Diego Fiorenzani

Architect and Master’s degree in Architecture Università degli Studi di Firenze
Kaira Looro | Architecture for peace: Cultural centre in Sedhiou, Senegal
Autodesk Revit course for architects Kickstart level
Autodesk Revit Architecture course held by Graitec (Autodesk Platinum Partner) - Certification number RVTAOL02C-21IT-06
“Beyond the boundary” at the Kent State University of Florence
September 2019
December2012 2018
Partecipation and habilitation:
High school leaving qualification in scientific studies
Thematic workshop
State examination for the Abilitation as a Registered Architect
September COMPETITIONS2021
Master’s degree in Architecture
Exhibition of Architectural workshops organised by the Università degli studi di Firenze, at the department of Architecture.
Ideas competition
Achieved at the Università degli Studi di Firenze and registered at the Ordine degli Architetti of Livorno
Design of the new logo for Orto and Museo Botanico of Pisa
Preparation course for BIM specialist certification (Revit)
Graduated with a mark of 110 with honours from the Università degli Studi di Firenze
Exhibition of Architectural workshops organised by the Università degli studi di Firenze, at the department of Architecture.
July 2017 2014
April February-June2018
From Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Carducci - Volta - Pacinotti of Piombino (LI)
International ideas competition
April 2018 July
Protection and structural safety of heritage buildings, focused in architectures in masonry, raw earth and traditional materials
International design competition
Design of a tourist school of excellence in Ariano Irpino (AV)
“Workplace safety course” at Architecture School, Università degli Studi di Firenze
Requalification and enlargement of the municipal sports centre of Carenno (LC)
June -
2017 May 2016 2015 July
European ideas competition
English: IELTS band 7.5 (level C1)
Microsoft office suite
French: Basic knowledge
Rational mindset
June 2020
Quick Comprehensivelearner oversight capabilities
Spanish: Basic knowledge
ExperienceWillingDeadline-driventotravelonbuilding sites
European Driving Licence - B
QuantumRevit Gis
Problem solver
Photoscan, Metashape
Italian (Native speaker)
Good communicative skills
Passion for new technologies
Adobe:SketchRhinocerosCinemaAutocad4D(+Vray)UpPhotoshop, Lightroom, InDesign, Acrobat Pro
LeicaPrimuscyclone register 360 blk edition
Survey and cost estimation for the demolition of an illegal storey of a villa on Elba island (Leghorn)
Rebuilding of a ruined house in Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto) Design of the external landscape of a house in Punta Ala (Grosseto) Renovation of a villa and design of two new extensions in Casti glione della Pescaia (Grosseto)
Interior renovation of a four-roomed apartment in Castiglione della Pescaia Renovation(Grosseto)project for a Villa in the contryside of Castiglione della Pescaia Renovation(Grosseto)ofthe Polo field in Punta Ala (Grosseto)
Renovation of an apartment and its attic in Castiglione della Pescaia Renovation(Grosseto)project for an apartment in Turin Renovation of an apartment in Punta Ala (Grosseto)
Regularisation of a house in Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto)
Regularisation of a swimming pool in Punta Ala (Grosseto)
Restoration of a house in Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto)
Regularisation of pergola coverings located in a dance club in Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto)
[In various grades: designs, docu ments, surveys, cost extimation, materials order, inspection of the building site]
Survey, cost estimation and renovation of a curved luxury villa in Punta Ala Renovation(Grosseto)ofacountry house and design of new apartments in an agritourism located in Buriano (Grosseto)
Studio MVA (Castiglione della Pescaia, Tuscany)
DesignExternalof a new extension and project for the exteriors of a Villa in Punta Ala (Grosseto)
[Survey and cost extimation]
Renovation of a country house and construction of an oil mill in Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto)
Restoration of a Villa in Punta Ala (Grosseto)
Design of a new extension in Punta Ala (Grosseto)
Regualarisation of an apartment in Castiglione della Pescaia
Renovation of a four-roomed apartment in Castiglione della Pesca ia Interior(Grosseto)renovation of a two-roomed apartment in Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto)
Interior renovation of a three-roomed apartment in Grosseto
Interior renovation of a four-roomed apartment in Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto)
Regularisation of a seaside apartment in Castiglione della Pescaia Survey(Grosseto)and regularisation of a villa in Punta Ala (Grosseto)
Interior renovation of an attic in Vetulonia (Grosseto)
From September 2019
Restoration of a bakery in Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto)
[Survey, drawings, documents]
Design of a swimming pool in a Villa in Campiglia Marittima coun tryside Desingn(Leghorn)ofanew cellar near Baratti Gulf in the municipality of Piombino (Leghorn)
Ex novo
New buildings
part of the [Survey,documentation]drawings, design, part of the [Renderings,documentation]designs]
Various land surveys using photogrammetric tecnology and point clouds
March-August 2019
Several residential and industrial buildings located in Campiglia Marittima and in the towns nearby
Prof. Arch. Mauro Alpini
Design of an extension for a countryside villa in Castiglione della Pescaia Executive(Grosseto)projects of two villas and a garden centre in Punta Ala Design(Grosseto)ofa glass roof for an inner courtyard in a building in Punta Ala Design(Grosseto)ofaprivate gym in a villa in Punta Ala (Grosseto) Design of a swimming pool in Pian D’Alma (Grosseto) Design of a swimming pool in Punta Ala (Grosseto)
Contribution to the Structural Plan of Campiglia Marittima and Piombino (Leghorn)
Studio OPPS (Florence)
[In various grades: executive projects, designs, documents, surveys, cost extimation, materials order, renderings, inspection of the building
Other works
Design of a swimming pool extention in Punta Ala (Grosseto) Demolition and recostruction of a rural building (Grosseto)
Collaboration aimed at developing a design proposal for a school in Ariano Irpino.
Calculation through photogrammetric technology of sand cuba ture to be used for the replenishment of the beaches in Castiglione (summer 2020 and summer 2021)
Studio Petrai Associati (Campiglia
Interior renovation and design of a new roof of a house in Suvereto countryside (Leghorn)
June-July 2017
February - April 2018
Collaboration aimed at developing a design proposal for a cultural centre in Sédhiou (Senegal
[Survey, drawings, design, part of the documentation, renderings]
Registration of several buildings to land registry via the programs of the Revenue Agency
Former barn and stable in Fiesole
[Renderings, designs]
Collaborated as an intern while attending the University of Floren ce.
Apartment in Santa Maria Novella square in Florence Apartment in Isolotto neighborhood (Florence) Villa in Florence countryside
Three apartments built in a courtyard located in Rifredi neigh borhood Preliminary(Florence)studyfor a new volleyball court located near the Man dela Forum (Florence)
Several buildings located in Florence and in the towns nearby
[Surveys, drawings]
Land registry
New buildings
November 2016 - June 2017
Architect Francesco Falli Volterrani (Florence)
Project for modular factories with a greenhouse on their roof Anderlecht, Brussells, 2016 52
Project for the restoration of S.S. Annunziata’s church Suvereto, Leghorn, 2014-2016 60
Sailing club on Bilancino lake Barberino di Mugello, Florence, 2016 48
Supervisor: Prof. Arch. Fabrizio Franco Vittorio Arrigoni Co-supervisor: Prof. Eng. Giovanni Cardinale 26
Civic centre in Magliano in Toscana Magliano in Toscana, Grosseto, 2017 38
Calculation of the sand volumes through drone and photogrammetry Castiglione della Pescaia, Grosseto, 2020 64
Renovation of a Villa and contruction of a swimming pool Castiglione della Pescaia, Grosseto, 2021 70
Renovation of a luxury villa Punta Ala, Grosseto, 2020 66
Demolition and reconstruction of a rural building Grosseto, 2021 72
A new Museum for the city of New York Brooklyn Heights, New York City, 2018
Kaira Looro Competition - Cultural centre in Senegal Sédhiou, Senegal, 2018 18
Ariano Irpino, Avellino, 2017 12
Tourist school of excellence
Design of a new private gym Punta Ala, Grosseto, 2020 68
Requalification and enlargement of a sport centre Carenno, Lecco, 2020 22
Tourist school of excellence Ariano Irpino
_External view
tre. The will of combining a complete adherence to the functional program with the minimum volume possible has given a result of three different altimetric variations of the building. The western block, four stories high, (+ 14.00 m from San Francesco squa re), the eastern volume, three stories high (+11.00m) and the entrance, only two stories (+7.50m). This overlapping play made the building less prominent on the basis of the different functions located in each block, dividing public spaces from private scholastic spaces. It’s possible to see from the drawings how the maximum heights are similar to the heights of the surrounding bu ildings, mitigating the big impact on the area.
The project is based on the need of in serting a building between two public spaces at different heights in order to link them and to rebuild a fragment of a city centre. The building area op timization leads to a rationalisation of the available volume in two distinct blocks. A connective space articulated in a double direction is located betwe en them, vertically and horizontally. The horizontal component is used like a “cut” between the blocks, separating their volumes and creating an external space on d’Afflitto street that can be used like a public square. On the other side the vertical connectivity creates an interior agora that characterizes six different levels with a big and airy space, the true heart of the civic cen

14 _Cross section AA’ +0.0 -7.0 -3.5 -7.0 -8.0 -10.50 -7.00 -3.50 +0.00 +3.50 +7.00 +10.50 +14.50 pianta PT | q.+0.00, S. 1:250 | ingresso Piazza San Francesco pianta P+1 | q.+3.50m, S. 1:500 pianta P+2 | q.+7.00m, S. 1:500 sezione trasversale A | S. 1:250 13 2 4 5 7 8 9 10 6 11 12 13 14 B A _External view from the square

15 +0.0 -7.0 -3.5 -7.0 -8.0 flussi montacarichiusciteingressoingresso13 2 4 5 B A ATTRAVERSO LA SCUOLA _Plan at the level of the square _Interior view of the entrance

ingresso via d’Afflitto | q. -7.00m
attività di laboratorio Gli altri laboratori ( ) richiesti vengono posizionati sull’impronta delle aule già indicate, e concludono la porzione privata ad uso esculsivo della scuola. Aule e laboratori godono di un blocco servizi e scale dedicato, in modo da non congestionare e suddividere i flussi.
laboratorio C laboratorio D 130 mq 145 mq superficie utile 17.16. _Interior view of the agora _Exploded view
Nell’altro versante dell’ edificio si apre una nuova piazza, ricavata all’interno del lotto di progetto che si raccorda con Via d’Afflitto. Direttamente su questa si affaccia la biblioteca, come servizio aperto al paese ( ). Una volta entrati ci si trova nell’agorà ( ), alla base del grande volume che unisce l’ala est, cuore del civic center. Questo spazio ricreativo ospita la scala elicoidale che distribuisce tutte le funzioni pubbliche e lega l’edificio verticalmente. q.-3.50m
Legenda piano -1
palestra | q. -10.50m
Servizi e flussi interni uffici scaledistribuzioneservizidocentiigieniciverticalediemergenza
Laboratori specialistici | q. +3.50m Laboratori alberghieri si collocano in una posizione di cerniera tra il ristorante ed il piano terra. Questo per ridurre la percorrenza orizzontale dalle aule per raggiungerli e costituire un diaframma di supporto per la mensa. I laboratori sono pensati per poter essere aperti in orario extrascolastico per corsi e degustazioni ( ).
sala polivalente | q. +0.00m
Ala pubblica | utilizzo speciale la porzione est ospita il comparto delle funzioni pubbliche e semipubbliche ed ha tre livelli fuori terra. Il solaio di copertura (Q.+11.00m) evidenzia la presenza del grande volume dell’ agorà illuminato zenitalmente.
Il ristorante occupa una zona privilegiata del nuovo impianto. L’intera superficie del piano attico ( ) viene dedicata a refettorio e cucina. Questa netta compartimentazione ne permette un utilizzo che non esculde la destinazione pubblica, come manifesto dell’eccellenza della scuola, con una terrazza sul paesaggio.
Ala privata | utilizzo quotidiano La porzione ovest racchiude un sottoinsieme interno alla dinamica generale dell’edificio che rappresenta la sfera più intima della scuola. Il blocco dei quattro piani fuori terra (rispetto alla quota di Piazza S. Francesco ospita tutte le venti aule. ( )
In osmosi con Piazza S. Francesco il piano terra ospita la grande sala polivalente che affaccia sull’agorà ( ). La gradonata connette questo livello con il piano a quota -3,50m e offre una dinamica sia verticale che trasversale (apertura verso il paesaggio) nella percezione dello spazio. La sala costituisce una propaggine dell’atrio e offre uno spazio flessibile sia per eventi esterni che per la socializzazione degli studenti durante l’attività ricreativa.
Gli spazi per l’educazione fisica ( ) occupano la quota più bassa ma godono dell’illuminazione proveniente da via d’afflitto e dall’agorà (dalla quale si può assistere alle attività). Questa collocazione risulta ideale anche per l’impiego della palestra in attività extrascolastiche, direttamente accessibile dall’ingresso a quota -7.00m.
Mensa ristorante | q. +7.00m
The project was inspired by the con cept of the hut as an architectonic archetype and of the tree as the pro totype of the column. The idea is to create a space that can be in common with the surrounding nature. The bu ilding is not delimited by walls and every space is open allowing a conti nuous view of the landscape. Only the rain is blocked by the roof and the air is free to move. The spaces are fluid and without separations, both in the interior connections and in their rela tionship with the external ones. The ar
Kaira Looro Competition - Cultural centre in Senegal Sédhiou, Senegal
chitecture becomes a natural structu re, an extension of the landscape, the modern equivalent of the ancestors’ assembly under a sacred tree. The bu ilding is made of only local wood, ca nes and straw. The walls are replaced by a vertical and horizontal partition that lets light and air filter through. The central room is dedicated to shows and events and is surrounded by other areas used for exhibitions and schoo ling in a continuous and uninterrup ted space. There is also a reception and a toilet located near the entrance.
19_External view

20 _Cross _Southern_Interiorsectionviewsfaçade_Easternfaçade

Requalification and enlargment of a sports centre Carenno, Lecco
ched by disabled people using a ramp. The second area is the dining area, a large room characterized in all its len gth by metallic portals. The entrance is located under a porch, a filtering ele ment between the inside and the out side. The building’s walls and ceilings are dominated by wooden coverings that contrast with the cement-resin floo and dark metal finishes. The third part is the service area and it contains toilets, a warehouse, a kitchen and a changing room. Structurally speaking all of the parts of the building are as sembled dry, a characteristic strongly wanted in order to have the maximum reversibility and the minimum envi ronmental footprint.
The focal point of the competition was the design of a new building that could improve the restaurant services inside the Carenno sports centre. Our project was developed starting from the tra ditional architecture and materials of that place. We used wood, a constant presence in the Alpine valleys, and a pitched roof, a typical architectonic element, fused together in a contem porary language. Volumetrically the building is expanded in length and is divided in to three main parts: the patio, the dining area and the service area. The first one is an open space that can be covered with a series of metal elements integrated within the façade structural frame. This area can be rea
_Interior view

25_External view _Patio covering details _Exploded view

to your left you can find the temporary gallery and on the right the entrance hall for the main galleries. The first per manent collection is characterized by a series of Wunderkammerns, which collect objects and works of art that can represent the history of this city frame by frame. The glass curtain walls allow the entire length of the exposi tion to have a view on the subject of the museum itself: the City of New York. It ends with a projection room and a double heighted space where stairs are located. The upper gallery is made up by a series of rooms that form a permeable space between the proper expositive area and the exter nal hallways. The walls don’t touch the ceilings and they have the function of a skylight. The light is filtered through a system of sheds in opaque glass and a layer formed by transparent glass, vellum in fabric and micropierced sheet metal. The light is diffused and zenithal. When exiting from the galle ries we encounter a service block that leads to a large interior terrace overlo oking the city.
The project consists of designing a new museum that collects the art and the history of the city of New York. The complex is made by two main buildings, a library and a mu seum. The first one is formed by two elongated concrete buildings that are staggered. They are divided by a long skylight that marks the outside of the distributive system and the entrance takes place in this “cut”. The library is internally characterized by a terraced structure in order to have good illu mination through the large northern opening. Instead the museum is made up by a glass parallelepiped that is su spended on a concrete base. It is flan ked by a building in concrete where the museum services like offices and warehouses are located. The entrance is on a lower level compared to the li brary, and between these two heights there are monumental stairs overlo oking the island of Manhattan. From a lower square that goes under the bu ilding we can reach the entrances of the two parts that make up the expo sitive area. Looking at the old pier ruins
A new Museum for the city of New York Brooklyn Heights, New York City
27_Interior view of the hall

28 _Bird view of the building site

The temporary exposition is divided from the main galleries in order to have a ticket sold separatly. During the late spring and the summer is possible to extend the exposition outside, in contact with the ruins of the old dock.
The upper gallery is made up by a series of rooms that form a permeable space between the proper expositive area and the external hallways. The walls don’t touch the ceiling lea ving free the countertop having the function of skylight. The light is filtered through a system of sheds in opaque glass and a layer formed by transparent glass, velum in fabric and micropierced sheet metal. The light is diffuse and zenithal.
29 Expositive space | Permanent collection II
The study area, like the reading room, is located on a terrace slightly set back compared to the terrace below, in order to maximize the natural lighting coming from the big windows facing north. In the narrow block there is the book area, it’s connected with the study dedicated area through bridges suspended above the hallway.
The museum galleries are located inside a glass parallelepi ped that is supported by a double truss laid on a series of Insidepillars.
the concrete base there are, on opposite sides, the entrance of the temporary collection and the lobby of the permanent collections, there is also a bookshop.
Library | Hall and reading room
Expositive space | Permanent collection I
The first permant collection is characterized by a series of Wunderkammerns, which collect objects and works of art that can represent the history of this city frame by frame. The glass curtain wall allows, for the entire length of the exposi tion, to have a view on the subject of the museum itself: the City of New York.
The service block, in contrast to the part where the galleries are located, is characterized by a concrete coating. It contains the cafeteria, the storages and the offices
From the big northern opening copious light reachs even this partially underground level where are located the spaces dedicated to kids. This level is connected to the upper one through terraced steps which can be used as seats to watch little conferences or just for reading a book.
Museum| Entrance hall Museum | Temporary exposition
Library | Toy library and service areas
The library, like the cafeteria and the museum offices, has an access on a upper level compared to the museum. The distri butive system is formed by a long hallway in corresponden ce of the long skylight between the two blocks. The reading room is located on a terrace overlooking a lower space in order to get the best illumination from the light coming from north. In the narrow block there is the book area.
The library is formed by two elongated buildings in concrete straggered among them. They are divided by a long skylight that marks from the outside the distributive system.
Museo | Museum|BaseMuseum galleries Museum | Blocco dei servizi Library
The entrance to the museum main galleries takes place through this double-height hall which is enlighted by the upper glass parallelepiped.
Library | Study area
_Exploded view

30 _Interior view of the lower gallery

31_Interior view of the upper gallery

_View of the southern façade during the day
_Extenal view from the lower square
_Structural detail of the glass parallelepiped

34 _View of the southern façade during the night

35_Interior view of the library

_Details of the concrete building

to vertical loads
_Axonometric view and structural sections
Resistant system to vertical loads Resting
Resistant system to horizontal loads In red the parts of the building that collaborate in order to absorb the wind loads

Resistant system to horizontal loads
Suspended section
_Photos of the models (1:200 and 1:50)

The project is located in Magliano, a small town contained by high walls that differentiate it substantially from the historical The project is located in Magliano, a small town contained by high walls that differentiate it substantially from the historical centres nearby. A landslide, an uncommon phenomenon created a break down in parts of the walls. This breach is a point where town and countryside meet each other and this is the location where our project has been inserted. We decided to keep the dialogue between built and unbuilt, with a project designed not to saturate the lot. The building interacts with the town and with the landscape with two different syntaxes. The first one is more plastic, keeping the lines horizontality with the usage of the terraces. The second one is more imprinted on the verticality of the city, with full volumes aligned. The duality remains in material itself; the two lower stories are built in levigated concrete mixed
Civic centre in Magliano in Toscana Magliano in Toscana, Grosseto
_External view from the upper square
with aggregates coming from the excavation, the two upper stories are characterized by lines that mark the openings giving a more urban feeling. The two languages are also used in public spaces, on Garibaldi Street the building is moved back creating a square, a new space overlooking the Tuscan countryside donated to the town, on the other hand we have the opposite at the ground level, the landscape enters into the building through the multifunctional room. Between those levels there are contact elements. The first one is the tower, project pivot, that has the function of vertical connection and perspective term, the second one is made up by the public spaces and semi-public spaces located in the intermediate level. These are three spaces united organically: a courtyard giving light and air to the other rooms, a terrace located over the multifunctional room and a foyer having the function of filter between inside and outside.


41_External view of the project and city walls from the market square

43_External view of the multifuncional room entrance _External view of the terrace _Exploded view
-11.00 m Space for events 1. Multifunctional room 2. Services 3. Storage 4. Event square 5. Stairs and elevator Height -6.50 m 1. Foyer 2. Servizi 3. Newspaper library 4. Conference hall 5. HeightTerrace+1.50 m Town 1. Hall 2. Services 3. Expositive room Height +4.80m 1. Offices 2. Services 3. Laboratory
_Cross section of the multifunctional room
_Axonometric view of the project

_Interior view of the newspaper library
_Interior view of the conference hall

_Interior view of the multifuncional room from the terrace to the landscape


_Interior view of the expositive room

_View of the entrance from the upper square

ribbon windows with different heights and lengths with a basic module of 80 cm, the median height of a working table. It’s through this modularity ope ning that the incoming light qualifies spaces. In the workshop, for example, the window is at the same level as the workbench, offering a wonderful view of the lake. In the restaurant, the mo dule is tripled , creating a large ope ning on to the landscape. The distribu tive system is defined by a curtain wall that shows the space complexity.
The pier, a connection between land and water, a natural continuation of the territory that starting from a bay ends throwing itself in to the lake. The strong connection between this element and the environment is the basis of our project. The water accom modates the volumes of the building moored at the dock like stone ships. These blocks are ideally protected by a thin covering that permits the pe netration of natural light like it was lifted by a gust of wind. The openings of each room are made by a series of
Sailing club on Bilancino lake Barberino di Mugello, Firenze
49_Interior view of the workshop

50 _Exploded_Planview

51 _Cross section _Cross section

Project for modular factories with a greenhouse on their roof Anderlecht, Bruxelles
The project consists of designing a series of industries with low environ mental impact for the redevelopment of an Anderlecht neighbourhood in Brussels. Our idea was to combine mo dularity, ease of construction and envi ronmental sustainability. We designed a project with a modular structure for med by three parts: an area dedicated to production processes, a service area and a block with stairs and elevators. The buildings keep* this scheme and can be juxtaposed indefinitely main taining their functions. On the top of every industry there is a greenhouse.
The entrance is separated from the main one, so it can be managed by a separate company. Due to the amount of organic waste coming from the gre enhouses inside the neighbourhood there is a sewage and biomass col lection system that produces energy from this kind of waste. Architecturally we were inspired by local architectu res and for the structures we used pre cast concrete slabs. At the back of the building, a street for industrial usage was designed in order to separate this kind of traffic from the residential one.

1- IPE 330 2 - Countertop in drywall 3 - Corrugated sheet h. 4.5 cm 4 - Concrete slab s. 6.5 cm 5 - Sloped screed 6 - Insulating layer in polyurethane s. 4 cm 7 - Finishing and levelling layer 8 - Waterproofing membrane 9 - Flooring in porcelain stoneware 10 - Filling in concrete s. 23 cm 11 - Precast concrete threshold 12 - Insulating layer in polyurethane s. 20 cm 13 - Vapour barrier 14 - Precast concrete slabs s. 6 cm 15 - Steel pillar - diameter 40 cm 16 - Non-opening windows of the greenhouse 17 - Steel truss beam h. 33 cm 18 - C shaped metal profile 11.5 x 33 x 1000 cm and box shaped 11.5 x 33 x 1000 cm 19 - Vasistas windows 20 - Alluminium gutter 21 - Metal profile of finish WinterSummer Geothermal probes _Exploded view _Structural axonometric projection _Climate diagram of the building

57 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 3 4 5 6 9 101112 13 15 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 16 9 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 25 26 27 17 28 26 29 30 31 32 34 33 33 35 36 37 39 24 - Ventilated crawl space 25 - IPE 330 26 - Plasterboard ceiling 27 - Inspection well and pipes for water drainage 28 - Concrete rail 29 - Window F8 30 - Metal profile of finish 31 - Non-opening window 32 - Truss ginder 33 - C shaped metal profiles h. 33 cm 34 - Steel pillar 35 - Shaped IPE beam 36 - C shaped metal profiles h. 33 cm 37 - Main truss ginder 38 - Tie rods 39 - Filling substrate 40 - Flooring in porcelain stoneware 41 - Waterproofing membrane 42 - Finishing and levelling layer 43 - Insulating layer in polyurethane for floors 44 - Sloped screed 45 - Concrete slab 46 - Corrugated sheet
3 - Precast concrete threshold
14 - Waterproofing membrane
15 - External skirting
18 - Flooring in self-levelling concrete
17 - Skirting
12 - Stabilisation substrate 10 cm
16 - Concrete underground layer s. 6 cm
22 - Radonproof barrier
23 - Concrete slab
1- Gutter - Vasistas window
11 - Sand substrate s. 10 cm
13 - Gravel substrate 20 cm
20 - Vapour barrier
6 - Insulating layer in polyurethane
21 - Insulating layer in polyurethane for floors
8 - Window F2A
view from the offices view of the greenhouse
4 - Precast concrete slab
19 - Screed for technological systems
7 - Finishing precast concrete slab
10 - Flooring in interlocking concrete pavers
5 - Concrete filling
9 - Grade beam
_Axonometric projection of a _Conceptmodule

59 10.40 10.40 10.40 5.55 2.23 1.65 1.49
Max3.56Hu: mq15.65Sn:
uominiSpogliatoio m3.56Hu: mq9.52Sn: forzataVentilazione vol/h donneSpogliatoio 3.56Hu: mq9.52Sn: forzataVentilazione vol/h
Magazzino 3.56Hu: mq75.48Sn: mq14.96Sf: 0.20Rai:
merciscaricocaricoArea m3.56Altezza: mq37.04Area: mq14.96finestrata:Area 0.21Rai:
Antibagno 3.56Hu: mq5.33Sn: forzataVentilazione vol/h
Hall 3.56Hu: mq83.24Sn: mq15.14Sf: 0.182Rai:
Bagno 3.56Hu: mq2.59Sn: forzataVentilazione vol/h disabiliBagno 3.56Hu: mq2.59Sn: forzataVentilazione vol/h10 distributivoSpazio 3.56Hu: mq74.94Su: mq7.22Sf: 0.096Rai: mq4.75Sn: mq5.33Sn: section
uominiDocce 3.56Hu: mq4.75Sn: forzataVentilazione vol/h10 uominiBagni m3.56Hu: mq5.33Sn: forzataVentilazione vol/h10
disabiliBagno m3.56Hu: mq4.16Sn: forzataVentilazione vol/h10Infermeria 3.56Hu: mq8.35Sn: forzataVentilazione vol/h mq8.35Sn: 1.64
8.708.70 2.053.500.6310.407.13 5.38 2.52 1.52 1.52 1.65 1.82 33.00 1.50 0.55 33.00 1.70 1.43 2.32 C' _Executive plan of the ground floor _Cross
and reutilizing it. We used many te chnologies for the surveys, the most important was the photogrammetry that permitted us to have a textured 3D model of the inside. The proposal we are trying to concretize with the support of the city council is a project divided in to three steps. The first one is the most important, it contains the rebuilding of the roof, the consolida tion of the vault and the installation of a ring beam in steel upon the walls. The second step is the elimination of all of the decay and the third concerns the functional recovery, inserting the church in the regional trekking trails. Part of the studies are readable on the internet.
Project for the restoration of S.S. Annunziata’s church Suvereto, Leghorn
The project for the restoration of S.S. Annunziata’s church started from the Workshop of Restoration I at the University of Florence, it was later developed during the Workshop of Restoration II and within a proposal of restoration, financed by local asso ciations. The church is located in the woods of the municipality of Suvereto and it was built in the XI century. Al though falling into the canon of the so-called “romanico tirrenico” it has some very uncommon characteristics like the huge ogival barrel vault, an ab solute innovation in local architecture. During the studies we identified the degradation causes and the best op tions for putting the building in safety
_Plan of the church

62 _Photogrammetric model of the inside of the church

_Drawing of the _Photogrammetricvaultcross section of the vault

Calculation of the sand volumes through drone and photogrammetry Castiglione della Pescaia, Grosseto, 2020
point cloud and a DEM, through this process we were able to calculate the sand volumes. The results were expor ted in klm and kmz, native formats of Google Earth, and sent to the con struction company that was able to verify via geo-referenced models the real volumes moved by the dredger and compare it to the project one in the most accurate way.
Within this project, part of the an nual plan of costal replenishment of Castiglione della Pescaia, I monitored the volumes of sand taken from the seafloor and deposited on the beach waiting to be spread. In order to have an accurate, simple and easy estimate of the sand accumulated by the dred ger we did many drone flights taking many photos of the area. The pictu res were elaborated creating a dense
_3D model of the first section of the beach

_Digital elevation model with volumes

_Due to confidentiality agreements I cannot show photos in its intirety
Renovation of a luxury villa Punta Ala, Grosseto, 2020
The villa is a famous project of the engineer Valdemaro Barbetta, & has a unique structure and shape of the whole region. It was built in the 60s and in its curved shapes we can see re ferences to Le Corbusier’s and Miche lucci’s works making it a precious and valuable building. Our project consi sted essentially of maintenance and restoration of the villa. The survey of such a complex object was only possi
ble through laser and photogramme tric technologies. The plan was drawn thanks to several laser stations, and a textured 3D model was made with the photos taken by the drone. The renovation has been completed and the villa is back to its original splendor, particular attention has been paid to the choice of materials and finishes.
_Swimming pool after the restoration

_Dense cloud
Design of a new private gym Punta Ala, Grosseto, 2020
ches that leave the corners empty. The windows are designed to have curved fixed glass and a sliding component made by only one part on the side of the structure. Internally the gym will be plastered with the colour ochre, recalling the external shades, and the floor will be in parquet. The light will be provided by circular dimmable Bega lamps in order to have warm il lumination of the room.
_Due to confidentiality agreements I cannot show photos of the interior or the exterior of the house
The work is being completed and is part of a much larger project of reno vation and enlargement of a villa in Punta Ala. The whole project includes: the realisation of a small spa, the en largement of the existing swimming pool and the construction of this gym. The plan of the gym is semi-circular and is inspired by the curvilinear sha pe of the villa. The openings are in the corners and are made up by two ar
69_Internal view of the gym

The project consisted of a heavy re novation of a villa on the hills of Casti glione della Pescaia. The intervention completely reorganised the interior space and involved the creation of two extensions, organised like two de pandances, one for the servants and the other for guests. Externally we realised a new terrace overlooking the sea and a new infini ty pool completely covered in Pietra di Torre. The materials used in this restoration are essentially three: white plaster, exposed stone and travertine.
_Due to confidentiality agreements I cannot show photos in its intirety
Renovation of a Villa and contruction of a swimming pool Castiglione della Pescaia, Grosseto, 2021
The new extensions were designed as pure stone volumes that blend well with the context and their roofing is a garden roof with copper finish. Technologically, the most demanding challenges were the elimination of a reinforced concrete pillar that sup ported a corner of the roof and the construction of an underground spa ce between an existing retaining wall and the road, which involved the use of micropiles.
_New infinity pool during construction

_New _Swimmingstaircasepool

by a front porch and the materials are very traditional: stone, plaster, terra cotta and copper. The general design of the houses is a reinterpretation of the Tuscan rural buildings, a nice modern touch but grounded in tradition and respectful of the surroundings. The actual construction work is set to begin in the Autumn 2021 .
design choices are simple, the volume of the long stable will be reu tilised in compact house-like building with big openings and characterised
The project involves the demolition of the roof and the inner walls of the existing building, its subdivision in smaller unities and a general recon figuration of the volume, in order to repurposing this stable for an agritou Therism.
Demolition and reconstruction of a rural building Grosseto, 2021
_Render of the front porch

_Stable before the restoration of the project

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