5. Monitoring Techniques Weather data will be logged on a half-hourly basis. It is important to check logging capacity to ensure full duration can be recorded. Data will then be converted to an EnergyPlus weather file (epw) to be assessed in a simulation. Table 2 depicts the summary of monitoring strategies. The total duration of the monitoring is 1 year to account for all seasonal changes. The preliminary inspection will take up to 2 days to identify all data points. These data points will be monitored for 10 days in each season to provide a conclusive data in normal and extreme weather conditions. Table 2. Summary of monitoring strategies.
Instrument/ Standard
Time period
Preliminary inspection and first IRT
Assessment of the wall surface temperature and identification of damp and dry areas – Selection of data points
IR Camera (EN 13187)
Short term | 1-2 days
Weather data inspection
Inspection of microclimate around external wall data points. Measure wind speed, directions, globe temperature, external air temperature and RH.
Portable Weather station (BPE guide 2021)
Seasonal | 4 times | 10 days
Iterative IRT and wall surface gridding
Inspection of average surface temperature for calculation of surface temperature factor
Hygrothermal measurement of the air
Monitoring of relative humidity, dry air temperature, mixing ratio and dew point temperature
Hygrothermal measurement of the envelope
Monitoring of surface temperature and RH
IR Camera, Seasonal | 4 times tape and cord | 10 days (EN 13187)
HOBO Loggers (EN 16242)
Seasonal | 4 times | 10 days
IR Camera (EN 13187) Seasonal | 4 times Moisture meter | 10 days (BPE guide 2021)