Congregation Beth Shalom April 2021 Bulletin

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE CBS Annual Meeting/Slate 2021-22 ...... 2 President’s Message ................................. 3 Celebrate 18/Rabbi Melman .................. 4 CBS Happenings ....................................... 5 Youth/Young Family Engagement/ B’nai Mitzvah.......................................... 6 Religious School........................................ 7 CBS U/ Adult Education/Programming ............ 8 Sisterhood Slate 2021-22/ Sisterhood ........................................ 9-11 Men’s Club/Slate 2021-22...............12-14 Social Action .......................................... 15 Keruv Korner......................................... 16 Birthdays and Anniversaries................ 17 Shabbat Mornings .............................18-19 Calendar .............................................20-21 Milestones ............................................... 22 Yahrzeits ................................................. 23 Donations ..........................................24-25 Ads ......................................................26-27 Candle Lighting and Service Times .... 28

Rabbi ..................................................... Aaron Melman Senior Cantor ...................................... Steven Stoehr Assistant Rabbi .............................. Warner Ferratier Rabbi Emeritus ........................................ Carl Wolkin Executive Director ........................... Susan Karlinsky Director of Jewish Life and Learning ............................................... Leann Blue Director of Education ........................... Stacy Ybarra Director of Youth and Young Family Engagement……..Eric Golberg President .............................................Tanya Solomon Sisterhood President ....................Robyn Rosengard Men’s Club President ........................... Steven Elisco USY President ................................... Ryan Eisenstadt Shalom Designer/Editor .............. Deanne Friedman

SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.



RABBI MELMAN’S MINUTES I will always remember staring at the picture of my father in his Army dress uniform. It hung in our basement near a trophy he received and his dog tags. He served our country in the U.S. Army Reserves during the Vietnam era. As many of you know, I grew up with a strong connection to Judaism and a deep belief in God and that only strengthened over the years. When I entered rabbinical school I knew I wanted to be a congregational rabbi, however, I also gave serious thought to serving in the Army as a chaplain as a way to honor my father, my country, our servicemen and women, and most importantly serve God. Rabbi Melman

chaplaincy and it has been an incredibly fulfilling part of my rabbinate.

I believe that God works in mysterious ways. After almost nineteen years as a congregational rabbi, the idea of Army chaplaincy has crept back into my mind recently – truthfully, it never fully left. Don’t worry, I have no plans to leave Congregation Beth Shalom as your Rabbi. I do want to share with you that a conversation, close to eight months ago, with a friend and colleague who serves as a chaplain in the military, was a beacon of light telling me that God was calling me to serve – the time is finally right. Last month, I was honored to be unanimously approved to serve as a chaplain in the Illinois Army National Guard. This will not take away from my duties to the congregation – it will only add to my professional development and ultimately make me a As is often the case in life, the better rabbi. Serving our troops will timing was not right as a young, be a great honor and will allow me married soon-to-be rabbi. In rabbini- to give back to a country I love with cal school, I served as the first all my heart. I believe I will be helpstudent chaplain with the Fire ing to do more of God’s work on Department of the City of New this earth. York (FDNY) and spent most of September 12th, 2001 at Ground Zero on top of the Towers working, touching shoulders, praying for the dead in the make-shift morgue and so much more. 9/11 changed all of our lives as it most certainly did mine. I have continued my fire

ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CONGREGATION Congregation Beth Shalom Annual Meeting 5781/2021 The Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be held on Monday, May 10, 2021 beginning at 7:45 pm with minyan and immediately followed by the meeting. The Agenda is as follows: 1. D'var Torah 2. President's Welcome 3. Committee Reports and Highlights 4. Presentation of Endowment Report 5. Presentation of the 2021-2022 Slate of Officers and Board of Trustees Members 6. Presentation and Vote on the 2021-2022 Budget 7. Presentation and Vote on Bylaw Changes OFFICERS: President VP Fundraising VP House VP Membership VP Programming VP Ritual VP School VP Social Action VP Youth Administrative Secretary Accounts Receivable Secretary Financial Secretary Treasurer Immediate Past President

Dr. Bob Spector Howard Sigal Raymond Rokni Susan Lampert Randy Samborn Bill Shulman Robyn Rosengard Suzy Hakimian Seth Schrank Linda Foster Majorie Maxwell Howard Freidin Cheryl Braude Tanya Solomon

Bold is new to executive board or new position BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Judy Balter Harold Dembo Rick Dissen Jim Donenberg Steven Elisco Hillary Elkins Ari Footlik Annie Goldman Ellen Grossman Joanna Kaplan Andy Lebovitz Diana Lewis Karyn Liss Bret Maxwell Roz Mokhtarian Wes Nissen

Leslie Rogoff Neil Rosengard Amy Offenbach Jill Roter Brad Shaps Edna Schrank Dr. Alan Shapiro Dan Sher Laura Shulman Jay Silver Charlotte Stern Sara Weinstein Adam Weinstock Alyssa Weisbach Alan Zelkowitz Bold is new or returning to board

Respectfully submitted by the 2021 Nominating Committee: Steven Elisco (Men’s Club President), Susan Lampert, Dr. Rachel Laven, Robyn Rosengard (Sisterhood President), Randy Samborn, Seth Schrank, Brad Shaps, Deborah Solomon (Immediate Past President), Tanya Solomon (President), Alan Zelkowitz, Lily Zoberman



FROM THE CONGREGATION PRESIDENT As I sat down to write this month’s article, I knew I had more to say about what I wrote last month. And apparently many of you also wanted to hear more. In fact, I received the most emails and texts from you with comments and questions for this story, so I knew we were not quite finished with that story. But first, a quick summary - last month I told a story of my friends Joan and Gene, and an epic walk. Joan, Gene and I walked approximately 7.5 miles and were getting tired, cold, and cranky as we headed home. At one point, we split up to finish the walk, as Joan and Gene were arguing about which route was better. We had different reasons for taking different routes; Joan felt her route was faster and Gene felt his route was safer, and both criteria were crucial measures of success. Gene and I took what was considered the safer route, Joan took what was considered the faster route, and we all ended up safely at our meeting point. Joan beat us by seconds. I could not quite shake the feeling of wondering that, although we all ended up in the right place, I was unsure if we had arrived there in the right way, and I wanted to make sure I could be open-minded the next time something like this came up from a conflict resolution standpoint. So, I went back and walked both routes from the point where we split off at the same speed. Joan’s route was indeed shorter, as she had insisted. Not by much over the course of the entire distance, but by enough that it made a difference. Gene, Joan and I came together on our next walk to discuss my findings and for a debrief. As I shared the results, Gene and I congratulated Joan on making a correct choice. In the end, the ability to generate good will was a more desirable outcome than anything else, since the actual issue had been solved in the moment. As the tie-breaker vote, I wanted to not only learn from the process of the spirited debate, but also to learn how to feel confident in arriving at the decision which was made. Tanya Solomon

I have written often about problem solving over my term as president. As I wrote last month, we tend to agree on what we want to achieve, but the difference is how we get there and how to measure our successes. Knowing this, I have tried to have as many voices heard as possible and to build consensus through the process of airing our different proposals. I am fortunate to work with a dynamic group of staff, lay leaders, and congregants. The new slate of officers will be posted this month. Our volunteer lay leaders are excited and engaged to take on the new challenges they will face. We have many new names and faces for our Board of Trustees who bring with them original ideas, perspectives, and energy. We continue to strive for balance between maintaining our proud traditions and innovating and evolving by bringing in new leadership to blend with our current group. This leads to a more meaningful experience for us all. Tanya Please register and get the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible (and you are eligible) An important message from Rabbi Melman: Jewish law obliges Jews to vaccinate themselves and others in their care, with medical guidance, with vaccines that have a proven safe track record. COVID-19 vaccines approved by government health agencies under emergency processes are considered to be refuot b’dukot, established treatments. With proper medical guidance, Jews are obligated to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Rabbi Ferratier (left), Eric Golberg, Director of Youth & Young Family Engagement (center), & Stacy Ybarra, Director of Education (right) dressed as Rock, Paper & Scissors for Purim APRIL 2021• VOLUME 90 ISSUE 60

I hope that each and every one of us will vaccinate against COVID-19 as soon as it becomes available to you. Taking preventative measures against the spread of COVID-19, such as wearing masks, frequently washing hands, and physically distancing are also mandated by halakhah, Jewish law, and we ask that you continue to follow CDC, state and local guidelines. 3


A prayer for the COVID vaccine created by Rabbinical Assembly member Rabbi Aaron Starr:

Prayer Upon Receiving the Covid-19 Vaccine .‫ּות ַרפְ אֵ נִ י‬ ְ ,‫יְ הִ י ָרצֹון ִמלְ ָפנֶיָך ה׳ אֱֹלקַ י שֶ יְ הֵ א עֵסֶ ק זֶה לִ י לִ ְרפּואָ ה‬ .‫כִ י אֵ ל רֹופֵא נֶאֱ מָ ן אָ תָ ה ְּורפּואָ ְתָך אֱמֶ ת‬ May it be Your will, Heavenly Healer, that this endeavor be for healing and may You grant healing to me, to my loved ones, to my nation, and to all who are in need. Fill me with a sense of gratitude for all who create, distribute, and deliver this vaccine, and for all those who work for the health of individuals and our communities. Empower me to care in good health ever more deeply for others. Blessed are You, Holy One, Healer of all flesh, sustaining our bodies in wondrous ways. (based on BT Brachot 60a and Birkot HaShachar)



CBS HAPPENINGS Spring Blood Drive Sunday, April 18 8:00 am – 2:00 pm To schedule an appointment call 877.258.4825 or visit; select Donate and Make an appointment; login; scroll down the page to search by group code: NB05. You can also contact Steven Elisco at Due to distancing, appointments are required. A face covering is also required. PREPARE: EAT WELL, BE HYDRATED, BRING ID. Presenting donors will receive a Vitalant stainless steel straw. GIVE BLOOD TODAY |

Youth Ages 12-18 Interested? Contact Cantor Steve or call 847-498-4100x 14

SAVE THE DATE New CBS University Class Starting Soon Kabbalah I Instructor: Cantor Victor Geigner from Argentina Dates: Wednesdays, April 7 – May 12, 2021 Time: Wednesday mornings -- 9:30 -10:30 am For more information contact: Leann Blue or Lisa Orlov




Happy Spring! I hope you all had a great Passover and had the chance to stop by some of our March programming. April is no different with a full slate of new and exciting programs for all ages! Our USY chapter will continue to have weekly programs. In addition, our spring convention, Kinnus, will be the last week of April. To register for this convention you can go to In addition to all of our high school programming, our Kadima aged kids (5th-7th grade) will have their monthly lounge night on Wednesday, April 14th. Our Chaverim students will have another exciting program on Sunday, April 11th from 12:30pm-1:15pm.

Our Young Families had a great time at our “Bring the Plagues to Life” Crafternoon program and Parent’s Night Out program: Name That Tune last month! Be on the lookout for this month’s Young Family Programming on the calendar and make sure that you are a part of our Young Family email blasts that go out every week with new and exciting activities! If you are in the mood to sing along to your favorite songs, be sure to check our Young Family page on the website ( for our monthly Shabbat on-demand sing-a-longs and more! I hope you all have a great month and I look forward to seeing all of you at our next Youth and Young Family programs. B’shalom, Eric NOA FOOTLIK


Daughter of Janet & Robert Footlik Sister of Elle Footlik Granddaughter of Sunny Robin, Gary Footlik, Aron Mosnaim, Marion Wolf Mosnaim of Blessed Memory

Son of Jonathan & Tracy Williams Brother of Paxton & Madden Williams Grandson of Steve & Chickie Rosen, Mel & Alice Williams

EMILY SHAPIRO Daughter of Karin & Mitchell Shapiro Sister of Jonathan Shapiro Granddaughter of Judy & Jerry Much, Lorie Shapiro, Howard Shapiro of Blessed Memory

HANNAH MELMAN Daughter of Rabbi Aaron Melman & Elisa Rotman Sister of Jordan Melman Granddaughter of Rabbi Bernie & Benita Rotman, Neil & Ellen Melman





Mishloach Manot (Purim Basket) Fundraiser On behalf of Rabbi Warner Ferratier, Eric Golberg and myself, thank you to everyone who participated in our first ever Purim Basket Fundraiser. It was fun to see and hear people’s surprise when they discovered that someone had sent them a basket! We hope you enjoyed the contents of the baskets. Special thanks to Susan Karlinsky for all of her ideas and suggestions and taking a donation to The

ARK. Our basket packers – Maria Catezone, Randi Simon, Brenda Wasserman, Lisa Orlov, Leann Blue, Marjorie Maxwell, Tracey Becker, Bonnie Meltzer and Jill Olefsky Fern Roseman for coordinating deliveries to our Super Seniors and taking a donation to the Northfield Township Food Pantry. Our Super Senior Basket Deliverers - Irwin Friedman, Diana Gotkin, Judi Greenberg, Judy Greenman, Denise Handler, Laurie Jacob, Barbara Libauer, Mitch Portugal, Toni Rosen, Sharon Schwartz, Matty Shechtman and Elyse Stern The Membership Committee for purchasing and delivering baskets to our families with new babies. Specific thanks to Randy Samborn, Rachel Laven, Jody Sigal, Susan Lampert and Jill Olefsky Kim Jacobsohn for her behind the scenes technical work with We sold more than 460 baskets and raised more than $4,000. 4th Grade Shabbat B’Yachad Our 4thgrade students will lead Friday evening services on April 30th. For more detailed information regarding time, location and dinner visit the CBS website. Information will also be included in the weekly school emails. Plan Ahead and Save Money! Religious School Registration for the next school year begins this month. Look for emails and flyers with specifics on fees. For a paper registration form, please email Stacy Ybarra at Thank you to all of our families who completed the survey to help us program for next year. Hiring teens! The Religious School is looking to hire youth entering 8th through 12th grades in the fall to work in the school as madrichim. All madrichim will be required to be enrolled in Jewish day school or in the CBS High Program. Contact Stacy Ybarra at for an application and to set up an interview.



CBS U/ADULT ED/PROGRAMMING Nosh 'n Drash special guest presentation for Yom HaShoah: Salonica,The Jerusalem of the Balkans Some 20,000 Jewish refugees made their way to Salonica after their expulsion from Spain in 1492. They found a city empty of Jews and their arrival was encouraged by the Sultan, Bayezid II. Learn about the history and rich vibrant culture of a community allowed freedom of religious practice and communal autonomy under Islam. Whilst the Sephardi Jews had arrived destitute, living in poverty as manual workers or petty traders, some became entrepreneurs who supported the community and later brought new industry and trade to the city. Salonica's flourishing port, which was manned by Jewish porters, stevedores, sailors and fisherman, shut down over the Jewish Sabbath. However, in the mid-twentieth century, what had been the largest Ladino-speaking community in the world, perished in Auschwitz - Birkenau. About the Presenter: Dr. Hilary Pomeroy was awarded her PhD in the Department of Hispanic studies, Queen Mary, University of London and taught the history and culture of Sephardi Jews in the Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University College London. She chaired the foremost international conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies for twenty-five years, the last three conferences in collaboration with Bar-Ilan University, Israel, and the Consejo Cientifico de Investigaciones Superiores, Madrid. She has published numerous articles and a book on the Moroccan ballad tradition. One Session Only | Thursday, April 8th 11:30 – 12:30 pm (Central) during Nosh ‘n Drash CBS members – Free | Non-Member/Friends of CBS – $5 Register at: | Questions? Contact

Movies With Melman 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Watch the movies in advance and then join us for a discussion on the following Thursday nights:

4/15 Denial (2016) - Acclaimed writer and historian Deborah E. Lipstadt must battle for historical truth to prove the Holocaust actually occurred when David Irving, a renowned denier, sues her for libel. 5/13 Keeping up with the Steins (2006) - A 13-year-old boy uses his upcoming bar mitzvah to reconcile the strained relationship between his father and grandfather.

To register go to: Movies are available to rent through services like iTunes and YouTube or on other streaming services by subscription. If you need help finding any movie, email Leann ( or Lisa (

Israel in Depth 2020-2021 Sunday, 4/11 Portraits of Leaders All sessions will be taught by Carl Schrag and will take place at 10:00 a.m. (Grab some breakfast and log onto ZOOM at 9:45 a.m. if you want to chat before the session!) Register at: The class is co-sponsored by CBS University/Adult Education, Men’s Club and Israel Committee. Questions? Email Lisa ( or Leann ( 8


SISTERHOOD SLATE 2021-22 Sisterhood Slate 2021 - 2022 Nominating Committee – Debbie Hamilton, Diana Lewis, Jill Roter, Julie Warshawsky & Jackie Zelkowitz Robyn Rosengard - President Leatte Gelfeld - Sisterhood Nominating Chair President Education VP House VP Membership VP Program VP Ways & Means VP Secretary Financial Secretary Treasurer Parliamentarian

Jackie Zelkowitz Jody Sigal Darlene Padnos Sally Blitt Debbie Hamilton Diana Lewis Frannie Goldwin Lani Schrank Karen Rosenthal Robyn Rosengard

Education Adult Education Programming Chanukah Bags CJE Senior Life Mitzvot Committee Sisterhood Shabbat Social Action Torah Fund

Suzanne Minkus/Sheri Smason Sandy Falkin Joanna Kaplan Fern Roseman Roz Mokhtarian/Elissa Pelts Jodi Joffe/Teri Robins Matty Shechtman

House Kugel Pesach Kiddushim Serving Coordinator

Claudy Thompson Robin Bright Missy Rabinowitz

Membership Membership Recorder Shalom Baskets Volunteer Coordinator Membership Coordinator

Cece Lasinsky Lori Glen Jill Roter Pauline Gimbel

Program Author Event Coordinator Communications Coordinator Event Décor Knitting Group Program Coordinator

Debbie Bell Edna Schrank Lori Shapiro/Meryl Weis Maureen Gold Stacy Gordon

Ways and Means Anniversary/Leagrams Boutique Chairwomen Judaica Shop Managers Judaica Shop Bookkeeper Mah Jongg New Year’s Greetings Simcha Shop

Leatte Gelfeld Leatte Gelfeld/Robyn Rosengard Diana Lewis/ Darlene Padnos/Donna Fox Marjorie Maxwell Ellen Grossman/Sara Weinstein/Andy Widen Randi Starkston Suzy Hakimian

Board Members At Large Linda Gold Jill Hartzman Rita Janowitz Cindy Marder Lisa Rosengard Beth Sher Marti Sinton Julie Warshawsky APRIL 2021• VOLUME 90 ISSUE 60


SISTERHOOD Robyn Rosengard

Spring is here, better keep your eyes open or you’ll miss it. Thankfully, the cold and snowy winter is behind us. It is time to pack up the sweaters and boots and dig out the t-shirts and sunglasses! I am ready for some sun! Pesach came and went, which I did not even mention in last month’s bulletin. I hope you enjoyed the holiday with family and friends in person or by Zoom. I’m ready to stop saying that, for sure. I know there is still work to be done but the touch of warmth from family and friends is right around the corner.

I want to thank Matty Shechtman for planning a wonderful Torah Fund event. Our speaker, Maya Zinkow, is a 5th year student from the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. Our Sisterhood supports Torah Fund with a donation that is included in our membership fees and many of our Sisterhood members individually donate each year to Torah Fund. Donors who give a minimum of $180 receive a beautiful original pin designed with this year's theme of B'Yachad, which means together. I treasure each pin that I have received. When I wear my pin it reminds me of all the great work that we have achieved together. Please check out our wonderful Judaica shop on our new Square website. The website is or you can go through the CBS website - Upcoming event: Tuesday, May 11th, Culminating, Installation and Valued Volunteer Event with our Guest Speaker, Leslie Goddard, “Remembering Marshall Field’s”. Enjoy the spring weather!!! I hope to see you soon in our second home, CBS. Robyn

Louis Gurvitz Memorial Sisterhood Judaica Shop Support CBS Sisterhood with the click of the Mouse! Thank you to everyone who has already checked out our amazing online shopping platform with Square. We’re thrilled to report that it’s been a very successful holiday season. Now it’s time to SPRING INTO SAVINGS, with our beautiful selection of Judaica and giftware. The website can be accessed by going to or through the Congregation Beth Shalom website Additional information is always available by emailing or by contacting one of the shop managers. We look forward to connecting with you via Square. Keep browsing, keep shopping and keep in touch! Stay safe and well. Diana Lewis – or 847-903-6175

Please join us at our Torah Fund afternoon B’Yachad - Together Sunday, April 11, 2021 1:00 – 2:30 PM via Zoom FEATURING Maya Zinkow Fifth Year Rabbinical Student JTS Event free to our 2020-2021 Torah Fund donors* *A minimum Torah Fund donation of $18 If you have not become a Torah Fund donor the cost is $10** **This may be applied for the event to a Benefactor pledge ($180) or above. . Questions, please contact Matty Shechtman 847-721-5538 You will receive the link for this event upon registration. Reservation deadline is Monday, April 5th, 2021

Darlene Padnos – or 847-217-4531 Donna Fox – or 847-281-7456 10





MEN’S CLUB Steven Elisco

I cannot tell you how proud I am of our Men’s Club. In a year we did not even know if we could do a Lox Box, we had the best year since 2014! This year we sold 1403 boxes. Of that number, 956 boxes went to the ARK and the CJE, the largest amount of donations in Lox Box history!

Special thanks and Yasher Koach to Lawrence LeVine, our Vice President of Ways and Means and Lox Box Chairman. Over the past two years, he took the Lox Box Program from a 100% manual operation to a level of automation we only dreamed about. Lawrence is very creative, flexible and has lots of patience, all of which were tested as we had to pivot multiple times this year to get this program out the door successfully. Also, thank you to Howard Freidin, who year after year maintains the ordering system and financial backbone of the program. It is with much gratitude that we thank Jeff Kaminsky and the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) for the effort they put into raising the funds to purchase 52 boxes, which they then delivered to Police and Fire Departments throughout the metropolitan area. Thank you to the Men’s Club members and spouses who packed the bags Saturday evening and those members who came in extra early on Sunday morning to pack the bagels and load the cars during pickup. Finally, thank all of you who continue to support the Men’s Club Lox Box Program. During April and early May, please consider participating in the following programs, all of which are open to the entire congregation: Sunday, April 11th at 10:00 AM, will be the sixth session in the Israel in Depth series. The topic will be, “Portraits of Leaders. Who might be next in line to lead Israel?” Sunday, April 18th at 10:00 AM – Our Heart - How does it work and How Do We Fix It? Sunday, May 2nd at 10:00 AM – Jewish Outreach Program for our College Students and Young Adults. L ‘Shalom Steven 12



Dr. Andrew Wagner & Steven Lessman Bob Goldwin Don Pike Allen Lefkovitz Alan Wernick Lawrence LeVine Gary Solomon David Sokolovsky Howard Freidin Ron Rabinowitz David Lasky Jim Hamilton Steven Elisco PAST PRESIDENTS Ira Berk z”l Harold Schy z”l Daniel Lichtman z”l Howard Michaels George Platt Martin Kahn z”l Harry Zale z”l Alan Redman Robert Lipschultz Eugene Chodash z”l Joseph Kitzes z”l Alan Morgan Robert Marder Melvyn Cohen Steven Lessman Glen Roter Marc Weinstein Arlen Lasinsky Dr. Michael Greenberg Jim Donenberg Kevin Braude Bradley Shaps Harvey Redfern Ray Rokni & Larry Grossman Scott Rogoff Dan Sher Steven Elisco

Eric Baer* Neal Blustein Scott Bosley Steve Bosse** Barry Brusso David Charous* Abe Drayer Jerry Edelman Dr. Neil Fialkow Steven Flack Adam Gelfeld Mike Gilford** Chuck Gitles Elliot Goldman Jim Hamilton Norm Iglarsh Howard Jacob Mark Jesselson

Dr. Ari Jaffe Jaeson Kaplan Rich Kurnick Howard Minkoff Elliot Offenbach Mitchell Padnos* Norman Padnos Shelly Pike* Neil Rosengard** Randy Samborn Michael Schnitzler Dr. Robert Spector David Speigel David Solomon Frank Star** David Toubes* Stuart Vass* David Weil

*New Board Member

** Coming off Executive Committee & Re-Joining the Board z"l Of Blessed Memory




Register here: 14


SOCIAL ACTION April Social Action Update Did you know… that Beth Shalom has a Miztvot Committee? The committee is made up of many volunteers to serve the needs of our community. Unfortunately, the pandemic has limited our volunteers’ availability at this time. Our volunteers provide transportation services for shopping and medical appointments, deliver Shabbat and Holiday candles to patients at Glenbrook Hospital, and serve as greeters at Shabbat and Holiday services. If you need assistance or would like to volunteer, please contact our MC chairperson, Fern Roseman at 847-564-9266. Our committee continues to offer support to the Northfield Township Food Pantry, The ARK, the PADS shelter, and many more needy organizations. Here are a few highlights: We are collecting brown paper bags (new or undamaged) for the Vernon Township Food Pantry. Jill Olefsky is coordinating this program. She is willing to come to your home or they can be dropped off at CBS. Jill can be contacted through email,, or phone, 847-272-1758. If you are willing to include 1-3 UNEXPIRED items for the Northfield Township Food Pantry, she will make sure these items are delivered. That way we will help both food pantries (Northfield does not accept bags) at the same time. The Northfield Township Food Pantry has seen its client base more than double in six months. The Pantry needs our help. Please drop off UNEXPIRED food items on the cart located at the front door of CBS. Checks (made out to the NTFP) and gift card donations can be mailed to Fern Roseman, 2415 Auburn Lane, Northbrook, Il. 60062 who will deliver them to the Northfield Township Food Pantry. You can also contact Fern at 847-564-9266. This is our community. Help us improve the lives of those in need. Now that many adults have started receiving their COVID vaccines, and may be feeling more comfortable about resuming normal activities, it is a great time to volunteer for The ARK shopping program. Volunteers shop for groceries and deliver them to an ARK client in the area. We try to have enough volunteers so that each will shop 3-4 times per year. Shoppers are reimbursed from the Gold Family Sabbath Fund at CBS. For more information, contact Merrill Medansky at Are you familiar with the Kids Wellness Initiative (Kiwi Kids)? KiwiKids is an equal opportunity provider serving more than 37,000 free meals daily to children (ages 1-18) who are not receiving meals from schools or other sites) in Illinois and a few other states. There are no income eligibility requirements or location restrictions to receive free meals. To sign up to receive services text JOIN to (833)563-0059. If you are interested in supporting this wonderful organization, you can contact our Chicago based chapter. The phone number is 773-765-7997. PADS continues to provide housing and food for the homeless. Guests will continue to stay in hotels through the winter season and meals are provided. CBS members have been generously supporting them by providing donations of needed items and monies to help offset the costs. For more info contact Sara Weinstein at Do you have a social action project you would like highlighted in my column? Do you have a project you are interested in starting? There is always room for more members on our committee. Please do not hesitate to contact me at Bob Spector Social Action VP




Shalom Chaverim,

What a wonderful time of the year- spring has finally arrived and Passover is upon us. Passover is a holiday that so poignantly reminds us of how our faith in God and ourselves can overcome attempts at the oppression and destruction of our people. Unfortunately, we cannot take our religious freedom for granted. As if the pandemic has not dramatically compromised our quality of life, our country has become polarized and our differences have become a source of hate, judgement, and intolerance (a disease every bit as insidious as COVID-19). Prejudices such as racism, anti-Semitism, anti-LGBTQ, sexism, anti-police, and anti-anyone who is different than me have not only been tolerated but have become acceptable by many in our culture. But I also reflect upon the social progress Congregation Beth Shalom has made since Chris and I joined in 1994. Women had recently been permitted to read from the Torah. The Keruv Initiative became part of the fabric of our community, eventually leading to our members who are not Jewish the right to vote at our annual meetings. We began to recognize the importance of inclusion of our special needs members by adding additional prayer/service/celebration opportunities. We openly accepted and embraced our LGBTQ community, leading to our clergies’ willingness to officiate gay Jewish weddings. We have begun collaborative relationships with our Muslim and African American neighbors. And most recently we, because of the pandemic, have allowed the use of technology for our High Holidays and B’nai Mitzvah. I understand that while for most of us these changes represent social progress, there are some who feel that we are compromising our religious integrity. These changes over the last three decades included rigorous discussions and debates by our Board of Trustees. The strength of a community is not that it always agrees, but how effectively it responds to disagreement. As Jews, we tend to judge ourselves and our own more critically than we do others. We expect more of ourselves as a Jewish community which in and of itself can be a good thing. Sometimes as a community we have fallen short of our ideals in the face of disagreement, but overall, I am so impressed and proud of the way we have moved forward as a congregation. I believe we can be a role model for others in our country. It is especially critical in today’s political climate that we are as tolerant of ourselves as a community as we expect of others to be toward us and our fellow Jews. As we celebrate our freedom from oppression, may we say a prayer that we as a community and our country continue to emphasize that tolerance, acceptance, and celebration of our differences should be the norm, and that we have the strength to become instruments of these values. As always, I welcome your constructive comments and feedback. I can be reached at

A prayer for the COVID vaccine created by Rabbinical Assembly member Rabbi Naomi Levy: I have been praying for this day and now it is here! With great excitement, a touch of trepidation And with deep gratitude I give thanks To all the scientists who toiled day and night So that I might receive this tiny vaccination That will protect me and all souls around this world. With the pandemic still raging I am blessed to do my part to defeat it. Let this be the beginning of a new day, A new time of hope, of joy, of freedom And most of all, of health. I thank You, God, for blessing me with life For sustaining my life And for enabling me to reach this awe-filled moment. Amen



BIRTHDAYS/ANNIVERSARIES Happy Birthday - May Happy Birthday to the Women of the Congregation from the CBS Sisterhood: Ilisa Gruber Amy LeVine

Sheryl Schneider Ilene Shapiro Carolyn Golden Amy Taub Ilene Fischman Marcy Grant Projansky Jennifer Kaplan Anne Spector Susan Shapiro Michele Rosenmutter Beverly Sugar Lorraine Horwitz Dara Shlifka Joan Kawer Elaine Zeidman Alla Turetskaya Amy Gottstein Joyce Younes Hilary Braun Lori Khanuk Barbara Scott Lauren Cohen Susan Freund Janet Miller Jill Roter Jackie Gichner Laura Shulman Barbara Levine Louise Kerschner


1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 9 9

Bonnie Dannen Gitie Jaffe Anne Goldman Kelly Glauberman Sheila Handler Anita Grobart Sheila Benjamin Sandra Levin Elaine Powell Susan Lampert Amelia Wolfson Debbie Wulfsohn Frances Greenman Eve Mermel Janis Harris Jami Mende Abby Wolff Beverly Silverman Myra Holman Barbara Winn Marsha Diamond Enid Grabiner Lisa Schwartz Eva Gurin Leslie Abramson Melissa Merkin Rebekah Almeleh Marisa Mandrea Susan Capitel Irene Rogers Judy Kamensky Tami Rokni Judith Balter Maria Catezone

10 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 14 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 20

Arlene Warshawsky Julie Warshawsky Marlene Silverman Jean Kosova Nancy Rabinowitz Joyce Hammer Sheryl Schwartz Joan Siegan Melissa Lyons Charlotte Graff Judy Wolkin Denise Longoria Stacey Sandler Lori Shapiro Debra Elisco Tracey Becker Alisa Steinberg Allison Gordon Paige Gitles Harriette Kurtz Muriel Marks Lauren Stein Karen Fine Helene Lachman

20 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 23 24 24 24 24 26 26 27 28 28 29 29 31 31

Happy Anniversary - May Jonathan & Tracy Williams Steve & Sandy Falkin Peter & Susan Brown Morry & Cindy Glicksman David & Rachel Silverman Harris & Samantha Diamond Samuel & Kimberly Grief Eli & Justin Castellano Ira & Beth Fenton Lewis & Gayle Hirsch Lewis & Linda Cohen William & Linda Hunt Glenn & Cindy Schwartz Darren & Jami Mende Joel & Marilyn Fish 45 yrs Larry & Debra Cohen Stewart & Mitzie Herman Adam & Rhandi Weinstock Jonathan & Jessica Aaron Harold & Lisa Dembo Jay & Robyn Glaubinger David & Ami Handler Michael & Carol Nadler Aaron & Sharon Taksin APRIL 2021• VOLUME 90 ISSUE 60

1 1 3 4 8 9 15 16 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25

Scott & Joni Wald Daniel & Jennifer Schneider Teddy & Samantha Roth Andrew & Elizabeth Neiberg Jason & Emily Widen Jonathan & Denise Handler Alison & Cary Wolovick Henry & Lauren Estes Steven & Becky Charous Skip & Michele Rosenmutter Jerry & Maureen Edelman Aaron & Hilary Malina Mitchell & Fern King Ron & Missy Rabinowitz Allan & Anne Spector Michael & Barbara Zaransky David & Simone Toubes Robert & Sharon Krakowsky Irving & Linda Mangurten Lisa & Rich Orlov Allen & Joan Schoeneman Scott & Susan Field 45 yrs Michael & Myra Holman Selwyn & Janice Marcus 45 yrs

25 25 25 25 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30

Scott & Beth Steinberg Daniel Remish & Barbara Boiko Max & Melany Shaftal Mitchell & Abra Zaveduk Craig & Amy Golden Aaron Melman & Elisa Rotman Michael & Paula Fohrman Howard & Elaine Michaels Alan & Janet Sear 45 yrs Russell & Lori Shapiro

30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31

Would you like to send a birthday or anniversary greeting to a CBS member? Send your donations ($.75) prior to the 20th of the month directly to: Leatte Gelfeld, 741 Sarah, Northbrook, IL 60062 or do NOT drop off at Synagogue)











Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:




Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:




MILESTONES WE PRAY THAT THESE FAMILIES WILL BUILD STRONG JEWISH HOMES AND CONTRIBUTE BLESSINGS TO THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL AND TO ALL HUMANITY Larry Cohen is happy to announce the birth of his granddaughter, Shaye Copa Estes Irit & Jack Jacobson are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Noah Lincoln Jacobson Hilary & Enric Braun are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Matthew Nate Gabelman Rhoda & Michael Markovitz are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Sylvie Kei Markovitz Marcy Teitelbaum & Rick Shuman are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Hazel Max Simon Emily & Benji Patzik are happy to announce the birth of their son, Mason Bennett Patzik Marla & Alan Patzik are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Mason Bennett Patzik Shirley Patzik Samuels is happy to announce the birth of her great grandson, Mason Bennett Patzik The Congregation Extends Its Sympathy To: Sheila Ander on the passing of her sister, Ellen Marsha Finn Bette Rosen on the passing of her brother, Dr. Andrew Ageloff Dr. Karin Nussbaum on the passing of her mother, Beverly Nussbaum Rachel, Alan & Talia Grossman on the passing of their son and brother, Jacob Grossman Mellie Wolfson on the passing of her husband, Larry J. Wolfson Sandi Abel on the passing of her husband, Theodore “Ted” Abel Robin Dissen on the passing of her father, Norman Katanick Allan Werth on the passing of his wife, Alana Michelle Werth Lily Zoberman on the passing of her brother, Jonathan Field Shulman Hymie Weiss on the passing of his sister, Lucille Spitz

BIMA FLOWER FUND In honor of Stuart Borg’s 90th birthday, with love and good wishes. Nancy Feldman Thank you to our Mitzvot Committee Drivers for delivering Purim Baskets to our Super Seniors, I really appreciate all your help: Irwin Friedman, Diana Gotkin, Judi Greenberg, Judy Greenman, Denise Handler & Truffle, Laurie Jacob, Barbara Libauer, Mitch Portugal, Toni Rosen, Sharon Schwartz, Matty Shechtman, Elyse Stern. Fern Roseman Thank you to everyone who sent me a Purim Basket. Your kindness was greatly appreciated! Maria Catezone In memory of Zelda Jonas, Buby of Rabbi Melman Carrie Rosenstein Death of Esteemed Members: Jacob Harris Grossman (“Jakey”) Larry J. Wolfson Theodore “Ted” Abel Alana Michelle Werth


CBS Memorial Plaques If you wish to honor the memory of a dear one, a most fitting, traditional and dignified remembrance is through a Memorial Plaque. Each memorial plaque, bearing the name and yahrzeit date, is mounted on the tablet in one of our sacred memorial spaces at Congregation Beth Shalom. It is lit on the Shabbat of the week of the yahrzeit, on the day of the yahrzeit and on the four festivals during the year when Yizkor is recited. Contact Maria Catezone by phone at 847-498-4100 x26 or email for information or to order a plaque. The following families have dedicated memorial plaques in memory of their loved ones. In memory of SALLY DICKMAN-CHASE by Ellen Mink In memory of VICTOR PROEH by Special Friends In memory of MELVIN R. WORSEK by Aimee Worsek


YAHRZEITS April 1-2 Lillian Chizever Adrianne Chunowitz Joseph Elbom Max Gentner Rose Greenberg Joseph Henson Rachel Landesman Tillie Primer Barbara Render Solomon Slotky Stephanie Rhonda “Taffy” Steinberg Donald Jack Weintraub Louis LaPorte Yeidel Jean Barrington Kathy Greenberg Bazarsky David Bernard Bogan Gerry Diamond Melvin Heller Leo Krasny Hymen A. Samuelson Milton M. Shaffner April 3-9 Marvin Asher Abe Belstock Maurice Berkelhamer Louis Braverman Samuel Elster Hymen Factor Sidney Leibowitz Irving Schwartz Robert Sonenfeld Harry Aberman William Amsel Hannah Arnold Marvin Ehrlich Anna Glotzer Ruth Goldsand Reba Hartzman Helen Lefkovitz Jennie Marcowitz Barre Marder Cary Jay Melnick Milton Pekay Anna Sexner Betty Lou Strange Herbert Zelkowitz Louis Victor Batler Philip Beckerman Edith Birnbach Joan Canel Harry Cope Yvonne Gomberg Osher Karlinsky Shirley Krasner Percy Mason Abe Poncher Javaher Rahmanim Ruth Sahlins Jerome Shneider Sarah Silver Wilma Marcia Klein Weinberg Florence Zelkowitz Lillian Edelman Joseph Garber Sheila Kaufman Charlotte Kramer Philip Meisel Phyllis Podolsky Harriet Morrison Richmond David Rosenblatt Narcissa Rosenthal Edna Rothstein David Yale Shapiro Leon Silverman Bernard Sneider Morton Stillman Herb Weil Alfred Behrstock Maurice “Moe” Betman Rosette Louzon Cardone Stan Flower

Louis Geller Sherwin Glazer Anna Gohenberg Leo Gold Sidney Grinker Gladys Heller Renee E. Kaminsky Madeline Kaufman Rose Klepper Sidney Schneider Howard Soboroff Ernest Stern Joseph Bell Anna Ceder Mania Ceder Sucher Ceder Lillian Diesenhaus Anna Fleischer Jesse Forman Pesach Jaffe Julius Lorig Charles Meshulam Myron Minkoff Dr. Arnold L. Podell Leo Shechtman Zira Singer Ethel Sperling Isaac Vatkin Tesa Vatkin Bella Wenetzky Lillian Bentkover Moissi Faratzi Baruch Aharon Fenster Jacob Fleischer Leonard Goldstein Sylvia H. Golson Irving Jacobson Leo P. Kaiz David Karp Norman Marcus Herman Neumann Mildred Rosner Etia Snaper Rosza Wasserman Aron Wasserman Bella Wassermann Lutzie Wassermann Emanuel Wassermann April 10-16 Ben Bandalin Bertha Banks Harriet Baranchik Helen Tansey Farhat Ronald Lake Alan I. Lapping Pearl Rudich Zakary Shirley Toby Stalnick Bruce Blumenthal Estelle Burland Eugene Byrd Howard Jacobson Judy Lachman Hannah Lewis Abraham Michell Dinah Michell Lillian Nattenheimer Louis Newman Harry Roseman Molly Rosen Millie Singer Sema Steiner Janna Sugar Max Weisbach Joseph Benjamin Rachel “Rae” Besser Neal Chudacoff Jaime Chulef Judith Dworsky Jack Friedman Paula Sharon Gottlieb Anne Hauser


Avram Klapper Faye S. Kozin Harry Kramer Rachel Laznowski Yehuda Maman Eugene Miller Julius L. Schusteff Harry Joseph Shadrow Etta Treguboff Louis Auslander Sidney Blair Aaron Goldstein Charles Harris William Kaufman Samuel Masur Edward Saltzberg Mariam Wagner Isabelle C. Auerbach Leon Carrow Anita Coorsh Jerome Goldstein Louis Jacobson Anna Kaplan Evelyn Pryweller Maurer Edna Z. Rosin Iris Rudich Harry Schwartz Leo Sperber Joseph Wall Dr. Edward Weisman Joseph Abramovitz Beatrice Balkan Max Becker Kalman Berkowitz Jack Cleveland Alvin Doppelt Nisson Hirsh Freeman Minnie Friedman Sayde Goldberg Evelyn Goldstein Harold Gordon Maurice Halap Celia Harris Daniel Jesser Betty Kleeman Jeffrey Kleifield Stuart Mash William Weiss Francine Elkins Sophie Falkoff Samuel Gellman Benjamin Hakimian Walter Handler Esther Labow Minnie Ross Bertha Schallman Cele Schwartzberg Phillip Zeidman April 17-23 Esther Berkowitz Jerome Marvin Donenberg Alfred Feinstein Otylia Hornstein Feldstein Arthur Stanley Goldsmith Louis Gurvitz Bernard Hibnick Leon Korol Gertrude Lurie Irving Michaels Finley Moss Gerald S. Nussbaum Rebecca Ofsaiof Louis Tatel Lillian Beckerman Thomas Binstein Morris Goldstein Hyman Greenband Irving Helfand Ethel T. Herman Anna Hoseman MaryAnne Hudak Rochelle Isaacs

Ethel Long Steve Millman Seymour Pielet Bertha Pogoloff Barrett Rothenberg Jacob Schwartz Shirley Sostrin Adrienne Barr Weber Lawrence H. Wrobel Bernard Auerbach Joshua Diesenhaus Walter Freed Sofiya Kantor Seymour Kaplan Morris Kaufman Frieda Reifer Pearl Rose Harold Silverstein Emily Sisser Seena Sloan Samuel A. Victor Gary Viner Gedi Ben-Dov Philip Dolin Hyman Fridkin Jacob Levi Geller Leah Gertzfeld Susan Goldstein Norman Isaacs Celia Pestine William H. Brown Louis H. Cohen Morris Hartzman Gene Jesselson Nathan Krefetz Carol Leff Shirley Liebman Maurice Mandell Morris Polay Israel Stebelman Max Vincent Marian Cohen Celia W. Ellis Sylvia Goldman Max D. Greenberg Evelyn Kalter Minnie Kriesman Joseph Letwat Allan Neimark Daniel Raden Ida Silberman Yaffe Sheldon Yusim Samuel Zakon Celia Zaransky Dora Abel Frances Agrest Clyde Czoschke Helen Davis Bert Finkel Dr. Howard Glazier Julius Sacks Gizella Schwartz Elaine H. Smith Ronald Wellner

Harris Block Ida Lewin Natalie Ligier Edward Norman Loeb Samuel Millman Kiva Radovskiy Phyllis Schneider Jay J. Strauss Irving Zelkowitz Joseph Becker Leo Elbaum Sydney Gainsberg Marcia Gnippe Dorothy Rosenberg Sheldon L. Salter Harry Adam Seltzer Manuel Zaveduk Belle Zeman Barbara Baren Cohen David Goldstein Elinore H. Kaufmann Richard Ludwig Irvin Salky Max Stepkin Joel Stone Mr. & Mrs. Waldman Norma Weinstein Sally Zare Paul Blitstein Yenta Blitt Florence Buchsbaum May Levy Rose Rotman Jerry Rotstein Shirley Sender Bert Sigal Philip Steinway Bess Weinstein Jeanette Berkelhamer Alvin Dolnick Estelle Dunn Della Feather Rose Goberstein Zachary Gordon Beth Fine Kaplan Frances Kessler Gertrude Levinson Meyer Lipschultz Dolores Miller Stewart Segal Abraham Meyer Simon Sylvia Solomon Bessie Taplin Martin B. Zells Judith Cohen Leah Davis Cohen Max Edelstein Arnold Lee Greenberg Ann Hochman Bernard Lampert Abraham Levy Morris Zaransky

April 24-30 Carmela Arbel Bernard Goldlust Pauline Jesser Seymour Lampert Leo Malkin Dolly Oppman Lillian Price Julius Rosenstein Ida Rose Rotman Myrtle Schwartz Samuel Smithson Irving Teplitz Gladys Vission Maurice Weiner Dr. Bernard Widen Louis Winokur Otto Wolff


DONATIONS THE CONGREGATION GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTIONS: Rabbi Melman's Good and Welfare Fund Rabbi Aaron Melman and Family In memory of your beloved Buby, Zelda Jonas. Sarah, Al, Josh and Jeff Budweg, Robyn Elias and Family, The Rosenmutter and Millman Families Rabbi Aaron Melman In honor of you. Thank you for helping to make Eva's Bat Mitzvah so special. Sari and Geoff Weil Rabbi Aaron Melman In honor of Danielle's Bat Mitzvah. Brian and Jill Carter Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of your weekly prayers. Skip and Michele Rosenmutter Rabbi Aaron Melman and Family In appreciation of your Happy Purim wishes! Mark and Sharon Telpner Rabbi Aaron Melman Just because! I hope this can help in any way! Daniel Berger Stuart Borg In honor of your 90th birthday. With love and good wishes. Your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren Fern and Mitchell King For the birth of your grandson, Hayden. Robyn Elias and Family Mellie Wolfson In memory of Larry Wolfson. Karen (Soll) Aleo and Justin Aleo, Elliot and Renee Roth The Rabinowitz Family In memory of Larry J. Wolfson. We are very sorry to hear of his passing. Erwin and Nancy Borowsky, The Meisner Family Bette and Maish Rosen In memory of your brother and brother-in-law, Dr. Andrew Ageloff. Ina and Joel DeLage Lily and Harry Zoberman In memory of Jonathan Field Shulman. Jeffrey and Ellen Gluskin, Linda and Maureen Gold, Arlen and Cece Lasinsky Robin and Rick Dissen and Family In memory of Norman Katanick. May his memory be a blessing. Lisa Ginsburgh Allan Werth and Family In memory of of Alana Werth, beloved grandma, mom, wife, sister and dear friend to our family. Michele, Skip, Jason, Scot and Marc For the yahrzeit of Kay Greenstein. The Greenstein Family For the yahrzeit of Milton Mintz. Fran Brookstein In honor of Irving and Sonja Echt. Alan and Bettina Birkner Cantor Stoehr's Good and Welfare Fund Cantor Steven and Susan Stoehr In appreciation of your Happy Purim wishes! Mark and Sharon Telpner Cantor Steven Stoehr In honor of Danielle's Bat Mitzvah. Brian and Jill Carter Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of you. Thank you for making Eva's Special Day so perfect! Sari and Geoff Weil Hilary and Ric Braun For the birth of your new grandson! Daniel and Eva Sideman Irit and Jack Jacobson For the birth of your grandson, Noah Lincoln. Becky and Ellis Sostrin Michael and Ina Schneiderman For the birth of your darling grandson Jayden. Mazel Tov to the entire Schneiderman family! Rhoda and Michael Markovitz Lily and Harry Zoberman In memory of your beloved brother, Jonathan Shulman. Stuart Borg, Tammy and Howard Goberstein, Michael and Rhoda Markovitz Mellie Wolfson In memory of Larry J. Wolfson with our sincere sympathy. Clemmie Quandt Lainie, Bini, Sydney, and Lindsey Rabinowitz In memory of Larry Wolfson. Our deepest condolences on the loss of your incredible father and grandfather. Sending love to you all. Lisa, Marc, Sammi, and Sydney Roth Allan Werth In memory of Alana Werth. Our condolences to you and your family on the loss of Alana. We will miss her very much. Dr. Michael and Judi Greenberg Brian Werth In memory of your mom. My sincerest condolences on your loss. Kevin Braude Bette and Maish Rosen In memory of your brother, Dr. Andrew Ageloff. Rick Elliott and Family, Ann and Bob Soll, Mark and Sharon Telpner In memory of Abraham Levit Bar Sol Levit. Nancy Levit


In memory of Rowena Gafen z"l In appreciation for being able to participate in zoom minyan during Sheloshim for my mother. My mother loved the liturgy. Irwin Gafen Rabbi Ferratier's Good and Welfare Fund Rabbi Warner Ferratier In appreciation of your Happy Purim wishes! Mark and Sharon Telpner Rabbi Warner Ferratier In honor of Danielle's Bat Mitzvah. Brian and Jill Carter Rabbi Ferratier In appreciation of you. Thank you for making Eva's day so special! Geoff and Sari Weil Paul and Laura Lapping For the birth of your granddaughter. Mitch and Sharyl Portugal Robin Dissen In memory of your father, Norman Katanick. Arlene and Ray Handler Lily and Harry Zoberman and Family In memory of Jonathan Field Shulman, beloved brother and uncle. May his memory be for a blessing. Our condolences on your loss. Renee and Barton Osher Allan Werth In memory of Alana. Sharyl and Mitch Portugal For the yahrzeit of my beloved father, Joaquin Jose Farnos (z"l). May his memory be for a blessing. Loly Farnos and Herb Lesnoy Bernard Grad Memorial Chesed Fund Allan Werth In memory of Alana Werth. We will always remember your beloved Alana with love. Maureen Gold Hy Weiss In memory of your sister, Lucille Spitz. Sheryl and Fred Katzenstein Lily Zoberman In memory of your brother, Jonathan Field Shulman. Sheryl and Fred Katzenstein Sheila Ander In memory of your dear sister, Ellen. Marshall and Linda Kayman Mellie Wolfson and Family In memory of your husband, father, and grandfather, Larry. Block Steel Corp., Marshall and Barbara Dickler, Sheila Handwerker, Sheryl and Fred Katzenstein Rachel, Alan, and Talia Grossman In memory of your son and brother, Jacob. Sheryl and Fred Katzenstein Marla Zelikow In memory of your brother-in-law, Hal Lipshutz. Mitchel and Gladys Greenberg Dana and David Spiwak In memory of your beloved father. Arlene and Ray Handler Barbara Finn In memory of your beloved husband. Arlene and Ray Handler In memory of my beloved father, Hyman Kopolavics, and my beloved brother, Jack Kopol. Jeanette Schusteff

Robyn Zane In memory of your sister, Alana Werth. Karen Gallwitz Mellie Wolfson and Family In memory of your beloved husband, father, grandfather, business associate, and friend to many, Larry Wolfson. Fern and Michael Ellison, Tom Ladky, Hilary (Cookie) and Jack Mayer, Rick and Barb Pritikin, Judy and Ed Rowe, Ann and Bob Soll, Susan Sternfield Herb and Lori Finn and Family In memory of Ellen Finn. I extend my condolences to you, Ruth and Robert, and the whole family. Ellen will be missed. She was a wonderful, caring person and a good friend. Ilene Epstein Sheila Ander In memory of your dear sister, Ellen. Our thoughts are with you during this difficult time. Mitzie and Stew Herman Sheila (Sissy) Ander In memory of Auntie El, as I've always known her. May her memory be for a blessing. Jodi and Allen Joffe and Family Maxine Roskeim In memory of Joel Schwartz. Edie Korman Lily and Harry Zoberman In memory of your dear brother, Jonathan Field Shulman. We mourn your loss. Lesley and Rick Kessler Robin Dissen In memory of your beloved father. Sharon Telpner CBS Youth Endowment Janice and Selwyn Marcus In memory of Philip and Marion Marcus. We are sorry for your loss. Ileane and Ronald Epstein The Grossman Family In memory of Jacob Grossman. The Zelen Family Mellie Wolfson In memory of Larry J. Wolfson. Vital Tech Solutions Francine Shapiro Memorial Scholarship Fund Dr. Joel Greenman In memory of Rabbi Paul Sol Greenman. Hedy Margolin Edna Schrank In memory of Mike. Hedy Margolin Marshall Shapiro In memory of Margie. Hedy Margolin

Gold Family Sabbath Fund Laura and Paul Lapping For the birth of your new granddaughter, Isla Jude. Ron and Andy Widen Allan Werth In memory of your beloved wife, Alana. Kim and Perry Shwachman, Stewart and Sheri Smason Bette Rosen In memory of your brother, Dr. Andrew Ageloff. Barbara Scott Marshall Shapiro In memory of Margie Shapiro. Dr. Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz Edna Schrank and Family In memory of your beloved Burt Patzik Scholarship Fund husband, Mike. May his memory always be for a blessing. In honor of the birth of our grandson, Mason Dr. Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz, Kim and Perry Shwachman Bennett. Alan and Marla Patzik Sheila Ander In memory of your beloved sister, Ellen. Alan and Marla Patzik For the birth of your precious Karen Kaiz, Barbara and Stan Neimark, Andi Pechter-Friedman grandson, Mason Bennett. Congratulations! Jeffrey and Ellen Lainie and David Rabinowitz In memory of Larry J. Gluskin Wolfson. Beth and Bruce Butler Lenore Weiss In memory of your uncle, Michael Batler. Lily Zoberman and Family In memory of your beloved Alan and Marla Patzik brother, Jonathan Shulman. Robin and Steven Bright, Carol and Naomi Weiss In memory of your brother, Michael Batler. Ed Kaplan, Kim And Perry Shwachman, Debbie and Gary Alan and Marla Patzik Solomon Selwyn Marcus In memory of your brother and Robin and Rick Dissen In memory of your father, sister-in-law, Philip and Marion Marcus. Alan and Marla Norman Katanick. Dr. Len and Jean Kosova Patzik Selwyn and Janice Marcus In memory of Philip and Bette and Maish Rosen In memory of your beloved Marian Marcus. Our sincere condolences on your loss. May brother. Brenda and Fred Turner they Rest In Peace. Dr. Michael and Judi Greenberg Joan Kawer In memory of Aaron Kawer. Merrill F. Carl and Judy Wolkin Innovations in Education Fund Medansky Dr. Roberta and Brian Miller In honor of Hannah's Mr. and Mrs. Unterberger In memory of your son, Neal. engagement to Donny and the birth of your granddaughter, My sincere condolences. Sue Gilford Leora Esther. Mazal Tov! Anita Gordon Dr. Joel and Judy Greenman In memory of your Dr. Lee and Laura Shulman In appreciation of your brother, Rabbi Paul Sol Greenman. We are so very sorry Happy Purim wishes! Mark and Sharon Telpner for your loss. May his memory always be for a blessing and Adele Gorenstein In appreciation of your Happy Purim may your memories of him always be a source of comfort wishes! Mark and Sharon Telpner to you. With deepest sympathy. Kim and Perry Shwachman The Braun Family For the birth of your new grandson. Mazel Tov! Sharon Telpner Allan Werth In memory of Alana Michelle Werth. Arlen and Cece Lasinsky


DONATIONS Harvey R. Gold Building Endowment Fund In appreciation of Rabbi Melman, Rabbi Ferratier, Cantor Stoehr, Randi Simon, Leora Eidenberg, Cantor Raquel Gershon, Stacy Ybarra, and Eli Castellano for your support preparing Samantha and our family for Samantha's Bat Mitzvah. And to the medical advisory committee, Brenda Wasserman, and Maria Catezone for allowing us to share a special kiddush with our family and guests. Tracey and David Becker Allan Werth In memory of Alana Werth. Annie and Drew Goldman Robin Dissen In memory of your beloved father, Norman Katanick. Arlen and Cece Lasinsky, Iris Lerner Sandi Abel In memory of Ted, your partner in life. We are so sorry for your loss. We know that his memory will be a blessing. He will be missed. Eileen and Barry Brusso Mellie Wolfson In memory of your beloved husband. Iris Lerner Helene Hoffman Memorial Concert Fund Irit and Jack Jacobson In honor of the birth of your grandson, Noah Lincoln. Mazel Tov to all! Arnie and Janet Hoffman Mellie Wolfson In memory of Larry. Arnie and Janet Hoffman, Dr. Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz Lily Zoberman In memory of your brother, Jonathan Shulman. Arnie and Janet Hoffman Robin Dissen In memory of your father, Norman Katanick. Arnie and Janet Hoffman Sheila Ander In memory of your sister, Ellen. Leslie and Scott Rogoff HUGS Fund Susan Stoehr In appreciation of your kindness Les and Jill Olefsky Dr. Lee Shulman Thank you for participating in our family’s simcha. The Patzik Family Rachel, Alan and Talia Grossman and Family In memory of your beloved son and brother, Jacob “Jakey” Harris Grossman. Joan and Rob Asher, Robin Bright, Arnie, Linda, Michael and Jennifer Brown, Maureen and Linda Gold, Marcy Canel and Sharlene Sherman Heifitz, Arlene and Ray Handler, Howard and Sharon Hoffman, Teri and Jared Robins, Karen Rosenthal, Edna Schrank, Susan and Allan Wolff Dr. and Mrs. Michael Grossman In memory of Jacob “Jakey” Harris Grossman. Glenn and Margie Heyman Lily and Harry Zoberman In memory of your brother, Jonathan Field Shulman. Judy and Michael Balter, Rachel, Alan and Talia Grossman, Les and Jill Olefsky, Stewart and Sheri Smason Mellie Wolfson In memory of Larry Wolfson. Bruce and Nancy Cotton Scott and Susie Field In memory of your sister, Sharon Schwartz. Jill and Les Olefsky Allan Werth and Family In memory of your wife, mother and grandmother, Alana Werth. Judy and Michael Balter, Les and Jill Olefsky Robin Dissen In memory of Norman Katanick. Judy and Michael Balter In appreciation of all being well! Burton Bentkover The Family of Robert Gassman In memory of Robert Gassman. Burton Bentkover For the yahrzeits of Larry Richardson and Dr. Jacob Cohen. Burton Bentkover

Robin Dissen In memory of your father, Norman Katanick. Dr. Jerry and Adrienne Bauer Barbara Finn In memory of your husband and father, Bruce. We just heard about Bruce's passing and send our deepest condolences. Alan and Eileen Samlan Naomi Weiss In memory of Michael Batler. Arlen and Cece and Lasinsky Lily and Harry Zoberman In memory of Jonathan Field Shulman. David and Bev Sugar Michael and Linda Robinson In memory of Jeffrey Robinson, with heartfelt condolences on his passing. David, Bev, Ben and Jordan Sugar Robin and Rick Dissen In memory of your father, Norman Katanick. Les and Jill Olefsky, Iris and Steve Podolsky Rachel Grossman In memory of Jacob “Jakey” Harris Grossman. Jonathan and Denise Handler Laven Family Shabbat Celebration Fund Lily and Harry Zoberman In memory of Jonathan Field Shulman. Scott and Katie Bosley Lawrence B. Rosner Building Fund Allan Werth and Family In memory of Alana Werth, with deepest sympathy. Linda Gold Arlene Drobny In memory of your husband, father and grandfather, Irv. Lana and Danny Zakon Joan Kawer and Family In memory of your husband, Aaron Kawer. Lana and Danny Zakon Lester Kurnick Youth Fund Lily and Harry Zoberman In memory of your beloved brother and brother-in-law!! I was so very sorry to read about your loss. Reading about his life, he certainly made a loving impact on all those around him!! May he be blessed, and rest in peace and in love!! And, may Jonathan's memory always be for a blessing to both of you, and all who knew and loved him!!! Debra Lynn Ross Fran and Mike Grossman In memory of Jacob “Jakey” Harris Grossman, beloved grandson. Buddy Kalish Rachel, Alan and Talia Grossman and Family In memory of Jacob “Jakey” Harris Grossman, beloved son and brother. Susan Karlinsky Allan Werth In memory of Alana Werth, beloved wife, mother, grandmother and a wonderful person. May her memory be for a blessing. Our condolences to all of you. Renee and Barton Osher Men's Club Youth Scholarship Fund Dr. David Hakimian In honor of you receiving the Kavod Award Arlene and Ray Handler, Arlen and Cece Lasinsky, Leslie and Scott Rogoff Scott Rogoff In honor of you receiving the 2021 Men's Club Man of the Year award Denise and Steve Krug

Paul Wald Yahrzeit Fund In appreciation of the CBS Clergy for daily minyan and Shabbat on Zoom and live stream. Thank you! David Friedman For the yahrzeit of Ethel Ruth Grinker. Joan Berke For the yahrzeit of Eve Handler. Sandra Lichtman For the yahrzeit of my mother, Gertrude Berson. Herbert and Joyce Root For the yahrzeits of Jack Kessler and Bernice Kessler. Betty Ashman For the yahrzeit of my father, Morris Cohen. Larry Cohen Janna Sugar Memorial Israel Scholarship Fund For the yahrzeit of Harvey Pestine. Susan Pestine Danielle, Jill, and Brian Carter In honor of Danielle's Bat For the yahrzeit of Sam Spector. Denise Handler Mitzvah. Mazel Tov! Naomi and Mike Silverman For the yahrzeit of Harriet Schupack, beloved Leora Eidenberg In appreciation of all of your help in mother, bubbe and great bubbe. Diana and Maury Lewis preparing Eva for her special day. Thank you. Geoff and Sari For the yahrzeit of our beloved mother, Weil grandmother and great grandmother, Rochelle Jason and Emily Markovitz In honor of the birth of our Lerner. Ellen and Jeffrey Gluskin and Family granddaughter, Sylvie Kei Markovitz. Rhoda and Michael For the yahrzeit of Earl J. Goldberg. Harriet Goldberg Markovitz For the yahrzeit of our beloved mother, Rosalie Roth In honor of the births of your grandchildren, grandmother and great grandmother, Lenore Tobias Roth and Eleanor Roth. Anonymous Gluskin. Jeffrey and Ellen Gluskin and Family David and Bev Sugar and Family In memory of Janna For the yahrzeit of my husband, Fred Jules Janowitz. Sugar, on her Birthday. Bob and Sue Salutric, Barb and Joe Rita Berkelhamer Janowitz Wolke


For the yahrzeit of our beloved mother and grandmother, Sylvia Steinfeld. Robyn, Adam, Ryan and Jacob Elias For the yahrzeit of of my husband, Sheldon Gilford. Sue Gilford In memory of my beloved wife, Reine Bujor Borg Stuart Borg In memory of our sister-in-law, June Handler. Arlene and Ray Handler In memory of my father, Sheldon Edelson. Joseph and Ellen Mittelman Mellie Wolfson In memory of Larry Wolfson. Karen and Chuck Schulman Pay It Forward - Membership and Tuition Scholarship Funds For the birth of Isla, our new granddaughter. Paul and Laura Lapping Hilary and Enric Braun For the birth of Mathew Nate Gableman. Ron Rabinowitz Mellie Wolfson In memory of In memory of Larry Wolfson, our thoughts and prayers go out the family and congregation. Tim Hunter, Todd Hunter and Rich Trucks, Stephen Wysocke Sandee and Larry Levin In memory of Diane Levin, beloved sister-in-law. Susan and Shelly Karlinsky Rubenstein Memorial Library Fund Therese and Norm Milsk For the birth of your grandson, Brandon. Ed Maslov Sandi Abel In memory of your beloved husband, Ted Abel. Joy Berks, Marcia Camac, Henry and Ellen Criz, Arvin Futterman, Linda Gold, Maureen Gold, Stuart and Phyllis Simon, Jeff Wadler Bob Abel and Family In memory of your beloved brother, uncle and great uncle, Ted Abel. Marcia Camac Robert and Ann Abel In memory of Ted Abel, our beloved cousin. Barb and Libby Jacks Robin and Rick Dissen In memory of Norman Katanick. Sam and Becca Tatel Sisterhood Eyshet Chayil Fund Edna Schrank In memory of Mike. Stewart and Sheri Smason Lily and Harry Zoberman and Family In memory of Jonathan Field Shulman, beloved brother and uncle. May his memory be a blessing. Edna Schrank Mellie Wolfson and Family In memory of your beloved husband and father, Larry Wolfson. Egon Kahn, Carol and Ed Kaplan Allan Werth and Family, In memory of Alana Werth. May her memory be a blessing. Lewis and Irma Amsel, Edna Schrank Sophie Binstein Tzedakah Fund In appreciation of the Mishloach Manot Basket. Sally and Mel Zuckerman Steven Teitelbaum Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund Marcy Teitelbaum For the birth of Hazel Max. Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Julie and Morgan Simon For the birth of Hazel Max. Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Lily and Harry Zoberman In memory of your brother, Jonathan. We are so sorry for your loss. Barbara and David Menn In memory of Dora Levin Narter. Samuel Levin In memory of Esther Levin Bolon. Samuel Levin In memory of Marion Arbetter. Chuck Arbetter, Brian and Amy Arbetter Zaransky Family Ticktin Jewish Community Memorial Fund Robin and Rick Dissen In memory of your father, Norman Katanick. Barb and Michael Zaransky Zemsky SKIP Fund Delores Zemsky In memory of my dad, Marvin Hoffen. In recognition of Mr. Zemsky who knew my Dad well. With warmest regards. Jeff Hoffen




3433 Walters Avenue Northbrook, IL 60062

Permit 144 Northbrook, IL


Candle Lighting and Service Times (ALL SERVICES AND TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO COVID-19 AND ARE CURRENTLY BEING LIVE STREAMED) Friday Evening – April 2 (Candles 7:00 PM) Mincha/Shabbat/ Service to Welcome the Festival Saturday – April 3 (Candles 8:02 pm) Shabbat/Festival Service Circle Time Shabbat Friday Evening – April 9 (Candles 7:08 PM) Shabbat Service Saturday – April 10 Shabbat Service Mechina Circle Time Shabbat Bridges to Shabbat

Saturday – April 17 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Study Minyan Bridges to Shabbat 6:00 PM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 6:00 PM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:45 AM

Friday Evening – April 16 (Candles 7:16 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM

Friday – April 23 (Candles 7:23 PM) Shabbat Service Saturday – April 24 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Friday – April 30 (Candles 7:31 PM) Shabbat Service 4th Grade Shabbat B’Yachad

9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 10:45 AM 6:00 PM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM

Daily Minyan* Monday - Friday Mornings 7:45 AM Sunday - Thursday Evenings 7:45 PM Sunday Mornings 8:45 AM *Please note: Minyan times may be effected due to the Passover Schedule of Services. Please check the CBS Pesach Guide 5781 for times. festivals-holidays/passover/


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