Ops Talk Magazine Fall 2014

Page 26


Relationships By Chuck Morris

“I speak to everyone the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the President of the University.” ~Albert Einstein

stances that challenge you. Join Rotary or Kinsmen or the Lions Club as this will enable you to witness relationships on an entirely different level. Don’t be afraid to speak about topics that are of interest to you and maybe to your audience.

Good relationships cause us to be suc-

the equipment included. A couple of our

cessful in our everyday life and certainly

buildings were delayed somewhat, but

in our business life. The better the rela-

everything did get shipped.

tionship, the better the results you may

So how do you get there? Listen.

achieve at whatever it is you are trying to

Watch. Ask. Learn. Practice. If you can


follow those simple rules, it will come to

After years of building relationships

you. It takes patience and it takes years

with others, those with whom I have

to develop properly. You will see some

worked or done business, I have seen

change after a short period of time but

the benefits. Whether it is a more har-

the biggest benefit to you will appear

monious personal life or during business

down the road. The easiest way to do it

transactions, people tend to listen and

is to make it part of your everyday life.

work with you to help you accomplish

Simple, right? Not for some. For those of

your goals.

you well on the way and seeing tangible

Case in point: recently we had a couple of projects that were nearing

results, there is something you can do to help others.

completion and we still had not received

It is beneficial to take people under

products from our vendors after waiting

your wings and coach/mentor them on

many, many weeks. The summer produc-

how to build relationships. Many really

tion for those companies always ramp up

do not know how to deal with certain sit-

as many organizations (school districts in

uations and oftentimes, find themselves

this case) order materials that must be in

in a bit of a pit, struggling to climb back

place for school opening come Septem-

out. Periodically they may be too ag-

ber. We were ready to ship, and still no

gressive in their approach or unsure how


to respond when they are faced with a

Take the challenge! Even introverts can improve.

“In many ways, effective communication begins with mutual respect, communication that inspires, and encourages others to do their best.” ~ Zig Ziglar Part of relationship-building is the fact you need to first understand yourself and know your shortcomings; then attempt to address them in an open and honest fashion – to yourself. Once you figure out how to do that, you are on your way. Nurture what you are building. Don’t let a bad day interfere with your progress. Remember, if you come across as angry or with an uncaring demeanour, all your work will suffer. It’s sort of like credibility, where it takes years to build

I sent out a request to some of my

perceived affront from the person they

and in a fit of foolishness, 10 seconds to

former colleagues, asking if they might

are dealing with. Coaching and mentor-

destroy it!

have what we were waiting for and if so,

ing takes time but it works and it allows

Words are some of the most powerful

could I acquire them. We will replace the

you to learn too, as the person you are

tools you have. Use them wisely and with

inventory once our pieces arrived. I was

helping learns from you. You will see

thought. Think back on that sage advice

humbled by the response. I had numer-

things in a different light and perhaps

you received years ago and pull on some

ous people respond, willing to help. I

that will allow a better understanding of

of your past experiences to develop the

was able to utilize that help and the end

certain aspects of what is going on.

best approach while continuing to build

result was that we were able to ship with 26

Ops Talk • Fall 2014

Expose yourself to different circum-

those relationships. b

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