2 minute read

Shanghai Tang

Interweaving traditional Chinese production methods with new technology.

The Fragrance Collection

Celebrating artistry and heritage Chinese Fine Imperial Craftsmanship

La Colección destaca a SHÒU: el símbolo chino de longevidad, una de las Cinco Bendiciones (longevidad, riqueza, salud, amor y virtud), y uno de los objetivos más importantes de la vida tradicional china. The Collection prominently features a SHÒU: the Chinese symbol, of Longevity is commonly recognized as one of the Five Blessings (longevity, wealth, health, love and virtue) of Chinese belief and it represents one of the most important Chinese traditional life goals.

El frasco femenino incorpora el número 8 de la suerte, visto en China como buen presagio, símbolo de equilibrio, integridad y prosperidad: la promesa de felicidad teñida con un aura de infinito. The women’s bottle incorporates the Lucky number 8, seen in China as a good omen, a token of balance, completeness and prosperity: the promise of happiness tinged with an aura of infinity. La tapa de vidrio sólido es pulida a mano para alinear con la botella. Con minuciosa habilidad el artesano logra una silueta uniforme. El SHÒU, es una pieza de metal unida a la tapa de vidrio. The cap is a solid piece of glass hand polished in order to perfectly align with the bottle. A uniform silhouette is achieved with skill by each artisan. The SHÒU, is a solid piece of metal, meticulously attached to the glass cap.

Se usa vidrio no convencional para crear la pieza central: la bola de cerámica característica que muestra obsesión por los detalles. Unconventional glass production was used to accommodate the central piece, the ceramic ball. Creating a signature glass piece that showcases an undeterred attention to detail. La bola de cerámica lleva los toques personales de cada artesano que trabajó en ella. Nunca habrá dos iguales. The ceramic ball will bear the personal touches of each artisan that has worked on it. No two will ever be the same. La botella masculina se alza con hermosas líneas. El vidrio exuda fuerza, solidez y lujo. The men’s bottle stands tall and statuesque with beautiful lines. Glass exudes strength, solidity and luxury.

Artesanos expertos le dan los detalles individuales a cada botella haciéndola única, nunca dos serán lo mismo. Skilled artisans lend individual details that make each bottle unique, no two will ever be the same.

La bola se fabrica con cerámica moldeada a mano y esmaltada con pigmento. Otro artesano, con hoja de oro, aplica el SHÒU a la bola. Handcrafting on the ceramic ball is a long process. Raw ceramic is molded by hand to create the ball. It is hand glazed with pigment, to give it color, and a clear glaze to lock the color in. Another artisan, using gold foil leaf, hand applies the SHÒU, Chinese symbol of longevity, to the ceramic ball.

Se usaron solo los mejores materiales chinos: cerámica, hoja de oro y vidrio para transmitir el lujo en la botella. Only the finest Chinese materials were used. Ceramic, gold leaf and glass convey the luxurious feel of the bottle.




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