Annual Report of Gifts 2014 -15

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P R E PA R AT O R Y S C H O O L Devon Preparatory School The Piarist Fathers

2014-15 Annual Report of Gifts

From the Headmaster Greetings from Devon Prep, It is a pleasure to send you a warm greeting in this fall season. Our school year is already well underway and I want to share a few thoughts with you at this time. First - THANK YOU! I am happy to serve as Headmaster at Devon Prep, an institution that has enjoyed great success. What we are now would not be possible without the efforts of Fr. James Shea and the Piarist fathers who preceded him. Their efforts have borne fruit, and I am grateful for the opportunity to continue their work. I am also deeply thankful for each one of you, our benefactors. While you are not in our pictures and our news, your quiet and consistent support keeps Devon Prep strong. We can measure the success of Devon Prep through the many successes of our students and our alumni. And this is our best reward. Second - GO FORTH! St. Joseph Calasanz wrote that education is the most important ministry in the Church and in society. Because of that, all of us at Devon Prep work hard and do our best for each student entrusted to our care. As we go forth, into the future together, we will build on the success of Devon Prep and work to make it even stronger in accordance with our Mission and Vison. I thank you for all that you have done for Devon Prep and I hope that we can count on you to continue your generous support. Let us go forth! Best Regards,

Fr. Francisco J. Aisa, Sch.P. Headmaster



Mission Statement Devon Preparatory School is a private, Catholic, college preparatory school for young men in grades six to twelve. Devon Prep’s approach to educa on is based on the tradi ons of the Piarist Fathers who are dedicated to the educa on of youth. For more than 50 years Devon Prep has provided a trus ng and suppor ve atmosphere where young men are mo vated to excel academically, think independently and crea vely, to pursue careers in diverse fields and to enjoy extracurricular ac vi es, both in school and in the community. It is the goal at Devon Prep to inspire in our students a commitment to values that will enable them to become responsible leaders. Focusing on each student’s poten al, we believe that the school and the family must work together to foster a love of learning which will propel the student into a lifelong quest for excellence— for the glory of God and the service of neighbor.




Chairman Mr. Robert B. Mulhern Jr.


President Mr. Robert B. Mulhern Jr. ’72


Vice‐President Mrs. Kathy Bevilacqua

Mrs. Beth Hallinan

Rev. Francisco Aisa, Sch.P. Mr. John H. Ansley Jr. Rev. John J. Callan, Sch.P. Mr. Harry J. DiDonato Mr. J. Joseph Donahue Mr. John J. Duffy Mr. Larry R. Iezzi Mr. Thomas J. McParland Jr. Mr. Edward P. Mooney Sr. Very Rev. Fernando Negro, Sch.P. Mr. Hubert B. O’Reilly Mr. Malcolm T. Phelan Rev. James J. Shea, Sch.P. Mr. Peter D. Uhlman Rev. Richard S. Wyzykiewicz, Sch.P.

Director of Alumni Rela ons Rev. Richard Wyzykiewicz, Sch.P.’61

Assistant Director of Alumni Rela ons Mr. David J. Evans III ’08

Secretary Mrs. Chris ne Bonfiglio

Execu ve Board Mr. John H. Ansley Jr. ’64 Mr. Nicholas C. Ciocca ’93 Mr. Michael Dokas ’08 Mr. Andrew J. Fox ’05 Mr. Brendan Fulmer ’10 Mr. Patrick T. Mannion ’09 Mr. Barry R. McKeon ’64 Mr. James F. Murphy ’72 Mr. Brandon T. Mitchell ’08 Mr. Sean M. O’Reilly ’93 Mr. Malcolm T. Phelan ’08 Dr. John J. Radomile Jr. ’66 Mr. Robert J. Staub ’72 Mr. Thomas L. Toole III ’00 Mr. Garrison J. Weaver ’09 Rev. Richard S. Wyzykiewicz, Sch.P. ’61 Mr. Andrew J. Zaleski ’07

Treasurer Mrs. Deb McGrath

Middle School Liasion Dr. Roseanne Fulmer

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report. If there are errors or omissions, please accept our apologies and inform the Development Office, 610‐688‐7337, ext. 116, so that correc ons can be made.

Editor—Mrs. Jean Emhof, Director of Development Layout & Design—Ms. Rose Lombardo, Director of Public Rela ons



Father Shea Honored After 21 Years as Headmaster

In late June Devon Prep held a Mass of Apprecia on and a recep on in honor of Headmaster Rev. James Shea, Sch.P. A er 21 years at the helm of Devon Prep, Father Shea stepped down on July 31. Several hundred alumni, parents, students, faculty and friends of Father Shea a ended the Mass held in the newly air condi oned gym. Concelebra ng the Mass were fellow Piarists Very Rev. Fernando Negro, Rev. Francisco Aisa, Rev. Javier Renteria, Rev. Richard Wyzykiewicz and Rev. Geza Pazmany.

Finally Mr. Barry Mulhern ’72, President of Devon Prep’s Board of Trustees as well as the Alumni Associa on, presented Father Shea with the Alumni Achievement Award, given to graduates of Devon Prep who have significantly influenced and benefited their professions. In his presenta on Mr. Mulhern discussed Father Shea’s many years of service to Devon Prep as a lay teacher, a priest and headmaster. He described many of Father Shea’s accomplishments including building St. Anthony Hall, increasing enrollment and keeping the school financially secure.

“All of these accomplishments are enough to make a career that anyone would be proud of,” Mr. Mulhern explained. “But Fr. Shea has a voca on as a priest and a Piarist father. His assignment for the past 21 years has been to be the leader of Devon Prep, with responsibility for carrying out the mission of the school. I would say that Fr. Shea has successfully met that responsibility.”

A er Mass Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Beth Hallinan, represen ng the Devon Prep Parents Associa on, presented Father Shea with a gi from the current families. Mrs. Hallinan thanked Father Shea for his years of service to Devon Prep. “Through your example of morality, diligence, humility and faithfulness,” Mrs. Hallinan said, “you have helped enrich the world by inspiring thousands of young men to aspire to those same a ributes in their own lives.”

Mr. Mulhern concluded with, “Fr. Shea o en says or writes to members of the Devon community: ‘Thank you for all that you have done for Devon.’ So I now say to Fr. Shea: “Thank you for all that you have done for Devon.”

Long me faculty member and alumnus Mr. George Beothy ’68 also addressed the congrega on expressing the gra tude of the faculty for Father Shea’s years of dedicated leadership. “We know how hard he worked to keep improving and strengthening our school, maintaining both quality and enrollment in these challenging economic mes,” he said.


A recep on in Calasanc us Hall followed the presenta ons.


Rev. Aisa Named Devon’s Sixth Headmaster

Rev. Aisa holds a BA in Theology from the Pon fical University of Salamanca and an advanced degree in the Theology of Religious Life from the Pon fical University of Lateran. He also holds a diploma as a Teacher of Primary Educa on with a specialty in Sciences from Escuela Universitaria de Profesorado “Virgen del Pilar” in Zaragoza, Spain. He is currently a doctoral candidate at the Ins tute “Clare anum” of Theology of the Religious Life in Rome. Rev. Aisa was ordained to the priesthood in 1987.

Rev. Francisco J. Aisa, Sch.P. became the sixth headmaster of Devon Preparatory School on August 1, 2015. Rev. Aisa, 53, succeeded Rev. James J. Shea, Sch.P. who re red a er 21 years as headmaster. Rev. Shea le behind a legacy that saw increased enrollment as well as improvements in campus facili es and curriculum.

“Father Shea has built Devon Prep into the respected and revered ins tu on it is today,” Rev. Aisa said. “He built a solid founda on of academic excellence and faith‐based educa on. I am excited for the opportunity to build on his legacy and lead Devon Prep into the 21st century as we carry out our Piarist mission.”

Rev. Aisa, a na ve of Zaragoza, Spain, served at Devon Prep as General Manager, overseeing the school’s business ma ers, Director of Campus Ministry, and a faculty member for two years before his appointment as headmaster.

Prior to Devon Prep, Rev. Aisa served as General Vice‐Rector of the University of Cristobal Colon of the Piarist Fathers in Veracruz, Mexico where he also taught theology and served as pastor of the university parish. In addi on, he spent several years in Puerto Rico as Director of the Seminary of the Piarist Fathers and he conducted the parish school at Playa de Ponce, Puerto Rico. He has also served as Local Superior, Formator, Administrator and General Secretary of the Piarist Order.

“I am privileged to be asked to lead this pres gious ins tu on at such an exci ng me in its history,” Rev. Aisa con nued. “I look forward to working with the Board of Trustees, alumni, faculty, students and parents as we explore new ways for the school to provide the best possible all‐round educa on for the young men of Devon Prep.”



Ways of Giving to Devon Prep Devon Prep Annual Fund Gi s to the Annual Fund are the cornerstone of the School’s development program. These gi s, from trustees, parents, alumni, alumni parents, grandparents and friends, support the current opera ons of the school, providing addi onal resources to enrich the educa onal experiences of our students.

Capital Giving Gi s to the Capital Giving Fund allow us to meet the long ‐ term goals iden fied in an internal assessment and in our strategic plan. These gi s funded the construc on of Saint Anthony Hall and other campus improvements and will fund an endowment to provide for Devon’s future needs. Please contact the Development Office to discuss a Capital Fund Gi .

Matching Gifts

United Way

Memorial and Tribute Gifts Donors can further educa onal opportuni es at Devon Prep by honoring or memorializing a special person or event. Acknowledgment of the gi is made directly to the family or designated individual.

Gifts of Appreciated Property

“Devon produces men who are aca‐ demically strong, value their faith, are ethically formed and are invested in their communi es and the world.” Rev. Gerard Olinger, CSC Class of 1997

A gi of stock, real estate or other appreciated property can provide vital support to Devon Prep as well as tax advantages to the donor. The full value of the securi es is usually deduc ble, and you may avoid the capital gains tax on the profit.

Bequests Providing for Devon Prep is as easy as adding a phrase to your will. You may wish to consider naming Devon Prep to receive all or part of your estate. Through careful planning you can protect your family and also contribute to the financial security of Devon Prep. If you have already considered Devon Prep in your estate plans, please let us know, so that we may count you among the members of The Calasanc an Society.

Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program (EITC) Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit Program (OSTC) Companies that do business and pay corporate taxes in Pennsylvania may receive substan al tax credits for dona ons to Devon Preparatory School’s student financial aid fund through two programs. The Educa onal Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program and the Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) Program together provide a wonderful opportunity for Devon Preparatory School, and a way for businesses to turn their tax dollars into dona ons. Our financial aid program, which provides financial assistance to needy students, is primarily funded by individual contribu ons to the school. Corporate support allows us to offer access to a private school educa on to more students, who may otherwise not be able to a end Devon Prep. For more informa on on these programs visit or contact the Development Office at Devon Prep.

Devon Prep is eligible to par cipate in the Donor Choice/ Specific Care Program of the United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey. During the United Way’s annual campaign, donors may designate a gi to Devon Prep on the Donor Choice pledge/designa on form through Specific Care. Devon Prep is classified as a “nonmember agency,” and recorded as DEVON PREP, 363 Valley Forge Road, Devon, PA 19333, with I.D. #04636. The assigned iden fica on number is consistent from year to year.

Workplace Giving Many companies and government agencies offer their employees the opportunity to make charitable gi s through payroll deduc on. Such workplace giving programs provide an easy and efficient way to make tax deduc ble dona ons, and to spread your gi over an en re year. Please check with your

The easiest way to make your gi to Devon Prep grow is through matching gi s. Many employers sponsor matching gi programs and will match charitable contribu ons made by their employees. If you work for a company that matches gi s, you can double or triple the value of your contribu on! Contact your Human Resources Department for eligibility informa on and to obtain a matching gi form, and follow your employer’s matching gi procedures.


employer to see if this is an op on for you, and ask how you can designate your gi to Devon Prep. Ways of Giving to Devon Prep

Gifts in Kind Devon Prep gratefully accepts gi s of supplies, books, and equipment. Tax deduc ons are available for firms and Individuals contribu ng gi s in kind to educa onal ins tu ons.

Scholarship Gifts

While unrestricted gi s to the Annual Giving Fund provide Devon Prep with opera ng funds to help maintain the quality of its academic programs, scholarship gi s enable the school to award scholarship aid to deserving students. Scholarship gi s can be made to the General Scholarship Fund, or to one of the named Scholarship Funds. You can also give or gain a li le immortality while making a las ng impact on future genera ons by establishing an endowed scholarship in your name or in the name of someone you would like to honor.




The chart below shows the percentage of total giving to Devon Prep by donor affilia on.

Total Gifts Received

$ 984,622

Annual/Endowment Giving Alumni Alumni Parents Faculty/Staff Founda ons Friends Grandparents Parents Trustees Gi s via United Way/Workplace Giving Matching Gi s Capital Giving to the Fund for Devon Prep

$ 122,221 $ 60,980 $ 7,647 $ 97,420 $ 33,314 $ 13,895 $ 57,647 $ 5,621 $ 10,611 $ 26,098

REVENUE The chart shows the source of contributed revenue.


$ 356,465

Parent Association gifts

$ 90,324

Alumni Association Gifts

$ 7,180

Gifts to Faculty/Staff Retirement Fund

$ 58,348

EITC Program Gifts

$ 18,000

OSTC Program gifts

$ 18,852


Matching Gifts, Foundations and Corporate Grants Bergen Co. UW Charitable Flex Fund Business Leadership Organized for Catholic Schools Chizuk Amuno Congrega on Devon Prep Alumni Associa on Devon Prep Class of 1964 Devon Prep Parents Associa on Eastern Business So ware, Inc. Exelon Fidelity Brokerage Services, LLC Fidelity Charitable Gi Fund FJN Charitable Founda on FreeCause Genuardi Family Founda on Giant A+ School Rewards Gunard Berry Carlson Memorial Founda on Guzikowski Family Founda on Henkels Founda on IGive.comHoldings J.P. Mascaro & Sons Kistler‐Tiffany Benefits KPMG

Through their matching gi programs the following businesses and founda ons have enabled our donors to double or even triple their gi s to Devon Prep. By enrolling in your company’s Matching Gi s Program, you can bring significant addi onal support to our school. Please check your company’s par cipa on in this program or contact the Development Office for more informa on.

Anonymous (2) AMSTED Industries Incorporated Bank of America Boeing Gi Matching Program Cigna Matching Gi Company Cisco Systems DirectTV Exelon Matching Gi s Program for Educa on ExxonMobil Founda on General Electric Founda on GlaxoSmithKline Founda on IBM Corpora on Illinois Tool Works Founda on Linde North America, Inc. Merck Partnership for Giving MG New York Life Founda on Paul Sevag Motors, Inc. PNC Founda on QVC Partners in Giving MG Rotor Bearing Technology & So ware The Pruden al Founda on Matching Gi s UBS Matching Gi Program Vanguard Group Founda on Verizon Founda on Wells Fargo Founda on The following companies, founda ons and organiza ons supported Devon Prep with gi s to the Annual Fund, an endowed fund, or the Fund for Devon Prep.

Lambda Science, Inc. Mannion Prior, LLC Merck Partnership for Giving Montgomery Bar Associa on Network For Good Norfolk Southern Renaissance Charitable Founda on Inc. Schwab Charitable Fund Siemens Caring Hands Giving St. Elizabeth Roman Catholic Church Target The Adrian and Kimberly Adams Family Founda on The Ginger English Memorial Fund—A fund of The Chester County Community Founda on The Glenmede Trust Company, N.A. Trebol USA, LLC Truist United Way of Greater Philadelphia & Southern NJ United Way of the Greater Triangle USI Affinity Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Vantage Labs, LLC Visual Communica ons Walsh & Nicholson Financial Group Wells Fargo Founda on Corporate support through the Commonwealth of Pennsyl‐ vania’s Educa onal Improvement Tax Credit program and the Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit program provide financial aid funds which allow us to offer access to a Devon Prep educa on to more students. We are grateful to the following businesses for their support of our students through the EITC and/or the OSTC Programs.

“Devon Prep is a small Roman Catholic school where individualized a en on is the norm. The values that go into being a good decent person are also nurtured here.”

EITC Program Carebridge Corpora on McCloskey Financial Group Penn Liberty Bank Visual Communica ons

Colin Phoon Class of 1981

Anonymous (3) Alfred M. Abel, Law Offices Amazon Smile Founda on American Endowment Founda on Bentley Systems, Inc.


OSTC Program Aqua Pennsylvania, Inc. Independence Blue Cross Penn Liberty Bank UGI Energy Services


Memorial and Tribute Gifts MEMORIAL GIFTS Rev. Ladislaus Magyar Academic Excellence Award Mr. James F. Murphy Jr.

Rev. Ferdinand Negrillos Book Award Mr. John A. Campopiano Jr. Mr. Domenic L. DiMar no

Rev. Ladislaus Magyar Scholarship Fund Dr. Frank H. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Byrnes Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Byrnes Mr. Richard F. Crowley Mr. Andrew A. Hu Prof. James E. Maule Mr. and Mrs. William F. McGinnis Mr. and Mrs. James F. Murphy Jr. Captain and Mrs. Charles P. O'Neill Mr. J. Bradford and Dr. Teresa Parkes Mrs. Jolene Petras Dr. Colin K. L. Phoon Mr. and Mrs. Godfryd Plociennik Prof. Richard J. Salvucci Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Dr. John S. Youtcheff Jr.

Rev. Stephen Bendik Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Corsi Dr. Joan L. Moore Mr. and Mrs. James F. Murphy, Jr. Mr. Alexander E. Stark Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Yoder Mr. Andrew J. Zaleski

Rev. Stephen Mustos Scholarship Fund Mr. Patrick W. Goalwin Mr. and Mrs. Geza J. Nagy Mr. Thomas G. Nagy Mr. Michael A. Olivares Mr. and Mrs. Godfryd Plociennik Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Yoder


Tribute and memorial gi s offer a meaningful way of honoring a loved one, family member, or colleague.

Stephen and Bernice Senye Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aberbach Dr. Michael J. Polley

Kevin Flatley ’75 Scholarship Fund Mr. Paul J. Corr, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gillin, Jr. Mr. Robert W. Rigsby

Kalman Benke Beöthy Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. George K. Beothy Mr. Kalman Beothy Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Carson GlaxoSmithKline Founda on

Dr. James A Lyons Memorial Scholarship Fund Mrs. James A. Lyons

Class of 1964 Memorial Award Mr. John H. Ansley, Jr. Mr. Barry R. McKeon

In memory of Mr. Thomas Nowlan Mr. John F. Maguire, III

In memory of Mrs. Alice Phoon Dr. Wai Wor Phoon

In memory of Dr. William C. Rabe, Jr. Mrs. Sydney Rabe

In memory of Mrs. Madeline Salvucci Devon Prep Faculty Mr. Mar n J. Salvucci Mr. Rudolph J. Salvucci Rev. James J. Shea, Sch.P.

In memory of Mr. Francis Crippen Mr. Frank J. Ferro Mr. William F. Haase

In memory of Dr. Michael J. Savini, Jr. Mr. Richard J. Savini Mrs. Debra Day Savini

In memory of Mr. John E. Crowe Mrs. Margaret M. Crowe

In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Horace E. Scherer Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. Scherer

In memory of Mr. Chris Farmar Dr. James G. Farmar Merck Partnership for Giving MG

Mar n J. Devine Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Angelo J. Butera Mr. Ryan P. Cassidy Mr. James I. Devine Mr. Mar n L. Devine Mrs. Gabrielle M. Devine Ms. Joanne C. Devine Dr. Richard J. Hamilton Mr. Louis I. Hamilton, PhD Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Hamilton

In memory of Mr. Michael Seeds Devon Preparatory Faculty Ms. Julie E. Samuels Rev. James J. Shea, Sch.P. In memory of Mr. Robert E. Slota Jr. Mrs. Robert E. Slota Jr.

In Memory of Jack and Helen Dunnion Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hollowell Pruden al Founda on Matching Gi s

In Memory of Kevin Flatley Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. Scherer

In memory of Mr. Robert J. Staub, Sr. Mr. Chris an A. Staub

Ginger English Memorial Scholarship Fund The Ginger English Memorial Fund – A Fund of the Chester County Community Founda on Michael T. English Mike English

In memory of Mrs. Rose Marie Na le Mr. Pasquale S. Na le

5’69 Memorial Scholarship Fund, established by the Class of 1969 in memory of Chris Bonelli, Paul Driscoll, Rich Fairbanks, Conrad Kruse, and Bill Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. William T. Kenney Mr. William J. Leighton Prof. James E. Maule Mr. James A. Shalvoy Mr. Pasquale A. Stor , Jr. Dr. John R. Waldron, Jr.

Mar n W. Bowen Scholarship Fund Mrs. Joseph P. Atkins Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cooney Mr. Richard F. Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Cunningham Dr. Philip J. DiGiacomo, Jr. Mr. William J. Donohue, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. James F. Murphy, Jr. St. Elizabeth Roman Catholic Church Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Volpe

In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Melago Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Graham

In memory of Mrs. Catherine Hooven Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. D'Aniello Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gola, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Heavey Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Reish Ms. Jacquie Stone Mrs. Michele L. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Terence Winslow

In memory of Mrs. Ann F. Troy Anonymous Alfred M. Abel, Law Offices Mr. and Mrs. David B. Adams Mrs. Jean Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Casey Chizuk Amuno Congrega on



Mr. and Mrs. J. Joseph Donahue Mr. and Mrs. George D. Fish Kistler‐Tiffany Benefits Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Labant Mannion Prior, LLC Mr. David Melchiorre Montgomery Bar Associa on Mr. and Mrs. Bradley V. O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. William R. Omlor Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ostroff Mr. Michael F. Rogers, Esq. Ms. Donna Sikora‐Scollon Mr. and Mrs. David R. Slocum Mr. Eric B. Smith USI Affinity Vantage Labs, LLC Walsh & Nicholson Financial Group Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Young

The following individual donors have demonstrated their belief in the value of a Devon Prep educa on by suppor ng the Annual Fund or an endowed fund. Mr. Mar n Gillane Ms. Margaret E. Gillis Mr. Lawrence J. Graff Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Graham Ms. Frances E. Gray Mrs. Catherine A. Hostler Mr. Peter J. Hughes Dr. John J. Joe Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Labant Mrs. Renata Losoncy Mr. and Mrs. John F. McGinley Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Moran

Anonymous (4) Mr. and Mrs. David B. Adams Mrs. Jean Andrews Mr. Eric Beam Mrs. Alice R. Bowen Ms. Geraldine Bowers Ms. Joanne E. Bowers Mr. Edward Campanile Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Craig Ms. Joanne C. Devine Mr. and Mrs. George D. Fish Mr. and Mrs. David Freese

Ms. Theresa W. Morley Mr. and Mrs. Bradley V. O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. William R. Omlor Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ostroff Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Phelan Mrs. Sydney Rabe Mr. Michael F. Rogers, Esq. Mr. Mar n J. Salvucci Mr. Rudolph J. Salvucci Ms. Julie E. Samuels Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sigismon , Sr. Ms. Donna Sikora‐Scollon

Mr. and Mrs. David R. Slocum Mr. Eric B. Smith Ms. Janice Smith Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Stone Mr. and Mrs. John J. Walsh Mrs. Mary G. Wa s Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew P. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Young

In memory of Mrs. Mary A. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Kaune


In memory of Mr. Ma hew Walsh ’61 Mr. John C. Graves

TRIBUTE GIFTS In honor of Dr. Chris ne DeGrado Mr. Nicholas J. Love Mr. Samuel S. Young IV

In honor of Mr. Larry Iezzi Mr. Samuel S. Young IV

In honor of Mrs. Beatrice Lock Dr. Richard R. Lock

In honor of Dr. Carl Luche Mr. Angelo A. Luche In honor of Rev. James J. Shea, Sch.P. Mr. Russell T. Emery Mr. James P. Lucas Mr. Ryan K. Stager Mr. Samuel S. Young IV



Alumni 1960

(20% Par cipa on)

Mr. John C. Graves Captain Charles P. O'Neill


(35% Par cipa on)

Anonymous Dr. Philip J. Connor Sr. Mr. Henry M. Gallagher Mr. Julius G. Hernadi Dr. Charles G. Jacoby Mr. Allison J. Maggiolo Mr. Robert F. Mars III Rev. Richard S. Wyzykiewicz Sch.P.


(15% Par cipa on)

Dr. Frank H. Anderson


(0% Par cipa on)


(53% Par cipa on)

Mr. John H. Ansley Jr. Mr. Richard F. Crowley Mr. Joseph P. Denny Mr. Paul J. Derham Dr. Philip J. DiGiacomo Jr. Dr. James S. Falcone Jr. Mr. Edward P. Gavigan Mr. Richard P. Hackman Dr. Tibor J. Ham Jr. Mr. James J. Keeley Mr. Roger J. Kelly Mr. John F. Maguire III Mr. Barry R. McKeon Mr. James A. Mulhern Mr. Paul J. Sanborn Mr. Stephen J. Sullivan


(35% Par cipa on)

Anonymous Mr. George C. Brady, III Mr. F. Thomas Brown

There are so many reasons why alumni giving is important. Alumni gi s make the Devon Prep experience possible for students through scholarships, programs, and enhanced facili es, and it enables the school to stay true to its mission. We are grateful to the alumni listed below who have supported Devon Prep during the past fiscal year.

Mr. William B. Duffy Mr. Mark S. Fiumara

Mr. Peter G. Byrnes Dr. James H. Degnan, Jr. Mr. Frank J. Ferro Mr. Joseph A. Gaeto Mr. William F. Haase Dr. Steven T. Hackman Mr. W. Kelley Macke Mr. L. Kevin O'Connor Mr. Michael F. Schmid Mr. Charles E. Shalvoy, Jr. Dr. Warren M. Wilkins



(27% Par cipa on)

Mr. J. Joseph Donahue Mr. Robert P. Donato Mr. Daniel V. Donohue Mr. Francis L. Genuardi Mr. Geoffrey Kramer Dr. John J. Radomile Mr. Thomas F. San ni Mr. Horace E. Scherer Jr. Rev. James J. Shea Sch.P. Mr. Gregory P. Winner


(20% Par cipa on)






(20% Par cipa on)

Anonymous Mr. John J. Butler III Mr. Harry J. DiDonato Mr. Eric Nowak Dr. Francis M. Prendergast Mr. Paul C. Troy Mr. Peter D. Uhlman

(10% Par cipa on)

Anonymous (2) Mr. Joseph R. Pren ce

(19% Par cipa on)

(9% Par cipa on)

Mr. Brian D. Crowe Dr. Colin K. L. Phoon

Mr. Richard J. Blair Mr. James I. Devine Mr. Thomas A. Giannantonio Dr. Gerald P. Line e Jr. Mr. John J. Savarese Sr. Mr. Robert R. Schwartz Mr. Stephen F. Shank

(10% Par cipa on)

Dr. Richard J. Ba afarano Mr. Richard W. Hallahan+ Dr. Ralph R. Vassallo Jr.

(17% Par cipa on)


(9% Par cipa on)

Mr. Henry J. Eichman Dr. Richard J. Hamilton Mr. Anthony B. Te

Anonymous Mr. Richard J. Brennen Jr. Mr. John W. Burwinkel Jr. Mr. Alexander S. Buzogany Jr. Dr. Dennis P. DiRenzo Mr. William J. Glynn Mr. Joseph F. Messina Mr. James F. Murphy Jr.

Anonymous Mr. George K. Beothy Dr. Dennis M. Byrne Mr. Robert E. Canale Mr. William J. Donohue


Mr. Paul J. Corr Jr. Mr. Albert J. DiMarzio Dr. James G. Farmar Mr. Patrick W. Goalwin Mr. William W. Heil Jr. Mr. Brian J. O'Sullivan Mr. Patrick T. Ryan III Mr. Alan T. Scherer

(34% Par cipa on)

(14% Par cipa on)

(16% Par cipa on)


(14% Par cipa on)

Anonymous Mr. Kurt M. Husar Mr. John C. Litchert Mr. Michael P. Lo us Mr. Philip Trainer Jr.

(20% Par cipa on)


Mr. Mar n L. Devine Mr. Francis X. Farmar Mr. William J. Frio Mr. Kenneth M. Husar Mr. Brian P. Lawlor

Mr. Bernard J. Donohue Mr. Francis S. Ryan Mr. Gregory J. Viola



(8% Par cipa on)


(19% Par cipa on)

(13% Par cipa on)



Mr. Michael T. Borkowski Mr. Alfonso F. Caprara Esq. Mr. David M. Gross Mr. Gregory E. Harmer Mr. Michael A. Olivares Dr. John S. Youtcheff Jr.

Mr. William P. Arata Mr. Patrick J. Byrnes Dr. Joseph P. Coyle Dr. Frank J. Sammar no Jr. Mr. Richard J. Savini

Anonymous Dr. Robert E. Ambrogi Jr. Mr. Richard J. Brown Dr. James F. Deatherage Dr. Gary R. Dunkerley Mr. Richard E. McVoy Jr. Mr. John L. Pfaff III Mr. Peter T. Shalvoy

Mr. Richard J. Brennan III Mr. John W. Felleisen Dr. Vincent C. Pepe Mr. Michael F. Swanick



(27% Par cipa on)

Mr. Joseph A. Fitzmyer Dr. and Mrs. Angus T. Gillis Mr. John B. Henkels Mr. C. Frederick Horstmann Mr. William T. Kenney Mr. William J. Leighton Prof. James E. Maule Mr. Marcus E. Sack Prof. Richard J. Salvucci Mr. James A. Shalvoy Mr. Pasquale A. Stor Jr. Mr. Joseph H. Torchiana III Dr. John R. Waldron Jr. Mr. Carl W. Zvanut

Mr. Hubert B. O'Reilly Mr. Mark F. Ormond Mr. Thomas M. Orsato Jr. Dr. Michael J. Polley Mr. Frank A. Silverio


Top 5 Classes by Dollars Given 1988 1986 1972 1965 1966 Top 5 Classes by Par cipa on 1964 1965 1961 1987 1972


(20% Par cipa on)

Mr. Jason J. Coyle Dr. Stephen J. Falchek Mr. James T. Moore Mr. Tonino Nasu Dr. Paul Voois



Anonymous Mr. Kevin G. Ansley Mr. Mark J. Brennan Mr. Frank M. Byrd Mr. Terrence J. Donohue Jr. Mr. Peter A. Federico Mr. Louis I. Hamilton PhD Mr. Jonathan W. Heil Dr. Richard R. Lock Dr. John B. Mar nie Mr. Brian J. McCormick Jr. Mr. Philip M. Taddeo

(10% Par cipa on)


(12% Par cipa on)


(9% Par cipa on)

Mr. Thomas G. Nagy Dr. Hoan‐Vu T. Nguyen Mr. Joseph A. Powers

2000 (6% Par cipa on) Mr. Michael H. Cognato Mr. Thomas L. Toole III

(21% Par cipa on)

Mr. Nicholas C. Ciocca Mr. James M. Davis Mr. Mar n P. Kazanjian Mr. Mark S. Malseed Mr. Sean M. O'Reilly Mr. Jeffrey P. Sevag Mr. Andrew Smith


(13% Par cipa on)

Mr. Christopher S. Robert Jr. Mr. Philip A. Sevag Mr. Timothy R. Wilkin

2006 (0% Par cipa on)

2001 (5% Par cipa on)

2007 (8% Par cipa on)

Mr. Robert W. Rigsby Mr. Robert J. Staub III

2002 (13% Par cipa on)

(13% Par cipa on)

Mr. Mark A. Aquilante Mr. Michael A. Cuff Mr. Jeffrey M. Krull Mr. Daniel J. Pilone

2008 (9% Par cipa on) Anonymous Mr. Ma hew P. Butera Mr. David J. Evans III Mr. Philip Wade Wisler

2003 (2% Par cipa on)


Mr. Christopher J. Nicolas Mr. Jus n M. Polselli Mr. Jus n P. Walsh

Mr. Michael G. Bevilacqua Mr. Ma hew C. DiMaio Mr. Brendan P. Fulmer

(5% Par cipa on)

Mr. Kevin D. Fulmer Mr. Jus n F. Hayden Mr. Sean J. Melvin


Mr. David L. Blumstein Mr. Charles P. Capasso Mr. Daniel A. Harkins Mr. Christopher L. Weathers


2010 (13% Par cipa on)

2005 (8% Par cipa on)

Mr. Ryan T. Fulmer Mr. Ma hew A. Kramer

Mr. Michael P. Danko Jr. Mr. William J. Donohue Jr. Dr. Joseph L. D'Orazio

Mr. Brian T. Lefchak Mr. Patrick T. Mannion Mr. Sean E. McIntyre Mr. Chris an A. Staub

2004 (7% Par cipa on)

(19% Par cipa on)

2012 (4% Par cipa on)

2009 (8% Par cipa on)

Anonymous Mr. Michael J. Bentley Mr. Gregory C. Bokar Mr. Harry G. Crimi Jr. Mr. Albert J. Emhof Mr. Ryan M. Litchert

Mr. Michael A. Morrone III

(11% Par cipa on)

2011 (10% Par cipa on)

Mr. Christopher T. Cognato Mr. Joseph E. D'Arcangelo Mr. John J. Donahue Mr. Daniel P. Mulhern

Mr. Patrick F. O'Brien Mr. Griffith A. Roberts Mr. Robert M. Smith

Mr. Ryan P. Cassidy Mr. Rohan Joseph Mr. Andrew J. Zaleski

Mr. Patrick J. Blumenthal Mr. Henry R. Bule Mr. Russell T. Emery in honor of Rev. James Shea, Sch.P. Mr. Andrew R. Hayden Mr. Andrew J. Kramer Mr. James P. Lucas in honor of Rev. James Shea, Sch.P. Mr. Angelo A. Luche in honor of Dr. Carl J. Luche Mr. Patrick J. Rohr Mr. Ryan K. Stager in honor of Rev. James Shea, Sch.P. Mr. Samuel S. Young IV in honor of Rev. James Shea, Sch.P. and Dr. Chris ne DeGrado

Mr. Grant J. DeMola Mr. Daniel P. Dieckhaus Mr. Michael T. English

Mr. Paul J. Coughlin Mr. Ma hew J. DelRossi Mr. Ma hew W. Nawn Mr. Brian M. Olinger


2015 (20% Par cipa on)


(12% Par cipa on)

(17% Par cipa on)

Mr. Michael J. Gavin Mr. Edward J. Griffith Mr. Andrew A. Hu Mr. Michael L. Kimmel

The senior giving program provides an opportunity for gradua ng seniors to join their fellow alumni in suppor ng Devon Prep. The gradua ng class makes a gi to the Annual Fund, and a pledge to con nue their support during their college years. The following members of the Class of 2015 have chosen to show their support for Devon Prep by par cipa ng in this program.

Mr. Anthony Fazio Rev. Gerard J. Olinger CSC Esq.

(35% Par cipa on)

(5% Par cipa on)

Mr. Alexander E. Stark


(16% Par cipa on)




(11% Par cipa on)

Mr. Richard J. Bannister Jr. Mr. Joseph A. Dieterle Mr. Daniel C. Harrer Jr. Mr. Michael W. Ianieri Mr. Owen J. Kelly


Mr. Andrew M. Egan Mr. Eric M. Ki ner Mr. James F. Volpe


Mr. Douglas L. Kaune Mr. Wynn J. Lindley Mr. Gabriel J. Wilson IV

1991 (0% Par cipa on)

Mr. David Melchiorre Mr. Michael P. Troy Mr. Peter F. Vieira Jr. Mr. Raymond K. Walheim



Senior Giving

2014 (8% Par cipa on) Mr. Sean J. Bevan Mr. Nicholas J. Love Mr. Jackson R. Misko


Alumni Parents We deeply appreciate the generosity of the Alumni families who recognize the value of a Devon Prep educa on and have chosen to support the school with a gi to Annual or Endowed Funds, have contributed to our special collec ons or given through United Way or workplace giving programs. Their generous support strengthens the resources and opportuni es

Anonymous (6) Dr. and Mrs. M. Anthony Albornoz '08,'09 Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Al ere '00 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Anastasi '95 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Anderson '98 Mr. and Mrs. Congens J. Aquilante Jr. '94 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Arcana Jr. '09 Mrs. Joseph P. Atkins '84,'87 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Auxier '05 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Barker '13 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bauers '14 Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Beck Jr. '01 Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Bentley '03,'11 Mr. and Mrs. George K. Beothy '01 Mr. Kalman Beothy '68 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bevilacqua '10 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Bokar '11 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Boyle '83,'85 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Brekus ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Brennan,'83,'85,'87,’01 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Burke '04,'12 Mr. and Mrs. Angelo J. Butera '08 Mr. and Mrs. Chris an J. Callahan '10 Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Capasso '03,'05 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Capella Sr. '03 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Carles '08 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Carson '11,'13 Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Casey '95,'98,'01 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Cervini '97 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Christenson '06 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Class '07 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Cleaver '86 Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Cognato '00,'02,'05 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Collins Jr. '86,'01,'04 Dr. Philip J. Connor Sr. '87,'89,'92 Mr. and Mrs. Sco G. Conser '14 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Converse '02,'06


Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cooney '92,'99 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Cosden '93 Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew Durkin Coyne '10 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Creato Sr. '00 Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Cris nzio '92 Mrs. Margaret M. Crowe '81,'84 Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Crowe '13,’15 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Cunningham '01 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Czarnecki '06 Mr. and Mrs. Palmer A. Dalesandro Jr. '95 Mr. Daniel and Dr. Ingeborg Damstra '12 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. D'Aniello '05,'09 Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel J. DeFelice '98 Mr. and Mrs. Tod R. DeLong '10 Mrs. Anne Marie B. DelRossi '95,'00 Mr. Adam J. DePietro '90 Mrs. Gabrielle M. Devine '74,'75,'76,'77,'83 Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. DiDonato '13 Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. DiMarzio '11,'99 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Doherty '10 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Dolceamore Sr. '05 Mr. and Mrs. J. Joseph Donahue '02 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Donatoni '10 Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Donohue Sr. '87,'90 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Donohue ’96,’99,’02,’07 Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Duffy '97 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Emhof '11 Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Engel '11 Mr. Michael T. English '98 Mr. and Mrs. W. Alan Epps '03 Mr. Chris and Dr. Maria Farias '01,'03,'08 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Fazio '95,'97 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Ferguson '02,'04

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Finley '81,'86 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Fitzgerald '07 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Fitzmyer '69 Mr. William J. Frio '01 Mr. William and Dr. Roseanne Fulmer ’10,’12,’13 Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Gallo '12 Hon. and Mrs. Thomas G. Gavin '90,'92,'94,'96 Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Genuardi '95 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Giannantonio '03 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gillin Jr. '12 Dr. and Mrs. Angus T. Gillis '03 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gola Sr. '05,'07 Mr. Michael F. Gray '88,'93 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Griffin '88 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Gruchacz '10 Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guthrie '03,'08 Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Hackman '09 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hallinan '05,'10,'12 Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Hamilton '79,'82,'83,'87 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Harkins '05 Mr. and Mrs. David E. Haruch '13 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Hasse '07,'13 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Haughey '89 Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hayden’13,’15 Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Heavey '04,'05 Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Hook Jr. '93 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Horbowy '14 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ingelsby '06 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jonik '13 Mr. and Mrs. Anoop Joseph '07 Dr. and Mrs. Kyle M. Kampman '13 Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Kelly '14 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Kenney ’11


Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Killoran '87 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kiniry Jr. '04,'08 Mrs. Stacey Hughes Kohlbrenner '12,'14 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kozak ’11,’13 Mr. Geoffrey Kramer '07 Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Kramer '12,’15 Dr. and Mrs. Franz G. Lassner '86,'88 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Latran '12,'14 Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey D. Lawrence '10,'14 Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Lefchak '09 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lewis '12, ‘15 Mr. and Mrs. Luvimino D. Lim '00,'98 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Listwak '08 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Litchert '11 Mrs. Beatrice B. Lock '82,'87 Mr. and Mrs. George T. Love '14 Dr. and Mrs. Carl Luche '10,’15 Mrs. James A. Lyons '68,'69 Mrs. Suzanne P. MacIntyre '05 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Maertzig Sr. '92,'93,'96 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Magno a III '10,'12 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Maiale '07 Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Ma hews III '11 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McCarron '11 Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McCormick Sr.’87,’90,’94 Mr. and Mrs. William F. McGinnis '85 Mr. and Mrs. John F. McIntyre '09 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McMahon '09 Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. McNabb '01,'05,'07,'12 Mr. and Mrs. John F. McNichol '04,'06,'09 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McParland Jr. '09,'11 Dr. and Mrs. David W. McSurdy '14 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Meyer '10 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Miller '06 Dr. William R. Miller '06,'94 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Misko '14 Ms. Laura Mondon '00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Monte '84,'85,'88 Dr. Joan L. Moore '82,'84 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Morris '90 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Morrissey '03,'05 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morrone '03 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mucche '09 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Murphy '96 Mr. and Mrs. Geza J. Nagy '92


A er winning the Bicentennial Athle c League Independence Division baseball tle for the first me in several years, the Devon Prep entered the District 1 AA compe on. The Tide defeated Bristol High School 11‐3 in the semifinal game. Senior Catcher Dominic Hardaway was 2‐4, with 2 RBIs; Sophomore Ma Szkolnicki was 2‐2 with 3 runs. Senior Pitcher Pat Rohr got the win.

In the district tle game Pat Rohr went the distance against Springfield (Montco) helping the Tide bring home their second consecu ve District 1 Title with a 4 – 3 win. Rohr got the complete game on his 99th pitch. The loss ended Springfield’s 4‐year run as Class AA champs. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Regan '08 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Reish '05 Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Richter '11 Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Riedel '13 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Robbins Sr. '12 Mrs. Chris na T. Robbins '86 Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Rossi '08 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rovinski '11 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rumman‐Obeid '08 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Savarese Sr. '03 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Schellenger '14 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schramm '00 Mrs. Kathleen Schuessler '83 Dr. John H. Schwarz '09 Mrs. Susan P. Schwarz '09 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Sclafani '03,'06 Mr. and Mrs. Kirby J. Sco '86 Mr. Paul G. Sevag '93,'99 Dr. and Mrs. John T. Seykora '13 Mrs. Sheila M. Shannon '76,'78,'80,'83 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Shields, Jr. '76,'80,'92

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Nawn '95 Mr. Marc Stormes and Dr. Maryellen Nerz‐Stormes '09,'11 Mrs. Marilyn Nicolas '04 Dr. and Mrs. R. Barre Noone '85 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Norwood '07 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Nowlan '10 Mrs. Carol Okonski '09 Mr. and Mrs. Hubert B. O’Reilly ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. O aviano '88 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pancerella '11 Mr. J. Bradford and Dr. Teresa Parkes '09 Mrs. Jolene Petras '80,'92 Mr. and Mrs. David F. Phelan '08,’15 Dr. Wai Wor Phoon '81,'83 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Pio '01 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Piro '11 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Plebani '04 Mr. and Mrs. Godfryd Plociennik '82 Dr. and Mrs. John J. Radomile Jr. '09 Dr. John J. Radomile Sr. '66,'77,'83

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Shields '14 Drs. Michael and Francesca Sidor '11,'14 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Silvestri '10 Mr. and Mrs. Darrell D. Skyrm '07 Dr. Lydia G. Slavish '10 Mrs. Robert E. Slota Jr. '06 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Smith '11 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Smith '10 Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Smith '10 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Snook '03,'09 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Souder '06 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Stack '10 Mr. and Mrs. Wade Stallard '94 Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Staller '82 Ms. Rachel M. Stauffer '12 Ms. Jacquie Stone '05 Dr. and Mrs. Francisco F. Suero '10,'13 Mrs. Ann C. Sullivan '73,'75,'86 Ms. Chris ne Tascone '02 Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Tolvaisa '13 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Torchiana III '01 Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Trucksess’06,’07 Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Volpe '01,'96 Mrs. Anne H. Vossenberg '74 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Vuono '06 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Walheim Sr. '80,'81,'82,'85 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Walsh '04 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wa ers '14 Mrs. Lawrence G. Weathers Jr. '05 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Weaver '09 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Weis '12 Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Wickersham '11 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Wilkin '99 Mrs. Michele L. Williams '05 Mr. and Mrs. Dwight T. Wilson '08 Mr. and Mrs. Terence Winslow '05 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Witman '00 Mr. and Mrs. Rodlee J. Wright '13 Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Yoder '85 Ms. Frances M. Zipp '09,'13



We are grateful for the generosity and support that our families extend to Devon so that together we can provide the best possible educa on for our students. This year, 51% of our families supported Devon Prep with a gi to the Annual Fund through the Annual Appeal, the Christmas Collec on, or via workplace giving.

Class of 2015 (55% Par cipa on) Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. William Bule Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso B. Carandang Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Crowe Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dawson Mr. and Mrs. Karl N. DiPietro Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Emery Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hardaway Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hayden Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hegarty Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Knudson Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lewis Dr. and Mrs. Carl Luche Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. McCallister Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Milani Ms. Mary Catherine Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Nave Sr. Mr. and Mrs. David F. Phelan Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. Rohr Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Stager Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Te Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Uhlman Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Walheim Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Walker

Class of 2018 (40% Par cipa on) Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Brower Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Corsi Mr. and Mrs. James M. Costello III Mr. and Mrs. David J. Curran Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Donato Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Gazda Mr. and Mrs. Kurt M. Husar Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Ianieri Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Jardine Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jonik Dr. and Mrs. Sherry Jose Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Klauder Mrs. Cathy Lockyer‐Moulton Mr. and Dr. Sudhir P. Naik Mr. and Mrs. Steve R. Pabia Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Pietrafi a Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Redmond Mr. Kurt Wolter and Dr. Chris ne Reilly Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rufo Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Shiller Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. William A. Stevenson Dr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Verna Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Wilmer Jr.

Class of 2017 (46% Par cipa on) Anonymous (4) Ms. Mandy Adamson Mr. and Mrs. James V. Coffey Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. DiMarzio Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Fasullo Mr. and Mrs. David E. Haruch Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Keough Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Klick Mr. and Mrs. Edmund G. Kowalewski Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Lo us Mr. and Mrs. William Long Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Lubker Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Ludt Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Orsa III Mr. and Mrs. Chris an M. Petrucci Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rufo Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Smoot

Class of 2016 (39% Par cipa on) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. John Balog Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Be s Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bevilacqua Mr. Frank J. and Dr. Kathleen Bonini Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Brace


Mr. and Mrs. David Szkolnicki Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Weir

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Delphais Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Finley Mr. William and Dr. Roseanne Fulmer Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. William B. Gallo Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. George T. Love Ms. Mary E. MacLachlan Dr. and Mrs. David W. McSurdy Mr. and Mrs. Sameer D. Miranda Mrs. Marilyn Nicolas Drs. Richard and Teresa O'Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Piro Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rumman‐Obeid Dr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Verna Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Walker

Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Michel Mr. and Mrs. John F. Misko Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sla ery Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Thomas

Class of 2020 (75% Par cipa on) Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Santo Fortebuono Mr. William and Dr. Roseanne Fulmer Dr. and Mrs. Vincent C. Pepe Mr. Kurt Wolter and Dr. Chris ne Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Smoot Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Zack

Class of 2021 (40% Par cipa on) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bauers Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Bill Mr. Jon Stefansson and Ms. Lisa DeMarco Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Scavi o

Class of 2019 (63% Par cipa on) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Barker Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Bello Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Federico Mr. and Mrs. William R. Good Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew D. Jiannino


SPRING TIDE 2015 - THE MAGIC OF DEVON Devon Prep’s Parents Associa on hosted Spring TIDE 2015, “The Magic of Devon,” in early March raising more than $90,000. Over 200 parents, faculty, alumni and friends a ended the event in Devon’s beau fully decorated athle c facility. The dinner/auc on fundraiser included a delicious feast catered by Luigi and Giovanni, a roving magician performing amazing tricks, over 200 silent and live auc on items, music and more. Among the auc on items were concert and sports ckets, jewelry, framed team photos, a quilt made from classic Devon t‐shirts, vaca on packages, front seats at gradua on, and the ever popular dinner with Assistant Headmaster Mr. Larry Iezzi.

Thanks to all the Devon moms and dads who put in so much me and effort to make the evening truly magical. Special thanks to the reless Co‐Chairs Mrs. Chris ne Bonfiglio and Mrs. Sharon DiPietro, and their awesome Commi ee, Mrs. Kathy Bevilacqua, Mrs. Angela Chambers, Mrs. Audrey Clancy, Mrs. Mary Conroy, Mrs. Linda Duffy, Dr. Roe Fulmer, Mrs. Beth Gallo, Mrs. Linda Kramer, Mrs. Joanna Pietrafi a, Mrs. Lillian Walker and Mrs. Jen Wright.



Grandparents We gratefully acknowledge the following grandparents for their gi s to Devon Prep. Their generous support helps us to offer the best possible learning environment for our students. Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aberbach Mrs. Eileen Atene Mr. and Mrs. Louis Barba Mrs. Nancy Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bentzley Mr. and Mrs. Richard Be s Mrs. Kathleen Bevilacqua Mrs. Priscilla Brekus Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brower Mr. Frederick Camp Mr. and Mrs. Dave Choate Mrs. Janine Clay Mr. and Mrs. Brian Colamosca Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D'Alessandro Mr. and Mrs. Michael D'Antonio Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeLaney Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Eddins Mr. and Mrs. Gus Ferro Mrs. Sally L. Gla es Mr. and Mrs. John Graham Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Edward Habert Mrs. Judy Hannigan Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hayden Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes Mrs. Helga Hoetzer Mrs. Harrie James Mr. and Mrs. J. David Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kane Mr. Joseph W. Kaszupski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kozak Ms. Ellen J. Laurilliard Mr. and Mrs. Rich Laut Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lignowski Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Limongelli Mrs. Catherine E. Love Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lubker


Mrs. Edward Lucas Mrs. Patricia MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Alexander MacLachlan Mr. and Mrs. William Maslanka Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. McAlee Dr. and Mrs. Joseph McCahon Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. McCallister Mrs. Ann McClay Mrs. Patricia McGovern Mrs. Dede McKnight Mrs. Ursula M. Michel Dr. and Mrs. Sam Micklus Mrs. Nancy Milani Mr. and Mrs. John K. Moriarty Ms. Anahis Odabashian Mr. and Mrs. Dominic A. O aviano Mr. Alex Papageorge Mr. William Quain Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Philip P. Rothwein Mr. and Mrs. William Sass Mrs. Irene P. Savage Mr. and Mrs. James F. Schumacher Mr. John Seidler Mr. and Mrs. David J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Constancio Tiglao Mrs. Angela Tyson Mr. and Mrs. Fred Urbanek Mr. and Mrs. Robert Verna Mr. and Mrs. George Weir Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Young

Despite the sketchy weather forecast, grandparents and special others came in large numbers to enjoy their special day at Devon Prep. More than 200 guests and over 100 Devon students a ended the annual Grandparents and Special Others Day in November. They feasted on an extensive con nental breakfast, and were entertained by Dr. Valen n Radu and the Devon Prep Music Society. It may have been cold and wet outside, but inside the gym students and their guests enjoyed the opportunity to spend some special me together.


Gifts to the Faculty/Staff Retirement Fund We are grateful to those who showed their support for our outstanding faculty through voluntary gi s to this fund. This year, nearly 60% of our families supported this special fund which helps us to a ract and retain talented and dedicated faculty and staff. Mr. and Mrs. David E. Haruch Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Hinke Mr. and Mrs. Phong Hoang Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Kurt M. Husar Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew D. Jiannino Dr. and Mrs. Sherry Jose Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Kilroy Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Klauder Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Klick Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Knudson Mr. and Mrs. Edmund G. Kowalewski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kozak, III Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Kutufaris Mr. and Mrs. Bumjin Lee Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Lignowski Mrs. Cathy Lockyer‐Moulton Mr. and Mrs. George T. Love Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Lubker, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Lucas Dr. and Mrs. Carl Luche Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Ludt Ms. Mary E. MacLachlan Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Maiale Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Maslanka Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. McAlee, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William McBride Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. McCallister Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. McCarthy, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McClay Mr. and Mrs. B. Craig McCulloch Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. McGeehan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McGinley Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. McGuckin Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew P. McGuire Dr. and Mrs. David W. McSurdy Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Michel Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Milani Mr. and Mrs. Sameer D. Miranda

Anonymous (4) Ms. Mandy Adamson Mr. and Mrs. John Balog, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Barella Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Bello Mr. and Mrs. John R. Be s Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bevilacqua Mr. and Mrs. Raj P. Bharne Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Bonfiglio Mr. Frank J. and Dr. Kathleen Bonini, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Brace Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Brekus Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Brower Mr. and Mrs. William Bule Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Byrd, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso B. Carandang Mr. Christopher B. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Chambers Mr. and Mrs. James V. Coffey Mr. and Mrs. James M. Costello, III Ms. Laura Lynn Co rel Mr. and Mrs. Brian Colamosca Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew Durkin Coyne Mr. and Mrs. David J. Curran Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Damerau, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Valeriu Damian‐Iordache Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dawson Mr. and Mrs. Frank Delphais, Jr. Mr. Jon Stefansson and Ms. Lisa DeMarco Mr. and Mrs. Karl N. DiPietro Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Donato Mr. and Mrs. George F. Eidman Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Fasullo Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas L. Fedyk Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Finley Mr. and Mrs. Santo Fortebuono Mr. and Mrs. William B. Gallo Mr. and Mrs. John C. George Mrs. Sally Gla es Mr. and Mrs. William R. Good Mr. and Mrs. John Graham Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hallinan


Mr. and Mrs. John F. Misko Dr. and Mrs. Jose G. Moreno Mr. and Mrs. Dawson R. Muth Mr. and Dr. Sudhir P. Naik Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Nave, Sr. Dr. Edgar C. Nicolas Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Norris Mr. Patrick and Dr. Ellen Agnes O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'Connor Drs. Richard and Teresa O'Flynn Mr. and Mrs. John J. O'Malley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Orsa , III Dr. and Mrs. Vincent C. Pepe Mr. and Mrs. Chris an M. Petrucci Mr. and Mrs. David F. Phelan Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Piro Mr. and Mrs. Joshi M. Ramanjulu Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Ranaudo Mr. David K. Randall Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Rasinski Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Redmond Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. Rohr Dr. and Mrs. Victor Romo Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rufo Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rule Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rumman‐Obeid Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Scafidi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Scavi o

Mr. John Seidler Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Sena Mr. Hank Yoo and Ms. Insook Seol Ms. Melissa Shusterman Mr. and Mrs. Dave G. Siracusa Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sla ery Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Smoot Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Spires Mr. and Mrs. William A. Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. David Szkolnicki Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. William J. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Arnold A. Tiglao Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Tyson Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Uhlman Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. van Zelst, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Verna Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Voorhees Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Walheim Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Weir Dr. and Mrs. Francis J. White Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Wilmer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Rodlee J. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Young Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Zack


The Second Annual "Ba ng for Pat" wiffle ball tournament raised $7,000 for the ZERO – The End of Prostate Cancer organiza on. The tournament honors Mr. Pat Na le, a long me Devon employee recovering from prostate cancer. More than 150 Devon Prep students, alumni, faculty, and staff as well friends and family of Pat came out to support him.

Twenty‐two teams par cipated in the single elimina on tournament. In the end the Squishes, Sophomores Devon Laut, Jack Marquis, Josh van Oostrom, Ma Torchiana & Faculty Member Mr. Joe Donahue, emerged the winners.

During the tournament Pat Na le took the me to thank everyone for their support and involvement in the event including Mr. Pat Kane, Mr. Mark Aquilante, Ms. Barbara Medina and especially his wife Gail.

Faculty and Staff We are grateful to our faculty and staff who have a profound influence on our students through their dedicated service as educators. We recognize the following members of our faculty and staff who also play an important role in the overall growth and development of Devon Prep through their financial support of the Annual Fund and endowed funds. Anonymous Mrs. Patricia Ambrose Mrs. Joan Aquilante Mr. Mark A. Aquilante Mr. George K. Beothy Mr. Barry P. Brazunas Mrs. Sara B. Corbe Mr. J. Joseph Donahue Mrs. Jeanmarie T. Emhof Ms. Elizabeth Eshleman Mr. David J. Evans III Mrs. Denise Gavin


Ms. Barbara G. Medina Ms. Laura Mondon Mr. Pasquale S. Na le Ms. Melanie R. Picard Mr. Paul J. Sanborn Rev. James J. Shea, Sch.P. Mr. George D. Sheehan Rev. Richard S. Wyzykiewicz, Sch.P. Mrs. Diane L. Ware

Mrs. Jennifer Gregory Mrs. Catherine Harpel Mr. Charles J. Hollowell Mrs. Kathleen Iacobucci Mrs. Kimberly D. Judge Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J. Kalivas Mr. Joseph E. Lewis Ms. Rosalie Lombardo Mrs. Anne e M. Loutrel Mr. Steven R. Lukens Mr. James G. Mastrangelo Mr. R. Roger Mecouch


Annual Fund Gift Recognition Clubs Devon Prep Loyalty Club


We have noted (with an asterisk) those members of the Devon Prep Community who have made gi s to the Devon Prep Annual Fund for 10 or more consecu ve years. We are very grateful for their con nued support, which has provided a las ng impact for Devon Prep students.

Founder ($10,000 and more) Anonymous (5) Aqua Pennsylvania, Inc. Mrs. Joseph P. Atkins AP* Mr. Richard J. Bannister, Jr. A The Ba afarano Family AP,A* Business Leadership Organized for Catholic Schools F Devon Prep Parents Associa on F* Genuardi Family Founda on GlaxoSmithKline Founda on Gunard Berry Carlson Memorial Founda on The Guzikowski Family AP,A* Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew D. Jiannino P Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Klauder P Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kozak, III AP,P Mrs. James A. Lyons AP Drs. Richard and Teresa O'Flynn P Penn Liberty Bank The Adrian & Kimberly Adams Family Founda on Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wa ers and Family Wells Fargo Founda on F

Calasanc us ($5,000 to $9,999) Anonymous (2) American Endowment Founda on Mr. and Mrs. Congens J. Aquilante, Jr. AP,FS* Mr. Kalman Beothy AP* Devon Prep Alumni Associa on F* Mr. Michael T. English AP Mr. Michael T. English A Mr. Frank J. Ferro A FJN Charitable Founda on F Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Genuardi A,AP* Mr. William J. Glynn A* Henkels Founda on


Headmaster ($2,500 to $4,999) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Barker AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Bentley AP* Bentley Systems, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Brennen, Jr. A* Mr. Peter G. Byrnes A Mr. Jon Stefansson and Ms. Lisa DeMarco P Dr. and Mrs. Sherry Jose P Mr. and Mrs. Brian Loutrel FS Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Ludt P Mr. and Mrs. James F. Murphy, Jr. A* New York Life Founda on Mr. Brian M. Olinger A* Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Phelan F* Renaissance Charitable Founda on Inc. Mr. Michael F. Schmid A Dr. and Mrs. Francisco F. Suero AP Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program F Mr. Peter F. Vieira, Jr. A Visual Communica ons F Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Walheim AP Mr. and Mrs. John F. Weaver AP Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Weir P

Faculty or Staff Re red Grandparent Student Trustee Deceased

Anonymous (6) Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Al ere AP* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Anderson AP Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ansley, Jr. A,T* Bergen Co. UW Charitable Flex Fund Mr. and Mrs. John R. Be s P Boeing Gi Matching Program F Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Brace P Mr. Mark J. Brennan A Mr. John J. Butler, III A Mr. Patrick J. Byrnes A Mr. Frederick Camp GP Carebridge Corpora on F Mr. Nicholas C. Ciocca A* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Creato, Sr. AP* Mrs. Margaret M. Crowe AP,GP Mr. Daniel and Dr. Ingeborg Damstra AP* Mr. and Mrs. Michael D'Antonio GP Mrs. Gabrielle M. Devine AP* Mr. James I. Devine A* DirectTV Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Donato P Mr. Bernard J. Donohue A* Dr. Joseph L. D'Orazio A Exelon Matching Gi s Program for Educa on F Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Ferguson AP Fidelity Brokerage Services, LLC Mr. Mark S. Fiumara A Mr. Joseph A. Gaeto A Mr. Henry M. Gallagher A* General Electric Founda on F Dr. and Mrs. Angus T. Gillis A,AP* Mr. Richard W. Hallahan +A Illinois Tool Works Founda on F Independence Blue Cross Mr. Michael L. Kimmel A*


Leadership ($1,000 to $2,499)

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Magno a III AP McCloskey Financial Group F Mr. and Mrs. David J. Miller AP* Dr. Hoan‐Vu T. Nguyen A Mr. Frank A. Silverio A* The Ginger English Memorial Fund F UGI Energy Services United Way of Greater Philadelphia & Southern NJ * Vanguard Group Founda on F

Alumnus Alumni Parents Present Parents Friends or Family Faculty or Staff

Mr. Eric M. Ki ner A Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Klick P Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Knudson P Mr. Jeffrey M. Krull A* Lambda Science, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey D. Lawrence AP* Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Listwak AP* Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Lo us AP Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Lubker, Sr. P Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Ma hews, III AP* Prof. James E. Maule A* Mr. Brian J. McCormick A Mrs. Dede McKnight GP Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McParland, Jr. AP,T* Merck Partnership for Giving Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Michel P Mrs. Ursula M. Michel GP Mr. and Mrs. John F. Misko AP,P Dr. Joan L. Moore AP* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morrone AP* Mr. and Dr. Sudhir P. Naik P Captain Charles P. O'Neill A* Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Piro AP,P Mr. Jus n M. Polselli A Mrs. Sydney Rabe Dr. and Mrs. John J. Radomile, Jr. A,AP* Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Rossi AP* Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rufo P Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rumman‐Obeid AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. San ni A* Mr. Richard J. Savini A Mr. Horace E. Scherer, Jr. A* Schwab Charitable Fund Mr. Charles E. Shalvoy, Jr. A Mr. Peter T. Shalvoy A Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Shields, Jr. AP*


Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Emhof AP,FS* Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Engel AP Dr. Stephen J. Falchek A Dr. James S. Falcone, Jr. A Mr. Chris and Dr. Maria Farias AP Mr. Francis X. Farmar A* Dr. James G. Farmar A Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Fazio AP* Fidelity Charitable Gi Fund Mr. and Mrs. Santo Fortebuono P Giant A+ School Rewards Ms. Margaret E. Gillis F Mrs. Sally L. Gla es GP Ms. Frances E. Gray F Dr. Tibor J. Ham, Jr. A Mr. Louis I. Hamilton, PhD A Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hardaway P Mr. and Mrs. David E. Haruch AP,P Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hayden GP Mr. William W. Heil, Jr. A* Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence Holmes P Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Horbowy AP Mr. C. Frederick Horstmann A Mr. Andrew A. Hu A Mr. and Mrs. Kurt M. Husar A,P* J.P. Mascaro & Sons F Mr. and Mrs. J. David Johnson GP Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Kelly AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Edmund G. Kowalewski P Mr. William J. Leighton A* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lewis AP,P,FS Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Limongelli GP Dr. Gerald P. Line e, Jr. A Dr. Richard R. Lock A Mrs. Cathy Lockyer‐Moulton P Mr. and Mrs. George T. Love AP,P Dr. and Mrs. Carl Luche AP,P Ms. Mary E. MacLachlan P Dr. John B. Mar nie A Mr. and Mrs. William Maslanka GP Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. McCallister P Dr. and Mrs. David W. McSurdy AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Milani P Mr. and Mrs. Sameer D. Miranda P Ms. Theresa W. Morley F*

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Shields AP Applebee’s Solar Car Fundraiser Mr. and Mrs. Wade Stallard AP Mr. Michael F. Swanick A* Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Te , Jr. P The Glenmede Trust Company, N.A. Mr. Thomas L. Toole III A Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Torchiana, III A,AP* Trebol USA, LLC F Vanguard REIT Index Fund Dr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Verna P Mr. Gregory J. Viola A* Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Walker P Mrs. Mary G. Wa s F* Mr. Gabriel J. Wilson, IV A

Blue and Gold ($500 to $999) Anonymous (7) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aberbach GP Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Anastasi AP Dr. Frank H. Anderson A* Mr. and Mrs. John Balog, Jr. P Bank of America F Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Bello P Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bevilacqua AP,P Mr. Frank J. and Dr. Kathleen Bonini, Jr. P Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Brennan AP* Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Brower P Mr. F. Thomas Brown A* Mr. and Mrs. William Bule P Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso B. Carandang P Mr. and Mrs. James V. Coffey P Conrad O'Brien PC F Mr. and Mrs. Sco G. Conser AP Mr. and Mrs. James M. Costello, III P Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dawson P Dr. James H. Degnan, Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. Frank Delphais, Jr. P Mr. Joseph P. Denny A* Mr. Mar n L. Devine A Ms. Joanne C. Devine F Mr. Joseph A. Dieterle A Mr. and Mrs. Karl N. DiPietro P Eastern Business So ware, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Emery P


Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Smith P Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Smith AP* Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Smoot P Mr. Alexander E. Stark A Mr. and Mrs. William A. Stevenson P Mr. and Mrs. David Szkolnicki P Target F* The Pruden al Founda on Matching Gi s F Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Trucksess AP* Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Uhlman A,P,T Dr. Ralph R. Vassallo, Jr. A* Verizon Founda on Mrs. Lawrence G. Weathers, Jr. AP* Mr. and Mrs. John M. Weis AP Mr. Timothy R. Wilkin A* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Zack P

“Devon is so much more than a small school. It is truly a great community of Piarist Fathers, teachers, coaches, friends and family that come togeth‐ er to grow and nurture young men.”

Erling Donnelly Class of 1996

Benefactor ($250 to $499)

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Morrissey AP* Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale S. Na le FS* Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Nave, Sr. P Network For Good New York Life Giving Campaign Norfolk Southern Mr. Michael A. Olivares A* Mr. and Mrs. Hubert B. O'Reilly A,AP,T* Mr. Mark F. Ormond A Mr. Brian J. O'Sullivan A Dr. and Mrs. Vincent C. Pepe AP Mr. and Mrs. Chris an M. Petrucci P Mr. and Mrs. David F. Phelan AP,P Mr. Daniel J. Pilone A QVC Partners In Giving MG Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Reish AP Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. Rohr P Rotor Bearing Technology & So ware F Mr. Francis S. Ryan A* Mr. Marcus E. Sack A Dr. Michael J. Savini, Jr. A+ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Scavi o P Mr. Alan T. Scherer A Mr. Jeffrey P. Sevag A Mr. Paul G. Sevag AP* Dr. and Mrs. John T. Seykora AP Mr. Andrew F. Smith A Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Smith AP

Anonymous (3) Ms. Mandy Adamson P Mr. Christopher R. Albani A* Dr. Robert E. Ambrogi, Jr. A AMSTED Industries Incorporated Mr. William P. Arata A* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Auriemma AP Mr. and Mrs. John A. Barella P Mr. and Mrs. George K. Beothy A,AP,FS* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Be s GP Mr. and Mrs. Raj P. Bharne P Mr. Richard J. Blair A* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Bonfiglio P Mr. Michael T. Borkowski A* Mr. George C. Brady, III A Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Byrd, Jr. AP Mr. Robert E. Canale A Mr. Christopher B. Carpenter P Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Chambers P Mr. and Mrs. James W. Christenson AP Mr. and Mrs. John L. Cleaver AP* Mr. and Mrs. Brian Colamosca GP Mr. James E. Colleran, Jr. Mr. Paul J. Corr, Jr. A Ms. Laura Lynn Co rel P Mr. Jason J. Coyle A Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew Durkin Coyne AP,P



Dr. Wai Wor Phoon AP* Mr. and Mrs. John F. Plebani AP Mr. and Mrs. Joshi M. Ramanjulu P Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Ranaudo P Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Rasinski P Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Redmond P Mr. and Mrs. James J. Robbins, Sr. AP* Dr. and Mrs. Victor Romo P Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rule P Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Sanborn A,FS Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Scafidi P Mr. John Seidler GP Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Sena P Mr. Hank Yoo and Ms. Insook Seol P Mr. Philip A. Sevag A Mr. James A. Shalvoy A Rev. James J. Shea, Sch.P. A,FS,T* Ms. Melissa Shusterman P Siemens Caring Hands Giving Mr. and Mrs. Dave G. Siracusa P Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sla ery P Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Spires P St. Elizabeth Roman Catholic Church F Mr. Marc Stormes and Dr. Maryellen Nerz‐Stormes AP Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Thomas P Mr. and Mrs. Arnold A. Tiglao P Mr. Philip Trainer, Jr. A* Mr. Michael P. Troy A Mr. Paul C. Troy A* Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Tyson P Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. van Zelst, Sr. P Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Voorhees P Dr. John R. Waldron, Jr. A Dr. and Mrs. Francis J. White AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Wickersham AP Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Wilkin AP Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Wilmer, Jr. P Mr. Gregory P. Winner A Mr. and Mrs. Rodlee J. Wright AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Young GP

Dr. Charles G. Jacoby A* Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jonik AP,P Mr. Douglas L. Kaune A Mr. and Mrs. William T. Kenney A,AP* Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Kilroy P Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Kutufaris P Ms. Ellen J. Laurilliard GP Mr. and Mrs. Bumjin Lee P Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Lignowski P Mr. and Mrs. Luvimino D. Lim AP Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lubker GP Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Lucas P Mrs. Suzanne P. MacIntyre AP Mr. W. Kelley Macke A Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Maertzig, Sr. AP Mr. Allison J. Maggiolo A* Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Maiale P Mr. Mark S. Malseed A Mr. Robert F. Mars, III A Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Maslanka P Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. McAlee, Sr. P Mr. and Mrs. William McBride P Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. McCarthy, Sr. AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McClay P Mr. and Mrs. B. Craig McCulloch P Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. McGeehan P Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McGinley P Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. McGuckin P Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew P. McGuire P Mr. and Mrs. R. Roger Mecouch FS Merck Partnership for Giving MG Mr. James T. Moore A* Dr. and Mrs. Jose G. Moreno P Mr. Daniel P. Mulhern A Mr. James A. Mulhern A* Mr. and Mrs. Dawson R. Muth P Dr. Edgar C. Nicolas AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Norris P Mr. Eric Nowak A Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Nowlan AP Mr. Patrick and Dr. Ellen Agnes O'Brien P Mrs. Carol Okonski AP Mr. and Mrs. John J. O'Malley P Mr. Sean M. O'Reilly A Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Orsa , III P Mr. and Mrs. Dominic A. O aviano GP Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pancerella AP Mr. Alex Papageorge GP Paul Sevag Motors, Inc. F

Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Craig F* Mr. Richard F. Crowley A Mr. Michael A. Cuff A Mr. and Mrs. David J. Curran P Mr. and Mrs. Palmer A. Dalesandro, Jr. AP Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Damerau, Jr. P Mr. and Mrs. Valeriu Damian‐Iordache P Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeLaney GP Mr. Ma hew J. DelRossi A Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. DiDonato A,AP,T* Mr. Daniel P. Dieckhaus A Dr. Philip J. DiGiacomo, Jr. A Dr. Dennis P. DiRenzo A Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Donatoni AP Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Duffy AP Dr. Gary R. Dunkerley A Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Eddins GP Mr. Andrew M. Egan A Mr. and Mrs. George F. Eidman P Exelon ExxonMobil Founda on F Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Fasullo P Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas L. Fedyk P Mr. and Mrs. Gus Ferro GP Mr. Joseph A. Fitzmyer A* Mr. and Mrs. William B. Gallo P Mr. and Mrs. John C. George P Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Giannantonio A,AP* Mr. Patrick W. Goalwin A* Mr. and Mrs. William R. Good P Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Graham F Mr. and Mrs. John Graham GP Mr. Edward J. Griffith A* Mr. David M. Gross A Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guthrie AP* Mr. William F. Haase A Dr. Steven T. Hackman A Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hallinan AP,P* Dr. Richard J. Hamilton A Mr. Gregory E. Harmer A Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Hasse AP Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Haughey AP Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hayden AP,P Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes GP Mr. Jonathan W. Heil A Mr. Julius G. Hernadi A* Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Hinke P Mr. and Mrs. Phong Hoang P Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Ianieri A,P*

Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Young P

Patron ($100 to $249) Anonymous (11) Dr. and Mrs. M. Anthony Albornoz AP Mrs. Patricia Ambrose FS Mr. Kevin G. Ansley A Mr. Mark A. Aquilante A,FS

Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Arcana, Jr. AP Mrs. Eileen Atene GP Mr. and Mrs. Louis Barba GP Mrs. Nancy Barnes GP Mr. Eric Beam F Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Beck, Jr. AP Mrs. Kathleen Bevilacqua GP Mr. Patrick J. Blumenthal S Mrs. Alice R. Bowen F* Ms. Geraldine Bowers F* Ms. Joanne E. Bowers F Mr. Barry P. Brazunas FS* Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Brekus AP,P Mrs. Priscilla Brekus GP Mr. Richard J. Brennan, III A Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brower GP Mr. Richard J. Brown A The Burke Family AP,A* Mr. John W. Burwinkel, Jr. A Mr. Alexander S. Buzogany, Jr. A* Mr. and Mrs. Chris an J. Callahan AP Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Capasso AP* Mr. Charles P. Capasso A Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Capella, Sr. AP* Mr. and Mrs. John C. Carles AP* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Carson AP Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Casey AP Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Cervini AP Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Class AP Mrs. Janine Clay GP Mr. Christopher T. Cognato A* Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Cognato AP Mr. Michael H. Cognato A Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coleman GP Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Collins, Jr. AP* Dr. and Mrs. Philip J. Connor, Sr. A,AP,FSR* Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Converse AP* Mrs. Sara B. Corbe FS* Mr. Paul J. Coughlin A Dr. Joseph P. Coyle A* Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Crowe A,AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Cunningham AP Mr. Michael J. Davis A Dr. James F. Deatherage A Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel J. DeFelice AP* Mrs. Anne Marie B. DelRossi AP Mr. Grant J. DeMola A Mr. Adam J. DePietro AP* Mr. Paul J. Derham A


Devon Prep Faculty Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Doherty AP Mr. and Mrs. J. Joseph Donahue A,AP,FS,T* Mr. John J. Donahue A Mr. and Mrs. Daniel V. Donohue A* Mr. Terrence J. Donohue, Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Donohue, Sr. AP Mr. and Mrs. William J. Donohue A,AP* Mr. William B. Duffy A Mr. and Mrs. John J. Duffy, III T Mr. Henry J. Eichman A* Mr. David J. Evans, III A,FS Mr. Anthony Fazio A Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Federico A,P Mr. John W. Felleisen A* Mr. and Mrs. John M. Finley AP Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Finley P Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Fitzmyer AP Mr. William J. Frio A,AP Mr. Edward P. Gavigan A* Mr. Michael J. Gavin A Hon. and Mrs. Thomas G. Gavin AP,FS Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Gazda P Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gillin, Jr. AP Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gola, Sr. AP Mr. Lawrence J. Graff F,FSR Mr. Michael F. Gray AP*

Mr. Geoffrey Kramer A,AP* Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Kramer AP,P Dr. and Mrs. Franz G. Lassner AP Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Latran AP Mr. and Mrs. Rich Laut GP Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Lefchak AP Linde North America, Inc. F Mr. Wynn J. Lindley A Mr. and Mrs. John C. Litchert A,AP Mrs. Beatrice B. Lock AP* Ms. Rose Lombardo FS* Mr. and Mrs. William Long P Mrs. Catherine E. Love GP Mr. and Mrs. Alexander MacLachlan GP Mr. Patrick T. Mannion A Mannion Prior, LLC F Mr. and Mrs. James G. Mastrangelo FS Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. McAlee GP Dr. and Mrs. Joseph McCahon GP Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McCarron AP Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McCormick, Sr. AP Mr. Barry R. McKeon A* Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McMahon AP* Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. McNabb AP* Mr. Richard E. McVoy, Jr. A Mr. David Melchiorre A Mr. Joseph F. Messina A

Mrs. Jennifer Gregory FS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Griffin AP* Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin GP Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Gruchacz AP* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Habert GP Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Hackman A,AP Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Hamilton AP* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Harkins AP Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harpel FS* Mr. Daniel C. Harrer, Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hegarty P Mr. John B. Henkels A Mrs. Helga Hoetzer GP Mrs. Catherine A. Hostler F Mr. Peter J. Hughes F Mr. and Mrs. Michael Iacobucci FS* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ingelsby AP* Mrs. Harrie James GP Mr. and Mrs. Anoop Joseph AP Mr. and Mrs. James F. Judge, Jr. FS Dr. and Mrs. Kyle M. Kampman AP Mr. Joseph W. Kaszupski GP Mr. Mar n P. Kazanjian A Mr. Owen J. Kelly A Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Keough P Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kiniry, Jr. AP* Kistler‐Tiffany Benefits F

Dr. and Mrs. Sam Micklus GP Mrs. Nancy Milani GP Dr. William R. Miller AP Ms. Laura Mondon AP,FS Montgomery Bar Associa on F Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Moran F,FSR Mr. and Mrs. John K. Moriarty GP Mr. and Mrs. James J. Murphy AP* Mr. and Mrs. Geza J. Nagy AP* Mr. Thomas G. Nagy A Dr. and Mrs. R. Barre Noone AP* Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Norwood AP Mr. L. Kevin O'Connor A Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'Connor P Mr. Thomas M. Orsato, Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. O aviano AP Mr. and Mrs. Steve R. Pabia P Mr. J. Bradford and Dr. Teresa Parkes AP Mrs. Jolene Petras AP Mr. John L. Pfaff, III A Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Pietrafi a P Mr. and Mrs. Godfryd Plociennik AP* PNC Founda on F Dr. Francis M. Prendergast A* Mr. Joseph R. Pren ce A Dr. John J. Radomile, Sr. AP* Mr. Kurt Wolter and Dr. Chris ne Reilly P

Solar Car Donors The following individuals and companies provided financial support to Devon Prep’s Solar Car Team, helping them compete in the 2015 Na onal Solar Car Challenge in Texas. The team earned a 2nd Place trophy comple ng 478.5 miles and more than 300 laps over four days.

Applebee’s Fundraiser Ms. Maria A. Bruno Mr. and Mrs. Sco G. Conser Giant A+ School Rewards J.P. Mascaro & Sons Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Milani PJM Interconnec on Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Riedel Mr. and Mrs. James J. Rowley



Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Richter AP Mr. Robert W. Rigsby A Mrs. Chris na T. Robbins AP Mr. Christopher S. Robert, Jr. A Mr. Griffith A. Roberts A Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Robinson GP Mr. Michael F. Rogers, Esq. F Mr. and Mrs. Philip P. Rothwein GP Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rovinski AP Prof. Richard J. Salvucci A* Dr. Frank J. Sammar no, Jr. A Mrs. Irene P. Savage GP Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schramm AP,FSR Mrs. Kathleen Schuessler AP Mr. and Mrs. James F. Schumacher GP Mr. Robert R. Schwartz A Mrs. Susan P. Schwarz AP Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Sclafani AP Mr. Stephen F. Shank A Mrs. Sheila M. Shannon AP,GP Mr. George D. Sheehan FS Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Shiller P Drs. Michael and Francesca Sidor AP* Mr. and Mrs. Darrell D. Skyrm AP Dr. Lydia G. Slavish AP Mr. and Mrs. David R. Slocum F Mrs. Robert E. Slota, Jr. AP Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Smith AP Ms. Janice Smith F Mr. and Mrs. John D. Snook AP* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Stack AP Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Stone F Mr. Pasquale A. Stor , Jr. A Mr. Stephen J. Sullivan A Mr. Philip M. Taddeo A Mr. and Mrs. Constancio Tiglao GP Truist Mrs. Angela Tyson GP United Way of the Greater Triangle Mr. and Mrs. Fred Urbanek GP USI Affinity F Vantage Labs, LLC F Mr. and Mrs. Robert Verna GP Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Volpe AP* Dr. Paul Voois A Mrs. Anne H. Vossenberg AP* Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Vuono AP* Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Walsh AP* Walsh & Nicholson Financial Group F


Mr. Ma hew C. DiMaio A Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. DiMarzio A,AP,P Mr. and Mrs. James J. Dolceamore, Sr. AP* Mr. Robert P. Donato A Mr. William J. Donohue, Jr. A Mr. Russell T. Emery S Mr. Albert J. Emhof A Mr. and Mrs. W. Alan Epps AP* Mr. and Mrs. Eric Eshleman FS Mr. and Mrs. George D Fish F Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Fitzgerald AP FreeCause Mr. and Mrs. David Freese F Mr. Brendan P. Fulmer A Mr. Kevin D. Fulmer A Mr. Ryan T. Fulmer A Mr. William and Dr. Roseanne Fulmer AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Gallagher P Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Gallo AP Mr. Mar n Gillane F Mr. John C. Graves A Mrs. Judy Hannigan GP Mr. Daniel A. Harkins A Mr. Andrew R. Hayden S Mr. Jus n F. Hayden A Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Heavey AP Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Hook, Jr. AP Mr. Kenneth M. Husar A* IGive.comHoldings Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Jardine P Dr. John J. Joe F Mr. Rohan Joseph A Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kane GP Mr. Mar n P. Kazanjian A Mr. James J. Keeley A* Mr. Roger J. Kelly A* Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Killoran AP* Mrs. Stacey Hughes Kohlbrenner AP Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kozak GP KPMG Mr. Ma hew A. Kramer A Mr. Andrew J. Kramer S Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Labant F Mr. Brian P. Lawlor A Mr. Brian T. Lefchak A Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lignowski GP Mr. Ryan M. Litchert A Mrs. Renata Losoncy FSR Mr. Nicholas J. Love A

Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Dr. Warren M. Wilkins A* Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Witman AP Rev. Richard S. Wyzykiewicz, Sch.P. A,FS,T* Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Yoder AP* Mr. Samuel S. Young, IV S Dr. John S. Youtcheff, Jr. A* Ms. Frances M. Zipp AP Mr. Carl W. Zvanut A*

Contributor (up to $99) Anonymous (7) Mr. and Mrs. David B. Adams F Alfred M. Abel, Law Offices F Amazon Smile Founda on F Mrs. Jean Andrews F Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Auxier AP* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bauers AP,P Mr. Michael J. Bentley A Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bentzley GP Mr. Sean J. Bevan A Mr. Michael G. Bevilacqua A Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Bill P Mr. David L. Blumstein A Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Bokar AP Mr. Gregory C. Bokar A Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Boyle AP Ms. Maria A. Bruno F Mr. Henry R. Bule S Mr. and Mrs. Angelo J. Butera AP Mr. Ma hew P. Butera A Drs. Dennis M. Byrne A* Mr. Edward Campanile F Alfonso F. Caprara, Esq. A Mr. Ryan P. Cassidy A Chizuk Amuno Congrega on Mr. and Mrs. Dave Choate GP Cisco Systems Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cooney AP Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Corsi P Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Cosden AP* Mr. Harry G. Crimi, Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Cris nzio AP Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Czarnecki AP Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D'Alessandro GP Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. D'Aniello AP Mr. Michael P. Danko, Jr. A* Mr. Joseph E. D'Arcangelo A Mr. and Mrs. Tod R. DeLong AP

Mrs. Edward Lucas GP Mr. James P. Lucas S Mr. Angelo A. Luche S Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Lukens FS Mrs. Patricia MacDonald GP Mr. John F. Maguire, III A* Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Maiale AP* Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. McCabe P Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. McCallister GP Mrs. Ann McClay GP Mrs. Kathleen D. McCreary F Mr. and Mrs. John F. McGinley FSR Mr. and Mrs. William F. McGinnis AP Mrs. Patricia McGovern GP Mr. and Mrs. John F. McIntyre AP Mr. Sean E. McIntyre A Mr. and Mrs. John F. McNichol AP* Ms. Barbara G. Medina FS Mr. Sean J. Melvin A Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Meyer AP Mr. Jackson R. Misko A Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Monte AP Mr. and Mrs. James A. Morris AP Mr. Michael A. Morrone, III A Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mucche AP Ms. Mary Catherine Murphy P Mr. Tonino Nasu A* Mr. and Mrs. John H. Nawn AP* Mr. Ma hew W. Nawn A* Mr. Christopher J. Nicolas A Mrs. Marilyn Nicolas AP,P Mr. Patrick F. O'Brien A Mr. and Mrs. Bradley V. O'Brien F Ms. Anahis Odabashian GP Rev. Gerard J. Olinger, CSC, Esq. A Mr. and Mrs. William R. Omlor F Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ostroff F Dr. Colin K. L. Phoon A Ms. Melanie R. Picard FS Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Pio AP Dr. Michael J. Polley A Mr. Joseph A. Powers A Mr. William Quain GP Mr. David K. Randall P Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Regan AP Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Riedel AP Mr. Patrick J. Rohr S Mr. and Mrs. James J. Rowley F Mr. Patrick T. Ryan, III A*


Mr. Mar n J. Salvucci F Mr. Rudolph J. Salvucci F Ms. Julie E. Samuels F Mr. and Mrs. William Sass GP Mr. and Mrs. John J. Savarese, Sr. A,AP Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Schellenger AP Dr. John H. Schwarz AP Mr. and Mrs. Kirby J. Sco AP Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sigismon , Sr. F,FSR* Ms. Donna Sikora‐Scollon F Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Silvestri AP

Mrs. Ann C. Sullivan AP* Ms. Chris ne Tascone AP Mr. Anthony B. Te A* The Merck Founda on Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Tolvaisa AP Mr. James F. Volpe A Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Walheim, Sr. AP,GP Mr. and Mrs. John J. Walsh F Mr. Jus n P. Walsh A Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Ware FS Mr. Christopher L. Weathers A

Mr. Robert M. Smith A Mr. and Mrs. David J. Smith GP Mr. Eric B. Smith F Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Souder AP Mr. Ryan K. Stager S Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Stager P Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Staller AP Mr. Robert J. Staub, III A Mr. Chris an A. Staub A Ms. Rachel M. Stauffer AP* Ms. Jacquie Stone AP

Science Olympiad Team Earns Trophy at States

Mr. and Mrs. George Weir GP Mrs. Michele L. Williams AP Mr. and Mrs. Dwight T. Wilson AP Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew P. Wilson F Mr. and Mrs. Terence Winslow AP Mr. Philip Wade Wisler A Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Young F Mr. Andrew J. Zaleski A

2014 Alumni Golf Outing Pla num Sponsors Ed Curran and Nick Meter ‐ Class of 1988 Skip Genuardi ‐ Class of 1966

Gold Sponsors McGladrey LLP Cer fied Public Accountants Penn Liberty Bank RE/MAX Main Line ‐ Tom Toole III ‐ Class of 2000

Silver Sponsors Crea ve Financial Group ‐ Mark Fuessinger ‐ Class of 1983 MacElree Harvey, Ltd. – Harry DiDonato – Class of 1983 Paoli Hardware Center Stephano Slack CPAs – Nicholas Ciocca – Class of 1993 Unruh, Turner, Burke & Frees – Christopher Turner – Class of 1996

Golf Team Patron

Devon Prep’s Middle School team, under the direc on of Science Teacher Ms. Melanie Picard, earned a 5th place trophy out of 35 teams at the Pennsylvania State Science Olympiad compe on . They also came home with eight medals in 23 events. This was Devon Prep’s best performance at the state level.

John H. Ansley, Photographer –Class of 1964 Brendan Collins Esq. – Class of 1981 Delaware Valley Aluminum Corp.— Thomas M. Orsato, Jr – Class of 1972 Dominic A. Tammaro, Inc. Independent Graphics Midlan c, Inc.—Barry O'Reilly—Class of 1972 Mobilex USA—William J. Glynn—Class of 1972 T. Patrick O’Reilly, Jr – Class of 1990 Sean O’Reilly –Class of 1993 Radomile Family Dental Care — John Radomile, D.D.S. — Class of 1966 Mark Radomile, D.D.S. —Class of 1977 James Robbins

Earlier in the year the team par cipated in the Rus n Invita onal Tournament earning a third place trophy. They then earned 3rd place at the Regional Science Olympiad at Neumann University qualifying for the State Tournament.

“I am very proud of the team’s accomplishments this year,” said Ms. Picard. “All the students have been very dedicated to helping the team succeed. We’ve broken school records, earned more than 20 medals and taken home three trophies,” she explained. “Our con nued improvement is a testament to the hard work and dedica on of our students and mentors. It’s been quite a year.”



The Campaign for Devon Prep Proud of our Past … Focused on our Future Proud of our Past ... Focused on our Future

We will soon begin a very special chapter in the history of Devon Prep as we launch The Campaign for Devon Prep. This capital campaign has been planned to advance the mission we all share—a top quality educa on for our students. With the generous support of the en re Devon Prep Community, this important campaign will allow us to improve our facili es and to strengthen our financial posi on for the future.

Under the leadership of Very Rev. Fernando Negro, Sch.P., Provincial, Rev. Francisco Aisa, Sch.P., Rev. James J. Shea, Sch.P., the Board of Trustees and a dedicated group of volunteers, we con nue our prepara ons to move forward with this ini a ve.

Mr. William O’Brien will lead the Campaign. Through his dedicated efforts in the pre‐campaign ac vi es, we are well on our way. We would like to thank the following donors who have contributed an outright pre‐campaign gi or made a pledge before June 30, 2015. Addi onal gi s, made a er June 30, 2015 are not reflected in this year’s report. Anonymous (4) Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ansley ’64 Mrs. Joseph Atkins The Ba afarano Family Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Ba afarano Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Ba afarano ’73 Dr. Nicholas J. Ba afarano ’75 Dr. and Mrs. Richard Ba afarano ’80 Mr. Thomas M. Ba afarano ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Brennen ’72 Mr. Alexander S. Buzogany ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Chase Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas C. Ciocca ’93 Mr. and Mrs. James V. Coffey Mr. Jon Stefansson and Ms. Lisa DeMarco Devon Prep Parents Associa on Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Donato Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Emhof Genuardi Family Founda on The Guzikowski Family Mrs. Jane Guzikowski Mr. Frank Guzikowski ‘71 Mr. Thomas Guzikowski ’75 Mr. Robert Guzikowski ’77 Mr. Michael Guzikowski ’79 Gunard Berry Carlson Memorial Founda on


Drs. Richard and Teresa O’Flynn The Phelan Family Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Phelan Mr. Malcolm T Phelan ’08 Mr. Hugh K. Phelan ’12 Mr. Owen Phelan ’14 Rev. James J. Shea, Sch.P. ’66

Mr. Patrick Kennedy ’69 Mr. Michael Kimmel ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Klauder Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kozak Mr. and Mrs. Michael Magno a Mr. and Mrs. David J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. William C. O’Brien

The Adrian and Kimberly Adams Family Founda on Mr. Thomas L. Toole III ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wa ers Rev. Richard S. Wyzykiewicz, Sch.P. ’61


The Calasanctian Society Devon Prep established the Calasanc an Society to recognize and honor those who have shown their commitment to Devon Prep through a very special and important form of financial support. These donors have named the school as the ul mate beneficiary of a planned gi by including Devon Prep in their estate plans.

Planned Giving can sa sfy your wish to give ongoing support by including Devon Prep in your estate planning. You can make a gi commitment to the school but delay delivery of the gi un l a later me. Planned gi s help to guarantee our future financial strength without affec ng your current asset balance or cash flow. We direct gi s made through bequests to Devon Prep’s permanent endowment, but they can be directed to another use if you wish.

Endowment is a par cularly effec ve way to leave a las ng legacy, since the earnings ac‐ crued on your gi will help to support the school in perpetuity. If you have any ques ons about making a planned gi to Devon Prep, please contact your financial advisor or you may contact the school.

We recognize the following as members of the Calasanc an Society, whose though ul generosity helps to insure Devon Prep’s future. If you have included Devon Prep in your will and your name is not listed below, please contact the Development Office so that we may honor your inten ons.

Mr. George R. Bruening ’62+ Mr. John A. Campopiano Jr. ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Emhof Mr. Stephen L. Flood ’62+ Mr. W. Richard Hallahan ’80+

Mr. Bela von Bors+ Dr. Charles G. Jacoby ’61 Jacques Voois, DMA Mr. Peter A. Lang ’74 Mr. Allison J. Maggiolo ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Mooney Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and Bernice Senye+ Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Shields Jr.

Devon Prep’s Class of 2015 includes 49 scholars, athletes, volunteers, class leaders, musicians, Eagle Scouts, actors and more. Collec vely these young men earned over $8.5 million in college scholarships. In addi on they received nearly 200 acceptances to more than 85 colleges and universi es, including the University of Pennsylvania, Cornell, Dartmouth, Georgetown, Notre Dame, Lehigh, Case Western Reserve, Fordham, Drexel and Penn State.

More than 60% (31) of Devon Prep’s 56th gradua ng class are AP Scholars. Seventeen are AP Scholars with Dis nc on. Eleven were recognized by the Na onal Merit Scholarship Program, eight as Commended Students, three as scholarship winners. Four of these young men are Eagle Scouts, and six will par cipate in collegiate athle cs at Division I and Division III schools.

This year’s Valedictorian was Pandurang R. Bharne and the Salutatorian was Andrew M. Shannon. Both of these young men were AP Scholars with Dis nc on, as well as Dis nguished Honor students and members of the Na onal Honor Society. Pandurang was a Na onal Merit Scholarship Winner. Andrew was named All Bicentennial Athle c League MVP for Soccer.

In addi on, this senior class performed over 1500 hours of community service doing such things as collec ng and distribu ng food and clothing to needy families and raising more than $25,000 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. ANNUAL REPORT OF GIFTS 2014‐15


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