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Dear Members of the Devon Prep Family,


Devon Prep is a community of faith. We believe.

Above all else, we believe in God, from Whom all blessings flow. We believe that when Jesus Christ promised us that He would remain with us un l the end of me His word was absolute truth.

We have never been disappointed. Our faith in God has been rewarded in so many wonderful ways. Our beloved school founded by immigrant Piarist Fathers fi y‐six years ago has devel‐ oped into an outstanding ins tu on where the Catholic faith is both proclaimed and lived, where students can confidently excel academically, and where boys develop into men with a respect for God and neighbor. The founding Piarist Fathers and their successors have been abundantly blessed by God as He rewards our faith in Him.

Devon Prep is a community of faith. We believe.

Devon Prep, from its founding moment, has had faith in the importance of the educa‐ on of the total person. This certainly includes the high‐quality classroom instruc on for which our school is famous. It also includes service ac vi es such as our mission outreach program in Appalachia and the many thousands of hours of service projects completed each year by our students. Devon Prep educa on also integrates the physical development of our young men and the numerous athle c programs which both foster and nurture that development.

As is the case with so many of the investments we make in life, the results of the educa on we provide do not become fully evident for many years. But our faith has been rewarded. The many accomplishments of our alumni give tes mony to this. Our graduates have excelled in so many different areas, professional, personal, and spiritual. The alumni who have helped to bring relief to impoverished areas of the world, or who have worked to stop human trafficking are doing the work for which the Piarist Fathers established our school. The alumni who anonymously provide significant funds so that needy students can a end Devon Prep are doing this same good work.

Devon Prep is a community of faith. We believe.

All of us here at Devon Prep are deeply aware of the fact that many wonderful people have cooperated with us in our mission to educate youth. We believe that this kindness will con nue.

This Annual Report of Gi s 2011‐12 documents some of this immensely important coopera on. Your gi s provide the financial aid and scholarship resources which allow students to a end our school. Your gi s also help to ensure that our students enjoy well‐ equipped facili es staffed by dedicated faculty and staff members, both in the classrooms and in the many ac vi es programs which we are fortunate to be able to provide.

I ask at this me for your con nued support for our Annual Fund. With your con n‐ ued generosity, we will provide a solid, Catholic Chris an educa on which will benefit the thousands of students yet to follow. We believe.

Thank you again and may God bless you and your loved ones, now and always!


Rev. James J. Shea, Sch.P.




2011‐2012 B T

2011‐2012 P A

Mr. Robert B. Mulhern Jr., Chair Mr. Edward P. Mooney Sr., Chair Emeritus Mr. John H. Ansley Jr., Trustee Emeritus Mr. Thomas C. Bonner Mr. Charles E. Chase Rev. Hector Cruz, Sch.P. Mr. Harry J. DiDonato Mr. J. Joseph Donahue Mr. John J. Duffy Rev. J. Nelson Henao, Sch.P. Mr. Larry R. Iezzi Mr. Thomas J. McParland Jr. Very Rev. Fernando Negro, Sch.P. Mr. Hubert B. O’Reilly Dr. Benedict A. Paparella, Trustee Emeritus Rev. James J. Shea, Sch.P. Rev. Emilio Sotomayor, Sch.P. Rev. Fernando Torres, Sch.P. Mrs. Lisa Trucksess Mr. Peter D. Uhlman Rev. Richard S. Wyzykiewicz, Sch.P.

2011‐2012 A


Mrs. Beth Hallinan President

Mrs. Megan Clemen Secretary Mrs. Beth Hallinan Treasurer Dr. Roseanne Fulmer Middle School Liaison

Mr. Robert B. Mulhern Jr. ’72, President Mr. Ma hew J. Simon, Director of Alumni Rela ons

EXECUTIVE BOARD Mr. John H. Ansley Jr. ’64 Mr. Nicholas C. Ciocca ’93 Mr. Peter A. Crippen ’65 Mr. Michael Dokas ’08 Mr. Andrew J. Fox ’05 Mr. Brendon Fulmer ’10 Mr. Patrick T. Mannion ’09 Mr. Barry R. McKeon ’64 Mr. James F. Murphy ’72 Mr. Brandon T. Mitchell ’08

Devon Preparatory School is a private, Catholic, college prepara‐ tory school for young men in grade six to twelve. Devon Prep’s approach to educa on is based on the tradi ons of the Piarist Fathers who are dedicated to the educa on of youth. For more than 50 years Devon Prep has provided a trus ng and suppor ve atmosphere where young men are mo vated to excel academically, think independently and crea vely, to pursue careers in diverse fields and to enjoy extracurricular ac vi es, both in school and in the community. It is the goal at Devon Prep to inspire in our students a commit‐ ment to values that will enable them to become responsible leaders. Focusing on each student’s poten al, we believe that the school and the family must work together to foster a love of learning which will propel the student into a lifelong quest for excellence— for the glory of God and the service of neighbor.

Dr. and Mrs. Kyle Kampman Vice‐President


Mr. Sean M. O’Reilly ’93 Mr. Malcolm T. Phelan ’08 Dr. John J. Radomile Jr. ’66 Mr. Robert J. Staub ’72 Mr. Thomas L. Toole III ’00 Mr. Garrison J. Weaver ’09 Rev. Richard S. Wyzykiewicz, Sch.P. ’61

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report. If there are errors or omissions, please accept our apologies and inform the Development Office, 610.688.7337 ext. 116, so that correc ons can be made.

Editor ‐ Mrs. Jean Emhof, Director of Development Layout & Design ‐ Ms. Rose Lombardo, Director of Public Rela ons Photos ‐ Rose Lombardo, Jack Ansley ’64

Cover photo: Devon Prep Headmaster Rev. James J. Shea, Sch.P. , Class of 1966, Ryan A. Hallinan, Class of 2017.





There are many ways to make a gi to Devon Prep, all of which make a difference to our students every day. Please see below to choose which is right for you.

Devon Prep Annual Fund Gi s to the Annual Fund are the cornerstone of the School’s develop‐ ment program. These gi s, from trustees, parents, alumni, alumni parents, grandparents and friends, support the current opera ons of the school, providing addi onal resources to enrich the educa onal experiences of our students.

Capital Giving Gi s to the Capital Giving Fund allow us to meet the long‐term goals iden fied in an internal assessment and in our strategic plan. These gi s funded the construc on of Saint Anthony Hall and other campus improvements and will fund an endowment to provide for Devon’s future needs. Please contact the Development Office to discuss a Capi‐ tal Fund Gi .

Matching Gi s The easiest way to make your gi to Devon Prep grow is through matching gi s. Many employers sponsor matching gi programs and will match charitable contribu ons made by their employees. If you work for a company that matches gi s, you can double or triple the value of your contribu on! Contact your Human Resources Depart‐ ment for eligibility informa on and to obtain a matching gi form, and follow your employer’s matching gi procedures

United Way Devon Prep CYO is eligible to par cipate in the Donor Choice/Specific Care Program of the United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey. During the United Way’s annual campaign, donors may designate a gi to Devon Prep CYO on the Donor Choice pledge/ designa on form through Specific Care. Devon Prep CYO is classified as a “non‐member agency,” and recorded as CYO/DEVON PREP, 363 Val‐ ley Forge Road, Devon, PA 19333, with I.D. #04636. The assigned iden‐ fica on number is consistent from year to year.

contribute to the financial security of Devon Prep. If you have already considered Devon Prep in your estate plans, please let us know, so that we may count you among the members of The Calasanc an Society.

Gi s in Kind Devon Prep gratefully accepts gi s of supplies, books, and equipment. Tax deduc ons are available for firms and individuals contribu ng gi s in kind to educa onal ins tu ons.

Scholarship Gi s While unrestricted gi s to the Annual Giving Fund provide Devon Prep with opera ng funds to help maintain the quality of its academic pro‐ grams, scholarship gi s enable the school to award scholarship aid to deserving students. Scholarship gi s can be made to the General Schol‐ arship Fund, or to one of the named Scholarship Funds. You can also give or gain a li le immortality while making a las ng impact on future genera ons by establishing an endowed scholarship in your name or in the name of someone you would like to honor.

Educa onal Improvement Tax Credit Program (EITC) Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit Program (OSTC) Companies that do business and pay corporate taxes in Pennsylvania may receive substan al tax credits for dona ons to Devon Preparatory School’s student financial aid fund through two programs. The Educa‐ onal Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) Program and the Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) Program together provide a wonderful opportunity for Devon Preparatory School, and a way for businesses to turn their tax dollars into dona ons. Our financial aid program, which provides financial assistance to needy students, is primarily funded by individual contribu ons to the school. Corporate support allows us to offer access to a private school educa on to more students, who may otherwise not be able to a end Devon Prep. For more informa on on these programs visit or contact the Development Office at Devon Prep.

Why do you support Devon Prep?

Workplace Giving

“To give back and help provide for those students who need what Devon offers.” Mr. R. Roger Mecouch Devon Prep Faculty

Many companies and government agencies offer their employees the opportunity to make charitable gi s through payroll deduc on. Such workplace giving programs provide an easy and efficient way to make tax‐deduc ble dona ons, and to spread your gi over an en re year. Please check with your employer to see if this is an op on for you, and ask how you can designate your gi to Devon Prep.

“Because it’s important that it continues so that more boys can benefit from it.” Mr. Steven Lukens Devon Prep Faculty

Memorial and Tribute Gi s Donors can further educa onal opportuni es at Devon Prep by honor‐ ing or memorializing a special person or event. Acknowledgment of the gi is made directly to the family or designated individual.

Gi s of Appreciated Property

“Devon Prep is an exceptional school and I fully support the school’s philosophy.“ Mrs. Annette Loutrel Devon Prep Faculty

A gi of stock, real estate or other appreciated property can provide vital support to Devon Prep as well as tax advantages to the donor. The full value of the securi es is usually deduc ble, and you may avoid the capital gains tax on the profit.

“I feel passionate about the longevity of the school.” Mr. Michael Collins ‘64 Devon Prep Faculty

Bequests Providing for Devon Prep is as easy as adding a phrase to your will. You may wish to consider naming Devon Prep to receive all or part of your estate. Through careful planning you can protect your family and also



2011‐2012 G D P



$ 595,173.00



$106,756.00 $ 66,881.00 $ 7,666.00 $ 90,200.00 $ 33,423.00 $ 7,815.00 $ 60,113.00 $ 9,485.00 $ 9,160.00 $ 26,100.00


$ 93,977.00

$ 10,000.00

$ 33,885.00



The following companies contributed to Devon Preparatory School through the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Educa onal Improvement Tax Credit Program. Carebridge Corpora on Devon Interna onal Group Food Depot Holdings LLC Penn Liberty Bank ViroPharma Incorporated


$ 38,182.00

$ 1,530.00






Gi s in Kind

We are grateful to the following companies for their par cipa on in the Matching Gi s to Educa on Program. Through their programs, these corpora ons and founda ons have enabled our donors to double or even triple their gi s to Devon Prep. By enrolling in your company’s Matching Gi s Program, you can bring significant addi onal support to our school. Please check your company’s par cipa on in this program or contact the Development Office for more informa on.

Anonymous ACE INA Founda on AstraZeneca Pharmaceu cals LP Bank of America Boeing Gi Matching Program Cisco Systems Exelon Matching Gi s Program for Educa on General Electric Founda on IBM Corpora on Illinois Tool Works Founda on IMS John Hancock Financial Services Linde North America, Inc. Merck Partnership for Giving Matching Gi s Program Motorola Founda on New York Life Giving Campaign Pfizer Founda on PNC Founda on

Quest Diagnos cs Matching Gi s Program Rotor Bearing Technology & So ware Simpson Manufacturing Co., Inc The Arthur J. Gallagher Founda on The Pruden al Founda on Matching Gi s Vanguard Group Founda on Verizon Founda on Wells Fargo Founda on


The following companies, founda ons or organiza ons supported Devon Prep with gi s to the Annual Fund or to the Devon Prep Endowment Fund: Anonymous (2) Bentley Systems, Inc. Bergen Co. UW Charitable Flex Fund Devon Prep Alumni Frisbee Group Devon Prep Alumni Associa on Devon Prep Parents Associa on

Exelon Fidelity Brokerage Services, LLC Fidelity Charitable Gi Fund FJN Charitable Founda on Genuardi Family Founda on Guzikowski Family Founda on J.P. Mascaro & Sons John L. and Grace P. Soldoveri Founda on, Inc. KPMG Lockheed Mar n Merck Partnership for Giving New York Life Giving Campaign Norfolk Southern North Penn United Way Pfizer United Way Campaign Siemens Caring Hands Giving Southern Chester County Pharmacy St. Elizabeth Roman Catholic Church Target The Ginger English Memorial Fund ‐‐ A fund of the Chester County Community Founda on Truist Altruism United Way of Chester County United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

Devon Prep received tangible gi s of property and service. These gi s provide a valuable resource for Devon, providing budget relief or access to non‐budgeted items. We offer our sincere gra tude to the following donors. Please be sure to no fy the Development Office when making a gi in kind. Anonymous John H. Ansley Studio, LLC Mrs. Joan Aquilante C&D Technologies, Inc. Devon Prep Parents Associa on Mrs. Jeanmarie Emhof Mrs. Denise Gavin Mr. and Mrs. Vito Giannandrea Mrs. Kimberly D. Judge Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kalivas Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Knaus Ms. Rosalie Lombardo M.C. Gill Corpora on Morningstar Corpora on One Stop Tire & Auto Service, Inc. Rajant Corpora on Rev. Richard S. Wyzykiewicz, Sch.P. YUASA Ba ery, Inc.





Annual Fund and Endowment Gi s to Devon Prep have been made to honor special persons or to memorialize loved ones.

Memorial Gi s

Rev. Ladislaus Magyar Academic Excellence Award Mrs. Anne H. Vossenberg Dr. Frans A. Vossenberg

Rev. Ferdinand Negrillos Book Award Mr. John Campopiano Jr.

Rev. Ladislaus Magyar Scholarship Fund Mr. Peter G. Byrnes Mr. Patrick J. Byrnes Mr. Richard F. Crowley Mr. John C. Graves Mr. John P. Kramer Jr. Prof. James E. Maule Mrs. Joan McCaffrey Mr. Joseph F. Messina Mr. and Mrs. James F. Murphy Jr. Captain Charles P. O'Neill Dr. and Mrs. John J. Radomile Jr. Dr. Frank J. Simone Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

Rev. Stephen Bendik Scholarship Fund Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Clancy Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guzikowski Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Murphy Jr. The Pruden al Founda on Matching Gi s

Rev. Stephen Mustos Scholarship Fund Anonymous Mr. Michael V. Guzikowski Mr. Robert C. Guzikowski Simpson Manufacturing Co., Inc.

Stephen and Bernice Senye Scholarship Fund Mr. Allison J. Maggiolo

Memorial Scholarship Fund

Kalman Benke Beöthy Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. George K. Beöthy Mr. Kalman Beöthy Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Carson Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Cris nzio Mr. Thomas G. Nagy

Mar n W. Bowen Scholarship Fund Mrs. Joseph P. Atkins Mr. Richard F. Crowley Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guthrie Mr. John P. Kramer Jr. Mr. And Mrs. James F. Murphy Jr. St. Elizabeth Roman Catholic Church Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Sunzeri

Mar n J. Devine Scholarship Fund

Mrs. Gabrielle M. Devine Ms. Joanne C. Devine Mr. Mar n L. Devine Dr. Richard J. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. John W. Pauciulo

In memory of Rev. Ladislaus Magyar, Sch.P. Prof. Richard J. Salvucci

In memory of Mr. Francis Crippen Mr. Frank J. Ferro Mr. William F. Haase

Kevin Flatley ’75 Scholarship Fund Mr. Patrick W. Goalwin Dr. and Mrs. James W. Lockard Jr. Mrs. Yvonne Murphy Mr. P. Wade Wisler

In memory of John and Rosemary Campopiano

In memory of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dunion Mr. Francis J Dunion Ms. Jacquelyn Dunion Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Hollowell

Class of 1964 Memorial Award Mr. John H. Ansley Jr. Mr. Richard F. Crowley Mr. James R. Daly Mr. Paul J. Derham Mr. Paul A. Grubb Dr. Tibor J. Ham Jr. Mr. James J. Keeley Mr. John F. Maguire III Mr. Paul J. McDevi Jr. Mr. Peter F. McGarvey Mr. Barry R. McKeon Mr. James A. Mulhern Mr. Mark E. Shuman


Mr. John A. Campopiano Jr.

Nearly 20 upper school scholarship recipients a ended the recep on in their honor.

Established by the Class of 1969 in memory of Chris Bonelli, Paul Driscoll, Rich Fairbanks, Conrad Kruse, and Bill Wilson. Mr. Peter J. Connors Mr. Daniel P. Dieckhaus Mr. Joseph A. Fitzmyer Dr. and Mrs. Angus T. Gillis Mr. C. Frederick Horstmann Mr. and Mrs. William T. Kenney Mr. William J. Leighton Prof. James E. Maule Pfizer Founda on Mr. Marcus E. Sack Prof. Richard J. Salvucci Mr. Pasquale A. Stor Jr. Mr. Joseph H. Torchiana III

In memory of Mr. Richard Gallagher ’62 Mrs. Mary G. Wa s

In memory of Mr. Frank J. Guzikowski Sr. Ms. Jacqueline M. Hammerschmidt

Ginger English Memorial Scholarship The Ginger English Memorial Fund ‐ A fund of the Chester County Community Founda on

Kalman Benke Beothy Memorial Scholarship awardee, Conner Carson, his parents and Beothy family members.


In memory of Dr. James Lyons ’68 Mr.+ and Mrs. James A. Lyons

In memory of Mr. Michael C. O'Sullivan Mr. William J. Donohue Jr.

In memory of Mrs. Alice Phoon Dr. Wai Wor Phoon

In memory of Mr. George Verdeur Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Stone

Tribute Gi s In honor of Mrs. Beatrice Lock Dr. Richard R. Lock

2012 S R

For the first me Devon Prep hosted a Scholarship Recep on in the Fall of 2011 for students who received scholarships for the 2011‐12 academic year. They were recognized for their outstanding academic and personal achievements. Special presenta ons were made to the first recipients of the Class of 1969 Memorial Scholarship and the Ginger English Memorial Scholarship.

Mr. Peter Connors ’69 presented the first Class of 1969 Memorial Scholarship to freshman Andrew G. Stauffer. This scholarship is the first endowed Alumni Scholarship fund at Devon Prep. The Class of 1969 established this scholarship to help provide a Devon Prep educa on to an outstanding and deserving student and to honor the memory of their deceased classmates, Paul Driscoll, Conrad Kruse, Chris Bonelli, Rich Fairbanks, and Bill Wilson.

Mr. Michael English ’98 presented the first Ginger English Memorial Scholarship to senior Nathan E. Stauffer. This scholarship honors the memory and spirit of Michael’s mother, Ginger English, who touched many lives with her vibrant personality and dedica on to Devon Prep. This scholarship was awarded to a rising senior who serves as a role model to the students, is respec ul of others, sees opportunity in adversity and has demonstrated meaningful growth and development—spiritually, academically and personally—in his me at Devon Prep. This scholarship is funded by a grant from the Ginger English Memorial Fund.

The first Ginger English Memorial Scholarship awardee, Nathan Stauffer, with members of the English family.

The first Class of ‘69 Memorial Scholarship awardee, Andrew Stauffer with members of the Class of ‘69.




Mr. John C. Graves Captain Charles P. O'Neill

1961 (38% Par cipa on) Mr. John M. Connelly Dr. Philip J. Connor Sr. Rev. Christopher Dixon Mr. Henry M. Gallagher Mr. Frank I. Hamory Mr. Julius G. Hernadi Dr. Charles G. Jacoby Mr. Allison J. Maggiolo Rev. Richard S. Wyzykiewicz Sch.P.

1962 (6% Par cipa on) Dr. Frank H. Anderson

1963 (14% Par cipa on) Mr. Edmond J. Daly Mr. Lloyd B. Roach

1964 (72% Par cipa on) Mr. John H. Ansley Jr. Mr. Richard F. Crowley Mr. James R. Daly Mr. Joseph P. Denny Mr. Paul J. Derham Mr. Alfred G. Gagliardi Jr. Mr. Edward P. Gavigan Mr. Paul A. Grubb Mr. Richard P. Hackman Dr. Tibor J. Ham Jr. Dr. Daniel M. Kane Mr. James J. Keeley Mr. Robert P. Koroly Mr. John F. Maguire III Mr. Paul J. McDevi Jr. Mr. Peter F. McGarvey Mr. Barry R. McKeon Mr. James A. Mulhern Mr. Paul J. Sanborn Mr. Mark E. Shuman Mr. Stephen J. Sullivan

Mr. Charles E. Shalvoy Jr. Dr. Warren M. Wilkins

1966 (22% Par cipa on) Mr. J. Joseph Donahue Mr. Daniel V. Donohue Mr. Francis L. Genuardi Mr. Geoffrey Kramer Dr. John J. Radomile Jr. Mr. Thomas F. San ni Mr. Horace E. Scherer Jr. Rev. James J. Shea Sch.P. Dr. Ernest G. Szechenyi Jr.

1967 (27% Par cipa on) Dr. Robert E. Ambrogi Jr. Dr. John A. Benne Dr. Richard J. Brown Mr. William R. Ducke Dr. Gary R. Dunkerley Mr. Richard E. McVoy Jr. Mr. John L. Pfaff III Dr. G. Philip Sco Mr. Peter T. Shalvoy Mr. Frank H. Tagye Jr. Dr. John M. vanSummern

1968 (13% Par cipa on) Mr. Frank X. Barrera Mr. George K. Beothy Dr. Dennis M. Byrne Mr. Michael J. Collins Mr. William J. Donohue

1969 (20% Par cipa on) Mr. Peter J. Connors Mr. Joseph A. Fitzmyer Dr. Angus T. Gillis Mr. C. Frederick Horstmann Mr. William T. Kenney Mr. William J. Leighton Prof. James E. Maule Mr. Marcus E. Sack Prof. Richard J. Salvucci


1970 (10% Par cipa on)

Top 5 Classes by Par cipa on 1964 72% 1996 48% 1961 38% 1972 30% 1965 28%

Mr. William P. Arata Mr. Patrick J. Byrnes Dr. Joseph P. Coyle Mr. John P. Kramer Jr.

1971 (16% Par cipa on) Mr. Bernard J. Donohue Mr. Frank J. Guzikowski Jr. Mr. Edward M. McKeon Mr. Francis S. Ryan Dr. Frank J. Simone Mr. Gregory J. Viola

Top 5 Classes by Dollars Given 1988 1986 1969 1972 1965

1972 (30% Par cipa on) Anonymous (2) Mr. Richard J. Brennen Jr. Mr. John W. Burwinkel Jr. Mr. Alexander S. Buzogany Jr. Dr. Dennis P. DiRenzo Mr. William J. Glynn Mr. Joseph F. Messina Mr. James F. Murphy Jr. Mr. Hubert B. O’Reilly Dr. Michael J. Polley Mr. Frank A. Silverio

1973 (15% Par cipa on) Mr. Robert P. Alejnikov Mr. Gregory E. Harmer Rev. Patrick H. Lamb Mr. Michael A. Olivares Dr. John S. Youtcheff Jr.

1974 (14% Par cipa on) Mr. Mar n L. Devine Mr. Francis X. Farmar Mr. Kenneth M. Husar Mr. Brian P. Lawlor Dr. Frans A. Vossenberg

1975 (15% Par cipa on) Mr. Patrick W. Goalwin Mr. Thomas J. Guzikowski Mr. William W. Heil Jr. Dr. James W. Lockard Jr. Mr. William J. McDougall Jr. Mr. Brian J. O'Sullivan Mr. Patrick T. Ryan III

1976 (16% Par cipa on) Mr. Richard J. Blair Mr. Harry G. Crimi Mr. Thomas A. Giannantonio Dr. Gerald P. Line e Jr. Mr. Robert R. Schwartz Mr. Stephen F. Shank

1977 (11% Par cipa on) Mr. Richard J. Brennan III Mr. Robert C. Guzikowski Mr. Michael F. Swanick

1978 (8% Par cipa on) Mr. Kurt M. Husar Mr. Eric Pizzi Mr. Philip Trainer Jr.

1979 (13% Par cipa on) Mr. Michael V. Guzikowski Dr. Richard J. Hamilton Dr. Louis R. Petrone Mr. Anthony B. Te

1980 (7% Par cipa on) Mr. Richard W. Hallahan Dr. Garo Megerian

1981 (4% Par cipa on) Mr. Brian D. Crowe

1982 (16% Par cipa on)

1965 (28% Par cipa on) Mr. George C. Brady III Mr. F. Thomas Brown Mr. Peter G. Byrnes Dr. James H. Degnan Jr. Mr. Frank J. Ferro Mr. Joseph A. Gaeto Mr. William F. Haase Mr. W. Kelley Macke Mr. L. Kevin O'Connor Dr. William C. Rabe


Devon Prep is grateful for the generous support of our alumni who have made a gi to the Annual Fund or to our endowed funds during the past fiscal year. Alumni support is important both for the financial assistance these gi s provide and as a meaningful public expression of support of the mission and values of Devon Prep.

1960 (17% Par cipa on)

Mr. Pasquale A. Stor Jr. Mr. Joseph H. Torchiana III

Anonymous Mr. Christopher R. Albani Mr. John A. Campopiano Jr. Mr. James P. McClatchy Mr. Joseph R. Pren ce

“We’re so honored to have this relationship with Devon Prep now and in the future. It’s a great way to honor my mother but it’s also a great way to continue giving back to Devon Prep what it gave to me.”

1983 (22% Par cipa on) Anonymous Mr. John J. Butler III Mr. Harry J. DiDonato Dr. Francis M. Prendergast Mr. Timothy J. Shannon

Michael T. English ’98 Ginger English Memorial Scholarship



Mr. Michael G. Sherlock Mr. Paul C. Troy Mr. Peter D. Uhlman

1984 (15% Par cipa on) Mr. Jason J. Coyle Dr. Stephen J. Falchek Mr. James T. Moore Mr. Tonino Nasu

1985 (14% Par cipa on) Mr. Christopher F. Bosio Mr. Christopher J. Mehley Dr. Robert B. Noone Jr. Mr. Peter F. Vieira Jr. Mr. Raymond K. Walheim

1986 (25% Par cipa on) Mr. Richard J. Bannister Jr. Mr. Nicholas F. DeSanc s Mr. Joseph A. Dieterle Mr. Daniel C. Harrer Jr. Mr. Michael W. Ianieri Mr. Owen J. Kelly Mr. Stephane J. Latour Mr. Edward P. Macdonald

1987 (22% Par cipa on) Mr. Kevin G. Ansley Mr. Timothy C. Atkins Mr. Mark J. Brennan Mr. Terrence J. Donohue Jr. Louis I. Hamilton PhD Dr. Richard R. Lock Mr. Brian J. McCormick Jr. Mr. Philip M. Taddeo

1988 (9% Par cipa on) Anonymous Mr. Douglas L. Kaune Mr. Emory S. Todd III

2006 (3% Par cipa on)

Why do you support Devon Prep?

Mr. Robert G. Trucksess

1995 (8% Par cipa on)

2007 (21% Par cipa on)

Mr. Alfred E. Fazio III Mr. Ma hew W. Nawn Mr. Brian M. Olinger

Mr. Ryan P. Cassidy Mr. Michael E. Chase Mr. Rohan Joseph Mr. N. Michael Maiale Mr. J. Connor McNabb Mr. Andrew T. Skyrm Mr. Liam A. Sunzeri Mr. Ma hew A. Trucksess

1996 (48% Par cipa on) Mr. Michael P. Danko Jr. Dr. Erling T. Donnelly Mr. William J. Donohue Jr. Dr. Joseph L. D'Orazio Mr. Cornelius J. Dougherty Mr. Andrew M. Egan Mr. Kevin B. Gallen Mr. Brian J. Gavin Mr. Douglas K. Hager Mr. Edward J. Lynch Mr. Michael W. Murphy Mr. Michael B. O'Sullivan Mr. Vincent D. Phillips Mr. Christopher L. Turner Mr. James F. Volpe Mr. David M. Yeager

“I believe Devon Prep does an outstanding job developing young men into strong Chris an Leaders and preparing them for life.” Ma hew Nawn Class of 1995

2008 (14% Par cipa on) Mr. Ma hew P. Butera Mr. Michael J. Dokas Mr. Ma hew S. Jaffe Mr. Ma hew T. Regan Mr. Anthony F. Rossi Mr. Fariss G. Rumman‐Obeid Mr. P. Wade Wisler

“Devon Prep gave a personalized educa on and unique experience I haven’t found anywhere else. It is number one on my list of places to give.” Wade Wisler Class of 2008

2009 (2% Par cipa on) Mr. William P. Schwarz

2010 (13% Par cipa on)

1997 (4% Par cipa on)

“It’s my way of giving back to an ins tu on that gave me so much and helped form the person I am today.” John Campopiano Class of 1982

Mr. Michael G. Bevilacqua Mr. Stephen T. Chase Mr. Christopher F. Smith Mr. Ian R. Smith Mr. Robert M. Smith Mr. Daniel H. Stack Mr. Francisco F. Suero

Rev. Gerard J. Olinger, CSC, Esq.

1998 (13% Par cipa on) Mr. Daniel P. Dieckhaus Mr. Michael T. English Mr. Brian F. Reilly

1999 (13% Par cipa on)

2011 (12% Par cipa on)

Mr. Christopher S. Robert Jr. Mr. Philip A. Sevag Mr. Timothy R. Wilkin

Mr. Ma hew B. Baldassano Mr. Gregory C. Bokar Mr. Harry G. Crimi Jr. Mr. Aus n J. Davis Mr. Albert J. Emhof Mr. Richard L. Kenney Mr. Ryan J. Litchert

2000 (3% Par cipa on) Mr. Michael H. Cognato

1989 (0% Par cipa on)

2001 (2% Par cipa on)

Mr. Patrick H. McNabb

1990 (15% Par cipa on)

Mr. James T. Donohue Mr. Thomas S. Fan Mr. Edward J. Griffith Mr. Andrew A. Hu Mr. Michael L. Kimmel Mr. T. Patrick O'Reilly Jr.

“The posi ve experience I had at Devon and knowing my support can help current students who may be less fortunate.” Ma hew Oakes Class of 1999

Senior Giving Program

2002 (15% Par cipa on)

Mr. Christopher T. Cognato Mr. Joseph E. D'Arcangelo Mr. Patrick J. Ferguson Mr. Daniel P. Mulhern Mr. Michael F. Muller

In 2007 we began the Senior Giving Program. With this program, the gradua ng class makes a financial gi to Devon Prep, and a pledge to con nue their support during their college years. Their gi s are designated for the Devon Prep Endowment, therefore these young men have made an investment in the future of Devon Prep.

1991 (0% Par cipa on)

2003 (6% Par cipa on)

2012 (22% Par cipa on)

Mr. Chris an X. Capasso Mr. Andrew D. Gracia Mr. Michael A. Morrone III

Mr. Conrad A. Damstra Mr. John R. Damstra Mr. Richard A. DiColli Mr. Thomas E. Frawley Mr. Richard C. Gallo Jr. in memory of his grandparents, Rita Gallo and LaSimir and Stella DeCwikiel Mr. Joseph Geiger in honor of his parents Joseph and Kelly Geiger Mr. Ma hew A. Kramer Mr. Spencer T. Latran in honor of Fr. Richard Wyzykiewicz, Sch.P. Mr. Ryan C. O'Shea in honor of his grandparents, Harry and Mary DiGiovanni Mr. Patrick J. Robbins in honor of his grandfather, James J. Robbins Sr. Mr. Nathan E. Stauffer in honor of Mr. R. Roger Mecouch

1992 (13% Par cipa on) Mr. Ma hew T. Gavin Mr. George M. Gowen III Mr. Thomas G. Nagy Mr. Joseph A. Powers

2004 (8% Par cipa on)

Mr. Sean M. O'Reilly

Mr. Timothy A. Ferguson Mr. Peter J. Mulligan Mr. Christopher J. Plebani Mr. Jus n M. Polselli

1994 (17% Par cipa on)

2005 (6% Par cipa on)

Mr. Mark A. Aquilante Mr. Michael A. Cuff Mr. Thomas E. Gavin

Mr. James J. Dolceamore Jr. Mr. Daniel A. Harkins Mr. Robert J. Reish Jr.

1993 (3% Par cipa on)

Mr. Brendan M. Kenny Mr. Daniel J. Pilone




Parent Giving shows those parents of current students who have contributed to the Annual Fund through the Annual Appeal, the Christmas Collec on, or workplace giving. This year, 49% of our families have shown their support through gi s to the Annual Fund.

Class of 2012 (61% Par cipa on) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Bonner Mr. and Mrs. William J. Burke Mr. Daniel and Dr. Ingeborg Damstra Mr. and Mrs. Richard DiColli Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Frawley Sr. Mr. William and Dr. Roseanne Fulmer Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Gallo Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gillin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hallinan Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kalivas Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kropilak Mr. and Mrs. David L. LaPrise Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Latran Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lewis Dr. and Mrs. James W. Lockard Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David E. Lundberg Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Magno a III Mr. and Mrs. William R. McCann Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. McNabb Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O'Shea Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Phelan Mrs. Maria Ragsdale‐Leidy Mr. and Mrs. James J. Robbins Sr. Ms. Rachel M. Stauffer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swi Mr. and Mrs. Jules van Schaijik Mr. and Mrs. David T. Walz Mr. and Mrs. John M. Weis Mr. Paul A. Welsh and Ms. Marguerite Esmonde

Class of 2013 (58% Par cipa on) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Barker Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Carson Mrs. Bernadine A. Clayton Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. DiDonato Mr. Robert Fletcher and Dr. Marie Chabot‐Fletcher Mr. William and Dr. Roseanne Fulmer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Hasse Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jonik Dr. and Mrs. Kyle M. Kampman Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kane Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew P. Kinsella Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Knaus Mr. and Mrs. James Koskinen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kozak III Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Ma ox Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Melvin Mr. and Mrs. David P. Muscarella Dr. and Mrs. John T. Seykora Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Tolvaisa Mr. and Mrs. Graydon W. Wilcox Ms. Frances M. Zipp

Class of 2014 (43% Par cipa on) Anonymous

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Bevan Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Sco G. Conser Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Culbertson Dr. and Mrs. Mario DiLeonardo Mr. Andrew Horbowy and Ms. Lynda Talbot Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Latran Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey D. Lawrence Mr. Damin Liu and Ms. Enid Leung Mr. and Mrs. John J. McDevi Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. McKenna Dr. and Mrs. David W. McSurdy Mr. and Mrs. John F. Misko Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Phelan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Schellenger Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Shields Drs. Michael and Francesca Sidor Mr. Hong Sheng and Ms. Shanlin Song Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wa ers

Class of 2015 (50% Par cipa on) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Carandang Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dawson Mr. and Mrs. Karl N. DiPietro Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Emery Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hardaway Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hayden Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Hennessy Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Ippoli Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Ji Young Lee Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lewis Mrs. Jacqueline C. Loper Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Lucas Dr. and Mrs. Carl Luche Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. McCallister Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Milani Dr. and Mrs. Jose G. Moreno Ms. Nina L. Noska Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Pallante Mr. and Mrs. John W. Pauciulo Mr. and Mrs. David F. Phelan Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. Rohr Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Snyder Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Te Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Uhlman Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Walheim Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Wickersham

Class of 2016 (46% Par cipa on) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. John Balog Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Be s


“In addi on to encouraging academic achiev e‐ ment, Devon Prep fosters the diver se talents of all its students, wheth er those interests ar e in technology, music, community involvement, sp orts, art, theater or s o many other are as. Whatever the st udent’s avoca on , he can find his niche at D evon. One of the unique a ributes of Dev on Prep is that e very faculty and staff member, from th e Headmaster’s O ffice to the stude nt dining room, demonstra tes genuine conc ern for the students. We enrolled our son at Devon Prep in 8t h grade and our only regret is that we didn’t do it whe n he was in 6th.”

Mr. & Mrs. Rich ard and Margaret DiCol li

Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Clancy Mr. William and Dr. Roseanne Fulmer Mr. and Mrs. Vito Giannandrea Ms. Mary MacLachlan Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mooney Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Norris Drs. Richard and Teresa O'Flynn Ms. Lorraine Parkinson Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rumman‐Obeid Mr. and Mrs. Jules van Schaijik

Class of 2017 (59% Par cipa on) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hallinan Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Knaus Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. May Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Monahan Mr. and Mrs. John J. O'Malley Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rufo Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Smoot Mr. and Mrs. Arnold A. Tiglao Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Weir

Class of 2018 (42% Par cipa on) Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Brower Mr. and Mrs. James M. Costello III Mr. and Mrs. Kurt M. Husar Mr. and Dr. Sudhir P. Naik Mr. and Mrs. John J. O'Malley Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Pietrafi a Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rufo Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. William J. Thompson





Devon Prep is grateful for the many generous dona ons to support the Solar Car Club since its incep on.

The following individuals and companies provided financial support to make the dream of compe ng in the 2012 Solar Car Challenge a reality.

Anonymous Mrs. Bernadine A. Clayton Mr. Christopher J. Clayton Mrs. Elise Conser Mr. and Mrs. Sco G. Conser Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Emhof Mr. Leonard F. Francella Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hammel Mr. and Mrs. James Koskinen Lockheed Mar n J.P. Mascaro & Sons Mr. and Mrs. David P. Muscarella Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Peffle PJM Interconnec on Quest Diagnos cs Matching Gi s Program Rajant Corpora on Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Riedel Mr. and Mrs. James Roynan Mr. Mark Westlake Ms. Stacey Witcra





Their solar powered car, named “Sol TIDE,” operates with four 38 pound ba eries powered by five solar panels. Decorated with the school’s logo and colors of blue and gold, Sol TIDE measures 4.96 meters long, 1.65 meters wide and 1.25 meters high. Compe ng against 11 teams from around the country in the Classic Division, Sol TIDE completed 270 laps and 405 miles. Their best racing speed was 44.6 mph and they averaged 22.1 mph throughout the four day event.

Last year Devon Prep was the first and only Pennsylvania high school team to compete in the Solar Car Challenge which draws teams from across the US and Puerto Rico who design, engineer, build, and race roadworthy solar cars. They earned fourth place in the 2011 Challenge.

The following companies provided crucial components or exper se used to build and operate Sol Tide.

Five members made the trip to Dallas but only one, Jacob Riedel, drove the car during the race. The other team members included: Chris Clayton, Richie Gargano, Ben Conser, and Soham Bharne. Throughout the year the team was assisted by eight addi onal Devon Prep students who also worked on the car: Jake Kampman, Pat Kinsella, Brian Koskinen, Antonio Muscarella, Will Culbertson, Mike Horbowy, Russell Emery and Nick Ippoli .

Blackhorse Auto Body Buckwalter Motorsports C & D Technologies, Inc. DMI Motech Americas, LLC Morningstar Corpora on M. C. Gill Corpora on Precision Chassis YUASA Ba ery, Inc.




Devon Prep’s Solar Car Team took Second Place in the na onal 2012 Solar Car Challenge at the Texas Motor Speedway this summer.


“There is nothing like working on something for a year and finally seeing what you have accomplished,” said team captain Jacob Riedel. “The team members learned so much by compe ng with other teams. I have learned more than I could have imaged from aerodynamics to circuitry.”




We are grateful for the con nued support of our Alumni Families who have made a gi to Devon Prep’s Annual or Endowed Funds, contributed to our special collec ons or given through United Way or workplace giving programs. These gi s provide needed classroom resources, financial aid and scholarship funds and are vital to our con nued success. Anonymous (5) Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Adams '11 Mr. Robert P. Alejnikov '98 Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Al ere '00 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Anastasi '95 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Anderson '98 Mr. and Mrs. Congens J. Aquilante '94 Mrs. Joseph P. Atkins '84,'87 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Auriemma '06,'09 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Auxier '05 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Baldassari ’09 Mr. Allan R. Becker '09,'11 Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Bentley '03,'11 Mr. and Mrs. George K. Beothy '01 Mr. Kalman Beothy '68 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Bevan Sr. '11 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bevilacqua '10 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Bokar '11 Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Brennan '83,'85,'87, '01 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Burke '04,’12 Mr. and Mrs. Angelo J. Butera '08 Rev. Mr. Peter J. Calabrese Sr. '84 Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Capasso '03,'05 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Capella Sr. '03 Mr. and Mrs. John C. Carles '08 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Carson '11 Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Cary '05 Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Casey '95,'98, '01 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Cervini '97 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Chase ’07,’10 Drs. David and Melissa Cichowicz '11 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Class '07 Mr. and Mrs. John L. Cleaver '86 Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Cognato '00,'02,'05 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Collins Jr. '86, '01,'04 Mr. Michael J. Collins '02 Dr. Philip J. Connor Sr. '87,'89,'92 Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Connor ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Converse '02,'06 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cooney '92,'99 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Cosden '93 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coughlin '95,'97 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Coyer Jr. '03 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Creato Sr. '00 Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Crimi ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Cris nzio '92 Mr. and Mrs. John E. Crowe '81,'84 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Czarnecki '06 Mr. and Mrs. Palmer A. Dalesandro Jr. '95 Mr. and Mrs. Carmen M. D'Arcangelo '02 Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel J. DeFelice '98 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. DeFrancisco '87 Mr. and Mrs. Tod R. DeLong '10 Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. DePietro '90 Mrs. Gabrielle M. Devine '74,'75,'76,'77,'83 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Doherty '10 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Dolceamore Sr. '05 Mr. and Mrs. J. Joseph Donahue '02

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Donahue '66 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Donatoni '10 Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Donohue Sr. '87,'90 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Donohue ’96,’99,’02,’07 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Emhof '11 Mr. Michael T. English ’98 Mr. and Mrs. W. Alan Epps '03 Mr. Chris and Dr. Maria Farias '01,'03,'08 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Fazio '95,'97 Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Federico '87 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Ferguson '02,'04 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Finley '81,'86 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Fitzgerald '07 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Fitzmyer '69 Mr. Robert Fletcher and Dr. Marie Chabot‐Fletcher ’11 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Fox Sr. '05,'07 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Fox '08 Mr. William and Dr. Roseanne Fulmer ’10,’12 Hon. and Mrs. Thomas G. Gavin '90,'92,'94,'96 Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Genuardi '95 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Giannantonio '03 Dr. and Mrs. Angus T. Gillis '03 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gola Sr. '05,'07 Dr. and Mrs. John G. Goode Jr. '05 Mr. Michael F. Gray '88,'93 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Griffin '88 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Gruchacz '10 Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guthrie '03,'08 Mr.+ and Mrs. Frank J. Guzikowski '71,'75,'77,'79 Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Hackman '09 Mrs. Joseph M. Hallahan '75,'80 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hallinan '05,'10,’12 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Halsey '97 Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Hamilton '79,'82,'83,'87 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Harkins '05 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Hasse '07 Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Haughey '89 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hill ’00,’03 Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Hook Jr. '93 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ingelsby '06 Mr. and Mrs. Anoop Joseph '07 Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kalivas ’07,’12 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Katona '08 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Kenney '11 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Killoran '87 Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kiniry Jr. '04,'08 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kozak III '11 Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Kramer '07 Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey D. Lawrence '10 Mr. and Mrs. Ji Young Lee '10 Mr. and Mrs. Luvimino D. Lim '00,'98 Mr. and Mrs. Claude N. Limoges '09 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Listwak '08 Mrs. Beatrice B. Lock '82,'87 Dr. and Mrs. Carl Luche '10 Mr.+ and Mrs. James A. Lyons '68,'69 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Maertzig Sr. '92,'93,'96 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Magno a III '10,’12


Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Maiale '07 Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Maloney '10,'11 Dr. and Mrs. Roger T. Malseed Jr. ’93 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Massara '03 Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Ma hews III '11 Mr. and Mrs. William R. McCann '08,’12 Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McCormick Sr. '87,'90,'94 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McCuch '86 Mr. and Mrs. William F. McGinnis '85 Mr. and Mrs. John F. McIntyre '09 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McMahon '09 Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. McNabb '01,'05,'07,’12 Mr. and Mrs. John F. McNichol '04,'06,'09 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McParland Jr. '09,'11 Mr. and Mrs. David J. Miller '06 Dr. William R. Miller '06,'94 Ms. Laura Mondon '00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Monte '84,'85,'88 Dr. Joan L. Moore '82,'84 Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Morphet '79,'82 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Morris '90 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Morrissey '03,'05 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morrone '03 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mucche '09 Mr. and Mrs. James J. Murphy '96 Mrs. Yvonne Murphy '70,'73,'75 Mr. and Mrs. Geza J. Nagy '92 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Nawn '95 Dr. and Mrs. R. Barre Noone '85 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Norwood '07 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Nowlan '10 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Oakes ’95,’99 Mrs. Carol Okonski '09 Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Olinger Jr. '95 Mr. and Mrs. Hubert B. O’Reilly ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O'Shea '05,’12 Mrs. Michael C. O'Sullivan '96 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. O aviano '88 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pachella '11 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pancerella '11 Ms. Lorraine Parkinson '10 Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Pedicone '93 Mrs. Jolene Petras '80,'92 Mr. and Mrs. David F. Phelan '08 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Phelan '08,’12 Dr. Wai Wor Phoon '81,'83 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Pio '01 Mr. and Mrs. Godfryd Plociennik '82 Mr. and Mrs. James Prendergast '81,'83 Dr. and Mrs. John J. Radomile Jr. '09 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Regan '08 Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Reish '05 Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Richter '11 Mr. and Mrs. Whitey W. Rigsby '01,'02,'06,'08 Mrs. Chris na T. Robbins '86 Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Rossi '08 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rumman‐Obeid '08 Mr. and Mrs. George J. Saba no '86 Mr. and Mrs. John F. Sarbello '02


Mrs. Horace E. Scherer Sr. '66,'75,'78 Mrs. Kathleen Schuessler '83 Dr. John H. Schwarz '09 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Sclafani '03,'06 Mr. and Mrs. Kirby J. Sco '86 Mr. Paul G. Sevag '93,'99 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Shields Jr. '76,'80,'92 Drs. Michael and Francesca Sidor '11 Mr. and Mrs. George R. Siegl '97 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Silvestri '10 Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Smith '10 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Smith '10 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Smith '11 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Snook '03,'09

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Stack '10 Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Staller '82 Ms. Jacquie Stone '05 Mr. and Dr. Marc J. Stormes '09,'11 Dr. and Mrs. Francisco F. Suero '10 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Sunzeri '07 Ms. Chris ne Tascone '02 Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Thomas '10 Mr. Joseph H. Torchiana III '01 Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Trucksess '06,'07 Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Volpe '96, '01 Dr. and Mrs. Jacques C. Voois '07,'84,'90 Mrs. Anne H. Vossenberg '74 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Vuono '06

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Walheim Sr. '80,'81,'82,'85 Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Walsh '04 Mrs. Lady Walvoord '03,'96 Mrs. Lawrence G. Weathers Jr. '05 Mr. Paul A. Welsh and Ms. Marguerite Esmonde '10,’12 Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Wickersham '11 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Witman '00 Mr. and Mrs. Chester J. Woodson '02,'03 Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Yoder '85 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Zaleski '07 Ms. Frances M. Zipp '09


Through their generous gi s to the Devon Prep Annual Fund or the Christ‐ mas Collec on, the following grandparents have recognized and affirmed that Devon makes an important difference in their grandsons’ lives. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Allen Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lubker Mrs. Eileen Atene Mr. and Mrs. Alexander MacLachlan Mr. and Mrs. Richard Be s Mr. and Mrs. Michael Magno a Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Bevan Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. McAlee Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brower Dr. and Mrs. Joseph McCahon Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Casciato Mrs. Ann S. McNabb Mr. and Mrs. Dave Choate Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milburn Mrs. Barbara Clancy Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mirabile Mrs. Janine Clay Mr. and Mrs. John K. Moriarty Mr. and Mrs. Brian Colamosca Mr. and Mrs. Don Mullane Mrs. Elise Conser Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Murnane Mr. and Mrs. Tom Con Mr. Robert Olson Mr. and Mrs. John E. Crowe Mrs. Nora O'Malley Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D'Alessandro Mrs. Jude D. O'Shea Mr. and Mrs. John D'Amico Mrs. Michael C. O'Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. David A. Damstra Mr. and Mrs. Dominic O aviano Mr. and Mrs. Michael D'Antonio Mr. William Quain Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeLaney Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. James DiPaolo Mr. and Mrs. John Roth Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Fagan Mr. and Mrs. Philip P. Rothwein Mr. and Mrs. Bernardino Fa ore Mr. and Mrs. James Roynan Mr. and Mrs. David Freese Mr. Louis Rufo Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Galarneau Ms. Diana Rumman Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Garvey Mrs. Anna Shields Mrs. Sally L. Gla es Mr. and Mrs. David J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. John Graham Mrs. Carol Smith Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hammel Mr. and Mrs. Joe Swatski Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hayden Mr. and Mrs. John Swi Mrs. Helga Hoetzer Mr. and Mrs. Constancio Tiglao Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jaeger Mr. and Mrs. Fred Urbanek Mr. and Mrs. J. David Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Adiel Van De Weghe Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kane Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Varricchio Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Keough Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Guerino Villani Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Kight Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Walheim Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Koskinen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wa ers Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kozak Mrs. Mary Rebecca Weber Mrs. Jenny LaBella Mr. and Mrs. Owen Wright Mr. Lee W. LaPrise Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Young Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Latran Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Limongelli Mrs. Catherine E. Love








We are grateful to those who showed their support for our outstanding faculty and staff through voluntary gi s to the 2011‐2012 Faculty Staff Re rement Fund. This year 66 % of our families supported this special fund. Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Hugh K. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Balbirnie Mr. and Mrs. John Balog Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Barker Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bauers Mr. and Mrs. John R. Be s Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Bevan Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Raj P. Bharne Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Bonner Mr. and Mrs. John F. Bowie Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Brekus Ms. Victoria M. Bright Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Brower Mr. and Mrs. William Bule The Burke Family Drs. John and Joan Burke Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Caporale Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Carandang Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Carson Mr. and Mrs. David A. Chris ansen Mrs. Bernadine A. Clayton Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Clemen Mr. and Mrs. Redmond L. Clevenger Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Colamosca Mrs. Janet L. Colleran Mr. and Mrs. James M. Costello III Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew Durkin Coyne Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Crowe Mr. Daniel and Dr. Ingeborg Damstra Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dawson Mr. and Mrs. John B. DeLaney Mr. and Mrs. Richard DiColli Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. DiDonato Dr. and Mrs. Mario DiLeonardo Mr. and Mrs. Karl N. DiPietro Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Dokas Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Emery Mr. and Mrs. James F. Enderle Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Farnsworth Mr. Robert Fletcher and Dr. Marie Chabot‐Fletcher Mr. Lewis R. Frame Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Frawley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Freiberg Mr. William and Dr. Roseanne Fulmer Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Galarneau Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Gallo Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Gargano Mr. and Mrs. Vito Giannandrea Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gillin Jr. Mrs. Sally L. Gla es Mr. and Mrs. John Graham Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hallinan Mr. and Mrs. David E. Haruch Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Hasse Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hayden Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hegarty Mr. Khien B. Nguyen and Mrs. Thuy T. Hoang Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence Holmes

Mr. Andrew Horbowy and Ms. Lynda Talbot Mr. and Mrs. Kurt M. Husar Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Ippoli Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Kyle M. Kampman Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kane Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Kelly Mr. Glenn M. Kennedy Mrs. Susan F. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Kerrigan Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew P. Kinsella Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Knaus Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Koehler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kozak III Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kropilak Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. LaBella Mr. and Mrs. David L. LaPrise Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Latran Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey D. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Leardi Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Lee Mr. and Mrs. Bumjin Lee Mr. Damin Liu and Ms. Enid Leung Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Lieberman Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Lio a Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James W. Lockard Jr. Mrs. Jacqueline C. Loper Mr. and Mrs. George T. Love Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Lubker Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Lucas Mr. and Mrs. David E. Lundberg Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander MacLachlan Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Magno a III Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Ma ox Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. May Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. McCallister Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. McConnell Mr. and Mrs. John J. McDevi Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGarry Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. McGeehan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. David P. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. McNabb Dr. and Mrs. David W. McSurdy Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Melvin Merck Partnership for Giving MG Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Milani Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Monahan Dr. and Mrs. Jose G. Moreno Mr. and Mrs. John M. Morris Dr. Amy A. Murnane Ms. Mary Catherine Murphy Mr. and Mrs. David P. Muscarella Mr. and Dr. Sudhir P. Naik Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Nave Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Norris Ms. Nina L. Noska Mr. and Mrs. William C. O'Brien Sr. Mr. Patrick and Dr. Ellen Agnes O'Brien


Drs. Richard and Teresa O'Flynn Mr. Robert Olson Mr. and Mrs. John J. O'Malley Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O'Shea Mr. and Mrs. James V. O'Shea Ms. Lorraine Parkinson Mr. and Mrs. John W. Pauciulo Mr. and Mrs. James P. Peters Mr. and Mrs. David F. Phelan Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Phelan Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew Poslusny Mrs. Maria Ragsdale‐Leidy Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Riedel Mr. and Mrs. James J. Robbins Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. Rohr Mr. and Mrs. William R. Roth Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rufo Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rumman‐Obeid Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Sco S. Schaefer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Schellenger Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Schena Dr. and Mrs. John T. Seykora Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Shannon Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Shields Ms. Melissa Shusterman Drs. Michael and Francesca Sidor Mr. and Mrs. Dave G. Siracusa Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Smith Mrs. Carol Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Smoot Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew R. Snyder Mr. Hong Sheng and Ms. Shanlin Song Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Stanish Mr. and Mrs. David A. Stauffer Dr. and Mrs. Francisco F. Suero Drs. Michael and Karla Swatski Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swi Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Taplah Mr. and Mrs. Alexey Teplyakov Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Te Jr. The Arthur J. Gallagher Founda on Mr. and Mrs. Arnold A. Tiglao Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Toddy Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Tolvaisa Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Uhlman Mr. and Mrs. Jules van Schaijik Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Varricchio Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Walheim Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Terence H. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. David T. Walz Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wa ers Mr. and Mrs. John C. Weber Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Weir Mr. and Mrs. John M. Weis Mr. Paul A. Welsh and Ms. Marguerite Esmonde



Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Whi emore III Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Wickersham Mr. and Mrs. Graydon W. Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Rodlee J. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Hanki Yoo Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Young III Mr. and Mrs. Danylo B. Zacharczuk Ms. Frances M. Zipp


Mrs. Patricia Ambrose Mrs. Joan Aquilante Mr. Mark A. Aquilante Mr. George K. Beothy Mr. Barry P. Brazunas Mr. Michael J. Collins Mrs. Sara B. Corbe Mr. Michael J. Cunningham Dr. Chris ne T. DeGrado Mr. J. Joseph Donahue Mrs. Jeanmarie T. Emhof Mrs. Elizabeth A. Eshleman Mr. Joseph Fortunato Mrs. Denise Gavin Mrs. Jennifer Gregory Mrs. Catherine Harpel Mr. Charles J. Hollowell Mrs. Kathleen Iacobucci Mr. Larry R. Iezzi

Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Adamiak Rev. Jose Andres Basols Sch.P. Mr. Julius Bedics Mrs. Alice R. Bowen Ms. Geraldine Bowers Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Craig Ms. Joanne C. Devine Mr. Francis J. Dunion Ms. Jacquelyn Dunion Mr. Leonard F. Francella Jr. Mr. Lawrence Graff Ms. Frances E. Gray Ms. Jacqueline M. Hammerschmidt Mr. Kevin Kaufmann Mrs. Joan McCaffrey Mrs. Kathleen D. McCreary Ms. Theresa W. Morley Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pearce Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Peffle Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Phelan Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pierangeli Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sigismon Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Spada Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Stone Mrs. Mary G. Wa s Ms. Stacey Witcra

Mr. Jeffrey S. Jewi Mrs. Kimberly D. Judge Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kalivas Mr. Joseph A. Lewis Ms. Rosalie Lombardo Mrs. Anne e M. Loutrel Mr. John W. Lowry Mr. James G. Mastrangelo Mr. R. Roger Mecouch Ms. Barbara G. Medina Ms. Laura Mondon Mr. Pasquale S. Na le Mr. Patrick I. Parsons Ms. Melanie R. Picard Mr. R. Barry Rollins Mr. Paul J. Sanborn Rev. James J. Shea Sch.P. Mr. Ma hew J. Simon Rev. Richard S. Wyzykiewicz, Sch.P.

“Devon Prep offers an academically challenging environment that motivates growth as a young man. The school provides a combination of opportunities for spiritual growth, high-level courses, multiple extra-curricular activities, and the ability to personalize the educational experience. Being a small school allows the administration, faculty and staff to individually focus on how to make each and every student succeed.” Ms. Barbara Medina Devon Prep Faculty


“Over the years, many of Devon's quirks have been chalked up to the "Devon Difference." From an academic and developmental perspective, however, I feel that Devon Prep is without peer as a nonboarding college prep school. With stalwarts like Mike Collins, Coach Frio and Frs. Shea and Rich still walking the halls, I want as many kids as possible to have an opportunity to experience that difference. Plus, upkeep on Calasanctius can't be cheap. Roll Tide!” Christian Capasso Class of 2003



Devon Prep is par cularly thankful for the generosity, commitment and support shared each day by our dedicated faculty and staff. We gratefully acknowledge the following members of our faculty and staff who have also demonstrated their commitment to the mission, values and tradi ons of Devon Prep through a gi to the Annual Fund.

Devon gratefully acknowledges the many friends who support the mission of Devon Prep. The following donors have made a gi to the Annual Fund, or to the Christ‐ mas Collec on.

2012 G

We are grateful to the following families of the Class of 2012 who contributed toward the Senior Gi . This year, their gi s were used to finance materials for the construc on of outdoor Sta ons of the Cross near Calasanc us Hall, which were designed and installed as an Eagle Scout Project. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Burke Mr. Daniel and Dr. Ingeborg Damstra Mr. and Mrs. Richard DiColli Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Frawley Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Gallo Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Kubat Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Latran Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lewis Dr. and Mrs. James W. Lockard Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O'Shea Mr. and Mrs. Bharatkumar V. Patel Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Phelan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Senss Ms. Rachel M. Stauffer Mr. and Mrs. Jules van Schaijik Mr. and Mrs. David T. Walz




Alumnus Alumni Parents Present Parents Friends or Family Faculty or Staff Faculty or Staff Re red Grandparent Student Trustee deceased

Mr. Patrick J. Byrnes A Mr. Peter G. Byrnes A Mr. Chris an X. Capasso A Carebridge Corpora on Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Chase AP,T Mr. John M. Connelly A* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Creato Sr. AP* Mr. Michael J. Cunningham FS Mr. Daniel and Dr. Ingeborg Damstra P Mr. and Mrs. Michael D'Antonio GP Mr. and Mrs. Richard DiColli P Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. DiDonato A,T * Mr. Bernard J. Donohue A* Mr. Michael T. English A Mr. Michael T. English AP Exelon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Ferguson AP Mr. Frank J. Ferro A Fidelity Brokerage Services, LLC Mr. Joseph A. Fitzmyer A Mr. Robert Fletcher and Dr. Marie Chabot‐Fletcher AP,P Mr. Joseph A. Gaeto A Mr. Henry M. Gallagher A* General Electric Founda on Mr. Robert C. Guzikowski A Mr. Andrew Horbowy and Ms. Lynda Talbot P Mr. C. Frederick Horstmann A Illinois Tool Works Founda on IMS John L. and Grace P. Soldoveri Founda on, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew P. Kinsella P Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Knaus P Mr. Damin Liu and Ms. Enid Leung P Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Listwak AP Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Magno a III AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Ma hews III AP Prof. James E. Maule A* Mr. Brian J. McCormick Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. McKenna P Mr. and Mrs. David J. Miller AP* Motorola Founda on Mr. and Mrs. James F. Murphy Jr. A Norfolk Southern Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Nowlan AP Mr. Brian M. Olinger A Captain Charles P. O'Neill A* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pearce F Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rumman‐Obeid AP,P Mr. Thomas F. San ni A* Mr. Horace E. Scherer Jr. A* Mr. Charles E. Shalvoy Jr. A Mr. Peter T. Shalvoy A Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Shannon AP Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Shields Jr. AP Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Shields P Mr. Frank A. Silverio A* Simpson Manufacturing Co., Inc Mr. Hong Sheng and Ms. Shanlin Song P Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swi P Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Te Jr. P The Ginger English Memorial Scholarship Fund, a fund of the Chester County Community Founda on The Pruden al Founda on Matching Gi s Mr. Emory S. Todd III A Mr. Philip Trainer Jr. A* Mr. Paul C. Troy A*

Devon Prep Loyalty Club We have noted (with an asterisk) those members of the Devon Prep Community who have made gi s to the Devon Prep Annual Fund for 10 or more consecu ve years. We are very grateful for their con nued support, which has provided a las ng impact for Devon Prep students.

Founder ($10,000 and more) Anonymous Mr. Richard J. Bannister Jr. A Dr. John A. Benne A Devon Interna onal Group Devon Prep Parents Associa on* Fidelity Charitable Gi Fund Mr.+ and Mrs. James A. Lyons AP Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Phelan AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Phelan F Mr. Lloyd B. Roach A* ViroPharma Incorporated

Calasanc us ($5,000 to $9,999) Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Adams AP Mr. Kalman Beothy AP* Mr. Peter J. Connors A Devon Prep Alumni Associa on* Genuardi Family Founda on Dr. and Mrs. Angus T. Gillis A,AP* Guzikowski Family Founda on Lockheed Mar n M. C. Gill Corpora on Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morrone AP* Penn Liberty Bank Quest Diagnos cs Matching Gi s Program

Headmaster ($2,500 to $4,999) Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. John R. Be s P Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Brennen Jr. A* Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Cary AP FJN Charitable Founda on Food Depot Holdings LLC Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Genuardi A,AP* Mr. William J. Glynn A* Mr. Frank J. Guzikowski Jr. A* Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hallinan AP,P* Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Latran P Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey D. Lawrence AP,P Rajant Corpora on Mr. Brian J. O'Sullivan A Mr. Marcus E. Sack A Mr. Joseph H. Torchiana III A,AP* United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania Mr. Peter F. Vieira Jr. A Wells Fargo Founda on

Leadership ($1,000 to $2,499) Anonymous (6) Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Al ere AP Rev. Jose Andres Basols Sch.P. F Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Bentley AP* Bentley Systems, Inc. Bergen Co. UW Charitable Flex Fund Boeing Gi Matching Program Mr. Mark J. Brennan A



Blue and Gold ($500 to $999) Anonymous Mr. Christopher R. Albani A* Mr. John H. Ansley Jr. A,T* Mrs. Joseph P. Atkins AP* Mr. and Mrs. John Balog Jr. P Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Barker P Mr. F. Thomas Brown A* Mr. John J. Butler III A Mr. John A. Campopiano Jr. A* Cisco Systems Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Clancy P Mrs. Bernadine A. Clayton P Mr. James R. Daly A Mr. and Mrs. William R. Dawson P Dr. James H. Degnan Jr. A Mr. Joseph P. Denny A* Mrs. Gabrielle M. Devine AP* Ms. Joanne C. Devine F Mr. Mar n L. Devine A Dr. and Mrs. Mario DiLeonardo P Mr. and Mrs. James DiPaolo GP Mr. James T. Donohue A Dr. Joseph L. D'Orazio A Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Emery P Exelon Matching Gi s Program for Educa on Mr. Francis X. Farmar A* Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Fazio AP Mr. Patrick J. Ferguson A Mr. Timothy A. Ferguson A Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Gallo P Ms. Frances E. Gray F Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guthrie AP* Mr. Michael V. Guzikowski A* Mr. Thomas J. Guzikowski A Mr. William F. Haase A Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hardaway P Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Hasse AP,P Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hayden GP Mr. William W. Heil Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Hollowell FS Mr. Andrew A. Hu A Mr. Douglas L. Kaune A* Mr. Michael L. Kimmel A* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kozak III AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kropilak P Mr. William J. Leighton A Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Limongelli GP Dr. Gerald P. Line e Jr. A Dr. Richard R. Lock A Dr. and Mrs. James W. Lockard Jr. A,P Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Loutrel FS Mr. John W. Lowry FS Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Maloney AP Mrs. Joan McCaffrey F Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. McCarron AP


Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Smith AP St. Elizabeth Roman Catholic Church Mr. Michael F. Swanick A United Way of Chester County Vanguard Group Founda on Verizon Founda on Mrs. Anne H. Vossenberg AP Dr. Frans A. Vossenberg A* Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Walheim AP Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Walker P Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wa ers GP Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wa ers P Mrs. Lawrence G. Weathers Jr. AP* Mr. and Mrs. John M. Weis P Mr. Paul A. Welsh and Ms. Marguerite Esmonde AP,P Ms. Frances M. Zipp AP,P

Mr. and Mrs. John J. McDevi P Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McParland Jr. AP,T Mr. R. Roger Mecouch FS Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Milani P Mr. and Mrs. John F. Misko P Mr. and Mrs. John F. Morrissey AP* Mr. and Dr. Sudhir P. Naik P Mr. Pasquale S. Na le FS New York Life Giving Campaign Drs. Richard and Teresa O'Flynn P Mr. Michael A. Olivares A* Mr. and Mrs. John W. Pauciulo P Mr. Jus n M. Polselli A Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Reish AP Mr. and Mrs. James J. Robbins Sr. P Mr. and Mrs. Jay C. Rohr P Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Rossi AP* Rotor Bearing Technology & So ware Mr. Francis S. Ryan A* Mr. Paul G. Sevag AP Dr. and Mrs. John T. Seykora P Mr. Mark E. Shuman A Drs. Michael and Francesca Sidor AP,P

Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Trucksess AP,T * Mr. and Mrs. Jules van Schaijik P Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Mr. Gregory J. Viola A* Mrs. Mary G. Wa s F Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Weir P Mr. and Mrs. Graydon W. Wilcox P Dr. Warren M. Wilkins A Rev. Richard S. Wyzykiewicz Sch.P. A,FS,T*




Benefactor ($250 to $499) Anonymous (2) ACE INA Founda on Mr. and Mrs. Congens J. Aquilante Jr. AP,FS* Mr. William P. Arata A




Devon Prep’s varsity Academic Challenge Team (ACT) won the 2012 Chester County Academic Compe on Championship and earned the honor of represen ng Chester County in the Penn‐ sylvania State Academic Championship in Harrisburg in early May.

To secure the county tle Devon Prep competed against West Chester East and Great Valley High Schools. The match came down to a e breaker round between Devon Prep and West Chester East during which Devon Prep answered four out of five ques ons correctly to secure the victory. According to Devon Prep’s long me ACT coach and faculty member Mr. Paul Sanborn, this year’s team was lucky to have mostly upper classmen. “Having a large number of seniors really helped with focus, maturity and knowledge,” said Sanborn. “Adam Swi was by far the reason we went to the State Compe on since he scored so many points during the matches.”

Devon Prep’s Varsity ACT included Ma hew T. Bonner, Conrad A. Damstra, John R. Damstra, Daniel J. Lewis, James M. Lockard, Adam T. Swi , and Antonio Muscarella.


Mr. Ma hew B. Baldassano A Bank of America Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bauers P Mr. Allan R. Becker AP Mr. and Mrs. George K. Beothy A,AP,FS Mr. and Mrs. Richard Be s GP Mr. Richard J. Blair A* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Bonner P,T Mr. George C. Brady III A Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Brennan AP* Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Brower P Mr. and Mrs. William J. Burke AP,P* Mr. John W. Burwinkel Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Carandang P Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Carson AP,P Mr. and Mrs. John L. Cleaver AP* Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Collins A,AP,FS Mr. and Mrs. Sco G. Conser P Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Converse AP* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coughlin AP Dr. Joseph P. Coyle A* Mr. Richard F. Crowley A Mr. Michael A. Cuff A Mr. and Mrs. Palmer A. Dalesandro Jr. AP Mr. Edmund J. Daly A Mr. Paul J. Derham A Mr. Nicholas F. DeSanc s A Devon Alumni Frisbee Group Mr. Joseph A. Dieterle A Mr. and Mrs. Karl N. DiPietro P Dr. Dennis P. DiRenzo A Mr. and Mrs. Roberts S. Emhof AP,FS* Mr. Joseph Fortunato FS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Frawley P Mr. William and Dr. Roseanne Fulmer AP,P


Hon. and Mrs. Thomas G. Gavin AP,FS Mr. and Mrs. Vito Giannandrea P Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Giannantonio A,AP* Mr. Patrick W. Goalwin A* Mr. Paul A. Grubb A Mr. Douglas K. Hager A Dr. Tibor J. Ham Jr. A Dr. Richard J. Hamilton A Mr. Gregory E. Harmer A Mr. Daniel C. Harrer Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Haughey AP Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hayden P Mr. Julius G. Hernadi A* Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence Holmes P Mr. and Mrs. Kurt M. Husar AP Mrs. Kathleen Iacobucci FS* IBM Corpora on J.P. Mascaro & Sons Dr. Charles G. Jacoby A* Mr. and Mrs. J. David Johnson GP Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Jonik P Dr. and Mrs. Kyle M. Kampman P Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kane P Mr. James J. Keeley A Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Kelly P Mr. and Mrs. William T. Kenney A,AP* Mr. Robert P. Koroly A Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Kramer P Mr. Stephane J. Latour A Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lewis P,FS Mr. and Mrs. Luvimino D. Lim AP Mr. and Mrs. Claude N. Limoges AP Linde North America, Inc. F Ms. Rosalie Lombardo FS* Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lubker GP

Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Lucas P Dr. and Mrs. Carl Luche AP,P Mr. and Mrs. David E. Lundberg Jr. P Mr. Edward P. Macdonald A Mr. and Mrs. Alexander MacLachlan GP Ms. Mary MacLachlan P Mr. John F. Maguire III A Mr. James G. Mastrangelo FS Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Ma ox P Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. McCallister P Mr. Edward M. McKeon A Mr. and Mrs. David P. McLaughlin F Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. McNabb AP,P* Dr. and Mrs. David W. McSurdy P Dr. Garo Megerian A Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Melvin P Merck Partnership for Giving MG Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Monahan P Mr. James T. Moore A* Dr. and Mrs. Jose G. Moreno P Ms. Theresa W. Morley F Mr. Daniel P. Mulhern A Mr. James A. Mulhern A* Mr. and Mrs. James J. Murphy AP* Mr. and Mrs. David P. Muscarella P Dr. Robert B. Noone Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Norris P North Penn United Way Ms. Nina L. Noska P Mr. and Mrs. John J. O'Malley P Mr. and Mrs. Hubert B. O'Reilly A,AP, T* Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. O'Shea AP,P Ms. Lorraine Parkinson AP,P Pfizer Founda on Mr. and Mrs. David F. Phelan AP,P

TIDE 2012

Ride the TIDE to the Jersey Shore

Parents, faculty, staff, alumni and friends were invited to “Ride the TIDE to the Jersey Shore” for Spring TIDE 2012. More than 200 guests enjoyed cocktails and din‐ ner, and par cipated in both silent and live auc ons helping the Parents Associa on raise $100,000 for the school. Among the hundreds of auc on items were ckets to see Bruce Springsteen in concert, getaways to Nantucket and Ocean City, a week in Ireland, and ck‐ ets to spor ng events including Phillies, Union, Flyers and Notre Dame games.

The school was beau fully decorated for the occasion and the food was delicious. Hors d’oeuvres and dinner was catered by Luigi and Giovanni in Newtown Square and Devon Prep students worked as servers throughout the evening helping with appe zers, dinner and refresh‐ ments.

We offer our sincere gra tude and congratula ons to Event Chairs Mike and Teri Magno a, to all of the parents who volunteered to make this a successful event, and to the many businesses, schools and others who provided the goods, services and gi cer ficates for our silent and live auc ons.



“Without the small caring family, Devon remains just another private school on the Main Line.” “The sacrifices made by the parents, teachers and coaches of the school were crucial to our accomplishments. They guided us through our successes and failures with extraordinary patience. Because of them, all of us are better prepared for the rigors of college than most high school seniors. It is inevitable that every class member will be a success, because Devon produces successes. For the past seven years we needed Devon, but now Devon needs us. It is not enough to just speak fondly of Devon. We must give back our time and energy to the place we call home. Visiting the school, attending baseball games, and donating to Devon are just some of the ways we can stay connected. Devon Prep is a family and families stick together. Without the small caring family, Devon remains just another private school on the Main Line.” Matthew Swatski Class of 2012 Valedictorian Dr. Wai Wor Phoon AP* Mr. Eric Pizzi A Mr. Christopher J. Plebani A Dr. and Mrs. Charles V. Pollack Jr. F Dr. and Mrs. John J. Radomile Jr. A,AP* Mr. and Mrs. R. Barry Rollins FS Mr. and Mrs. William R. Roth P Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rufo P Prof. Richard J. Salvucci A* Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Sanborn A,FS Rev. James J. Shea Sch.P. A,FS,T* Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Smoot P Target Mr. and Mrs. Arnold A. Tiglao P Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Tolvaisa P Truist Altruism Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Uhlman AP,T Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Wagner P Mr. and Mrs. David T. Walz P Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Wickersham AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Chester J. Woodson AP Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Young GP

Drs. John and Joan Burke P Mr. Alexander S. Buzogany Jr. A* C & D Technologies, Inc. Rev. Mr. Peter J. Calabrese Sr. AP Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Capasso AP* Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Caporale P Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Casciato GP Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Cervini AP Mr. Michael E. Chase A Mr. and Mrs. David A. Chris ansen P Drs. David and Melissa Cichowicz AP Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Clemen P Mr. and Mrs. Redmond L. Clevenger Jr. P Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Cognato AP Mr. Michael H. Cognato A Mr. and Mrs. Brian Colamosca GP Mrs. Janet L. Colleran P Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Collins Jr. AP* Dr. Philip J. Connor Sr. A,AP * Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Connor AP Mr. and Mrs. James M. Costello III P Mr. Jason J. Coyle A Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew Durkin Coyne AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Crimi A,AP Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Crowe AP Mr. and Mrs. John E. Crowe AP,GP Mr. and Mrs. Anthony D'Alessandro GP Mr. and Mrs. John D'Amico GP Mr. and Mrs. Carmen M. D'Arcangelo AP Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel J. DeFelice AP* Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. DeFrancisco AP Mr. and Mrs. John B. DeLaney P Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeLaney GP Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. DePietro AP* Mr. Daniel P. Dieckhaus A Rev. Christopher Dixon A Mr. and Mrs. Patrick T. Doherty AP Mr. Michael J. Dokas A Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Dokas AP,P Mr. and Mrs. J. Joseph Donahue A,AP,FS,T * Mr. and Mrs. John J. Donahue AP Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Donatoni AP Dr. Erling T. Donnelly A Mr. Daniel V. Donohue A* Mr. Terrence J. Donohue Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Donohue Sr. AP Mr. and Mrs. William J. Donohue A,AP* Mr. John J. Duffy T Mr. Francis J Dunion F Ms. Jacquelyn Dunion F Dr. Gary R. Dunkerley A

Patron ($100 to $249) Anonymous (4) Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Adamiak F Mr. and Mrs. Hugh K. Allen GP Mrs. Patricia Ambrose FS Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Anastasi AP Dr. Frank H. Anderson A* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Anderson AP Mr. Kevin G. Ansley A Mr. Timothy C. Atkins A Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Auriemma AP Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Auxier AP* Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Balbirnie P Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Baldassari AP Mr. Frank X. Barrera A* Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Bevan Sr. AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Bevan Sr. GP Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bevilacqua AP Mr. and Mrs. Raj P. Bharne P Mr. Christopher F. Bosio A Mrs. Alice R. Bowen F* Mr. and Mrs. John F. Bowie AP,P Mr. Barry P. Brazunas FS Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Brekus P Ms. Victoria M. Bright P Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brower GP Mr. Richard J. Brown A Mr. and Mrs. William Bule P


Mr. Andrew M. Egan A Mr. and Mrs. James F. Enderle P Dr. Stephen J. Falchek A Mr. Thomas S. Fan A Mr. Chris and Dr. Maria Farias AP Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Farnsworth P Mr. and Mrs. Bernardino Fa ore GP Mr. and Mrs. John M. Finley AP Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Fitzmyer AP Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Fox AP Mr. Lewis R. Frame Jr. P Mr. and Mrs. David Freese GP Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Freiberg AP,P Mr. Alfred G. Gagliardi Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Galarneau P Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Galarneau GP Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Gargano P Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Garvey GP Mr. Edward P. Gavigan A* Mr. Ma hew T. Gavin A Mr. and Mrs. John R. Gillin Jr. P Mrs. Sally L. Gla es GP Dr. and Mrs. John G. Goode Jr. AP Mr. Lawrence Graff F Mr. and Mrs. John Graham GP Mr. Michael F. Gray AP Mrs. Jennifer Gregory FSR Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Griffin AP* Mr. Edward J. Griffith A Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Gruchacz AP Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Hackman A,AP Mr. Richard W. Hallahan A Mr. and Mrs. Jay Halsey AP Louis I. Hamilton PhD A Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Hamilton AP* Mr. Frank I. Hamory A Mr. and Mrs. David E. Haruch P Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hegarty P Mr. Khien B. Nguyen and Mrs. Thuy T. Hoang P Mrs. Helga Hoetzer GP Mr. Michael W. Ianieri A* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ingelsby AP* Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Ippoli Jr. P Mr. and Mrs. James F. Judge FS Dr. Daniel M. Kane A Mr. Kevin Kaufmann F Mr. Glenn M. Kennedy P Mr. Brendan M. Kenny A Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Kerrigan P Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Kight GP


Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kiniry Jr. AP* Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Koehler AP.P Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Kramer A,AP* Mr. John P. Kramer Jr. A* Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. LaBella P Mrs. Jenny LaBella GP Rev. Patrick H. Lamb A Mr. and Mrs. David L. LaPrise P Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Latran GP Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Leardi P Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Lee P Mr. and Mrs. Bumjin Lee P Mr. and Mrs. Ji Young Lee AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Lieberman P Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Lio a Jr. P Mrs. Beatrice B. Lock AP* Mrs. Jacqueline C. Loper P Mr. and Mrs. George T. Love P Mrs. Catherine E. Love GP Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Lubker Sr. P Mr. W. Kelley Macke A Mr. Allison J. Maggiolo A* Mr. and Mrs. Michael Magno a GP Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. May P Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. McAlee GP Dr. and Mrs. Joseph McCahon GP Mr. and Mrs. William R. McCann AP,P Mr. James P. McClatchy A Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. McConnell AP,P Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McCormick Sr. AP Mr. Paul J. McDevi Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGarry P Mr. Peter F. McGarvey A Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. McGeehan P Mr. Barry R. McKeon A* Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McMahon AP* Mr. Patrick H. McNabb A Mr. Richard E. McVoy Jr. A Ms. Barbara G. Medina FS Mr. Christopher J. Mehley A Mr. Joseph F. Messina A Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milburn GP Dr. William R. Miller AP Ms. Laura Mondon AP,FS Dr. Joan L. Moore AP* Mr. and Mrs. John M. Morris P Mr. and Mrs. Don Mullane GP Mr. Michael F. Muller A Dr. Amy A. Murnane P Ms. Mary Catherine Murphy P Mr. Thomas G. Nagy A Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Nave Sr. P Dr. and Mrs. R. Barre Noone AP* Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Norwood AP Mr. and Mrs. William C. O'Brien Sr. AP,P Mr. Patrick and Dr. Ellen Agnes O'Brien P Mr. L. Kevin O'Connor A Mrs. Carol Okonski AP Rev. Gerard J. Olinger CSC, Esq. A Mr. Robert Olson GP Mr. Sean M. O'Reilly A Mr. T. Patrick O'Reilly Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. James V. O'Shea P Mr. and Mrs. Dominic O aviano GP Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pachella AP Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Pallante P

Mr. Patrick I. Parsons FS Mr. and Mrs. Bharatkumar V. Patel P PayPal Mr. and Mrs. James P. Peters P Dr. Louis R. Petrone A* Mr. John L. Pfaff III A Pfizer United Way Campaign Ms. Melanie R. Picard FS Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Pietrafi a P Mr. Daniel J. Pilone A PNC Founda on Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew Poslusny P Dr. Francis M. Prendergast A* Mr. and Mrs. James Prendergast AP* Dr. William C. Rabe A Mrs. Maria Ragsdale‐Leidy P Mr. Brian F. Reilly A Mr. Robert J. Reish Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Riedel P Mr. and Mrs. Whitey W. Rigsby AP* Mr. Christopher S. Robert Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Robinson GP Mr. and Mrs. James Roynan GP Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Ryan P Mr. and Mrs. John F. Sarbello AP Mr. and Mrs. Sco S. Schaefer P Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Schellenger P Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Schena AP,P Mrs. Horace E. Scherer Sr. AP* Mrs. Kathleen Schuessler AP Mr. Robert R. Schwartz A Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Sclafani AP Dr. G. Philip Sco A Mr. Philip A. Sevag A Mr. Stephen F. Shank A Mr. Michael G. Sherlock A Mrs. Anna Shields GP Ms. Melissa Shusterman P Mr. and Mrs. George R. Siegl AP Siemens Caring Hands Giving Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Silvestri AP Dr. Frank J. Simone A Mr. and Mrs. Dave G. Siracusa P Mrs. Carol Smith GP Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Smith P Mr. and Mrs. Rex M. Smith F Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Smith AP Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Smith AP Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Smith P Mr. and Mrs. John D. Snook AP* Mr. and Mrs. Ma hew R. Snyder P Southern Chester County Pharmacy Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Stanish P Ms. Rachel M. Stauffer P Mr. Nathan E. Stauffer A Mr. and Mrs. David A. Stauffer P

Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Stone F Mr. and Dr. Marc J. Stormes AP Mr. Pasquale A. Stor Jr. A Dr. and Mrs. Francisco F. Suero AP,P Mr. Stephen J. Sullivan A Drs. Michael and Karla Swatski P Mr. and Mrs. Joe Swatski GP Dr. Ernest G. Szechenyi Jr. A Mr. Philip M. Taddeo A Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Taplah P Mr. and Mrs. Alexey Teplyakov P The Arthur J. Gallagher Founda on Mr. and Mrs. William J. Thompson P Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Toddy P Mr. and Mrs. Adiel Van De Weghe GP Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Varricchio GP Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Volpe AP* Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Walsh AP* Mr. and Mrs. Terence H. Walsh AP,P Mrs. Lady Walvoord AP Mr. and Mrs. John C. Weber P Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Whi emore III P Mr. Timothy R. Wilkin A Mr. P. Wade Wisler A Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Witman AP Mr. and Mrs. Rodlee J. Wright P Mr. and Mrs. Owen Wright GP Mr. and Mrs. Hanki Yoo P Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Young III P YUASA Ba ery, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Danylo B. Zacharczuk P

Contributor (up to $99) Anonymous Mr. Robert P. Alejnikov A,AP Dr. Robert E. Ambrogi Jr. A Mr. Mark A. Aquilante A,FS Mrs. Eileen Atene GP Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Baldassari AP Mr. Julius Bedics F Mr. Michael G. Bevilacqua A Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Bokar AP Mr. Gregory C. Bokar A Ms. Geraldine Bowers F* Mr. Richard J. Brennan III A Mr. and Mrs. Angelo J. Butera AP Mr. Ma hew P. Butera A Dr. Dennis M. Byrne A* Mr. and Mrs. Dennis P. Capella Sr. AP* Mr. and Mrs. John C. Carles AP* Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Casey AP Mr. Ryan P. Cassidy A Mr. Stephen T. Chase A Mr. and Mrs. Dave Choate GP Mrs. Barbara Clancy GP Mrs. Janine Clay GP

“For the Christian scholar, Devon Prep is an oasis in a suburban desert of popular culture. Devon Prep’s consistency in keeping its mission—emulation of Jesus Christ in all matters, academic, extra-curricular, personal and service— makes it a culture, an environment in which students can develop safely, confidently, and respectfully.” Mr. Larry Theuer Devon Prep Faculty






During the spring semester eighteen Spanish students and three teachers from Colegio Cristo Rey, a Piarist School in Zaragoza, Spain, visited Devon Prep. The purpose of this exchange pro‐ gram, Devon’s first with Spanish students, was to help the stu‐ dents learn about American culture, and improve their English skills.

The 12 young women and six young men, ages 14 and 15, lived with Devon Prep students and their families for two weeks. They a ended classes and visited points of interest such as his‐ toric Philadelphia, New York City, Washington DC, Lancaster County and Hershey. They also shopped at the King of Prussia Mall and many of the students visited the Jersey shore with their host families.

According to Ms. Barbara Medina, program coordinator and Devon Prep Spanish teacher, the best part of the program was watching the exchange between the Devon Prep hosts and the visi ng students. “Not only would I hear the Spanish students speaking English to their hosts, but our stu‐ dents were speaking Spanish to the visitors,” she said. “I was so happy that our students were able to absorb the cultural aspect of the program but also work on their foreign language skills as well.” Mr. Christopher T. Cognato A Mrs. Elise Conser GP Mr. and Mrs. Tom Con GP Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cooney AP Mrs. Sara B. Corbe FS* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Cosden AP* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Coyer Jr. AP Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Craig F Mr. Harry G. Crimi Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Cris nzio AP Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Culbertson P Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Czarnecki AP Mr. and Mrs. David A. Damstra GP Mr. Conrad A. Damstra A Mr. John R. Damstra A Mr. Michael P. Danko Jr. A* Mr. Joseph E. D'Arcangelo A Mr. Aus n J. Davis A Dr. Chris ne T. DeGrado FS Mr. and Mrs. Tod R. DeLong AP Mr. Richard A. DiColli A Mr. and Mrs. James J. Dolceamore Sr. AP* Mr. James J. Dolceamore Jr. A Mr. William J. Donohue Jr. A Mr. Cornelius J. Dougherty A Mr. William R. Ducke A Mr. Albert J. Emhof A Mr. and Mrs. W. Alan Epps AP* Ms. Elizabeth Eshleman FS Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Fagan GP Mr. Alfred E. Fazio III A Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Federico AP* Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Fitzgerald AP Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Fox Sr. AP Mr. Leonard F. Francella Jr. F Mr. Thomas E. Frawley A Mr. Kevin B. Gallen A Mr. Richard C. Gallo Jr. A Mr. Brian J. Gavin A Mr. Thomas E. Gavin A Mr. Joseph F. Geiger III A


Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gola Sr. AP Mr. George M. Gowen III A Mr. Andrew D. Gracia A Mr. John C. Graves A Mrs. Joseph M. Hallahan AP Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hammel GP Ms. Jacqueline M. Hammerschmidt F Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Harkins AP Mr. Daniel A. Harkins A Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harpel FS* Mr. and Mrs. Francis D. Hennessy Esq. P Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hill AP* Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Hook Jr. AP Mr. Kenneth M. Husar A* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jaeger GP Mr. Ma hew S. Jaffe A Mr. Jeffrey S. Jewi FS John Hancock Financial Services Mr. and Mrs. Anoop Joseph AP Mr. Rohan Joseph A Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kane GP Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Katona AP Mr. Owen J. Kelly A Mrs. Susan F. Kennedy P Mr. Richard L. Kenney A Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Keough Sr. GP Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Killoran AP* Mr. and Mrs. James Koskinen P Mr. and Mrs. William A. Koskinen GP Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kozak GP KPMG Mr. Ma hew A. Kramer A Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Kubat P Mr. Lee W. LaPrise GP Mr. Brian P. Lawlor A Mr. Ryan M. Litchert A Mr. Edward J. Lynch A Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Maertzig Sr. AP Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Maiale AP Mr. N. Michael Maiale A Dr. and Mrs. Roger T. Malseed Jr. AP*

Mr. Bruce L. Marcoon FSR Mr. and Mrs. Carl Massara AP Mrs. Kathleen D. McCreary F Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. McCuch AP Mr. William J. McDougall Jr. A Mr. and Mrs. William F. McGinnis AP Mr. and Mrs. John F. McIntyre AP Mrs. Ann S. McNabb GP Mr. J. Connor McNabb A Mr. and Mrs. John F. McNichol AP* Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mirabile GP Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Monte AP Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mooney P Mr. and Mrs. John K. Moriarty GP Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Morphet AP Mr. and Mrs. James A. Morris AP Mr. Michael A. Morrone III A Mr. and Mrs. John J. Mucche AP Mr. Peter J. Mulligan A Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Murnane GP Mr. Michael W. Murphy A Mrs. Yvonne Murphy AP Mr. and Mrs. Geza J. Nagy AP Mr. Tonino Nasu A* Mr. and Mrs. John H. Nawn AP* Mr. Ma hew W. Nawn A* Mr. and Mrs. John M. Oakes AP* Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Olinger Jr. AP Mrs. Nora O'Malley GP Mr. Ryan C. O'Shea A Mrs. Jude D. O'Shea GP Mr. Michael B. O'Sullivan A Mrs. Michael C. O'Sullivan AP,GP Mr. and Mrs. Alfred F. O aviano AP Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Pancerella AP Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Pedicone AP Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Peffle F Mrs. Jolene Petras AP Mr. Vincent D. Phillips A Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pierangeli F Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Pio AP


Mr. and Mrs. Godfryd Plociennik AP Dr. Michael J. Polley A Mr. Joseph A. Powers A Mr. Joseph R. Pren ce A Mr. William Quain GP Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Regan AP Mr. Ma hew T. Regan A Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Richter AP Mrs. Chris na T. Robbins AP Mr. Patrick J. Robbins A Mr. Anthony F. Rossi A Mr. and Mrs. John Roth GP Mr. and Mrs. Philip P. Rothwein GP Mr. Louis Rufo GP Ms. Diana Rumman GP Mr. Fariss G. Rumman‐Obeid A Mr. Patrick T. Ryan III A* Mr. and Mrs. George J. Saba no AP Dr. John H. Schwarz AP Mr. William P. Schwarz A Mr. and Mrs. Kirby J. Sco AP

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Senss P Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sigismon Sr. FSR * Mr. Ma hew J. Simon FS Mr. Andrew T. Skyrm A Mr. Christopher F. Smith A Mr. and Mrs. David J. Smith GP Mr. Ian R. Smith A Mr. Robert M. Smith A Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Snyder P Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Spada F Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Stack AP Mr. Daniel H. Stack A Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Staller AP Ms. Jacquie Stone AP Mr. Francisco F. Suero A Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Sunzeri AP Mr. Liam A. Sunzeri A Mr. and Mrs. John Swi GP Mr. Frank H. Tagye Jr. A Ms. Chris ne Tascone AP Mr. Anthony B. Te A*

2011 A


Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Thomas AP Mr. and Mrs. Constancio Tiglao GP Mr. Robert G. Trucksess A Mr. Ma hew A. Trucksess A Mr. Christopher L. Turner A Mr. and Mrs. Fred Urbanek GP Dr. John M. vanSummern A Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Varricchio P Mr. and Mrs. Guerino Villani GP Mr. James F. Volpe A Dr. and Mrs. Jacques C. Voois AP Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Vuono AP* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Walheim Sr. AP,GP Mrs. Mary Rebecca Weber GP Ms. Stacey Witcra F Mr. David M. Yeager A Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Yoder AP* Mr. and Mrs. John R. Zaleski AP



On Thursday, September 26, 2011 the Alumni Associa‐ on hosted their annual Golf Ou ng at Bellewood Golf Club in Po stown. Alumni, parents and friends spent a sunny a ernoon on the challenging course. The winning foursome this year included Andrew Fox ’05, Dan Heavey ’05, Ryan Shanley ’05, and Tim Gola ’05. At the end of the day the golfers were joined by Fr. Jim Shea ’66, Devon Prep Headmaster, and Mr. Barry Mulhern ’72, Alumni Associa on President, for a gourmet dinner. A large sign displayed the names of organiza ons and individuals sponsoring the Golf Ou ng. Thanks to Chair‐ man Ed Curran ’88 and his commi ee and to all of our sponsors and golfers for suppor ng this great event.

Pla num Sponsors Nick Meter and Ed Curran ’88 Skip Genuardi ’66

Gold Sponsors Devon Prep Class of 2008 RE/MAX Main Line—Tom Toole ’00

Silver Sponsors Devon Interna onal Group‐‐‐John Benne , MD ’67 MacElree Harvey—Harry DiDonato ’83

Patron Sponsors Blue Pacific Restaruant—Andrew Hu ’90 Devon Prep Class of 1964 Grid One Solu ons—Nick Ciocca ’93 John H. Ansley Photographer—John H. Ansley ’64 Lily’s Dark Chocolate—Chuck Genuardi ’90 Midlan c, Inc.—Barry O’Reilly ’72 Mobilex USA—Bill Glynn ’72 Radomile Family Dental Care— John Radomile DDS ’66, Mark Radomile DDS ’77 Rick Horstmann ’69 Strybuc Industries—Jim Murphy ’72





Devon Prep established the Calasanc an Society to honor those who have shown their commitment through a very special and important form of financial support. These donors have named the school as the ul mate beneficiary of a planned gi by including Devon Prep in their estate plans.

We direct gi s made through bequests to Devon Prep’s permanent endowment, but they can be directed to another use if you wish. Endowment is an effec ve way to leave a las ng legacy, since the earnings accrued will help to support the school in perpetuity. If you have already made a gi , you are a member of the Calasanc an Society. You qualify for membership simply by no fying us that your gi is completed. While the nature of your gi and the amount set aside is of interest to us, we consider both private informa on that you need not share with us. It is enough for us simply to know that you have included Devon Prep in your estate plan. If you have any ques‐ ons about making a planned gi to Devon Prep, please contact your financial advisor or you may contact the school. We recognize and thank the following as members of the Calasanc an Society, whose considered generosity helps to insure Devon Prep’s future. If you have included Devon Prep in your will and your name is not listed below, please contact the Development Office so that we may honor your inten ons.

Mr. John A. Campopiano Jr. ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Emhof Dr. Charles G. Jacoby’61 Mr. Allison J. Maggiolo ’61


Mr. Stephen L. Flood ’62+ Mr. and Mrs. Stephen and Bernice Senye+ Mr. Bela von Bors+

Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Mooney Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Shields Jr. Jacques Voois, DMA Mr. George R. Bruening ’62+




Devon Prep’s Commencement Ceremony for the Class of 2012 was held on Saturday, June 2 in the gym. The class included 49 young men, 30% of whom a ended Devon Prep since 6th grade.

Collec vely the Class of 2012 earned over $7.4 million in college scholarships. In addi on they received more than 200 acceptances to over 100 colleges and universi es, including Princeton, Cornell, the University of Pennsylvania, Fordham, Colgate, Tu s, NYU, Notre Dame, Case Western Reserve, Drexel, Penn State, and the United States Military Academy.

More than 35% (18) of the class were named AP Scholars in the their junior year. Eleven were AP Scholars with Dis nc on. Ten graduates were named Na onal Merit Scholars, six were finalists and three were scholarship winners. Eight of these young men achieved the rank of Eagle Scout, and several went on to par cipate in Division 1 and Division 3 baseball, basketball and cross country. In addi on, this class performed over 2000 hours of community service doing everything from collec ng and distribu ng food to needy families to raising nearly $24,000 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. One senior, Daniel Lewis , performed over 200 hours of service.




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