T IDING IDINGSS Devon Preparatory School
Volume 4, Issue 2
Winter 2013-14
Nearly Half of Class of 2014 Named AP Scholar Eighteen seniors, nearly 50% of Devon Prep’s Class of 2014, were named AP Scholar by the College Board. Twelve of these young men were named AP Scholar with Dis nc on, two were named AP Scholar with Honor, and four were named AP Scholar. They include:
AP Scholar Sean M. Kennedy, Michael A. Knaus, K. Michael McKenna, James P. Stanish
AP Scholar with Honor Marco DiLeonardo, Michael T. Horbowy
AP Scholar with Dis nc on Andrew A. Bright, Benjamin S. Conser, William R. Culbertson, Bre N. Kelly, Michael J. Lawrence, Jackson R. Misko, James P. O'Shea, Owen E. Phelan, Jason Sadek, Kevin S. Sheng, Patrick J. Shields, Jefferson Toro
These Devon Prep students were recognized for their extraordinary achievement on college level Advanced Placement exams taken last spring. Only 18% of the more than one million students who took AP exams in May 2013 performed at a sufficiently high level to merit such recogni on.
Middle School Science Olympiad Team Qualifies For States Devon Prep’s Middle School Science Olympiad Team recently placed 4th out of 27 teams at the Southeastern Pennsylvania Regional Science Olympiad Compe on and qualified to compete at the State Tournament in May. The team earned 9 medals in 23 events including four for 1st place, one for 2nd place, one for 3rd place, and three for 4th place.
Congratula ons to Science Teacher and Moderator Ms. Melanie Picard and the en re Team, including: Sixth Graders Finnian Thompson and Dylan Smoot; Seventh Graders Nicholas Bello, Andrew Landaiche, James Landaiche, Joseph Rajasekaran, Dylan Rasinski and Andre Tiglao; Eighth Graders Thomas Brower, Ja‐ mie Lorgus, Brandon McGrath, Akul Naik, Jacob Pabia, Christopher Rufo, Paris Shusterfallou and Ma hew Siracusa; Ninth Graders Mitchell Young, Brandon Smoot and Michael Weir.
The team medals were won by Joe Rajasekaran, Michael Weir, Jacob Pabia, Chris Rufo, Dylan Rasinski, Akul Naik, Andre Tiglao, Brandon Smoot, Ma hew Siracusa, Paris Shusterfallou and James Landaiche. For more photos from Regionals: www.devonprep.com/2014/03/science‐olympiad‐regionals/
In February, the Team also earned a 3rd Place trophy at the Rus n Invita onal Tournament. Thirty‐nine teams from New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Virginia took part in the compe on. Devon Prep was the highest ranked Pennsylvania team, receiving eight top ten awards in 23 events. For more go to: h p://www.devonprep.com/2014/01/ms‐science‐olympiad‐3rd/
Parents Associa on Does Devon Proud With Spring TIDE 2014
More than 200 parents, faculty, staff, alumni and friends of Devon Prep a ended the 2014 Spring TIDE dinner and auc on sponsored by the Parents Associa on. This year’s theme was “Spring TIDE 2014 – Devon Pride.”
The evening began with a cocktail recep on in Devon Prep’s beau fully decorated athle c facility and then con nued with silent and live auc ons as well as dinner catered by Luigi and Giovanni Caterers of Newtown Square. Dessert was sponsored by the Mirra Family. Among this year’s auc on items were vaca on homes, a Notre Dame Football package, Tiffany jewelry, college gear, theme baskets, a limo ride and dinner package, gi cer fi‐ cates, and signed portraits of Devon Teams and organiza‐ ons. This year’s live auc on also included two first me items, a framed piece of artwork painted by long me Devon Prep History Teacher Mr. Michael Collins, and, perfect for this year, a brand new snow blower. The even‐ ing also included a raffle drawing with three prizes, $10,000, $2,500, and $500.
The Spring TIDE 2014 commi ee included, from le : Mrs. Meg Clemen , Mr. Ma Snyder, Mrs. Angela Chambers, Mrs. Lillian Walker, Mrs. Mary Conroy, Mrs. Roe Fulmer, Mrs. Sharon DiPietro, Mrs. Chris ne Bonfiglio, Mrs. Linda Duffy, Mrs. Beth Ann Gallo, Mrs. Kathleen Bevilacqua, and Mrs. Linda Kramer. (missing: Mrs. Janice Rufo)
For more photos: www.devonprep.com/2014/03/spring‐ de‐2014/
Proceeds from Spring TIDE 2014 are earmarked for air con‐ di oning in the school’s gymnasium.
National Merit Scholarship Program Recognizes Seniors Six Devon Prep seniors were recognized by the 2014 Na onal Merit Scholarship Program. Four students were named Semifinalists, K. Michael McKenna, Owen Phelan, Patrick Shields and Kevin Sheng, and two were named Commended Stu‐ dents, Andrew Bright and James O’Shea.
The Na onal Merit Scholar‐ ship Program is an annual academic compe on for Devon Prep seniors recognized as by the Na onal Merit Scholarship Program are, from le : Commended Students: James recogni on and scholar‐ ships. More than 1.5 million O’Shea, Andrew Bright; Semifinalists: K. Michael McKenna, Owen Phelan, Patrick Shields, Kevin Sheng. students in over 22,000 U.S. high schools enter the program by taking the Preliminary SAT/Na onal Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT).
The semifinalists are among the 16,000 students who are the highest‐scoring entrants in each state. Semifinalists are the only par cipants who qualify to con nue in the compe on for Na onal Merit Scholarships. Approximately 90 percent of the semifinalists are expected to advance to the finalist level, based on academic achievement, skills and poten al for success.
Commended students are among 34,000 of the approximately 50,000 high scorers on the PSAT/NMSQT who were recognized for their outstanding academic promise. On average, nearly 20 percent of Devon Prep's graduates are named as commended students, semifinalists or finalists in the Na onal Merit Scholarship Program each year.
Freshman Wins Two Short Film Awards
When Devon Prep Freshman Paul Malikkal was just seven years old his father gave him a small video camera. Paul hadn’t asked for it, but his dad thought he would like it. Li le did Mr. Malikkal know not only was he helping his son develop an interes ng hobby but a career as well.
Paul recently won two awards for short films he created. He won first place for his film “Movie Time” (www.youtube.com/watch? v=iLdMgUrJxsE) at the 2013 WHYY Youth Media Awards which honors the best media produced by youth in grades 6‐12 in the Philadelphia region. More than 165 entries were submi ed and only 15 films were awarded prizes.
Last summer Paul also won an award for his film “It Came from the Woods” (www.youtube.com/watch?v=T32xP62qiq8), in the Short Film Contest of Blob Fest 2013. This contest required entries be no more than 5 minutes long and centered on the movie The Blob, Blobfest, and/or sci ‐fi in general. It seems that li le video camera turned out to be the per‐ fect gi .
“I don’t really remember the first thing I shot, I just remember filming my sister, my dad and all my family,” the ninth grader said. “I thought using a camera was kind of cool.” Paul and a friend soon began crea ng li le stories with that camera. They were inspired by the films they would watch, such as Indiana Jones movies. Although he s ll has those first films, he says he wouldn’t broadcast them. “They’re pre y embar‐ rassing, but pre y funny to watch.”
And people seemed to like them. Then I made “It Came from the Woods” last summer and I submi ed that to Blobfest in Phoenixville and it won.”
Paul had entered the WHYY contest before but he never won. However, with “Movie Night,” he felt he had a pre y good chance. “I started wri ng this script and I got a few of my friends who I thought were good for the parts and we filmed it in two nights,” he said. “I edited it and I was really happy with the final product. I tried to submit my films to WHYY before (con nued)
Paul graduated to small digital cameras and then his mother’s Canon DSLR. He has a ended film camp where he learned to create be er and longer films. “I made a few li le comedy films and that’s where I started to finally make some bigger leaps in terms of my crea vity,” he said. “They were coherent stories which was something I didn’t have before.
(Paul Malikkal conƟnued)
but they never got picked. And I can’t blame them, they were not very good. But I was pre y confident that this one actually had a shot at winning.”
Although he aspires to be a director, Paul says he enjoys all aspects of filmmaking including wri ng, shoo ng and edi ng. “I like the wri ng. It’s a lot of fun to get all your ideas out there,” he explained. “Shoo ng is so much fun, especially if the actors are your friends. And edi ng – that’s fun too because you get to see what your final product is going to look like. And that’s really rewarding.”
When he’s not filming or wri ng or thinking about filming and wri ng, Paul is watching films and learning. “I just really like telling stories. I like making dramas. I like coming of age films about teenagers who are making realiza ons about life,” he said.
As for the future, he hopes to go to NYU to study film. Then he hopes he’ll have a career in Hollywood as a director. “I want to direct a li le bit of everything,” he said. “I do want to make some films that are more inde‐ pendent because I like independent films. The director can have much more control over what he’s doing. I hope I can make successful independ‐ ent films.”
With two awards under his belt at the age of 15, success seems likely.
Mathletes Win Division Championship
Devon Prep’s Mathletes, under the direc on of Mr. Chip Hollowell, won their division championship compe ng against 13 other teams. In addi on, Sophomore Alex Dami‐ an and Junior Albert‐Emanuel Mila‐ ni earned the honor of being 2nd and 3rd point leaders in the division for the season.
The team now qualifies to compete for the Archdiocesan Championship in April. Last year the team took second place in the championship.
Devon Prep’s Mathletes include: Michael Pauciulo, Alex Caradang, Andrew Stauffer, Albert‐Emanuel Milani, Angelo Luche , Soham Bharne, Alex Damian, Shyamal Patel, Brian Damerau, Will Moreno, Kevin Sheng.
Mathletes is an interscholas c math compe on among schools in the Archdiocese. Compe ons are host‐ ed monthly beginning in the fall and the loca ons and the topics vary. Each student is given problems to solve individually and as a team.
Pro‐Life Club Collects Baby Supplies for Needy Moms For several weeks before the Rally & March for Life in Washington, DC Devon Prep’s Pro‐life Club sponsored a Baby Supplies Drive to benefit Catholic Relief Services (CRS) of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Three thousand dollars in baby items, including diapers, formula, and wipes were donated by the Devon Prep community.
The Drive was planned to end on the day of the Rally & March for Life in Washington, DC which commemorates the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abor on na onwide. Before the supplies were picked up Headmaster Rev. James J. Shea, Sch.P. blessed the dona ons during a recent morning Mass.
The dona ons were distributed to needy mothers and their babies through Catholic Social Services’ Family Services Centers throughout the five county Philadelphia area.
According to Religion Teacher Mr. Joe Lewis, ”The donated supplies will help courageous mothers who choose life rather than abor on and need help in providing for their babies.”
Students Appear on PBS 39′s “Scholas c Scrimmage” Five members of Devon Prep’s Academic Challenge Team (ACT), with their moderator Mr. Roger Mecouch, travelled to the studios of PBS 39 in Bethlehem, PA to par cipate in the ScholasƟc Scrimmage TV show. The par cipants include, Seniors Kevin Sheng, Andrew A. Bright, and Sean J. Bevan, as well as Juniors Joshua M. Lieberman and Chris an J. Nave.
ScholasƟc Scrimmage is a televised quiz bowl game show involving over 30 high schools and airing on PBS 39 WLVT‐TV and WPSU‐TV. Dr. Karen Walton, Provost of DeSales University, serves as the host. For 40 years PBS 39 has been producing the popular high school academic compe ‐ on where contestants try to answer ques ons more quickly than mem‐ bers of the opposite team.
Devon Prep competed against William Allen High School in Allentown and won by a large margin. At the end of the season the winning team receives $4000 for its scholarship fund and the runner‐up receives $2000. Devon Prep’s first appearance on ScholasƟc Scrimmage aired on PBS 39 in mid‐January 2014.
According to Mr. Mecouch the team members were a li le nervous at first but seemed to relax as the show got underway. “They were very excited to be on the show and did a great job,” he said. “We all look forward to going back next year.” See more photos and watch the show at: www.devonprep.com/2014/02/scholas c‐scrimmage/
Catholic Schools Week Devon Prep's Student Council sponsored several events during "Catholic Schools Week,” including apprecia on days for students, faculty and staff, and a Devon Prep Night at the Sixers. But one of the most an ci‐ pated events was the annual Students vs. Faculty Academic Challenge.
The student team was comprised of seniors who currently par cipate on Devon Prep's Academic Challenge Team. The faculty team included Mr. George Beothy, Mr. Steven Lukens, Headmaster Rev. James Shea, and Mr. Dave Evans.
Science Chair Mr. Roger Mecouch served as host of the compe on which included three rounds of both teams trying to answer as many ques‐ ons correctly as possible, therefore earning the most points. With the en re student body watching, the faculty team took the lead early on. Although the student team came close at mes, the faculty won the compe on 155 ‐ 100.
In case you're curious, here are some of the ques ons asked during the Challenge: 1. What is this stratovolcano located in Tanzania and is the tallest mount in Africa? (Kilimanjaro)
2. This work features a red barn in the right background and a church steeple in the le . Name this o en parodied Grant Wood piece. (American Gothic)
3. The existence of this empire was officially ended with the Treaty of Lausanne. (The O oman Empire )
For more photos and a short video of the challenge go to: www.devonprep.com/2014/02/student‐faculty‐challenge/
The final day of Catholic Schools Week was set aside to honor the Piarist Fathers. During our weekly Friday morning Mass a beau ful sketch of St. Joseph Calasanz, the founder of the Piarist Order, was presented to Devon Prep’s Piarist Fathers as a show of apprecia on for all they do.
A er Mass, Father Richard introduced the ar st, Junior Joe Te , and publi‐ cally thanked him for his work. Fr. Rich also thanked the Student Council and their moderator, Ms. Medina, for all their efforts in making this year’s Catholic Schools Week such a great success. See more photos at: www.devonprep.com/2014/02/piarist‐fathers‐gi /
Parents Associa on Sponsors Christmas Gala Devon Prep Parents Associa on sponsored the annual Christmas Gala held in Calasanc us Hall in early December. The 100 year old mansion served as the perfect se ng for this annual event which drew more than 160 parents, alumni, faculty and friends of Devon Prep. Mrs. Ruth Kalivas catered the hors d’oeuvres and dinner. Devon Prep Parent Mrs. Joan Hardaway served as event chair with assistance from commi ee members Mrs. Beth Hallinan, Mrs. Jennifer McCulloch, Mrs. Linda Duffy, Mrs. Mary Kay Hegarty, Mrs. Grace Bule, and Mrs. Megan Clemen .
See more photos at: h p://www.devonprep.com/2013/12/2013‐christmas‐gala/
Junior Received Class Rings Devon Prep Juniors received their Class rings in December during a special Mass celebrated by Headmaster Rev. James J. Shea, Sch. P. in the school’s athle c facility.
Parents and family members were in a end‐ ance as the rings were blessed and distribut‐ ed to each young man by Father Shea. Music for the Mass was provided by The Faithful Band of St. John Chrysostom Parish in Wall‐ ingford.
The evening was capped off with a recep on in Calasanc us Hall sponsored by the Devon Prep Parents Associa on. See more photos: h p:// www.devonprep.com/2013/12/junior‐ring‐ mass/
CAP Collect Gi s for Needy Throughout the weeks before Christmas Devon Prep’s Chris an Ac on Program (CAP) sponsored a Giving Tree collec on of gi s for those less fortunate. With the help of students, faculty, staff, and par‐ ents, CAP collected more than 200 gi s, including new clothing, hats, gloves, scarves and more. The stu‐ dents also shopped for and wrapped many of the gi s.
Several CAP members delivered the wrapped packages to St. Elizabeth's Community Center in North Phila‐ delphia and Safe Harbor Shelter of Chester County during the week before Christmas.
CAP Raises $24,000 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Class of 2014 Turkey Bowl
More than 140 upper school students stayed “Up for a Cause” to raise money for the interna onally recognized St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Devon Prep’s Chris an Ac on Program (CAP) sponsored the event, a 12‐hour night of fun and games which raised more than $24,000 for the hospital. See more photos: h p:// www.devonprep.com/2013/10/cause‐raises‐24000/
The 2013 Turkey Bowl, usually played by the senior class a few days before Thanksgiving, was postponed twice this year. But that didn’t dampen the spirits of the Class of 2014. They finally got their chance to carry on this Devon Prep tradi on on December 2nd . The weather was mild, dry and sunny. In the end it worked out well, especially for the orange team who won the championship. See more photos: h p:// www.devonprep.com/2013/12/2013‐turkey‐bowl/
Grandparents & Special Others
Christmas Concert
It may have been dreary and cold outside, but inside Devon Prep on the day before Thanksgiving it was warm and bright as the school filled with Grandparents and Special Others happy to visit with their special Devon student. Our Annual Grandparents and Special Others Day drew nearly 200 guests for a morning brunch and concert conducted by Dr. Valen n Radu and showcasing the musical talents of many of our stu‐ dents. To see more photos: h p://www.devonprep.com/2013/12/ grandparents‐special‐others‐visit‐devon‐prep/
Devon Prep’s Music Society presented a Christmas Concert to students, family and friends a few days before the holiday. Under the direc on of Dr. Valen n Radu RIPTIDE, CHORAL TIDE and the JAZZ BAND entertained the audience with both tradi onal and popular seasonal music. See more photos and a short video go to: h p://www.devonprep.com/2014/01/christmas‐concert/
CAP Harvest Food Drive
Throughout the Fall CAP sponsored a Harvest TIDE Food Drive to benefit St. Elizabeth’s Project H.O.M.E Food Cup‐ board in North Philadelphia. They collected nearly 5500 food items and 19 turkeys. The food was blessed by Head‐ master Rev. James Shea, Sch.P., during a Mass in the gym two days before Thanksgiving. A er the Mass CAP mem‐ bers loaded the dona ons onto a rented truck and deliv‐ ered them to St. Elizabeth’s.
For more photos: h p://www.devonprep.com/2013/12/ thanksgiving‐mass‐blessing‐harvest‐ de‐food‐dona ons/
Quill & Scroll Induc on
Devon Presents “12 Angry Men”
Eighteen students were inducted into the school’s chapter of the Quill and Scroll Society, the interna onal honor society for high school journal‐ ists. During a ceremony in Calasanc us Hall, ten seniors, seven juniors and one sophomore were welcomed into the Society by Mr. Larry Theuer, moderator of Devon Prep’s student newspaper, the Devon Dialogue.
Devon Prep Theater Society presented 12 Angry Men, a tense drama that explores the dynamics of a jury as they grapple with their biases and ideas of fairness and reasonable doubt. Directed by Paul Recu‐ pero, the 14 young men in the play gave three powerful performances that le each audience in awe. See more photos: h p://www.devonprep.com/2013/11/devon‐prep‐presents‐12‐angry‐ men/
The new inductees include: Seniors Sean Bevan, Marco DiLeonardo, Michael Horbowy, Michael Lawrence, Ma hew McDevi , Jackson Misko, James O’Shea, Kevin Sheng, Patrick Shields, Jefferson Toro; Juniors Pandurang Bharne, Russell Emery, Paul Landon Farnsworth, Michael Knudson, Andrew Loper, William Moreno, Chris an Nave, and Sopho‐ more Shyamal Patel. h p://www.devonprep.com/2013/11/devon‐prep‐students‐inducted‐ journalism‐honor‐society/
Language Honor Socie es
Before an audience of parents and family members 40 Devon Prep sophomores, juniors and seniors were inducted into the Spanish, French and German Honor Socie es. Twenty‐nine were inducted into the Spanish Na onal Honor Society (SNHS), five into the French Na on‐ al Honor Society (FNHS), and six into the German Honor Society (Delta Epsilon Phi), for excellence in their language studies. The induc ons included a candle ligh ng ceremony and distribu on of honor cords for the seniors.
Alumni Mentor Program
Devon Prep’s Alumni Rela ons Office recently sponsored the first Career Forum session of the 2014 Mentor Program which included presenta ons by four alumni who prac ce law. Michael Kimmel ’90, Principal Legal Services at Vanguard, Michael Hill ’03, Assistant District A orney in Delaware County, Gordon Good ’05, an A orney at Keen Keen & Good, and Ma hew Epps ’03, Associate Counsel at Preferred Sands, spoke to parents and students about how Devon prepared them for law school and beyond. They also discussed their own experi‐ ences prac cing law as well as different types of careers in the field. See more photos: h p://www.devonprep.com/2014/03/2014‐mentor‐ program‐law/ The next Career Forum will be for aspiring engineers and will take place on Wednesday, March 19 from 7‐ 8 PM in Calasanc us Hall.
Induc on into each of the socie es requires at least two years of study in the language with at least a 3.5 average. Each society also requires community service. The new inductees include: Spanish Na onal Andrew Kramer German Honor Society Joshua Leiberman Honor Society SENIORS Andrew Loper JUNIORS Sean Bevan James Lucas Daniel Azarian John Burke William Moreno Daniel Kennedy Johnathan Clemen Chris an J. Nave Angelo Luche Corey J. Kohlbrenner David Randall Albert‐Emanuel Grant Latran Patrick Rohr Milani Michael Lawrence Andrew Shannon Andrew Stauffer Nicholas Love Joseph Te SOPHOMORES Jack Roth Lucas Watson Evan Hennessy D. Fiore Schena French Na onal Max Smith
JUNIORS Pandurang Bharne Patrick Blumenthal Alex Carandang Daniel Crowe Andrew Dawson John Hegarty Nicholas Ippoli Michael Knudson
Honor Society SENIORS Benjamin Conser
JUNIORS Graham Alabdulla Russell Emery Michael Pauciulo Samuel Young
Four Students Receive Recogni on at Model UN
Devon Prep Musicians Perform With Archdiocesan Bands
Four Devon Prep students received recogni on during the YMCA Model United Na ons Conference held in Hershey in January. Model United Na ons is a conference similar to the United Na ons in which students par cipate as delegates to various UN Commi ees. Par cipants research and formulate poli cal posi ons based on the actual policies of the countries they represent.
Sixth Grader Steven Van Zelst has been selected to play the trombone with the Archdiocesan All‐Star Jazz Band. The Jazz Band performed at the State Capital Building in Harrisburg on March 6. Steven is also a member of the Archdiocesan Honor Band. Freshman Alex Nawn was selected to play the tuba with the All Catholic High School Concert Band and the All Catholic High School Orchestra. Alex performed with the Concert Band at Archbishop Ryan High School and with the All Catholic High School Orchestra at Archbishop Wood High School .
Junior Andrew Loper received a Premier Delegate Award which recognizes all‐around exemplary performance as a leader, statesman, and delegate.
Junior Joshua Leiberman and Andrew Loper were chosen to a end the YMCA Youth Confer‐ Andrew Loper ence on Na onal Affairs (CONA) as Alternate Delegates. CONA, which will be held this summer in North Carolina, is similar to the Model UN conference but focuses on Joshua Leiberman the U.S. Federal Government and issues of na onal concern.
Freshman Honored by Center For Talented Youth
Senior Marco DiLeonardo and Junior Joseph Te were recog‐ nized for represen ng their country, North Korea. Their diploma c team collected the Premier Country Award. At the conclusion of the conference, Marco DiLeonardo Joseph Te one country receives this dis‐ nc on for deba ng skills and overall exper se of country policy.
Devon Prep Ninth Grader Michael Weir was recognized as an excep‐ onally bright middle school students at a na onal awards ceremony sponsored by Johns Hop‐ kins University Center for Talented Youth (CTY) (www.cty.jhu.edu).
Michael was honored for his outstanding performance as an eighth grader on the School and College Ability Test (SCAT) as part of the 2012‐13 CTY Talent Search. He received a medal and cer ficate awarding him “High Honors for be‐ ing among the highest scoring par‐ cipants in the 2013 academic year.” Michael was among the honorees who scored in at least the top 3% of the worldwide par cipants.
DEVON PREP Summer Enrichment Program
Nearly 36,000 second through eighth graders par cipated in the CTY Talent Search, which iden fies and recognizes the academic capabili es of advanced students around the world. Students from 50 states and 69 countries par cipated in the 2012‐13Talent Search.
Open to boys and girls ages 10 to 14
Join Us For A Summer of Fun!
Ash Wednesday
The Devon Prep community a ended Ash Wednesday Mass together marking the beginning of the Season of Lent. Lent is a season of pen‐ ance, reflec on, and fas ng which prepares us for Christ's Resurrec on on Easter Sunday.
The ashes are made from the blessed palms used in the Palm Sunday celebra on of the previous year. While the ashes symbolize pen‐ ance and contri on, they are also a reminder that God is gracious and mer‐ ciful to those who call on Him with repentant hearts. The Church calls on us to seek God's mercy during the en re Lenten season with reflec on, prayer and penance. See more photos: h p://www.devonprep.com/2014/03/ash‐ wednesday‐2014/
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Session 2 : July 14 ‐ 18 & July 21 ‐ 25
610‐688‐7337 ext. 404 363 N. Valley Forge Rd. Devon, PA 19333
danmass21@verizon.net www.devonprep.com
Na onal Junior Honor Society Induc on
Twelve Middle School students were inducted into the Na onal Junior Honor Society (NJHS) during an even‐ ing ceremony held in Calasanc us Hall. Among the new inductees were 11 seventh graders and one eighth grader.
The Induc on ceremony, which was conducted by current members of the NJHS, included opening remarks by Middle School Director Mr. Barry Brazunas, as well as a Candlelight Service, Roll Call, Awarding of Cer ficates, and the Signing of the Registry by the new inductees.
See more photos: h p:// www.devonprep.com/2013/11/ students‐inducted‐na onal‐junior‐ honor‐society/
Geography Bee
Students Advance to History Bee Regionals
Eighth Grader Akul Naik won Devon Prep’s Middle School Geography Bee, a challenging test of geographic knowledge conducted by Geography Teacher Mr. George Beothy. Eighth Grader William D’Amico took second place and Eighth Grade‐ er Thomas Brower took third place in this year’s compe on.
Devon Prep Eighth Graders Michael Hinke, Jamie Lorgus, Akul Naik, and Christopher Rufo qualified for the Philadelphia ZĞŐŝŽŶĂů Finals of the Na onal History Bee. All four students scored ŚŝŐŚ ĞŶŽƵŐŚ ŽŶ ƚŚĞ KŶůŝŶĞ ZĞŐŝŽŶĂů YƵĂůŝĨLJŝŶŐ džĂŵ ;KZY Ϳ ƚo ĂĚǀĂŶĐĞ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ rĞŐŝŽŶĂů ůĞǀĞů͘
As the Geography Bee winner Akul will take the wri en qualifying test for the state compe on. The top 100 students (based on qualifying test scores) will then represent their schools and com‐ pete in an oral compe on at the state level. In May the state winners will compete in the na onal finals for scholarships in the amount of $25,000, $15,000 and $10,000.
At the regional compe on the top students from the ORQE will compete against each other in a buzzer compe on coordinated by the Na onal History Bee. The top finishers from the 37 Regional Finals are eligible to advance to the Na onal Finals and compete for the tle of Na onal History Bee Champion.
The Na onal History Bee is an academic compe on for elementary and middle school students that tests knowledge of a wide range of historical topics. Par cipa ng students progress from the school level to the regional level and finally to the Na onal Championship un l one student is crowned the Na onal History Bee Champion.
See more photos at: h p://www.devonprep.com/2014/02/ geography‐bee/
Sixth Graders Sleep With the Sphinx The sixth grade class, and nine of their parents, spent a night at the Universi‐ ty of Pennsylvania Museum for the “40 Winks with the Sphinx” program. The boys were taken on a journey through me and across con nents with hands on ac vi es that included games and cra s to explore ancient Egypt, the mummies and hieroglyphics, the ancient Greeks and Romans, and the world of ancient Maya. They par cipated in a “What in the World” game show compe on, a scav‐ enger hunt, yoga class and late night flash light expedi on with a guided tour. They slept in sleeping bags next to the great Sphinx, and in the morning they enjoyed a buffet breakfast and trip to the gi shop. What a great way for our sixth graders and their families to get to know each other be er!
See more photos: h p://www.devonprep.com/2014/03/sleep‐with‐the‐ sphinx/
Using Chemistry to Create Holiday Decora ons Although keeping their students’ a en on the week before Christmas can be trying for some teachers, Mrs. Loutrel didn’t have that problem in her eighth grade science classes. She had them crea ng beau ful silver orna‐ ments to demonstrate a prac cal applica on of an oxida on – reduc on chemical reac on.
They combined four solu ons (dextrose, silver nitrate, ammonium nitrate and sodium hydroxide) in a glass ornament ball and swirled it around. Short‐ ly a thin lustrous silver coa ng began to cover the inside of the ornament. The process reflects the way silver mirrors are actually produced.
In another class they also made crystal ornaments with pipe cleaners and a solu on of water and borax. Once they were completely dry many of the boys took their ornaments home to hang on their Christmas trees.
See more photos: h p://www.devonprep.com/2013/12/eighth‐graders‐use ‐chemistry‐create‐holiday‐decora ons/
Middle School Breakfast Bag Service Project More than 60 Devon Prep middle school students and Notre Dame Academy lower school students gathered together in Devon Prep’s dining hall to pack Breakfast Bags for the needy. The sixth, seventh and eighth grade boys and girls filled each bag with a juice box, oatmeal packet, cereal box and granola bar.
They prepared 400 bags to be deliv‐ ered to Safe Harbor Homeless Shelter in West Chester. This service project was sponsored by Devon Prep’s Chris an Ac on Program (CAP). All the food was donated by the boys and girls who par cipated.
See more photos: h p:// www.devonprep.com/2013/11/ middle‐school‐breakfast‐bag‐service‐ project/
Five Eighth Graders Compete in Regionals of “You Be The Chemist Challenge” Five Devon Prep Eighth Graders, under the direc‐ on of Science Teacher Mrs. Anne e Loutrel, com‐ peted in the “You Be The Chemist Challenge” re‐ gional compe on sponsored by the Chemical Educa on Founda on (CEF), a non‐profit organiza‐ on dedicated to enhancing science educa on for students. Jamie Lorgus, Jacob Pabia, Brendan McGrath, Akul Naik and Michae l Hinke were among the 35 students who qualified for the regional challenge by compe ng with over 700 students on the local qualifying test. Four out of five of our students were in the top 12 qualifiers Brendan McGrath placed third and will go on to compete at the State Challenge held at Penn State University in late April. Akul Naik placed fi h in the region and will go to the State Challenge as an alternate. State winners advance to the Na onal Challenge organized by CEF and held in Philadelphia in June.
The Challenge is an interac ve ques on‐and‐answer compe on, similar in format and se ng to spelling bees and quiz bowls, that encourages grade 5–8 students to collaborate with their peers to learn about important chemistry concepts, historical discoveries, and laboratory safety.
Middle School Raises Funds for Pediatric Cancer Research Devon Prep’s Chris an Ac on Program (CAP) sponsored the Middle School “Up for a Cause” on March 14 raising nearly $4,500 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
From 7PM to midnight sixth, seventh and eighth graders played basketball, dodgeball and other games, jumped around inside the moon bounce, and enjoyed a variety of donated snacks.
St. Jude’s is an interna onally known research and treatment center for children with cancer and other catastrophic diseases.
See more photos: h p:// www.devonprep.com/2014/03/ms‐up‐for‐a‐ cause/
First Semester Honor Roll 2013‐14 Ninety percent of Devon Preparatory School students were named to the 2013 ‐14 First Quarter Honor Roll. Nearly 60% of those students received Dis nguished Honors, which reflects an average of 3.80 or above. Honors reflects an average of 3.0 and above. Congratula ons to the following students:
DISTINGUISHED HONORS Sean J. Bevan Andrew C. Brekus Andrew A. Bright Johnathan M. Clemen Benjamin S. Conser Marco DiLeonardo Michael T. Horbowy Bre N. Kelly Sean M. Kennedy Michael A. Knaus Corey J. Kohlbrenner Grant G. Latran Michael J. Lawrence Nicholas J. Love K. Michael McKenna Jackson R. Misko James P. O'Shea Nicholas G. Peters Owen E. Phelan John J. Roth Jason Sadek D. Fiore Schena Kevin S. Sheng Patrick J. Shields Max J. Smith James P. Stanish Eric M. Toddy Jefferson Toro Robert L. Wa ers
DISTINGUISHED HONORS Daniel R. Azarian Pandurang R. Bharne Henry R. Bule Alex D. Carandang Andrew W. Dawson Russell T. Emery P. Landon Farnsworth John K. Hegarty Evan P. Hennessy Nicholas A. Ippoli Michael G. Knudson Andrew J. Kramer Joshua M. Lieberman Andrew J. Loper James P. Lucas Angelo A. Luche Albert‐Emanuel Milani William J. Moreno Jack E. Morris Chris an J. Nave Sean M. O'Brien Michael L. Pauciulo Sean T. Phelan David T. Randall Andrew M. Shannon Andrew G. Stauffer Andrew C. Walheim HONORS Graham Alabdulla James E. Colleran Kevin J. DeLaney Eric A. DiPietro Ma hew R. Freney Mitchell L. Galarneau Dominic V. Hardaway Andrew R. Hayden John J. Holmes Daniel F. Kennedy Tyler J. Klicka Stephen T. Lewis Daniel P. McCallister Gabriel T. Pallante Kyle T. Rhea Patrick J. Rohr
HONORS Brandon D. Balbirnie Christopher J. Bauers P. Joseph Bilo John K. Burke William R. Culbertson Jonathan Z. Liu Ma hew J. McDevi Ma hew D. McSurdy Zachary T. Schellenger Ma hew M. Sidor
Ryan K. Stager Joseph G. Te Joseph H. Walker Lucas A. Watson Samuel S. Young
Sophomores DISTINGUISHED HONORS Andrew D. Bonini Christopher B. Carpenter Harpreet Cheema Sco O. Clancy Brian E. Damerau Alexandru Damian Connor J. DeFaber‐ Schumacher Vincent J. Finley Sean A. Fulmer H. Thomas More Gies Jus n F. Hennessy Ma hew T. Kelly Anthony L. Lambright Joshua Y. Lee Michael A. Love Edward A. McGinley Francis C. McGuigan Grant C. McKnight Kyle A. Mooney Richard P. O'Flynn John F. Parkinson Shyamal B. Patel Maxwell S. Verna Andrew J. Welsh Keane H. White HONORS Connor J. Balog Andrew J. Barella Holden E. Barnes Andrew R. Be s Daniel W. Brace Dean A. Brekus Alexander S. Bygrave Joseph T. Conroy Tanner J. Dagge Zachary M. Delphais
Nicholas A. DeMarco Patrick T. Gallagher Anthony W. Gallo Lorenzo T. Giannandrea Michael J. McBride Sean P. McGeehan Franklin Miranda Michael A. J. Nicolas Shane L. Norris Erick V. O’Brien Robert P. Pickell August J. Piro Anthony F. Walker
Freshmen DISTINGUISHED HONORS Michael J. Bonfiglio John S. DePalo Luke W. Farnsworth Ryan A. Hallinan Thomas M. Hang David J. Haruch Jacob E. Klick Grant P. Kowalewski Benjamin J. Lubker Hayden W. Ludt Jack R. McClay Michael L. Noonan Daniel F. O'Connor Joseph P. Orsa J. Benjamin Rufo Daniel D. Shannon Arnold J. Tiglao Joshua E. Van Oostrom Michael A. Weir James N. Yeagley HONORS G. Willson Camp Timothy J. Coble James V. Coffey Stephen T. Duffy Zachary M. Eidman Ma hew T. Fasullo Connor F. Galarneau Tyler J. Helmuth con nued...
Honor Roll con nued...
Kevin L. Holmes Tyler J. Keough Andrew P. Knaus James P. Lo us Brian R. Long Paul M. Malikkal John W. Marquis Christopher D. McAlee Riley J. McCarthy Bruce C. McCulloch Alexander C. Nawn Thomas J. O'Brien Joseph A. Petrucci Brandon C. Smoot Ma hew D. Szkolnicki Patrick A. Tolvaisa Ma hew J. Torchiana Jack I. Wagner Mitchell J. Young
Eighth Grade DISTINGUISHED HONORS Thomas S. Brower Jus n P. Chambers Michael C. Hinke
Brandon T. Hoang Benjamin E. Kilroy Jamie W.C. Lorgus Brendan J. McGrath Akul Naik Ma hew V. O'Brien Jacob Thomas H. Pabia Michael S. Pietrafi a Christopher L. Rufo Paris T. Shusterfallou Ma hew D. Siracusa Stephen A. Smith HONORS James M. Costello William C. D’Amico Kyle M. Husar Ma hew J. Kozak Nicholas J. Ramanjulu Stephen M. Scafidi Jacob M. Snyder Augus n X. Thompson Tyler J. Wright
Seventh Grade
Sixth Grade
DISTINGUISHED HONORS Nicholas D. Bello James D. Landaiche Evan R. Michel Graham K. Misko Joseph V. Rajasekaran Dylan M. Rasinski Seamus N. Sla ery James R. Thomas Andre J. Tiglao HONORS Thomas J. Barker W. Aiden Good Andrew T. Landaiche Christopher G. Muth William J. Rule
DISTINGUISHED HONORS Aidan M. Curry Gabriel M. Frede e Colin P. Fulmer Sean P. O'Reilly John J. Pepe Dylan A. Smoot Finnian E. Thompson Steven M. Van Zelst Noah R. Wolter Christopher J. Zack HONORS Maximus J. Fortebuono Raymond A. Mirra
Na onal Honor Society Induc on Devon Prep inducted 49 students into the Na onal Honor Society (NHS) during a Mass and ceremony in the gym. Headmaster Rev. James Shea, Sch.P. was the principal celebrant of the Mass which was concelebrated by Rev. Francisco Aisa, Rev. Javier Renteria, and Rev. Richard Wyzykiewicz. The Induc on included a candlelight ceremony, the Na onal Honor Society Roll Call, induc on of the new members, and the reci ng of the NHS Pledge. A recep on followed in Calasanc us Hall. With our new inductees there are now 126 current Devon Prep students who are NHS members. Congratula ons to the new inductees:
Christopher J. Bauers P. Joseph Bilo Michael A. Knaus Zachary T. Schellenger JUNIORS Gabriel T. Pallante Ryan K. Stager
SOPHOMORES Connor J. Balog Andrew J. Barella Holden E. Barnes Andrew R. Be s Ma hew J. Bevilacqua Andrew D. Bonini Daniel W. Brace Dean A. Brekus Alexander S. Bygrave Christopher B. Carpenter Harpreet Cheema Sco O. Clancy Joseph T. Conroy Brian E. Damerau Alexandru Damian Connor J. DeFaber‐Schumacher
Zachary M. Delphais Nicholas A. DeMarco Vincent J. Finley Sean A. Fulmer Anthony W. Gallo Lorenzo T. Giannandrea H. Thomas M. Gies Jus n F. Hennessy Ma hew T. Kelly Anthony L. Lambright Joshua Y. Lee Michael A. Love Michael J. McBride Edward A. McGinley Francis C. McGuigan Grant C. McKnight Kyle A. Mooney
Michael A.J. Nicolas Shane L. Norris Erick V. O'Brien Richard P. O'Flynn John F. Parkinson Shyamal B. Patel Robert P. Pickell August J. Piro Maxwell S. Verna Andrew J. Welsh
ATHLETICS Fall Athletes Named to All BAL Teams Nine Devon Prep athletes, represen ng varsity Soccer, Golf and Cross Country, were named to All Bicentennial Athle c League (BAL) Teams for the 2013 fall season. All three teams went on to District play this year, and Devon Prep’s varsity soccer team won their division tle as well. In addi on, one of these athletes, Senior Jack Roth, qualified to compete at the PIAA “A” State Cross Country Championships.
Pictured from le : Senior Andrew Brekus, Senior Michael McKenna, Junior Andrew Shannon, Sophomore Tanner Dagge , Junior Gabriel Pallante, Junior Lucas Watson, Senior Jack Roth, Junior Eric DiPietro and Senior Joseph Bilo .
SOCCER First Team: Junior Andrew Shannon, , Sophomore Tanner Dagge
GOLF First Team: Junior Eric DiPietro Honorable Men on: Senior Joseph Bilo
Second Team: Senior Michael McKenna, , Junior Gabriel Pallante
Honorable Men on: Senior Andrew Brekus
CROSS COUNTRY Second Team: Junior Lucas Watson, Senior Jack Roth
Cross Country Team Earns Trophy
Devon Prep’s Cross Country Team earned a Third Place trophy at The Steel City Invita onal at Coatesville Area Senior High School in early October. The team earned four medals. Pictured from le are: Junior Andrew Stauffer, Sophomore Mike Nicolas, Junior Lucas Watson, and Seniors James O’Shea and Jack Roth.
Andrew Shannon Named Main Line Athlete of the Week Andrew Shannon, junior striker for Devon Prep’s varsity soccer team, was named Main Line Boys’ Athlete of the Week last fall. Click here for the full ar cle and a brief interview on mainlinemedianews.com.
Soccer Senior Day
The Senior Day ceremony for the Varsity Soccer Team took place on our home field in early October. Seniors Eric Toddy, Ma hew Sidor, Jason Sadek, Michael McKenna, Jonathan Liu, Bre Kelly, Andrew Brekus, and Sean Bevan, along with their parents, were recognized before their game against Academy of New Church. A er the brief the ceremony the team went on to beat the Academy 2‐0 thanks to Tanner Dagge and Andrew Shannon who scored the goals and Sam Young who made 19 saves in goal. Ma Sidor was solid at sweeper in the shutout, while Michael McKenna and Jon Liu were standouts at midfield. See more photos: h p://www.devonprep.com/2013/10/soccer‐senior‐day‐2013/
Cross Country Senior Day
Before Devon Prep’s last home Cross Country meet the senior members of the team, pictured from le , Ma hew McDevi , Jack Roth, Andrew Bright and James O’Shea, were recognized for their per‐ severance, dedica on and sportsmanship.
The team then went on to defeat Calvary Chris an and New Hope – Solebury. Seniors Jack Roth and James O’Shea and juniors Lucas Watson and James Enderle swept the top 4 places. Sophomore Mike Nicolas added a 7th place finish.
For more photos: h p:// www.devonprep.com/2013/10/cross‐country‐ senior‐day/
Basketball Senior Day
Six seniors on the varsity basketball team, along with their parents, were recognized before the final home game against Lower Moreland High School. Congratula ons to Mike McKenna, Grant Latran, Corey Kohlbrenner, Chris Bauers, Ma McSurdy and Ma Sidor. For more photos: h p://www.devonprep.com/2014/02/basketball‐senior‐night/
Devon Prep Pitcher Commits to Seton Hall Zach Schellenger Named Pre‐Season BAL Player of the Year. Devon Prep Pitcher Senior Zach Schellenger signed a commitment le er with Seton Hall University to con nue his baseball career at the collegiate level in the fall of 2014. The 6 foot 6 right‐hander has been a member of the varsity baseball program at Devon Prep for the past four years.
“I’m excited to be a ending Seton Hall next year,” Zach said. “They have an excellent pitching staff in addi on to being a great academic ins tu on.”
Zach was recently named the 2014 Pre‐Season Bicentennial Athle c League (BAL) Player of the Year. And he was ranked #1 in the "PA Class of 2014 Rank‐ ings" by Prep Baseball Report.
Last year he was named BAL Most Valua‐ ble Player for Spring 2013, and he helped lead Devon Prep to the PIAA District 1 Class A final in the 2013 season. During the season Zach had an ERA of 1.19. He struck out 99 ba ers in 63 innings and his fastball averaged 90‐93 m.p.h.
Last summer he was selected to compete in the pres gious New Balance Area Code Games which took place last August in Long Beach, California. The Area Code Games tournament consists of eight teams represen ng eight regions na on‐ wide. The teams include the best players from around the na on compe ng at the highest level, while being evaluated by scouts from all 30 Major League teams and the Major League Scou ng Bureau.
Runners Par cipate in New Balance Games in NYC Armory
One Saturday morning in early January Devon Prep runners, Ma hew McDevi , John Roth, James O’Shea and Lucas Watson, found themselves heading to an indoor track meet that proved to be anything but typical. These members of Devon Prep’s 4 X 800 meter relay team traveled to New York City to par cipate in the New Balance Games at the historic Armory (h p://www.armorytrack.com/).
More than 5000 high school athletes competed in the Games which took place in the Armory’s New Balance Track & Field Center, a 60,000‐square‐foot arena with an Olympic caliber track. The Center is widely regarded as one of the premier indoor track and field facili es on the East Coast, as well as in the United States. The Center has become a mecca for track and field athletes from around the world while serving the students from all five boroughs of New York City.
According to Devon Prep Track & Field Coach Dave Evans, par cipa ng in this meet was more about the experience than the race. ”I was excited to bring the guys there,” he said. “The Armory is one of the fastest and most historic indoor tracks in the world so I hope it’s something they’ll never forget. They had the opportunity to see some of the fastest high school and professional races that will be run in the US this year. “
James O’Shea, who ran leadoff leg with the fastest split, found the compe on exci ng and the venue memorable. “It was a great experience running with some of the best high school athletes in the country,” the Devon Prep senior said. “And it was an honor to run at one of the most unique and historic indoor tracks in the world. The atmosphere was amazing.”
“We’ll definitely be back next year,” Evans con nued. “I was happy with the way the team competed. They’re all very compe ve and they really appreciated the significance of where we were.”
Varsity Basketball Players Receive BAL Honors
Senior Swimmer Medals At Districts
Senior Will Culbertson earned a medal in the 100 FLY at the PIAA District 1 AA Swimming Championships at La Salle University. He had his season best mes in both the 200 IM where he placed 13th and the 100 FLY where he placed 7th.
Mike McKenna Earns SE PA Ranking
Devon Prep Seniors CJ Kohlbrenner, Ma McSurdy and Mike McKenna received Hon‐ orable Men ons in the 2014 All Bicentennial Athle c League Basketball selec ons. Both CJ and Mike are guards on Devon Prep’s Varsity Basketball Team and Ma plays forward.
In addi on Mike McKenna was ranked #6 among the leading three‐point scorers in Southeastern PA by Philly.com. In 21 games Mike had 54 threes.
Mark Your Calendars….
Check www.devonprep.com for these stories and more...
March 18, Tuesday 11th Grade Retreat March 21, Friday 3rd Quarter ends March 21, Friday Mass in Chapel March 22, Saturday Spanish Exchange Students arrive March 24, Monday Middle School Retreat March 27, Thursday Dress Down Day March 27, Thursday OKLAHOMA! at 7 PM March 28, Friday Classes ARE in session
Ninth Grade Adventure Educa on Day h p://www.devonprep.com/2013/09/ building‐class‐2017/
Sixth Graders Create Peace Posters h p://www.devonprep.com/2013/11/ sixth‐graders‐create‐peace‐posters/
Fall Open House h p://www.devonprep.com/2013/10/ open‐house‐2013/
Sophomores Learn to Save Lives
OKLAHOMA! 10 AM & 7 PM March 29, Saturday OKLAHOMA! at 7 PM March 31, Monday Report Card distribu on begins April 2, Wednesday DPPA Mee ng April 5, Saturday Ba le of the Bands ‐ NEW DATE 7 ‐ 11 PM
h p://www.devonprep.com/2013/10/ sophomores‐learn‐save‐lives/
Devon Prep Celebrates Halloween h p:// www.devonprep.com/2013/11/11628/
Recent Grads Speak to Seniors h p://www.devonprep.com/2014/01/ recent‐grads‐speak‐seniors/
April 6, Sunday Spanish Exchange Students depart April 7, Monday Spring Dress Code begins April 13, Sunday Palm Sunday April 14, Monday ‐ April 22, Tuesday Easter Vaca on April 24, Thursday 6th Grade Field Studies Parent Mee ng, 7 PM April 25, Friday Freshman/Sophomore Semi‐formal 7:30 — 10:30 PM April 27, Sunday Spring Open House 9 ‐ 11AM
9th Grade Prac ce Entrance Test 8 ‐ 11 AM (administered to 7th graders) April 29, Tuesday 7th Grade Field Studies Parent Mee ng 7 PM April 30, Wednesday 8th Grade Field Studies Parent Mee ng 7 PM
Student Arts Showcase h p://www.devonprep.com/2013/12/ student‐arts‐showcase/
Devon Prep uses the ImPACT Test program to evaluate head injuries. This non‐invasive, computerized exam is u lized in many professional, collegiate, and high school sports programs across the country to successfully diagnose and manage concussions.
Snow Days h p://www.devonprep.com/2014/02/ snow‐days/
The test is being administered to Devon Prep students through the Guidance and Health Department.
Peanut Bu er Meets Jelly
If you have not done so yet, please complete and return the Consent Form as soon as possible so your son can be tested. Please address any ques ons to Mrs. Denise Gavin at dgavin@devonprep.com or 610‐688‐7337, ext. 112.
h p://www.devonprep.com/2013/10/ peanut‐bu er‐meets‐jelly‐service‐ project/
Because tuition alone does not cover the cost of providing a Devon Prep education, your tax‐deductible Annual Fund gifts are an essential source of revenue.
You can contribute to the Annual Fund by mail or online by visiting http://www.devonprep.com/ support/. For your convenience we now offer a monthly giving option using PayPal, a trusted leader in online gift processing. Monthly giving offers a simple and convenient way to spread out your fiscal year giving in monthly installments. As your gifts come in monthly, they support the immediate needs of the school throughout the year.
For more information on this and other ways that you can support Devon Prep contact Jeanmarie Emhof, Director of Development at 610.688.7337, development@devonprep.com, or http://www.devonprep.com/support/
Please reinforce your commitment to making a difference and send in your gift to the 2013‐2014 Devon Prep Annual Fund today.
DEVON PREP IN THE NEWS For online links to stories about Devon Prep students and/or events in area media outlets go to h p://www.devonprep.com/events/devon‐ prep‐in‐the‐media/
CHECK IMPORTANT DATES: Check important Devon Prep dates by logging onto Edline.net for the cal‐ endar or up‐to‐date informa on: h p://www.edline.net/pages/devonprep
Devon Prep on the Web
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Educating Boys. Graduating Leaders.
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Sunday, April 27 9 —11 AM
See our videos on YouTube: h p://www.youtube.com/devonprep1 See our publica ons on issuu: h p://issuu.com/devonprep
Sunday, April 27 8—11 AM Ninth Grade Prac ce Test for Seventh Graders.
610‐688‐7337 www.devonprep.com admissions@devonprep.com
Devon Prep is a private, Catholic, college preparatory school for young men in grades six through twelve conducted by the Piarist Fathers and located on the Main Line.
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