B.C. wineries head to the Supreme Court of Canada Wineries stay strong after west coast wildfires in B.C. and Napa Valley
Nova Scotia’s emerging wine region
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Editor’s message, Shayna Wiwierski Small but mighty: B.C. wineries fight for Canadian Wine For All The people and the place: Nova Scotia’s Lightfoot & Wolfville Vineyards Fire in wine country: Is there anything B.C. can learn from the Northern California wildfires? Quantifying the impact of forest fire smoke on grapes and wine Ice wine: NDSU plant scientist searches for the perfect cold weather grape Defying gravity: Niagara’s Stratus Vineyards is more than just a sustainable winery
A.m.a Plastics......................................................................................................13 Antonio Carraro Canada............................................................................... 10 Aqua Treatment Technologies Inc........................................................... 10 Ben Berg Farm & Industrial Equipment.................................................. 9 Brock University..................................................................................................13 Central Fabricating........................................................................................... 19 Criveller Group...................................................................................................... 3 Enartis.....................................................................................................................23 Felco – Pygar USA......................................................................................... IFC Fermentis..........................................................................................................OBC Gintec Shade Technologies, Inc............................................................... 36 Great Little Box Company Ltd..................................................................... 5 Grm...........................................................................................................................41 Gusmer Enterprises, Inc.................................................................................17 IDL Process Solutions Inc.............................................................................22
30 32 34 38 40 42 55
Brock University to create world’s first mediated reality consumer lab Three ways to grow your DTC business in 2018 British Columbia Wine Institute and Okanagan College sign cooperation agreement This calls for wine: Leveraging social media to grow your winery’s brand What if the use of active dry yeast became easier? Canadian wineries and vineyards listings Vineyard and winery suppliers listings
Kimbo Design Inc............................................................................................ 39 La Garde................................................................................................................... 7 Okanagan College........................................................................................... 35 Okanagan Survey & Design Ltd.................................................................41 Okanagan Viticulture Services Inc............................................................31 Orchard Valley Supply....................................................................................37 Princeton Wood Preservers Ltd...............................................................40 Raynox 2000 Inc................................................................................................13 Supra Research and Development..........................................................22 Syfilco Ltd............................................................................................................ 58 Town Hall Brands...............................................................................................37 TricorBraun WinePak................................................................................... IBC Unitech Scientific..............................................................................................23 VineTech Canada...............................................................................................37 Wine Aspect B.C. Bulk Wine Brokers Ltd............................................23
editor’s message
Who would have thought that a cross-provincial
In this issue of Crush magazine,
beer run in 2012 would spur a national debate that
the Canadian vineyard
recently made its way to the Supreme Court of
and winery management
publication, we take a look at that court case and what it
The date was October 2, 2012, when New Brunswick
will mean for wineries coast to
resident Gerard Comeau drove two hours to Quebec to stock up on, among other things, beer, two bottles of whiskey, and a bottle of Stingner Premixxx
coast. We also delve deep into two wineries that are making wine through biodynamic and
liqueur, since it’s less expensive one province over.
unique practices. And let’s
Unknown to him at the time, the RCMP had him
not forget the biggest news
under surveillance as part of a two-day police
story from our friends south of the border, we look at the
sting operation for cross-border beer shoppers and
damage that the wildfire in Napa Valley did for their local
caught him as he crossed the bridge back into New
wine region, and a little closer to home, we explore the
Brunswick. As a result, he was fined $292.50 for
prolonged smoke exposure and the potential impact to
violating the amount of alcohol that a resident could buy in another province.
2017 vintages after the B.C. wildfires last year. For those on-the-go, I invite you to visit our website,
That ticket was fought all the way to the Supreme, to stay up-to-date on national wine
Court of Canada, where Comeau argued that under
news. We also offer a digital version via our official
Section 121 of the Constitution, Canadian goods shall
Crush magazine app on the Apple or Google Play stores,
“be admitted free into each of the other provinces”.
which allows you to take the magazine with you on your
Since this case will affect how winemakers and
smartphone or tablet.
distillery groups sell their products across Canada, five B.C. winemakers intervening on behalf of a coalition of more than 100 B.C. wineries, had their day in court on December 7, 2017.
is published by
DEL Communications Inc. Suite 300, 6 Roslyn Road Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3L 0G5 president & ceo David Langstaff publisher Jason Stefanik
Cheers! Shayna Wiwierski @DELCommInc
advertising sales manager Dayna Oulion Toll Free: 1.866.424.6398 account representatives Brent Astrope Gary Barrington Nick Miller Mic Paterson Dan Roberts Gary Seamans contributing writers Kim Pickett Tammy Schuster production services S.G. Bennett Marketing Services
managing editor Shayna Wiwierski
art director Kathy Cable
design/LAYOUT Dana Jensen ADVERTISING ART Dave Bamburak © 2018 DEL Communications Inc. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Publications mail agreement #40934510 Return undeliverable address to: DEL Communications Inc. Suite 300, 6 Roslyn Road Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3L 0G5 While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in and the reliability of the source, the publisher in no way guarantees nor warrants the informationand is not responsible for errors, omissions or statementsmade by advertisers. Opinions and recommendationsmade by contributors or advertisers are not necessarily those of the publisher, its directors, officers or employees. PRINTED IN CANADA 1/2018
Five small B.C. wineries had their day in court December 7, 2017 addressed the legal barriers to inter-provincial shipping of Canadian wine, and how it has negatively impacted consumer choice, as well as threatening the local wine industry itself. The wineries included Okanagan Crush Pad, Liquidity Wines, Noble Ridge Vineyard and Winery, 50th Parallel Estate, and Painted Rock Estate Winery. Photo by Lionel Trudel.
Small but mighty: B.C. wineries fight for Canadian Wine For All Supreme Court of Canada hears from interveners during rare two-day hearing 8
Five small B.C. wineries, intervening
The outcome of the case, expected
on behalf of a coalition of more than
to be decided on in 2018, will
100 B.C. wineries, had their day in
determine the extent to which
court on Thursday, December 7,
Canada is a national common
during a rare two-day hearing at the
market for Canadian-made liquor.
Supreme Court of Canada.
The case will have resounding
The wineries were represented by Coulson Litigation. The R. v.
impacts across Canada, however it is decided.
Comeau hearing addressed the legal
The five intervening small B.C.
barriers to inter-provincial shipping
wineries are Okanagan Crush
of Canadian wine, and how it has
Pad, Liquidity Wines, Noble
negatively impacted consumer choice,
Ridge Vineyard and Winery, 50th
as well as threatening the local wine industry itself. “The court was engaged in a deep debate about whether to expand the constitutional guarantee for a national common market in Canada, and if so, to what extent,” reflects Coulson. “The court was particularly concerned with judges entering too far into the policy jurisdiction of the democratically-elected provincial governments. At the same time, they recognized that the current situation regarding national distribution of liquor is not ideal.” The case is a constitutional challenge, stemming from when Gerard Comeau was stopped and fined in 2012, after carrying purchased beverage alcohol from Quebec across the New Brunswick border. The challenge is to convince the court to uphold the “letter and spirit” of the 1867 Constitution, to provide some level of constitutional guarantee of free trade. The majority of non-government interveners, as well as most Canadians (89 per cent, according to a recent Ipsos poll), side with Comeau. If the constitutional interpretation ends up reducing interprovincial trade barriers, it will become easier for individuals, as well as industry to access a national market, potentially contributing an additional $50 to $130 billion to the gross domestic product.
The AQUA Wetland System’ “A constructed wetland for treatment of high strength winery waste water” Some notable The AQUA Wetland System or AWS was approved in 2012 by the Region winery projects include: of Niagara where the flow rates are less than 10,000 L/day. Approval is for pre treatment of high strength winery wash water prior to discharge • Treatment of sanitary into a Class 4 septic system. In Ontario properties on which the daily sewage at sewage flows exceeds 10,000 L/day must receive approval through Redstone the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change. The AWS has also Winery, received approvals through this ministry for use at wineries. This proprietary sub-surface, vertical flow constructed wetland consists of sand & gravel beds planted with moisture tolerant plant species. Water is pumped vertically from cell to cell. There is no open or standing water and the system is designed to operate winter and summer. Treatment of wastewater occurs through physical filtration & biological degradation. Plants shade & insulate the cells, preventing algae growth. We provide turn key systems, including design, permitting & installation or will partner with your chosen consulting/engineering company. Contact: Lloyd Rozema at 905-327-4571 or Aqua Treatment Technologies Inc. 4250 Fly Road, Campden, Ontario L0R 1G0
• Treatment of winery washwater at Greenlane Estates Winery, Beamsville • Ttreatment of winery washwater at Southbrook Winery, Niagar-OnThe-Lake
Parallel Estate, and Painted Rock Estate Winery. Christine Coletta, owner of Okanagan Crush Pad, who traveled to Ottawa to attend the discussions, says “My hope is that we will be able to direct ship to loyal wine lovers across Canada. This will give small wineries like ours incentive to develop broadreaching tourism initiatives that draw people to wine country. Once visitors return home and request our wines, it is essential that we can continue the relationship from afar.” Ian Macdonald, owner of Liquidity Winery, agrees. “I hope the Comeau Case will give the nearly 800 small wineries in this country the chance to share their farm-based products freely with all Canadians. Direct-toconsumer wine shipments are the norm in all other wine-producing countries, and have proven essential for small winery economic viability.” Other interveners included the attorneys general from almost
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Canadian Vintners Association, the Association of Canadian Distillers, Canada’s National Brewers, Cannabis Culture, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, and Canadian Federation of Independent Business, among others. Leslie D’Andrea, owner of B.C. winery Noble Ridge, adds “My vision for Canada is that every Canadian, regardless of home residence, can easily and readily enjoy the opportunity of tasting, purchasing,
Antonio Carraro Canada
and receiving any and all Canadian wines, as supported by our Canadian Constitution, Section 121.” o
Frequently Asked Questions What does it mean to “intervene”? The Supreme Court of Canada hears cases of national importance. Often there are interests in the country that are impacted by the court’s decision, but who are not parties in the case itself. Such interests may apply to the court for status as ‘intervener’. This requires the applicant to show both that it has a direct interest in the appeal and that it has a unique perspective to add to the case that is not addressed by the parties.
regulates shipping through the Importation of Intoxicating Liquor Act. In 2012, the federal parliament amended this statute to permit interprovincial shipping of Canadian liquor for personal use. However, the amendment explicitly made that exception subject to provincial law. To date, all provinces other than British Columbia, Manitoba, and Nova Scotia prohibit the interprovincial shipping of Canadian liquor and wine into the province. The provinces do so through various mechanisms. Some have prohibitions explicitly in statutes, others have prohibitions
In seeking open access to interprovincial trade, are Canadian wineries asking for something that is not allowed in other countries?
in regulations and others have prohibitions only in policy
Other countries that are federalist constitutional
How much potential business is lost in this lack of interprovincial shipping of liquor?
democracies, such as the United States and Australia, have their own constitutional provisions that deal with interstate free trade. Those provisions have distinct wording from the Canadian provision. However, in both the United States and Australia, a type of interstate free trade is permitted and governed by a constitutional test established by the highest courts in those countries.
Why should Canadian readers, viewers and listeners care about this issue? R. v. Comeau is about much more than just liquor. It is a case that goes to the heart of the meaning of the Canadian federation. It addresses the question: to what extent is Canada a common market? The economic impact of the industries that will be impacted by this decision, including the winery sector, is in the multi-billions of dollars.
documents. The regulatory structure is inconsistent and unclear across the country.
Currently, there is no statistical or economic analysis of lost business. However, when comparing Canada to the U.S., it is clear that in the U.S., where direct-to-consumer interstate shipping is permitted in most states, the total revenue derived from direct-to-consumer shipping by small wineries is up to four times greater than it is in Canada. As the direct-to-consumer shipping channel is the most profitable, it is clear that prohibiting directto-consumer shipping within Canada comes with an extreme cost to the financial sustainability of small wineries.
Is it not possible for small B.C. wineries to sell everything they produced within the province? The British Columbia market is reaching market
Moreover, this decision is taking place in the context of
saturation for B.C.-produced wine. Small producers
ongoing international trade negotiations, particularly the
thus need access to the rest of the Canadian market to
renegotiation of NAFTA. The scope of internal free trade
continue to grow, like their counterparts in the United
within Canada is highly relevant to the negotiation of these
States. Many wineries are only barely profitable or
international trade treaties.
unprofitable in their start-up years. Small wineries need
Which provinces in Canada currently allow shipment of Canadian wine without trade barriers?
to ensure they attain a certain volume of sales in order to find sustainable profitability. Within the saturated B.C. market, it is very difficult to do so. A free market across
Currently only British Columbia, Manitoba, and Nova Scotia
Canada would undoubtedly give small wineries a chance
permit unfettered access to their provincial markets to out-
to grow to a size that is sustainable in the long term.
of-province growers and manufacturers of Canadian wine.
What’s the current governance around interprovincial shipping of liquor and wine?
If the Court decides to liberalize interprovincial trade, how will this affect the price of wine/liquor for consumers across Canada?
The current governance dealing with interprovincial
It is impossible to predict how the price of wine will be
shipping of wine is Byzantine. The federal government
impacted at this time.
The people and the place The winery is certified organic and biodynamic, using practices that have been in the family for many years, including no chemicals or synthetic fertilizers, timing the harvesting/planting according to the Lunar cycle, and more.
Nova Scotia’s Lightfoot & Wolfville Vineyards is one of few wineries in Canada that is certified biodynamic By Shayna Wiwierski
Lightfoot & Wolfville, a family-run winery in the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia, gets its name from the people and the place that run it (Lightfoot being the family name and Wolfville being the place).
When you live to the age of 108 years old, it’s kind of hard to dispute certain teachings. Lightfoot & Wolfville Vineyards, located in the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia, is certified organic, as well as biodynamic, being only one of a handful of Canadian wineries to earn that title. The family-run winery, which gets its name from the people and the place that run it (Lightfoot being the family name and Wolfville being the location), celebrates the relationship with the soil and the earth.
The winery produces all its own inputs on the premise and keeps livestock, such as a flock of Olde English Southdown (Babydoll) Sheep. They use the manure to build a compost, which is then used for fertilization.
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Brock University
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CCOVI at Brock University
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Quality Continuing Education Offerings online and in-class for wine, spirits and cider
The Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI) is dedicated to advancing the Canadian grape and wine industry through:
Learn more at
Targeting industry priorities in viticulture, oenology, wine business, policy and wine culture
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Continuing education Enhancing professional knowledge from Wine Appreciation to Wine and Spirit
“Vineyards in Nova Scotia are rarely more than 20 kilometres from a body of water, which is great for temperature regulation, air draining important for keeping the leaves dry and free from disease in the vineyard.�
DESIGN CREDIT Leticia Spence
WINERIES 1. 2. 3. 4.
Eileanan Breagha Vineyards Goose Landing Vineyard Jost Vineyards Willamsdale Winery Ltd.
12. 13.
Benjamin Bridge L’Acadie Vineyard
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
19. 20.
Avondale Sky Winery Sainte Famillie Wines Ltd. Luckett Vineyards Grand Pre Winery Lightfoot & Wolfville Vineyards Mercator Vineyard Gaspereau Vineyards
Planters Ridge Vineyard and Winery Blomindon Estate Winery Muwin Estate Wines Ltd. Lunenberg County Winery Petite Riviere Vineyards
Beaver Creek Winery Annapolis Highland Vineyards
Tidal Bay is a crisp aromatic white wine that must follow a set of standards, including that they must be made from including 100 per cent Nova Scotia-grown grapes.�
The winery grows classic vinifera, including Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Rieslings, and other German-styled white wines that were selected for the Nova Scotia climate.
“My family has been farming in the
pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, GMOs,
The winery follows the biodynamic
Annapolis Valley for eight generations,
antibiotics, or growth hormones. It’s
calendar which takes natural rhythms
and four generations on the current
a holistic vision of the farm as a self-
into account and then suggests days
farm where we are today,” says Rachel
sustaining, living ecosystem, which
which are good for certain practices.
Lightfoot of Lightfoot & Wolfville
takes into consideration all of the
For example, Lightfoot mentions that
Vineyards. “First and foremost, we
elements, like the plants, animals,
this can even be extended to wine
are farmers, but we started planting
people, soil, and the cosmic forces,
tasting as practitioners feel wine
the vineyard on the farm in 2009 and
and pays respect to how they all
tastes better on certain days, so they
made our first vintage of wine in 2012.”
interact and influence each other.
schedule their important tasting days
Whereas an organic vineyard would
on “fruit days”, as they find that’s the
use all-natural inputs, the goal of a
best day to taste the wine.
Rachel’s father, Mike Lightfoot, farms using techniques he learned from his grandmother, Evelyn Lightfoot. Evelyn farmed what would currently be considered as natural farming, meaning no chemicals or synthetic fertilizers, timing the harvesting/ planting according to the Lunar cycle, and more.
its own inputs on the premise, such as livestock feed (instead of bringing in an organic source, they strive to produce their own). They do keep livestock as well, such as a flock of Olde English Southdown (Babydoll) Sheep, Berkshire pigs, and Scottish
Lightfoot & Wolfville focuses on more artisanal, minimalintervention methods of winemaking, incorporating a lot of indigenous or wild fermentation. Instead of adding a package of yeast, they let the yeast that already exists on the fruit to ferment the wine.
“To her, it was just a common-sense
Highland cattle, and use their manure
way to care for your land and feed
to build a compost, which is what
“If your goal is to produce wines that
your family,” says Lightfoot, who
they use for fertilization.
speak of the place it came from, why
mentions that her great grandmother lived to the age of 108 years old. “Later in life, when my father discovered biodynamic farming, it reminded him a lot of the ways his grandmother taught him when he was growing up and gave him the framework to help transition the farm back to a form of
“One of the main goals of biodynamic farming is to be as self-sufficient as possible,” says Lightfoot, who adds that they also farm based on the timing of the moon cycle. “We know the moon affects the tides. Here in Nova Scotia we are fortunate to
not let the microflora of that particular vineyard do the work?” says Lightfoot, who adds that they grow classic vinifera, including Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Rieslings, and other Germanstyled white wines that were selected for the Nova Scotia climate.
be able to see the ocean up close
The vineyard got its start after the
every day. For us it’s not that hard
Lightfoots learned their existing
to imagine if [the moon] is moving
farm land would be well suited to
Biodynamic farming is a form of
that giant body of water it’s probably
viticulture due to its sandy loam-
organic farming and uses all the
having an effect on the water in the
glacial till soil and great proximity to
same core principles, meaning no
soil and plants as well.”
the Minas Basin, which helps regulate
more sustainable agriculture when the grapevines were planted in 2009.”
biodynamic farm is to produce all
Lightfoot & Wolfville made their first vintage in 2012, released their first wines in 2015, and opened their winery and tasting room in August 2017.
the temperature and is famous for
Nova Scotia has a long history of
L’Acadie, Geisenheim-318, Riesling,
having the world’s largest tides.
growing grapes, as the area was one
Chardonnay, and Vidal. “We submit
Lightfoot mentions that vineyards in
of the first to cultivate them in North
the blend to a tasting panel every
Nova Scotia are rarely more than 20
America. Only recently though have
spring for approval, which is made up
kilometres from a body of water, which
modern wineries began to make their
of wine judges and sommeliers. They
is great for temperature regulation,
mark on the Canadian wine map. The
taste it blind and must approve that
air draining and air flow, which is
terroir in the province is known for
it meets the style criterion before you
important for keeping the leaves dry
producing bright, crisp, and aromatic white wines, as well as icewine and
can release it and call it a Tidal Bay.”
and free from disease in the vineyard. The winery made their first vintage in 2012, released their first wines in 2015, and opened their brick and mortar in August 2017, which includes a new hospitality facility, as well as a special events venue. The Lightfoot family hired Peter Gamble, winemaking consultant from the Niagara region, to help develop their wine portfolio. Josh Horton, head winemaker, worked on the farm before they had
Nova Scotia was the first area to cultivate grapes in North America. It has a signature wine style, Tidal Bay, which reflects the terroir, coastal breezes and cooler climate of Nova Scotia. Lightfoot & Wolfville’s version of Tidal Bay is an aromatic blend including L’Acadie, Geisenheim-318, Riesling, Chardonnay, and Vidal.
traditional-method sparkling, thanks
Although they produced 6,000 cases
to its ideal temperatures. It also has a
last year, Lightfoot & Wolfville has
signature wine style, Tidal Bay, which
been increasing their production
reflects the terroir, coastal breezes and
annually since they started. Currently,
cooler climate of Nova Scotia.
their wines are sold through certain
Officially launched in 2012, Tidal Bay is a crisp aromatic white wine that must follow a set of standards, including that they must be made from specific grape varieties, including 100 per cent Nova Scotia-grown grapes.
private wine stores such as Bishop’s Cellar in Halifax and select Nova Scotia Liquor Commission (NSLC) locations, but Lightfoot mentions that they are looking ahead and starting to export their products into other provinces and countries as well.
grapevines and helped them plant
“Each winery that is a part of the
their first vines. Horton attended
Although the wine industry in Nova
Winery Association of Nova Scotia has
Niagara College’s Winery & Viticulture
Scotia is currently only home to
the opportunity to produce a Tidal
Technician program and actually grew
around 16 wineries, Lightfoot says that
Bay wine each year. [In 2017], there
up steps away from the field which
were 12 Tidal Bay blends, all of which
the region is certainly booming.
is home to Lightfoot & Wolfville’s
follow the Tidal Bay standard, but with
“There have been a few new winery
Oak Island Vineyard today. Rachel
different blend variations to make
projects in the last couple of years,”
Lightfoot studied at Brock University’s
each one unique,” says Lightfoot, who
she says. “And a tremendous number
Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture
adds that their version of Tidal Bay,
of new vines going in the ground each
Institute, and co-owner, Jocelyn
of which 750 cases were produced in
year. We are certainly in a growth
Lightfoot, is a trained sommelier.
2016, is an aromatic blend including
phase as an industry.” o
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Fire in wine country
Is there anything B.C. can learn from the Northern California wildfires? By Tammy Schuster
Fundraising under way in the Napa-Sonoma Counties. The Grateful Table, an event attended by over 500 people in late November, raised close to $250,000 U.S. for wildfire relief.
Flinty, smoky, and heavy. All
counties — it is reported that only 11
“Without downplaying the individual
adjectives a wine connoisseur might
were destroyed or heavily damaged.
losses suffered, most of the damage
use to describe the vintage he or she
A number of other wineries sustained
was done to residential housing,” says
is sniffing, swirling, and guzzling
damage to property and buildings,
Gladys Horiuchi, director of media
from a wine glass. They’re also
but most are — and have been for a
relations at the Wine Institute. “The
adjectives used to describe Northern
while — ready to accept visitors, host
biggest impact wasn’t to wineries and
California’s air quality in the late
tastings, and produce wine.
vineyards, but to the displacement of
fall when wildfires burned its wine region.
According to the Wine Institute,
California accounts for 85 per
With record-breaking temperatures
While images of the massive fires
cent of U.S. wine production, and
in B.C. this summer, the province
seen in the media may have caused
Mendocino, Napa, and Sonoma
had their own fires, evacuations,
many to believe that wine country is
counties represent only about 12
and losses to contend with, but the
gone, the Wine Institute in California
per cent of overall California wine
dangers are the same for both regions.
says the state’s wine region is okay.
grape production combined. By the
Bob Gray, a B.C. fire ecologist from
Of the more than 1,200 wineries
time the wildfires started, 90 per
R.W. Gray Consulting Ltd., says those
located in the affected areas —
cent of the grapes had already been
dangers rely on three main factors:
Mendocino, Napa, and Sonoma
weather, landscape, and fuel — the
While images of the massive fires seen in the media may have caused many to believe that wine country is gone, the Wine Institute in California says the state’s wine region is okay.
fuel being dried out grasses, trees,
lines blown over due the high winds
are in full-swing to both the damaged
brush — and fuel is the only factor
are to blame. The combination of
areas of California and the damaged
that can be controlled.
one spark to a dry landscape and
reputation. The Wine Institute, along
high winds can cause a fire to
with Visit California, have devoted
spread rapidly. Wind and weather
time and funds to spread the word
are out of our control, but Gray says
that California wine country is open
keeping lawns and grassy areas
for business and pouring generously.
Gray, who consults with local municipalities to help fire-proof communities, says preemptive and prescribed burnings that burn off dry underbrush and other risky growth is necessary. Wine country is typically
short and green are key to fire prevention. Acknowledging this is
considered to be fire-resistant
difficult in summertime due to water
because of the constant watering, but
restrictions, he suggests that keeping
it’s the outlying overgrown and dried-
continuously-grazing sheep, goats, or
out greenery that becomes tinder ripe
cattle will significantly cut down on
for fire.
the need to water or mow lawns and
While the causes of the fires in California are still under investigation, some say that power
landscape. This serving double-duty as both charming and preventative. Currently, relief and rebuilding efforts
“Across the country, people have assumed that wine country has burned down and we have been trying to correct those misconceptions,” says Horiuchi. “We are trying to get beyond the fires and let people know that things are getting back to normal as far as tasting rooms and visiting wine country go.” o
Quantifying the impact of forest fire smoke on grapes and wine In 2017, vineyards in the Okanagan
may possess negative aromas and
of smoke taint in wine. As well, we
Valley of British Columbia, Canada
flavours (e.g., ‘ashy’, ‘barnyard’,
demonstrated that the chemistry
experienced prolonged smoke
‘band-aid’) and/or a dearth of
of smoke-exposed grapes and the
exposure, raising concerns from the
varietal characteristics that are
resulting wine may have a geographic
local wine industry about the potential
collectively termed smoke taint. A
signature, meaning smoke taint in
impact to the 2017 vintage. Similarly,
family of volatile compounds (VCs),
Australia is likely different from
wildland fires in the wine-producing
which we can taste and smell,
smoke taint in North America.
regions of California, Washington,
and their sugar-bound derivatives,
Chile, South Africa, and Australia in
correlate to the intensity of smoke
2017, and the predicted increase in the
taint in wine. Although the sugar-
frequency of forest fires in the above-
bound compounds are tasteless
mentioned wine-producing regions,
and odourless, fermentation can
have brought the impact of smoke exposure on the quality of grapes and the resulting wines to the forefront. In collaboration with Dr. Wesley Zandberg at the University of British Columbia Okanagan, Supra Research and Development initiated a research program aimed at understanding how smoke exposure impacts the quality of grapes and wine, with an emphasis on products grown and produced in the Okanagan Valley.
transform these compounds, making them perceptible in the wine as smoke-taint. There is also evidence
From speaking with industry stakeholders, the most pressing issue regarding smoke taint is how grape growers and wine producers can reliably manage product quality in the event of smoke exposure. Currently, the gold standard is to perform small-scale fermentations with
suggesting that the sugar-bound VCs
subsequent tasting. Alternatively, you
can be changed by oral bacteria and
can quantify the VCs and their sugar-
during bottle aging, such that the
bound forms in grapes. The former
VCs can be perceived in the wine.
approach is resource-intensive and
But the sugar-bound VCs are not the
requires up to two weeks to obtain
whole story. By studying grapes from
results, while the latter is only 50-to-
vineyards in the Okanagan Valley,
80 per cent predictive of perceptible
we have preliminary evidence for
smoke-taint in wine. We are working
additional (non-sugar) bound forms
with local vineyards to provide the
We know that wine made from
of VCs in smoke-exposed grapes that
wine industry with the reliability they
grapes exposed to forest fire smoke
likely contribute to the presentation
need by refining existing approaches
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and developing new techniques to accurately quantify the relevant VCs in smoke-exposed grapes and correlate those values to the presence of perceptible smoke taint in wine. To ultimately make our new testing approaches predictive, a large-scale survey of different varietals over several growing seasons is required. This will establish baseline levels of smoke taint-associated VCs in different cultivars, many of which are found naturally in grapes, albeit at lower concentrations than after smoke exposure. Knowing the baseline levels will, in turn, allow us to determine how much of a relative change in smoke taint-associated VCs can yield perceptible smoke taint in wine. A similar program exists through the Australian Wine Research Institute, which gives their industrial stakeholders a significant competitive advantage when it comes to monitoring the quality of their grapes and wine following smoke exposure. The knowledge base we develop as part of our smoke taint research can also be applied to compounds with positive sensory associations (e.g., terpenoids, flavonoids, vanillin, etc.), which share much of the grape EnartisUSA_Zenith tr.indd and wine-related biochemistry associated with smoke taint. As well, our understanding of smoke taint could be used to rationally develop protective strategies that would reduce the impact of smoke exposure either in-vineyard, or as part of the fermentation process. Productive collaborations between academia, the wine industry, and commercial laboratories will ensure this knowledge base continues to expand.
19/01/18 11:11
For further information regarding testing for smoke taint or any other analytical testing you require for grapes or wine, please contact Supra Research and Development. o
Ice wine
NDSU plant scientist searches for the perfect cold weather grape North Dakota State University (NDSU) researcher Harlene Hatterman-Valenti is leading the North Dakota Cold Hardy Grape Initiative, a germplasm enhancement program to develop grapes suitable for places like North Dakota, Montana, Manitoba, or Saskatchewan.
Due to the cold, harsh weather in the midwest, growing Vitis vinifera cultivars like Merlot or Chardonnay are impossible to grow in North Dakota. As a result, Hatterman-Valenti is focusing on inter-specific crosses that have a grape native to the region in their parentage. So far, the researchers have transplanted about 15,000 unique offspring, with only approximately 200 producing fruit for sensory evaluations.
Harlene Hatterman-Valenti loves to savour dry,
“Our research objective is to come up with at least one
red wines. And since 2011, the North Dakota State
red wine grape and one white wine grape that can
University (NDSU) researcher has been on a quest
withstand North Dakota’s environmental conditions,”
to produce the perfect grape for winemakers of the
she said. “We’ve crossed Vitis riparia germplasm with
northern Great Plains.
as-cold-hardy-as-possible and short-season Vitis vinifera
The professor of plant sciences and high-value crops specialist is conducting intense research, breeding
germplasm that has excellent wine quality, and we are developing our own germplasm for crossing.”
grapes that both grow well in northern climates and
It is time-consuming work that requires patience.
produce outstanding wine. She is leading a project
Success in plant breeding can take 10 to 15 years, or
called the North Dakota Cold Hardy Grape Initiative,
a germplasm enhancement program to develop grapes suitable for places like North Dakota, Montana, Manitoba, or Saskatchewan.
“Working with a woody plant perennial makes it even harder and often longer. Here, it takes at least three years to go from germinating the seed to getting
Hatterman-Valenti’s goal is to help the burgeoning
fruit, so we are doing everything possible to hasten
grape and wine industry in a region famous for its
fruit production,” Hatterman-Valenti said, noting that
harsh winters. That’s a tough mission when January
cold-hardy grapes can produce fruit with herbaceous
temperatures can plummet to 30-below Fahrenheit,
flavours, lacking tannins, and very high acidity;
killing some of the vines in a vineyard. In addition,
so, culling those individuals as soon as possible is
hybrid grapes must be early ripening, because of the
area’s short growing season.
“Plant breeding is always a numbers game; you need to
“We can’t grow Vitis vinifera cultivars like Merlot or
have enough unique offspring to find the needle in the
Chardonnay in North Dakota. They are impossible to
grow here,” explained Hatterman-Valenti. So, she is
It takes dedicated people to keep the process going.
focusing on inter-specific crosses that have a grape native to the region in their parentage. It’s called Vitis riparia, or more commonly known as the river bank
Hatterman-Valenti credits her team – research technician Collin Auwarter, post-doctoral researcher John Stenger, doctoral student Andrej Svyantek, and
Brittany Olson, a former graduate student who now
“The fruit are small and very dark purple that occur in
works for E&J Gallo in California. “No one can do this
small clusters,” she said, noting its primary attribute
work alone,” she said.
is that it is a cold-hardy species, capable of surviving
So far, the researchers have transplanted about
bitterly cold winters.
15,000 unique offspring, with only approximately 200
The commercial grape and wine industry is relatively new in North Dakota, with the first bonded winery established in 2002. There are now 15 wineries that make grape-based wine. Beta and Valiant are the established grape cultivars that are currently being grown with the most dependable
producing fruit for sensory evaluations. Wine samples produced from this year’s chosen grapevines are now awaiting sensory evaluation. There is always hope the cold weather-resistant cultivar that leads to wine with the perfect nose, taste, and finish may lie somewhere around the corner.
yields, but the quality of wine often falls short of
“Right now, we have 12 individuals in replicated trials,
the expectations from winemakers and potential
and there are two that we are really looking at,” said
customers. It’s the lack of hardy grape cultivars that
Hatterman-Valenti. “I think a lot of good things are yet
consistently produce fruit that is proving to be an
to come.”
obstacle for North Dakota’s emerging industry.
You can learn more about the NDSU research team’s
That’s why Hatterman-Valenti’s work is being closely
work by visiting
watched by the region’s vintners and wine lovers, alike.
research/high-value-crops. o
Defying gravity Niagara’s Stratus Vineyards is more than just a sustainable winery By Shayna Wiwierski
Stratus Vineyards in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, official opened their doors in 2005. That same year, they became the first fully LEED-certified winery in the world.
Although design seems to be the
possible environmental impact. In
is moved by gravity thanks to a four-
centerpiece at Niagara-on-the-Lake’s
fact, Stratus became the first fully
storey tank elevator which moves
Stratus Vineyards, form follows
LEED-certified winery in the world
the wine without pumping. The wine
function as the design is actually the
in 2005.
flows naturally through gravity, from
catalyst to preserve the authenticity of the vineyard.
“The design of the winery is exceptional, it’s built with durable
stainless-steel or oak fermenters into carefully selected French oak barrels.
The Niagara vineyard and winery
materials, and if you look at the
The grapes start their journey from
officially opened its doors in 2005
outside, it’s covered with clear cedar
the highest part of the winery to the
and sits on 62 acres near the
and pure wood,” says Jean-Laurent
lowest. The wines are made without
southeastern border of the Niagara
(J-L) Groux, winemaker. “Inside is
intervention; it’s a natural process as
lakeshore sub-appellation. They
galvanized, it’s not rusting and will
they merely coax the grapes, letting
grow 16 different varieties of grapes,
last a long time. It was an important
them make the wine on their own.
10 red and six white, thanks to soil that is stratified and diversified, allowing the roots to go deeper and being able to extract and express more complexity. The winery itself is a low-energy, adaptable state-of-
part of David Feldberg’s [owner of Stratus Vineyards and president and CEO of Teknion, a successful office furniture design company in Toronto] vision as well.”
The idea to use gravity-based winemaking came from Groux who hails from France and studied in Burgundy. After travelling the world, he ended up in Canada in 1989 and
the-art facility that produces the best
Perhaps the most unique part of the
has worked in the local industry for
possible wine, but in the smallest
winery is how they actually make
15 years. During a stint at Andrew
the wine. Stratus doesn’t use pumps,
Peller and seeing some gravity-based
but rather a process where the wine
work there, he dreamed of having
something much more advanced, so he brought the concept to Stratus. “A great technique to make wine is not to touch it. The most important part is the vineyard and the grapes already in the vineyard. [By doing this technique] it’s less intrinsic on the grapes, as the grapes start at the top and then cascade down into the barrel room,” says Groux, who adds that most wineries use pumps, however, they use an elevator from the lowest part of the winery to the highest part to renew gravity. “It makes a big difference in the quality of the wine. If you pump it, shovel it, or bruise it, it loses flavours and quality. It’s an old concept of moving wine in a gentle way. It’s the traditional way to make great wines.” Stratus doesn’t use pumps, but rather a process where the wine is moved by gravity thanks to a four-storey tank elevator which moves the wine without pumping. Jean-Laurent (J-L) Groux, winemaker at Stratus, hails from France and studied in Burgundy. During a stint at Andrew Peller and seeing some gravitybased work there, he dreamed of having something much more advanced, so he brought the concept to Stratus.
The grapes are hand-picked and brought in using individual 40-pound baskets. They are then double-sorted by first putting them on a vibrating sorting table, passing a number of hand sorters per table, who take out the damaged grapes, which are recycled in the vineyard’s compost. The grapes are then separated from their stems and fall onto a second sorting table, where more people pick out the grapes that show signs of rotting, under ripeness, or other irregularities. Aside from the unique way of actually making the wine, the winery itself features a number of sustainable factors, such as incorporating recycled materials into the design, a super-insulated roof and geothermal heating and cooling, and more. “Wine comes from the earth, so the livelihood is based on the health of the land,” says Suzanne Janke,
The wines are made without intervention; it’s a natural process as they merely coax the grapes, letting them make the wine on their own.
estate director at Stratus Vineyards. “Everything we do, we try to
minimize the impact on the natural environment.”
Stratus recently started implementing a method called biochar, where they repurpose vineyard waste, in turn benefiting the vineyard and environment.
True to their word, they recently started implementing a method called biochar, where they repurpose vineyard waste, in turn benefiting the vineyard and environment. Since the winery has a lot of vine cuttings and trunks to dispose of every year, instead of burning them, they heat the biomass (the vine trunks) in an oxygen-limited environment. As a result, they get a finely grained, highly porous charcoal which can be used as an amendment to improve soil structure. Although the environment plays a huge part in the operation of the winery, it also is one of the challenges. Groux mentions that climate change is a double-edged sword, as the warmer climate is beneficial to the vineyard and the grapes, however, it’s been bringing
Aside from the unique way of actually making the wine, the winery itself features a number of sustainable factors, such as incorporating recycled materials into the design, a superinsulated roof and geothermal heating and cooling, and more.
different diseases than they have ever had. Janke mentions that keeping up with consumer demand has been tough as well, but that’s a good challenge to have. “[We’ve been working very hard to make progress] on being able to ship wine across Canada without any barriers,” says Janke. “It’s important to talk about the challenges, but also say that we are in the healthiest position we have ever been in in terms of awareness and respect for the vineyard and local production. Millennials are loving the shift into wine culture and have been openminded and very favourable towards Canadian wineries. There are challenges, but we’ve never been in a better place either.” Want to learn more about Stratus Vineyards? Download the Crush magazine app, available on both the Apple and Google Play stores. o
Brock University to create world’s first mediated reality consumer lab Imagine being able to study how your surroundings impact your wine preferences without physically having to be in a vineyard or a retail store. Researchers at Brock University’s Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI) will soon be able to use mediated reality technology to answer these kinds of questions in its new R3CL wine lab. The nearly $1-million facility will be the first virtual, augmented, and sensory reality consumer wine laboratory in the world, allowing researchers to study the impact of sight, sound, and smells on consumer wine choice. It is part of a larger $2.4-million project that includes the
“Supporting Ontario’s researchers as
the background music playing and
construction of the lab and other
they make breakthrough discoveries
smells wafting around in the air can
state-of-the-art equipment that will
will help advance technology and
be manipulated in real-time.
greatly enhance CCOVI’s research.
drive economic growth across the
The provincial government’s Ontario Research Fund provided $960,000 of the total funding in January, matching a Canada Foundation
province,” he said. “Making sure they are working in state-of-the-art facilities with the most up-to-date technology will help researchers
This will allow researchers to better understand what piques a consumer’s interest and later guide the industry in marketing their wines to those
do their best work and lay the
potential customers, said Debbie
last October. The remainder of
groundwork for new products and
Inglis, CCOVI director.
the funding comes from industry
services, and economic opportunity for people in Ontario.”
“This research can help transform
partners. The Honourable Reza Moridi,
In the lab, participants can be
of coupling consumer behaviour
minister of research, innovation
virtually transported from the winery
with technical tools of augmented
and science, got a sneak-peak at
to a dinner party in an instant.
and virtual reality is not only going
the technology when he made the
Anything from wine bottle shape
to put Canadian researchers on the
funding announcement at Brock on
and label design, to the number of
forefront of this research, it’s also an
Jan. 8, 2018.
people in the virtual environment,
international first.”
for Innovation (CFI) grant awarded
Brock University president Gervan Fearon, left, and Ontario Minister of Research, Innovation and Science Reza Moridi, right, listen as Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute director Debbie Inglis explains the virtual reality technology they’re trying out. Moridi was at Brock Monday, Jan. 8 to announce $137 million in funding through the Ontario Research Fund, which includes nearly $1 million to develop a first-of-its-kind sensory lab at Brock.
the industry,” she said. “The concept
The funding will also be used to purchase gas and liquid chromatography mass-spectrometry machines that will enable researchers to examine the impact of viticulture treatments that influence the colour, flavour, and aroma of wine. The enhanced chemical analysis capabilities provided by the equipment will greatly support CCOVI’s TanninAlert. The program
From left, Brock University president Gervan Fearon, Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute director Debbie Inglis and Ontario Minister of Research, Innovation and Science Reza Moridi.
tracks tannin levels — which impact bitterness and astringency in wine —
with the goal of creating a database that will allow grape growers and
The only electronic pruning in the world with an F3015 F301 F3015 interchangeable cutting he
winemakers to better understand the tannin levels in Ontario grapes and the differences that occur between varieties and vintages. Researchers can better monitor the Vest
way climate change is affecting wine
quality with these machines, as well, and then create solutions to mitigate those impacts. They will be able to study bio-chemicals within the vine that contribute to its cold hardiness and make more informed decisions about which clone and rootstock combinations are best suited for Rapid charging: 90 minutes grape growing in our future climate. A state-of-the-art fermentation facility will also be built at CCOVI
The storage cells of the battery Rapid charging: 90 minutes The storage cells of the battery havetool been choosen their The only electronic pruning havefor been choosen for their Vest Vest ULTRA-COMPACT LITHIUM ION BATTERY reliability and capacity toand deliver reliability capacity to deliver ULTRA-COMPACT LITHIUM ION BATTERY in the world with anintense current. The storage cellscurrent. of the battery intense ULTRA-COMPACT LITHIUM ION BATTERY The storage cells of the battery The only electronic pruning tool have been choosen for theirBattery • 120Wh LITHIUM • 120Wh have LITHIUM Battery The only electronic pruning been choosen interchangeable cuttingtool head. The storage cells offor thetheir battery reliability capacity to deliver • and Weight: 810gdeliver reliability capacity The only electronic pruning in world with an tool The only electronic pruning tool have beenand choosen fortotheir • Weight: 810g intense current. in the the world with an •and Battery with storage cells intense current. reliability capacity to deliver • 120Wh LITHIUMcells Battery • Battery• with storage protection and management in the worldcutting with anhead. 120Wh LITHIUM Battery in the world with an interchangeable cutting head. intense current. • Weight: 810g interchangeable protection and management •• Weight: 810g electronic system (BMS) LITHIUM Battery •120Wh Battery with storage cellscutting head. interchangeable cutting head.electronic interchangeable •• Battery with storage cellscapacity •810g High storage LITHIUM Weight: system (BMS) protection and management protection and management • Battery with storage cells cells High Power Long Life Rapid charging: 90 minutes electronic system (BMS) • High storage capacity LITHIUM electronic system (BMS) protection and management Intelligent Battery Technologyranging The F3015 can be fitted with a range of fixed and telescopic extension poles High storage capacity LITHIUM •• High storage capacity LITHIUM cells High Power Long Life electronic system (BMS) cells High Power Long Rapid charging: 90 90 minutes High Power Long LifeLife Rapid charging: minutes • cells High storage capacity LITHIUM reach of up to 5m above the ground. Intelligent Battery Technology Intelligent Battery Technology ULTRA-COMPACT LITHIUM ION BATTERY
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The only electronic pruning tool in the world with an interchangeable cutting head.
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NEW 2016 NEW NEW FOR 2016 NEW FOR FOR 2016 2016NEW FOR 2016
Theofshears can be telescopic operated by the user with a single between the battery1.2m and the The F3015 canCustombe fitted with a range fixed and extension polescable ranging between topole. 3.5m, giving a cutting as part of this investment. pruning shear is controlled microswitch switchhoused housed in in aa sliding sliding handle TheThe pruning shear isabove controlled bybya amicro handle on on the thecarbon carbonfibre fibretube. tube. reach of up to 5m the ground. reach ofmicro-card up to 5m above the ground. control information is directly centralized by an electronic housed in the pole. reach of up to 5m above the ground.Trigger The shears can be operated by the user with a single cable between the battery and the pole.
pruning is controlled a micro housed a sliding handle on and theiscarbon fibreby tube. TheThe shears can shear be operated by theby user with switch a single cable in between the battery the pole. The pruning shear controlled a micro switch housed in a sliding handle on the carbon fibre tube. The tool’scontrol versatility will beisappreciated by users doing large cuts or overhead work. made tanks that The arepruning individually Trigger information directly centralized byan an electronic micro-card housed ininthe The shears can behoused operated by the user withhandle a single cable between the battery and the pole. control information is directly centralized by electronic micro-card thepole. pole. shear is controlled by Trigger a micro switch in a sliding on the carbon fibre tube. The shears canhoused be operated by the user with a single cable between the battery and the pole.
tool’s versatility will appreciated usersdoing doing large cuts or or overhead housed work. Trigger control information is directly centralized by anlarge electronic micro-card TheThe tool’s versatility will bebe appreciated bybyusers cuts overhead work. in the pole.
control information is directly centralized by an electronic micro-card housed in the pole. The shears be operated by the user with a single cable between the battery and Trigger the overhead pole. controlled for heating andcan cooling The tool’s versatility will be appreciated by users doing large cuts work.will be appreciated by users doing large cuts or overhead work. Theortool’s versatility
Trigger control information is directly centralized by an electronic micro-card housed in the pole. will allow researchers toversatility determine The tool’s will be appreciatedMobile by users doing large cuts or overhead work. Micro-Card Innovation: Electronic Micro-Card Mobile Innovation: Electronic Innovation: Electronic ControlMobile System Housedin theMicro-Card Pole Mobile Innovation: Electronic Micro-Card Control System Housedin the Pole Control System Housedin the Pole ideal conditions for different wine Mobile Innovation: Electronic Micro-Card
styles and impact during the winemaking process.
Mobile Control System
Housedin the Pole Housedin the Pole
Mobile Control System
Innovation: Electronic Micro-Card Housedin the Pole
Tying Machine Tying TyingMachine Machine Tying Machine
Innovation: Electronic Micro-Card Housedin the Pole
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Inglis. o
Three ways to grow your DTC business in 2018 As direct-to-consumer (DTC) wine sales continue to grow, there are big opportunities for Canadian wineries to thrive. But selling wine DTC isn’t as easy as one might think. The modern consumer wants it all: endless personalization, easy online ordering, fast and free shipping… the list goes on. As a small winery, it can be hard to keep up. At WineDirect (formerly Vin65), our goal is to enable wineries to succeed in this challenging landscape to create delightful customer experiences and sell wine in the way that makes most sense for you. With over 1,600 wineries using our wine club, point of sale, and WineDirect (formerly Vin65) has over 1,600 wineries using their wine club, point of sale, and ecommerce software.
ecommerce software, we have access to some great winery-specific data. Based on that, we’ve compiled three top recommendations for how you can take your DTC business to the next level in 2018. Offer your club members a choice Gone are the days when merely offering a “White Wine Club” and a “Red Wine Club” was sufficient. Today’s customer wants to be able to customize their own shipments. In fact, two of the primary reasons people leave a wine club is that they are sent wines they don’t like, or they aren’t satisfied with the selection.
According to Wine Business Monthly, wineries who offer members a choice experience higher club conversion (six per cent versus four per cent for wineries who offer no choice). Gone are the days when merely offering a “White Wine Club” and a “Red Wine Club” was sufficient. Today’s customer wants to be able to customize their own shipments.
According to Wine Business Monthly, wineries who offer members a choice experience higher club conversion
(six per cent versus four per cent for wineries who offer no choice). And, user choice club members also tend to stay longer in the club, pushing up lifetime value. WineDirect’s wine club management tools make it easy to offer and manage customized clubs, so you can minimize your administrative headache and maximize your sales. Send more emails Emails are the single most effective marketing channel to drive sales. At WineDirect, our average email conversion rate is 2.75 per cent,
Emails are the single most effective marketing channel to drive sales. WineDirect’s point of sale platform makes it easy for you to collect customer data, and built-in email tools enable you to automatically follow up after their visit with a personalized note, encouraging them to shop online.
triple the average conversion rate for organic search. And just like you always want your tasting room staff to ask for the sale in person, you should do the same via email. The first step to sending more emails is to collect email addresses, and the easiest place to do this is in the tasting room. WineDirect’s point of sale platform makes it easy for you to collect customer data, and built-in email tools enable you to automatically follow up after their visit with a personalized note, encouraging them to shop online. In fact, this “thank you” email converts at 7.5 per cent – almost three-times the rate of a normal email. Optimize for mobile It’s critical that customers have a similar experience at each
If it’s not easy to shop on your website, you’re leaving money on the table. Make sure your website and emails are responsive – meaning they look great no matter what size screen or device you’re using.
responsive – meaning they look
at, or call
great no matter what size screen or
device you’re using – and shop them regularly to make sure they are
touchpoint with your winery, from
working correctly.
the tasting room, to your website, to
At WineDirect, we offer 20+ free
package delivery. This includes the mobile experience. Almost half the traffic and one quarter of sales on winery websites built on WineDirect occur on a mobile or tablet device. If it’s not easy to shop on your website, you’re leaving money on the table. Make sure your website and emails are
website templates that are fully optimized for mobile and designed to drive sales.
But don’t just take our word for it. Here’s what one of our clients has to say about how WineDirect has helped them succeed: “Having the power and features of WineDirect to support our ecommerce and wine club fulfillment
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Excellent platform, good support,
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great people to work with,” says Terry
To learn how we can help you sell
Meyer Stone from Tinhorn Creek
wine on your terms, visit our website
Vineyards in Oliver, B.C. o
British Columbia Wine Institute and Okanagan College sign cooperation agreement
The British Columbia Wine Institute and Okanagan College have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that outlines the two institutions’ enhanced collaboration to provide a broad range of integrated opportunities for partnerships, projects, and applied research in wine and related industries designed to positively influence regional economic development and contributions to creating a prosperous and sustainable industry.
The British Columbia Wine Institute
development and contributions
more specifically in applied research
(BCWI) and Okanagan College (OC)
to creating a prosperous and
related to our common goals,” says
have a new tool in place to help
sustainable industry.
Miles Prodan, BC Wine Institute
guide their continued cooperation. The pair have signed a
further their common interests in
Memorandum of Understanding
research and projects to further the
(MoU) that outlines the two
wine and related industries.
institutions’ enhanced collaboration
The MoU establishes a framework to
president. “In a time of rapid growth, this agreement gives us the direction to leverage our partnership for the benefit of the industry, and we look forward to the progress
to provide a broad range of
“The Memorandum of
integrated opportunities for
Understanding recognizes the
Adds Bill Gillett, Okanagan College’s
partnerships, projects, and applied
value of our new relationship with
dean of the School of Business,
research in wine and related
Okanagan College and fosters
“Okanagan College is a devoted and
industries designed to positively
coordinating our collective efforts
integral part of the wine industry
influence regional economic
to further the wine industry, and
here in the Okanagan Valley.” Gillett
DO YOU ENJOY LEARNING ABOUT WINE AND SHARING YOUR INTEREST WITH OTHERS? Be part of the exciting sales side of the wine industry with Okanagan College’s popular
Wine Sales Certificate program • The most current industry-relevant knowledge and skills required for succeeding in a variety of wine sales settings in the Okanagan and beyond. • An excellent complement to WSET certification. • Take courses in class or by distance education, allowing you the flexibility to access wine sales training from anywhere, any time that suits you. • All students must attend the two in-class weekends at the Penticton Campus, experiencing field trips and wine sensory training.
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credits the work of two associate deans – Dr. Barry McGillivray and Jonathan Rouse – who have been working closely with the BCWI to establish the positive relationship. “This MoU is a voluntary recognition of the collaboration we have going forward, and is intended to further the applied research and instructional objective of the college, and provide benefits to the BCWI through research, outcomes, improvements, and discoveries.” The MoU will remain valid until July 2020, when the agreement may be extended for an additional period of The MoU will remain valid until July 2020, when the agreement may be extended for an additional period of time subject to review and approval by the college and the BCWI.
time subject to review and approval by the college and the BCWI. OC and the BCWI have worked together on a number of fronts. One of the more notable collaborations has been development of a course intended for wine servers in the province, but available free to the public ( The self-paced course takes about 1.5 hours to complete and is intended to help students better understand the places and people that make B.C. wine special and unique. “We saw an opportunity and need to provide education and insight to some of the people who can have
Okanagan College and the British Columbia Wine Institute have worked together on a number of fronts. One of the more notable collaborations has been development of a course intended for wine servers in the province, but available free to the public.
a real impact on wine sales in B.C., and on the wine tourist experience,” noted Prodan when the course was launched. “Our goal was to develop a course that anyone who serves B.C. VQA wine could take at their leisure. The course allows anyone who takes it to gain a greater understanding of
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the distinguishing factors of B.C. VQA well as gives practical information tasting and dining experience.” Since 1990, the BCWI has played
a pivotal role in taking B.C.'s wine industry from a vision to an internationally recognized niche region producing premium wines and providing exceptional wine tourism experiences. The BCWI markets the wine and regions of B.C.; delivers quality trade, media and consumer tastings; and acts
as the voice of B.C.'s wine industry
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by advocating to government on behalf of industry that contributes $2.8 billion in provincial economic growth annually. The BCWI represents all wineries in British Columbia to grow the premium market share for the
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Wines of British Columbia, while driving awareness of their worldclass wines and tourism product – currently drawing a million visitors with $600 million in tourism and tourism employment-related economic impact every year. For more information about the BC Wine Institute's programs and services, please visit For details on B.C. VQA wine and the Wines of British Columbia, go to or, Like the
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Wines of British Columbia Facebook page, and follow @WineBCdotcom on Twitter and Instagram. Okanagan College is B.C.’s third-
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largest college and annually serves more than 20,000 people with a wide variety of academic, vocational, trades and developmental programs. With a history that dates to 1963, the college’s four major campuses (Vernon, Kelowna, Penticton, and Salmon Arm) and several educational centres integrate into the fabric of the entire region, with tens of thousands of alumni. The college offers a host of wine-related courses and programs, which are highlighted
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This calls for wine
Leveraging social media to grow your winery’s brand By Kim Pickett
People love wine, and they especially love talking about it on social media. They reach out to friends and followers to see if anyone is interested in opening a bottle that evening. They post pictures, quotes, and memes about wine’s superiority over work. They even share the latest in wine innovations, including the wine glass that can’t spill, and the device that turns a wine bottle into a single massive glass. However, for such a strong wine consumer presence on social media, wineries are surprisingly absent. Here are a few tips for how your winery can bridge the gap to turn these wine enthusiasts into loyal customers by leveraging social media. Devise a social media strategy for your winery The backbone of a social media presence is the strategy. You need to establish a plan in order to accurately represent your brand on social media. Since there are so many advertisers on each social platform, it is crucial to carve out a niche to help you stand out. Luckily, wine is such a diversified good that it is easy to find things about your wine or winery to highlight. Once you know what you want your social media presence to showcase, it’s time to strategize an approach for each social channel. A tailored approach is necessary because the demographics on each platform are unique. Facebook’s average North American user is 40.5 years old, and the user base covers the widest range of ages, with the highest percentage of 55+ users of any platform. Over 90 per cent of Instagram’s users are under the age of 35, while 41 per cent of millionaires use LinkedIn. Understanding these nuances and tweaking your social content for each platform is a must. It’s one of the best ways to capitalize on the power of social media to reach customers and create brand loyalty in your target market. Having a campaign that sticks in people’s minds, changes the way they feel and think about your wine. Using hashtags to have people share their best winedrinking experiences, or holding a contest to give away a free bottle are both simple, yet effective ways to differentiate your brand on social media.
Showcase your wine’s unique value Social media is all about producing added value for your customers. Your content must inspire them to make a choice that they might not otherwise make. The best way to go about this is through effective creative. Having a campaign that sticks in people’s minds, changes the way they feel and think about your wine. It could also help appeal to their lifestyle, which helps to create associations that can shift their habits when purchasing wine. This marketing approach helps your winery sell culture and identity to consumers, along with a great product. There are plenty of examples of wine brands that have accomplished this. Dead Bolt Wine from California took a brand-driven approach to creating a unique social campaign. They took the traditional associations that people have with wine (food, romance, etc.), and flipped them completely. Deadbolt instead aimed at millennials, associating its wine with rock music and the arts to create a radical new look for their customers to identify with. Encourage customer engagement through social media tactics Creating brand loyalty involves getting customers excited about your product, specifically, to forge an emotional connection with it. One of the best ways to achieve this is by getting them involved in a conversation on social media. With a beloved product like wine, bringing out this excitement can be easily accomplished. Using hashtags to have people share their best wine-drinking experiences, or holding a contest to give away a free bottle are both simple, yet effective ways to differentiate your brand on social media. This differentiation can often be the difference between securing a loyal customer for life, and fading out of the public eye altogether. o
Kim Pickett is the owner and creative director of KIMBO Design, an award-winning design agency based in Vancouver, B.C.
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What if the use of active dry yeast became easier? Do you know a single winemaker who has never been
Following years of
frustrated with the yeast rehydration routine during the
continuous quality
never-ending-harvest days?
improvement driven by
Since selected active dry yeast was introduced in the wine world, it was always recommended to take great care of yeasts prior to inoculation. There was a long list of what to do and mainly what not to do to secure your inoculation. Hence, the status quo is that the yeast is rehydrated and acclimatized while watching the water and the must temperatures carefully. This process
Winemakers all over the world are converting to E2U yeasts for white or red ferments, with direct inoculations or with rehydration in the must.
the worldwide recognized industrial know-how of Lesaffre, Fermentis oenologists decided in 2013 to start validating the exceptional quality of their dry wine yeast. They were indeed convinced that the quality of the yeast produced through this improved process was such that they would be
could take up to 45 minutes, should be supervised, and
able to cope with variations in the process without failing
immobilizes a lot of cellar resources during harvest. And
to produce the expected results. So they put them to the
of course during the peak of the season it is always a
test. They began by testing their viability and noticed very
source of mistakes, and of buckets forgotten in a corner
quickly that whether they were rehydrated at 10 or 43°C (50
of the winery.
or 109.4°F), the results were the same. They then tested them in water with varying sugar content and observed that they reacted very well in all cases. Then came the cellar tests
assessing rehydration in regular tap water at 15-17°C (5962.6°F) or direct yeast inoculation into the must. And the results? Viability, fermentation abilities and
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organoleptic profiles were of the same quality. And so the E2U™ range was born, saving time but also energy and water. What allows these yeasts to be so resistant is the key knowledge put behind their production and drying processes. Each strain must have its own recipe. The key is to shape the yeast to the best physiological state for drying and fermentation. The multiplication must be stopped at a selected stage to optimize the lag phase when the yeast is rehydrated and in presence of sugar. The membrane integrity also has to be maintained by choosing the perfect timing for the most gentle drying. Finally, the composition of the membrane is optimized in its content in trehalose and lipids to make it fluid and resistant to difficult rehydration conditions. Winemakers all over the world are converting
See us at Booth #725
Visit our website at for further information on PWP. 40
to E2U™ yeasts for white or red ferments, with direct inoculations or with rehydration in the must. A Fermentis senior enologist confirms, “There are still quite a few producers who are hesitant, but all those who’ve tried E2U™ will never look back. That’s all they ever asked for.” o
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Canadian Wineries & Vineyards British Columbia Vancouver Island 40 Knots Vineyard and Estate Winery 2400 Anderton Road Comox, BC V9M 4E5
Alderlea Vineyards
1751 Stamps Road Duncan, BC V9L 5W2
Averill Creek Vineyard
6552 North Road Duncan, BC V9L 6K9
Barking Dog Organic Vineyard
6170 Old West Saanich Road Victoria, BC V9E 2G8
Beaufort Vineyard & Estate Winery
5854 Pickering Road Courtenay, BC V9J 1T4
Blue Grouse Estate Winery & Vineyard
2182 Lakeside Road Duncan, BC V9L 6M3
Blue Moon Winery and Cider Worx
4905 Darcy Road Courtenay, BC V9J 1R5
Chateau Wolff Estate Winery and Vineyard
2534 Maxey Road Nanaimo, BC V9S 5V6
Cherry Point Estate Wines
840 Cherry Point Road Cobble Hill, BC V0R 1L3
Church & State Wines Inc.
1445 Benvenuto Road Victoria, BC V8M 1J5
Coastal Black Estate Winery
2186 Endall Road Black Creek, BC V9J 1G8
Damali Lavender Farm and Winery
3500 Telegraph Road Cobble Hill, BC V0R 1L4
De Vine Vineyards
6181B Old West Saanich Road Saanichton, BC V8M 1W8
Deol Family Estate Winery
6645 Somenos Road Duncan, BC V9L 5Z3
Divino Estate Winery Ltd.
1500 Freeman Road Cobble Hill, BC V0R 1L3
Stones Throw Vineyard and Estate Winery
1932 August Road Courtenay, BC V9J 1Y3
6160 Central Road Hornby Island, BC V0R 1Z0
The Roost Vineyard Bistro & Farm Bakery
3505 Euston Road Hornby Island, BC V0R 1Z0
6409B Oldfield Road Saanichton, BC V8M 1X8
Domaine Rochette Winery
Dragonfly Hill Vineyard
8750 West Coast Road Sooke, BC V9Z 1H2
Emandare Vineyard
2915 Cameron Taggart Road #1 Mill Bay, BC V0R 2P2
Emerald Coast Vineyards
4235 Vineyard Road Cobble Hill, BC V0R 1L5
Enrico Winery
5039 Marshall Road Duncan, BC V9L 6S3
6130 Old West Saanich Road Victoria, BC V9E 2G8 6798 Norcross Road Duncan, BC V9L 6C3 5900 Albert Street Port Alberni, BC V9Y 8R2 3280 Telegraph Road Mill Bay, BC V0R 2P3
Malahat Estate Vineyard
1197 Aspen Road Malahat, BC V0R 2L0
Millstone Estate Winery
2300 East Wellington Road Nanaimo, BC V9R 6V7
Mooberry Winery
403 Lowry's Road Parksville, BC V9P 2B5
Rocky Creek Winery
1854 Myherst Road Cowichan Bay, BC V0R 1N1
Silverside Farm and Winery
3810 Cobble Hill Road Cobble Hill, BC V0R 1L5
Middle Mountain Mead
Mistaken Identity Vineyards
Tugwell Creek Honey Farm & Meadery
164 Norton Road Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 2P5
Unsworth Vineyards
1240 Coats Drive Gabriola Island, BC V0R 1X4
Venturi-Schulze Vineyards
151 Lee Road Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 2A5
Vigneti Zanatta
6621 Harbour Hill Drive Pender Island, BC V0N 2M1
Yellowpoint Vineyard
319 Sutil Road Quadra Island, BC V0P 1N0
13386 Cedar Road Ladysmith, BC V9G 1H6
Glenterra Vineyards
3897 Cobble Hill Road Cobble Hill, BC V0R 1L5
Little Tribune Farm and Winery
Symphony Vineyard
9100 East Saanich Road North Saanich, BC V8M 2B4
10555 West Saanich Road North Saanich, BC V8L 6A8
Isla de Lerena Vineyard
1885 Central Road Hornby Island, BC V0R 1Z0
Gulf Islands Corlan Vineyard & Farm
8441 McFarlane Road Denman Island, BC V0R 1T0
Domaine Jasmin Vineyard and Winery
444 Lakeview Road Thetis island, BC V0R 2Y0
Elderberry Lane Farm & Vineyard
1 Elderberry Lane Lasqueti Island, BC V0R 2J0
Garry Oaks Estate Winery
1880 Fulford-Ganges Road Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 2A6
Hornby Island Estate Winery
7000 Anderson Drive Hornby Island, BC V0R 1Z0
Ravenskill Orchards
Salt Spring Vineyards and Winery
Sea Star Estate Farm and Vineyards
SouthEnd Farm Vineyards
Sunshine Coast Winery
5245 Selma Park Road Sechelt, BC V0N 3A2
Thetis Island Vineyards
90 Pilkey Point Road Thetis Island, BC V0R 2Y0
Fraser Valley 1st R.O.W. Estate Winery Ltd. 104 – 2762 190th Street Surrey, BC V3Z 3W6
Angel Estate Winery
2170 Westham Island Road Delta, BC V4K 3N2
Artisan Sakemaker at Granville Island
1339 Rail Spur Alley Vancouver, BC V6H 4G9
Backyard Vineyards
3033-232nd Street Langley, BC V2Z 3A8
Blackwood Lane Vineyards & Winery
Kermode Wild Berry Winery
Seaside Pearl Farmgate Winery
Antelope Ridge Winery
25180 8th Avenue Aldergrove, BC V4W 2G8
8457 River Road South Dewdney, BC V0M 1H0
5290 Olund Road Abbotsford, BC V4X 1V6
32057 – Road 13 Oliver, BC V0H 1T0
Blossom Winery
Krause Berry Farms and Estate Winery
Singletree Winery
26 – 2550 Acland Road Kelowna, BC V1X 7L4
16880 Westminster Highway Richmond, BC V6V 1A8
Blue Heron Fruit Winery
18539 Dewdney Trunk Road Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2R9
Campbell's Gold Honey Farm & Meadery
6179 248th Street Langley, BC V4W 1C3
Long Table Distillery Ltd.
1451 Hornby Street Vancouver, BC V6Z 1W8
Lotusland Vineyards
2595 Lefeuvre Road Abbotsford, BC V4X 1L5
28450 King Road Abbotsford, BC V4X 1B1
Canada Berries Enterprises Ltd.
Lulu Island Winery
12791 Blundell Road Richmond, BC V6W 1B4
16880 Westminster Highway Richmond, BC V6V 1A8
Caven Cellars
Maan Farms Estate Winery
26825 16th Avenue Aldergrove, BC V4W 2S3
Chaberton Estates Winery
1064-216th Street Langley, BC V2Z 1R3
Chateau Blue Winery
17617 Ford Road Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 1Z1
City Side Winery
328 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver, BC V5Y 1C8
Country Vines Winery
13060 Steveston Highway Richmond, BC V6W 1A3
D'Vine Estate Winery
B2 – 15562 24th Avenue Surrey, BC V4A 2J5
Festina Lente Estate Winery
21113 16th Avenue Langley, BC V2Z 1K3
Glass House Estate Winery
23449 0 Avenue Langley, BC V2Z 2X3
Golden Age Meadery
1105 – 22091 Fraserwood Way Richmond, BC V6W 0A8
Isabella Winery Ltd.
11491 River Road Richmond, BC V6X 1Z6
790 McKenzie Road Abbotsford, BC V2S 7N4
Maple Creek Winery
Unit 105 – 16055 Fraser Highway Surrey, BC V4N 0G3
Montagu Cellars Winery
#29 1350 West 6th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 1A7
Mount Lehman Winery
5094 Mount Lehman Road Abbotsford, BC V4X 1Y3
Okanagan Hills Estate Winery
29302 Simpson Road Abbotsford, BC V4X 1H9
Pacific Breeze Winery
6 – 320 Stewardson Way New Westminster, BC V3M 6C3
Paradise Ranch Wines
Suite 901, 525 Seymour Street Vancouver, BC V6B 3H7
Richmond County Farms and Vines
12900 Steveston Highway Richmond, BC V6W 1A3
Ripples Estate Winery
3387 Tolmie Road Abbotsford, BC V3G 2T9
Sanduz Estate Wines Inc.
12791 Blundell Road Richmond, BC V6W 1B4
5782 Mt. Lehman Road Abbotsford, BC V4X 1V4
Aquaherbs Winery House
Arrowleaf Cellars Winery
Spring Land Winery
1574 Camp Road Lake Country, BC V4V 1K1
St. Urban Winery Ltd.
184 Monk Road Enderby, BC V0E 1V4
6962 236 Street Langley, BC V2Y 2H8 47189 Bailey Road Chilliwack, BC V2R 4S8
Baccata Ridge Winery
Back Door Winery
The Fort Langley Wine Co.
9752 Jones Flat Road Summerland, BC V0H 1Z3
Township 7 Vineyards & Winery
4821 Ryegrass Road Oliver, BC V0H 1T0
Vancouver Urban Winery
2434 Oliver Ranch Road Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R2
Vinoscenti Vineyards
2775 Boucherie Road Kelowna, BC V1Z 2G4
Vista D'oro Farms & Winery
4320 Gulch Road Naramata, BC V0H 1N1
Wellbrook Winery
1775 Naramata Road Penticton, BC V2A 8T8
26151 – 84th Avenue Langley, BC V1M 3M6 21152 16th Avenue Langley, BC V2Z 1K3
55 Dunlevy Avenue Vancouver, BC V6A 3A3 15560 Colebrook Road Surrey, BC V3Z 0L2 20856 4th Avenue Langley, BC V2Z 1T6
4626 88th Street Delta, BC V4K 3N3
Bartier Bros. Vineyard & Winery
BC Wine Studio
Beaumont Family Estate Winery
Bella Wines Ltd.
Bench 1775 Winery
Black Dog Cellars
50th Parallel Estate Winery
385 Matheson Road Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R5
8th Generation Vineyard Inc.
4318 Black Sage Road Oliver, BC V0H 1T1
Adega on 45th Estate Winery Ltd.
2434 Oliver Ranch Road Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R2
Anarchist Mountain Vineyard
PO Box 307, 17403 Highway 97 N. Summerland, BC V0H 1Z0
Ancient Hill Estate Winery
3225 Boucherie Road West Kelowna, BC V1Z 2G9
Okanagan Valley 17101 Terrace View Road Lake Country, BC V4V 1B7 6807 Highway 97 Summerland, BC V0H 1Z9
7311 45th Street East Osoyoos, BC V0H 1V6
1826 Highway 3 E. Osoyoos, BC V0H 1V6
Black Hills Estate Winery
Black Market Wine Company
Black Sage Vineyards
Black Swift Vineyards
4918 Anderson Road Kelowna, BC V1X 7V7
Black Widow Winery
1630 Naramata Road Penticton, BC V2A 8T7
Blasted Church Vineyards
378 Parsons Road Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R5
Blind Tiger Vineyards
11014 Bond Road Lake Country, BC V4V 1J6
Blue Mountain Vineyard and Cellars
Castoro de Oro Estate Winery
4004 Highway 97 Oliver, BC V0H 1T1
Cedar Creek Estate Winery
5445 Lakeshore Road Kelowna, BC V1W 4S5
Chandra Estate Winery
2385 Allendale Road Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R2
33264 121st Street Oliver, BC V0H 1T0
Blue Sky Estate Winery
4799 Wild Rose Street Oliver, BC V0H 1T1
Bodega 1117 Estate Thurn Winery
4516 Ryegrass Road Oliver, BC V0H 1T1
Bonamici Cellars Ltd.
3252 Glencoe Road West Kelowna, BC V4T 1M2
Bonitas Winery
RR1, S16, C47 Naramata, BC V0H 1N0
Bordertown Vineyards and Estate Winery Ltd.
300 Covert Place Oliver, BC V0H 1T5
11621 87th Street Osoyoos, BC V0H 1V1
5214 Monro Avenue Summerland, BC V0H 1Z2
2385 Rolling Hill Road Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R2 20623 McDougald Road Summerland, BC V0H 1Z6
9140 92nd Avenue Osoyoos, BC V0H 1V2
Bounty Cellars Winery
#7 – 364 Lougheed Road Kelowna, BC V1X 7R8
Checkmate Artisanal Winery
Church & State Wines Inc.
Ciao Bella Winery
Coolshanagh Wines and Vineyard
Covert Farms Family Estate Winery
Crescent Hill Winery
205 Spruce Road Penticton, BC V2A 8V8
Culmina Family Estate Winery
Burrowing Owl Estate Winery
PO Box 1829, 4790 Wild Rose Street Oliver, BC V0H 1T0
C.C. Jentsch Cellars
979 Lochore Road Penticton, BC V2A 8V1
Calona Winery and Vineyards
1305 Smethurst Road Naramata, BC V0H 1N1
500 Burrowing Owl Place Oliver, BC V0H 1T1 4522 Highway 97 Oliver, BC V0H 1T1 1125 Richter Street Kelowna, BC V1Y 2K6
Camelot Vineyards Estate Winery
3489 East Kelowna Road Kelowna, BC V1W 4H1
Cana Vines Winery
129 Brauns Road Oliver, BC V0H 1T2
Cassini Cellars
PO Box 740 Osoyoos, BC V0H 1V0
D'Angelo Estate Winery
Daydreamer Wines Inc.
Deep Creek Wine Estate Ltd. & Hainle Vineyards Estate Winery
5355 Trepanier Bench Road Peachland, BC V0H 1X2
Deep Roots Winery
884 Tillar Road Naramata, BC V0H 1N1
Desert Hills Estate Winery
4078 Black Sage Road Oliver, BC V0H 1T1
Dirty Laundry Vineyard
7311 Fiske Street Summerland, BC V0H 1Z2
Earlco Vineyards Ltd.
1493 Todd Road Penticton, BC V2A 8T6
Elephant Island Orchard Wines
2730 Aikins Loop Naramata, BC V0H 1N0
Encore Vineyards Ltd.
7 – 7519 Prairie Valley Road Summerland, BC V0H 1Z4
Evolve Cellars
20623 McDougald Road Summerland, BC V0H 1Z6
Ex Nihilo Vineyards
1525 Camp Road Lake Country, BC V4V 1K1
Fairview Cellars
989 Cellar Road Oliver, BC V0H 1T5
Fashion Estates Winery
2434 Oliver Ranch Road Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R2
Fitzpatrick Family Vineyards
697 Highway 97 S. Peachland, BC V0H 1X9
Forgotten Hill Wine Co.
3960 Cottonwood Lane Naramata, BC V0H 1N1
Foxtrot Vineyards
1201 Gawne Road Naramata, BC V0H 1N1
Frequency Wine and Sound
Giant Head Estate Winery
4307 Gartrell Road Summerland, BC V0H 1Z4
Gold Hill Winery
3502 Fruitvale Way Oliver, BC V0H 1T1
Gray Monk Estate Winery
1055 Camp Road Lake Country, BC V4V 2H4
Grizzli Winery Ltd.
2550 Boucherie Road Kelowna, BC V1Z 2E6
Hawks Vineyard
2434 Oliver Ranch Road Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R2
Heaven's Gate Estate Winery
8001 Happy Valley Road Summerland, BC V0H 1Z4
Hester Creek Estate Winery
877 Road 8, Box 1605 Oliver, BC V0H 1T0
Hidden Chapel Winery
482 Pinehill Road Oliver, BC V0H 1T5
Hillside Winery & Bistro
1350 Naramata Road Penticton, BC V2A 8T6
House of Rose Winery
2270 Garner Road Kelowna, BC V1P 1E2
Howling Bluff Estate Winery
1086 Three Mile Road Penticton, BC V2A 8T7
Howling Moon Cider House
7952 Highway 97 Oliver, BC V0H 1T5
Indigenous World Winery
3210 Gulley Road Kelowna, BC V1W 4E5
2218 Horizon Drive Kelowna, BC V1Z 3L4
Ganton & Larsen Prospect Winery c/o Artisan Wine Co. Vancouver
Inniskillin Okanagan Vineyard Inc. – Arterra Wines Canada
PO Box 474 Oliver, BC V0H 1T0
Gehringer Brothers Estate Winery
876 Road 8 Oliver, BC V0H 1T1
7857 Tucelnuit Drive, PO Box 1650 Oliver, BC V0H 1T2 www.inniskillin.comOkanagan
Intersection Estate Winery
450 Road 8 Oliver, BC V0H 1T1
Intrigue Wines Ltd.
Le Coin Perdu Winery / Vineyard
2291 Goldie Road Lake Country, BC V4V 1G5
10238 160th Avenue Osoyoos, BC V0H 1V2
Jackson-Triggs Okanagan Estate Winery
5496 Black Sage Road Oliver, BC V0H 1T1
7857 Tucelnuit Drive Oliver, BC V0H 1T2
Le Vieux Pin Winery
Ledlin Family Vineyards
Joie Farm Winery
1435 Naramata Road Penticton, BC V2A 8T6
Kalala Organic Estate Winery
4720 Allendale Road Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R2
Kanazawa Wines
851 Naramata Road Penticton, BC V2A 8V1
Kettle Valley Winery
2815 Ourtoland Road West Kelowna, BC V1Z 2H7
Kismet Estate Winery
1060 Poplar Grove Road Penticton, BC V2A 8T6
Kitsch Wines
5716 Gartrell Road Summerland, BC V0H 1Z7
Kraze Legz Vineyard and Winery
948 Naramata Road Penticton, BC V2A 8V1
La Frenz Winery
1016 Littlejohn Road Naramata, BC V0H 1N0
Lake Breeze Vineyards
5437 Lakeshore Road Kelowna, BC V1W 4S5
Lang Vineyards
3974 Highway 97 Oliver, BC V0H 1T1
Lariana Cellars Estate Winery
3975 June Springs Road Kelowna, BC V1W 4E4
LaStella Winery
4287 McLean Creek Road Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R1
Laughing Stock Vineyards
375 Upper Bench Road N. Penticton, BC V2A 8T2
2825 Naramata Road Naramata, BC V0H 1N1
3361 Glencoe Road West Kelowna, BC V4T 1M1 1465 McMillan Avenue Penticton, BC V2A 8T4 2988 Hayman Road Naramata, BC V0H 1N1
9580 Road 20 Oliver, BC V0T 1T0 3330 Neid Road Kelowna, BC V1W 4H5 141 Fir Avenue, PO Box 108 Kaleden, BC V0H 1K0 740 Naramata Road Penticton, BC V2A 8T5 930 Sammet Road Naramata, BC V0H 1N0 2493 Gammon Road Naramata, BC V0H 1N1 8310 – 2nd Avenue Osoyoos, BC V0H 1V1 8123 148th Street Osoyoos, BC V0H 1V2
1548 Naramata Road Penticton, BC V2A 8T7
Liquidity Wines
Little Engine Winery
Little Straw Vineyards
Lock & Worth Winery
Lunessence Winery & Vineyard
Maple Leaf Spirits Inc.
Marichel Vineyard and Winery
Martin's Lane Winery
Maverick Estate Winery
Meadow Vista Artisan Farm Winery
Meyer Family Vineyards
Misconduct Wine Co.
Mission Hill Family Estate
1730 Mission Hill Road West Kelowna, BC V4T 2E4
Mocojo Winery
1202 Gawne Road Naramata, BC V0H 1N1
Monster Vineyards
1010 Tupper Avenue Penticton, BC V2A 8T6
Montakarn Estate Winery
5462 Black Sage Road Oliver, BC V0H 1T1
Moon Curser Vineyards
Okanagan Villa Estate Winery
3240 Pooley Road Kelowna, BC V1W 4G7
Oliver Twist Estate Winery
398 Lupine Lane Oliver, BC V0H 1T1
Orchard Hill Estate Cidery
3480 Fruitvale Way Oliver, BC V0H 1T1
Origin Wines
1278 Riddle Road Penticton, BC V2A 8X2
O'Rourke Family Vineyards Ltd.
3628 Highway 3 E. Osoyoos, BC V0H 1V6
14551 Carrs Landing Road Lake Country, BC V4V 1C6
Moraine Estate Winery
17808 103rd Street Osoyoos, BC V0H 1V2
Mt. Boucherie Estate Winery
400 Smyth Drive Penticton, BC V2A 8W6
Nagging Doubt Winery
1125 Richter Street Kelowna, BC V1Y 2K6
Niche Wine Company
4551 Valley View Road Penticton, BC V2A 8W8
Nichol Vineyards and Estate Winery
134 Lower Bench Road Penticton, BC V2A 1A8
Nighthawk Vineyards
168 Sportsmens Bowl Road Oliver, BC V0H 1T5
1865 Naramata Road Penticton, BC V2A 8T9
829 Douglas Road West Kelowna, BC V1Z 1N9 4513 Sallows Road Kelowna, BC V1W 4C2
1901 Bartley Road West Kelowna, BC V1Z 2M6 1285 Smethurst Road Naramata, BC V0H 1N1
2735 Green Lake Road Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R0
Nk'MIP Cellars
1400 Rancher Creek Road Osoyoos, BC V0H 1V6
Noble Ridge Vineyard & Winery
2320 Oliver Ranch Road Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R2
Off the Grid Organic Winery
3623 Glencoe Road West Kelowna, BC V4T 1L8
Okanagan Crush Pad Winery
16576 Fosbery Road Summerland, BC V0H 1Z6
Osoyoos Larose Estate Winery
Painted Rock Estate Winery
Peller Estates Winery
Pentage Winery
Perseus Winery & Vineyards
Pipe Dreams Vineyard & Estate Winery
Platinum Bench Estate Winery & Artisan Bread Co.
4120 Black Sage Road Oliver, BC V0H 1T1
Play Estate Winery
507 Skaha Hills Drive Penticton, BC V2A 0A9
Poplar Grove Winery
425 Middle Bench Road N. Penticton, BC V2A 8S5
Quails' Gate Vineyard Estate Winery
3303 Boucherie Road Kelowna, BC V1Z 2H3
Quidni Estate Winery
1465 Naramata Road Penticton, BC V2A 8X2
Quinta Ferreira Estate Winery
Silkscarf Winery
Synchromesh Wines
4220 McLean Creek Road Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R0
Tantalus Vineyards
6094 Black Sage Road Oliver, BC V0H 1T8
4917 Gartrell Road Summerland, BC V0H 1Z4
1670 Dehart Road Kelowna, BC V1W 4N6
Red Rooster Winery
Silver Sage Winery
Terrabella Wineries Ltd.
891 Naramata Road Penticton, BC V2A 8T5
River Stone Estate Winery
143 Buchanan Road Oliver, BC V0H 1T2
Road 13 Vineyards
799 Ponderosa Road Oliver, BC V0H 1T1
Rollingdale Winery
2306 Hayman Road West Kelowna, BC V1Z 1Z5
Ruby Blues Winery
917 Naramata Road Penticton, BC V2A 8V1
Rust Wine Co.
4444 Golden Mile Road Oliver, BC V0H 1T1
Sage Hills Vineyards
PO Box 293 Oliver, BC V0H 1T0
Sleeping Giant Fruit Winery
6206 Canyon View Road Summerland, BC V0H 1Z7
SOAHC Estate Wines
PO Box 242, Fruitvale PO Fruitvale, BC V0G 1L0
Sonoran Estate Winery
21606 Bridgeman Road Summerland, BC V0H 1Z6
Sperling Vineyards
1405 Pioneer Road Kelowna, BC V1W 4M6
Spierhead Winery
3950 Spiers Road Kelowna, BC V1W 4B3
Squeezed Wines
18555 Matsu Drive Summerland, BC V0H 1Z6
7229 Tucelnuit Drive Oliver, BC V0H 1T0
Sandhill Estate Vineyard
St. Hubertus and Oak Bay Family Estate Winery
1125 Richter Street Kelowna, BC V1Y 2K6
Savard Vines
25200 Callan Road Summerland, BC V0H 1Z6
Sawmill Creek Wines
PO Box 1650 Oliver, BC V0H 1T0
Saxon Estate Winery Ltd.
9819 Lumsden Avenue Summerland, BC V0H 1Z8
Scorched Earth Vineyard and Winery
6006 Lakeshore Road Kelowna, BC V1W 4J5
See Ya Later Ranch
Box 480, 2575 Green Lake Road Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R0
Serendipity Estate Winery
990 Lower Debeck Road Naramata, BC V0H 1N1
5225 Lakeshore Road Kelowna, BC V1W 4J1
Stag's Hollow Winery and Vineyard
2237 Sun Valley Way Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R2
Stoneboat Vineyards
356 Orchard Grove Lane Oliver, BC V0H 1T1
3191 Boucherie Road West Kelowna, BC V1Z 2G9
Terravista Vineyards
1853 Sutherland Road Penticton, BC V2A 8T8
TH Wines
Unit #1 – 9576 Cedar Avenue Summerland, BC V0H 1Z2
The Hatch Winery
3225 Boucherie Road West Kelowna, BC V1Z 4E4
The Vibrant Vine
3240 Pooley Road Kelowna, BC V1W 4G7
The View Winery and Vineyard
#1 – 2287 Ward Road Kelowna, BC V1W 4R5
Therapy Vineyards
940 Debeck Road Naramata, BC V0H 1N1
Thornhaven Estate Winery
Township 7 Vineyards & Winery
1450 McMillan Avenue Penticton, BC V2A 8T4
Trovao Estate Winery
1039 Debeck Road Naramata, BC V0H 1N0
Upper Bench Estate Winery and Creamery
170 Upper Bench Road S. Penticton, BC V2A 8T1
Van Westen Vineyards
2800 A Aikens Loop Naramata, BC V0H 1N1
vinAmite Cellars Inc.
5381 Highway 97 Oliver, BC V0H 1T1
Volcanic Hills Estate Winery
2845 Boucherie Road West Kelowna, BC V1Z 2G6
Waterside Winery
70 Waterside Road Enderby, BC V0E 1V3
Wayne Gretzky Okanagan
1125 Richter Street Kelowna, BC V1Y 2K6
Wild Goose Vineyards & Winery
2145 Sun Valley Way Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R2
Willow Hill Wines Inc.
6816 Andrew Avenue Summerland, BC V0H 1Z7
551 Road 8 Oliver, BC V0H 1T1
Three Sisters Winery
9503 12th Avenue Osoyoos, BC V0H 1V1
Tightrope Winery
1865 Naramata Road Penticton, BC V2A 8T9
1250 Munson Avenue Penticton, BC V2A 8S5 1050 Fleet Road Penticton, BC V2A 8T7
Time Estate Winery
Young & Wyse Collection
Zero Balance Vineyards
Similkameen Valley Celista Estate Winery
Sumac Ridge Estate Winery
361 Martin Street Penticton, BC V2A 5K4
2319 Beguelin Road Celista, BC V0E 1L0
Summer Gate Winery
PO Box 2010, 537 Tinhorn Creek Road Oliver, BC V0H 1T0
Tinhorn Creek Vineyards
Cerelia Vineyards & Estate Winery Inc.
PO Box 307, 17403 Highway 97 N. Summerland, BC V0H 1Z0 11612 Morrow Avenue Summerland, BC V0H 1Z8
Summerhill Pyramid Winery
4870 Chute Lake Road Kelowna, BC V1W 4M3
Top Shelf Winery
236 Linden Avenue Kaleden, BC V0H 1K0
2235 Ferko Road Cawston, BC V0X 1C2
Clos Du Soleil Winery
2568 Upper Bench Road Keremeos, BC V0X 1N4
Corcelettes Estate Winery
2582 Upper Bench Road Keremeos, BC V0X 1N4
Country Wine Cellar
618B 7th Avenue Keremeos, BC V0X 1N3
Crowsnest Vineyards
2035 Surprise Drive Cawston, BC V0X 1C0
Eau Vivre Winery & Vineyards Ltd.
716 Lowe Drive Cawston, BC V0X 1C2
Forbidden Fruit Winery
620 Sumac Road Cawston, BC V0X 1C3
Hugging Tree Winery
1002 Highway 3 Cawston, BC V0X 1C3
Liber Farm and Winery
156 Sumac Road Cawston, BC V0X 1C3
Little Farm Winery
2155 Newton Road Cawston, BC V0X 1C1
Orofino Vineyard
2152 Barcelo Road Cawston, BC V0X 1C2
Robin Ridge Winery
2686 Middle Bench Road Keremeos, BC V0X 1N2
Rustic Roots Winery
2238 Highway 3 Cawston, BC V0X 1C2
Sage Bush Winery
3045 Highway 3 Keremeos, BC V0X 1N1
Seven Stones Winery
1143 Highway 3 Cawston, BC V0X 1C3
St. Laszlo Vineyards
2605 Highway 3 E. Keremeos, BC V0X 1N5
Vanessa Vineyard Estate Winery Inc.
1090 Highway 3 Cawston, BC V0X 1C3
Emerging Regions Baillie-Grohman Estate Winery
1140 27th Avenue S. Creston, BC V0B 1G1
Columbia Gardens Vineyard & Winery Estate
9340 Station Road Trail, BC V1R 4W6
Constantin Vasilica Winery
1385 Frost Road Lindell Beach, BC V2R 4X8
Edge of the Earth Vineyard
4758 Gulch Road Armstrong, BC V0E 1B4
Fort Berens Estate Winery Ltd.
1881 Highway 99 N., PO Box 758 Lillooet, BC V0K 1V0
Harper's Trail Estate Winery
2761 Shuswap Road Kamloops, BC V2H 1S9
Larch Hills Winery
110 Timms Road Salmon Arm, BC V1E 2P8
Lavina Estate Winery
5214 Clcahl Road Armstrong, BC V0E 1B4
Marionette Winery
2540 40th Street NE Salmon Arm, BC V1E 1Z3
Monte Creek Ranch Winery
PO Box 11, 2420 Miner's Bluff Road Monte Creek, BC V0E 2M0
Northam Winery
965 McGill Place Kamloops, BC V2C 6N9
Northern Lights Estate Winery Ltd.
745 P.G. Pulpmill Road Prince George, BC V2K 5P4
Ovino Winery
1577 Yankee Flats Road Salmon Arm, BC V1E 3J4
Recline Ridge Vineyards and Winery Ltd.
2640 Skimikin Road West Tappen, BC V0E 2X3
Sagewood Winery
Skimmerhorn Winery & Vineyard Ltd.
RR 1 Wembley, AB T0H 3S0
Sunnybrae Vineyards & Winery
Box 32 Perdue, SK S0K 3C0
William Tell Family Estate
Box 163 Killarney, MB R0K 1G0
Wynnwood Cellars Estate Winery
240183 2380 Drive West Millarville, AB T0L 1K0
589 Meadow Lark Road Kamloops, BC V2H 1S9 1218 – 27th Avenue S. Creston, BC V0B 1G1
3849 Sunnybrae Canoe Point Road Tappen, BC V0E 2X0 PO Box 204 Creston, BC V0B 1G0
5566 Highway 3A Wynndel, BC V0B 2N2
Lake Saskatoon Winery & Distillery
Living Sky Winery
Rigby Orchards Estate Winery
Spirit Hills Honey Winery
Ontario AB & SK & MB Aspen Grove Cottage Winery Inc.
PO Box 218 White City, SK S0G 5B0
Banach Winery
PO Box 1853, 341 – 22nd Street Battleford, SK S0M 0E0
Barr Estate Winery Inc.
51526 RR 231 Sherwood Park, AB T8B 1K9
Birds & Bees Organic Winery and Meadery
Box 110 Brosseau, AB T0B 0P0
Lake Erie-North Shore-Pelee Island Aleksander Estate Winery
1542 County Road 34 Ruthven, ON N0P 2G0
Bellamere Winery & Event Centre
1260 Gainsborough Road London, ON N6H 5K8
Bell's Winery
240 Graff Avenue Stratford, ON N5A 6Y2
Black Bear Farms of Ontario Estate Winery Inc.
Chinook Arch Meadery
1137 County Road 20 W. Kingsville, ON N9Y 2E6
Cypress Hills Vineyard and Winery
PO Box 609, 108 County Road 50 E. Harrow, ON N0R 1G0
Fallentimber Meadery
1 Colio Drive, PO Box 372 Harrow, ON N0R 1G0
Field Stone Fruit Wines
1425 Iler Road Harrow, ON N0R 1G0
386079 16th Street W., Box 12, Site 14, RR 1 Okotoks, AB T1S 1A1 Box 122 Maple Creek, SK S0N 1N0
Planet Bee Honey Farm and Honeymoon Meadery
Privato Vineyard and Winery
Box 19, Site 6, RR 1, 251073A Township Road 232 Strathmore, AB T1P 1J6
5505 Westsyde Road Kamloops, BC V2B 8N5
Forest Fringe Orchards
PO Box 472 Prince Albert, SK S6V 5R8
PO Box 27 Water Valley, AB T0M 2E0
5011 Bella Vista Road Vernon, BC V1H 1A1
Fireside Winery & Market Garden Inc.
106 – 39368 RR 19-2 Stettler County, AB T0C 2L0
Colchester Ridge Estate Winery
Colio Estate Winery
Cooper's Hawk Vineyards
Early Acres Estate Winery
9494 Pioneer Line Chatham, ON N7M 5J7
Erie Shore Vineyard
410 County Road 50 W. Harrow, ON N0R 1G0
Golden Leaf Estate Winery
2790 Norfolk County Road 45 Langton, ON N0E 1G0
Grape Tree Estate Winery
308 Mersea Road 3 Leamington, ON N8H 3V5
LeBlanc Estate Winery
4716 4th Concession Road Harrow, ON N0R 1G0
Sprucewood Shores Estate Winery
7258 County Road 50 W. Harrow, ON N0R 1G0
Viewpointe Estate Winery
151 County Road 50 E. Harrow, ON N0R 1G0
Villa Nova Estate Winery
Mastronardi Estate Winery
RR# 4, 1449 Concession 13 Simcoe, ON N3Y 4K3
Meadow Lane Winery
1222 Concession 8 W. (Lake Shore Road 103) Lake Shore, ON N0R 1K0
Munro Honey & Meadery
801 Norfolk Street S. Simcoe, ON N2Y 4K1
1193 Concession 3 E. Kingsville, ON N9Y 2E5
44892 Talbot Main Line St. Thomas, ON N5P 3S7 3115 River Street Alvinston, ON N0N 1A0
Muscedere Vineyards Estate Winery
7457 County Road 18, RR 4 Harrow, ON N0R 1G0
North 42 Degrees Estate Winery Inc.
130 County Road 50 E. Colchester, ON N0R 1G0
Oxley Estate Winery
533 County Road 50 E. Harrow, ON N0R 1G0
Paglione Estate Winery
724 County Road 50 E. Harrow, ON N0R 1G0
Pelee Island Pelee Island Wine Pavillion
20 East West Road Pelee Island, ON N0R 1M0
Pelee Island Winery
455 Seacliff Drive Kingsville, ON N9Y 2K5
Quai Du Vin Estate Winery
45811 Fruitridge Line, RR 5 St. Thomas, ON N5P 3S9
Rush Creek Wines
48995 Jamestown Line, RR 2 Aylmer, ON N5H 2R2
Sanson Estate Winery
9238 Walker Road Amherstburg, ON N0R 1J0
Wagner Orchards & Estate Winery
Wooden Bear L Winery Inc.
Coyote's Run Estate Winery
485 Concession 5 Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Dan Aykroyd Wines
1067 Niagara Stone Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
De Moura Winery Way
545 Niagra Stone Road (Hwy #55) Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Diamond Estates – The Winery
McMichael Collection – Group of Seven Wines
EastDell Estates Winery
1067 Niagara Stone Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Five Rows Craft Wine and the Lowrey Vineyard
1067 Niagara Stone Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Frogpond Farm Organic Winery
Big Head Wines Inc.
1385 Larkin Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Burnt Ship Bay Estate Winery
1181 Lakeshore Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
925 Line 2 – RR 2 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Hinterbrook Estate Winery
Icellars Estate Winery
Caroline Cellars Family Estate Winery
615 Concession 5 Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Cattail Creek Family Estate Winery
1499 Line 3 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
1010 Line 2, PO Box 358 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1T0 1156 Concession 6 Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Chateau des Charmes Wines Ltd.
1025 York Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1P0
Colaneri Estate Winery
348 Concession 6 Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Marynissen Estates Winery
Domaine Vagners
1973 Four Mile Creek Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Between the Lines Family Estate Winery
304 Hunter Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Maleta Estate Winery Ltd.
450 Queenston Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0 1208 Concession 1, RR 6 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
361 Tanbark Road St. David's, ON L0S 1P0
991 Four Mile Creek Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Lakeview Cellars
1067 Niagara Stone Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
1067 Niagara Stone Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
20 Bees Winery
1067 Niagara Stone Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Lailey Winery
15940 Niagara River Parkway Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Inniskillin Niagara Estate Wines
Jackson-Triggs Niagara Estate Winery
2145 Niagara Stone Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
1067 Niagara Stone Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Palatine Hills Estate Winery
911 Lakeshore Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Peller Estates Winery & Restaurant
290 John Street E. Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Perridiso Estate Winery
176 Warner Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Pillitteri Estates Winery
1696 Niagara Stone Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Pondview Estate Winery
925 Line 2 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Rancourt Winery
1829 Concession 4 Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Rancourt Winery Inc.
1829 Concession 4 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Ravine Vineyard Estate Winery
1366 York Road St. David's, ON L0S 1P0
Reif Estate Winery
Joseph's Estate Wines Inc.
15608 Niagara Parkway Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Konzelmann Estate Winery
1289 Line 3 Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
1811 Niagara Stone Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0 1096 Lakeshore Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Reimer Vineyards Winery
Riverbend Inn and Vineyard
PO Box 1560, 16104 Niagara River Parkway Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Riverview Cellars Estate Winery
15376 Niagara Parkway, RR 1 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Small Talk Vineyards
1242 Irvine Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Southbrook Vineyards
581 Niagara Stone Road, RR 4 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Niagara Escarpment and 20 Valley 13th Street Winery
16 Mile Cellar
3850 Aberdeen Road Beamsville, ON L0R 1B6
Alvento Winery
5246 King Street W. Beamsville, ON L0R 1B3
Andrew Peller Limited
3753 Quarry Road Beamsville, ON L0R 1B2
Angels Gate Winery
4055 Nineteenth Street Jordan Station, ON L0R 1S0
1776 Fourth Avenue St. Catharines, ON L2R 6P9 3555 Eleventh Street, RR 1 St. Catharines, ON L2R 6P7 3048 Second Avenue Vineland, ON L0R 2E0
Stratus Vineyards
697 South Service Road Grimsby, ON L3M 4E8
Strewn Winery
4260 Mountainview Road Beamsville, ON L0R 1B2
2059 Niagara Stone Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0 1339 Lakeshore Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Sunnybrook Farm Estate Winery
1425 Lakeshore Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
The Hare Wine Company
769 Niagara Stone Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
The Ice House Winery
14778 Niagara Parkway Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
1219 Niagara Stone Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Ziraldo Estate Winery
15468 Niagara Parkway Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Featherstone Estate Winery
Fielding Estate Winery
2083 Seventh Street St. Catharines, ON L2R 6P9
Flat Rock Cellars
1491 Highway 8 Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5K9
Foreign Affair Winery
4888 Ontario Street N. Beamsville, ON L0R 1B3
G. Marquis Vineyards
3749 Walker Road Beamsville, ON L0R 1B2
Good Earth Food and Wine Co.
4520 Ontario Street, PO Box 399 Beamsville, ON L0R 1B0
GreenLane Estate Winery
4260 King Street E. Beamsville, ON L0R 1B0
Calamus Estate Winery
4890 Victoria Avenue N. Vineland Station, ON L0R 2E0
Cave Springs Cellars
4520 Ontario Street, PO Box 399 Beamsville, ON L0R 1B0
Central Valley Winery
4556 Lincoln Avenue Beamsville, ON L0R 1B1
Contraband Sparkling Wine Labs
3751 King Street Vineland, ON L0R 2C0
Cornerstone Estate Winery
4362 Jordan Road Lincoln, ON L0R 1S0
Cox Creek Cellars
1179 4th Avenue St. Catharines, ON L2R 6P9
65 Milburn Road Hamilton, ON L8E 3A3
8 Briarsdale Drive St. Catharines, ON L2T 2Z2 4390 Tufford Road Beamsville, ON L0R 1B1 7687 Wellington Road 22 Guelph, ON N1H 6J2
John Howard Cellars of Distinction
4696 King Street Beamsville, ON L0R 1B1
Birchwood Estate Wines
Tzafona Cellars
Hidden Bench Estate Winery
4152 Locust Lane Beamsville, ON L0R 1B2
Domaine Queylus
2727 Seventh Avenue Jordan, ON L0R 1S0
3836 Main Street Jordan, ON L0R 1S0
Hernder Estate Wines
1607 Eighth Avenue Louth St. Catharines, ON L2R 6P7
3550 King Street Vineland, ON L0R 2C0
Back 10 Cellars
4101 King Street Beamsville, ON L0R 1B1
1469 Pelham Road, RR 1 St. Catharines, ON L2R 6P7
Di Profio Wines
4020 Locust Lane Beamsville, ON L0R 1B2
4524 John Street, Box 820 Beamsville, ON L0R 1B0
Henry of Pelham Family Estate Winery
3930 Cherry Avenue Vineland, ON L0R 2C0
Atlantis Niagara Wines
Two Sisters Vineyards
Wayne Gretzky Estates Winery & Distillery
De Sousa Wine Cellars
3678 Victoria Avenue Vineland, ON L0R 2C0
4887 Dorchester Road Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6N8
3100 Glen Road Jordan, ON L0R 1S0
1067 Niagara Stone Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Daniel Lenko Estate Winery
Arterra Wines Canada – Constellation Brands
4679 Cherry Avenue Beamsville, ON L0R 1B1
240 John Street E. Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Crown Bench Estates
3651 Sixteen Road St. Anns, ON L0R 1Y0
Trius Winery at Hillebrand
1249 Niagara Stone Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Creekside Estate Winery
2170 Fourth Avenue Jordan, ON L0R 1S0
Harbour Estates Winery
Harvest Estate Wines
Kacaba Vineyards & Winery
Kew Vineyards Estate Winery Ltd.
King's Court Estate Winery
Leaning Post Wines
Legends Estates Winery
London Born Wine Co.
Magnotta Wineries
Malivoire Wine Company
Maple Grove Estate Winery
4063 North Service Road Beamsville, ON L0R 1B1
Megalomaniac John Howard Cellars of Distinction
3930 Cherry Avenue Vineland, ON L0R 2C0
Mike Weir Winery
4041 Locust Lane Beamsville, ON L0R 1B0
Mountain Road Wine Company
4016 Mountain Street Beamsville, ON L0R 1B7
Organized Crime Winery
4043 Mountainview Road Beamsville, ON L0R 1B2
Pearl Morissette Estate Winery
Thirty Bench Wine Makers
4281 Mountaview Road Beamsville, ON L0R 1B2
Trillium Hill Estate Winery
Del-Gatto Estates Ltd., Bella Vigne
3609 County Road 8 Picton, ON K0K 2T0
Devils Wishbone Winery
1014 County Road 7, RR 4 Picton, ON K0K 2T0
Domaine Darius
3953 Jordan Road Jordan, ON L0R 1S0
3420 Ninth Street S. St. Catharines, ON L2R 6P7
Peninsula Ridge Estates Winery
4553 Fly Road Beamsville, ON L0R 1B2
1106 – 1112 Royal Road Milford, ON K0K 2P0
Puddicombe Farm and Estate Winery
3620 Moyer Road Vineland, ON L0R 2C0
Vineland Estates Winery Ltd.
Grange of Prince Edward Estate Vineyard & Winery
Redstone Winery
3180 Seventeenth Street Jordan, ON L0R 1S0
5600 King Street W., PO Box 550, Beamsville, ON L0R 1B0 1468 #8 Highway Winona, Hamilton, ON L8E 5K9 4245 King Street Beamsville, ON L0R 1B1
Rennie Estate Winery
Vieni Estates Wine & Spirits
Westcott Vineyards
Prince Edward County
Lighthall Vineyards Inc.
308 Lighthall Road Milford, ON K0K 2P0
Long Dog Vineyard & Winery Inc.
104 Brewers Road Milford, ON K0K 2P0
Maw's Lakeview Orchard
1316 Wilson Road Bloomfield, ON K0K 1G0
1385 Highway 62 Bloomfield, ON K0K 1G0
Exultet Estates
Norman Hardie Winery and Vineyard
990 Closson Road Hillier, ON K0K 2J0
Gravel Hill Vineyards
1152 Greer Road Wellington, ON K0K 3L0
Redtail Vineyard
422 Partridge Hollow Road, RR 3 Consecon, ON K0K 1T0
Robert Thomas Estate Vineyard
567 Closson Road Hillier, ON K0K 2J0
784 County Road 18, RR 1 Cherry Valley, ON K0K 1P0
Half Moon Bay Winery
1243 Greer Road, RR 1 Wellington, ON K0K 3L0
Rosehall Run Vineyards Inc.
4260 King Street E. Beamsville, ON L0R 1B0
Box 388, 591 Christian Road Wellington, ON K0K 3L0
Barnyard Wine Co.
3271 County Road 13, RR 3 Picton, ON K0K 2T0
Ridge Road Estate Winery
Bergeron Estate Winery
Harwood Estate Vineyards
17598 Loyalist Parkway Wellington, ON K0K 3L0
Sandbanks Estate Winery
1205 Ridge Road Stoney Creek, ON L8J 2X5
9656 Loyalist Parkway Bath, ON K0H 1G0
18908 Loyalist Parkway Hillier, ON K0K 2J0
Ridgepoint Wines
Black Prince Winery Ltd.
Hillier Creek Estates Winery
76 Station Road Hillier, ON K0K 2J0
Stanners Vineyard
3900 Cherry Avenue Vineland, ON L0R 2C0
13370 Loyalist Parkway Picton, ON K0K 2T0
46 Stapleton Road Hillier, ON K0K 2J0
Rockway Vineyards
Bonnieheath Estate Lavender and Winery
Hinterland Wine Company
1286 Wilson Road Hillier, ON K0K 2J0
Hubbs Creek Vineyard
896 Lakeside Drive, RR 2, Prince Edward County Consecon, ON K0K 1T0
Huff Estates Winery
1014 County Road 7, RR 4 Picton, ON K0K 2T0
3290 Ninth Street St. Catharines, ON L2R 6P7
Rosewood Estates Winery
4352 Mountainview Road Beamsville, ON L0R 1B2
Royal DeMaria Wines
4551 Cherry Avenue Beamsville, ON L0R 1B1
Silver Bay Cellars
1469 Pelham Road, RR 1 St. Catharines, ON L2R 6P9
Stoney Ridge Estate Winery
3201 King Street Vineland, ON L0R 2C0
Sue-Ann Staff Estate Winery
3210 Staff Avenue Jordan, ON L0R 1S0
Tawse Winery
Box 822, 3955 Cherry Avenue Vineland, ON L0R 2C0
410 Concession 12 Townsend Road Waterford, ON N0E 1Y0
Broken Stone Winery
524 Closson Road Hillier, ON K0K 2J0
By Chadsey’s Cairns Winery and Vineyard
17432 Loyalist Parkway Wellington, ON K0K 3L0
1258 Closson Road, RR 1 Hillier, ON K0K 2J0
562 Danforth Road Hillier, ON K0K 3L0
2274 County Road 1, PO Box 300 Bloomfield, ON K0K 1G0
Karlo Estates Winery
561 Danforth Road Wellington, ON K0K 3L0
Casa Dea Estates Winery
49 Hubbs Creek Road Wellington, ON K0K 3L0
Closson Chase Vineyards Inc.
804 Closson Road Hillier, ON K0K 2J0
1186 Greer Road Wellington, ON K0K 3L0 629 Closson Road Hillier, ON K0K 2J0
Terra Estate Winery Inc.
The Devil's Wishbone Winery
Cape Vineyards
4203 County Road 8, RR 4 Prince Edward, ON K0K 2T0
Sugarbush Vineyards
Keint-he Winery and Vineyards
Lacey Estates Winery
The Grange of Prince Edward Vineyards and Estate Winery
990 Closson Road Hillier, ON K0K 2J0
The Old Third Vineyard
251 Closson Road Hillier, ON K0K 2J0
Three Dog Winery
1920 Fish Lake Road Picton, ON K0K 2T0
Trail Estate Winery
Countryman's Estate Winery
416 Benway Road Hillier, ON K0K 2J0
3608 County Road 2 Prescott, ON K0E 1T0
Villa Conti Oak Heights Estate Winery
PO Box 460, 70665 B Line Grand Bend, ON N0M 1T0
337 Covert Hill Road RR 1 Warkworth, ON K0K 3K0
Waupoos Estates Winery
3016 County Road 8 Picton, ON K0K 2T0
Ontario Emerging Regions Adamo Estate Winery
793366 3rd Line EHS Mono, ON L9W 5X7
Alton Farms Estate Winery
5547 Aberarder Line Plympton-Wyoming, ON N0N 1J5
Andrews' Scenic Acres / Scotch Block Winery
9365 10th Sideroad Halton Hills, ON L9T 2X9
Applewood Farm & Winery
Dark Horse Estate Winery
Domaine Perrault Winery
1000 Perrault Road Navan, ON K4B 0B2
Downey's Estate Winery Ltd.
13682 Heart Lake Road Brampton, ON L7C 2J5
Frisky Beaver – Smoke & Gamble
138 Tisdale Road Port Dover, ON N0A 1N2
Gallucci Winery Inc.
13204 Ninth Line Stouffville, ON L4A 3C7
Generations Wine Company Ltd.
178 St. George Street Toronto, ON M5R 2M7
Georgian Hills Vineyards Inc.
Kawartha Country Wines
2452 County Road 36 Buckhorn, ON K0L 1J0
Kin Vineyards
3977 Bender Road Monkland, ON K0C 1V0
Kittling Ridge Wines & Spirits
16 King Street E. Millbrook, ON L0A 1G0
271 Chrislea Road Vaughan, ON L4L 8N6
Leaskdale Winery
PO Box 39, 12699 Durham Road #1 Uxbridge, ON L9P 1M8
Maelstrom Winery
78925 Sanctuary Line, RR 4 Seaforth, ON N0K 1W0
Magnotta Winery Estates Ltd.
271 Chrislea Road Vaughan, ON L4L 8N6
Majestic Wine Cellars Inc.
271 Jevlan Drive, Unit 8 Woodbridge, ON L4L 8A4 6811 Steeles Avenue W. Etobicoke, ON M9V 4R9
Archibald Orchards Winery
Goulds Apple Orchard and Fruit Winery
Nyarai Cellars
Arterra Wines Canada – Constellation Brands
441 Courtneypark Drive E. Mississauga, ON L5T 2V3
Green Gables Vines
1600 Porter Road Oxford Station, ON K0G 1T0
Halpern Enterprises
99448 Concession Road 2 N. Annan, ON N0H 1B0
Ocala Orchards Farm Winery Ltd.
971 High Point Road, RR 2 Port Perry, ON L9L 1B3
Philippe Dandurand Wines
Blueberry Hill Estates Winery
400 Spadina Avenue Toronto, ON M5T 2G7
Burning Kiln Winery
1723 Highway 9 Mildmay, ON N0G 2V0
138 Tisdale Road Port Dover, ON N0A 1N2
Holland Marsh Wineries
82 Bedford Street Westport, ON K0G 1X0
1195 Front Street St. Williams, ON N0E 1P0
1709 Front Road St. Williams, ON N0E 1P0
Cellaria Winery Inc.
3200 Fourteenth Avenue #1 Markham, ON L3R 0H8
Hoity Toity Cellars
18270 Keele Street Newmarket, ON L3Y 4V9
Jabulani Vineyard and Winery
Cilento Wines
672 Chrislea Road Woodbridge, ON L4L 8K9
8005 Jock Trail Richmond, ON K0A 2Z0
Coffin Ridge Vineyard and Winery
Johnston's Cranberry Marsh
599448 2nd Concession N., RR 1 Annan, ON N0H 1B0
1074 Cranberry Road Bala, ON P0C 1A0
The Millbrook Winery
Twin Pines Orchards, Cider House, & Estate Winery 8169 Kennedy Line Thedford, ON N0M 2N0
Vankleek Hill Vineyard
3725 County Road 12 Champlain, ON K0B 1R0
Vinoteca Inc.
527 Jevlan Drive Woodbridge, ON L4L 8W1
Willow Springs Winery
5572 Bethesda Road Stouffville, ON L4A 7X3
Milan Wineries Inc.
496350 Grey Road 2, PO Box 491 Blue Mountains, ON N0H 1J0
5551 Fifth Line, RR 3 Tottenham, ON L0G 1W0
Strathmore Orchard and Winery
PO Box 44, 3856 Loggers Way Kinburn, ON K0A 2H0
12416 McCowan Road Stouffville, ON L4A 7X5 6275 Liberty Street North Bowmanville, ON L1C 3K6
Smokie Ridge Vineyard
10090 Cameron Road, RR 3 Mountain, ON K0E 1S0
10 Bay Street, Suite 814 Toronto, ON M5J 2R8
Rapscallion Wine Company
Scheuermann Vineyard & Winery
Scotch Block Farm Winery
9365 10th Sideroad Halton Hills / Milton, ON L9T 2X9
Silver Peak Wine Cellars Inc.
2400 Wyecroft Road Oakville, ON L6L 6M8
Smoke & Gamble Cellars
138 Tisdale Road Port Dover, ON N0A 1N2
Quebec Laurentians Region Antolino Brongo
1840 Rang du Domaine Saint-Joseph-du-Lac, QC J0N 1M0
Au Jardin D'Emmanuel
153 Rang Sainte-Sophie Oka, QC J0N 1E0
Avant-Garde Vins & Spiritueux
Suite 611, 1 McGill Montreal, QC H2Y 4A3
Cava Spiliadis
5357 Park Avenue Montreal, QC H2V 4G9
Chateau Taillefer Lafon
1500 Montee Champagne Laval, QC H7X 4H9
Cote St-Charles Winery
750 rue Cote St-Charles Papineaulle, QC J0V 1R0
Domaine DesDuc
440, Route de l'Ile, Île du Collège Duhamel-Ouest, QC J9V 1E7
Domaine Mont-Vézeau
365, Route 321 Ripon, QC J0V 1V0
Ferme Apicole Desrochers
Vignoble Bourg Royal
Chateau de Cartes Winery
96 de la Chapelle Ile Bouchard, St Sulpice, QC J5W 4C8
1910 rue des Erables Charlesbourg, QC G2L 1R8
La Romance Du Vin Vignoble
108 Chemin du Bas de la Rivière Rigaud, QC J0P 1P0
Vignoble Carone
75 Rue Roy Lanoraie, QC J0K 1E0
3141 Chemin Du Pont Couvert Saint Ulric, QC G0J 3H0
L'Ambroisie de Mirabel
Vignoble Domaine Beauchemin
690 route de la Rivière-Etchemin Levis (Saint-Jean-Chrysostome), QC G6Z 2K9
1030 chemin Sherbrooke Canton de Hatley, QC J0B 2C0
Vignoble Domaine de I'lle Ronde
8705 Chemin Royal Sainte-Petronille, QC G0A 4C0
Vignoble de Sainte-Petronille
Domaine des Cotes d'Ardoise Vignoble
14501 Chemin Dupuis Saint-Canut, QC J7N 3H7
Le Vignoble Du Clos Baillie
490 Chemin Baillie Gatineau, QC J9J 3R5
Les 1001 vignes
4395 Avenue des Perron Laval, QC H7J 1G3
Négondos Vignoble Biologique
7100, rang Saint-Vincent Mirabel, QC J7N 3N1
Philippe Dandurand Wines
1304 Greene Avenue Westmount, QC H3Z 2B1
Societe De Vin Internationale, Ltd.
3838 Leman Blvd Laval, QC H7E 1A1
Vignoble biologique du Domaine des Météores
203 Chemin du Lac Grosleau (Route 317) Ripon, QC J0V 1V0
380 Rue Guerin-Lajoie Yamachiche, QC G0X 3L0 I'lle Ronde, C.P. 322 St Sulpice, QC J5W 4L9
Vignoble Kobloth
905 Grand Boulevard Ouest Saint-Bruno, QC J3V 0L8
Vignoble Lano d'Or Inc.
1101 Rang South Saint-Thomas de Joliette, QC J0K 3L0
Vignoble Saint-Gabriel
2190 rang St-David St-Gabriel-de-Brandon, QC J0K 2N0
Quebec City – Capital Region Cassis Monna & Filles
Vignoble Vents d'Ange
1333, Route 138 Neuville, QC G0A 2R0
Clos St-Ignace
756 Rang Saint Isidore Saint-Ignace-de-Loyola, QC J0K 2P0
Le vignoble Mondor
137, rang St-Henri Lanoraie, QC J0K 1E0
Vignoble aux Pieds des Noyers
71, Grande-Côte Est Lanoraie, QC J0K 1E0
Vignoble Domaine Royarnois
479 Rue des Bourgault Saint-Jean-Port-Joli, QC G0R 3G0
Vignoble Rivière du Chêne
Lanaudiere Region
Vignoble Domaine l'Ange Gardien
6869 avenue Royale L'ange-Gardien, QC G0A 2K0
Vignoble Saint Thomas
2388 Chemin Royal Ste-Famille, QC G0A 3P0
839 Chemin Principal St-Joseph-du-Lac, QC J0N 1M0
Vignoble Clos Lambert
146, Chemin du Cap-Tourmente Saint-Joachim, QC G0A 3X0
Vignoble La Bullerie
807, Rivière Nord Saint-Eustache, QC J7R 0J5
Vignoble Carpinteri
1000, Grande-Côte Ouest Lanoraie, QC J0K 1E0
1225 Chemin Royal Saint Pierre-Île-d’Orléans, QC G0A 4E0
2007 rue Principale Saint-Joseph-du-Lac, QC J0N 1M0
Vignoble Bouche-Art
113 rang 2 Gravel Ferme-Neuve, QC J0W 1C0
Domaine de la source a Marguerite
Domaine des 3 Moulins
Domaine du Ridge
205 Chemin Ridge Saint-Armand, QC J0J 1T0
Domaine du Ridge Vignoble
Vignoble Isle de Bacchus
Vignoble La Marée Montante
12 Chemin Boyce Compton, QC J0B 1L0
1335, Chemin Royal Saint-Pierre-de-l'Île-d'Orléans, QC G0A 4E0 568 Rang Saint-Charles Ouest Saint-Alexandre-de-Kamouraska, QC G0L 2G0
Vignoble Le Moulin du Petit Pré
7021 Avenue Royale Chateau-Richer, QC G0A 1N0
Vignoble le Nordet
991 Chemin des Iles Pintendre Levis, QC G6C 1B5
Eastern Townships
Domaine Félibre
Domaine Ives Hill
Ecole du 3e rang Vignoble et Cidrerie
511, 3e rang est St-Joachim-De-Shefford, QC J0E 2G0
La Halte des Pèlerins Vignoble
693 Chemin du Sanctuaire Sherbrooke, QC J1H 0E1
Union Libre cidre & vin
Aperi-Fruits Compton / Domaine Ives Hill
1047 Chemin Bruce Dunham, QC J0E 1M0
Au Vignoble d'Orford
3848 rue Principale Dunham, QC J0E 1M0
Centaure Winery
2565 Chemin Scenic Sutton, QC J0E 2K0
La Cache a Maxime Vignoble
Le Domaine Acer
3848 rue Principale Dunham, QC J0E 1M0
Le Vignoble du Mitan
2565 Chemin Scenic Sutton, QC J0E 2K0
2608 Chemin Royal Sainte-Famille, Ile dOrleans, QC G0A 3P0
879 rue Bruce (Route 202), Dunham, QC J0E 1M0
740 Bean Road Stanstead, QC J0B 3E0
318 Chemin Bice Orford, QC J1X 6X4
145 Route du Vieux Moulin Auclair, QC G0L 1A0
Domaine Bergeville
Vignoble du Faubourg
12 Chemin Boyce Compton, QC J0B 1L0
265, rue Drouin Scott, QC G0S 3G0
Clos Saint. Denis Verger-Vignoble
1150 Chemin des Patriotes (Route 133) Saint-Denis-Sur-Richelieu, QC J0H 1K0
205 chemin Ridge Saint Armand, QC J0J 1T0
Domaine Le Cageot Vignoble
5455, chemin St-André Jonquière, QC G7X 7V4
1285 rue Bruce Dunham, QC J0E 1M0
Chapelle Ste Agnes Vineyard
Vignoble Centaure
Vignoble Chapelle Ste Agnes
Vignoble Clos du Roc Noir
663 Bissell Stanstead, QC J0B 3E0
Vignoble Clos Ste-Croix de Dunham
3734 rue Principale Dunham, QC J0E 1M0
Vignoble de la Sabliére
1050 Chemin Dutch (Route 235), Saint-Armand, QC J0J 1T0
Vignoble de L'Orpailleur
1086 rue Bruce, (Route 202), C.P. 339 Dunham, QC J0M 1M0
Vignoble Sainte-Eulalie
895 rang des Ormes Sainte-Eulalie, QC G0Z 1E0
Vignoble Val Caudalies
4921, Rue Principale Dunham, QC J0E 1M0
Vignoble Domaine de l'Ardennais
158 Chemin Ridge Stanbridge East, QC J0J 2H0
Vignoble Domaine les Bromes
259 Chemin Brome, C.P. 205 Bromont, QC J2L 1A9
Vignoble du Chemin de la Riviere
1087, Chemin de la Riviere Magog, QC J1X 3W5
Vignoble Gagliano
1046 rue Bruce Dunham, QC J0E 1M0
Vignoble la Bauge
155, rue des Érables Brigham, QC J2K 4E1
Monteregie Region Clos Saragnat
100 chemin Richford Frelighsburg, QC J0J 1C0
Cote des Limousins Winery
1980, boul. David-Bouchard Roxton Pond, QC J0E 1Z0
Domaine Bouchard-Champagne
23, rang des Vingt Saint-Basile-le-Grand, QC J3N 1M2
Domaine Clos St-Bernard
271, Rang St-Andre Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle, QC J0J 1V0
Domaine De Lavoie
Vignoble La Grenouille
100 rang de la Montagne Rougemont, QC J0L 1M0
Vignoble la Mission
196 Chemin Covey Hill Hemmingford, QC J0L 1H0
434, chemin Plouffe Cowansville, QC J2K 3G6
1044 boulevard Pierre Laporte, (Route 241) Brigham, QC J2K 4R3
Vignoble Le Cep d'Argent
1257 Chemin de la Riviére Magog, QC J1X 3W5
Vignoble Les Coteaux du Tremblay
159 Chemin de Cochrane Compton, QC J0B 1L0
Vignoble Les Cotes du Gavet
1690, chemin de l'Aqueduc Tingwick, QC J0A 1L0
Vignoble les Diurnes
205 Montee Lebeau Cowansville, QC J2K 3G8
Domaine des Salamandres
Domaine du Fleuve Vignoble
1164 Marie Victorin Varennes, QC J3X 0B8
Domaine Labranche
Vignoble Angell
134, Rang St-Georges Saint-Bernard-De-Lacolle, QC J0J 1V0
Vignoble Chateau Fontaine
4900, rue Martineau Saint-Hyacinthe, QC J2S 7B8
Vignoble Clos de la Montagne
330 de la Montagne Mont-Saint-Gregoire, QC J0J 1K0
Vignoble Clos Mont-Saint-Hilaire
995, Grand Rang Saint-Charles Saint-Paul-d'Abbotsford, QC J0E 1A0
Domaine Leduc-Piedimonte
Domaine Les Brome
Domaine St-Jacques
615 Édouard VII Boulevard St-Jacques-Le-Mineur, QC J0J 1Z0
La Maison Des Futailles
1250 rue Nobel, Suite 275 Boucherville, QC J4B 5H1
Vignoble les Artisans du Terroir
1150 rang de la Montagne St-Paul-d'Abbotsford, QC J0E 1A0
Vignoble les Murmures
2750 Chemin Noiseux Saint-Jean-Baptiste, QC J0L 2B0
Vignoble les Pervenches
150 Chemin Boulais Farnham, QC J2N 2P9
Vignoble Les Petits Cailloux
625 Rang de la Montagne Saint-Paul-d'Abbotsford, QC J0E 1A0
Vignoble Morou
238 Route 221 Saint-Cyprien-de-Napierville, QC J0J 1L0
Vignoble Saint Simon
101 rue Martel Saint Simon de Bagot, QC J0H 1Y0
Vignobles Saint Rémi
2045 rang Notre Dame Saint Rémi, QC J0L 2L0
1194 Chemin de la Montagne Mont-Saint-Hilaire, QC J3G 4SG
Vignoble Cortellino
468, Rang Double Saint-Urbain Premier, QC J0S 1Y0
Maritimes Andrés Wines Atlantic Ltd.
Vignoble Cote de Vaudreuil
491 Willow Street Truro, NS B2N 6T3
Vignoble des Pins
2635 Clementsvale Road Bear River East, NS B0S 1B0
2692 Route Harwood Vaudreuil-Dorion, QC J7V 8P2
1595 rue Principale Est St. Paul d'Abbotsford, QC J0E 1A0
Vignoble Miltonia
Vignoble Pigeon Hill
Verger Henryville
660, Route 133 Henryville, QC J0J 1E0
Domaine Le Grand Saint-Charles Vignoble & Cidrerie
285 Chemin de Brome Lac-Brome, QC J0E 1S0
395 Chemin des Erables Saint-Armand, QC J0J 1T0
Leon Courville Vigneron
285 Chemin de Brome Lac-Brome, QC J0E 1S0
136 Grand Sabrevois Ste-Anne-de-Sabrevois, QC J0J 2G0
Vignoble les Trois Clochers
159, route 137 N. Sainte-Cecile-de-Milton, QC J0E 2C0
Le Mas des Patriotes Vignoble
1076 Chemin des Patriotes Ouest Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu, QC J2Y 1H4
565, Rang Saint Simon Saint-Isidore, QC J0L 2A0
30 Chemin de Marieville Rougemont, QC J0L 1M0
341 chemin Bruce, Route 202 Dunham, QC J0E 1M0
Le Chat Botte Vignoble
633 Route 202 Hemmingford, QC J0L 1H0
Annapolis Highland Vineyards
Auk Island Winery
Vignoble du Coteau St. Paul
29 Durrell Street Twillingate, NL A0G 1Y0
Vignoble du Marathonien
80 Avondale Cross Road Newport Landing, NS B0N 2A0
Vignoble et Cidrerie Coteau Rougemont
1966 White Rock Road RR#1 Wolfville, NS B4P 2R1
Vignoble J.O. Montpetit et Fils
10318 Highway 221 Canning, NS B0P 1H0
Vignoble Le Royer St-Pierre
220 JR Smallwood Blvd. Gambo, NL A0G 1T0
318 Route 202 Havelock, QC J0S 2C0
1105 La Petite Caroline Rougemont, QC J0L 1M0
396 Chemin Saint-Louis / route 236 St-Etienne de Beauharnois, QC J0S 1S0 182 route 221 Napierville, QC J0J 1LO
Avondale Sky Winery
Benjamin Bridge Vineyards
Blomidon Estate Winery
Dark Cove Cottage Winery
Devonian Coast Wineries Ltd.
Jost Vineyards Ltd.
48 Vintage Lane Malagash, NS B0K 1E0
48 Vintage Lane Malagash, NS B0K 1E0
Domaine de Grand Pré
La Ferme Maury (St. Edouard Vineyard)
11611 Highway 1, PO Box 105 Grand Pre, NS B0P 1M0
Dunhams Run Estate Winery
35 Gorhams Bluff Road Kingston, NB E5N 1A8
Eileanan Breagha Vineyards
5349 Marble Mountain Road River Denys, NS B0E 2Y0
Flynn's Winery & Distillery
19 Crawley Avenue Grand Falls-Windsor, NL A2A 2X6
Gaspereau Vineyards
2239 White Rock Road Gaspereau, NS B4P 2R1
Gillis of Belleisle Winery
1826 Route 124 Springfield, NB E5T 2K2
Goose Landing Vineyards
592 Highway 311 Truro, NS B6L 6H2
2021 Route 475 St. Edouard-De-Kent, NB E4S 4W2
La Framboise Francoeur
696 Grand Riviere Street Notre Dame De Lourdes, NB E7E 1W7
L'Acadie Vineyards
310 Slayter Road, Gaspereau RR 1 Wolfville, NS B4P 2R1
Lightfoot & Wolfville Vineyards
11143 Evangeline Trail Wolfville, NS B4P 2R1
Luckett Vineyards
1293 Grand Pré Road Wallbrook, NS B4P 2R3
Lunenburg County Winery
RR 3 Mahone Bay, Lunenburg County Newburne, NS B0J 2E0
Magnetic Hill Winery
Happy Knight Wines
860 Front Mountain Road Moncton, NB E1G 3H3
Honeydew Apiaries
3156 West River Road (Route 9) St. Catherines, PEI COA 1H1
59 Johnson Road Kingston, NB E5N 1Z4 6718 Rte. 19 Canoe Cove, PEI C0A 1H7
Matos Winery & Vineyards
Wine Not?
Mercator Vineyards
88 Dyke Road Wolfville, NS B4P 2R1
Motts Landing Vineyard and Winery
Sainte Famille Wines Ltd.
11 Dudley Park Lane, RR 2 Falmouth, NS B0P 1L0
Telder Berry Wines
3506 Lower Cambridge Road, Route 715 Cambridge – Narrows, NB E4C 1S6
1251 Enfield Road Nine Mile River, NS B2S 2T7
Muwin Estate Wines Ltd.
5086 Route 1 Pennfield, NB E5H 1Y5
7153 Highway 12, PO Box 85 New Ross, NS B0J 2M0
Tierney Point Winery
Tuddenham Farms
Newman Estate Winery
PO Box 202 St. Stephen, NB E3L 2X1
Petite Rivière Vineyards
Pré-d'en-Haut, 1209, Principale Street Memramcook, NB E4K 2S6
2404 Gladstone Road Murray Harbour, PEI C0A 1W0 1300 Italy Cross Road Crousetown, NS B4V 6R2
Planters Ridge Vineyard and Winery
1441 Church Street Port Williams, NS B0P 1T0
Richibucto River Wine Estate
940 Route 495 Mundleville, NB E4W 2N5
Rodrigues Winery & Distillery
PO Box 98 Whitbourne, NL A0B 3K0
Verger Belliveau Orchard
Waterside Farms Cottage Winery
2008 Scenic Route 915 Waterside, NB E4H 4M9
Williamsdale Winery Ltd.
1826 Wyvern Road Cumberland, Subd. B, NS B0M 1E0
Winegarden Estate Ltd.
851 Route 970 Baie Verte, NB E4M 1Z7
Winery Association of Nova Scotia
PO Box 2382 Wolfville, NS B4P 2N5
Rossignol Estate Winery
11147 Shore Road Murray River, PEI COA 1WO
Did we miss your winery in our 2018 directory listings? Visit us online at to get in the next issue.
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Vineyard & Winery Suppliers A.O. Wilson Ltd.
9597 17th Sideroad Erin, ON N0B 1T0
A.O. Wilson Ltd.
461 Trumpeter Road Kelowna, BC V1W 4L5
ABC Cork Co.
653 Wilton Grove Road London, ON N6N 1N7
Acadian Seaplants Ltd.
30 Brown Avenue Dartmouth, NS B3B 1X8
ACR Research
Suite 328, 101 – 1865 Dilworth Drive Kelowna, BC V1Y 9T1
ACS-Corp. Canada – Alcohol Countermeasure Systems (International) Inc.
60 International Boulevard Toronto, ON M9W 6J2
ADI Systems Inc.
370 Wilsey Road Fredericton, NB E3B 6E9
AgSafe BC
Suite 311, 9440 – 202 Street Langley, BC V1M 4A6
Anton Paar Canada
4920 Place Olivia Saint Laurent, QC H4R 2Z8
Artus Bottling Ltd.
1375 Commercial Way Penticton, BC V2A 3H4
ASL Print FX
Unit A, 1 Royal Gate Blvd. Vaughan, ON L4L 8Z7
Association Canadienne des Oenologues / Canadian Association of Oenologists
7500 rue Tellier Montreal, QC H1N 3W5
Association des vignerons du Québec inc.
216, rue Denison est Granby, QC J2H 2R6
BC Wine Grape Council
PO Box 1089 Station Main Penticton, BC V2A 6J9
Bellwyck Packaging Solutions
21 Finchdene Square Toronto, ON M1X 1A7
Bericap North America
835 Syscon Court Burlington, ON L7L 6C5
Bin 97 Winery Equipment
9001 Highway 97 Oliver, BC V0H 1T2
Biofert Manufacturing Inc.
464 Riverside Road Abbotsford, BC V2S 7M1
Biofert Manufacturing Inc.
44444 Progress Way Chilliwack, BC V2R 0L2
Bosagrape Winery Supplies Ltd.
6908 Palm Avenue Burnaby, BC V5J 4M3
British Columbia Grapegrowers' Association
PO Box 42 Grand Forks, BC V0H 1H0
British Columbia Wine Authority
888 Westminster Avenue W. Penticton, BC V2A 8S2
British Columbia Wine Institute
Suite 107 – 1726 Dolphin Avenue Kelowna, BC V1Y 9R9
Brittany Boxes
2222 Centre Road Campbellville, ON L0P 1B0
Brock University – Analytical Services Laboratory
Inniskillin Hall, Room 215, 1812 Sir Isaac Brock Way St. Catharines, ON L2S 3A1
Brock University – Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute
500 Glenridge Avenue St. Catharines, ON L2S 3A1
Bucher Vaslin North America
9001 Highway 97 Oliver, BC V0H 1T2
Buckerfield's Country Stores
31852 Marshall Place Abbotsford, BC V2T 5Z9
Buckerfield's Country Stores
5410 Trans Canada Highway Duncan, BC V9L 6W4
Butler Brothers Supplies Ltd.
4998 Langtry Duncan, BC V9L 6R8
Canadian Oak Barrels Inc.
Central Fabricating & Welding
4669 Fretz Drive Beamsville, ON L0R 1B4
Compusense Inc.
255 Speedvale Avenue W. Guelph, ON N1H 1C5
Connoisseur Wines & Spirits
74 – 8 Townwood Drive Richmond Hill, ON L4E 4Y3
Consumers Packaging Group Inc.
35 Valleywood Drive, Unit 2 Markham, ON L3R 5L9
Corby Distilleries Ltd.
PO Box 790 St. George, ON N0E 1N0
Suite 1100, 225 King Street W. Toronto, ON M5V 3M2
Canadian Vintners Association
Critical Environment Technologies Canada Inc.
Suite 200 – 440 Laurier Avenue W. Ottawa, ON K1R 7X6
Carleton Place Winery
20 Lake Avenue East Carleton Place, ON K7C 4J1
Cartier & Company CGA
103-347 Leon Avenue Kelowna, BC V1Y 8C7
CCL Label
1315 rue René-Descartes Saint Bruno, QC J3V 0B7
CCL Label
35 McLachlan Drive Etobicoke, ON M9W 1E4
Cellar Dweller Mobile Filter Services Ltd.
153 Eastside Road Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R5
Cellar-Tek Commercial Winery Supply
530 – 380 Vansickle Road St. Catharines, ON L2P 0B5
Cellar-Tek Commercial Winery Supply
1043 Richter Street Kelowna, BC V1Y 2K4
145 – 7391 Vantage Way Delta, BC V4G 1M3
Criveller Group
6935 Oakwood Drive Niagara Falls, ON L2G 0J3
CSI Labels (Custom Security Industries Inc.)
19 Ruggles Avenue Thornhill, ON L3T 3S4
DBP Prime Label Technology
Unit 11 – 14, 4085 Sladeview Crescent Mississauga, ON L5L 5X3
Deer Fence Canada Inc.
2470 Dunrobin Road Ottawa, ON K0A 1T0
Deerhaven Farm and Garden Ltd.
896 Bell Blvd. W. Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5
DJB Chartered Professional Accountants
20 Corporate Park Drive, Suite 300 St. Catharines, ON L2S 3W2
Dubois Agrinovation
PO Box 3550, 478 Notre Dame Saint-Remi, QC J0L 2L0
Dubois Agrinovation
630 Ireland Road Simcoe, ON N3Y 4K2
E.R. Vollans Ltd.
1682 City Road 20 Kingsville, ON N9Y 2E6
EA Viticulture & Enology Consulting
3986 Highway 97 Oliver, BC V0H 1T1
Elnova Ltd.
Goodfellow Inc.
225 Goodfellow Street Delson, QC J5B 1V5
Goodfellow Inc., Canbar Division
PO Box 460, 9184 Twiss Road Campbellville, ON L0P 1B0
Gould Stainless Products Ltd.
1141, 6027, 79th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 5P1
Grape Growers of Ontario
160 Chemin de la Montagne Rougemont, QC J0L 1M0
PO Box 100 Vineland Station, ON L0R 2E0
Enocapsule Inc.
Grape To Wine Consulting
250 Rue Aime-Vincent Vaudreuil – Dorion, QC J7V 5V5
ESI Environmental Sensors Inc.
2071C Malaview Avenue Sidney, BC V8L 5X6
Evergreen Liquid Plant Food Ltd.
790 St. Charles Street W., RR #1 Breslau, ON N0B 1M0
EVK Winery Consulting Inc.
1420 Blueridge Road Kelowna, BC V1W 3A7
Flowmation Systems
2069 Elm Road Oakville, ON L6H 3K9
Forest Fringe Orchards
PO Box 472 Prince Albert, SK S6V 5R8
Fraser River Wines
#8 – 32851 London Avenue Mission, BC V2V 6M7
Fruition Agricultural Consultants
RR #1, S7 C2 Naramata, BC V0H 1N0
G & H Wiley Ltd.
1175 Eighth Avenue St Catharines, ON L2R 6P7
316 Adamson Drive Penticton, BC V2A 7R6
Growers Supply Co. Ltd.
2605 Acland Road Kelowna, BC V1X 7J4
H & W Equipment for Vineyard & Winery
RR#2, 827 Line 4 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Halton Packaging Systems
1045 South Service Road W. Oakville, ON L6L 6K3
Hamilton Hops and Grapes
464A Burnside Road E. Victoria, BC V8T 2X2
Harco Enterprises Ltd.
675 The Parkway Peterborough, ON K9J 7K2
Hilltop Cellars Inc.
PO Box 149, 189 Davidson Road Roseneath, ON K0K 2X0
International Viticultural Services Inc.
Box 156 Grimsby, ON L3M 4G3
1081 Canada Avenue Duncan, BC V9L 1V2
Ironwood Steins and Wines
Madrone Environmental Services Ltd.
11151 Horseshoe Way, Unit 1 Richmond, BC V7A 4S5
Jane's Packaging Inc.
Unit 1 – 3455 14th Avenue Markham, ON L3R 0H4
Jet Label
9445 – 49th Street NW Edmonton, AB T6B 2L8
Kalala Agriculture Contracting
3361 Glencoe Road Westbank, BC V4T 1M1
KJ Urban Winery & Craft Brewing Supplies
Unit 6 – 199 Victoria Road S. Guelph, ON N1E 6T9
KOOLJET Refrigeration Systems
1444 Bell Mill Side Road Tillsonburg, ON N4G 4G9
KWS – Kruger Wines & Spirits Co-Packing
1250, rue Nobel, suite 275 Boucherville, QC J4B 5H1
La Vigne Viticulture Services Inc.
1941 Water Street Kelowna, BC V1Y 1K8
Label Image Industries
Massload Technologies Inc.
Maximus Vineyard Management
8721 Palmer Place Summerland, BC V0H 1Z2
Meritage Viticulture Services Ltd.
1150 Corbishley Avenue Penticton, BC V2A 8V3
Minerva Enterprises Ltd.
430 El Camino Road Kelowna, BC V1X 2R9
Mori Vines Inc.
1912 Concession 4, RR#3 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Mori Vines Inc.
232 Miller Road Oliver, BC V0H 1T0
Mosti Mondiale Inc.
Hummingbird Aerial Surveys
Unit 30, 5100 South Service Road Burlington, ON L7L 6A5
Hunter Bottling
40 Lakeshore Road, RR #5 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Box 308 Oliver, BC V0H 1T0
MacDay Label Systems Ltd.
Naramata Bench Wineries Association
1095 Nechako Ct. Kelowna, BC V1V 2N9 RR #3, 812 Twenty Road Fenwick, ON L0S 1C0
Lakeview Vineyard Equipment Inc.
M.B. Laboratories Ltd.
1164 Lee Street White Rock, BC V4B 4P4
IDL Process Solutions Inc.
Gerard's Equipment Ltd.
Intergraphics Decal Ltd.
102 Sports Field Court London, ON N6K 4K2
Markem – Imaje Inc., a Dover Company
301 – 47th Street E. Saskatoon, SK S7K 5H2
180 De Baets Street Winnipeg, MB R2J 3W6
MacDonald Steel Ltd. – Custom fabrication
200 Avenue Road Cambridge, ON N1R 8H5
225 rue Liberte Candiac, QC J5R 3X8
Jet Label
3480 Carrington Road Westbank, BC V4T 3C1
785 Ch. Fresniere Saint-Eustache, QC J7R 0E5 5592 Highway 97 Oliver, BC V0H 1T0
202-2790 Gladwin Road Abbotsford, BC V2T 4S7
2-7075 Edwards Boulevard Mississauga, ON L5S 1Z2
PO Box 2103 Sidney, BC V8L 3S6
Garage Bigras Tracteur Inc.
Madrone Environmental Services Ltd.
6865 Route 132 Sainte Catherine, QC J5C 1B6
Mount Kobau Wine Services
4816 Highway 97 Oliver, BC V0H 1T1
Munckhof Manufacturing Ltd.
#374, 113 – 437 Martin Street Penticton, BC V2A 5L1
Neal Carter & Associates Ltd. (
12033 Loomer Road Summerland, BC V0H 1Z8
New Zealand Winegrowers
Origro Inc.
1135 Gallagher Road Burlington, ON L7T 2M7
P.J. Bosc Wind Machines & Vineyard Equipment
74 Hurontario Street, Suite 206 Collingwood, ON L9Y 2L8
RR4 995 Line 6 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Niagara College Teaching Winery
PO Box 31039, RPO Thunderbird Langley, BC V1M 0A9
Niagara College Teaching Winery – School of Horticulture and Agribusiness – Winery/Viticulture Program
310 Courtland Avenue Concord, ON L4K 4Y6
135 Taylor Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
135 Taylor Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Niagara Orchard and Vineyard Corp.
1196 Irvine Road, RR#5 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Niagara Vintage Wine Tours
2205 Mewburn Road Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6S4
Niagara Wine Tours International
PO Box 1205 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
Niagra Orchard and Vineyard Corp.
4000 Jordan Road, PO Box 381 Jordan Station, ON L0R 1S0
Norwest Cooling Systems Inc.
8247 Davies Road, NW Edmonton, AB T6E 4N1
Okanagan Fertilizer Ltd.
603 Vernon Street Enderby, BC V0E 1V0
Okanagan Fertilizer Ltd.
5224 Paintbrush Road Oliver, BC V0H 1T0
Okanagan Viticulture Services Inc.
PO Box 25026 Mission Park PO Kelowna, BC V1W 3S9
5165 Sherbrooke Street W., Suite 420 Montreal, QC H4A 1T6
Orbis Manufacturing
39 Westmore Drive Rexdale, ON M9V 3Y6
Pacific Flow Control Ltd.
Packaging Technologies Inc.
Pascal Madevon Signature Ltd.
701 Nelson Avenue Penticton, BC V2A 2L6
32 Main Street Kentville, NS B4N 1J5
199 Dr. Bernie MacDonald Drive Bible Hill, NS B6L 2H5
Red Trac International Ltd.
PO Box 460 Vineland, ON L0R 2C0
Richards Packaging Inc.
1939 Onésime Gagnon Lachine, QC H8T 3M5
Richards Packaging Inc.
#140 – 9200 Van Horne Way Vancouver, BC V6X 1W3
Richards Packaging Inc.
6095 Ordan Drive Mississauga, ON L5T 2M7
Ripley Stainless Ltd.
9732 Lenzi Street Summerland, BC V0H 1Z2
Robbinex Inc.
SiteOne Landscape Supply
9421 48th Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 2R1
SiteOne Landscape Supply
740 McCurdy Road, Unit 115 Kelowna, BC V1X 2P7
SiteOne Landscape Supply
2504 37th Street Vernon, BC V1T 6G4
Slimline Manufacturing Ltd.
559 Okanagan Avenue E. Penticton, BC V2A 3K4
Smart Net Systems
388 Lazo Road Comox, BC V9M 3T9
Smurfit Kappa Bag-in-Box Canada
41 Stuart Street Hamilton, ON L8L 1B5
Unit 1, 3550 Laird Road Mississauga, ON L5L 5Z7
Rosehill Wine Cellars
St. Catharines Corrugated Containers
1686 Mattawa Avenue Mississauga, ON L4X 1K2
Saeplast Americas Inc.
1827 Allanport Road Allanburg, ON L0S 1A0
Summerland Greenhouses
173 Dr. Bernie MacDonald Drive Bible Hill, NS B6L 2H5
100 Industrial Drive Saint John, NB E2R 1A5
6711 Canyon View Road Summerland, BC V0H 1Z7
Phoenix Packaging International Corp.
Saxco International
28 Stonegate Drive Grimsby, ON L5M 5Y7
2530 Lapierre Street Montreal, QC H8N 2W9
Piazza Grape Juice Company Ltd.
2479 Haines Road Mississauga, ON L4Y 1Y7
Prairie Forest Products Ltd.
PO Box 279 Neepawa, MB R2R 0N9
Presstime Design & Screenprint
11 Pietz Avenue Welland, ON L3C 1Z5
Princeton Wood Preservers Ltd. (PWP)
1821 Highway 3 Princeton, BC V0X 1W0
Qualicum Village Winery
675 Fir Street Qualicum Beach, BC V9K 1R1
Raynox 2000 Inc.
110 Chemin Marieville Rougemont, QC J0L 1M0
2360 Cornwall Road Oakville, ON L6J 7T9
Sunpack Agro-Plastics Canada Ltd.
Superior Peat Inc.
Scott Laboratories Ltd.
1700 Carmi Avenue Penticton, BC V2A 8V5
Seaside Paper Products Ltd.
3518, rue Gertrude Verdun, QC H4G 1R3
Serigraphie Richford Inc.
#312 – 130 Centennial Drive Courtenay, BC V9N 6H5
Serigraphie Richford Inc.
500 – 1650 Brigantine Drive Coquitlam, BC V3K 7B5
Signature Wine Cellars
1400 Dagenais W. Laval, QC H7L 5C7
Similkameen Wineries Association
1375 Kingsway Avenue Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 1S2
Unit 1, 950 Brock Road South Pickering, ON L1W 2A1 9999 River Way Delta, BC V4G 1M8
Suite 101, 2001 Boul. Des Sources Pointe Claire, QC H9R 5Z4 Suite 1, 2270 Argentina Road Mississauga, ON L5N 6A6 2060 Guthrie Road Comox, BC V9M 3P6 PO Box 246 Keremeos, BC V0X 1N0
Terres & vignes service-conseil
The Wine Cottage
TricorBraun Winepak
United Bottles & Packaging
United Bottles & Packaging
Universal Packaging
Vetrerie Bruni Glass
1810 Kosmina Road Vernon, BC V1T 8T2
1449 46th Avenue Lachine, QC H8T 3C5
Valley Welding & Machine Works
PO Box 5214 Sussex, NB E4E 5L3
Veraison Viticulture and Enology Consulting
1095 Kelly Drive Kelowna, BC V1Z 2T1
Vines to Vintages Inc.
1219 Commercial Way, Unit 103 Penticton, BC V2A 3H4
Vines to Vintages Inc.
991 Twenty Road Jordan, ON L0R 1S0
VineTech Canada
Vinifera Custom Viticulture Ltd.
278 Line 5, RR4 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
PO Box 328 Naramata, BC V0H 1N0
VineTech Canada
Vintners Quality Alliance Ontario (VQA)
D&M Lightfoot Farms Ltd. Wolfville, NS B0P 1B0
VineTech Canada
PO Box 216 Okanagan Falls, BC V0H 1R0
Suite 1601, One Yonge Street Toronto, ON M5E 1E5
Vintner's Services Wine Analysis Laboratory
4158 Highland Park Drive Beamsville, ON L0R 1B7
Viti-Tech Nursery
RR1, S56, C6 Oliver, BC V0H 1T0
Wendenburg Wine Consulting Ltd.
4203 Valleyview Road Penticton, BC V2A 8V8
Wes-Tech Irrigation Systems Ltd.
#5 – 625 Alpha Street Victoria, BC V8Z 1B5
White Kennedy LLP Chartered Professional Accountants
#201-99 Padmore Avenue E. Penticton, BC V2A 7H7
Wine & Farm Systems Inc.
31 Lakeridge Boulevard, RR2 Lowbanks, ON N0A 1K0
Wine Aspect – BC Bulk Wine Brokers Ltd.
4203 Valleyview Road Penticton, BC V2A 8V8
Wine Marketing Association of Ontario
4890 Victoria Avenue N., PO Box 4000 Vineland, ON L0R 2E0
Wine Plus + Education and Consulting
2155 Newton Road Cawston, BC V0X 1C1
Try Our Full Range of Canadian Made Bird Netting Syfilco Ltd. 877-235-1233 58
Winery and Growers Alliance of Ontario
Suite 225, 4890 Victoria Avenue N., Box 4000 Vineland Station, ON L0R 2E0
WP Warehousing Inc.
35 Yale Crescent St. Catharines, ON L2R 7T3
PROMISE Our commitment to quality and convenience is this: We pledge to you that your order will arrive on time and precisely as you ordered it. This is the promise that drives our purpose. Backed by a legacy of leadership, it is upheld by every individual in our organization; at the core of every action we take. We choose not simply to be a distributor of products, but a supplier of value. To provide expertise on the fullspectrum of wine packaging issues, not just the bottle. Never biased toward one product, or one set of products — we focus on the right solution, not simply the next sale.
This is our purpose; this is our promise. This, is TricorBraun WinePak.
Your trusted industry experts for: Domestic & Imported Glass, Decorating, Custom Design and Warehousing & Logistics.
Michelle Thornburn | Packaging Consultant | 604-529-7924 Derek Payne | Packaging Consultant | 250-503-6426
1-800-DRINKWINE | | � �
© 2018 TricorBraun WinePak
Here we balance our growing size with personalized service. And recognize that while our industry will change, our promise never will.
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