CAKE DETAILS Adding cake flavors, sizes, surcharges, fillings, frosting flavors, and pricing for each.
B A. Choose one Cake Flavor, Filling, or Frosting
D. Choose the next Cake Flavor, Filling, or Frosting
Flavor you wish to offer; button will change from No to Yes when selected.
B. Once a Cake Flavor, Filling, or Frosting Flavor has been selected, you will need to pick the Cake Size(s); button will change from No to Yes when selected.
Flavor you wish to offer and repeat steps A through C.
E. Clicking the "Cancel" button will cancel all changes.
F. Clicking the "Save" button will save all changes.
C. Add a price to create the base price for a Cake
PROTIP: If you wish to offer a Filling or Frosting Flavor at no extra cost, simply keep the price at $0.00. This will allow the customer the option but not upcharge them.
Flavor. Adding a price to a Filling or Frosting Flavor is considered an ‘upcharge’.
Adding Frosting Colors and Cake Serving Sizes.
A. S elect the Frosting Colors you wish to offer. B. Suggested serving sizes are listed. You can override the suggested size by typing in the field.