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Industry Career Rating
▪ While 2 out of 3 of youth rate the Automotive / Mobility industry as better than most/excellent in salary (the #1 factor for career attractiveness), 71% rate it as okay/very poor/terrible in work/life balance (#2 factor).
▪ More than half of youth say they would not consider the industry for a career. However, Michigan, tech/mobility (CA/TX), and new auto (TN/GA) state youth are 3x more likely to highly consider it (14% vs. 4%)
▪ 3 out of 4 adult influencers rate the Automotive / Mobility industry as better than most/excellent in salary (#1 factor), however, 65% rate it as okay/very poor/terrible in work/life balance (#2 factor).
▪ Only 1 in 3 adult influencers would recommend the industry for a career; 1 in 5 would not recommend it. However, adult influencers in Michigan and tech / mobility states (CA/TX) are far more likely to recommend it than other states (35% vs. 23%).
Compared to other industries, how would you rate career opportunities in the automotive/ mobility industry in terms of the following?
Youth % Agree: The Automotive / Mobility industry…
Michigan Neighboring (OH/IN) New Auto (TN/GA) Tech / Mobility (CA/TX)
Industry Viewpoints
Most youth agree the Automotive / Mobility industry is a high-tech field, produces some of the most advanced consumer products in the world, provides global opportunities for work, and is growing in career and advancement opportunities. However,
▪ Roughly half do not agree it is an attractive career field for young adults entering the workforce or culturally diverse.
▪ Michigan youth feel most strongly it is high-tech, while CA/TX youth indicate most strongly the field is culturally diverse.
Is an attractive career field for young adults entering the workforce
Adult influencers feel more positively about the industry than youth.
▪ 7 out of 10 agree it is an attractive career field for young adults entering the workforce and culturally diverse.
▪ 8 out of 10 agree it is high-tech, produces some of the most advanced consumer products in the world, provides global opportunities for work.
▪ 3 out of 4 agree it is growing in career and advancement opportunities.
▪ TN/GA adult influencers are less enthusiastic in agreement about the career field being attractive for young adults.
Is an attractive career field for young adults entering the workforce
Is high tech Produces some of the most advanced consumer products in the world
Provides global opportunities for work
Is culturally diverse Is growing in career and advancement opportunities
Adult Influencers % Agree: The Automotive / Mobility industry…
Is high tech Produces some of the most advanced consumer products in the world
Provides global opportunities for work
Is culturally diverse Is growing in career and advancement opportunities