GWC Assessment Package

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How your city will secure:

1. The terminal objective of physical, social, environmental and economic health. 2. The critical enabling objectives of clean water, lowest carbon footprints for buildings, infrastructure, private and public transport and therefore clean air. 3. Overall success in the national interest test.

Please contact Green World City Organisation for an Assessment and a look into solutions for your existing or proposed new city!

“We believe cities should have air that is clean, water that is pristine, power that comes from renewable sources and transport that do not pollute. A city’s human talent should be effectively utilised to provide viable long-term solutions, to build an economy that is sustainable and vibrant. We shall work tirelessly to make these realisations eventuate in the least possible time”



GWC Expertise Categories:


Access to Green World City Consortium’s network of global experts and range of services.


GWC experts can show how your city can adopt COST-EFFECTIVE Green technologies.

3. SEZ Studies, Employment Diagnostics SEZ in full


Green World City Interface Framework (Chart 1)

2. Assessment Diagnostics (Table 1)

4. Retail & Commercial Area »»

GWC experts can show how to ADD VALUE to your city while minimising risk.


Opportunity for your city to clearly identify the problems and selecting the best options in implementing green solutions.




5. Renewable Energy 6. Green Building Technologies including Green Stat and ceritications 7. Eco-Friendly Transport

5Your city’s sustainable initiatives can be reported in our press releases to over 30,000 media outlets worldwide (print, broadcast and online media).

8. Urban Planning/ Masterplanning / Sustainable Design

Add a tremendous competitive edge in attracting more green investments.

10. Waste water treatment

Sustained economic growth and increased productivity, lower carbon emissions and lower local pollution, greater social amenity and improved quality of life.

9. Structural & Civil Engineering/ Infrastructure

11. Organizational & Operational Efficiency/ Project Development and Management 12. Project Finance 13. Media 14. Sustainable Design 15. MEP Engineering 16. Recycling


OVERVIEW of GWC CAPABILITIES: GWC is capable of scoping the critical functional problems for existing cities to enable sustainable renewals and the optimum configuration for proposed new cities. GWC aims to secure: a sustained economic growth and increased productivity, lower carbon emissions and lower local pollution, greater social amenity and improved quality of life.

The indicative scoping is designed to: 1. Interface with the National / Regional Government to receive and analyse their objectives apply the capabilities and responsibilities to secure the agreed service delivery outcomes as indicated at Chart 1. 2. Source the Global GWC consortium network for the relevant specialists and range of services. 3. Conduct of the Assessment Diagnostics as indicated at Table 1 4. Adopt the 7 appreciation framework steps from goal definition to solution prioritisation as indicated at Table 2

GWC ASSESSMENT DIAGNOSTICS™: Listed as Table 1 Applied within the framework to assess the most suitable and cost-effective way of bringing in all the components in creating a green city. These include (but not limited to): »»




GWC Location Analysis™ - Assesses the suitability of implementing the given objectives in the selected location. GWC Site Priority Analysis™ - Assesses and identifies the list of critical tasks and the most satisfactory mix of solutions. GWC Employment Diagnostics™ - Assesses the most suitable and cost-effective way of bringing in investments and jobs into the zone. GWC Renewable Energy Diagnostics™ - Assesses the most suitable and cost-effective way of providing power with a high component of Renewable Energy.


GWC Green Building Technology Diagnostics™ - Assesses the most suitable and cost-effective way of bringing in Green Building Technologies.


GWC Eco-Transport Diagnostics™ - Assesses the most suitable and cost-effective way of establishing an Eco-Friendly Transport Infrastructure.




GWC BLUEPRINT™ Establish the Vision, Sustainability Blueprint that is most suitable to our client’s aim and local conditions. Assesses multiple avenues to add value to the city, including:

Attracting investments and creating employment Assesses effective policies, practices and structures to attract both foreign and domestic investment thus creating more employment in the region to establish a viable long-term sustainable city.

Creating a vibrant retail and commercial area Assesses avenues to maximise the vibrancy and vitally of designated retail and commercial areas.

Implementing the best green technologies We aim to implement the best green technologies the world has to offer and working out how to make it most economically feasible.

GWC Recycling Diagnostics™ - Assesses the most suitable and cost-effective way of establishing an efficient and effective Recycling structure.

Sustainable Community Practices

GWC Sustainable Community Practices Diagnostics™ - Assesses the most suitable and cost-effective way of establishing sustainable community practices.

Sustainable Community Practices because we

GWC Project Financing Diagnostics™ - Assesses the most suitable and cost-effective way of bringing in financing for the zone.

We also set out viable implementation of various understand buildings and infrastructure is only part of the solution.



GWC Model of Operation 1

Objectives: »»

Requirement to provide large scale modern urbanisation to accommodate existing and growing populations.


The need for expanded national production, investment and employment opportunities.


The desire to improve environmental sustainability of all future regional growth initiatives.

Capabilities and Responsibilities:



The primary interface role between National / Provincial Governments for the investigations, evaluations, recommendations of all related projects in support of both development and integrated sustainability measures.


Undertake all manner of coordination needs for both planning and delivery of the stated objectives on behalf of National / Provincial Governments.


Shepherd the initial macro masterplanning to reflect city layouts and connected infrastructure in all measures, for Government approval.


Act as the informed buyer of services and construction contracts to ensure value for money delivery on behalf of Governments.


Undertake commercially proven tender processes including specifications, tenderer selection and contractual engagements on behalf of Governments.*



The provision of contracted services to agreed standards in terms of time, cost and quality.


Range of services include but not limited to: --

urban development for housing, employment and recreation.


enabling infrastructure for water, gas, sewerage, electricity, roads and rail.


environmental protection precincts for vegetation corridors including carbon sinks.


application of a framework to attract investment and increase employment to create an economically viable sustainable city.

TABLE 1. Stage

1. Goal definition

2. Problem identification

3. Problem assessment

4. Problem analysis

5. Option generation

6. Solution assessment

7. Solution prioritisation


Components Required


Definition of the fundamental economic, environmental and social goals the national society seeks to achieve, for example: sustained economic growth and increased productivity, lower carbon emissions and lower local pollution, greater social amenity and improved quality of life.

»» Formalised, comprehensive, and agreed goals/targets. »» Quantified, objective and specific goals/targets.

A performance benchmark is needed against which the adequacy of urbanization and supporting infrastructure can be assessed.

Objective, specific, evidence-based, and data rich identification of the consequences in not proceeding with expanded urbanization and that may hinder the achievement of those economic, environmental and social goals. Objective and quantified appraisal of the economic, environmental and social costs of those deficiencies, so that the most damaging deficiencies can be identified and prioritised. Objective policy and economic analysis of why deficiencies prevail – i.e. what is the underlying cause (depending on the sector, reasons could include market failure, government failure, capital restrictions, lack of national capacity etc.). This should include an assessment land use patterns, environmental constraints, uncoordinated infrastructure provisioning etc.

Development of a full range of interventions that might address the issue - e.g. pricing, funding, regulatory, better use, packages/systems, capacity increases, informed by the Problem Analysis completed at Stage 4. Use of cost-benefit analysis (CBA) to assess those options/solutions. The appraisal should incorporate the full range of economic, environmental and social impacts (including agglomeration and trade impacts, carbon impacts, noise, and social amenity) so that the impact on all society’s goals is measured and understood as far as is possible. Identification of policy and project priorities from the list of solutions, on an objective basis. The objective basis should give primacy to the Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR) of policies, but could include broader considerations set out in a transparent framework - such as national will, priority assessment, deliverability, risk, and affordability.

»» A list of specific problems clearly identified, including geographical locations and associated linkages. »» Those problems accurately quantified and defined, including an assessment of future trends. »» Accurate and objective assessment of the econ/envt/ soc impacts of those problems. »» Priorities identified which reflect the scale of impacts.

Specificity re inadequacies is essential in order to take targeted and therefore more effective action.

Understanding the costs/ impact of deficiencies allows the worst problems to be identified and prioritised.

»» For each deficiency, analysis of why those problems have developed. »» Covers both immediate and underlying causes (e.g. not just ‘lack of investment’, but causes of underinvestment, e.g. regulatory environment).

Understanding the causes allows effective and targeted solutions to be created. Lack of urbanization delivery not the only cause of problems.

»» A full range of option types have been identified for each deficiency/problem. »» Those options have been objectively assessed, without some options having been ruled out early or favoured.

Looking at a range of options rather than relying on early judgements is more likely to identify the best solutions.

»» Accurate and justifiable CostBenefit Analysis applied to appraise options. »» CBA is comprehensive and includes wider economic, environmental and social impacts.

»» Priority List clearly identified. »» Priorities reflect primacy of BCR analysis alongside objective framework »» Relationship to Provinciallyfunded policies / projects clear – i.e. prioritisation reflects all ideas, not just the unfunded.

An understanding of the impact of solutions on all goals is essential to understand how the Deliverer portfolio will achieve those goals.

BCRs provide the best available objective evidence as to how well solutions will impact on goals – but not the whole story.

Green World City commits to a Needs Analysis that calls for an ‘appreciation of the situation’ – not ‘situating the appreciation’.


We add TREMENDOUS value (and minimises risk) to the project.

Benefits to Our World: Addresses the issues of Climate Change and Rapid Global Urbanisation. Accelerates the development of countries and adaptation of Clean Energy and Green Building Technologies. Answers the insatiable demand of increasing global consumption in a Cost Effective and environmentally sustainable way.

Benefits to International Governments: GWC help their country’s companies penetrate the market. GWC International zones concept promotes Global cooperation. GWC Friendship Monument concept promotes peace and friendship between countries.

Benefits to National Governments: GWC attracts Global industries and Green companies plus promote employment, education and R & D. Environment is better protected and consumption of resources is much less than standard development procedures. National Image will be boosted by Positive Media Publicity and prestige will follow. GWC will make their city a World-Class place to live, work and play. Create Landmark buildings & implement Green technologies that will make their city stand out on the world map.

Please contact us to do an initial assessment for your city: GREEN WORLD CITY ORGANISATION LEVEL 3, 507 KENT STREET, SYDNEY, NSW 2000 AUSTRALIA PHONE: +612 8088 0771

The cost of not doing GWC Assessment: 1. Will not have the best technology and solutions for the development.

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2. Will not accelerate innovation. 3. Environmental, Political and Societal issues will fester and compound itself. 4. Population health will suffer. 5. Many avenues for economic growth will be constrained. 6. No or limited opportunity for international market. 7. Not in the National interest.


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