May - June 2015 Issue of Design Matrix

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Ar. Prem Nath

My design philosophy is to keep any design simple and functional, with a touch of drama.

May-June 2015 VOL. 5 • ISSUE 4 • `100

a MRJ presentation









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L U X U R Y H O M E S F R O M R s . 80 L a k h s PRIME LO C ATION AT S TUDIO CIT Y, DUBAI 8 Minutes from Mall of the Emirates B A S E ME NT PA R KIN G P R I VAT E G A R D E N W I T H WAT E R F E AT U R E S TENNIS AND BASKETBALL COURT G R O U N D LE V E L : G R A N D LO B BY + H E A LTH C LU B + PA R T Y H A L L - C U M - K I D S P L AY A R E A + R E TA I L O U T L E T S 8 LE V E L S O F A PA R TME NT S ROOFTOP WITH SWIMMING POOL & JACUZZI *Based on initial down payment


QUIRIES Call: 00971 4 399 8333 or visit: | E-mail: Developer Name: Danube Properties Development LLC | Developer ID: 1009 | Escrow: Noor Bank



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Owned, Printed and Published by Karan M. Jhunjhunwala. Printed at Taco Vision Pvt. Ltd., 38 -A & B, Govt. Indl. Estate, Charkop, Kandivali

(W), Mumbai 400 067, India and Published at MRJ Trading Pvt. Ltd., F/ 201 Shyam Kamal ‘C’ Wing 1, Agarwal Market, Vile Parle(E), Mumbai 400 057, India.





e all have stories to tell and while reading this edition, I am sure; one will certainly drive inspiration from our Cover story on Star Ar. Prem Nath. His life story, from rags to riches is similar to any emotional cinema, with a strong message – “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” For all our student readers, with a dream to be a next-gen designer, he has a special message – “Architecture is one of the best professions, it is the Mother of all Arts and perhaps the only profession that enables one to be involved in every aspect of human life.” This issue strives to depict the real power of design and it really feels great to see designs coming to life. We met Pune - based designer, Suntosh Baheti, who follows a process driven design that leads to in-depth exploration and thought, resulting in a unique approach to each project, rather than a particular formula or style. The ‘Origami Bungalow’, project, interior designed by him has a creative statement. When we speak of creativity, the designers always look forward for something new with beauty, quality and aesthetics and we take you to Flex Stone Gallery, a new venture in Mumbai. The inviting office spaces in this edition designed by Mumbai –based designers, will charge you and certainly one will woo for a similar space. For fun and food lovers, we have interesting spaces that communicates and will rejuvenate your mood. The admirable residential projects featured here, from different parts of our country, reveals that design is not just about decorating a space, but a true language of expression; it is an aspiration of the person living in that environment and again has a story to tell. Enjoy the issue and we would love to hear from you.

Marilyn Madathil

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Meet Ar. Prem Nath, the Ever Green Legend and his story is simply inspiring. pg 22

Renowned interior designer, Khuan Chew, KCA International, adds a contemporary new look to the ‘Swissotel The Bosphorus.’ pg 106

GLOBAL EYE Different products and ideas, aiding wellbeing in workplace. pg 42





DESIGN N BUILD “Home is where the Art is.” Baheti & Associates will make you fall in love... pg 52

CORPORATE DESIGN Inspiring office spaces will take your breath away... pg 62

ZOOM IN Creativity steps into Mumbai with MRJ Flex Stone Gallery... pg 72

DESIGN PROMO Let’s walk around sublime spaces, designed by Aria Design Studio... pg 76

DESIGN PEDAGOGY Prototype Making is a well-defined course at MITID Interior Space & Furniture Design Discipline. Feel, the innovation. pg 110

INTERNATIONAL GrizForm Design Architects is excited to announce its first collaboration with Legal Sea Foods to design the brand’s newest location for Washington, D.C.’s Reagan National Airport, which opened summer 2014. pg 114

ARTY- TECHTURE Every design has a language and designers, Dnyanesh and Nikhil believe in creating a solution that communicates. pg 118



The budding designers create adventurous furniture pieces... pg 82

American Red Oak ceiling will add a unified look to any space. pg 124



The designs engraved by RSD, strike a balance between the old and new. pg 85

Different product lines ranging from artifacts to the world of kitchens and furnishings, will indeed mesmerise you. pg 126

RETAIL DESIGN Gaurav Kharkar and Associates, define chic interiors. pg 89



Lekiaan offers original furniture designs that are in line with international trends... pg 92

RESIDENTIAL DESIGN Live with what you love! A plush design by Nilesh Parmar pg 94

HOSPITALITY DESIGN Live entertainment blended by Ar. Naman Shah, adds a definite sense of local ambience at ‘Souq Bistro & Grills.’ pg 98

DIMENSIONS Ar. Nikhil Kant Agarwal, designs an individual apartment as a reflection of the client’s personality. pg 102


I enjoyed reading the last issue of Design Matrix. I strongly feel that the magazine has grown better. Kudos to DM team for this success. Keep it up and all the best for future.

Pradeep Nair Ahmedabad

Anu Stanny The Istanbul project in the March- April issue was wonderful and amazing. The article was written beautifully and I could visualize the complete scenario. I was totally refreshed by the entire thought process involved behind that project. The article sacred spaces was simply fascinating and I am thrilled to see design focussed in each edition and I eagerly await for the surprises in the next edition.

Mumbai I truly enjoyed going through the MarchApril,2015, issue and I must say that the Design Matrix team always strive to bring out design ideas that are out of the box. The blend of residential projects featured in every issue, brings out interesting design elements and the new ideas fascinate any reader. All the best!

Leona D’souza Goa

Smita Rane Nashik

I liked the cover story in the last edition, every cover story is presented in a new style and celebrates the world of design and that is what makes Design Matrix different from others. The hospitality projects in the last edition were simply warm and welcoming. The product launch section, celebrating the festival of colours, Valentine ’s day and woman’s day was deeply inspiring.

I am a regular reader of the Design Matrix.I was impressed by the residential project by Ar. Ketan with clean lines. The Knights Bridge Home too took my breath away. Overall, I was deeply impressed and eagerly look forward for the next edition.

Anushree Datta Pune

Ravi Khanna Gurgaon

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the excellent feature of our work featured in the March - April 2015, Design Matrix. I must say that the editorial team of DM have done a fabulous job recognizing and representing our creative works. The text and images were very well composed. We were totally overwhelmed by the good response and compliments that we get from our clients.


I admire Design Matrix for its layout and the overall contents. This design magazine gives me a feel of reading an international magazine. I really loved reading the article on Influx and the dream of Istanbul. I wish the DM team, all the success for future.

Manjiri Desai Mumbai

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January-February 2015 VOL. 5 • ISSUE 2 • `100 BER 2014




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Dipak Thaker


Our mission is to ensure that our client gets an inspiring result with the best possible service.

Anil & Am ita Salian As desig to keep ners we have changingpace with the industry needs of the to work with respect environme nt and techn ology.


TO KNOW MORE GRAB NOW... • Celebrate with your favourite designers. • Enter different spaces- residential, luxury,leisure and lot more • Design centric projects across the globe. • Offering a design platform to students ( next -gen designers) Please subscribe to design matrix & receive the issue on a regular basis. Subscription form in the magazine on pg. 51 or call: (0) 98337 73376

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a MRJ present



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Cover story


“A dream doesn’t become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work,” these golden words of American politician, Colin Luther Powell, will certainly motivate one and our recent meet with the Celebrity Ar. Prem Nath, Principal, Prem Nath and Associates, Mumbai; exemplify this expression. Words: Marilyn Madathil Photo courtesy: The Architects


DM: We would love to know about your childhood memories... Prem Nath: Well, I am a unique person. My childhood days dates back to the India - Pakistan partition times. Imagine a clumsy looking boy, migrating to Delhi to find a way of living with his mother and siblings. My mother turned to

a construction worker and I being the elder son of

the family helped her. Working at the construction site, I understood the fundamentals of architecture, right from planning to execution. I would say, never underestimate the power of a poor man, no matter who you are? A person with endurance, tolerance and zeal to work hard will definitely reach great heights.

DM: Tell us about your Pathshala days... PN: My Pathshala under a tree was my solace. To win over MAY- JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 23

adversity, I marched ahead, peddling a

a job as his personal design assistant and I

canteen was surrounded by my seniors,

bicycle as a newspaper boy in the morning

was overwhelmed to grab this opportunity,

hailing from a rich background. They gos-

and attended the school in the afternoon.

but my destiny had some other plans. I con-

siped in English and discussed architec-

When the stars peeped out, a strong yearn-

sider myself as a ‘Lucky Prince’. I never had to

tural philosophies and my inner conscience

ing to excel, kept me awake and I made the

run after projects and money, my luck has

started addressing me as a dumb boy. In

street light as my refuge to study. My sincer-

always bestowed its blessings and one fine

search of knowledge, I headed towards the

ity rewarded me highest grades.

afternoon, while strolling on Juhu beach,

college library. To my delight, I came across

I met a famous film personality, who was

an illustration book authored by Helmut

DM: Why do you think that architecture is an excellent profession?

looking out for an architect to design his

Jacob. This book inspired me and I began

home. I expressed my ideas to him and the

improving my sketching skills. During the

doors of Stardom, welcomed me. With my

annual exhibition my works were displayed

PN: Architecture is one of the best profes-

designer touch, I created a benchmark in

with other senior batch mates and this

sions. It is the Mother of all Arts and perhaps

the film industry and the world of big shots.

became the turning point of my life. Everyone wanted to be my friend. To develop my

the only profession that enables one to be

personality, I joined classes for personality

designing their home. To design a hospital

DM: What inspired you to come to Mumbai and take admission at Sir. J.J College of Architecture?

one has to do in-depth research on how a

PN: I hardly had any exposure to architec-

most favourable boy for everybody.

specialist doctor works. One has to study

ture as a profession. After matriculation,

mythology and religious scriptures to design

my desire to get a decent job pushed me

a religious structure. Architecture is a profes-

towards being a blue printing boy and an

DM: Your mantra behind keeping your client satisfied…

sion, which ensures that one thinks ahead

unqualified draftsman and this exposed me

PN: The most important thing for a design-

of time, since an architect designs what shall

to the interesting facts about this stream. I

er is to understand the client’s personality,

last for another 100 years or more. For me,

was good at sketching and with the advice

his family members or his staff; his lifestyle

architecture is basically a question of happi-

of an architect friend, I eventually landed in

and then design what is best for him. I help

ness and satisfaction.

Sir J. J. College of Architecture. I attended

my clients in all possible ways. I treat my

involved in every aspect of human life. It is mandatory that a designer must understand how a particular family lives, while

development and English speaking; learnt dancing and slowly adopted the high standard lifestyle of high society. I became the

the morning diploma classes and worked

clients like a child and explain them my

DM: What eventually resulted in the making of the PNA…

during the day.

concepts with a lot of visuals and reference

PN: Having passed with top honours in design, India’s famous architect, Joseph

DM: So, tell us about your J J days…

Allen Stein, during his visit to Sir J. J. Col-

PN: I recollect the days, when I use to sit

lege of Architecture was impressed with my

in the hustling – bustling canteen with a

designs and visual sketches. He offered me

vadapav and a chai for my breakfast. The


photographs and then deliver exactly what was shown to them and that is what gives me a treasure of satisfied clients.

DM: You started your practice at a point of time when the

technological advancements were on a slow pace and now you see a smart world, so did you face any hurdles?

DM: Share your venture as a celebrity designer… PN: I am lucky to have got the opportunity

DM: You were the 1st in many innovations, tell us about the same…

PN: Technology keeps advancing. I am an

to work with Super Stars at the very initial

PN: I was one of the first Architects to have

stage of my career and one of them was

invested in a Computer with a CAD Software,

Architect and an Architect is always able to

Actor Dharmendra. Dharamji saw the smart

back in late 1980s – there you had one large

change gears and move forward at a better

architect in me and knew that I could deliver

energy guzzler working at its own pace and

pace, keeping in touch with latest innova-

to him as per his high standards and at a fast

we didn’t ‘Print’ back then, we used Plotters

tions – so back then too, I was able to work

pace. He recommended me to other celeb-

to ‘Plot’ drawings.

on what was available as the latest technol-

rities. I have designed other celebrity homes

As an Architect, I have many firsts to my

ogy and even today, I am working with the

that include Rani Mukherjee, Hema Malini,

credit, be it the first ever Revolving Restau-

present Smart World, keeping pace with the

Modis of U. K. Modi Group; GVK Group,

rant – Ambassador Hotel, Mumbai; India’s 1st

advancements that could be seen in the

Ambanis and so on.

ever Health Spa & Body Rejuvenation Centre,

near future.

DM: Is your logo Prem, the secret behind your success? PN: The logo depicts me. My design philosophy is simple, it is ethnic and yet creates a drama in the minds and hearts of an onlooker. My clients relate to this logo, there is a sense of good-luck and satisfaction when this logo is printed on their project drawings. They print this logo on their sales brochures as a value addition. Recently, this very logo my brand name has been awarded as ‘The Most Promising Brand,’ in the field of Architecture & Real Estate in the World Brand Summit 2015, held in Dubai, during December 2014.

Ar. Prem Nath and workaholic team


designed for the M/s. World Resorts Ltd at Golden Palm Resorts, Bangalore; First Multiplex-Mall in the country, i.e. Fame Adlabs at Citimall, Andheri, Mumbai; and this is a trendsetter for all other multiplexes to follow. PNA designed and executed Country’s 1st fast-track I.T. Building and handed over to Morgan & Stanley of USA, in just 8 months. The 1st Semiconductor Plant i.e. Meltron Semiconductors Ltd; in Nashik, an Indo-French collaboration; India’s first Gold graded Township for HP-Mittal Energy Limited in Punjab; India’s first Platinum rated School – Cygnus world school in Vadodara, Gujarat. Having said the above, I have been also pioneering the profession of interior designing – back then this profession had

tect is the ‘Captain of the Ship’ – he is the

details is done here with me in my office;

not got its recognition, I was not only able

one who has conceived the structure and

and this suits the clients too – most of my

to carve my own path in India, but was

knows what needs to be planned where,

clients compliment me for being able to

also recognised internationally, having the

thus it is imperative that he coordinates all

provide them a hassle free service.

Licence to practice in USA.

the engineering and services like structure, plumbing, electricity, air-conditioning, IBM-

DM: The USP of your company…

DM: Elaborate on the fact PNA is a complete Design Organization…

Sand so on, to ensure the best out of his

PN: We are Fast and Professional – we have

design. Today, we have various expertises

not found a client who is faster than us and

available at our disposal, which we use to

we are very good in design and documen-

PN: PNA, has been always providing One

their best capacity, however the overall

tation. It has happened so many times that a

Stop Shop services to its clients. An Archi-

coordination and correlation of designs and

client calls me after two decades wanting to


review his existing building or needs some

Ar. Prem Nath and his wife, Priti Nath

information about what was built and we are able to retrieve the document / designs, done then in no time – that’s our USP.

DM: Keen to know about your design philosophy. PN: My designs are Non-acrobatic, yet smart in all senses – they are detailed to the grass root level and that’s what makes them successful.

DM: How do you motivate your team? PN: My office works on an open office concept. My doors are always open, in all senses. Architects, engineers, interior designers, apprentices all sit together and are allowed to intermingle amongst themselves. I spend most of my time in the studio, with them. My team is one of the highly motivated ones. They learn a lot from me and from each other. I allow each of my team members to ‘Fail’. I keep pushing his or her limits until he or she doesn’t achieve another level of professionalism.

DM: How would you define a functional design? PN: All designs need to be functional –

Prem Nath with his jolly family

there is nothing like a functional design, if one designs something and that is not

ing energy guzzlers and eco-dampening

PN: Keep persevering and stay focused,

functional, it may be known as Art; be it a

structures. I have always been designing

there is a lot in store for the ‘Smart Gen-

home or an office, without functionality, it is

sustainable structures, thus for me it was

eration’ to design. The new wave of nano-

useless. In fact a pen is designed to perform

easy to design a Gold graded township and

designs has begun, who knows what great

its function, a phone is designed to be user-

a Platinum rated School.

developments happen in future, so keep up

friendly, that’s its function – any layman can simply buy a cell phone and start using it –

the pace and keep your self up-to-date.

DM: Do you see the young designers as your competitors… PN: I see the younger generation as an

DM: Tell us about your future plans

DM: Explain the concept of sustainability for our student readers…

Inspiration to the previous generation and

PN: I would like to quote a saying from the

that’s how it is supposed to be!

why not when I was young, I was compe-

Bhagavad Gita, “Karm Karo, Phal ki Chinta Mat

tition to the then stalwarts of the field. It’s

Karo”. At the age of 75, I am active, it is my

PN: ‘Sustainability’ today is a fad. It’s in

good to have a sense of healthy competi-

work that keeps me hale and hearty. I am

vogue – if you honestly ask yourself, sustain-

tion; it enables one to keep up to the mark.

looking forward to work for major projects

ability was a way of living in our ancient cul-

Today, we need to also live up to the interna-

related to education, sports, hospitality, real

ture. Pick up any historical design and you

tional standards and competitions.

estate, infrastructure. I keep re-inventing myself year after year and keep upgrading

would find them more sustainable. It’s just that we had got deviated from these facts, we had got influenced from the so called ‘modern’ designs and had started design-

DM: With Design Matrix, what advice would you like to give to the young budding designers?

myself for the next. I strongly feel that the future is Smart, and I am currently working on a few Smart projects. MAY- JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 27

Ambassador Hotel; Mumbai

Indian Aero Space; Delhi

Golden Palms Resort; Bengaluru

Striking Works Cygnus World School, Vadodra; Gujarat


Citimall, Andheri; Mumbai

HP-Mittal Energy Ltd; Punjab


Inviting Home Paritosh Bungalow, Pali Hill, Mumbai

MODEST DWELLING An Architect builds his own home with a lot more passion and Ar. Prem Nath converted his dreams into reality by conceiving something very simple yet structurally extra ordinary. The ‘Winged Roof’ above is spanning wide and is simply supported on the four column pins – this had not only given sleepless nights to the structural consultant, but the contractor too had his own anxiety, all put to rest when Prem Nath gave most simplistic solutions to this issue and here it is standing firm, for more than 30 years now. This villa testifies for many such innovations and smart designing – be it the living room with clear glass façade and no curtains, yet maintaining its privacy or be it the metal staircase, which seems it is simply made out of a continuous sheet of bent metal with no supporting columns and beams. This abode doesn’t simply speak of a spacious home for Ar. Prem Nath and his family – it talks much more of the brains behind it! 30 DESIGN MATRIX • MAY- JUNE 2015



Beyond Skyline Villa at Delhi

MODERN SKY VILLA Ar. Prem Nath has been conferred with an opportunity to create something new, something different – 70+ floor high residential towers in midtown, Mumbai. Topped with high-end facilities of club, pool, spa, business lounge; recreation hall, entertainment centre, children play area; cyber lounge, laundry, boutique retail and so on; the towers are planned with about 3 32 DESIGN MATRIX • MAY- JUNE 2015

Basements, 5 Podium floors (Parking) and 60+ residential floors with a unique Sky-Villa concept of duplex and triplex/ penthouse. The dynamic form in plan, its high speed and intelligent vertical transport system (Capsule lifts), top-of-line finishing, fittings/fixtures and accessories, makes this building, unique with smart looks. This villa will certainly create a benchmark in Mumbai.

LUXURY VILLA Ar. Prem Nath conceives each home with a lot of involvement. This luxury home of an Industrialist in Delhi, sprawls around 4 bedrooms, lavish double height living and lounge; kitchen, personal health spa, paddle pool and large party lawns with a gazebo. This building is being clad with imported stones, while interiors speak of Italian Marble floors, Onyx cladding, Goldleafing, and much more.

Sky Villas; Mumbai

ACC - Chairman Residence; Hyderabad

PINNACLE OF HYDERABAD This high end Villa for Chairman of a corporate company, depicts ornamental architecture in-sync with high-tech interiors. The garden area and the terrace pool brings one closer to nature .


Next Tech Technology Park; Delhi


Hi- Tech Next Tech Technology Park Anant Raj Group, Delhi; a group established in 1969, owning to its credit landmark projects created through 3 decades of trust and experience, in perseverance to conceive their edifice tech-park, sought creative excellence of Prem Nath & Associates, post a International Design Competition. A fully integrated global technology, IT Park project has 1st ever ‘In-Implementation’ IT-SEZ Park developed privately, with all Infrastructure facilities to IT and Software companies. “Nextech Technology Park,” is being developed, as an Intelligent Techno-township, with fully developed construction, spread over 25 acres of land. An impressive ‘Landmark’ feature creates a greater “sense of arrival”, combined with pollution-free and eco-friendly environment with lush green milieu, consisting of 4 Commercial Towers providing a flexible workspace, fitted with most integrated services for IT & ITE firms. A 300 room service apartment topped with the dinning and recreational amenities, along with Club House, AV Halls, Pool, Jacuzzi, and so on for the most relaxed working experience is also part of the


complex along with Amphitheatre, Multi-

tage of sloping site – the project was con-

plex, Shopping Arcade, etc. Ar. Prem Nath

ceived with split level parking stilts below

has keenly planned the complex fitting

the ground floor, yet having direct entry.

well as per NBC norms with parking spaces

Structurally an RCC Frame structure, with

in the tri-leveled basements along with

curtain glazing of low-e glass, Accenture

wide driveways, drop-points and efficient

building depicts the most simplistic design

parking equipments; Auto-walks of 300+

with the perfect blend of colour, material

M length and Travel-carts shall make the

and form.

internal travel convenient. The project is currently in execution stage and is planned with an intention to save natural resources and also to reuse and recharge them. The entire complex shall be managed by IBMS for most optimum energy consumptions. The entire complex shall be lushly developed with species selected on the basis of Urban Standard Plantation norms.

A Jewel in Hyderabad A structure conceived for a developer, M/s. Raheja Corp, keeping in mind the needs of the consumer for a corporate firm with international standards. Accenture, strikes the right balance between various aspects of economy, design efficiency, aesthetics to quality; engineering, technology, safety and security. The structure speaks of the large floor plate area with the flexibility of workspace arrangements. Taking advan-

Next Tech Technology Park; Delhi


Accenture; Hyderabad

Corporate Interiors

Sprawling BOB

has been sustainably planned to cater to

Prem Nath and Associates had been award-

various requirements of the ever growing

ed the Architectural Consultancy and Interi-

banking industry. The exteriors of this cor-

or Design Consultancy Services as a part of

porate building are clad with a combina-

two separate design competition projects

tion of low-e glazing and Aluminium Com-

by Bank of Baroda for their most esteemed

posite Panels.

project in the heart of the commercial capi-

The office interiors of this multi-floored

tal of India – the Bandra-Kurla Complex,

office building has been specially con-


ceived with keyword ‘Panache’, in mind. A

The ground plus eight story structure

fairly large reception on the ground floor,


with glazed entrance, leads straight to the lavishly planned and well lit reception table in the centre. On both sides of the reception, formal seating, waiting areas have been provided on the way to the lift lobbies. The 1st floor is purely dedicated to one of the most advanced data centres in the country. The 2nd floor office space provides for the backup and the tele-caller services of the bank’s core banking system. The 3rd to 6th floor cater to the various department’s requirements of executive cabins, conference and meeting rooms; cubicles, workstations and open discussion spaces, all topped with ample filling and storage space (along with a compactor room), and so on.


Bank of Baroda; Mumbai

Bank of Baroda; Mumbai

JLL Meghraj ; Mumbai

JLL Meghraj ; Mumbai

Open Mind office

Tomorrow’, having an exposure to multiple

directional flooring, similar was the case

JLL Meghraj, the International Property

International customers, and striking the

while planning the ceiling and lighting.

Consultants & Project Managers, with an

right balance of perfect flavor, good mood,

What is evidently being observed, is that

array of national & international consul-

trend-setting style and yet, be a part of

space for about 100+ persons, from the

tants on board, had selected Prem Nath &

an non-acrobatic office atmosphere.This

directors chamber, department head cab-

Associates, for their own personal space in

was done by using exquisite colour pal-

ins, meeting rooms, conference room, hud-

Mumbai, which in-turn was an enormous

ette, lighting, special effects and features,

dle-bays and so on, have been comfortable

responsibility bestowed upon the firm.

to break the monotony of uniform space;

planned in just about 8,000 sq.ft. area, yet

conventional flooring was blended with

with utmost inspiring spaciousness.

The client an office with ‘The Trend of


Bhakti Park, Phase 2; Mumbai

Township A micro-township Once a marshy land of salt pans has been, today, developed as most sought-after locale at Mumbai outskirts. A township, by Ajmera Developers is delicately converted to a Resort like ambience – giving a true ‘Out-of-City’ experience. The Phase-1 of the project consist of wide range of accommodations, from 27 storey medium rise ‘large-home’ requirement to 7 storey low rise ‘single bedroom’ and having already raised many eyebrows, the developers have further crossed all limits and are now developing the Phase-2 – which speaks of High End Residential Development. The development also consists of Top Class Club and Recreation Space and has been planned close and well connected to the most looked forward Metro-rail and Mumbai–Pune, SuperExpressway. The structures are strategically planned for the Indian weather conditions, in East-West directions – providing all day natural light and ventilation to all rooms, including service areas and lobbies. Currently under construction, this development has already created waves amongst the Mumbai upper-crust.


Bhakti Park, Phase 1; Mumbai

Royal Resort; Delhi

Resorts Royal Resort; Delhi

LUXURY BEYOND LAVISHNESS Ar. Prem Nath has conceptualized the 1st themed entertainment Hotel-Resort at Delhi –NCR region. This 7-star property on 50 acres land shall be a landmark beyond perception. The Royal Resort Hotel shall have deluxe hotel rooms/suites, restaurants, coffee shops, bar, pool bar; meeting rooms, business centers, gazebos; pool decks and musical fountains . The property shall be built on a land with natural gradient giving the panoramic view of the capital city. Retaining and enhancing the existing ecology, the resort premises shall be breath- taking. The resort shall depict a miniature version of a perfect luxurious city in India, catering to all age groups. MAY- JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 41

Global eye

WELLBEING 2.0 ‘Wellbeing’ the magic word for a successful workplace design Words and Images : Harsha Kotak



his article is a continuation of the

desks, energized by access to food and

Global Eye article Wellbeing 1.0

exercise and encouraged to socialize are

(December 2014). As mentioned

better able to devote their energy to cre-

in the article Wellbeing 1.0, I would like

ative thinking.

to reiterate the fact that the next wave

As architects and designers we need

of workplace design is making employee

to understand the ever moving needs

wellness a top priority and Global Eye

and goals of our clients and end users. A

has taken the task of featuring different

space plan or design for a workspace is

products and ideas that fit in this category

only successful when it helps the users to

of aiding wellbeing in workplace.

reach their optimum level of productivity. While there is no single fix-all solution,

Increasing Productivity

investing time and resources into crafting

Promoting general wellbeing and happi-

a workspace that supports a company’s

ness goes a long way in engaging employ-

needs—now and as they evolve in the

ees and increasing productivity. Bringing

future—pays off in creativity, productivity,

the outdoors in is extremely popular, with

and profits.

more offices offering outdoor workspaces

While all corporate houses want to

and light-filled common areas. But along

reflect their identity in their office design,

with sunshine and fresh air, it is noticed

more and more companies now also want

that people who are comfortable at their

their work ethics and values to be showMAY- JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 43


cased through their work environments. Weather these ethos are about being green and sustainable or about looking after the wellbeing of their workers.

Our role in educating our clients How do companies provide an environment which is suitable for the mental and physical wellbeing of their employees and what role do we as designers play in educating and guiding them? The phase when most architects followed the trend of designing recreational spaces in offices, equipped with pool tables or swings did help the mental wellbeing of the workers as it motivated people to socialize. But in today’s busy lifestyle many research suggest that more attention needs to be paid to the physical wellbeing of employees who spend long hours working and sitting in front of the computer screen. This can lead to a lot of problems like muscle imbalance, flexibility issues and lower back weakness – all of which then leads to decline in productivity. This problem can easily be solved by providing targeted design solutions like planning the café or kitchen areas away from the work areas so that people take short breaks and have to walk a distance to get what they need or add clever solutions like having a common trash can (instead of individual dust bins under each desk) so that people again need to get up from their desk and walk a distance to throw the trash. But while these design ideas support the purpose, these are not enough. And this is where the need of specifying clever furniture comes into the picture. MAY- JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 45

Sit-Stand Desks - Ergonomic Many companies have adopted a simple solution called as the sit-stand desks which give their employees a choice to raise these height adjustable desks when they want to work while standing. The idea being that the worker takes a break from sitting down but still continues working in a standing position. Research shows that working while standing offers benefits such as higher energy levels, improved


concentration, and reduces stress.These height adjustable desks can easily be raised or lowered electronically at a touch of a button or manually with a crank handle but most of them come with a heavy price tag. And to swap all existing desks with these new ergonomic desks is not always a financially viable task for a company.


Quick Stand – A Clever Alternate Humanscale offer a smarter solution – a sit-stand ‘add-on’ for an existing desk. This allows the users to keep their existing desk but convert it into a standing desk when desired. The QuickStand workstation is an intuitive solution created by the Humanscale Design Studio. It works by clamping to any existing work surface, instantly transforming a static, or “dumb,” desk into a smart one. Allowing the user to alternate effort48 DESIGN MATRIX • MAY- JUNE 2015

lessly between seated and standing postures, the QuickStand workstation promotes balanced movement throughout the day, and its clean aesthetic complements any environment. Its sophisticated cable management system saves valuable time by allowing users to simply plug in and go, while its sturdy build makes it a reliable investment in employee health and wellness.


to long hours of sitting at work. He found a solution which is healthy, flexible and affordable. Hopefully this article and the last one bring home the message very clearly and we designers not only design and specify the right environments for our clients but also practice what we preach ie: mental & physical wellbeing should be the priority to achieve optimum productivity.

About the Author Harsha Kotak, an alumni of Savannah College of Art & Design, Georgia, graduated with an MFA in Commercial Interior Design, and for the last 17 years has practiced in the US, UK and India. She has worked on many prestigious projects for the White House and Pentagon in the US, as wells as for the US Embassy in New Delhi, India. Currently based in London, she handles projects across UK & Europe. Harsha’s hobby of writing took her to the prestigious Oxford University and that’s where the journey of Global Eye began. Her passion to explore the world of design and share her views gave birth to this regular column. She also regularly writes about ‘Global Trends in

Stork Stand - Value for Money

Design’ for various American publi-

StorkStand is an affordable standing desk


that attaches to an office chair, making it mobile and compact for any office environment. Sitting for extended periods is unhealthy and StorkStand combats the negative effects of sitting disease with an affordable, beautifully designed solution. StorkStand fits on over 90% of office chairs, so there is a very good chance that the product will work on any existing chair. The flexible mobile desk fits to the back of an office chair which than can be raised to an optimum work height – Simple!! Mike Goldberg an artist and athlete from California thought of this product idea when he was facing problems due 50 DESIGN MATRIX • MAY- JUNE 2015

March-April 2015 VOL. 5 • ISSUE 3 • `100






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Design n Build


Pune- based interior designer, Suntosh Baheti strongly believes that, “Home is, where the Art is.” and his recent endeavour, Mithila Bungalow with spell casting interiors is a great centre of attraction in and around the city. Words: Marilyn Madathil Photo courtesy: Anand Diwadkar




rchitecture is the bones, decor is the heart, and art is the soul of a room,” as rightly said by

designer Baheti, interior design is combination of decor and art i.e. heart and soul. Baheti & Associates will make you fall in love with the environment you build around you, with their immense and dire passion for design. Under the guidance of Suntosh Baheti and his adroit vision, his design firm has carved a niche in the world of design and is advancing forward to set up new benchmarks. A good home revolves around a design with a style, inspiring architecture and a vision that will certainly electrify anyone. Mithila Bungalow has a finely crafted structure that inherits the Origami concept, right from its compound wall to the terrace. Elaborating the fine details, Baheti, says, “We have focused and kept this theme alive, by using various materials. All the ceilings, cladding, flooring, etc., designed in a haphazard way, camouflage with the exteriors, keeping the Origami alive.”


Fact File Project: Mithila Bungalow Area: 7500 Sqft Location: Ashoknagar,Pune Owner : Smita Jagtap Architect: Sanjay Puri & Associates. Landscape Designer: Vandana Labba, Design Terra Principal interior designer : Suntosh Baheti. Design Team : Samir Bhingardive, Rhuta Baheti and Parinita Amale


A walk around The heart of the bungalow is the living room. A gigantic space with double height, draw near the guests, with a welcoming touch. The main door designed in an uneven way, collides with the outer structure. The main wall clad with Onyx with a backlight, creates an exotic look in the dark. The kitchen, seasoned with love, acts as a gathering space for the friends and the family. It portrays a mixture of a contemporary and traditional cultured layout and serves a complete package to the user, including a plethora of high defined appliances. This authentic cooking zone includes an island at the centre and a service platform at the periphery. Any visitor would find it difficult to find the chimney, merged with the ceiling, at the first look. All the appliances and storages are trouble-free to handle, as they are digitally operated with a purpose of offering an easy maintenance for the user.

The bed chambers Entering the master bedroom, the guests would certainly woo the Onyx flooring that adds an elegant feel in the decor. “The room being irregular in shape, it was a challenging task to fit in the interiors without making it look abrupt. We have designed the TV unit in such a way that it acts as a storage space too,� says Samir Bhingardive, the Senior Designer of the team. The master bed has an attached dressing room that can be assessed with a Biometric finger print door lock. The full height storage on the wardrobes; all the exterior finishing done with the help of back-painted glass, resemble with the ceiling, and blends in a grand look. The occupants of this space can directly access the main terrace area, which includes the bar area with a water body, designed with the irregular plains that add beauty to the landscaped area on the terrace.

Parents Bedroom Parents room needs to be a place that is cosy, refreshing and filled with relaxation and Baheti and his team developed 56 DESIGN MATRIX • MAY- JUNE 2015

a concept, which depicts a King and a Queen. “We have selected the decorative wall lights, artifacts and accessories for the room to create royal interiors,” says Baheti. All the colours have been kept in the range of cool shades, which gives the room a flamboyant look. Elaborating further, another designer of the team, Parinita Amale says, “A ‘Tulsi Vrindavan’ at the balcony, symbolises the Hindu tradition. The room has a direct connection with the balcony and the study room.”

The doll’s room This room gives a feel of a Princess, all the furniture, artifacts, light fixtures in the daughter’s room, enhance the feel of living in a dream world. The attached balcony, treated with a vertical landscaped wall and a sit-out, adds beauty. MAY- JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 57

The Master’s space Keeping the age group of the user in mind, the designers created a design, understanding the personality of the son. All the furniture, artifacts, light fixtures are selected according to requirements of this room. The ledge wall, sanitary fixtures and accessories in the powder room, adds a unique touch. The Corian-cut out ceiling here, is simply marvellous.

The guest rooms Any guest room has to be inviting and inspiring. This home has two special guest


rooms. The first room with leather finished beds reduces the overall maintenance. The second room is attached to the dressing room with a balcony that has a vertical green wall and a sit out. The concept for this room revolves around the colours black and grey.

The key areas The dining space can accommodate eight people at a go and the imported marble top table; will certainly lure one with its finish. The Pooja room on the second floor receives ample natural light and acts like a meditation room. An office area in the basement is specially planned with wood as a prominent material to bring MAY- JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 59

in an exotic feel, as per the clients need.

vivid decorative wall lights, chandeliers,

red hanging lights on the ceiling, brings in

“An ideal home is the one that strongly

bracket lights on the ceilings, passages and

a rustic look. ”

focuses on the comfort level of the client,

the landscaped areas. One will certainly fall

The green walls at the balconies keep

and Baheti and his team, with their brilliant

in love with the ceiling design of the dining

the ambience cool and subtle in and

designer touch, blended in functionality in

room in a Squarish pattern. The yellow and

around the bungalow. This makes this

our dream home, by interlocking various activities taking place within this space. All the spaces of this home, connects with the personality of each member in our family and we truly love our home sweet home,” says the client, Smita Jagtap.

Illumination and the wow factor Lighting is a very critical component, when it comes to the interiors.

A complete

mixture of shades plays a specific role in different zones around the bungalow, resembling the theme selected for each individual room. The budding designer of the team, Rhuta Baheti says, “Lights adds splendour and a magical touch. We added beauty to every corner in this home with


home sustainable. “This is not all, we have

different level of work, hard work always

deliberately segregated the service area

pays, isn’t it ! ”

into the basement , isolating the private, semi- private and the noisy zones for mak-

Know the designers

ing this home totally functional,” explains

“The key to a successful design is feeling


the essence of the space, understanding

All floors are waterproofed and assist

the perspective of the client, gratifying the

the client to keep up a level of hygiene and

user, and in the process, exploring end-

cleanliness. The bungalow is fully auto-

lessly,” exclaims cheerful Baheti.

mated and acts like an intelligent home

To enhance the creative minds of his

on its own. The anthropometric, followed

team, he encourages design discussions

throughout the bungalow helps to main-

at the beginning of each day and a final

tain a smooth flow between the design

conclusive discussion at the end of the

and the user. All the accessories are custom

day, which helps the team, introspect and

designed as per the ambience and the cli-

come up with better design solutions col-

ent requirements and speaking about the

lectively, finally leading to client satisfac-

hurdles faced during the executing this


project, Baheti opines, “Nothing can be

His firm has amassed a string of

served so easily, we had a lots of ups and

entrusted clients and are scaling ahead

down during the time of execution. Deal-

with the aim of creating designs with

ing and managing the work structure

the heart, which touch the souls. “All for

with the all agencies and getting the work

Design…Design for all”, and with this

done, according to our design was a tough

motto, Baheti and Associates have a

job, yet we were successful in achieving

strong network of content clients, who

the same.”

have always trusted them. “We believe

One would be surprised to know that this spacious bungalow was completed

our clientele is our greatest asset,” with sheer joy continues Baheti.

with in a span of 15 months and Baheti

Even the next generation takes active

and his team owe the credit for their suc-

interest and Rhuta Baheti, his daughter, a

cess to the client and his family. With deep

qualified interior designer, shares an equal-

optimism, Baheti and his core team mem-

ly warm personality like him. She has been

bers exclaims, “We are fortunate to work

a great helping hand for him for the past

with a client, who were flexible enough to

few years.

experiment with the design scopes and materials and this helped us to meet a MAY- JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 61

Corporate Design

DIVINITY DEFINED Inspired by life, Zero 9, intends to create a sense of opulence in every work they do. One will be certainly overwhelmed to visit Abrol office in Mumbai; designed by architects, Anu and Prashant Chauhan with a signature style and a crisp planning. Photo courtesy : Nrupen Madhvani


he Abrol Group is well known for its magnificent and splendid structural buildings in the field of construction

in Mumbai and while seeking a centrally located office for its day to day operations, Vivek Abrol, MD, Abrol group; appraoached Prashant Chauhan, Creative Director, Zero9, to design a stylish boutique office. The White and Marsala theme will cer-

tainly create a long lasting impression with its magnificent scale on anyone, who visits this office. Elaborating the theme, Prashant adds, “The reception on the ground floor with a huge Marsala wall, mounted with a world map and clocks in different time zones, hint the company’s ambitions. The staircase lead to the much busier first level, which host the major work areas.” Zero 9 team, often adds an element of surprise in any work they do. The MD’s cabin has something beyond imagination. A tree cut-out coat hanger in the centre of this



Fact File Project: Abrol Group (HQ) Client: Vivek Abrol Size: 2500 sq. ft Location: Mumbai Design Team: Prashant Chauhan & Anu Chauhan space breaks the monotonous look of this cabin and infuses a fresh versatility. Though, a coat hanger was a mandatory requirement expressed by the client, Prashant with his impromptu idea, adds a magical touch to this cabin. With the magic of Marsala, the colour White is majorly used with flooring and furniture of this office. Elaborating further, Anu says, “We wanted to create a spacious feel and the colour white was the best choice. White reflects more light and brings in optimistic mood in the overall space.� The workstations are designed with special slim lighting to ensure no dark corners are left out and a general ambient lighting was designed accordingly, to suit the purpose. The cozy areas of this office is the waiting area that was created using the elevator lobby. The inviting terrace area, stylised 64 DESIGN MATRIX MAY- JUNE 2015

with cane VIP seating for the MD and his special guests, is simply breath taking. The gigantic meditating Buddha creates an impressive statement in this space, soothing ones spirit. “We believe in an evolving and long lasting relationship with the people, we connect. We place our clients virtuous sense and taste as the focus of our works. Our sensitivities translate the client needs to reality by using innovative and state of art mediums like digital art, photography, newage technology and material analysis. Each of our projects depicts a unique style and has a story to tell,” exclaims, Prashant.

Know the designers Zero9 is the one-stop destination for mastery and finesse in design services, founded by young Prashant and his life partner, Anu. Zero9 is simply multi- faceted with an experienced team of architects, interior designers, exhibition designers; graphic designers, product designers, project managers; web designers, web programmers, photographers and copy writers, creating boundless projects; beyond imagination. Their area of expertise span across advertising, exhibitions, architecture and interiors for commercial and residential spaces. MAY- JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 65

Corporate Design

CREATIVE SPHERE Founded by Ar. Alhad Gore in 2009, Beyond Design Architects and Consultants Pvt Ltd; is a Mumbai based architectural firm, committed and dedicated to provide efficient and sustainable design solutions. The design team is headed by Ar. Alhad, Ar. Ajay Tonpe and Indrajit Roy and with these enthusiastic designers, we explore impressive corporate spaces that are meticulous with the highest ethical standards. Photo courtesy: Prashant Bhat


Watson Pharma (2)

great design does not necessarily


A lot of stress was given on acoustics

lead to an excellent end product.

and special sound absorbing materials

There are too many ingredients for

installed at strategic locations. This facility

a good project and the obvious ones are

has a welcoming reception, 13 video confer-

good design, great execution, cost control

encing rooms, apart from the usual meet-

and optimum timelines. Beyond Design,

ing rooms; workstations, phone booths,

offers out of the box solutions and we pace

floor pantry, server room and much more.

towards two different cities to understand

Every workstation is 5’x7’ with a special

the concept of a welcoming working zone.

space for visitor chair and each workstation

The client is a software multinational

has a shared book case, which depicts the

company, SAS based in the United states.

research within the organization.

The Pune facility is an extension of their

Italian Marble is used majorly for the

existing R & D centre in the same building.

flooring in the reception area of this office.

The designers Alhad and Ajay coined a concept and the interiors of this office turned out to be contemporary, yet warm.

R-L: Alhad Gore, Ajay Tonpe and Indrajit Roy

Elaborating further, Ar. Alhad says, “The entire flooring in workstation and enclosed area is carpeted. Simple striped grey carpet MAY- JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 67

SAS (3)

Fact File Project: SAS Area: 40,000 sq ft, Location: Magarpatta, Pune Year of completion : 2013

acts as a backdrop for workstations in white. The passages are laid with very bright and colourful carpets that give a sense of direction.� Office work is visually demanding and good lighting is an utmost necessity for maximum comfort and productivity. Good lighting means providing enough illumination and this office is lit with the suspended T5 fittings with a combination of direct and indirect fittings. This ensures that there is uniform lighting, the ceiling remains free of light fittings and gives more daylight feel. Alhad and his team successfully designed an ideal work environment for SAS in India and the SAS culture serves with creativity and develops innovative products, with zeal under this productive zone. Beyond Designs have created their own niche in the sphere of corporate interiors. All their works convey the values and char68 DESIGN MATRIX • MAY- JUNE 2015

Watson Pharma (2)


Watson Pharma

acter of the organization in a subtle way;

Fact File Project: Watson Pharma

looks and feel. Once again, the design team,

Area: 22,000 sq ft

a global company, Watson Pharma in Mumbai and we are convinced that each

company vision, mission and values, he drives the day to day operations and also

headed by Ajay proceeded with emphasis on space planning and we take you to

responsible for the overall strategy, growth and vision. Having a very strong faith in the

maintaining the “Indianness,” the overall

Location: Andheri, Mumbai Year of completion : 2011

looks after the client relationship portfolio. Alhad enjoys knowledge sharing sessions with students and fellow professionals and has delivered a number of lectures at

project designed by them is unique and With an open office theme, the cabins and

various architectural institutes as well as for

This office was a newly acquired

meeting rooms are based on a concept of

corporate. His right hand Ajay is an architect

space for their corporate office, which

simplicity and linearity and designed on a

with an eye for detailing and precision. His

was to house all departments under one

monochrome colour theme. The executive

experience in interiors and architecture

roof amalgamating a few small office set-

area has a different colour combination. The

helps the company to excel in both the

ups, spread across the city. Explaining the

carpets and veneer add a more matured

fields. No project is complete without proj-

details, Ar. Ajay says, “ Form follows func-

look to the overall ambience. It revolves

ect management and the other core mem-

tion and the biggest challenge that we

around the board room with graphics

ber of his team is Indrajit, a powerhouse for

encountered while designing this office

depicting the Indian culture. The cafeteria

project management. With over 12 years

space was arranging the large number of

space is the colourful, yet practical space of

of professional experience in the field, his

cabins around the glazing side and encour-

this office. “ With our holistic approach, we

vision, approach and processes have led to

aging natural light in the interiors. Once

strive to create unforgettable spaces for our

100 % clients being repeat customers for

the layout was frozen, the look and feel was

clientele and we designers are translators of

the company. Beyond Design Architects

developed, which captured all the essence

their vision,” exclaims, Ar. Alhad.

and Consultants, thus deliver their each

indeed optimistic in nature.

project with great quality, on time with

of the client inputs and thus was created a modern and sleek corporate office.”

Know the designers

The reception area with an organic Jali

With more than two decades of experi-

welcomes one and blends in a cosy feel.

ence, Ar. Alhad leads the business. He is


proper cost parameters.


lexstone, a decorative concrete

this inspiration, the young and passionate

Designed by Ar. Samit Shah, Naresh

system with a unique technology,

entrepreneur, Karan adds, “ There is a

Shah and Associates, the décor of this

developed in India by a group

strong need for innovative products in the

store is simply awesome! A serene Bud-

of young and driven entrepreneurs,

interiors industry and understanding the

dha figurine in the centre of the gallery will

inspired Manohar Jhunjhunwala, MD,

growing needs of the designers and the

cast its magical spell over the guests. The

MRJ Flex Stone and his son Karan


of the construction industry,

unique wooden seatings will invite one

Jhunjhunwala, CEO, MRJ Flex Stone

we unveiled this exclusive showroom,

and the dramatic use of LED lights, makes

to introduce this new cladding culture in

that assures a touch of elegance for the

this store visually appealing both in terms

Mumbai. Elaborating the chronicle behind


of setup and product ranges. “With a con-


Zoom in


Conception Creativity steps into Mumbai with MRJ Flex Stone Gallery, a versatile and excellent solution that will meet any stone cladding requirements. A wide range of modern and classical cladding options, available here, is suitable for both exterior and interior applications and its inherent beauty will speak for itself. Karan Jhunjhunwala

cept of creating a sense of touch, Ar. Samit

lightweight, easy to install and is free from

designed this gallery with a clutter free

algae and fungus. It can withstand adverse

look and one will be awed by the invit-

weather conditions and is fire resistant.

ing white and grey colour palette with an

The product ranges comprise the

open space and a sleek touch,� says Karan.

Cluster Stone Cladding, Decorative Stamp

Spread over 1,500 sq. ft., the gallery

Concrete Floors, Vertical stamping and

is divided into two levels and showcases

Murals. The Flex Stone Murals are custom-

over 35 patterns of Stone Claddings. The

ized. These murals can augment any space

Flex stone products are inspired by nature,

with a different and a new look. MAY-JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 73

Ar. Samit Shah Naresh Shah & Associates


MRJ FlexStone M/8, Laxmi Ind. Estate, New Link Road, Versova, Andheri (W) Mumbai 400053 Tel: 26367471

The Cluster Stone, replicating the natural stone appearance is the centre of attraction of this display centre. Some of the distinctive designs like Basalt, Castle rock, Calgary, Chistle stone, Coco Square, Fs Brick, Madrid, Nano, Serra and Torrino completes the range. This product is designed for DIY and self build customers. It can be applied to most surfaces effortlessly and are suitable for applications, such as a facade of an individual bungalow, high-rise buildings, garden walls, fireplaces and feature walls. The Decorative Stamp Concrete Floor is created by using a super strong concrete mix and then stamped with specialized textured mats that resembles natural stone, brick, paving or any other of count-

and lot more. This product will serve as

unveiled this showroom and I am glad to

less variations. The colours are UV resistant

a perfect choice for homes, restaurants,

get a lot of support and encourgemant

and do not fade away, as a result of direct

hotels, clubs, showrooms and other such

from my clients , majorly hailing from the

sunlight. It is non –porous with an imper-

suitable areas.”

design community. I forsee a bright future

meable surface that does not allow weeds

The Flexstone range is synonymous

for this product and my aim is to add more

to grow on it. With its easy to clean feature,

with beauty, aesthetics, longevity and

solutions in our gallery and make our

one can certainly be stress free.

uniqueness. Deck Floor, a concrete over-

world a better place to live in.”

A wide variety of designs and textures

lay deck flooring material, which has the

can be created with Vertical Stamping,

strength and durability of concrete and

custom application. Speaking about this

the aesthetics of wood, is another solution

MRJ FlexStone

product, Karan exclaims, “With this solu-

that will bring in a mesmerising feel.

M/8, Laxmi Ind. Estate, New Link Road, Versova, Andheri (W)

tion, any designer with an eye for detail,

With a strong aspiration, to establish

can create various architectural elements

a niche in the industry, Karan says, “It has

Mumbai - 400053

such as columns, arches, frames, beams

been just three months, since we have

Tel: 022-26316343/6344 MAY-JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 75

Designn Promo

Beachfront Guest House


Maria Hill

Founded in 2013 by Maria Hill and Ameya Gaandhe, Aria Design Studio, a Mumbai-based interiors and construction firm specialises in bespoke luxury interiors for both private individuals, commercial clients and property developers. At Aria, craftsmanship and attention to detail are paramount.



rincipal Interior designer Maria Hill and Project Manager Ameya Gaandhe combine international design expertise

with in-depth knowledge of construction materials and processes to ensure that each Aria project is executed in a timely manner and with an impeccable level of finishing. They collaborate with their clients, interpreting and augmenting their ideas with an innate sense of design and their creative vision deliver unique and inviting spaces. Imagine a home or a studio that is serene and make you feel that you are holidaying everyday, though in reality you have a busy lifestyle! Aria exemplifies this and here we walk around sublime spaces, aesthetically and functionally designed by this interiors firm.

FIRDAUS BUNGALOW Nestled in the quiet lanes of Juhu, Mumbai; a Penthouse was recently designed by Maria Hill for a newly married couple. The designing of a newlywed’s home involves a great amount of challenges and the designer really needs to successfully merge the colour preferences, furniture

Firdaus Bungalow (5) Photo courtesy: Vijit Gupta


and decorating styles desired by the two individuals and blend in a unified look in the overall space. This Bungalow creates a fresh feel and promote sustainable living through the use of natural materials like stone, wood and chemical-free finishes. Teak windows and doors hand crafted by

Firdaus Bungalow (3)



Maria says,”We design spaces around the

ate spaces that are unique, beautiful, and

punctuate the rough plastered walls, invit-

people that are going to occupy them.

most importantly functional.”

ing light and landscape to enhance the

They are at the heart of each design con-

This rustic retreat serves as a sanctu-

space. Ample wood, stone, and iron details

cept. Therefore, we do not restrict our-

ary from the bustling city and promotes an

infuse the space with a rugged, organic

selves to any particular style. Each project

unencumbered lifestyle that is in tune with

sensuality, while highlighting relentless

is a reflection of the clients vision and per-

nature to keep this newly wedded couple

attention to detail. Elaborating further,

sonality. We take that inspiration and cre-





Urmila Residence (2) Photo courtesy: Martin Prihoda

this home. Custom designed seating and cabinetry allow every inch of space to be utilized without compromising on style, making this home a testament to functional urban living. Bachelors cheer up! There is something interesting and entertaining for you too, and with Maria let’s sneak into a cosy space at Juhu, Mumbai.

BEACHFRONT GUEST HOUSE The Bachelor’s world has to be filled with fun and frolic and Aria Design Studio designed a studio suite in only 350 sq ft for compact living that is fine-tuned with nature. This space accommodates multiple “Design is meaningless if not executed

take you to an apartment with a feel of a

functions (i.e. King-size bed, 100 sq ft of

properly. With a team of over 200 crafts-

5- star hotel. The clean lines and sumptu-

closet space, open bathroom, home the-

men and dedicated project managers, we

ous materials accented by versatile lighting

atre, study, kitchenette). Rich wood veneers,

are able to monitor the process at every

create an elegant and sophisticated multi-

natural stone tile, pebbles and jute uphol-

stage and guarantee exceptional quality.

family home at Khar, Mumbai.

stery, enhance the experience with tactile

It’s important to us that what the client see

This home was designed for a family of four

elements. A cleverly designed layout and

on paper is exactly what they are going

and the client wanted an abode that was

custom cabinetry accommodate a variety

to get in the end,” explains Maria, while

soothing, luxurious and would promote

of functions. The king size bed in the cen-

describing her ideology as a designer.

a sense of relaxation and retreat from the

tre of the room faces the ocean. The side-

busy city.

board below the main window houses a


The warm wood veneers, complement-

study table, printer, fridge, pantry and home

Recently, the Aria Design team renovated

ed by Italian marble and luxurious fabric,

theatre electronics, which are perfectly inte-

a splendid home in Mumbai and here we

add a contemporary, yet timeless appeal in

grated. The sliding glass shutters behind the


bed reveal a coconut tree growing through the open bathroom; adding a touch of exotic wonder. At night, the concealed projector screen comes down to transform the space into a hub for gatherings and entertaining friends. Maria adds, “We see each project as an opportunity for us to push our boundaries as designers. Space restrictions allow us to come up with more creative solutions and find new ways of utilizing space. Whether a home is 400 or 4000 sq.ft, every inch counts in a city like Mumbai.”

Know the designer Maria Hill is an internationally esteemed interior designer who has contributed to a diverse array of interior design and architecture projects in Europe and the United States. After settling in India in 2011, she co-founded Aria Interior as a way of introducing an international standard of quality and aesthetics to the Indian design market. Her commitment to quality and attention to detail are unparalleled in the industry and this dedication is reflected in the longstanding relationships that she maintains with her clients.

Beachfront Guest House (2) Photo courtesy: Viraj Velinker


Creative ideas

CERAMIC PANACHE There is a long history of ceramic art in almost all developed cultures. The ceramic objects have all the artistic evidence and the third year students of Nirmala Niketan Polytechnic, Mumbai, very thoughtfully use this unique material in their retrograde styles.


he budding designers of Nirmala

ratus; Amrutha says, “My furniture is inspired

This furniture is stylish, innovative, compact



by a wire manager. This furniture, when

and comfortable; when not in use, this table

adventurous furniture pieces inlaid

in use, acts as two in one equipment that

can be lowered down and can be simply

with ceramic tiles as a form of creativity and

includes a seating and a table for browsing.

used as a seat.”


utility. The distinct culture of China, Greece, Persia; the Mayan cultures as well as the western cultures, inspire them in creating these innovative designs.

The Manager’s Seat In recent times, we face difficulty in finding a proper place to sit and browse the laptop and to solve our difficulty, Amrutha Ravindran, a student designer shapes a browsing seat, modelled out of the simple appa-


functional furniture. The bright colours used makes the furniture more attractive; the black glossy mosaic tile in the grooves of the cube, adds a smart look to this furniture.”

A Trunk Case Kruti Shah, brings out a unique multipurpose living room, utility concept, while designing a centre table cum sofa that can be even used as a writing table. “With my roots from Rajasthan, the idea of designing a trunk case struck me, combination and I bridge modern, clean

I recall having seen such elements in forts

lines with some of the ornate motifs found

and palaces. I wanted to design something

in the Moroccan culture,” says, Rashida.

that would have multiple uses and living in

Enjoy your Sunday, sitting on this bench

Mumbai, I have observed, how people live

with a hot cup of coffee and read your

in very limited space. This multi-utility entity

favourite magazine on your beautiful patio.

would save space and money,” exclaims, Kruti. She used plywood, laminate, ceramic

A Multi-Functional Furniture

tiles and other accessories like brass handles,

Imagine, a furniture that gives you a musical

locks and a leather handle for the exterior.

feel and Hardik Bhadra designs a centre

The inside space cushioned with foam and

table and a sofa chair with the concept of

covered with a brown rexine, complement

piano keys, a Kasko (comb) and a puzzling

the vintage look.

cube. Explaining in detail, Hardik says, “For

When the trunk case is opened, the

Sunday Bench

the centre table, I made the use of ceramic

back rest is also revealed which has a built-in

Feel the perfect blend of traditional and

with a comb and the piano key concept. The

contemporary lifestyle with a comfortable

ceramic tiles on the border of my furniture

bench, created by Rashida Masavi. Her

are beautified by the colours of the piano,

inspiration was

intricate wooden carv-

which is black and white and the top struc-

ings, patterns, geometrical shapes, colours,

ture of my table is designed in the shape of

symmetry and their use on ceramic tiles

Kasko. With the puzzling cube as the con-

and mosaic. “Morocco is well known for its

cept, I designed the sofa chair with a side

unique architectural and interior designing

table and centre table/foot rest, as a multi-

styles mainly influenced from its neighbouring countries. I created an outdoor garden bench, a true mix of clean lines with ceramic. The turquoise arabesque ceramic tile gave me the perfect Moroccan-Arabic


it. It depicts the Snellen Eye Chart used at an optician. The side table slides through and this Love seat can be converted into a 3 seater sofa. Understanding deeply the space constraints in recent times, I provided storage beneath the seat. Love seats and sofas can complement each other well, hence you have got a choice.”

Designer T V Unit Most of us will be keen to own a TV unit

Love Seat

that has a designer touch, and is modular.

Love is in the air and Shraddha Pansare

Ajay Chaudry, smartly creates a design-

has a ‘Love seat’ to anyone’s surprise. She

er TV unit with a Tetris concept. A brainy

says that she got inspiration for making this

onlooker will be able to identify English

product from her teacher’s spectacle. Love

alphabets, ‘CIZ’ in the overall design.

writing table. If not used as a sofa, this case

seats are generally smaller pieces of furni-

This young designers smart furniture

can function as a writing table or MacBook/

ture that are designed to seat two people.

pieces will give your home a new look with

iPad holder. It also has a pull out tray, which



an exotic choice of furniture from the shoe

can be used to rest the mouse/pen. When

made ceramic tiles, which have script on

rack to console table, from accent chairs to

adds, “I have used mosaic,

the seating space is lifted, one can see the

centre tables - all masterpieces blended

storage area, which is ample and can be

by these budding designers will suit every

used to store various things.


This trunk case is especially useful for homes with limited living room space and will certainly add an aesthetic element to it.

A Good Fitting Gunjan Mulchandani inspired by the Portugal design, moulds a royal furniture in a new way. She designs a foot wear drawer that defines a style. Poetically she says, “I will give your face a smile, while you want to go and play a sport. May be you want to go to an evening party or just pay a visit to an old friend– just draw out the drawer and see the new trend; a best fitting for any home.” 84 DESIGN MATRIX • MAY- JUNE 2015

Design corner


Exceeding ten years of design experience, the young interior designer, Ruchi Sharma Sabharwal has carved a niche as a rising designer with her firm, ruchi s design. She believes that proportions and detailing truly bring in a fascinating design to life. Her design philosophy is personified by the quote, “ God is in details.” Photo courtesy: Divyesh Mehta.


RSD Office (2)


he designs engraved by RSD, strike a balance between the best of old and new, combining traditional Indian

concepts and modern international design techniques, with a special love for art and architecture. We go into an experiential office space in Mumbai, which the designer has created for her operations. RSD is not a cluttered office space, it is infused with the calm, clear, pure and the open space theory of “ Zen Philosophy.” The office space is primarily divided into three parts– the meeting area, the studio space and the principal designer’s private work zone. A subtle palette dominated by brick and glass transform this space into soothing and tranquil work atmosphere. “It is a studio space and not a mechanical office

sliding screens against a black mirror wall,

Ruchi’s passion always thrived in cre-

a lot of thought process were involved in

complementing the exposed black painted

ating high end luxurious homes and she

building a warm, nurturing environment,

concrete ceiling.

says, “We believe our strength lies in treat-

where ideas can grow into something out-

The use of yellow Jaisalmer stone in the

ing design as a collaborative process. We

standing,” says Ruchi. The white brick wall

meeting area, along with walnut veneer

understand our client requirements and

that extends from the visitor’s area to the

conforms to the Vastu principles. The white

create beautiful, functional and aesthetic

designer’s space, adds to an expansive feel.

marble floor, the artistic furniture and lights

design and our brilliant design philosophy

This further transforms into brick patterned

makes the space welcoming.

extends throughout the entire life cycle of


our projects from layout, space planning,

Apartment (4)

material selection; furniture and lighting to accessories the space.” Located in a 1960’s Art Deco Building, Ruchi with an Eagle eye creates maximum space in a 2,000 sq ft apartment. A complete space, planning, layout churns out by breaking down the walls. This re-organization gave rise to two master suites with En-suite wardrobes; a kid’s room and a guest room. The fine detailing of this home is planned keeping in mind the present day needs and the taste of the client. The Hexagonal pattern from the outdoors into the interiors of the house creates a design experience with a melange of materials. The formal living and the dinning space are hidden from the entrance, waiting and the Puja room with the use of sliding doors. To create a sense of width in the living and the dining space, a portal with wooden marquetry ceiling was created with bronze mirror on either sides and furnished with an Ottoman. The couple’s room has a dark colour palette of Belgium Black Marble, fumed Oak Veneer and solid wood flooring. The use of wooden screens, instead of fabric curtains is an intellectual design play by Ruchi to strike a perfect balance between privacy and allowing ambient natural light into this room. “The complete re-organization of the apartment allowed us to create two generous master suites with En- suite dress-

ers. This 350 sq.ft of master suite with its space planning, layout, made it justifying for the client to live in a larger than life ambience. The rosewood timber used to create the bed back wall relief pattern, accentuates the tone of veneer used in this suite,” explains Ruchi. The kid’s room needs to be cheerful and in this space Ruchi has successfully built connectivity. The bed and bath area are connected with half height oak veneer partition and glass. Through the glass, the kids can enjoy glaring the pretty Butterfly patterned Sicis wall that reflects into the mirror ceiling of the bathroom. Incidentally, this dwelling reflects perMAY- JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 87

Apartment (5)

fectly the distance and proximity in everyday family life and each member have their well connected space for contentment.

Know the designer Ruchi obtained her design degree from the Rachana Sansad School of Design, Mumbai; after completing her graduation in Commerce. She pursued her creative passion for design and built her extensive portfolio, working along with the leading design minds in her formative years. She draws great inspiration from her travel, across Germany, experiencing the amazing European Architecture and Design techniques from a country with a technological marvel. Her enthusiastic team comprises designers, artists and innovators, who passionately create high end residences, corporate spaces and hospitality interiors with a great artistic taste. 88 DESIGN MATRIX • MAY- JUNE 2015

Retail design




ny Diamond Boutique needs chic interiors to target their high end clientele. The client wanted an

ethnic touch to this place and Ar. Gaurav added it in a modern way, creating a fusion theme. “The best colour that struck our mind, which could enhance the theme was purple, white and black,” says Ar. Gaurav. A storefront is one of the most powerful sales tools, the designers have taken at most care and repeated the same theme of black, purple and white, which is

Diamonds – they take a woman’s breath away, not sometimes, but always! “Plush” is the word that best describes the interior of the M. K. Sons Diamonds, an exclusive diamond jewellery boutique, located in Linking Road, Bandra, Mumbai; designed by Ar. Gaurav Kharkar and Vidhita Parekh Kharkar, Gaurav Kharkar & Associates.

used inside the boutique. The façade shows two window displays having a purple velvet fabric form inside, which is further enhanced by Black Marquina marble bands

Photo courtesy : Parag Sawant

below and above the window. On the sides, MAY-JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 89

one can see an intricate Jali design pattern,

Travertine – Italian Marble, which make the

jewellery to be displayed, so the jewellery

Corian sheets and Silver A.C.P, thus dividing

façade look complete and gives it a grand

is displayed in a showcase with only six

the display façade into five equal bands,

look. All kinds of services and security door

compartments behind the counter, two

having three Corian Jali bands and two

are smartly hidden in a cavity between the

displays within the counter and a criss-cross

window display bands. The main entry next

display panel and the Ebony Travertine

display at the entrance. The showcase has

to the display panel is kept in clear glass for

frame. The 200 sq.ft. hardscape made in a

been given a floating effect with a hidden

everyone to see the glamorous showroom

unique pattern using rustic grey coloured

LED strip lighting all around it, which make

view, inside. Describing the same, Ar. Vidhita

tiles make the façade look picture perfect.”

the whole box look lighter. The box has

says, “We have clad the façade with Ebony


The biggest challenge for the designers

been finished in white PU paint, fumed

was to accommodate all the requirements of

oak veneer with melamine polish and

the client to fit in 300 sq.ft. of interior space.

strips of purple mirror. The internal boxes

Hence, the layout has been segregated

are finished in purple velvet fabric, which

into two parts – the main display area and

enhances the diamond jewellery. This box

another part having services like pantry, rest

is fixed on an Italian marble called ‘Fierdo

room, personal cabin and a strong room.

Pesco’, having busy characters and showing

The main partition wall, which divides the

shades of grey, white and purple. This

layout into two parts is smartly finished

marble is also used on the entire flooring,

with huge mirror panels and vertical veneer

thus giving a uniformity to the whole decor.

bands. The three doors, which gives access

The marble behind the showcase is further

to the strongroom, personal cabin and

complemented with a matt finished purple

pantry are cleverly camouflaged in the

coloured wallpaper.

mirror and veneer panels, thus it not only

The counter is enhanced with a purple

hides the prominent doors, but also creates

mirror having a white ornate print on it,

an illusion of bigger space.

which is further highlighted by a chamfered

Being an exclusive diamond jewellery

white PU painted border. This ornate print

boutique, the client wanted less of his

is repeated on a wall opposite the counter,

which gives a glamorous look to the decor. The design also serves as a grand backing of a seating ledge for the customers. The full height storage unit adjacent to the seating ledge not only covers the main electrical distribution board with a louvered shutter on it, but also has a smart criss-cross window display for the jewellery. “We always wanted the display area to look grand in spite of a small space so the best thing that helped us in doing this were mirror panels, which made the space look uber cool and spacious; the fumed oak veneer, adds warmth to the decor,” adds Gaurav.

Know the designers Ar. Gaurav and his wife Vidhita, established Gaurav Kharkar & Associates, in 2008 and within a span of 5 years, the size and number

with the clients. They strongly feel that it is

of architectural and interior projects,

of projects, they undertake have increased

a challenge to understand the whims and

which includes residential, commercial,

to a large scale. The firm is passionate about

the choices of every client and then create

retail spaces, I.T. Parks and much more

their contemporary aesthetics, functionality

a space that they can enjoy. This is probably

at important centres like Mumbai, Navi

and sensuality of using quality materials.

the reason, why this duo is able to give an

Mumbai, Thane, Nagpur, Pune, Ahmedabad,

individuality to each project, they take.

Udaipur, New Delhi and Dubai.

Gaurav and Vidhita strongly believe that client satisfaction is their biggest reward

This creative firm, with its versatile

and they maintain a hearty relationship

team of designers, handle a wide spectrum


Product Feature

Stylish & Trendy

Lekiaan is a new age online designer furniture start-up, which was born out of the idea of making stylish and trendy furniture accessible to all. Founded by Kiran Shetye, this furniture store offers original furniture designs created by a team of award winning designers that are in line with international trends, yet suit the Indian needs.



ekiaan strongly believe that your

space is your identity, which is why they let their customer customize

the furniture the way they want it. They also assist them with a theme based decor for their home or a section of it. Great quality goes hand-in-hand with great design. Every piece of furniture at Lekiaan is quality checked through the entire manufacturing process and packed to be transported with utmost care.

The circular shaped mirror with three

TRAPEZOID Display Unit

concentric circles is a unique design in

Several trapezoids stacked upon each

three vibrant hues of red. The mirror is not

other to create this unique display shelf,

a mirror, but a piece of art that can add a

which in itself is an art piece. The display

spark to any room– be it the living room

unit can double up as a book case and

or the bedroom.

can fit perfectly well in a living room or


your bedroom with equal ease.

SLY side table

Lekiaan wants to democratise the high

The sly side table fits perfectly into any

end furniture industry. The end-to-end

living area. Its dual finish with a high gloss

handling of furniture, ensures customers

top and seasoned teak wood legs, are an

get bespoke furniture at extremely

attractive combination. The curvaceous

competitive prices. With a no-nonsense,

edges, add a charm of its own to this

clear-cut, this online furniture store offers

table, which can be used in a variety of

furniture that one desires.



Residential design

A home needs to be comfortable and attractive. Interior Designer, Nilesh Parmar, Nilesh Parmar & Associates, Mumbai; designs a comfy home for a well established hardware and electrical fittings dealer in Dombivli. This home is a perfect example of innovation and optimization, satisfying the client completely; transforming his vision into reality. Photo courtesy: Mrigank Sharma



ive with what you love! The client Sanjay Kothari, a complete business man, wanted a dream home for his

family of five. The client brief was to combine two adjacent apartments into one and designer Nilesh converted the 1,900 sqft area into a luxurious home, within a span of just 10 months. Entering the living room, the guest will woo the fretwork and the ceiling with the combination of gypsum and MDF. “The client requirement was to have a unique decorative ceiling. The entire colour scheme of the walls being off white and to add a designer touch, the ceiling is highlighted in every possible manner. A circular ceiling was created by the combination of brown 94 DESIGN MATRIX • MAY-JUNE 2015


Duco paint with PU coating and cork sheet (board) inside it,� explains Nilesh. Another mesmerizing element of this space is the T.V unit, simply highlighted with embossed bronze finished aluminium squares in different sizes with the combination of froasted glass. The leather sofas made of contrasting beige and metallic brown, goes well with the overall palette of this space. The three puffs with castors are provided within the living area for a flexible seating. The living area connects to the dining and one can enjoy a fabulous dining experience in a dining area, carved of Flexi plywood and MDF with Duco paint PU coating and nicely engraved dining chairs. The master bedroom has a unique headboard design in embossed diamond MAY-JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 95


pattern, which is repeated on the sliding

nation of 3D boards in wave design along

laminate (glossy) is used for the overhead

shutters of the wardrobe and the ceiling.

with the engraving done with metallic grey

storage as well as other shutters and the

The master toilet is splendid with a com-

for a classy look.

door of the storage area with froasted glass.

bination of light brown Empredor (Italian

The elder son, an interior designer

“It was very time bound project, which

Marble) and Mango onyx. The Shower area

graduate was pretty clear in what he

was achieved by working round the clock

is divided with the help of flexible glass

wanted in his room. To convert his dream

and the best part was that Sanjay and his

curtains for better convenience. To add a

into reality, Nilesh created a fresh fretwork

family did not interfere after the entire

touch of beauty in this space, small square

design, which is lit up and goes from his

design was approved by them and their

shape beveled mirror is used on either

headboard to the ceiling. A spell casting

good gesture helped me to give them a

sides of the actual mirror along with stor-

wall paper fills up the mid space between

home, establishing the cheerfulness of

age shelves.

fretworks. A mock door is created next to

their hearts,” explains, Nilesh.

The second bedroom is for the young-

the actual door of the bathroom to balance

est son, a commerce graduate. He desired

the wall next to the bed. The light behind

Know the designer

a different kind of headboard and Nilesh

the headboard is purposely placed to high-

Nilesh is a freelance interior designer, who

added silver (metallic) laminate panels

light the wallpaper behind it. Here again,

specialises in residential and commercial

along with horizontal bands of dark walnut

one would see the TV unit designed with

projects in Mumbai and out stations, since

laminate. These bands are used to create

the combination of fretwork and white

14 years. He is not only a designer, but also

the continuity. Again, the designer plays

Duco paint with PU coating finish.

a mentor for interior students in leading

within the in dark walnut finish laminate

Sanjay’s wife, Sangeeta is a housewife

design academics like Rachana Sansad,

and designs the wardrobe shutters with

and she wanted a kitchen that is simple,

Kala-Vidya Sankul, L.S. Raheja, Indian Edu-

this material, with a mirror in the centre

straight forward with lots of storage. The

cation Society in Mumbai. This does not

and the continuity of this form, follows the

material used in kitchen is blue pearl gran-

complete his forte and he is also a learned

powder room. The third bedroom belongs

ite as a counter top and ceramic tiles in the

photographer from the Photographic Soci-

to the second son of the family, a 3D anima-

combination of white and grey for wall

ety of India.

tor, having a different unique concept for

cladding with highlighter in the centre of

his headboard. The designer uses a combi-

the dado. Similarly, the same tone of grey MAY-JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 97

Hospitality Design


Established in the year 2007, Sfera Blu Architects in Ahmedabad, Gujarat; have made a mark through various projects throughout India. Ar. Naman Shah and his professional team are zealously dedicated towards an integrated design process, enhancing the given space to match with the client requirements. Photo courtesy: Himanshu Panchal 98 DESIGN MATRIX • MAY-JUNE 2015


fera Blu emerged as a significant

designing this restaurant. The theme of

design consultant with a vision to

this restaurant was to offer a kaleidoscope

bring together avant-garde design

of various regions of the Mediterranean.

with sound execution, using unique

Each element talks about the rich heritage

materials and concepts varying to the

of specific countries of this region,”

specific needs of every client. “Going out

explains Ar. Naman, while describing the

to dine is hardly limited to appetite. It is

overall concept.

much more enjoyed when paired with

Souq Bistro & Grills, recreate the open-

appealing furniture, luxurious finishes,

ness of a Mediterranean market. The center-

and alluring lighting. A balance between

piece is the false ceiling forming traditional

maximum seating capacity and ambience

Islamic arches dividing the central hall into

is critical. The name of the restaurant ‘Souq

two segments with the live performance

Bistro & Grills’- it was the concept, while

stage at one end and the buffet counter on MAY-JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 99

the other. These pointed arches define the height and encapsulate a built form of the space with a simple rectangular area. Live entertainment adds a definite sense of local ambience. The tapestry is matched with the flooring. “The various elements of the Mediterranean countries are deconstructed to give a harmonious feel to all surrounding regions. The floor pattern is abstracted with mosaic, in Greek traditional Azure and White colours. The traditional Italian terrazzo patterns usually found on floors are graphically represented on the tables. One can feel the Turkish essence from the triangular tiled dado of the buffet counter,” says Ar. Naman. The side walls are treated in a distinctive manner. The two sides offer different elements and create a melting pot, which are the different coasts of this region. On one side is a rough stucco wall painted in a rustic manner with traditional paneled windows with wall plants and other such embellishments over them. This resembles a traditional Spanish neighbourhood. The other wall is the highlight of this restaurant. It offers a little more contemporary side of the region such as ‘Modern France’. The paneling has brought together 4.2 tonnes of pickled fruits and vegetables, supported 100 DESIGN MATRIX • MAY-JUNE 2015

Know the designer After obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from CEPT University at Ahmedabad, India, Naman accomplished Masters of Urban Management and Architectural Design from Domus Academy, Milan, Italy. Aiming to sculpt the surrounding with his passionate vision, he established Sfera Blu Architects. With a keen interest in art, textiles and ceramics, he has explored various perspectives to bring together different technologies in the design process. He believes in creating an interesting space with a definite purpose to add zing to the life of the ultimate user. Designing is not merely creating a space but to unravel the place aesthetically. Elaborating further, Naman adds, “It is essential for every designer to discern available material and its specific characteristics to optimize its utilization and fuse it to desired product.” To his portfolio, he has a by glass. These are handpicked, bottled

here, such as Sunflower strands, Rose buds,

wide range of projects with contemporary

and arranged on glass shelves. Below this,

Chamomile tea and many more items are

designs and exquisite materials.

unique spices that are used in the prepara-

displayed in-between airtight sandwiched

tion of the Mediterranean cuisine served



Dimensions Magnolias, is a high rise residential complex nestled in the new city of Gurgaon, Haryana; and still remains very close to the nature. Ar. Nikhil Kant Agarwal along with the panoramic view, designed an individual apartment, which is the reflection of the client’s personality, symbolizing simplicity and royalty. Photo courtesy: John Abner Andrew





Ar. Nikhil Kant Agarwal


r. Nikhil very efficiently conformed a design with suitability and functionality for his client to enjoy a

luxurious lifestyle. The entrance lobby is lit up with con-

cealed lights imparting a golden reflection from the golden foil ceiling. The living room and family lounge are connected to each other by wooden glazed sliding door. The furniture in the living room is covered in sheers of white hue, which adds to the serenity. The dining table is placed near the kitchen and the dining chairs are upholstered in white leather with contrasting high gloss veneer brown table. The ceiling holds two numbers impressive crystal chandeliers. The family room is a duo of hues, white and brown, which adds to subtle environment. The colour symbolizes serenity and warmth to celebrate family time. The ceiling is designed in veneered planks placed at different levels and angles at each edge. The furniture is kept elite with a pebble shaped centre table in metal. The cabinet is covered in ivory Duco paint and red cedar veneer. Ample natural light streams through the sliding glass door to the balcony. The master bedroom invites one with MAY-JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 103

a ceiling in plaster of Paris and veneer. The side walls in this room are clad in rosewood dark veneer with central mirror strip for an effect, camouflaging the cabinet in the corner at the entrance. Understanding the taste of the daughter in this family, vibrant colour schemes were used. One would fall in love with the huge flowery wallpaper on the back side of the bed. The lighting, adds in a cheerful mood in the room environment. The furniture used have intricate details, designed in harmony with the colours. The veneered ceiling is done in dark Bubinga pomella. The son’s bedroom imparts enough liveliness to the environment with the wallpaper depicting city life and buildings, adding life to this space. The oval ceiling with star lighting and texture, put in young flavour to the room. The lights duly highlight the detailing done in POP with shadows on the sides of the ceiling. Relaxation prevails in the guest bedroom, outfitted with a graceful combination of fumed earth, angico veneers and pop on the ceiling. The room has got distinctive furniture. The wall adjacent to the entry has been covered with beautiful paintings. Special attention has been paid towards the treatment of ceiling and lighting of this home and a perfect colour scheme, sets the desired mood and complements the spirit of this space. 104 DESIGN MATRIX • MAY-JUNE 2015

Fact File Architect: Ar. Nikhil Kant Agarwal, eSpaces Architects Location: Magnolias (DLF Golf Course), Gurgaon (Haryana) Area: 5500 sq ft. Year of start: Feb.2014. Year of completion: Nov. 2014.

Know the designer Ar. Nikhil Kant Agarwal graduated from MIT, Manipal. He has several noted projects to his credit that have earned him a reputation of critical practice. His design firm, eSpaces Architects has a simple objective of creating sensible, functional spaces, enhanced by the intangible sense of emotion of power, of playfulness. Any project taken by him, describes the firm’s quest to pursue new solutions to complex architectural/Interior crisis. MAY-JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 105

Leisure Design

DECOROUS DEFINED Marking the completion of its first stage of majestic renovation,198 newly designed guestrooms and suites were recently unveiled in the west wing of ‘Swissotel The Bosphorus’, Istanbul; a flagship property for Swissotel Hotels and Resorts. 106 DESIGN MATRIX • MAY-JUNE 2015

Khaun Chew


member of the leading hotels of the world and awarded Europe Luxury Hotel 2013, by World Luxu-

ry Hotel Awards, ‘Swissotel The Bosphorus’ is a five-star hotel in the heart of Istanbul on the European banks of the Bosphorus. With 65 acres of historical gardens and 497 guest rooms and suites, the hotel offers a diverse collection of restaurants and bars that leave absolutely nothing to be desired. The hotel’s award-winning Purovel Spa and Sport offers luxurious holistic spa treatments from all over the world. ‘Swissotel The Bosphorus’, Istanbul also offers guests Swissotel Living, the brand’s residential concept, with 63 elegant apart-

bahce gardens, the entwining influences of both Europe and Asia are present in each space. The Bosphorus strait shimmers into view thanks to Chew’s emphasis on floor to ceiling windows in every room and suite, ensuring guests have a real sense of place each time they return. “The inspiration is easily explained as you can see from the ideas stemming from the local landscape and the views from the hotel. The corridors and lift lobby are depicting the exterior in the landscape of the natural garden, which is in proximity to the hotel and the deep blue of the Turkish waters – the Bosphorus,” says designer Chew. The room renovation is merely the beginning; the hotel’s full renovation will see the re-design of the renowned Gaja

ment suites. The guests can enjoy privacy at their own pace, as well as use of the full range of hotel services, including an exclusive rooftop pool. Conceived




designer, Khuan Chew, KCA International, the contemporary new look lets the light of the Bosphorus flood into the guestrooms, fusing the very best of Swiss sophistication, precision and simplicity, with the warmth of Turkish culture. From the colours of the Bosphorus and the cityscape, to the textures of the DolmaMAY-JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 107

rooftop and pool, a new restaurant, and the introduction of seven glamorous loft suites – bringing high-life loft, living to the banks of the Turkish metropolis with full height brick stone walls, duplex accommodation and statement steel staircases. “The opening of the beautiful new rooms in the hotel’s west wing marks the completion of an incredibly exciting first phase in our renovation project, the guests will relish the spectacular views and exquisite design, which truly highlight the unique location of our hotel on the banks of the Bosphorus, explains Gerhard Struger, General Manager, Swissotel The Bosphorus and Regional Vice President Turkey and Eastern Europe.” Every room is designed with a view and have maximum space – be it amenities in the bathroom or the work/rest area in the window alcove. Chew further adds, “When you enter your room, you will see the neutral tones, which will draw your eye to the essence of the room. This space, capture the Swiss elegance, but with a hint of Turkishness in small doses of the decoration (carpet), it has a timeless style. Neither East nor West, it is neither Europe nor Asia, and we are mindful that Istanbul sits on the crossroads that link the 2 continents.” Swissotel Hotels & Resorts got its start in Switzerland, a country known for big mountains and equally high standards of living. Its contemporary Swiss style and locally inspired flair attracts business and leisure travellers. Swissotel properties can be found in over 30 well-located properties around the world, with many more in development. As guests of the world, every Swissotel upholds Swiss sustainability standards. In fact, Swissotel has a mission: to treat guests, team members, and the environment with equal respect. Swissotel is part of FRHI Hotels & Resorts, a leading global hotel company with over 110 hotels under the Raffles, Fairmont, and Swissotel brands.


Know the designer Formed in 1989, by Chew in London, KCA works with a clientele from all over the world of interiors ranging from royal palaces to luxurious lofts and penthouses, urban hotels to beach and mountainous retreats, and metros to super yachts. KCA also designed the well-known Burj Al Arab Hotel, Dubai and Swissotel The Bosphorus Istanbul’s residential building, Swiss Living. Recently, in November 2014, Chew received the much-coveted Lifetime Achievement Award at the prestigious Commercial Interior Design 2014 Awards (CID).


Design Pedagogy

Prototype Making: The Backbone of Furniture Design Prototype Making is a well-defined course at MITID Interior Space & Furniture Design Discipline. This article includes work of two batches with this regards.


he objective of the course is to

worked and available technologies and

study the works of Master furniture

materials, during the period. The students

designers, their style of work and

were asked to make full scale drawings of

the process followed to design a piece of

the furniture followed by a scaled down

furniture. Even one needs to understand

model to understand the form, processes,

the material used as well detailing in terms

possibilities and limitations of the materi-

of processes form, joinery techniques

als. The final step is to make a 1:1 Prototype

prevalent at the time. The students of ISFD, at their 4th semester had to select a piece of

replicate of the furniture with the processes available in house. They are required to make the prototypes by themselves.

furniture to work upon and were

The step by step process helps the

assigned to study the history of

student to get an in-depth understanding

the designer, the period in which

about how to design a furniture as well the



things to be kept in mind while designing the same. Right from the basic material required to the detailing about the type of screws to be used etc. The first batch worked upon FRP Chairs made by Vernor Panton, and Charles Eames. Verner Panton was an influential figure in the development of design during the 1960s and ’70s. After moving to Switzerland in the early 1960s, the Danish designer became known for his inventive, novel ideas for furnishings, lighting and textiles. The Panton Chair is a classic in the history of furniture design. Conceived by Verner Panton in 1960, the chair was developed for serial production in collaboration with

Panton chair 110 DESIGN MATRIX • MAY-JUNE 2015

Vitra (1967). It was the first chair to be

“The objective is

Making of Panton chair prototype

to understand the material and construction of Group 1 Vernor Panton chair final

organic forms. A small model was made with different

Group 2 final Prototype Eames DAW chair

materials like wire mesh, paper, wires, paper mache etc. to understand the form and the geometry.” says Shruti Wireframe DAW chair

Group 1 : Shemal Pandya, Shruti Kulkarni, Anuja Deshmukh Group2 : Akansh Gothi, Ankita Gogne, Anmol Chandwani, Zainab Raja Group 3 : Shikila Priyadarshini, Naisargi Shah manufactured completely out of plastic

lence that still inspires current genera-

in one single piece. Since its introduction

tions. Charles and Ray’s molded plywood

to the market, it has advanced through

chair was called “the chair of the century”

-several production phases. Its expressive

by the influential architectural critic Esther

shape has made it an icon of the twentieth

McCoy. Soon production was taken over


by Herman Miller, Inc., who continues to

Charles and Ray Eames are well-known

produce the furniture in the United States

for their contributions to furniture and

today. Vitra International,manufactures the

industrial design, films, exhibitions, toys

furniture in Europe.

Group 3 Final Prototype

his death that the matte finish he desired

and architecture. They approached prob-

DAW chair was featured in low cost fur-

was achieved, thanks to advances in mate-

lem solving as an adventure, combining

niture design with fiberglass seat in- 1950

rials. “The chair that Charles and Ray were

discipline with a sense of play. Together

and today the chairs are made of recycla-

designing is the chair that’s made tomor-

with the multi-talented Eames office staff,

ble polypropylene. Charles was dissatisfied

row,” explains, grandson Eames Demetrios.

the pair set a standard for design excel-

with the fiberglass, and it wasn’t until after

The deep seat pocket and waterfall seat MAY-JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 111

“Prototyping is perhaps the only opportunity that we have to copy something in design. A course focused onto recreating the original design to exact specifications, it objective is to sensitize towards the importance of the manufacturing technique and process, which goes behind making the icon. It made us realize that a true icon is not only the form, it is the appropriateness it contains. The breakthrough made by Verner Panton or Charles and Ray Eames is not about the form, it is the development of appropriate technology in the previous and the contextualizing the molded plywood and plastic technology, developed during the world war period to an affordable, ergonomic design. It is a source of inspiration for all the students and beckons us to innovate and design. It also is a direct extension to the pedagogy of the institute, which is learning by doing,� says Shemal Pandya

Cord Chair

edge keep you comfortable by reducing pressure on the backs of thighs. DAW stands for dining height, armchair with wood base. The second batch worked on cord chair by Jaques Guillon, Snelson Stool and Tivoli bar chair. Jacques Guilon is considered to be the father of Industrial design in Canada. Cord chair designed in 1953 is a perfect balance of fragility and strength. The unique cord seat and back of the chair gives a light airy presence, while still providing comfort and support. Teak wood and Nylon cord have been used to recreate the Canadian classic. Snelson Stool by Sam Weller inspired by tensigrity was a new and interesting area of learning for these students. The students in this group were expected to prototype the original structure in a 1:1 and a mock up model. Here, the students learnt about the method of constructing a tensile structure and how the use different materials plays an important role. The students have also gained additional knowledge in ergonomics related to a furniture product that has absolutely no sort of joineries and the entire manufacturing

making of Cord chair

process have a tensile model. During the making of Tivoli, the students made use various sizes of metal pipe and had hands on experience in its processes. These budding designers went through, the entire manufacturing details concerning the pipes, rods and the finishes. They further understood metal as a material, its


Group 4 : Reshma Pore, Shrinidhi, Shriya Patel -Cord chair by Jaques Guillon Group 5 : Tanvi Kulkarni,Aishwarya Gangadhar, Paridhi Kajaria -Snelson stool & Tivoli bar chair

weakness and strengths, pros and cons. Furthermore, they worked on a innovative technique of weaving using strings. The final learning of the course was to concentrate more on the process of making a furniture piece than achieving a finished product. The course is conducted by Prof. Vasudha Karhadkar and assistant Prof. Ajay Patil.

Nylon threads - Tivoli bar Chair

Snelson stool

Tivoli bar chair

Parts of Snelson stool

The making of Tivoli bar chair



TANTALIZING APPETITE When Legal Sea Foods acquired a location for a new restaurant at Reagan National Airport they tapped GrizForm Design Architects to create the space. Griz Dwight, principal and founder of GrizForm, transformed the 5,560 sq.ft bilevel space into a modern dining experience. Photo courtesy: Paul Burk 114 DESIGN MATRIX • MAY-JUNE 2015


ward-winning architecture and

stress. I think travellers will really

design firm GrizForm Design

appreciate Legal Sea Foods for its

Architects is excited to announce

aquatic design and good service.”

“Travel can be exciting and very stressful at the same time. A well designed restaurant can help increase the excitement and decrease the stress. ”

its first collaboration with Legal Sea Foods

While, the travellers enter

to design the brand’s newest location for

the lower level, an inviting open

Washington, D.C.’s Reagan National Air-

floor plan sets the tone for the

port, which opened in Summer 2014. Griz

space. Once inside, guests will find

Dwight, principal and founder of GrizForm,

a large bar area, patio setting, located

used the 1960’s and 70’s golden age of

both inside the restaurant and out on

business travel as inspiration, evoking

the terminal floor, and raw bar concept.

subtle sophistication with a modern twist

The project team employed clean lines

in the space. He further adds, “Our aim was

throughout this dining level, including a

to give a nod to the early days of air travel,

mixture of dark and light woods, furniture

which can be used for guests to dine or

when the flights were treated more like a

upholstered in saffron-coloured leather,

work, are placed throughout the lounge

cocktail party and the travellers dressed

and touches of brass. At the 46-seat bar,

space. Travellers can enjoy their time

the part. We hoped to invoke a little of that

a smoky translucent ceiling creates a dra-

lounging in tufted smoking and wingback

spirit for today’s travellers.”

matic and sophisticated element for travel-

chairs set in green and saffron-colored

Totally thrilled to design its first airport

lers to enjoy. For those needing to plug in,

leather while they wait for their flight. Griz-

project, GrizForm took the opportunity to

the bar area will have a continuous line of

Form also designed custom carpet and

raise the bar on casual airport dining. Legal

power outlets to connect and charge gad-

a tufted suspended ceiling to help with

Sea Foods offers distinct areas for those

gets pre-flight.


wanting to dine, drink, work, or relax. Elab-

On the upper level, the design team

Discussing the challenges, Dwight

orating further, Dwight says. “Travel can

created a lounge and 20-seat glass-

explains, “We were able to anticipate

be exciting and very stressful at the same

enclosed private dining area that offers

needs of a new audience that is the travel-

time. A well designed restaurant can help

intimacy and a view of the surrounding

ler. It was a challenge to think of ways to

increase the excitement and decrease the

area. Customized nesting cocktail tables,

accommodate their luggage, charge their

Photo courtesy: Adam Letch


gadgets and feel comfortable that they could get in and out in a flash, if needed. We designed a very large bar, to accommodate the solo travellers, and lined it with electrical outlets for convenient charging stations. We also left the façade of the space open, so that the guests had easy visual and physical access to the terminal in case they need to dash out and catch their flight. We also designed some custom shelving that perfectly fit carry on luggage.” The new, Legal Sea Foods breathes modern style into Terminal B, offering guests a more refined dining experience with the option to enjoy a drink, a leisurely meal, or just sit back and answer emails during their layover.

Know the designers GrizForm Design Architects, founded in 2003 by Griz Dwight AIA, LEED AP, is a leading hospitality design and architecture firm


with award-winning work and a team that prides itself on its craftsmanship, strong attention to detail, awareness of historical context, and innovation. Dwight, along with team members including Studio Director, Michelle Bové AIA, LEED, AP SEED and senior interior designer Brooke Loewen produce creative solutions for clients, which include contemporary design concepts, cutting-edge ways to solve design and architectural problems, and approaches to help push the design envelope, further through the incorporation of unique materials or subtle historical references. Along with its strong interior design and architectural capabilities, GrizForm Design Architects designs and builds custom pieces--from lighting to furniture--to bring the client’s vision to life. Notable projects include Fiola, Estadio, Farmers Fishers Bakers, locations for Bonchon, Sea Salt St. Pete, and Founding Farmers Tysons. MAY-JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 117


Dnyanesh Madgavkar

Founded in 2004, De FACTO; headed by Directors, Dnyanesh Madgavkar and Nikhil Khadilkar, stand for a design factory that engages in all kinds of spatial experiences within diverse built and non-built environments in the areas of architecture, interior design, retail and exhibition design.

COMM The Bridge House Photo courtesy: The Architects


The Cube House Photo courtesy Prajakt Patil


very design has a language and like other leading designers, Dnyanesh and Nikhil believe in creating a

solution that communicates. While figuring out the essence of their creative approach, we came upon their projects, the Bridge house and the Cube house that has a

Nikhil Khadilkar

language of expression. We take you to these spaces and we are certain that you will love it. Imagine a home, nestled in a landscape that makes one feel close to nature !


Cube House

along the North-West side of the plot and

reys. The ground floor level is designed as

Nirant, a cube shaped house is built on a

release maximum space for landscaping. As

a large singular space. Within this space the

sloping site that faces a valley on the North-

this side of the plot boundary is shared by

kitchen, living and the bar area are carefully

East and is approached by an existing road

the neighbouring bungalow, most of the

juxtaposed to utilize the best views of the

on the South-East. The clients brief was to

service areas are located here.

surrounding landscape.

design a weekend home with all modern

A landscape in the form of gardens

The first floor level has three bedrooms

amenities that are a part of an everyday

and tree beds becomes an intrinsic part of

that are accessed through a common stair-

house. The overall area of plot being small,

the house at various levels. Inside the cube,

the architects decided to plan the house

the various areas are planned over two sto-

Fact File Project: ‘Nirant’ Location: Khandala, Maharashtra. Client: Mr. Khanolkar Site Area: 5000 sq.ft Built Area: 2500 sq.ft Firm: De Facto Pvt. Ltd. (Architects and Interior Designers) Design Team: Nikhil Khadilkar, Dnyanesh Madgavkar Completion: June 2012


case landing. The master bedroom faces the

and can be accessed through an external

the North-East side overlooks the valley,

front access road and extends onto a terrace

staircase on the North-West side. The client

although at a lower level allowing the client

that overlooks the front garden. The other

wanted this space to be multi-functional. It

and his guests intimacy.”

two rooms are identical and have spec-

is used as a lounge for card games, movie

The entrance to the house is through a

tacular views into the valley. Explaining the

screenings and also can transform into a

verandah, which is created in order to orient

key elements of this house, Ar. Dnyanesh,

large bedroom. The inside space has large

the visitors into the house through a semi-

adds, “The plot had heavy contours and we

openings towards the South-East, which

outdoor space that faces the front garden.

carved out a basement, which is a self-con-

enjoy the view of carefully dimensioned

This verandah is accessed by a bridge from

tained space. It is detached from the house

courts that are filled with trees and on

the parking area that overlooks the trees in courts at the basement level. On the left of the bridge is a wall that is rendered in yellow and houses a temple bell at a higher level. “This feature is a manifestation of the client’s personality and creates uniqueness in the overall setting of this space,” adds Ar. Nikhil. Entering the house, the main door is flanked by a large consolidated raised wooden level that appears to contrast in terms of colour and material to the overall palette of off-white shades and textures. Moving into details, Dnyanesh says, “The use of material, grains and textures is very intrinsic to us for treating the inside spaces. The use of wood in furniture is intended to create warmth in the otherwise minimally treated volume. The metal staircase, which is used to access the first floor is designed as a sculptural element and attaches itself to this level. To maintain the openness the layout, we have ensured that there are no dividing walls to separate the living, dining and bar area from the kitchen. There is a notional low height partition between the living and the bar area, which has a skylight above it rises up to the terrace. This void draws dramatic light into the living area throughout the day and also visually scales the total height of the internal volume.” The living area which is the heart of the house has views of the side garden overlooking the courts at the basement level through a large window. On the North-East side, it opens onto a large deck that reaches out till the plot edge overlooking the valley. This deck is imagined as an extension of the living area and steps down to access the side garden. “The design and planning of this house is driven by an attempt to create a constant dialogue between the inside and outside spaces,” adds Nikhil.


Bridge House Santosh, a residential bungalow is built on a rectangular plot, which is a part of a scheme where all the houses share their two external walls with each other. The plot is oriented in the East-West direction, sharing its Southern edge with the neighbouring plot and has agricultural fields on the North side. The client, being accustomed to staying in an apartment, wanted a contemporary house that has the feel of a bungalow, but at the same time caters to the requirements of each of the family members. Elaborating in detail about the design experiences, Dnyanesh says, “Our client being a Marwari joint family, we had to understand their daily traditions and values to start imagining a narrative for the house, as their residence had to be an extension of their personality. Our biggest challenge was to deal with the length of the plot, which was almost thrice its width. Principally the house is divided into 2 volumes that are sliced with a heavily clad stone wall.” The front portion of the house that faces the access road, appears to be a cantilevered mass that has the kitchen, dining and the living areas. At the entry point, the eye travels the depth of the plot till the wall through carefully proportioned

Fact File Project: ‘Santosh’ (Residential bungalow) Location: Surat, Gujarat. Client: Mr. Jangid Site Area: 6200 sq.ft Built Area: 8300 sq.ft Firm: De Facto Pvt. Ltd. (Architects and Interior Designers) Design Team: Nikhil Khadilkar, Dnyanesh Madgavkar Completion: September 2013


cally designed and caters to the tastes of its inhabitants,” explains Nikhil. The roof of this portion of the house is designed as a private terrace overlooking the common terrace on the living area. This terrace has a small pool that overlooks the distant skyline of the city, allowing one to enjoy complete privacy from the surroundings. In the duration of their journey, De FACTO has collaborated and partnered with various distinguished individuals from other fenestrations. Upon entering the plot, one

design disciplines in an effort to constantly

has to walk through a landscaped garden

provide clients with better solutions and

that leads to a patio, which is designed as

this Bridge House will certainly capture the

an informal living area. While the garden

spectator’s attention. Today, De FACTO, a

separates the driveway, the parking area is

group of like – minded designers, transform

tucked behind the patio. The front garden

the dreams of their client into reality and

is overlooked by the kitchen window and

continually strive to achieve excellence. This

a large cantilevered balcony that becomes

has rewarded them with an ever expanding

an extension of the dining area. These two

list of satisfied clients.

elements are rendered in yellow ochre and are seemingly engaged in a dialogue with

Know the designers

the garden. The dining deck stretches on

Designer Dnyanesh began his career as

to the North side of the house in the form

an intern at Chhaya & Chhaya Design Con-

of a balcony that covers the entire length

sultants and has worked on a variety of

of the living area as yet another threshold

architectural projects. Later, he joined Void

to stand and enjoy the view of the fields

Architects to learn more about high end

that lie beyond the plot boundary. The liv-

Interior Design and institutional projects.

ing area, which is the heart of the house,

Experience makes a man perfect, isn’t it!

has a double height roof with a skylight

With expertise in variant design styles, he

positioned above the entrance door. The

decided to set up De FACTO, and under

feeling of being inside a bridge in this space

this design firm, he and his team have

is accentuated by two large windows on

executed bungalow schemes and other

either side that extend into a terrace garden

interesting works.

on the south and a balcony on the North.

Ar. Nikhil, completed his Post Graduate

The stone clad wall is the tallest ele-

Fellowship from KRVIA and have worked

ment in the house and therefore marks

with Architect Subhod Dhairyawan and the

its presence at each floor. The staircase

Design Cell at KRVIA. Currently, he is author-

to access the upper floors is positioned

ing a paper titled ‘Tracing shifts in contem-

behind this wall, enabling one to make a

porary Architectural Practices in Mumbai’.

smooth transition from the front to the

He has been teaching Design and Technol-

back of the house. “The rear portion of the

ogy at KRVIA, since 2004 and has conducted

house sits on the ground like a heavy mass.

various building technology and theatre

This volume contains the bedrooms, and

workshops in various architectural institutes

other private spaces that are planned over

within the city.

three floors as separate units for each of the siblings in the family. Each floor is eclecti- MAY-JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 123

Case Study


The Glòries shopping centre, recently opened ‘El Mercat’ in the vibrant Spanish city of Barcelona. It is a new food court, where the American Red Oak ceiling gives the space a unified look. Photo courtesy : Centro Commercial Glòries The American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC) is the leading international trade association for the US hardwood industry, representing committed exporting US hardwood companies and all the major US hardwood production trade associations. AHEC runs a worldwide programme to promote American hardwoods in over 50 export markets, concentrating on providing architects, specifiers, designers and end-users with technical information on the range of species, products and sources of supply. In addition, AHEC also produces a full range of technical publications.


l Mercat’ has a surface area of 3,200

room, they get a first glimpse of the grand

architect in charge of the project, Carmen

m2, and with an investment of 8

staircase leading down to the museum’s

Tribo, says, “We chose American Red Oak

million Euros, it is the culmination

underground extension. The architects,

for the ceiling because it gives warmth to a

of the first stage of the comprehensive

David Driesen from dmvA architects and

space that is full of marble, glass and ceramic

remodeling works in the Glories shopping

Hans Le Compte from HLCr architects, have

details, and it also absorbs the noise.”

centre. Benoit Dohin, Operating Manager

created an effective contrast between plain

A very wide, suspended ceiling was

in Spain for Unibail-Rodamco, which is

white walls and surfaces clad in American

designed, to enable the passage of air

the company that owns Glòries shopping

white oak to make this monumental new

for global heating, air conditioning and

centre, says, “Our business strategy is

staircase look delicate and elegant.

ventilation in El Mercat - a wooden slat

to offer visitors a pleasant atmosphere,

L35, an international architecture studio

ceiling was the perfect answer to this

where they can enjoy a wide range of

has been in charge of the project and

requirement. Sturdy slats were chosen,

food services, focusing especially on top

work management in this unique building

measuring 30 x 120 mm, with a 90 mm gap

quality fresh produce, to eat in or take

working alongside Saguez & Partners and

that leaves room for the lines of lights, which

out.”As visitors move through to the next

Coll i Fulcarà Arquitectes on the design. The

are placed alternately between the slats.


Established in 1968, Unibail-Rodamco is the number one listed commercial real-estate company in Europe today. It is a Group with great ambitions in the architectural and urban development sector, and is committed to environmental sustainability. Its strategy focuses on long-term sustainable projects that involve the development or restructuring of shopping, working and relaxing areas. The Group’s commitment to environmental, economic and social sustainability has been recognised by the European and International DJSI, and the FTSE4Good and STOXX Global ESG Leaders indices.In Spain, the company has a large real estate investment portfolio and is a leader in the sector with 15 shopping centres.

L35 have offices in Madrid, Barcelona, Paris, Geneva, Istanbul, Casablanca, São Paulo, Bogotá and Santiago de Chile. It is one of the architecture studios with the largest number of employees and the highest turnover in Spain. L35 covers practically all kinds of architectural types, including large and highly

“Red oak was chosen for the slats because

complex designs. It is currently working on many projects, including large complexes

its colour is neutral, but has a personality,”

for various purposes, shopping and leisure centres, office buildings and company

Tribo continues.

headquarters, housing, hospitals and hotels. As part of its international expansion

The slats have been finished with a matt

strategy, the studio is carrying out several projects in Europe, Africa and America. It

varnish and have had fireproof treatment,

is currently part of around 50 projects in France, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Morocco,

both for safety reasons and aesthetic. L35

Algeria, Tunisia, Turkey, Brazil, Colombia and Chile.

believe that the materials used have to be

responsibly sourced, which is why “the American red oak has an FSC certificate

modernist details, and, as well as wood, uses

extremely satisfactory, and the red oak adds

because it comes from a controlled

coloured glass and hydraulic mosaic floors

quality and warmth.”

source”, Tribo comments. El Mercat,inspired

on which the stands are built in the central

by traditional Barcelona markets, has

area. According to Tribo, “The final result is MAY-JUNE 2015 • DESIGN MATRIX 125


H C N LAU Philips nd introduces Luceplan a Modular in India

n of announced the introductio Philips Lighting India has after European luxe lighting two internationally sought ts dular, in India. The produc brands – Luceplan and Mo h oug thr ia Ind in d l be sol from these two brands wil ai tners in New Delhi, Mumb par ed add ueval exclusive s wa an, Mil in red arte headqu and Bengaluru. Luceplan, has y pan com the ago and set up almost 4 decades floor luminaries, ceiling and le tab of ge a broad ran ge. s, as well as an outdoor ran pendants and wall fixture and m giu Bel in ed bas rs are The Modular headquarte , ideal for hospitality, offices are ns utio sol ting these ligh and public buildings. retail, private residences ww

New Light Room at The Great Eastern Home Recently, ‘The Great Eastern Home’, an ideal destination to art decor, has opened its doors to its vintage, elite and one of a kind light room that displays exquisite assortments of crystal lamps, gold gilded chandeliers and suspenders, synonymous with magnificence and luxury. Magnificently crafted in brass and gilded with gold, these exclusive Lights are timeless. These extravagant lights from The Great Eastern Home are crafted to perfection which makes them extraordinary and one-of-a-kind.



Dining Spaces by Beyond Designs Beyond Designs puts for th a diverse array of furniture to invigo rate the dining areas. The iconic and classic materials used in the new collection for the table tops are Sat var io, Granadillo and Herringbone stone. Most of the structural wood for the chairs is covered by seamless and elegant leather cladding and vel vet cloth. These exquisite pieces are crafted from luxurious materials such as exotic leathers, fur and the fine st woods, veneers and lacquers. Bey ond Designs intends to transform the existence of its customers by providing a space that is wondrous yet comfor tab le. Tel: 011- 24335160/61/62; 011-65000697

HydraChoice™ Body Spray by Delta Faucet Company

tion of America’s faucet innova Delta Faucet Company, one h wit nce sonalized shower experie leaders, offers a truly per hflus Body Spray systems. The the Delta HydraChoice™ a sleek reased functionality and mount design, offers inc aim adjustability that help to look with 50 degrees of ilable in round, square water in any direction. Ava s, eable spray head option trim and four interchang customize the shower the users can change and experience. ww

Spring Summer Collection by Clarke & Clarke Clarke & Clarke, one of the fastest grow ing editor brands in England, launches its sprin g summer collection of Wall Papers at affordabl e prices. With a team of passionate and dedicated designers, this collection range from contemporary to traditional, maintaining a sophisticated style, infus ing the latest European colour trends.

Tel: 011 -2735 3747 / 3566


VitrA launches V-Care VitrA, one of the leading bathroom solutions brands of Eczacıbaşı Building Products Division in Turkey; introduces V-Care – the new generation of Shower Toilets. Designed by the famous design studio NOA, the innovative make of shower toilets combines the functionality of a toilet and cleaning properties, while offering an impressive WC design and increased comfort. V- Care can be used via a remote controller which is very easy to use and helps in controlling features like nozzle position, water pressure and the temperature of the water and the seat. Offering elegant designs with advance technology, this range virtually suits any kind of bathroom.

Kids Collection by Zynna Furnishings Zynna Furnishings, a one stop destination for interiors has recently come up with its fascinating range of Kids Collection that includes wall coverings, fabrics, carpets and flooring for babies to teens. Interesting visual designs from murals to cartoon characters; a wide selection from stripes to theme based fabrics like Bird House to Pirates, will add both colour and texture to a room. The animated and subtle tone collection will bring in the melange effect, and a diffused look, making it easier to introduce a strong colour into a home, without overpowering the room. Tel: 08800361361

Nolte Home Studio in Delhi Nolte, a German furniture brand, rece ntly launched a new showroom in the up-m arket Sultanpur neighbour-hood on MG Road , Delhi; in partnership with ETRELUXE. The new Nolte Home Studio features the latest kitchens and bedrooms from Germany, with industry-leading innovations, a choice of over 100 colours, and a wide range of finishes, fittings and accessories. Tel: 099999 91169 128 DESIGN MATRIX • MAY-JUNE 2015

Wildflower curtain accessories from Tattva Conceived and designed by Mukul Goya l, Tattva offers one of the most wide-ranging home hardware selections to the customer in terms of designs, finishes, combinations, styles, materials and budgets. Curtains have a great influence on the ambience and Tattva.pret’s colle ction of curtain rods and tieback s, which are priced attractively, is suitable for both contemporary and traditional settings.

LED Products by Chemtrols Solar Chemtrols Solar, one of India’s leading solar companies, recently launched a range of portable LED based Solar Lamps and phone chargers, under the bran d ‘Solarway’. The products are child-safe and non-hazardous with Lithium-ion or Alkaline batteries making these extremely light weight. These are portable, easy to handle, simple to operate, and offer long-duration lighting after a single charge cycle, making it ideal for overnight outings, treks and for emergency and disaster relief applications. In addition to providing power, all Solar way products also have ports that enable easy charging of mobile phones.

Mother’s Day gifting options by Frazer and Haws Frazer and Haws celebrates Mother’s day with an extraordinary collection of beautiful gifting options all handcrafted and hallmarked in 92.5% sterling silver. The collection comprise s: the lady with the vase, a dancing swam T-light, a crystal tortoise as a Feng Shui talisman for luck and abundance; Sterling silver orchids, hand crafted with details on a white photo frame; a fortune cookie and a Photo frame Amore, delic ately suspended from an artistic branch of orchids with two birds poised to express love. Tel: 011- 24647818, 24627818


GLOSSARY IFC: American Hardwood

New Link Road, Versova,

Tel: (022) 2626 9000

Andheri (W), Mumbai – 400 053


Tel: (022) 26316343/6344

Pg. 3: Ebco Pvt. Ltd.


Saki Vihar Road, Mumbai 400 072.

Pg. 8 & 9: Danube Homes

Pg. 18 & 19: MRJ Laminated Wooden Flooring

Tel: (022) 6783 7777

Tel: +971 4 399 8333

MRJ Trading Pvt. Ltd.



F/201, Shyam Kamal ‘C’ Bldg., Wing 1,

Agarwal Market, Vile Parle (E),

402-3, Hyde Park,

Mumbai – 400 057. Tel: (022) 2618 7132 /

Pg. 4: LG Hi-Macs

Pg.11: Antique Laminates Surface Dekor (India) Pvt. Ltd.

2613 1442 Email:

New Patel Sawmill Group 204/B, Vertex Vikas, Sir M V Road,

Gala No. 28/29, New Satguru Ind. Estate,

Pg. 71: UBM-INDEX Trade Fairs

Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 069.

Jay Coach, Goregaon (E),

Tel: (022) 2683 3377 / 0952

Mumbai 400063



Pg. 5: Jalaram Veneers

IBC: FINfloor Laminated flooring

• 935, Bhagwandas Wadi,

Pg. 13: Le Cdeor MRJ Trading Pvt. Ltd.

Behind Kismat Talkies, off V.S. Marg,

F/201, Shyam Kamal ‘C’ Bldg., Wing 1,

F/201, Shyam Kamal ‘C’ Bldg., Wing 1,

Prabhadevi, Mumbai 400 025

Agarwal Market, Vile Parle (E),

Agarwal Market, Vile Parle (E),

Tel: (022) 24318222

Mumbai – 400 057.

Mumbai – 400 057.


Tel: (022) 2618 7132 / 2613 1442

Tel: (022) 2618 7132 / 2613 1442



New Link Road, Versova,

Pg. 14: KiTEC Flexibility

BC: Durian Chairs

Andheri (W), Mumbai – 400 053

KiTEC Industries (India) Limited

Durian Industries Ltd.

Tel: (022) 2632 7733 / 34

C-18/11, Jeevan Bima Nagar,

401, The Summit, Western Express


Borivali (W), Mumbai – 400 103.

Highway, Vile Parle (E), Mumbai 400 057

Tel.: (022) 2895 1144

Tel: (022) 2626 9000

Pg. 6: Concept Dekor



Surface Dekor (India) Pvt. Ltd.

MRJ Trading Pvt. Ltd.

• 9/B & 9/K, Laxmi Ind. Estate,

Gala No. 28/29, New Satguru Ind. Estate, Jay Coach, Goregaon (E),

Pg. 15: FO AID 2014

Mumbai 400063


Pg. 16 & 17: Durian Veneers Pg. 7 Flex Stone

Durian Industries Ltd.

MRJ Flex Stone .

401, The Summit, Western Express

8/M, Laxmi Ind. Estate,

Highway, Vile Parle (E), Mumbai 400 057.


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