Advocacy & Economic Development In October, Georgia-based Agile Cold Storage broke ground for its $170 million Claymont facility, which is bringing 130 new jobs to Delaware.
Setting the Stage 2023 developments prime Delaware for further prominence and growth in 2024 BY KURT FOREMAN
DELAWARE PROSPERITY PARTNERSHIP (DPP) finished its sixth full year of operation—working in cooperation with statewide partners and investors—and is proud to have supported 64 location and expansion projects that have brought more than $1.78 billion in capital investment to Delaware since 2017. We’re also glad that these projects include more than 8,500 new and retained jobs, which helped Delaware reach its highest-ever employment total—nearly 487,000 jobs—in 2023. As in years past, DPP-assisted projects included both businesses new to Delaware and existing Delaware businesses. For example, Georgiabased Agile Cold Storage announced in August that its first out-of-state location would be in Claymont’s First State Crossing and broke ground for the high-tech 250,000-square-foot facility in October. The $170 million project is bringing highly sought new investment and industry DELAWARE BUSINESS
Ja nu a r y / Fe br u a r y 2024
to Claymont along with 130 new jobs. According to Agile Cold President and CEO Don Schoenl, Delaware has “delivered on every promise made” throughout the two years it took to bring the business here. He and fellow company officials are grateful for the responsiveness and attention that our state, county and local officials have provided. Among the businesses already operating in Delaware who worked with DPP to launch expansion projects in 2023 was Evernorth Health Services’s Accredo Specialty Pharmacy. The company’s new $89.2 million, approximately 200,000-square-foot facility in Newark is replacing an existing location in New Castle and will be staffed by 87 retained workers and 132 new employees. This project will support patients diagnosed with severe medical conditions and the providers who treat them by enabling the company, as 59