Auteco Minerals’ Pickle Crow updateProject Tartisan Nickel Corp.’s Kenbridge Nickel Deposit: A near-termcandidateproduction Ontario Mine Rescue Review e-newsletter issue 3 • 2022

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3 Message from the editor – 4 Message from the Ontario Minister of Mines, George Pirie – 6 Bright future at Pickle Crow – 8 New guideline for auxiliary ventilation underground – 10 Steps to improved cutting performance – 12 Ontario Mine Rescue competition winners announced – 14 Nuinsco’s Prairie Lake Project well-positioned in race for secure critical minerals supply – 16 Clean Air Metals Inc.: Exploration and development with sustainability in mind – 18 Safety you can see – 20 Mining needs its next generation of workers – 21 Geosynthetics in mining – 22 Tartisan Nickel Corp.’s Kenbridge Nickel Deposit: A near-term production candidate – 23 “Think mentoring! And pass it on!” – 24 Helping your kids to cope when you work away – 25 SPC Nickel Corp. – A fully funded junior having success in the Sudbury Camp – 26 ROCC Medical: Rock of the industry – 28 Adventure Lights (2002) inc. ............................................ 2 Bit Service Company 13 Continental Mine & Industrial Supply Ltd. ........................ 4 GE Environmental Solutions Inc. .................................... 22 Legend Mining Contracting 7 Nilex Inc. 11 ROCC Medical ................................................................. 28 RS Breakers & Controls 17 Signal Weather Services ................................................. 19 Sparton Resources Inc. .................................................... 7 SPC Nickel Corp. ............................................................ 27 Standard Machine 7 Superior Exploration, Adventure & Climbing Co. Ltd. 29 Tartisan Nickel Corp. 4 Valard Construction LP 5 IN THIS ISSUE DEL CommuniCations inC President & CEO DaviD Langstaff Managing Editor cinDy chan Directorcindy@delcommunications.comofOnlineMarketingMic PatERsOn Advertisingmic@delcommunications.comManager Dayna OuLiOn Salesdayna@delcommunications.comRepresentative ROss jaMEs Coverross@delcommunications.comphotocourtesyofauteco Minerals. © 2022 DEL Communications Inc. All rights reserved. Contents may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the publisher While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in and the reliability of the source, the publisher in no way guarantees nor warrants the information and is not responsible for errors, omissions or statements made by advertisers. Opinions and recommendations made by contributors or advertisers are not necessarily those of the publisher, its directors, officers or employees. DEL Communications Inc. is extremely grateful to our advertisers for their support in this publication. We invite you to visit their sites by clicking the companies below. MINING Review e-newsletter

Welcome to another issue of our e-newsletter. After some discussion and review, we at DEL Communications Inc. are rebranding this publication from Ontario Mineral Producer to the Ontario Mining Review e-newsletter, because we believe this name better reflects the stories we share and encompasses a broader reach into the industry. You can enjoy reading the past editions of the e-newsletter at features a wide variety of stories and news taking place in the Ontario mining industry. MiHR is relentlessly working towards attracting more individuals into the industry. For example, they have created the We Need Mining. Mining Needs You. career awareness campaign, which supports industry HR efforts by promoting mining careers as innovative, challenging and Workplacerewarding.
Message from the editor CINdy ChaN Welcome to Issue 3 of the Ontario
Safety North discusses the health and safety of underground mining workplace environments in their article. It is crucial that all workers are able to go home, safe and sound, at the end of the day. We recognize that the people who work in mines come from families who want them back, which is why we provided an excellent piece on how these workers can have better communication with their children when they’re away at their job sites. Thank you for reading our e-newsletter. As always, if you have any story ideas, please feel free to email me at Mining Review e-newsletter
Nickel kicks off construction on all-season access road for its flagship Kenbridge Nickel project in Ontario. Tartisan commences baseline studies and advances permitting for its flagship Kenbridge Nickel Project. Tartisan Nickel updating the Preliminary Economic Assessment for its flagship Kenbridge Nickel Project. CSE:TN, OTCQX:TTSRF, FSE:8TA
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We work with expert partners to seamlessly produce turnkey solutions for our Throughclients.asingle contract and point of contact, we can, collectively, put together a full service team to successfully deliver every aspect of a project.
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important objectives is to unlock the Ring of Fire’s vast mineral wealth. As you know, this remote region offers tremendous potential, not only for economic development and job creation but also for working with and sharing benefits with indigenous partners. Further exploration and the development of critical infrastructure such as all-season roads will help bring economic prosperity to Ontario’s North. These infrastructure projects will improve access to education, health care, goods and services, and housing for northern First Nations. We are also working to connect Ontario’s abundant critical minerals deposits, including those found in the Ring of Fire, with our world-class manufacturing sector. Our goal is to elevate and secure Ontario’s place as a globally competitive jurisdiction that is ready to meet increasing global demand for critical Ontario’sminerals.Critical Minerals Strategy will also help our mining sector realize its true potential by attracting investment, promoting further Indigenous participation in mining and creating more employment opportunities. The many actions in the strategy will see us boost the resiliency of our supply chains, expand innovation and increase our exploration I’vecapacity.seenhow the mining industry can help build strong communities, especially in the North. These communities become places where Ontarians can settle, raise families, and grow strong roots. Our government recognizes the importance of mining and that’s why we have a stand-alone Minister of Mines for the first time in over 50 years. i will never stop working to unlock the industry’s full potential to ensure continued prosperity for generations to come.
George Pirie, Minister of Mines
Today, the mining industry in Ontario generates more than $11 billion in annual mineral production and supports 75,000 direct and indirect jobs in Ontario. It is also the largest private sector employer of Indigenous peoples in Canada, and in Ontario, Indigenous employment accounts for 11 per cent of direct mining jobs. These are strong numbers, but our government believes we can do better. We believe that the industry’s best days are still ahead—and we’re creating the conditions for an unprecedented era of Oneprosperity.ofourmost
Message from the Ontario Minister of Mines GeorGe pIrIe
I was born and raised in South Porcupine at the historic Dome-Ex property. I developed a strong appreciation for the mining sector and spent over 30 years working in the industry. It is an honour for me to oversee the mining file as Minister of Mines. i intend to draw on my decades of executive experience to advocate for the mining industry at Queen’s Park, address regulatory challenges, and support economic development and prosperity for northern and Indigenous communities.
In June, Ontario voters entrusted our government with another majority mandate, and we’re ready to continue the important work of building Ontario, driving economic growth and creating prosperity for everyone.

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Auteco’s Pickle Crow Project was one of Canada’s highest-grade gold mines, historically producing 1.5Moz at 16 g/t gold; the project hosts a JORC inferred Resource of 2.23Moz at 7.8 g/t as of February 2022.
Pickle Crow has camp-scale drill targets with exceptional discovery potential. The project has inherited infrastructure (processing plant on site, underground) that provides a pathway to a low capital production pursuing a dual strategic focus to unlock the full potential of Pickle Crow – targeting near mine growth (discovering and defining mineralisation proximal to the historic deposit, and continuing to grow Aerial view of the Pickle Crow exploration camp.
One of the best gold addresses globally, the Uchi sub-province hosts significant gold deposits with a >40Moz endowment including Evolution Mining’s Red Lake, Kinross’s Bright future at pickle Crow Dixie project and First Mining’s Springpole project.
Auteco Minerals (A sX: Au T) is a gold exploration company advancing the high-grade Pickle Crow Project in the world-class Uchi sub-province of Ontario, Canada.

Auteco’s leadership team has been involved in some of the most successful resource sector stories this past decade, including Bellevue Gold and Northern Star Resources
Exploration best done in the winter. the resource and advance toward production) in tandem with regional discovery (discovering and developing deposits on the 500 square kilometres of regional exploration tenure outside of Pickle FollowingCrow).asuccessful
– and have a proven track record of gold discoveries and creating wealth for shareholders. A series of key appointments were made in June 2022, including the appointment of Darren Cooke as CEO, following his tenure as Auteco’s COO and having joined the company from Northern s tar Resources in February 2021. Upcoming focuses for Auteco include the completion of the 50,000-metre drill program underway and testing of early-stage targets outside of the mine area; Another significant increase to the Pickle Crow Resource is expected early in the new year.
50,000-metre program completed between June 2021 and March 2022, the company now has an additional 50,000-metre drilling program underway to expedite resource growth. Mineralization remains open in every direction.
Auteco boasts exceptionally low discovery costs, with 1.23Moz of inferred resource added since s eptember 2020 at a cost of A$17.58 (us $12.59) per resource ounce. The speed and low cost at which the company’s resource has grown highlights the quality and huge remaining growth potential of the Pickle Crow mineralized system.
Exceptional regional drilling hits continue to be delivered at the project. in June 2022, the company announced a significant new discovery – the Talia prospect –with a drill hole of 5.5 metres at 18 g/t gold. The results support the company’s dual strategy of growing the resource in parallel with testing highly promising regional targets with the potential to generate substantial, rapid increases in the inventory.

Supplying proper quantity and quality of fresh air key to helping prevent lung disease and other illnesses of auxiliary ventilation in underground
Arecent best practices document on proper auxiliary ventilation in underground mines has been introduced by an Ontario mining industry technical advisory committee that focuses on the health and safety of the underground mining workplace environment. in 2017, mining industry volunteers who make up the Workplace Environment Technical Advisory Committee Workplace Safety North (W sN) undertook the development of a practical guidebook for workers and frontline supervisors about the
Frontline supervisors are responsible for identifying deficiencies and correcting substandard conditions with workers in the field.
New guideline for auxiliary ventilation underground
“Although maintenance activities require time and resources, they are critical for ensuring a safe and healthy workplace,” says Birnie. “It is critical for this process to follow in line with mining health and safety’s internal responsibility system – where
To make the best use of the available air supply in underground mines, the document addresses the following points: Focus on auxiliary ventilation systems that provide air directly to the face; Highlight examples of common mistakes; and Provide simple and practical solutions for employees and frontline supervisors.
“The topic is relevant considering the recommendations of the Mining Health and Safety Prevention Review,” says Birnie. “Workplace Safety North and this advisory committee believe ventilation is an important control strategy for occupational disease prevention and ensuring the health of workers in underground mines.”
A variety of factors can cause inadequate air volume reaching the underground workplace. In most instances, the ventilation duct is in poor condition, and basic ongoing maintenance of the auxiliary system is the solution. Workers in the field must have the tools, equipment, knowledge, and materials available to them to be able to solve the ventilation deficiencies.
“Inmines.hard rock mines, there are various methods for supplying ventilation to the underground work areas,” says Keith Birnie, WSN industrial hygienist and ventilation specialist and committee co-ordinator. “There are several common mistakes and oversights, which lead to ineffective or inefficient ventilation systems.”
By Meg Parker, Workplace Safety North
“The proper installation and maintenance of auxiliary ventilation is extremely important for supplying sufficient quantity and quality of breathable air to mine working areas,” says Birnie, “as well as to dilute and remove airborne contaminants, and to control temperature and humidity of the mine air.”

11 each and every one of us has a role to play in reporting and dealing with workplace hazards.” individual companies are required to develop health and safety policies and programs that apply to their specific workplace sites and comply with appropriate legislation. The information in the reference material is distributed as a guide to assist underground mining operations in developing those policies and programs, according to the committee and WSN. Workplace Safety North, the Ontario health and safety association for mining and forest products industries, is host to industry advisory committees that tackle top health and safety Advisoryconcerns.Committees provide sector-specific expertise. The Technical Advisory Committees within the Mining Advisory Committee include (i) Ontario Mine Rescue, (ii) Mining equipment, (iii) s afety and Loss Control, and (iv) Workplace environment (1) ventilation, and (2) ground control). Committee participants are individuals who have demonstrated leadership in health and safety at an operational level and are committed to improving worker health and safety. Please contact your WSN specialist or complete the online application form for more Forinformation.moreinformation, contact Keith Birnie. Related – Auxiliary Ventilation: Good Installation and Maintenance Practices for Miners – Occupational Disease prevention resources includes websites, information sheets, conference Keith Birnie, industrial hygiene and ventilation specialist at Workplace Safety North, helped oversee publication of Ontario mining technical advisory committee’s guideline: “Auxiliary Ventilation: Good Installations and Maintenance Practices for Miners.” proceedings, infographics, posters and more. – Mining Health and Safety Risk Assessments – Visit the Prevent Occupational Disease website www.preventoccdisease.caat | 1.800.667.4811

In the world of underground mining, the various methods of mechanical cutting have one general feature in common — the requirement for a properly designed and fabricated cutting assembly. Considering variables like the effects of bit spacing, ease of bit change, and the need for robust design, will increase the performance and service life. This is over and above the initial considerations presented by the mining conditions such as machine configuration, horsepower levels, penetration rate, and the ore being cut. At Bit Service, we ensure we select the method and design aspects for the best possible cutting assembly to suit the site’s particular needs.
Steps to improved cutting performance
pReventative maintenance
When working with mechanical cutting equipment, it is critical to keep up with preventative maintenance to
By Scott Bahr experience and knowledg e about the various machines and what they’re best suited for. Three main machines are typically considered — a boring machine, a continuous miner, and a roadheader. e ach has unique features that would be useful to various mining operations. For example, a boring machine, with its rotors rotating about an axis perpendicular to the cutting face, compared to a continuous miner which has a cutting drum rotating about an axis parallel to the face. The layouts are very different and would lend to different mining operations and types of ore. Each however are considered using the operations requirements of rate of penetration, extraction rate and utilization.
Optimizing machine OpeRatiOns When we begin the process of fabricating a cutting assembly at Bit s ervice, we first meet with our clients and assess their needs. With our time in the industry comes

cOnditiOn Of cutting bits and bit hOldeRs The carbide bits are often the front line of mining operations in soft rock and industrial mineral mining. It is essential to make sure the bits themselves are in prime working condition so the machine can be as efficient as possible. Regular maintenance of bits helps ensure the most efficient return on resources. Optimization of the cutting assembly itself is done at the fabrication or rebuild stage, through revised bit positioning, bit spacing, and the cutting assembly’s generalized layout. We do so to optimize the rate of penetration and the size of the cut ore to be able to maximize the efficiency of the machine. After optimizing different elements, our final step is further assessment of the entire assembly’s working order and efficiency. Once maintenance is required, it’s important to optimize how easily the bits could be changed. We aim to maintain serviceability in the design of the cutting assembly to accommodate ongoing maintenance, bit changes and future repairs.
13 ensure it can operate at its highest function. The cutting assemblies we at Bit Service design and manufacture for our clients are crafted with thoughtful design considerations in mind and are unique from others on the market. To keep up with prime functionality, we have a specialized team to conduct preventative maintenance. We offer inspection, refurbishing, and repair of cutting assemblies for development roadheaders and continuous miners.
At Bit Service, we are excited to solve problems like these for the Canadian mining industry, and are eager to discuss how we can help apply this process at your site.

ontario Mine rescue competition winners announced
From June 7 to 9, Ontario Mine Rescue hosted the provincial competition at Vale’s Creighton Mine in Sudbury and announced the winners at a banquet on the final evening.
“The invitation-only event marks the final month of the annual mine rescue volunteer training cycle,” says Ted Hanley, vice-president of Mine Rescue. “And the provincial competition brings together all of the district winners and challenges them to resolve an advanced mine emergency.”
Skills are tested in as realistic a scenario as possible to help ensure they are prepared for future mine Technicalemergencies.”judges hidden throughout the mine evaluate teams against a pre-determined list of criteria based on the policies and procedures of the provincial mine rescue guidelines.
The scenario this year included the construction of ventilation infrastructure, the application of first aid to injured miners, the use of specialty mine rescue equipment, and the challenge of detecting Ontario Mine Rescue 2022 provincial competition champion is Newmont Musselwhite Mine, Red Lake District. From left to right: Vice Captain Philip Mullin, Briefing Officer Ryan Lepage, Alexa Dumaine, Jimmy Sinclair, Captain Jack Lawson, Nick Gosselin, Scott Lawson, and Taylor Poling.
“Spectators viewed the teams via camera feed to surface,” says Hanley, “as each team navigates the mine and attempts to solve a variety of mine hazards using their knowledge, skills, and abilities to evacuate the workers trapped underground and restore the mine to safe working conditions.
Unlike the district competitions, which are held in spectator-friendly hockey arenas with a maze of simulated mine workings constructed on the arena floor, the provincial competition sends teams into an actual operating underground mine.

The winners of this year’s event, with the provincial champions taking home the coveted gold hard hats, were as follows: team cOmpetitiOn Results: P ROVINCIAL CHAMPION
2nd Overall – Impala Canada Lac des Isles Mine, Thunder Bay District Team Firefighting Award – Newmont Musselwhite Mine, Red Lake District Team First Aid Award – Lakeshore Gold Timmins West & Bell Creek Mines, Timmins District Team Special Equipment Award –Newmont Musselwhite Mine, Red Lake District Team Theory Exam Award –Lakeshore Gold Timmins West & Bell Creek Mines, Timmins District Additional competing teams: Barrick Hemlo Williams Mine, Algoma District; Alamos Gold Young-Davidson Mine, Kirkland Lake District; Compass Minerals Goderich Mine, Southern District; Onaping District – Did Not Qualify. Individual Technician Competition results:
1st – Garry Bennett, Alamos Gold, Young-Davidson Mine, Kirkland Lake District 2nd – Jean Yves Doiron, Vale Sudbury Operations, Sudbury District 3rd – Darren Bullied, Evolution Mining Red Lake Gold Mines, Red Lake District Additional individual technician competitors: Monika Jorgenson, Impala Canada Lac des Isles Mine, Thunder Bay District; James Greer, Wesdome Gold Mines Eagle River Mine, Algoma District; Michael Bennett, Glencore Kidd Mine, Timmins District; Jim Ahrens, Compass Minerals Goderich Mine, Southern District.
In May, Shawn Rideout, chief mine rescue officer at Ontario Mine Rescue, and Stephanie Bleker, manager of Vale Totten Mine, received the Mining Safety Leadership Medal from the Canadian Institute for Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum at its annual convention awards gala. The award was in recognition of the planning and execution of the safe evacuation of 39 miners from Vale’s Totten Mine, s eptember 26 to 29, 2021. since 1929, the Ontario Mine Rescue program has been a standardized province-wide collaboration between all mine operators working to ensure emergency response capability and reduce the risk profile of the work performed by more than 900 Ontario volunteer responders.
The 2022 Ontario Mine Rescue provincial competition was held in June at the Vale’s Creighton Mine in Sudbury. Six teams tested their skills in a simulated mine rescue underground, with Compass Minerals Goderich Mine Captain David Kelly pictured above. The team from Newmont Musselwhite Mine won the coveted gold hardhats and trophy this year. contaminated mine ventilation and making it safe.
1st Overall – Newmont Musselwhite Mine, Red Lake District Captain - Jack Lawson #2 - Taylor Poling #3 - Alexa Dumaine #4 - Scott Vice-CaptainLawson-Philip Mullin #6 - Jimmy Sinclair Briefing Officer - Ryan Lepage #7 - Nick Gosselin Coaches - Chris Horde and Gabe Roy Mine Rescue Officers - Kurtis Atkinson and Jeff Farquharson
“Ontario Mine Rescue is proud to report that all seven of the highly skilled participating teams successfully resolved the emergency,” says Hanley. “Each team is evaluated on the strength of their strategy and use of safe procedures.”
Ontario Mine Rescue, a part of Workplace s afety North (W sN), has trained and equipped thousands of volunteers who have fought fires, rescued injured personnel, and responded professionally to a wide array of incidents in the province’s mines over the past eight decades. For more information, visit subsite/

16 The race for security of critical minerals supply is on. To secure supply chains for the future, governments around the globe are looking to decrease their reliance on current sources of critical minerals, ideally via projects within their own borders.
“The completion of the MRE is a major milestone in the advancement of the project,” said Paul Jones, Nuinsco’s CEO. “But we are already looking
Nuinsco’s prairie Lake project well-positioned in race for secure critical minerals supply
So what’s next for Prairie Lake?
• 871.8 million tonne inferred Mineral Resource including 2.01 kg/t total rare earth oxides (“TR eO”)*, plus niobium and phosphate.
• 15.6 million tonne indicated Mineral Resource including 1.67 kg/t TREO, plus niobium and phosphate.
The rapid increase in the acceptance of solar and wind power and electric vehicles has accelerated demand for all types of critical minerals, such as rare earth elements (“R ee s”) and niobium. In addition, recent geopolitical events highlight the vital importance for countries to take charge of their energy and critical metals supply chains as a matter of national security. This demands diversification from current sources – principally China. According to EY Canada1 , China controls almost 90 per cent of global R ee refining and more than 50 per cent of R ee mining. in 2019, the united s tates and the european union imported 80 per cent and 98 per cent, respectively, of their REEs from China. Nuinsco Resources Limited (“Nuinsco”), with its 100 per centowned Prairie Lake critical minerals and phosphate project, is extremely well-positioned to be a key link in the advancement of Canada’s critical minerals supply chain in the near-term and for years to come. Ideally located near Terrace Bay, Ontario, Prairie Lake has been evaluated by Nuinsco over a number of years, but given the current rise in demand for critical minerals the timing of the release of the Prairie Lake maiden mineral resource estimate (“MR e ”) could not be better.
* TR eO incorporates neodymium, praseodymium, scandium, cerium, lanthanum, samarium, yttrium, and Intantalum.addition to the extremely large mineral resource, Prairie Lake is superbly located relative to all required infrastructure – rail lines, power grid, and deep-water ports for shipping via the Great Lakes are all nearby. The site is easily accessed by an all-weather road from the TransCanada Highway which is located a mere 28 kilometres to the south. Importantly, the communities of Marathon and Terrace Bay are close by, potentially benefitting access to, and quality of life for, personnel.
Announced in May of this year, the Prairie Lake MRE, in accordance with National instrument 43-101, breaks down as follows:

All of this aligns nicely with the government of Canada’s Canadian Minerals and Metals Plan which identifies many of the elements found at Prairie Lake as “critical minerals.”
Critical minerals supply and demand challenges mining companies face, by Harrison Bontje and Don demand-challengesmetals/critical-minerals-supply-and-, 2 Canada’s critical minerals strategy: Discussion paper, html#a66.minerals-strategy-discussion-paper.minerals-in-canada/
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toward next steps - preliminary economic studies and a metallurgical program to supplement the metallurgy we have already done and to better define the characteristics of the mineralization and enhanced potential for recovery and concentration of elements of economic interest.”
The government is also in the process of crafting its Critical Minerals Strategy, the vision of which is to “boost the supply of critical minerals to grow domestic and global value chains for the green and digital Giveneconomy.”theincentive for governments to establish strategic autonomy in critical minerals, increasing demand for the elements identified in the MRE, ready access to essential infrastructure and a location in one of the world’s premier mining jurisdictions, Prairie Lake should have an inside line in Canada’s race to secure a reliable source of critical minerals supply for today and well into the future.
For more information on Nuinsco Resources Limited or its Prairie Lake project, please visit

Clean Air Metals recently announced a robust mine plan and cash flow model as part of a Preliminary Economic Assessment for the Current and Escape PGE-Cu-Ni Deposits of the TBNCM Project. The mine plan shows impressive metrics with total revenue of $2.2 billion over the 10-year rampaccess underground mine plan on both
Clean Air Metals Inc. is a Canadian-based platinumpalladium exploration and development public company (AiR.TsXV). The Company’s flagship asset is the 100-per cent owned, high-grade Thunder Bay North Critical Minerals (TBNCM) project, a platinum, palladium, nickel, and copper project approximately 50 kilometres northeast of the City of Thunder Bay, CleanOntario.Air Metals Inc., formed by RTO, commenced trading on the TSX in May 2020. The potential to advance exploration on the Thunder Bay North Critical Minerals project was an intriguing venture given the increased demand for carbon-free transportation and global environmental standards. In addition, the importance of developing the TBNCM project was reinforced by the announcement of Ontario’s Critical Minerals Strategy.
explOR atiOn The TBNCM project hosts twin deposits; the Current deposit and the Escape deposit. There have been over 88,000 metres of diamond drilling between the two deposits since May 2020. Before 2020, the Current deposit had been extensively drilled and welldefined, with over 162,000 metres of drilling conducted between 2006 to 2016. in May 2020, drilling commenced on the Escape deposit and continues today with approximately 74,300 metres drilled. The exploration drilling has defined the escape deposit as an economic ore body with untapped potential. mine develOpment
By Dana Campbell and Abraham Drost
Clean air Metals Inc.: exploration and development with sustainability in mind

Future underground mine production at Thunder Bay North would feature a small footprint and an electrical power grid that is 100 per cent renewable with majority hydroelectric, plus wind and solar. The Company will maximize the use of electric-powered equipment in terms of mine design. Using electricpowered equipment will create a more sustainable mine and safer air quality in the underground environment.
Total payable mined metal production over a 10-year mine life based on the current resource base is expected to be 629 k oz Platinum, 618 k oz Palladium, 111 M pounds copper, 57 M pounds Nickel, 38 k oz Gold, 850 k oz silver, or 2.8 million ounces in palladium equivalents.
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cOmmunity RelatiOns Clean Air Metals has achieved significant progress with its First Nation Partners, Fort William First Nation, Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek, and Red Rock Indian Band through a Memorandum of Agreement effective as of January 8, 2020, and an e xploration Agreement effective as of April 13, 2022. The Agreements have set a foundation for collaborative and respectful communications to facilitate meaningful consultation with the participating communities to ensure respect and protection of aboriginal and traditional territorial and treaty rights. In addition, the Company is initiating an impact Benefits Agreement (iBA) around the project economics of the ongoing feasibility study process. The Company has ongoing communication with the Metis Nation of Ontario and Red Sky Metis Independent Nation.
The Company is committed to the sustainable development of platinumgroup metals (PGMs), copper, and nickel. The Thunder Bay North Critical Minerals project principal payable commodity suite (Ni-Cu-PGMs) will significantly contribute to carbon neutrality. Platinum is critical to the emerging hydrogen economy. Platinum and palladium are required components in catalytic converters in internal combustion engines worldwide. Copper is the conductor of choice for electric vehicles (e V) and electrical grid infrastructure.
Current and Escape Deposits.

Based industrial lighting pioneer x-Glo North America Inc. is helped numerous mining, tunnelling and oil and gas companies overcome these challenges.
The V.A.C.S is totally customizable by the end user, so if a client wants to use “red chasing” for fire and “blue chasing” for other emergencies, that would be possible, in addition the speed and direction of the system lights is also customizable by the enduser. When you combine the V.A.C.S with the x-Glo-56-24vDC-RGB-C, you can achieve a total distance of 60 metres on both sides of the V.A.C.S (120 metres total) with a V.A.C.s repeater placed every 20 metres. using the x-Glo-L-28-24vDC-RGB-C, you can run three lengths of 80 metres on both sides for an overall length of 480 metres. V.A.C.s repeaters must be placed at the end and beginning of each run for the system to function properly. With a five-year warranty and 10-year life expectancy, you can simply “set it and forget it.” For more information, visit our website at or call us at (705) 698-0441.
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Why chOOse x- glO x-Glo LED lighting products and systems are purpose-designed and built to work safely and effectively in harsh conditions that often operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a week, and at the same time minimize maintenance
20 Inadequate lighting poses major safety risk to the mining, tunneling, and oil and gas operations. Poor illumination is a leading cause of workplace accidents, significantly impacting worker fatigue, attention, reaction ability, and hand-eye coordination. This is common in underground mining environments where poorly lit conditions also increase the risk of physical hazards such as slips, trips, and Canadianfalls.
Safety you can see costs. x-Glo lighting products and systems are marketed, supplied, and backed up by a global network of authorized distributors and their agents who are passionate about delivering great products with high levels of reliability and durability. What’s neW x-Glo North Americas most recent development is the Visual Alert Control s ystem (V.A.C.s). The V.A.C.s allows our clients to integrate the x-Glo LED strip lights with their system, allowing them access to change colours, creating a visual alert in an emergency. It can also be used for traffic management, giving employees a visual alert that heavy equipment is being operated in the area.

Accordingworkforce.totheWorld Bank’s Metals & Minerals Price index, mineral prices doubled since March 2020. s ector spending also grew, yet at the same time employers are reporting critical labour shortage challenges according to Statistics Canada’s Canadian Survey on Business Conditions – with 27 per cent in Q1 2022, up from 17 per cent in Q2 2021. The Mining industry Human Resource Council’s (MiHR) labour market research also indicates record low mining employment, with nearly 10,000 vacant positions.
MiHR’s Gearing Up wage subsidy program provides mining employers up to $7,000 to support post-secondary job placements. since 2017, Gearing up has distributed $10 million in funding to support over 1,600 students – with the program currently slated to create a total of over 2,000 placements. similarly, the Green Jobs program provides subsidies between $25,000 and $32,000 to employers who hire job-ready youth for placements or training opportunities that focus on clean technology and MiHRinnovation.alsoprovides support to workers, with diversity programs such as Safe Workplaces for All to address and help mitigate sexual harassment in mining; Gender equity in Mining Works to provide organizations with proven, industry-developed tools to help eliminate systemic barriers to workplace gender inclusion; and a suite of eLearning courses to educate workers on intercultural and Indigenous awareness.
By Ryan Montpellier, Executive Director, MiHR Photos courtesy of Iron Ore Company of Canada.
21 Mining is essential to our way of life today and to the world we want to create tomorrow. Yet, Canada’s mining industry is facing a tightening labour market that may surpass historic fluctuations caused by boom-and-bust commodity cycles.
More than ever, mining needs to attract the next generation of the
Longer-term rises in minerals and metals demand could compound labour shortages as the workforce may need to expand quickly. The transition to a clean economy may require more critical minerals than are currently able to be produced. With Canada’s abundant availability of natural resources, the federal government looks to seize this opportunity through a new $3.8 billion federal Critical Minerals s trategy in Budget 2022 to support of quick expansion of Canada’s minerals and metals sector.
While our initiatives are helping, more needs to be done. Through industry collaboration, we must work together to attract the next generation of mining workers by ensuring youth understand why we need mining, why they need to be part of this rewarding industry, and mining’s role in the transition to a clean economy. Industry stakeholders can contact MiHR to discuss collaborating to build an inclusive, skilled and sustainable Canadian mining workforce at or by visiting
Mining needs its next generation of workers
In turn, industry needs to address employment challenges to meet hiring needs. An aging workforce, negative youth perceptions and dwindling post-secondary enrolment in mining related programs are a few of the direst hurdles. Undergraduate mining engineering enrolment is down 42 per cent from 2014 to 2020, the largest drop of any engineering type, and geological engineering enrolment is down 36 per cent over that same period. MiHR aims to help solve these issues. Stemming from its National Youth Mining Career Awareness s trategy 20212026 – an industry stakeholder-led study on increasing youth engagement, transforming perceptions, building industry/education alliances and promoting diversity –
MiHR created the We Need Mining. Mining Needs You. career awareness campaign. It supports industry HR efforts by promoting mining careers as innovative, challenging and Therewarding.IChose Mining. Mining Chose Me. Scholarship Program was launched in 2021 as part of the campaign to support students in mining-related post-secondary programs. It is awarding 10 $2,500 scholarships between 2021 and 2025 to raise awareness, showcase youth contributions and support equity, diversity and inclusion in mining.

“The main advantage comes in the form of the social key performance indicator. The grout mix is sourced from local producers and brought to the work site front,” he explains.
The local economy that supports jobs and families that reside near a project. These companies in turn support local organizations including extracurricular activities for youth. Another advantage includes environmental and cost savings since finished products are not shipped from manufactures, the material is “cast in place”.
By Eric Lamontagne, P.Eng., GE Environmental Solutions Inc. product(s) are best suited for the application. We also support the quality of installation to ensure the desired outcome is achieved,” he explains.
Lamontagne goes on to explain how geosynthetics have been applied to construction since the early 1960s. However, education around product diversity and variety are not as widely understood which can sometimes impede the design process. GE’s strength comes from the unbiased approach of designing with geosynthetics. “As a team, we discuss the best approach for each project, and which
Technical advantages exist in the form of conforming directly to the subgrade. The material can be designed and manufactured for specific project configurations. There is also tensile and compressive strength improvements on the product once poured and cured. Fabric formed concrete is one of many erosion control products that can be used in mining applications. Ensuring you have the right product for the right application is the key for success.
Geosynthetics in mining has been around for decades. How we use them in different markets is still an avenue for innovation. Each mine site, minerals for example, present their own challenges. These challenges can be ground stabilization, water quality, containment, and other geotechnical obstacles. An entire catalogue can be created with the many products and their capabilities in providing geotechnical solutions. Geotechnical solutions are closely tied to ESG metrics that are keenly being developed by resource companies. How does ESG work? How does geosynthetics affect these “Geosynthetics,metrics? in general, are not fully understood,” says GE president Eric Lamontagne. “Education will continue to play a pivotal role as the industry evolves and we design and build infrastructure with geosynthetics.”
“In addition, with the use of geosynthetics, construction non-renewable resources such as aggregate can be reduced,” adds Lamontagne. Reducing these inputs can reduce cost and reduce carbon production from extraction, processing, and transportation. Water management is another key indicator that is high priority environmental reporting for mining companies. How the water is captured, stored, utilized, treated, and released is an opportunity for geosynthetics to support operations.
Erosion protection and prevention typically is included in geosynthetic discussions. One product that stands above the rest for hard armouring application is fabric formed concrete. What are some of the advantages of fabric formed concrete vs other hard armouring solutions?

According to Appleby, the PEA highlighted robust economics for the project under metal prices and exchange rates at the time of “Wepublishing.beganthis spring on construction of an all-season access road to site that will facilitate large vehicles.
There is a current mineral resource estimate (June 2, 2022, seDAR) for the Kenbridge Nickel Project as a whole. Previous metallurgical work completed by Canadian Arrow highlighted excellent recoveries and metallurgical properties for the outlined mineralization. The 2022 P e A envisions a 1,500-ton-per-day underground mining operation with initial capital expenditures of approximately $134 million and initial mine life of nine years. There is potential to increase the mineral resource estimate by further drilling along strike and down dip. Additionally, there are several untested exploration targets on the property, such as at the Kenbridge North target, which have similar geophysical characteristics to the Kenbridge Deposit.
The Kenbridge Nickel Deposit was originally discovered in 1937 by Coniagas and is in northwestern Ontario between Fort Frances and Dryden. Falconbridge Limited acquired the property in 1952. in 1954 they began to construct a 622-metre-deep shaft. s ubsequently, two working level stations were developed below surface, and a bulk sample was extracted. At that time, there was not a feasible way to move the ore to facilities, so it was shut down in 1958. The project sat virtually dormant for several years until 2007 when Canadian Arrow Mines Limited acquired the property, completed a 40,000-metre drill campaign, and proceeded to establish a Ni 43-101 resource estimate and preliminary economic assessment (P e A).
Environmental baseline studies additionally commenced this spring and are key to the permitting and mine application process. We feel that we are in good shape to head to a PF s (prefeasibility study) and then F s (feasibility study) in the near term. Tartisan Nickel Corp. with three ‘critical metals’ is the perfect candidate for vertical integration and becoming apart of the North American supply chain”.
The Company has recently press released the Kenbridge 2022 P e A.
23 In 2017-2018, Tartisan Nickel Corp. (CSE: TN, OTCQX: TTSRF, FSE: 8TD) underwent a strategic review of how the Company could move forward in the face of challenging metals markets. At the time, there appeared to be a move towards clean-air electric vehicles (e Vs), an opportunity which Tartisan thought was going to become a driving force in the metals market. This thinking led to a merger with Canadian Arrow Mines Limited, a junior explorer who owned the Kenbridge Nickel Project, a known “never been mined” deposit, in northwestern Ontario. According to Tartisan CEO and president, Mark Appleby, the company was reviewing advanced nickel properties searching for a low CAPEX project with robust economics. The reasoning was simple in his mind. EVs and battery storage are becoming increasingly relevant, and nickel would be the main component for high-range battery storage. Today the lithium-ion battery is the nickel metal hydride battery (NiMH) and the lithium nickel manganese cobalt battery (NMC) are nickel-rich with mainstream acceptability. On average, 60 kilograms of contained nickel is in an average Tesla automobile battery. Nickel sulphide deposits are the preferred nickel mineral deposits to meet the battery demand, as opposed to nickel laterite deposits which require extreme amounts of energy to convert to acceptable car batteries. There are a handful of larger lowgrade nickel sulphide projects, which will require large capital expenditures combined with years of assessment and permitting to get to a production decision. There are, however, even fewer moderate to higher-grade nickel sulphide deposits, which could be developed towards production in a short timeline with minimal capital outlay, Kenbridge being an obvious standout with approximately a threeyear timeline to a production scenario.
According to Appleby, the Kenbridge Nickel Deposit checked off many of the boxes that were important to the Company’s strategy. The project is in a stable political and mining friendly region (New Gold’s Rainy River Gold Deposit is located 80 kilometres to the south) and has all-season road access to within 12 kilometres of the known deposit.
Tartisan Nickel Corp.’s Kenbridge Nickel deposit: a near-term production candidate

The importance of mentorship for women in the mining industry Apiece of advice that almost every young person embarking on their career will be given will almost certainly be to “get a mentor.” And the arguments for why this is so important are pretty clear-cut: gaining access to your mentor’s experience and expertise while receiving valuable advice, coaching and networking opportunities can be a considerable advantage that will help propel your career Mentorshipforward.plays a crucial role in attracting women to the mining industry. “One really big thing for me was connecting with a mentor,” said Maddison Konway, a materials engineering and management student at MacMaster University. Maddison is planning to pursue a career in the mining industry, saying that her dream “didn’t become a reality until I’d seen someone else who was maybe five or ten years ahead of me.” However, mentors can be so much more than a role model. Often, they will provide valuable access to job opportunities and access to their network, which is essential, particularly for women, when first starting your career. “My mentor has been indispensable in career planning. We met while I was still a student, and she has been a great help in breaking into the industry,” said Mélanie LaRoche-Boisvert, a mine planner with DRA Global and vice-chair of Women in Mining Canada. These valuable relationships can have an impact at any stage in someone’s career. “My current mentor challenges how I think and why I make the decisions I do,” said Melissa Ng, chief geologist, Cameco Corporation, and chair of Women in Mining Canada. “There are many views to always consider and his guidance is currently making an impact on the way I manage today and in the future.”
Smith, who was a close friend of Rick Hutson, includes mentorship in a list of pointers he and Hutson would provide to young professionals, highlighting both the importance of having a mentor as well as the need to pay it forward by mentoring someone in the future: “Think mentoring! Pass it on!”
“Think mentoring! and pass it on!”
In order to celebrate and promote the crucial role that mentors play in women’s career and development within the Canadian mining industry, Women in Mining Canada create the Rick Hutson Mentorship Award. One of the only awards in the Canadian mining industry to recognize mentorship, the award is named after Rick Hutson, a passionate and selfless mentor to students looking to enter the mining industry. This year’s recipient, Lawrence Devon Smith, is noted for his passion for mentorship. “I would not be where I am in my mining industry career without Larry’s support, mentorship and coaching,” said Jessie-Liu Ernsting, director of investor relations for G Mining Ventures Corp. and a member of the PDAC Board of Directors, who nominated Smith for the award. “What is amazing about Larry’s passion for mentorship is that my personal experience is not unique.”

The first thing to remember is that it’s entirely normal for children to miss their parents – it’s a good sign that the relationship is strong and healthy. Child anxiety is a slightly different matter. While still normal, anxiety is worrying for parents and could become distressing for the entire family if it’s not properly handled.
A major issue for every FIFO family is ensuring the kids don’t miss Mom and/or Dad too much, or become overly anxious when they’re away at the mine site.
• Think back to when your child began to have trouble coping, and try to remember if anything else changed around that time (visitors leaving, starting school, illnesses, or accidents). if so, try asking for their feelings about it. Here’s an example: “I’ve been thinking about how upset you’ve been getting and I’ve noticed that you started to cry more often around the same time as your brother starting daycare. Did you feel sad or worried about that?” This gives children some context and helps them to understand the sorts of things that might contribute to their feelings. Don’t assume what’s By the Mining Family Matters team
Symptoms of child anxiety range from a slight feeling of discomfort (butterflies in the tummy) to intense feelings of fear and panic. Behaviours could include excessive crying and clinging; repeated difficulty in sleeping or waking in the night; talking excessively about a particular concern; difficulty settling into play; repeating certain behaviours; headaches or tummy aches; appearing to ‘go backwards’ in development; disinterest in activities or people; excessive shyness.
• Allow your child to talk about it, and offer an extra cuddle when they’re feeling sad. Try to avoid saying things like “be brave” or “don’t be silly” because your child might begin to hide feelings away from you, thinking that you are not interested or that they are unacceptable feelings to discuss. After a cuddle, try asking “can you think of anything that might help you feel a bit better?” If nothing comes up, suggest things like writing a letter to Mom or Dad, drawing a picture, watching TV, going out for play, cooking, or another sort of enjoyable activity. This tells your child that feelings can be talked about, and also that there are things you can do to help yourself feel better and take your mind off sad thoughts.
If your child is missing Dad and/or Mom and feeling sad, or showing more worrying signs of anxiety, the following
worrying your child or put words into their mouth – just ask.
• Try also asking “what upsets you about Daddy or Mommy going away?” It sounds obvious, but sometimes we forget to be direct. This shows that you’re interested in what’s happening – and they might even be able to clarify their fears or worries for you. You can then offer clear and truthful answers, instead of vague assurances. For example, if your child is worried about Mom or Dad’s safety, he should discuss (and show if possible) all the equipment that is worn/used for safety rather than just saying “ i ’ll be fine”.
• Never talk about Dad or Mom “going away” or “leaving”. it should always be “going to work”. They’re just words, but children take things very literally. By the age of four or five, most children have the capacity to (sort of) understand that people work to get money and that money is necessary to buy things like food and clothes. Also show your child a map to explain how far away the work site is – this shows that they have no choice but to stay away.
suggestions might help:
• Maintaining a connection is very important. Phone calls, letters, and cards will ensure your child knows that Mom or Dad is thinking of them. When Dad or Mom is home, they could perhaps make a special bracelet, card, book or other object as a reminder of their bond. Something pocket-sized is great – even just a little card with a special note – because it can be carried around and treasured every day.
On a final note, sometimes children ‘wear’ the anxiety of their family. Are the rest of you coping OK with the current roster? Do you have any worries or concerns that occupy your thoughts when your partner is away? Talking or thinking through your own concerns or worries can indirectly help your child to cope. since 2010, Mining Family Matters has provided professional, practical advice to miners and their families around the world. in Canada, 32-page printed guides helping mining families to survive and thrive are available for companies in English and French. For information and further expert advice on careers, mental health, relationships, and parenting, visit the Mining Family Matters website at
helping your kids to cope when you work away

SPC Nickel (T sXV:s PC) is a nickel explorer with multiple projects across Canada. Its primary focus is on its property portfolio in the Sudbury Camp, where it’s been reporting strong results from its 2022 summer campaign at its Lockerby East
ThisProject.year’s drilling has focused on West Graham, a large near-surface deposit with a historical resource of 8.55Mt @ 0.45 per cent Ni, 0.31 per cent Cu (indicated). Drilling is complete and assay results are now coming in. Results to date have confirmed the presence of multiple higher-grade zones. Lockerby East has a long history. It is a historical SpC Nickel Corp. –a fully funded junior having success in the Sudbury Camp past producer put into production by Falconbridge in 1971. The Lockerby and Lockerby East Mines produced an estimated 9.6Mt of ore grading 1.83 per cent Ni and 1.08 per cent Cu. The West Graham deposit is considered by some to potentially be a significant nickel asset for s PC in the already established nickel camp. West Graham represents an opportunity to advance a resource toward production quickly, given potential accessibility via an open pit or a ramp. Additionally, there’s available processing infrastructure at Vale nearby and processing capacity in Sudbury with two mills and two smelters. SPC’s mineralization to the southwest of the property is truncated by Vale’s property SPC’sboundary.other projects in the Sudbury Camp include Aer-Kidd and Janes. The 272 ha Aer-Kidd Ni-Cu-PGM property is located ~25 kilometres southwest of the city along the Worthington Offset Dyke. It sits between two world-class deposits – Vale’s Totten mine and KGHM’s Victoria deposit – and hosts three past-producing mines. Janes is a 2,900 ha property 50 kilometres northeast of Sudbury. It hosts widespread Ni-Cu-PGM mineralization associated with the footwall contact of folded gabbroic sills hosted within Huronian sediments. The company reported exceptional drill results last summer. This year, SPC is completing

The Muskox intrusion was first discovered in the 1950s by inco during an airborne survey identifying tens of kilometres of gossans extending across the tundra. Several other major and junior companies conducted exploration programs since Inco. in late 2021, the company acquired through staking the significant land position. s PC also acquired an exclusive database related to the area, which it believes has a replacement value of at least $15 million considering the extent of exploration spending represented. The database includes over 15 years of exploration data dating back to 1955, including 261 completed holes totalling over 35,000 metres averaging 135 metres of depth. The company conducted its first field program in July. Another visit has been planned for August. The objective is to source a partner to advance the project jointly. Muskox is an ideal project for a major looking to add a Tier 1 nickel project in a safe Nickeljurisdiction.isacritical ingredient in the lithium-ion battery cells used in most electric vehicles (e V). Analysts warned last fall that global demand for the high-grade nickel required for e V batteries is likely to outstrip supply by 2024, making exploration of the metal critical. TSX-V: SPC
SPC Nickel Corp. is a Canadian public corporation focused on exploring for Ni-Cu-PGMs within the world class Sudbury Mining Camp. The company is currently exploring its key 100% owned exploration projects Lockerby East and Aer-Kidd both located in the heart of the historic Sudbury Mining Camp. In addition, the company recently acquired over 45,000 hectares covering a considerable proportion of the high prospective Muskox Intrusion, located in Nunavut. Although our focus is on Sudbury, we are an opportunistic company always looking for opportunities to use our skills to add shareholder value. ground geophysics and possibly diamond drilling in the fall. This will assess the economic potential of the Whileproperty.advancing the Sudbury assets remain the company’s focus, the Muskox Ni-Cu-PGM property in Nunavut represents a true campscale opportunity for SPC. Covering more than 45,000 ha, the Muskox property is underlain by the Muskox Intrusion.

Occupational Health Consultation and Management
Situated in Northwestern Ontario and based out of Thunder Bay. We are close to you – able to provide prompt and efficient care. We can also provide capabilities. the Ontario mining industry.
We offer a multi-disciplinary team of qualified physicians, health care workers and advanced medical technology to work alongside your health and safety experts to provide the priority care required for your people in your work environment.
In addition to almost three decades of emergency medicine experience and the creation of Northwestern roCC Medical: rock of the industry
The past two years have seen a dramatic change in the needs of industry and employees. The mental health of employees in particular has been of increased concern. Our multi-disciplinary clinic offers mental health counselling on a same day or next day basis. Needless waiting in the emergency department for straightforward issues is avoided by access to our urgent care clinic. We provide comprehensive care so you know your team is on the fastest path to better health.
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For Industrial Medicine and Rehabilitation Services
Dr. McKee and our team at ROCC in Thunder Bay are accessible 247, via telephone, email, or virtual appointment. Dr. McKee and the expert team of physicians have privileges at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre. Our team can expedite the care your staff and employees need. We offer direct access to lab testing, diagnostic imaging, and to appropriate specialists. ROCC will ensure that your employees are supported and can offer their best at work and at home. With us, your team will be on the fastest path to better health.
Ontario’s premier sports medicine and concussion service, Dr. McKee has dedicated years to providing exceptional physician coverage to various industries, including mining, forestry, aviation, and more. This has directly contributed to healthy and successful company growth.

29 Attention ALL Ontario Junior Mines, Exploration Companies and Active Ontario Mines We WelcOme yOuR pRess Releases. We WelcOme yOuR dRill Results. Reach investors in Ontario’s mining industry. please take a moment to post for free. www.ontariominingnews.caMINING Review e-newsletter • Ground VLF Surveys & Prospecting • Inversion Modeling • Geological Consulting • VLF Interpretation, Inversions & Modeling • Steep Terrain Sampling & Mapping • Historical VLF Data Processing O:705.946.6054 | C:

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