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Skab værdi og giv dine kunder og ansatte store unikke oplevelser med Den Jyske Opera
Bliv partner
Den Jyske Opera har siden 1947 arbejdet passioneret og professionelt med at skabe og opføre operaforestillinger på højeste internationale niveau i Aarhus og på turné i hele Danmark. Det arbejde vil vi intensivere, styrke og målrette i fremtiden.
Selv med fyldte sale over det ganske land, kræver denne blanding af sangere, scenografi, kostumer og symfoniorkester i dag en højere grad af økonomisk støtte fra såvel fonde som erhvervslivet. Derfor vil vi gerne indgå flere partnerskaber med visionære virksomheder.
Image, kunde- og medarbejderpleje
I dag udgør vores gruppe af partnere en samling af engagerede virksomheder, der i kraft af partnerskabet styrker deres image og samtidig kan tilbyde deres gæster og medarbejdere oplevelser og skræddersyede arrangementer.
Virksomhedens partnerskab med Den Jyske Opera kan også være med til at åbne operaverdenen for medarbejderne, som derved stimuleres og inspireres til gavn for virksomheden. Der er nu flere muligheder end nogensinde før for at støtte det kunstneriske arbejde, der kan nydes på scenen! EVENT- / FORESTILLINGSSPONSOR Er der en forestilling i Den Jyske Operas kommende sæson, som du og din virksomhed synes er særligt spændende og relevant, har I mulighed for at blive en del af denne produktion. Vi arrangerer prøvevisninger for dine medarbejdere, oplæg om det pågældende operaværk, møde med solister samt billetter til forestillingen, så I kommer helt tæt på.
Desuden kan I profilere jeres virksomhed i vores sæsonprogram, der trykkes i et stort oplag og kommer ud i hele landet.
SPONSOR FOR EN OPERASANGER Din virksomhed har mulighed for at tage en sanger under sine vinger og følge vedkommendes kunstneriske virke. I kan samtidig få glæde af den pågældende sanger, der kan optræde ved virksomhedens interne arrangementer.
Vi turnerer hvert forår og hvert efterår med store operaer, som opføres sammen med landsdelsorkestrene. Såfremt jeres virksomhed kan have glæde af lokal eller landsdækkende profilering, kan vi sammen finde frem til en god aftale.
Er det noget for jer?
Den Jyske Opera / Personale
Philipp Kochheim
Christopher Lichtenstein
Udviklingschef- og formidlingsproducent
Lene Juul Langballe
Teknisk Chef
Anders Poll
Fundraiser og Sponsorkoordinator
Sabrina Vinther
Astrid Rørdam Svane
Planlægger og turnéansvarlig
Maria Buch
Marketing- og kommunikationschef
Anne Visby Larsen
Marketing- og pressekoordinator
Julie Krogh Thomsen
Henriette Søby
Malene Myrup Villesen
Charlotte K. Holm Christensen
Mette Schack Bugge
Peter Pade
Lone Karlsson
Susanne Vinther
Teknisk chef
Anders Poll
Ditte Cecilie Lyngsø
Malene Myrup Villesen
Scene- og lysteknikere
Ib Asp
Lone Boes
Cher Isabella Schlander Christensen
Morten Chemnitz Kirches-Lindegaard
Daniel Haar Mortensen
Thomas Stanley
Henrik Søballe Sørensen
Nastaran Namdarpour
Ann-Charlott Juul
Bette Boisen
Nete Holmboe
Maria Lindholm Fjordbak Kurtzhals
Anna Marie Lindquist (elev)
Peter Bukdahl Nielsen
Ann Borghelt
Bestyrelsesformand Lene Skovsgaard Sørensen, direktør Næstformand Carl Erik Skovgaard Sørensen, advokat Niels Overgaard Lehmann, prodekan Mette Ingeborg Bryndum, administrativ chef, Joachim Gustafsson, dirigent Birgitte Mosegaard Pedersen, operasanger
Annette Dahl
Hanne Hohwü Houmøller
Birgitte Mosegaard Pedersen
Birgitte Skarby Riddell
Pernille Stolting-Madsen
Lina Valantiejute
Birgit Demstrup
Bolette Bruno Hansen
Estrid Molt Ipsen
Sine Algreen Møller
Eline Denice Risager
Marcus Birgersson
Erik Bekker Hansen
Carsten Gottholt Hansen
Jens Jagd
Joan Ribalta
Jens Bové
Lars Fentz Krogh
Jani Kyllönen
Thomas Christian Sigh
Morten Wang
Andreas Winther
Act 1
Scene 1 – May 14th 1912, 23:00 A sinister doctor is about to examine an unidentified body. A hotel director stops him, recognizing the corpse as the King of Denmark, who went missing hours before. They begin to quarrel over ownership of the body. Two policemen attempt in vain to resolve the situation.
Scene 2 - A diabolical Master of Ceremonies appears and sings the ballad of poor King Frederik VIII.
Scene 3 – May 14th 1912, 04:00 Courtiers wait nervously for the missing king. The Queen is inconsolable. Finally, the Hotelier arrives from the Hafenkrankenhaus and delivers a sad message.
Scene 4 – May 15th 1912, 09:00 Journalists prepare to dispatch the breaking news around the world, and the Master of Ceremonies reveals their dirty secrets.
Scene 5 – May 14th 1912, 19:15 The King and Queen argue. Frederik longs for love, but Lovisa is cold; she grieves her destiny as Frederik’s wife.
Scene 6 – May 15th 1912, 11:00 Rumours continue to swirl around the circumstances of the King’s death. Had he visited a bordello? The two boisterous policemen hold a press conference.
Scene 7 – May 14th 1912, 19:00 Prostitutes await customers in a seedy brothel. An old man sings a chanson about his longings. Madame Rosa attempts to maintain discipline and instructs the girls in sexual techniques. A new customer suddenly appears (King Frederik, under incognito). The prostitutes perform their routines, and Frederik chooses the shyest one: Fanny.
Scene 8 - The Master of Ceremonies sings the Song of the Royal Worms. He begins to doubt whether Frederik is a fitting subject for an operetta after all.
Scene 9 - All the participants appear on stage and demand more arias. Frederik inspects the cast of his operetta and wishes he were somewhere else.
Act 2
Scene 1 – May 15th 1912, 18:00 The two policemen, roaring drunk, are bitter about having been ridiculed. A fight starts.
Scene 2- In a surreal scene, the Queen attempts to sing a famous aria. The Master of Ceremonies appears as a kind of circus master and instigates a wild ”gallop”.
Scene 3 – May 14th 1912, 19:45 Fanny and Frederik have retired to her room, but the King only wants to talk. They sense a kind of recognition in each other’s loneliness. The King suffers a heart attack. Madame Rosa decides to dispose of the body for fear of the police.
Scene 4 and 5 – May 15th 1912, 19:00 The police force some journalists to keep silent, while others interview Madame Rosa, who claims to know the real truth. “Fake news” is created.
Scene 6 and 7 - The participants start the play over again from the top, hoping to improve it, but soon begin arguing about subtext and other matters. The Queen reveals that the man everybody believes to be King Frederik is not her husband, but a baritone from Germany. Everyone is stunned – because they urgently need a finale!
AIDA Synopsis
In the war between Egypt and Ethiopia, Aida is held captive as a slave of the Egyptian princess Amneris. No one knows, however, that she is actually the daughter of the Ethiopian king, Amonasro. Aida has fallen in love with Radamès, who returns her affection, to the great chagrin of Amneris, who wants Radamès for herself. Radamès is made commander of the Egyptian army, putting Aida in a terrible position: a victory for Radamès could mean marriage and freedom for her, but defeat for her father and homeland. When Radamès returns victorious, he is unaware he has captured Aida’s father. Amonasro forces Aida to coax Radamès into revealing military secrets, for which he is sentenced to death for high treason. Amneris offers to lift the sentence if Radames forswears Aida and agrees to marry her instead. He refuses, and is condemned to be buried alive. Aida secretly joins him in the tomb, and they face death together.
Famous opera singer Angèle would not be eligible to marry Prince Basilowitsch, as she is devoid of a title. To solve this problem, the Prince arranges for the impoverished Count René to marry a lady (Angèle) whose face he is not allowed to see – and to agree to a divorce in three months’ time. As a reward, the Count will get half a million francs. At the wedding ceremony, the two are separated by a canvas and exchange rings without seeing each other. Months later, Angèle meets the Count by chance. They are immediately attracted to each other. Prince Basilowitsch realizes their mutual interest and becomes nervous, especially as his former fiancée Kokozow is on her way. But it is too late: Kokozow arrives, claims her right to marriage, and the Prince must give in. Angèle and the Count confess their love – and are able to stay married…
Danish National Opera is Denmark’s national touring opera company. Funded by the Danish Ministry of Culture and proudly based in Aarhus, Denmark’s second city and European Capital of Culture 2017, it tours across the whole country with both traditional and innovative opera for all ages, tastes and experiences. It is a distinctive, pace-setting part of the Danish cultural scene and for decades has presented productions of the highest artistic quality. With a fulltime chorus as part of an artistic, administrative and technical staff of 60 it performs
Founded 1947
Based in Aarhus, second largest city in Denmark
Largest touring opera company in Denmark
General Manager and Artistic regularly with the five regional symphony orchestras.
Director: Philipp Kochheim
Kunst i en coronatid
På bare tre måneder blev ekkokammeroperaen I går og i morgen, der er skrevet og instrueret af Philipp Kochheim, skabt og opført på Havnen i Aarhus med plads til 100 publikummer, der sad i hver sin coronasikrede boks.
Julie Krogh Thomsen, Anne Visby Larsen, Philipp Kochheim
Øvrige tekstbidrag, tekstbearbejdelser og korrekturer
Julie Krogh Thomsen, Jonas Bock Michelsen, Leif V.S. Balthzersen, Peter Pade, Astrid Rørdam Svane, Maria Buch, Lene Juul Langballe, Aileen Itani, James Manley
Fotos og illustrationer
Anders Bach s. 2, 5, 39, 52–53, 54–55, 56–57, 59, 70 ø., 71 n., 87, 90–91 Sif Meincke s. 4 Ditte Chemnitz forside, s. 6, 80–81 Henrik Petit s. 19 Hamburger Sittengeschichte, Georg Walter s. 12, 13 Das heimatkundliche Bildarchiv Hamburg 1860–1955 s. 20 Dines Bogø, Lokalhistorier.dk s. 20–21 Sunil Shinde s. 33 Kåre Viemose s. 58, 68, 69, 70 m. og n., 71 ø. David Stjernholm for Charlottenborg Kunsthal s. 62–63 Agnete Schlichtkrull s. 73 ø. Stine Heilmann s. 73 n. Trine Dueholm (sansefigurer) s. 74–75 Jacob Ehrbahn, Ritzau Scanpix s. 98–99 Couple As Marionettes, Getty Images s. 45
Øvrige portrætfotos anvendt med godkendelse af kunstnerne
Design og layout
Chemnitz Chemnitz
Akaprint A/S
Redaktionen er afsluttet d. 30. oktober 2020 Med forbehold for trykfejl og ændringer. Opdateringer vil fremgå af jyske-opera.dk Kontakt til redaktionen opera@jyske-opera.dk