Why Devon Prep? 2016

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Education for Life.

On the following pages you will read what students and alumni have to say about Devon Prep ‐ why they like it, and why they think you will also.


363 North Valley Forge Road, Devon PA 19333

610-688-7337 (phone) 610-688-2409 (FAX) www.devonprep.com kmulholland@devonprep.com

“Devon is unique. It isn’t one of those big schools with lots of kids in each homeroom. It’s small and that has many advantages.” Andre Tiglao Class of 2019

NaƟonal Junior Honor Society Middle School Student Council Vice President Middle School Science Olympiad Team ChrisƟan AcƟon Program Devon Prep Jazz Band Stage Crew Middle School Soccer Middle School Basketball Middle School Baseball “Devon’s size is great because the teachers can teach students individually as opposed to teaching big classes and not knowing if students are learning. The students, teachers and staff are great assets to the school. The teachers are always open to helping you. The students are friendly, making it easy to find more friends. I came to Devon because my brother told me all about it. Li le did I know I wouldn’t just like it, I love it.” Andre (JT) Tiglao ’19 King of Prussia, PA

“Devon Prep and the

people at Devon are the greatest. It’s a wonderful place to learn. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Devon is like a second home to me.” Christopher Muth Class of 2019

NaƟonal Junior Honor Society Sophomore Class President ChrisƟan AcƟon Program JV Soccer Team Stage Crew

“It’s a really fun school, and it is also academically challenging. The classes are great. All the teachers are amazing at the subjects they teach and they always give you help when you need it. The students are friendly and it’s really easy to make friends. And the amount of school spirit is really cool. Everyone is a family here and we all work together to make Devon a great place.” Chris Muth ’19 West Chester, PA

“Devon Prep is helping me reach my full poten al, inspiring me to learn and to become a be er Chris an.” John J. Pepe Class of 2020

National Junior Honor Society You Be The Chemist Distinguished Honors

“What I like most about Devon is the caring, personalized a en on that I get from the faculty. They address each and every student’s needs and concerns. Devon also has all the benefits of a small school while s ll having the opportuni es of a large school. The friendly atmosphere and smaller classes allow you to spend more me together to build las ng friendships. Devon has everything a prep school should have and more: challenging academics, school spirit, clubs, sports and a truly caring staff.” John Pepe ’20 Drexel Hill, PA

“At Devon you get a great educa on and make some of the best friends you’ll ever meet.” Nicholas Bello Class of 2019

NaƟonal Junior Honor Society ChrisƟan AcƟon Program Middle School Soccer Middle School Baseball Middle School Student Council Treasurer Middle School Science Olympiad Team

“I came to Devon because I wanted a more personalized learning experience and I wanted a smaller environment. The teachers are willing to help you whenever you need it and they always make sure you understand the material. The academics are challenging but not so challenging that we aren’t able to have fun outside of school. Everyone is friendly and I like how closely knit everyone is. We are like a family.”

Nick Bello ’19 Collegeville, PA

Science Olympiad Team Ping Pong Club Middle School Soccer Team Basketball Team Baseball Team

“My old school wasn’t challenging enough. I knew that Devon Prep had a great academic reputa on. The teachers and students are super friendly. The teachers encourage you to work harder but are very suppor ve. I work harder, study differently and learn more. The students are also fun to be around. We also push each other to do our very best. If you are looking for an academic challenge and want to make good friends you should come to Devon.” Jack Eshleman ’21 Collegeville PA

“I like the independent atmosphere and how they treat us like young adults. The teachers challenge us to do our best.” Mason L. Lindley Class of 2022

ChrisƟan AcƟon Program Soccer Basketball Baseball

“The classes are challenging but in a fun way. They help me reach my full poten al by making me think out of the box. We have pride in everything we do as a school community. Everyone has different in‐ terests and abili es but at the end of the day we are all friends and support each other. Devon pushes everyone to excel in academics, but allows us to par cipate in sports, clubs and community service. Devon has helped me become a well rounded person. The teachers and coaches have given me the confidence that I can do whatever I put my mind to.”

Mason Lindley ’22 Glen Mills, PA

“The atmosphere at Devon is great. Everyone has the same inclina on to learn, but it is also a fun environment to learn in.” Andrew Dawson Class of 2015

AP Scholar NaƟonal Honor Society Spanish Honor Society Student Council Treasurer Stage Crew Student Technical Director Environmental Society St. Eleanor School, Collegeville ’11 “I love the size of the school. The class size is small and makes learning challenging material easier. The faculty are experts in their fields and their passion for their subjects comes out in their teaching. In addi on to the outstanding academics, we have compe ve athle c teams, a top rate theater department, and numerous other ac vi es. There are so many opportuni es to succeed. You can be your own person and do whatever you like to do.” Andrew Dawson ’15 Audubon, PA

“The thing I like most about Devon Prep is how small it is. That gives you the opportunity to get to know everyone.” Robert P. Pickell Class of 2016

Student Council Vice President Stage Crew Manager ChrisƟan AcƟon Program

“The classes are challenging at Devon Prep, but nothing that a high school student can’t handle as long as he puts me into it. The teachers at Devon always make me for you if you need help. As a student I have learned to study and prepare for tests and manage my me so I am not overwhelmed. As a person, I have learned respect and responsibility.”

Bobby Pickell ’16 Collegeville, PA

Student Council President National Honor Society Varsity Baseball Christian Action Program President Jazz Band President Visitation BVM 2011

“Devon Prep’s small size has allowed me to succeed both in and out of the classroom. The rigorous courses have prepared me for college, while par cipa ng in different clubs and ac vi es has given me valuable leadership experience. Devon has not only prepared me for college, but also for my future in the world.” Patrick Rohr ’15 Audubon, PA

Founded in

1956 By the Piarist Fathers



Varsity Sports

Class of 2016 Graduates

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$9.3 Million


Class of 2016 Amount recognized by Received in Merit AP Scholar Scholarships Program by Class of 2016

Lives S due to Blood



Alumni Teachers, Staff and Coaches

of Students Receive Financial Aid




Class of 2016 Class of 2016 playing Division I Received Merit or Division III Scholarships Athle cs in College

20 Acre Wireless Campus

18 Advanced Placement (AP) Courses

Na o Solar Compe Trop


Consecu ve District Championships won by Varsity Baseball Team


Class o received scholars colle


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Collected for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital 2015‐16



School-wide AthleƟcs ParƟcipaƟon

Class of 2016 AP Scholars with Dis nc on




Students named to 2015‐16 All Bicentennial Athle c League Teams

2016‐2017 School Enrollment

Saved o 2016 Drive



Class of 2016 recognized as Na onal Merit Scholars

Class of 2016 College Acceptances




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Food Items Collected for Thanksgiving Food Drive

Student/Faculty Ra o



f 2016 AP courses taken Amount raised d merit with an average for Prostate hips for score of “3” Cancer Research ege or be er in 3 years

2,300+ Alumni Worldwide

AP Scholar with DisƟncƟon NaƟonal Merit Semifinalist Solar Car Team Co-Captain Mathletes Captain Academic Challenge Team Eagle Scout Arcola Intermediate School ’11

“I like the smaller environment. The teachers care about the students and want them to succeed. The students are suppor ve of each other and they help one another whenever they can. Academically Devon has helped me develop the abili es I need to succeed in college. My ac vi es, like solar car, have helped me take on leadership responsibili es and learn to be a stronger leader.” Pandurang Bharne ’15 Norristown, PA

Student Council Vice President Varsity Lacrosse Varsity Soccer St. Aloysius Academy ’11 “In a small school like Devon I have the opportunity to socialize more and not just be friends with five kids in the school, but be friends with the whole school. I knew I could fit in and be happy here, regardless of whether or not I could play sports. Devon helped me set goals and achieve those goals. It’s not just a good academic se ng, it’s a good life se ng.” Gabe Pallante ’15 Philadelphia

“Devon’s academics are meant to challenge the students. I,

personally, appreciate the challenge. People come to Devon not only for the academics, but the friendly atmosphere. There are also many diverse ac vi es at Devon, so there is a niche for everybody who wishes to par cipate. The school has gi ed me with so much confidence and turned me into the best person that I could be. A ending Devon Prep could be the best decision that any young man will make in his life. It aims to turn boys into men, and set them up for excellent futures, wherever they may go.” Shane Norris ’16 Phoenixville, PA

“Devon has ins lled in me a sense of responsibility to myself and to

my family to push myself as hard as I can and to accept all challenges thrown my way. Inside the classroom and out, with all its suppor ve teachers, Devon Prep has molded me to the best possible form of myself. Even my musical and ar s c side came to the surface solely because Devon’s versa lity and flexibility allowed me to explore things I never thought I would enjoy. It is a school unlike any other, and a place where you not only find new brothers, but a place where you find yourself.” Ed McGinley ’16 Villanova, PA

“The se ng is a small Roman Catholic school where individualized a en on is the norm. The values that go into being a good decent person are also nurtured here.” Colin Phoon Class of 1981

Associate Professor of Pediatrics, NYU School of Medicine MD, University of Pennsylvania, 1990 BS, Johns Hopkins University, 1985 “Devon Prep offers an excellent, college prep founda on. The rigor of the curriculum and the development of solid work habits were key to this founda on. And in our mul tasking world, discipline ins lled in me at Devon served me well. I loved the clubs and was very ac ve. The clubs were my first lessons in leadership. I did not consider my‐ self as having real leadership skills un l later in life, but I think the seeds were sown at Devon.” Colin Phoon, M.D.

“Devon Prep is an environment where anyone can learn their true poten al.”

Kevin V. McCauley Class of 2003

Weapons Handling Engineer at Naval Surface Warfare Ctr. Villanova University ’07, BSME, Mechanical Engineering, Physics

“Devon is and always has been an extremely rigorous educa onal environment. The teachers challenged me and mo vated me to con n‐ ue to learn and pursue my goals ins tu ng the ability to recognize how to manage my me and resources. I learned how to not only lead, but I learned how to set my eyes on the prize and pursue with fervor. I learned how to make a decision. At Devon, I learned you can fail, but more importantly you can get up and be more of a success than you ever dreamed.” Kevin McCauley ’03

“At Devon Prep You get a fantas c educa on, make lifelong friends, and mature into confident, grounded young men.” Mark S. Malseed Class of 1993

Cofounder of Synoptos Inc. Coauthor of The Google Story Former lead researcher for Bob Woodward, Washington Post BA, Lehigh University, ’97 “I credit the demanding wri ng assignments at Devon Prep for ins lling the fundamentals of wri ng, analy c thinking, and perseverance ‐‐ essen al ingredients in academic success and a foun‐ da on for professional advancement. Devon faculty set exceedingly high expecta ons and then help you surpass them, in the classroom, on the playing field, and all around. You get a fantas‐ c educa on, make lifelong friends, and mature into confident, grounded young men.” Mark Malseed ’93

“Devon's small classes allowed each student to have a voice in class. Teachers encouraged us to ask ques ons, challenge our assump ons, and think differently.” JusƟn McDaniel Class of 1990 1990

University of Pennsylvania Religious Studies Dept. Chair ir Professor of Buddhist Studies Award Winning Author BA, Boston College ’93 MA, MTS, Harvard University ’98 PHD, Harvard University ’03 “It certainly ins lled in me a love for studying other languages and that is a large part of my job now. I also was inspired by the passion and the enthusiasm of the teachers. They really loved their subjects and conveyed that to the students The language program and the geography courses were unique and not available in many other schools. I went to university well‐ahead of my peers in a knowledge of geography and La n. I was also able to skip 1.5 years of university (I graduated in 2.5 years) because of Devon Prep’s AP courses. Jus n McDaniel ’90

“Devon produces men who are academically strong, value their faith, are ethically formed and are invested in their communi es and the world.” Rev. Gerard Olinger, CSC Class of 1997 “At Devon I saw the importance of a holis c educa on where both the mind and heart are educated. I saw that what happens outside of the classroom is just as important as what happens inside of it. I learned that forma on and development happens best in rela onship. Young people benefit when they are accompanied by others in their journey of understanding who they are and who they are called to be.” Gerry Olinger ’97 Vice President of Student Affairs, University of Portland Ordained, Holy Cross Priest, 2010 BS, JD, M.Div., University of Notre Dame

“Devon gave me the opportuni es to develop leadership skills I wouldn’t have had at a larger school.” Patrick O’Reilly Class of 1990

President, Applied PredicƟve Technologies BS, Duke University, 1994 JD, Harvard University, 1997 “Being at a small, high quality school like Devon provides a fantas c learning experience. I felt personally challenged and I had individual a en on from a great staff of teachers. Devon helped prepare me for college and beyond. I learned to be organized and self disciplined in order to succeed. I felt I was far ahead of many of my fellow students because of my Devon Prep experience.” Patrick O’Reilly ’90

“Devon is so much more than a small school. It is truly a great community of Piarist Fathers, teachers, coaches, friends and family that come together to grow and nurture young men.” Erling Donnelly Class of 1996

Sr. Director, Team Leader, Pfizer Oncology, Pfizer, Inc. Ph.D., Yale University B.S., Wake Forest University

“Devon Prep provided a holis c and rigorous educa onal experience that challenged me and made me intellectually curious before I went to college. The opportunity to par cipate in extracurricular ac vi es like sports made my educa onal experience so much more rewarding. Inside the classroom and out on the athle c fields I had the opportunity to interact with passionate teachers and coaches that pushed me to achieve my individual best.” Erling Donnelly ’96

“Devon Prep taught me how to work hard for what you want.” Timothy Malloy Class of 2003

Chef de cuisine, Local’s Corner Restaurant, San Francisco, CA  San Francisco Chronicle’s “Rising Star Chef 2014” Culinary Institute of America, 2006 “No ma er if it's hard and seems impossible, if you work hard and believe in yourself you can make your goals a reality. Devon Prep was there for me and my family whenever we needed them. Devon Prep gave me my BEST friends. No, it gave me brothers. Devon Prep taught me loyalty, and how to trust in people. Devon Prep didn't "prep" me to be a chef, but they did teach me to work hard and how that hard work pays off.” Timmy Malloy ’03

“Devon excels at helping boys develop into young men of character ‐ as a Devon grad, you learn how to become the best version of yourself.” James P. Foley Class of 1991

Assistant Head of School for Leadership & InnovaƟon St. Luke’s School, New Canaan, CT B.A. Swarthmore College '95 M.A. Fairfield University '09 “Devon Prep started me off with a great gi : a rigorously well‐rounded educa on. I was incredibly well prepared for the demands of an incredibly demanding college. I made friendships that have only deepened over me, and I was able to get involved in a lot of different ac vi es because, as an inten onally small and selec ve school, Devon made me feel needed. Devon Prep prepared me to think cri cally about whatever situa on I find myself in; taught me to care deeply for other people and work hard to make ethically sound decisions; and asked me not to take for granted the blessings that life bestows.” Jim Foley ’91

“Devon Prep's encouraging environment is what inspired me to focus on becoming a be er person, student, and athlete. I was lucky to have amazing support from my teachers, coaches, and friends in order to focus on my love for baseball and goal of furthering my career.” John LaPrise Class of 2012

Toronto Blue Jays, Infielder University of Virginia, 2016 “Devon ins lled in me a hard work ethic and the confidence to challenge myself whether it be in the classroom or on the field. Devon Prep's environment allows many young men to become leaders. It offers everyone the chance to mature and discover who they want to become. Devon Prep is a special place and is more than just a school. If you want your son to receive the finest college preparatory educa on, mature into a gentleman, and make lifelong friends, Devon Prep is the right place.” John LaPrise ’12


363 North Valley Forge Road, Devon PA 19333

610-688-7337 (phone) 610-688-2409 (FAX) www.devonprep.com kmulholland@devonprep.com

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