the Principle of Design: Balance. Symmetrical Balance.

Asymmetrical Balance. Radial Balance. You will be building upon your increasing digital skill-set as well to complete this project.

tessellate - tes*sel*late v. 1. to construct, pave, or decorate something with small pieces of stone or glass to give a mosaic effect 2. to fit together without leaving any spaces (refers to geometric shapes)



How is typography expressive? Essential Statement: How is typography an Art Typography is an expressive Form? What techniques and Art Form in its own right. tools are used in contemporary Essential Questions: Visual Communication Design?

Personal logos

Before creating a personal identity (Logo) we explore and identify the parts of a character; using the nomenclature of typography. We examine family classisfications, The rules to guide the designer to effectively work with type. Such as; Type Contrasts and Typographical Heirarchy.

Radial Symmetry

We continue to explore color theory through the creation of Mandalas. Additionally, we’re looking at the nature of balance and radial sysmmetry. As well as furthur developing our digital drawing skill-set.

Skin Deep Social Issue

This assignment requires symbolic thinking. To create a collaged/photo-

montaged image that juxtaposes text and images to illustrate a visual con-

flict (irony) invoking a thoughtful response within the viewer. Communicating a specific idea through synergy, takes great care and deep thought.

Photo Composite

We do many Posters, Illustrations, Social Issue Public Service Posters or sometimes: Book Covers. All projects use similar photo-composite or collage techniques. The possiblities are truely limitless when you allow your imagination to fly. Incidently, these images are all ancesters of mine! A great way to make a project more meaningful to the individual.

Self Portraiture

Self Portraits are one of my favorite projects to create. I enjoy creating a new project that explores a different aspect of the individual and a new technique. There is a long standing tradition of artists using themselves as a model. Availability is part of it, but Self portraits capture the changes one goes through over time and can be told in a variety of ways.

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