DESIGN ECONOMICS OF TRIMARAN WIND TURBINE INSTALLATION CUM DECOMMISSIONING VESSELS by Bob L Y Cheung, Bob Cheung Offshore Consultants Achieving cost-effective installation, maintenance and decommissioning of offshore wind turbines. INTRODUCTION In the article ‘Design Economics of Multi-Purpose Offshore Wind Farms’, included in the March 2021 Issue of ‘The Singapore Engineer’, published by IES [1], a cost-saving idea for the development of a multi-purpose offshore wind farm was proposed, to reduce the lifetime cost of the project. The most significant suggestion in it is to bridge-link all the wind turbines, which will result in major savings in the array cable costs including the cost of materials, installation, operation and maintenance. The bridges can also function both as array cable trays and as an offshore solar farm. Effectively, the offshore wind farm is transformed into a semi-onshore wind farm, where accessibility is greatly improved by a network of inter-connecting bridges and everyone can have easy access to each of the 100 wind turbines. The need for array cable installation vessels, crew transfer vessels and service operation vessels will almost vanish. However, there are other cost-cutting areas worthy of in-depth investigations. This article explores a different approach in relation to installation, maintenance and decommissioning of offshore wind turbines. A similar idea was published in IES Journal in 2010 [2]. To appreciate the magnitude of the cost-saving that is possible with this concept, it is more meaningful to consider a hypothetical wind farm design project, based on a simple design, that will enable developers to quantify the possible reduction in the investments. A note of caution is necessary, in that this is a simplified design, based on simple calculations and years of offshore engineering experience to support the ‘great savings possible’ argument. The design is based on API-RP-2A and the AISC Steel Construction Manual, but does not follow the IEC 61400-6, 2020 code.
DESIGN OBJECTIVES To minimise the project cost, we should consider reducing the weight of the standard, tubular column, wind turbine tower, and making it more maintenance-, installation-, and decommissioning-friendly. This means that we should avoid the deployment of jack-up, wind turbine installation vessels, semi-submersible heavy lift barges and big helicopters. This article seeks to promote the following actions, to achieve huge savings: • Fabricate and fully assemble all the wind turbines in the yard. 28
• Loadout all the fully-built wind turbines, in a vertical position, onto the trimaran construction vessel. In our design example, the trimaran vessel can accommodate three whole wind turbines, in one mobilisation. • Tow to site and install the turbines using the float-over method. All the foundation jackets have been pre-installed. • The trimaran vessel returns to base for a loadout of additional wind turbines and their mobilisation. Alternatively, more trimarans can be built to speed up the project schedule. • Use the same type of trimaran vessel to decommission all the wind turbines when the wind farm design-life has matured.
Water depth
115 ft (35 m)
Distance from shore
19 miles (30 km)
Turbine cut-out speed
56 mph (25 m/s)
100-year wind speed
100 mph (45 m/s)
Tower height
350 ft (107 m)
Tower dimension at top
30 ft x 30 ft (9 m x 9 m)
Blade diameter
538 ft (164 m)
Nacelle size
80 ft x 30 ft x 20 ft (24 m x 9 m x 6 m)
Nacelle & blades weight
500 tons
Solar panel weight
50.7 lb each (23 kg each)
Subsea array cable weight
39 lb/ft (58 kg/m)
Surface array cable weight
20 lb/ft (30 kg/m)
All steel to ASTM G50
50 ksi
DESIGN ASSUMPTIONS • There are 100 turbines in the wind farm and they are all bridge-connected to provide support for the solar panels and the array cables [1]. • A deck is needed for each wind turbine to support the turbine tower during loadout and float-over operations. It will also be used for decommissioning. • The wind farm is about 19 miles (30 km) from shore and in shallow water.