Devon Preparatory School
Devon Preparatory School
“ For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” -
John 3:16
Dear Donors, Alumni, and Friends of Devon Prep,
Success comes in many forms, and we are blessed to be surrounded by it at Devon Prep.
Success comes in the form of the colleges and universities our Class of 2024 graduates are attending this fall, including University of Notre Dame, Harvard, and Duke, as well as the $13 million in scholarship offers our graduating class collected. Success comes in the form of a wonderful new prayer garden in the front yard of Calasanctius Hall. Success comes in the form of the state basketball championship our team won this past March, our second in three years.
And we are grateful for all of it.
But we cannot rest on what we did last year. To rest is to go backwards. So we offer more than 150 classes, 15 sports, countless clubs and activities, and we provide the best education and experience to our students as possible.
We focus on academics, of course, but we are more than just academics. We must nurture the values of faith, integrity, and leadership in our students. For example, our Mission & Ministry group is partnering with Drexel Neumann Academy to assist them and their students in Chester, PA, and putting our faith in action. We are preparing our students to be young men of character and will continue to do so.
What will the future bring? Well, our Annual Fund is responsible for so much of the progress we have been able to make over the years - in what we offer our students inside and outside the classroom - and we cannot do what we do without your help. So we ask for your continued support.
I am pleased to announce that Andrew Pack ‘90 has returned to his alma mater to serve as Director of Institutional Advancement. Andrew’s professional history, combined with his love for Devon Prep, made him an obvious choice to step into the role and help the school continue to grow. We are lucky to have him!
Your gift to Devon Prep should reflect something you feel strongly about. That might mean donating to the scholarship and financial aid funds to help a deserving student have the chance to attend. Or it might mean helping to expand our Arts programs, or funding an activity or club that has special meaning to you.
Remember that a Devon Prep education has the power to change the trajectory of a student’s life. Your gifts help make the experience possible. In return, we will be stewards of your gifts, and will keep working to show how great Devon Prep can be when we all work together.
God Bless,
Fr. Nelson Henao, Sch.P. President
The graph illustrates donations collected for the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year. It breaks out our Annual Fund money that’s restricted to a specific purpose vs. unrestricted. It doesn’t include uncollected pledges that were made to the fund that are paid over multiple years.
*Devon Prep's Fiscal Year runs from July 1 to June 30th.
Total Funds Collected and Percent Breakdown
A Alumnus
AP Alumni Parents
F Friends or Family
FS Faculty or Staff
FSR Faculty or Staff Retired
Present Parents
Trustee + Deceased
Devon Prep Loyalty Club We recognize in bold font below those who have made gifts to the Devon Prep Annual Fund for 10 or more consecutive years. We are very grateful for their continued support, which has provided a lasting impact for Devon Prep students.
Founder ($10,000 and more)
Anonymous (5)
Battelle Matching Gift Program F
Vanguard Charitable F
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund F
Termac Corporation LLC F
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bonner AP
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Brassington AP
SIG Susquehanna Group LLP
Answering Service for Directors
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Czachor, Jr. AP
Mr. Martin L. Devine ‘74 A
Calasanctius ($5,000 to $9,999)
Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund
Pennsylvania EITC/OSTC Scholarship #2, LLC F
Cencora F
Management Equity Investors, LP F
Angell Family P
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Chapman P
Mr. and Mrs. J. Joseph Donahue ‘66 A, AP, GP, FSR
Harry and Cristy DiDonato ‘83 A,AP
Genuardi Family Foundation F
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Genuardi AP,GP
Mr. Patrick W. Goalwin ‘75 A
Mrs. Jane F. Guzikowski AP
Business Leadership Organized for Catholic Schools F
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O. Heasley ‘94 A,P,T
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Jacobs GP
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Listwak AP Carrlu Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Lubker P
Mrs. James A. Lyons AP
J.P. Mascaro & Sons
Foundation for Catholic Education Chester County
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Murphy, Jr. ‘72 A
Dr. Hoan-Vu T. Nguyen ‘92 A
Mrs. Gilda Pearce
Ace Technology Group, LLC F
Mr. and Mrs. William Shank P
Mr. Frank A. Silverio ‘72 A Henkels Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Walton AP,P
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gabriele P
Mr. William J. Glynn ‘72 A
Mr. Thomas A. Ingelsby ‘06 A
Drs. David Manion and Bao-Dan Nguyen P
Mr. and Mrs. Francis T. McGuigan ‘87 A
Richard D. Petras ‘80 A
Mrs. Jean E.H. Preston GP
Mr. and Mrs. David Savage P
Mr. Michael G. Sherlock ‘83 A
Mr. John J. Swanick ‘78 A
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Torchiana AP
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watters AP
Schwab Charitable Fund
Headmaster ($2,500 to $4,999)
Boeing Gift Matching Program F
Payer Matrix, LLC F
Mr. J. William Cotter, Jr. ‘61 A
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Creato, Sr. AP
Leadership ($1,000 to $2,499)
Anonymous (9)
The Ayco Charitable Foundation F IQVIA F
Marsh & McLennan Companies F
Mrs. Joseph P. Atkins AP
Mr. Timothy C. Atkins ‘87 A, AP
Mr. and Mrs. Frankie Basile P
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Battafarano ‘80 A
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett P
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Boyle ‘83 A, AP
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Brennen, Jr. ‘72 A
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Butler III ‘83 A
Mr. Patrick J. Byrnes ‘70 A
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Cheng ‘83 A
Mr. and Mrs. Baibureh Cline-Thomas P Comcast
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Corsi AP
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Craig F
Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Crowe ‘81 A, AP
Mr. and Mrs. James Curran ‘87 A, P
United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley F
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Donahue ‘02 A
Mr. Bernard J. Donohue ‘71 A
Blue and Gold ($500 to $999)
Anonymous (4)
Bank of America F
United Way of Greater Philadelphia & Southern NJ
America’s Charities F
Freddie Mac F
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Albani ‘82 A
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Anderson AP
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baylor GP
Beatty Harris Sports Medicine
Mr. Matthew J. Bevilacqua ‘16 A
Mr. Robert S. Boova F
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bruno P
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bushra P
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew O. Buzbee P
Ms. Sara Byrne P
Mr. and Mrs. James Doyle P
Mr. Matthew J. Epps ‘03 A,T
Mr. and Mrs. George Grandison GP
Mr. Joseph P. Leopold ‘99 A
Mr. Richard Pergolis P
Mr. Peter T. Shalvoy ‘67 A
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Drauschak AP
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Duffy AP
Mr. Andrew M. Egan ‘96 A
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Ercole AP
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Falcone, Jr. ‘64 A
Mr. Francis X. Farmar ‘74 A
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Fuessinger ‘83 A
Mr. Alexander Gochtovtt and Dr. Melissa Delaney P
Mr. William W. Heil, Jr. ‘75 A
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan W. Heil ‘87 A, AP
Bachman’s Roofing, Building & Remodeling, Inc. F
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Kane P
Dr. Jack E. Kazanjian ‘89 A
Mr. John Kelly and Ms. Shelley Preston P
Enviro Products Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James Marquet P
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. McCann AP
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McGuinn P
James and Pamela McHugh P
St. Thomas Moore Alumni Association, Inc. F
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mongiello AP, P
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morrone AP
Drs. Richard and Teresa O’Flynn AP
Mr. Brian M. Olinger ‘95 A
Mr. Michael A. Olivares ‘73 A
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Calzaretta P
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carroll P
Mrs. Frank L. Casey AP
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Chomko P
Mr. and Mrs. George Cipolloni P
Mr. and Mrs. John Coleman AP
Mr. James G. Dale ‘71 A
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Daniel P
Dr. James H. Degnan, Jr. ‘65 A
Ms. Joanne C. Devine F
Mr. and Mrs. David DiBona P
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Dugan P
Mr. and Mrs. W. Alan Epps AP
Dr. Stephen J. Falchek ‘84 A
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ferrise P
Mr. Dan Finley ‘83 A
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Weir P, AP
Mr. Timothy R. Wilkin ‘99 A
Mr. Xiong and Mrs. Wang P
Captain Charles P. O’Neill ‘60 A
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Ottaviano
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Palermo P
Mr. and Mrs. David Phelan AP
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Robert, Jr. ‘99 A
Mark and Glenna Rohlfing P
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Rush AP
Mr. Francis S. Ryan ‘71 A
Mr. Marcus E. Sack ‘69 A
Mr. Charles E. Shalvoy, Jr. ‘65 A
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shannon ‘78 A
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Snook AP
Mr. Michael F. Swanick ‘77 A
Mr. Philip Trainer, Jr. ‘78 A
Mr. Paul C. Troy ‘83 A
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Uhlman ‘83 A, AP
Mr. Peter F. Vieira, Jr. ‘85 A
Mr. Gregory J. Viola ‘71 A
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Wheeler P
Mr. Charles E. Williams P
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Winsey P
UGI Storage Company F
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Forester P
Mr. Timothy A. Fox ‘07 A
Mr. Joseph A. Gaeto ‘65 A
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gentile
Elite Fire Protection
The Gillece Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James Gillece AP
Ms. Margaret E. Gillis F
Captain Christopher N. Hamilton, Ret. ‘83 A
Professor Louis I. Hamilton ‘87 A
Mr. Julius G. Hernadi ‘61 A
Mr. Theodore V. Hooven, IV ‘05 A
Mr. Andrew A. Hu ‘90 A
Dr. Charles G. Jacoby ‘61 A
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kaune ‘88 A, P
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kearns P
Mr. John P. Kelly ‘67 A
Mr. and Mrs. David Krug P
Mr. Jeffrey M. Krull ‘94 A
Mr. and Mrs. George Lopez P
Mr. and Mrs. John Magee ‘75 A
Mr. Allison J. Maggiolo ‘61 A
Professor James E. Maule ‘69 A
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. McDevitt, Jr. ‘64 A
Mr. and Mrs. James C. McGill AP
Merck Partnership for Giving MG
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Monteleone AP, P
Benefactor ($250 to $499)
Anonymous (2)
The Desmond Hotel
The Hartford Textron
The Great American Pub
Marotta Main Architects
Humana Matching Gift Company
Mr. Raphael P. Aguirre ‘94 A
Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Altiere AP
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Baraldi GP
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Barry AP, P
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Beck, Jr. AP
Mr. Richard Blair ‘76 A
Mr. Michael T. Borkowski ‘73 A
Mr. and Mrs. Brautigan F
Mr. Bernard J. Breslin ‘76 A
Mr. Matthew S. Bush ‘02 A
Mr. Alexander S. Buzogany, Jr. ‘72 A
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Calzaretta GP
Mr. John A. Campopiano, Jr. ‘82 A
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cane P
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Conlon, IV P
Joseph P. Coyle, M.D. ‘70 A
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Curley AP
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D’Alessandro P
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Delphais, Jr. AP
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel DiLella P
Mr. Domenic L. DiMartino ‘82 A
Mr. Daniel V. Donohue ‘66 A
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Donohue ‘68 A, AP
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Dsouza P
Mr. J. Christopher Erb ‘83 A
Mr. and Mrs. Lino Fabris P
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Fabrizio FS
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Fairlamb P
Dr. James G. Farmar ‘75 A
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Morrissey AP
Mr. Michael J. Morrissey ‘03 A
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Napoletano P
Mrs. Carol C. Okonski AP
Mrs. Jodi Pergolis P
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Perullo AP, P, FS
Mr. John L. Pfaff III ‘67 A
Mr. and Mrs. John Planchak P
Mr. Justin M. Polselli ‘04 A
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Rockich P
Ms. Marianne S. Rossi AP
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fatica P
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Fisher P, FS
The Fox Family ‘05 A Gavin Family
Mr. Michael J. Gola, Jr. ‘05 A Chick-fil-A Main Line
Dr. Tibor J. Ham, Jr. ‘64 A
Mr. David M. and Mrs. Jenifer Hardie AP, FS
Mr. Gregory E. Harmer ‘73 A
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Haughey AP
Mr. John B. Henkels, IV ‘69 A
Mr. Matthew J. Hill ‘00 A
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hughes AP
Mr. John E. Jones ‘76 A
Mr. Stefan A. Jonsson ‘21 A
Mr. Tyler J. Klicka ‘15 A, FS
Ms. Renee Knox F
Mr. Julius F. Lang, Jr. ‘73 A Main Line Junk
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Loftus ‘78 A, AP
William & Mary Long AP
Mr. John F. Lyons ‘69 A
Mr. W. Kelley Macke ‘65 A
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Maertzig, Sr. AP
Mr. Mark S. Malseed ‘93 A
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Massimini FS
Mr. Barry R. McKeon ‘64 A
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Melcher AP
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Messina ‘72 A
Mr. Daniel P. Mulhern ‘02 A
Mr. and Mrs. T. Patrick O’Reilly, Jr. ‘90 A
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Orsato, Jr. ‘72 A
Mr. and Mrs. James Owens AP
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pancerella AP
Dr. Wai Wor Phoon AP
Dr. Francis M. Prendergast ‘83 A
Dr. Joseph Quintiliani, Jr. ‘05 A
Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. Scherer ‘75 A
Mr. James A. Shalvoy ‘69 A
Mr. Michael P. Troy ‘85 A
Ms. Joanne VanHoorebeke F
Dr. John R. Waldron, Jr. ‘69 A
Mr. Griffith A. Roberts ‘10 A
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rodelli AP
Mr. Kevin M. Ruse ‘93 A
Mr. Thomas F. Santini ‘66 A
Mr. Horace E. Scherer ‘66 A
Dr. Lydia G. Slavish, MD AP
Mr. Richard S. Sposato ‘83 A
K.R. MacDonald Incorporated
Mr. Alexander E. Stark ‘89 A
Mr. Christian A. Staub ‘09 A
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Wilson AP
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zebrowski
Patron ($100 to $249)
Anonymous (4)
Bravissimo Pizza & Pasta
Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Adamiak AP
Dr. Frank H. Anderson ‘62 A
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bachman P
Ives Equipment, Inc.
Drs. R. Michael and Katherine Belden AP
Mr. George K. Beothy ‘68 A, AP
Mrs. Nicole S. Botta FS
Ms. Trudy Brockington P
Mr. Matthew P. Butera ‘08 A
Mr. and Mrs. John Buttil P
Dr. Dennis M. Byrne ‘68 A
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Chopko GP
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Clancy AP
Mr. Jonathan A. Collins ‘01 A
Dr. Philip J. Connor, Sr. ‘61 A, AP
Mr. Mark Consolo FS
Mrs. James T. Cooney ‘61 A
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Cosden AP
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Cristinzio AP
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cuff ‘94 A, P
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Cunningham AP
Mr. Edward F. Curran ‘88 A
Mr. Michael P. Danko, Jr. ‘96 A
Mr. Paul J. Derham ‘64 A
Mr. and Mrs. Karl N. DiPietro AP
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Doherty AP
Mr. and Mrs. A. Donatoni AP
Mr. Terrence J. Donohue, Jr. ‘87 A
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Donovan P
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Dubow P
Mr. John L. Dwight ‘62 A Keystone Steel Structures, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Egan AP
Mr. Daniel F. Evan ‘88 A
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fasullo AP
Mr. John W. Felleisen ‘77 A
Mrs. Katherine T. Frank FS
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Freind AP, P
Mr. Brendan P. Fulmer ‘10 A
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Gaeto AP
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gallen, Jr. AP
Mr. Gunter G. Geiger ‘06 A EIR Healthcare
Mr. Michael A. Giampietro ‘13 A
Mr. Timothy J. Gola ‘07 A
Mr. and Mrs. David Greco, Sr. ‘85 A, P
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Greene AP
Mr. Eugene J. Ham ‘67 A
Mr. and Mrs. John Hannah P
Mr. Daniel C. Harrer, III ‘23 A
Mr. Christopher P. Haughey ‘89 A
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heavey ‘04 A
Jack and Susan Hennessy F
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Himes P
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Husar ‘74 A, AP
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Ingelsby F
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ingelsby AP
Mr. Christopher Irving FS
Dr. John J. Joe F
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jump GP
Mrs. Maureen K. Jumper GP
Dr. Daniel M. Kane ‘64 A
Mr. Daniel E. Kelly ‘08 A
Mrs. Olivia Ketler FS
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Killoran AP
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Kleiner P
Mr. John P. Kramer, Jr. ‘70 A
Mr. Geoffrey Kramer ‘66 A, AP
Mr. Walter E. Kunda ‘69 A
Mr. Spencer T. Latran ‘12 A
Mr. Grant G. Latran ‘14 A
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Lefchak AP
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lignowski AP
Mr. and Mrs. Wynn J. Lindley ‘88 A, AP
Mr. John M. Logue ‘70 A
Mr. Carl B. Luchetti ‘10 A
Mr. Joseph H. Maertzig ‘92 A
Mr. John F. Maguire, III ‘64 A
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Maloney AP
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marvin P, FS
Mr. James G. Mastrangelo FS
Kathleen McByrne F
Mrs. Dede McKnight
Dr. William R. Miller AP
Mr. David A. Miller ‘06 A
Dr. George D. Moutsatsos ‘84 A
Mr. Carl T. Necker, Jr. ‘83 A
Mr. Robert J. Newman, III ‘83 A
Dr. Robert B. Noone, Jr. ‘85 A
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Notaro P
Mr. L. Kevin O’Connor ‘65 A
Rev. Gerard J. Olinger, CSC, Esq. ‘97 A
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O’Nell P
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Lee Orchard AP, P
Mr. Michael B. O’Sullivan ‘96 A
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pascale P
Mr. Robert Peppelman F
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Petticord P
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Pfeiffer P
Dr. Colin K. L. Phoon ‘81 A
LOR-MAR Mechanical Services LLC
Brett Senior & Associates, P.C.
Mr. Joseph R. Prentice ‘82 A
Mr. Joseph A. Radomile ‘83 A
Mr. Robert J. Reish, Jr. ‘05 A
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rieben AP
Mrs. Christina T. Robbins AP
Mr. Robert E. Rose, Jr. ‘68 A
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rufo AP
Dr. Frank J. Sammartino, Jr. ‘70 A
Dr. Joseph B. Sanborn, Jr. ‘69 A
Mr. Paul J. Sanborn ‘64 A, FS Leace Kapres, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schramm AP, FSR
Mr. Robert R. Schwartz ‘76 A
Mr. and Mrs. James Shaak P
Mr. and Mrs. Ashesh K. Shah P
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Shank ‘72 A
Mr. Ryan J. Shanley ‘05 A
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith P
Mr. Mark A. Szilagyi ‘00 A
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Thiel P
Mr. Gregory B. Turnbull, Jr. ‘76 A
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Vanderslice P
Mr. Michael J. Vogel Jr. ‘71 A
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Volpe AP
Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh F
Mr. and Mrs. Terence H. Walsh AP
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Walsh AP
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen White P
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Wilkin AP
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wood P
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Woodward
Mrs. Richard B. Yoder AP
Contributor (up to $99)
Springfield Beverage
United Way of Midland County
Pfizer Matching Gift Foundation
Mr. Michael Ade F
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Anderson P
Mr. and Mrs. Yanni Angelakos P
Mr. Mark A. Aquilante ‘94 A, P, FS
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Arnold P
Ms. Anna Avampato FS
Mrs. Phyllis Bachman GP
Mrs. Faye M. Bakovsky FS
Mrs. Mariangela Basile GP
Dr. and Mrs. Jerrold Bates P
Mr. Rudy Bonfini ‘85 A
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brannan P
Mr. Sherm Bristow GP
Mr. Frank Burrell F
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Capella, Sr. AP
Mr. Alfonso Caprara, Esq. ‘73 A
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Carroccio P
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Celentano P
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Charpentier P
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Collins ‘02 A, P
Mr. Sean J. Cosden ‘93 A
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Crossan P
Mrs. Isabella D’Alessandro GP
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas DeMaio GP
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Dokas ‘08 A, T
Mr. Gregory D. Dolan ‘79 A
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dowling P
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Emhof AP
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Eshleman AP, FS
Mr. David J. Evans III ‘08 A
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Ferraro P
Mr. and Mrs. David Freese
Meredith Freind F
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gale P
Mr. Kevin B. Gallen ‘96 A
Mr. James M. Gamrat ‘09 A
Mr. Dylan P. Gavin FS
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Golden
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gunn AP
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Guterl, Sr. AP
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guthrie AP
Mr. William F. Haase ‘65 A
Mrs. Anne Heasley AP
Mr. Daniel T. Heavey ‘05 A
Mr. and Mrs. Hennessy GP
Mr. John and Dr. Maureen Hewitt P
John & Christine Hill AP
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hirst GP
Mr. and Mrs. James Hoffman P
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Holloway AP
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Hostetter P
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Huey P
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hughes P
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Kashuba P
Mrs. Georgette Kazanjian AP
Ms. Diana G. Kenneson AP, P
Mrs. Melanie R.Kingett FS
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kitson P
Mr. Ryan J. Klauder ‘18 A
Mr. Ronald C. Lafferty, Jr. ‘86 A
Brian T. Lefchak MPH, MD ‘09 A
Katie Leubecker F
Dr. and Mrs. John Lewis, Jr. P
Mr. Robert M. Lignowski ‘18 A
Ms. Patricia Lynch GP
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Martin P
Mr. James P. McClatchy ‘82 A
Mr. Kevin A. McKenna ‘06 A
Ms. Tracey McVeigh P
Mr. Christopher W. Moran ‘76 A
Mr. Matthew W. Nawn ‘95 A
Ms. Kelly O’Brien AP
Mr. George R. O’Connell ‘60 A
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’leary P
Mr. Sean M. O’Reilly ‘93 A
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. Ottaviano AP
Mr. Donald Paras F
Dr. and Mrs. Vincent C. Pepe ‘77 A, AP
Mr. Joseph A. Powers ‘92 A
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Raymond P
Mr. John C. Rebstock ‘01 A
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rick P
Mr. Brian M. Rieben ‘00 A
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Romeo P
The Rullo Family AP, P
Mr. Christopher K. Salmon ‘02 A
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Samms AP, P
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Seal
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Seiders, Jr. P
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Shamlian AP, P
Mr. Stephen F. Shank ‘76 A
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shapren P
Mr. and Mrs. Gian C. Singla AP
Mr. Andrew P. Smith ‘22 A
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Spak P
Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Spatola AP
Mr. and Mrs. John Auckett-Stowe P
Ms. Christine Tascone AP
Mr. Alexander Teplyakov ‘12 A
Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Theissen P
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Thiele AP, P
Mr. and Mrs. John Triebenbacher P
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Valenti AP
Jennifer Villani
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Walker AP
Mr. Eamonn J. Walsh ‘21 A
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph White AP
Mr. and Mrs. David Yusko P
Thank you to all our donors that made the 2023-2024 giving year such a great success. Please visit https://www.devonprep.com/annualreport/ to see additional Giving Breakouts.
To Our Donors and Alumni,
The impact Devon has had [on me] was profound. I don’t think I would have been as prepared for the workload that I received in college - let alone while balancing an athletic career - without my experiences at Devon. The education I received at Devon challenged me more than the ones a lot of my [college] classmates had received, and that was something that was very noticeable to me. I was able to be more efficient from the moment I stepped onto campus and I really feel as though Devon helped me get the most out of my college experience.
My favorite part about Devon would have to be the brotherhood aspect of it. Once I went on my shadow day and I spent time with everyone and saw the bond they all had, I realized that Devon was where I wanted to be, I realized that this was an experience that I wouldn’t get anywhere else. The bonds formed at this school are ones that will last a lifetime, and I am forever grateful to the people Devon has brought into my life.
There is nothing I would trade my Devon experience for because it’s one of a kind. It is so much more than an education, and I think we can all attest to that. From taking Religion with Fr. Javier, or History with Mr. Collins, we had the opportunity to learn from some of the most knowledgeable and genuine people that were so much more than teachers.
The feeling of community at Devon, and the experience in general is something that can’t be replicated and I think that every kid, no matter how much money they have, deserves to have the opportunity to benefit from it.
Thank you, Jordyn Walker ‘19 2024-2025
You’re not just donating to a scholarship so that a kid has the ability to get an amazing education, you’re donating so that they have the opportunity to experience Devon fully, and set themselves up to be as successful as possible. In college I achieved a lot, more than I ever thought I could, and I’m not sure that if I went to a different school that I would have been as capable of achieving what I have.
At the end of the day I’m just a kid from Chester. I was given the opportunity to attend Devon because of scholarship and financial aid. With donations to the scholarship and financial aid funds, you’re giving deserving kids a chance at one of the best educations money can buy regardless of their background. You’re also donating to helping that kid unlock their potential, to become their best self, and to help give them the tools to accomplish anything they set their mind to.
5 year member of the track and field team
Earned Undergrad Degree in Nursing and a Masters in Business
Currently holds four indoor and outdoor track school records
Multiple Landmark Conference honor rolls
8 Athlete of the Week selections
6 All South Region Selections
3.2 undergrad GPA and 3.3 graduate school GPA
2024 Harris Cup recipient (Catholic University’s highest athletic honor)
Athletics Program
• Athletics Program
Gifts to our Athletics Program will be used to support our student athletes endeavors on and off the field. Gifts can be directed to General Athletics or any specific program.
Gifts to our Athletics Program can be directed to a specific sport or program, or to the General Athletics Fund. These gifts are used to help maintain our facilities, cover costs that go above and beyond student fees, and ensure our Athletics Program is appropriately funded.
Please mail donations to:
Devon Preparatory School
Development Office - Annual Fund
363 North Valley Forge Road Devon, PA 19333 OR
Make Your Donation Online: Devonprep com/giving
Scholarship Gifts may be directed to the following annually - funded Scholarships:
Scholarship Gifts may be directed to the following annually - funded scholarships:
General Scholarship Fund
• General Scholarship Fund
• Father Stephen Bendick Scholarship Fund
Father Stephen Bendick Scholarship Fund
Funds designated for Endowment will help secure the future growth and stability of Devon Prep.
Scholarship & Financial Aid
Donations are used to grow our endowment, helping to secure Devon Prep’s long-term stability and growth.
Funds directed to Scholarship and Financial Aid allow Devon Prep to carry out its mission by attracting and rewarding high-achieving students. Your donations here help us supply families demonstrating financial need with the necessary funding that helps them to send their son to Devon Prep.
Funds directed to Scholarship and Financial Aid allow Devon Prep to carry out its mission by attracting and rewarding high-achieving students. Your donations here help us supply families demonstrating financial need with the necessary funding that helps them to send their son to Devon Prep.
Scholarships are used to finance only partial tuition awards that are presented to students yearly for their academic achievement. Financial Aid donations help make a Devon Prep experience accessible to students with demonstrated need.
STEAM Programs
Gifts directed to our Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Music programs help us reinvest in and enhance the product offerings we provide our students in these key areas.
Gifts directed to our growing Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Music programs enable Devon Prep to consistently enhance the individual and cross curricular curriculum and resources available to our students.
Gifts directed to our Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Music programs help us reinvest in and enhance the product offerings we provide our students in these key areas.
Gifts directed here give the school the most flexibility to address pressing needs, emergencies, and sudden costs. These gifts are put to use in the area of greatest need.
Gifts directed here give the school the most flexibility to address pressing needs, emergencies, and sudden costs. These gifts are put to use in the area of greatest need.
By allowing your gift to be to be used where the need is greatest you give Devon Prep the flexibility to apply operating funds toward immediate priorities ranging from day to day needs to sudden emergencies, to contributing to expansive educational opportunities. $
Father Ladislaus Magyar Scholarship Fund
• Father Ladislaus Magyar Scholarship Fund
• Martin W. Bowen Scholarship Fund
Martin W. Bowen Scholarship Fund
Martin J. and Gabrielle M. Devine Scholarship Fund
• Martin J. and Gabrielle M. Devine Scholarship Fund
• Kevin Flatley Scholarship
Kevin Flatley Scholarship
• Timothy J. Shannon Memorial Scholarship Fund
Timothy J. Shannon Memorial Scholarship Fund
Endowment Gifts may be directed as follows:
Endowment Gifts may be directed as follows:
• Unrestricted Endowment
Unrestricted Endowment
Kalman Benke Beothy Scholarship
• Kalman Benke Beothy Scholarship
• Class of 1969 Scholarship
Class of 1969 Scholarship
• Class of 2008 Scholarship
Class of 2008 Scholarship
• Dr. James A. Lyons Memorial Scholarship
Dr. James A. Lyons Memorial Scholarship
Michael J. Savini Memorial Scholarship
• Michael J. Savini Memorial Scholarship
363 North Valley Forge Road
Devon, PA 19333
Address Service Requested
DeSales University
Drexel University
Duke University
East Carolina University
Elon University
Fairfield University
Florida State University
Hampden-Sydney College
Harvard University
Haverford College
High Point University
Holy Family University (Honors)
Immaculata University
Indiana University
Iona University
The 59 members of the Class of 2024 have been offered over $13,100,000 in merit scholarships.
Ithaca College
Juniata College
Lehigh University (Computer Science & Business Honors)
Loyola University Maryland
Marist College
Morehouse College
Oregon State University (Honors)
Penn State University (Honors)
Purdue University (John Martinson Honors)
Rutgers University
Shippensburg University
St. Joseph’s University
Thomas Jefferson University
University College Dublin
University of Delaware (Honors)
University of Kansas
University of Notre Dame
University of Oklahoma
University of Pittsburgh (Honors)
University of Richmond
University of Scranton
University of South Carolina (Capstone Honors)
University of Tennessee
Ursinus College
Villanova University
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Wake Forest University
Washington College
William & Mary