Affiliation Marketing, LLC (short version)

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Creating new advertising results with Affiliation Marketing

Benefits of Affiliation Marketing


Create new customers that prefer your business to local and online competitors


Give existing customers another reason to use your products and services


Forge lasting emotional bonds with customers


Maximize advertising dollar effect by targeting and reaching only the most desirable customers

Product Features 1

Full-color mailer sent to customers by US Mail


Advertisers and customers share a meaningful “Affiliation�


5,000 local households receive each mailer


Limited to 10 advertisers per mailer - your unique message gets heard


Multi-advertiser format increases readership and retention

55 year old male. 23 year old female. Doesn’t watch the news.

Listens to classical music at work.

Doesn’t read the newspaper.

Passionate about community service.

45 year old male.

Loves country music and the town that she moved to after college.

Would love to know that your business philosophy involved supporting the community.

Takes off of work for deer season every year.

Would love your locallyowned restaurant if she knew about it.

29 year old male. Never listens to a radio station through commercial breaks. Extremely proud of his country and of his service to it. Would love your veteranowned company if he knew about it.

Married with two children.

Listens to talk radio. 18 year old female. Listens to a popular music station.

Would love your company if he knew you were a fellow sportsman. t

Doesn’t need your service.

Focus on communicating with ideal target customers

53 year old female. Very concerned about the environment.

40 year old male.

60 year old female.

Listens to all the popular radio stations.

Has grown children in your town and new grandchildren on the way.

Doesn't need your service.

Reads the front cover of the paper and the garage sale ads in the Friday edition.

40 year old female.

Gets her news online and listens to public radio.

Listens to Christian rock occasionally.

Would love your environmentally-conscious lawn care company if she knew about it.

Reads the newspaper every day.

Strong supporter of community programs. Would love your Christian-owned company if she knew about it.

Doesn’t listen to the radio. Would love your female-owned company if she knew about it. 25 year old male. Listens to Alternative Rock. Doesn’t need your service.

The Affiliation Proximity Matrix™

Simplified mailing list selection demonstration on our "Veteran" mailer

Complements existing advertising


If you advertise heavily in other media, customers will have an additional reason to like you, an incentive to stop by and a call to action to visit your store


If you advertise occasionally, our mailers may prove to be your most effective medium


If you advertise infrequently or not at all, you will find that our products answer many common objections to other forms of advertising


The Affiliation Proximity Matrix™ selects the best customers for your target Affiliation.

Our Direct

Customer has a printed offer and a reason to use your service

Mail Works

Reaches customers with a variety of tastes in music, television and news media

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