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Executive Summary
Youth & Adult Influencer Differences
▪ Adult influencers perceive the Automotive / Mobility industry as primarily Manufacturing driven, followed by Engineering, while youth perceive these more equally when associating the field with a career in the industry.
▪ However, among adult influencers, Computers / Systems / Information Technology ties for 2nd place (61%) in fields of study leading to a career in the industry, indicating adult influencers see more of this aspect as part of the industry than youth do (40%).
▪ Adult influencers in Michigan and OH / IN indicate Computers / Systems / IT most often compared to other states as fields leading to an Automotive / Mobility career.
▪ Adult influencers say Computers / Information Technology is the top career field of youth interest by a wide margin (34%), but youth select it roughly 3x less often (13%).
Adult influencers perceive Computers / Systems / IT as more connected to a career in the industry than youth.
Career opportunities in high demand fields weigh more heavily on adult influencers in recommending a move.
Adult influencers favor Facebook and LinkedIn for career information; youth favor Instagram and TikTok.
▪ For youth, housing costs (40%) are in second place when considering a move, while for adult influencers, it is career opportunities in high demand fields (45%), followed closely by housing costs (38%).
▪ New auto state (TN/GA) adult influencers consider crime rates (46%) more often than influencers in any other state (23%+) when recommending a move.