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The Devon Dialogue

Volume III, Issue IV | May 2012

proudly publishing for five decades

Devon Preparatory School

Battle of the Bands

Eight bands competed in the Devon gym at the fourth annual Battle of the Bands. page 2.

Mother-Son Communion Breakfast

Devon Prep students and their mothers meet for Mass and breakfast. page 6.

Spring Track Devon’s wolf pack ran again this spring. page 7.

Paper Faces on Parade Devon Prep puts on another spectacular performance. See Page 2.

Middle School Stays Up for a Cause Connor Balog ‘16

On March 30, the middle school students of Devon Prep gathered for the annual Middle School Up For a Cause. The students met in the gym, were given raffle tickets and stayed up until midnight to raise money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. The students gathered for fun activities and games and to participate in a raffle where they could win gift cards. The students were also treated to food, a moon bounce and were able to freely shoot baskets for the beginning portion of the event. Over the course of the night, the sleepy students’ eyelids began to droop, but their spirits remained high. In the middle of the event, a basketball tournament took place. Students who wished to participate gathered in teams of three and brackets were made. They played until there were two teams left and a decisive winner remained. Later on, intense dodgeball games were held. The games pitted grade against grade, and even the middle school against the upper school volunteers. As dodge ball drew to a close, the students were asked to clean up the gym and sit down to find out the results of the raffle. A few students won and ended up bringing home gift cards. Overall, the Middle School Up For a Cause was a huge success; the students ended up raising over five thousand dollars for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital! Congratulations to everyone involved!

Seniors Celebrating Success Nate Stauffer ‘12

The end of the year is a stressful time for any Devon student. The weeks leading up to AP exams are packed with tests, projects, last-minute grades, and cramming from Princeton Review books. For many seniors, however, their concerns transcend the basic annual April stresses as they decide where they will find themselves next fall and set themselves on track for the rest of their lives. The Class of 2012 has lived up to Devon’s high standards in the college application season, earning over $7 million in scholarship money with four Ivy League acceptances (plus three matriculations) and countless acceptances into high-ranking institutions across the country, from Bowdoin College in Maine to Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia, the school to which Salutatorian Chase Weber decided to commit. Despite early speculation that he might attend the University of Chicago, Conrad Damstra, like his brother, John, committed to Williams College, the top liberal arts college in the country, after spending a weekend there visiting. “It felt like home,” he said. An overwhelming number of seniors (nine, as of when this article was written) decided to earn their hawk wings by attending St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, while others including Justin McNabb (who will be attending LaSalle University) and Ben Senss and Nick Ragsdale (who chose to commit to Drexel University) also opted to stay in the city. Many others branched out a little farther. Hugh Phelan decided to follow in the footsteps of his brother Malcolm Phelan ’08 by attending the University of Notre Dame. Meanwhile, Mac Lockard and Nick van Schaijik embraced their inner Texans by committing to Rice University and the University of Dallas respectively. (The Devon community honors this choice but respectfully requests that they not become Cowboys fans.) Sam

The Devon Prep Class of 2012

Nardi and Eric Lundberg charged ahead by deciding to attend West Chester University next year, becoming Golden Rams. After much deliberation, Ryan Fulmer chose to attend Princeton University over both Vanderbilt University and the United States Military Academy, though he will still be participating in the ROTC program. Valedictorian Matt Swatski chose to attend Pennsylvania State University having gotten into their renowned Schreyer Honors College. He initially expressed concerns about attending such a large institution, but in the end realized that the new atmosphere may have its rewards. “It will definitely be a big transition,” he said. “However, I feel it will be beneficial to experience a new environment which is so radically different from Devon’s campus.” Overall, the college decisions process was a long and grueling one for the seniors, their teachers and especially Mrs. Elizabeth Eshleman, Devon’s Director of College Planning and Placement. However, once the May 1 deadline for all college decisions rolled by, the seniors were finally able to sit back, take a deep breath and enjoy their last month of high school with the knowledge that a great new set of experiences lies just ahead of them. While graduation marks the end of the seniors’ high school career, it also signifies the beginning of the next chapter of their lives as they branch out from the Devon tree to forge their own futures and change the world. Best of luck, Class of 2012!

Musical Melee

Dialogue News

Tim Crowe ‘13

On February 18, Devon Prep hosted its fourth annual Battle of the Bands. Students from all over the area came to show support for their friends and vote for their favorite performers. Through the hard work of the student council, the gym was transformed into the hottest venue on the Main Line. Students and teachers alike worked hard all day cleaning the gym, putting up strobe lights and lasers, and blowing up blue and gold balloons for the much-anticipated balloon drop. Their hard work paid off, as shown by the popularity and attendance of the Battle. On that epic night, eight bands performed and competed for a grand prize of $300. Among the bands performing were: Steer Clear of Pedestrians, Modern Apollo, Dizzy Doctrine, SKITCH, Egocentric Plastic Men, While You Were Out, 100 Cubik Lions, and the infamous Toolbox. Each band had an assigned time slot and enough time to play two songs in the first round. Judged by DJ Anthony, Rick Allison, and Kurt Shore, the bands were given scores based on stage presence, difficulty of the songs played, variety of instruments, skill of the performance, and crowd reaction. Each of the bands played vehemently. Michael LaBella ’13 said, “It was a fantastic opportunity for all the participants to experience the live performance, gain new fans, and share their passion for music with their friends and fellow musicians.” Devon’s gym was filled with hype and excitement. Three bands—Modern Apollo, Toolbox, and Dizzy Doctrine—were chosen to advance to the second round where they each played one song. During the second round, students were able to vote for their favorite band by text message. Text message votes and the decision of the judges determined the winner. After all three bands had played, the moment of truth finally came. The judges declared Dizzy Doctrine the winner. After a blast of the confetti cannons, Dizzy Doctrine performed one last song. Justin Barker ’13 said, “It was a fun night with great music and good friends.” Another band member said, “It’s not about winning, but the amount of fun you have and the ringing in your ears reminding you of the great night.” Over the past few years, the Battle of the Bands has become a staple of the student council agenda. Quoting Benjamin Senss ’12, “Everything came together perfectly to make an amazing event. I am glad to have had the opportunity to put this event together again.” The Battle of the Bands was a huge success and student council will work hard to make next year’s bigger and better.

Justin Barker ‘13 and Mike Labella ‘13 rock out.

Making the Music of the Night Ryan Mattox ‘13

From helping to reunite the Mikado with his lost son to fighting for freedom in the streets of Paris, the students involved with Devon’s theater program have taken many intimidating tasks upon themselves in the past. This year, Devon’s thespians ran an opera haunted by the infamous Phantom himself. Phantom of the Opera was a grand success, with Devon’s own angel of music, Doctor Valentin Radu, and his incomparable wife Donna at the helm, along with former Rockette and choreographer extraordinaire, Mrs. Gail Oldfield, who taught the ensemble the tremendously complex Masquerade dance, and Devon’s new director, Mr. Paul Recupero. Without the dedication and unwavering patience of Mr. Recupero, none of the acting in this play could have happened. His hard work in such a relatively short span of time made the show the hit that it was. Behind the scenes, Ms. Barbara Medina conducted her own opera of sounds, lights, and props. Needless to say, the stage crew’s performance was as good as that of the actors. This marked the first performance of Phantom at Devon. The Devon Theater Society took a huge risk in producing this show, and if audience reactions are any indication, it turned out to be a tremendous success. As always, the principal actors and actresses put in an incredible amount of time and effort into the production of this play, practicing for over twenty hours a week on average. Brian Ko-

zak ’13 took on an immense challenge as he was single-cast as the Phantom, opposite the beautiful Christine Daae, played with elegance by Mount St. Joseph Academy’s Carey Patton and Archbishop Carroll High School’s Lauren Stephens. Raoul, the Vicomte de Changy, was portrayed by Michael Varricchio ’12 and Justin Barker ’13. The bumbling theater owners were played by four senior veterans of the spring musical, Nate Stauffer, Zach Bonner, Matt Bonner and Dan Lewis. The stars of the opera house, Signora Carlotta Giudacelli and Signor Ubaldo Piangi, were played by senior Rosie Makoski of Cardinal O’Hara High School and sophomore Alyssa Marino from Conestoga High School, and Tim Crowe ’13, and Andrew Loper ’14. The mysterious part of Joseph Buquet, the Opera House’s Chief of the Flies, was creepily performed by Connell White ’12 and CJ Nave ’15. Still not convinced this show was good? Just ask the members of the four sold-out audiences who came to see the performances. Cast member Alyssa Marino admitted that she was surprised how well Devon rose to the challenge Phantom presented, even after her own school performed the show last year. The Phantom of the Opera is a show that will go down in history at Devon just as it has on Broadway, the West End and throughout the world. Do not be surprised if you see an auction for pieces from this performance decades from now. Everything would be priceless.

Tooting Trumpets Triumphantly John Damstra ‘12

The Spring Concert is often a bittersweet affair for members of the Devon Musical Society, in that it is the last musical event of the year: one final event before APs, class trips, and the summer. This is especially true for the seniors, for whom it is their last Devon Prep concert. However, at the same time the concert is a time of celebration: a time to celebrate the friendships and successes fostered through the music department, and a time to play some awesome music. The Choral Tide, Rip Tide and Jazz Band had many great songs prepared for what will be remembered as one of the most unique, exciting, concerts in Devon’s History. Choral Tide will be singing classics from its standard repertoire, including “Kids” from the musical Bye Bye Birdie and “Rock and Roll is Here To Stay” by Danny & The Juniors, as well as some other songs such as the traditional spiritual “Down By The Riverside.” The Jazz Band also demonstrated its instrumental versatility by playing a range of

tunes from “Summertime” the popular jazz standard from Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess, to more rock oriented songs like a medley from the 1970’s glam-rock giant Queen. To round out the concert there were many talented student soloists performing. Furthermore, in keeping with a Devon Music Society tradition, the cast of Phantom of the Opera serenaded the audience with tunes from the musical. This concert was very important for the seniors, as it was their last event with Dr. Valentin Radu, who has shepherded many seniors through both middle and high school and has given them the tools and confidence to succeed. As first trombonist Scott Whittemore ’12 said: “Being in Jazz Band has really taught me that if I set my mind to something I can do great things.” The Spring Concert was the culmination of a productive year in the Devon Music Society, and all the musical excellence, camaraderie, and joy that that entails.

Made of Honor Rafael Suero ‘13

A Night to Remember Matt Kramer ‘12

The Devon Prep prom is one of the most popular proms in the area. This year’s prom exceeded many expectations of the students. After over a year of preparation, the prom committee and student council hosted one of the best proms in recent history. The prom, held on May 5, was at the Hyatt Regency at Penn’s Landing. This was the first year the Devon Prep prom was held at this venue. Matt Kramer and Nick van Schaijik ’12 were the elected chairmen of the prom committee. Together with the student council moderator Ms. Barbara Medina they were able to plan every aspect of the night. The group chose the venue, planned the menu, designed the prom favors, and designed the centerpieces. Devon’s signature DJ Anthony was present to provide some great music and lighting effects. The senior class continued the tradition of meeting in Calasanctius Hall before the prom started. Almost the entire senior class was in attendance at the prom as well as many juniors. The large number of students in attendance made the night one of the best proms in recent years. The prom was a great way to end the student council’s successful year. The Devon Prep prom upheld its illustrious reputation.

A Year of Vocation Ryan Shannon ‘13

After another successful year, the Devon Campus Ministry Team can look back on its numerous achievements during the school year. In order to build on last year’s success, Mass was held every Friday in the gym for the entire Devon Prep community. The group’s mission of initiating an increased participation in the spiritual life from the student body grew stronger than ever, as the students found themselves part-taking in Living Rosaries, Stations of the Cross, and the annual retreats at the Malvern Retreat House in early April. It was through the hard work and leadership of John LaPrise ’12 and the newly appointed school chaplain Fr. Javier Renteria that the Campus Ministry was able to achieve its goal. The team consisted of Matt Burke ’12, Spence Latran ’12, Brian Kropilak ’12, Zach Hallinan ’12, Thomas Frawley ’12, Maguire Bowie ’13, Michael Giampietro ’13, Ryan Shannon ’13, Tom Seykora ’13, Will Dokas ’14, Sean Bevan ’14, James O’Shea ’14, Michael McKenna ’14, and Andrew Shannon ’15. The Campus Ministry was also ever-grateful for the Music Ministry headed by Mr. Mark Griswold and a host of many musically talented students playing the hymns at each Friday’s Mass. As the month of May rolled around, the Campus Ministry wrapped up a successful year and is preparing for ones just as promising in the years

The National Honor Society was established by the National Association of Secondary School Principals in 1921. By 1930, there were more than 1000 chapters of the Society. There are many more chapters today and Devon Prep is proud to be one of them. This year, forty-one students were inducted, chosen based on their qualities of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. After the arduous task of maintaining a 3.00 GPA for three semesters, the students were then asked to fill out a form describing their leadership positions and the services they have provided to their communities. When this was completed, a five member faculty council voted each individual student into the society. When all of these criteria were met, the students were invited to the induction. The induction opened with a celebratory Mass, celebrated by our beloved Fr. James Shea ’66. During the homily, he spoke of the importance of NHS. He then spoke about the people whom the students should be thanking. The students were reminded to thank their teachers for the knowledge they have impart-

ed. They were told to thank their parents for being supportive and giving them chance to shine, but above all, Fr. Shea reminded the students that they must thank God for their success, because without Him none of this would have been possible. After the Mass concluded, the induction to the NHS began. First, four speakers made short speeches, one for each quality that represents the NHS. After those inspiring words, there was a roll call for the new inductees. Each came up to receive his award, and shake hands with those who had the honor to speak on behalf of the NHS, as well as Mr. Michael Collins ’68 and Fr. Shea. When they came up, they were given a rose, the NHS flower, which they in turn gave to their parents in honor of the constant support and sacrifices they made for their son. Once the inductees were seated, all of the members of the NHS, old and new, rose and took the NHS oath. After the ceremony was over, everyone left for much needed refreshments. After much socializing, the students, with this great honor placed upon on their shoulders, left with their parents for a much-needed day off from school.

Students Select Supreme Leader Sean Melvin ‘13

After the Easter break, the student council executive board elections were underway. With so many different candidates, the election promised to be close. Running for the office of president were Kevin Fulmer ’13, Clayton Wilcox ’13 and Patrick Kinsella ’13; the candidates running for vice president were Tim Crowe ’13, Mike Giampietro ’13, and Justin Wright ’13; and for the office of treasurer the candidates were Mike McCarthy ’13, Brian Kozak ’13 and Cole Hassett ’13. Kevin Fulmer, Mike Giampietro and Brian Kozak, decided to run as a ticket, while the others ran independently. All of the candidates campaigned in classrooms on Monday, April 23 and delivered their speeches on Tuesday, April 24.

The results of the elections were close, as usual. Brian Kozak was named the victor for the office of Treasurer, and Justin Wright won the office of Vice President. The presidential election was extremely close between Kevin and Patrick. As a result of uncertainties in election rules, a revote was held to decide the winner. Kevin was ultimately the victor, and next year he will become the student council president. When asked about his plans for next year, Kevin answered: “Next year is going to be even better than this one. I hope to add exciting new events to the existing ones we already have, and I am looking forward to working for the betterment of the student body.” Next year’s student council seems promising, and they will certainly accomplish great things.

Eager Eighth Graders Make Entrees Sean Fulmer ‘16

On March 26, eighth grade students from Devon Prep and the Country Day School of the Sacred Heart met for an afternoon of community service. Although this event had been rescheduled, the turnout was remarkable. Every person who showed up was dedicated to making a positive impact on the community. They met at Sacred Heart to make casseroles and meals for a local homeless shelter. The students were efficient in their work, making a record 350 meals in a little over an hour. Whether spooning out pasta, fruit, soup, vegetables, packaging the food, or making cards as a special gift for the people receiving these meals, the students were able to have fun and socialize while doing a good deed. These meals were not made only to feed hungry mouths. They were mainly meant to fill hearts and souls with hope and gladness. The meals represent the fact that people can pick themselves back up onto their feet and make a life for themselves. It is easy to imag-

ine the blessings those meals were for the hungry. The students participating understood that some people just need a little bit of encouragement, which they provided with their sincere efforts and heartfelt letters. Nevertheless, it was still a social event, and the students were able to meet new friends through their participation in the project. The students are now looking forward to the eighth grade dance at the end of the year with Sacred Heart. This event perfectly combined amity and service. All of the people who took part in the service project were positively impacted. This project would have never taken place without the tireless efforts of Mr. Barry Brazunas, Mrs. O’Flynn, Dr. Fulmer, and Mrs. Frey and Mrs. Robinson of the Country Day School of the Sacred Heart. This event became one of the most memorable events for the current eighth grade class. It is a tradition that they hope will be carried on for years to come.


The Class of 2012

Valiant Valedictorian As another senior class approaches graduation, the question arises as to who is the valedictorian. This year, that honor goes to Matthew Swatski, a man whose excellence extends far beyond just the classroom. Sure, Matt can explain stoichiometry to you, but he can also tell you about how easy and rewarding it is to help the community and support the school while succeeding in academics. Matt has given back to the community throughout his time at Devon. He has been a member of the Christian Action Program (CAP) since eighth grade. He also has gone on the service trip to Kentucky over the last two summers. In his spare time, he collected over 1600 books for children in Camden, New Jersey. Matt is extremely dedicated to his community and to those less fortunate than he. Also, in the summers, Matt is a camp counselor for Camp Overbrook at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, a summer camp for underprivileged children in the Philadelphia area. Matt also manages to have time to slide sports into his insane schedule. He is the only senior to play soccer for all seven years at Devon. He also played lacrosse from ninth grade through

Ryan Shannon ‘13

eleventh grade. He is a fantastic influence on the team, and one of the greatest right backs Devon has ever seen. What’s more is that Matt absolutely loves his school. At Devon, he has been a contributor to the Devon Dialogue. He founded the Devon Environmental Society in 2011, which has since planted twenty-five trees in New Ardmore Park in Broomall. Matt can also regularly be found supporting the Tide in the Pit at basketball games. Academically, Matt certainly deserves the title of valedictorian. Matt is a member of the National Honor Society, National Science Honor Society, National French Honor Society, and the Quill and Scroll Society. He not only has done well in his AP classes but also has received the recognition of AP Scholar with Distinction. Matt was named Paoli ACME Scholar of the Month in December 2011. Matt has received a number of additional awards, including the Rev. Ladislaus Magyar Award for Excellence in Algebra II, the Harvard Book Award, the Rensselaer Medal Award, and multiple St. Joseph Calasanctius Awards for General Excellence. As the year comes to a close, Matt, like all the other seniors, is preparing to head off to college.

Matt will attend Schreyer’s Honor College at Penn State University. It’s certain that he will miss not only his friends and teachers, but also the activities he participated in here at Devon. Hopefully, Beaver Stadium can live up to the noise level of the Pit! All kidding aside, Matt is not just a great student, but a fantastic person to be around and someone who isn’t hesitant to lend a hand. Good luck with the rest of your life, and always remember, Roll Tide!

Chasing the Dream Michael Tolvaisa ‘13, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Elect

Solar Car Shines On Antonio Muscarella ‘13, Editor-in-Chief Elect

The Devon Prep Solar Car Club, basking in the light of its fourth place win at last year’s Solar Car Challenge, has been working industriously on its car since the beginning of March. They are working towards competing again in this year’s Solar Car Challenge, which will take place in Dallas in mid-late July. The team hopes to move up in the standings even further at this year’s race. Members of the team have been working tirelessly on the car, spending many a night and weekend in the team’s garage in Malvern. Already, progress is beginning to show: the chassis of the car has been adjusted slightly to a safer, more accessible design. A new windshield has been installed, and the wiring system has been overhauled. A new dashboard is being added. The team is currently designing a new array system, one that will enable the array to tilt depending on the angle of the sun, thereby maximizing power output. The team hopes that these improvements will help give them an advantage over the competition this July. The team is reaching for first, second, or third place this year, and everyone at Devon is wishing them luck and hoping they succeed.

When one thinks of the salutatorian, one envisions a student who is exceptionally hard-working and involved in his studies. Chase Weber, the Class of 2012 salutatorian, is certainly such a student, but he is also much more. Chase is not only brilliant in the classroom; he carries his brilliance everywhere he goes. One place where Chase shines is the athletic field. Chase takes on the responsibility of being the captain of the tennis team. He also plays on Devon’s Ultimate Frisbee team and runs indoor track. Outside of Devon, Chase swims for a district swim team. Clearly, Chase is the ideal scholar-athlete, demonstrating a perfect balance of scholarship and athleticism. Chase

finds motivation to achieve his goals through his supportive friends and family. But Chase Weber isn’t only a scholarathlete: a member of his church youth group, he is also greatly involved in his local church community. Last summer, Chase went with his church community on a mission trip to Puerto Rico; this summer he plans to do the same in Spain. His scholarship and athleticism are nicely complemented by his strong moral values. Chase Weber is the perfect example of the benevolent scholar-athlete. Next year Chase will be attending Washington and Lee University, and while he will be missed at Devon, he will certainly go on to do great things in his future.

Mother-Son Communion Breakfast Ryan O’Shea ‘12, Editor-in-Chief Emeritus

On April 29, the Devon Prep Parents Association again sponsored the MotherSon Communion Breakfast. In keeping with tradition, the event began with a celebration of Mass by Headmaster Fr. James Shea ’66. During Mass, Fr. Shea was assisted by Devon Prep students and their mothers, who participated in readings and provided musical accompaniment. Over 140 people attended this year’s event, a turnout that reflected the event’s growing popularity in recent years. After Mass, attendees enjoyed a lovely breakfast prepared by Mrs. Ruth Kalivas and the kitchen staff. Eggs, bacon, sausage, quiche, pastries, hash browns, and other breakfast favorites were served. Afterwards, the mothers and sons were treated to a moving speech by former professional baseball player Mr. Brett Illig. Brett relayed his life story to the audience, explaining his path from high school major league draftee, to Los Angeles Dodgers shortstop to his decision to retire at the age of

twenty-five for personal reasons. For Mr. Illig, dissatisfaction with his life as a ball player, in conjunction with his strengthening faith led to his choice of retirement. His mother, he explained, was the person in his life who most supported, inspired, and encouraged him, and he reiterated the theme of the day’s event—the incomparable importance of mothers in the life and maturation of young men. He urged the students present, be they underclassmen in the midst of their time at Devon or seniors about to depart from their homes for the first time at university, to cherish the presence and love of their mothers. Mr. Illig’s speech was a poignant conclusion to this classic Devon tradition, an event that annually holds significance in the hearts and minds of the attendees. Each one, mother or son, left the gymnasium that morning with a more intimate sense of the of the bond between mother and son in their own family, a relationship that ought not be taken for granted.

Dialogue Sports

Tennis Team Serves an Ace Matt Kramer ‘12

It was another exciting year for the Devon Prep tennis team. In second year under head coach John Rubano, the Devon Prep tennis team was able to improve their overall record from last year. It is safe to say that the Devon Prep tennis team made themselves a competitor in the Bicentennial Athletic League, and in the Southeastern Pennsylvania area. One of the reasons for the team’s success was the strong leadership from veteran players. Captains Zac Hallinan ’12 and Chase Weber ’12 proved to be key assets in the daily practices as well as in the matches. Other seniors D.J. Walz ’12, Matt Kramer ’12, and Dan Liotta ’12 proved to be leaders to the many underclassmen. Ben Conser ’14 and Drew Brekus ’14 played Tom Seykora stretches his advantage.

Ultimate Frisbee Ryan Fulmer ‘12

Forget baseball, forget track, the real excitement this spring is in Ultimate Frisbee! Flying disks and triumphant touchdowns constitute a rousing activity for all ages. However, this sport is not for those who enjoy the fruits of victory. Devon’s Ultimate Frisbee team only won one out of the eight games it played; in fact, one loss against one of the best teams in the state resulted in a larger increase in the national standings than the team’s sole victory! Yet it doesn’t matter to these air-conditioned warriors, for the thrill of competition is enough to lure them forth into the searing sunlight to battle anew! Within the unit of the team, individual players shine. Adam Swift ’12 and Roshan Patel ’12 are the captains of this band of heroes, and many claim that these two are the most integral for the team’s occasional successes. Another hero on the field and in the minds of the fans is Hugh Phelan ’12 and his uncanny ability to pluck the Frisbee from the air when thrown at exactly chest level. When asked about his sport, Hugh said, “After being with these guys for so long, I’ve really formed a bond with each and every one of them. I’m saddened to be leaving the sport [his major in college prevents him from playing competitively] but I know that we’re leaving the team in some great hands, if you can pardon the pun!” Connell White ’12 and Kevin Fulmer ’13 are the leading scorers for the team and are very enthusiastic about the game. Under the tutelage of moderator and venerated coach Mr. Joe Lewis, the team hopes to win one more game before the end of the season. Their strategy is simple: field the best team Devon has to offer and always stay one step ahead of their opponents. Some still hope for a lucky forfeit from an opponent, but it seems that the team will have to earn every victory it receives this year. That’s fine with Adam, because “this sport only rewards those who want to win, and not those who want to lose.”

singles for the team, which is uncommon for sophomores. Conser remained the topranked Devon tennis player throughout the season. He faced difficult opponents and was able to defeat many of them, despite most of his opponents being two years older. Brekus was also a surprise to many. His offseason dedication to the sport resulted in a jump up the team’s rankings to third singles. He had a very successful season against many challenging opponents, and he hopes to improve his skills over the summer. With a strong representation from the freshman and sophomore classes, the Devon Prep Tennis team is poised to be a leading tennis program in the future seasons.

Running with the Wolf Pack Kevin Fulmer ‘13

Spring weather means one thing for a core group of athletes: track season. Led by Coach Paul Sanborn ’64, the Devon Prep track team trains at Villa Maria Academy’s track. Seeing that nearly half the team graduated last year, this year is one of rebuilding. There is a large amount of freshmen and sophomores on the team, who have by now discovered their specialty in the wide scope of track and field events. The squad is led by some of its more senior and experienced members, among these Justin McNabb ’12. Also a veteran runner, Tom Seykora ’13 was featured as Main Line Athlete of the Week and also claimed second in the 3200 meter at the Sixth Annual West Chester Rustin Track and Field Invitational. Ryan Fulmer ’12 plays an active role on the team, always giving his all and encouraging his teammates to reach their full potential. When asked about the sport, he responded saying, “Many think

that track isn’t a team sport when in reality, it is. Not only do you build each other up, but I and the other senior members have to set an example for the younger athletes to follow.” For some, track does not stop after high school. Chris Smith ’10, now a sophomore at the United States Military Academy, continues his love for running as a competitive member of their team. Many others hope to carry their careers with them when they depart for college. The track team competes with the baseball, lacrosse, tennis, and Frisbee team for members, so all who wish to attempt the javelin or 400meter sprint are encouraged to join the team next year. Who knows, maybe the next Usain Bolt is right here at Devon! Ryan Fulmer concluded his brief interview by commenting, “Life’s a marathon, not a sprint... but I sprint my marathons.”

Seniors Lead Devon Baseball to High Tide Brian Koskinen ‘13

The Tide is back stronger than ever this baseball season at Devon Prep. Led by seniors John LaPrise, Andy Walsh, Matt Burk, Richie Gallo, and Paul Kubat, the Devon Prep varsity baseball team has played hard and earned several key victories against Conestoga, Holy Ghost Prep, and Springfield Montco. The team battled with adversity and managed to pull through despite being wrought with the injuries of Paul Kubat, Dom Hardaway ’15, and Ian McConnell ’13. Young pitchers Sean Phelan ’15, Grant Latran ’14, and C.J. Kohlbrenner ’14 stepped up their game to make up for the losses. The team had a strong defense from players like outfielders Ben Jonik ’13 and Chris Bauers ’14 and third baseman Justin Wright ’13. Professional scouts have frequented the Devon Prep baseball field to observe John LaPrise. He will be playing for the University of Virginia. Andy Walsh will also move on to collegiate baseball, playing for Grove City College. Zach Schellenger ’14 has proved to be an up-and-coming star pitcher. The team has worked hard all year and holds a record of 16-3 and will finished the season with a

Kohlbrenner serves a K.

match against Devon Prep’s perennial archrival, Malvern Prep. The team also competed in the district finals against Springfield Montco in late May. When asked about the team, Zach Schellenger said, “We have a really good team dynamic and really good senior leadership. Everyone did his job. Even though we weren’t the most talented, we came away with wins in close games.” The team’s hard work has paid off with great games and even greater victories. Roll Tide!

Dialogue Editorials Parting Words Ryan O’Shea, Editor-in-Chief Emeritus

As I sat contemplating this article, I wondered especially how to begin. Should I comment on what now seems to be an absurd amount of work we’ve put into this newspaper over the years? Would it better entertain if I were to relay one of the numerous anecdotes amassed over countless peanut butter pretzel-laden Saturday afternoons in the college guidance room? Or, should I delve into the very same clichéd meta-discussion about deciding how to begin that you’re reading right now? It’s obvious which I chose, because there really isn’t a better way to begin an article about saying goodbye than self-mockery. After all, it is only a high school newspaper. No matter how dedicated my partners have been, how ridiculously persistent and supportive our faculty moderators have remained, or how much I’ve come to love this idiosyncratic “olds-paper,” it is no more important than any other high school newspaper. While applying to college, I wrote about this publication in glowing terms. It has and continues to give students an outlet for expressing themselves in ways they might not have anticipated, offering all the while an audience they may not be able to accrue on their own. Granted, many of those opportunities included re-authoring the same cross-country-team articles as have been written each year for decades, but there is still truth to the grandiose language crafted in my college applications. The Dialogue, aside from fulfilling the traditional roles of a school paper, does offer a unique platform for students to voice their opinions on the topics of the day, of the community, and of the nation. In our tenure—if it can be called that—we’ve proofread detailed political analyses, bold proclamations on collective bargaining rights, and news coverage transformed into passionate statements. Before I applied to be editor, I loved The Dialogue for the same reasons I do now. It gave me a place to voice my often immature, ill-considered, and grammatically disastrous opinions. Today, it does the same, with slightly better grammar. As editor, however, I’ve found additional reasons to grow attached to this publication. Given the amount of time I spent with it, it would most likely have been harmful to my sanity not to love The Dialogue. The memories I have from those infamous Saturday editing sessions are seared into my mind, and I wouldn’t trade them for the world. The people I’ve been fortunate enough to work with deserve all of my gratitude and respect. Mac’s timely, vital spurts of photographic hyper-organization have literally

saved issues from missing layout deadlines, and his unparalleled ability to produce articles in record time has been utilized on more than a few occasions. Joe’s reluctant, yet apt archival skills keep The Dialogue’s history intact and have cut hours of time that would have otherwise been wasted repeatedly researching things. His coolness under pressure, top-notch editing, and sarcasm have all kept the team sane on multiple occasions. The associate editors—Nate, Matt, Roshan, Nick, and Sam—have been our first line of defense the entire time, and perform the least glamorous, most crucial jobs for this paper. They’ve been invaluable. Mrs. Eshleman, in her final year as moderator, somehow managed to fit hours of editing into her absurdly busy schedule of working, mothering, and getting-us-all-into-college. She will be sorely missed. Mr. Theuer and our immediate predecessors—whom I’d be remiss in not recognizing— rescued this newspaper and transformed it into one of the best of its kind. Mr. Theuer deserves more appreciation that I can possibly offer. Fr. Shea, the man whose red pen could slice through steel, has been our greatest friend and advocate, as always. His patience and diligence in revealing to us how we had missed the most obvious of misspellings has always been a vital, if a tad frustrating, component to the process, and his support of the newspaper as a whole is the only reason The Dialogue still exists. The Dialogue has given me more in this year than I had hoped for when I asked to take charge of it. Through it, I’ve matured as a writer, a leader, and most importantly, a person. I’ve had the opportunity to become part of a journalistic honor society and usher my classmates into its ranks alongside me. I attended a speech given by one of the world’s most influential diplomats as a press opportunity for The Dialogue. And finally, I’ve had the wonderful fortune of being able to pass along this Devon tradition to a new team of talented students. Antonio, Michael, and Tim: you and your team have your work cut out for you next year, but if this issue proves anything, it’s that you’re more than ready for it. Enjoy it while it lasts; it’ll be gone before you know it.

College Highlights for the Class of 2012 Total amount of scholarship earned by the Class of 2012: $7,490,468.00 388 applications from the Class of 2012: 6 Early Decision 116 Early Action 97 Rolling 169 Regular Decision Institutions: Applied to: 137 Accepted at: 90 Enrolled in: 29 Most popular colleges applied (double digits) to by the Class of 2012: Penn State University (18) Drexel University (17) SJU (16) University of Scranton (14) Loyola University Maryland (13) Villanova University (12) University of Delaware (10) Institutions with the highest Class of 2012 enrollments: SJU (9) Penn State (4) LaSalle (4) Drexel (3) Loyola, Princeton, Williams & UDel (2 each)

Editorial Board

© 2011–2012 Devon Prep

Editor-in-Chief Elect: Antonio Muscarella ‘13 Deputy Editor-in-Chief Elect: Michael Tolvaisa ‘13 Photography Editor Elect: Tim Crowe ‘13 Editor-in-Chief Emeritus: Ryan O’Shea ’12 Deputy Editor-in-Chief Emeritus: Joe Geiger ’12 Photography Editor Emeritus: Mac Lockard ’12 Faculty Moderators: Mr. Larry Theuer Mrs. Elizabeth Eshleman Assistant Photography Editor: Roshan Patel ’12 Associate Editor for News: Nate Stauffer ’12 Associate Editor for Editorials & Entertainment: Matt Kramer ’12 Associate Editor for Sports: Sam Nardi ’12 Associate Editor for Interviews & Polls: Nick van Schaijik ’12 All photos, unless otherwise noted, taken by newspaper staff or Ms. Rose Lombardo, for Devon Preparatory School. Special thanks to Fr. Shea for his tireless assistance and guidance

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