artportfolio graphic design:christian wheeler ayala
what you will find here and where
ILLUSTRATOR 1~expanded shapes design
2~patterns / tesselations 3~color and mandalas 4~character 5~bhhs type poster 6~personal logo(s)
PHOTOSHOP 7~photo collage
8~beverly hills photomontage 9~self portrait ala chuck close
exp.sHAPES illustrator for this project, we were given a shape and a black and white palette to then create our own pattern or shapes and creatures, i decided to try to create/recreate a variety of these as seen on the right. for my final piece i created a pattern made out of daft punk in their suits and repeated the cutout shapes to make the final piece have the daft punk image as a pattern, so to say. (included in the art show)
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patterns illustrator going on from the expanded shapes, we create tesselations that can be used as patterns. shown are different examples of the tesselation designs i made, ranging from the more checkerboard-looking ones to the ones that attempt to create another type of pattern. i also made two variations of the cat tesselation with different intersecting styles.
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mandalas illustrator To get into using color, we first need to understand color theory. First going into regular color wheels and then creating our own “color wheels�, mandalas, to show our choices of shape and colors with different relations to each other, such as (in order as in the image) monochromatic, analogous, and complementary.)
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Character illustrator For this assignment we created our own characters out of shapes and lines using what we have learned up to that point on illustrator. I was unsure about what direction to go in with this, finally deciding for the warrior girl that i came up with, i finished the assignment by giving her an environment to be strong in.
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TYPE:POSTER illustrator This project had us choosing a slogan or word to make encouraging posters for our school. I took the direction of this poster to be simple and clear, and focusing on type and shape, with a simple color combination, that showed school spirit, but in a different style. having a late start on it, i do not have too many process examples, but i am very happy with how the final result looks like. (included in the art show)
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TYPE:logos illustrator Our next type assignment. this set of logos came about from trying to mix my name/initials into a shape of my liking, which was difficult at first. i created a simple drawing of myself and integrated my last name into the hair, holding my first name inside. i created color variations for different occasions as well. additionally i also decided for a flower-y image for the logo with my initials. (included in the art show)
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cOLLAGE PHOTOSHOP the assignment was to create a collage with pictures taken by ourselves that revolved around a topic of our choice. with what i had at hand at the time, i decided to make it the simple things/our everyday life, as it is often overlooked because of fancier things. i separately edited and merged the different images used, and placed them in such a way that i could get a sort of pattern in the piece and then i added some other shapes to decorate/complement.
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PHOTOMONTAGE PHOTOSHOP photomontage with the theme of the beverly hills centennial. fantasy-like unattainable beverly hills, shown with a twisted rodeo drive and bright colors. the fashion aspect greatly represented, also referenced by placing a fabric-like texture on the piece. a busy piece, with a lot going on, as is beverly hills. showing an impossible place, yet with hands in the background reaching out for it.
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selfportrait PHOTOSHOP For this piece i created the brushes which i would use to make my picture into a chuck close- inspired self portrait. out of my brushes i chose a square brush with details to give my hair a mosaic like effect and later a more circular one for my face and its details to go better with my face. (included in the art show)
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