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The Assignment

MICHauto needed to understand the perceptions of young people/students and adults with influence (parents, teachers, extended family, etc.) regarding career paths in Michigan’s automotive and mobility industry. Specific objectives included:

Lambert performed an assessment of existing data and gathered stakeholder input prior to engaging external audiences to capitalize on existing knowledge and assets, as well as to ensure alignment between the MICHauto and Lambert teams.

• To gain an understanding of the primary issues that drive talent into key industry sectors

• To measure the perceptions of young people/students and influential adults inside and outside of Michigan, as well as within key demographics

• To make recommendations for MICHauto and key stakeholders, including state leaders

• To examine changes in perception over time, with potential follow-up funding

We then conducted two online surveys to understand the perceptions of young people/students and adults with influence. Survey questions were developed to strategically target each of these groups, gathering both qualitative and quantitative data. This approach provided rich insights into the perceptions and decision-making processes of current and recent students, as well as their parents, teachers, counselors, and other adults with influence.


Strategy Summary

The main challenge faced by the automotive/mobility industry and Michigan is largely centered around the perceptions of adults with influence and youth. Strategic communication efforts to both inform and transform what is held in the minds of these audiences is key to enhancing the reputations of the industry and the state, along with clarifying confusion and helping Michigan and Michiganbased employers more effectively recruit and retain talent.



Mobility is a term fraught with confusion, and automotive is viewed as too limiting. An industry-specific rebranding with a unique term that resonates with audiences can remove this issue.


Strategic communication campaigns built around answering the questions about available careers, education pathways, technology, innovations, and more will be important for positioning Michigan as a top tech talent hub.


Create strategic engagement campaigns with parents / guardians and youth program facilitators / educators to enhance their awareness of industry innovation and increase exposure to youth 1217. This will help attract more young talent to the state and the industry, as well as retain young talent currently living in Michigan.


Piggybacking on “Pure Michigan”, sharing the stories of those working in the industry & the variety of careers available (e.g., among females and minorities), a “My Michigan” campaign highlighting innovation, diversity, leadership, sustainability, quality of life, work-life balance can position the state & industry as a place to build & belong.

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