1 minute read

Career Input

AdultInfluencerEngagementwith Youth12-14

Older adult influencers are less likely to initiate career discussions than younger adult influencers.

▪ Those under 45 are most likely to "frequently" initiate discussions and falls among those 45-64

▪ Adult influencers 65+ are more likely to initiate “sometimes”

Almost half of adult influencers 65+ report that youth 12-14 "rarely/never" ask their opinion about future career choices, whereas younger adult influencers are asked more often.

▪ Nearly half of those under 45 reported being asked "frequently"

▪ About a third of those 45-64 reported being asked "sometimes" or "frequently" Adult influencers who identify as racial minorities have these conversations with youth more often than those identifying white.

▪ Nearly 3 out of 4 minority adults frequently initiate (compared to 43% of white adults) and more than half of youth ask minority adults (compared to 32% of white) for input on their career choices.

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