Ops Talk Magazine Spring 2014

Page 10

Portrait of a presidency

EFMA celebrates 50 successful years of leadership By Jillian Mitchell

For Art Whistler, 197273 association president, relationships encompass the essence of the group.

Wilf Pelly, who joined the association in 1970 under his boss’s encouragement, was president in ’74 and confirms that high emphasis was given to fun and fellowship, among traditional association goals.

Camaraderie was a draw for Alan Scott to join the association in 1966, and he proudly adopted the role of the association’s 13th president in 1975.

Past-president Art Vanidour became involved in SPOA long before it became an official association, thanks to the encouragement of colleague Jim Thorpe, who became association treasurer.

The ‘80s proved eventful for the association, as past-president of ‘81 Ron Mason confirms, particularly in that the professionalism of the association had strengthened.

An association is built by people, and

essence of the group. A formative mem-

people are built by their memories. Here

ber of the then School Plant Officials

Following Whistler as the ‘74 presi-

to celebrate the Educational Facility

Association (SPOA), Whistler attended

dent was Wilf Pelly of School District 24

Managers Association of B.C.’s (EFMA)

the inaugural association meeting at

(Kamloops), who joined the association

Vancouver’s Blue Boy Hotel in 1964, and

in 1970 under his boss’s encouragement.

from that very first meeting until his re-

As Pelly confirms, high emphasis was

tirement from the Coquitlam School

given to fun and fellowship, among tra-

Board in 1988, he was consistently met

ditional association goals.

50th anniversary are the past presidents with the story of the association, as they tell it. For Art Whistler, 1972-73 association president, relationships encompass the


Ops Talk • Spring 2014

with good fun and fellowship.


“It’s always great fun,” he says of his

Proof-positive, the executive and fel-

SPOA involvement. “I always consid-

low members enjoyed a tranquil evening

ered fun as a major part of the program.

boat cruise in Burrard Inlet and Indian

People liked to go to our conferences

Arm during the ‘73 SPOA conference.

to learn and have fun. That seemed to

As Whistler shares, this was back when

round-out the conference for me.”

the annual conference travelled around

Throughout the years, the associa-

the province – a means he found valu-

tion has continually remained abreast

able: “There are advantages in having

of industry changes, and member input

annual conferences in different cities,”

was always welcome, particularly in the

says Whistler, "especially in Victoria,

planning stages of each annual confer-

where the delegates would have an op-

ence. As Pelly adds, the questionnaire

portunity to lobby departments in the

distributed to each conference attendee

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