Congregation Beth Shalom March, 2021 Bulletin

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE Celebrate 18/Rabbi Melman ................... 2 President’s Message .................................. 3 Cantor’s Notes .......................................... 4 Pesach 5781 Schedule .............................. 5 Youth/Young Family Engagement/ B’nai Mitzvah ........................................... 6 Religious School ......................................... 7 CBS U/ Adult Education/Programming ............ 8 CBS Gift Cards .......................................... 9 Sisterhood .......................................... 10-11 Men’s Club ......................................... 12-14 Social Action ............................................ 15 Library ....................................................... 16 Birthdays and Anniversaries ................ 17 Shabbat Mornings ............................. 18-19 Calendar ............................................. 20-21 Milestones ................................................ 22 Yahrzeits ................................................... 23 Donations ........................................... 24-25 Ads ....................................................... 26-27 Candle Lighting and Service Times .... 28

Rabbi .................................................... Aaron Melman Senior Cantor ..................................... Steven Stoehr Assistant Rabbi ............................. Warner Ferratier Rabbi Emeritus....................................... Carl Wolkin Executive Director .......................... Susan Karlinsky Director of Jewish Life and Learning .............................................. Leann Blue Director of Education .......................... Stacy Ybarra Director of Youth and Young Family Engagement……..Eric Golberg President ............................................Tanya Solomon Sisterhood President ................... Robyn Rosengard Men’s Club President .......................... Steven Elisco USY President .................................. Ryan Eisenstadt Shalom Designer/Editor...............Deanne Friedman

SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.


ADAR 5781| MARCH 2021| VOLUME 89 ISSUE 59

RABBI MELMAN’S MINUTES There is an irony I see as we approach Pesach 2021. We have not been together in over a year. The last time we gathered en masse in the synagogue was Purim of last year. There has been so much sadness for so many people and, as the Jewish people have done for thousands of years, we have pushed ourselves forward. We have felt loss in many different ways including the collective loss of our community. For some, attending services virtually has filled the synagogue void. For others it has been our ongoing learning opportunities and programing. For others, simply not being able to be physically present at 3433 Walters Ave. has been very difficult for they have truly lost the sense of belonging. Rabbi Melman

It is indeed challenging. Our task is to continue to reinvent ourselves as our ancestors have in the most difficult, if not impossible, of situations. How can we do this and how can we continue to be creative? What are the best ways to help others prepare for your seder if they are attending in person or virtually? Here are some suggestions: 1. Prepare your guests for what they will experience. Every household’s seder is different – help people understand what your seder will look like. 2. Choose the right Haggadah. There are so many different user friendly Haggadot out there. You can even make your own! Be sure to include the elements that are most important to you. Not every single word needs to be uttered. The rabbis would sit and discuss the issues related to the Exodus and so we too have the opportunity to discuss issues of a similar nature and how they relate to us today.

Pesach is a celebration of our freedom. Our freedom from slavery. Our freedom from tyranny. Our freedom to begin to create a peoplehood. 3. In addition to choosing the right This year, many may still not feel free. Haggadah, don’t be afraid to add While we are to see ourselves as free your own personal prayers or people, as if we, ourselves, are going words. Many people write a special forth from Egypt on seder night, it is introduction to the seder each year hard when we still are not free from this and find it very meaningful. pandemic. I don’t think that any of us would have thought that a year later we would still be contemplating Zoom seders – a lack of ability to be with our friends and family around the table for (continued on page 4) one of our most important home rituals.




FROM THE CONGREGATION PRESIDENT I recently took a walk with two people - their names will be changed to protect the guilty. I started out with one friend; I’ll call her Joan. We were hoping that the other friend, we’ll call him Gene, would be able to join us. He was running a bit late so he said he would drive to meet us at a parking lot on our route. Joan and I would continue our walk from there with Gene. When we got back to the parking lot, he would drive us home. So, after calling to confirm that Gene would meet us, Joan and I headed for the parking lot. We got there and, after a few minutes, Gene drove up. We all walked for quite a while and started to return to the parking lot. There was a lot of conversation and, almost before we knew it, we had walked about 6.75 miles. We had been moving fast and we were starting to get tired, cranky and chilled. At that point, the parking lot was still about half a mile away and we had two choices on how to get there. Joan suggested we go one way; she was worried about tripping on hidden potholes in the road if we went the other way. Gene suggested we go the other way; he was worried about traffic and insisted that his route would be faster. Instead of discussing the alternatives and finding a way to finish our journey together, the two argued over the routes. No compromise was possible. Joan went one way and Gene went the other. Since there were two choices and I had to get to the car, I chose the route with less traffic. I felt both options were valid, but I had to pick one. I suppose I had a third choice. I could have stopped where I was, let them get back to the car and then come back to pick me up. But, while that might have worked, it was clearly not as valid as their choices. Tanya Solomon

We all arrived back at the parking lot at almost the same time, with Joan, who took the less bumpy route, beating us by mere seconds. She proceeded to gloat over her victory - she had made the right choice by getting there first. We all got into the car and Gene prepared to drop each of us off at home. As we were driving home and had a few moments to sit, drink some water and warm up, we commented on how silly the spat had been. Joan and Gene both agreed that they had let their emotions get in the way of compromise and how easy it was to get wrapped up in the moment. Indeed, something that really was not much of an issue became a big problem. Neither route was all bad or all good; they were simply different ways of arriving at the same point. Joan and Gene eventually reached the correct location, although with different solutions to the problem. As I contemplated this incident, I began to reflect on the meetings I have participated in during my time as Congregation Beth Shalom President, some person-to-person meetings, some committee and board meetings and some that were larger. When I have had the option, I have always tried to make time for everyone to feel that they have been heard, to discuss ideas and to solve problems. This practice has certainly made for some long meetings! Here at CBS, I can say with certainty that our board, clergy and staff have formed a consensus on what our objectives are. We may not always agree on the route to those objectives, but we generally agree on what they are. There are many creative people on our board, our clergy and our staff. They each bring their unique strengths and perspectives to all the work they do for CBS. Some of us may approach the work thinking about one way to get to the end point and others may approach it differently, just like Gene and Joan did. They did not agree on how to get to the car, but they did both get there. We all come to the board and CBS with different strengths. Knowing this and realizing that there may be many equally valid routes to our agreed end points, we all need to respect the ideas and proposals of everyone and objectively consider the merits of the different ways to solve the challenges we face as we move forward. In the end, we all work for the betterment of our CBS family, although not always in the same way. We need to continue to do so together in unity. Tanya



CANTOR’S NOTES Cantor Stoehr

(A variation of a joke I recall in a sermon I read.) A guy is walking through the country when he spots a sign that reads, “Talking Horse for Sale.” Intrigued, he walks up to the stable to check it out. “So what have you done with your life?” he asks the horse.

“I’ve led a full life,” the horse answers miraculously. “I was born in The Andes where I did hard labor for an entire village. Years later, I joined the mounted police force in Canada. I lived in Kentucky and actually won the Derby. And now, I spend my days giving free rides to underprivileged kids here in the country.” The guy is flabbergasted. He asks the horse’s owner, “Why on earth would you want to get rid of such an incredible animal?” The owner answered, "Because he's a liar, he's never even been to Kentucky!" Sometimes we fail to appreciate the blessings and miracles that are right in front of us. It's been one year since the COVID epidemic startled our world and shook our lives. As Passover is coming at the end of the month, which is replete with stories of miracles of our history, we have to pause and appreciate the miracles in our lives, even through this yet present modern plague. Something obvious, and yet maybe overlooked, is the worldwide collaboration and scientific advancements that have and will continue to save lives. In years to come this virus, please God, will be another of the conquered ills which have existed in the last 100 years. This miracle, whose magnitude will likely be minimized by future generations, is one about which we should, maybe, have a Seder to celebrate when it is all over. (Some places in the world have, in fact, created Purim celebrations to recount rescue from natural disasters). As Motel exclaims in Miracle of Miracles in the play Fiddler on the Roof, “That was a miracle too”. Unlike the horse owner, we have to be alert to the miracles in each day of our lives and give thanks to God for each one, large and small and make the most of our blessings.

Rabbi Melman’s Minutes (continued from Page 1) 4. Assign different passages to guests in advance or pose questions in advance. If we can think about different questions beforehand it will make the seder that much more significant. 5. Discuss other stories of slavery and freedom. 6. Have fun. The seder is an opportunity to sing and explore, to open the door at two different times which allows for the participation of all ages. I hope that we will all be able to find the joy at this season of our liberation.



PESACH SCHEDULE OF SERVICES 5781 Thursday, March 25 Friday, March 26

Saturday, March 27

1st Night Pesach

Sunday, March 28

1st Day Pesach

Monday, March 29

2nd Day Pesach

Morning Minyan/Siyum for Fast of the Firstborn

7:45 AM

Nullify chametz before Chametz may not be burned on Shabbat, if burning, it should be done before Shabbat begins - Candle Lighting at

11:53 AM

6:52 PM

You can eat chametz until


Festival Service -

9:30 AM

Mincha/Ma’ariv Candle Lighting

6:00 PM 7:55 PM

Festival Service -

9:30 AM

Evening Minyan

7:45 PM

Kamensky Sanctuary

Kamensky Sanctuary

Tuesday, March 30

3rd Day Pesach

Morning Minyan Evening Mnyan

Wednesday, March 31

4th Day Pesach

Morning Minyan Evening Minyan

7:45 AM 7:45 PM

Thursday, April 1

5th Day Pesach

Morning Minyan Evening Minyan

7:45 AM 7:45 PM

Friday, April 2

6th Day Pesach

Morning Minyan Mincha/Shabbat/Service to Welcome Festival Candle Lighting

7:45 AM 6:00 PM

Shabbat/Festival Service -

9:30 AM

Candle Lighting

8:02 PM

Saturday, April 3

Sunday, April 4

7th Day Pesach 8th Day Pesach

Kamensky Sanctuary

7:45 AM 7:45 PM

7:00 PM

Festival Service with Yizkor -

9:30 AM


7:45 PM

Kamensky Sanctuary

All CBS Shabbat, daily minyan and holiday services are Live Streamed from the CBS website from your computer, smartphone or iPad/tablet Daily Morning and Evening Minyanim are also available via Zoom Register Here for the Zoom link




Hard to believe Purim is already over and it is almost time for Passover! This month we will have weekly USY lounge nights every Thursday from 7:00-8:00 pm. On the 14th we have another great Chaverim program (grades 2-4) at 12:30 pm and on the 17th we have our monthly Kadima Lounge Night at 7:00 pm. On March 21st look out for the return of our Passover Chocolate Seder for all ages at 12:30 pm! Watch for more information to pick up the chocolate kits and registration!

Our young families had so much fun at our trivia night last month. This month we will be back for another great event on March 6th at 9:00 pm. Look out for another Crafternoon program for Passover on Friday, March 26th at 1:00 pm where we are going to learn how to make the plagues come to life! Watch for an email with more information for both of these wonderful and exciting Young Family Programs! I can’t wait to see all of you at our programming this month! If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at B’Shalom, Eric

MAZEL TOV TO OUR BAR MITZVAH MAX THOMPSON Son of Geoff & Claudy Thompson Brother of Leo Thompson Grandson of Julius & Rocky Levin, Rick & Shirley Thompson

Havdalah at Home The CBS clergy share Havdalah from their homes with our congregants via Facebook Live CongregationBethShalomNB Saturdays: March 6 @ 6:30 PM March 13 @ 6:35 PM March 20 @ 7:45 PM (last Havdalah at Home until further notice)

Calling All Parents of Our CBS Young Families! Please Join Us for Our Next Young Family Program Parents’ Night Out Name That Tune Saturday, March 6

9:00 pm via Zoom



RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Purim Thank you to everyone who helped make our Mishloach Manot (Purim Basket) Fundraiser a success. We hope the baskets made you and your family smile!

Stacy Ybarra

We were amazed by the participation of our students as we created our on-demand Kids’ Megillah Reading. Thank you for all of your time and silliness! Our first-ever virtual Purim Carnival was a lot of fun. We appreciate the efforts and support of our Religious School teachers and Madrichim. The prize goody-bags were fun to pass out during our supply pick-up and Drive-Thru Costume Contest. Pictures from the Costume Contest should be emailed out this week. Thank you to CBS Congregant Michael Balter for volunteering his time and expertise! Service Attendance Super Stars! We are so proud of our students who have met the recommended attendance requirements during the month of January. You are starting the semester off strong. Mia Holden-Hergott Julia Eisenstadt Anna Hartzman Third Grade Siddur Service Our 3rd Grade Siddur Service is being rescheduled for later in the school year so that it can be in person instead of virtual. Thank you for your understanding. Passover Our Family Passover Program scheduled for April 4th has been changed to a Youth and School Student Chocolate Passover Seder on Sunday, March 21st at 12:30 p.m. via Zoom. Watch your email for more information!

Movies With Melman 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Watch the movies in advance and then join us for discussion on the following Thursday nights: 4/15 Denial (2016) - Acclaimed writer and historian Deborah E. Lipstadt must battle for historical truth to prove the Holocaust actually occurred when David Irving, a renowned denier, sues her for libel. 5/13 Keeping up with the Steins (2006) - A 13-year-old boy uses his upcoming bar mitzvah to reconcile the strained relationship between his father and grandfather. To register go to: Movies are available to rent through services like iTunes and YouTube or on other streaming services by subscription. If you need help finding any movie email Leann ( or Lisa ( MARCH 2021• VOLUME 89 ISSUE 59


CBS U/ADULT ED/PROGRAMMING ATTENTION ATTORNEYS: Contemporary Issues in Jewish Law -- Part II Description: This class will explore Jewish history and legal precedent through examination of specific topics including Burden of Proof, Death Penalty, Incarceration, Fertility and Business Ethics MCLE approved for attorneys for 9 CLE credits including 3 for Professional Responsibility (Ethics) Instructor: Dates: Time: Location: Fee:

Rabbi Aaron Melman April 6th, April 13th, April 20th, April 27th May 4th, May 12th (5 Tuesdays followed by 1 Wednesday) 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Virtual - via Zoom $50 for CBS members; $100 for non-members

Click here to register or no later than April 5th in time to receive class materials. Contact Leann Blue or Lisa Orlov with questions.

CBS YACHAD AFFINITY GROUPS Social distancing hasn’t stopped CBS members from making new friends this year while riding Peloton or getting together (virtually) for happy hours, book clubs, movie clubs and more. Whether you would like to join a group or lead a group, consider doing something fun with your CBS family. If you haven’t already completed your Yachad Affinity Groups Survey please do so now and we will be in touch shortly. We look forward to connecting our CBS family! YACHAD Committee Chair, Sue Lampert ( Membership VP, Randy Samborn ( CBS staff members Leann Blue (847.498.4100, ext. 44) and Lisa Orlov (847.498.4100, ext. 46)

Israel in Depth 2020-2021 3/7

Israel's Popular Culture Tells Us a Lot About the Country - and the Whole World is Watching


Portraits of Leaders All sessions will be taught by Carl Schrag and will take place at 10:00 a.m. (Grab some breakfast and log onto ZOOM at 9:45 a.m. if you want to chat before the session!) Register at: You’ll benefit most if you attend all sessions, but drop-ins are welcome! The class is co-sponsored by CBS University/Adult Education, Men’s Club and Israel Committee. Questions? Email Lisa ( or Leann (




Thursday, March 4, 2021 8:00 PM via Zoom Beer on the Wall

A Virtual Social Event Register here for program or For information contact Allen Lefkovitz at 312-617-8820 or


Sunday, March 14, 2021 10:00 AM via Zoom Men’s Club Sunday Morning Progam COVID-19 and the Torah with Rabbi Melman

Register here for program or For information contact Allen Lefkovitz at 312-617-8820 or 9

SISTERHOOD Robyn Rosengard

Hopefully, Spring is just around the corner. I cannot wait! It is hard to believe that this pandemic started almost one year ago. Life has really changed a lot. Sisterhood went from having meetings and programs in the building and now we have everything via Zoom. I did not think that life would still be like this. But as we all know, things happen for a reason.

What a wonderful program on Tuesday, February 9th. Paula Shoyer, author of The Instant Pot Kosher Cookbook, demonstrated three recipes from her cookbook. More than 50 people joined us for the wonderful program and enjoyed learning these delicious recipes. I would like to thank Laurie B. Davis for putting this event together. Our nominating committee has convened and are hard at work building the future of Sisterhood. We are excited for what the new generation of members will do for our award-winning affiliate. I mentioned above how all things happen for a reason. We have learned so much about our synagogue and Sisterhood as we have navigated our way through this pandemic. We have been successful at connecting in a time when connections seem so difficult. What we have learned is that our participation and engagement are up. These are wonderful accomplishments. It seems that we should continue to offer a live streaming or online version of all our programs. In that spirit, I am so pleased to tell you that CBS Sisterhood has made a very significant donation to the Congregation, specifically geared to enhancing our capabilities in Live Streaming. We are excited to be able to provide this much needed upgrade for our window to the world. Save the dates: Sunday, April 11th- Torah Fund Event Tuesday, May 11th- Culminating, Installation, and Valued Volunteer Event Stay safe and healthy! Robyn Louis Gurvitz Memorial Sisterhood Judaica Shop Our new Square website launched in February. We hope you had a chance to check it out and take advantage of the huge sale we had benefiting Sisterhood. With Square as our online shopping platform, you have direct access to our amazing merchandise without being a Facebook user. Square system enables our customers to directly select and pay for merchandise by credit card online without contacting us. We then contact the customer to arrange for curbside pickup at CBS. The website can be accessed by going to: or through the Congregation Beth Shalom website. Additional information is always available by emailing or by contacting one of the shop managers. We look forward to connecting with you via Square. Stay safe and well. Diana, Darlene, and Donna Diana Lewis – or 847-903-6175 Darlene Padnos – or 847-217-4531 Donna Fox – or 847-281-7456 10



Register here:



MEN’S CLUB Steven Elisco

MEN’S CLUB ANNOUNCES ITS KAVOD AWARD RECIPIENT In my final year as President, I am especially honored to be able to announce this year’s Kavod Award Recipient. Candidates for this award must perform at high levels of activity in synagogue and community life. They should be involved in synagogue or Men’s Club committees and leadership and support the functions of the Men’s Club. This year, the Kavod Award Committee has chosen to bestow the 2021 Kavod Award upon Dr. David Hakimian.

David, as a member of a CBS Founding Family, has had a major presence in synagogue life at Congregation Beth Shalom for his entire life. In the Men’s Club, David, and his wife Suzy, have and continue to support the Lox Box program at the Sponsor Level. David was one of nineteen men who represented the Club on the 2018 Men’s Club trip to Israel. Most recently, David along with the other CBS member doctors serving on the CBS COVID-19 Medical Task Force, provided the Congregation with a presentation and answered questions at our Men’s Club Sunday Morning Program, “How CBS is Adapting to COVID-19”. When not occupying an officer position on the Synagogue’s Executive Committee, David has served on the Synagogue Board and multiple committees. In past years he was a USY President, coached the USY basketball team and was a B’nai Mitzvah tutor. He has been reading Torah at CBS since his Bar Mitzvah and is a floor gabbai during the High Holidays and other services. In 2001 during 9/11, David served as our CBS President. In an action I will always remember, it was with great magnanimity, that David extended his hand to our Muslim Community on behalf of all of us at Congregation Beth Shalom. Beyond David’s service to Congregation Beth Shalom, he has served as a chaperone for the Solomon Schechter 8th Grade trip to Israel, serves on the Board of the Israel Society for Cancer Research and is on the teaching faculty at Lutheran General Hospital. David especially loves teaching medical students. Please join the Men’s Club as we honor Dr. David Hakimian as our 2021 Kavod Award Recipient during Men’s Club Shabbat on Saturday, March 20, 2021. Please see the details on the flyer on page 13. During March, please consider participating in the following programs, all of which are open to the entire congregation: Thursday, March 4, 2021 – at 8:00 PM – Beer on the Wall, Beer Tasting and Virtual Social Event Sunday, March 7, 2021 at 10:00 AM – Israel in Depth - Israel's Popular Culture Tells Us a Lot About the Country - and the Whole World is Watching. Sunday, March 14, 2021 at 10:00 AM – COVID-19 and the Torah with Rabbi Melman L 'Shalom, Steven







Register here: 14


SOCIAL ACTION March Social Action Update Did you know… Cantor Stoehr is partnering with Israel Tennis Educational Centers to match up Jewish American students, ages 12-18, with ITEC participants, to develop ongoing friendships. As one of the largest social service organizations for children in Israel, the ITEC serves more than 20,000 Israeli children every year. The ITEC has 14 centers throughout Israel, many of them in underprivileged neighborhoods, providing disadvantaged children with a safe, structured, and nurturing environment. Our committee continues to offer support to the Northfield Township Food Pantry, The ARK, the PADS shelter, and many more needy organizations. Here are a few highlights: The Northfield Township Food Pantry has seen its client base more than double in six months. The Pantry needs our help. Please drop off UNEXPIRED food items at the front door of CBS. Checks (made out to the NTFP) and gift card donations can be mailed to Fern Roseman, 2415 Auburn Lane, Northbrook, IL, 60062 who will deliver them to the Northfield Township Food Pantry. You can also contact Fern at 847-564-9266.This is our community. Help us improve the lives of those in need. We are still looking for volunteers who are willing and able to shop for groceries and deliver them to ARK clients in Northbrook and surrounding suburbs. Many of our volunteers are unable to shop until they are fully vaccinated. In lieu of shopping for these families, we are also using Jewel gift cards. Purchases are reimbursed from the Gold Family Sabbath Fund and donations for these cards can also be made to this fund. Please contact Merrill Medansky at for more information. Are you familiar with the Kids Wellness Initiative (KiwiKids)? KiwiKids is an equal opportunity provider serving more than 52,000 free meals daily to children (ages 1-18) in Arizona, California, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri and Michigan. KiwiKids meal packages are available free of charge for all children who are home and not receiving meals in school or from another site. There are no income eligibility requirements or location restrictions to receive free meals and packages contain the quantities of 7 servings of breakfast and 7 servings of lunch for each child. To sign up, simply text JOIN to (833)563-0059. You will receive a message back immediately confirming that you subscribed. If you are interested in supporting this wonderful organization, you can contact our Chicago based chapter at 773-765-7997. On March 5-6 CBS will be participating in "HIAS Refugee Shabbat 2021" - an opportunity to focus on learning more about the global refugee crisis within a Jewish context (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society). Our CBS Shabbat services will include special recognition of this important issue. Also, as part of the Shabbat weekend, the Illinois Jewish Assembly for Refugees will be holding an informative virtual event on refugee and asylum matters on Sunday afternoon, March 7. Details on both events will be included in a forthcoming CBS Shalom Byte. Throughout the fall, The ARK has been picking up food donations at CBS. They are in desperate need of food to stock their pantry shelves. With winter upon us, The ARK’s needs are even greater. You can contact Susan Karlinsky at for more information. PADS continues to provide housing for the homeless. Guests will continue to stay in hotels through the winter season and meals are provided. CBS members have been generously supporting them by providing donations of needed items and monies to help offset the costs. For more info contact Sara Weinstein at Do you have a social action project you would like highlighted in my column? Do you have a project you are interested in starting? There is always room for more members on our committee. Please do not hesitate to contact me at Bob Spector Social Action VP MARCH 2021• VOLUME 89 ISSUE 59


DONATIONS LIBRARY Tracy Safron Suggests

The Paris Library by Janet Skeslien Charles is a fascinating and entertaining novel. It is based on the true story of the heroic librarians of the American Library in Paris (ALP) and the resistance movement they formed against the German occupation during World War II. In 1939, Odile Souchet, a recent library school graduate, lands her dream job at the ALP. Her father, captain of a police precinct, only wants to see Odile married. Odile thrives in her position at the library and makes many close friendships. She falls in love with Paul, a police officer. As the war and occupation escalate the Nazi “Library Protector” (aka the Book-Nazi) comes to inspect the library. He admonishes the ALP director that certain books can no longer be circulated, and certain people (Jews) may no longer enter the library. Several of the library’s most loyal subscribers are Jewish. The librarians pledge that delivering books to their Jewish patrons will be their form of resistance. As tensions mount in Paris, Odile wonders who locally is fueling the Nazi’s with information for their arrests. Is there an informant among them? The Paris Library’s plot moves between war torn Paris and small-town Montana in 1983. Lily is an unhappy Montana teenager and Odile is her very private neighbor. Odile, a widow, attends church weekly but speaks to no one. Lily seeks out Odile’s company and forms a friendship with her that helps Lily survive her mother's death and trying high school years. This bond ultimately changes both of their lives. The women’s stories are juxtaposed, but it is the power of words that ultimately connects them. "The Paris Library is a reminder that we must protect and appreciate what we have," Charles said. This novel provides a valuable lesson for us all. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU If you or a loved one are ill, injured, or facing surgery, please let our clergy know so we can listen, visit, or care for you in the way that you need. Please contact Eli Castellano, Assistant to the Clergy, by email so that we can confidentially respond to you and be here for you.

MI SHEBEIRACH LIST If you would like a name read on the Mi Shebeirach list, please contact Eli Castellano, Assistant to the Clergy, by email This name will stay on the list for three weeks. Please contact us again if you would like the name to remain on the list beyond that time.

WANT TO BE INFORMED? It is incumbent upon all of us to reach out to one another in times of sorrow, celebration, or need. If you are currently not receiving our notices or email newsletters, you can make updates to your MyCBS account and choose which emails you receive. If you need help, please contact Brenda Wasserman by email

Do you have the Congregation Beth Shalom Mobile App on your Smartphone or Tablet? If not, Download it Today! It’s free for both IOS (iPhone) and Android (Google) Search Beth Shalom Congregation and look for the familiar blue flame logo (there are many synagogues with similar names) The CBS Mobile App will provide you easy access to: Your MyCBS Account (be sure you know how to sign into your account!) x CBS Membership Directory x CBS Calendar (and event registration) x Online Donations & Payments x CBS Website & Live Streaming x



BIRTHDAYS/ANNIVERSARIES Happy Birthday - April Happy Birthday to the Women of the Congregation from the CBS Sisterhood: Sheila Netter 1 Jill Kahn 2 Esther Rosenberg 2 Tammy Berkowitz 3 Marcy Canel 3 Sandra Abel 3 Andrea Reich 4 Wendy Latash 4 Rita Schneider 5 Sandra Randell 5 Carole Nye 5 Terri Schwartz 5 Judith Smith 5 Diane Goldman 6 Stacy Ybarra 7 Amy Miller 7 Deborah Wachtel 8 Deborah Hamilton 8 Jessica Taub 9 Barbara Chotiner 9 Donna Pekay 9 Ilyse Fleishman 9 Carol Blustein 10 Sheryl Rose 10 Jean Ferratier 11 Charlotte Stern 11 Bonnie Meltzer 11 Dana Millman 11 Fran Hakimian 11 Susan Lasky 11 Melany Shaftal 11 Cynthia Shankman 11

Linda Hurwick Rhonda Simons Carol Grad Ethel Obrand Judith Masur Robin Leven Maureen Gold Susan Cohen Judy Greenberg Judith Graff Joyce Shulman Jill Hartzman Wendy Copeland Harlene Dunitz Joyce Mlodinoff Elaine Sarnoff Dia Kane Leslie Schloss Sheila Walowitz Andy Widen Sharon Warsaski Fern Slotky Helene Coorsh Barbara Proeh Estelle Agrest Mindy Star Ifaat Bosse Jennifer Zoberman Sharon Mokhtarian Debra Vishny Merle Goldberg Sandy Sandler Danielle Pekay Carol Apfelbaum

Danielle Holden Alison Wolovick Lynne Goldman Gwen Wolken Suzanne Minkus Alana Werth Myndee Balkan Arlene Handler Esther Drayer Janice Marcus Beth Levine Marsha Glassenberg Katharine Levin Irene Hodes Joan Blum Marcy Saltzman Lindsey Berman Robin Allen Joni Wald Randi Feiger Laura Schoeneman Ellen Mittelman Edie Smithson Alex Kwait Donna Rosenbaum Barbara Poncher

12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22

22 22 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 31

Happy Anniversary - April Sheldon & Karen Dubofsky David & Tracey Becker Maurice & Bette Rosen Craig & Donna Yale David & Jodi Lasky 20 yrs Michael & Rhoda Markovitz Martin & Judy Kaplan 65 yrs Carter & Meryl Auslander Harvey & Pamela Redfern Leon & Irene Blitt Jonathan & Marla Kazan Joshua & Blair Klein Stephen & Deborah Wachtel Mark & Claudia Travis James & Marcia Milten Jordan & Melissa Kaplan Eitan & Barbara Ben-Dov Mitchell & Karyn Liss 30 yrs David & Sheryl Schwartz 35 yrs Steve & Mardel Katz Avery & Joyce Shulman Gary & Deborah Solomon MARCH 2021• VOLUME 89 ISSUE 59

1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 8 8 8 8 8 10 13 16 16 16 17 18 18

Tony & Lori Khanuk Michael & Lisa Alter Krule Todd & Lauren Lustbader Stephen & Carly Sear Mike & Beth Gilford Curt & Linda Rodin Ron & Laura Schoeneman Cary & Carol Weintraub Alex & Rachel Dunn Andrew & Anne Goldman Brad & Sherri Fishman George & Rosalie Goldberg William & Christine Stolberg Jeffrey & Tamara Roth 20 yrs Michael & Deborah Eisenberg Charles & Rachel Gruenberg Aron & Dorothy Levko Jeffrey & Danielle Pearlman 5 yrs Robert & Linda Lipschultz Norman & Debra Maskin Ted & Marlene Beck Charles & Paige Gitles

20 20 20 21 22 22 22 22 22 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 29

Donald & Miriam Pike Neil & Nancy Elliott Neal & Carol Blustein

29 30 31

Would you like to send a birthday or anniversary greeting to a CBS member? Send your donations ($.75) prior to the 20th of the month directly to: Leatte Gelfeld, 741 Sarah, Northbrook, IL 60062 or do NOT drop off at Synagogue)



S H A B B A T 18







Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:




Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:




MILESTONES WE PRAY THAT THESE FAMILIES WILL BUILD STRONG JEWISH HOMES AND CONTRIBUTE BLESSINGS TO THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL AND TO ALL HUMANITY Ina & Michael Schneiderman are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Jayden James Schneiderman Joyce & Dan Rabinowitz are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Ila, to Danny Muller Dalia & Jay Rabinowitz Rabinowitz are happy to announce the engagement of their granddaughter, Ila, to Danny Muller Laura & Paul Lapping are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Isla Jude Lapping The Congregation Extends Its Sympathy To: Dr. Scott Field on the passing of his sister, Sharon Schwartz Lynn Stollberg on the passing of her mother, Sarah Stollberg Naomi Weiss on the passing of her brother, Michael Batler Selwyn Marcus on the passing of his brother and sister-in-law, Philip & Marion Marcus Joan Kawer on the passing of her husband, Aaron Kawer Ellen Lipshutz on the passing of her husband, Hal A. Lipshutz Marla Zelikow on the passing of her brother-in-law, Hal A. Lipshutz Nancy Finkel on the passing of her brother-in-law, Hal A. Lipshutz Beth Hayes on the passing of her brother-in-law, Hal A. Lipshutz

BIMA FLOWER FUND My deepest appreciation to my dearest friend Rabbi Wolkin, Rabbi Melman and Cantor Stoehr. You made our sad day a beautiful and most memorable one. Herbie would have been very pleased. Carrie Rosenstein and Family

Death of Esteemed Members: Aaron Kawer Hal A. Lipshutz

CBS Memorial Plaques If you wish to honor the memory of a dear one, a most fitting, traditional and dignified remembrance is through a Memorial Plaque. Each memorial plaque, bearing the name and yahrzeit date, is mounted on the tablet in one of our sacred memorial spaces at Congregation Beth Shalom. It is lit on the Shabbat of the week of the yahrzeit, on the day of the yahrzeit and on the four festivals during the year when Yizkor is recited. We are pleased to announce a new sacred space at Congregation Beth Shalom to honor our loved ones with memorial plaques. The west wall of the Marian Renee Saltzberg Learning Resource Center will be the new home for memorial plaques in perpetuity at CBS. You can view the list of the plaques being moved if you log into your MyCBS (https:// account. If you are aware of any connection to any current CBS member, please notify Maria so we can update our records. Contact Maria Catezone by phone at 847-498-4100 x26) or email for information or to order a plaque. 22


YAHRZEITS March 1-5 Hattie Fox Gertrude Greenberg Solomon Greenblatt Milton Greenstein Ruth Hibnick Sidney Kulick Bella Levy Suzanne Mirelman Dorothy E. Nurenberg Sidney Rubin Frieda Brin Mollye Friend Bertha Gibrick Claire Dankner Jaffe Gary Kunin Ben Miller Ben Zion Nudelman Bertha Rosenbaum Edward Schiller Mildred “Mitzi” Schlossberg Herman Schwartz Isadore Smolensky Shirley Stolberg Michael Steven Tepper Louis Verson Shirley Weinstein Arnie Yusim Kenneth Braude Julian “Jules” Cohen Arnold Dobkin Fannie Fischer Sidney Burton Fraelick Eunice Friedman Ida Gentner Molly “Malka” Getlin David Glass Anne Gold Pearl Goldstein Edwin Hokie Goldstein Jennie Harrison Fred Janowitz Mura “Mori” Kantarovich Louis Karsen Faye Krasny Sidney Laskin Maxeen Linderman Warren Alan Liss Billee Berman Litvak Dolores Oberman Regina Pollack Arthur Pomper Freda Rogers Sam Sak Sol Schultz Harrison Sear Bernard Steinberg Betty Weintraub Edith Weiss Sam Wolf Paul Zeidman Dorothy Abrams Bernard Balter Sylvia Berman Louis Chapman Lester Copeland Samuel Ersler Maurice Ezgur Leonard Gaines Arthur Greenbaum Joe Lessman Michael Markovitz Sylvia Ruth Marks Barbara Mastoon Ben Medvin Janet Kahn Novin Marjorie Rosenberg Doris Barbara Rubin Mildred Schneider Irving Shellist Anna Silverman Arthur Soboroff Marcia Weiland Sheldon Baitman Jennie Bloom Donald I. Charous, MD Samuel Cigelnik Helen Cohen Morris Cohen Seymour Grey Dr. Alvin “Al” Korach Dora Narter Arthur Obrand Judith Lynn Orenstein Bea Rabinowitz Samuel Rubenstein Ann Serlin

Morris Sier Leah Singer Ida Small Ruth Wershkoff Rachel Wilets March 6-12 Marjorie Dissen Sylvia Duze Sol Ebner Julius Eisenberg Fred Goldman George Goldman Ben Hyman Leo Kantor Ida Klein Pauline Kornblath Shirley Levy Gerard Marx Betty Rosenthal Lewis Schlossberg Earl L. Simon Simon Singer Rachel Turkeltaub Benjamin Vanderhoek Burton Verson Solomon Blum Philip R. Burgher William Burnett Harry Cooper Max Cwibel Norman Evans Sol Fischer Dora Gelfeld Marilyn Genender Pauline Gotskind Ethel Grant William Kessie Rose F. Klotzer Dorothy Lepp Mac Litow Marion Mikell Sydell Protus B. Donald Roiter Bob Rudofker Alfred Al Samborn Annette Seidenberg Joel E. Shellist Nettie Takiff Joseph Velick Goldie Weisenberg Fannie Winokur Bernard Agrest Arthur Barsky Tillie Simon Bergman Reine Borg Anna Carl Deborah F. Cohen Dr. Jacob Cohen Marion Forkash Ann Geneles Abraham Herbsztein Mary Immergluck Bernard Lifschitz Aron Nisenbaum Sylvia Shapiro Sally Suchetsky Sol Winokur Gertrude Berson Bunny Braude Philip Edelstein Joaquin Jose Farnos Rhonda Hoffman Feder Sylvia Footlik Mae Gershon David Goldman Kay Greenstein Celia Kaplan Jack Kessler Joseph Krieger Isadore Lasko Lenard Levy Dr. Helayne Merkin Janet Schwartzberg Milton Shulman Simon Sommer Jack Zelkowitz Agnes Berman Leonard Genender Alvin Lawrence Gitlitz Leona Levin Bess Ethel Lieber Maurice Liebman Norman Meczyk Paul Mermel Edwin Peckler Herbert Spector


Mary Stoken Nathan Warshawsky Sarah Bender Blanche Cwibel Samuel Eisenberg Harold Gladdin Milton Harris Perla Kletzer Bessie Knopoff Jeffrey Lerner Harry Miller Beatrice Mink Louis J. Nurenberg Sylvia Pekay Herman Siegel Ellen Spears Sam Spector Celia Treger Helen Sigman Weil Rhea Wolff Goldie Belenke Avraham Ben-Dov Violet Besser Leon Doppelt William Elfman Joseph Evans Martin Anthony Gess Bernard Greenberg Sylvia Greenberg Morrie Hoffman Judy Kirsch Sam Kwalwaser Jeanne Lipsky Reva Messer Werner Neumann Chava Rabinowitz Teddy Singer Scott Sternfield March 13-19 Melvin Berkowitz Fannie Drower Anita Fagot Helen Glazer Ethel Ruth Grinker Seymour Holleb Edith Horwitz Martin Kahn Irving Kramer Ida Singer Marlene Weil Leonard Zarovsky Benjamin Bloom Nehama Chudacoff Audrey Dann Sheldon Edelson Beverly Stein Eisenstadt Joseph Friedman Lottie Grimson Leon Handelsman Bernice Kessler Iva Lerner Carole Beth Marcus Rabbi Sander J. Mussman Sylvia Orenstein Louis Rosen Nina Ross Anne Barron Schwartz Shirley Netter Selmanovitz Rosalyn Wilson Marcella Wolgel Badonna Berliner Alfred Blum Shirley Dick Sofia Gesklin Elaine S. Kahn Sarah Lazare Joseph Leavitt Lena Levine Albert Manesberg Lillian Rosenfeld Adolph Singer Dr. Oscar Sugar Harriet Wedner Shirley Zelkowitz Harry L. Zimmerman David Flanzer Anna Freedman Thelma Goldsmith Rose Goodman Joan Orlov Lois Barbara Reisman Arnold Rothstein Harold Shapiro Mac Turner Faye Weil Michael Baer

Esther Bobroff Eleanor Kramer Rose Krefetz Belle Lee Carol Tucker Reginato Abraham Rich Rose Saltzberg George Saltzman Edyth Sandler Ida Topel Rebecca Weiss Nathan Ander Rebecca Salter Arnold Tillie Friedman Paul Kauffman Anne Kurnick Ruth Ritt Rose Rothleder Charles Sitnick Lena Steinberg Dina Lea Weberman Brenda Friedman Albert Geiderman Sherry Grabois Albert Handelman June Handler Norma Olesker Anne Schuster Jane Small Harry Stoehr Esther Stone Jane Weingart Sam Yusim March 20-26 Shirley Brozosky Shirley Cohen Rivian H. Greenberg Joseph Greenberg Sherwin Jacobson Alex Lerman Esther Lerner Irene Minkoff Francis Perrin Sharon Polisky Raymond Schwab Mayer Zandberg Benjamin Berks David Fisher Bertha Perlik Elsie Polay Vilma Sadowsky Louise Sherman Joseph Solar Bernard Tannenbaum David Givertz Geraldine Grant Jerome J. Regal Edward Rubin Norman Satinover Leonid Shkolnik Jack Solomon Howard Treguboff Howard Warshawsky Jenny Epstein Dorothy Faigen Louis Fischer Lenore Gluskin Joyce Goldberg Rose Jaffe Martin Kanter Florence Morris Philip Novak Larry Richardson Minnie Ross Judith Schwartz Rose Smolensky Fannie Braverman Hortense Bregman Carl Elvove Phillip Gagerman Jacob Glikman Beverly Goldstick Charlotte Padnos Albert Pell Marsha Skinner Leonard Stein Judith Tecktiel Maurice “Maurie” Albin Rose Collender Mollie Forman Leo Himmelblau Moses Kupferberg James Schneider Sidney Sitnick Louis Teven Eugene Usow

Bernard Weingart Fred Wilensky Seme Auslander Dena Cotler Shayndel Hencel Linda Oppman Jacobson Jerry Kaplan Svetlana Latash Rose Newman Theresa Bloomfield Pulner Louis A. Schwartz Dr. Malcolm Schwartz Martha Shellist Newton Steinberg Ted Zide March 27-31 Gilbert Agrest Leslie Arenson Auslander Philip Beckerman Hyman Beitler Abraham Al Blitstein Edward Brodsky Morris Dubin Eve Handler Howard S. Israel Rose Kay Jack Kerschner Ida Kramer Rochelle Lerner Patricia Markel Marion Markovitz Edwin “Eddie” Rose Robert Shapiro Melvyn Smilow Cecil Taplin Rose Teinowitz Samuel Weinberg Figel Highea Africk Roslyn Drizner Rose Elbom Sidney Field Ida Gorsky Mildred Grabiner Leon Kazan Louis Mackin Milton Mintz Frances Pinsky Alfred Carl Rogers Harry Rothenberg Jacob Shapiro Adolph Twersky Harry Weinberg Leo Zelkowitz Ronald Barany Dr. Zygmunt Buchsbaum Ira Paul Diamond Stella Greenberg Gerald Jerry Gurtz Harry Levin Sara Moldofsky Frances Rieger Dr. Barry L Vishny Gwen Weiner Mildred Winick Norman Boron Irene Burnstine Bernard Grad Karen Gruen Rose Halap Riva Jaffe Judith Fingeret Krug Jeanette Lowenthal Barry Allan Morrison Philip Stern Joyce Straus Rose Aberman George R. Baxter Joseph Fox Mae Garden Bertha Kaiserman Sarah Kopolavics Sally Lerner Gussie Michaels Lorange Shmuel Mendelevitz Leone B. Milten Shirley Rodin Gordon Bob Shneider Irwin Teven


DONATIONS Cantor Stoehr's Good and Welfare Fund Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of your good work you have done and the writing of your new book Linda and Bob Lipschultz Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of the Rabbi Melman's Good and Welfare Fund Rabbi Aaron Melman and Family In memory of your Misheberach said for my son, Jeffrey. Beverle Miller beloved Buby, Zelda Jonas Jerry and Estelle Agrest, Judy and Pouran Ebroon In memory of your sweet, cherished mother and grandmother. You were a wonderful Michael Balter, Ron and Shelly Betman, Randee and Howard daughter. Fran Brookstein Blair, Richard and Barbara Bosley, Barb Chotiner and Family, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gorchow In memory of your Jeff and Hillary Cohen, Michael and Susan Cohen, Rick Elliott and Family, Fern and Michael Ellison, Fred Fisher, Monyca and beloved father and grandfather. He was a wonderful man. Steven Flack, Sheldon and Beth Gaffen, Beth and Mike Gilford, Fran Brookstein Dr. Joel Greenman In memory of Rabbi Paul Sol Sue Gilford, Marsha and Myron Glassenberg, Ellen and Jeff Greenman Mark and Sharon Telpner Gluskin, Linda Gold, Maureen Gold, Reva Gomberg, Arlene Edna Schrank In memory of Mike Mark and Sharon and Ray Handler, Jonathan and Denise Handler, David and Marsha Hochman, Arnie and Janet Hoffman, Maida Hoffman, Telpner Carrie Rosenstein In memory of Herbie Mark and Jim and Judy Hoke, Adrienne and Ira Holtzman, Ilene and Sharon Telpner Norm Iglarsh, Carol and Ed Kaplan, Sheryl and Fred Selwyn and Janice Marcus In memory of Philip and Katzenstein, Sue Lampert, Arlen and Cece and Lasinsky, Jan Marion Marcus, with our deepest sympathy. May their and David Lasky, Barbara and Jeff Lerch, Herb Lesnoy and memories forever be a blessing. Adrienne and Ira Holtzman Loly Farnos, Larry and Barbara Libauer, Linda and Bob Lipschultz, Cindy and Bob Marder, Harvey and Sheila Medvin, Lynn Stollberg In memory of our beloved Aunt Sarah Stollberg. We mourn the loss. Christine and Billy Stolberg Dayle and Martin Meliker, Gail and Sherwin Meyers, Ethel and Family Obrand, Renee and Barton Osher, Marsha and Irwin Pearlman, Linda and Bernie Petchenik, Iris and Steve Podolsky, Sandi and Les Lasinsky In memory of Sarah Stollberg Arlen and Cece Lasinsky Mitch and Sharyl Portugal, Harvey and Pam Redfern, Scott, Leslie, Marissa and Sophie Rogoff, The Rokni family, Larry and Ellen Lipshutz In memory of Hal A. Lipshutz. We mourn the loss. May his memory be blessing to his family Fern Roseman, The Roseman Family, Elliot and Renee Roth, and friends. Herb and Sherry Siegal Tracy and Jeff Safron, Michelle and Mark Schneider, Stacey For the yahrzeit of my beloved brother, Joaquin and Neal Schneider, Michael and Carol Schnitzler, Edna Schrank, Sharon and Joel Schwartz and Family, Barbara Scott, A. Farnos. May his memory be for a blessing to all who knew and loved him. Loly Farnos and Herb Lesnoy Judy and Jerry Shapiro, Keith and Marci Shapiro, Nancy and Richard Sher, Daniel and Eva Sideman, Jody and Howard Sigal Rabbi Ferratier's Good and Welfare Fund and Family, Marlene Silverman, Marlene Slavitt, Elyse and Helen and Jeff Smoler In memory of your mother Larry Stern, Ari and Staci Studnitzer, Mark and Sharon Reva Gomberg Telpner, Dayle and Dennis Teven, Ron and Andy Widen, In memory of my beloved mother-in-law, Flo Harry and Lily Zoberman Brookstein, on the occasion of her yahrzeit Fran Ellen and Neil Melman and Family In memory of your beloved mother, Zelda Jonas Judy and Michael Balter, Brookstein Edna Schrank Bernard Grad Memorial Chesed Fund Fran and Fred Hakimian In honor of your 60th Anniversary Judy and Michael Balter, Harvey and Sheila Dr. Roberta and Brian Miller In honor of Hannah and Medvin Donny's engagement Larry and Fern Roseman Mitchell and Fern King For the birth of Hayden In appreciation of Mishebeirach prayers by CBS Edward. Mazel Tov to your family with our sincere Clergy Rita Janowitz wishes for abundant good health and happiness! David and Naomi Weiss In memory of your brother, Michael Andy Reich Batler Marshall and Barbara Dickler Ellen Lipshutz In memory of your husband, Hal Selwyn and Janice Marcus In memory of your aunt Lipshutz Marcy and Mark Saltzman, Alene and Cary Minnie Marcus, brother, Philip Marcus, and sister-in-law, Wintroub Marion Marcus. We’re so sorry for your loss. Larry and Marla Zelikow In memory of your brother-in-law, Hal Fern Roseman Lipshutz Alene and Cary Wintroub Richard and Ilene Fischman In memory of Carl Naomi Weiss In memory of your brother, Michael Fischman, may his memory be for a blessing Karen and Batler Arlene and Ray Handler, Sarah and Erick Weingart Steven Grad Edna Schrank In memory of Michael Schrank Bruce and Dr. Joel and Judy Greenman In memory of Rabbi Paul Nancy Chudacoff, Mel and Sue Helfand Sol Greenman, may his memory be for a blessing Karen Francie Dundore In memory of Michael Schrank. and Steven Grad Sending love to the entire Schrank and Dundore Families Michael Friedman and Family In memory of Diane during this difficult time. Scott Topal Friedman, beloved wife, mother, grandmother and friend Selwyn and Janice Marcus In memory of your brother Steve and Judy Masur and sister-in-law, Philip and Marion Marcus Arlene and Ray For the yahrzeit of Morris Hauser Marlene and Allan Handler, Herb Lesnoy and Loly Farnos Goldberg Scott Field In memory of your sister, Sharon. We were so sorry to hear of her passing. We’re sending you our Carl and Judy Wolkin Innovations in Education deepest condolences. May her memory be for a blessing. Fund Evelyn and Steve Lurie Linda Petchenik In honor of your 80th Birthday Roz For the yahrzeits of my beloved cousin, Selig Kahn Lesnoy (z"l), my dear aunt, Ida Simon (z"l), my Noami Weiss For a speedy recovery Get well soon! beloved father, Max Lesnoy (z"l), my beloved Steven Topel brother, Selig Lesnoy (z"l), and my paternal Naomi Weiss In memory of your beloved brother, grandfather, Louis Lesnoy (z"l). May their memo- Michael. Carol and Ed Kaplan, Sharon and Mark Telpner ries be for a blessing. Herb Lesnoy and Loly Farnos The Gilbert Family In memory of your mother and grandmother, Dina Edie Korman The Benjoya Family In memory of your husband, father and grandfather Edie Korman THE CONGREGATION GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTIONS:


Lynn Stollberg In memory of your mother, Sarah Stollberg Edie Korman Donna Batler In memory of Michael Batler Marty Weiss Edna Schrank In memory of Michael Schrank. Edna, I hope that every time you share a story of Mike, your husband, partner and friend, it will help ease your grief a little. And, I hope that when others hear his name, they’ll remember what he meant to you, your family and the community Kitty Hoffman CBS Youth Endowment Rabbi Aaron Melman and Family In memory of your beloved Buby, Zelda Jonas Maxine Levy Edna Schrank and Family In memory of your beloved husband, Michael. We mourn the loss. May he rest in peace. Scott and Sarit Pogofsky Francine Shapiro Memorial Scholarship Fund Rabbi Aaron Melman and Family In memory of your beloved Buby, Zelda Jonas We want to express our most heartfelt sympathy on her death Darlene and Norman Padnos and Family Gold Family Sabbath Fund Selwyn and Janice Marcus In memory of your brother and sister-in-law, Philip and Marion Marcus Suzy and David Hakimian, Maureen Gold, Arlen and Cece and Lasinsky Edna Schrank and Family In memory of your husband, Michael Schrank Ron and Andy Widen Seth and Lani Schrank In memory of your beloved father. Our most sincere condolences on your loss. Cheryl and Kevin Braude Penny Field and Family In memory of Merrill Schiffman, beloved father, grandfather and great grandfather Susie and Shelly Karlinsky Harold and Shirley Hoffman Adult Education Learning Fund Leann Blue In memory of your beloved aunt, Madalyne Eplan Sue Lampert Dr. Len and Jean Kosova For the birth of your new granddaughter, Hannah Grace Susan and Peter Brown Harvey R. Gold Building Endowment Fund Dr. Len and Jean Kosova For the birth of Hannah Grace Lee and Laura Shulman Rabbi Aaron Melman and Family In memory of your beloved Buby, Zelda Jonas Carol Abrahams, Tracey and David Becker and Family, Eileen and Barry Brusso, Lee and Laura Shulman Selwyn Marcus In memory of your brother and sister-in-law, Philip and Marion Marcus. We were very sad to hear of the unexpected passing of your brother and sister-in-law. Sincere condolences to you and your family. Erick Weingart Zahava Ben Ezra and Family In memory of your husband, father and grandfather, Miguel. He was truly one of a kind. Please accept our deepest condolences on your loss. The community has also sustained a huge loss. We know that his memories will be a blessing to all. With love, Eileen and Barry Brusso Edna Schrank In memory of Mike Eileen and Barry Brusso, Lee and Laura Shulman Helene Hoffman Memorial Concert Fund Fern and Mitchell King In honor of your new grandson, Hayden Ilene and Richard Fischman Selwyn Marcus In memory of your brother and sister-in-law, Philip and Marion Marcus Arnie and Janet Hoffman Naomi Weiss In memory of your brother, Michael Janet and Arnie Hoffman


DONATIONS High Holiday Prayer Book and Chumash Fund For the Purchase of a High Holiday Prayer Book Lynn Stollberg In memory of your mother, Sarah Stollberg Cindy and Bob Marder Edna Schrank and Family In memory of your husband, father, and grandfather, Michael Schrank Cindy and Bob Marder HUGS Fund Edna Schrank In memory of Mike Harry and Lily Zoberman Seth and Lani Schrank In memory of Mike Harry and Lily Zoberman Marla and Ron Zelikow In memory of your brother-in-law, Hal Lipshutz Paula and Michael Fohrman

Rabbi Aaron Melman and Family In memory of your beloved Buby, Zelda Jonas Ephraim and Gloria Knopoff The Gitles Family In honor of Geoffrey Gitles receiving the Youth of the Year Award Leslie and Scott Rogoff Men's Club Youth Scholarship Fund Scott Rogoff In honor of you receiving the Man of the Year Award Arlen Lasinsky Dr. Andrew and Brandon Wagner In honor of Brandon Wagner receiving the Youth of the Year Award Leslie and Scott Rogoff

Paul Wald Yahrzeit Fund For the yahrzeits of Joe Ashman, Hy Kessler Betty Ashman For the yahrzeit of Dr. Stuart Bentkover Burton Bentkover Janna Sugar Memorial Israel Scholarship Fund For the yahrzeits of William David Resnick, Anita Bev and David Sugar In honor of your anniversary Beth Resnick, Irving Dubofsky Carlton and Paula Resnick and Bob Footlik For the yahrzeit of Howard Appleman David and The Sugar Family In honor of you, Janna Sugar. Such Melissa Barany beautiful memories for my beautiful niece! Janna, you For the yahrzeit of Betty Loeb Diane Lebovitz were gone way to soon! I think about you and what your For the yahrzeit of Francine Elrod Helene Becker future picture would have looked like? I know the painting For the yahrzeits of my mother, Keni Root, my would have been vibrant colors and lots of energy! You father, Beryl Root Herbert and Joyce Root were one Auntie Barb For the yahrzeit of Theodore Leviton Joyce Hammer Bev and David Sugar and Family In memory of Janna on For the yahrzeits of Sol and Anne Blum, Reuben her Birthday Debbie Brinkworth and Joe Muncer, Jill and and Florence Brookstone Milton and Joan Blum Brian Groark, Marty and Helene Hutensky Marcie Weiss, For the yahrzeit of my father, Allen R. Brown Peter Sheryl Weissman and Susan Brown The Weil Family In honor of Eva's Bat Mitzvah. I have For the yahrzeits of my father-in-law, David many fond memories of Eva in my classroom. Eva has Goldberg, my sister-in-law, Dorothy Melamed Rose much to be proud of her accomplishment. Mazel Tov! Goldberg Ms. Bev Sugar For the yahrzeit of Herbert Kreiter Sharon Kreiter The McTague Family In memory of Lillian L. Brandon For the yahrzeit of Esther Simon Stuart and Phyllis David and Bev Sugar and Family Simon Jill Roter In honor of Merrick's wonderful For the yahrzeit of my mother, Lillian Brown Cindy accomplishments. Mazel Tov - I know you are both Marder beaming. Sheryl Weissman For the yahrzeits of Nathan Barr, June Freeman Beth and Neil Hirshman In honor of the engagement Diana and David Freeman of Jason Hirshman. We are so happy for you. May you For the yahrzeit of Bernard J. Steinberg Mitzie and enjoy this special time. Arlene and Ray Handler Stewart Herman Marlene and Marshall Hirshman In honor of the In memory of my mother, Miriam Goodman engagement of Jason Hirshman. We are so happy for you. Charles and Karen Schulman May you enjoy this special time. Arlene and Ray Handler In memory of Dennis Kessler Doris Kessler Janis Strom In memory of your father, Charles Karp In memory of Adolph Pawlen Gail Pestine Becky and Ellis Sostrin In memory of Bella Katz Jerome and Gloria Sperber The Schrank Family In memory of your beloved In memory of our beloved father, William husband, father and grandfather. We mourn the loss. Handler Arlene and Ray Handler Cynthia and Bruce Shankman Rabbi Aaron Melman and Family In memory of your Jan Kawer and Family In memory of Aaron Kawer, beloved Buby, Zelda Jonas Karen and Chuck Schulman husband, father and grandfather Sheila Ander and Family Rosengard Museum Fund Rabbi Aaron Melman and Family In memory of your Sheryl Zale In memory of your sister, Grace Sheldon and beloved Buby, Zelda Jonas Our thoughts are with you and Beth Gaffen your family. Sari and Geoff Weil and Family Carrie Rosenstein In memory of Herb Rosenstein Laven Family Shabbat Celebration Fund Sheldon and Beth Gaffen In appreciation of the live streaming of Minyan Gail Rubenstein Memorial Library Fund Winograd Jerry Cohen In honor of your special Birthday Jane and For the yahrzeit of Peggy Sonenfeld Scott Bosley Lenny Siedband Lawrence B. Rosner Building Fund Linda Petchenik In honor of your special Birthday Fern Adam Berkey and Family In memory of your beloved Netzky mother The Slotky Family Shari Karp and Family In memory of your beloved husband, Chuck Karp Fern Netzky Lester Kurnick Youth Fund Ellen Baer In memory of Tom Simons Sam and Becca Edna Schrank In memory of Mike Schrank Herb and Tatel Susan Sier Rabbi Aaron Melman and Family In memory of your The Karp and Strom Families In memory of Charles beloved Buby, Zelda Jonas Debbie and Gary Sylvan, Sam Karp, loving father, grandfather, and great grandfather. Our thought and prayers are with you. We wish could be and Becca Tatel with you. We were like one big family always sharing many occasions together. Bonnie and Rick Meltzer Steven Elisco In appreciation of you, for organizing meal delivery for Rich and Jeff Kurnick. We appreciate your kindness. Thank you to Scott Bosley, Frannie Goldwin, Jim Hamilton, Neil and Robyn Rosengard, Dan Sher, Kevin Braude, Randy and Hope Samborn ,Leatte Gelfeld, Mike Gilford, Steven Elisco, and Scott Rogoff Kathy Krohn


Sisterhood Eyshet Chayil Fund Diana Lewis In honor of being named the Sisterhood Valued Volunteer. Thank you for bringing happiness to Sisterhood. Linda Gold Darlene Padnos In honor of being named the Sisterhood Valued Volunteer. Thank you for bringing happiness to Sisterhood. Linda Gold

Janet and Burt Krain In honor of your grandson, Charles "Charlie" Remy Michael and Carol Schnitzler Dr. Ira and Laurie B. Davis In honor of your granddaughter, Amora Rose Michael and Carol Schnitzler Dr. Len and Jean Kosova In honor of your granddaughter, Hannah Grace Michael and Carol Schnitzler Cynthia and Bruce Shankman In honor of your grandson, Owen Riley Michael and Carol Schnitzler Dr. Roberta and Brian Miller In honor of your granddaughter, Leora Esther Michael and Carol Schnitzler Katy and Steve Friedman In honor of your grandson, Logan David Michael and Carol Schnitzler Dr. Joel and Judy Greenman In memory of your brother, Rabbi Paul Sol Greenman Michael and Carol Schnitzler Selwyn and Janice In memory of your brother and sister-in-law, Philip and Marion Marcus Michael and Carol Schnitzler, Alan and Ellen Toban Barbara Long In memory of your mother, Ethel Long Michael and Carol Schnitzler Helen and Jeff Smoler In memory of your mother, Frieda Dym Cindy and Bob Marder, Michael and Carol Schnitzler Dr. Elliot and Renee Roth In memory of your mother, Maxine Roth Michael and Carol Schnitzler Richard and Ilene Fischman In memory of your father, Carl Fischman Michael and Carol Schnitzler Edna Schrank In memory of your husband, Michael Schrank Cheryl and Kevin Braude, Cynthia and Lowell Derdiger, Sue Gilford, Peter and Robin Karney, Marla and Jonathan Kazan, Rabbi Stanley and Fran Kazan, Marsha and Richard Newman, Cary and Pam Schack, Michelle and Mark Schneider, Stuart and Phyllis Simon Sophie Binstein Tzedakah Fund Fred Saruk For a speedy recovery Seymour and Beverly Binstein Rabbi Aaron Melman and Family In memory of your beloved Buby, Zelda Jonas Diana and Maury Lewis Steven Teitelbaum Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund Bobbi Teitelbaum In honor of your 90th Birthday Saly Chendea Bobbi Teitelbaum In memory of your sister, Elaine Lieberman Saly Chendea, Jody H. Hersch Kahn and Family, Maureen and Stuart Senescu Billie Baer In honor of your Bat Mitzvah. Mazel Tov! Lois and Harvey Teitelbaum Mr. and Mrs. Steve Blanner In memory of your beloved Nan Lois and Harvey Teitelbaum Ellen Lipshutz In memory of your beloved husband, Hal A. Lipshutz Marcy Teitelbaum Marla Zelikow In memory of your beloved brother-in-law, Hal Lipshutz The Teitelbaum Family The Levine Family In memory of your husband, Erwin Thelma Blonder Ina and Mike Schneiderman For the birth of Jayden James. Mazel Tov on your grandson! Barbara and David Menn Fern and Mitchell King For the birth of Hayden Edward. Mazel Tov! David and Barbara Menn The Field Family In memory of Sharon Schwartz Barbara and David Menn In memory of Oliver Steiner Charles and Marilyn Arbetter For the yahrzeit of Joseph Arbetter Charles and Marilyn Arbetter For the yahrzeits of Harry Heftman, Victor Lazar, Dinah Lazar Ronald and Ronna Heftman Zaransky Family Ticktin Jewish Community Memorial Fund For the yahrzeit of Lillian Mangurten Jack Mangurten For the yahrzeits of Harold Horwitz, Baruch Berman, Janice Horwitz Lorraine Horwitz


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Candle Lighting and Service Times (ALL SERVICES AND TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO COVID-19 AND ARE CURRENTLY BEING LIVE STREAMED) Friday Evening – March 5 (Candles 5:28 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM

Friday – March 26 (Candles 6:52 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM

Saturday – March 6 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Bridges to Shabbat

Saturday – March 27 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat

9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:45 AM

Friday Evening – March 12 (Candles 5:36 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – March 13 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Bridges to Shabbat Shabbat Yoga

9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:45 AM 11:00 AM

Friday Evening – March 19 (Candles 6:44 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – March 20 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat

9:30 AM 10:00 AM

9:30 AM 10:00 AM

Daily Minyan Monday - Friday Mornings* 7:45 AM Sunday - Thursday Evenings 7:45 PM Sunday Mornings 8:45 AM

*Please note: There will be NO regular Morning Minyan on Sunday and Monday, March 28-29, due to Passover. Please refer to our Passover Service Schedule, found on Page 5 for Festival Service Times.


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.