5 minute read


Johannes Kabatek, Albert Wall (Eds.)

Manual of Brazilian Portuguese Linguistics

Series: Manuals of Romance Linguistics 21 October 2022 English, Approx. 600 pp.

HC *RRP € 205.95 [D] / US$ 236.99 / £ 187.50

Standing Order price for subscribers to the complete work

*€ 185.95 [D] / US$ 213.99 / £ 168.50 ISBN 978-3-11-040586-6

eBook *RRP € 205.95 [D] / US$ 236.99 / £ 187.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-040595-8 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-040606-1

This handbook offers the first comprehensive account of the current state of Brazilian Portuguese linguistics, combining different theoretical and methodological viewpoints. Intensive research on a wide range of synchronic and diachronic issues, carried out over the last decades, has allowed to give completely new insights into the formerly understudied reality of this language.

Brazilian Portuguese; Language History/Brazil; Language Description

Johannes Kabatek, Zurich University, Switzerland; Albert Wall, Vienna University, Austria. Ronice Müller de Quadros (Ed.)

Brazilian Sign Language Studies

Series: Sign Languages and Deaf Communities [SLDC] 11 August 2020 English, XVI, 367 pp., 125 fig.

HC *RRP € 104.95 [D] / US$ 120.99 / £ 96.00 ISBN 978-1-5015-1640-5

eBook *RRP € 104.95 [D] / US$ 120.99 / £ 96.00 PDF ISBN 978-1-5015-0787-8 ePUB ISBN 978-1-5015-0781-6

An increasing number of deaf researchers are becoming sign language linguists, document the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) and build robust resources for linguistic research. The book brings together a fine collection of studies on Libras covering a variety of areas from phonology to creative literature.

Sign Language; Brazil

Ronice Müller de Quadros, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil.


Open Access

Martin Hummel, Célia dos Santos Lopes (Eds.)

Address in Portuguese and Spanish

Studies in Diachrony and Diachronic Reconstruction

Funded by FWF

December 2020 English, VI, 488 pp., 25 fig.

HC *RRP € 99.95 [D] / US$ 114.99 / £ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-069026-2


PDF ISBN 978-3-11-070123-4 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-070185-2

The volume provides the first systematic comparative approach to the history of forms of address in Portuguese and Spanish— two intimately related languages sharing historical, political and geographic contexts. Including theoretical reflections as well as fine-grained empirical studies, the volume relies on an innovative methodology, as it links traditional downstream diachrony with upstream diachronic reconstruction based on synchronic variation.

Forms of address; Spanish; Portuguese; pragmatics

Martin Hummel, University of Graz, Austria; Célia Regina dos Santos Lopes, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil.

Guido Mensching, Frank Savelsberg (Eds.)

Manual of Judaeo-Romance Linguistics and Philology

Series: Manuals of Romance Linguistics April 2023 English, Approx. 600 pp., 25 fig.

HC *RRP € 205.95 [D] / US$ 236.99 / £ 187.50

Standing Order price for subscribers to the complete work

*€ 185.95 [D] / US$ 213.99 / £ 168.50 ISBN 978-3-11-030211-0

eBook *RRP € 205.95 [D] / US$ 236.99 / £ 187.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-030227-1 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-039415-3

This manual focuses on the Romance languages as they appear in texts written by Jews, mostly using the Hebrew alphabet. It provides a comprehensive overview of the Jews and the Romance languages in the Middle Ages (part I) as well as after the expulsions (part II). 20th- and 21st-century Judaeo-Spanish varieties are discussed and described in a section apart (III), given that Judaeo-Spanish can be considered as a language of its own.

Judaeo-Romance Varieties; Linguistics

Guido Mensching and Frank Savelsberg, University of Göttingen, Germany. Paul Videsott, Ruth Videsott, Jan Casalicchio (Hrsg./Eds.)

Manuale di linguistica ladina

[Manual of Ladin Linguistics]

Reihe/Series: Manuals of Romance Linguistics 26 März/March 2020 Italienisch/Italian, X, 588 S./pp., 16 Abb./fig.

Geb./HC *UVP/RRP € 210.00 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 241.99 / UVP/RRP £ 191.50

Serienpreis für Bezieher der Gesamtedition/ Standing Order price for subscribers to the complete work

*€ 188.95 [D] / US$ 217.99 / £ 172.00 ISBN 978-3-11-051962-4

eBook *UVP/RRP € 210.00 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 241.99 / UVP/RRP £ 191.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-052215-0 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-051986-0

Questo manuale – il primo dedicato specificamente al ladino brissino-tirolese – vuole fornire sia un quadro d’insieme attualizzato riguardo ai vari aspetti tradizionali della ricerca sul ladino, sia dare conto di ambiti di ricerca nuovi nella ladinistica, tra l’altro la linguistica dei corpus, la neurolinguistica, la didattica del ladino in un contesto plurilingue oppure il ladino nei mass-media e nei social network.

Minderheitensprache; Dolomitenladinisch; Rätoromanische Sprache; Ladinische Varietät (Brixen, Tirol)

This handbook provides an overview of research in Ladin linguistics, taking into account both traditional research questions (language history; classification) and new areas of research (neurolinguistics; the teaching of Ladin in a multilingual context; mass media and social networks).

Ladin linguistics; Rhaeto-Romance languages; Dolomitic Ladin; Ladin varieties of Brixen-Tyrol; minority languages

Paul Videsott e Ruth Videsott, Libera Università di Bolzano, Italia; Jan Casalicchio, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italia. Isabel Müller, Frank Savelsberg (Hrsg./Eds.)

Sabers per als laics

Vernacularització, formació, transmissió (Corona d’Aragó, 1250–1600)

[Knowledge for Laymen: Translation into the Vernacular, Formation, Transfer (Crown of Aragon, 1250–1600)]

Reihe/Series: Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 463 November/November 2021 , VII, 361 S./pp., 7 Abb./fig.

Geb./HC *UVP/RRP € 119.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 137.99 / UVP/RRP £ 109.00 ISBN 978-3-11-043899-4

eBook *UVP/RRP € 119.95 [D] / UVP/RRP US$ 137.99 / UVP/RRP £ 109.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-043062-2 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-043073-8

El volum reuneix contribucions de diverses disciplines que es dediquen a la història epistemològica medieval i renaixentista. Aborda un ampli ventall d’aspectes, des de la materialitat dels textos fins als recursos lingüístics emprats, des de la persistència de paradigmes nascuts a l’antiguitat fins a la seva reestructuració i adaptació, mitjançant les quals sorgeixen nous models per a la percepció del món i per a la seva discussió.

Laienbildung; Buchkultur; Wissenschaftsgeschichte; Katalanisch

This volume brings together contributions by specialists from a variety of disciplines discussing the epistemological history of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance and the transmission of knowledge in the Crown of Aragon. They consider, among other things, the materiality of texts, the linguistic models employed, the persistence of ancient models of perceiving the world, up to the establishment of new ways of thinking and knowledge transfer.

Catalan; Education for Laymen; History of Science(s); Book Culture

Isabel Müller, Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Frank Savelsberg, Georg-AugustUniversität, Göttingen, Alemanya.


De Gruyter’s Romance Studies program embraces the Open Access movement in all its complexity. Our OA portfolio has been growing constantly over the past years and includes titles in different Romance languages as well as in English and German. We are particularly proud to present our OA series, established or new: Latin American Literatures in the World / Literaturas Latinoamericanas en el Mundo, Toscana Bilingue. Storia sociale della traduzione medievale / Bilingualism in Medieval Tuscany, Alpe Adria e dintorni, itinerari mediterranei. Letteratura e cinema di confine and Aula.

Book Series

f pages 4, 5


Potsdamer Vorlesungen zur Reiseliteratur Edited by Ottmar Ette f pages 11, 12


Bilingualism in Medieval Tuscany Edited by Antonio Montefusco f pages 19–22


Literaturas Latinoamericanas en el Mundo Edited by Gesine Müller f page 64


Letteratura e cinema di confine Edited by Angela Fabris and Ilvano Caliaro

Selected Titles

Martin Hummel, Anna Gazdik


2021. x, 1695 pages, 4 fig. HC RRP € 199.95 [D] /  US$ 229.99 / £ 182.00 ISBN 978-3-11-062958-3 eBook Open Access PDF ISBN 978-3-11-062967-5 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-062988-0 Johannes Kabatek


Beyond Structuralism 09/2022. 350 pages, 20 fig. HC RRP € 99.95 [D] /  US$ 114.99 / £ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-071615-3 eBook Open Access PDF ISBN 978-3-11-071657-3 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-071665-8 Dieter Ingenschay


Von Cervantes bis zur Gegenwart 06/2022. Approx. 500 pages Pb. RRP € 99.95 [D] /  US$ 114.99 / £ 91.00 ISBN 978-3-11-074716-4 eBook Open Access PDF ISBN 978-3-11-074717-1 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-074740-9 Teresa Hiergeist, Agnes Bidmon, Simone Broders, Katharina Gerund (Eds.)


Imaginationen – Inszenierungen – Interaktionen in den Gegenwartskulturen

2021. ix, 281 pages, 1 fig. HC RRP € 92.95 [D] /  US$ 107.99 / £ 84.50 ISBN 978-3-11-070746-5 eBook Open Access PDF ISBN 978-3-11-070748-9 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-070759-5

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