Annual Report of Gifts 2015-16

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P R E PA R AT O R Y S C H O O L The Piarist Fathers



Dear Members of the Devon Prep Family,

I am happy to present the Annual Report again this year, because once more I have the opportunity to say thanks, thank you and thank God! Devon Prep is the result of the hard work and effort of many people. The education of our students would not be possible without the collaboration of many people, starting with the parents of our students. But we also count the hard work and dedication of each member of the Devon Prep Administration, Faculty and Staff. Their dedicated effort, sometimes beyond what is due, is done with generosity and responsibility, and so must be acknowledged because it magni ies the good education of our students. Thanks to them, we can provide the marvelous ministry of the education of your children. I also want to thank you, the Devon family—parents, alumni, alumni families, grandparents and friends of Devon Prep. If your name is written in this book, it’s due to your generosity, and we are grateful. We have big plans for the future, plans that will help to make the school a better place for our students to live the unique experience that is Devon. By supporting our projects, you are part of our vision. You help us to provide the best education for every student regardless of the inancial status of his family; you make it possible to grow the campus and keep it modern so that our facilities are the best place to provide a irst rate Devon Prep education; you expand your own experience and offer the formation you have received to new generations. For all of this, I thank you! I want to thank God also, because the work of education requires the assistance of the Holy Spirit. For this Holy Spirit, St. Joseph Calasanz started the Congregation of the Pious Schools 400 years ago. For this Holy Spirit, Devon Prep started 60 years ago. For this Holy Spirit, our students may grow in Faith and Literacy. I am very grateful to all of you, and I look forward to the future, counting on your continued generosity and support to make our dreams for Devon Prep a reality. God Bless You!.


Fr. Francisco J. Aisa, Sch.P. Headmaster


2015-16 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chairman Mr. Robert B. Mulhern Jr. Trustees Rev. Francisco Aisa, Sch.P. Mr. John H. Ansley Jr., Trustee Emeritus Mr. Thomas Bradley Rev. John J. Callan, Sch.P. Mr. Nicholas C. Ciocca Mr. Brian D. Crowe Mr. Harry J. DiDonato Mr. J. Joseph Donahue Mr. John J. Duffy Mr. Michael L. Kimmel Mr. Edward P. Mooney Sr., Trustee Emeritus Very Rev. Fernando Negro, Sch.P. Mr. Brian M. Olinger Mr. Hubert B. O’Reilly Mr. Malcolm T. Phelan Rev. James J. Shea, Sch.P. Mr. Peter D. Uhlman

LEADERSHIP Rev. Francisco Aisa, Sch.P. – Headmaster Mr. Mark A. Aquilante – Director of Academic Affairs Mr. Barry Brazunas – Head of Middle School

2015-16 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION President Mr. Robert B. Mulhern Jr. ’72

Director of Alumni Rela ons Mr. David J. Evans III ’08 Execu ve Board Mr. John H. Ansley Jr. ’64 Mr. Nicholas C. Ciocca ’93 Mr. Michael Dokas ’08 Mr. Andrew J. Fox ’05 Mr. Brendan Fulmer ’10 Mr. Patrick T. Mannion ’09 Mr. Barry R. McKeon ’64 Mr. James F. Murphy ’72 Mr. Brandon T. Mitchell ’08 Mr. Sean M. O’Reilly ’93 Mr. Malcolm T. Phelan ’08 Dr. John J. Radomile Jr. ’66 Mr. Thomas L. Toole III ’00 Mr. Garrison J. Weaver ’09 Rev. Richard S. Wyzykiewicz, Sch.P. ’61 Mr. Andrew J. Zaleski ’07

Mr. J. Joseph Donahue – Director of Ins tu onal Affairs Mrs. Jennifer Gregory – Director of Administra ve Affairs Mr. Patrick Kane – Director of External Opera ons

2015-16 PARENTS ASSOCIATION President Ms. Monica Pedano Vice‐President Dr. Roseanne Fulmer Secretary Mrs. Chris ne Bonfiglio Treasurer Mrs. Carolyn M. Zack Middle School Liaison Dr. Roseanne Fulmer

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report. If there are errors or omissions, please accept our apologies and inform the Development Office, 610-688-7337, ext. 116, so that correc ons can be made. Editor—Mrs. Jean Emhof, Director of Development Layout & Design—Ms. Rose Lombardo, Director of Public Rela ons




The Future of Devon Prep

The Mission of Devon Prep

For 60 years, Devon Preparatory School has been educa ng young men under the tradi ons and values of St. Joseph Calasanz and the Piarist Order. With over 2,400 Alumni throughout the world, our school has a rich and accomplished past. We are proud to say that Devon Prep lies in the hearts of our Alumni, wherever they land, which means Devon Prep is truly everywhere.

Devon Prep is a private, Catholic, college prep school, grades six to twelve, focused on the holis c educa on of young men for life. The mission of the Piarist order is the holis c educa on of youth. Founded with the mo o “Pietas et Li erae,” meaning “Piety and Learning,” the order con nues to evolve at and with Devon Prep.

In the fall of 2015, with encouragement and guidance from our Board of Trustees, we embarked on the process of taking a cri cal look at our school’s func ons and priori zing needs for Devon Prep to move forward into the 21st Century as the leading, private, all boys school in the Philadelphia area.

Devon Prep serves as an important priority in enabling the Piarist mission of preparing young men for the rigors of 21st Century life by modeling, in word and deed, the Piarist values of charity, humility, pa ence, respect, and simplicity.

Members of the Board of Trustees, Piarist community, alumni, faculty, staff, parents and alumni parents were given the opportunity to see the framework of the Strategic Plan, offer feedback on our progress and assist in crea ng a breathing document that would be used to pave the way for our future.

We recognized many things during the process, but most importantly, we wanted to present a plan that will ar culate a clear and transparent school vision while aligning, inspiring and energizing our en re community to be proud of our past and embrace our primary goal in educa ng young men, for life.

We are excited to share with you our Strategic Plan for the future of Devon Prep.

Devon Prep Identity

Devon Preparatory School is singularly focused on preparing young men not just for college, but for the en rety of their lives. By opera ng our school at the speed, intensity, and standards of real life, our young men are well posi oned to succeed and be leaders for their lives and callings beyond Devon Prep.

We educate and inspire our students by holding them accountable to the highest academic and moral standards. Through the support of the en re Devon Prep community, students learn how to demand high standards from themselves.

At the same me, we understand the stresses a rigorous environment can create for our young men. The Devon Prep community is commi ed to the emo onal well‐being of our students. Through the teaching of coping skills, stress manage‐ ment, and crea ng a trus ng environment where students can share concerns, students learn how to navigate the challenges of life in a construc ve, healthy way.



S TRATEGIC G OALS Strengthen the Academic Experience

While Devon Prep makes a priority to stay anchored to and consistent with our core values and mission, we must also be flexible to stay relevant with the needs of our students to‐ day. To ensure Devon Prep offers the most relevant and diverse curriculum, we want to do the following:

1. Differen ate and expand curriculum offerings that address the needs and interests of our diverse and talented student body.

2. Improve our Computer Science curriculum offerings with a focus on programming and graphic design.

The Key Principles that Fulfill the Devon Prep Identity:

Our Catholic, Piarist‐centered tradi on ensures the highest priority is educa ng the total young man (intellectually, spiritually, physically, and emo onally). • • • • • • • • • Devon Prep’s in mate, but diverse, student body popula on is a strength and an advantage. Faculty and staff get to know each student on an individual level, the school can make adjustments and adapta ons more quickly than larger, slower ins tu ons, and we can foster a deeper sense of school community. • • • • • • • • • Devon Prep is a rigorous, world class academic ins tu on. Our key differen ator is our focus on offering the highest quality educa on through a challenging, cu ng edge curricu‐ lum taught by a well‐creden aled faculty with a deep person‐ al alignment to Devon Prep’s mission. We teach faculty and students to focus on the learning process, not just the out‐ comes. By focusing on the learning process, students in‐ crease a en on, develop cri cal thinking skills, and prac ce true learning. • • • • • • • • • Athle cs and extra‐curricular ac vi es serve to supplement and complement academic learning by building a well‐ rounded person. • • • • • • • • We will use tools and technology to enable students and faculty access to the best learning and teaching vehicles. Tools and technology will be evaluated to ensure they serve our learning process and not replace the process.


3. Ins tute a qualifica on policy for students to gain entry into Advanced Placement courses.

4. Offer our faculty more quality In‐Service Programs that will help ensure our students’ academic preparedness.

5. Create a fair, but rigorous, faculty evalua on process to promote accountability and a commitment to excel‐ lence.

Implement an Enhanced Student Life Experience

Ensure a Dynamic and Diverse Student Body

Devon Prep wants to ensure we are drawing from a large body of students who can enrich the en re community with differ‐ ent perspec ves and experiences. To promote the growth and expansion of our student body, we want to:

1. Implement a three‐year strategy to raise and maintain enrollment at 300 students.

2. Create coordinated and unified marke ng and communica‐ on efforts throughout the Devon Prep community and external community with a specific focus on the holis c educa on of our young men for life.

3. Strengthen marke ng to a wider family demographic through stronger, more targeted campaigns.

4. Develop long‐term rela onships with other Piarist schools interna onally and explore an Exchange and Interna onal Program that would bring more students to Devon Prep.

Increase the Size and Influence of External Operations

The Office of External Opera ons has an opportunity to work as one to promote Devon Prep to the en re community. To maximize the Office’s impact, we will:

We want an engaged and energized student body with a focus on guidance, spirituality, and school pride. We want to achieve this goal through:

1. Implemen ng an Advisory and Guidance program which assists our students with naviga ng their academic, social, and spiritual lives.

2. Offering more group social interac on opportuni es dur‐ ing and a er the school day to promote emo onal well‐ being, camaraderie, and pride.

3. Re‐designing the service program to align with the Piarist values of charity, humility, pa ence, respect, and simplicity.

4. Strengthening our Calasanc an iden ty by par cipa ng in ac vi es promoted by the Piarist USA‐PR Province.



1. Create coordinated and unified marke ng and communica on efforts throughout the Devon Prep community and external community with a specific focus on the holis c educa on of our young men for life.

Proud of our Past… Focused on our Future

2. Cul vate interac on with current students and parents and increase the engagements with our Alumni community.

3. Expand the Devon Prep Fund (formerly the Annual Fund) to reach $1 million. Achieve this expansion with clear, tangible ini a ves and more ways for the community to give to our school.

Devon Prep has entered an exci ng chapter in our history with The Campaign for Devon Prep. This capital campaign will allow us to advance the mission we all share—a top quality educa on for our students. With the generous support of the en re Devon Prep Community, this important campaign is a transforma onal opportunity for the school, one that will allow us to vastly im‐ prove our facili es and to strengthen our financial posi on for the future.

4. Establish a Financial Aid Fund and increase our scholarship offerings to create long‐term stability.

Update and Expand Our Campus

Campaign plans have been underway for some me, and through the leadership of Very Rev. Fernando Negro, Sch.P., Provincial, Rev. Francisco Aisa, Sch.P., Headmaster, Rev. James J. Shea, Sch.P., the Board of Trustees and a dedicated group of volunteers, we are moving forward. The ongoing Campaign for Devon Prep includes funding for the complete renova on and moderniza‐ on of the 1960s classroom building and the Chemistry Lab, athle c field sea ng and scoreboard upgrades and growth of the school’s endowment fund. The renovated Chemistry Lab, completed this summer, is a preview of the exci ng changes ahead for the classrooms at Devon Prep.

We want Devon Prep to have a first‐class campus with facili es and ameni es conducive to the all‐around educa onal development needs of our students. We will achieve this in the following ways:

1. Complete the current Capital Campaign by refurbishing the 1960’s wing of Devon Prep, move the middle school to the building, re‐locate the administra ve offices to Calasanc us Hall and upgrade the baseball field for be er play and include stadium style sea ng.

We are especially grateful to the donors listed below, who have contributed or pledged their support to the Campaign for Devon Prep since campaign planning began. Gi s and pledges made a er June 30, 2016 are not reflected in this year’s report.

2. Upgrade Devon Prep’s IT network with state of the art technology that will be used for academic and administra ve needs.

3. Introduce and consistently evaluate a schoolwide Campus Master Plan for campus growth. Some ini al ini a ves Include:

i. Design and build a Center for the Arts that includes a 300‐person auditorium for performing arts, and addi onal classrooms and space for student clubs and ac vi es.

ii. Build a quality Physical Fitness Center for the physical training needs of the en re Devon Prep community. The center will include team rooms and restrooms.

iii. Establish a campus Events Room which would provide students with addi onal mee ng space during free periods, and dining space during lunch. We would also use this loca on for high‐end Development programs and Alumni reunion gatherings.

iv. Incorporate a new Piarist Father’s Residence separate from func ons of the school that will be the heart of the Province in America.

v. Construc ons of Tennis Courts for the Tennis team and also to incorporate into the Physical Educa on curriculum and for neighborhood use. 4. Openly evaluate opportuni es for land expansion to increase the footprint of our campus.



Anonymous (7) Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Adams Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo M. Alonso Mr. John H. Ansley, Jr. '64 Mrs. Joseph P. Atkins The Ba afarano Family Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Ba afarano Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Ba afarano ’73 Dr. Nicholas J. Ba afarano ’75 Dr. and Mrs. Richard Ba afarano ’80 Mr. Thomas M. Ba afarano ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bevilacqua Mr. Arthur S. Boyle '83 Mr. Thomas Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Bramlage Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Brennen, Jr. '72 Mr. Alexander S. Buzogany, Jr. '72 Rev. John G. Callan, Sch.P. '75 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Chase Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas C. Ciocca '93 Mr. and Mrs. James V. Coffey Dr. Anthony V. Cole a '71 Mr. Paul J. Coughlin '95 Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Crowe '81


Mr. and Mrs. Mar n Czachor, Jr. Mr. Daniel and Dr. Ingeborg Damstra Mr. Jon Stefansson and Ms. Lisa DeMarco Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. DiDonato '83 Mr. J. Joseph Donahue '66 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Donato Mrs. Jeanmarie T. Emhof Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Federico '87 Fidelity Charitable Gi Fund Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Genuardi Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Genuardi GlaxoSmithKline Founda on Mr. William J. Glynn '72 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Good Gunard Berry Carlson Memorial Founda on The Guzikowski Family Mrs. Jane Guzikowski Mr. Frank Guzikowski ‘71 Mr. Thomas Guzikowski ’75 Mr. Robert Guzikowski ’77 Mr. Michael Guzikowski ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew D. Jiannino Mr. and Mrs. Owen J. Kelly '86 Mr. Patrick F. Kennedy '69

Mr. Michael L. Kimmel '90 Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Klauder Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kozak, III Ms. Rosalie Lombardo Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Ludt Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Magno a, III MasterCard Matching Gi s Program Mr. and Mrs. David J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. John F. Misko Mr. and Mrs. Dawson R. Muth Mr. Pasquale S. Na le Mr. Carl T. Necker, Jr. '83 Drs. Richard and Teresa O'Flynn Mr. Brian M. Olinger '95 Mr. T. Patrick O'Reilly, Jr. '90 The Phelan Family Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Phelan Mr. Malcolm T Phelan ’08 Mr. Hugh K. Phelan ’12 Mr. Owen Phelan ’14 Dr. Francis M. Prendergast '83 Radian Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rydesky Mr. and Mrs. William Q. Sargent, Jr.

Mr. Horace E. Scherer '66 Schwab Charitable Fund Rev. James J. Shea, Sch.P. '66 Silicon Valley Community Founda on Mr. Frank A. Silverio '72 Mr. John L. Skwirut '83 The Adrian & Kimberly Adams Family Founda on The Genuardi Family Founda on The Gladys Brooks Founda on Mr. Thomas L. Toole, III '00 Mr. Frederick C. Travaglini '71 Mr. Paul C. Troy '83 Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Trucksess Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Vanguard Group Founda on Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wa ers Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wa ers Wells Fargo Founda on Rev. Richard S. Wyzykiewicz, Sch.P. '61 YourCause



Devon Prep Annual Fund

Workplace Giving

Scholarship Gifts

Gi s to the Annual Fund are the cornerstone of the School’s development program. These gi s, from trustees, parents, alumni, alumni parents, grandparents and friends, support the current opera ons of the school, providing addi onal resources to enrich the educa onal experiences of our students.

Many companies and government agencies offer their employees the opportunity to make chari‐ table gi s through payroll deduc on. Such work‐ place giving programs provide an easy and effi‐ cient way to make tax deduc ble dona ons, and to spread your gi over an en re year. Please check with your employer to see if this is an op on for you, and ask how you can designate your gi to Devon Prep. Ways of Giving to Devon Prep

While unrestricted gi s to the Annual Giving Fund provide Devon Prep with opera ng funds to help maintain the quality of its academic pro‐ grams, scholarship gi s enable the school to award scholarship aid to deserving students. Scholarship gi s can be made to the General Scholarship Fund, or to one of the named Schol‐ arship Funds. You can also give or gain a li le immortality while making a las ng impact on future genera ons by establishing an endowed scholarship in your name or in the name of someone you would like to honor.





Capital Giving Gi s to the Fund for Devon Prep allow us to meet the long‐term goals iden fied in our strate‐ gic plan. These gi s will fund the renova on of our classroom building and other campus im‐ provements and will fund an endowment to pro‐ vide for Devon’s future needs. Pease contact the Development Office to discuss your gi to the Fund for Devon Prep.

Donors can further educa onal opportuni es at Devon Prep by honoring or memorializing a spe‐ cial person or event. Acknowledgment of the gi is made directly to the family or designated indi‐ vidual.

Matching Gifts

Gifts of Appreciated Property

The easiest way to make your gi to Devon Prep grow is through matching gi s. Many employers sponsor matching gi programs and will match charitable contribu ons made by their employ‐ ees. If you work for a company that matches gi s, you can double or triple the value of your contribu on! Contact your Human Resources Department for eligibility informa on and to obtain a matching gi form, and follow your employer’s matching gi procedures.

A gi of stock, real estate or other appreciated property can provide vital support to Devon Prep as well as tax advantages to the donor. The full value of the securi es is usually deduc ble, and you may avoid the capital gains tax on the profit.

Memorial and Tribute Gifts

Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit Program (OSTC) Companies that do business and pay corporate taxes in Pennsylvania may receive substan al tax credits for dona ons to Devon Preparatory School’s student financial aid fund through two programs. The Educa onal Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program and the Opportunity Schol‐ arship Tax Credit (OSTC) Program together pro‐ vide a wonderful opportunity for Devon Prepara‐ tory School, and a way for businesses to turn their tax dollars into dona ons. Our financial aid program, which provides financial assistance to needy students, is primarily funded by individual contribu ons to the school. Corporate support allows us to offer access to a private school educa on to more students, who may otherwise not be able to a end Devon Prep. For more informa on on these programs visit or contact the Development Office at Devon Prep.

Providing for Devon Prep is as easy as adding a phrase to your will. You may wish to consider naming Devon Prep to receive all or part of your estate. Through careful planning you can protect your family and also contribute to the financial security of Devon Prep. If you have already con‐ sidered Devon Prep in your estate plans, please let us know, so that we may count you among the members of The Calasanc an Society.

Devon Prep is eligible to par cipate in the Donor Choice/ Specific Care Program of the United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jer‐ sey. During the United Way’s annual campaign, donors may designate a gi to Devon Prep on the Donor Choice pledge/designa on form through Specific Care. Devon Prep is classified as a “nonmember agency,” and recorded as DEVON PREP, 363 Valley Forge Road, Devon, PA 19333, with I.D. #04636. The assigned iden fica on number is consistent from year to year.


United Way


Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program (EITC)

Gifts in Kind Devon Prep gratefully accepts gi s of supplies, books, and equipment. Tax deduc ons are avail‐ able for firms and Individuals contribu ng gi s in kind to educa onal ins tu ons.


2015 ‐ 2016 Gifts to Devon Preparatory School TOTAL GIFTS RECEIVED ANNUAL/ENDOWMENT GIVING




$ 93,098.00 $ 62,187.00 $ 7,966.00 $ 117,798.00 $ 25,264.00 $ 9,950.00 $ 46,360.00 $ 106.00 $ 7,870.00


$ 12,535.00


$ 25,859.00


$ 587,566.00


$ 77,592.00




$ 61,671.00


$ 14,000.00




The following businesses and founda ons have enabled our donors to double or even triple their gi s to Devon Prep through their matching gi programs. By enrolling in your employer’s Matching Gi s Program, you can bring signifi‐ cant addi onal support to our school. Please check your company’s par cipa on in this program or contact the Development Office for more informa on.

Aramark Bank of America Boeing Gi Matching Program DirectTV Exelon Matching Gi s Program for Educa on ExxonMobil Founda on General Electric Founda on GlaxoSmithKline Founda on IBM Corpora on Illinois Tool Works Founda on Jll Community Connec ons MasterCard Matching Gi s Program Merck Partnership for Giving MG Mobil Founda on, Inc. Moon Flower Jewelry New York Life Founda on PJM Interconnec on Radian Group, Inc. Rotor Bearing Technology & So ware Sanofi Aven s Matching Gi Center SIG Susquehanna Vanguard Group Founda on Wells Fargo Founda on Wiley Rein LLP The following companies, founda ons and organiza ons supported Devon Prep with gi s to the Annual Fund, an endowed fund, or the Fund for Devon Prep.

Target The Adrian & Kimberly Adams Family Founda on The Gant Family Founda on The Gladys Brooks Founda on Truist UGI Energy Services LLC United Way of Greater Philadelphia & Southern NJ United Way of the Greater Triangle Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program YourCause Corporate support through the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Educa onal Improvement Tax Credit program and the Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit program provides financial aid funds which allow us to offer access to a Devon Prep educa on to more students. We are grateful to the following businesses for their support of our students through the EITC and/or the OSTC Programs.

Devon Prep Alumni Associa on Devon Prep Parents Associa on Eagle Performance Exelon Fidelity Brokerage Services, LLC Fidelity Charitable Gi Fund FJN Charitable Founda on Genuardi Family Founda on Giant A+ School Rewards Gunard Berry Carlson Memorial Founda on Henkels Founda on J.P. Mascaro & Sons KPMG McCloskey Financial Group Merck Partnership for Giving Norfolk Southern Paoli Hospital Founda on Penn Liberty Bank PJM Interconnec on QVC Partners In Giving RE/MAX Main Line Renaissance Charitable Founda on Inc. Schwab Charitable Fund Silicon Valley Community Founda on St. Elizabeth Roman Catholic Church

Bryn Mawr Trust Carebridge Corpora on McCloskey Financial Group Penn Liberty Bank

Anonymous (3) Amazon Smile Founda on American Endowment Founda on Bentley Systems, Inc. Bergen Co. UW Charitable Flex Fund Bryn Mawr Trust Carebridge Corpora on Comcast 10





Each year, many alumni and families contribute to Devon Prep to memorialize or honor a special loved one, mentor, friend or colleague. Below is a list of Prep community members for whom memorial and honor gi s were received during this past year. We thank those of you who demonstrated your love and care by making gi s in their honor.

Memorial Gifts

Rev. Ladislaus Magyar Academic Excellence Award Mr. and Mrs. James F. Murphy Jr. Rev. Ladislaus Magyar Scholarship Fund Dr. Frank H. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Byrnes Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Byrnes Dr. Philip J. Connor, Sr. Mr. Richard F. Crowley Mr. Paul J. Derham Mr. Andrew A. Hu Mr. Brian P. Lawlor Prof. James E. Maule Mr. Joseph F. Messina Mr. and Mrs. James F. Murphy, Jr. Captain and Mrs. Charles P. O'Neill Dr. Colin K. L. Phoon Prof. Richard J. Salvucci Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. San ni Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Shields Dr. Frank J. Simone Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

Rev. Stephen Bendik Scholarship Fund Mr. Alexander S. Buzogany, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Corsi Dr. James F. Deatherage Mr. Frank I. Hamory Dr. Joan L. Moore Mr. and Mrs. James T. Moore Mr. and Mrs. James F. Murphy, Jr. Mr. Joseph A. Powers Mr. Alexander E. Stark Mrs. Richard B. Yoder Mr. Andrew J. Zaleski Mr. and Mrs. John R. Zaleski

Rev. Ferdinand Negrillos Book Award Mr. John A. Campopiano Jr. Mr. Domenic L. DiMar no


Scholarship Fund in memory of Rev. Stephen Mustos Mr. Brian P. Lawlor Mr. and Mrs. Geza J. Nagy Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Staller

Mr. and Mrs. David E. Haruch Mr. Patrick W. Henry Mr. Geoffrey Kramer Dr. and Mrs. James W. Lockard, Jr. Mr. Robert W. Rigsby

Scholarship Fund in memory of Stephen and Bernice Senye Mr. Allison J. Maggiolo

Dr. James A Lyons Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Roger Giordano Mrs. James A. Lyons

Kalman Benke Beöthy Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. George K. Beothy Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Carson Mr. Thomas G. Nagy

In memory of Rev. Joseph Kerschner, Sch.P. Mr. Vincent J. Finley In memory of Mrs. Rose Marie Na le Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale S. Na le

5’69 Memorial Scholarship Fund, established by the Class of 1969 in memory of Chris Bonelli, Paul Driscoll, Rich Fairbanks, Conrad Kruse, and Bill Wilson. Mr. Peter J. Connors Mr. Joseph A. Fitzmyer Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Fitzmyer Mr. William J. Leighton Mr. Joseph F. McConlogue, Jr. Mr. Marcus E. Sack Mr. Pasquale A. Stor , Jr. Dr. John R. Waldron, Jr.

Kevin Flatley ’75 Scholarship Fund Mr. Paul J. Corr, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Corr, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Alan Epps Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gillin, Jr. Mr. Patrick W. Goalwin Mr. Michael J. Hallahan

In memory of Mr. Bruce Kassel, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale S. Na le

Mar n W. Bowen Scholarship Fund Anonymous Mrs. Joseph P. Atkins Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Casey Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cooney Mr. Richard F. Crowley Dr. Philip J. DiGiacomo, Jr. Mr. Paul A. Grubb Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. James F. Murphy, Jr. St. Elizabeth Roman Catholic Church

In memory of Mrs. Marie I. Hamilton Mr. Richard F. Hamilton

Class of 1964 Memorial Award for Chris an Service Mr. John H. Ansley, Jr. Mr. Barry R. McKeon

Mar n J. Devine Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Bellwoar Mr. Ryan P. Cassidy Mrs. Gabrielle M. Devine Mr. James I. Devine Mr. Mar n L. Devine Ms. Joanne C. Devine Dr. Richard J. Hamilton

In memory of Mr. Richard Gallagher Mrs. Mary G. Wa s

In memory of Mr. Francis Crippen Mr. Frank J. Ferro Mr. William F. Haase In memory of Mr. John E. Crowe Mrs. Margaret M. Crowe

In memory of Mr. Patrick Colum Curran Mr. Douglas L. Kaune

In memory of Mr. Tim Felleisen Sharon F. Cramer, PhD Mr. and Mrs. Brian Godfrey Ms. Carol Lucas Ms. JoAnn Nelson Rev. James J. Shea, Sch.P.

In memory of Mr. Michael A. J. Nicolas Anonymous (2) Ms. Eugenia Barjar‐Hubilla Mr. and Mrs. John R. Be s Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Brekus Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Damerau, Jr. Devon Prep Faculty and Staff Eagle Performance Mrs. Catherine Harpel Ms. Karen Kelly Mrs. Lorraine Kendle Mr. and Mrs. Sameer D. Miranda Mr. Joseph B. Mulhern Mr. Kevin J. Mulholland Mr. Peter J. Mulligan Ms. Marilyn J. Nicolas Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Norris Drs. Richard and Teresa O'Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Bharatkumar V. Patel PJM Interconnec on Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Sclafani Rev. James J. Shea, Sch.P. Mr. and Mrs. Kelley G. Tyrell Dr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Verna Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Weir In memory of Mrs. Alice Phoon Dr. Wai Wor Phoon


In memory of Mrs. Mary Polselli Mr. Jus n M. Polselli

In memory of Louis and Madeline Salvucci Prof. Richard J. Salvucci

In memory of Mr. Alphier J. Silverio Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bergen Boeing Gi Matching Program Ms. Cathleen Bolton Mrs. Elsie M. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Donald Druid Ms. Chris ne Emmert Ms. Susan Frankel

Ms. Elsie J. Keckler Mrs. Alice Halcovich Mr. and Mrs. Shephard W. Hill Ms. Sally MacFarland Mr. Louis E. Pizi Ms. Patricia S. Romerstein Rev. James J. Shea, Sch.P. Mr. Frank A. Silverio Mr. Richard A. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sommers Mrs. Ann O. Taylor Mr. Jefferson Toler Wiley Rein LLP

In memory of Mr. Robert J. Staub, Sr. Mr. Chris an A. Staub

Mr. James J. Jardine Mrs. Eileen White

In memory of Dr. John M. vanSummern Mrs. John M. vanSummern

Mr. Edward McGinley Mr. Allison J. Maggiolo

In memory of Mr. Ma hew F. Walsh ’61 Mr. John C. Graves

Rev. James J. Shea, Sch.P. Anonymous

Mr. and Mrs. Brian and Lillian Walker Mr. Anthony F. Walker

Tribute Gifts

Mr. and Mrs. Adrian and Kimberly Adams Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kotchick

Rev. Richard S. Wyzykiewicz, Sch.P. Anonymous

Mr. Francis D. D'Sa Mr. Franklin Miranda

F ACULTY AND S TAFF We are grateful to our faculty and staff, who through their daily hard work and dedica on inspire and teach our students, preparing them for life in college and beyond. We are pleased to recognize the following members of our faculty and staff who also play an important role in the overall growth and development of Devon Prep through their financial support of the Annual Fund, the Fund for Devon Prep and endowed funds.

Anonymous (3) Mrs. Joan Aquilante Mr. Mark A. Aquilante Mrs. Kathleen M. Barbour Mr. George K. Beothy Mrs. Nicole S. Bo a Mr. Barry P. Brazunas Mrs. Sara B. Corbe Mr. J. Joseph Donahue Mrs. Jeanmarie T. Emhof Ms. Elizabeth Eshleman Mr. David J. Evans, III Mrs. Denise Gavin Mrs. Marcie Godby Mrs. Jennifer Gregory Mrs. Catherine Harpel Mrs. Nancy Holland Mrs. Kathleen Iacobucci


Mr. Jeffrey S. Jewi Mrs. Kimberly D. Judge Mr. Patrick Kane Ms. Rosalie Lombardo Mrs. Anne e Loutrel Mr. Steven R. Lukens Mr. James G. Mastrangelo Mr. R. Roger Mecouch Ms. Laura Mondon Mr. Pasquale S. Na le Dr. Joseph P. Oechsle Ms. Melanie R. Picard Mr. Paul J. Sanborn Rev. James J. Shea, Sch.P. Mr. George D. Sheehan Mrs. Ellen Si Mrs. Diane L. Ware


F RIENDS OF D EVON P REP We gratefully acknowledge the following individuals who made gi s in support of Devon Preparatory School during the 2015‐16 fiscal year.

Anonymous (3) Mrs. Patricia Ambrose Ms. Eugenia Barjar‐Hubilla Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barlalace Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bergen Ms. Cathleen Bolton Mrs. Alice R. Bowen Ms. Maria A. Bruno Mrs. Elsie M. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Craig Sharon F. Cramer, PhD Ms. Joanne C. Devine Ms. Laura Downing Mr. and Mrs. Donald Druid Ms. Chris ne Emmert Ms. Elsie J. Keckler and Ms. Susan Frankel Mr. and Mrs. David Freese Mr. Mar n Gillane Ms. Margaret E. Gillis Mr. and Mrs. Roger Giordano Mr. and Mrs. Brian Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Graff


Mrs. Alice Halcovich Mr. and Mrs. Shephard W. Hill Mrs. Catherine A. Hostler Dr. John J. Joe Mrs. Frances Kelly Ms. Karen Kelly Mrs. Lorraine Kendle Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kotchick Mr. and Mrs. Rick Lubker Ms. Sally MacFarland Mr. and Mrs. Berdj Mazmanian Mr. and Mrs. John F. McGinley Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Moran Ms. Theresa W. Morley Ms. Carol Lucas and Ms. JoAnn Nelson Mr. Louis E. Pizi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Robinson Ms. Patricia S. Romerstein Mr. and Mrs. James J. Rowley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ted and Carrie Rydesky Mr. Richard A. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sommers Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Stone Mrs. Ann O. Taylor Mr. Jefferson Toler Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wa ers Mrs. Mary G. Wa s Mrs. Eileen White

S PRING T IDE 2016 Walking into Devon Prep’s athle c facility for Spring Tide 2016 was like walking into 1940’s Morocco complete with a camel, candles, and Humphrey Bogart. That was the se ng for Spring TIDE 2016 with the theme of Casablanca “Here’s Looking at Your Kid.” More than 250 guests enjoyed the event in the magically decorated gym, with delicious food and deligh ul entertainment.

There were silent and live auc ons which included hundreds of items ranging from “Lunch with Mr. Brazunas” to Front Row Seats at Gradua on or a Full Service Buffet for 30 Guests. Nearly $78,000 was raised with proceeds earmarked for technology upgrades.

Special thanks to Event Chair Mrs. Nancy Grycewicz, the Spring TIDE commi ee and all the volunteers who worked so hard to make the evening a great success.



There are so many reasons why alumni giving is important. Alumni gi s make the Devon Prep experience possible for students through scholarships, programs, and enhanced facili es, and it enables the school to stay true to its mission. We are grateful to the alumni listed below who have supported Devon Prep during the past fiscal year.


(22% Par cipa on)


Mr. John C. Graves Captain Charles P. O'Neill


(35% Par cipa on)

Anonymous Dr. Philip J. Connor Sr. Mr. Henry M. Gallagher Mr. Frank I Hamory Mr. Julius G. Hernadi Dr. Charles G. Jacoby Mr. Allison J. Maggiolo Mr. Robert F. Mars III



(8% Par cipa on)

Dr. James J. MacFayden


(53% Par cipa on)

Mr. John H. Ansley Jr. Mr. Richard F. Crowley Mr. Joseph P. Denny Mr. Paul J. Derham Dr. Philip J. DiGiacomo Jr. Mr. Edward P. Gavigan Mr. Paul A. Grubb Mr. Richard P. Hackman Dr. Tibor J. Ham Jr. Mr. James J. Keeley Mr. Roger J. Kelly Mr. John F. Maguire III Mr. Barry R. McKeon Mr. James A. Mulhern Mr. Paul J. Sanborn Mr. Stephen J. Sullivan




(17% Par cipa on)


(25% Par cipa on)



(53% Par cipa on)


(17% Par cipa on)

Mr. Richard J. Blair Mr. James I. Devine Mr. Thomas A. Giannantonio Dr. Gerald P. Line e Jr. Mr. Robert R. Schwartz Mr. Stephen F. Shank


Mr. Lawrence J. Bove Mr. J. Jeffrey Bowdon Mr. Francis G. Breslin Rev. John G. Callan, Sch.P. Mr. Robert J. Caprara Mr. Joseph D. Cole a

(13% Par cipa on)

Mr. Paul J. Corr Jr. Mr. Paul J. Da e Mr. Stephen J. Devine Mr. Albert J. DiMarzio Dr. James G. Farmar Mr. Patrick W. Goalwin Mr. Thomas J. Guzikowski Mr. Michael J. Hallahan Mr. Joseph M. Harrison Mr. John F. Healy, Jr. Mr. William W. Heil, Jr. Dr. James W. Lockard Mr. James F. Logue, Jr. Mr. Brian J. O'Sullivan Mr. Patrick T. Ryan III Mr. Alan T. Scherer Mr. Peter Staub


(17% Par cipa on)

Mr. Mar n L. Devine Mr. Francis X. Farmar Mr. Kenneth M. Husar Mr. Peter A. Lang Mr. Brian P. Lawlor

(16% Par cipa on)

Mr. Michael T. Borkowski Mr. Alfonso F. Caprara Esq. Mr. Gregory E. Harmer Re. Patrick H. Lamb Mr. Michael A. Olivares

Mr. Peter J. Connors Mr. Joseph A. Fitzmyer Dr. and Mrs. Angus T. Gillis Mr. John B. Henkels Mr. Patrick F. Kennedy Mr. William J. Leighton Prof. James E. Maule Mr. Joseph F. McConlogue, Jr. Mr. Marcus E. Sack Prof. Richard J. Salvucci Mr. Pasquale A. Stor Jr. Dr. John R. Waldron Jr. Mr. Carl W. Zvanut


(30% Par cipa on)

Anonymous (2) Mr. Richard J. Brennen Jr. Mr. John W. Burwinkel Jr. Mr. Alexander S. Buzogany Jr. Dr. Dennis P. DiRenzo Mr. William J. Glynn Mr. Joseph F. Messina Mr. James F. Murphy Jr. Mr. Hubert B. O'Reilly Mr. Frank A. Silverio

(18% Par cipa on)

(20% Par cipa on)

Anonymous Mr. George K. Beothy Dr. Dennis M. Byrne Mr. William J. Donohue Mr. William B. Duffy Mr. Mark L. Tunnell


(20% Par cipa on)

Anonymous Mr. Bernard J. Donohue Mr. Francis S. Ryan Dr. Frank J. Simone Mr. Frederick C. Travaglini Mr. Gregory J. Viola

Mr. George C. Brady, III Mr. F. Thomas Brown Mr. Peter G. Byrnes Dr. James H. Degnan, Jr. Mr. Frank J. Ferro Mr. William F. Haase Dr. Warren M. Wilkins



Dr. Robert E. Ambrogi Jr. Mr. Richard J. Brown Dr. James F. Deatherage Dr. Gary R. Dunkerley Mr. John L. Pfaff III Mr. Peter T. Shalvoy Mr. John M. vanSummern+

(7% Par cipa on)

Dr. Frank H. Anderson

Top 5 Classes by Par cipa on 1964, 1975 1993 1961 1972 1966


Mr. William P. Arata Mr. Patrick J. Byrnes Dr. Joseph P. Coyle Dr. Frank J. Sammar no Jr.

(27% Par cipa on)

Mr. J. Joseph Donahue Mr. Robert P. Donato Mr. Daniel V. Donohue Mr. Francis L. Genuardi Mr. Geoffrey Kramer Mr. Joseph J. Pizonka Dr. John J. Radomile, Jr. Mr. Thomas F. San ni Mr. Horace E. Scherer Jr. Rev. James J. Shea Sch.P.

Top 5 Classes by Dollars Given 1972 1988 1969 1990 1980

(11% Par cipa on)

Col. Howard O. McGillin, Jr Dr. Vincent C. Pepe Mr. Michael F. Swanick


(11% Par cipa on)

Anonymous Mr. Timothy J. Har gan


Mr. Michael P. Lo us Mr. Philip Trainer Jr.

Anonymous (2) Mr. John A. Campopiano, Jr. Mr. Domenic L. DiMar no Mr. Joseph R. Pren ce


(9% Par cipa on)

Mr. Henry J. Eichman Dr. Richard J. Hamilton Dr. Louis R. Petrone


(14% Par cipa on)

Dr. Richard J. Ba afarano Mr. Kurt M. Jablonski Mr. Richard D. Petras Dr. Ralph R. Vassallo Jr.


(14% Par cipa on)

Mr. Brendan K. Collins, Esq. Mr. Brian D. Crowe Dr. Colin K. L. Phoon


(17% Par cipa on)



(20% Par cipa on)

Mr. Jason J. Coyle Dr. Stephen J. Falchek Mr. James T. Moore Mr. Tonino Nasu Dr. Paul Voois

(26% Par cipa on)

Anonymous Mr. Arthur S. Boyle Mr. John J. Butler, III Mr. Harry J. DiDonato Mr. Carl T. Necker, Jr. Mr. Eric Nowak Dr. Francis M. Prendergast Mr. John L. Skwirut Mr. Paul C. Troy



(9% Par cipa on)

Dr. Robert B. Noone, Jr. Mr. Paul A. Uhlman Mr. Raymond K. Walheim


(19% Par cipa on)

Anonymous Lt Col Christopher Boyle Mr. Joseph S. Collins, III Mr. Michael W. Ianieri Mr. Owen J. Kelly Mr. Stephane J. Latour


(21% Par cipa on)


(18% Par cipa on)

Anonymous Mr. Kevin G. Ansley Mr. Mark J. Brennan Mr. Frank M. Byrd Mr. Peter A. Federico Mr. Brian J. McCormick Jr. Mr. Philip M. Taddeo

Mr. Thomas S. Fan Mr. Michael J. Gavin Mr. Edward J. Griffith Mr. Andrew A. Hu Mr. Michael L. Kimmel Mr. James A. Morris Mr. T. Patrick O'Reilly, Jr.


(16% Par cipa on)

Anonymous Mr. Michael K. Gray Mr. Douglas L. Kaune Mr. Wynn J. Lindley Mr. Roger R. Martella, Jr


(5% Par cipa on)

Mr. Alexander E. Stark

1991 (0% Par cipa on) 1992

(13% Par cipa on)

Mr. George M. Gowen, III Mr. Thomas G. Nagy Dr. Hoan‐Vu T. Nguyen Mr. Joseph A. Powers


(42% Par cipa on)

Mr. Nicholas C. Ciocca



Mr. Albert J. Emhof Mr. John J. Kiely

(11% Par cipa on)

Anonymous Mr. Chris an X. Capasso Mr. Ma hew J. Epps Mr. Mark D. Guthrie Mr. Michael A. Morrone, III

2012 (8% Par cipa on) Mr. Ryan T. Fulmer Mr. Ma hew A. Kramer Mr. Jus n C. McNabb Mr. Nathan E. Stauffer


(7% Par cipa on)

Mr. Joseph B. Mulhern Mr. Peter J. Mulligan Mr. Jus n M. Polselli


(5% Par cipa on)

Mr. Kevin D. Fulmer Mr. Sean J. Melvin

2005 (11% Par cipa on)


Mr. James J. Dolceamore, Jr. Mr. Joseph E. Gavanus, III Mr. Jared L. Pickell Mr. Robert J. Reish, Jr. Mr. Christopher L. Weathers

(4% Par cipa on)

Mr. P. Joseph Bilo


(4% Par cipa on)

Mr. Andrew J. Kramer Mr. Joseph H. Walker

2006 (3% Par cipa on)

Mr. Kevin A. McKenna Mr. Andrew M. Egan Mr. Michael B. O'Sullivan

Mr. Ma hew L. Claudy Mr. James L. D'Andrea Mr. Jeremiah M. DeNight, Jr. Mr. Kraig A. Finger Mr. Robert J. Gallagher Mr. Brian D. Gray Mr. Mar n P. Kazanjian Mr. Mark S. Malseed Mr. Garvan F. McDaniel Mr. Sean M. O'Reilly Mr. Francis X. Pedicone Mr. Stephen M. Porter Mr. Jeffrey P. Sevag



(13% Par cipa on)

Mr. Christopher S. Robert Jr. Mr. Philip A. Sevag Mr. Timothy R. Wilkin


(3% Par cipa on)


Mr. Paul J. Coughlin Mr. David P. Dalesandro Mr. Ma hew W. Nawn Mr. Brian M. Olinger

(5% Par cipa on)


(13% Par cipa on)

Mr. Michael P. Danko Jr. Mr. Cornelius J. Dougherty

Mr. Franklin Miranda in honor of Mr. Francis D. D’Sa

Mr. Anthony F. Walker in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Walker

2011 (9% Par cipa on)

Mr. Christopher T. Cognato Mr. Joseph E. D'Arcangelo Mr. Daniel P. Mulhern Mr. Kevin J. Mulholland

(13% Par cipa on)

Mr. Vincent J. Finley in memory of Rev. Joseph Kerschner, Sch.P.

Anonymous Mr. Patrick W. Henry Mr. Griffith A. Roberts Mr. Robert M. Smith

Anonymous Mr. Robert W. Rigsby

Mr. Ma hew J. Bevilacqua

2010 (8% Par cipa on)

(11% Par cipa on)

2016 (20% Par cipa on)

Mr. Thomas L. Toole III

(4% Par cipa on)

Mr. Brian T. Lefchak Mr. Chris an A. Staub


The senior giving program provides an opportunity for gradua ng seniors to join their fellow alumni in suppor ng Devon Prep. Members of the gradua ng class make a gi to the Annual Fund, and a pledge to con nue their support during their college years. The following members of the class of 2016 have chosen to show their support for Devon Prep by par cipa ng in this program.

Mr. Ma hew P. Butera Mr. Steven P. Carles Mr. Mark A. Connor Mr. David J. Evans III Mr. Brandon T. Mitchell Mr. Malcolm T. Phelan Mr. Fariss G. Rumman‐Obeid Mr. Daniel G. Urdaneta

(8% Par cipa on)


Senior Giving

2008 (18% Par cipa on)

Mr. Grant J. DeMola Mr. Brian F. Reilly

Mr. Mark A. Aquilante Mr. Jeffrey M. Krull Mr. Andrew M. Rongaus


(10% Par cipa on)

(13% Par cipa on)


Mr. Ryan P. Cassidy Mr. Andrew J. Zaleski

Mr. Anthony Fazio Mr. Brendan J. Gilbert Rev. Gerard J. Olinger CSC Esq.


2007 (5% Par cipa on)

Mr. Ma hew B. Baldassano Mr. Gregory C. Bokar Mr. Douglas A. Cichowicz



Alumni Par cipa on by Class Year




We deeply appreciate the generosity of the Alumni families who recognize the value of a Devon Prep educa on and have chosen to support the school with a gi to the Annual, Capital or Endowed Funds, contributed to our special collec ons, or given through United Way or workplace giving programs. Their generous support strengthens the resources and opportuni es needed to make a Devon Prep educa on and experience possible.


Anonymous (8) Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Adamiak '11 Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Adams '11 Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Al ere '00 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Anastasi '95 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Anderson '98 Mr. and Mrs. Congens J. Aquilante, Jr. '94 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Arcana, Jr. '09 Mrs. Joseph P. Atkins '84,'87 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Auxier '05 Dr. and Mrs. William V. Baldassano '11 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Barker '13 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bauers '14 Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Beck, Jr. '01 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Bellwoar '09 Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Bentley '03,'11 Mr. and Mrs. George K. Beothy '01 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bevilacqua ’10,'16 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Bokar '11 Mr. J. Jeffrey Bowden '13 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Brekus ’14,'16 Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Brennan 83,'85,'87,'01 Drs. John and Joan Burke '14 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Burke '04,'12 Rev. Mr. Peter J. Calabrese, Sr. '84 Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Capasso '03,'05 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Capella, Sr. '03 Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso B. Carandang '15 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Carles '08 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Carson '11,'13 Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Casey 95,'98,'01 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Cervini '97 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Chase '07,'10 Mr. and Mrs. James W. Christenson '06 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Class '07 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Cleaver '86 Mr. and Mrs. Brendan K. Collins, Esq. '05 Dr. Philip J. Connor, Sr. '87,'89,'92 Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Connor '08 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Converse '02,'06

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cooney '92,'99 Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Corr, Sr. '75 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Cosden '93 Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew Durkin Coyne '10 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Creato, Sr. '00 Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Cris nzio '92 Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Crowe '13,'15 Mrs. Margaret M. Crowe '81,'84 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Cunningham '01 Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Curley '11 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Czarnecki '06 Mr. and Mrs. Palmer A. Dalesandro, Jr. '95 Mr. Daniel and Dr. Ingeborg Damstra '12 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dawson '15 Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel J. DeFelice '98 Mr. and Mrs. Tod R. DeLong '10 Mrs. Anne Marie B. DelRossi ’95,'00 Mr. Adam J. DePietro '90 Mrs. Gabrielle M. Devine '74,'75,'76,'77,'83 Mr. Ronald A. Sloto and Ms. Lana L. Dickinson '11 Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. DiDonato '13 Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. DiMarzio ’99,'11 Mr. and Mrs. Karl N. DiPietro '15 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Doherty '10 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Dolceamore, Sr. '05 Mr. and Mrs. J. Joseph Donahue '02 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Donahue '66 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Donatoni '10 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Donohue ’96,'99,'02,'07 Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Duffy '97 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Emhof '11 Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Engel '11 Mr. and Mrs. W. Alan Epps '03 Mr. Paul A. Welsh and Ms. Marguerite Esmonde '10,'12

Mr. Chris and Dr. Maria Farias '01,'03,'08 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Fazio '95,'97 Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Federico '87 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Finley '81,'86 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Fitzmyer '69 Mr. William and Dr. Roseanne Fulmer ’10,'12,'13,'16 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Gaeto '08,'10 Ms. Kathryn A. Galarneau '15 Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Gallo '12 Hon. and Mrs. Thomas G. Gavin '90,'92,'94,'96 Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Genuardi ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Genuardi '95 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Giannantonio '03 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gillin, Jr. '12 Dr. and Mrs. Angus T. Gillis '03 Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Gray '88,'93 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Griffin '88 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Gruchacz '10 Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guthrie '03,'08 Mrs. Jane F. Guzikowski '71,'75,'77,'79 Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Hackman '09 Mr. Richard F. Hamilton '79,'82,'83,'87 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hardaway '15 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Harkins '05 Mr. and Mrs. David E. Haruch '13 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Hasse '07,'13 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Haughey '89 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hill '00,'03 Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence Holmes '15 Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Hook, Jr. '93 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ingelsby '06 Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jonik '13 Mr. and Mrs. Anoop Joseph '07 Dr. and Mrs. Kyle M. Kampman '13 Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Kelly ’14,'16 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Killoran '87 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kiniry, Jr. '04,'08 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Knudson '15 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kozak, III '11,'13 Mr. Geoffrey Kramer '07 Mr. and Mrs. David L. LaPrise '12 Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Lefchak '09 Mr. and Mrs. Luvimino D. Lim '00,'98 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Listwak '08 Mrs. Beatrice B. Lock '82,'87 Dr. and Mrs. James W. Lockard, Jr. '12 Mr. and Mrs. George T. Love ’14,'16 Mrs. James A. Lyons '68,'69


Mrs. Suzanne P. MacIntyre '05 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Maertzig, Sr. '92,'93,'96 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Massara '03 Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Ma hews, III '11 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. McCallister '15 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McCarron '11 Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. McCarthy, Sr. '09,'13 Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McCormick, Sr. '87,'90,'94 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McCuch '86 Mr. and Mrs. William F. McGinnis '85 Mr. and Mrs. John F. McIntyre '09 Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. McNabb '01,'05,'07,'12 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McParland, Jr. '09,'11 Dr. and Mrs. David W. McSurdy ’14,'16 Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Melvin '13 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Meyer '10 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Miller '06 Dr. William R. Miller 94,'06 Mr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Misialek '11 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Misko '14 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Mitchell '08 Ms. Laura Mondon '00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Monte '84,'85,'88 Dr. Joan L. Moore '82,'84 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morris '04 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Morrissey '03,'05 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morrone '03 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mucche '09 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Murphy '96 Mr. and Mrs. Geza J. Nagy '92 Dr. Edgar C. Nicolas '04,’16 Ms. Marilyn J. Nicolas '04,’16 Dr. and Mrs. R. Barre Noone '85 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Norwood '07 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Nowlan '10 Mrs. Carol Okonski '09 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Olinger, Jr. '95 Mr. and Mrs. Hubert B. O'Reilly '03 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. O aviano '88 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pancerella '11 Mr. and Mrs. Bharatkumar V. Patel ’12,'16 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Pauciulo '15 Mrs. Jolene Petras '80,'92 Mr. and Mrs. David F. Phelan '08,'15 Dr. Wai Wor Phoon '81,'83 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Pio '01 Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Piro ’11,'16 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Plebani '04 Dr. and Mrs. John J. Radomile, Jr. '09


Dr. John J. Radomile, Sr. '66,'77,'83 Mrs. Maria Ragsdale‐Leidy '12 Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Rieben '00 Mrs. Chris na T. Robbins '86 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Robbins, Sr. '12 Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Rossi '08 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rovinski '11 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rumman‐Obeid 08,'16 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Schellenger '14 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schramm '00 Dr. John H. Schwarz '09 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Sclafani '03,'06 Dr. and Mrs. John T. Seykora '13 Mrs. Sheila M. Shannon '76,'78,'80,'83 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Shields, Jr. '76,'80,'92 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Shields '14 Dr. Lydia G. Slavish '10 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Smith '11 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Smith '10 Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Smith '10 Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Smith '11 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Snook '03,'09 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Stack '10 Mr. and Mrs. Wade Stallard '94 Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Staller '82 Ms. Rachel M. Stauffer '12 Dr. and Mrs. Francisco F. Suero '10,'13 Ms. Chris ne Tascone '02 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Toddy '14 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Toukatly '03,'10 Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Trucksess '06,'07 Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Volpe ’96,'01 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Vuono '06 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Walheim '15 Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Walker ’15,’16 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Walsh '04 Mrs. Lady Walvoord ’96,'03 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wa ers '14 Mrs. Lawrence G. Weathers, Jr. '05 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Weaver '09 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Weis '12 Dr. and Mrs. Francis J. White 10,'12,'16 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Wilkin '99 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Witman '00 Mr. and Mrs. Rodlee J. Wright '13 Mrs. Richard B. Yoder '85 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Zaleski '07 Ms. Frances M. Zipp '09,'13



We deeply appreciate the generosity and support that our families extend to Devon Prep. This year, 50% of our families supported the school with gi s to the Annual Fund, the Christmas Collec on, or through workplace giving. These gi s directly impact and enhance the daily student experience, so that together we can provide the best possible educa on for our students.

Mr. and Mrs. James V. Coffey Mr. and Mrs. David E. Haruch Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Keough Mr. and Mrs. Edmund G. Kowalewski Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Lo us Mr. and Mrs. William Long Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Lubker, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Ludt Mr. and Mrs. B. Craig McCulloch Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. O'Connor Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rufo Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Smoot Mr. and Mrs. David Szkolnicki

Class of 2016 (39% Par cipa on)



Mr. and Mrs. John Balog, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Be s Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bevilacqua Mr. Frank J. and Dr. Kathleen Bonini, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Brekus Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Damerau, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Delphais, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Finley Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. George T. Love Ms. Mary E. MacLachlan Mr. and Mrs. Sameer D. Miranda Dr. Edgar C. Nicolas Ms. Marilyn J. Nicolas Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Norris Drs. Richard and Teresa O'Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Bharatkumar V. Patel Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Piro Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rumman‐Obeid Dr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Verna Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Walker

Class of 2018 (37% Par cipa on) Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Brower Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Corsi Mr. and Mrs. James M. Costello, III Mr. and Mrs. David J. Curran Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Donato Mr. and Mrs. Laforest A. Gardiner, III Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Gazda Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Ianieri Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jonik Dr. and Mrs. Sherry Jose Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kozak, III Mr. and Dr. Sudhir P. Naik Mr. and Mrs. Steve R. Pabia Ms. Monica Pedano Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Pietrafi a Dr. and Mrs. Joshi M. Ramanjulu Mr. Kurt Wolter and Dr. Chris ne Reilly Dr. and Mrs. Victor Romo Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rufo Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Shiller Mr. and Mrs. William A. Stevenson Dr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Verna Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Wilmer, Jr.

Class of 2017 (39% Par cipa on) Anonymous (4) Ms. Mandy Adamson

Class of 2019 (53% Par cipa on) Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Bello Mr. and Mrs. James T. Braun Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Mar n Czachor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Drauschak Mr. and Mrs. Roman W. Dychdala Mr. and Mrs. Gregg E. Ercole


Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Gazda Mr. and Mrs. William R. Good Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew D. Jiannino Mr. and Mrs. Owen J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mallon Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McGee Mr. and Mrs. John F. Misko Mr. and Mrs. Dawson R. Muth Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Jerome B. O'Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Erik D. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Rasinski Mr. and Mrs. Sco E. Romano Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Rullo, III Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sla ery Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Kelley G. Tyrell

Class of 2020 (64% Par cipa on) Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Curry Mr. and Mrs. Santo Fortebuono Dr. and Mrs. Vincent C. Pepe Mr. Kurt Wolter and Dr. Chris ne Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Smoot Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Stangl Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Zack

Class of 2021 (71% Par cipa on)

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Deoria Mr. and Mrs. Eric Eshleman Mr. and Mrs. John C. George Mr. and Mrs. Owen J. Kelly Dr. Eugene P. Kennedy and Dr. Debra Bensen‐Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. McCabe Dr. and Mrs. Joshi M. Ramanjulu Mr. and Mrs. Sco E. Romano Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Salewski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Scavi o Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Supplee Ms. Eileen Thompson

Class of 2022 (50% Par cipa on) Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo M. Alonso Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Bramlage Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Files Mr. and Mrs. John C. George Dr. Eugene P. Kennedy and Dr. Debra Bensen‐Kenndey Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kerrigan Mr. and Mrs. Wynn J. Lindley Mr. and Mrs. Eric Pilacik Mr. and Mrs. William Q. Sargent, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew E. Sarkees Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sla ery Ms. Karen Weinlader Mardis

Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Bill Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Curry Mr. Jon Stefansson and Ms. Lisa DeMarco


Anonymous (8) Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Adams Ms. Mandy Adamson Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo M. Alonso Mr. and Mrs. John Balog, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Barella Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Barker Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bauers Drs. R. Michael Belden Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Bello Mr. and Mrs. John R. Be s Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bevilacqua Mr. Frank J. and Dr. Kathleen Bonini, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bordic Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Brace Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Bramlage Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Brower Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Byrd, Jr. Mr. Christopher B. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. James V. Coffey Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Conroy Mr. and Mrs. James M. Costello, III Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Courtney Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew Durkin Coyne Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. William O. Dagge , III Mr. and Mrs. Frank Delphais, Jr. Mr. Jon Stefansson and Ms. Lisa DeMarco Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. DiMarzio Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Donato Mr. and Mrs. Roman W. Dychdala Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Egan Mr. and Mrs. George F. Eidman Mr. and Mrs. Gregg E. Ercole Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Fasullo Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Federico Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Files Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Finley Mr. and Mrs. Santo Fortebuono Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Fulco Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gaetano Ms. Kathryn A. Galarneau Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. William B. Gallo


Mr. and Mrs. John C. George GlaxoSmithKline Founda on Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Glennon Mr. and Mrs. William R. Good Mr. and Mrs. Phong Hoang Mr. and Mrs. Kurt M. Jablonski Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew D. Jiannino Dr. and Mrs. Sherry Jose Mr. and Mrs. Owen J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Kelly Dr. Eugene P. Kennedy and Dr. Debra Bensen‐Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Kerns Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kerrigan Mr. John P. Hallinan and Ms. Bethanne Killian Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Kilroy Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kilroy Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Klauder Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Klick Mr. and Mrs. Edmund G. Kowalewski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kozak, III Mr. and Mrs. George V. Kweder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bumjin Lee Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Lignowski Mr. and Mrs. Wynn J. Lindley Mrs. Cathy Lockyer‐Moulton Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Lo us Mr. and Mrs. George T. Love Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Ludt Ms. Mary E. MacLachlan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mallon Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Maslanka Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. McAlee, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. McCarthy, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McClay Mr. and Mrs. B. Craig McCulloch Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McGee Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. McGeehan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McGinley Mr. and Mrs. Alec McKnight Dr. and Mrs. David W. McSurdy Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Michel Mr. and Mrs. Sameer D. Miranda

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Misko Mr. and Mrs. Dawson R. Muth Mr. and Dr. Sudhir P. Naik Mr. Patrick and Dr. Ellen Agnes O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. O'Connor Drs. Richard and Teresa O'Flynn Mr. and Mrs. John J. O'Malley Mr. and Mrs. Marc J. Pauline Dr. and Mrs. Vincent C. Pepe Mr. and Mrs. Erik D. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Chris an M. Petrucci Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Piro Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Ranaudo Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Rasinski Dr. and Mrs. Victor Romo Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rufo Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rule Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Rullo, III Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rumman‐Obeid Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew E. Sarkees Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Scafidi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Scavi o Mr. and Mrs. David J. Schultheis Mr. John Seidler Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Sena

Mr. Hank Yoo and Ms. Insook Seol Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shul s Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sla ery Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Smoot Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Stangl Mr. and Mrs. William A. Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Supplee Mr. and Mrs. David Szkolnicki Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Kelley G. Tyrell Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. van Zelst, Sr. Vanguard Group Founda on Dr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Verna Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Voorhees Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Walker Mr. and Mrs. David Walker Mr. and Mrs. J. Keith Weinlader Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Weir Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Wethman Dr. and Mrs. Francis J. White Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Wilmer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Rodlee J. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Young Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Zack


We are grateful to the Devon Prep families who have generously supported this special fund. Their generosity helps the school to a ract and retain dedicated and talented faculty and staff to provide the highest quality educa on to our students.



We are pleased to recognize the following grandparents for their gi s to Devon Prep. Their generous support helps us to offer the best possible learning environment for our students. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aberbach Mr. and Mrs. Hugh K. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Louis Barba Mr. and Mrs. Richard Be s Mr. Ronald Birkmine Mr. and Mrs. James Bogan Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brower Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bruno Mr. Frederick Camp Mrs. Janine Clay Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Michael D'Antonio Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DelConte Mrs. Donna Deoria Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eberle


Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Federico Mr. Jack George Captain and Mrs. Robert P. Glover Mr. and Mrs. John Greskiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Tony Grycewicz Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes Mrs. Helga Hoetzer Mrs. Anna Hom Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kane Mr. and Mrs. John Kerrigan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Killian Mr. and Mrs. John Kleponis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kozak Mr. and Mrs. George Kweder Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lignowski Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Limongelli Mr. and Mrs. Rob Lockyer Mrs. Catherine E. Love Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lubker Mrs. Patricia MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Alexander MacLachlan Mr. and Mrs. William Maslanka

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. McAlee Mrs. Ann McClay Mrs. Jane McCulloch Mrs. Patricia McGovern Mrs. Dede McKnight Mr. and Mrs. Dominic A. O aviano Mr. and Mrs. Richard Petrucci Mr. Emil Pilacik Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sarkees Mr. and Mrs. William Sass Mrs. Irene P. Savage Mr. and Mrs. James F. Schumacher Mr. John Seidler Mrs. Sheila M. Shannon Mr. and Mrs. David J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Constancio Tiglao Ms. Terri Toland Mr. and Mrs. J. Keith Weinlader Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Young



Gold Sponsors Jim Curran ’87, Ed Curran ’88, Nick Meter ’88 The Scavi o Family ‐ Present Parents ’21

Silver Sponsors Answering Service for Directors—Mr. Marty Czachor, Present Parents ’19 McGladrey LLP Cer fied Public Accountants— Rod Wright ‐ Present Parent ’18, Alumni Parent ’13 Penn Liberty Bank The Glennon Family ‐ Present Parents ’19 RE/MAX Main Line ‐ Tom Toole III ’00 The Byrd Family ‐ Frank Byrd ’87, Present Parents ’18

Bronze Sponsors Stephano Slack CPAs – Nicholas Ciocca ’93 Paoli Hardware Center BartonPartners Architects & Planners, Inc. Liberty News Distributors, Inc. Guardian Life Insurance Company of America

Golf Team Patrons John H. Ansley, Inc. Photographer –John Ansley ’64 Class of 1964— Jack Ansley, Rich Crowley, Paul Derham, Jay Keeley, John Maguire, Barry McKeon Custom Bagels, Inc. ‐ Wynn Lindley ’88, Present Parent ’22 Delaware Valley Aluminum Corp. ‐ Thomas M. Orsato, Jr ’72 Dominic A. Tammaro, Inc. Independent Graphics KCB Print Resources Mobilex USA ‐ Bill Glynn ’72 The Naik Family ‐ Present Parents ’18 Parx Casino ‐ Tom Bonner ‐ Alumni Parent ’12 Radomile Family Dental Care ‐ John Radomile, DDS ’66, Mark Radomile, DMD ’77 Midlan c, Inc .‐ Barry O'Reilly ’72 The Rasinski Family ‐ Present Parents ’19 The Smoot Family ‐ Present Parents ’17, ’20 Strybuc Industries, Inc. ‐ Jim Murphy ’72 Transamerica Life Insurance Company




Devon Prep Loyalty Club



We have noted (with an asterisk) those members of the Devon Prep Community who have made gi s to the Devon Prep Annual Fund for 10 or more consecu ve years. We are very grateful for their con nued support, which has provided a las ng impact for Devon Prep

Founder ($10,000 and more) Anonymous (4) Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Adams P,AP The Ba afarano Family A Mr. Daniel and Dr. Ingeborg Damstra AP* Devon Prep Parents Associa on* Genuardi Family Founda on Mr. William J. Glynn A* Gunard Berry Carlson Memorial Founda on Mr. William F. Haase A Henkels Founda on Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew D. Jiannino P Mr. Patrick F. Kennedy A Mr. Michael L. Kimmel A,T* Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Ludt P Mrs. James A. Lyons AP Mr. and Mrs. John F. Misko AP,P RE/MAX Main Line Mr. Frank A. Silverio A* The Adrian & Kimberly Adams Family Founda on The Gant Family Founda on The Gladys Brooks Founda on Mr. Frederick C. Travaglini A Vanguard Group Founda on*

Headmaster ($2,500 to $4,999)

Alumnus Alumni Parents Present Parents Friends or Family Faculty or Staff Faculty or Staff Re red Grandparent Student Trustee Deceased

Anonymous (2) American Endowment Founda on Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Bentley AP* Bentley Systems, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Bramlage P Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Brennen, Jr. A* Bryn Mawr Trust Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Byrnes A* Mr. and Mrs. Mar n Czachor, Jr. P Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Engel AP Dr. and Mrs. Sherry Jose P Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Listwak AP* Mr. and Mrs. James F. Murphy, Jr. A* Mr. T. Patrick O'Reilly, Jr. A Radian Group, Inc. Renaissance Charitable Founda on Inc. Silicon Valley Community Founda on Dr. and Mrs. Francisco F. Suero AP Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wa ers AP* Mr. and Mrs. John F. Weaver AP Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Weir P Wells Fargo Founda on YourCause

Calasanc us ($5,000 to $9,999) Anonymous Mr. Arthur S. Boyle A Fidelity Charitable Gi Fund FJN Charitable Founda on Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Genuardi A,AP* Mr. and Mrs. William R. Good P Mrs. Jane F. Guzikowski AP* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kozak, III AP,P* McCloskey Financial Group Mr. and Mrs. David J. Miller AP* Mr. and Mrs. Dawson R. Muth P Mr. Brian M. Olinger A,T* Penn Liberty Bank PJM Interconnec on Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Trucksess AP* United Way of Greater Philadelphia & Southern NJ* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wa ers AP*

Leadership ($1,000 to $2,499) Anonymous (7) Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo M. Alonso P Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Al ere AP* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Anderson AP


Mr. Thomas F. San ni A* Mr. and Mrs. William Q. Sargent, Jr. P Mr. and Mrs. Horace E. Scherer A* Mr. Peter T. Shalvoy A Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Shields, Jr. AP* SIG Susquehanna Mr. Richard A. Simpson Mr. Michael F. Swanick A* Target* Mr. Thomas L. Toole, III A UGI Energy Services LLC Dr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Verna P Mr. Gregory J. Viola A* Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Walheim A,AP Mrs. Mary G. Wa s F*

Blue and Gold ($500 to $999) Bergen Co. UW Charitable Flex Fund Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bevilacqua AP, P* Boeing Gi Matching Program* Mr. Frank J. and Dr. Kathleen Bonini, Jr. P Mr. Mark J. Brennan A Mr. John J. Butler, III A Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Byrnes A Mr. Frederick Camp GP Mr. Chris an X. Capasso A Carebridge Corpora on Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas C. Ciocca A,T* Class of 1975 Mr. and Mrs. James V. Coffey P Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Creato, Sr. AP* Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cunningham P Mr. and Mrs. Michael D'Antonio GP Mr. Jon Stefansson and Ms. Lisa DeMarco P Mrs. Gabrielle M. Devine AP* Mr. James I. Devine A* Ms. Joanne C. Devine F Mr. Mar n L. Devine A Devon Prep Alumni Associa on DirectTV Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Donato P Mr. Bernard J. Donohue A* Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Emhof AP,FS* Dr. Stephen J. Falchek A Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Federico A,P Fidelity Brokerage Services, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Santo Fortebuono P Mr. Henry M. Gallagher A*


Mr. and Mrs. John C. George P Mr. Brendan J. Gilbert A GlaxoSmithKline Founda on Illinois Tool Works Founda on* Dr. Eugene P. Kennedy and Dr. Debra Bensen‐Kennedy P Mr. Jeffrey M. Krull A* Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Lo us A,P Mr. and Mrs. Brian Loutrel FS Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Lubker, Sr. P Mr. and Mrs. William Maslanka GP MasterCard Matching Gi s Program Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Ma hews AP* Mr. Joseph F. McConlogue, Jr. A Mr. Brian J. McCormick, Jr. A Mrs. Dede McKnight GP Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McParland, Jr. AP* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morrone AP* Dr. Hoan‐Vu T. Nguyen A Ms. Marilyn J. Nicolas AP Norfolk Southern* Drs. Richard and Teresa O'Flynn P Captain Charles P. O'Neill A* Mr. Brian J. O'Sullivan A Mr. Malcolm T. Phelan A,T QVC Partners In Giving Dr. and Mrs. John J. Radomile A,AP* Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Rossi AP* Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rufo P Mr. Marcus E. Sack A Prof. Richard J. Salvucci A*

Anonymous (5) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aberbach GP Ms. Mandy Adamson P Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Anastasi AP* Dr. Frank H. Anderson A* Mr. John H. Ansley, Jr. A,T* Mr. and Mrs. John Balog, Jr. P Bank of America Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Bello P Mr. and Mrs. George K. Beothy A,AP,FS Mr. and Mrs. John R. Be s P Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Brower P Mr. F. Thomas Brown A* Mr. Christopher B. Carpenter P Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Chase AP* Mr. Peter J. Connors A Mr. and Mrs. James M. Costello, III P Mrs. Margaret M. Crowe AP Dr. James H. Degnan, Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. Frank Delphais, Jr. P Mr. Joseph P. Denny A* Mr. and Mrs. J. Joseph Donahue A,AP,FS,T* Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Drauschak P Mr. Andrew M. Egan A Mr. and Mrs. Gregg E. Ercole P Exelon Mr. Francis X. Farmar A* Mr. Frank J. Ferro A Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Files P Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Gazda P General Electric Founda on Giant A+ School Rewards

Ms. Margaret E. Gillis F Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hardaway AP Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Hasse AP Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes GP Mr. William W. Heil, Jr. A* Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence Holmes AP,P Mr. Andrew A. Hu A Mr. Patrick Kane FS Mr. and Mrs. Owen J. Kelly A,P Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Kelly AP,P Mr. and Mrs. John J. Kerrigan P Mr. and Mrs. Edmund G. Kowalewski P Mr. William J. Leighton A* Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Limongelli GP Dr. Gerald P. Line e, Jr. A Ms. Rosalie Lombardo FS* Mr. and Mrs. George T. Love AP,P Ms. Mary E. MacLachlan P Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mallon P Mr. Roger R. Martella, Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. B. Craig McCulloch P Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McGee P Mr. R. Roger Mecouch FS Merck Partnership for Giving* Mr. and Mrs. Sameer D. Miranda P Dr. Joan L. Moore AP* Mr. and Mrs. John F. Morrissey AP* Mr. Joseph B. Mulhern A Mr. and Dr. Sudhir P. Naik P Mr. Pasquale S. Na le FS* New York Life Founda on Mr. Michael A. Olivares A* Mr. and Mrs. John J. O'Malley P Mr. and Mrs. Hubert B. O'Reilly A,AP,T* Mr. and Mrs. Erik D. Peterson P Mr. Richard D. Petras A


Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Piro AP,P Mr. Jus n M. Polselli A Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Rasinski P Mr. and Mrs. Sco E. Romano P Rotor Bearing Technology & So ware Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Rullo, III P Mr. Francis S. Ryan A* Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rydesky F Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew E. Sarkees P Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Scavi o P Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. Scherer A Dr. and Mrs. John T. Seykora AP Rev. James J. Shea, Sch.P. A, FS,T* Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Shields AP Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Smith P Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Smoot P Mr. Alexander E. Stark A Mr. and Mrs. William A. Stevenson P Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Supplee P Mr. and Mrs. David Szkolnicki P Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Thomas P Mr. Philip Trainer, Jr. A* Mr. Paul C. Troy A* Mr. and Mrs. Kelley G. Tyrell P Mr. Paul A. Uhlman A Mr. Daniel G. Urdaneta A Dr. Ralph R. Vassallo, Jr. A* Mrs. Lawrence G. Weathers, Jr. AP* Mr. and Mrs. J. Keith Weinlader GP Mr. and Mrs. John M. Weis AP Mrs. Eileen White F


Wiley Rein LLP Mr. Timothy R. Wilkin A* Dr. Warren M. Wilkins A* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Zack P

Benefactor ($250 to $499) Anonymous (7) Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Adamiak AP Dr. Robert E. Ambrogi, Jr. A* Mrs. Joseph P. Atkins AP* Mr. Ma hew B. Baldassano A Mr. and Mrs. John A. Barella P Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Barker AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bauers AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Beck, Jr. AP Drs. R. Michael Belden P Mr. and Mrs. Richard Be s GP Mr. Richard J. Blair A* Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bordic P Mr. Michael T. Borkowski A* Mrs. Nicole S. Bo a FS Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Brace P Mr. George C. Brady, III A Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Byrd, Jr. A,P Rev. John G. Callan, Sch.P. A,T Mr. and Mrs. James W. Christenson AP Mr. and Mrs. John L. Cleaver AP* Mr. Joseph S. Collins, III A* Comcast Dr. and Mrs. Philip J. Connor, Sr. A,AP,FSR* Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Conroy P Mr. Paul J. Corr, Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Corr, Sr. AP Mr. Paul J. Coughlin A Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Courtney P Mr. Jason J. Coyle A Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew Durkin Coyne AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Crowe A,AP,T Mr. Richard F. Crowley A* Mr. and Mrs. William O. Dagge , III P Mr. Grant J. DeMola A Mr. Paul J. Derham A* Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. DiDonato A,AP,T* Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. DiMarzio A,AP,P Dr. Dennis P. DiRenzo A Dr. Gary R. Dunkerley A Mr. and Mrs. Roman W. Dychdala P Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Egan P Mr. and Mrs. George F. Eidman P

ExxonMobil Founda on Mr. Chris and Dr. Maria Farias AP Dr. James G. Farmar A Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Fasullo P Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Finley P Mr. Joseph A. Fitzmyer A* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gaetano P Ms. Kathryn A. Galarneau AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Gallagher P Mr. and Mrs. William B. Gallo P Hon. and Mrs. Thomas G. Gavin AP,FS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Giannantonio A,AP* Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Glennon P Mr. Patrick W. Goalwin A* Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Gray AP* Mrs. Jennifer Gregory FS Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guthrie AP* Dr. Richard J. Hamilton A Mr. Gregory E. Harmer A Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Haughey AP Mr. Julius G. Hernadi A* Mr. and Mrs. Phong Hoang P Mrs. Anna Hom GP Mrs. Kathleen Iacobucci FS* Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Ianieri A,P* IBM Corpora on Mr. and Mrs. Kurt M. Jablonski A,P Dr. Charles G. Jacoby A* Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jonik AP,P Mrs. Kimberly D. Judge FS

Mr. Douglas L. Kaune A Mrs. Frances Kelly F Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Keough P Mr. and Mrs. Kevin T. Kerns P Mr. John P. Hallinan and Ms. Bethanne Killian P Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Kilroy P Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kilroy P Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Klauder P Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Klick P Mr. and Mrs. George V. Kweder, Jr. P Mr. and Mrs. Bumjin Lee P Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Lignowski P Mr. and Mrs. Luvimino D. Lim AP Mr. and Mrs. Wynn J. Lindley A,P Mr. and Mrs. Rob Lockyer GP Mrs. Cathy Lockyer‐Moulton P Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lubker GP Mrs. Suzanne P. MacIntyre AP Mr. Allison J. Maggiolo A* Mr. Mark S. Malseed A Mr. Robert F. Mars, III A Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Maslanka P Mr. James G. Mastrangelo FS Prof. James E. Maule A* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. McAlee, Sr. P Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. McAlee GP Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. McCallister AP Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McClay P Mrs. Jane McCulloch GP


Mr. Garvan F. McDaniel A Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. McGeehan P Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McGinley P Mr. and Mrs. Alec McKnight P Dr. and Mrs. David W. McSurdy AP,P Merck Partnership for Giving MG* Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Michel P Ms. Theresa W. Morley F* Dr. Robert B. Noone, Jr. A Mr. Eric Nowak A Mr. Patrick and Dr. Ellen Agnes O'Brien P Mr. and Mrs. Dominic A. O aviano GP Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pancerella AP Mr. and Mrs. Bharatkumar V. Patel AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Marc J. Pauline P Dr. and Mrs. Vincent C. Pepe A,P Mr. and Mrs. Chris an M. Petrucci P Mr. and Mrs. David F. Phelan AP Dr. Wai Wor Phoon AP* Dr. Francis M. Prendergast A* Dr. and Mrs. Joshi M. Ramanjulu P Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Ranaudo P Mr. Kurt Wolter and Dr. Chris ne Reilly P Mr. and Mrs. James J. Robbins, Sr. AP* Dr. and Mrs. Victor Romo P Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rule P Mr. Paul J. Sanborn A,FS Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Scafidi P Mr. and Mrs. David J. Schultheis P Mr. John Seidler GP Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Sena P Mr. Hank Yoo and Ms. Insook Seol P Mr. Philip A. Sevag A Mrs. Sheila M. Shannon AP,GP Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shul s P Mr. John L. Skwirut A Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Smith AP* St. Elizabeth Roman Catholic Church Mr. and Mrs. Wade Stallard AP Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Stangl P Truist Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. van Zelst, Sr. P Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Voorhees P Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Wagner P Dr. John R. Waldron, Jr. A Mrs. Diane L. Ware FS Ms. Karen Weinlader Mardis P Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Wethman P Dr. and Mrs. Francis J. White AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Wilkin AP

Mr. and Mrs. Rodlee J. Wright AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Young P Mr. and Mrs. John R. Zaleski AP

Patron ($100 to $249) Anonymous (9) Mr. and Mrs. Hugh K. Allen GP Amazon Smile Founda on F Mr. Mark A. Aquilante A,FS Mr. William P. Arata A* Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Arcana, Jr. AP Mr. and Mrs. Louis Barba GP Mrs. Kathleen M. Barbour FS Ms. Eugenia Barjar‐Hubilla F Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Bellwoar AP Mr. P. Joseph Bilo A Mr. Ronald Birkmine GP Mrs. Alice R. Bowen F* Lt Col Christopher Boyle A Mr. Barry P. Brazunas FS* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brower GP Mr. Richard J. Brown A Ms. Maria A. Bruno F The Burke Family AP* Mr. John W. Burwinkel, Jr. A Mr. Alexander S. Buzogany, Jr. A* Rev. Mr. Peter J. Calabrese, Sr. AP Mr. John A. Campopiano, Jr. A* Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Capasso AP* Alfonso F. Caprara, Esq. A Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso B. Carandang AP Mr. and Mrs. John C. Carles AP* Mrs. Elsie M. Carr F Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Carson AP Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Casey AP Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Cervini AP Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Class AP Mr. Ma hew L. Claudy A Mrs. Janine Clay GP Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coleman GP Mr. and Mrs. Brendan K. Collins, Esq. A,AP* Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Connor AP Mr. Mark A. Connor A Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Converse AP* Mrs. Sara B. Corbe FS* Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Corsi P Dr. Joseph P. Coyle A* Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Craig F* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Cunningham AP,GP


Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Curry P Mr. David P. Dalesandro A Mr. and Mrs. Palmer A. Dalesandro, Jr. AP Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Damerau, Jr. P Mr. James L. D'Andrea A Mr. Paul J. Da e A Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dawson AP Dr. James F. Deatherage A Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel J. DeFelice AP* Mrs. Anne Marie B. DelRossi AP Mr. and Mrs. James E. Deoria P Dr. Philip J. DiGiacomo, Jr. A Mr. Adam J. DePietro AP* Mr. and Mrs. Karl N. DiPietro AP Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Doherty AP Mr. and Mrs. James J. Dolceamore, Sr. AP* Mr. and Mrs. John J. Donahue AP Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Donatoni AP Mr. Daniel V. Donohue A* Mr. and Mrs. William J. Donohue A,AP* Mr. Cornelius J. Dougherty A Mr. and Mrs. Donald Druid F Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Duffy AP Mr. William B. Duffy A Eagle Performance Mr. Henry J. Eichman A*

Mr. Ma hew J. Epps A Ms. Elizabeth Eshleman P,FS Mr. David J. Evans, III A,FS Exelon Matching Gi s Program for Educa on* Mr. Thomas S. Fan A Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Fazio AP* Mr. Anthony Fazio A Mr. Kraig A. Finger A Mr. and Mrs. John M. Finley AP Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Fitzmyer AP Mr. Emer C. Flounders, Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Fulco P Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Gaeto AP Mr. Robert J. Gallagher A Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Gallo AP Mr. Edward P. Gavigan A* Mr. Michael J. Gavin A Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gillin, Jr. AP Dr. and Mrs. Angus T. Gillis A,AP* Mr. and Mrs. Roger Giordano F Mr. and Mrs. Brian Godfrey Mr. George M. Gowen, III A Mr. Lawrence J. Graff F,FSR Mr. Brian D. Gray A Mr. Michael K. Gray A Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Griffin AP*

Mr. Edward J. Griffith A* Mr. Paul A. Grubb A Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Gruchacz AP* Mr. Mark D. Guthrie A Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Hackman A,AP Mr. Michael J. Hallahan A Dr. Tibor J. Ham, Jr. A* Mr. Richard F. Hamilton AP* Mr. Frank I. Hamory A Mrs. Catherine Harpel FSR* Mr. and Mrs. David E. Haruch AP,P Mr. John B. Henkels A Mr. Patrick W. Henry A Mr. and Mrs. Shephard W. Hill F Mrs. Helga Hoetzer GP Mrs. Catherine A. Hostler F Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ingelsby AP* J.P. Mascaro & Sons Jll Community Connec ons Mr. and Mrs. Anoop Joseph AP Dr. and Mrs. Kyle M. Kampman AP Mr. James J. Keeley A* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Killian GP Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Killoran AP* Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kiniry, Jr. AP* Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E. Knudson AP Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kotchick F Mr. Geoffrey Kramer A,AP* Rev. Patrick H. Lamb A Mr. Peter A. Lang A Mr. Stephane J. Latour A Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Lefchak AP Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lignowski GP Mrs. Beatrice B. Lock AP* Dr. and Mrs. James W. Lockard A,AP Mr. and Mrs. William Long P Mrs. Catherine E. Love GP Mr. and Mrs. Rick Lubker F Mr. Steven R. Lukens FS Dr. James J. MacFadyen A Ms. Sally MacFarland F Mr. and Mrs. Alexander MacLachlan GP Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Maertzig, Sr. AP* Mr. John F. Maguire, III A* Mr. and Mrs. Carl Massara AP Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. McCabe P Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McCarron AP Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. McCarthy, Sr. AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McCormick, Sr. AP


Col. Howard O. McGillin, Jr. A Mr. Barry R. McKeon A* Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. McNabb AP* Ms. Barbara G. Medina FS Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Melvin AP Mr. Joseph F. Messina A Dr. William R. Miller AP Mr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Misialek AP Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Mitchell AP Ms. Laura Mondon AP,FS Moon Flower Jewelry Mr. James T. Moore A* Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Moran F,FSR Mr. Michael A. Morrone, III A Mr. Daniel P. Mulhern A* Mr. James A. Mulhern A* Mr. Kevin J. Mulholland A Mr. Peter J. Mulligan A Mr. and Mrs. James J. Murphy AP* Mr. and Mrs. Geza J. Nagy AP* Mr. Thomas G. Nagy A Mr. Carl T. Necker, Jr. A Dr. and Mrs. R. Barre Noone AP* Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Norris P Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Norwood AP Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Nowlan AP* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. O'Connor P Mr. and Mrs. Jerome B. O'Donnell P Dr. Joseph P. Oechsle FS Mrs. Carol Okonski AP Mr. Sean M. O'Reilly A Mr. and Mrs. Steve R. Pabia P Paoli Hospital Founda on Mr. and Mrs. John W. Pauciulo AP Mr. Francis X. Pedicone A Mrs. Jolene Petras AP Mr. and Mrs. Richard Petrucci GP Mr. John L. Pfaff, III A Ms. Melanie R. Picard FS Mr. Jared L. Pickell A Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Pietrafi a P Mr. and Mrs. Eric Pilacik P Mr. Emil Pilacik GP Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Pio AP Mr. Louis E. Pizi F Mr. Joseph J. Pizonka A Mr. and Mrs. John F. Plebani AP Mr. Stephen M. Porter A Mr. Joseph A. Powers A

Mr. Joseph R. Pren ce A Dr. John J. Radomile, Sr. AP Mr. Brian F. Reilly A Mr. Robert J. Reish, Jr. A Mr. Robert W. Rigsby A Mrs. Chris na T. Robbins AP Mr. Christopher S. Robert, Jr. A Mr. Griffith A. Roberts A Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Robinson F Mr. Andrew M. Rongaus A Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rovinski AP Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Salewski P Dr. Frank J. Sammar no, Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sarkees GP Mrs. Irene P. Savage GP Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Schellenger AP Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schramm AP,FSR Mr. and Mrs. James F. Schumacher GP Mr. Robert R. Schwartz A Mr. Jeffrey P. Sevag A Mr. Stephen F. Shank A* Mr. George D. Sheehan FS Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Shiller P Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sla ery P Dr. Lydia G. Slavish AP Mr. and Mrs. David J. Smith GP Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Smith AP* Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Smith AP* Mr. and Mrs. John D. Snook AP* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Stack AP Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Stone F Mr. Pasquale A. Stor , Jr. A Mr. Stephen J. Sullivan A Mr. Philip M. Taddeo A*

Ms. Eileen Thompson P Mr. and Mrs. Constancio Tiglao GP Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Toddy AP Ms. Terri Toland GP Mr. and Mrs. John L. Toukatly AP United Way of the Greater Triangle Mr. John M. vanSummern A+ Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Volpe AP* Dr. Paul Voois A Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Vuono AP* Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Walsh AP* Mrs. Lady Walvoord AP Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Wilmer, Jr. P Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Witman AP Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Young GP Ms. Frances M. Zipp AP Mr. Carl W. Zvanut A*

Contributor (up to $99) Anonymous (8) Mrs. Patricia Ambrose F,FSR Mrs. Joan Aquilante AP,FS* Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Auxier AP* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barlalace F Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bergen F Mr. Ma hew J. Bevilacqua A Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Bill P Mr. and Mrs. James Bogan GP Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Bokar AP Mr. Gregory C. Bokar A Ms. Cathleen Bolton F Mr. Lawrence J. Bove A Mr. J. Jeffrey Bowden A,AP Mr. and Mrs. James T. Braun P


Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Brekus AP,P Mr. Francis G. Breslin A Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bruno GP Drs. John and Joan Burke AP Mr. Ma hew P. Butera A Dr. Dennis M. Byrne A* Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Capella, Sr. AP* Mr. Robert J. Caprara A Mr. Steven P. Carles A Mr. Ryan P. Cassidy A* Mr. Douglas A. Cichowicz A Mr. Christopher T. Cognato A* Mr. Joseph D. Cole a A Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cooney AP Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Cosden AP* Sharon F. Cramer, PhD F Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Cris nzio AP Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Curley AP Mr. and Mrs. David J. Curran P Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Czarnecki AP* Mr. Michael P. Danko, Jr. A* Mr. Joseph E. D'Arcangelo A Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DelConte GP Mr. and Mrs. Tod R. DeLong AP Mr. Jeremiah M. DeNight, Jr. A Mrs. Donna Deoria GP Mr. Stephen J. Devine A Mr. Ronald A. Sloto and Ms. Lana L. Dickinson AP Mr. Domenic L. DiMar no A Mr. James J. Dolceamore, Jr. A Mr. Robert P. Donato A Ms. Laura Downing Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eberle GP Mr. Albert J. Emhof A Ms. Chris ne Emmert F Mr. and Mrs. W. Alan Epps AP* Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Federico AP,GP* Mr. Vincent J. Finley S Ms. Elsie J. Keckler and Ms. Susan Frankel F Mr. and Mrs. David Freese F Mr. Kevin D. Fulmer A Mr. Ryan T. Fulmer A Mr. William and Dr. Roseanne Fulmer AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Laforest A. Gardiner, III P Mr. Joseph E. Gavanus, III A Mr. Jack George GP Mr. Mar n Gillane F Captain and Mrs. Robert P. Glover GP


Mrs. Marcie Godby FS Mr. John C. Graves A Mr. and Mrs. John Greskiewicz GP Mr. and Mrs. Tony Grycewicz GP Mr. Thomas J. Guzikowski A* Mrs. Alice Halcovich F Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Harkins AP Mr. Joseph M. Harrison A Mr. Timothy J. Har gan A Mr. John F. Healy, Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hill AP* Mrs. Nancy Holland FS Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Hook, Jr. AP Mr. Kenneth M. Husar A* Mr. Jeffrey S. Jewi FS Dr. John J. Joe F Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kane GP Mr. Mar n P. Kazanjian A Mr. Roger J. Kelly A* Ms. Karen Kelly F Mrs. Lorraine Kendle F Mr. and Mrs. John Kerrigan GP Mr. John J. Kiely A Mr. and Mrs. John Kleponis GP Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kozak GP KPMG Mr. Andrew J. Kramer A Mr. Ma hew A. Kramer A Mr. and Mrs. George Kweder GP Mr. Brian P. Lawlor A Mr. Brian T. Lefchak A Mrs. Patricia MacDonald GP Mr. Keller E. Mardis S Mr. and Mrs. Berdj Mazmanian F Mrs. Ann McClay GP Mr. John F. McGinley FSR Mr. and Mrs. William F. McGinnis AP Mrs. Patricia McGovern GP Mr. and Mrs. John F. McIntyre AP Mr. Kevin A. McKenna A Mr. Jus n C. McNabb A Mr. Sean J. Melvin A Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Meyer AP Mr. Franklin Miranda S Mr. Brandon T. Mitchell A Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Monte AP Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morris AP Mr. James A. Morris A Mr. and Mrs. James A. Morris AP

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mucche AP Mr. Tonino Nasu A* Mr. Ma hew W. Nawn A* Ms. Carol Lucas and Ms. JoAnn Nelson F Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nichols P Dr. Edgar C. Nicolas AP Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Olinger, Jr. AP Rev. Gerard J. Olinger, CSC, Esq. A Mr. Michael B. O'Sullivan A Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. O aviano AP Dr. Louis R. Petrone A* Dr. Colin K. L. Phoon A Mrs. Maria Ragsdale‐Leidy AP Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Rieben AP Ms. Patricia S. Romerstein Mr. and Mrs. James J. Rowley, Jr. F Mr. Patrick T. Ryan, III A* Mr. and Mrs. William Sass GP Dr. John H. Schwarz AP Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Sclafani AP* Mrs. Ellen Si FS

Dr. Frank J. Simone A Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Smith AP Mr. Robert M. Smith A Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sommers F Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Staller AP Mr. Chris an A. Staub A Mr. Peter Staub A Ms. Rachel M. Stauffer AP* Mr. Nathan E. Stauffer A Ms. Chris ne Tascone AP Mrs. Ann O. Taylor F Mr. Jefferson Toler F Hon. Mark L. Tunnell A Mr. Anthony F. Walker S Mr. Joseph H. Walker A Mr. and Mrs. David Walker P Mr. Christopher L. Weathers A Mrs. Richard B. Yoder AP* Mr. Andrew J. Zaleski A




Devon Prep established the Calasanc an Society to recognize and honor those who have shown their commitment to Devon Prep through a very special form of financial support. These donors have named the school as the ul mate beneficiary of a planned gi by including Devon Prep in their estate plans.

Monthly giving provides a predictable source of income that we can depend on for the resources we need to support Dev‐ on Prep students throughout the year. These steady contribu‐ ons help Devon to plan and ensure that resources will be there when our students and faculty need them most. Recur‐ ring gi s allow greater flexibility to get involved in long term projects, producing sustainable change over me. Together, these gi s have an enormous impact.

Devon Prep is very grateful to the following alumni, parents and alumni families who have made the commitment of monthly gi s to the school in support of the Annual Fund or the Capital Campaign. Thank you for recognizing our need to have a reliable source of income to provide the best educa on possible to our students. Anonymous Alumnus Mr. and Mrs. James V. Coffey Mr. and Mrs. Mar n Czachor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kozak Mr. and Mrs. David L. LaPrise Mr. Eric Nowak Mr. and Mrs. Horace E. Scherer Dr. and Mrs. Francisco F. Suero Mr. Gregory J. Viola Monthly gi s are convenient and provide an affordable way to make a significant gi to Devon Prep. If you would like more informa on about how you can become a sustaining donor, please contact the Development Office.

Planned giving allows you to provide for a future gi to Devon Prep through your financial and estate plans. Planned gi s help to guarantee our future financial strength without affec ng your current asset balance or cash flow. You can make a gi commitment to the school but delay delivery of the gi un l a later me. This though ul act may result in the largest and most las ng one‐ me gi you ever make to the school.

We direct gi s made through bequests to Devon Prep’s permanent endowment, but they can be directed to another use if you wish. Endowment is a par cularly effec ve way to leave a las ng legacy, since the earnings will help to support the school in perpetuity. If you have any ques ons about making a planned gi to Devon Prep, please contact your financial advisor or you may contact the school for more informa on.

We recognize the following as members of the Calasanc an Society, whose though ul generosity helps to insure Devon Prep’s future. If you have included Devon Prep in your will and your name is not listed below, please contact the Development Office so that we may thank you and honor your inten ons. Mr. Allison J. Maggiolo ’61 Mr. George R. Bruening ’62+ Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Mooney Sr. Mr. John A. Campopiano Jr. ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and Bernice Senye+ Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Emhof Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Shields Jr. Mr. Stephen L. Flood ’62+ + Mr. Bela von Bors+ Mr. W. Richard Hallahan ’80 Jacques Voois, DMA Dr. Charles G. Jacoby ’61

“When I retired from my Director position at Deloitte Consulting in February, 2015, I looked back on all the many relationships and contacts that enabled me to have a successful 40 year career in management consulting. It was easy to find the first two reasons: my parents and my Catholic primary and secondary school training. But, the real transitional jump was clearly supplied by Devon Prep. The discipline, rigor, drive, intellect, commitment to excellence, and just plain old “doing the right thing,” framed by our Catholic religion, is what gave me the ability to succeed in an extremely competitive and stressful business.

Mr. Peter A. Lang ’74

The most obvious way to say “Thanks” is to contribute to Devon. But, how many of us do so, and to the level we are able? Well, I found that the easiest way to make that happen was to set up a monthly contribution schedule and have my bank send the check every month. It’s free in most cases, and you’d be surprised at how little it affects your lifestyle. I don’t know how much I’ve given over the years, but at least I know I’m still “doing the right thing.” I suggest you join me in helping to continuously make Devon the best.”


Greg Viola Class of 1971


Devon Prep’s Class of 2016 includes AP Scholars, musicians, actors, ar sts, Eagle Scouts, athletes, and more. They live in Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery Coun es and a end colleges all over the US. Thirteen of the graduates are members of Devon Prep’s Seven Year Club, having a ended the school since the sixth grade. Collec vely the 50 members of Devon’ s 57th gradua ng class earned over $9.3 million in college scholarships. In addi on they received more than 200 acceptances to 83 colleges and universi es, including Cambridge, Cornell, Georgetown, Lehigh, Case Western Reserve, Duke, Northwestern, Purdue, Fordham, Drexel, Temple and Penn State. Nearly half (23) of Devon Prep’s Class of 2016 are AP Scholars. Two are Na onal AP Scholars. Eleven are AP Scholars with Dis nc on. The Na onal Merit Scholarship Program recognized 11 graduates, five as Commended Students, three as Finalists and two as Scholarship Winners. Six of these young men are Eagle Scouts, and five will go on to par cipate in collegiate athle cs at Division I and Division III schools.



PREPARATORY SCHOOL 363 North Valley Forge Road Devon PA 19333

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Gi s to the Annual Fund are an important part of the School’s development program. Annual Giving helps to promote quality instruc on, defray the cost of needed renova ons and repairs, provide scholarships and financial aid for deserving students, and secure the growth of Devon Prep. Gi s to the Annual Fund maybe unrestricted, or may be directed to a specific concern or area of interest. You can make an online gi to Devon Prep’s 2016-17 Annual Fund by clicking the crest at right, visi ng or contact the Development Office at 610-688-7337 or

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