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table of contents


letter from the editors


letter from the president


club goals


key club 101


member of the month


service recognition






old business

upcoming events


publicity committee


december poll


officer contact


division contact


new feature: click on a page to be taken there!

letter from the ALYLA DON 2020-2021 CLUB SECRETARY DLA Junior

Hihi everyone! Can y'all believe that 2020 is almost over? 0.0 That’s wild. With the end of the year comes the end of the 1st semester and grades… grades… Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy reading this month’s newsletter, and remember to keep yourself warm and stay safe!!! Toodles~


Hey Holiday Jellies! I’m so excited to be here working on the 3rd anniversary edition of The Jam! As you may know I’m the original creator and editor of The Jam and it’s so amazing to see how far it’s gone thanks to Mya, Alyla, Irma, and of course all of you reading! As it’s getting colder be sure to stay safe + warm so you can spend the holidays with ease. We’re nearing the end of this term as we ring the new year in next month. Let’s cherish the rest of 2020 and be thankful for all the lessons learned and good times we’ve had in the midst of madness. With Love Always<3

Happy Holidays !!

letter from the

HAPPY HOLIDAYS JELLIES! We are now in December! As the weather gets colder please continue to stay warm, stay indoors, and Stay safe! I hope you have fun celebrating any holidays you and your family celebrate during the month of December! Time really flew by fast, that in just a blink of an eye we are approaching the end of the year as well as the end of our term :’) Together we have accomplished so much & I simply can’t put into words of how proud I am of each one of you. From the very beginning to now, you guys have shown how committed and dedicated you are to serving our home, school, and community. With the very few months (4) that we have left together, let's work harder and strive for more. We are a few hours away from our service hour goal 1,660/1,800! WAIT, did I mention that if we reach our goal, we will break & set a new record in DLA Key club?!?! I really hope we can serve 2,000 hours this term as a whole, but that would be an understatement because I know we can! Let’s go above & beyond our set goals. If anyone can help us, it's definitely you. With that being said, I would like to thank you for reading my message and this month’s edition of THE JAM. In which our publicity committee(especially Bri) worked really hard to make. Please know that I notice all the efforts you put into this club, your service never goes unnoticed. This is all I have this month, I miss you all & please enjoy this month’s edition <3


irma gonzalez

clubgoals Service hours

1,700/1,800 94%

ptp funds



dues paid members



funds raised for preferred charities




california-nevada-hawaii district What is a district? A Key Club district is composed of several regions In a certain area. We are part of the Cali-Nev-Ha (CNH) District. Districts can be made up of one to multiple states or just a specific geographical regions Every year an executive board is elected, which is made up of a District Governor, Secretary & Treasurer. Their job is to oversee all club/division activity within CNH. & Yes! Each of the execs are high school students!! District Secretary |Grace Yim Nevada |D23 yetis District Governor Daniel Min California D35E Elephants

District Treasurer Yena Suh California D30N Rhinos

key club 101


member of the month

yury pastor 8

Keep it up guys! <3

service recognition 10-20 Hours Tessa Distefano, Andrea Duenas, Jacob Hermida, Emma Montanez, Janelle Ortega, Tania Reyes, Amy Rocio, Joel Ruotsalainen, Alyson Thorne, Damaris Velazquez, Tran Pham, Yury Pastor

21-40 Hours Anna Distefano, Daniel Flores, Kimberley Tinagero, Brianna Virabouth

41-50 Hours Celeste Galvan, Nhi Truong, Kira Ruotsalainen, Nelly Rosales

65-100 Hours Alyla Don, Jessica Nguyen, Erik Shimizu, Esmeralda Pina 100+ Hours Irma Gonzalez, Angelica, Flores, Mya Reyes


what are dues? why should we pay them?


Dues are a donation to Key Club international, CNH District, and our Home Club!!!

Pay your dues to: Become an official member

how to pay

Receive a member id and pin Attend major events (ex. frs & dcon)

Venmo: (760)802-3945 Paypal: dmgeary57@yahoo.com Cash Must be handed to only Rita Boyd, Dave Geary, Irma, or Jessica Try to have exact change (If not that’s okay


announcements 2021-2022 Officer Interest Form Interested in being an officer next term? Click on this link to fill out the interest form

Check Your Emails! Have you received emails from President Irma? If not fill out this google form: click here!


Old O l d business business NOVEMBER DCM BRIANNA VIRABOUTH DLA Senior The November DCM was a great event along with the orcas! It was super fun being able to bond with members from our division and 37w while playing games and working on the service project. I got to meet a bunch of new people I’ve never met before right in the comfort of a zoom breakout room. I’m thankful for the wonderful experience <3

November Serv



D37W x D37E NOV. DCM SaTurday, Nov 12th We received 3 recognitions >>>

RECOGNITION Club of the month: DLA Officer of the moth: Alyla Faculty: Advisor: Mrs. Boyd

NORTHERN LIGHTS EXHIBITION MICHELLE CORTEZ DLA Freshman The northern lights exhibition was my first dla key club service I attended and it was an amazing experience to go to. I was able to help out by putting together various decorations, setting them up and also have fun talking to people. I really liked the fact that there were also many more people from other schools who helped us set up. I also liked that we all worked together which ended up letting us finish a little faster than we had intended. Overall it was a really great and fun experience to get to help out the center for the arts with the northern lights exhibition.

vice Spotlights:

NORTHERN LIGHTS EXHIBITION AT THE CENTER FOR THE ARTS NOVEMBER 3, 9, 10, 16, & 17th Thank you to everyone who came out and helped on any of those days <3 We really appreciate it & hope you had fun!


upcoming Region 1.5 Crewmate-TC (Candidate Training Conference) With Divisions 11, 21, 37N, 37E, 37S, 37W, 31 December 12, 2020 10AM-3PM ZOOM Interested in learning more about the role of Lieutenant Governor? Interested in running for Lieutenant Governor? Need to clear off a point for training conference in the MRP? This event is for YOU! Sign up here! Keep in mind CTC attendance is MANDATORY for all possible Lieutenant Governor Candidates


Registration Deadline: December 10, 2020

All sign up links can be found in our bio/linktree or here!!


Tempted Dates + Times DLA x HTHNC x SMHS Color A Smile Sunday, December 13 | 2 pm - 4 pm Address: 12 mission hills Ct, San Marcos(park) Bring a mask, something to sit on, clored pencils/markers (optional) if any info changes we will notify you DLA CHRISTMAS SOCIAL Saturday, December 19 | 5 pm - 8 pm Address: 645 West 7th avenue Must wear a mask! An outside event Potluck, white elephant, movies, games Participation in white elephant is optional if any info changes we will notify you

D37E De-stress December DCM Saturday, December 19th 3-5 PM on ZOOM! (clear off a point on 15 the MRP for “division event�)

A Message from the DIEGO ROCIO: TECH EDITOR DLA Junior Hello Jellies! As many of you may or may not know me I’m Diego the Tech Editor for the Del Lago Key Club. Around this time of year i love to wear my hoodies all day long, play Video Games with my closest of friend and spend quality time with the family. Nice meeting you jellies and i hope all of you enjoy the holidays :)

BRIANNA (BRI) VIRABOUTH DLA Senior Hey DLA Jellies! I hope you’re all staying warm and safe during this holiday season. I’m Bri and this is my 4th and last term in Key Club. I can’t wait to see what we can all accomplish together <3 Some of my hobbies are watching movies, reading, and photography. With Love Always <3

Tania Reyes DLA Junior


Hi, Jellies! My name is Tania, I am a junior at Del Lago and I Look forward to helping Del Lago’s Key Club. Many may not know but one of my many hobbies is drawing, and my favorite season is winter! Stay safe ^-^

Publicity Committee: ESMERALDA (ESME) PINA DLA Sophomore Hi i’m Esmeralda but you can call me esme đ&#x;•şđ&#x;?ź. I love to call with my friends and act silly with them. Lol I honestly can’t wait for Christmas other than that stay safe and stay warm ✨

SHWEYAMIN (SHWEY) ESTRADA DLA Senior Hi I’m Shwey! Nowadays I mostly just play animal crossing, talk to friends and just sleep. I hope all of you are having a happy holiday season and staying safe! Times are tough right now but hopefully in the end we’ll all end up chillin. Best regards fellas. <3


Hey Jellies what is your favo TRAN PHAM DLA Freshman The month of December is one of the most special months to me because it's the month of Christmas, winter, New Year's Eve, and it's another month to make new memories. I find December so special because it’s all about celebrating Christmas and New Year’s Eve with your loved ones and spreading happiness in the world. This is just such a beautiful time to spend extra time with your loved ones. In December, it helps me realize how lucky I am to have so many nice, helpful people, that means the world to me, and is always there for me. I think every day is a new day to accomplish things and do the things you love. However, the ending of the year always reminds me of letting go of all the bad things that happened this year and think of all the things I have learned.

AMY BOLANOS DLA Junior December is actually one of my favorite months :). My favorite things about the month would be the holiday spirit and watching Christmas movies, decorating, gift giving and listening to Christmas music. My family has a tradition of opening presents around the tree on Christmas eve and i love seeing how they react to their gifts although i’d be lying if i didn’t say receiving presents is one of my favorite parts.

orite thing about December? MICHELLE LUNA DLA Sophomore Hi there, my name's Michelle Luna and I am a 10th grader here at DLA. One of my favorite things from the month of December was being able to plan the Cold Hands, Warm Heart book drive for Girl Up Del Lago. Over the last couple Weeks, it has been absolutely incredible being able to collect over 70 female based books from different donors. These books are going to be wrapped and gifted to young girls which makes me so happy knowing they'll make a difference this holiday season. P.S. I also love that I'm able to listen to Christmas music all day :')

JACOB PARKER DLA Junior December is my favorite time of the year. The cold weather and rainy season makes it nice to cuddle up next to the fireplace and watch movies. I also eat really well in December. My mom bakes cookies, winter soups and an occasional loaf of fresh bread. My family takes a casual approach to the holidays. We spend Christmas in our pajamas playing games, and hanging out. Sometimes we travel to Oregon and Washington to visit family. Of course I enjoy the break from school. It gives me time to play games with friends and sleep in. December is my favorite because it feels like the longest weekend in the year.

OFFICER CONTACT President: Irma Gonzalez irmagonzlez676@gmail.com Vice President: John Samson jgasc.9303@gmail.com Secretary: Alyla Don dla.kc.secretary@euhsd.org Treasurer: Jessica Nguyen jesnguye798@euhsd.org Service Coordinator: Angelica Flores angflore494@euhsd.org Tech Editor: Diego Rocio dierocio498@euhsd.org Newsletter Editor: Mya Reyes myareyes618@euhsd.org


DIVISION CONTACT LTG: Lynne Do cnhkc.d37e.ltg@gmail.com Division Instagram: @d37ejellies Division Twitter: @d37ejellies Division Facebook: Division 37 East Jellyfish Division Linktree: https://linktr.ee/d37ejellies Division Remind: Text @d37east to 810-10 Division Discord: https://discord.com/invite/qABkbEJ



Thanks for Reading!

You can stay connected through… Remind: text @dlajellies to 81010 Class Code: @dlajellies Instagram: @dlakeyclub Division Instagram: @d37ejellies Check out the Division Newsletter Here

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