Epilogue, Summer 2014

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Summer 2014


STATE CHAMPS! A magazine for alumni, alumni parents and friends of Devon Preparatory School.


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Dear Fellow Alumni, In the last issue of our Devon Epilogue I mentioned that Fr. Richard Wyzykiewicz ’61 and Dave Evans ’08 are now in charge of our Alumni Office. Since both of these men are alumni and members of our faculty they are especially qualified to strengthen the bonds between our school and our alumni. I am delighted to report that Father Richard and Dave have done an outstanding job enhancing alumni relations with our alma mater. For many years our alumni felt that our school did not demonstrate proper interest in them and called upon them only when looking for money (a necessary evil). THAT HAS NOW CHANGED (a necessary improvement). One of the many successes of the new Alumni Office efforts is the Alumni Mentor Program. As a part of this program we have sponsored four Career Forum Sessions during the 2013-14 school year, and expect to sponsor even more in the years to

come. Alumni in the fields of law, engineering, medicine, and business gave generously of their time to meet with our students to share with them some of the key features of these four career paths. Another of the many successes which Father Richard and Dave Evans have accomplished is the Alumni Networking Night Program. In these sessions, alumni in various professions have come together at a local eatery to network and share experiences with each other. In addition, our Alumni Association President, Barry Mulhern ’72, continues to do a fantastic job as our alumni leader. Barry has recently organized several reunions in various geographical locations, including Philadelphia and New York City, for our alumni living in those areas. All of these alumni endeavors have been very successful. I extend my profound gratitude to Fr. Rich-

ard, Dave Evans, and Barry Mulhern and to all of the alumni who have participated in these alumni events. May God bless all of you now and always. Cordially,

Rev. James J. Shea, Sch.P. ’66 Headmaster

Connect With the DPAA on Linked

The Devon Prep Alumni Associa on is now on LinkedIn! Here are some of the objec ves / features of the group:

Professional Networking: network with other alumni by industry. Find our "Subgroups" page and organize yourself based on your profession.

Update Contact Informa on: Keep the school updated as you change jobs, loca ons, etc. You can update your contact informa on by clicking the "Promo ons" tab.

Par cipate in Alumni Events and Programs: This group will provide informa on on upcoming alumni events and will also facilitate the func on of the Alumni Mentor Program, where current students are paired with alumni based on similar fields of interest. You can find informa on on both upcoming events and programs on the "main page".



Epilogue A magazine for alumni, alumni parents and friends of Devon Preparatory School.

IN THIS ISSUE Summer of 2014

2. Headmaster’s Message 4. TIDE takes state tle


6. Class of 2014 Commencement 8. Alumni Mentor Program 9. Alumni Events 11. Campus News 14. Bits & Pieces /Requiescant in Pace



On the Cover: Class of 2014 Alumni, from le , CJ Kohlbrenner, Christopher Bauers, Grant Latran, Zachary Schellenger, and Robert Wa ers holding the Baseball Team’s State Championship Trophy. The Epilogue is published by Devon Preparatory School’s Alumni Associa on for Devon Prep alumni, alumni parents and friends. Headmaster: Rev. James J. Shea, Sch. P. ’66 Alumni Associa on President: Mr. Barry Mulhern ’72 Director of Alumni Rela ons: Rev. Richard Wyzyykiewicz, Sch.P. ’61 Assistant Director of Alumni Rela ons: Mr. David Evans ’08, Editors: Rev. Richard Wyzyykiewicz, Sch.P. ’61, Director of Alumni Rela ons; Mr. David Evans ’08, Assistant Director of Alumni Rela ons Contributors: Dave Evans ’08, Rose Lombardo Photos: Rose Lombardo, Dave Evans ’08, Jean Emhof Layout & Design: Rose Lombardo

Devon Preparatory School


363 North Valley Forge Road Devon, PA 19333 610-688-7337 www.devonprep.com

Summer 2014




Baseball Team Brings Home First State Title By David Evans ’08, Assistant Director of Alumni Rela ons The team had been without its best player for weeks. In fact even the number two pitcher wasn’t slated to start the biggest game of the year, the PIAA “A” State Championship game. Their opponent appeared to be unstoppable, entering the game with a perfect record and league and district tles to boast. However, despite all this the Devon Prep baseball team hung tough through a game that saw defensive mastery, extra innings and a stolen base that will be remembered as one of the greatest sports achievements in the 58 year history of the school.

The baseball team started the year with high expecta ons. Returning nearly every starter from a team that reached the PIAA “A” quarterfinals the year before, the team seemed poised for a similar run deep into the state playoffs. These expecta ons did not go unno ced. A March preview by The Philadelphia Inquirer listed Devon Prep as one of the top teams in the area and featured senior right hand pitcher Zach Schellenger ’14 as one of the best pitchers in Pennsylvania.

A Seton Hall commit, one of Zach’s April starts brought over two dozen Major



League Baseball scouts to the hill at Devon. Unfortunately that start would be one of his last in a Tide uniform as elbow soreness kept him sidelined for the rest of the year.

As the season began the Tide ba led injuries as much as they ba led the cold and snow of March that plagued the Philadelphia area, finishing the regular season with a modest record of 10-8.

Junior pitcher/first baseman Sean Phelan ’15, the team’s number two pitcher, capitalized on a superb sophomore campaign by commi ng to the University of Pennsylvania mid spring, only to struggle with an illness throughout the regular season.

When the weather warmed up so did Devon’s bats; they coasted through the District 1 playoffs by winning both games by a combined score of 19-0. Sean’s classmate, Dominic Hardaway ’15 picked up the slack by hi ng .435 on the year with 28 RBI’s and eventually announcing he will con nue his career as a member of the Eagles of Boston College.

As the state playoffs began several

teams stood in Devon’s way of their first trip to Penn State University, the host of the PIAA Baseball Tournament. Eleven District champions including last year’s state runner up and a team yet to lose a game filled the bracket. Despite this, the Tide defeated York Catholic, Canton and Schuylkill Haven to punch their cket to State College for a chance to play for the state tle.

As the sun set over the Ni any Mountains on Friday, June 13th Devon warmed up on Medlar Field at Lebrano Park, home of Penn State baseball and the State College Spikes, a minor league affiliate of the St. Louis Cardinals. Across the field was Elk County Catholic, the District 9 Champion, who entered the game with a perfect record of 26-0. Elk County had an ace pitcher of their own, a senior cketed for St. Bonaventure University.

On the mound for Devon was junior Pat Rohr ’15, a dis nguished honor student and the 2014 - 15 Student Council President. Pat started the season as the team’s third pitcher but fate and talent secured his posi on in this historic event. As the game began, Elk County’s ba ers received

From le : Mike McCormick ’90 with Sean O’Reilly ’93, and Nick Ciocca ’93 who brought their children to the game.

an educa on in Rohr’s talent as he sprinkled one run over eight innings of work.

Elk County’s star pitcher matched Rohr pitch for pitch, carrying a one hit 1-0 shutout into the bo om of the sixth inning. With fewer than six outs away from a loss, Devon Prep tacked on a run to e and send the game into extra innings. From this point on every seat in the stadium was empty as the nearly one thousand parents, faculty, students and alumni of both schools were on their feet to crown a Pennsylvania state champion.

In the top of the ninth inning Phelan ’15 relieved Rohr ’15 of his du es and kept Elk County at bay with a 1-2-3 inning giving Devon yet another opportunity to win. Leadoff ba er senior Chris Bauers ’14, who will play at Division 3 Washington College next spring, reached first on a fielder’s choice and stole second to heighten the drama. With two outs and the Elk

County reliever glancing over his shoulder a emp ng to keep Bauers ’14 at bay, Chris a empted to steal third. The opposing catcher threw to third but the throw was too high for the third baseman and the ball trickled into shallow le field. Chris dove home unchallenged winning the game and giving Devon Prep its first PIAA state championship in any sport in school history.

Pandemonium ensued as the players and coaches rushed the field to meet Chris at home plate. Off the field Devon’s fans, who filled two fan buses that morning to make the six hour round-trip bus ride, danced on top of the dugout in ela on.

Headmaster Rev. James Shea ’66, who had watched the en re game from the dugout, congratulated each player and coach with a handshake as they received their state champion gold medals. At roughly 9:30 PM, nearly three hours a er the game began and three months a er the season began the baseball team hoisted the PIAA “A” State C,hampionship trophy into the

night sky. That Sunday The Philadelphia Inquirer named Devon Prep the “2014 Southeastern Pennsylvania Team of the Year.” In July Coach Mark Aquilante ’94 was named “Coach of the Year” by the Daily Local News to headline several of his players earning 1st Team All-State honors. The future looks bright for the Tide as they again return all but two offensive starters.

Congratula ons to the team and its coaches on a truly historic season.

A special thanks to alumni Nick Ciocca ’93 and Dave Evans ’08 who helped organize a tailgate sponsored by the Alumni Associa on for all of our parents, students, faculty, staff and alumni before the game, making it a memorable day for everyone in the Devon family.

Summer 2014




Class of 2014 “Encouraged to Change the World”

When Class of 2014 Salutatorian Kevin Sheng, took to the stage at the beginning of Devon Prep’s Commencement Ceremony he didn’t just welcome everyone, he issued a challenge to his classmates.

Kevin challenged his classmates to use the past to be er the future. “Instead of dwelling on the past, we should look to the future. We should use the lessons we have learned, the experiences we have undergone, and the rela onships we have nurtured in order to succeed in this next stage of our life and beyond,” he said.

“This is the true nature of the Devon experience. It is not about what we did; it is about what we will do. Therein lies the true value of these past four years. Devon has cul vated in each and every one of us the ability to influence the world, each in our own way. So go out and do it. Change the world.”

Collec vely the 40 young men in the school’s 55th gradua ng class earned over $5.3 million in academic scholarships. In addi on they received nearly 200 acceptances to more than 75 colleges and universi es, including the University of Pennsylvania, Cornell, Dartmouth, Notre Dame, Georgetown, Lehigh, Case Western Reserve, Fordham, Drexel and Penn State.

Nearly half (18) of Devon Prep’s Class of 2014 are AP Scholars. Twelve are AP Schol6


ars with Dis nc on. Six were recognized by the Na onal Merit Scholarship Program, two as Commended Students, two as Finalists and two as scholarship Winners. Five of these young men are Eagle Scouts, one is an EMT, ten are members of the “7 Year Club,” and two will go on to par cipate in collegiate athle cs at Division 1 and Division 3 schools.

In addi on, this senior class performed over 1500 hours of community service doing such things as collec ng and distribu ng food and clothing to needy families, repairing homes in Oil City, PA, and raising more than $24,000 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. One young man, James O’Shea, logged more than 200 hours of community service as President of Devon Prep’s Chris an Ac on Program and as a volunteer at Lankenau Medical Center. Last year he received the Gold Level Presiden al Volunteer Service Award for his dedica on to serving others through his work at Lankenau.

The Commencement Speaker was Regional Director for Catholic Relief Services (CRS) for Northeastern United States Ms. Maureen McCullough, Esq. Ms. McCullough coordinates and directs CRS’ engagement and programs, including Fair Trade, Global Solidarity Network for Colleges and Universi es, Opera on Rice Bowl and Interna onal Speaker Tours.

Kevin Magee ’72

Also during the Commencement Ceremony, Devon Prep Class of 1972 alumnus and Execu ve Vice President of Fox News Mr. Kevin Magee received the Alumni Achievement Award. This award is presented annually to an alumnus who has significantly influenced and benefi ed his profession.

Mr. Magee is execu ve in charge of the Fox Business Network and also oversees Fox News Radio. The Fox Business Network is now available to more than 70 million homes na onwide and Fox News Radio has more than a thousand affiliates throughout the US. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Temple University.

Class of 2014 College Choices Brandon D. Balbirnie - High Point University Christopher J. Bauers - Washington College Sean J. Bevan - Drexel University P. Joseph Bilo - Drexel University Andrew C. Brekus - Loyola University – New Orleans Andrew A. Bright - University of Pennsylvania (Vagelos Scholars) John K. Burke - University of Scranton Johnathan M. Clemen - Marist College Benjamin S. Conser - Bucknell University William R. Culbertson ‐ Rochester Ins tute of Technology Marco DiLeonardo- University of Pennsylvania John‐Paul L. Gies - Franciscan University Michael T. Horbowy - Babson College Bre N. Kelly - Drexel University (Honors) Sean M. Kennedy - Ge ysburg College Michael A. Knaus - University of Pi sburgh Corey J. Kohlbrenner - St. Joseph’s University Grant G. Latran - Loyola University, Maryland Michael J. Lawrence - Penn State University (Honors) Jonathan Z. Liu - Penn State University

Nicholas J. Love - Rochester Ins tute of Technology Ma hew J. McDevi - Villanova University K. Michael McKenna - University of Notre Dame Ma hew D. McSurdy - Loyola University, Maryland Jackson R. Misko - George Washington University (Honors) James P. O'Shea - University of Notre Dame Nicholas G. Peters - Fordham University Owen E. Phelan - University of Notre Dame John J. Roth - University of Delaware (Honors) Jason Sadek - McGill University Zachary T. Schellenger - Seton Hall University D. Fiore Schena - St. Vincent College Kevin S. Sheng - The Cooper Union Patrick J. Shields - University of Notre Dame Ma hew M. Sidor - University of Delaware Max J. Smith - Drexel University James P. Stanish - George Washington University Eric M. Toddy - Saint Louis University Jefferson Toro - Villanova University Robert L. Wa ers - Bucknell University

Super Reunion Weekend Last November dozens of alumni returned to Devon Prep to celebrate their five and ten year reunions. The weekend ac vi es included a cocktail hour with heavy hor d’oeuvres in Calasanc us Hall sponsored by the Alumni Associa on and Sunday Mass in St. Mary’s Chapel followed by brunch.

Class of 2003

Class of 2008 Class of 1963

Class of 1993

Class of 2008 Middle School Seven Year Club. Summer 2014




Alumni Mentor Program “The Alumni Mentor Program really gave me a new perspec ve on the field I want to get into. It really helped me decide on the career path I want to take for the years to come.” Sean O’Brien ’15

Michael Knudson ’15 (le ) with Delaware County District A orney Jack Whelan (center) and Mike Hill ’03

Devon Prep’s Alumni Rela ons Office is sponsoring the third year of the Devon Prep Mentor Program. The Alumni Mentor Program links Devon Prep students to alumni in prospec ve fields of interest. The Alumni Office is seeking graduates to share valuable college and career experiences with students and assist in “coaching” them as they earn their degrees and begin their careers. Devon Prep students have expressed interest in Business, Medicine, Computer Science, Engineering, Law, Educa on, Armed Forces, and Culinary Arts (among others).

CURRICULUM C F – for alumni who are interested in speaking to a group of students a er school where they share their college and professional experiences. This is a series of discussions for students who want to expand their awareness and knowledge of career possibili es.



” – for alumni to share their college and

professional career experiences and offer individual insights through phone, email or Skype. This is a unique opportunity for students who want to seek one-on-one advice from an alumnus on professional development in a field of their interest. All upper classmen receive a mentor during their junior year.

with students,” Jus n explained. “I shared my experiences on some of the key things that have helped me be successful in business including networking, gaining early experience and ge ng your first job. Helping to develop the next genera on of Devon students includes both in and out of the classroom experiences and I’m happy to be able to contribute my experiences and skillset to benefit students as they develop.”

Michael Hill ’03 agrees. As an Assistant District A orney in Delaware County, he has hosted several students, most recently Michael Knudson ’15. “I have always opened my door to anyone who wants to know more about what the law can give them,” he said. “I am extremely happy and grateful that Devon has provided me with the opportunity to help. I think the Mentor Program is a great way to stay connected and help future Devon alumni.”

For more informa on contact Rev. Richard Wyzykiewicz or Dave Evans in the Alumni Rela ons Office, 610-688-7337 or rwyzykiewicz@devonprep.com or devans@devonprep.com.

S – For alumni who are able to host an “off campus” experience for a student. This event allows students to experience first- hand the daily life of a career.

Over 150 alumni from around the world (including England, China and Afghanistan) have commi ed to the program since its incep on. According to Jus n Polselli ’04 the program not only benefits Devon Prep students, but the alumni as well.

“It allows you to draw an even deeper connec on with the school and its well being by having direct interac on

Engineering Forum



Andrew Walheim ’15, Mike Morrissey ’03, Vince Finley ’16 Andrew Walheim ’15, Mike Morrissey ’03, Vince Finley ’16



Alumni Gather in NYC & Philadelphia

The Alumni Associa on sponsored two recep ons this spring for area alumni. In April RJ Bannister ’86 hosted alumni at the New York Athle c Club in New York City. In May alumnus Doug Hager ’96 hosted a recep on at his restaurant Brauhaus Schmitz on South Street in Philadelphia.

From le : John Litchert ’78, Dawson Muth, Michael Lo us ’78

Members of the Class of 2002, from le , Andrew Collins, Ara Kailian, Chris Cognato, Dan Mulhern and Kevin Mulholland.

From le : Fr. Pazmany, Barry McKeon ’64, John Maguire ’64, Stephen Sloto ’11, Fr. Shea ’66 Maguire ’64, Stephen Sloto ’11, Fr. Shea ’66

Brian Brian Crowe ’81 Crowe ’81

Kevin Kevin Gallen ’96 Gallen ’96

Class of 1964 Celebrates 50th Reunion The Class of 1964 celebrated their 50th reunion in late June. Twenty‐two members of the class, some having traveling from as far as Hawaii, celebrated Mass in the chapel and received a tour of the school from their classmate Paul Sanborn ’64. In the evening the Landmark Americana hosted a recep on for the alumni and their families.

Summer 2014


Young Alumni Picnic 2014

Nearly 30 young alumni who graduated in the last six years (including the Class of 2014) a ended the annual barbeque on the terrace behind Calasanc us Hall on June 1. Father Shea, Father Rich and Dave Evans were also there to welcome the guys back.

Recent Grads Speak to Seniors About College Life

Four members of the Class of 2013 returned to Devon to speak to the Class of 2014 about their college experiences. Luka Zacharczuk (St. Joseph’s University), Ryan Shannon (Penn State Honors), Antonio Muscarella (University of Pennsylvania) and John Kane (St. Francis University) talked about dorm life, roommate issues, campus food, study habits, drinking on campus, a ending classes, making friends and ge ng involved in ac vi es. They also discussed how Devon has prepared them for their classes as well as dealing with many different situa ons.

Frank Al ere, Class of 2000, Ordained To the Priesthood

Francis Al ere ’00, was ordained to the priesthood in the Ins tute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest, on Tuesday, August 5 by His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke. Newly ordained Father Al ere celebrated his First Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving a week later at Holy Saviour Church in Norristown, with several Devon Prep alumni in a endance. Father Al ere is pictured with Headmaster Rev. James Shea '66, and his Class of 2000 classmates Andrew Colket (le ), Brian Mulholland (right) and Nicholas Gaspari (right, front).





Solar Car Team Places Third in Na onal Race

Devon Prep’s Solar Car Team, The Dev‐ on Panel, recently earned a Third Place trophy in the 2014 na onal Solar Car Challenge in Texas. The Challenge began more than 20 years ago as a way to get students excited about science, technology, engineering and mathema cs (STEM) by building and racing solar powered vehicles. This year 19 out of 131 high school solar car teams in 28 states qualified. They included teams from New York, Florida, Texas, California, Michigan, and Mississippi. Devon Prep is the only Pennsylvania team to par cipate.

Eleven team members, including four drivers, and four adult chaperones traveled to Texas for the race. This is the fourth me Devon’s team has competed in the Solar Car Challenge. In 2011 and 2012 the race took place on the Texas

Motor Speedway. The Devon Panel came in fourth place in 2011 and second place in 2012. Last year the team took fourth place in the 884 mile open road race from Dallas to Los Angeles.

This year’s Challenge was a hybrid event with two days driving laps on the Texas Motor Speedway in Fort Worth, Texas, and two days on the open road driving from Fort Worth to Aus n. Between the speedway and the open road race Devon Prep’s car, Sol Tide, logged 402.6 miles in the 95+ degree Texas heat.

According to Co-captain Ben Conser ’14, “The experiences that we had during the compe on were invaluable. We hope that this club con nues to grow and thrive in the years to come.”

Science Olympiad Team Earns Trophy at States Devon Prep’s Middle School Science Olympiad Team, under the direc on of Science Teacher Ms. Melanie Picard, has had the most successful year in school history. They par cipated in three compe ons and earned a trophy in each.

In February they par cipated in the Rus n Invita onal Tournament, earning a Third Place trophy. In April they earned Fourth Place at the Regional Science Olympiad, allowing them to par cipate at the State Tournament. At the State Tournament the team of 15 and four alternates earned four medals finishing in the top 10 of 36 teams, taking home a Sixth Place trophy.

In addi on, Mr. Roger Demos, director of the Pennsylvania Science Olympiad, visited Devon Prep to present a special Spirit of Science Olympiad Award to Seventh Grader Joseph Rajasekaran and Ninth Grader Michael Weir. According to Mr. Demos, both boys exemplified the spirit of the Science Olympiad when they displayed extraordinary honesty and integrity at the Pennsylvania State Tournament.

“I am very proud of the team’s accomplishments this year,” said Ms. Picard. “The students have been very dedicated to helping the team succeed. We’ve broken school records, earned more than 20 medals and taken home three trophies. It’s been quite a year.” Summer 2014


“Batting for Pat” Raises $5000 For Cancer Research Less than seven hours a er returning home with the state championship trophy, the players and coaches of the varsity baseball team were on hand to par cipate in another historic event in Devon’s history. The weather was perfect on Saturday, June 14 for Devon Prep’s first annual “Ba ng for Pat” Wiffleball Tournament in honor of Mr. Pat Na le, a long me Devon employee recently diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Nearly 100 alumni, students, parents, family and friends either played in the tournament or enjoyed watching the acvi es. More than $5000 was raised for

“ZERO – The End of Prostate Cancer,” a na onal nonprofit organiza on leading the fight against prostate cancer by advancing research, encouraging ac on, and providing educa on and support to men and their families. ZERO strives to create Genera on ZERO – the first genera on of men free from prostate cancer.

Pat Na le a ended the tournament making the rounds, talking to everyone, and helping out where he could. “I was really looking forward to the fundraiser. It was a great gesture,” he said. “Whatever money is raised may help someone else not have to go through this.

Summer Mission Trip

Barely two weeks into the summer break 28 Devon Prep students and five chaperones traveled to Delaware for a week long Mission Trip organized by Religion Teacher Mr. Joe Lewis through Catholic HEART Workcamp. During the trip the students slept in classrooms at St. Thomas More Prep in Magnolia, Delaware. That’s where they ate morning and evening meals and a ended a number of liturgical events such as daily prayer and Mass.

They spent their days working on a variety of projects such as: building handicap ramps; repairing homes, decks, and porches, working with Habitat -for-Humanity in the building of a new home, landscaping, power-washing, pain ng, and laying brick and stone pa os and walkways for local residents in need. The job sites were located throughout the state of Delaware – as far north as Delaware City, and as far south as Milford.

Although the work was ring, it was also fulfilling for the young men. And their efforts did not go unno ced. “Many of the residents we helped visited us at our final-day gathering to thank many of us personally for a job well done,” said Mr. Lewis.



And hopefully there will be a cure someday.”

Pitcher Helps Freshman Ace Project When Devon Prep freshman and baseball enthusiast Joe Orsa was asked if he’d like to see the Phillies in Spring Training in Florida, he couldn’t refuse. His only hesita on was the classwork and projects he’d have to make up when he returned. He never imagined, however, that the trip to Florida would actually earn him an A on one of his assignments.

Joe’s Introduc on to Catholicism teacher, Mr. Joe Lewis, had assigned a project to the class with such topic sugges ons as What is Catholic Athletes for Christ? On his first day in Florida, Joe met Jus n De Fratus, a 26 year old Phillies relief pitcher who happens to be a member of Catholic Athletes for Christ.

Joe realized an interview with De Fratus would be great for his religion project. Two days later Joe was at the ballpark watching the Phillies play. “In the 8th inning the Phils had a comfortable lead so I decided to go over to the bullpen and ask Jus n De Fratus if I could interview him for a religion project,” Joe explained. “He asked if I had the quesons and I didn’t but I told him I could get them. He said ‘if you can get the ques ons, I’ll give you an interview a er the game’.”

Joe called a friend from school to get the ques ons and was ready for the in-

terview by the me the game ended. He met De Fratus at the dugout and they went out to the field where the pitcher signed autographs. “I was just standing next to him like I was a big deal,” Joe said. “Then we went to the dugout and I interviewed him for about half an hour.”

They discussed Catholic Athletes for Christ (CAC) whose mission is to serve Catholic athletes and share the Gospel of Christ in and through athle cs. CAC provides an integrated network of sportsoriented clergy and lay people to serve Catholic athletes, coaches and staff in the prac ce of their faith.

De Fratus, who was raised Catholic, openly discussed the importance of his faith in all that he does and how his life changed when he took it more seriously. He told Joe, “Success on the baseball field will only take you so far and you are s ll going to have that empty feeling, or hunger for God. You’re never going to be fully fulfilled if you are not walking with Christ, and mentally, I am a much healthier per-

son because of it.”

“I was inspired by what he had to say,” Joe said. “He was very interes ng. He says it’s ok to go out and have fun, but you have to put God first. He said his faith doesn’t hold him back from having fun. It’s ok to watch today’s shows and listen to today’s music, hang out with your friends and do everyday things, just as long as you don’t put those things before God. That’s how he lives his life.”

“It was all so unexpected,” Joe said. “It was easily the coolest thing that has ever happened to me. To top it off Jus n told me to tweet him my grade. I got a 97.”

Devon Prep Hosts Spanish Exchange Students Devon Prep welcomed 12 Spanish Exchange students and three chaperones from The Piarist Fathers’ school Colegio Cristo Rey in Zaragoza, Spain. The five young men and seven young ladies spent two weeks a ending classes as well as taking several trips to local points of interest such as Historic Philadelphia, the King of Prussia Mall and Washington, DC. Each student was hosted by a Devon Prep student and his family.

Summer 2014




Congratula ons to the following alumni and their new brides:

John P. McCarthy ’01 and Erin McNulty David W. McGrail ’01 and Elizabeth Hear ield John V. Rafferty '01 and Sarah Bourne Daniel C. Rutledge ’01 and Kathryn Murray David J. Volpe ’01 and Rennie Katherine Frame Christopher S. Moore ’03 and Lauren Moser Michael J. Morrissey ’03 and Lauren Oswald Andrew J. Fox, Jr. ’05 and Lindsay Holloway Robert J. Hallinan ’05 and Erin Corless Christopher L. Weathers ’05 and Alissa Richards Francis B. Casale ’08 and Erin MacDonald William D. McCann ’08 and Lauren Dazio Christopher F. Smith ’10 and Elaine Gill

Congratula ons to the following alumni and their wives on their “new arrivals:”

Michael P. Danko, Jr. ’96 - son Michael Patrick III Douglas K. Hager ’96 - daughter Charlo e James F. Volpe ’96 - son John Peter Thomas L. Toole III ’00 — son Thomas Leo IV

Vincent J. Melograna ’63 is Vice President of Business Development at The Revenue Accelerator.

Dr. James M. (Tim) Wallace ’63 is an Associate Professor and applied anthropologist in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at North Carolina State University. Tim is the immediate Past President of the Na onal Associa on for the Prac ce of Anthropology. He has led research teams in many part of the world, including Guatemala, Costa Rica, Peru, Ecuador, Japan, Hungary, Madagascar, Mozambique, and Togo.

John T. Bartholomeo ’69 re red in 2008 as a Program Manager at the US Army Corps of Engineers a er a 34 year career. John is presently Vice President at Sevenson Environmental Services, Inc., which is headquartered in Niagara Falls, NY.

Dr. James E Maule ’69 is a Professor of Law at Villanova University School of Law.

Dr. Anthony V. Cole a ’71 is the President and CEO of Tandigm Health. Prior to this, Tony was a senior vice president at Independence Blue Cross, and Execu ve Vice President and Chief Medical Officer at Holy Redeemer Health Systems in Hun ngton Valley, PA.

Dr. Daniel F. Ba afarano ’73 was inducted as a Master of the American College of Physicians in April 2013. The American College of Physicians selects 40 to 50 physicians for this honor each year, out of a total membership of over 130,000.

Dan is a re red U.S. Army colonel and currently the Chief of the Rheumatology Service at Brooke Army Medical Center and Adjunct Professor of Medicine at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, Texas.

John C. Sullivan ’73 is Managing Partner at Loss Control Innova ons in Richmond, VA.

John C. Litchert ’78 is Chief Financial Officer at Brandywine Valley Hea ng and Air Condi oning, in West Chester, PA.

Dr. Richard J. Ba afarano ’80 has joined the Johns Hopkins Department of Surgery as director of the Division of General Thoracic Surgery and the first regional director of general thoracic surgery.

Dr. Colin K. Phoon ’81 is the Director of Pediatric and Fetal Echocardiography at the New York University Langone Medical Center. Colin is also Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the New York University School of Medicine.

Arthur S. Boyle ’83 is Vice President of Enterprise Risk Management at Radian Group, in Philadelphia, PA.

Dr. George Moutsatsos ’84 was recently inducted into the American College of Cardiology Board of Governors. George is also Governor and President of the Delaware Chapter of the American College of Cardiology.

Rudy Bonfini ’85 is an Applica ons Engineering Manager at SKF USA, Inc, in Lansdale, PA.

R.J. Bannister ’86 was the recipient of the Devon Prep Alumni Achievement Award presented at Gradua on 2013. R.J. is a Director for Towers Watson’s Execu ve Compensa on na onal prac ce and serves as an advisor to many Fortune 500 companies in the areas of compensaon strategy, corporate philosophy, board and governance issues, mergers and acquisi ons, and other ma ers related to compensa on.

Edward F. Curran ’88 is a Global Account Manager for Cisco Systems.

Thomas S. Fan ’90 is a member of the faculty at Calvert Hall College High School, in Bal more, MD.

Dr. Jus n T. McDaniel ’90 is Chair of the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. Jus n received his PhD in 2003 from Harvard University’s Department of Sanskrit and Indian Studies. Jus n and his wife Chris ne are the parents of two children and reside in Philadelphia.

Dr. Michael A. McCormick ’90 is the president and owner of ExpressMed, an urgent care center located in King of Prussia, PA.



Edward L. Schoenhut ’93 is a Senior Business Opera ons Manager at Lockheed Mar n Corp. in Arlington, VA.

Brian M. Oakes ’95 is Director of Development for Loyola University Maryland, in Bal more, MD.

Kevin B. Gallen ’96 is the owner of Gallen Engineering, which provides HVAC, plumbing, fire protec on, and electrical engineering services in the New York and Philadelphia metropolitan areas.

Douglas K. Hager ’96 is the owner of Brauhaus Schmitz, a highly regarded German restaurant in Philadelphia. Brauhaus Schmitz has been the site of several of our local Philadelphia alumni reunions.

Ma hew P. Huenerfauth ’97 is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Linguis cs at the City College of New York (CUNY). Ma is also the Associate Dean of the Division of Mathema cs and Natural Sciences, Queens College, CUNY. Ma ’s focus of research is computer accessibility and assis ve technology for people with disabili es, natural language processing, and human computer interac on.

Rev. Gerard J. Olinger, C.S.C. ’97 is Vice President for Student Affairs at the University of Portland, in Portland, Oregon. For the past several years Fr. Gerry has been one of the priestly concelebrants at our Christmas Vigil Mass here at Devon.

Rev. Francis Al ere, I.C., ’00, was ordained to the priesthood in the Ins tute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, on Tuesday, August 5 by His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke. He celebrated his First Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving a week later at Holy Savior Church in Norristown.

Michael H. Hill ’03 is an Assistant District A orney in the office of the District A orney of Delaware County, PA. Mike is also a valued advisor to our Mock Trial Team.

Timothy M. Durning ’04 is a professional illustrator whose works have appeared in many publica ons, including The New York Times. Tim and his wife reside in Philadelphia.

Kevin J. Fomalont ’04 was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to study biology in Russia during the 2012-13 academic year. Michael R. Fox ’05 has been named a partner at the law firm of Clark & Fox which serves the insurance industry.

Christopher W. McNabb ’05 was honored at the Fi h Annual Holy Child Awards Dinner for

his service (faith, jus ce, ac on, and compassion) in using his gi s to make a difference in the world.

David J. Evans ’08 was the guest speaker at the recent Devon Prep Mother and Son Communion Lunch. Dave is Assistant Director of Alumni Rela ons at Devon Prep, where he is also a member of the faculty and the athle c coaching staff.

Garrison J. Weaver ’09 is a private equity analyst at Ascent Real Estate Advisors, in New York City. Garrison is a 2013 graduate of the University of Richmond.

Brendan Fulmer ’10 graduated from Loyola University Maryland where he served as Student Body President for the 2013-14 academic year. Brendan majored in Poli cal Science and also double minored in Business Administra on and History. He currently serves as Digital Director for Representa ve Marilinda Garcia for Congress in Concord, NH.

Robert Smith ’10 graduated Dartmouth College in 2013. He serves as a Legisla ve Correspondent on the Capitol Hill staff of Congressman Mike Kelly of Western, PA.

Aus n J. Davis ’11 has been elected Student Senate President for the 2014-15 academic year at Dickinson College.

Alexander M. Sidor ’11 graduated from the University of Delaware in May 2013 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in the Honors Program in Neuroscience. He is in his first year at NYU Medical School. Alex’s par cipa on in the Advanced Placement Program while at Devon helped to enable him to complete college in only two years.

It has been suggested by numerous alumni that we focus our Epilogue efforts more in the online, rather than the printed, word. I am sure that at some me in the future, this will occur. For this reason, I ask you to send us your e-mail address, if you have not already done so. Also, please con nue to send me your latest news for “Bits and Pieces.” My e-mail address is headmaster at devonprep dot com and my phone number is 610-688-7337, ext. 299.

Best regards,


Please remember the souls of the following departed members of the Devon Prep Family in your prayers: Dr. Paul F. Doughty ’68 George V. Famiglio, Jr. ’68 Richard W. Hallahan ’80

Thomas D. Hipszer ’68 Timothy J. Malloy, Jr. ’72 Robert E. Slota, Jr. ’80

Dr. Ernest G. Szechenyi ’66 Lawrence A. Weber ’74 Brian J. Weierbach ’72

Mr. Thomas P. Bones, former Devon Prep faculty member Mrs. Mary W. Bagnell, grandmother of John D. LaPrise ’12 Mr. William A. Benning, father of Mark Benning ’81 Mr. George M. Betz, grandfather of Douglas A. Cichowicz ’11 Mrs. Catherine M. Blumstein, mother of David L. Blumstein ’05 Mr. Frederick D. Caccese, father of Frederick E. Caccese ’70, Robert G. Caccese ’71, and Michael S. Caccese ’73 Mr. Walter E. Colburn, father of Ma hew C. Colburn ’01 Mr. Anthony P. Coppa, grandfather of William D. McCann ’08, Vincent A. Coppa ’09, and Patrick M. McCann ’12 Mr. John E. Crowe, father of Brian D. Crowe ’81 and Brendan P. Crowe ’84; grandfather of Timothy P. Crowe ’13 Mr. Philip G. Damm, father of Michael C. Damm ’73 Mrs. Kathleen F. DePietro, mother of John J. DePietro ’90 Mr. Cornelius Dougherty, father of Neil J. Dougherty ’96 Mrs. Catherine D. Driscoll, grandmother of F. Joseph Real III ’04, and Timothy P. Real ’07 Mr. Daniel N. Ehart, father of Daniel A. Ehart ’78 and Thomas B. Ehart ’80 Colin Grady Finn, brother of Edward Finn ’11; cousin of John F. Heilmann IV ’04 Mr. Anthony J. Gaeto, grandfather of Nicholas T. Gaeto ’08 and Daniel B. Gaeto ’10 Dr. John G. Goode, Jr., father of Bre E. Goode ’05 Mr. Augustus Greco, father of David Greco ’85 Mrs. Jeanne A. Hallahan, mother of Michael J. Hallahan ’75 and +Richard W. Hallahan ’80 Dr. John A. Lepore, father of John A. Lepore, Jr. ’85 Mrs. Marie G. Malloy, mother of +Timothy J. Malloy, Jr. ’72, grandmother of Timothy M. Malloy ’03 Mr. Michael V. Mar ni, father of Thomas F. Mar ni ’94 Mr. Kevin V. McCauley, father of Kevin V. McCauley, Jr. ’03 Mr. James P. McClatchy, father of James P. McClatchy ’82 Mr. Robert P. Magee, father of +Robert P. Magee, Jr. '65 and Kevin Magee '72. Mrs. Judeline K. Melograna, wife of Vincent J. Melograna ’63 Mr. Frank J. Moffa, III, father of Frank J. Moffa IV ’96 Mr. Robert J. Moffa , grandfather of Andrew C. O’Reilly ’03 Sister Mary Owen Mulhern, IHM, aunt of Robert B. Mulhern ’72 and Francis J. Mulhern ’75; great-aunt of Daniel P. Mulhern ’02, Joseph B. Mulhern ’04 and Robert P. Driscoll ’07 Mr. Fiore J. Norcini, father of James J. Norcini ’67, Robert M. Norcini ’70, and Richard F. Norcini ’71 Thomas J. Nowlan, bother of Philip Nowlan ’10 Mr. William G. O'Neill, father of William G. O'Neill, Jr. '69 Dr. Benedict A. Paparella, father of Dr. Thomas E. Paparella ’76 Mr. Louis Paukovits, grandfather of Brian R. Silvestri ’10 Mr. Michael Seeds, former Devon Prep faculty member; grandfather of Johnathan M. Clemen ’14 Mrs. Laure a Skwirut, mother of John Skwirut ’83 Mr. Clarence F. Spencer, grandfather of Jus n S. Wickersham ’11 Mr. Robert J. Staub, father of Robert J. Staub, Jr. ’72; uncle of Carl A. Staub ’71, Michael E. Staub ’73, Peter Staub ’75; grandfather of Robert J. Staub III ’01, Chris an A. Staub ’09 and Sean P. Gillin ’12 Mrs. Eleanor St. Clair, grandmother of Timothy P. Crowe ’13

Summer 2014


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Parents: if this magazine is addressed to your son who no longer maintains an address at your home, please send his correct address to Dave Evans, Assistant Director of Alumni Rela ons. Dave can be reached at 610-688-7337, ext. 145 or devans@devonprep.com.

Upcoming Events Mark Your calendar for these future Devon Prep Alumni events. Check www.devonprep.com/alumni/alumniupcoming-events/ for more informa on.

Marty Bowen Alumni Golf Ou ng Monday, October 27, Bellewood Country Club

Super Reunion Weekend (for all classes gradua ng in years that end in 4 or 9) Saturday, November 8, 6 – 11 PM - cocktail hour with hor d’oeuvres Sunday, November 9, 10 AM— Mass is celebrated in St. Mary’s Chapel followed by Brunch in Calasanc us Hall

Basketball Game and Beef & Beer Friday, November 28, 6:00 PM in the Gymnasium and 7:00 PM in Calasanc us Hall.

5k Challenge Saturday, November 29, 10 AM start Wilson Farm Park

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