The Dilmah Book of Tea Inspired Cuisine & Beverage

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tea gastronomy

For centuries, problems of mankind have been solved over a cup of tea whether they were problems between nations, amongst businesses, even in families, between husbands and wives, tea has been the soothing balm that helped their solution.

The simple

act of pouring a cup of tea is, in itself, an ice-breaker, providing pleasurable anticipation of the goodness that is to follow.

I have dedicated my life towards

providing that cup: not only to solve problems but to

add sunshine, to our day, with every sip of Dilmah.

Merrill J. Fernando Founder of Dilmah Tea

The Story Behind Your Cup of Tea

There is an amazing story behind your cup of Dilmah Tea. It is a tale that unfolds each day on Dilmah Tea gardens around Sri Lanka. It begins with the blessing of nature upon Ceylon Tea – the natural alchemy of climate and soils that produces the world’s finest tea. It develops from there, weaving through the lives of the tea pickers and their families, through the village communities around our island, through the forests and waters around Sri Lanka, and reaching its climax in your cup of tea. Dilmah was born of a simple tea grower’s vision. Merrill J. Fernando’s desire to share the pleasure in tea with the world, and to do so ethically by benefiting workers in the exploited tea industry, was the genesis of Dilmah Tea. Nearly four decades of struggle that Merrill invested in making his dream a reality, were rewarded with an unexpectedly powerful welcome from tea drinkers around the world. Dilmah has grown from the impossible and often ridiculed dream of an ordinary Sri Lankan to a brand that is enjoyed in 100 countries around the world. Dilmah is recognized as one of the top 10 tea brands in the world. These are not the definitions of success that Merrill J. Fernando and his family seek for Dilmah though. Merrill fulfilled his pledge to making his Dilmah a genuinely ethical business with the establishment of his charitable foundation – the MJF Foundation. That commitment to ethics was set at the heart of Merrill’s business in the 1960s, long before Corporate Social Responsibility became the buzzword that it is today. Within that commitment lies a very powerful philosophy – that of making business a matter of human service. In seeing success as something beyond its conventional, commercial definition, Merrill demonstrated a powerful truth. He showed how relevant the often discarded traditional, family values are in present context. By placing integrity - as much in relation to his customers, in the quality of Dilmah Tea as to the workers and environment that help make Dilmah special - at the heart of his business, he offered a potent solution to many of the problems our world faces today.


Dilmah Tea Gastronomy and Help Change Lives By purchasing this book, you are contributing US$10 towards empowering underprivileged people in Sri Lanka who are unable to pursue their culinary dreams.

WACS (World Association of Chefs Societies) and the WACS Chefs Without Borders program in partnership with the MJF Charitable Foundation, the charitable arm of Dilmah tea, is implementing programs of empowerment throughout Sri Lanka to help realize culinary aspirations of those who are unable to do so due to poverty and lack of education. The WACS Chefs without Borders Program is proud to partner with the MJF Charitable Foundation which already works throughout Sri Lanka in implementing over 300 projects that change the lives of approximately 10,000 people each year. The Foundation’s Small Entrepreneur Programme (SEP) which seeks to empower individuals in a sustainable and dignified manner, will be one way by which the proceeds from this book will be utilised to help set up small entrepreneurs who wish to pursue culinary related work. WACS and the MJF Charitable Foundation will also be working through the different MJF Centres throughout Sri Lanka to help empower individuals to set up sustainable, micro scale enterprises which will provide them with an income while helping them to realise their dreams.

© Ceylon Tea Services PLC 2012 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission. Photography Alan Benson Dilhan C. Fernando Izabela Urbaniak Piotr Witomski Sarath Perera Printed and bound in Singapore ISBN 978-955-0081-06-6 Ceylon Tea Services PLC 111 Negombo Road, Peliyagoda, Sri Lanka.

contents At the Heart of Gastronomy There is Tea.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 History of Ceylon Tea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 How we Grow and Pack the World’s Finest Tea . . . . . . . 12 The Dilmah Philosophy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Dilmah Innovations in Hospitality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Tea Mixology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Hot Tea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Mocktails. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Tea Shakes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

Cocktails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Hot Tea Cocktails. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

t-Shots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Tea Cuisine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Appetisers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Soups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

Salads & Dressings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

Sorbets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

Main Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158

Desserts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Robert Schinkel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Robert Wemischner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 Recipe Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370


At the Heart of Gastronomy there is Tea

A declaration such as this in the introduction to our Dilmah Book of Tea Inspired Food and Beverage is likely to meet more than a few disagreeing shakes of the head. But please read on and let me explain how it is that just recently a Frenchman, and a Sommelier too, reacted in just the opposite way.

First and most importantly, tea is a natural herb, more influenced by Nature than any other beverage. The near infinite variety of tea - the aromas, textures, the hay like subtlety of a Seasonal Nuwara Eliya to the purply thickness of a Kahawatte Dust 1 - all comes from a single plant species - Camellia sinensis. There are no variants such as the different grape cultivars that influence wines to such an extent. It is the confluence of the myriad aspects of Nature and expert variation of a method of manufacture that has been perfected over centuries, that account for the differences. Secondly, the beguiling array of colours, textures and aromas that form the constantly changing palette that is variety in tea, corresponds to an equally beguiling array of flavours, textures and strengths. From the finesse of a fine Uva to the majesty of a Ceylong Souchong, and beyond, the flavour in tea is natural and unimaginably varied. Thirdly, scientific studies confirm that amongst the many health benefits that black and green tea offer, is the ability of antioxidants in tea to dramatically lower cholesterol and prevent diabetes. A pure and natural herb, naturally imbued with a spectrum of tastes, flavours and strengths, possessing the ability to protect us from the most debilitating and common lifestyle diseases of the 21st century. There is more, for tea is a cleansing and pure herb, and when taken with the most ferocious, cloyingly rich or sugary dishes, has the ability to elegantly restore the palate and your taste buds in anticipation of the next course. Our exploration of ‘tea gastronomy’ began in 1999 with roast chicken marinated in Ceylon Tea. Over the years it became apparent that the sensorial and functional justification for the marriage of tea and food was more than just coincidence. For centuries Central Asian hospitality has focused on Plov and tea, in Asia similarly, tea was always an accompaniment to food. These ancient traditions are rooted more in function than pleasure, but the magic in tea gastronomy appears when taking the marriage further; by exploring the sophistication of fine teas, celebrating the fleeting existence of rare, seasonal teas, and the ethereal elegance of Ceylon Silver Tips. There is a tea for every moment, for every mood and for every occasion. There is a tea for every fruit, vegetable and meat, a tea for every culinary style and a tea whose unique personality matches every person’s individual taste. Our book of Tea Inspired Food and Beverage is intended to express my family’s love for tea in another dimension. The experience of fine tea is not solely for the purist nor for the connoisseur; in comparison with any other beverage including spring water, tea is an inexpensive luxury. And luxury it is for good tea, picked by hand, tasted and devotedly cared for from the plant to your pot is a beverage unlike any other - artisanally crafted to harness what Nature has created. At the heart of gastronomy there is tea. Whether tea paired delicately with Mesclun salad, tea expressed in cuisine as a garnish or marinade, as an element in mixology or as a part of a finely tuned quartet of tea, savoury and sweet morsels and spirit there can be no doubt of it. In the sensations that tea offers - its taste, mouthfeel, and in its natural goodness, there is a delicious concord in the union of tea and food.

Dilhan and Malik are the younger and elder sons of Dilmah Founder Merrill J. Fernando, from whose names he coined his brand Dilmah.



History of Ceylon Tea

Tea originated in China, as legend has it, 5,000 years ago with Chinese Emperor, Shen Nung claiming the health benefits of tea in 2737 BC. However it was Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) that made tea famous in the 19th and 20th centuries. Scotsman James Taylor is attributed with planting the first tea estate in Sri Lanka. It was in 1867 that Taylor planted 20 acres of tea on the Loolecondera Estate, where he was the Superintendent. It was here that he perfected the technique of fine plucking - ‘two leaves and a bud’. Ceylon tea became the front-runner of the industry and was much loved for its unmatched quality and variety. The alchemy of land, sun and rain in the Paradise Island of Ceylon, as it was known then, presented the ideal climatic conditions for cultivation of tea. Ceylon added a new dimension to tea by producing variations in taste, quality, character and appearance, largely based on terroir manifested in the country. Ceylon tea with its distinct taste and character became every consumer’s favourite cuppa. A unique feature of Ceylon Tea is that its teas are grown at various elevations ranging from sea level to 6000 feet (1850 metres). This variance in regional elevation lends to teas being of the finest quality with an infinite variety. Sri Lanka is the third largest producer of tea after India and China. However, Sri Lanka is the largest exporter of tea to the world, as much of India’s and China’s production is consumed by its own large populations.


How we grow and pack the world’s finest tea There is a story in tea that is inspiring in its expression. It is a tale that starts with a tiny seedling which evolves through the influence of soil, rainfall, sunshine, temperature and the skill of the tea planter. Eventually it offers the tender green shoots of the now matured Camellia sinensis plant, which is then skillfully harvested by hand. The story spans thousands of hectares and millions of lives in Ceylon’s famous tea country, known as the home of the world’s finest tea. Major brands have abandoned the traditional, centuries’ old method of making tea for a new “fast track” process, which sacrifices the character & taste of real tea. Dilmah remains faithful to traditional, authentic tea. That’s why Dilmah tea tastes so different.




2 Plucking



Harvesting fresh young shoots from mature tea bushes is known as plucking. Each pluck picks only two tender leaves and bud of succulent fresh growth. Within seven to ten days the bushes grow new shoots. Plucking is traditionally done by skilled women, adept at picking the shoots, and throwing handfuls into the carrier basket resting on their backs. In Ceylon’s temperate climate, tea is a perennial crop.

When tea leaves are plucked from the bushes the moisture content is about 75%, and is then reduced to approximately 45%. The fresh leaf is spread out on withering troughs about a foot deep and a flow of cool air helps reduce moisture. This process can last from 8 to 18 hours depending on weather conditions. Significant chemical changes occur during withering. The cell membrane permeability is increased allowing for more disruption of cell structure.

Rolling of withered leaf was perfected over centuries, a process which brings out flavour in tea. Rolling assists in establishing proper conditions for enzymatic oxidization of the flavanols by atmospheric oxygen. This is achieved by disruption of cell structure which facilitates enzyme substrate contact.






Firing & Baking

Sorting & Grading


During fermentation, also known as Oxidization, green leaf is converted to black tea. Although this is referred to as fermentation it became recognized as oxidization, a process initiated by the tea enzymes. This process starts at the onset of maceration during the rolling process, and it is allowed to continue under ambient conditions. The temperature of leaf is maintained at around 25-30°C. Mild acidification of the oxidized tea increases the levels of the tea theaflavins.

During this process hot air is passed over the tea leaves to deactivate fermenting enzymes. Many organochemical processes are accelerated during this process as are the enzymatic reactions before thermal inactivation. Firing also reduces the moisture level to 2-3%. This is critical as incomplete inactivation can cause accelerated deterioration of quality.

Baked tea is sorted into different grades by passing them over a series of vibrating screens of different mesh sizes - Electrostatically charged rollers preferentially attract stalk and fiber to remove them from the tea. There are several grades of tea, such as leaf grades, broken grades, fannings & dust grades.

Dilmah tea is packed at source in Sri Lanka within days of manufacture, and is therefore fresh and brimming with antioxidants.



The Dilmah Philosophy

“We are a family business, built on family values. Integrity must therefore be the foundation of our every activity; that

means integrity in relation to Quality, Ethics, Tradition and Authenticity, our Customer and Sustainability. These are the Six Pillars of Dilmah.” - Merrill J. Fernando, Founder of Dilmah

Sri Lankan family tea company Dilmah, was established by Merrill J. Fernando to bring the finest quality, Single Origin Ceylon Tea, garden fresh and unblended, to tea drinkers around the world. His Dilmah Tea brand was the first genuinely ethical tea brand, bringing a smile to the faces of the underprivileged in Sri Lanka, while giving consumers quality, authenticity and natural goodness in their cup of tea. Merrill J. Fernando dedicated his life to tea when in the 1950s, he saw the concentration of ownership in the tea industry in the hands of a few large corporations. This was leading to commoditisation of tea. He decided that in the interest of tea drinkers around the world, and the crop that his country produced with so much care and artistry, he would fight this process of commoditisation. It took him nearly four decades and in 1988 he launched his own brand - Dilmah. Coined from the names of his two sons Dilhan and Malik, Dilmah was the first producer owned tea brand, and offered tea ‘picked, perfected and packed’ at origin. Unlike the multi-origin blends that monopolised supermarket shelves, Dilmah brought tea that is freshly packed at source and therefore rich in flavour and natural goodness. The tiny, upstart tea company that Merrill formed in 1988 to change the exploitation of his country’s crop by big traders, has today grown to become one of the top 10 tea brands in the world. However as Merrill says, his Dilmah will always be a small, family brand because it represents integrity, and integrity in tea requires quality, commitment and passion. Those are not qualities that can be extended to the mass market. Dilmah is unique; a brand that is founded on a passionate commitment to quality and authenticity in tea, it is also a part of a philosophy that goes beyond commerce in seeing “business as a matter of human service”. This is what makes Dilmah the first ethically produced tea. Business ethics and social responsibility guide the family business where profits from the company are shared with those who are less privileged in society.



Dilmah Innovations in Hospitality

Sri Lankan Tea Company, Dilmah, has traditionally taken the lead in bringing innovation to a global tea category that has suffered decline as a result of commoditisation and multinational dominance. Signature events such as the Dilmah Thé Culinaire, Dilmah Tea Sommelier, Dilmah Real High Tea, The Chefs & the Teamaker and Tea in Five Senses are innovations in the tea category that seek to educate and inspire hospitality professionals to offer their guests a completely new tea experience. The events foster greater interest in quality tea, and greater respect for this healthy, natural and versatile beverage.

Dilmah Thé Culinaire - Thé Culinaire marries tea as an essential ingredient in food where professional chefs in the industry compete and showcase their cooking skills and creativity using the finest Ceylon Tea as a base in producing a complete meal par excellence. The Thé Culinaire event is created to integrate quality tea - not just any tea - into the lifestyles of consumers. The programme is designed to encourage greater awareness and understanding of real tea amongst chefs and hospitality professionals generally, by offering real tea as an ingredient in their culinary efforts. Dilmah Tea Sommelier - The Tea Sommelier Competition is a showcase of skill and creativity in producing exceptional cocktails, mocktails and traditional hot beverages using Ceylon’s finest tea. The competition is designed to harness the skills of beverage professionals in the hospitality industry to celebrate quality, variety and innovation in tea. After water, tea is the most consumed beverage on earth and yet knowledge of tea, its preparation and variety, is severely limited amongst hospitality professionals and tea consumers alike. The Dilmah Tea Sommelier Competition is designed to change that by recognizing skilled brewing of tea, iced tea, and innovation in tea based beverages. In bringing these aspects of tea into focus, the competition is expected to foster greater interest in quality tea, and greater respect for this wonderful beverage. The aim of the Dilmah Tea Sommelier programme is to share with hospitality professionals and through them with people around the world, the experience of the finest quality Ceylon tea. Real High Tea - The tradition of afternoon High Tea is said to have begun in the 18th Century, aided by Anna Maria Stanhope, Duchess of Bedford who invited friends to tea with cakes and pastries at 5 o’clock in Belvoir Castle. The modern interpretation of Afternoon Tea is compromised by an over emphasis on food, forgetting the central element - tea. Dilmah Real High Tea made its debut in 2007 and continues in an endeavour to bring pleasure through the understanding and appreciation of Quality, Freshness, and Variety in tea. Real High Tea also aims to enhance that pleasure with tea gastronomy, to offer tea aficionados a truly enjoyable High Tea, that shares the story in each tea, offers the tea perfectly brewed and elegantly presented, accompanied by sweet and savoury cakes, pastries and sandwiches that are harmonious in taste. The Chefs & the Teamaker - In celebration of the 21st Anniversary of Dilmah in 2009, the family tea company launched an innovative programme that fulfils the objective of integrating tea, the 21st century beverage, into modern lifestyles. In July 2008, eight celebrated chefs and restaurateurs from prestigious Australian establishments visited Sri Lanka for a tea adventure which became ‘The Chefs and the Tea Maker’ series. During their tour the chefs were inspired to produce four tea infused food and beverage recipes each and collaborated to produce a collection of recipes featured in a book that was launched at the 21st anniversary events held in Australia. Continuing the success of the Australian event, the Global event was launched from the 16th - 27th of July, 2010. This brought together celebrated chefs from over 12 countries. Tea in Five Senses - ‘Tea in Five Senses’ builds upon a notion that lies at the heart of Dilmah - that fine tea is an indulgent pleasure, and an experience to be savoured not just in taste, but on the eye, the nose and only then on the palate. In the fifth sense, the tranquility in tea is magnified. By pairing tea with music the five senses are utilised for a truly indulgent tea experience. In the same way that harmony of flavour on the tongue produces pleasure, the relationship that exists amongst taste, aroma and sound, is beautiful in its harmony.



Tea Mixology

Tea mixology is the art of respectfully combining nature’s most indulgent herbal beverage, with other ingredients to produce tea inspired cocktails, mocktails and shooters. Mixing different ingredients to produce harmony on the palate is an art in itself. Mixology with tea however is even more demanding on the expertise and commitment of the tea mixologist for it requires an understanding of the unique identity of each tea. Camellia Sinensis, the plant from whose tender buds tea is handpicked when making real tea, produces a spectrum of taste, flavour, strength, colour, aroma and texture. That infinite variety is at the heart of indulgence in tea and is crafted entirely by nature. The influence of soil, moisture, wind conditions, sunshine, temperature defines the character of tea. The art of tea making nurtures these characteristics but cannot redefine what Nature intended. Tea effectively changes with the weather, with tea from one valley for example, with certain characteristics, being entirely different even days later as the weather changes. Respecting that blessing of Nature and the often delicate flavours and aromas that form the personality of a tea is what makes the task of the tea mixologist especially complex. As a family with a commitment to tea that is defined by Dilmah Founder Merrill J. Fernando’s lifelong dedication to the herb, we present a selection of tea inspired beverages which interpret this traditional herb in a unique form. Tea and the heritage and terroir that real tea shares with one who appreciates tea, are the essence of indulgence in this ancient herbal beverage. Whilst respecting that heritage and terroir, the combination of tea with other drinks and ingredients to produce a pleasurable result is the objective of this book. May the natural goodness in tea, it’s inspiring taste, flavour and aroma be as much a source of goodness, solace, friendship and pleasure to you as it has been to us.


Hot Tea


Hot Tea

Spicy Vanilla Bee

Cinnamon Curry Darjeeling


Utensils • Teacup with Tea Strainer • Kettle • Teapot • Teaspoon

Utensils • Teacup with Tea Strainer • Kettle • Teapot • Teaspoon

Utensils • Teacup with Tea Strainer • Kettle • Teapot • Teaspoon

Ingredients • 200ml Dilmah Vanilla Tea • 50ml Honey • 5 nos. each of Cardamoms, Cloves & Cinnamon

Ingredients • 25ml Dilmah Darjeeling Tea • 75ml Apple juice • 75ml Water • 3 inch Cinnamon Stick • Sprig of Curry Leaves • Sugar to taste

Ingredients • 200ml Dilmah Watte Single Estate - Somerset Estate Pekoe • 10g Roasted Cumin Seed • 1 piece of Jaggery

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea with the spices for 3-4 minutes in 250ml boiling water. • Strain into a teacup. • Stir in the Honey. Garnish Cardamoms and cloves in the cup with a cinnamon stick placed on the saucer

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 25ml of water for 4 minutes. • Add the remaining ingredients into a pan and bring to boil. • When boiling, reduce heat and simmer for 4 minutes. • Strain into a cup and serve.

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea with roasted cumin seed in 200ml boiling water for 2 minutes. • Strain and serve in a teacup with a piece of Jaggery. Garnish Piece of Jaggery on the saucer

Garnish Cinnamon stick and curry leaves in the cup


Hot Tea

Silk Milk Tea

Indian Masala Chai

Moctezuna’s Teh Tarik

Utensils • Teacup with Tea Strainer • Kettle • Teapot • Teaspoon

Utensils • Teacup with Tea Strainer • Kettle • Sugar bowl • Pan

Utensils • Teacup with Tea Strainer • Kettle • Sugar bowl

Ingredients • 75ml Dilmah English Breakfast Tea • 75ml Dilmah Darjeeling Tea • 75ml Dilmah Ceylon Supreme Tea • Skim milk as desired

Ingredients • Dilmah Masala Chai Gentle Ceylon Spice Tea • 3g Dry Ginger Powder • 3g Dry Cardamom Powder • 10ml Milk • 30ml Water • Sugar to taste

Method of Preparation • Brew 1g of each tea in 75ml water and strain. • Stir the teas together and add the milk according to preference.


Method of Preparation • Heat the water in a pan. • Add the dry ginger powder, dry cardamom powder and Dilmah Masala Chai Gentle Ceylon Spice Tea and bring to boil. • Add the milk and bring to boil for a second time. • Strain into a teacup and add sugar to taste.

Ingredients • 2g Dilmah Masala Chai Fiery Ceylon Spice Tea • 250ml Water • Toffee Nut Syrup • Bitter Chocolate • Condensed milk Method of Preparation • Brew the tea for 2 minutes. • Strain and add in the toffee nut syrup, chocolate and condensed milk.

Hot Tea

Nation’s Spirit

Misty Mountain Spice Tea

Utensils • Teacup with Tea Strainer • Kettle • Teaspoon

Utensils • Teacup with Tea Strainer • Kettle • Teapot • Teaspoon

Ingredients • 250ml Dilmah Premium Ceylon Tea • Pinch of Saffron • Dry Lemongrass • A few Coriander Seeds • Ginger • Fresh milk Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea with the saffron, a piece of lemongrass, coriander seeds and small piece of ginger for 3-4 minutes in 250ml boiling water. • Strain into a tea cup and top up with fresh milk according to preference. Garnish A few slices of ginger and a stick of lemongrass on the saucer

Ingredients • 2g Dilmah English Breakfast Tea • 1 cup Water • ½ teaspoon Sugar • 1 Cardamom • Small piece of Cinnamon • 1 Clove • ½ slice of Lime • Small piece of Ginger • Dash of Vanilla Essence Method of Preparation • Add the tea, spices, lime and ginger into 1 cup of water and brew for 5 minutes. • Strain into a teacup and add sugar and vanilla essence. Garnish Mint leaves


Hot Tea


Hot Tea

Supreme Ceylon Single Origin Hot-t

Nuwara Eliya Pekoe Hot-t

Prince of Kandy Hot-t

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Supreme Ceylon Single Origin

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Nuwara Eliya Pekoe

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Prince of Kandy Tea

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Around 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea is ideal. • Stir after one minute and allow to steep for a further 2 or 3 minutes and serve. • This tea is ideal taken straight, although a touch of milk is preferred. Please use warm milk. • Add sugar to taste if you wish or try honey as a natural sweetener.

Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Around 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea would be right. • Stir, after one minute and allow to steep for a further 2 or 3 minutes and serve. • This tea should be savoured straight, without milk or sugar.

Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Around 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea would be ideal. • Stir, after one minute and allow to steep for a further 2 to 3 minutes and serve. • This is a delicate tea, best taken without milk and if sugar is desired, use a small amount or try honey as a natural sweetener.


Hot Tea

Dombagastalawa Single Estate FBOP Hot-t

Galle District OP1 Hot-t

Green Tea with Jasmine Flowers Hot-t

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Dombagastalawa Single Estate FBOP

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Galle District OP1

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Green Tea with Jasmine Flowers

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Use around 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea. • Stir after one minute and allow to steep for a further 2 or 3 minutes and serve. • This is a delicate and fragrant tea, best taken without milk or sugar.


Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Use around 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea. • Stir after one minute and allow to steep for a further 2 or 3 minutes and serve. • This is a classic tea, best taken without milk or sugar.

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl Method of Preparation • To brew, use a clean teapot containing approximately one teaspoonful of tea per person. • Boil fresh water, leave to cool for a minute or so and then pour into the teapot. • Pour approximately the same volume of boiled water as cups of tea you wish to brew. • Leave to infuse for around two minutes, depending on the preferred strength. • For a stronger cup, brew for 2.5-3 minutes, keeping in mind that a longer infusion will make the tea bitter. • To produce a second infusion, refill the teapot and follow the brewing process described above. • Do not add milk or sugar.

Hot Tea

Jasmine Extra Special No.1 Green Hot-t

Ceylon Young Hyson Green Hot-t

The Moroccan Mint Green Hot-t

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Jasmine Extra Special No. 1 Green Tea

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Young Hyson Green Tea

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Moroccan Mint Green Tea

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Method of Preparation • To brew, draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry white ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care to use the right volume of water – 200ml per teaspoonful of tea per person. • Stir after one minute and allow to infuse for a further 3 minutes before serving in white china teacups or bowls. • Do not add milk or sugar, and also do not brew for more than 5 minutes as the tea can become bitter if steeped for a long time.

Method of Preparation • To brew, use a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing approximately one teaspoonful of tea per person. • Boil fresh water, leave to cool for a minute or so and then pour directly onto the tea leaves inside the teapot. • Use approximately the same volume of boiled water as cups of tea you wish to brew. • Leave to infuse for around two minutes, depending on the preferred strength. • For a stronger cup, brew for 2.5-3 minutes, remembering that a longer infusion will make the tea bitter. • To produce a second infusion, refill the teapot and follow the brewing process described above. • Do not add milk or sugar.

Method of Preparation • To prepare, draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to boil. • Allow the boiled water to cool for a minute or so and pour into a clean and dry white ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Use 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea • Never use water that has been boiled more than once. Stir after one minute and allow to infuse for a further 3 minutes before serving in white china teacups or bowls. • Add sugar if desired, but not milk.


Hot Tea

Vanilla Ceylon Hot-t

Earl Grey Hot-t

Natural Ceylon Ginger Hot-t

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Vanilla Ceylon Tea

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series The Original Earl Grey

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Natural Ceylon Ginger Tea

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Around 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea would be ideal. • Stir after one minute and allow to steep for a further 2 or 3 minutes and serve. • This tea has a pronounced character and is ideal without milk, and if sugar is desired, use a small amount or try honey as a natural sweetener.

Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Around 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea would be ideal. • Stir after one minute and allow to steep for a further 2 or 3 minutes and serve. • This tea is ideally taken strong without milk and if sweetness is desired, with a dash of honey to taste.

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Around 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea would be ideal. • Stir after one minute and allow to steep for a further 2 or 3 minutes and serve. • This tea should be savoured straight, without milk, but a touch of sugar if that is desirable.


Hot Tea

Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Hot-t

Italian Almond Hot-t

Mediterranean Mandarin Hot-t

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Italian Almond Tea

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Mediterranean Mandarin

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Around 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea would be ideal. • Stir after one minute and allow to steep for a further 2 or 3 minutes and serve. • This tea should be savoured straight, without milk, but a touch of sugar if that is desirable.

Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Use around 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea. • Stir after one minute and allow to steep for a further 2 or 3 minutes and serve. • This tea should be enjoyed straight, without milk, but with a touch of sugar if that is desirable.

Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Use around 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea. • Stir after one minute and allow to steep for a further 2 or 3 minutes and serve. • This tea should be enjoyed straight, without milk, but with a touch of sugar if that is desirable.


Hot Tea


Hot Tea

Rose with French Vanilla Hot-t

Pure Peppermint Leaves Hot-t

The First Ceylon Souchong Hot-t

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Rose with French Vanilla

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Pure Peppermint Leaves

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series The First Ceylon Souchong

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Method of Preparation • To brew, use a clean teapot containing approximately one teaspoonful of tea per person and ‘one’ for the pot. • Draw fresh cold water from the kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry white ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of Rose with French Vanilla tea per person. • Take care to use the right volume of water – 200ml per teaspoonful of Rose with French Vanilla tea per person. • Stir after one minute and allow to steep for a further 4 or 5 minutes before serving. • This tea should be savoured straight, without milk, but a touch of sugar is recommended. • For something different, sweeten and cool the brewed tea, and pour over Vanilla ice cream for a delicious tea shake.

Method of Preparation • To brew, draw fresh cold water from the kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry white ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of Peppermint Leaves per person. • Take care to use the right volume of water – 200ml per teaspoonful of Peppermint Leaves per person. • Stir after one minute and allow to steep for a further 4 or 5 minutes before serving. • Peppermint has a moderately strong infusion, and if desired, a dash of sugar or a teaspoon of honey would enhance the experience.

Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry white ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Use 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea • Stir after one minute and allow to steep for a further minute before serving. • Do not add milk or sugar.


Hot Tea


Natural Rosehip with Hibiscus Hot-t

Pure Chamomile Flowers Hot-t

Keemun Special Leaf Hot-t

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Natural Rosehip and Hibiscus

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Pure Chamomile Flowers

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Keemun Special Leaf Tea

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of Rosehip and Hibiscus per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the infusion excessively strong. • Use around 200ml of water per teaspoonful of Rosehip and Hibiscus. • Stir after one minute and allow to steep for a further 2 or 3 minutes and serve. • This infusion should be savoured straight, without milk or sugar.

Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of Chamomile Flowers per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the infusion excessively strong. • Use around 200ml of water per teaspoonful of Chamomile Flowers. • Stir after one minute and allow to steep for a further 4 or 5 minutes before serving. • Chamomile offers a remarkably delicate infusion, and should be taken straight without adding milk or sugar.

Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Use around 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea. • Stir after one minute and allow to steep for a further 2 or 3 minutes and serve. The flavour of Keemun is delicate and is best enjoyed without milk or sugar.

Hot Tea

Organic Ceylon Flowery Pekoe Hot-t

Single Estate Assam Leaf Hot-t

Single Estate Darjeeling Hot-t

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Organic Ceylon Flowery Pekoe

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Single Estate Assam

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Single Estate Darjeeling

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Use around 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea. • Stir after one minute and allow to steep for a further 2 or 3 minutes and serve. • This is a delicate and fragrant tea, best taken without milk or sugar.

Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Use around 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea. • Stir after one minute and allow to steep for a further 2 or 3 minutes and serve. • Single Estate Assam is a classic tea, best taken without milk or sugar.

Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Around 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea would be right. • Stir after one minute and allow to steep for a further 2 or 3 minutes and serve. • This tea should be savoured straight, without milk or sugar.


Hot Tea

Lapsang Souchong Hot-t

Ceylon Low Elevation Tippy FF Hot-t

Organic Ceylon Green Tea Hot-t

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic teapot • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic teapot • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Lapsang Souchong

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Low Elevation Tippy FF

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Organic Ceylon Green Tea

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Method of Preparation • To brew, draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care to use the right volume of water 200ml per teaspoonful of tea. • Stir after one minute and allow to infuse for a further 3 minutes before serving in white china teacups or bowls. • Do not add milk or sugar.

Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water from the kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Use around 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea. • Stir after one minute and leave to infuse for a further two minutes, depending on the preferred strength. • For a stronger cup, brew for 2.5-3 minutes, remembering that a longer infusion will make the tea bitter. • To produce a second infusion, refill the teapot and follow the brewing process described above. • Do not add milk or sugar.

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl Method of Preparation • To brew, draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care to use the right volume of water200ml per teaspoonful of tea. • Stir after one minute and allow to infuse for a further 3 minutes before serving in white china teacups or bowls. • Souchong can be enjoyed with or without milk or sugar according to your personal preference.


Hot Tea

Ceylon Whole Leaf Green Hot-t

Sencha Green Extra Special Hot-t

Jasmine Pear Dragon White Hot-t

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic teapot • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic teapot • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic teapot • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Whole Leaf Green Tea

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Sencha Green Extra Special

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Jasmine Pear Dragon White Tea

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Method of Preparation • To brew, use a clean, dry teapot containing one teaspoonful of tea per person. • Boil fresh water, leave to cool for a minute or so and then pour onto the tea. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Use around 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea. • Leave to infuse for around two minutes, depending on the preferred strength and then serve the tea in white china, emptying the teapot to ensure that the tea does not ‘stew’. • For a stronger cup, brew for 2.5-3 minutes, remembering that a longer infusion will make the tea bitter. • To produce a second infusion, refill the teapot using freshly boiled water and the same tea leaves, allow to infuse for half a minute longer than usual. • Do not add milk or sugar.

Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Use around 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea. Stir after one minute and leave to infuse for a further two minutes, depending on the preferred strength. • For a stronger cup, brew for 2.5-3 minutes, remembering that a longer infusion will make the tea bitter. • To produce a second infusion, refill the teapot and follow the brewing process described above. • Do not use milk or sugar.

Method of Preparation • This is a special tea and utmost care is required to bring out its subtle character. • Draw fresh cold water - ideally spring water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Leave to cool for a minute and pour the boiled water into a clean and dry white ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Around 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea would be ideal. • Stir after one minute, allow to steep for a further minute and serve in white china teacups. • Do not add milk or sugar. • Pour out all the liquid and if a second infusion is desired, use freshly boiled water to repeat the brew leaving the same tea leaves to infuse for approximately half a minute longer.


Hot Tea


Ceylon Silver Tips Hot-t

Jade Butterfly Handmade White Hot-t

White Litchee No. 1 Hand Rolled Hot-t

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic teapot • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic teapot • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Glass teapot • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Silver Tips White Tea

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Jade Butterfly Handmade White Tea

Ingredients • 1 pearl Dilmah t-Series White Litchee No. 1 Hand Rolled Tea

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry white ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Use 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea. • Stir after one minute and allow to steep for a further 2 or 3 minutes and serve in white china teacups. • Do not add milk or sugar.

Method of Preparation • To brew, draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care to use the right volume of water200ml per teaspoonful of tea. • Stir after one minute and allow to infuse for a further 3 minutes before serving in white china teacups or bowls. • Do not add milk or sugar.

Method of Preparation • All fine teas should be savoured aesthetically, and this is especially true for White Litchee tea. • Brew in a glass teapot to observe the transformation of the pearl, or use a white porcelain teacup or bowl. • Use one pearl per brew and add around 200ml of water, boiled and cooled for a minute or so. • The quality of water is important and to develop the very delicate flavour of this tea, spring water is recommended if the water in your area has high levels of calcium or other taint. • Watch the buds unfurl for 30-40 seconds after adding hot water and leave to brew for 3 minutes. • White tea can only be taken straight, without milk, sugar or any other garnish or additive. • An ideal companion for a mild cigar or reflective evening.

Hot Tea

Pu-Erh No.1 Hot-t

Single Estate Oolong Leaf Hot-t

Naturally Minty Ceylon Pekoe Hot-t

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic teapot • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic teapot • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic teapot • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Pu-erh No. 1 Leaf Tea

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Single Estate Oolong Leaf Tea

Ingredients • 1 tea bag Dilmah t-Series Naturally Minty Ceylon Pekoe

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl

Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Use around 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea. • Stir after one minute and allow to steep for a further 2 or 3 minutes and serve. • Do not add milk or sugar. • If a second infusion is desired, use freshly boiled water to repeat the brew leaving the same tea leaves to infuse for approximately half a minute longer.

Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry white ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Use 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea • Stir after one minute and allow to steep for a further minute before serving in white china teacups or bowls. • Do not add milk or sugar.

Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry white ceramic teapot containing a teaspoonful of tea per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Use 200ml of water per teaspoonful of tea. • Stir after one minute and allow to steep for a further minute before serving. • Do not add milk or sugar.


Hot Tea

Organic Rooibos with Bourbon Vanilla Hot-t Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer Ingredients • 1 tea bag Organic Rooibos with Bourbon Vanilla Type of Cup Standard teacup or a professional tea bowl Method of Preparation • Draw fresh cold water into a kettle and bring to a boil. • Pour the boiled water into a clean and dry white ceramic teapot containing a tea bag per person. • Take care not to use too much water as this will produce a light infusion, whilst too little could make the tea excessively strong. • Use 200ml of water per tea bag. • Stir after one minute and allow to steep for a further minute before serving. • Do not add milk or sugar.


Hot Tea






Ginger Fizz

Green Tea and Orange Mocktail

Pink Ginger Beer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Screw top jars • Bottles

Ingredients • 50ml Dilmah Premium Ceylon Tea • 350ml Ginger Beer • 10ml Sugar Syrup • Slice of Lemon • Crushed Ice

Ingredients • 200ml Dilmah Green Tea with Jasmine Petals • 25ml Sugar Syrup • Slice of Lime • Slice of Orange • Crushed Ice

Type of Glass Collins Glass

Type of Glass Highball Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml water, strain and allow to cool. • Place the crushed ice in two Collins glasses. • Add the sugar syrup, lemon slice and the infused tea in equal measures. • Top up with Ginger Beer (Serves 2).

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 200ml water, strain and allow to cool. • Place the crushed ice in two Highball glasses. • Add the slices of lime and orange, sugar syrup and finally the cold tea. • Stir before serving (Serves 2).

Garnish Lemon wheel on the glass

Garnish A wedge of orange and a red cherry on the glass

Ingredients • 300ml Dilmah Rosehip & Hibiscus • 300ml Cold Water • Lime juice (1 lime) • 2 tablespoons finely grated Ginger • 200g Sugar Type of Glass Wine Goblet Method of Preparation: • Brew the Rosehip & Hibiscus in boiling water for 3 minutes. • Add the sugar, grated ginger, lime juice and the cold water. • Stir for 2 minutes until the sugar is dissolved. Let it cool to room temperature. • Pour the liquid into screw top jars and leave it to stand for 2 days. • After 2 days, strain into bottles with tight fitting lids, shake and leave out in room temperature for one day and then refrigerate. Garnish A mint leaf on the glass



(Sp)iced Tea

Chilled Cinnamon Tea

Supreme Fun

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Beater • Teapot (warmed)

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 6 tea bags Dilmah English Breakfast Tea • 600ml Boiling Water • 6 pods Cardamom • 10 teaspoons Sugar • Crushed Ice Type of Glass Wine Goblet Method of Preparation • Crush the cardamom pods and add to the warmed teapot. • Pour the boiling water onto tea bags and let it brew for 5 minutes. • Add sugar and leave to cool to room temperature . • Pour into a wine goblet with crushed ice (Serves 4). Garnish Whip fresh cream and spoon onto the tea. Top off with a few cardamoms


Ingredients • 2 tea bags Dilmah Cinnamon Tea • 250ml boiling Water • 2 inch stick of Cinnamon • 50ml Sugar Syrup • 10ml fresh Orange Juice Type of Glass Fancy Glass Method of Preparation • Break the cinnamon stick into pieces and add to the boiling water, bring to boil and simmer for four minutes. • Add the tea bags, take off the fire and let it stand for a further 3 minutes. • Discard the tea bags and stir in the fresh orange juice and sugar syrup. • Serve with crushed ice. Garnish Spoon fresh cream over the tea and place a cinnamon stick as a stirrer (Serves 2)

Ingredients • 50ml Dilmah Ceylon Supreme Tea • 10ml King Coconut Water • 10ml Orange Cordial • 10ml Sugar Syrup Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the orange cordial, king coconut, tea and sugar syrup so that they form distinct layers in the glass. Garnish Green cherry on the glass


Chilled Lychee

Sensational Mix

Minty Lemma

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 4 tea bags Dilmah Lychee Tea • 400ml Boiling Water • 4 scoops Vanilla Ice Cream • 30ml Honey Type of Glass Pilsner Glass Method of Preparation • Infuse the tea bags in 400ml hot boiling water. Let it stand for 3 minutes and discard the tea bags. • Chill the tea for two hours in a refrigerator and then divide the tea into two Pilsner glasses. • Place two scoops of vanilla ice cream on top of the tea (Serves 2). Garnish Grate dark chocolate over the ice cream

Ingredients • 50ml Dilmah White Tea Ceylon Silver Tips • 50ml Dilmah t-Series Nuwara Eliya Pekoe • 50ml Dilmah Mint Tea • 50ml Dilmah Lemon & Lime Tea • 40ml Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry • 40ml Sugar Syrup Type of Glass Highball Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the teas separately and strain. • Pour in the teas and sugar syrup into a Cocktail Shaker. • Shake the ingredients with some ice vigorously for about 15 seconds and pour into the glass.

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Green Tea Moroccan Mint • 50ml Dilmah Lemon & Lime Tea • Lemonade Type of Glass Highball Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the teas separately. Strain and leave to cool. • Pour in the teas with ice into a Highball glass. • Top up with lemonade. Garnish Lemon wheel on the glass

Garnish Fresh Strawberry and Mint leaf on the glass



Nature’s Gift

Hand’s Pick

Leaves of Heaven

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Blender

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Lemon & Lime Tea • 50ml Dilmah Ceylon Supreme Tea • 25ml Passion Fruit Juice • 5ml Lemon Juice • 15ml Mango Cordial Type of Glass Champagne Flute Method of Preparation • Brew the teas separately, strain and leave to cool. • Add the Lemon & Lime tea, Passion fruit juice, lemon juice and mango cordial into a glass and mix well. • Pour contents into a champagne flute and add the Ceylon Supreme tea without stirring. Garnish Green cherry on the glass


Ingredients • 200ml Dilmah Caramel Tea • 10ml Fresh Amberella Juice (tropical fruit) • 10ml Fresh Nelli Juice (tropical fruit) • 10ml Sugar Syrup • 2 teaspoons Fresh Whipped Cream Type of Glass Highball Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Pour the tea, Amberella juice, Nelli juice and sugar syrup into a cocktail shaker. • Shake the ingredients vigorously for about 15 seconds and pour into a Highball glass. • Float the cream on top (Serves 02). Garnish Slice of an Amberella fruit on the glass

Ingredients • 150ml Dilmah White Tea Ceylon Silver Tips • 10ml Sugar syrup • 10ml Honey • ½ Ripe Mango • Roasted Cumin Seed • Ice Cubes Type of Glass Large Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Puree the ripe mango. • Add the tea, sugar syrup, honey, mango puree and a few cumin seeds into a blender and mix for about 30 seconds. • Pour contents into a large Martini Glass and serve with ice. Garnish Red cherry on the glass


Tropical Smoothie

Cooling Heart

Cinnamon Pink Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Muddler • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Blender

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Watte Single Estate - Lover’s Leap Estate Pekoe 1 • 20ml Honey • 2 teaspoons Sugar • Slice of Orange • Mint Leaves Type of Glass Fancy Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Muddle the slice of orange. • Add the tea, honey and sugar into a cocktail shaker, shake well and pour into a fancy glass. • Drop the muddled orange and mint leaves in the glass.

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry • 5ml Lime Juice • 15ml Sugar Syrup Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the Naturally Spicy Berry, strain and leave to cool. • Add the Spicy Berry infusion, lime juice and sugar syrup into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well before serving. Garnish A lime wheel and red cherry on the glass

Ingredients • 200ml Dilmah Cinnamon Tea • 25ml Grenadine Syrup • 30ml Sugar Syrup • 2 Scoops Cinnamon Ice Cream Type of Glass Wine Goblet Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients in a blender and mix well. • Pour contents into a wine goblet. Garnish Cinnamon stick in the glass

Garnish Wedge of lime on the glass




Minty Berry T

Mirage Dew

Cool Down

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 50ml Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry • 100ml Dilmah Mint Tea • 10ml Sugar Syrup • Dash of Lime Type of Glass Champagne Flute Method of Preparation • Brew 2g each of Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry and Dilmah Mint tea separately for 4 minutes. • Add 4-5 ice cubes into a Cocktail Shaker with all the ingredients. • Shake till the ice cubes have dissolved and pour into a champagne flute. Garnish A lime wheel with two leaves and a bud of tea on the glass

Ingredients • 200ml Dilmah Cinnamon Tea • 20ml Fresh Kitul Treacle (taken from the Kitul palm tree) Type of Glass Margarita Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea for 3 minutes in a teapot and leave to cool. • Pour the tea into a glass and add 20ml fresh Kitul treacle and stir. Garnish Cinnamon stick across the glass

Ingredients • 60ml Dilmah Mint Tea • 60ml Dilmah Lemon & Lime Tea • 30ml Fresh Orange Juice • 10ml Sugar Syrup Type of Glass Pilsner Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the teas separately, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish Mint leaf and lime wheel on the glass




Thirst Buster

Lovers Lips

Spicy Berry Fantasy

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • Dilmah White Tea Ceylon Silver Tips • 25ml Fresh Orange Juice • 20ml Nelli Cordial (tropical fruit) • 20ml Grenadine Syrup • Drop of tamarind juice

Ingredients • 50ml Dilmah Watte Single Estate - Lover’s Leap Estate Pekoe 1 • 20ml Apple Juice • 10ml Sugar Syrup • 5ml Grenadine • 50ml Ginger Beer

Type of Glass Champagne Flute Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well.

Type of Glass Highball Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Mix all ingredients and pour into the glass • Top up with ginger beer.

Garnish Tea Leaves dropped into the glass

Garnish Slice of ginger on the glass

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry • 20ml Nelli Juice (tropical fruit) • 1 teaspoon Fresh Cream Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the Naturally Spicy Berry, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish Berries and mint leaf on the glass


Straight From The Heart

Southern Temptation

Passion Creeper

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry • 100ml blend of Peach & Pineapple Juice • 50ml Carrot Juice • 5ml Lime Juice • 10ml Sugar syrup Type of Glass Large Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the Naturally Spicy Berry, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish A wedge of pineapple, red cherry and a sprig of mint on the glass

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Lemon & Lime Tea • 2 teaspoons Sugar • Diced Cucumber • Mint Leaves Type of Glass Shot Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Muddle the mint leaves and cucumber. • Add the muddled mint leaves, cucumber, sugar and tea into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well.

Ingredients • 150ml Dilmah Masala Chai Gentle Spice • Tropical Passion Fruit Type of Glass Hurricane Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Scoop the passion fruit. • Add the tea and passion fruit pulp with ice into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well.

Garnish A slice of cucumber and mint leaf on the glass



Supreme Touch

Dilmah Happy Day

Fusion Tea Mocktail

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Blender

Ingredients • 60ml Chilled Dilmah Ceylon Supreme Tea • 15ml Cold Milk • 1 scoop Vanilla Ice Cream • 3 pods Cardamom • Few drops of Grenadine Syrup


Ingredients • 25ml Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry • 25ml Dilmah Vanilla Tea • 25ml Sugar Syrup • Bitter Lemon

Ingredients • 300ml Dilmah Lemon & Lime Tea • 25ml Fresh Milk • 2 teaspoons Fresh Cream • 2 scoops Cinnamon Ice Cream

Type of Glass Martini Glass

Type of Glass Pilsner Glass

Type of Glass Cocktail Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and refrigerate. • Mix the tea and cold milk with the cardamoms and strain. • Pour Grenadine, the milk tea and top off with the ice cream to create a layered effect.

Method of Preparation • Brew the teas separately, strain and leave to cool. • Add the teas and sugar syrup into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. • Top up with Bitter Lemon before serving.

Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a blender and mix well.

Garnish Grated dark chocolate on the ice cream

Garnish Orange and lemon wheels on the glass

Garnish Cinnamon stick in the glass


Doombagastalawa Mint Fizz

Udarata Menike

Pekoe Refresher

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 50ml Dilmah Watte Single Estate Doombagastalawa Estate Broken Orange Pekoe Special • 75ml Dilmah Green Tea Moroccan Mint • 15ml Apple Cordial • 15ml Rose Syrup • Lemonade or Sprite

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Pure Camomile Flowers • 40ml Fresh Melon Juice • 40ml Fresh Pineapple Juice • A dash of Grenadine Syrup

Type of glass Highball Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew the Camomile flowers, strain and leave to cool. • Pour all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well.

Method of Preparation • Brew the teas separately, strain and leave to cool. • Add the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker, shake well and pour into a Highball glass. • Top up with Lemonade or Sprite.

Type of glass Pilsner Glass

Garnish A wedge of pineapple on the glass

Ingredients • 50ml Dilmah English Breakfast Tea • 15ml Fresh Lime Juice • Dash of Angostura Bitters • Lemonade Type of glass Highball Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Stir the tea, lime juice and Angostura Bitter and pour into a Highball glass. • Top up with Lemonade. Garnish Red cherry with tea bud on the glass

Garnish A slice of apple and a sprig of mint across the glass




Tea Totaller

Lakpahasa (Taste of Sri Lanka)

Vanilla Leap

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry • 50ml Dilmah Mint Tea • 50ml Dilmah Vanilla Tea • 30ml Fresh Lime Juice • 2 teaspoons Spicy Sugar Syrup Type of Glass Pilsner Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the teas separately, strain and leave to cool. • Mix the ingredients and pour into an ice filled glass. Garnish Mint leaf on the glass

Ingredients • 50ml Dilmah Ran Watte Tea • 25ml Dilmah Mint Tea • 30ml Orange Cordial • 2 teaspoons Cream • 2 teaspoons Honey

Ingredients • 175ml Dilmah Vanilla Tea • 2 teaspoons Apple Pulp • 2 teaspoons grated Pineapple • 20ml Honey • ½ teaspoon Lemongrass juice

Type of Glass Champagne Flute

Type of Glass Wine Goblet

Method of Preparation • Brew the teas separately, strain and leave to cool. • Add all ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well before serving.

Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Add all ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. • Strain and serve in a wine goblet.

Garnish Orange wedge on the glass

Garnish An apple wedge and pineapple leaf on the glass



Mint Splice

Lemon & Lime Cooler

Strand Tea Crush

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Blender

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Muddler

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 200ml Dilmah Green Tea Moroccan Mint • 50ml Coconut Cream • 50ml Cream • Ice Type of Glass Highball Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Pour the ingredients into a blender and mix well. Garnish Mint leaf on the glass

Ingredients • 150ml Dilmah Lemon Tea • 30g Pineapple chunks • 5ml Sugar Syrup • 5g Brown Sugar • 2 sprigs of Mint leaves Type of Glass Fancy Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Take a chilled glass and add pineapple chunks, mint leaves, sugar syrup and brown sugar into it and muddle. • Stir in the Dilmah Lemon Tea. Garnish Mint leaf on the glass


Ingredients • 150ml Dilmah English Breakfast Tea • 50ml Sugar Syrup • 25ml Lime Juice Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Stir all ingredients together with ice and serve. Garnish Drop a wedge of lime into the glass and place a red cherry with mint on the rim.


Lemon & Lime Cobbler

Dilmah Berry Punch

Tangy Mintea

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Muddler

Ingredients • 150ml Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry • 15ml Strawberry Puree • 1 teaspoon Honey

Ingredients • 150ml Dilmah Mint Tea • 25ml Honey • 25ml Sour-mix (mixture of lemon/lime juice and sugar syrup) • Mint leaves • Lemon & Lime

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Lemon & Lime Tea • 10ml Fresh Lime juice • 20ml Sugar Syrup • Chopped fruit (apple, pineapple & grapes) • Crushed ice Type of Glass Wine Goblet Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Add all ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well before serving. Garnish A grape and pineapple leaf on the glass

Type of Glass Shot Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the Naturally Spicy Berry, strain and leave it to cool. • Add all ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well with ice before serving. Garnish A wedge of strawberry and lime wheel on the glass

Type of Glass Highball Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Muddle the fresh lemon and lime, mint leaves and honey syrup in the glass. • Pour the tea and sour-mix into the glass and stir. Garnish Lemon wheel and mint leaves on the glass



Fizzy Peach Tea Cooler

Doom Nilagama Ice Tea

Ceylon Trogon

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 75ml Dilmah Watte Single Estate Doombagastalawa Estate Broken Orange Pekoe Special • 75ml Dilmah Watte Single Estate - Nilagama Estate Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe • 30ml Guava Juice • 15ml Pineapple Juice • 15ml Passion Fruit Juice • 2 slices Lime • 15ml Sugar syrup

Ingredients • 125ml Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry • 75ml Fresh Pumpkin Juice • 25ml Orange Cordial • 12ml Fresh Ginger Juice • Ice Cubes

Ingredients • 150ml Dilmah Peach Tea • 150ml Sprite • Ice cubes Type of Glass Hurricane Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g (1 tea bag) of Peach tea in 150ml of water for 3 minutes. • Add the ingredients with a few cubes of ice into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish Green cherry on the glass

Type of Glass Wine Goblet Method of Preparation • Brew the teas separately and strain. • Add all the ingredients into a cocktail shaker and shake well. • Float the lime slices and serve. Garnish Wedge of guava on the glass


Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the Naturally Spicy Berry, strain and leave to cool. • Add all ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker. • Shake well and strain into the glass. Garnish Wedge of pumpkin on the glass


D’ Cooler

Hot & Cold Punch

Double S Berry

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker • Blender

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 160ml Dilmah Green Tea Moroccan Mint • 3 Strawberries • 4 wedges Lime • 3 cubes Brown Sugar Type of Glass Fancy Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Muddle the strawberry, lime and brown sugar together. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker with ice and shake well. Garnish A strawberry on the glass

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry • 1 teaspoon Xanthan Gum (similar to Gelatine) • 15ml Sugar Syrup • 50ml Orange Juice infused with cloves Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the Naturally Spicy Berry for 2 minutes. • While the tea is brewing, combine the orange juice and sugar syrup into a cocktail shaker with ice. • Shake well until the mixture is completely cold and transfer into a blender with the tea and Xanthan Gum. • Mix well and serve.

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry • 30ml Monin Noisette • 30ml Sour-mix (mixture of lemon/lime juice and sugar syrup) Type of Glass Champagne Flute Method of Preparation • Brew the Naturally Spicy Berry, strain and leave to cool. • Pour all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish Mint leaf on the glass

Garnish Red cherry on the glass



Traveller’s Fruit Tea Punch Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Blender

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Peach Tea • 100ml Dilmah Mango & Strawberry Tea • 1 scoop Vanilla Ice Cream Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g (1 tea bag) of Dilmah Peach Tea in 100ml of water and 2g (1 tea bag) of Dilmah Mango & Strawberry Tea in 100ml water for 3 minutes. • Blend the teas and ice cream and pour into a martini glass. Garnish Red cherry on the glass







Tangy Young Hyson

Prince of Kandy Lemonade t

Natural Lemon with Ceylon BOP t

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Portion cups of 100ml and 20ml • Kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug

Utensils • Portion cups of 100ml and 20ml • Kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug

Ingredients • 120ml Dilmah t-Series Prince of Kandy Tea • 120ml Lemonade or Sprite • Mint leaves

Ingredients • 120ml Dilmah t-Series Supreme Ceylon Single Origin • 20ml Natural lemonine with sugar • Sugar granules

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Young Hyson Green Tea • 20ml Grapefruit juice Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Add the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker with a few cubes of ice and shake vigorously for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a Martini Glass.

Type of Glass Highball Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series Prince of Kandy Tea tea in 120ml of water for 3 minutes. • Add 120ml of lemonade or Sprite. • Add 2 cubes of ice (preferably block cube ice). Garnish Gently drop a mint leaf onto the beverage

Type of Glass Pilsner glass

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 120ml of water for 3 minutes. • Add 20ml of natural lemonine with sugar. • Add 2 cubes of ice (preferably block cube ice). Garnish Frost the rim of the glass with sugar granules

Garnish Green olive on the glass



Cinnamon Orange Chilled t

First Ceylon Blast

Rosehip and Hibiscus with Pink Ginger Beer t

Utensils • Portion cups of 100ml , 50ml and 4ml • Kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic teapot

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic teapot

Ingredients • 200ml Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea • 50ml Sugar syrup • 50ml Fresh orange juice • Cinnamon sticks

Ingredients • 80ml Dilmah t-Series The First Ceylon Oolong • 40ml Apple juice • 40ml Grapefruit juice • 15ml Grenadine

Type of Glass Irish Coffee Mug

Type of Glass Highball Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour all the ingredients and a few cubes of ice into a Highball glass. • Stir well before serving.

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 200ml of water for 3 minutes. • Add 50ml of sugar syrup. • Add 50ml fresh orange juice. Garnish Place a cinnamon stick as a stirrer

Garnish Two red cherries on a wedge of pineapple placed on the glass

Ingredients • 300ml Dilmah t-Series Natural Rosehip and Hibiscus • 100ml Sugar syrup • 2 tablespoons finely grated ginger • Lime • Cardamom pods Type of Glass Glass Mug Method of Preparation • Brew 4 teaspoons (8g) of Dilmah t-Series Natural Rosehip and Hibiscus in 300ml of boiled water for 3 minutes. • Strain the liquid to remove the leaves of the herbs. • Add 100ml of sugar syrup. • Add 2 tablespoons of finely grated ginger. • Squeeze the juice of a lime on to the beverage and add 300ml of cold water. • Stir for 2 minutes until the sugar is dissolved. • Let the beverage cool and pour into the screw top jug and let it stand for 2 days. • After 2 days have elapsed strain into bottles with tight fitting lids. • Add the cardamom pods into the bottles. • Shake the bottle and leave out in room temperature for 1 day and then refrigerate. Garnish Serve chilled with ice



Jasmine Orange t

Fizzy Ginger t

CinnaBan t

Utensils • Portion cups of 100ml and 25ml • Kettle • Bar spoon • Ceramic teapot

Utensils • Portion cups of 100ml, 50ml and 4ml • Kettle • Bar spoon • Ceramic teapot

Ingredients • 200ml Dilmah t-Series Jasmine Extra Special No. 1 Green Tea • 25ml Sugar syrup

Ingredients • 200ml Dilmah t-Series Supreme Ceylon Single Origin • 200ml Ginger beer • 25ml Sugar syrup • Lemon

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Blender

Type of Glass Highball glass Method of preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series Jasmine Extra Special No. 1 Green Tea in 200ml of water for 2 minutes. • Add crushed ice into the Highball glass. • Add 25ml of sugar syrup. • Stir once. Garnish Slip a wedge of orange on the glass surface

Type of Glass Pilsner Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew tea in 200ml of water for 3 minutes. • Add crushed ice into the Pilsner glass. • Add 25ml of sugar syrup into the infused tea. • Top up with 200ml of ginger beer. Garnish Slip a lime wheel onto the rim of the glass

Ingredients • 80ml Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea • 20ml Sugar syrup • Banana (sliced) Type of Glass Pilsner Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Add the ingredients with a few cubes of ice into a blender and mix for about 30 seconds. • Pour into a Pilsner glass. Garnish A wedge of pineapple with a green cherry on the glass



Smooth Green t

Tropical t

Vanilla Refresher

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Blender

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Blender

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Blender

Ingredients • 80ml Dilmah t-Series Sencha Green Extra Special • 15ml Grenadine • Banana (sliced) Type of Glass Collins Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Add the ingredients with a few cubes of ice into a blender and mix for about 30 seconds. • Pour into a Collins glass. Garnish A wedge of Orange with a green cherry on the glass


Ingredients • 80ml Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Low Elevation Tippy FF • 30ml Sugar syrup • ¼ Mango • ¼ Lime Type of Glass Pilsner Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Scoop the mango and squeeze the ¼ Lime juice. • Add the ingredients with a few cubes of ice into a blender and mix for about 30 seconds. • Pour into a Pilsner glass. Garnish A red cherry between two lime wheels on the glass

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Vanilla Ceylon Tea • 40ml Orange juice • 20ml Grenadine Type of Glass Fancy Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the ingredients and a few cubes of ice into a blender and mix for about 30 seconds. • Pour into a Fancy Glass. Garnish An orange twist around the glass


Sweet t Rose

Mediterranean Dream

Lime & Green Refresher

Utensils • Teaspoon • Knife for making twists • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Blender

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 120ml Dilmah t-Series Natural Rosehip with Hibiscus • 30ml Grenadine Type of Glass Highball Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of the herb in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the ingredients and a few cubes of ice into a Highball glass and mix well. Garnish Drop a few wedges of lime into the glass. Place a green cherry on the rim with an orange twist wrapped around the glass.

Ingredients • 80ml Dilmah t-Series Mediterranean Mandarin • 40ml Milk • 20ml Orange juice • 30ml Sugar syrup Type of Glass Pilsner Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the ingredients and a few cubes of ice into a blender and mix for about 30 seconds. • Pour into a Pilsner glass. Garnish Wrap a lemon twist around the glass and place a red cherry on the rim.

Ingredients • 120ml Dilmah t-Series Green Tea with Jasmine Flowers • 20ml Grenadine • ¼ Lime Type of Glass Collins Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the ingredients and a few cubes of ice into a Collins glass and mix well. • Add the lime wedges. Garnish Attach an orange twist, red cherry and lemon wedge on the glass.



Tropicana t

Mint Spritz

Assam Breezer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Blender

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 80ml Dilmah t-Series Natural Ceylon Ginger Tea • 20ml Sugar syrup • 2 slices Pineapple Type of Glass Collins Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Add the ingredients with a few cubes of ice into a blender and mix for about 30 seconds. • Pour into a Collins glass. Garnish Place a wedge of pineapple and orange twist on the glass


Ingredients • 60ml Dilmah t-Series Pure Peppermint Leaves • 60ml Sprite • ¼ Lime

Ingredients • 120ml Dilmah t-Series Single Estate Assam • 15ml Grenadine • ¼ Lime

Type of Glass Collins Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of the herb in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the ingredients and a few cubes of ice into a Collins glass and mix well. • Add pieces of lime.

Type of Glass Pilsner Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the ingredients and a few cubes of ice into a Pilsner glass and mix well. • Add pieces of lime.

Garnish Place a red cherry attached to a lime wheel on the glass

Garnish A pineapple leaf and orange wedge with a red cherry and an orange twist on the glass


The Illusionist

Spritely Chamomile

Crème de Almond

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Blender

Ingredients • 80ml Dilmah t-Series Lapsang Souchong • 40ml Sprite • 20ml Sugar syrup (Coloured blue) Type of Glass Highball Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the ingredients and a few cubes of ice into a Highball glass and mix well. Garnish • A red cherry, fresh mint and lemon twist on the glass

Ingredients • 60ml Dilmah t-Series Pure Chamomile Flowers • 60ml Sprite • 20ml Sugar syrup Type of Glass Pilsner Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of the herb in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the herbal infusion, syrup and a few cubes of ice into a Cocktail Shaker and shake vigorously for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a Pilsner glass. • Top up with Sprite.

Ingredients • 80ml Dilmah t-Series Italian Almond Tea • 3 scoops Vanilla ice cream • 20ml Sugar syrup Type of Glass Pilsner Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Add the ingredients and a few cubes of ice into a blender and mix for about 30 seconds. • Pour into a Pilsner glass. Garnish • Pour chocolate syrup on the inside of the glass

Garnish A wedge of orange with fresh mint on the glass



Oolong a la Chocolate

Super Supreme

Earl Berry

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Blender

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Blender

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Knife for making twists • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Blender

Ingredients • 80ml Dilmah t-Series The First Ceylon Oolong • 3 scoops Chocolate ice cream Type of Glass Highball Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the ingredients and a few cubes of ice into a blender and mix for about 30 seconds. • Pour into a Highball glass. Garnish Frost the rim of the glass with sugar granules

Ingredients • 80ml Dilmah t-Series Supreme Ceylon Single Origin • 15ml Sugar syrup • 3 scoops Chocolate ice cream Type of Glass Fancy Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the ingredients and a few cubes of ice into a blender and mix for about 30 seconds. • Pour into a fancy glass. Garnish A wedge of pineapple


Ingredients • 80ml Dilmah t-Series The Original Earl Grey Tea • 20ml Sugar syrup • 3 scoops Strawberry ice cream Type of Glass Collins Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the ingredients and a few cubes of ice into a blender and mix for about 30 seconds • Pour contents into a Collins glass. Garnish Place a green cherry, lime twist and wedge of orange on the glass


Sweet Dreams

Royal Twist

Citrus Pekoe

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Galle District OP1 • 10ml Grenadine Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the ingredients and a few cubes of ice into a Cocktail Shaker and shake vigorously for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a martini glass. Garnish Drop a lemon twist into the glass

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Prince of Kandy • 5ml Grenadine Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Add tea and a few cubes of ice into a Cocktail Shaker and shake vigorously for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a martini glass. • Add the Grenadine. Garnish Drop a slice of lime into the glass

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Nuwara Eliya Pekoe • 20ml Grapefruit juice • 10ml Sugar syrup (Coloured blue) Type of Glass Champagne Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker with a few cubes of ice and shake vigorously for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a champagne glass. Garnish Red cherry on the glass



Chilled D

Minty Oolong

Zesty Green

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 10ml Dilmah t-Series Dombagastalawa Single Estate FBOP • 20ml Lime syrup • A splash of lemonade Type of Glass Highball Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker with a few cubes of ice and shake vigorously for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a Highball glass. Garnish Lemon wedge and fresh mint on the glass

Ingredients • 80ml Dilmah t-Series Single Estate Oolong Leaf Tea • 20ml Grenadine • Mint leaves • Soda Type of Glass Collins Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Muddle mint in a glass. • Add the tea, Grenadine and mint leaves into a Cocktail Shaker with a few cubes of ice and shake vigorously for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a Collins glass. • Top up with soda. Garnish Lemon wheel and fresh mint on the glass


Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Organic Ceylon Green Tea • 20ml Orange juice • 15ml Sugar syrup Type of Glass Champagne Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker with a few cubes of ice and shake vigorously for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a champagne glass. Garnish A green cherry on the glass


Tangy t

Summer Fling

Zesty Pekoe

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Shaker • Jigger • Teaspoon • Muddler • Knife for making twists • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Single Estate Darjeeling • 20ml Grapefruit juice • 10ml Grenadine Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes. • Mix the tea and grapefruit juice with a few cubes of ice and pour into a Martini Glass. • Add grenadine. Garnish A wedge of lemon on the glass

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Jasmine Extra Special No. 1 Green Tea • 40ml Pineapple juice • 40ml Sprite Type of Glass Highball Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the ingredients and a few cubes of ice into a Highball glass and mix well. Garnish Wrap an orange twist around the glass and place a red cherry and lemon wedge on the rim

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Organic Ceylon Flowery Pekoe • 20ml Orange juice • 10ml Sugar syrup (Coloured blue) Type of Glass Champagne Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Add the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker with a few cubes of ice and shake vigorously for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a champagne glass. Garnish Place a wedge of orange with a mint leaf on the glass



Silver Twist

Tropical Dream

Apple Green t

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 80ml Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Silver Tips White Tea • 20ml Sugar syrup (Coloured blue) • 40ml Sprite • ¼ Lime Type of Glass Pilsner Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the tea and sugar syrup into a Cocktail Shaker. • Shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice vigorously for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a Pilsner glass. • Muddle lime separately in a glass and add to the mixture. • Top up with Sprite. Garnish Drop an orange twist into the glass and place a red cherry on the rim


Ingredients • 80ml Dilmah t-Series Jasmine Pear Dragon White Tea • 40ml Pineapple juice • 20ml Sugar syrup (Coloured blue) Type of Glass Fancy Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker with a few cubes of ice and shake vigorously for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a Fancy Glass. Garnish Wrap a lemon twist around the glass and place a wedge of pineapple and red cherry on the rim

Ingredients • 60ml Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Whole Leaf Green Tea • 60ml Apple juice Type of Glass Pilsner Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour all the ingredients and a few cubes of ice into a Pilsner glass and mix well. Garnish A slice of lemon and red cherry on the glass


French Kiss

Blue Butterfly

Dark Knight

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Blender

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Rose with French Vanilla • 10ml Lime syrup • 20ml Apple juice Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker with a few cubes of ice and shake vigorously for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a Martini Glass.

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Jade Butterfly Handmade White Tea • 20ml Apple juice • 10ml Sugar syrup (Coloured blue)

Ingredients • 60ml Dilmah t-Series Keemun Special Leaf Tea • 60ml Pineapple juice • 20ml Sugar syrup (Coloured blue)

Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker with a few cubes of ice and shake vigorously for 8-10 seconds. • Pour contents into a martini glass.

Type of Glass Pilsner Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the ingredients and a few cubes of ice into a blender. • Mix all the ingredients for about 30 seconds. • Pour into a Pilsner glass.

Garnish Red cherry on the glass

Garnish Drop a lemon twist into the glass and place a red cherry on the rim

Garnish A wedge of pineapple and a red cherry on the glass



Lemon Teanade

Mintea Litchee

Moroccan Mint t

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 80ml Dilmah t-Series Pu-erh No. 1 Leaf Tea • 60ml Lemonade • 15ml Grenadine • 15ml Sugar syrup (Coloured blue) Type of Glass Highball Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the ingredients and a few cubes of ice into a Highball glass. • Stir well before serving. Garnish Place a red cherry with a pineapple leaf on the glass


Ingredients • 120ml Dilmah t-Series White Litchee No. 1 Hand Rolled Tea • 20ml Lime syrup • Fresh mint Type of Glass Collins Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Muddle fresh mint separately in glass. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker with a few cubes of ice and shake vigorously for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a Collins glass. Garnish Drop a green cherry into the glass and place fresh mint leaves on the rim

Ingredients • 80ml Dilmah t-Series Moroccan Mint Green Tea • 80ml Apple juice • 10ml Grenadine • Mint leaves Type of Glass Pilsner Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker with a few cubes of ice and shake vigorously for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a Pilsner glass. Garnish Drop a few leaves of fresh mint into the glass and place a wedge of orange with a green cherry on the rim



Tea Shakes


Tea Shakes

Earl Grey Tea Shake

Peppermint Refresher

Vanilla Tea Shake

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Blender

Ingredients • 200ml Dilmah Earl Grey Tea • 2 Scoops Vanilla Ice Cream

Ingredients • 200ml Dilmah Pure Peppermint Leaves • 2 scoops Vanilla ice cream

Type of Glass Irish Coffee Mug

Type of Glass Irish Coffee Mug

Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Pour into an Irish coffee mug. • Add 2 scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream.

Method of Preparation • Brew the peppermint, strain and leave to cool. • Pour into an Irish coffee mug. • Add 2 scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream.

Garnish A Mint leaf on the Vanilla ice cream

Garnish A Mint Leaf on the Vanilla Ice Cream

Ingredients • 480ml Dilmah Vanilla Tea • 6 scoops Vanilla Ice Cream Type of Glass Wine Goblet Method of Preparation • Infuse tea in boiling water for 5 minutes, strain and leave to cool. • Place the ice cream and tea in a blender and mix for about 2 minutes. • Pour into a wine goblet (Serves 2). Garnish Sprinkle of chocolate powder on top


Tea Shakes

Vanilla Ice Cream t-Shake

Earl Grey Ice Cream t-Shake

Cinnamon Ice Cream t-Shake

Utensils • Kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah t-Series Vanilla Ceylon Tea • 2 scoops Vanilla Ice Cream

Ingredients • 200ml Dilmah t-Series The Original Earl Grey • 2 scoops Vanilla Ice Cream

Type of Glass Pilsner Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 100ml of Dilmah t-Series Vanilla Ceylon Tea. • Strain the tea leaves and pour into a Pilsner glass. • Add 2 scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream. • Blend and pour into the glass.

Type of Glass Pilsner Glass

Ingredients • 480ml Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea • 6 scoops Vanilla Ice Cream

Garnish Dust with a pinch of chocolate powder


Method of Preparation • Brew 200ml of Dilmah t-Series The Original Earl Grey for 5 minutes. • Strain the tea leaves and pour into a Pilsner glass. • Add 2 scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream. Garnish Mint leaf placed on the Vanilla ice cream

Type of Glass Highball Glass Method of preparation • Infuse tea in boiling water for 5 minutes, strain and leave to cool. • Place the ice cream and tea in a blender and mix for about 2 minutes. • Pour into a Highball glass. Garnish Sprig of mint

Tea Shakes

Earl Grey Banana t-Shake Utensils • Kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer • Blender Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah t-Series The Original Earl Grey • Plain yoghurt • 50ml sugar syrup • ½ a banana • Ice Type of Glass Collins Glass Preparation Instructions • Brew 100ml of Dilmah t-Series The Original Earl Grey for 5 minutes. • Strain the tea leaf out and pour into a Collins glass. • Add 2 teaspoons of plain yoghurt. • Add 50ml of sugar syrup. • Add half a banana and blend. • Add few cubes of ice. Garnish Red Cherry






Earl Grey Cocktail

Somerset Dream

Dimbula Mist

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 60ml Dilmah Earl Grey Tea • 30ml Vodka • 10ml Bees Honey • Sugar syrup

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Watte Single Estate - Somerset Estate Pekoe • 25ml Reserve Port Wine • 15ml Camus VS

Type of Glass Martini Glass

Type of Glass Champagne Flute

Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave it to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well.

Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave it to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well.

Garnish A wedge of orange on the glass

Garnish A black grape on the glass

Ingredients • 75ml Dilmah Watte Single Estate - Somerset Estate Pekoe • 50ml Dilmah Green Tea Moroccan Mint • 25ml Vodka • 5ml Lime Cordial • 10ml Sugar Syrup Type of Glass Margarita Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the teas separately, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish Fresh tea leaves and green cherry on the glass



Berry “T” Delight


Tribute (to Tea Pickers)

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry • 30ml Raspberry Rum • 50ml Fresh Berry Juice Type of Glass Hurricane Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry, strain and leave it to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish Rim the glass with white sugar and place half a strawberry on the glass

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Green Tea Moroccan Mint • 50ml Dilmah English Breakfast Tea • 20ml Vodka • 10ml Triple Sec • 15ml Lemon Juice • 20ml Sugar Type of Glass Margarita Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the teas separately, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well (The Dilmah Green Tea Moroccan Mint acts as the main aromatic agent while the Dilmah English Breakfast Tea acts as the colouring agent). Garnish Wedge of lime and mint leaf on the glass


Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Earl Grey Tea • 50ml Fresh Passion Fruit Juice • 50ml Fresh Orange Juice • 50ml Dark Rum Type of Glass Champagne Flute Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave it to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish Wedge of orange on the glass


The Real Blend

Lover’s Leap

Sencha Bacardi

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 200ml Dilmah English Breakfast Tea • 50ml Red Rum • 50ml Fresh Passion Fruit Juice • 50ml Coconut Milk • 25ml Sugar Syrup

Ingredients • 50ml Dilmah Watte Single Estate - Lover’s Leap Estate Pekoe 1 • 25ml Fresh Pomegranate Juice • 20ml Bees Honey • 12.5ml Cointreau • 20ml Napolean French Brandy

Ingredients • 50ml Dilmah Sencha Green Tea • 20ml Bacardi • 25ml Sugar Syrup

Type of Glass Shot Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave it to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well.

Type of Glass Fancy Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave it to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish Decorate with a stem of tea leaves with the bud and quarter of a passion fruit

Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave it to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish A sprig of Mint on the glass

Type of Glass Shot glass

Garnish A green cherry dropped into the glass with an orange wedge on the rim



Nilagama Pimms

Unchilled Sling

Mountain Beauty

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker • Muddler

Ingredients • 75ml Dilmah Watte Single Estate - Nilagama Estate Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe • 40ml Pimms # 1 • 10ml Lime Juice • 10ml Sugar Syrup Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah Nilagama Estate FBOP tea in 75ml of water for 4 minutes. • Add 5 ice cubes with all the ingredients into a cocktail shaker and shake well until the ice cubes have dissolved. Pour into a martini glass. Garnish Two leaves and a bud of tea and slice of lime on the glass


Ingredients • 150ml Dilmah Sencha Green Tea • 50ml Smirnoff Vodka • 5ml Crème de Menthe Green • 10ml Sugar Syrup Type of Glass Hurricane Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 150ml of Dilmah Sencha Green Tea for 3 minutes in a Teapot and pour on the rocks. • Add the vodka and sugar syrup topping it off with Crème de Menthe. Garnish Float mint leaves on top

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry • 2 Fresh Strawberries • ¼ Fresh Orange • 4 teaspoons Brown Sugar • 10ml Crème de Cassis • 30ml Smirnoff Vodka Type of Glass Highball Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry, strain and leave to cool. • Muddle the strawberries, orange and sugar. • Add the muddled ingredients with the vodka, Crème de Cassis and Naturally Spicy Berry into a cocktail shaker and shake well. Garnish Half a slice of strawberry on the glass


Vanil Sweet

Fiery Somerset


Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker • Beater

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Vanilla Tea • 25ml Cognac • 10ml Drambuie • 10ml Bees Honey • 10ml Whipping Cream Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Add the tea, liquor and honey into a cocktail shaker, shake well and pour into a martini glass. • Whip the cream and float on top. Garnish A red cherry on the glass

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Watte Single Estate - Somerset Estate Pekoe • 30ml Vodka • 20ml Apricot Brandy Type of Glass Shot Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish Drop a red cherry into the glass

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah English Breakfast Tea • 35ml Rum • 20ml Triple Sec • 8ml Balsamic Vinegar • 4 teaspoons Brown Sugar

Type of Glass Champagne Flute Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish A grape, mint leaf and wedges of lime on a skewer and placed across the glass





Heaven on Earth

Spicy Berry Cooler


Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 25ml Dilmah Pure Green Tea • Vodka • 25ml Triple Sec • Dash of Sugar

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry • 40ml Peach Liqueur • 20ml Absolut Vodka

Type of Glass Champagne Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Combine the tea and vodka to make a 50ml infusion. • Add all ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish A lime wheel with the twist on the glass

Type of Glass Pilsner Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry, strain and leave to cool. • Shake all ingredients with ice cubes in a cocktail shaker and pour into a Pilsner glass. Garnish Place a cinnamon stick in the glass and a strawberry on the rim

Ingredients • 125ml Dilmah English Breakfast Tea • 15ml Sugar Syrup • 15ml Sambuca • 15ml Amaretto Type of Glass Champagne Flute Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Pour all the ingredients into a champagne flute and stir. Garnish Orange wedge on the glass



Planter’s Dream

Cherry Refresher

Dilmah Daydreams

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker • Blender

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 75ml Dilmah Cinnamon Tea • 1 teaspoon Sugar • 25ml Hennessey (Cognac) • Whipping Cream Type of Glass Shot Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Add the tea, sugar and cognac into a glass and stir. • Beat the cream and float on top. Garnish Sprinkle cinnamon powder on the cream and place a cinnamon stick across the glass


Ingredients • 150ml Dilmah Watte Single Estate - Somerset Estate Pekoe & Dilmah Cinnamon Tea (chilled) • 30ml Gin • 20ml Cherry Brandy • 10ml Sugar Syrup • 5ml Lime Juice Type of Glass Highball Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish A cinnamon stick in the glass with a lime slice on the rim

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Cinnamon Tea • 25ml Brandy • 25ml Sugar Syrup Type of Glass Brandy Snifter Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish A cinnamon stick in the glass


VSOP Tea Cocktail (Cold)

Tongue Teaser

Nilagama Berry Fusion

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Watte Single Estate Doombagastalawa Estate Broken Orange Pekoe Special • 12.5ml Camus VS Cognac • 50ml Pineapple Juice • 2 teaspoons Bees’ Honey Type of Glass Glass teacup Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish Pineapple stick placed in the cup

Ingredients • 50ml Dilmah Caramel Tea • 40ml Vodka • 10ml Crème de Cacao White • 10ml Sugar Syrup Type of Glass Margarita Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish Red cherry on the glass

Ingredients • 25ml Dilmah Watte Single Estate - Nilagama Estate Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe • 50ml Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry • 10ml Passion Fruit Cordial • 30ml Vodka • 15ml Crème de Cacao • 10ml Cherry Brandy • 5ml Cointreau Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea and herbal infusion separately, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish Red cherry and orange twist on the glass



Dilmah Fantasy

Tea O’ Peppe


Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 50ml Dilmah English Breakfast Tea • 25ml Bacardi White Rum • 25ml Red Wine • 25ml Fresh Pineapple Juice • 5ml Apple Cordial Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish Slice of apple and grapes across the glass


Ingredients • 75ml Dilmah Watte Single Estate - Nilagama Estate Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe • 40ml Dilmah Caramel Tea • 40ml Dilmah Lemon Tea • 20ml Vodka • 1 teaspoon Spicy Sugar Type of Glass Pilsner Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the teas separately, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish Lime with twist on the glass

Ingredients • 125ml Dilmah Ceylon Supreme Tea • 25ml Cointreau • 25ml Grand Marnier • Fresh Cream (Sweet) • Ice Cubes Type of Glass Champagne Flute Method of preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Add the tea, Cointreau, Grand Marnier and ice cubes into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. • Top up with fresh cream. Garnish Sugar rim the glass with brown sugar


Letchamie (Tea Picker)

Earl Grey Martini

Dilmah Amarulla

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker • Blender

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 50ml Dilmah Vanilla Tea • 25ml Dilmah Mint Tea • 50ml Dilmah Cinnamon Tea • ½ Scoop Vanilla Ice Cream • 40ml Local Red Rum Type of Glass Wine Glass Method of preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a blender and mix well. Garnish Red cherry and mint leaves on the glass

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Earl Grey Tea • 30ml Absolut Vodka • 10ml Triple sec • 5ml Egg-white • 5ml Gomme syrup

Ingredients • 75ml Dilmah English Breakfast Tea • 5ml Jameson Irish Whisky • 10ml Amarula Cream • 10ml Fresh Cream • Dash of Sugar Syrup

Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well.

Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well.

Garnish Sprinkle nutmeg powder on top

Garnish Nutmeg powder





Spicy Berry Caprioska

D’ Cosmo

Brilliant Island

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker • Muddler

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 75ml Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry infused in Vodka • 10ml Fresh Lime • 5ml Strawberry Puree • 10ml Brown Cane Sugar Syrup Type of Glass Rock Glass Method of Preparation • Muddle the fresh lime, strawberries and brown cane sugar. • Add the Vodka tea infusion and muddled ingredients with ice into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish Lime wheel and strawberry wedge on the glass

Ingredients • 90ml Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry • 30ml Green Apple Vodka • 10ml Cointreau • 2 Lime Wedges • 1 Lemon Wedge • 2 teaspoons Sugar Syrup

Ingredients • 75ml Dilmah Watte Single Estate Doombagastalawa Estate Broken Orange Pekoe Special • 30ml Belvedere Vodka • 20ml Fauchon Tea Liqueur • 10ml Monin Vanilla Syrup

Type of Glass Shot Glass

Type of Glass Martini Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew the Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry with boiling water and let it cool to room temperature. • Add the remaining ingredients and stir. Serve chilled.

Method of Preparation • Brew the tea with boiling water and let it cool to room temperature. • Add the remaining ingredients and stir.

Garnish Slice of orange and lime on the glass

Garnish Drop a green cherry in the glass and place a red cherry on the rim



Strand Tea Sour

Red Berries Iced Tea

Golden Grape

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker • Muddler

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 75ml Dilmah English Breakfast Tea • 50ml Rum • 50ml Lime Juice • 25ml Sugar Syrup • One or two drops of Angostura Bitter Type of Glass Hurricane Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish Wedge of pineapple and orange twist on the glass

Ingredients • 90ml Dilmah English Breakfast Tea • 40ml Absolut Vodka • 20ml Triple Sec • 2 tablespoons Raspberry Puree • 2 Fresh Strawberries • 50ml Cranberry Juice • 10ml Fresh lime Juice • 20ml Sugar Syrup Type of Glass Fancy Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Muddle the strawberries with the sugar syrup and lime juice. • Add all the ingredients with ice cubes into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish A wedge of strawberry on the rim


Ingredients • 60ml Dilmah Green Tea Moroccan Mint • 30ml Barcardi Gold • 10ml White Grape Mojito • 4 Green Grapes • 1 teaspoon Granulated White Sugar • Lime Zest Type of Glass Rock Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Place the grapes and granulated sugar in the rock glass. Zest a lime into the glass and add crushed ice, Bacardi, White Grape Mojito and tea. • Stir the ingredients. Garnish Place mint leaves on top


Dilmah’s Asian Breeze

Grenadine Blur

Very Berry Tea Sour

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 150ml Dilmah Mint Tea • 30ml Absolut Vodka • 15ml Peppermint Liqueur • 15ml Crème De Cacao

Ingredients • 75ml Dilmah Vanilla Tea • 35ml Vodka • 15ml Sugar Syrup • 20ml Grenadine Syrup

Type of Glass Margarita Glass

Type of Glass Champagne Flute

Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well.

Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients with ice into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well.

Garnish A lime wheel and mint leaves on the glass

Garnish Wedge of orange on the glass

Ingredients • 75ml Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry • 20ml Lime Extract • 15ml Rose Wine Type of Glass Shot Glass Method of Preparation • Infuse the Naturally Spicy Berry in boiling water for 5 minutes and then chill it. • Place crushed ice in a cocktail shaker and add the berry infusion, lime extract and rose wine. Garnish Drop a green cherry in the glass with a lime wheel on the rim



Tom Yam Tam Tai

Absolut Nilagama Beau-Tea

Supreme Mint Cocktail

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker • Muddler

Ingredients • 75ml Dilmah Lemon & Lime Tea • 25ml Vodka Citron • 15ml White Sugar Type of Glass Shot Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Pour the tea, vodka and sugar into a glass and stir well before serving. Garnish A mint leaf on the glass with a red chilli dropped in

Ingredients • 25ml Dilmah Watte Single Estate - Nilagama Estate Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe • 50ml Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry • 30ml Absolut Vodka • 15ml Grand Marnier • 10ml Apple Cordial • 10ml Pineapple Cordial Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea and Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry separately, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish A wedge of pineapple and strawberry on the glass

Ingredients • 30ml Dilmah Ceylon Supreme Tea • 30ml Dilmah Mint Tea • 30ml Bacardi Light • 10ml Grand Marnier • 5g Brown Sugar • 5g White sugar • 2 slices of Lime • 4 Mint leaves Type of Glass Rock Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the teas separately, strain and leave to cool. • Muddle the mint, lime and sugar. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish Lime peel and mint leaf on the glass



Vanilla Ice Tea

Irish Tea


Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker • Bar spoon

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Beater

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 90ml Dilmah Vanilla Tea • 15ml Smirnoff Vodka • 30ml Smirnoff Vanilla Vodka • 2 teaspoons (bar spoon) Lemon Honey Type of Glass Champagne Flute Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Add all the ingredients with ice into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well. Garnish Green cherry on the glass

Ingredients • 200ml Dilmah Irish Breakfast Tea • 50ml Irish Whisky • 3 tablespoons Whipped Cream • 4 teaspoons Sugar Type of Glass Irish Coffee Mug Method of Preparation • Brew the tea and strain. • Whip the cream with a beater. • Heat two Irish coffee mugs. • Add sugar and whisky, heat again and flame • Add the brewed tea and spoon in the whipped cream slowly onto the tea (Serves 2). Garnish Sprinkle cinnamon powder on the cream

Ingredients • 200ml Dilmah Premium Ceylon Tea • 75ml Malibu • 4 tablespoons Fresh Cream • 50ml Sugar Syrup • Crushed Ice Type of Glass Wine Goblet Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Put crushed ice in a Cocktail Shaker and add tea, sugar syrup, cream and Malibu. • Shake well and serve. Garnish Cinnamon stick in the glass



Rosehip & Hibiscus Cocktail

Golden Summer

Honey Eggnog

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 150ml Dilmah Rosehip & Hibiscus • 25ml Gin • 10ml Cointreau • 15ml Sugar syrup • Crushed Ice Type of Glass Margarita Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the Rosehip & Hibiscus, strain and refrigerate once cooled. • Add the remaining ingredients, stir and serve with crushed ice.


Ingredients • 125ml Dilmah Earl Grey Tea • 50ml Bacardi • 25ml Cointreau • 1 teaspoon Lemon Juice • 50ml Sugar Syrup • Crushed Ice Type of Glass Champagne Flute

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Ceylon Supreme Tea infused in fresh milk • 30ml Brandy • 1 Egg Yolk • 25ml Bees’ Honey Type of Glass Fancy Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and refrigerate once cool. • Add all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker and shake well.

Method of Preparation • Infuse the tea with warm milk for about 5-7 minutes. • Combine all the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker. Shake well and serve (Serves 2).

Garnish Orange wedge on the glass

Garnish Sprinkle nutmeg powder on top


Earl Meets Jack

Dilmah Gold

Three Spiced Tea

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker • Beater

Ingredients • 75ml Dilmah Earl Grey Tea • 25ml Jack Daniels • 15ml Sugar Syrup • 20ml Honey

Ingredients • 75ml Dilmah English Afternoon Tea • 25ml Bacardi Gold • 25ml Sugar Syrup • Crushed Ice

Type of Glass Martini Glass

Type of Glass Martini Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Pour all ingredients with few cubes of ice into the Cocktail Shaker. • Shake vigorously for 5-8 seconds. • Gently pour the cocktail in a circular motion into the glass.

Method of Preparation • Infuse tea in boiling water for 3 minutes. • Put crushed ice in the cocktail shaker, add the tea and Bacardi. • Shake well and serve.

Garnish Wedge of Orange on the glass

Garnish Slice of lemon on the glass

Ingredients • 150ml Dilmah Premium Ceylon Tea • 50ml Honey • 30ml Cognac • 15ml Crème de Menthe (white) • 2 pods Cloves • 2 pods Cardamom • 1 inch Cinnamon stick Type of Glass Wine Goblet Method of Preparation • Lightly crush the spices. • Brew the tea for 3-4 minutes, strain and chill in the refrigerator for 2 hours. • Add some crushed ice into a cocktail shaker, add tea and combine the rest of the ingredients. Shake well and serve. Garnish Top off with whipped cream



Dilmah Vodka Orange

Moroccan Mint Mojito

Honey I Am Almost Home

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Muddler

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 230ml Dilmah Orange & Ginger Tea • ½ teaspoon Lemon juice • 50ml Sugar syrup • 60ml Vodka • Crushed Ice • Slice of Orange Type of Glass Collins Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea for 3 minutes, strain and chill in the refrigerator. • Divide the tea into two Collins glasses. • Add crushed ice, a slice of orange, sugar syrup, lime juice and vodka and stir (Serves 2). Garnish Sprig of mint


Ingredients • 90ml Dilmah Green Tea Moroccan Mint • 30ml White Rum • 15ml Lime Juice • 15ml Sugar Syrup • Mint Leaves • Crushed Ice Type of Glass Highball Glass Method of preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Muddle the mint leaves. • Mix all the ingredients and serve in an ice filled Highball glass. Garnish Mint leaves and slice of lime on the glass

Ingredients • 60ml Dilmah Lemon Tea • 25ml Vodka • 15ml Lime Juice • 20ml Sugar Syrup • 10ml Honey Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Pour tea, sugar syrup and vodka with a few cubes of ice into a cocktail shaker. • Shake vigorously for 5-8 seconds. • Make a solution by mixing the honey into the lime juice and add this into the infused tea and vodka mix. Garnish Sugar coat the rim of the glass


Pirates in New York

Das Svidaniya My Peach

Gin - Go

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 75ml Dilmah Apple Tea • 25ml Red Rum • 10ml Apple Liqueur (Optional) • 2 teaspoons Brown sugar Type of Glass Champagne Flute Method of preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Pour all ingredients with the exception of the brown sugar with a few cubes of ice into the Cocktail Shaker. • Shake vigorously for 5-8 seconds. • Add 2 teaspoons of Brown sugar and stir. Garnish Grape on the glass

Ingredients • 60ml Dilmah Peach Tea • 20ml Vodka Mandarin • 10ml Grand Marnier • 10ml Sugar • 20ml fresh cream Type of Glass Shot Glass Method of preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Pour all ingredients with a few cubes of ice into the cocktail shaker. • Shake vigorously for 5-8 seconds. • Add 20ml of Fresh Cream and stir. Garnish Cherry on the glass

Ingredients • 60ml Dilmah Mango & Strawberry Tea • 25ml Gin • 20ml Sugar syrup Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of preparation • Brew the tea, strain and leave to cool. • Pour all ingredients with few cubes of ice into the Cocktail Shaker. • Shake vigorously for 5-8 seconds. Garnish Green cherry on the glass





Irish Whisky t

Sencha Chivas t

Spirited Rosehip & Hibiscus t

Utensils • Stainless steel t-shaker • Portion cups – 100ml and 25ml • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Stainless steel t-shaker • Portion cups of 100ml and 25ml • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 150ml Dilmah t-Series Supreme Ceylon Single Origin • 50ml Irish Whiskey • 10ml Sugar syrup • Whipping Cream

Ingredients • 75ml Dilmah t-Series Sencha Green Extra Special • 25ml Chivas Regal • 3 teaspoons Sugar syrup • Few drops of lemon juice • Few cubes of ice

Utensils • Saucepan • Teaspoon • Tea Strainer Ingredients • 5g Dilmah t-Series Natural Rosehip with Hibiscus • 15ml Gin • 15ml Cointreau • Few cubes of ice

Type of Glass Wine Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Supreme Ceylon Single Origin. • Heat the wine glass. • Add sugar and whisky. • Heat again and flame. • Strain the ingredients into a glass or a clean ceramic container. • Add the whipping cream. Garnish Rim the glass with brown sugar Sprinkle a fine layer of cinnamon powder on the surface

Type of Glass Martini Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Sencha Green Extra Special for 3 minutes. • Cool the tea infusion in a refrigerator until it reaches 1 degree Celsius or lower. • Add 25ml of Chivas Regal. • Add 3 teaspoons of sugar syrup. • Pour all ingredients into the Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the contents for 6-8 seconds. • Pour all the ingredients into a Martini glass. • Add the tea into it. Garnish A slice of lemon on the glass

Type of Glass Margarita Glass

Method of Preparation • Boil 100ml water in a saucepan. • Add the Natural Rosehip with Hibiscus. • Remove from the heat and let it stand for 5 minutes. • Cool completely and chill. • Add 15ml of Cointreau and 15ml of gin. • Shake well. Garnish Sugar rim the glass and add a red cherry



Malibu Ceylon t

Bacardi – t

Eggnog t

Utensils • Stainless steel t-shaker • Portion cups of 100ml, 50ml and 25ml • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Cocktail Shaker • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Cocktail Shaker • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 2g Dilmah t-Series Supreme Ceylon Single Origin • 50ml Malibu • 25ml Sugar syrup • Whipped cream • Cinnamon stick Type of Glass Hurricane Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of the tea in 150ml water for 3 minutes. • Cool the infusion in a refrigerator until it reaches 1 degrees Celsius or lower. • Pour all ingredients into the Cocktail Shaker and vigorously shake its contents for over 1 minute. • Pour all the ingredients into a hurricane glass. Garnish Garnish with a cinnamon stick


Ingredients • 125ml Dilmah t-Series The Original Earl Grey • 25ml Bacardi • 15ml Cointreau • 2ml Lemon juice • 25ml Sugar syrup • Crushed ice Type of Glass • Large Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of The Original Earl Grey in 125ml of water. • Cool the infusion in a refrigerator until it reaches 1 Celsius or lower. • Combine all ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker. • Shake well and pour all the ingredients into the martini glass. Garnish A wedge of orange on the glass rim

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah t-Series Single Estate Assam • 100ml fresh milk • 50ml brandy • 50ml Honey • 1 egg yolk • Few cubes of ice Type of Glass White Wine Glass Method of Preparation • Boil water and infuse the tea for 5-7 minutes. • Add 100ml Single Estate Assam tea, 50ml brandy, 50ml Honey, 100ml fresh milk. • Add 1 egg yolk. • Add a few cubes of ice. • Vigorously shake contents in a Cocktail Shaker for 6-8 seconds. Garnish Sprinkle nutmeg powder on the surface of the beverage


Vodka Natural Lemon t

Cinnamon Rum Lemonade t

Tequila Oolong

Utensils • Stainless steel tea shaker • Portion cups of 20ml and 100ml • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug

Utensils • Stainless steel tea shaker • Portion cups of 20ml and 100ml • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah t-Series Prince of Kandy • 20ml Vodka • 20ml Lemon juice & sugar concentrate solution 5:1

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea • 20ml Red rum or Bacardi Gold rum • 1 teaspoon Sugar • Few drops of orange

Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g Dilmah t-Series Prince of Kandy tea in 100ml of water for 3 minutes. • Make the lemon juice and sugar concentrate of 5:1 (5ml of Lemon juice and 1ml of sugar). • Add the infused Dilmah t-Series Prince of Kandy tea with lemon and sugar concentrate into a jug. • Stir once. • Add 20ml of Vodka. Garnish Drop a slice of lemon into the glass

Type of Glass Martini Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea in 100ml of water for 3 minutes. • Pour the infused Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea into the jug with 20ml of Red rum or Bacardi Gold rum. • Add 1 teaspoon (approximately 2g) of sugar. • Stir once. • Gently squeeze a few drops of fresh orange into the liquor. • Add 2 cubes of ice.

Ingredients • 60ml Dilmah t-Series The First Ceylon Oolong • 30ml Tequila • 10ml Martini Bianco Type of Glass Pilsner Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the ingredients and a few cubes of ice into a Cocktail Shaker and shake vigorously for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a Pilsner glass. Garnish Red cherry with fresh mint on the glass

Garnish A green cherry



Kandy Vodka t

Queen of t

Prince of Kandy t

Utensils • Stainless steel tea shaker • Portion cups of 20ml and 100ml • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug

Utensils • Stainless steel t-shaker • Portion cups of 50ml, 25ml and 10ml • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Teaspoon • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Stainless steel tea shaker • Portion cups of 75ml, 30ml and 10ml • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah t-Series Prince of Kandy • 20ml Vodka

Ingredients • 50ml Dilmah t-Series Italian Almond Tea • 25ml Bailey’s Irish cream liqueur • 25ml Cognac VSOP • 10ml Sugar syrup

Ingredients • 75ml of Dilmah t-Series Prince of Kandy • 25ml Mandarin Vodka • 25ml fresh orange juice • 15ml sugar syrup • Few cubes of ice

Type of Glass Fancy Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series Prince of Kandy tea in 100ml of water for 3 minutes. • Add the infused tea into the jug with 20ml of Vodka. • Stir once. • Add 2 cubes of ice. Garnish Frost the rim of the glass with sugar

Type of Glass Martini Glass • Method of Preparation • Brew 2g Dilmah t-Series Italian Almond Tea in 50ml of water for 3 minutes. • Pour the ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker with 1 or 2 cubes of ice. • Shake vigorously for 5-8 seconds. • Gently pour the cocktail in a circular motion into the Martini glass. Garnish Gently sprinkle nutmeg powder over the cocktail

Type of Glass Highball Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series Prince of Kandy tea in 75ml of water for 3 minutes. • Pour the infused tea into a Cocktail Shaker with 25ml of Mandarin Vodka, 25ml of fresh orange juice, 15ml sugar syrup. • Add few cubes of ice. • Shake vigorously for 5-8 seconds. • Gently pour the cocktail in a circular motion into the highball glass. Garnish Place a red cherry on the rim of the glass



Cinnamon t

Vodka Souchong t

Nuwara Eliya Long Island Ice t

Utensils • Stainless steel tea shaker • Portion cups of 75ml, 30ml and 10ml • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug

Utensils • Stainless steel tea shaker • Portion cups of 150ml and 40ml (3 portion cups) • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug

Utensils • Stainless steel tea shaker • Portion cups of 150ml, 50ml (4 portion cups), 75ml and 5ml • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug

Ingredients • 150ml Dilmah t-Series Lapsang Souchong • 40ml Vodka • 40ml Cranberry juice • 40ml Orange juice

Ingredients • 150ml Dilmah t-Series Nuwara Eliya Pekoe • 10ml Gin • 10ml Vodka • 10ml White Rum • 10ml Tequila • 75ml Coca Cola • 5ml lime juice

Ingredients • 75ml Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea • 30ml Cognac • 10ml Sugar Syrup • 15ml Lime juice Type of Glass Martini Glass

Type of Glass Pilsner Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea in 75ml of water for 3 minutes. • Pour the infused tea into a Cocktail Shaker with 30ml of Cognac and 10ml of sugar syrup and 15ml of lime juice. • Add 2 cubes of ice. • Shake vigorously for 5-8 seconds. • Gently strain the cocktail into a Martini glass.

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series Lapsang Souchong tea in 150ml of water for 3 minutes. • Pour the infused tea into a Cocktail Shaker with 40ml of vodka and 40ml of cranberry juice and 40ml of orange juice. • Add 2 cubes of ice. • Shake vigorously for 5-8 seconds. • Build all ingredients into an ice filled Pilsner glass.

Garnish Place a cherry on the glass

Garnish Mint leaf

Type of Glass Highball Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series Nuwara Eliya Pekoe in 150ml of water for 3 minutes. • Pour the infused tea into a Cocktail Shaker with Gin, Vodka, white rum, tequila and Coca Cola. • Add 2 cubes of ice. • Shake vigorously for 5-8 seconds. • Build all ingredients into an ice filled Highball glass. Garnish A slice of lime on the glass



Hot Summer t Utensils • Teaspoon • Shaker • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Natural Ceylon Ginger Tea • 15ml Arrack • 10ml Amaretto Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the tea and balance ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a Martini glass. Garnish A wedge of Orange with a red cherry on the glass


Royal t

Dilmah Arrack Orange t

Utensils • Stainless steel tea shaker • Portion cups of 150ml, 20ml (2 cups) • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug

Utensils • Stainless steel tea shaker • Portion cups of 30ml (2 cups), 25ml (3 cups) • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug

Ingredients • 150ml Dilmah t-Series Galle District OP1 • 20ml Brandy • 20ml Kahlua • 15g White sugar • Cream

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah t-Series Nuwara Eliya Pekoe • 30ml Arrack • 25ml Cointreau • 25ml Sugar Syrup • Fresh Cream

Type of Glass Wine Glass

Type of Glass Champagne Flute Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series Nuwara Eliya Pekoe tea in 30ml of water for 3 minutes. • Add sugar syrup, Arrack, Cointreau. • Stir and flame it. • Pour Nuwara Eliya Pekoe tea to the ingredients. • Stir once. • Float the cream on top.

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series Galle District OP1 in 150ml of water for 3 minutes. • Pour the infused tea into a Cocktail Shaker with 20ml of Brandy and 20ml of Kahlua. • Pour hot Galle District OP1 tea into the ingredients. • Float the cream on top. Garnish Frost the rim of the glass with sugar


Kandy Marteani Utensils • Teaspoon • Shaker • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 30ml Dilmah t-Series Prince of Kandy Tea • 10ml Martini Bianco • 15ml Brandy Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the tea and balance ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a Martini glass. Garnish A slice of lemon on the glass

Chilled Yoghurt t

Sencha Regal t

Utensils • Kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer • Blender

Utensils • Kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah t-Series Single Estate Assam • 25ml Sugar Syrup • 50ml Malibu • Honey • Plain Yoghurt Type of Glass Wine Goblet Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series Single Estate Assam tea for 3 minutes. • Add 25ml of sugar syrup. • Pour the hot tea into the ingredients. • Add 2 tablespoons of Honey. • Add 2 tablespoons of plain yoghurt. • Blend it. • Add few cubes of ice. Garnish Add a pinch of chocolate powder

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah t-Series Sencha Green Extra Special • 25ml Chivas Regal • 50ml Orange juice • 15ml Sugar Syrup • Few drops of lemon juice • Few cubes of ice Type of Glass Large Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series Sencha Green Extra Special in 100ml of water for 3 minutes. • Add Chivas Regal and sugar syrup. • Pour the hot tea into the ingredients. • Add a few drops of lemon and shake well. • Add a few cubes of ice. Garnish A slice of lemon



Malibu Queen

True Mint t

Grand Earl t

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah t-Series Supreme Ceylon Single Origin • 25ml Sugar Syrup • 50ml Malibu • Few cubes of ice Type of Glass Wine Glass

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah t-Series Pure Peppermint Leaves • 50ml Crème de Menthe Type of Glass Champagne Flute

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah t-Series The Original Earl Grey • 50ml Grand Marnier

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Supreme Ceylon Single Origin for 3 minutes. • Add 25ml of sugar syrup. • Add 50ml of Malibu. • Pour the hot tea into the glass. • Add a few cubes of ice. • Stir well. Garnish Use a cinnamon stick to stir


Type of Glass Large Martini Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of pure peppermint leaves for 3 minutes. • Add 50ml Crème de Menthe. • Mix it well.

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of The Original Earl Grey tea for 3 minutes. • Add 50ml Grand Marnier. • Pour the hot tea into the glass. • Mix well.

Garnish Mint leaf

Garnish Wedge of Orange


French Connection t

Kandy Cognac

Caribbean Beauty t

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah t-Series Vanilla Ceylon Tea • 25ml Cognac • 25ml Apricot Brandy • Few cubes of ice Type of Glass Small Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series Vanilla Ceylon tea for 3 minutes. • Add 25ml of Cognac. • Add 25ml of Apricot Brandy. • Pour the hot tea into the ingredients. • Add a few cubes of ice. • Stir well. Garnish Lime and green cherry

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah t-Series Prince of Kandy • 30ml Cognac • 20ml Lime juice • 10ml Sugar Syrup • 1 Egg white • Few cubes of ice Type of Glass Wine Goblet Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series Prince of Kandy tea for 3 minutes. • Add the balance ingredients and shake. • Serve with a few cubes of ice.

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea • 25ml Lime juice • 25ml Sugar Syrup • 30ml Whisky • Few cubes of ice Type of Glass Rock Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea for 3 minutes. • Add lime juice, sugar syrup, and whisky. • Stir and add a few cubes of ice. Garnish Lime wheel




t Rose

Spicy Ceylon t

Caribbean t

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Natural Rosehip with Hibiscus • 20ml Gin • 5ml Sugar syrup

Ingredients • 30ml Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea • 15ml Amaretto • 20ml Milk

Type of Glass Champagne Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of the herb in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the herbal infusion and balance ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a champagne glass.

Type of Glass Champagne Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the tea and balance ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a champagne glass.

Garnish A green cherry attached to a wedge of orange on the glass

Garnish Sprinkle Nutmeg powder on top

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Lapsang Souchong • 10ml Malibu • 20ml Bacardi light Type of Glass Champagne Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the tea and balance ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a cocktail glass. Garnish A red cherry attached to a slice of lime on the glass


French Rose meets Irish Cream

Zestea Blue

Emerald Gold

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Rose with French Vanilla • 20ml Bailey’s Irish Cream Type of Glass Champagne Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes. • Pour the tea and Bailey’s Irish Cream into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a champagne glass. Garnish Sprinkle nutmeg powder on top

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Pure Chamomile Flowers • 10ml Blue Curacao • 20ml Cointreau

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Green Tea with Jasmine Flowers • 20ml Żubrówka • 5ml Sugar syrup

Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of the herb in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the herbal infusion and Cointreau into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a Martini Glass. • Top it off with the Blue Curacao.

Type of Glass Champagne Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the tea and balance ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a champagne glass.

Garnish Red cherry on the glass

Garnish Green cherry with a pineapple leaf on the glass




Autumn Leaves

Liquid Gold

Domba t-Shake

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Nuwara Eliya Pekoe • 20ml Gin • 5ml Crème de Menthe

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Pu-erh No. 1 Leaf Tea • 20ml Jack Daniel’s • 5ml Honey

Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Vigorously shake the tea and Gin in a Cocktail Shaker with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a Martini Glass. • Add the Crème de Menthe.

Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the tea and balance ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a Martini Glass.

Garnish Red cherry and a wedge of orange on the glass

Garnish A wedge of pineapple on the glass

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Dombagastalawa Single Estate FBOP • 20ml Milk • 15ml Grenadine • 20ml Rum Type of Glass Champagne Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the tea and balance ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a champagne glass. Garnish Green cherry on the glass


Emerald t

Amber Pekoe

Gin Young t

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Blender

Utensils • Jigger • Muddler • Knife for making twists • Kettle • Tea Strainer • Cocktail Shaker

Utensils • Blender • Jigger • Knife for making twists • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 80ml Dilmah t-Series Moroccan Mint Green Tea • 30ml Żubrówka • 20ml Blue Curacao Type of Glass Pilsner Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the ingredients and a few cubes of ice into a blender and mix for about 30 seconds. • Pour into a Pilsner glass. Garnish Red cherry and fresh mint on the glass

Ingredients • 80ml Dilmah t-Series Galle District OP1 • 30ml Bacardi • 10g Brown sugar Type of Glass Pilsner Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Muddle mint with sugar in a glass. • Pour the ingredients and a few cubes of ice into a Cocktail Shaker and shake vigorously for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a Pilsner glass. Garnish Lime twist dropped into the glass with fresh mint on the rim

Ingredients • 90ml Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Young Hyson Green Tea • 15ml Grenadine • 40ml Gin Type of Glass Rock glass

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the ingredients and a few cubes of ice into a blender and mix for about 30 seconds. • Pour contents into a rock glass. Garnish Orange twist around the glass and a red cherry on the rim



Golden Dragon t Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Jasmine Pear Dragon White Tea • 20ml Bacardi Oro • 10ml Martini Rosso Type of Glass Champagne Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the tea and balance ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a champagne glass. Garnish A wedge of orange with a pineapple leaf on the glass




Hot Tea Cocktails

Hot Tea Cocktails


Hot Tea Cocktails

Orange Fire

Dilmah Irish Cream

Rum Watte

Utensils • Tea Strainer • Kettle • Teaspoon

Utensils • Tea Strainer • Kettle • Teapot • Teaspoon • Beater

Utensils • Tea Strainer • Kettle • Tea Pot • Teaspoon • Beater

Ingredients • 175ml Dilmah Yata Watte Tea • 30ml Jack Daniels or Irish Whisky • 30ml Whipping Cream • 1 teaspoon Sugar

Ingredients • 175ml Dilmah Meda Watte Tea • 45ml Dark Rum • Whipping Cream

Ingredients • 200ml Dilmah English Afternoon Tea • 30ml Amaretto • 30ml Cointreau • ½ - 1 teaspoon Sugar • Orange Twist Type of Glass Brandy Snifter Method of Preparation • Brew the tea and strain. • Place an orange twist in the glass and add the Amaretto and Cointreau. • Flame the contents in the glass. • Pour the tea into the glass and serve hot.

Type of Glass Irish Coffee Mug Method of Preparation • Brew the tea in hot water for 3-5 minutes and strain. • Add the whisky. • Top off with whipped cream and serve hot.

Type of Glass Wine Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea for 3-4 minutes and strain • Add the Dark Rum. • Float the cream on top and serve hot.


Hot Tea Cocktails

Crème de Watte

Cinnamon Cocktail

Utensils • Tea Strainer • Kettle • Teapot • Teaspoon • Beater

Utensils • Tea Strainer • Kettle • Saucepan • Teaspoon

Ingredients • 150ml Dilmah Yata Watte Tea • 30ml Sambuca • 1 teaspoon Sugar • Fresh Cream Type of Glass Wine Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea and strain. • Add the Sambuca to the tea and stir. • Float the cream on top and serve hot. Garnish Sugar rim the glass with chocolate sauce

Ingredients • 250ml Dilmah Uda Watte Tea • A few Cloves • ½ teaspoon Honey • 30ml Cognac or Brandy • 30ml Dark Rum • Cinnamon stick • Pinch of grated nutmeg Type of Glass Irish Coffee Mug Method of Preparation • Brew the tea with the cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg. • Add the brewed tea with the balance ingredients into a saucepan and stir over a low fire for a short time. • Pour into a Irish coffee mug and serve hot. Garnish Place a cinnamon stick in the glass


Supreme Fire Utensils • Tea Strainer • Kettle • Teaspoon Ingredients • 150ml Dilmah Ceylon Supreme Tea • 30ml Cointreau • Sugar to taste [optional] Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea and strain. • Add in the Cointreau and stir. Garnish Lemon slice on the glass

Hot Tea Cocktails

Dark t Maiden

Amaretto Dream

Dilmah Grand

Utensils • Tea Strainer • Kettle • Saucepan • Teaspoon

Utensils • Tea Strainer • Kettle • Teaspoon • Beater

Ingredients • 150ml Dilmah Yata Watte Tea • 10ml Curacao • 10ml Lemon Juice • 30ml Dark Rum • 25ml Orange Juice • Brown Sugar, Maple Syrup, or Honey to taste

Ingredients • 170ml Dilmah Uda Watte Tea • 30ml Amaretto • Whipped Cream

Utensils • Tea Strainer • Kettle • Teaspoon • Beater Ingredients • 150ml Dilmah English Breakfast Tea • 1 teaspoon Sugar • 30ml Grand Marnier • Whipping Cream

Type of Glass Irish Coffee Mug

Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and pour into the glass. • Add the Amaretto but do not stir. • Top off with whipped cream and serve hot.

Method of Preparation • Brew the tea and strain. • Add the hot tea, fruit juices, sugar, syrup, or honey into the saucepan and mix well until all sweeteners are dissolved. • Add the Curacao and Dark Rum. • Heat the contents without allowing them to boil. • Stir well and serve in an Irish coffee mug.

Type of Glass Champagne Flute

Garnish Sugar rim the glass with brown sugar

Type of Glass Wine Glass Method of Preparation • Brew the tea and strain. • Pour the Grand Marnier into the glass and flame. • Pour the tea over the liqueur. • Float the cream on top.

Garnish Lemon and orange wedges on the glass


Hot Tea Cocktails

Spirit of Heaven Utensils • Tea Strainer • Kettle • Teaspoon Ingredients • 200ml Dilmah Ceylon Supreme Tea • 1 teaspoon Sugar • 30ml Bailey’s Irish Cream • 25ml Whisky Type of Glass Irish Coffee Mug Method of preparation • Brew the tea, strain into the mug and add the sugar. • Add the Bailey’s Irish Cream and whisky and stir. • Serve hot. Garnish Sugar rim with cocoa powder


Hot Tea Cocktails






Rum Vanilla t-Shot

Crème de Dilmah Green t-Shot

Sencha t-Shot

Utensils • Portion cups of 100ml and 20ml • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Shaker • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Kettle • Tea Strainer Ingredients • 15ml Krupnik • 15ml Dilmah t-Series Sencha Green Extra Special

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah t-Series Vanilla Ceylon Tea • 20ml Red Rum or Bacardi Gold • 5ml Sugar syrup Type of Glass Rock Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series Vanilla Ceylon Tea in 100ml of water for 4 minutes. • Add the Red Rum or Bacardi Gold and Sugar syrup. Garnish Frost the rim of the glass with sugar granules and drop a cherry into the drink

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Organic Ceylon Green Tea • 5ml Crème de Menthe • 20ml Żubrówka Type of Glass Shot Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the tea and balance ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a shot glass.

Type of Glass Shot Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Add the Krupnik into a shot glass. • Pour the tea into the glass and stir. Garnish Pineapple leaf on the glass

Garnish Mint leaf on the glass



Chivas White Tea t-Shot Utensils • Teaspoon • Knife for making twists • Jigger • Cocktail Shaker • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series White Litchee No. 1 Hand Rolled Tea • 20ml Chivas Regal • 2.5ml Honey Type of Glass Mini teacup

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the tea and balance ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a mini teacup. Garnish Orange twist dropped into the cup


Orange Liquored Green t-Shot

Green Tea Vodka t-Shot

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Cocktail Shaker • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Jigger • Cocktail Shaker • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 60ml Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Young Hyson Green Tea • 20ml Cointreau Type of Glass Shot Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes. • Pour the tea and Cointreau into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a shot glass. Garnish A piece of orange with a pineapple leaf on the glass

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Whole Leaf Green Tea • 15ml Blue Curacao • 20ml Vodka Type of Glass Shot Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes. • Pour the tea and balance ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a shot glass. Garnish A piece of lime and red cherry on the glass


Chai Vodka t-Shot

Darjeeling t-Shot with Chivas

Jasmine Green Extra Special with Brandy t-Shot

Utensils • Teaspoon • Kettle • Tea Strainer Ingredients • 10ml Dilmah t-Series Single Estate Assam • 10ml Grenadine • 10ml Vodka

Utensils • Teaspoon • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Cocktail Shaker • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Type of Glass Shot Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Add the Grenadine and Vodka into a shot glass. • Pour the tea into the glass.

Type of Glass Shot Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the Kahlua into a shot glass. • Mix the tea and whisky and pour into the glass over the Kahlua.

Garnish Place a piece of lime in the glass

Ingredients • 10ml Dilmah t-Series Single Estate Darjeeling • 10ml Kahlua • 10ml Chivas Regal

Ingredients • 10ml Blue Curacao • 10ml Apricot brandy • 20ml Dilmah t-Series Jasmine Extra Special No. 1 Green Tea Type of Glass Shot Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the tea and balance ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a shot glass. Garnish A wedge of lime on the glass



Rum and Earl Grey t-Shot

Ceylon White-t-quila Shot

Utensils • Portion cups of 100ml, 20ml and 5ml • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug

Utensils • Teaspoon • Cocktail Shaker • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah t-Series The Original Earl Grey • 20ml Red Rum or Bacardi Gold • Wedge of orange • 5ml Sugar syrup Type of Glass Shot Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series The Original Earl Grey in 100ml of water for 4 minutes. • Pour the brewed tea into a glass over ice. • Add the Red Rum or Bacardi Gold and Sugar syrup. Garnish Gently squeeze a wedge of fresh orange into the liquor for a touch of flavour (about 3-5 drops)

Ingredients • 10ml Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Silver Tips White Tea • 10ml Tequila • 10ml Kahlua Type of Glass Shot glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour Kahlua into the shot glass. • Add the tea and Tequila into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour contents into the shot glass over the Kahlua. Garnish Lime wedge on the glass


Organic Ceylon t-Shot Utensils • Teaspoon • Cocktail Shaker • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Organic Ceylon Flowery Pekoe • 5ml Sambuca Type of Glass Mini teacup Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the tea and Sambuca into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a mini teacup. Garnish A Green cherry with a wedge of orange on the glass


Tangy t-Shot

Chinese Keemun with Cointreau t-Shot

Italian Almond Amaretto t

Utensils • Portion cups of 100ml, 20ml and 5ml • Kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug

Utensils • Cocktail Shaker • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer Ingredients • 20ml Dilmah t-Series Keemun Special Leaf Tea • 10ml Cointreau • 10ml Vodka

Utensils • Cocktail Shaker • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer Ingredients • 30ml Dilmah t-Series Italian Almond Tea • 10ml Amaretto • 20ml Bacardi

Ingredients • 75ml Dilmah t-Series The Original Earl Grey Tea • 25ml Bacardi • 25ml Cointreau • 5ml Sugar syrup • 1 tablespoon Lemon juice • Few cubes of ice Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of The Original Earl Grey Tea in 75ml of water for 4 minutes. • Pour the brewed infusion into a glass over ice. • Add Bacardi, Cointreau and Sugar syrup with a tablespoon of lemon juice. • Shake well. Garnish Garnish with a slice of lemon

Type of Glass Shot glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the tea and balance ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a shot glass. Garnish A wedge of orange on the glass

Type of Glass Mini teacup

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the tea and balance ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a mini teacup. Garnish Green cherry with a pineapple leaf on the glass



Mandarin t with Orange

Earl on Malibu Beach t-Shot

Ceylon Souchong with Gin t-Shot

Utensils • Cocktail Shaker • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Mediterranean Mandarin • 20ml Grand Marnier • 10ml Sprite

Utensils • Cocktail Shaker • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer Ingredients • 30ml Dilmah t-Series The Original Earl Grey • 10ml Malibu • 20ml Bacardi

Utensils • Teaspoon • Cocktail Shaker • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Type of Glass Shot glass

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the tea and Grand Marnier into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a shot glass. • Top up with Sprite. Garnish A slice of banana with a red cherry dropped into the glass


Type of Glass Mini teacup

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the tea and balance ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a mini tea cup. Garnish A slice of lime dropped into the glass and a wedge of pineapple on the glass

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series The First Ceylon Souchong • 20ml Gin • 5ml Grenadine Type of Glass Shot glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the tea and Gin into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a shot glass. • Pour Grenadine separately into the shot glass. Garnish A wedge of Pineapple with a pineapple leaf on the glass


Ceylon Oolong with Brandy t-Shot

Kahlua Silvertip t-Shot

Utensils • Teaspoon • Knife for making twists • Jigger • Cocktail Shaker • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Teaspoon • Cocktail Shaker • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 15ml Dilmah t-Series The First Ceylon Oolong • 5ml Sugar syrup • 10ml Brandy Type of Glass Shot glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the tea and balance ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a shot glass. Garnish A Lemon twist dropped into the glass

Vodka Ceylon t-Shot

Ingredients • 20ml Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Silver Tips White Tea • 10ml Kahlua • 5ml Sambuca • 5ml Grenadine Type of Glass Shot glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the tea and liqueurs into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a shot glass. • Pour grenadine into the glass. Garnish A red cherry with a pineapple leaf on the glass

Utensils • Teaspoon • Cocktail Shaker • Jigger • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Supreme Ceylon Single Origin • 5ml Sambuca • 20ml Vodka Type of Glass Mini teacup

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Pour the tea and balance ingredients into a Cocktail Shaker. • Vigorously shake the ingredients with a few cubes of ice for 8-10 seconds. • Pour into a mini teacup. Garnish A wedge of lime on the glass



Maofeng t-shot Utensils • Teaspoon • Kettle • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 10ml Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Young Hyson Green Tea • 10ml Grenadine • 10ml Curacao Type of Glass Shot Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of tea in 100ml of water for 5 minutes and strain. • Mix the tea and Curacao and pour directly into the Shot glass. • Top it off with Grenadine.

Vodka Orange Pear Dragon Double t-Shot

Tea 56 Shooter

Utensils • Portion cups of 100ml, 20ml and 5ml • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug

Utensils • Stainless steel tea shaker • 2 Portion cups of 5ml • Water boiling kettle • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah t-Series Jasmine Pear Dragon White Tea • 20ml Vodka • Wedge of Orange

Ingredients • 20ml Dilmah t-Series Galle District OP1 • 5ml Bailey’s Irish Cream • 5ml Grand Marnier

Type of Glass Rock Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series Jasmine Pear Dragon White tea in 100ml of water for 4 minutes. • Add 20ml of Vodka. • Add 2 cubes of ice (block cube ice preferable). Garnish Gently squeeze a wedge of fresh orange into the liquor for a touch of flavour


Type of Glass Shot Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g Dilmah t-Series Galle District OP1 in 20ml of water for 4 minutes. • Add Baileys and Grand Marnier. Garnish Flame the top layer of the Grand Marnier


Silver Tip t-Shooter

Pure Mint t-Shooter

Italian t-Shooter

Utensils • Stainless steel tea shaker • Portion cups of – 50ml, 25ml and 5ml • Water boiling kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Stainless steel tea shaker • Portion cups of 50ml and 25ml • Water boiling kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Stainless steel tea shaker • Portion cups of 30ml and 75ml • Water boiling kettle • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 50ml Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Silver Tips White Tea • 25ml Cointreau • 5ml Sugar Syrup

Ingredients • 50ml Dilmah t-Series Pure Peppermint Leaves • 25ml Crème de Menthe Green • 5ml Sugar syrup

Ingredients • 75ml Dilmah t-Series Italian Almond tea • 30ml Amaretto • 25ml Sugar syrup

Type of Glass Shot Glass

Type of Glass Martini Glass

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series Pure Peppermint Leaves in 50ml of water for 4 minutes. • Make a thick solution combining 5ml of Sugar syrup and 50ml of Pure Peppermint. • Add 25ml of Crème de Menthe Green.

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series Italian Almond tea in 75ml of water for 4 minutes. • Make a thick solution combining Sugar syrup and 75ml of Italian Almond tea. • Top it off with 30ml of Amaretto.

Type of Glass Shot Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Silver Tips in 50ml of water for 4 minutes. • Make a thick solution combining 5ml of Sugar syrup and 50ml of tea. • Add 25ml of Cointreau into the mixture. Garnish Flame the top layer of the Cointreau

Garnish Drop a red cherry in glass



Cognac Vanilla t-Shooter

Almond t-Shooter

Vodka Rosehip Double t-Shot

Utensils • Stainless steel tea shaker • Portion cups of 15ml (2 cups) and 75ml • Water boiling kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Stainless steel tea shaker • Portion cups of 15ml (2 cups) and 75ml Water boiling kettle • Tea Strainer

Utensils • Portion cups of 100ml, 20ml and 5ml • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug

Ingredients • 75ml Dilmah t-Series Vanilla Ceylon Tea • 15ml Cognac • 15ml Grand Marnier • Sugar syrup

Ingredients • 50ml Dilmah t-Series Italian Almond Tea • 25ml Amaretto • 5ml Sugar syrup • Few cubes of ice

Type of Glass Martini Glass

Type of Glass Martini Glass

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah t-Series Natural Rosehip with Hibiscus • 20ml Vodka • 5ml Sugar syrup • 1 Orange

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series Vanilla Ceylon tea in 75ml of water for 4 minutes. • Make a thick solution of sugar syrup with 75ml of Vanilla Ceylon tea. • Add the Cognac and Grand Marnier.

Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series Italian Almond tea in 50ml of water for 4 minutes. • Make a thick solution of sugar syrup with 75ml of Italian Almond tea. • Add Amaretto and sugar syrup into the mixture.

Garnish Flame the top layer of the Grand Marnier


Garnish Stir and add a cherry into it

Type of Glass Rock Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series Natural Rosehip with Hibiscus in 100ml of water for 4 minutes. • Add 20ml of Vodka and 5ml of sugar syrup. • Gently squeeze a fresh orange into the liquor for touch of flavour (about 3-5 drops). Garnish An Orange Wedge


Vodka Darjeeling t-Shot

Vodka Vanilla t-Shot

Utensils • Portion cups of 100 ml and 20 ml • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug

Utensils • Portion cups of 100ml, 20ml and 5ml • Water boiling kettle • Teaspoon • Ceramic jug

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah t-Series Single Estate Darjeeling • 20ml Vodka

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah t-Series Vanilla Ceylon Tea • 20ml Vodka • 5ml Sugar syrup • Sugar granules

Type of Glass Rock Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series Single Estate Darjeeling tea in 100ml of water for 4 minutes. • Add 20ml of Vodka. • Add 2 cubes of ice (block cube ice preferable). Garnish Red cherry in the glass

Type of Glass Rock Glass Method of Preparation • Brew 2g of Dilmah t-Series Vanilla Ceylon tea in 100ml of water for 4 minutes. • Add 20ml of Vodka and 5ml of Sugar syrup • Serve with 2 cubes of ice (preferably block cube ice). Garnish Frost the rim of the glass with sugar granules



Tea Inspired Cuisine

Why limit yourself to merely drinking tea when you can now enjoy its unique richness in your food?

A natural herb with a heritage of 5,000 years, Tea is a beverage like no other! First celebrated as a medicine, it grew into so much more - the infinite variety of colour, aroma and texture that real tea offers are just a hint of the pleasures in tea. Real Tea is tea made in the traditional manner, as we do at Dilmah - it offers much greater sophistication and variety than the modern, yet more prevalent CTC process. The spectrum of colour, from deep burgundy to shades of honey, reflect the individual personality of each tea - its flavour, aroma, texture and strength. Not only is tea good for you but when it’s good quality tea, it offers a journey of discovery. What better palette for the culinary artist. Wine is said to be the nucleus of gastronomy, but in tea you have equal sophistication - more delicate and as infinite variation in flavour. Dilmah began its exploration of tea gastronomy in 1999 with the aim of matching the functional, health driven benefits of taking tea with food, with a more sensory pairing. The marriage of flavours and textures between tea and food, known as tea gastronomy, is a craft pioneered by Dilmah many years ago. The next few pages are a gastronomical journey through the culinary delights of tea based cuisine created especially for the 21st century personality. Indulge in our sorbets, salads and desserts and a wide range of dishes created especially for Dilmah consumers who know quality Ceylon Tea and its unique taste.






Teas in Ocean Dilmah Lapsang Souchong Tea Smoked Seer Pavé on Marinated Avocado and Spicy Berry Tea Vinaigrette

Prawn in Dilmah Zesty Lemon Tea Aspic Topped with Basil and Fresh Green Tea Leaves Jelly

Ingredients • 6 slices Dilmah t-Series Lapsang Souchong Smoked Seer (refer recipe) • 4g Fresh Chives • 4 boats Avocado • 4 slices Sun dried tomato • 4 tablespoons Spicy Berry Vinaigrette (refer recipe) • 1 teaspoon Mayonnaise • Edible flowers and chives for garnish

Ingredients • 4 Marinated Prawns • 4 teaspoons Diced Mango • 3g Chives • 200ml Spicy Lemon Tea Aspic (refer recipe) • 60ml Basil & fresh green tea leaves jelly (refer recipe) • Cocktail glass for presentation

Method of Preparation • Chop 2 slices of smoked seer and mix in the chives and mayonnaise. • Keep ¼ of the chopped smoked seer on each slice of seer and fold like a bundle. • Marinate avocado with lime juice, salt and olive oil. • Pour the berry vinaigrette on avocado. • Place the seer pavé on avocado and sun dried tomato.

Smoked Seer Ingredients • 125ml Dilmah t-Series Lapsang Souchong Brewed Tea • 5g Fresh Dilmah t-Series Lapsang Souchong Tea • 200g Seer • 1 teaspoon Lime juice • Pinch of Crushed Pepper • Pinch of Paprika Method of Preparation • Marinate the seer in the tea . • Mix all the ingredients and season the seer overnight. • Smoke the fish. Add brewed tea to smoke the fish.

Spicy Berry Tea Vinaigrette Ingredients • 10g Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry • 100ml Fresh Boiled Water • 10g Sugar • 1 teaspoon White Vinegar • 50ml Corn Oil • Salt & Pepper to taste

Method of Preparation • Dice the prawns and marinate in the lemon tea mixture. • Pour the lemon tea aspic into a cocktail glass and add the diced prawns, mango and chives. Allow to set. • Pour the Basil and tea jelly on top and allow to set. • Garnish with whole prawn, dried lemon spiral and fresh tea leaves.

Tangy Lemon Tea Aspic Ingredients • 10g Dilmah Naturally Tangy Lemon Tea • 200ml Boiling Water • 2 teaspoons Sugar • Pinch of Salt • 5g Gelatine Powder Method of Preparation: • Brew the tea for 4 minutes and strain. • Mix in the sugar, salt and gelatine powder. • Mix well until the gelatine has dissolved. Allow to cool.

Basil Tea Jelly Ingredients • 10g Basil leaves • 5g Fresh Tea Leaves • 60ml Fresh Cream • 2g Gelatine • Pinch of Salt • 4g Sugar

Tea Spiced Crispy Baby Lobster on Tangy Tomato and Dilmah Cinnamon Tea Jam Ingredients • 2 Baby Lobsters (40gms each) • 3g Tea Spice Mixture (refer recipe) • 10g Corn Flour • 1 Egg • 40g Tomato Marmalade • 1 teaspoon Fresh Butter • 5g Diced Onions • 10g Bell Pepper • 3 cloves Garlic • Salt to taste Method of Preparation • Season the baby lobster with egg and corn flour and deep fry. • Melt the butter in a pan and sauté the onions, garlic, bell pepper and tea spice mixture and season. • Add the lobster and toss.

Tea Spice Mixture Ingredients • 5g Dilmah Cinnamon Tea • 2g Dilmah Ginger and Honey Tea • 2g Szechuan Pepper Powder Method of Preparation • Mix all the ingredients.

Cinnamon Tea Jam Ingredients • 5g Dilmah Cinnamon Tea • 60g Fresh Tomato • 50g Sugar • 3ml Vinegar • 50ml Water • Pinch of Chilli Powder Method of Preparation • Brew the tea in water and strain. • Mix all ingredients and slow cook to a thick consistency.

Method of Preparation • Blend the basil leaves and tea leaves with cream in a blender. Strain the mixture. • Add the gelatine, salt and sugar. Mix well.

Method of Preparation • Brew the tea in hot water for 4 minutes and strain. Allow to cool. • Add all ingredients and prepare the vinaigrette.


Appetisers Earl Grey Tea, Tomato & Prawn Shooter Ingredients • 3 large ripe tomatoes • ⅓ cup minced onion • 4 cloves garlic coarsely chopped • 2 teaspoons of Dilmah Earl Grey Tea, soaked in half a cup of chilled water • ¼ cup Tequila • 1 teaspoon pickle chillies steamed & coarsely chopped • ⅓ cup minced cilantro • 8 medium prawns poached in tea and cut in pieces and frozen in Tequila Method of Preparation • Position the tomatoes under a salamander for about 20 minutes. Turn them once until well blackened and soft. • Cool the tomatoes but do not peel and chop coarsely. • Combine the tomatoes and their juices, onions, garlic, tequila, Earl Grey tea, lime juice, pickled chillies and salt and pepper. • The salsa can be prepared to this point 1 day ahead and refrigerated. • Stir with the prawns and cilantro before serving.







Dilmah Earl Grey Tea Smoked King Prawns Lobster and Asparagus Tartare with Dilmah Earl Grey Tea Smoked King Prawns and White Snapper Sushi, Dilmah Strawberry Tea and Lime Vinaigrette, Wasabi Coulis Ingredients • 30g Dilmah Earl Grey Tea • 30g Dilmah Strawberry Tea • 150g Lobster • 8 King prawns • 150g White snapper • 60ml Extra virgin olive oil • 10g Wasabi • 60g Lime • 80ml Strawberry puree • 2 sheets Yakinoori • 60g Pickled radish • 100g Japanese cucumber • 75ml Sour cream • 120g Pumpernickel bread • 120g Japanese sushi rice • 15ml Rice vinegar (mitsuka) • 20g Onion • Seasoning • Garnish Method of Preparation • Smoke the king prawns with Dilmah Earl Grey Tea, olive oil and seasoning. • Cook the Japanese rice with vinegar, seasoning and make the sushi with white snapper, pickled radish, yakinoori and vegetables. • Make the lobster asparagus tartare using poached lobster cubes, capers, dill, onion, sour cream and seasoning. • Arrange the tartare quenelle on a thin slice of toasted pumpernickel and the sushi on the pickled vegetables along with the smoked king prawns. • Garnish with sweet potato crisp, sprig of dill, chive cream and balsamic reduction. • Dress with wasabi coulis and Dilmah Strawberry tea and lime dressing.



Dimbula Flush Soaked Quail Eggs

Dilmah Vanilla Tea Marbled Eggs

Maris Corn and Paprika Gazpacho with Dilmah Ginger & Honey Tea

Ingredients • 2 tablespoons Dilmah t-Series Dimbula Seasonal Flush Tea • 15ml dark Soya sauce • 100ml light Soya sauce • 2 cloves • 2 star anis • 1.5l chicken stock • 20 quail eggs

Ingredients • 3 tablespoons of Dilmah Vanilla Tea • 6 eggs • 4 cups of water • 1 teaspoon salt • 1 teaspoon crushed pepper • 1 stick cinnamon • 4 cloves

Ingredients • 200ml of Dilmah Ginger & Honey Tea • 200g corn kernels • 1 tablespoon Soya sauce • 100g each of yellow & red paprika (cut into small cubes of 1cm) • 1 tablespoon chopped parsley • 1 tablespoon chopped coriander • Salt and pepper

Method of Preparation • Add all ingredients except for the quail eggs into a pot and simmer for 20 minutes. • Place the eggs in the liquid and cook for a further 10 minutes. • Remove eggs and gently crack eggs but do not peel. • Return eggs into the liquid for 1 hour. • Peel eggs when ready to serve.


Method of Preparation • Hard boil the eggs for 8 minutes and crack the shells slightly. • Boil the water and add all the ingredients including the eggs and cook over a slow fire for 5 minutes. • Keep the contents overnight and then peel off the shell on the eggs. • Serve with salad and spring onions.

Method of Preparation • Add the corn, water and Soya sauce into a bowl and mix until it reaches a chunky mass. • Add the paprika and the balance spices into the mixture and make a smooth paste. • Place the mixture in a fridge to cool. • Serve cold.


Dilmah Jasmine Tea Curd Salmon

Stuffed Mushrooms with Dilmah Sencha Green Tea

Seared Duck Breast with Dilmah Prince of Kandy Tea Citrus Salsa

Ingredients • 60g Dilmah Green Tea with Jasmine Petals (powdered) • 1.5kg fresh salmon fillet trimmed nicely • 60g Salt • 80g sugar • 40g chopped Coriander • 40g chopped Dill • Dash of black pepper

Ingredients • 200ml strong Dilmah Sencha Green Tea • 12 large Mushrooms • 1 small chopped Onion • 20g Butter • 60g chopped Walnuts • 60g chopped Hazelnuts • 60g Bread crumbs • 120g Mozzarella (sliced)

Seared Duck Breast

Method of Preparation • Mix all ingredients except for the fish. Coat the fish and leave it overnight. • Slice the fish and serve with the sauce.

Method of Preparation • Melt the butter and add in the chopped onion • Chop the mushroom stalks and add into the pan along with the nuts • Finally add the cheese and bread crumbs to create a smooth paste • Fill the mushrooms with the paste • Place the stuffed mushrooms in an oven at 160°C for approximately 12 minutes • Serve with a sour cream sauce

Ingredients for Sauce • 2 tablespoons French mustard • 1 tablespoon lemon juice • 20g chopped dill • 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil • Dash of brown sugar Method of Preparation • Mix all the ingredients to create the sauce.

Ingredients • 4 Duck breasts • Creole rub • 1 tablespoon Paprika powder • Salt • Garlic • Thyme • Cayenne • Dried oregano leaves • Dash of black pepper Method of Preparation • Mix the seasoning with the duck breasts • Fry the duck breasts in a saucepan without adding any oil • Slice the duck breasts Salsa Ingredients • Dilmah t-Series Prince of Kandy Tea • 2 red onions (cut in cubes) • 2 tomatoes (cut in cubes) • Chopped garlic • Dash of orange juice • 2 tablespoons orange marmalade • Pieces of orange • Pieces of grapefruit • Coriander leaves Method of Preparation • Mix all the ingredients together and add the sliced duck to the salsa





Demitasse Duo of Green Herb Cappuccino and Chamomile Vegetable Consommé Green Herb Cappuccino

Chamomile Vegetable Consommé

Ingredients • 4 bags Dilmah Pure Camomile Flowers • 1l Vegetable or chicken stock • 2 teaspoons fresh herbs (basil, thyme, oregano and marjoram) • 1 teaspoon chopped parsley • 50g chopped celery • 4 leaves spinach • 50g butter • 40g Flour • 1 tablespoon chopped onion • 1 tablespoon chopped garlic • 50ml fresh cream • Salt and ground pepper to taste • Fresh milk cappuccino (beat the milk and extract the froth)

Ingredients • 50g Carrots • 50g Celery • 25g Onions • 10g Garlic • 50g White leeks • 3 egg whites • 1l vegetable stock

Method of Preparation • Infuse the Chamomile bags in warm stock. • Heat the butter and mix in the onion, garlic, and celery. Add flour and cook for 2-3 minutes on low fire. • Add the warm stock and whisk well to prevent lumps forming. Bring to boil and simmer for a further 10 minutes. • Add the washed spinach leaves and the chopped fresh herbs and cook for two more minutes. Remove from fire. • Blend the soup, strain and bring back to boil. • Season and serve with fresh milk cappuccino.

Method of Preparation • Mince the vegetables. • Beat the egg whites and add to the vegetable stock. • Simmer over a slow fire and season with salt and pepper. Garnish Juliennes of carrot, leeks and celery

Creamy Mint Chicken Soup Ingredients • 6 bags Dilmah Pure Peppermint Leaves • 1 chicken breast cut into thin strips • 1l clear chicken stock • 1 medium sized onion - chopped • 1 clove garlic - crushed • Chopped parsley • 50g Flour • 100ml thick cream • 50g butter Method of Preparation • Combine the chopped onion, garlic and flour with the butter. • Add chicken strips, and cook for two minutes. Pour in the stock, and bring to boil. • Add the tea bags and let it simmer for 5 minutes. Discard the tea bags. • Add thick cream; simmer for 4 minutes, season and serve garnished with chopped parsley.



Prawn & Hibiscus Soup

Chilled Cucumber Soup with Oolong Tea

Seafood and Camomile Bouillon

Ingredients • 7 bags Dilmah Rosehip & Hibiscus • 1 Whole prawn (clean and keep the tail) • 1l clear fish stock • 200g prawns • 1 tablespoon chopped celery • 2 cloves garlic chopped • 100ml white wine • 50g Butter • 50g flour • 50ml thick cream • Salt and ground pepper to taste

Ingredients • 3 tea bags Dilmah Traditional Oolong Tea • 500g peeled & diced cucumber • 400ml Chicken Stock/vegetable stock • 75g soft butter • 50g Flour • 50g chopped onion • 50g chopped leeks • Chopped parsley • 50ml Sour Cream • Croutons to garnish

Ingredients • 6 bags Dilmah Pure Camomile Flowers • 1 Clam • 1 Scallop • 1 Mussel • 1 Prawn • 50g Calamari • 50g Salmon • 1 Small lobster medallion • 1l Fish Stock • 75g Soft butter • 2 cloves crushed garlic • 1 large chopped onion • 25g chopped celery • 25g chopped carrots • 1 cup chopped parsley • 2 tomatoes chopped • 100ml Dry White wine

Method of preparation • Boil the fish stock, add the tea bags and let it simmer for 5 minutes. Discard the tea bags. • Melt the butter; cook the garlic and celery for 2-3 minutes. Add flour and cook on a low fire for 3 minutes. • Add warm stock, white wine and the prawns (shell and de-vein) to the soup. Bring to boil and simmer for 5 minutes. • Add thick cream and serve. Garnish Two breadsticks and a tempura prawn

Method of Preparation • Bring the chicken stock to a boil, simmer and infuse the Oolong tea bags for 10 minutes. • Heat the butter in a saucepan; add the onions and leeks and cook for 2 minutes. • Add the flour and cook for a further 2 minutes. • Cool slightly and add the chicken stock and the diced cucumber. Bring to boil and cook for 15 minutes. • Remove any scum that may appear, and leave to cool. • Blend the soup, add the seasonings and chill well. • Serve sprinkled with Chopped parsley and croutons.

Method of Preparation • Infuse the tea bags in hot fish stock for 5 minutes. Cook the chopped onion and garlic butter for two minutes. Add carrot and celery, cook for a further two more minutes. • Clean and de-vein the scallop, mussel, prawns, calamari, salmon, lobster and clam and sauté in a pan. • Add the fish stock and stir the soup well. Bring the soup to boil, add the white wine and simmer for 20 minutes. Strain the soup through a conical strainer. Bring the soup to boil, add pepper and salt and simmer for 5 minutes or till the seafood is cooked. Garnish A cherry tomato and carrot and leeks juliane with a garlic grizzini stick




Salads & Dressings


Salads & Dressings

Chickpea & Coriander Salad

Chicken & Apple Salad with Mint

Prawns with Avocado Rosehip and Hibiscus Cream

Ingredients • 3 tea bags Dilmah Premium Ceylon Tea • 200g Chick Peas • 2 Cherry tomatoes diced • 2 teaspoons chopped fresh coriander leaves • 8 Iceberg lettuce leaves • 1 teaspoon mustard cream • 1 teaspoon chopped onion • ½ teaspoon chopped garlic • 60ml Olive oil • Salt and ground pepper to taste

Ingredients • 2 bags Dilmah Pure Peppermint Leaves • 2 stuffed chicken breasts (please note stuffing ingredients below) • 1 cup (250ml) chicken stock • 2 apples (green and red) • 1 lemon • 50ml White wine vinegar • 50ml Olive oil • 1 teaspoon sugar • Parsley chopped • 5 pitted black olives

Ingredients • 2 bags Dilmah Rosehip & Hibiscus • 5 large prawns • ½ cup fresh cream • 1 lemon • 50ml lukewarm water • ½ ripe avocado • Salt and ground pepper to taste • 2 Chives • 1 leaf of lettuce • 3 types of bell pepper wedges

Method of Preparation • Soak the chickpeas overnight. • Boil the chickpeas with the tea bags until cooked. Discard the tea bags, drain the liquid and cool the chickpeas. • Combine the mustard cream with olive oil, pepper and salt to taste and toss with the chickpeas, diced tomatoes and chopped onion, garlic and coriander leaves. • Serve on shredded iceberg leaves. Garnish Tree tomatoes (Tamarillo)

Ingredients for stuffing • Nuts • Herbs • Minced Chicken • Spinach • Small tomatoes Method of Preparation • Steam the chicken and slice. • Core the apple and cut into cubes and combine with lemon juice. • Infuse the tea bags in warm white wine vinegar for 10 minutes; squeeze the tea bags and discard. • Combine chopped olives, parsley, olive oil, sugar and vinegar. • Mix the diced chicken and apples into the vinegar dressing.

Method of Preparation • Shell and de-vein the prawns. Boil, cool and refrigerate. • Mix lemon juice with the lukewarm water; infuse tea bags for 5 minutes. Discard the tea bags and refrigerate the liquid. • Add the lemon tea mixture to the fresh cream and whip till soft peaks are formed, season with salt and pepper and return to the refrigerator. • Stone and slice the avocado. Sprinkle with lemon juice. • Serve the chilled prawns on the sliced avocado with the tea dressing. Garnish Bell pepper wedges, chives, lettuce, garlic grizzini stick and a red cherry tomato


Salads & Dressings

Marinated Cucumber and Mango Ribbon Salad with Ginger Tea

Honey Apricot Tea Dressing

Soya & Ginger Tea Dressing

Ingredients • 2 tea bags Dilmah Organic Tea • 2 medium sized green cucumbers • 1 teaspoon chopped ginger • Mango Ribbon • 30ml Olive oil • 15ml Lemon juice • Pinch of sugar • 2 tablespoons chopped coriander leaves • Salt and ground pepper to taste

Ingredients • 2 tea bags Dilmah Traditional Oolong Tea • 30ml Honey • 30ml Apricot puree • 50ml White wine vinegar • 50ml White wine • 100ml Sunflower Oil

Ingredients • 3 tea bags Dilmah Traditional Oolong Tea • 30ml light Soya sauce • 1 tablespoon sugar • 75ml White wine vinegar • 125ml Sunflower oil • 2 tablespoons chopped preserved ginger • 5ml sesame oil • Salt and ground pepper to taste

Method of Preparation • Infuse the tea bags and chopped ginger in a cup of boiling hot water for 5 minutes. Discard the tea bags and cool. • Cut the cucumber into ribbons and add the mango ribbon. Place in a stainless steel bowl and season with pepper and salt. • Add the ginger tea and refrigerate for two hours. • Strain the liquid and add lemon juice, olive oil, sugar and chopped coriander. • Mix well.


Method of Preparation • Combine the white wine and vinegar; infuse the tea bags for 10 minutes. • Discard the tea bags and whisk in the rest of the ingredients and season. • Serve with a crisp green salad.

Method of Preparation • Slightly warm the white wine vinegar and infuse the tea bags for 10 minutes. • Discard the bags and combine the rest of the ingredients into a screw top jar and shake well. • Season and serve with a tossed Garden Salad.

Salads & Dressings

Minted Tea Dressing Ingredients • 2 bags Dilmah Pure Peppermint Leaves • 100ml White wine vinegar • 100ml extra virgin olive oil • 2 teaspoons Sugar • Chopped parsley • Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste Method of Preparation • Warm the white wine vinegar in a teacup in a microwave for 1 minute. • Add the Dilmah Peppermint tea bags and leave to stand for 5 minutes. • Squeeze and discard the bags and leave it to cool. • Combine the remaining ingredients, and pour the mixture into a screw top jar and shake well. • Season with crushed pepper and salt.





Rosehip & Hibiscus Sorbet

Dilmah Lemon and Lime Tea Sorbet

Mandarin Tea Granité

Ingredients • 50g Dilmah Rosehip with Hibiscus • 1300ml Water • 500ml Hibiscus Syrup • Juice of 2 Limes • 2 tablespoons Stabilizer

Ingredients • 20g Dilmah Lemon and Lime Tea • 150ml Water • 250ml Sugar Syrup

Ingredients • 10g Dilmah Mandarin Tea • 225ml Mandarin Juice • 500ml Water • 100g Sugar • 10 Mandarin shells

Method of Preparation • Bring water to boil and infuse the herb. • Leave to cool and strain. • Mix in the syrup, lime juice and stabilizer.

Method of Preparation • Brew the tea with water and strain. • Mix well with the sugar syrup. • Prepare the sorbet. Allow to cool.

Method of Preparation • Brew the tea and strain. Add the Mandarin juice and sugar and stir until the sugar dissolves. • Pour the mixture onto a tray, and place in the freezer. • Scrape every 30 minutes until the granité has reached a fine, crumbly texture. • Serve into a mandarin shell and garnish.



Dilmah Lychee Tea and Berry Tea Sorbet Ingredients • 30g Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry • 100ml Lychee puree • 30g Dilmah Lychee Tea • 100ml Water • 500ml Sugar Syrup • 40g Liquid glucose • Egg white Method of Preparation • Make the syrup by boiling 500ml water, sugar and liquid glucose. • Cool and divide into two portions. • Brew 50ml of each tea (strong). • Divide the egg white into two. • Mix the lychee syrup, 250ml of sugar syrup, Dilmah Lychee tea and half of the egg white. • Churn in the ice cream machine and freeze. • Using the balance 250ml sugar syrup, mix the Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry tea and half of the egg white to make the ginger tea sorbet. • Freeze and serve in an iced cup with caramelized ginger and mint.




Main Courses


Nut, Herb and Mint Tea Crusted Rack of Roast Lamb

Main Courses

Roast Lamb Ingredients • Dilmah Mint Tea • 1 rack of Lamb • Pistachio nuts • Cashew nuts • Fresh bread crumbs • Chilli pieces • Salt & Pepper • Apricot • Seasonal vegetables • Beetroot confit • Apricot biriyani cous cous Method of Preparation • Season the rack of lamb with salt, pepper and herbs and then seal it. • Make the crust with the nuts, tea and bread crumbs. Arrange on the lamb and cook in the oven. • Make the biriyani cous cous with apricot, seasonal vegetables, beetroot confit and mint tea jelly (tea infused lamb jus).

Onion Marmalade Ingredients • Slice of onion • Thyme • Red wine • Brown sugar • Salt & pepper Method of Preparation • Add all the ingredients into a pan and reduce over a slow fire. Add the seasoning and remove from fire.

Polenta Cake Ingredients • Polenta (corn powder) • Stock • Onion • Garlic • Thyme • Cream • Stock • Salt & pepper Method of Preparation • Saute the onion, garlic and thyme. • Add the stock and bring to boil. • Add the polenta. • Add the cream and mix.


Main Courses

Honey Pepper Pork Chops Ingredients for Marinade • 1 tablespoon crushed Black Pepper corns • 30ml Honey • 1 teaspoon Mustard Cream • Salt and ground pepper to taste Method of Preparation • Marinate the pork chops in Honey, black pepper, mustard cream and seasoning and refrigerate for two hours. Ingredients for Sauce • 2 tea bags Dilmah Pure Green Tea • 100ml Dry White Wine • 100ml Chicken stock • 30ml Honey • 1 teaspoon Crushed Pepper • 2 tablespoons diluted Corn starch • 15ml Worcestershire sauce Method of Preparation • Combine the white wine and the chicken stock and bring to a boil. • Add the tea bags, infuse for 3-4 minutes and discard the bags. • Add the Honey, Worcestershire sauce and crushed pepper. • Simmer for 5 minutes or until the liquid is half the volume. • Lightly thicken the sauce with the diluted corn starch and season. • Cook the marinated pork chops over a hot char grill to your preference (medium or well done) and serve with the sauce. Garnish Tempered pineapple yam, grilled pineapple wedge and seasonal vegetables


Flamed Prawns with Camomile Beurre Blanc & Lemon Risotto Ingredients for Flamed Prawns • 2 bags Dilmah Pure Camomile Flowers • 12 Large prawns • 200ml White wine • 75g soft butter • Fish stock • 50ml Fresh Cream • ½ cup chopped Parsley • Salt and ground pepper to taste Method of Preparation • Shell and de-vein the prawns and season with salt and pepper. • Heat half the butter in a pan and sauté the prawns till tender. • Remove the prawns from the pan and pour in the white wine and reduce the heat. • Add the Camomile bags and fish stock and infuse for 4 minutes. Discard the bags and whisk-in the fresh cream and the remaining butter. • Keep whisking till it forms a fine thick sauce. Strain and add the chopped parsley before serving.

Ingredients for Lemon Risotto • Onion • Garlic • Thyme • Butter • Risotto Rice • White wine • Lemon juice • Parmesan cheese • Chicken stock • Fresh Cream Method of Preparation • Sauté the onion and garlic in butter. • Add the rice, white wine and stock and leave the rice to cook. • Add the cheese, cream and lemon juice • Season with salt and pepper.

Main Courses

Roast Orange-Tea Chicken Ingredients • 2 teaspoons Dilmah Premium Ceylon Loose Leaf Tea • 2 chicken breasts • 1 orange - Grated rind and juice • 200ml Dry white wine • 1 tablespoon sugar • 30ml Honey • 1 tablespoon corn starch diluted • 30ml Olive oil • Salt and ground pepper to taste Ingredients for stuffing • Minced chicken • Pistachio nuts • Apricot • 10 Black mushrooms • Cous cous • Dry fruits • Egg plant Method of Preparation • Stuff the chicken breasts and set aside. • Warm half of the wine and infuse the tea leaves for 5 minutes. • Strain the white wine and combine the orange juice and rind, bees’ honey, sugar, and rub into the chicken thoroughly. • Place the marinated chicken in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. • Brush with olive oil and roast in medium to hot oven till done. • Remove the chicken and strain the remaining liquid into the pan • Reduce the balance white wine and add to the liquid. Bring to boil and slightly thicken with diluted corn starch. • Correct the seasoning and serve with chicken. Garnish Cous cous, egg plant chutney and seasonal vegetables

Fillet Steak in Black Tea & Wine Sauce Ingredients • 4 tea bags Dilmah Premium Ceylon Tea • 4 individual Fillet Steaks • 200ml White wine • 25g chopped shallots • 100ml brown sauce • 25g butter • Salt and ground pepper to taste Ingredients for crust • Fresh bread crumbs • Rosemary • Thyme Method of Preparation • Season and marinate the fillet steaks in half of the wine for one hour. • Cook the shallots in butter; add the remaining white wine, glaze/brown sauce and the remaining liquid from the Marinade. Bring to boil and simmer for 5 minutes. • Strain the sauce with a fine strainer and infuse the tea bags for 4 minutes. • Add salt and pepper if necessary and leave aside. • Coat the crust on the beef and cook in the oven.

Ingredients for Brown Sauce • 70g flour • 70g butter • 1l beef stock • 2 tablespoons Tomato paste • Salt and ground pepper to taste Method of Preparation • Heat the butter in a heavy bottom pan, add the flour, and cook on a low fire whilst stirring constantly till the mixture turns brown. • Remove from the fire and leave to cool slightly • Add the beef stock and continuously whisk to prevent lumps from forming. • Return the sauce to the fire and cook further for a further 10 minutes. Skim the foam and season. Garnish Spinach, mash potatoes and seasonal vegetables


Main Courses

Friccata of Chicken with Hibiscus Sauce Ingredients • 4 bags Dilmah Rosehip & Hibiscus • 4 Chicken breasts (cut into circles) • 2 eggs beaten • 100ml White wine • 1 tablespoon flour • 100g soft butter • 1 tablespoon grated Parmesan • 1 teaspoon chopped parsley • Pinch of oregano • Cracked black pepper and sea salt • 2 spoons Worcestershire sauce Method of Preparation • Combine the flour, eggs, Parmesan cheese, chopped parsley and oregano to a smooth batter. • Season the chicken with Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper. • Dip the chicken in batter and pan-fry till golden brown. • Reduce the white wine to half its volume and infuse the Rosehip & Hibiscus bags for 3 minutes. Discard the bags and beat in the soft butter. • Correct the seasoning and serve with the chicken. Garnish Vegetables, beet root confit, onion marmalade and polenta cake


Duo of Duck Tea Smoked Duck Sausage and Duck Breast Ingredients • Dilmah Orange & Ginger Tea • 2 duck breasts • Duck meat • Pistachio nuts • Duck liver • Cous cous • Dry fruits • Orange • Figs • Brandy Method of Preparation • Mince the duck meat and season. • Cook the duck liver. • Mix with pistachio nuts, cooked duck liver and add a dash of Brandy. • Fill into a sausage skin and make the sausage. Set aside. • Season the duck breasts and seal on both side with orange. • Prepare the cous cous with the dry fruits.

Ingredients for smoking • Dilmah Orange & Ginger Tea • Brown sugar • Cinnamon stick • Bay leaves • Red rice • Orange zest Method of preparation • Add all the ingredients into a smoking pot • Smoke the sausage and duck breasts Ingredients for Tea Duck Jus • Dilmah Orange & Ginger Tea • Duck stock • Red wine • Hard butter Method of Preparation • Add the duck stock and red wine into a pan and reduce. Remove from fire. • Stir in the hard butter and tea.

Main Courses

Seafood Platter Ingredients • Dilmah Lemon Tea flavoured fish stock • 1 small baby lobster • 1 scallion • 1 mussel • 1 small salmon • 1 egg white • Risotto rice • Lemon juice • White wine • Parmesan cheese • Onion • Garlic • Seasonal vegetables • Olive oil • Fresh Cream • Salt & Pepper

Ingredients for the Saffron Beurre Blanc • Saffron • Fish reduction • Cream • White wine • Onion • Garlic • Thyme • Hard butter Method of Preparation • Sauté the onion and garlic. • Add the saffron, fish stock, wine and thyme and leave the mixture to reduce. • Heat the cream and add the butter. • Strain the reduced mixture and stir into the cream and butter blend.

Method of Preparation • Sauté the onion and garlic. • Add the lobster meat and cook for a few minutes. • Add a dash of white wine and fish stock and leave it to reduce. • Add the cream. • Remove the meat from the pan and fill into a shell. • Beat the egg white and pour over the lobster meat. • Sprinkle some Parmesan cheese and place in oven and leave until it colours. • Poach the salmon with the lemon tea flavoured fish stock. Add roughly cut vegetables and white wine and season. • Pan sear the scallions and grill the mussel separately.


Main Courses


Main Courses

Moroccan Halibut Steak with Dilmah Italian Almond Tea

Marinated Shrimps and Dilmah Rose with French Vanilla Tea

Dilmah Organic Rooibos Spiced Chicken Breast

Ingredients • 40g Dilmah t-Series Italian Almond Tea • 4 slices of Halibut • 1 red onion (sliced) • 200g tomatoes (cut into cubes) • 1 lime (sliced) • 100g raisins • 1 clove garlic • 2g ginger powder • 2g ziele angielskie powder (all spice) • 4g paprika powder • 2g cumin powder • 100ml honey • Salt and pepper • Olive oil

Ingredients • 2 tablespoons Dilmah t-Series Rose with French Vanilla Tea • 32 large shrimps • 2 tablespoons sesame oil • Chopped garlic • 2 tablespoons crushed ginger • 200g spinach leaves • 1 tablespoon roasted sesame seeds • 1 tablespoon black sesame seeds • 100g paprika (cubes) • 200ml water • Jasmine Rice

Ingredients • 1 tablespoon Dilmah Rooibos • 2 pieces boneless chicken breast • Carrots, celery, leeks and onions (cubed) • 1 tablespoon salt • 1 tablespoon paprika powder • Dried thyme • 100g cubed potato

Method of Preparation • Season the fish with salt and pepper. • Make a mixture using ginger powder, paprika powder, all spice and garlic. • Mix the cumin powder and honey with the fish. • Add the tomato cubes and raisins into a dish and place the fish on top. • Add the tea and bake in the oven. • Serve with fine noodles.

Method of Preparation • Brew the tea using 200ml water. • Marinate the shrimps in the tea for 10 minutes. • Pour oil into a pan and fry the shrimps. • Add sesame, sliced paprika and spinach. • Season with ginger, garlic, salt and pepper. • Cook the jasmine rice and flavour with Rose with French Vanilla. • Place the spinach on the plate and add the shrimps on top. • Add the spring onion with the jasmine rice. • Sprinkle curry powder and raisins.

Method of Preparation • Brew the Rooibos and marinate the chicken breast with the seasonings and leave for a few minutes for the flavour to set in. • Place the chicken in a pan and fry in olive oil over a slow fire. • Add the vegetables and potatoes and fry with the chicken. • Serve on top of the vegetables.


Main Courses


Prime Rack with Earl Grey Tea Jus Drizzled with Dilmah Ceylon Gourmet Silver Tip Tea Oil Dilmah Ceylon Ginger Tea Flavoured Chicken Confit with Mandarine Tea Scented Sticky Rice Slow Roasted Beef Tenderloin with Dilmah Nuwara Eliya Pekoe Tea Béarnaise and Sautéed Mushrooms

Main Courses

Prime Rack Of Lamb with Earl Grey Tea Jus Drizzled with Dilmah Ceylon Gourmet Silver Tip Tea Oil

Dilmah Ceylon Ginger Tea Flavoured Chicken Confit and Mandarin Tea Scented Sticky Rice

Slow Roasted Beef Tenderloin with Dilmah Nuwara Eliya Pekoe Tea Béarnaise and Sautéed Mushrooms

Ingredients • 4 teaspoons Dilmah White Tea Ceylon Silver Tips Oil • Cleaned Whole Rack of Lamb • 40g Tea Crust (refer recipe) • 4g Mustard • 4 tablespoons Green Pea Mash • Salt & Pepper to taste

Ingredients • 4 tea bags Dilmah Ginger & Honey Tea • 4 Boneless Chicken thighs • 150ml Chicken Fat • 150ml Boiling Water for the tea • 20g Braised Onions (refer recipe) • Salt and Pepper to taste

Ingredients for Beef Tenderloin • 4 Beef tenderloin slices (60g each) • 50g Sautéed Mushrooms • 5g Dijon Mustard • Salt and Pepper to taste

Method of Preparation • Season the rack of lamb with mustard, salt & pepper. • Seal and slow roast in an oven till medium done. • Evenly apply the tea crust (refer recipe) on the lamb. • Slightly colour under salamander. Ingredients for Tea Crust • 6g Dilmah t-Series The Original Earl Grey • 5g Fresh Butter • 35g Fresh Bread Crumbs Method of Preparation • Combine all the ingredients and prepare the crust. Ingredients for Earl Grey Jus • 10g Dilmah Earl Grey Tea • 60ml Lamb jus • 50ml Boiling Water • 5g Fresh Butter Method of Preparation • Mix the Earl Grey tea with the lamb jus and boil once. • Mount with fresh butter until it reaches a good texture.

Method of Preparation • Brew the Dilmah Ginger & Honey Tea with boiling water. • Season the chicken thighs with salt and pepper. • Combine the chicken with the brewed tea, chicken fat and cook for 1 hour at 160°C. Ingredients for Sticky Rice • 100ml Dilmah Mandarin Tea • 60g Glutinous Rice • 5g Sugar • 3g Salt • 3g Chicken Powder • 1g Monosodium glutamate (Food additive) • Seasoning • Lotus Leaves for steaming Method of Preparation • Combine all the ingredients. • Wrap the rice in lotus leaves and cook. Ingredients for Braised Onions • 4g Dilmah Mandarin Tea • 60g Sliced Onions • 10ml Mandarin Juice • 20ml Chicken Fat

Method of Preparation • Season the tenderloin with salt, pepper and mustard. • Slow roast in the oven until medium done. Ingredients for Nuwara Eliya Pekoe Tea Béarnaise • 2 Egg yolks • 100ml Clarified Butter • 20ml Tea Reduction (refer recipe) • 4g Brewed Tea Leaves • Seasoning Method of Preparation • Prepare a Béarnaise sauce with the ingredients. Ingredients for Tea Reduction • 30ml Dilmah t-Series Nuwara Eliya Pekoe • 10ml White Wine Vinegar • 2g Chopped Onions • 1 no. Bay Leaf • 3 nos. Pepper Corns Method of Preparation • Combine all the ingredients and prepare the reduction.

Method of Preparation • Braise the sliced onions with Dilmah Mandarin tea and Chicken fat. • When the onions are brown and aromatic, mix in the mandarin juice. • Season with salt and pepper.


Main Courses Poached Chicken Supreme & Spicy Berry Tea, Basil & Garlic Mojo

• Continue to simmer for another 10 minutes to let the flavours infuse.

Ingredients for Basil & Garlic Mojo • 2 teaspoons Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry • 2 tablespoons Olive oil • 1 tablespoon Minced garlic • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil leaves • 1 tablespoon sugar • 2 tablespoons fresh lime • Salt and pepper to taste

Star Anise and Cinnamon Jus

Method of Preparation • Heat the olive oil in a pan and sauté the garlic over medium heat for 3 minutes. • Add the tea leaves, basil, sugar, salt and pepper and remove from the heat. Leave to cool. • Transfer to a mixing bowl and chill in the refrigerator before serving. Ingredients for Stuffing (for The Chicken) • ½ teaspoon Dilmah Naturally Spicy Berry • 1 chicken breast (remove skin) • 1 teaspoon Cream cheese • ½ teaspoon Fetta cheese • 40g Leeks • Salt and pepper to taste Method of Preparation • Blanch the leeks and set aside. • Combine the feta, cream cheese and tea and season. Pipe the filling into the leeks. • Lightly pat out the breasts, season and place the leek tube down the centre of the breast. • With a cling film tightly secure the breast whilst shaping into a roulade. • Poach the breast for 6-8 minutes in well flavoured chicken stock. • Remove from stock and cool off rapidly.

Lamb Chops with Cashew & Coconut Crust, Star Anis, Cinnamon Tea Jus and Bean Cassoulet Ingredients for the Cream • Pinch of Dilmah Ginger & Honey Tea • ¼ cup Coconut cream • 1 can Unsweetened coconut milk • 1 tablespoon sugar Method of Preparation • Bring the coconut milk, cream, sugar and Dilmah Ginger & Honey Tea to boil in a saucepan over medium heat. • Reduce the heat to a low temperature and simmer for about 3 to 4 minutes. Stir frequently until the sauce thickens slightly.


Poached Chicken Supreme & Spicy Berry Tea, Basil & Garlic Mojo Lamb Chops with Cashew & Coconut Crust, Star Anise, Cinnamon Tea Jus & Bean Cassoulet Brown Sugar Rubbed Smoked Beef Tenderloin & Mint Tea Apple Mop

Ingredients for the 5 Spice Broth • 2 spoons Dilmah Cinnamon Tea • 8 cups chicken stock • Roast chicken carcass, broken into pieces • ½ cup scallion - green and white parts • ½ cup Shitake mushroom • Star anise • 4 cloves garlic • ½ teaspoon fennel seeds • ½ teaspoon coriander seeds • 1 inch piece of ginger (crushed) • Salt and pepper to taste Method of Preparation • Combine the stock, chicken carcass, scallions, mushrooms, Dilmah Cinnamon Tea, ginger, garlic, star anise, fennel, coriander and cloves over a slow fire. • Simmer for 2 hours, remove from the heat and strain. • Season with salt and pepper. Ingredients for the Star Anise Sauce • 1½ cups 5 spice broth • 2 star anise • 2 tablespoons flour • 1½ tablespoons mushroom soy sauce • 3½ cups lamb jus • 4 tablespoons butter (chilled) • Salt and pepper to taste Method of Preparation • To prepare the star anise sauce, bring the broth and star anise to boil in a saucepan. Cook for about 8 to 10 minutes to halve the quantity. • Add the mushroom soy sauce and simmer for 2 minutes. • Add the lamb jus and simmer for 30 minutes. • Season with salt and pepper and swirl in the butter. Ingredients for Coconut Crust • 2 tablespoons Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Silver Tips White Tea • ½ cup coconut flakes • ½ cup honey • 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard • ½ tablespoon fresh parsley (minced) • ½ cup cashew nuts (finely chopped) • 300g rack of lamb • 1 cup beans cassoulet

Method of Preparation • To prepare the crust, spread the coconut flakes on a cookie sheet and place in the oven for 5 minutes. • Combine the honey and mustard and add the garlic, tea, parsley, toasted coconut and cashew nuts and cook over a slow fire. • Reheat the oven to 250°C. Sauté the lamb rack on both sides until medium rare or to the desired level. • Top with coconut crust. Leave in the oven for 2 to 3 minutes. Ingredients for Lamb Jus • Lamb Trimmings • Bacon ends • Diced Carrot • Diced Celery • Diced Onion • Coriander seeds • Lemon zest • Lemon Thyme • Merlot • Red wine vinegar • Mire poire Method of Preparation • Heat oil in pan. Brown the trimmings and bacon ends. • Remove the trimmings and drain off the fat. • Deglaze the pan with red wine vinegar. • Add the Merlot and reduce the quantity by half. • Add Mire poire and bring to a boil. Reduce the quantity to ⅓. Strain through a fine sieve. • Bring to boil for a few minutes and remove from heat.

Brown Sugar Rubbed Smoked Beef Tenderloin & Mint Tea Apple Mop Ingredients for the Smoked Beef Tenderloin • 30g Mint tea and apple ‘Mop’ one serve • 2.2kg trimmed Beef tenderloin • 900g Brown sugar rub Method of Preparation • Pre-set smoker temperature to 100-110°C. • Pierce the tenderloin with a cook’s fork and feed the dry rub into the meat. • Allow to cure in the rub for no longer than 4-5 minutes. • Shake off excess dry rub, transfer to smoker. • Cold smoke for 45 minutes till medium rare. • Remove from the smoker. • Serve the tenderloin cut into 75g noisettes.

Main Courses Ingredients for Brown Sugar Rub • 20g Dilmah t-Series Lapsang Souchong • 150g Brown sugar • 100g Palm sugar • 100g Sea salt • 30g Cumin (ground) • 60g Garlic powder • 60g Onion powder • 30g Paprika • 30g Chilli powder • 20g Fresh oregano Method of Preparation • Using a stainless steel bowl add all the ingredients and combine till well mixed. • Store the rub in an airtight container for upto 2 weeks. Ingredients for Mint Tea Apple Mop • 15g Dilmah Mint Tea • 300g Smoked bacon – diced • 225g Yellow Onion (diced into small pieces) • 100g Yellow bell pepper • 3 Granny Smith apples (peeled and diced) • 30g Cumin (ground) • 15g All spice (ground) • 30ml Tabasco • 225ml Cider vinegar • 450ml Apple juice • 70g Dijon mustard • 112ml Honey • 225g Brown sugar • 675g Ketchup • Salt and pepper to taste Method of Preparation • Heat a large sauté pan over medium heat and add the diced bacon and allow it to render until crisp. • Add the onion, mint tea, pepper and apples to the rendering bacon and raise the heat to a higher temperature. • Allow the vegetables to cook for 5 to 7 minutes while stirring frequently. • Season the mixture with a small amount of salt and pepper. • Add the remaining ingredients and let it simmer for about 10 minutes or until the mop is soaked. • Adjust the seasoning and place it in the refrigerator for later use.


Main Courses


Mustard and Oats Crusted Lamb Loin Served with Asian Spiced Chicken, Dilmah Almond Tea Infused Heart of Beef, Ratatouille and Mild Dilmah Mint Tea Glaze

Main Courses

Ingredients • 30g Dilmah t-Series Italian Almond Tea • 4 Lamb cutlets • 4 Beef fillet steak (80g each) • 3 Chicken breasts (minced) • 100g Corn kernel • 100g Pistachio • 30g Lemongrass powder • 50g Prunes • 50g Oats • 15g Grainy mustard • 100ml Extra virgin olive oil • 50g Grilled vegetables • 50g Chopped onion • 200ml Lamb glaze • 30g Dilmah Mint tea • 4 Crispy potato spoons • 120g Mashed potatoes • 100g Onion compote • 180g Ratatouille • Seasoning • Garnish Method of Preparation • Season the lamb loin and seal on the grill, coat it with the mustard, oats, breadcrumbs and olive oil crust. • Mix the minced chicken with pistachio, corn kernel, prunes, lemon grass powder and seasoning. • Divide into four and form into a shape of the breast of chicken and cover with the chicken skin. • Fix the lemongrass stem as the wingbone and bake. • Season the fillet of steak with Italian Almond tea and grill. • Make the glaze using the mint tea and lamb glaze. • Arrange the lamb cutlet, fillet steak, chicken breast and the raviolis on the plate. • Serve with Mint tea glaze and garnish with crispy potato spoon filled with ratatouille.






Earl Grey Ice Cream

Choc Chip Mint Ice Cream

Ingredients • 2 tablespoons Dilmah t-Series The Original Earl Grey • 6 cups milk • 1 vanilla bean • 3 cups sugar • 24 Egg yolks • 5 cups cream

Ingredients • 2 tablespoons Dilmah Pure Peppermint Leaves • 2 cups 2% milk • 2 cups heavy cream • 1 cup Sugar • 1 teaspoon Vanilla extract • 3 drops green food colouring (optional) • 1 cup miniature semisweet chocolate chips

Method of Preparation • Split the vanilla bean open and scrape the seeds into a heavy, 1 gallon pot. Add the milk and 1 ½ cups of sugar and bring to a scald. • Pour in the tea and leave to steep for 6 minutes. Strain and set aside. • Using a tabletop mixer, place the yolks and remaining sugar in the bowl and mix at medium-high speed until the yolks have stiffened and reached a pale, yellow colour. • Lower the speed on the mixer and gradually add approximately 2 cups of the hot milk and vanilla bean mixture. • Pour the mixture into a pot and cook on a medium-low heat until it thickens enough to coat the reverse side of a spoon. • Immediately remove from fire and strain the liquid through a fine strainer. • Leave to chill overnight and to freeze follow instructions on the ice cream machine.

Method of Preparation • Warm the milk and cream in a heavy based pot. Do not allow contents to boil. • Add the Peppermint leaves and infuse for 6 minutes. • Strain the mixture into the sugar and vanilla extract. Allow the sugar to dissolve and colour to your preference using the green food colouring. • Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and freeze according to the manufacturer’s instructions. • Leave the mixture to freeze for 10 minutes and add the chocolate chips. • Once the ice cream thickens (in approximately 30 minutes) spoon into a container and freeze for 2 hours.

Note: This is a large batch of ice cream and ingredients could be scaled down to make smaller batches. If a stronger flavour is desired you can increase the quantity of tea



Raspberry and Dilmah Strawberry Tea Tiramisu

Orange Soufflé with Dilmah Mediterranean Mandarin Tea

Ingredients • 50ml Dilmah Strawberry Tea • 100ml Dilmah Cinnamon Tea • 200g Raspberries • 100g Sugar • 100ml Coffee • 50ml Amaretto liqueur • 1 packet biscuits • 4 egg yolks • 4 tablespoons Sugar • 200ml Whipped cream • 200ml Mascarpone cheese

Ingredients • 1 tablespoon Dilmah t-Series Mediterranean Mandarin • 500ml Milk • 125g Sugar • 1 piece Vanilla extract • 1 piece Ceylon Cinnamon • 120g Butter • 120g Flour • 8 egg yolks • 8 egg whites • 100g Orange liqueur • Caramelized orange pieces

Method of Preparation • Brew the Strawberry Tea with sugar and raspberries. • Cook until it forms a sauce and set it aside to cool. • Brew the Cinnamon Tea and mix it with the coffee and Amaretto. • Beat the egg yolks and sugar until white • Then add the mascarpone and whipped cream and mix well. • Add the biscuits to the coffee tea mixture so that they are soaked. • Then add the raspberry mixture and mascarpone cream. Garnish Sprinkle light cocoa powder on top


Method of Preparation • Cook the milk with the tea and sugar and then strain. • Melt the butter and add in the flour. • Add the flour mixture to the milk and cook for 3 minutes until it reaches a thick mass. • Add the egg yolks slowly into the mixture • Leave the mixture to cool slightly before adding the Orange liqueur. • Add the egg white and finally the caramelized oranges. • Bake at 180°C for approximately 20 minutes.





Iced Dilmah Nuwara Eliya Pekoe & Lychee Bomb with Spicy Ginger Tea Syrup


Ingredients • 50g Dilmah t-Series Nuwara Eliya Pekoe • 300g Sugar • 500ml Milk • 1l Fresh Cream • 60g Gelatine • 150g Dilmah Lychee Tea • 200g Pieces of Lychee Method of Preparation • Boil the milk, cream & sugar in a saucepan over a gentle fire. • Leave the mixture to cool and add the Gelatine. • Separate 200ml from the mixture & add the Nuwara Eliya Pekoe tea & set in a dome shaped mould. • Add Dilmah Lychee tea & the pieces of lychee into the remaining mixture. • Then pour the mixture into the mould & freeze for 12 hours. • Remove from the mould and place on a plate. Ingredients for Dilmah Spicy Ginger Tea Syrup • 100g Dilmah Ginger & Honey Tea • 150g Chopped Ginger preserve • 250g Sugar • 100ml Water Method of Preparation • Brew the tea and strain. • Return to the fire and continue boiling with sugar & ginger preserve until it reaches a thick consistency.





Almond Tea Ice Cream on Strawberry Tea Romanoff Warm Chocolate and Dilmah Mint Tea Pudding Cinnamon T-52 Warm Chocolate and Dilmah Mint Tea Pudding Ingredients • 50g Soft Butter • 70g Dark Chocolate • Egg white • Egg Yolk • 65g Sugar • Pinch of Salt Method of Preparation • Melt the butter and chocolate and set aside to cool. • Beat the eggs and sugar until it forms a thick consistency. • Sift the flour and add a pinch of salt. • Fold in the chocolate mixture and egg mixture with the flour. • Pipe the mixture into moulds. • Bake in an oven for 8-10 minutes at 180°C. Almond Tea Ice Cream on Strawberry Tea Romanoff Ingredients • 10g Dilmah t-Series Italian Almond Tea • 500g Milk • 150g Fresh Cream • 6 nos. Egg Yolks • 175g Sugar Method of Preparation • Brew the tea in 75ml of water, strain and leave to cool. • Boil the milk and fresh cream with sugar and remove from the fire. • Add the brewed tea into the cream and sugar mixture. • Beat the egg yolks and fold into the mixture. • When the mixture is cool, add the mixture to an ice cream machine.

Ingredients for Strawberry Tea Romanoff • 10ml Dilmah Strawberry Tea • 400g Fresh Strawberries • 25ml Strawberry Puree • 15ml Grand Marnier • 50ml Water • 15g Icing Sugar Method of Preparation • Dice the Strawberries. • Brew the tea and allow to cool. • Combine all the ingredients. Ingredients for Sugar Nest • 200g Fondant • 200g Liquid Glucose • 100ml Water • 9 drops Tartaric Acid Method of Preparation • Boil the ingredients until the temperature reaches 145°C. • Prepare the nest. Cinnamon T-52 Ingredients • 60ml Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea • 20g Sugar • 28ml Bailey’s Irish Cream • 12ml Cointreau Method of Preparation • Brew the Dilmah tea, add sugar and stir. • Pour liquid into shooter glasses. • Add Bailey’s Irish Cream. • Top off with Cointreau.





Cinnamon Tea & Black Sesame Crème Brulee; Frozen Curd Lime & Lemon Tea Tart; Amaretto Laced Almond Tea Cinnamon Tea & Black Sesame Crème Brulee Ingredients • 10g Dilmah Cinnamon Tea • 5 Egg yolks • 5 Egg whites • 200g Sugar • 2 Vanilla sticks • 250ml Milk • 750ml Fresh cream • 5g Black sesame paste • 20ml Brandy Method of Preparation • Boil the milk with the tea. • Add fresh cream and sugar. • Mix in the egg yolks and whites into the mixture. • Beat the mixture slightly with the black sesame paste. • Cook at 150°C for about 50 minutes. • Sprinkle the top evenly with sugar and place under a grill until the sugar has caramelized.

Frozen Curd Lime & Lemon Tea Tart Ingredients For Frozen Curd Ice Cream • 4 Egg yolks • 150g Sugar • 250ml Milk • 250g Fresh cream • 250g Curd • • • • •

Method of Preparation Boil the milk and add the sugar. Add the egg yolk and mix well. Cook the mixture for a short while. Beat the fresh cream and add into the mixture. Mix slightly. • Add the curd and mix well. • Pour the mixture into an ice cream machine.

Ingredients for The Sugar Dough (for The Tart Shell) • 1 teaspoon Dilmah Vanilla Tea • 300g Flour • 100g Sugar • 200g Butter • ½ teaspoon Lemon Zest

Method of Preparation • Mix the sugar and butter. • Add the flour, vanilla and lemon zest and mix until the dough is smooth. Ingredients for Lemon Curd Filling • 3 Egg yolks • 175g Sugar • 200g Melted butter • 30ml Lemon Juice Method of Preparation • Mix the eggs and sugar. • Place the mixture on a double boiler until the sugar is dissolved. • Add the melted butter and the lemon juice. Cool the mixture.

Amaretto Laced Almond Tea Ingredients • 10g Dilmah t-Series Italian Almond Tea • 20ml Amaretto Liqueur • 200ml Water • 50ml Fresh cream • 30ml Sugar Method of Preparation • Brew the tea, strain and add the sugar. • Add Amaretto and fresh cream and serve in a glass.


Robert Schinkel


Robert Schinkel

Robert Schinkel Robert Schinkel is a well-known bartender from Amsterdam. Initially a student of political science, Robert found his true calling working in restaurants, bars and clubs throughout the Netherlands, specializing in cocktails and hospitality. After winning the prestigious International Remy Martin Bartender Style Masters in 2006, and Bartender of the year 2007 he started a consultancy agency for the bar industry called Dr.Inc, providing brands and businesses, knowledge and skills about fine drinks, spirits and hospitality. In 2008 Robert teamed up with Johan Kersten to start Mixology brand building, a company that creates marketing plans and strategies for the beverage industry. In 2009 he went on to win the Dutch Dilmah Tea Sommelier competition and the Coffee in Good Spirits competition. Known for his passion about drinks and all-round knowledge of beverages Robert today is a speaker, trainer, motivator and an author for many levels of the bar and beverage industry.


Robert Schinkel

Apple Mocktail Utensils • Shaker • Fine strainer • Tea Strainer

Blueberry t-Shake

Utensils • Shaker • Fine strainer • Tea Strainer

Ingredients • 70ml Dilmah Premium Ceylon Tea • 25ml Biological apple juice • 10ml Monin sucre de canne Type of Glass Martini Glass


Earl Grey T-Shake

Ingredients • 70ml Dilmah Blackcurrant Tea • 35ml unsweetened double cream • 10ml Monin Blueberry

Method of Preparation • Pre-chill Martini Glass with crushed ice. • Add all ingredients in Boston shaker. • Empty Martini Glass. • Shake with lots of ice & fine strain in Martini Glass.

Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Pre-chill Martini Glass with crushed ice. • Add all ingredients in Boston shaker. • Empty Martini Glass. • Shake with lots of ice & finestrain in Martini Glass.

Garnish Garnish with apple slice

Garnish Garnish with blueberries

Utensils • Shaker Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah Earl Grey Tea • 10ml unsweetened double cream • 15ml Monin mojito mint Type of Glass • Sling glass

Method of Preparation • Add all ingredients in Boston shaker. • Add ice cubes. • Shake and pour in sling glass. Garnish Mint leaf on the glass

Robert Schinkel

Lemon&Lime Iced Tea

Strawberry Iced Tea

Orange Iced Tea

Utensils • Barspoon

Utensils • Barspoon

Utensils • Barspoon

Ingredients • 250ml Dilmah Lemon Tea • 50ml fresh orange juice • 20ml sugar syrup

Ingredients • 300ml Dilmah Strawberry Tea • 20ml sugar syrup • Fresh strawberry parts

Ingredients • 250ml Dilmah Premium Ceylon Tea • 20ml fresh lemon juice • 35ml Cointreau • 10ml Monin Orange

Type of Glass • Sling glass

Method of Preparation • Make 300ml tea in glass and brew for 3 minutes. • Add lemon and lime wedges. • Add ice up to rim. • Add syrup and stir. Garnish Lime wheels on the glass

Type of Glass • Sling glass

Method of Preparation • Make the tea and brew for 3 minutes. • Fill glass with ice cubes and strawberry parts. • Add ice up to rim and stir. Garnish Garnish with strawberry

Type of Glass • Sling glass

Method of Preparation • Make the tea and brew for 3 minutes. • Add ice up to rim and stir. Garnish Garnish with orange slices


Robert Schinkel

Dilmah Raspberry Love Utensils • Barspoon

Ingredients • 150ml Dilmah Green Tea Moroccan Mint • 40ml Boiron Raspberry puree • 10ml Monin honey syrup • 10ml Lemon juice Type of Glass Sling glass

Method of Preparation • Fill Sling glass with icecubes and add raspberry puree, syrup and lemon juice. • Top up with chilled Dilmah Moroccan Mint tea. • Don’t stir. Garnish Garnish with raspberries and Mint leaves


Dilmah Peach Me

Dilmah Tea-ni

Utensils • Barspoon • Muddler

Utensils • Shaker • Strainer • Fine strainer

Ingredients • 150ml Dilmah Lemon & Lime Tea • 40ml Peach puree • 10ml Monin orgeat (Almond syrup) • Fresh basil leaves Type of Glass Sling glass Method of Preparation • Crush the basil in a sling, and fill up with ice. • Add the puree and the syrup. • Top with cooled tea. Garnish • Garnish with a leaf of basil and a slice of lemon.

Ingredients • 70ml Dilmah Premium Ceylon Tea • 25ml White grape juice • 10ml Monin sucre de canne Type of Glass Martini Glass Method of Preparation • Prechill Martini Glass. • Add ingredients to Boston shaker. • Add ice in shaker. • Shake and fine strain the cocktail into the martini glass. Garnish Garnish with grapes

Robert Schinkel

Cinnamon Surprise

Dilmah Hot Toddy

Utensils • Barspoon

Utensils • Barspoon

Ingredients • 35ml Biological apple juice • 200ml Dilmah Earl Grey Tea • 15ml Monin canelle • Cinnamon stick • Lime zest

Ingredients • 200ml Dilmah English Breakfast Tea • 35ml Scotch whisky (Black Label) • 2 cloves • 1 Teaspoon honey • Grated nutmeg • Lemon zest

Type of Glass Sensory tea glass Method of Preparation • Add syrup and apple juice to Dilmah Earl Grey Tea in short. • Stir. Garnish Garnish with lime zest and cinnamon stick

Type of Glass Sensory tea glass

Method of Preparation • Add cloves and honey to Dilmah English Breakfast Tea in short. • Add the whisky. • Stir until honey is dissolved. Garnish Garnish with nutmeg and lemon zest


Robert Wemischner


Robert Wemischner

Robert Wemischner Pastry chef and culinary educator, Robert Wemischner has always been intrigued by the flavour potential of ingredients, from turmeric to tea and from cumin to coffee. Author of three books with a fourth, The Dessert Architect, a book for professionals and serious amateurs alike about how to craft sensational multicomponent desserts, Wemischner began his career to great media acclaim in the food business in the early 70’s as the owner of a pioneering gourmetto-go shop in Beverly Hills. He then went on to open a similar operation in Baltimore, and in the early 90’s, returned to LA and began teaching pastry and culinary arts in earnest. Drawing upon his exposure to classical cooking at a young age during informal apprenticeships to chefs in France, he has been imparting his knowledge to a diverse audience of students as a teacher of baking and pastry for the past eighteen years at Los Angeles Trade Technical College. He has also vigorously pursued freelance food writing and is a valued and regular contributor to Food Arts, Angeleno, Pastry Art and Design and Robb Report magazines, among others, writing on a wide variety of food and food business-related subjects. He is also the author of The Vivid Flavors Cookbook, a groundbreaking book about fusion cuisine, Gourmet to Go on the business of specialty food retailing and Cooking with Tea, an exploration of the culinary potential of the leaf.


Robert Wemischner Stone Fruit and Tea Granita Yields: 2 quarts (may be halved, or otherwise reduced, in direct proportion, as desired) Tea poached plums for granita (or a combination of plums, apriums and apricots, as desired) Ingredients • 48 - 60oz Purple Plums • 32oz Simple Syrup (a combination of equal parts, by weight, of granulated sugar and water, boiled until the sugar dissolves) • 15g Dilmah Earl Grey /Assam/Darjeeling or Keemun Leaf Tea

puree (taste for sweetness at this point). Now add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and then freeze the mixture in an ice cream machine. For each 16 ounces of puree, use approximately 4 ounces of simple syrup and the juice of one medium sized lemon. Alternatively, place in a shallow container and freeze until hard and then process the frozen mixture until smooth and serve immediately in scoops as an accompaniment to the Nectarine Rosemary Galette, or on its own.

On a lightly floured surface, using a rolling pin, roll the chilled dough into a sheet, approximately ⅓ inch thick. Using a 6 inch round cookie cutter, or a small knife, cut the dough into four circles, each measuring 6 inches in diameter. Place the dough circles on a parchment-lined sheet pan and chill until ready to complete the galettes. Any dough remaining after the four circles have been made may be gathered together gently and then wrapped and chilled before re-rolling for another use.

Fresh Peach Ice Cream

Streusel (crumble topping)

Yield: approximately 30 ounces, twelve servings each weighing 2.5 ounces

Ingredients • 1 c. (approximately 4.5 ounces) all purpose flour • 2 ounces unsalted butter, cold • 2 ounces granulated or brown sugar • 1 t. ground cinnamon • Pinch salt

Ingredients • 14oz Fresh peach puree • 4oz Simple Syrup • 8oz Heavy Cream • 4oz Whole milk • 1g salt Method Combine all of the ingredients in a large bowl, mix well and then transfer to an electric ice cream machine. Freeze, covered, until firm. Serve as an accompaniment to the Nectarine Rosemary Galette or on its own, or sauced with the following Salted Cinnamon Caramel Sauce.

Nectarine Rosemary Galette

Method of Preparation Pit the fruits and discard pits. Place simple syrup and tea leaves into a medium sized heavy saucepan. Simmer to infuse, about 15 minutes. Pass the poaching liquid through a fine sieve. Rinse and dry the saucepan and return the sieved liquid to the cleaned saucepan. Add the fruit to the liquid in the saucepan and simmer for approximately 30 minutes, or until tender but not mushy. Allow to cool to room temperature in the liquid and set aside until ready to plate the dessert. Tip: Cooling the poached fruit in the syrup gives the fruit more opportunity to soak up the flavour and scent of the tea. Once cooled, remove the fruit from the liquid, reserving the liquid. Chill both separately and then proceed to make the Granita. For the Granita The poached fruit and the poaching liquid are then used as the basis for a lighter pink or deep purple granita (depending on the type of fruit used). Simply puree the fruit in a food processor until smooth, add as much of the cold tea-flavoured poaching liquid as needed to make a medium thick


Method of Preparation In the bowl of an electric mixer, outfitted with a paddle attachment, mix all of the ingredients together, processing only until the mixture turns into a pebbly texture. Do not over mix or the mixture will turn into a paste. (Alternatively, you can mix by hand, breaking up the butter and mixing it into the dry ingredients until the mixture turns into a pebbly texture.) Set aside until ready to assemble the galettes.

Yield: Four servings

For the nectarines:

Cream Cheese and Butter Pastry Ingredients • 2½ ounces unsalted butter, at room temperature • 2½ ounces cream cheese, at room temperature • 1 egg yolk mixed with 1½ ounces ice water • 1 t. finely chopped fresh rosemary • 7 ounces (approximately 1 c.) all-purpose flour • 3 T. granulated sugar • ¼ t. salt • Flour for rolling out the dough

Ingredients • 4 tablespoons dry unflavoured finely ground bread crumbs • 2 to 3 large ripe nectarines (Other freestone varieties will work here; whatever the variety available at your local farmer’s market, it should be ripe, highly fragrant, flavourful and juicy) • ¼ cup fresh squeezed lemon juice diluted with 1 to 2 tablespoons ice water • Granulated sugar to taste • All-purpose flour to aid in thickening the juices of the fruit during baking

Method of Preparation In the bowl of an electric mixer outfitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and cream cheese until smooth, scraping the sides and bottom of the bowl occasionally. Add the egg and water mixture and mix to blend. Mix in the rosemary. Then finally add the flour, sugar and salt, mixing just until the dry ingredients disappear. Scrape the sides and bottom of the mixing bowl to be sure that all ingredients are well blended. Remove to a lightly floured surface and knead briefly to compress the dough. Flatten the dough into a round disk and wrap well in plastic wrap. Chill in the refrigerator until firm, about one hour.

Method of Preparation Slice the nectarines into thin wedges, approximately ⅓ inch thick. Brush the cut surfaces lightly with the lemon juice. Sprinkle lightly with granulated sugar and flour. Sprinkle bread crumbs in the centres of each dough circle. Arrange the nectarines compactly as you wish on top of the bread crumbs in the centre of the dough, leaving a 1½ inch margin of dough uncovered. Fold the edge of the dough toward the centre of the galette, covering the outer edge of the nectarines. Pinch the dough at ½ to ¾ inch intervals, making a decorative pleat around the outside of galette. Brush the outer edge of

Robert Wemischner the dough with an egg wash made by combining 1 egg yolk with just enough water (about 1-2 teaspoons) to achieve a paintable consistency. Sprinkle Streusel from above generously over the nectarines. Bake in a preheated 375º F. oven for approximately 30-40 minutes, or until golden brown. Serve warm or at room temperature, garnished, if desired, with a sprig of fresh rosemary that has first been sprayed lightly with aerosolized flavourless oil and then dipped into granulated sugar. (This garnish looks nice but is not meant to be eaten). The stone fruit granita and/or the buttermilk or fresh peach ice cream would make a wonderful tart creamy accompaniment here. Serve, as desired, as well with the caramel sauce shown below.

Salted Cinnamon Caramel Sauce Yield: Approximately 16-18 ounces, a generous amount for twelve servings (Note that this sauce keeps well, refrigerated and covered, so it pays to make this amount to have on hand to adorn ice cream, custards, or even as an enhancement in good strong brewed coffee or tea.) Ingredients • 8oz Heavy Cream • 2 nos. Cinnamon sticks • 16oz granulated sugar • 2oz unsalted butter • 1g salt Method of Preparation Place heavy cream and cinnamon sticks into a heavy saucepan. Bring to a simmer and cook for about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and cover; allow the cinnamon sticks to infuse the cream for about 15 minutes. Remove cinnamon sticks. Set cream aside. Reheat cream just before adding it to the caramelized sugar. In a heavy saucepan, caramelize the sugar without stirring until it takes on an amber colour. Carefully pour in the reheated cinnamon-scented cream (the mixture will bubble up so be careful when stirring). Using a heat resistant silicone spatula, stir until the mixture becomes smooth. Add butter and blend. Add the salt and stir to dissolve. This sauce may be refrigerated, covered, and then reheated gently over a hot water bath at time of serving.

Chocolate Melting Moments Torte, Flavoured with Assam Tea, served with Tea-infused Sauce Chocolate Assam Tea Torte Yield: Approximately 58 ounces, twelve servings, each approximately 4 ounces

Ingredients • 480g Bittersweet chocolate couverture, 58% • 240g Unsalted butter • 60g Dilmah Exceptional Maharajah Reserve Assam Leaf Tea • 240g Water • 60g Unsweetened good quality cocoa powder • 10 Large eggs, separated • 180g Granulated sugar • 2 tsps. Vanilla extract • 60g All purpose flour • 60g Malted milk powder Method of Preparation Prepare a rectangular baking pan measuring approximately 8 inches by 10 inches by 2 inches deep. Spray with pan release spray, line with parchment and then spray again. Set aside. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. In a stainless steel bowl, set over simmering water, melt the chocolate and butter, stirring until fully melted and smooth. Remove from the water bath and set aside. Brew the tea in the water, steeping for just 3 minutes. Pass through a fine meshed sieve, discarding the tea leaves and reserving the liquid. Place the cocoa powder into a medium sized bowl. Using a whisk, add the brewed tea slowly to the cocoa powder. Then blend the cocoatea mixture into the melted chocolate. Separate the eggs, placing the egg whites into the bowl of an electric mixer. Add the yolks to the chocolate mixture. Whip the egg whites using the whisk attachment until foamy. With the machine running, add the sugar gradually, beating until stiff but not dry. Sift the flour and malted milk powder into a medium-sized bowl. Gently fold the beaten egg whites and the dry ingredients into the chocolate mixture. Do not deflate the batter. The batter should remain light and airy. Pour the batter into the pan and bake for approximately 30-40 minutes. The cake should remain somewhat soft and fudgy in the middle. Do not overbake. Remove from oven and cool on the rack. Using an eight-sided cutter (or other similar sized shape of your choice), measuring 2¼ inches across by 1½ inches high, cut the cooled cake into 12 individual portions, cutting in rows of four along the 10 inch side of the rectangle and in rows of three along the 7 inch side. Cover the cut cakes to keep moist and set aside at room temperature. Now make the following Chocolate Ganache and Tea-infused plating sauce.

Chocolate Ganache

Bring 2 cups of heavy cream to the boil. Place 1 lb. dark bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped, in a heatproof bowl. Pour the heated cream over the chocolate and stir until melted and completely smooth. Set aside until you plate the dessert. If serving the dessert within an hour, then leave the ganache at cool room temperature. If not, place it in the refrigerator and then re-warm either in the microwave or over a saucepan of simmering water. Then use as noted below. Tea-infused plating sauce Yield: approximately 5 ounces, twelve servings, each less than ½ ounce Ingredients • 180g Heavy cream • 20g Assam tea leaves—decaffeinated works very well here • 60g Granulated sugar • Heavy cream as needed to mellow the sauce Method of Preparation In a heavy medium sized saucepan, heat the first quantity of cream to the boil. Add the tea leaves and sugar, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Remove from the heat and allow the mixture to infuse, covered, for approximately 2 minutes and sieve, pressing hard on the solids. The liquid should be a slightly golden brown color. Tip: Taste the mixture after a minute to monitor the progress of the infusion. The tea should come through clearly here but should not be aggressively tannic or bitter. Taste and add more cream, as needed, to dilute to arrive at a well balanced mellow tea and dairy flavor. To serve: Place one torte on each serving plate. Mask the top of the torte generously with the warm ganache. Pour a pool of the tea sauce in front of the torte and serve immediately.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 In celebration of the 21st Anniversary of Dilmah, the company launched an innovative programme where in July 2008, eight celebrated chefs and restaurateurs from prestigious Australian establishments visited Sri Lanka and filmed a television series titled ‘The Chefs and the Tea Maker.’ Peter Kuruvita, close friend of Dilmah and eminent chef and owner of Flying Fish Restaurant in Sydney, was responsible for putting together this talented team of culinary experts and film crew. Peter’s familiarity with Sri Lanka and his association with the MJF Charitable Foundation made him an ideal team leader and mentor to a group who were in distinctly unfamiliar surroundings. Footage was recorded for several interstitials and a culinary travel documentary of the chefs participating in tea production, farming education, cookery demonstrations and in the activities of the MJF Charitable Foundation. The team also hosted cooking lessons at the school built by the MJF Charitable Foundation and Flying Fish Restaurant in a village in the South of Sri Lanka. This school was opened in 2005 by Peter and the Founder of Dilmah.

During their tour the chefs were inspired to produce four tea infused food and beverage recipes each and collaborated to produce a collection of recipes that are presented here. The chefs who contributed their gastronomic genius to the project are: Paul Brown (Mantra Resort, Lorne VIC), Paul Easson (Rockpool Bar and Grill Melbourne VIC) who sent chef Rhiannon Voros in his place for the Sri Lanka tour component of the project, Paul Foreman (Marque IV, Hobart TAS), Damien Heads (Pony, Sydney NSW), James Mussillon and Jason Rodwell (Courgette, Canberra ACT), David Pugh (Restaurant 2, Brisbane QLD), Johnny Triscari (Chloe’s, Adelaide SA) and Jodie Wallace (Flying Fish, Sydney NSW).

They were also deeply touched by the struggles of many of the Sri Lankan people whose lives they were invited into and returned to their Australian kitchens with a new found appreciation and understanding of Sri Lankan culture.

The chefs conducted numerous cookery demonstrations at all the locations and were confronted with various emotional and professional challenges along the way. This included food preparation village style, which of course is at the opposite spectrum to the plush wellequipped kitchens that the chefs were accustomed to. But they showed a great deal of adaptability and cooking over log fires for example was one of the many new experiences that the chefs enjoyed.
























“I could never have imagined so much enthusiasm, so much energy. And the joy of the people, their fascinating culture, their food and the stunning scenery only added to the adventure. It was the perfect background to learn about the world’s finest tea.” - Jason Rodwell 204

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


“The Dilmah passion is inspiring” - Jason Rodwell Awarded one hat status by the Sydney Morning Herald three years running, Courgette is one of Canberra’s most gorgeous restaurants. Sister to the acclaimed Aubergine and owned by celebrated chef James Mussillon, Courgette is the ideal choice for an occasion that requires everything to be perfect. “One of Canberra’s most corporate restaurants, Courgette ticks all the expense-account boxes, with its boardroom decor and sumptious caband shiraz-heavy wine list. The food is teased, twirled, moulded, pressed, reduced, moussed and pureed” - Gourmet Traveller 2009 “The flagship in James Mussillon’s restaurant triumvirate serves the city’s finest meals. The setting is dramatic but still intimate: candles flicker, white tablecloths cascade around soft beige chairs and chocolate carpet, and a glassed-in diorama of Canberra down one side looks better than it sounds” - Sydney Morning Herald Good Food Guide 2008 James Mussillon James Mussillon is the owner of the trio of fine dining restaurants, Courgette, Sabayon and Waters Edge and executive chef at Courgette. Since establishing Courgette, James’ expertise in the kitchen has seen Courgette receive four consecutive 1 Chefs Hat awards from the Sydney Morning Herald’s Good Food Guide. James has had the rare opportunity to work with celebrity chefs Marco Pierre White, then the only British chef to hold three Michelin stars, Philip Howard at The Square and French chef Joel Robuchon. After working as a sous chef at Quay, one of Sydney’s top restaurants, James decided to establish his own restaurant and chose Canberra as the place in which to showcase his French-inspired Australian cuisine. Today, his three restaurants have made an indelible mark on the nation’s capital. Jason Rodwell In the United Kingdom Jason had the opportunity to work under David Thompson at the Michelin starred Nahm in London’s Halkin Hotel and also to work under Gordon Ramsay in his signature restaurant. Upon his return to Canberra, he started working at Courgette with James Mussillon and nine months later was appointed as the Head Chef at Aubergine - one of Mussillon’s restaurants.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Courgette

Somerset Tea Infused Couscous and Lobster, Butter Poached John Dory, Shaved Abalone and Young Turnips FIRST DISH COMPONENT Couscous and Lobster Parcel

THIRD DISH COMPONENT Clam and Abalone Sauce

Ingredients • 3 tea bags Dilmah Watte Single Estate Somerset Estate Pekoe • 500ml Fish stock • 1 Lobster (600g) • 100ml Dry White Wine • 300ml pouring Cream • 300g Israeli Couscous (Moghrabieh) • 6 large Butter Lettuce leaves (blanched)

Ingredients • 300g baby Clams (purged) • 100ml Nolly Prat • 100ml Dry White Wine • 2 Cocktail Abalone (sliced finely) • 3 Baby Leeks (cut into circles) • 18 young Turnips (peeled and blanched till tender)

Method of Preparation Remove the meat from the lobster and dice. Roast off the lobster head, when nicely coloured deglaze with wine and reduce. Infuse the tea in the stock for 3-5 minutes remove the bags and add the stock and reduce the liquid by a third. Pour the stock into a new saucepan, add the cream and reduce the liquid by a third. Add the couscous and cook until tender. Leave to cool completely. Mix the lobster and couscous together, season and mix. Lay out six sheets of cling film, spread the butter lettuce on top of each and divide the mix evenly between the six sheets. Wrap up tightly and steam for 6 minutes when ready to serve.

Method of Preparation Steam the clams in the wine and Nolly Prat until they open. Remove the clams and reduce the liquid by half. Remove the clam meat from the shell, and add it to the liquor with leeks, abalone and young turnips. Assembly Make a circle of sauce around the outside of the plate and arrange the garnish in the sauce. Place the couscous and lobster parcel at the centre and drape the fish over the top.

SECOND DISH COMPONENT Butter Poached John Dory Ingredients • 3 large sides John Dory (skin removed, portioned into 6) • 250g unsalted Butter • 100ml Fish stock • Lemon juice Method of Preparation Warm the stock and monté in the butter and then the lemon juice. Mix in a stick blender to stabilize and add the mixture back into a pan large enough for the dory to cover the bottom in one layer. Season the dory and poach in the butter mix


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Courgette

Cardamom and Green Tea Seeped Scallops, Szechuan Pepper and Orange Pressed Duck, Fennel Puree

FIRST DISH COMPONENT Pressed Duck Ingredients • 1l Dilmah Pure Green Tea • 4 Duck Marylands (with skin) • Duck fat for confit • 1 Orange (zest) • 4 Cardamom pods • 1 teaspoon Szechuan Pepper • 1 Bay leaf • 100g Sea salt Method of Preparation Process the ingredients except the duck, the fat and tea together in a blender or with a mortar and pestle. Rub the salt mixture into the duck and refrigerate for 24 hours. Brew the tea and let it cool completely. Wash the salt mixture off the duck and pat dry. Marinade the duck in the cold tea for 1 hour (reserve the liquid for the scallops). Dry off and place in a braising pan and cover with rendered duck fat and confit for 2-3 hours or until the meat is falling off the bone. Once cooled in fat, remove from the fat and drain. Carefully remove the skins from the duck marylands and lay in a baking tray. Shred the meat off the bone and spread evenly over the skin laid out and cover with another tray and press for a minimum of 3 hours. Portion the pressed duck into 6 even bars. Pan fry slowly with the skin side down when ready to serve. SECOND DISH COMPONENT Fennel Puree Ingredients • 1 Fennel head • 300ml Milk • 300ml Water • 20g Butter Method of Preparation Slice the fennel finely and add to a saucepan with the water, milk and butter. Cover with baking paper and simmer until the fennel is soft.


Remove the liquid (reserving 100ml) and process in a blender until it forms a smooth coating consistency. If the liquid is too thick add some of the reserved liquid. Add the seasoning. THIRD DISH COMPONENT Seeped Scallops Ingredients • 18 Scallops (roe and mussel removed) • 200ml Tea reserved from the duck • 1 Orange (juiced) • Chives (finely sliced) • Butter Method of Preparation Bring the tea and orange juice to a boil and check the seasoning and correct if needed. Cool. Seep the scallop for 6-8 minutes in the mix, pat dry and drizzle with a little oil and sear in a smoking pan until coloured. Turn over in the pan for 5 seconds and remove from pan. Warm the tea and monté with a little butter for richness and add chives. Assembly Spoon the puree onto the plate, place the duck in centre with 3 seared scallops on each with sauce at the table.

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Courgette

Milk and Jasmine Tea Sorbet, Mandarin Terrine, Orange Blossom White Balsamic Reduction

Mandarin Jelly Terrine Ingredients • 6 peeled Mandarins (finely grated zest) • 100ml Mandarin juice • 100ml Sugar syrup • 2 teaspoons Orange Blossom water • 4 gold-strength Gelatine leaves Milk and Jasmine Tea Sorbet (Makes 1 cup) Ingredients • 4 tea bags Dilmah Green Tea with Jasmine Petals • 225ml Milk • 75ml pouring Cream • ¼ cup Glucose • 2½ tablespoons Milk powder Syrup Ingredients • 200ml Honey infused white balsamic (Reduce by half, cool) Method of Preparation Soak mandarin segments in water and remove all pith. Soak the gelatine in a bowl of cold water for 5 minutes to soften. Gently squeeze gelatine to remove excess liquid. Infuse the zest and juice together in a small saucepan, add syrup and orange blossom water. Warm gently over low heat. Stir in the gelatine until dissolved. Arrange the mandarin segments into a terrine mould of desired shape, strain the jelly mixture and pour over the segments. Set in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. For the sorbet, bring the milk, cream, glucose and milk powder to a boil over medium heat. Then brew the tea in this mixture. Cool and for creamier results refrigerate overnight. Churn in ice cream machine following manufacturer instructions. To make the syrup, reduce by half and cool. Smear a little reduction onto each plate. Cut terrine with a hot sharp knife into six 2cm slices and arrange on plates. Quenelle sorbet and serve on top of terrine.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Courgette

Almond, Rose with French Vanilla Parfait, Chocolate Doughnut, Caramelized Fig and Peppermint and English Toffee Tea Sauce

FIRST DISH COMPONENT Almond, Rose with French Vanilla Parfait



Ingredients • 20ml Dilmah Exceptional Italian Almond Tea • 20ml Dilmah Exceptional Rose with French Vanilla • 115g Castor Sugar • 40ml Water • 2 Eggs • 2 Egg Yolks • 200ml pouring Cream (whipped until medium peaks form)

Ingredients • 125g Flour • 1 Egg • 10g Sugar • Pinch of Salt • 20ml Water • 10g Yeast • 80g Butter (diced and softened)

Ingredients • 6 black figs • Raw sugar

Method of Preparation Heat the castor sugar and water in 130°C. Add the mixture with the eggs into a warmed bowl and whisk until pale in colour. Turn machine down to half speed and slowly pour the sugar mix down the side of the bowl, turn speed back onto high until the mixture turns pale, thick and cool. Add the tea into the mixture and fold in the whipped cream in three lots to maximise aeration. Pour into desired individual moulds and freeze overnight. SECOND DISH COMPONENT Doughnut Filling Ingredients • 55g Chocolate • 35g Cream • 10ml Muscat Method of Preparation Warm the cream and Muscat and pour over the chocolate to melt. Mix the ingredients together and leave to set. Scoop six balls with a Persian scoop for doughnuts.


Method of Preparation Make the dough with flour, egg, sugar, salt, water and yeast. Knead in the butter one knob at a time. Knead until smooth. Leave in a bowl until the dough doubles in size and knock back. Roll out with a dough pin until it reaches 3mm thickness and cut into twelve 5cm discs with a pastry cutter. Glaze six discs with egg and place the chocolate balls in the centre. Place the remaining discs on top and press down using a 4cm pastry cutter. Freeze. When ready to serve, deep fry until it reaches a golden colour and sprinkle with sugar. FOURTH DISH COMPONENT Peppermint and English Toffee Tea Sauce Ingredients • 3 tea bags Dilmah Exceptional Peppermint and English Toffee • 250ml Milk • 3 Egg yolks • 60g Castor Sugar Method of Preparation Infuse the tea bags with the milk and remove tea bags. Cream the yolks and sugar together, pour over the hot milk and whisk together. Return to a saucepan and cook on a gentle heat to a coating consistency. Set aside to cool.

Method of Preparation Cut the bottom and top portions off the figs. Sprinkle one side which is cut with sugar and caramelize with a blow torch or under a grill. Assembly Spoon a circle of the sauce into the centre of each plate. De-mould the parfait and place on the plate with the fig and doughnut. Scatter some toasted tea leaves on the top.

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008

“It is an honour, a privilege and great inspiration to work with Mr. Fernando and Dilmah Tea for this project. The tea recipes the chefs have created pay culinary tribute to the admirable work of the MJF Foundation and Dilmah Conservation. This has been a life changing experience personally and professionally for everyone involved.” - Peter Kuruvita 214

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008

Flying Fish

“This has been a life changing experience personally and professionally ” - Peter Kuruvita Surrounded by breathtaking views of Sydney Harbour, Flying Fish has been constructed from an original heritage wharf site and blends a contemporary mix of design highlights to deliver a new and unique Sydney dining experience.

“It’s the sexiest of waterfront spaces, in a restored wharf facing the business end of the harbour. The free flowing two-floor room pays tribute to the building’s heavy-timbered, maritime origins, adding a splash of 21st century wit, while the spectacular lights shine like your own private galaxy.” - The Sydney Morning Herald Good Food Guide 2006 “There’s something about the harbour views caught between wharf timbers and the showy lighting which has made Flying Fish the most accessible and popular fine diner in Sydney. Peter Kuruvita’s food plays no small part, achieving a cuisine that’s special but never precious.” - Australian Gourmet Traveller 2006 Restaurant Guide Peter Kuruvita Peter’s inspiration for his culinary masterpieces could be attributed to the collaborative cultural influences of his Austrian mother and Sri Lankan father. Peter embarked on his career in cooking with a chef apprenticeship in 1979. After his first role as a commis chef at the One Star Michelin restaurant - Rue St Jacques in London, Peter returned to Sydney in early 1984 to take up the chef position at Barrenjoey House. During his tenure the restaurant was awarded a Sydney Morning Herald One Chef Hat rating. Peter is regularly invited as a consultant on a range of new restaurant projects and also appears as guest chef in a range of leading hotels around the world. In April 2003 Peter returned to Sydney to open and run his own restaurant - Flying Fish. Jodie Marie Wallace Jodie became the Head Chef of a ‘hatted’ restaurant at the age of 24. Commencing her apprenticeship at the age of 17 at MG Garage in Surry Hills, Jodie has had the privilege of working with some of Sydney’s most respected chefs. Her passion for food and creativity is distinct in the seasonal menus she creates for Flying Fish.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Flying Fish

Seafood Consommé



Ingredients • 500g Crustacean shells • 50ml Brandy • 50ml Pernod • 1 tablespoon Tomato paste • 2 Tomatoes (quartered) • 1 Carrot (chopped) • 1 Onion (chopped) • 1 Celery stick • 1 Fennel bulb (chopped) • 1 Thyme stalk • 1 Tarragon stalk • Olive oil

Ingredients • 12 Vongoles • 2 Eshallots • 2 Thyme stalks • 1 clove of Garlic • 50ml White Wine

Method of Preparation Caramelise all the vegetables in olive oil, add the crustacean shells and continue to colour. Add the brandy and pernod and flame to burn off the alcohol. Add the tomato paste and cook for a further 5 minutes. Add the white wine and reduce until evaporated. Add the herbs and cover with water, simmer for 2 hours. Strain and chill. SECOND DISH COMPONENT Ingredients • 200g Tuna trimmings • 200g White Fish trimmings • 1 Carrot • 1 Celery stick • 1 Tarragon stalk • 5 Eggs (whites only)

Method of Preparation Add all the ingredients to a smoking hot pan and cover with a lid for 3 minutes until the clams are cooked. Set aside. FOURTH DISH COMPONENT Ingredients • 2 tea bags Dilmah English Afternoon Tea • 500-600g Flathead fillets • 1 teaspoon Salt • 150g Daikon • 12 Chervil leaves Method of preparation Cut the fillets into 20 even pieces (5 per person). Remove the skin off eight fillets. Split open the tea bags and mix the tea and salt together. Season the fillets with the skin. Sear all the fish with olive oil. Cut into batons and blanch.

Method of Preparation Blend all the ingredients together and whisk into the chilled seafood stock. Gently bring up the temperature to a simmer ensuring the clarification does not burn at the bottom of the pan. When the solids form gently simmer for half an hour. Strain through muslin.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Flying Fish

Venison Infused with English Breakfast Tea

Ingredients • 9 tea bags Dilmah English Breakfast Tea • 2 fillets Venison tenderloin (320g each) • 2 tablespoons Olive oil • 12 White Asparagus spears • 75g Butter • ¼ cup (60ml) Chicken stock • 12 Chestnut Mushrooms • 4 King Browns Mushrooms (cut into 1cm cubes) • 100g Swiss Brown Mushrooms (cut into 1cm cubes) • 100ml Venison or good-quality veal jus Method of Preparation Preheat the oven to 180°C. Split open eight of the tea bags. Roll the cleaned venison in the tea. Wrap in cling film tightly, to form a tubular shape and refrigerate for 2 hours. Warm the venison or veal jus, add the remaining tea bag and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and infuse for 20 minutes. Strain the jus and reheat when needed. Unwrap and season the venison with sea salt and freshly ground pepper. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat. Sear the venison fillets for 5 minutes, turning until evenly browned. Place in the oven for 8 minutes (until medium rare) or until cooked to your liking. Remove from oven and allow to rest for about 5 minutes, loosely covered with foil. Meanwhile, trim the asparagus tips to 2cm long. Blanch and refresh. Dice up the remaining stems. Heat 25g of the butter over medium heat. Cook the asparagus stems for about 3-4 minutes before adding the chicken stock. Season and cook for a further 3-5 minutes until tender. Using a stick blender, blend to a smooth puree. Heat the remaining butter in a frying pan over mediumhigh heat and cook the mushrooms and white asparagus trimmings for 4 minutes until golden brown. Season to taste. Serve immediately.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Flying Fish

Earl Grey Tea Infused Vanilla Cream with Tea Soaked Cherries, Gingerbread and Raspberry Jelly

FIRST DISH COMPONENT Raspberry Jelly Ingredients • 250ml Raspberry Puree • 40g Sugar • 2 ½ Gelatine Leaves Method of Preparation Warm raspberry puree with sugar, then mix in soaked gelatine, pour into rings and set. SECOND DISH COMPONENT Tea Syrup Ingredients • 2 tea bags Dilmah Earl Grey Tea • 500ml Sugar Syrup • Cherries Method of Preparation Bring to a simmer and allow to infuse. Remove the tea bags. Halve and de-seed cherries, place in the tea syrup and bring to a simmer, take off the heat and allow to cool. THIRD DISH COMPONENT Gingerbread Ingredients • 200ml Milk • 400g Honey • 6g Cinnamon • 8g Ginger • 440g Flour • 10g Salt • 2 Orange Zest • 30g Baking Powder • 100g Egg Method of Preparation Heat milk and honey with spices and allow to infuse. Mix the flour, salt, zest and baking powder and pour in the milk. Add the egg and blend until smooth. Leave to rest for 1 hour and bake at 170°C for 40 minutes.

To make the Gingerbread tubes Slice frozen gingerbread on a slicer then trim edges, place slices onto a silicon mat and brush with tea syrup, bake at 110°C until caramelized then wrap around a mould tube and allow to cool. FOURTH DISH COMPONENT Earl Grey Mousse Ingredients • 50g Dilmah Earl Grey Tea • 300ml Milk • 300ml Cream • 100g Egg Yolk • 150g Sugar • 50ml Lemon Juice • 12g Gelatine • 500ml half whipped Cream Method of Preparation Bring milk, cream and tea to a boil and infuse for 3 minutes. Strain and weigh out 450g. Mix together yolks with sugar and lemon and pour into the tea mixture, return to the pot and cook until the mixture reaches 85°C. Add soaked gelatine, strain and cool to 30°C. Fold in whipped cream. Set in the fridge. FIFTH DISH COMPONENT Vanilla Ice Cream Base Ingredients • 30 Egg yolks • 1.2kg Sugar • 3l Milk • 2l Cream • 4 Vanilla Beans Method of Preparation Whisk together the yolks and sugar. Bring milk, cream and vanilla to a boil, pour onto whisked yolks then return to the pot and cook until mixture thickens and coats the back of a spoon, remove from heat and cool over ice.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Flying Fish

Mikey’s Mandarin Moment

Ingredients • 30ml Dilmah Exceptional Arabian Mint Tea with Honey • 45ml Plymouth Gin • 15ml Cointreau • 30ml Lemon juice • ½ Mandarin with skin • 15ml Honey water • Dash of Egg white Method of Preparation Shake all the ingredients together and double strain into a Coupette glass rimmed with sugar and zest of orange.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008

“The enthusiasm and curiosity of the children alone was enough to inspire me! But there was also so much depth in the culture and in the food of this beautiful Island. Dilmah showed me that tea is, without doubt, one of nature’s most versatile herbs.” - Johnny Triscari


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


“I just said ‘cricket’ and we were surrounded by a sea of kids.” - Johnny Triscari Chloe’s Restaurant was opened in 1985 after extensive renovations to the gracious Victorian villa that included additional cellar space to house one of Australia’s largest and most comprehensive restaurant wine cellars.

paintings and silverware.

The renovation resisted the temptation to stray from the period and whilst Chloe’s manages a large degree of modernity, especially with its food, the restaurant is embellished with many fine antiques including

Chloe’s Restaurant might be housed in a wonderful piece of Adelaide history but the restaurant and its food is a tasteful blend of the old and new. Owner of Chloe’s Restaurant Nick Papazahariakis is a wine sommelier and offers diners a spectrum of choice in wine that is impossible to resist. Johnny Triscari Son of Sicilian parents, Chef Johnny Triscari was born in Perth and steeped in his family’s rural heritage. Triscari’s cooking has brought new life to the food at Chloe’s. Classically trained under the legendary pioneer of Italian fine dining in Perth, Chef Umberto Cipro, Triscari did his apprenticeship at the very famous Julio’s. Triscari brings those refined cooking techniques and his own Italian heritage to the Chloe’s kitchen.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Chloe’s

Rabbit and Ceylon Green Tea Soup with Confit Rabbit in Jiaozi Pastry, Chervil and Dill

Ingredients • 1 tea bag Dilmah Pure Ceylon Green Tea • 100g Rabbit meat • 10g each of - onions, carrot, celery, celiac, parsnip (diced) • 2g Garlic (finely diced) • 500ml Chicken stock • 1 Bay leaf • 2 sprigs Chervil • 2 sprigs Dill • 2 sprigs Italian parsley • 1 tomato (finely diced) • 50ml Olive oil • 1 Lemon (juiced) • 6 Jiaozi pastry (rice pastry) Method of Preparation Fry the rabbit in olive oil until lightly browned. Add the vegetables and garlic and cook for a further 5 minutes. Add chicken stock and bay leaf and cook for 1 hour. Remove the meat and shred reserving ½ for the pastry. To place the rabbit in the jiaozi pastry simply ball up some rabbit meat with a little bit of the herbs and place on the pastry. Rub with water and cover with another piece of pastry to seal the parcel. To finish simply heat the soup with the green tea, rabbit meat and vegetables. Place the pastry into the soup and cook for 5 minutes. Remove the green tea, season with salt and pepper, add the remainder of fresh herbs and tomato and serve.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Chloe’s

Kangaroo Island Marron with Pan-Fried Potato Terrine, Duck-Skin Salad and Lively Lime & Orange Tea Sauce Ingredients • 1 tea bag Dilmah Exceptional Lively Lime & Orange Fusion • 1 live Marron or Crayfish • 1 Egg (white only) • 2 Potatoes • 1g Paprika • 1 Garlic (peeled & chopped) • 50ml Olive oil • 2 sprigs each of Chervil, Dill, Italian parsley, Snow Pea shoots • 1 Chilli (sliced thinly) • 1 Duck skin (roasted crispy) • ½ Lime • 1 Shallot (sliced) • 20ml Brandy • 100ml Duck stock • 5g Butter Method of Preparation Peel the potato and cut into 3cm chunks. Season with salt and pepper. Roast with olive oil, garlic and paprika in 175°C for 30 minutes, then press into a square tin lined with grease proof paper to ensure there are no air pockets. Refrigerate overnight. Holding the marron firmly cut in half from the centre to the end of the head. Turn the marron around and proceed to cut the tail in half. Remove the meat from half the marron and chop. Place in a bowl and season. Add one egg white, a small quantity of the herbs and mix well. Remove the head shell and claw and set aside with the other half. Prepare the salad garnish by mixing all the herbs, chilli, chopped roasted duck skin, a few drops of olive oil, lime juice and a pinch of salt and pepper. In a medium to hot pan fry a cube of potato until golden brown, season and keep warm. Wipe out the pan and add more oil then season the half marron and pan fry for 30 seconds on each side with the head shell and claw. Remove the head shell only and fill with the chopped marron mix.


Push against the potato standing up. Place in a hot oven for 5 minutes. Add the shallots and butter to the pan and cook for two minutes then add the brandy and cook for 10 seconds. Add the duck stock and the tea and cook until the sauce has reduced by a small quantity. Remove the tea bag and set aside. To serve, place the potato head in the middle of the plate and remove half of the marron meat and place around the potato. Place the salad on top and then strain the sauce on and around the plate.

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The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Chloe’s

Honey Babas with Warm Infused Italian Almond Tea Syrup and a Blood Orange Compote

Ingredients • 2 tea bags Dilmah Exceptional Italian Almond Tea • 7g Dry yeast • 20g Sugar • 40ml Milk • 180g Flour • 100g Butter • 2g Salt • 2 Eggs (whole) • 100g White sugar • 100g Water • 1 Orange (segmented) • 1 Ruby grapefruit (segmented) • 2 Mint leaves Method of Preparation Warm the milk. Add the eggs, sugar and yeast. Mix well and set aside. Sift the flour and salt into the mixer and add the milk mixture. Work on slow with the paddle for 5 minutes. Melt the butter until soft and add to the dough. Mix well. Leave overnight in the fridge. Weigh out 5g at a time and roll into balls. Place on a greased tray and leave for about 20 minutes in a warm place. Bake in 165°C for 10 minutes. Meanwhile prepare the Italian Almond tea sugar syrup and while warm pour over the baked babas when they cool. Serve hot with fruit compote and cream if you wish.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Chloe’s

Chloe’s Southern Highland

Ingredients • 30ml Dilmah English Breakfast Tea • 15ml Southern Comfort Whiskey • 15ml Grand Marnier • 10ml Lemon juice • 5ml Sugar syrup • 5 Ice cubes Method of Preparation Place all ingredients into a tumbler and shake for 10 seconds. Serve into a cocktail glass rimmed with crushed raw sugar and tea leaves.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008

“I have never been made to feel more at home, and yet the atmosphere was exotic. The adventure opened my eyes to the beauty of this culture, and to the glorious possibilities of tea.” - Paul Brown 234

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008

Mantra Erskine Beach Resort “I am proud to be included as part of the Dilmah family” - Paul Brown

Mantra Erskine Beach Resort places great emphasis on their guests’ dining experiences offering variety, quality, atmosphere and friendly and attentive service. Overlooking the rolling lawns of Heritage listed Erskine House and featuring fabulous local produce and seafood with subtle Mediterranean influences, the menu at 144° Brasserie & Bar caters to most palates. Highlights include such favourites as Paella of local seafood, a new take on the classic Fritto Misto and Grazing Plates embellishing the best of the region. Open seven days and offering a full buffet breakfast, a light al fresco lunch and snack menu and a wholesome and affordable dinner menu, 144° Brasserie & Bar is the perfect location for a relaxed meal or just a coffee or a drink. Paul Brown Paul Brown grew up in Tasmania and started his cooking career with a small hotel group. He moved to Sydney to finish his apprenticeship under Chef Andre Blake working for Melbourne’s famous Restaurateurs, the Staleys. Paul went on to start his own restaurant on the northern beaches of Sydney called Café for obscure Avalon painters. He ran this restaurant for seven years during which time modern Australian cuisine was the trend. Paul was the Executive Chef of the Award winning Thredbo restaurant in New South Wales before becoming the Executive Chef of the Mantra Hotels.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Mantra Erskine Beach Resort

Spinach and Ricotta Rotolo with Seared Scallops, Sage and Valley of Kings Beurre Blanc Ingredients • Dilmah Exceptional Valley of Kings Ceylon Pekoe Tea (3 tea bags infused overnight in 1 cup of white wine) • Fresh Tasmanian scallops • 150g Ricotta • 250g Baby spinach • Onion, garlic, lemon zest, fresh herbs • Butter • Basic pasta dough (1 egg: 100g flour) • Sage • 150g hard salted butter (chopped)

To plate Cut rotolo into 7cm length and place upright and steam until hot, then place in the center of a plate. Sear cleaned scallops and small sage leaves in a very hot pan for a minute. Place scallops and sage on top of the rotolo and spoon over beurre blanc and serve.

Method of Preparation To make the rotolo, roll out the pasta dough until smooth and 1-2mm thick or until you can see your hand through the dough. Cut into lengths of approximately 15cm long and cook in boiling water with oil and salt for 2 minutes. Refresh with cold water, drain and place on a sheet of cling wrap and cover. It should resemble a cooked thin version of a lasagna sheet. To make the rotolo filling, sauté finely chopped onion, garlic, fresh herbs, lemon zest with a generous amount of butter. Cook until onions are soft and avoid too much colour. Cool mixture. Blanch baby spinach, refresh and squeeze out all liquid. Chop spinach and add to onion mixture, also add the ricotta at the same time. Spread mixture evenly over two thirds of the pasta sheet and roll up to approximately 5cm in diameter. Roll and cover with cling wrap. To prepare the beurre blanc, remove the tea from white wine and add a small squeeze of lemon and reduce the mixture by three quarter in a small stainless pan. Whisk in chopped butter to form a velvety, orange in colour batter.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Mantra Erskine Beach Resort

Tea Smoked Baby Abalone with Squid Ink Vermicelli, Tomato Confit and Sautéed Garlic and Shallots Ingredients • Mixture of Dilmah Green Tea with Jasmine Petals, Dilmah Pure Green Tea and Dilmah Premium Ceylon Tea (2 tea bags each) • 100-150g J-tiger baby Abalone • Cumin, fennel and coriander seeds • 2 Tomatoes • 30-50g Squid ink • Spring onion • Organic pink garlic • Vermicelli (1 egg : 100g flour) • Olive oil • Salt Method of Preparation Remove Abalone from shell and trim off waste. Pat dry and lightly loosen Abalone with the back of your knife to soften the muscle. Skin, quarter and remove seeds from two ripe tomatoes, these should be smoked with the Abalone and removed. Season to form a rough puree. Split the tea bags and mix with the assorted seeds to form a smoking mix. To make the vermicelli use a basic pasta recipe of 1 egg per 100g of plain flour using slightly more flour to compensate for approximately 30g-50g of squid ink plus a few drops of olive oil. Mix to form a stiff dough and rest for an hour. Work the dough through a pasta machine until smooth and approximately 2mm thick, cut through vermicelli setting and hang on floured wooden spoon until ready for cooking. Bring water to boil with salt and oil and cook pasta for 2 minutes, drain and refresh with cold water. Strain and dry well. Add a pinch of oil and form into small portions and cover. To smoke the abalone and tomato place foil onto a flat grill. Add the smoking mix and place the abalone and tomato on a wire rack over the flat grill and fully cover with a metal bowl or gastronome. You only need to slightly infuse the tea smoke into the abalone which takes only a few minutes, or until smoking mix is golden but not black.


To plate Place a small amount of warm smoked tomato on plate. Steam a portion of vermicelli and place on top of tomato. Slice Abalone and quickly sear in hot pan with butter, fine sliced shallots and garlic, place on top of vermicelli and pour over slightly browned butter mix and serve.

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The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Mantra Erskine Beach Resort

Tea Crusted Atlantic Salmon with Beetroot, Wasabi and a Soya Caramel

Ingredients • 2 tea bags Dilmah Watte Single Estate Doombagastalawa Estate Broken Orange Pekoe Special (infused overnight in a small amount of olive oil) • One slice of fresh Atlantic Salmon from the thicker part of the fillet • 1 sheet of Nori • Fresh baby Beetroot • Wasabi powder • Castor sugar • Light Soya sauce Method of Preparation To make the Soya caramel, heat the castor sugar until it is lightly caramelized, then add the Soya sauce to resemble a honey style consistency. For the wasabi sauce make a standard beurre blanc using white wine reduction and finish it with chopped hard butter. Then add the wasabi which has been reconstituted with water to form a velvet style slightly green sauce. Peel and finely slice the baby beetroot and roast in an oven with olive oil. Season and cook until soft. Pin bone salmon and coat in tea and oil mix, and then roll in nori sheets just before you cook In a hot pan sear the salmon fillet, avoid burning the nori sheet or overcooking the salmon, normally 1-2 minutes if fish is at room temperature. Remove from pan and place onto a chopping board and slice into 1cm slices and place onto a serving plate. Add 1 slice of beetroot to each piece of salmon and serve. The two dipping sauces can be served directly on top of the salmon or in a separate dish.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Mantra Erskine Beach Resort

Crème Brûlée with Masala Chai and Citrus Biscotti


Créme Brûlée

Ingredients • 5 tea bags Dilmah Masala Chai Gentle Ceylon Spice • 600ml pure Cream • 6 Egg yolks • 150g Castor Sugar (plus extra to serve) • 1 Lemon zest • 1 Vanilla bean (halved, seeds scraped) • 1 gold strength Gelatine leaf Method of Preparation In a saucepan, bring the cream, tea, lemon and vanilla bean to just below boiling over medium heat. Remove from heat & let sit for 5 minutes until all ingredients have infused, then strain. Meanwhile, in a separate bowl, whisk the egg yolks & sugar for 3 minutes until thick and pale then whisk into hot cream mixture. Pour back into a clean saucepan & cook over low heat or double boiler for 10 minutes until mixture is cooked, resembling custard. Remove from heat. Soak the gelatine in a bowl of cold water for 5 minutes to soften. Gently squeeze gelatine to remove excess liquid. Stir through custard until dissolved. Strain mixture into eight 180ml ramekins. Allow to cool before placing in the fridge for at least 1 hour until set. SECOND DISH COMPONENT


Ingredients • 1 cup of self-raising Flour • 1 cup pure Icing Sugar • ½ cup Almond Meal • Zest of Lemon, Orange and Lime • 1 teaspoon pure Vanilla • 3 whole Eggs Method of Preparation For the biscotti, mix all dry ingredients together then add the rest to form a wet biscuit style dough. Spread mixture on a baking sheet 5cm wide for


the full length of tray. Bake in a medium oven until cooked, for approximately 15 minutes. Remove and cool. Slice thinly and place on a wire rack and put it back into a very low oven until biscotti is completely dry. Remove from oven, dust with icing sugar, cool and place in an airtight container. Fresh fruit compote to serve Small quantity of diced strawberry, pineapple and kiwi fruit To plate To serve, lightly coat the top of each Brûlée with sugar and caramelize the top with a blow torch, hot spoon, or Brûlée iron. Serve with biscotti and fresh fruit compote.

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The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Mantra Erskine Beach Resort

Vodka and Chili Caipiroska with Green Tea and Manuka Honey Ice

Ingredients • 60ml Absolut Vodka • 6 Mint leaves • 1 long Red Chilli (remove seeds) • 1 lime (segmented) • 15ml Sugar syrup • 6 tea bags Dilmah Pure Green Tea • 50-100g New Zealand Manuka Honey Method of Preparation To make the ice cubes infuse 6 tea bags of green tea in 500ml pure spring water overnight. Remove the bags, add the honey and heat slightly to enable the honey to dissolve in the liquid, and then freeze in an ice tray. Muddle lime, mint, chilli and sugar syrup in the bottom of the glass. Top up the glass with ice cubes and add vodka. Stir slightly and serve.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008

“After bustling Colombo, and the memorable journey up to the ancient royal capital, I was stunned by the sheer beauty, freshness and tranquility of the tea plantations. It was then I understood why the Dilmah family had invited me here; to see tea as they do - one of the most versatile herbs that the goodness of nature provides.” - Damian Heads 246

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008

Pony Lounge & Dining “The Dilmah tea gardens were a carpet of emerald green” - Damian Heads

The concept of pony entails a unique, cutting edge exterior lounge and grill restaurant designed to take advantage of its stellar location in a former bond warehouse in a secluded cobblestone laneway, arguably Sydney’s first laneway restaurant and bar. The interior features a dramatic open kitchen with pony hide clad kitchen counter, heritage brick walls, commissioned woven art hangings on a mesh-clad side wall, black japanned recycled plank flooring and custom goat skin pendant lights hung from the original timber ceiling. The kitchen provides a fascinating theatrical attraction to passers by with the flames of the wood-fired Argentinean inspired grill in one set of windows. An exterior timber deck features a 11 metre communal dining table and outdoor bar and lounge. Damian Heads Damian started his career in the kitchens at the Brisbane Hilton. Upon completing his apprenticeship Damian began his travels to Europe. Amid travelling Damian worked at Bank, one of London’s hippest restaurants and Marriott County Hall. Whilst there, Damian competed in the prestigious cooking competition, the Academie Culinaire de France, and was one of just two finalists from South East England. In 2000 Damian moved back to Sydney and worked at Bennelong Restaurant in the Sydney Opera House and then Milsons. In 2002 he was awarded the Josephine Pignolet Award for Best Young Chef. In 2005 Damian joined Pony and is now their head chef. He is also a regular chef on Channel 10s “Ready, Steady, Cook”.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Pony Lounge & Dining

Salad of Toffee Tea-Smoked Trout, Coconut, Orange and Mint

The peppermint and toffee tea is a great choice to match with trout. Sweet and rich flavours are often paired with this fish. Ingredients for the Smoking Mixture • 30g Dilmah Exceptional Peppermint and English Toffee Tea • 100g Jasmine rice • 100g Brown sugar • 500g Ocean trout fillet Ingredients for Salad • 2 Oranges (segmented) • ¼ cup Mint leaves • ¼ cup Coriander sprigs • 1 tablespoon Eschallots (fried) • 2 Green Shallots (thinly sliced) • 1 tablespoon Cashews (roasted) • 1 long Red Chilli (julienne) • 2 tablespoons Shredded Coconut (roasted) Ingredients for Dressing • 1 teaspoon Fish Sauce • 1 Lime (juiced) • 3 tablespoons Coconut Cream • 1 tablespoon Sweet Chilli Sauce Method of Preparation Place the smoking mixture on a sheet of foil and scrunch the edges to stop it falling out. Place the foil parcel in a wok and position a small rack over it. Place wok over high heat. When mixture starts to smoke, put trout fillet on the rack and cover wok with a lid or more foil. Allow the fish to smoke for 10 minutes, then remove fish and refrigerate. To make the salad, flake the cooled trout into a medium-sized bowl and add all the salad ingredients. To make the dressing, mix the dressing ingredients together in a small bowl then toss gently through the salad. Serve on a platter or divide.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Pony Lounge & Dining

Lamb Rump Baked in a Ceylon Tea and Salt Crust

The flavour of tea tannins and salt in the crust permeate and complement the natural sweetness of the lamb through the cooking process. Lamb rump is quite rich, and is best served with a squeeze of lemon and a light tomato and leaf salad or vegetable side. Ingredients For Ceylon Tea & Salt Crust • 30g Dilmah Premium Ceylon Tea • 600g Pizza Flour • 600g fine Salt • 400ml Water Ingredients for Lamb • 4 Lamb Rumps (250-300g) • Salt and pepper • Vegetable oil Method of Preparation For the crust, place dry ingredients in a bowl and gradually add water. Work to a dough and knead until smooth. Wrap the dough and leave at room temperature overnight. To sear the lamb, heat a heavy frying pan over a flame, season the lamb with salt and pepper. Add a splash of oil to the hot pan and then the seasoned lamb. Sear the meat on all sides (be sure to acquire good colour) and remove to a plate to cool. Divide the dough into four pieces and roll each into a disc, approximately 25cm diameter and 1cm thick. Dry the lamb on paper towel, place one rump in the centre of each pastry. Wrap the pastry up over the lamb and pinch together to create a seal. Place the lamb parcels seal down on a baking tray. Bake in a fan forced oven at 220°C for 18 minutes. Remove parcels from the oven and rest for 10 minutes before opening up and serving. Use sharp kitchen scissors to cut into the pastry. The crust is not edible, however it presents well. Slice the lamb and serve.


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The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Pony Lounge & Dining

Marmalade Bread and Butter Pudding with Earl Grey Infused Prunes

Bread and butter pudding is a classic, for this recipe brioche is used for a lighter finish. This dessert idea has been played with to emulate breakfast. Toast, marmalade, eggs, stewed fruit and tea. Of course, if you have a sweet tooth and feel somewhat indulgent – have it for breakfast!

To plate Serve the hot bread and butter pudding with prunes to the side and some extra cream for pouring.

FIRST DISH COMPONENT Bread and Butter Pudding Ingredients • 1 tin loaf of Brioche (350g, sliced) • Unsalted Butter (for spreading) • Marmalade • 3 Eggs • 2 cups Cream • 3 tablespoons Sugar • Additional Castor Sugar Method of Preparation Preheat oven to 180°C. Grill or toast the brioche slices, butter one side of each slice and spread on marmalade. Arrange brioche, lightly packed in a casserole dish (preferably one you can present). Whisk together the eggs, cream, and 3 tablespoons of sugar. Pour this mixture over and around the bread slices. Sprinkle on some additional castor sugar and transfer the dish to the oven. Bake for 25 minutes or until set. SECOND DISH COMPONENT Earl Grey Prune Syrup Ingredients • 4 tea bags Dilmah Earl Grey Tea • 200g pitted Prunes • 150g Castor Sugar • 150ml Water • Extra cream for serving Method of Preparation For the prune syrup, place the water and sugar in a small saucepan and bring to the boil. Add the prunes and tea bags, bring the mix back to a bubble and turn off the heat. Remove the tea bags.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Pony Lounge & Dining

Moroccan Mint Mix-up

The idea was to whip up an apple mojito incorporating the Moroccan mint tea. Problem – rum and lime kill the tea flavour. Solution – vanilla vodka and sour apple liqueur. Result – it is not a mojito, just a bit of a mix-up! Ingredients to Muddle • ¼ Granny Smith Apple (segmented) • 1 Lemon (juiced) • 2 teaspoons Cane Sugar Ingredients to Shake • 60ml Dilmah Green Tea Moroccan Mint (cooled) • 8 Mint leaves • 30ml Apple juice • 45ml Vanilla Vodka • 15ml Sour Apple Liqueur Garnish • Apple slices • Mint leaves Method of Preparation With a muddling stick in a strong glass, pound the apple, sugar and lemon to release all of the flavours. Add the shake ingredients and some ice and using a Cocktail Shaker, give it a vigorous shake. Place extra ice in a Tall Glass and strain the cocktail over the ice. Garnish with some apple slices and extra mint.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008

“They introduced us to the beauty of the people and to the majestic scenery of Sri Lanka. Every day was a fascinating new experience. My respect for Dilmah’s ethical approach is immense. And I have a new respect for the wonderful herb we call tea. Here is my recipe.” - David Pugh


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008

Restaurant Two “The Dilmah family made us feel very special.” - David Pugh

Restaurant Two is the result of a successful partnership between David Pugh and Michael Conrad. With huge picture windows overlooking a botanical garden and the Brisbane River, Restaurant Two provides the perfect setting for an intimate dinner or distinctive event. Restaurant Two combines classical knowledge and techniques with a modern approach to create the style of enhanced simplicity that it is renowned for. Among its accolades are a 2 star rating from Australian Gourmet Traveller and awards for Excellence from Brisbane and Queensland for Best Fine Dining, Best Modern Australian and Restaurant of the Year. David Pugh Chef David Pugh’s continual search for the best available fresh produce provides his inspiration and the basis of the menu at Restaurant Two. David is acclaimed for working rare and premium produce from carefully sourced suppliers. His use of classic technique combined with these fine ingredients and thoroughly modern flair are what place Restaurant Two at the forefront of contemporary Australian cuisine. David is known for his down to earth attitude and approach to food. His love of cooking emerged at age eight when he would treat his parents to Sunday breakfast. Since then, David has worked with some of the world’s finest chefs, including a two year stint at London’s Connaught Hotel, drawing inspiration and skill from each and every encounter. Ten years ago David joined Michael at Two Small Rooms prior to putting in place their ‘ideal’ Restaurant Two.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Restaurant Two

Rabbit Broth with Italian Almond Tea and Winter Vegetables

Ingredients • 2 tea bags Dilmah Exceptional Italian Almond Tea • 1kg Rabbit (cut into pieces) • 1 cup White Beans (soaked) • 3 dessert spoons Carrot (diced small) • 3 dessert spoons Leeks (diced small) • 2 dessert spoons Parsnip (diced small) • 3 dessert spoons Celeriac (diced small) • 3 dessert spoons Barley (soaked) • 1 cup Shredded Cabbage • 2.2l Chicken Stock • 2 dessert spoons Chives (snipped) • 2 dessert spoons Parsley (chopped) • 2 Sprigs Thyme Method of Preparation Place rabbit pieces into a large pot, cover with chicken stock and bring to the boil. Simmer for 3 hours. In a small pot, bring soaked white beans to boiling point and simmer until cooked. Drain and reserve. Repeat process with barley, drain and reserve. Remove rabbit from stock and strain stock through a fine sieve. Let the meat cool and de-bone. Cut rabbit meat into small pieces. Bring stock to simmer and add vegetables, white beans, barley and thyme. Cook for 3 minutes. Add the Italian Almond Tea and infuse for 3 minutes. Remove tea bags and thyme. Add rabbit meat, chives and parsley. Divide evenly into 6 bowls and serve with crusty bread.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Restaurant Two

Confit of Petuna Ocean Trout and Moreton Bay Bug with Ceylon Green Tea Dressing

Ingredients • 10 tea bags Dilmah Pure Ceylon Green Tea • 500ml Olive oil • 500ml Grape Seed oil • 6 Petuna Ocean trout (50g each) • 6 Moreton Bay bug (50g each, shelled) • 1 Lemon (zest) • 2 sprigs of Thyme • 12 pitted Black Olives (diced) • 6 pitted Green Olives (diced) • 3 Tomatoes blanched (diced) • 3 Basil leaves (thinly sliced) • 6 Parsley leaves (thinly sliced) • 6 teaspoons Goat’s curd • 1 Baby fennel head (thinly sliced) • 6 teaspoons Ocean Trout Roe • 1 cup Frisée (picked) • 75ml Spring Water • 1 tablespoon Lemon juice Method of Preparation Place the olive oil, grape seed oil, lemon zest, thyme and 8 Ceylon Green Tea bags in a saucepan, over the lowest heat possible. Using a candy thermometer bring the infused oil to 50°C. Strain oil and place ocean trout in oil for 8 minutes. Meanwhile, bring the spring water to the boil in a small saucepan. Infuse 2 Ceylon green tea bags for 3 minutes and then strain. Heat 2 tablespoons of the infused oil in a frying pan over medium-high heat. Cook the bugs for 1-2 minutes each side until almost cooked through. Set aside. Mix olives, tomatoes, basil and parsley and spoon onto 6 plates. Arrange ocean trout and bug meat onto plates and garnish with goat’s curd, ocean trout roe, shaved fennel and frisée. In a small bowl, mix spring water infusion, lemon juice and 100ml olive oil and grape seed oil mixture. Drizzle over ocean trout, bug meat, fennel and frisée.


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The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Restaurant Two

Duck Liver Parfait, Rose with French Vanilla Jelly and Toasted Sour Dough

FIRST DISH COMPONENT Ingredients • 4 tea bags Dilmah Exceptional Rose with French Vanilla Tea • 3 Granny Smith Apples (cut into 1cm cubes) • 1 dessert spoon Castor Sugar • 50ml Orange Juice • 50ml Water • ½ tablespoon Coleman’s Mustard • 1 teaspoon Black Mustard Seeds • 1 teaspoon Salt • ½ teaspoon Ground Black Pepper • 250ml Sauterne (warm) • 2 Leaves Gelatine Method of Preparation In a heavy based pan, combine diced apple, 1 dessert spoon castor sugar, orange juice and 50ml water. Cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. Add Coleman’s mustard, mustard seeds, 1 teaspoon salt, ½ teaspoon ground black pepper. Cook for a further 5 minutes on low heat. Remove from pan and set aside. Infuse the tea with warm sauterne for 3-5 minutes. Remove tea bags. Soak 2 leaves of gelatine in cold water and add to the tea infusion. Let cool and pour into a shallow tray and place in refrigerator overnight to set. When set, remove from tray and cut into cubes.

• 1 cup Picked Watercress • 6 Slices Sourdough (toasted) Method of Preparation In a large bowl, combine thyme, bay leaf, garlic, Madeira, cognac and duck livers. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Remove bay leaf, garlic and thyme and drain livers. Place marinade in a stainless steel pot and reduce to 40ml. Soak 1 ¼ leaves of gelatine in cold water. Remove and dissolve in marinade and strain. In a non stick pan, sauté duck livers on a high heat until seared on both sides. Remove from pan and drain. Let livers cool and then puree in a blender while slowly adding marinade and soft butter. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg and slowly add the double cream. Line a terrine mould with baking paper and spoon in the parfait mixture. Smooth the top and cover with paper and then cling film. Refrigerate for a minimum 8 hours. Lift paper before removing from mould. Slice 6 slices with a hot knife and lay onto plates. In small bowl, mix walnut oil and chardonnay vinegar. Toss watercress and garnish plate. Spoon on apple marmalade, French Vanilla jelly and toasted sour dough.

SECOND DISH COMPONENT Ingredients • 200ml Duck Livers (trimmed) • 2 sprigs Thyme • 1 Bay Leaf • 2 Cloves Garlic (crushed) • 75ml Madeira • 75ml Cognac • 1¼ Leaves Gelatine • 175g Unsalted Butter • 8g Salt • ½ teaspoon Ground White Pepper • ¼ teaspoon Freshly Grated Nutmeg • 100ml Double Cream • 15ml Walnut Oil • 5ml Chardonnay Vinegar


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Restaurant Two

Seared Venison with Celeriac Puree and Valley of Kings Ceylon Pekoe Sauce

Ingredients • 4g Dilmah Exceptional Valley of Kings Ceylon Pekoe • 600g Celeriac (peeled and chopped) • 500ml Milk • 1l Water • 80g Butter • 80ml Cream • 500ml Veal Juice • 100g Venison Trimmings (roasted) • 2 cloves of Garlic • 2 Shallots (sliced) • 2 Juniper Berries • 1 piece of Orange zest • 1 sprig of Thyme • 20ml Extra Virgin Olive oil • 6 Venison Loin Steaks (120g each) • Salt and Pepper • 90g Broad beans (blanched and skinned) • 3 poached Pears (cut in half) Method of Preparation Bring milk, water and salt to the boil in a heavy based pot. Add celeriac and cook for 20 minutes until soft. Drain and blend in a food processor. Set aside. In a heavy based pot, place shallots, garlic and cloves and cook for 2 minutes. Add veal juice, venison trimmings, juniper berries, orange zest, thyme and bring to a simmer. Cook for a further 1 hour, strain and set aside. In a heavy based pan on high heat, seal and season the venison loins in 10ml of olive oil until well coloured, approximately 4-5 minutes. Remove from pan and rest in a warm place. In a small pot, add 100ml water, 20g butter and bring to simmer. Add broad beans and then remove after 1 minute. In a heavy based pan, sauté the pears in 10ml of olive oil until well coloured, remove and set aside. Reheat celeriac puree adding 60g butter and 80ml cream. Season to taste.


Reheat venison jus and infuse with 4g of Valley of Kings Ceylon Pekoe for 3 minutes. Strain and keep hot. To plate Divide celeriac evenly between 6 plates, slice pear in three and place around celeriac. Carve venison and lay over celeriac. Scatter broad beans around the plate and dress with infusion.

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The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Restaurant Two

Vanilla Bean Panacotta with Berry Sensation Jelly, Fresh Berries and Strawberry Sorbet

Ingredients • 4 tea bags Dilmah Exceptional Berry Sensation • 500ml Cream • 500ml Milk • 150g Castor Sugar • 2 Vanilla Beans (split) • ½ Cinnamon Quill • 2½ Gelatine Leaves • 9 Strawberries (cut in half) • 12 Raspberries • 18 Blueberries • 12 Mint Leaves • 240ml Spring Water (Hot) • 1¼ Gelatine Leaves • 1 dessert spoon Castor Sugar • 150ml Stock Syrup • 250g Strawberry Puree • 250g Raspberry Puree • Juice of 1 Lemon • 250g Castor Sugar • 125g Egg White • 125g Plain Flour • 125g Melted Butter

bake in a moderate oven until slightly coloured (5 minutes). Cut into desired shape whilst hot and remove from tray and cool on racks. Store in an airtight container for up to three days. Place glasses on to plates and decorate with 3 strawberry halves, 2 raspberries, and 3 blueberries. Place scoop of sorbet next to the berries, garnish with mint and Tuille.

Method of Preparation In a heavy based pan, heat milk, castor sugar, vanilla beans and the cinnamon quill. Infuse for 10 minutes and strain. Soak 2½ gelatine leaves in cold water for 5 minutes. Remove and add to hot milk. Stir to dissolve gelatine and then stir in the cream. Divide evenly between 6 glasses and place in refrigerator to set. Infuse the tea in 240ml of spring water for 3-5 minutes and add 1 dessert spoon castor sugar. Soak 1¼ gelatine leaves in cold water, remove and add to berry tea infusion. Let cool and pour over set Panacotta in glasses. Leave to set in refrigerator overnight. Blend strawberry puree, raspberry puree, lemon juice and stock syrup. Strain and churn in an ice cream machine. Remove and place in freezer. Combine 125g castor sugar with 125g egg white and beat until soft peaks form. Combine butter and 125g castor sugar in a separate bowl and gently add egg whites to the butter mixture. Fold in flour and let rest for 30 minutes. Spread in a thin layer on a greased and floured oven tray and


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Restaurant Two

Seared Tuna and Prawns with Mougrabieh, Carrot Puree and Arabian Mint Tea with Honey Dressing

Ingredients • 5 tea bags Dilmah Exceptional Arabian Mint Tea with Honey • 300g Fresh tuna (cut into cubes) • 12 Green Prawn Cutlets (de-veined) • 150ml Extra virgin olive oil • 500g Carrots (peeled and cut into 2cm length) • 150ml Milk (warm) • 1 teaspoon Cumin Powder • 1 tablespoon Olive Oil • ½ Red Onion (finely chopped) • 1 tablespoon Ras el Hanout • 300g Mougrabieh • 2 tablespoons Currants • 2 tablespoons toasted Pistachios • 1 tablespoon Flat Leaf Parsley (sliced) • ½ Lemon (juiced) • 3 Labna Balls cut in half • 1 dessert spoon Sumac • 100ml Chardonnay Vinegar • Sea Salt and Freshly Ground Black Pepper • ¼ Cup Coriander Leaves for garnish Method of Preparation In a heavy based non-stick pan, sauté carrot to colour on a high heat in 10ml of extra virgin olive oil. Remove from heat and steam until tender. Puree in a food processor with milk, cumin and 1 dessert spoon of olive oil. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Set aside and keep warm. Bring 2l of water to the boil and cook mougrabieh for 20 minutes. Drain and reserve. In a heavy based pan, add 40ml extra virgin olive oil, diced onion and Ras el Hanout stirring for approximately 20 minutes. Add currants, pistachios, mougrabieh, sliced parsley and lemon juice. Set aside and keep warm. Roll Labna balls in Sumac, cut in half and set aside. Season Tuna with salt and pepper. In a heavy based pan on high heat, sear tuna for 20 seconds on each side. Repeat process with prawns and sear for 1 minute on each side. Rest tuna and prawns in a warm place.


Heat 100ml Chardonnay vinegar, add the Arabian Mint Tea with Honey and infuse for 3-5 minutes. Remove the tea bags and whisk in 100ml extra virgin olive oil. Spoon mougrabieh evenly onto 6 plates. Spoon carrot puree beside the mougrabieh and rest tuna and prawns in between. Drizzle with Arabian mint tea with honey dressing. Finish with sumac coated labna and coriander leaves.

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The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008

“They were such beautiful people, from the youngest to the oldest. Everyday was a fascinating new experience. Everyday I saw a new example of just how much Dilmah is doing for the communities, and for the environment. And I have a new respect for Dilmah tea.” - Rhiannon Kae Voros


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


“My respect for Dilmah’s achievements is immense” - Rhiannon Kae Voros

Rockpool Bar & Grill is the creation of Chef Neil Perry who believes that “the cornerstone to good cooking is to source the finest produce.” Rockpool maintains the traditional but time honoured method of preparing their meats which ensures that the final meal contains the full flavour and texture of the produce. Rockpool has also put together the comprehensive ‘ocean to plate’ program that enables them to deliver the best quality fish in the world. Using mostly organic produce or produce from farms that are managed in a clean, green way Rockpool embodies the philosophy of its creator. “Sometimes, it seems the mark of a great kitchen is the knack of being able to put the right combination of flavours and textures into one dish. When the produce employed in that combo is first-rate, the idea escalates to become something special.” - The Age Melbourne Magazine 2007 Rhiannon Kae Voros Rhiannon grew up in the Victorian country, in an area where farming and fishing are plentiful, encouraging her to use fresh produce in her meals. Her interest in food and cooking can be traced back to her grandparents who are exceptional cooks of Hungarian descent. Starting with a four year apprenticeship with Ian Hewitson at Tolarno Bar and Bistro, St Kilda, Rhiannon is now the pastry chef at Rockpool.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Rockpool

Tea Smoked Ocean Trout with Poached Egg, Broad Beans and Artichoke



Ingredients • 50g Dilmah Premium Ceylon Tea • 6 Ocean trout slices (80g each) • 50g Jasmine Rice • 50g Brown Sugar • Olive Oil • Salt

Ingredients • 3l Water • 1 cup Vinegar • 6 Eggs

Smoked Ocean Trout

Method of Preparation Make a tray using foil to contain the smoking mixture. Combine the ingredients for the smoking mixture, except the olive oil and salt, and spread evenly on the foil. Place the foil tray in the bottom of a wok and set a wire rack above the smoking mixture. Place the wok on high heat until mixture starts to smoke, then place the fish which has been rubbed with olive oil and salt on the wire rack. Cover with a lid and reduce the heat to a medium flame and allow to cook for a further 5 minutes. The fish should be cooked rare. SECOND DISH COMPONENT

Poached Artichoke

Ingredients • 3 Globe Artichokes (cleaned) • 1l Water • 250ml White Wine • 100ml Olive oil • 1 Bay leaf • 2 sprigs of Thyme • 10 Black Peppercorns • 1 Lemon (juiced) • Salt Method of Preparation In a pot cover the artichokes with the water, wine, oil and lemon juice, add all the other ingredients and season the water with salt. Bring the artichokes to a gentle simmer and cook until tender. Remove from poaching liquor and when cool enough to handle slice finely allowing ½ an artichoke per salad.

Poached Egg

Method of Preparation Bring 3 litres of water with one cup of vinegar to simmer. Crack the eggs individually in a cup and gently tip into the simmering pot. Allow to cook until the whites have set and the yolks are still runny. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on a clean tea towel. FOURTH DISH COMPONENT


Ingredients • Croutons • 100g double peeled Broad Beans • 1 tablespoon small Capers • 2 Anchovy Fillets (finely chopped) • Poached Artichoke • Mache leaves • 1 Lemon (juiced) • 20ml Cabernet Vinegar • 90ml Olive oil Method of Preparation Make a dressing with the lemon juice, vinegar and olive oil. Place all the other ingredients in a bowl, toss through and divide the salad between 6 plates. To plate Flake the smoked trout over the salad and set one poached egg in the centre. Garnish with more croutons, sprinkle with sea salt and grind fresh white pepper on top.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Rockpool

Sashimi of Blue Fin Tuna with Green Tea, Camomile and Ginger Jelly

Ginger Jelly Ingredients • 1 tea bag Dilmah Pure Green Tea • 1 bag Dilmah Camomile Flowers • 160ml pickled Ginger liquid (drain liquid from two 100g packets of Japanese pickled ginger) • 1 teaspoon Ginger juice (from grated ginger) • 1½ tablespoons Rice Vinegar • 3 titanium-strength Gelatine leaves Method of Preparation For the jelly, infuse 160ml warm water with the tea bags for 10 minutes. Soak the gelatine in a bowl of cold water for 5 minutes to soften. Gently squeeze gelatine to remove excess liquid. In a small saucepan, heat remaining ingredients over low heat to combine flavours. Stir through gelatine until dissolved. Strain through muslin cloth or very fine sieve and set in a tray. Chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours. Sashimi of Blue Fin Tuna Ingredients • 250g Sashimi grade Tuna • 2 tablespoons Sterling Caviar • ½ cup Créme Fraîche • 1-2 teaspoons Lemon juice • Olive oil (for drizzling) • Baby Shiso leaves (for garnish) Method of Preparation Combine the créme fraîche with the lemon juice and season to taste. To assemble allow 2 slices of tuna per person and place on a plate. Cut the jelly in 1.5cm squares and lay on top of the fish. Place a small dollop of the créme fraîche on top of the jelly and a generous spoon of caviar. Season lightly with sea salt and cracked white pepper. Drizzle with olive oil, garnish with the baby shiso leaves and serve.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Rockpool

Confit of Suckling Pig with Masala Chai Spiced Pears and Chestnut Puree


Confit Suckling Pig

Ingredients • 1 Suckling Pig belly and loin on the bone • 100ml Extra virgin olive oil • Sea salt Method of Preparation Vacuum pack the pork with the salt and olive oil. Place in a steamer at 60°C for 12 hours. Remove from the oven and ice the pork down immediately. When cool gently run your knife under the ribs and back bone to remove the belly and the loin in one piece, without tearing the skin. Portion into desired size (approximately 250g per person). Cook the pork by patting dry the skin and coating the skin with a generous amount of salt. Place pork, skin side down in a hot pan with olive oil, making sure to press down gently until the skin is cooked golden and crispy. SECOND DISH COMPONENT

Poached Pears

Ingredients • 4 tea bags Dilmah Masala Chai Fiery Ceylon Spice • 3 Pears (peeled, whole) • 1kg Castor sugar • 1l Water • 500ml White wine • 2 Lemons (juiced) • 2 Cinnamon quills • 1 knob of Ginger (finely sliced) • Star anise • Pinch of Salt Method of Preparation Combine sugar, water, white wine and lemon juice and bring to a simmer. Add the tea, cinnamon quills, ginger and star anise and continue to simmer for 5 minutes and remove the tea bags. Remove the pan from the heat and cover with foil, allowing flavours to infuse for 20 minutes. Place the prepared pears in syrup and cover with baking paper and gently weigh down with a tea saucer.

Simmer for 15 minutes, while gently checking the pears with a skewer. When pears are done allow to cool down in syrup, then cut in half and remove the core.

with a little more salt and drizzle with olive oil and some aged balsamic and serve.


Chestnut Puree

Ingredients • 250g Chestnuts • ¼ Brown onion • 1 clove of Garlic • 4 Sage leaves • 20g Butter • 200ml Red wine • 100ml Chicken stock • 100ml Cream • Seasoning Method of Preparation Sauté the onion and garlic in butter with a pinch of salt until soft, then add the sage and chestnuts and continue to sauté for 5 minutes. Add the wine, when it’s reduced by half add the stock and continue to simmer for 30 minutes. Add the cream and continue cooking for another 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and puree with a stick blender. Pass through a fine sieve and season. Ingredients for garnish • Chestnuts • Pears • Spinach • Butter • Extra virgin olive oil • Balsamic • Salt Sautée the chestnuts in butter until caramelized. Add a small amount of spinach to the chestnuts and allow to slightly wilt. Prepare the pears by placing them cut side down in a pan with a little butter until golden brown. To serve place some of the chestnuts and spinach on each plate. Add a pool of chestnut puree next to this, slice the pork into lengths ensuring each piece has some belly and loin meat. Sprinkle the pork


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Rockpool

Almond Milk and Berry Sensation Vacherin with a Strawberry Salad



Ingredients • 1kg whole Butter Milk • 300ml Almond Milk • 240ml Sorbet Syrup

Ingredients • 200g Castor Sugar • 200g Water • 75g raw Sugar • 250g flaked Almonds

Method of Preparation Combine all ingredients together, blending them well. Churn in an ice cream machine and place in pre-frozen moulds. Leave overnight, so that the sorbet can be cut into desired shapes. SECOND DISH COMPONENT Ingredients • 2 tea bags Dilmah Exceptional Berry Sensation • 125g Castor Sugar • 125g Icing Sugar (sieved) • 125g Egg whites Method of Preparation Brew the tea and stir in with the sieved icing sugar. Using a mixer, whisk the egg whites on medium speed until soft peaks form. Slowly sprinkle in the castor sugar, when all the sugar has been added increase the speed to medium-high until the mixtures form soft peaks (approximately 3-5 minutes). Remove from the machine and gently whisk by hand the tea and icing sugar and then mix into the egg white mixture. Pour the mixture into a piping bag and pipe into a lined tray and bake at 90°C for 10 minutes. The meringues are ready when they can be easily peeled from the lined tray. THIRD DISH COMPONENT Ingredients • 200g fresh Strawberries • 100g Icing Sugar (sieved) Method of Preparation Wash and clean the strawberries. Using a stick blender combine the strawberries with the icing sugar, until smooth. Pass the sauce through a fine strainer. This sauce can be reduced over a low heat to reach the desired thickness.


Method of Preparation Combine sugar and water in a pan and bring to boil, remove from heat and add almonds, strain. Coat the almonds in raw sugar and evenly place them on a covered tray and cook at 160°C, keep tossing them every 3 to 5 minutes until almonds are all lightly toasted and crispy. Ingredients for garnish • Strawberries • Mint leaves To plate Cut the strawberries into the uniform shape of a square. Place them on a plate along with air dried strawberries, thinly sliced mint and sugared almonds, drizzling the cooled sauce over salad. Add the meringue and sorbet sandwich to finish.

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008

“Every hour was a new thrill, a new experience. The Sri Lankan people were pure joy, the country breathtakingly beautiful. And the potential for tea suddenly became limitless. I was inspired by the wonderful diversity that Dilmah has created in flavours and aromas.” - Paul Foreman


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008

Marque IV

“My spirits soared higher with every hour” - Paul Foreman

Marque IV is set in Hobart’s picturesque waterfront. Diners at the restaurant can appreciate the extensive water views on either side of the dining room. They can also feast their eyes on the expansive open kitchen, designed to show off the busy kitchen brigade at work. Marque IV features plush chocolate leather and dense Tasmanian Blackwood. The mood is always warm, with starched linen, low lighting and gentle jazz. In 2006, Marque IV won the AHA/RCA Best Overall Restaurant in Tasmania, Best Modern Australian Restaurant in 2007, Savour Australia National Awards for Excellence and been included in the 2007 and 2008 Gourmet Traveller 100 Top Restaurants in Australia are among its other recent accolades. Paul Foreman Paul was born in Western Australia but developed his skills and love of fresh produce while growing up in Tasmania. He trained at highly respected Prossers on the Beach and Prospect House before returning briefly to Western Australia to join the team at Fraser’s in Kings Park. It was Paul’s time heading Restaurant Gondwana in Tasmania that led to his distinct style being born through experimentation and discipline. Paul’s focus remains on precise flavours with a European influence, matched with balanced combinations. Paul Foreman’s menu executes the best produce Tasmania has to offer with an adventurous twist. A seasonal menu would not be complete without examples of Paul’s flair with crayfish, baby abalone, venison and ocean trout.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Marque IV

Nilagama Single Estate Tea Cured Free Range Pork Belly, Sweet Corn Custard, Pickled Red Cabbage and Crab Apple FIRST DISH COMPONENT Tea Cured Pork Belly Ingredients • 15 tea bags Dilmah Watte Single Estate Nilagama Estate Flowery Broken Orange Pekoe • 2 teaspoons Grey Guerande Sea Salt • 1 teaspoon Castor Sugar • Pinch of White Pepper • 500g free range pork belly (Porchetta) Method of Preparation Using a spice grinder, combine all ingredients except the pork and process to a fine powder. Take the pork belly and remove any hairs that are present on the belly with a razor or a kitchen blow torch. Lay the belly out, skin side down onto a clean, dry surface. Now, using a sharp cook’s knife carefully separate the skin from the meat, leaving 1 inch of the skin connected, as this will be used for the final ‘wrap’. Butterfly the pork belly (similar to ‘opening a book’) and evenly distribute the tea cure over the belly and roll tightly. Wrap the skin around the rolled belly and truss with butcher’s twine. Tightly wrap in chux or muslin cloth and cling film. Refrigerate for a maximum of 48 hours. Set up a steamer with a pinch of sea salt, the belly will need at least 2 hours to cook, so the steamer will need to be topped up from time to time. To test that the belly is cooked, carefully penetrate the skin, and if there is little or no resistance the belly is ready. Refrigerate until the belly ‘firms’, approximately 2 hours. SECOND DISH COMPONENT Pickled Red Cabbage and Crab Apple Ingredients • 1 cup finely sliced Red Cabbage • 4 Crab Apples • 100ml White Balsamic Vinegar • 200ml Water • 2 teaspoons fresh Turmeric • 1 teaspoon yellow Mustard seeds

• • • • •

2 Bay leaves 1 clove Garlic 2 teaspoons Castor sugar Sea salt Cracked pepper

sweet corn custard. This dish can be garnished with chickpea sprouts, purple radish cress and for texture and flavour the Nilagama Single Estate tea leaves make for a great addition.

Method of Preparation In a 5 litre saucepan combine all ingredients (excluding red cabbage and crab apples) and bring to the boil, reduce to a simmer for 10 minutes. Add crab apples and cook for a further 5 minutes, remove and cool. Strain liquid over red cabbage, check seasoning, cover and allow to steep until cool. THIRD DISH COMPONENT Sweet Corn Custard Ingredients • 1 ear of Sweet Corn • 100ml Whole Milk • 100ml thickened Cream • 4 free range Egg yolks • Ghee • White pepper • Sea salt Method of Preparation Clean and cut away kernels of sweet corn, sauté corn in a 2 litre saucepan until tender. Add milk and cream and simmer for 5-6 minutes. Remove from the heat, add egg yolks, quickly mix through and return to a low heat for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens. Place mixture into a processor and process until smooth, check seasoning, strain, cover and keep warm. To plate Seal the Porchetta in a hot frying pan with a little ghee, then place into a hot oven for 15 minutes (a fan forced oven would be ideal as this helps the crackling process). Set the Porchetta aside to rest for 5 minutes, remove butcher’s twine and slice with a serrated knife into 4 equal pieces. Place a portion of Porchetta on each ‘warm’ plate with drained red cabbage, crab apple and a spoon of


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Marque IV

Ceylon Green Tea and Lemon Myrtle Steeped Macquarie Harbour Ocean Trout, Texta Leeks, Shitake and Enoki Mushrooms and Green Tea Noodles Ceylon Green Tea with Lemon Myrtle Ingredients • 8 tea bags Dilmah Pure Ceylon Green Tea • 2 dried lemon myrtle leaves • 1l Water (freshly boiled) Method of Preparation Brew the green tea with lemon myrtle leaves for 3-5 minutes, remove the tea bags and cool. Trout Ingredients • 2 teaspoons Dilmah Pure Ceylon Green Tea (split 4 tea bags) • 4 Ocean trout, pin boned with skin on (150g each) • ½ cup Bonito flakes • ½ cup Spring onion tops (sliced) • 2 teaspoons Sea salt flakes • Pinch of White pepper • Pinch of Castor Sugar • Muslin cloth • Ghee to cook Method of Preparation Combine all the ingredients, gently coat each individual portion of ocean trout with the mixture, except for the skin. Wrap each piece in the muslin cloth and secure with butcher’s twine, carefully. Place each piece into the cooled green tea with lemon myrtle infusion making sure that the skin stays above the surface, cover and refrigerate for 24 hours. The longer the trout ‘steeps’ the more intense the flavour will become. Green Tea Noodles Ingredients • 2 teaspoons ground Dilmah Pure Ceylon Green Tea • 200g ‘00’ flour • 1 whole free range Egg (lightly beaten) • 1 Egg yolk • 4 teaspoons Spinach water • Sea salt


Method of Preparation Process flour, salt and green tea. Add the beaten eggs and spinach water while still processing. Remove from processor and knead on a lightly floured surface to bring the dough together. Cover and rest for 30 minutes. For the next step you will need a pasta machine. Roll out 6 cut sheets into 4 inch lengths and then put through the spaghetti attachment. Cook in a large pot of salted water for approximately 1 minute. Strain, slightly cool, divide the noodles into four and using a fork or carving fork, twirl the noodles into individual bundles. Place onto a tray, cover and refrigerate. Cooking the trout Remove trout from green tea reserve and unwrap, carefully scrape away the bonito flakes and spring onion tops. Pat dry and sprinkle a small amount of sea salt onto skin. Heat a frying pan until hot, add a little ghee then place the ocean trout skin down. At this stage gently hold the fish down for approximately 15 seconds using a spatula (this will stop the trout skin from contracting and the result will be a crisp, toffee like finish). Continue to cook on a moderate heat for 1-2 minutes, carefully turn over and let the fish ‘rest’ in this pan in a warm area until ready for use. The vegetables • 12 Texta leeks (trimmed and cleaned) • 4 Shitake mushrooms (sliced) • 1 cup Enoki mushrooms (cleaned) • 2 slices young Ginger To plate Heat reserved green tea (do not boil) add texta leeks, shitake mushrooms, ginger and cook for 1-2 minutes. Finally add green tea noodle bundles to warm through. Divide the noodles between 4 large, warm soup or pasta bowls, set the ocean trout on top with texta leeks, shitake mushrooms and finally enoki mushrooms.

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Marque IV

Vanilla Tea, Tonka Bean and Cinnamon Poached Meringue, Toffee Brioche and Cumquat Sabayon

FIRST DISH COMPONENT Meringue Ingredients • 3 Eggs (whites only) • ½ Lemon (juiced) • 1 teaspoon Corn flour • 80g Castor sugar Method of Preparation Whip the egg whites to soft peaks, add lemon juice and corn flour and finally, slowly add castor sugar until a firm, silky meringue forms. Be careful not to over work the whites as they will become grainy and tough. Vanilla Tea Poaching Liquid Ingredients • 9 tea bags Dilmah Vanilla Tea • 500ml Fresh water • 200g Castor sugar • 2 Tonka beans (finely grated) • 1 Cinnamon stick Method of Preparation Boil the water, add the tea bags, castor sugar, grated tonka beans and cinnamon stick. Leave to stand for 30 minutes to infuse the flavours. Remove the tea bags and strain. Pour the liquid into a deep frying pan, heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Using either 2 table spoons or serving spoons, make quenelles with the meringue, two per serving, and poach in the tea liquid. Turn the meringues every 10 seconds until they have firmed. SECOND DISH COMPONENT Toffee Brioche Any great bakery will have brioche and is fine for this recipe, but if you are willing to spend a little time and effort, it is well worth doing it yourself. First step Ingredients • 160g Plain Flour • 40g Fresh yeast • 100ml tepid Water

Method of Preparation Combine yeast and tepid water. Sift flour into a basin, add yeast and water, mix to a dough, cover and leave in a warm area until doubled in size. Second step Ingredients • 480g Plain Flour • 8 free range Eggs (60g) • 45g Castor Sugar • 1 teaspoon Sea Salt • 500g softened unsalted Butter Method of Preparation Sift flour into a large bowl, make a well in the center, pour in lightly beaten eggs, sugar and salt, mix. Add softened butter and knead well. At this stage combine both doughs and mix till smooth and silken, cover and leave aside until doubled in size, this will take approximately 3 hours. ‘Knock back’ the dough and form into 2 equal sized balls, place into a lightly oiled bread tin (6 inches by 4 inches and at least 4 inches deep). Let it stand for a further 10 minutes and bake in a moderate oven (170-180°C). Remove from oven and turn out onto a cooling rack. When cool, slice the brioche as you would for thick toast and cut into rounds using a cookie cutter or cup. There will be extra brioche left, so try freezing or it is perfect for bread and butter pudding. Toffee - This is a ‘dry’ toffee method, it is quick and very effective. Ingredients • 200g Castor Sugar

THIRD DISH COMPONENT Cumquat Sabayon Ingredients for Cumquat syrup • 2 Cumquats (halved) • 150g Castor Sugar • 400ml Water • 30ml Brandy Method of Preparation Combine water, castor sugar and brandy, bring to the boil and reduce by half. Add halved cumquats and gently simmer until they become translucent. Ingredients for the Sabayon • 4 free range Eggs (yolks only) • 2 teaspoons Castor Sugar • 50ml Cumquat Syrup • 120ml whipped Cream • Candied Cumquats Method of Preparation Combine the egg yolks and sugar in a stainless steel bowl and whisk over a boiling pot of water until the eggs become lighter in colour, thickened with volume and the whisk leaves trails or ‘ribbons’ through the mixture. Remove from the heat and cool (try sitting the mixture in a bowl of iced water). When cool, add cumquat syrup and fold through whipped cream, refrigerate. To plate Place the meringues onto the brioche, spoon a small amount of the sabayon over, drizzle some of the poaching liquid on to the plate with the cumquats. This dish can be can be garnished with dried strawberries, cumquat and orange chips.

Method of Preparation Pre-heat a frying pan till it is hot, add sugar carefully and slowly, move the fry pan back and forth for 30 seconds. Now using a wooden spoon move the sugar around the pan until it has dissolved and caramelized. Remove from the heat, add 1 disc of brioche at a time and carefully coat with the toffee (for best results use day old brioche). When all brioche are coated place on a cold, lightly greased surface until they are crisp.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008 Marque IV

Iced Perfect Ceylon Black Tea, Elderflower, Pepper Berry Gin and Lime

The Ice • 150ml Ashbolt Elderflower syrup • 500ml Water • 2 Limes (fine zest only) Combine all ingredients and freeze in an ice tray The Tea • 12 tea bags Dilmah Exceptional Perfect Ceylon Tea • 1l Water • 4 Kaffir lime leaves • 2 teaspoons Castor sugar • 150ml Larks Pepper Berry Gin • 2 limes (juiced) Freshly boil the water, pour into a teapot with the tea bags and allow to brew for no less than 5 minutes. Add the sugar and remove bags. Method of Preparation Divide the ice into four tall cold glasses, lightly crush the lime leaves and add one to each glass. Pour over equal amounts of gin and lime juice to each glass, add freshly brewed tea, allow a moment for the elderflower ice to melt and serve.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2008


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Adventure trails of the Chefs and the Teamaker

Kandy Negombo Ceylon Tea Trails

Home of Dilmah

Nuwara Eliya






The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

The Dilmah Chefs & the Teamaker 2010 took 14 intrepid chefs on a unique culinary adventure that covered some of the most exotic locations in Sri Lanka. The chefs experimented with various Dilmah teas and Sri Lankan spices which culminated in an adventure of gastronomical delight on sandy beaches, in the wilderness with wild elephants, and on hilltops where our world famous tea grows. The chefs also interacted with different communities of Sri Lanka through the MJF Charitable Foundation and Dilmah Conservation.

the individuality of tea from different elevations and regions, and finally they indulged in Dilmah tea gastronomy. The Chefs were unanimous in agreeing that learning about real tea transformed their understanding of tea, its health benefits and its importance - both as a speciality beverage, and as an ingredient in fine cuisine.

Continuing the Dilmah Chefs and the Teamaker adventure which began in 2008 with eight Australian Chefs, this group of fourteen Chefs from around the world embarked on a tea inspired culinary journey in Sri Lanka. The highly reputed Chefs were from Chile, New Zealand, Poland, the Maldives, Australia, Belgium, Sri Lanka, India, Czech Republic, Lithuania and the Netherlands. Their adventure in tea, travel and gastronomy started all the way back at School - the Dilmah School of Tea. The Chefs learned how care over the right water, boiling the kettle just once and brewing the tea for the right amount of time, could make a very significant difference to the experience of real tea. They learned about terroir in tea -


























The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Bernd Uber (Reference Chef) Australia

Bernd’s culinary journey began when he walked into a commercial kitchen 50 years ago. In his span of 50 years in the industry Bernd has worked passionately as a chef de Cuisine in many establishments. He has also owned two very successful restaurants and now teaches commercial cookery at various institutes in Melbourne. Bernd is the recipient of many culinary awards, the most prestigious being the Sidney Taylor Memorial Black Hat Award, issued by the Australian Culinary Federation, Victoria. Only Chefs who have made outstanding contributions to Australian culinary progress and development at the highest trade or professional level receive this honour. Over the past 25 years Bernd has been invited to judge many culinary competitions, including being the international judge for Gulfood, Dubai, Melbourne Culinary Challenge and the Dilmah Real High Tea and Tea Sommelier competitions in collaboration with the Chefs Guild of Sri Lanka and endorsed by the World Association of Chefs Societies (WACS) at Culinary Art, 2003, 2005 & 2007.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Simon Gault (Reference Chef)

New Zealand

Innovative and entrepreneurial chef Simon Gault started as an apprentice chef at Antoines in Parnell just the first in a string of top restaurants in New Zealand and Europe where he gained invaluable and varied experience. More recently he has been involved in running several high profile New Zealand Restaurants and is currently starring as a judge on TV One’s Master Chef New Zealand. When Kevin Roberts the CEO of Saatchi and Saatchi World Wide was asked what his favourite recipe was, he replied “Simon Gault’s telephone number”.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Frank Van Der Zande Netherlands

Frank is the owner and Chef of Umoja Food, a unique fine dining restaurant in the Netherlands which he started in 2006. Prior to this he started two famous restaurants in Amsterdam - the Daisy Café and Lancelot. Frank is an entrepreneur who considers sustainability as a key priority in his field. Umoja is the first carbon-neutral restaurant in the Netherlands, investing in renewable energy and forestry projects. Frank won the award for the most prominent bar owner in Amsterdam, 2009 where the jury praised him for being a socially conscious entrepreneur. Frank is a regular food columnist for many local newspapers and conducts culinary demonstrations for various television channels. He also lectures at the College of Hotel and Tourism (TIO).


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Frank Van Der Zande Netherlands

Ice Tea (welcome drink) Orange Blossomed Iced Tea Starter Bonbon of Goat’s Cheese in Phylo Dough Breaded with Roasted Italian Almond Tea and Chopped Almonds - Salad of Italian Spinach - Dressing of Jasmine Tea Sorbet Lively Lime & Orange Fusion with Prince of Kandy Syrup and a Dash of Vodka Main Course Fish - Catch of The Day - Couscous with Papaya – Green Vegetables – Spiced Fish Cookies – Sauce of Vongole Dessert Crème brûlée of Dilmah Teas – Vanilla, Italian Almond, Earl Grey with Compote of Bergamot Petit fours with hot tea Orange Cake with Jasmine Tea and Espuma from Natural Ceylon Ginger Tea Hot Tea Hot Buttered Ceylon Tea


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Frank Van Der Zande | Netherlands

Orange Blossomed Iced Tea Utensils • Mixer glass • Bartender Spoon • Strainer Ingredients • 80ml Chilled Dilmah Green Tea with Jasmine Petals • 10ml Orange syrup • 20ml Tanqueray Ten Gin Method Put all ingredients in a mixer glass and stir for 30 seconds. Strain into a pre-chilled flute. Type of Glass - Champagne Flute Garnish - Jasmine Flowers and an Orange Spiral

Bonbon of Goat’s Cheese in Phylo Dough Breaded with Roasted Italian Almond Tea and Chopped Almonds - Salad Of Italian Spinach - Dressing of Jasmine Tea Ingredients • 10 spoons Dilmah Exceptional Italian Almond Tea • 6 teaspoons Dilmah Green Tea with Jasmine Petals • 500g Soft or creamy local goat’s cheese • 5 spoons roasted Almonds • 10 Phylo dough leaves • 2 Locally produced bio honey • 50ml White balsamic vinegar • ½ spoon Mustard • 150ml Olive oil • 100g Italian spinach


Method Combine the goat’s cheese with the honey and the (chopped, roasted) almonds to make a filling. Make a bonbon with the mixture and wrap in the phylo dough, gently brush with olive oil until evenly coated. Roast the almonds until golden brown and finely chop. Wash the spinach thoroughly. Paneer the bon bons into the roasted almonds and the tea.

Syrup of Prince of Kandy Tea

Dressing of Green Tea with Jasmine Flowers

Fish - Catch of The Day - Couscous with Papaya - Green Vegetables - Spiced Fish Cookies - Sauce of Vongole

Gently bring the balsamic vinegar to simmering point with the Green Tea with Jasmine Flowers and allow this to extract the flavour of the tea. Once cooled add the mustard, honey , vinegar and oil to make a basic vinaigrette. Garnish - Salad of spinach and julienne sliced red paprika

Lively Lime & Orange Fusion with Prince of Kandy Syrup and a Dash of Vodka Ingredients • Dilmah Exceptional Lively Lime and Orange Fusion • 2 Oranges • 1 Lemon • Dash of vodka • 1.5l water Method Bring the water to the boil with sugar, juice of oranges, lemon and vodka. Add the tea and let the tea infuse. Cool and make sherbet in a sorbetiere (without ice machine). Freeze the mass; remove at least 2 hours before serving from the freezer (this allows for a fluid mass). Serve in champagne glasses.

• 600ml Dilmah t-Series Prince of Kandy Tea • 400g sugar Heat the tea and the sugar on a low flame and make sure that the sugar is totally melted. Cool it. Garnish - Slice of oranges

Ingredients • 500ml Dilmah Ran Watte tea • 4 tea bags Dilmah t-Series Galle District OP 1 • Dilmah Moroccan Mint Green Tea • 1.5kg fresh fish fillets • 100g flour • 200g potatoes • 4 tomatoes • 2 teaspoons curry paste • 2 eggs • 1 orange • 500g couscous • Parsley, Lemon leaf (finely chopped) • Lime • Coriander • Olive oil • Clams • Butter • Prosecco wine to afblues Method Fish Cakes Cook the potatoes in water with salt and dry and finely mash. Steam the fillets of fish in water for 4 minutes, add the Galle tea and drain in a sieve and mash. Add the mashed fish to the mashed potatoes with curry paste , finely shredded lemon leaf,

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Frank Van Der Zande | Netherlands

parsley and flour. Add an egg and knead into ball shaped pieces. Fish Fillets Season fish fillets with salt and pepper and pan sear in heated oil on both sides for 2 minutes. Add to mixing bowl and make slivers of fish, gently coat the slivers in egg mixture and pan fry. Couscous Infuse the Moroccan Mint Green tea in bouillon, add orange juice to infuse and add the couscous until cooked. Chop the tomatoes, without seeds into small cubes, add the lime juice, chopped coriander and parsley, for the service add olive oil and butter for the right consistency. Clams In a hot pan add garlic and shallots until translucent. Add the thoroughly washed clams and steam with white wine. Add the Ran Watte tea and infuse for ¾ minutes. Remove tea bags and let the clams open in the pan. Add chopped parsley, salt and pepper. Serve cold. Garnish - Lemon

Crème Brûlée of Dilmah Teas - Vanilla, Italian Almond, Earl Grey with Compote of Bergamot Ingredients Basic • • • • • • • •

4 spoons Dilmah Earl Grey Tea 4 spoons Dilmah t-Series Italian Almond Tea 4 spoons Dilmah Vanilla Tea 250ml Cream 125ml milk 75g Fair trade sugar 3st egg yolk Brown sugar to brulée


Ginger Tea Espuma

• • • •

Ingredients • 4 spoons Dilmah Ginger & Honey Tea • 400ml Cream

4 pieces Bergamot fruit Ahoorn syrup Vanilla pods Lime

Method Bring the cream to a simmer with the teas individually and strain. Beat the egg yolk with the sugar in a machine for 3 minutes. Add the composition to the egg yolk. Pour into the serving containers. Cook au Bain Marie until desired pudding consistency and allow to chill. Compote of Bergamot Bergamot fruit peeled without skin, with the Earl Grey syrup and Vanilla water blanch and for a zest add the lime for finishing touches. Garnish - Banana leaves to decorate the plate

Orange Cake with Jasmine Tea and Espuma from Natural Ceylon Ginger Tea Ingredients • 2 teaspoons Dilmah Green Tea with Jasmine Petals • 2 large oranges • Butter for greasing • Flour for greasing • 3 eggs • 125g pine nuts or almonds • 125g powder sugar

Method Infuse the tea with the cream by heating the cream. When it’s almost cooking, take off the fire. Add the tea and infuse for 5 minutes. Then strain and cool it. Put the cream in a whipped cream spray and shake well.

Hot Buttered Ceylon Tea Utensils • Bartender spoon Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah t-Series Prince of Kandy Tea (hot) • Thin slice of butter • Cinnamon stick • Cloves • 1 bar spoon of sugar • 25ml Rum (Zacapa 15 years) • Orange zest Method Put all ingredients in the glass and stir gently Type of Glass Large wine glass

Method Add oranges to a pan of water, orange liquor and simmer for 1 hour. Allow to cool, halve the oranges and scoop out the pulp. Beat the eggs in a mixing bowl with the sugar, baking powder until the consistency is smooth and light. Add to special serving moulds and bake until golden brown.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Jarosław Uściński Poland

Jarosław is the chef and owner of Moonsfera restaurant in Poland since 2005. After completing his course at the Technical College of Gastronomy, he worked at the Bristol Hotel, Parnas Restaurant in Warsaw and Restaurants 99 Ltd. Jarosław’s passion is experimental cooking where he sees himself as a culinary artist. Jarosław is the Vice President of OSSKiC (Polish Kitchen & Pastry Chefs Association) and appears regularly on Polish television and radio channels, presenting/showcasing various gastronomic delights. 310

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Jarosław Uściński Poland

Ice tea (Welcome Drink) Yata Watte Ice Tea with Caramelised Sultanas, Long Lemon Zest and Fresh Strawberry Flakes Starter Fresh Sea Bass Sashimi with Gelled Salad of Oranges and Nori Flavoured with Dilmah Ginger Tea Foam Sorbet Beetroot Chilled Sorbet Dressed with t-Series Rosehip and Hibiscus Tea and Candied Rose Flakes Main course Beef Tenderloin Steak Dressed with Blue Cheese served on Green Vegetables, Basmati Rice - Shallot Puree, Yata Watte - Balsamic Sauce and Fresh Rosemary - Strawberry Salad Dessert White Chocolate Cheese Cake flavoured with Dilmah Exceptional Lively Lime and Orange Fusion served with Pineapple and Fresh Basil Salsa Petit fours and hot tea Mango Gateaux on Crunchy Spoon flavoured with Canella and Spice Touch


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Jarosław Uściński | Poland

Yata Watte Ice Tea with Caramelised Sultanas, Long Lemon Zest and Fresh Strawberry Flakes Ingredients • Dilmah Yata Watte Tea • 100g sultanas • 100g palm sugar • 100g fresh strawberries • 2 pieces lemon Method Immerse Sultanas in hot water for 3 minutes. Drain and put in a blender. Add zest of 1 lemon. Brew the tea and add half the strawberry flakes to the hot tea. Add ice to chill the tea. Pour the mixture into the glass and add the rest of the strawberry flakes, lemon zest and puree of sultanas. Type of Glass Long drink Garnish - Cinnamon stick and fresh tea leaves

Fresh Sea Bass Sashimi with Gelled Salad of Oranges and Nori Flavoured with Dilmah Ginger Tea Foam Ingredients • Dilmah t-Series Natural Ceylon Ginger Tea • 500g sea bass fillet • 3 oranges • 100g gin • 3 lemons • 50g sesame seeds • 200g 36% fat cream • 100g olive oil • Salt, pepper to taste • Gelatine or algin to gell • 100g Wakame dried

Method Clean fillet of fish and cut to slices of regular and thin 3mm. Cut segments from oranges. The wakame - boil for 10 minutes and keep to cool and cut thinly. The algin - just heat for a moment and let boil in 50ml water. When it is cool, add orange segments, sesame and wakame. Beat the cream well and at the end mix with strong ginger tea. Combine on the plate. Garnish - Nori well shaved, fresh coriander

Beetroot Chilled Sorbet Dressed with t-Series Rosehip and Hibiscus Tea and Candied Rose Flakes Ingredients • Dilmah t-Series Natural Rosehip and Hibiscus • 100g red beet • 100g peeled potatoes • 100g green celery • 100g beef • 100g duck or goose bones • Salt, pepper • 3 spoon fresh or dried rose flakes • 100g butter • 100g 36% fat cream Method Prepare bouillon of beef, bones and vegetables for 3 hours minimum on slow flame. Boil the beetroot separately. Once it is soft, peel and leave on a side. When the bouillon is ready, leave just in stock potatoes and celery. Blend with the beetroot and when almost cold blend with butter and spices. At the end add cream, strong tea and rose flakes. Do not blend with rose flakes. Put in the freezer and every 20 minutes mix lightly. When ready serve in martini glass. Garnish - Fresh rose flakes and thinly shaved beetroot flakes


Beef Tenderloin Steak Dressed with Blue Cheese Served on Green Vegetables, Basmati Rice Shallot Puree, Yata Watte - Balsamic Sauce and Fresh Rosemary - Strawberry Salad Ingredients • 100ml strong Dilmah Yata Watte Tea • 1500g tenderloin • 200g blue cheese • 300g green celery • 300g green asparagus • 100g balsamic cream • 200g olive oil • 30g fresh rosemary • 300g fresh strawberry • 300g jasmine rice • 100g butter • Salt and pepper Method Cut the tenderloin into 200g steaks. Fry non salted steaks to medium rare. Empty pan of steaks but keep the beef juice and add the shallots, and after 5 minutes, around 100g of the tea. Add balsamic cream, salt and pepper and reduce to cream sauce form. Cut 4cm sticks of Asparagus and some celery. Fry the celery and asparagus in butter for around 3 minutes and add salt and pepper. Make a salad of strawberry, olive oil and rosemary. Boil the Jasmine rice. Assemble in a delicate presentation. Garnish - Sauce and strawberry salad

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Jarosław Uściński | Poland

White Chocolate Cheese Cake Flavoured with Dilmah Exceptional Lively Lime and Orange Fusion Served with Pineapple and Fresh Basil Salsa

• • • • •

Canella to flavour Piri piri - to flavour 50g palm sugar 20g fresh ginger Butter and almonds to brush roast bowls

Ingredients • Dilmah Exceptional Lively Lime and Orange Fusion • 300g white chocolate • 300g Philadelphia natural cheese • 1 fresh pineapple • 100g fresh basil • 100g coco flakes • 100g Macadamia nuts • 100g butter • 5 egg yolks • 100g palm sugar

Method Mix the milk, egg yolks and sugar. Add mango blend well to one consistency and add the canella, diced piri piri and diced ginger. Pour mixture into small bowls (soup bowl size), brush with butter and crunched almonds - and bake in oven of 160°C for 15 minutes. Garnish - Dried mango flakes or palm sugar and burn – caramelized by fire gun.

Method Brew the tea strong and chill it. Mix the cheese, 5 egg yolks, sugar, and chocolate in a bowl on a pot with water. Delicately mix with a spoon to liquid form - do not let it get too hot. Boil the coco flakes for 30 seconds, separate from water and add to cheese. Gently add the chilled, strong tea to the mixture. Use small bowls or coffee cups to bake the cheesecake. Brush with butter and make the crust with crunched macadamia. Add the mixture to the bowls and bake in oven for 25 minutes at 180°C. Cut the pineapple for a big square, add whole basil leaves and serve together with the ready cheese cake.

Mango Gateaux on Crunchy Spoon Flavoured with Canella and Spice Touch Ingredients • ½ fresh, soft mango • 3 egg yolks • 100g reduced not sweet milk


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Mario Holtzem Belgium

Mario decided he wanted to be a chef at the age of 7. He studied at Hotel school in Hasselt, where on completion of his course he followed several internships including stints at Figaro and Reserve in Hasselt and Knokke. He became the owner and main chef of de Boote (Genk) in 2000 and also joined the prestigious ‘Jeunes Restaurateurs d’Europe’, an association of young, talented chefs from European countries, focused on benefiting their client’s gastronomic pleasure and experience. He embarked on a venture to bring about “customized gastronomy”: haute cuisine, tailor made menus and event catering which he now implements at Hangar 58. Mario is passionate about his work and is always looking to create new and exciting culinary delights for his customers. He has won many awards and titles including, a Crown in the Guide Lemaire, 2004, Laureaat in the Orpha Horecatel competition and Semi- finalist in the Prosper Montagné competition (1997 & 1998). “Being a chef is what I do, but it is just as well a passion! A passion I love to share with other people, not only in a conventional way – but even so in a more interactive way: giving culinary workshops for example (initiatives like Cook your own dinner i.c.w. Limburg Manager) and demo&live cooking!” 314

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Mario Holtzem Belgium

Ice Tea (welcome drink) Moroccan Mint and Jasmine Iced Tea Honey and Lime Starter Tuna Ceylon Souchong, Souchong Style Grilled Scallops, Sushi Rice with a Coriander and Wasabi Spaghetti and a Jelly of Dilmah Ginger & Honey Tea. Sorbet Vanilla Ceylon and Earl Grey tea with Lychee Main Course Fried Duck Breast, Potato Confit, Crème of Carrots with Tandoori Spices, Crunch of Bacon and Salted Cashew Nuts in its Gravy with Honey and Yata Watte Tea. Dessert Semifreddo of t-Series Italian Almond Tea, Toffee of White Chocolate and Dilmah Cinnamon Tea, Crumble Belgian Cinnamon Cookies Petit fours with hot tea Hot Amaretto Tea served with Muesli Cookies with Cinnamon Tea and Chocolate


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Mario Holtzem | Belgium

Moroccan Mint and Jasmine Iced Tea Honey and Lime

• 1 coffee spoon of wasabi • Salt • 6g of kappa

Ingredients • ¾l Dilmah Green Tea Moroccan Mint • 1l water • ¼l Dilmah Green Tea with Jasmine Petals • Honey (add to taste) • Lime juice

Method Mix water, coriander, salt and wasabi all together, filter, add the kappa, heat up to 80°C. Use a syringe and plastic tubes to make the spaghetti (textures from El Bulli)

Method Prepare the ice tea with above mentioned ingredients and serve in a cocktail glass. Dip the glass border into sugar and decorate with leaves of fresh mint and tea

Tuna Ceylon Souchong

Tuna Ceylon Souchong, Souchong Style Grilled Scallops, Sushi Rice with a Coriander and Wasabi Spaghetti and a Jelly of Dilmah Ginger & Honey Tea. Jelly of Ginger & Honey Tea Ingredients • 20g of Dilmah Ginger & Honey Tea • 5g agar agar • 4.7dl poultry bouillon • Soya sauce • Sushi vinegar • Ginger syrup Method Boil the bouillon with the rest of the ingredients and put it into a bowl. Put it in the fridge. Chop the jelly in parts and mix to a smooth texture, pour into a piping bag. Keep in the fridge until use. Spaghetti of Coriander and Wasabi Ingredients • 5dl of water • Coriander


Ingredients • 30g Dilmah t-Series Lapsang Souchong • 400g Tuna fillets • Salt • Pepper • Lemongrass • 10g fresh ginger Method Season the tuna fillets with sea salt and pepper, roll them into the tea, grated ginger and lemongrass, wrap up vacuum and make it marinate for 10 hours. Sushi Rice Ingredients • 40g boiled sushi rice • Sushi vinegar • 1 cucumber Method Cook or steam sushi rice. Finish it up with sushi vinegar. Also use this vinegar to marinate the burnoise (cubes) of cucumber. Grilled Scallops Ingredients • 4 fresh scallops • Salt & Pepper

Method Grill the scallops and finish with pepper and salt. Assembly Finally, steam 4 asparagus. Slice the tuna and serve it on a plate. Decorate with scallops, ginger jelly, spaghetti, rice and green asparagus, a couple drops of arbequina olive oil and some coriander leaves.

Vanilla Ceylon and Earl Grey Tea with Lychee Ingredients • 3 tea bags of Dilmah Vanilla tea • 4 tea bags Dilmah Earl Grey Tea • 1l water • 300g Sugar • 2 spoons of glucose (dextrose) • Lychees • Stabilizer for the sorbet Method Boil the water with the sugar and the glucose, add the lemon juice and make the tea bags soak in it for a couple of minutes. Put it in the fridge for a night. Then stir sorbet stabilizer through the mixture. Serve with lychee and decorate with mint leaves.

Fried Duck Breast, Potato Confit, Crème of Carrots with Tandoori Spices, Crunch of Bacon and Salted Cashew Nuts in its Gravy with Honey and Yata Watte Tea. Ingredients • 4 breasts of duckling • 3 big carrots • 2 big waxy potatoes • 50g salted cashew nuts • 30g salted lard • 1 bay leaf • Honey • Coconut

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Mario Holtzem | Belgium

• • • • • • •

Chinese anise Seeds of coriander Sugar from java Garlic Butter Gravy from the duck (or from poultry) Onion

Crunch of Cashew Nuts and Salted Lard Bake garlic, sugar and grated coconut, add grated Chinese anise and seeds of coriander and make it colour in a wok. At the end, add the split, salted cashew nuts and baked slices of lard. Make the mixture dry in the oven and crush. Cream of Carrots Cook the carrots and mix them to cream in a blender while adding butter and seasoning with salt and tandoori spices. Candied Potato Chop the potato into slices of 1cm and cut little slices of them by using a cylinder. Let them cook in a bouillon with bay leaf, thyme, lard and salt. Add a bit of butter at the end. Roasted Duck Fillet Bake the breast of ducklings and season with salt and pepper. Make the gravy of duck reduce and at the end have the tea soaked in it. Finish with honey and season with pepper and salt. Grill some onions to decorate.

Semifreddo of t-Series Italian Almond Tea, Toffee of White Chocolate and Dilmah Cinnamon Tea, Crumble Belgian Cinnamon Cookies Semifreddo of Italian Almond Tea Ingredients • 1dl strong Dilmah t-Series Italian Almond Tea • 5 eggs • 4dl of cream • 120g sugar syrup Method Beat egg yolks, tea and sugar syrup on the stove as a sabayon. Afterwards beat cold on ice. Fold the half beaten cream together with stiffly beaten egg white. Pour into pots and put away in the freezer. White Chocolate Toffee Ingredients • 15g Dilmah Cinnamon Spice Tea • 100g cream • 100g sugar • 100g white chocolate • 100g butter Method Prepare a caramel with the sugar, quench with the cream and let it cook. Add the chocolate, butter and tea and let it thicken. Put it in the fridge. Crumble Belgian Cinnamon Cookies Ingredients • 75g butter (room temperature) • 120g flour • 50g almonds • 100g of brown sugar • 2 teaspoons of cinnamon powder

Method Mix by hand all ingredients and put little parts of dough on the oven plate. Bake them till crusty at 180°C.

Hot Amaretto Tea Served with Muesli Cookies with Cinnamon Tea and Chocolate Muesli Biscuits with Cinnamon Tea and Bitter Chocolate Ingredients • 30g Dilmah Cinnamon Tea • 150g Butter • 250g of wholegrain Muesli • 125g Sugar • 2 Eggs • 125g self-raising flour • Fondant Chocolate Method Melt the butter and add the cinnamon tea. Let it soak for a little while. Mix butter with muesli and sugar. Beat up the eggs to froth and mix it with the muesli. At last fold in the flour. Bake for 20 minutes at 170°C. After biscuits have cooled down, dip part of the biscuit in the melted chocolate. Amaretto Tea Ingredients • 3dl strong Dilmah t-Series Italian Almond Tea • 1dl Amaretto • 1dl sugared (half) whipped cream • Roasted Almond flakes Method Mix tea with the Amaretto, pour the mixture into an Amaretto-glass. Gently cover it with the cream and decorate with the almond flakes.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Matías Palomo Chile

Matías was born in Mexico and moved to Chile in 1990 where he studied gastronomy at INACAP, the Technology University of Chile. Since then he has worked in many prestigious culinary establishments in locations such as Spain, New York, France, Italy and South America. Matías reviews menus at many upscale restaurants on the request of his colleagues who value his unique gastronomic taste and style. He is also regularly invited to participate at culinary festivals around the world and cook with world renowned chefs such as Juan Mari Arzak, Paul Bocuse, Alain Ducasse and José Ramón Andrés. Matías conducts classes and workshops for students and professionals at the INACAP and at the Sukalde Restaurante. He will be opening his Sukalde Gastronomical Center including Restaurant, School, Events and Catering Service in the near future. 318

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Matías Palomo Chile

Ice Tea (welcome drink) Earl Grey Tea with Peach, Molasses and Barley Starter Scallops with Goat Cheese Sauce Ceylon Souchong Gelatine Sorbet Dilmah Exceptional Gentle Minty Green Tea and Lemon Sorbet Main Course Sea Bass with Rock of Curanto and Green Dust Paired with Uda Watte Tea Dessert Rice Pudding with t-Series Cinnamon and Ginger Tea/Spiced Strawberries with Basil and t-Series Green Tea with Jasmine Flowers Petit fours with hot tea t-Series Italian Almond Tea Marshmallows


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Matías Palomo | Chile

Earl Grey Tea with Peach, Molasses and Barley Ingredients • 8 tea bags Dilmah Earl Grey Tea • 4 units Dry peaches • 80g Barley • 1 unit Cinnamon sticks • 1 unit Orange peelings • 160g Sugar Method In a pot set the peaches overnight, next day add the cinnamon sticks, orange peelings and sugar. Let it simmer until the peaches become tender, turn the fire off and let it chill in the freezer. Cook the Barley in plain water, infuse the tea in water for 5 minutes and mix with the syrup. In a glass, add the barley, peaches, syrup and crushed ice.

Scallops with Goat Cheese Sauce Ceylon Souchong Gelatine Ingredients 18 units Scallops For soup Ingredients • 4 spoons Dilmah t-Series The First Ceylon Souchong • 14oz Milk • 15oz Goat cheese • 14oz Cream Cheese • 4g Gelatine • 200g Water Method Heat the milk until it boils, remove from fire and add the chopped goat cheese. Infuse for 20 minutes, drain and add cream. Infuse the tea in the water, hydrate the gelatine, and mix. Let it set in fridge and cut squares 0.5cm. Sear the sea scallops in a sauté pan and place in the soup.


Dilmah Exceptional Gentle Minty Green Tea and Lemon Sorbet Ingredients • 4 tea bags Dilmah Exceptional Gentle Minty Green Tea • 2 cups boiling water • ¾ cup sugar • ¾ cup fresh lemon juice (about 4 lemons) • 1 cup ice water • Mint sprigs (optional) Method With 2 cups boiling water steep the tea bags in a large bowl for 5 minutes. Discard tea bags. Add sugar to tea mixture, stirring until sugar dissolves. Cool completely. Stir in juice and 1 cup ice water; chill for 1 hour. Pour tea mixture into the freezer can of an ice-cream freezer; freeze according to manufacturer’s instructions. Spoon sorbet into a freezer-safe container. Cover and freeze 1 hour or until firm. Garnish with mint sprigs, if desired.

Sea Bass with Rock of Curanto and Green Dust Paired with Uda Watte Tea Sea Bass with Black Curanto Rocks Serves 6

• 17oz White wine • 4oz Cream Cheese Method Wash all seafood. Heat the olive oil in a large pot and sauté the onion with the garlic, mild chilli pepper and cumin. Add the sausage, the pork ribs and chicken. Add the white wine and cook. Finally add the mussels and clams. Cook for ten minutes and cover the pot. Mashed Potatoes Ingredients • 6.4oz Potatoes • 1 unit yolk • 2oz Flour • 0.7oz squid ink Method Peel and cut the potatoes. Place in a pot, cover with salted cold water, and bring to a boil and cook until tender for 15 to 20 minutes. Drain. Mash the potatoes. Mix the mashed potatoes with egg yolks, flour, salt, pepper. Fill with curanto paste and fry. Assembly Sear the sea bass with salt and pepper and place the rock on top using the liquid from the stew as a sauce to garnish the plate.

Ingredients • 6 portions Sea Bass

Rice Pudding with t-Series Cinnamon and Ginger Tea

Curanto paste

Ingredients • 2 tea bags Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea • 1 bag Dilmah t-Series Natural Ceylon Ginger Tea • 240g White rice (long grain) • 480ml Water • ½ teaspoon Salt • 2 cans Evaporated milk • 400g Sugar

Ingredients • 18oz Clams • 18oz Mussels • 18oz Pork ribs • 3 units Chicken Thighs • Chorizo sausage or Ahumada • 10oz Onion • 0.3oz Paprika

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Matías Palomo | Chile

Method Cook the rice in water. Make an infusion with all the ingredients and drain, then add the rice and cook it until it becomes thicker. Set inside a pittu.


Spiced Strawberries with Basil and t-Series Green Tea with Jasmine Flowers

Method Whisk the cream. Add the honey.

Serves 6 Jelly Basil Ingredients • 2 spoons Dilmah t-Series Green Tea with Jasmine Flowers • 100g Basil • 200cc Water • 35cc Syrup • 3g Gelatine Method Cook the basil in boiling water. Cool down. Process the basil with water, Green Tea with Jasmine Flowers and syrup. Filter. Add the gelatine. Compote Berries Ingredients • 50g Raspberry • 50g Blackberry • 150g Strawberry • 25g Sugar • 3 units Cloves • Cinnamon • Orange peel

Ingredients • 100cc Cream • 5g Honey

Assembly Set the basil gelatine, and then add the tea spiced strawberries and cream.

t-Series Italian Almond Tea Marshmallows Ingredients • 2 tea bags Dilmah t-Series Italian Almond Tea • 21g Gelatine • 400g Sugar • 120g Water • 160ml Corn syrup • 60g Water • 1.5g Salt Method Infuse the tea in the water. Hydrate the gelatine and mix with the tea in a mixer machine and mix until the gelatine looks like meringue. In a sauté pan mix the rest of the ingredients and heat on the fire until you get a caramel. Then mix it with the gelatine and turn the speed up on the mixer. Then put everything in a mould and let it set for a few minutes until it cools down.

Method Put the berries in the sous vide with the spices and sugar. Cook for two hours.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Mukul Agarwal India

Mukul Agarwal has been with the Hilton chain since April 2009 and is currently Chef de Cuisine at Hilton New Delhi / Janakpuri. He is a graduate of the hotel management Institute of Hotel Management, Catering Technology and Nutrition, Ahmedabad. Mukul has a wealth of experience both in India and internationally and conducts high end culinary classes for charitable events. His culinary offerings reflect the most contemporary trends of fresh, local produce, nutritional options for adults and children alike. 322

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Mukul Agarwal India

Ice Tea (welcome drink) Ceylon Souchong Tea and Smoked Ginger ‘Rasam’ Starter Dilmah Moroccan Mint Tea Poached Lobster with Kerala Moilly Sauce Sorbet Peppered Sugarcane and Ginger Spiced Tea Sorbet Main Course Braised Lamb Rogan Josh with Dilmah Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea and Rice Dessert Aam Papad with Kalakand, Betel Leaves and Gulkand Flavoured with Dilmah Natural Rosehip and Hibiscus Tea Petit fours with hot tea Apricot Tikki and Fig Tikki with Yata Watte Masala Tea


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Mukul Agarwal | India

Ceylon Souchong Tea and Smoked Ginger ‘Rasam’

Dilmah Moroccan Mint Tea Poached Lobster with Kerala Moilly Sauce

1 Portion

1 Portion

Utensils • Sauce Pan • Tea pot • Jug • Teaspoon • Strainer • Muslin Cloth • Muddler

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah Green Tea Moroccan Mint • 200g Rock Lobster • 5g Mint Leaves • 180ml Fish Stock • Salt to taste • 1 no. Bay Leaf • 1 no. Lemon • 50g Onions • 50g Green capsicum • 25g Red Bell pepper • 25g Yellow Bell pepper • 5g Turmeric • 5g Green Chilly • 15ml coconut oil • Few nos Curry Leaves • 50ml Fresh Coconut Milk

Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series The First Ceylon Souchong • 10g Ginger • 200ml Hot Water • Ice for chilling • 5g Tamarind • 5g Mint • 1 no. Lemon • 1 no. fresh tea leaf


Method Soak the Tamarind and take out the pulp. Crush some ginger along with the tamarind pulp in the muddler. Prepare the Souchong tea. Put some ice in the muddler and pour the tea over it. Strain in a jug and serve it chilled.

Moilly Sauce Sauté sliced onions in a sauce pan. Once the onions are soft add green capsicum juliennes, chopped green chilli and curry leaves. Add turmeric and fresh coconut milk. Bring it to a boil and strain.

Type of Glass Sherry Glass

Poached Lobster In a pan bring the fish stock to a boil. Add bay leaf and salt. Lower the temperature and add the Moroccan Mint tea leaves. Put the Lobster and cook it for 6-7 minutes. Remove the shell of the Lobster and keep the meat chilled for serving.

Garnish - Lemon wedge and Fresh Tea leaf

Salad Cut Juliennes of Green Capsicum, Red Capsicum, Yellow Capsicum and onions. Keep the salad in the ice water. Just before serving add lemon juice and salt


Garnish - Mint Leaf and Lobster claw

Peppered Sugarcane and Ginger Spiced Tea Sorbet 3 Portions Ingredients • 1 teaspoons Dilmah t-Series Natural Ceylon Ginger Tea • 50ml Sugarcane juice • 5g Crushed Black Pepper • 5ml Ginger Juice • 180ml Hot water Method Prepare the Ginger Spice tea in a pot. Bring the Sugarcane juice to a boil in a sauce pan and add the crushed Black Peppercorn. Remove from fire and add Ginger Juice and Ginger Spice Juice. Cool it down and put it in the sorbet machine for 30mins to prepare the sorbet. Garnish - Thinly sliced ginger on sugarcane stick, crushed Black Pepper and fresh Tea leaves

Braised Lamb Rogan Josh with Dilmah Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea and Rice 1 Portion Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea • 100g Onions • 30g Yoghurt • 5g Red Chilli Powder(deghi Mirch) • 20g Ginger Garlic Paste • 450g Lamb Chops • 5g Black cardamom • 1 no. Bay Leaf • 2-3 nos. Cloves

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Mukul Agarwal | India

• • • • • • • •

5g Green cardamom 50g Clarified Butter (Ghee) 25g Basmati Rice 5g Fresh Coriander 1 no Papadam 5g Coriander Powder 5g Garam Masala Powder Rogan Josh

Method In a heavy bottom pan heat up the Ghee. Add Bay Leaves, Cloves, Green cardamom, Black cardamom. Add sliced Onions and sauté until the Onions are golden brown in colour. Add Ginger Garlic paste and sauté. Now add Lamb Chops and sauté until the meat is seared on all sides. Add Coriander Powder, Garam Masala Powder and Red Chilli Powder. Whip the Yoghurt and add in the pan. Cook it slowly covered with a lid until the meat is just done. Now add the Ceylon Cinnamon Spiced Tea tied in a muslin cloth. Simmer it until the meat is tender. Basmati Rice Soak the rice for some time. In a stock Pot take some water and boil it. Add rice and cook it for 10-12 minutes or until the rice is soft. Drain the rice of excess water. Garnish - Papadam, fried bay leaf and fresh coriander sprig

Aam Papad with Kalakand, Betel Leaves and Gulkand Flavoured with Dilmah Natural Rosehip and Hibiscus Tea 1 Portion Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah t-Series Natural Rosehip with Hibiscus • 200g Fresh Mangoes

• • • • •

80g Castor Sugar 180ml Milk 1 Lemon 1 no. Betel Leaves 20g Red Rose Petals

Method Aam Papad Take out the puree of the mango. Put it in a saucepan to reduce. Add equal quantity of the castor sugar. Once the sugar is boiled to a two thread consistency, take the mixture out and pour it in a tray with silicon mat. Dry it out on a low heat for extra moisture. Kalakand Reduce the milk to ⅓ and castor sugar in a sauce pan, stirring it continuously. Add few drops of lemon juice to coagulate the milk protein and discard the whey by passing it through a muslin cloth. Assembly Cut a 2.5 inch thick and 5 inch long strip of transfer sheet and transfer the Aam Papad on that. Fold the transfer sheet into a tear drop and fill it with Kalakand. Garnish - Rolled Betel leaf, Gulkand and Rosehip and Hibiscus Tea

Apricot Tikki and Fig Tikki 1 Portion Ingredients • 50g Dried Apricot • 50g Dried Figs • 30g Cottage cheese • 15g Cashew nuts • 5g Ginger powder • 5g Cardamom powder • 15g Pistachio • 50g Butter

Method Soak the Apricot and Figs for 4-5 hours. Drain the water out and take out the mince. For stuffing grate the cottage cheese, add chopped cashew nut, pistachio, Cardamom powder and Ginger powder. Make a coin size patty separately with Figs and Apricot with the stuffing in the centre. Panfry it shortly with butter and serve. Garnish - Chopped nuts

Yata Watte Masala Tea 1 Portion Utensils • Tea Plunger • Tea cup and Saucer • Tea Spoon • Sauce pan • Strainer • Ladle Ingredients • 1 teaspoon Dilmah Yata Watte Tea • 30ml Milk • 10g Ginger • 5g Green Cardamom • 1 no. Cinnamon Sticks • 180ml Hot water Method Boil the milk with Ginger, Green Cardamom and few Cinnamon Sticks in a sauce pan. Strain and pour around 30ml in the tea cup. Put a tea spoon full of Yata Watte Tea in the plunger and pour enough hot water to fill one tea cup. Stir the tea nicely. Close the plunger and serve it along with the tea cup with milk. Type of Glass - Tea cup and Saucer and Plunger Garnish - Cinnamon Stick to Stir


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Peter Kuruvita Australia

Peter Kuruvita was born in London and from a young age was influenced by a range of cultures, mainly from his Austrian mother and Sri Lankan father. Peter’s family moved to Sydney, Australia where he followed his passion in catering. After finalising his apprenticeship Peter left Sydney to further his culinary career in London. His first role landed him in the commis chef position at the One Star Michelin restaurant, Rue St Jacques. Peter returned to Sydney in 1984 and worked at renowned restaurants – Barrenjoey House and Bilsons - that received Sydney Morning Herald Chef Hat ratings. Peter has been regularly invited as consultant to a variety of leading hotels around the world such as the Four Seasons Hotel, Philadelphia, USA and Yasawa Island Lodge, Fiji. He was also executive chef at Hayman Island Resort in Queensland, Australia where they won many awards while he was there. Peter now runs the well-known Flying Fish Restaurant in Sydney, Australia. 326

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Peter Kuruvita Australia

Ice Tea (welcome drink) - Bondi Breaker Ginger Liqueur, Double Strength Natural Ceylon Ginger Tea, Vodka Canapés Pop Corn Prawn Skewers, Dusted in Gentle Minty Green Tea Arranchini with Galle District OP1 Hot Smoked Salmon and Cucumber Starter Seared Yellow Fin Tuna Crusted in Chilli and Ceylon Young Hyson Tea Salt with Ruby Pomello Black Pepper Caramel and Sweet Pork Crackling Sorbet Milk and t-Series Vanilla Ceylon Tea Sorbet Main Course Fillet of Beef with a Shitake Mushroom and Dilmah Earl Grey Tea Crust, with Braised Beef Cheek Fondant Potato and a Garlic and Dilmah Ceylon Supreme Tea Jus Dessert Crème Brûlée with Poached Quince, Vanilla Sable and Almond Ice Cream Petit fours with hot tea Tamarama Nights


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Peter Kuruvita | Australia

Bondi Breaker - Ginger Liqueur, Double Strength Natural Ceylon Ginger tea, Vodka Ingredients • 15ml double strength natural Dilmah t-Series Natural Ceylon Ginger Tea • ½ mandarin • 4-5 chunks pineapple • 15ml ginger liqueur • 45ml vodka • 10ml sugar syrup Method Muddle mandarin and pineapple, add vodka, ginger liqueur, ginger tea and sugar syrup. Shake and strain. Serve in old fashioned glass.

Pop Corn Prawn Skewers, Dusted in Gentle Minty Green Tea Arranchini with Galle District OP1 Hot Smoked Salmon and Cucumber Ingredients • 1 tablespoon Dilmah Exceptional Gentle Minty Green Tea • 3 teaspoons vegetable oil • 60g (¼ cup) popcorn kernels • 1 tablespoon sumac • 1 tablespoon finely chopped Flat-leaf parsley • ½ clove garlic (finely chopped) • 24 x 20cm bamboo skewers, soaked • 24 large green tiger prawns, peeled, cleaned Lime cheeks, to serve Method Place vegetable oil in a small saucepan and heat over low heat until hot. Add popcorn kernels, cover with a lid and cook, shaking the saucepan occasionally for 4 minutes or until the kernels have popped. Cool popcorn. Place popcorn in a food processor and process to a coarse powder. Add sumac, chopped parsley, garlic and 1 teaspoon sea salt, and process until just combined, then transfer


the popcorn mixture to a shallow dish. Preheat the grill to high. Thread each tiger prawn lengthwise onto a bamboo skewer, then arrange skewers on an oiled oven tray. Grill prawns for 3 minutes or until just cooked. Aïoli Ingredients • 2 egg yolks • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard • 1 clove garlic, crushed • 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar • 250ml (1 cup) vegetable oil • 1 tablespoon lemon juice Method Process egg yolks, Dijon mustard, garlic and white wine vinegar in a food processor until combined. With the motor running, add the vegetable oil, drop by drop at first, then in a thin, steady stream until thick and emulsified. Add lemon juice, season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper, then process to combine. Makes 1¼ cups. Roll hot prawns in the aïoli to coat generously, then roll in the popcorn mixture to coat. Serve the tiger prawn skewers immediately with lime cheeks to squeeze over. * Sumac is a ground reddish brown Middle Eastern berry with an astringent taste, available in supermarkets and spice shops.

Seared Yellow Fin Tuna Crusted in Chilli and Ceylon Young Hyson Tea Salt with Ruby Pomello Black Pepper Caramel and Sweet Pork Crackling Ingredients • 2 teaspoons Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Young Hyson Green Tea • 1 loin tuna 400g • 100g chilli salt • 2 pomello segmented and all pith removed • 200g piece of pork belly with skin on • Black pepper caramel • Shiso leaf to garnish Method Pork belly Steam pork belly for 30 minutes. Whilst the belly is still hot lightly score the skin, then rub salt into the score marks. Place the belly on foil, folding the side up to the skin, leaving the skin uncovered. Place into a deep tray; add water until the belly is half submerged and roast for 30 minutes at 240 degrees or until the skin is crisp and crackling. Once cooked, cut the crackling away from the belly and scrape off any remaining fat. Cut into strips and set aside. Slice the belly into 1cm slices and keep warm till ready to use Tuna Coat the tuna loin in chilli salt and tea and sear evenly all the rounds in a hot pan with oil. Leave to cool then slice 1cm thick pieces. Assembly Assemble the dish with layers of pork belly, pomello and tuna, finish with black pepper caramel. Garnish with Shiso leaves and crackling.

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Peter Kuruvita | Australia

Milk and t-Series Vanilla Ceylon Tea Sorbet

Beef Fillet

Ingredients • 1 tablespoon Dilmah t-Series Vanilla Ceylon Tea • 600ml milk • 250g Sugar • 2 Leaves Gelatine • ½l Evaporated Milk • 200g Milk Powder • 150ml Cream

Ingredients • 1 beef fillet • 200g pig’s caul fat

Method Bring milk and sugar to a boil then add the tea and let it brew for 4 minutes. Add soaked gelatine. Mix together remaining ingredients and pour in boiled milk mix. Strain and churn.

Fillet of Beef with a Shitake Mushroom and Dilmah Earl Grey Tea Crust, with Braised Beef Cheek Fondant Potato and a Garlic and Dilmah Ceylon Supreme Tea Jus Serves 4 Mushroom and Dilmah Earl Grey Tea Crust Ingredients • 2 tablespoons Dilmah Earl Grey Tea • 500g dried shitake mushrooms • 100g bread crumbs • 50g pork back fat Method Hydrate mushroom in hot boiling water until soft. Strain off water and press the mushroom between two towels to extract all the moisture. Blend the mushrooms, bread crumbs, tea and back fat in a food processor until it forms a smooth paste. Using a rolling pin, roll out the paste between two sheets of baking paper as thin as possible. Try to make the sheets 20cm by 20cm. Put into the fridge to set for about ½ hour.

Method To prepare the beef, take each sheet of mushroom crust and wrap around the loin, then wrap each loin in a sheet of caul fat, wrapping tightly. Then roll in plastic wrap to form a cylinder shape. Tie off each end, and put in the fridge to set for 2 hours. In a hot pan, sear the loin all the way round evenly, then place in an oven on high (about 220°C) for 4 minutes, then leave to rest for 10 minutes. Slice into thin pieces. Braised Beef Cheek Ingredients • 4 beef cheeks, deboned • 4l veal stock • 1 onion, roughly chopped • 1 stick celery, roughly chopped • 1 carrot, roughly chopped • 1 leek, roughly chopped • 4 garlic cloves, crushed • Salt and pepper

Method Slice the potato into 3cm-sized slices. Using a round metal cutter around 4cm in diameter, trim the potatoes so they are an even thickness all the way through. Melt the butter in a pot then add the potatoes, adding just enough water to cover them. Keep on a moderate heat until all liquid is cooked out, then turn the heat down to low. The butter will start to slowly burn. Keep cooking until there is an even coating of burnt butter on the potato slices. Remove from heat. When you take the potatoes out of the pan there should be a golden ring around the outside. Garnish • Marche cress • Braised garlic, diced • Pan-fried pine mushrooms Assembly Smear a plate with mushroom puree then arrange the lamb loin, braised shoulder and potato on the plate. Add the pine mushrooms then garnish with marche cress and diced black garlic.

Method Season the beef with salt and pepper and sear in a hot pan until brown in colour, then use the same pan to colour up the vegetables and garlic. Place the lamb, vegetables and garlic in a deep tray and cover with veal stock, then braise for 5-6 hours at 150°C. Fondant Potato Ingredients • 3 desiree potatoes • 200g butter


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Peter Kuruvita | Australia

Crème Brûlée with Poached Quince, Vanilla Sable and Almond Ice Cream Crème brûlée Ingredients • 1200g cream • 10 vanilla beans • 3 eggs • 10 yolks • 250g sugar Method Heat cream and vanilla. Whisk eggs, yolks and sugar. Pour heated cream over the yolks. Strain into a jug making sure the vanilla is pushed through with a ladle. Pour into prepared moulds and bake at 160°C in the kombi for 40 minutes. Quince Ingredients • 2000g Sugar • 6 cinnamon quills • 2 star anise • 6 cloves • 2 cardamom • 2 vanilla • 1 teaspoon nutmeg • 4000ml water • 6 lemons Method Bring sugar, water and spices to the boil. Add quince trimmings wrapped up in a muslin cloth. Simmer mixture for 15 minutes. Add quartered quince and simmer on a low heat for 6 hours.

Almond Ice Cream

Quince Reduction

Ingredients • 20 yolks • 600g sugar • 1000ml milk • 500 almonds • 1200g cream

Ingredients • 500ml syrup • 200g sugar

Method Boil milk and add roughly chopped almonds. Cover and sit for an hour. Whisk yolks and sugar and add warmed strained milk. Sabayon over high heat until thick and creamy. Chill over ice and add cream. Strain. Vanilla Sable Ingredients • 500g flour • 100g almond • 250g butter • 200g icing sugar • 50g double cream • 3 tablespoons vanilla paste Method Cream butter, icing sugar and vanilla. Add double cream and flour and almond meal. Wrap into squares and lay flat in the fridge. Rest for at least 2 hours. Roll between paper and freeze before cutting into circles. Quince Jelly Ingredients • 500ml quince poaching syrup • 3.5 gelatine leaves Method Heat syrup. Add soaked gelatine and set in sprayed moulds. Turn out before service


Method Heat sugar and quince syrup, boil and reduce slowly. Almond Praline Ingredients • 400 almonds • 800 caramel Method Roast almonds add to caramel. Cool then blitz till fine in the robo. Vanilla paste Ingredients • Scraped vanilla beans • 100ml sugar syrup. Method Roughly chop vanilla beans and place in robo. Cover with the sugar syrup. Blitz for ten minutes until fine. Caramel sheets Ingredients • 240 glucose • 360 fondant Method Bring glucose and fondant to 165°C to 170°C. Pour onto a silpat and set. Flip onto silicon paper and warm in the oven and cut to size 7cm by 7cm for large and 3½ by 3½ for small.

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Peter Kuruvita | Australia

Tamarama Nights Ingredients • 120ml Dilmah Exceptional Lively Lime and Orange Fusion • 120ml Dilmah Cinnamon Tea • 1 tablespoon honey • 30ml Bundaberg dark Rum • 2 cloves • Skin of lime and orange Method Brew tea, place honey, orange and lime skin studded with cloves in a glass. Pour rum over and then brewed tea, serve hot in clear glass.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Radim Gerlich Czech Republic

Radim Gerlich was born in the Czech Republic where he attended hotel school ISŠ – COP Frenštát p. Radhoštěm. Since then he has worked in different culinary establishments around the world including London and Italy. He has worked as Chef at V. I. P. Restaurant, Profiler s. r. o. and Square, Kampapark s. r. o. and is currently the Sous Chef at Aromi, Catering Aromi s. r. o. Radim enjoys learning new things and through his varied experiences offers his guests unique culinary creations. 332

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Radim Gerlich Czech Republic

Ice Tea (welcome drink) Valley of Kings Iced Tea Starter Ravioli with Aubergine and Uda Watte Tea Butter Sauce Soup Octopus Soup and Frizella Bread Sorbet Meda Watte Tea and Mint Sorbet Main Course Lamb Chop with Dilmah Supreme Ceylon Tea Polenta Dessert Pannacotta with Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea Jelly and Apple Foam with Vanilla Ceylon Tea Petit fours with hot tea Cantucci Biscuits Paired with t-Series Italian Almond Tea Ceylon Young Hyson Green Tea with Cinnamon & Tarragon


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Radim Gerlich | Czech Republic

Valley of Kings Iced Tea Ingredients • 10 tea bags Dilmah Exceptional Valley of Kings Ceylon Pekoe (prepared in 1.4l water) • 3dl fresh red orange juice • Juice from 1-2 limes • 225g brown sugar • 0.15l grenadine syrup • 2 pomegranates • Ice cubes Method Prepare the tea and cool it. Combine with the orange juice, lime juice, sugar and syrup. Remove the seed from one of the pomegranates and add them into the tea. Pour into a tall glass filled with ice cubes. Type of Glass Hurricane glass Garnish - Slices of pomegranate

Ravioli with Aubergine and Uda Watte Tea Butter Sauce Ingredients FIRST DISH COMPONENT - Ravioli • 10 teaspoons of Dilmah Uda Watte Tea • 0.625kg flour (Farina 00) • 0.650kg wholemeal flour (Semolina) • 0.75l egg yolks • 3 eggs • 0.5l water • 2kg aubergine • 0.3kg ricotta • 0.1kg parmesan • Salt • Black pepper


SECOND DISH COMPONENT - Butter Sauce • 25g Dilmah Uda Watte Tea • 350g Butter • 150g Fava beans • 200g tomatoes • 0.4l Port wine • 50g Parmesan • 3 Aubergine skins • Salt • Black pepper Method Ravioli Leave the tea in cold water for 5 minutes to soften. Place the dry ingredients into a bowl and mix. Add egg yolks. Add the tea syrup (together with tea leaves) gradually. Work to a dough and knead until smooth. Wrap the dough and leave for 3 hours. To make the filling, place the aubergine in the baking tray, cover and bake at 180°C for 1.5 hour. Remove, peel, put into a chinoise and squeeze gently to remove excess water. Mix the aubergine purée, ricotta, parmesan and season with salt and pepper. Pass the dough through a pasta machine on the widest setting. Fold in half and then put through again. Repeat the process moving the machine to a thinner setting each time until the pasta is about 1mm thick. Cut into halves so you end up with two strips. Lay one strip on the work surface and brush it with beaten eggs. Then place little mounds of filling leaving a space of about 3-4cm between each mound. Fold the other half of the pasta over the top, matching the sides together, and gently press down around each ravioli. Cut out each ravioli. Cook for 4 minutes in salty water.

Butter Sauce Clean and peel the tomatoes, clean the beans and simmer the aubergine skins in the Port wine for 2 hours. Leave the tea in ½ litre of hot water for 4 minutes. Reduce the tea into 50ml. Reduce the heat to low start adding the cubes of butter, one or two at a time, and whisk rapidly with a wire whisk. As the butter melts and incorporates, add more butter and keep whisking. Continue until you only have 2-3 cubes remaining. Remove from heat while whisking in the last few cubes, and whisk for a moment or two more. The finished sauce should be thick and smooth. Add the rest of the ingredients into the sauce and keep warm. Garnish - Fresh tea leaves

Octopus Soup and Frizella Bread Octopus Broth Ingredients • 10 tea bags Dilmah Exceptional Lively Lime and Orange Fusion • 1.5kg octopus • 0.3kg carrots • 0.3kg fennel • 0.3kg celery sticks • 2 bay leaves • 1l vegetable stock • Juice from 1 orange • Juice from 1 lime • Black pepper • Castor sugar Method Put the octopus, carrots, fennel and half of the celery sticks together into a saucepan, cover and heat slowly for 2 hours (no water is needed, the

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Radim Gerlich | Czech Republic

liquid comes from the octopus itself). Leave the octopus to cool and slice it. Clarify and strain to make approximately 1 litre of stock. Pour together half a litre of the octopus stock and 1 litre of the vegetable stock and bring to boil. Add tea bags for 5 minutes and after removing them pour in orange and lime juice and season with salt, sugar and pepper. Meanwhile clean the second half of the celery sticks, slice and boil for 3 minutes. Cool in cold water. Frizella Bread Ingredients • 1kg plain flour • 30 grams fresh yeast • 2 teaspoons salt • 3dl water • Castor sugar Method Place dry ingredients in a bowl and gradually add water. Work to a dough and knead until smooth. Wrap the dough and leave for 1 hour. Divide the dough into 12 pieces and make each piece into a shape of doughnut, cover with damp cloth and leave for 20 minutes. Preheat the oven to 160°C and bake for 15 minutes. Remove and cut in halves horizontally. Bake for another 15 minutes. Garnish - Watercress

Meda Watte Tea and Mint Sorbet Ingredients • 20g Dilmah Meda Watte Tea prepared in 3dl water • 1.5l water • Juice from 3 lemons • 0.75kg sugar syrup • Softin (stabiliser) • Neutrin (stabiliser)

Method Blend the sugar syrup and the stabilisers. Add the rest of the ingredients and whisk together. Pour into a bowl and leave in the freezer. Whisk every one hour until it thickens. Garnish - 1 sprig of mint

Lamb Chop with Dilmah Supreme Ceylon Tea Polenta The Sauce Ingredients • 4 tea bags Dilmah t-Series Supreme Ceylon Single Origin • 2kg lamb bones • 0.05l olive oil • 0.1kg Black trumpets (dried) • 0.1kg baby spinach • 0.5kg carrot • 0.3kg celery sticks • 0.3kg onion • 0.2l red wine • 0.25kg tomato puree • 1 thyme sprig • 1 bay leaf • 3l water Method Preheat the oven to 220°C, put the lamb bones into a roasting tin, drizzle with olive oil and roast it for one hour until golden brown. Heat the remaining oil in the large stock pot and add the chopped vegetables. Stir frequently over a medium heat until the vegetables are lightly golden, add the tomato puree and stir for another 2 or 3 minutes. Add the browned lamb bones to the stock pot, leaving behind the excess fat, pour over the cold water to cover and gently simmer. Add the herbs and simmer for 6 hours. Strain the stock into a clean pan, return to the heat and boil until reduced to 1/3. Season the sauce with salt and pepper.

Prepare the tea (4 teabags in 0.5l water) and the Black trumpets in it for 2 hours. Squeeze gently to remove excess water. Just before serving put the black trumpets and baby spinach into the hot sauce and cook for 1 minute. Polenta Ingredients • 30 tea bags Dilmah Ceylon Supreme Tea • 0.75kg white polenta • 1.5l water • 1.5l vegetable stock • 0.15kg butter • 0.05kg parmesan • 2dl double cream • 1 bay leaf • 1 sprig rosemary • Salt • Black pepper • Castor sugar Method Prepare the tea (30 tea bags in 1.5l water) and mix together with 1.5l vegetable stock. In a large, pan bring the mixture and the double cream to the boil. Add the bay leaf and the rosemary sprig. Whisk in the polenta and cook on a high heat for about 5 minutes until it thickens. Turn down the heat and cook for around 30 minutes stirring every 5 minutes until the polenta has the consistency of porridge. Finally, add the parmesan and the butter. Season with salt, sugar and pepper. Pour and spread the polenta into the tray, so that it is about 4cm thick. After cooling it, cut out squares round 7cm each side.



The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Radim Gerlich | Czech Republic

Lamb Chop Ingredients • 2.5kg lamb chop • 1 sprig rosemary • Olive oil • 0.10kg butter • ½ Chilli pepper • 3 cloves garlic • Salt • Pepper Method Heat the frying pan and add the olive oil, butter, chilli pepper, garlic and rosemary. Put in the meat and cook for 3 minutes each side, then transfer into an oven for about 6 minutes (this will still be pink inside, if you prefer it more well done, leave it in the oven a little longer). Bring out of the oven and leave to rest for about 10 minutes. Cut in pieces and serve. Garnish - Rosemary

Pannacotta with Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea Jelly and Apple Foam with Vanilla Ceylon Tea Pannacotta Ingredients • 15g Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Cinnamon Spice tea prepared in 0.5l water and sweetened with 2-3 tablespoons of sugar • 1l double cream • 3 cinnamon sticks • 6 pieces black pepper • 3 pieces star anise • 150g sugar • 10 Gelatine leaves


Method Warm the cream, cinnamon, anise, pepper and sugar gently over low heat until it boils. Remove the cream and cool down to about 70°C. Meanwhile soak the gelatine in a bowl of cold water for 5 minutes to soften. Gently squeeze half of the gelatine to remove excess liquid. Add the gelatine into the cream and stir until it dissolves. Strain and pour into cups, leaving 1/3 of each cup free. Leave to cool in the fridge for 1 hour. Add the rest of the gelatine into the prepared tea (cooled to approximately 70°C), stir and strain. Pour into the cups- onto the cooled cream. Cool in the fridge for 12 hours.

• 200g castor sugar • 300g almonds • 250g raisins Method Combine the flour, raisins, almonds, soft butter and baking powder in a bowl. Whisk eggs, sugar and vanilla seeds until the sugar melts. Add the eggs into the flour to form smooth dough. Spread mixture on a baking sheet 4cm wide for the full length of tray. Bake in preheated oven (upto 180°C) until it reaches a golden colour. Cut in slices 1cm thick and bake for another 10 minutes. Serve with Italian Almond tea seasoned with sugar and milk.

Apple Compote Ingredients • 15g Dilmah t-Series Vanilla Ceylon Tea (prepared in 0.5l water) • 1kg apples • 150g sugar • ½ chilli pepper • 1dl apple juice • 1 sprig rosemary Method Peel and clean the apples and cut them in small cubes. Combine all ingredients in a pot and cook for 1 hour. At the end add the rosemary sprig and keep it for 10 minutes. Remove excess liquid. Garnish - Black salt flakes, cinnamon stick

Cantucci Biscuits Paired with t-Series Italian Almond Tea Ingredients • 1kg plain flour • 8 eggs • 1 vanilla bean (split) • Baking powder

Ceylon Young Hyson Green Tea with Cinnamon & Tarragon Ingredients • 15g Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Young Hyson Green Tea (prepared in 1.5l water) • 4 cinnamon sticks • 100g fresh tarragon • 30g brown sugar Method First infuse tarragon with hot water for 10 minutes. Then strain and heat the liquid to 80°C, pour the tea in and leave in for 3 minutes. Season with sugar and serve. Type of Glass - A cup Garnish - Cinnamon stick, tarragon

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Robert Schinkel Netherlands

Robert Schinkel is a well-known bartender from Amsterdam. After studying political science, he found his true calling working in restaurants, bars and clubs throughout the Netherlands, specializing in cocktails and hospitality. After winning the prestigious International Remy Martin Bartender Style Masters in 2006, and Bartender of the year 2007 he started a consultancy agency for the bar industry called Dr. Inc, providing brands with business knowledge and skills about fine drinks, spirits and hospitality. In 2008 Robert teamed up with Johan Kersten to start Mixology brand building, a company planning marketing ideas and strategies for the beverage industry. In 2009 Robert Schinkel won the Dutch Dilmah Tea Sommelier competition and the Coffee in Good Spirits competition. Known for his passion for drinks and his all-round knowledge of beverages, he is today a speaker, trainer, motivator and an author for many in the bar and beverage industry.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Robert Schinkel Netherlands

Ceylon Old-Fashioned Sommerset Estate Martini Dilmah Blazer Pearl Grey


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Robert Schinkel | Netherlands

Ceylon Old-Fashioned

Dilmah Blazer (makes 2 cocktails)

Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series The First Ceylon Souchong Tea, chilled (3.5 minute brew) • 40ml Johnnie Walker Gold Label • 15ml Cinnamon & Orange syrup • Dash of orange bitters

Ingredients • 100ml Dilmah t-Series Prince of Kandy Tea, hot (4 minute brew) • 80ml Remy Martin VSOP • 2 scoops of fine white sugar • 1 cinnamon stick • Cloves • 2 zests of orange • 2 zests of lemon

Type of Glass Old-fashioned or tumbler Method • Put 2 ice cubes, the syrup and the bitters in the glass and stir for 20 seconds • Add 2 ice cubes and 10ml Johnnie Walker Gold Label and stir for 20 seconds • Repeat previous steps 3 times • Add the First Ceylon Souchong and stir another 20 seconds • Garnish with an orange zest & a cinnamon stick

Sommerset Estate Martini Ingredients • 40ml Dilmah t-Series Somerset Estate Seasonal Flush, chilled (3.5 minute brew) • 40ml Ciroc Vodka • 15ml Lime & Orange syrup Type of Glass Martini Method • Add all ingredients to a mixer glass and stir for at least a minute • Strain into a pre-chilled martini-glass • Garnish with two leaves and a bud of tea


Type of Glass Snifter or Cognac bowl Method • Divide the tea over two snifters and add an orange zest and a lemon zest to each glass • Put the cognac in a blazer can and light the fluid • Add sugar to the burning cognac and stir gently • Add the cinnamon and the cloves • Blaze the fluid • Pour and divide the fluid over the two glasses. • No garnish

Pearl Grey Ingredients • 50ml Dilmah Earl Grey Tea, chilled • 20ml Lavender syrup • 10ml freshly squeezed lemon juice • 15ml organic apple juice • Dash pasteurized egg-white Type of Glass Coupe Method • Add all ingredients to a Boston shaker and shake hard for 15 seconds • Strain into a pre-chilled coupe glass • Garnish with lavender string and some Earl Grey Tea


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Rohan Fernandopulle Sri Lanka

Rohan is currently the Executive Chef at Hilton Colombo and boasts 24 years with Hilton International. Rohan started his career working in smaller resort hotels in the southern coast of Sri Lanka before joining Hilton International. After working in Europe & the Middle East he made his way back to Sri Lanka where he is the first Sri Lankan to become the Executive Chef. Rohan has competed in various International Culinary Competitions including the Culinary Olympics 2004 held in Germany, which is considered the biggest culinary competition in the world, where he won a Gold & Silver medal and a Diploma. He has also won many medals at the Food & Hotel Asia International culinary competitions held in Singapore. He also won the Chef of the Year Presidential Award in Travel & Tourism 2008. Rohan is the only Sri Lankan member of the prestigious ‘Club Des Chefs Des Chefs’ and is a member of the famous club, Chain des Rotisseurs as Chef de Rotisseur. His speciality is trans-ethnic cuisine which he pioneered in Sri Lanka. 342

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Rohan Fernandopulle Sri Lanka

Ice Tea (welcome drink) Lively Lime and Orange Fusion with Grand Marnier and Spices Starter - Teas in Ocean Vanilla Ceylon Tea Smoked Salmon Pavé on Marinated Avocado and Ikura Vanilla Cream, Galle District OPI Tea Spiced Crispy Weligama Bay Baby Lobster on Tangy Tomato and Dilmah and Natural Ceylon Ginger Tea Jam Sorbet - Tea Tangy Yata Watte Tea Tin Kiri Sorbet Main Course - Teas’ Wonders Prime Rack of Lamb with Earl Grey Tea Jus Drizzled with Dilmah Ceylon Green Tea with Jasmine Petals Tea Oil, Slow Roasted Beef Tenderloin with Dilmah Valley of Kings Ceylon Pekoe Tea Béarnaise and Sautéed Mushrooms Dessert - Teasing Teas Rose with French Vanilla Tea infused Buffalo Curd, Pannacotta & Warm Chocolate Cheese Pudding topped with Dilmah Moroccan Mint and Green Tea Iced Truffle Petits fours with hot tea - Dilmah Aficionado Dilmah Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea Cigar


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Rohan Fernandopulle | Sri Lanka

Lively Lime and Orange Fusion with Grand Marnier and Spices Ingredients • 1 nos. Dilmah Exceptional Lively Lime and Orange Fusion Tea bags • 250ml Hot Water • 25ml Grand Marnier • 2 nos. Orange Slice • 2 nos. Lime Slice • ½ inch Cinnamon • 3 nos. Cardamom • 2 nos. Cloves • 30g Bees Honey • 5ml lime juice Method Brew the tea with spices. Add bees honey with Grand Marnier. Chill and add lime juice and lime slices & orange slices.

Vanilla Ceylon Tea Smoked Salmon Pavé on Marinated Avocado and Ikura Vanilla Cream 4 Portions Smoked Salmon Ingredients • 125ml Dilmah Vanilla Ceylon Brewed Tea • 5g Fresh Dilmah Vanilla Ceylon Tea • 200g Fresh Salmon • 1 teaspoon Lime Juice • Pinch of Crushed Pepper • Pinch of Paprika Method Marinate the Salmon in the tea mixture. Mix all the ingredients and season the Salmon overnight. Smoke the fish. Add brewed tea leaves to smoke the fish.


Smoked Salmon Pavé Ingredients • 6 slices Dilmah Vanilla Tea Smoked Seer Salmon (Refer recipe) • 4g Fresh Chives • 4 boats Avocado • 4 slices Sun dried Tomato • 4 tablespoons Ikura Vanilla Cream (refer recipe) • 1 teaspoon Mayonnaise • Edible flowers and chives for garnish Method Chop 2 slices of smoked Salmon and mix in the chives and mayonnaise. Keep ¼ of the chopped smoked Salmon on each slice of Salmon and fold like a bundle. Marinate avocado with lime juice, salt and olive oil. Place the seer pavé on avocado and sundried tomato. Vanilla Ikura Cream Ingredients • 50g Onion • 50g Fennel buds • 250ml Fish stock • 250ml Fresh cream • 2 nos. Bay leaves • 250ml White wine • 2 tablespoons Ikura Method Add chopped onion & sliced fennel in white wine. Fresh cream, fish stock & white wine reduced to half separately. Combine reduced 03 liquids and again reduce to half, split the vanilla pod, drop in to mixture and boil. Add ikura, adjust seasoning.

Galle District OP1 Tea Spiced Crispy Weligama Bay Baby Lobster on Tangy Tomato and Dilmah and Natural Ceylon Ginger Tea Jam 4 Portions Ingredients • 2 nos. Baby Lobster (40 g each) • 3g Tea Spice Mixture (refer recipe) • 10g Corn Flour • 1 no. Egg • 40g Tomato Marmalade (refer recipe) • 1 teaspoon Fresh Butter • Salt to taste • 5g Diced Onions • 10g Bell Pepper • 3 nos Garlic Method Season the baby lobster with egg and corn flour and deep fry. Melt butter in a pan and sautée the onions, garlic, bell pepper and tea spice mixture and season. Add the lobster and toss. Tea Spice Mixture Ingredients • 3g Dilmah t-Series Galle District OP1 Tea • 5g Cajun Powder Method Mix well. Natural Ceylon Ginger Tea & Tomato Jam Ingredients • 5g Dilmah Ginger & Honey Tea Powder • 60g Fresh Tomato • 50g Sugar • 3ml Vinegar • 50ml Water • 5g Caramelised Ginger • Pinch of Chilli Powder

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Rohan Fernandopulle | Sri Lanka

Method Brew the tea in water and strain. Mix all ingredients and slow cook to a thick consistency.

Yata Watte Tea Tin Kiri Sorbet 10 Portions Ingredients • 30g Dilmah Yata Watte Tea • 150ml Water • 100ml Condensed Milk Method Brew the tea with water and strain. Mix well with the Condensed Milk. Prepare the sorbet. Allow to cool.

Prime Rack of Lamb with Earl Grey Tea Jus Drizzled with Dilmah Ceylon Green Tea with Jasmine Petals Tea Oil 4 Portions Ingredients • 4 teaspoons Dilmah Green Tea with Jasmine Flowers Tea Oil (refer recipe) • 1 no. Cleaned Whole Rack of Lamb • 40g Tea Crust (refer recipe) • 4g Mustard • 4 tablespoons Green Pea Mash • Salt and Pepper to taste Method Season the rack of lamb with mustard, salt and pepper. Seal and slow roast in an oven till medium. Evenly apply the tea crust (refer recipe) on the lamb. Slightly colour under salamander and rest.

Dilmah Green Tea with Jasmine Petals Tea Oil Ingredients • 50g Dilmah Green Tea with Jasmine Petals • 100ml Corn oil • Salt Method Heat the corn oil to 67°C. Add jasmine green tea and leave in that temperature for 40 minutes. Allow to cool, leave in room temperature for two days. Strain and serve.

Slow Roasted Beef Tenderloin with Dilmah Valley of Kings Ceylon Pekoe Tea Béarnaise and Sautéed Mushrooms 4 Portions Beef Tenderloin

Tea Crust

Ingredients • 4 nos. Beef Tenderloin (60 g each) • 50g Sautéed Mushrooms • 5g Dijon Mustard • Salt and Pepper to taste

Ingredients • 6g Dilmah Earl Grey Tea • 5g Fresh Butter • 35g Fresh Bread Crumbs

Method Season the tenderloin with salt, pepper and mustard. Slow roast in the oven until medium and rest.

Method Combine all the ingredients and prepare the crust.

Nuwara Eliya Pekoe Tea Béarnaise

Eary Grey Jus Ingredients • 60ml Lamb Jus • 10g Dilmah Earl Grey Tea • 50ml Boiling Water • 5g Fresh Butter Method Make a good lamb jus. Mix Earl Grey tea brew and boil once. Mount with fresh butter. Reduce the mixture until you reach the correct consistency.

Ingredients • 2 nos. Egg Yolks • 100ml Clarified Butter • 20ml Tea Reduction (refer recipe) • 4g Brewed Tea Leaves • Seasoning Method Proceed as for Béarnaise sauce. Tea Reduction Ingredients • 30ml Dilmah Exceptional Valley of Kings Ceylon Pekoe Tea Brewed liquid • 10ml White Wine Vinegar • 2g Chopped Onions • 1 no. Bay Leaf • 3 nos. Pepper Corns Method Combine all the ingredients and prepare the reduction.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Rohan Fernandopulle | Sri Lanka

Rose with French Vanilla Tea Infused Buffalo Curd Pannacotta Ingredients • 50ml Brewed Dilmah Exceptional Rose with French Vanilla • 150g Milk • 150g Sugar • 10g Gelatine • 600g Yogurt • 350g Whipped Cream Method Boil Milk, Sugar and Gelatine. Leave to cool. Then add the cooled mixture into the yogurt and mix well. Lastly fold with Cream & tea brew. Pour into moulds & chill properly. Rose Petal & Champagne Jus Ingredients • 50g Rose Petals • 500ml Champagne • 250ml bee’s honey Method Reduce champagne and bees honey together. Cool it down and add rose petals.

Dilmah Moroccan Mint and Green Tea Iced Truffle 20 Portions Ingredients • 10g Dilmah Green Tea Moroccan Mint • 500g Milk • 150g Fresh Cream • 6 nos. Egg Yolks • 175g Sugar


Method Brew 10g of almond tea with 75ml of water. Allow to cool. Boil milk and fresh cream with sugar. Add the brewed almond tea. Beat the egg yolks and fold with the cream and sugar mixture. Add the almond tea. When the mixture is cool, add the mixture to the ice cream machine.

Warm Chocolate Cheese Pudding Ingredients • 13g Cream Cheese • 1 Egg • 20g Corn Flour • 20g Fresh Cream • 50ml Egg White • 50g Sugar • 50g Melted Chocolate Method Beat the Cream Cheese with Corn Flour and gradually add the eggs. Then add the fresh cream. Do the meringue with Egg White and Sugar Separately . Then fold above mixture with meringue. Finally add melted Chocolate and mix. Bake in 150°C oven with Water Ban Marie.

Dilmah Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea Cigar 30 Portions Ingredients • 10g Dilmah Cinnamon Tea • 275g Butter • 250g Sugar • 15ml Milk • 375g Flour • 5g Bicarbonate of Soda Method Sieve the flour with bicarbonate of soda. Mix butter, sugar and milk in a mixing bowl. Add the

flour to the butter mixture. Slightly roast the tea and coarsely crush. Add to the mixture.

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Shane Yardley New Zealand

Shane considers himself a passionate chef who works hard to achieve perfection. His experience in the culinary field includes working in the US, Europe and New Zealand and being a judge at culinary events around the world. Shane is currently the Head Chef of the Bistro Lago Hilton Hotel in New Zealand. Prior to this he has been Senior Chef de Partie at Launceston Place Restaurant, London and Head Chef at Euro Restaurant, Auckland. Shane is a Gold medal winner in the Molecular Gastronomy Category at the National Culinary Competition, Auckland and is a regular culinary judge at the Nestlé Toque d’Or. 348

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Shane Yardley New Zealand

Ice Tea (welcome drink) t-Series Vanilla Ceylon Tea Stirred Over Ice with Vanilla Vodka and New Zealand Vanilla Bush Honey Starter King Prawns Roasted with Ceylon Young Hyson Green Tea Accompanied by Mango and Coconut Entrée Earl Grey Infused Duck Consommé with Earl Grey Smoked Duck Breast and Red Pepper Noodles Sorbet Lively Lime and Orange Tea Sorbet Main Course Cinnamon Tea and Citrus Crusted Venison Fillet, Roasted Courgettes and Fennel accompanied by a Jus of Cinnamon Tea and Juniper Dessert Moroccan Minted Tea Chocolate Marquise, Moroccan Minted Tea Bubbles and Ice-Cream Petit fours with hot tea Turkish Delight made with Exceptional Rose with French Vanilla Tea and Gentle Minty Green Tea


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Shane Yardley | New Zealand

t-Series Vanilla Ceylon Tea Stirred Over Ice with Vanilla Vodka and New Zealand Vanilla Bush Honey

King Prawns Roasted with Ceylon Young Hyson Green Tea, Accompanied by Mango and Coconut

• • • •

Serves 4

Serves 4

Ingredients • 480ml water • 4½ teaspoons Dilmah t-Series Vanilla Ceylon Tea • 1 tablespoon sugar • 1 tablespoon vanilla bush honey • 4 fresh vanilla pods • Juice of 1 lime • 1 lime cut into 4 wedges • 80ml vanilla flavoured vodka • Soda water


Method Peel and dice the mango and red capsicum. Put into a mixing bowl with the chopped chilli and shallot. Add the extra virgin olive oil and salt and pepper to taste.

Method Roll the vanilla pods between the palms of your hands until soft. With a pair of scissors snip off each end of the vanilla pod and push a cocktail straw through from end to the other. Reserve all the seeds. Trim the ends of the straw so that they are even. Bring the water to a boil and add the tea, leave to steep for 10 minutes. Strain into a clean jug and add the honey, the reserved vanilla seeds, sugar and lime juice. Stir and leave to chill in the fridge. Assembly Fill four long glasses with ice. Pour 20ml of vanilla vodka into each glass over the ice. Fill the glasses almost to the top with the cold vanilla tea and finish with a splash of soda and a wedge of lime. Serve each drink with a vanilla straw.


Ingredients • 2 tablespoons Dilmah t-Series Ceylon Young Hyson Green Tea • 8 U8 prawns (Head & shell removed and cleaned) • ¾ teaspoon salt • ½ teaspoon ground black pepper • 2½ tablespoons shaved fresh coconut Method Mix the tea, salt, pepper and ½ a tablespoon of the coconut together. Put prawns onto a flat oven tray. Lightly coat the prawns with the rub and leave to marinate for 20 minutes. Mango Cream Ingredients • 45g freeze dried mango • 120g mango puree • 35 grams cream • 5g caster sugar • Pinch of salt

1 small red chilli (seeds removed and chopped) 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil ½ red capsicum Salt and pepper

Assembly Preheat the oven to 180°C. Place the prawns into the oven and cook for approximately 7-8 minutes. With a pastry brush paint a thick stripe of the mango cream onto 4 serving plates. Divide the mango salsa between the serving plates. Lay two prawns on top of the salsa. Finish the plate with the remaining freeze dried mango and fresh grated coconut.

Earl Grey Infused Duck Consommé with Earl Grey Smoked Duck Breast and Red Pepper Noodles Serves 4

Mango Salsa

Ingredients • 9 tea bags Dilmah Earl Grey Tea • 2 ducks • 4 peeled onions • 4 leeks • 4 peeled carrots • 4 celery sticks • 10 sprigs of thyme • 2 tablespoons of black peppercorns • 6 egg whites • Salt and pepper

Ingredients • 1 ripe mango • 1 finely diced shallot

Method: Preheat oven to 180°C. Remove the breasts and legs from the duck carcass then remove the duck

Method Place the 20g of the freeze dried mango, mango puree, cream, sugar and salt into a blender and puree. Transfer the mixture to a paco jet beaker and freeze. Pacotize when needed.

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Shane Yardley | New Zealand

meat from the legs and set aside. Pull the skin off the duck neck. Discard the skin and keep the neck. Roughly chop the duck frames, leg bones, wings and neck along with 2 onions, 2 carrots, 2 leeks and 2 celery sticks. Transfer the bones to a roasting dish and roast for approximately 25 minutes or until golden brown. Put the bones to a stock pot. Add the roughly chopped vegetables to the roasting pan and return to the oven for a further 15 minutes, shake the pan occasionally so that all the vegetables caramelize evenly. Transfer the caramelized vegetables to the stock pot with the bones. Add 6 litres of cold water then add the pepper corns and thyme. Bring to a boil and simmer very gently for 5 hours. Skim off any impurities that may rise to the surface. Strain the stock through a fine strainer. Steep 6 Earl Grey tea bags in the hot stock for 4 minutes. Remove the tea bags and refrigerate the stock overnight. Put the duck leg meat into a food processor and blend for 30 seconds. Add the remaining 2 carrots, celery stalks, leeks and onions, process for another 30 seconds. In a clean bowl whisk the egg whites until frothy. Mix the egg whites with the processed vegetable mixture and season with a good pinch of salt and pepper. Transfer to a clean stockpot. Remove the duck stock from the fridge. Scoop off any congealed fat. Pour the cold stock over the egg white mixture and with a wooden spoon stir until the egg white dissolves. Put onto a medium heat stirring every once in a while until the stock starts to simmer and the egg whites start to rise, reduce the heat so that the stock is barely simmering under the egg whites. Let cook for 2 hours. Once simmered for the required time remove from the heat and let stand for 10 minutes. Using a ladle strain the clear liquid through a fine sieve lined with muslin cloth.

To smoke the duck Ingredients • ½ cup Dilmah Earl Grey Tea leaves • 2 duck breasts • 1 cup jasmine rice • 1 cup brown sugar • 2 cinnamon sticks • Salt and pepper Method In a bowl mix the tea, rice, cinnamon and sugar together. Season the duck breasts with salt and pepper, place skin side down onto a wire rack that will fit inside a wok. Line the wok with foil then place the smoking mixture on top. Place the wok over a medium heat and wait for it to start smoking. Once the wok is smoking, place the rack with duck breasts into the wok and cover. Cook for about 12 minutes. The duck should be just pink in the middle. Transfer the duck to a plate and leave covered to rest. Garnish Ingredients • 1 peeled carrot • 1 courgette • 1 peeled medium sized potato • 3 red peppers • 1 red chilli (chopped seeds removed) • 12g metil • 115ml consommé

water until tender. Place the vegetables onto a tray and leave to cool naturally. Dice the duck breasts into a similar dice and mix with the blanched vegetables. Remove the plastic wrap from the cooked peppers, peel off the skin and discard. Place into a blender with the chilli and puree to a smooth consistency. Pour into a bowl and set aside. Weigh out 125g of the red pepper puree. Put back into the blender and add the consommé. Blend on a low speed and add the metil. This will thicken the mixture. Increase the speed and continue blending for 20 seconds. Pour mixture into a small plastic squeeze bottle fitted with a fine nozzle. Assembly Place the diced vegetable mixture into a clean saucepan. Gently heat on a medium heat and season with salt and pepper to taste. Set aside and keep warm. Reheat the consommé until just below boiling and steep the remaining tea bags for 30 seconds only. Divide the diced vegetable mixture between 4 warm serving bowls. Ladle in the consommé and working fast squeeze the red pepper mixture in a circular motion around the bowl into the hot liquid. This will form the noodle.

Method Preheat the oven to 180°C. Cut the peppers in half and remove the seeds. Place cut side down onto a baking sheet. Cook in the oven until softened and the skin is starting to blister approx 10-mins. Remove from the oven and place into a bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and leave to cool. Cut the carrot, potato and courgettes into a small dice. Blanch each vegetable separately in salted boiling


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Shane Yardley | New Zealand

Lively Lime and Orange Tea Sorbet Ingredients • 1000ml water • 6 tea bags Dilmah Exceptional Lively Lime and Orange Fusion • 100ml lime juice • 150ml orange juice • 300g sugar • 70g glucose syrup Method Bring the water, lime juice, orange juice, sugar and glucose syrup to the boil and simmer for 1min. Add the tea bags and brew for 4 minutes. Once brewed remove the tea bags from the syrup. Cool over ice then freeze in a paco jet beaker and pacotize when needed or churn in an ice-cream machine.

Cinnamon Tea and Citrus Crusted Venison Fillet, Roasted Courgettes and Fennel Accompanied by a Jus of Cinnamon Tea and Juniper

Serves 4 Ingredients 800g venison loin For the crust Ingredients • 1 tablespoon Dilmah Cinnamon Tea • 2 oranges • 1 tablespoon black peppercorns • 1 tablespoon green peppercorns • ½ tablespoon juniper berries


Method Preheat the oven to 100°C. With a citrus zester, remove the zest from the two oranges. Blanch twice in boiling water for 1 minute, each time using fresh water. Place the blanched zest onto a baking sheet and dry out in the oven for 1 hour. Using a mortar and pestle crush the tea, peppercorns, juniper and dried orange zest. Sieve the mixture, discarding the fine powder, retaining the coarse orange pepper mixture. Season each piece of venison with salt and then lightly coat each piece in the remaining spice mixture. Wrap each piece tightly in cling film and refrigerate overnight.

Method Peel and cut the parsnips into quarters lengthwise. Remove the woody core. Transfer into a saucepan and cover with water. Season with a good pinch of salt. Bring to the boil and simmer until tender (approximately 10 minutes). In another saucepan add the butter and cream together. Bring to a boil and remove from the heat. When the parsnips are tender, strain off the water. Transfer parsnips into a food processor and add ½ the cream mixture. Start to process adding a little at a time the remaining cream mixture until a fine silky texture is achieved. Taste and adjust seasoning with salt only. Keep warm.

For the vegetables


Ingredients • 280g fennel bulb • 180g courgettes • 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil • Salt and pepper

Ingredients • 2½ teaspoons Dilmah Cinnamon Tea • 2 tablespoons oil • 300ml jus

Method Preheat the oven to 180°C. Cut the fennel bulb into small wedges. Transfer to a bowl with onethird of the oil, season with salt and pepper and mix together. Place the coated fennel on a baking tray and roast for 8 minutes. Meanwhile, cut the courgettes so that they are approximately 5cm long, then cut into quarters. Place in the bowl used for the fennel and add the rest of the oil and season with salt and pepper. Place the courgettes with the fennel and roast for another 8 minutes. Keep warm. Parsnip puree • • • •

5 parsnips 200ml cream 100g butter Salt

Method Preheat the oven to 180°C. Remove the venison from the refrigerator and unwrap. Heat the oil in a large frying pan until shimmering and seal the meat, two pieces at a time until an even browning is achieved on all sides. Roast until desired cooking temperature is reached. About 4-5 minutes for rare. Once cooked remove from the cooking tray and leave to rest in a warm place, on a plate, covered with aluminium foil. Add the meat juices to the jus and heat. Add the tea and infuse for 4 minutes then strain. Assembly Spoon the parsnip puree onto serving plates. Use the back of a spoon to spread the puree in a line across the plate. Divide the roasted vegetables among the plates. Slice the meat on an angle into 3 or 4 slices per person and fan it out onto the plate. Finish with the sauce.

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Shane Yardley | New Zealand

Moroccan Minted Tea Chocolate Marquise, Moroccan Minted Tea Bubbles and Ice-Cream

• 60g sugar • 855ml cream

Serves 4

Method Put the sugar and 200ml of water into a clean saucepan and bring to a boil. Add the tea and infuse for 4 minutes, strain and set the syrup aside. Make the tea by bringing 200ml of water to a boil and add the remaining tea and brew for 3mins. Strain and leave to cool. Once cool mix all ingredients into a tall bowl. Put an oxygen reactor into the liquid. Switch on and wait for the bubbles to form. Scoop off and use when needed.

Moroccan Mint Tea Marquise Ingredients • 400g milk chocolate • 5 egg yolks • 2 whole eggs • 250g sugar • 85ml water • 200g cream • 3 teaspoons Dilmah Green Tea Moroccan Mint Method Place the chocolate in a bowl and melt over a pan of hot water. Keep in a warm place - it must not set. Put the egg yolks and whole eggs into a clean similar sized bowl and place over the hot water. Using an electric beater on high speed, whisk the mixture until it is thick and doubled in size (approximately 8 minutes). Whisk the cream to a soft peak. Put the sugar along with the 85ml of water into a clean saucepan. Using a sugar thermometer cook until 120°C is reached. Add the tea and infuse for 3mins. With the electric beater on medium speed strain the hot sugar syrup into the egg mixture and whisk on high speed for a further 10 minutes. When the mixture is light and fluffy, fold into the melted chocolate. Once combined fold in the whipped cream. Spoon into presentation glasses and set in the fridge. Dilmah Moroccan Mint Green Tea Bubbles Ingredients • 8 teaspoons Dilmah Green Tea Moroccan Mint • 150ml 30% Dilmah Green Tea Moroccan Mint syrup • 400ml water

Note: When the kitchen is hot it is good to put the bowl into an ice bath. It foams better when cool. Moroccan Mint Green Tea Ice-Cream Ingredients • 3 bags Dilmah Pure Peppermint Leaves • 250ml trim milk • 150ml full cream milk • 75g egg yolk • 100g sugar • 200g Mascarpone • Pinch of salt Method Whisk the egg yolks and sugar together until pale. Bring both milks up to the boil. Add the tea bags and infuse for 4 minutes, then strain. Pour ⅓ of the tea infused milk over the sugar and egg yolk mixture. Pour this mixture back into the saucepan and using a thermometer heat until a temp of 65°C. Remove from the heat and cool over ice. Once cold, mix in the Mascarpone and pour into paco jet beaker and freeze. Pacotize when needed.

Turkish Delight made with Exceptional Rose with French Vanilla Tea and Gentle Minty Green Tea Ingredients • 3 tea bags Dilmah Exceptional Rose with French Vanilla • 3 tablespoons powdered gelatine • 450g sugar • ½ teaspoon tartaric acid • 300ml water • 3 drops red food colouring • 100g icing sugar • 3 tablespoons corn flour Method Line a 15cm square baking tin with cling film, then oil the film lightly. Make sure the sides of the pan are lined as well. Bring the water to a boil and add the tea bags. Brew for 3 minutes. Pour the tea into a medium sized heavy based saucepan and sprinkle in the gelatine. Stir over a low heat until dissolved. Add the sugar and bring to a boil. Boil for 8 minutes stirring constantly using a whisk. Stir in the tartaric acid and add the food colouring. Pour into the prepared tin and leave to set uncovered overnight. Do not refrigerate. The next day, sift the icing sugar and corn flour into a tray. Cut the Turkish delight into cubes and roll them in the mixture.

Assembly Place a scoop of the ice-cream on top of the chocolate marquise. Surround the ice-cream with the bubbles and serve.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Shahid Latif Maldives

Shahid studied culinary art in India and is currently the Sous Chef at the Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts in the Maldives. Prior to this appointment he was the Sous Chef at the Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts Mumbai, India. Shahid’s experience in culinary art is diverse as he has gained a lot of experience both locally and internationally. He has conducted many food festivals around the world and assisted Mrs. Rashmi Uday Singh with the publication of her book ‘The Real Good Chicken’.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Shahid Latif Maldives

Ice Tea (welcome drink) Earl Grey Ice Tea with Ginger and Mint Starter Pan Fried Cinnamon Scallops with Valley of Kings Ceylon Pekoe Jelly Sorbet Peppermint Tea Sorbet Main Course Roasted Pork Loin with Jasmine Tea Sticky Rice and Cherry Salsa Dessert White Chocolate Pannacotta with Uda Watte Chai Sauce Petit fours with hot tea Masala Chai


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Shahid Latif | Maldives

Earl Grey Ice Tea with Ginger and Mint Ingredients • 5g Dilmah Earl Grey Tea • 5g Ginger • 10g Mint • 300g Crushed ice • 15g Honey Method Boil the water and steep ginger along with water for 3 minutes so that it gets the flavour. Remove from the fire, add the tea leaves and cover it for 3 minutes. Add in the mint leaves, mix well and chill it in the fridge. Serve with crushed ice. Type of Glass Pilsner glass Garnish - Mint leaves

Pan Fried Cinnamon Scallops with Valley of Kings Ceylon Pekoe Jelly Pan Fried Cinnamon Scallops Ingredients • 4 nos. (1 about 70g) Sea Scallops • 15ml Lemon juice • Salt to taste • 100ml Oil • 5gm Cinnamon powder Method Marinate the scallops with salt, pepper and lemon juice , sprinkle some cinnamon powder and pan fry till it is cooked. Valley of Kings Ceylon Pekoe Jelly Ingredients • 400ml Water • 8g Dilmah Exceptional Valley of Kings Ceylon


• • • •

Pekoe leaf tea 4.5 teaspoons Gelatine powder 2 teaspoons Elder flower cordial 2 nos. Lime (for zest) 1 no. Red Radish

Method Heat the water up to 80 degrees and pour onto the tea leaves. Cover and steep for 7 minutes. Strain and discard the leaves, dissolve the gelatine powder in warm tea. Cool the mixture, add in the elder flower cordial. Pour the mixture in a shallow dish so the height is only 2mm. Refrigerate and set for 2 hours. Garnish - Grated red radish

Peppermint Tea Sorbet Ingredients • 1300ml Dilmah Pure Peppermint Leaves • 400g Sugar • 60g Glucose • 12g Gelatine • 18g Stabilizer Method Dissolve sugar, glucose and stabilizer in the hot tea infusion. Mix in the gelatine to the solution. Set it in an ice cream machine. Scoop it and serve with a garnish of mint leaves. Garnish - Mint leaves

Roasted Pork Loin with Jasmine Tea Sticky Rice and Cherry Salsa Venison Loin Ingredients • 540g Venison loin • Salt to taste • 3g Pepper

• 3g Thyme • 3g Rosemary Method Marinate the venison loin with all the above ingredients. Sear the venison on hot pan then place it in a pre heated oven at 230 degrees for 8-10 minutes. Remove and let the venison rest for 4 minutes. Slice the venison and arrange it over the jasmine sticky rice. Spread the sauce on the plate along with the cherries. Garnish - Glazed cherries Jasmine Tea Sticky Rice Ingredients • 10g Dilmah Green Tea with Jasmine Petals • 500ml Water • 250g Jasmine rice • 2 tablespoons Olive oil (extra virgin) • 80g Onion • 20g Shimeji mushroom Method Bring water to a boil and steep the jasmine tea leaves for 4-5 minutes. Strain and mix it with rice and salt, and cook the rice with the tea infusion till it is soft and sticky. Combine the rice with sautéed shimeji mushrooms. Cherry Salsa Ingredients • 50g Assorted cherries • 150ml Maple syrup Method Boil the assorted cherries in maple syrup till they are soft. Remove the cherries and boil the syrup till it becomes thick like a sauce, cool it and add the cherries.

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Shahid Latif | Maldives

White Chocolate Pannacotta with Uda Watte Chai Sauce Pannacotta Ingredients • 3 teaspoons Gelatine powder • 600ml Cream - light • 2g Cinnamon powder • 2g Cardamom pods crushed • 1 no. Vanilla bean • 2 tablespoons Honey Method Sprinkle the gelatine over 60 ml of cold water and set aside. Boil the cream with the rest of the given ingredients and mix it till it is properly dissolved. Add in the gelatine to the mixture, put in small moulds and set it in the refrigerator till the Pannacotta is set.

• • • •

2 nos. Cardamom pods 20g Ginger (whole) 2 sticks Cinnamon 3g Black pepper

Method Boil the full cream milk, add in the ginger cinnamon, cardamom and black pepper. When the milk is reduced to ¾, add in the tea leaves, simmer for another 3 minutes. Strain, add sugar accordingly and serve hot. Type of Glass Ideally clay cups

Chai Sauce Ingredients • 10g Dilmah Uda Watte Tea • 150ml Condensed milk • 10g Ginger • 10g Cardamom Method Make the tea concoction and add the ginger and cardamom to it. Add in the condensed milk, mix well. Garnish - Assorted berries, chocolate disc

Masala Chai Utensils One stainless steel kettle Ingredients • 5g Dilmah Ginger & Honey Tea • 300ml Milk (full cream)


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Tomas Rimydis Lithuania

A graduate of the Vilinius Business and Trade College and the Kurt Scheller Academy, Tomas has served as Chef and Executive Chef at many culinary institutions. Currently, he is the Executive Chef at ‘Reval Hotel Neris’ (Kaunas). Tomas has participated in many culinary competitions and has won many awards for his unique, innovative creations. 358

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Tomas Rimydis Lithuania

Ice Tea (welcome drink) Starter Scallops Marinated with t-Series Italian Almond Tea served with Celery, Dilmah Ceylon Supreme Tea and Ginger Cream, Apple Sauce and Potato Chips, Dried Beetroots Sorbet Mozzarella Cheese Flavoured Sorbet with t-Series Green Tea with Jasmine Flowers and Tomatoes Flavoured with t-Series Vanilla Ceylon Tea and Fresh Basil Dressing Main Course Grilled Chicken Fillet Marinated with Dilmah English Afternoon Tea, Chicken Roll With Ricotta Cheese and Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea, Served with Cauliflower Cream, Green Peas and Cedar Nuts Cream, Sweet Pepper Dressing and Black Bread Croutons Dessert Pannacotta with Exceptional Rose with French Vanilla Tea, Carrot Crème Brûlée with Dilmah t-Series Moroccan Mint Green Tea Served With Citrus Fruit Salad and Watte Tea Trio Jelly and Sweet Herbs Petit fours with hot tea Smoked Chicken Rolls with Exceptional Lively Lime and Orange Fusion Tea Salmon Marinated with Dilmah Darjeeling Roll, Roast Beef Slices with Ceylon Supreme Tea, Blue Cheese, Grapes and Cherry Tomatoes Spit


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Tomas Rimydis | Lithuania

Iced tea Ingredients • 100g brewed and cold Dilmah t-Series Italian Almond Tea • 100g Fresh Strawberries • 5g Basil leaves • 50g Champagne • 10g Honey • 2g Fresh mint Method Pour boiling water onto the almond tea and keep for 3 minutes. Then filter the tea through cubes of ice. Mash the Strawberries with sparkling wine, leaves of basil, honey and fresh mint leaves. When it is ready, pour it into Martini glasses, and then add the cold almond tea on top of it. Decorate the glass with fresh strawberry, basil and mint leaves.

Scallops Marinated with t-Series Italian Almond Tea served with Celery, Dilmah Ceylon Supreme Tea and Ginger Cream, Apple Sauce and Potato Chips, Dried Beetroots Marinade for scallops Ingredients • 100g brewed and cold Dilmah t-Series Italian Almond Tea • Scallops 200g • 50g Fresh Mint • Salt & Pepper to taste Method Marinate scallops in the almond tea for 12 hours then drain and bake for a short time with butter and oil, flavoured with pepper and salt.


Celery, Dilmah Ceylon Supreme Tea and Ginger Cream Ingredients • Brewed Dilmah Ceylon Supreme Tea • 150g Celery • 300g Apples • 50g White dry wine • 50g White onions • 10g Garlic • 80g Cream • Salt and pepper for taste • 25g Fresh lemon juice • 20g Ginger Method Cut the celery, ginger, white onion and garlic into small cubes and bake for a short time and then add the white wine. Add the tea and creamer, seeded apples and stew everything for 40 minutes. Before it is ready, add the spices and lemon juice. Finally strain everything through a percolator. Sauce Ingredients • 200g Fresh apple juice • 50g Spinach • 50g Apple (peeled) • 50g Butter Method Mash the spinach and the peeled apples, then boil it with the natural apple juice and cold butter. Decoration Ingredients • 50g Blue potatoes • 30g Olive oil • 30g Beetroot • 100g White bread

Method Cut the blue potatoes into slices and fry them, then drain them and let them cool. Mash the beetroot with the bread.

Mozzarella Cheese Flavoured Sorbet with t-Series Green Tea with Jasmine Flowers and Tomatoes Flavoured with t-Series Vanilla Ceylon Tea and Fresh Basil Dressing Cheese sorbet Ingredients • 100g Dilmah t-Series Green tea with Jasmine Flowers • 150g Mozzarella cheese • 100g Cream • Salt and pepper to taste Method Mash the cheese with the whipped cream and brewed jasmine tea. Then add the spices. Once ready leave it to cool. Tomato consommé Ingredients • 100g Brewed, cold Dilmah t-series Vanilla Ceylon Tea • 100g Tomatoes • 20g Fresh basil • Salt and pepper to taste Method Make a consommé with the tomatoes, fresh basil leaves and tea and let it cool. Sauce Ingredients • 50g Brewed, cold Dilmah t-Series Green tea with Jasmine Flowers

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Tomas Rimydis | Lithuania

• • • •

15g Basil leaves 5g Cedar nuts 30g Olive oil Salt and pepper

Method Mash all the ingredients and flavour with spices. Assembly When serving, place the tomato consommé in the middle of the plate, place the mozzarella sorbet on top and sprinkle everything with the sauce.

Grilled Chicken Fillet Marinated with Dilmah English Afternoon Tea, Chicken Roll with Ricotta Cheese and Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea, Served with Cauliflower Cream, Green Peas and Cedar Nuts Cream, Sweet Pepper Dressing and Black Bread Croutons Grilled chicken fillet Ingredients • 200g Brewed, cold Dilmah English Afternoon Tea • 120g Chicken fillet • 20g Olive oil • 30g Fresh tarragon • Salt and pepper to taste Method Cut the chicken breasts into 5x5 cm pieces and marinate with the tea. Add the fresh tarragon and olive oil to the marinade and leave it for 12 hours. Drain the marinated chicken and grill it. When ready, flavour with salt and pepper.

Slow roasted broiler Ingredients • 200g Brewed, cold Dilmah Cinnamon Tea • 120g Chicken broiler • 30g Ricotta cheese • 5g Cinnamon chips • 50g Fresh beetroot • Salt and pepper to taste Method Put the deboned chicken on food wrapping film and spread with ricotta cheese, lemon skin and cinnamon tea. Put the fresh beetroots inside and roll it. Bake the roll at 65 degree temperature until temperature inside the chicken reaches 65 degrees. Cauliflower Cream Ingredients • 200g Fresh cauliflower • 500g Water • 250g Cream • 100g Fresh carrot • Salt and pepper to taste Method Boil the cauliflower for 10 minutes in salted water. Then drain and stew it in cream for 30 minutes until cauliflowers get soft. When ready strain the cauliflower and mix with carrot cubes, flavoured with salt and pepper.

Method Blanche and strain the green peas and add the crushed cedar nuts. Flavour it with salt and pepper. Sauce Ingredients • 200g Brewed Dilmah Cinnamon Tea • 150g Yellow sweet pepper • 50g White wine • 50g Cream • Salt and pepper to taste Method Peel the yellow paprika and remove the seeds. Stew the Paprika in white wine for 10 minutes, then add the tea and the creamer. Stew everything for another 20 minutes. When ready strain everything and flavour with pepper and salt. For decoration Ingredients • 50g Black bread • 10g Oil • 2g Cinnamon chips • Salt to taste Method Remove the crust from the dark bread, cut the bread into strips and fry it. When ready crush the bread with cinnamon chips and spices.

Green Peas and Cedar Nuts Cream Ingredients • 100g Green peas • 30g White wine • Salt and pepper to taste • 15g Cedar nuts


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Tomas Rimydis | Lithuania

Pannacotta with Exceptional Rose with French Vanilla Tea, Carrot Crème Brûlée with t-Series Moroccan Mint Green Tea served with Citrus Fruit Salad and Watte Tea Trio Jelly and Sweet Herbs Pannacotta Ingredients • 50g Brewed, cold Dilmah Exceptional Rose with French Vanilla • 50g Milk • 15g Sugar • 5g Honey • 40g Egg yolks • 5g Gelatine Method Warm the yolks and sugar in a bowl of 40 degree water. Then add the tea, milk and honey. Warm everything up to 75 degrees. Then add the jelly sheets and pour into cups to set and let cool. Crème brûlée Ingredients • 50g Ready and cold Dilmah t-Series Moroccan Mint Green Tea • 20g Cream • 30g Fresh carrots juice • 15g Sugar • 40g Egg yolks Method Warm the yolks and sugar in a bowl of 40 degree water. Then add the tea, natural carrot juice and warm up to 85 degrees while stirring constantly. Leave it to cool and pour it on the Pannacotta. Before serving, burn the top of the cream with brown sugar.


Fruit salad Ingredients • 20g Strawberries • 5g Basil leaves • 10g Lemon • 25g Grapes • 20g Orange • 10g Honey Method Cut all fruits into small cubes and mix with chopped basil and honey. Watte Tea Trio Jelly Ingredients • 30g Ran Watte • 20g Fresh carrot juice • 20g Cream • 5g Gelatine • 5g Sugar Method Mix the brewed tea with natural carrot juice, melted sugar, cream and gelatine. Leave it to cool. Before serving, cut into cubes. Ingredients • 30g Dilmah Meda Watte Tea • 20g Fresh orange juice • 20g Honey • 5g Cinnamon chips • 5g Gelatine Method Mix the brewed tea with natural orange juice, melted honey and grated cinnamon. Add the gelatine. Leave it to cool. Cut into cubes before serving.

Ingredients • 30g Dilmah Yata Watte Tea • 20g Fresh apple juice • 2g Vanilla stick • 5g Brown sugar • 5g Gelatine Method Mix the brewed tea with natural apple juice, melted sugar and natural vanilla seeds. Add the gelatine. Leave it to cool. Cut into cubes before serving.

Smoked Chicken Rolls with Lively Lime and Orange Fusion Tea Ingredients • 30g Brewed, cold Dilmah Exceptional Lively Lime and Orange Fusion • 100g Smoked chicken fillet • 20g Cream • 10g Fresh dill • 30g Fresh orange juice • 20g White toast bread Method Mash the chicken and mix it with orange juice, cream and the tea. Make small balls and roll it in white bread mixed with the dill.

Salmon Rolls Marinated with Darjeeling Tea Ingredients • 10g Dilmah Darjeeling Tea • 100g Salmon fillet • 20g Ricotta cheese • Salt and pepper to taste Method Marinate the salmon fillet in the brewed tea for 6 hours. Then cut the salmon fillet into thin strips,

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Tomas Rimydis | Lithuania

spread with cheese and make rolls. Flavour the rolls with spices and leave for 4 hours. Then cut the rolls into slices.

Blue Cheese, Grapes and Cherry Tomatoes Spit Ingredients • 7g Dilmah Green Tea Moroccan Mint • 25g Blue cheese • 25g Brie cheese • 50g Grapes • 25g Cherry tomatoes • 5g Fresh basil leaves • 10g Olive oil Method Cut the cheese into triangles and put against each other. On top of it add the grapes and cherry tomatoes. Mix the brewed tea with chopped basil leaves and olive oil. Flavour the cheese with the sauce.

Hot Tea Ingredients • 130g Brewed, hot Dilmah t-Series Green Tea with Jasmine Flowers • 30g Fresh mint • 50g Red wine • 30g Honey • 10g Cinnamon sticks Method Brew the tea and add the red wine, honey, grated cinnamon and chopped fresh mint leaves. Stir and keep for 4 minutes. Filter and serve.


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010

Earl Grey Tea Infused Cured Atlantic Salmon Open Sandwich On Multigrain Loaf Ginger Tea Scones Italian Almond Tea Cream Filled Profiteroles Oolong Tea Poached Lobster Medallion on Rye Bread Peppermint Tea Cucumber Kurakkan Bread Sandwich Rosehip & Hibiscus Infused Raspberry Chocolate Swiss Roll Jasmine Tea Infused White Chocolate & Dragon Fruit Mini Tart Lemon and Lime Tea Tartlets Rose with French Vanilla Tea Cream Filled Éclairs Earl Gray Tea Chocolate Ganache


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Ceylon Tea Trails | Real High Tea

Earl Gray Tea Infused Cured Atlantic Salmon Open Sandwich On Multigrain Loaf Yield: 75 portions Preparation Time: 30 minutes Marinating Time: 24 hours Ingredients • 25g Dilmah Earl Grey Tea • 1 no. Whole Salmon Filleted Skin On/Bones Out • 25g White Pepper Corn Ground • 1 bunch Chopped fresh Dill • 500g Salt • 500g Sugar • Juice and Zest of 01 no. Orange & 01 no. Lemon • 10 nos. Multi Grain Bread Loaves Honey Mustard Dressing • 10g Honey • 10g Grain Mustard • 05ml Lemon Juice • 20g Mayonnaise • 02g Fresh Herbs Finely Chopped • Salt/Black Pepper • 100g Rocket lettuce Method Wash and Fillet the Whole Salmon. Remove all the bones using a tweezer. Mix all the ingredients and rub the fish with mixture. Place fillet skin side down on a large dish and the second fillet back to back and cover with Aluminium Foil. Then weigh it down with heavy chopping board and refrigerate for 12 hours. Then turn the fish and re-weight for another 12 hours. Remove from the pan and drain off the liquid. Wash the fish with cold running water quickly and wipe off with a paper towel. Finely chop dill and mix with 1 tablespoon Earl Grey Tea. Rub the fish with Olive oil then rub the dill and Tea Mixture. With long knife slice the Salmon diagonally into very thin slices.


Cut the Bread loaves diagonally and dress with rocket lettuce and cherry tomato. Then arrange Cured Salmon on top and drizzle dressing over it. Serve Immediately.

Italian Almond Tea Cream Filled Profiteroles

Ginger Tea Scones

Ingredients • 5 nos. Eggs • 250ml Water • 125g Butter • 150g Flour • ¼ tablespoon Sugar • ¼ tablespoon Salt

Yield: 15 Scones Preparation Time: 20 minutes Baking Time: 15 minutes Ingredients • 1 tablespoon Dilmah t-Series Natural Ceylon Ginger Tea • 250g Flour • 40g Sugar • 60g Butter • 1 Egg • 5g Baking Powder • 150ml Fresh Cream • 25g Ginger Preserve Finely Chopped • Pinch of Salt Method Stir flour and salt in a large bowl. Add Butter and rub in lightly using fingertips. In a separate pot, warm fresh cream with ginger tea. Cover and infuse for 10 minutes. Then pass through a fine strainer and refrigerate to cool. Make a well in the center of the flour. Pour in cream and tea mixture all at once and mix quickly in to soft dough. Knead lightly and press to form a round about 2cm thick. Cut scones using plain round cutter. Place on a greased baking tray and bake for 10-15 minutes in an oven heated to 200°C. Cool on a wire rack. Serve with Clotted Cream and Fresh Strawberry Jam.

Yield: 40 nos. Preparation Time: 15 minutes Baking Time: 35 minutes

Chocolate Filling • 2 tablespoons Dilmah t-Series Italian Almond Tea • 500g Milk • 125g Sugar • 6 nos. Egg Yolks • 40g Flour • 40g Butter • Pinch of Salt Garnish • 150g Fondant White Method Pre heat oven to 200°C. Grease a Baking Tray. In a saucepan combine butter and water. Bring to boil. Stir well until Butter melts completely. Reduce heat and add flour, salt and sugar. Stir well until mixture leaves the side of the pan and begins to form a ball. Remove from the heat. Add Eggs one at a time. Beat well to incorporate after each addition. With a piping bag pipe 2” Rounds on to baking sheet and bake in 160°C for 20 minutes until hollow sound when lightly tapped on the bottom. Cool completely on a wire rack.

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Ceylon Tea Trails | Real High Tea

Filling Place the milk, half the sugar and tea in a saucepan over medium heat. Combine the egg yolk and the remaining sugar in a bowl and whisk until light in colour. Add flour and salt. Mix to combine. When milk just begins to boil remove from heat and infuse for 10 minutes. Pass through a fine strainer. Then pour hot milk into the yolk mixture and cook until thick. Remove from heat. Add butter. Stir until melted and combined well. Cover with plastic wrap and chill. Then fill the vanilla cream in to éclairs using piping bag. Garnish Temper 150g Fondant in a small bowl and drizzle over filled Profiteroles. Refrigerate until serving.

Oolong Tea Poached Lobster Medallion on Rye Bread Yield: 16 nos. Sandwich Preparation Time: 30 minutes Cooking Time: 10 minutes Ingredients • 20g Dilmah Traditional Oolong Tea • 1kg Baby Lobster • Salt/Black Pepper • 1 Loaf Rye Bread Sliced For dressing • 25ml Pure Virgin Olive Oil • 2 tablespoons Lemon juice • Salt/Black Pepper • 2 tablespoons Fresh Tarragon - Chopped Method Wash and shell the lobster. Clean and rinse again. Season with salt and pepper. Then sprinkle the Oolong Tea. Wrap in an aluminium foil tightly. Steam Lobster Parcels in a Steamer for 10 minutes. Then remove the aluminium foil, slice and

arrange in a bowl. Pour the dressing over Lobster Medallion, and leave it to marinate overnight. When serving, slice the Rye Bread and spread some Mayonnaise on the bread and add some curly lettuce. Then arrange the Lobster Medallion over it. Drizzle some chopped, fresh herbs and serve. Decorate with some slices of tree tomatoes.

Peppermint Tea Cucumber Kurakkan Bread Sandwich Yield: 20 nos. Sandwiches Preparation Time: 20 minutes Ingredients • 1 large Green Cucumber, cleaned but not peeled • 20g salt • 1 no. Sandwich bread - Kurakkan • Lettuce For Dressing • 1 tablespoon Dilmah Pure Peppermint Leaves • 2 teaspoons Dijon Mustard • 25ml Hot water • 1 teaspoon salt • 1 teaspoon Crushed Black pepper • 1 egg • 2 cups salad oil • 2 tablespoons vinegar Method Brew Peppermint Leaves in hot water. Let it cool. Mix mustard, Vinegar, Eggs, Salt, Pepper and brewed Peppermint Leaves in a bowl. Whisk well. Add Oil a few drops at a time. Continue adding oil, beating constantly. When thick, stop beating and keep in fridge. Shred the cucumber and sprinkle salt. Allow to drain over a paper towel until most of the liquid is gone. Mix the creamy mayonnaise until smooth and spreadable and add

the sliced, drained cucumber. Mix well. Spread a little amount of Mayonnaise over slices of bread. Arrange some cucumber mixture and lettuce. Then close the sandwich, cut into small, and crustless decorative shapes.

Rosehip & Hibiscus Infused Raspberry Chocolate Swiss Roll Yield: 3 nos. Swiss Rolls Preparation Time: 45 minutes Cooking Time: 15 minutes Ingredients • 125g Sugar • 100g Flour • 4 nos. Whole Eggs • 25g Cocoa Powder • 2 tablespoon Warm Milk For Filling • 20g Dilmah Rosehip & Hibiscus • 3 nos. Whole Eggs • 150ml Water • 150g Butter Cream • 80g Raspberry • 20g Sugar Method Pre heat oven to 220°C. Cook 80g Raspberry with 20g sugar until reduced to a consistency. Pour 150ml hot water into a pot and add 20g Rosehip & Hibiscus. Let it brew for 15 minutes. In a separate bowl whisk 3 whole eggs and sugar. Add brewed infusion. Whisk the mixture over a double boiler until thick. Remove from the heat and add raspberry mixture. Whisk well. When the mixture is cool add butter cream and mix thoroughly to form a thick cream. Place egg whites in a clean bowl and beat until stiff peak forms. Add sugar gradually and beat until thick and glossy. Then add egg yolk one at a time. Beat well. Lightly continued...


The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Ceylon Tea Trails | Real High Tea

fold in flour, cocoa powder and warm milk. Pour into a greased baking sheet or Swiss roll tin. Bake for 10-15 minutes. Turn out into an oil paper sprinkled with caster sugar. Roll up with oil paper and allow to cool on a wire rack. Then unroll and spread Hibiscus & Raspberry cream on the Swiss Roll and re roll without oil paper. Freeze for 2 hours. Then slice and serve.

Jasmine Tea Infused White Chocolate & Dragon Fruit Mini Tart Yield: 25 nos. Preparation Time: 30 minutes Cooking Time: 30 minutes Ingredients • 15g Dilmah Green Tea with Jasmine Petals • 250g White Chocolate Roughly Chopped • 125g Heavy Cream • 125g Whipped Cream • 500g Dragon Fruit • 75g Sugar For Pastry • 225g Butter • 100g Icing Sugar • 375g Flour • 1 nos. Egg Lightly Beaten • Pinch of Salt Method Mix the butter and sugar together in a bowl until they are just combined. In a medium bowl, sift together the flour and salt, then add them to the butter-and-sugar mixture. Then add lightly beaten Egg. Mix on low speed until the dough starts to come together. Dump onto a surface dusted with flour and shape into a flat disk. Press the dough into small tart moulds and chill until firm. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 160°C. Then bake for 10 minutes or until lightly browned. Allow to cool to room temperature. In the mean time scoop


the Dragon Fruit from its shell. Put in a cooking pot with sugar and cook slowly until most of the liquid evaporates. Let it cool in a refrigerator. Heat cream and Tea in a pot until its temperature reaches 85°C. Cover and Brew for 15 minutes. Pass through a fine Strainer to get maximum jus from the Tea. Melt the Chocolate and whisk well to Cream the Chocolate. Add Tea/cream Mixture to the Chocolate and mix well. Then mix with Dragon Fruit pulp. Fold Whipping Cream and using a piping bag pipe tartlet with white chocolate dragon fruit cream. Decorate with a slice of Dragon Fruit and a sprig of mint leaves before serving.

Lemon and Lime Tea Tartlets Yield: 80 nos. Preparation Time: 30 minutes Cooking Time: 45 minutes Ingredients • 5g Dilmah Lemon and Lime Tea • 80ml Boiling Water • 3 nos. Whole Eggs • 1 teaspoon Finely Grated Lemon Zest • 150g Sugar • 75g Unsalted Butter For Pastry • 225g Butter • 100g Icing Sugar • 375g Flour • 1 Egg - Lightly Beaten • Pinch of Salt Method Mix the butter and sugar together in a bowl until they are just combined. In a medium bowl, sift together the flour and salt, then add them to the butter-and-sugar mixture. Then add lightly beaten Egg. Mix on low speed until the dough starts to come together. Dump onto a surface dusted

with flour and shape into a flat disk. Press the dough into mini tart moulds and chill until firm. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 160°C. Then bake for 10 minutes or until lightly browned. Allow to cool to room temperature. For the lemon curd Pour the 80ml hot water to the Lemon & Lime Tea and brew for 15 minutes. Leave to cool. In a bowl placed over a pan of simmering water whisk together sugar, tea and eggs until cooked. Once Curd has become nice and thick remove from heat. Then pass through a fine strainer and stir in butter. Cover with a plastic wrap to prevent a skin from forming and refrigerate until use. Fill the tart shell with lemon curd and serve.

Rose with French Vanilla Tea Cream Filled Éclairs, Earl Grey Tea Chocolate Ganache Yield: 40 nos. Preparation Time: 15 minutes Cooking Time: 35 minutes Ingredients • 5 nos. Eggs • 250ml Water • 125g Butter • 150g Flour • ¼ teaspoon Sugar • ¼ teaspoon Salt Chocolate Filling • 2 tablespoons Dilmah t-Series Rose with French Vanilla • 500g Milk • 125g Sugar • 6 nos. Egg Yolks • 40g Flour • 40g Butter • 80g Dark Chocolate, Coarsely Chopped • Pinch of Salt • 1 nos. Vanilla Bean

The Chefs and the Teamaker - 2010 Ceylon Tea Trails | Real High Tea

Chocolate Ganache • 1 tablespoon Dilmah Earl Grey Tea • 100ml Heavy cream • 125g Dark chocolate, coarsely chopped • 5g Butter Method Pre heat oven to 200°C. Grease a baking Tray. In a sauce pan combine butter and water. Bring to boil. Stir well until Butter melts completely. Reduce heat and add flour, salt and Sugar. Stir well until mixture leaves the side of the pan and begins to form a ball. Remove from heat. Add Eggs one at a time. Beat well to incorporate after each addition. With a piping bag pipe 2” rounds onto baking sheet and bake in 160°C for 20 minutes until hollow sound when lightly tapped on the bottom. Cool completely on a wire rack. Filling Place the milk, half the sugar, tea and the vanilla beans in a saucepan over medium heat. Combine the egg yolk and the remaining sugar in a bowl and whisk until light in colour. Add flour and salt. Mix to combine. When milk just begins to boil remove from heat and infuse for 10 minutes. Pass through a fine strainer. Then pour hot milk into the yolk mixture and cook until thick. Remove from heat. Add butter and chocolate. Stir until melted and combined well. Cover with plastic wrap and chill. Then fill the vanilla cream into éclairs using piping bag.

Chef Wajira R.P. Gamage has been the Executive Chef of Ceylon Tea Trails (CTT) since February 2006. Prior to working at CTT he worked in France as a Commis De Cuisine at Euro Disney Resort in Paris and as a Cuisinier / Homme Toutes Mains. After returning to Sri Lanka he worked at Taj Exotica Bentota holding the positions of Commis 1, Demi Chef De Partie, Chef De Partie and Sous Chef from 1997 to 2006.

Ganache Place the chopped chocolate in a bowl. Heat the cream and Earl Grey tea in a saucepan over medium heat until it just reaches a boil. Immediately remove the pan from the heat and let it infuse for 10 minutes. Pass through a fine strainer and pour the cream over the chocolate. Stir well, until it is smooth and blended. Add the vanilla and butter. Mix it in thoroughly. Drizzle over filled éclairs. Refrigerate until serving.



Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Hot-t


Ceylon Low Elevation Tippy FF Hot-t Ceylon Silver Tips Hot-t Ceylon Whole Leaf Green Hot-t Ceylon Young Hyson Green Hot-t Cinnamon Curry Darjeeling Dombagastalawa Single Estate FBOP Hot-t Earl Grey Hot-t Energy Galle District OP1 Hot-t Green Tea with Jasmine Flowers Hot-t Indian Masala Chai Italian Almond Hot-t Jade Butterfly Handmade White Hot-t Jasmine Extra Special No.1 Green Hot-t Jasmine Pear Dragon White Hot-t Keemun Special Leaf Hot-t Lapsang Souchong Hot-t Mediterranean Mandarin Hot-t Misty Mountain Spice Tea Moctezuna’s Teh Tarik Nation’s Spirit Natural Ceylon Ginger Hot-t Natural Rosehip with Hibiscus Hot-t Naturally Minty Ceylon Pekoe Hot-t Nuwara Eliya Pekoe Hot-t Organic Ceylon Flowery Pekoe Hot-t Organic Ceylon Green Tea Hot-t Organic Rooibos with Bourbon Vanilla Hot-t Prince of Kandy Hot-t Pu-Erh No.1 Hot-t Pure Chamomile Flowers Hot-t Pure Peppermint Leaves Hot-t Rose with French Vanilla Hot-t Sencha Green Extra Special Hot-t Silk Milk Tea Single Estate Assam Leaf Hot-t Single Estate Darjeeling Hot-t Single Estate Oolong Leaf Hot-t Spicy Vanilla Bee Supreme Ceylon Single Origin Hot-t The First Ceylon Souchong Hot-t The Moroccan Mint Green Hot-t Vanilla Ceylon Hot-t White Litchee No. 1 Hand Rolled Hot-t

34 36 35 27 21 26 28 21 26 26 22 29 36 27 35 32 34 29 23 22 23 28 32 37 25 33 34 38 25 37 32 31 31 35 22 33 33 37 21 25 31 27 28 36


(Sp)iced Tea Apple Green t Assam Breezer Blue Butterfly Ceylon Trogon Chilled Cinnamon Tea Chilled D Chilled Lychee CinnaBan t Cinnamon Orange Chilled t Cinnamon Pink Shaker Citrus Pekoe 370

42 72 66 73 56 42 70 43 63 62 45 69

Cool Down Cooling Heart Crème de Almond D’ Cooler Dark Knight Dilmah Berry Punch Dilmah Happy Day Doom Nilagama Ice Tea Doombagastalawa Mint Fizz Double S Berry Earl Berry First Ceylon Blast Fizzy Ginger t Fizzy Peach Tea Cooler French Kiss Fusion Tea Mocktail Ginger Fizz Green Tea and Orange Mocktail Hand’s Pick Hot & Cold Punch Jasmine Orange t Lakpahasa (Taste of Sri Lanka) Leaves of Heaven Lemon & Lime Cobbler Lemon & Lime Cooler Lemon Teanade Lime & Green Refresher Lovers Lips Mediterranean Dream Mint Splice Mint Spritz Mintea Litchee Minty Berry T Minty Lemma Minty Oolong Mirage Dew Moroccan Mint t Natural Lemon with Ceylon BOP t Nature’s Gift Oolong a la Chocolate Passion Creeper Pekoe Refresher Pink Ginger Beer Prince of Kandy Lemonade t Rosehip and Hibiscus with Pink Ginger Beer t Royal Twist Sensational Mix Silver Twist Smooth Green t Southern Temptation Spicy Berry Fantasy Spritely Chamomile Straight From The Heart Strand Tea Crush Summer Fling Super Supreme Supreme Fun Supreme Touch Sweet Dreams Sweet t Rose

47 45 67 57 73 55 50 56 51 57 68 62 63 56 73 50 41 41 44 57 63 53 44 55 54 74 65 48 65 54 66 74 47 43 70 47 74 61 44 68 49 51 41 61 62 69 43 72 64 49 48 67 49 54 71 68 42 50 69 65

Tangy Mintea Tangy t Tangy Young Hyson Tea Totaller The Illusionist Thirst Buster Traveller’s Fruit Tea Punch Tropical Dream Tropical Smoothie Tropical t Tropicana t Udarata Menike Vanilla Leap Vanilla Refresher Zesty Green Zesty Pekoe


Cinnamon Ice Cream t-Shake Earl Grey Banana t-Shake Earl Grey Ice Cream t-Shake Earl Grey Tea Shake Peppermint Refresher Vanilla Ice Cream t-Shake Vanilla Tea Shake


Absolut Nilagama Beau-Tea Amber Pekoe Autumn Leaves Bacardi – t Berry “T” Delight Brilliant Island Caribbean Beauty t Caribbean t Ceylonthé Cherry Refresher Chilled Yoghurt t Cinnamon t Cinnamon Rum Lemonade t D’ Cosmo Das Svidaniya My Peach Dilmah Amarulla Dilmah Arrack Orange t Dilmah Daydreams Dilmah Fantasy Dilmah Gold Dilmah Vodka Orange Dilmah’s Asian Breeze Dimbula Mist Domba t-Shake Dunhinda Earl Grey Cocktail Earl Grey Martini Earl Meets Jack Eggnog t Emerald Gold Emerald t Enchanter Fantasy Fiery Somerset

55 71 61 53 67 48 58 72 45 64 66 51 53 64 70 71

78 79 78 77 77 78 77

96 115 114 104 82 93 111 112 97 88 109 107 105 93 101 91 108 88 90 99 100 95 81 114 90 81 91 99 104 113 115 85 87 85

RECIPE INDEX French Connection t French Rose meets Irish Cream Gin – Go Gin Young t Golden Dragon t Golden Grape Golden Summer Grand Earl t Grenadine Blur Heaven on Earth Honey Eggnog Honey I Am Almost Home Hot Summer t Irish Whisky t Irish Tea Kandy Cognac Kandy Marteani Kandy Vodka t Letchamie (Tea Picker) Liquid Gold Lover’s Leap Malibu Ceylon t Malibu Queen Memories Moroccan Mint Mojito Mountain Beauty Nilagama Berry Fusion Nilagama Pimms Nuwara Eliya Long Island Ice t Pirates in New York Planter’s Dream Prince of Kandy t Queen of t Red Berries Iced Tea Rosehip & Hibiscus Cocktail Royal t Sencha Bacardi Sencha Chivas t Sencha Regal t Somerset Dream Spicy Berry Caprioska Spicy Berry Cooler Spicy Ceylon t Spirited Rosehip & Hibiscus t Strand Tea Sour Supreme Mint Cocktail t Rose Tea O’ Peppe Tequila Oolong The Real Blend Three Spiced Tea Tom Yam Tam Tai Tongue Teaser Tribute (to Tea Pickers) True Mint t Unchilled Sling Vanil Sweet Vanilla Ice Tea Very Berry Tea Sour Vodka Natural Lemon t Vodka Souchong t

111 113 101 115 116 94 98 110 95 87 98 100 108 103 97 111 109 106 91 114 83 104 110 82 100 84 89 84 107 101 88 106 106 94 98 108 83 103 109 81 93 87 112 103 94 96 112 90 105 83 99 96 89 82 110 84 85 97 95 105 107

VSOP Tea Cocktail (Cold) Zestea Blue

HOT TEA COCKTAILS Amaretto Dream Cinnamon Cocktail Crème de Watte Dark t Maiden Dilmah Grand Dilmah Irish Cream Orange Fire Rum Watte Spirit of Heaven Supreme Fire


Almond t-Shooter Ceylon Oolong with Brandy t-Shot Ceylon Souchong with Gin t-Shot Ceylon White-t-quila Shot Chai Vodka t-Shot Chinese Keemun with Cointreau t-Shot Chivas White Tea t-Shot Cognac Vanilla t-Shooter Crème de Dilmah Green t-Shot Darjeeling t-Shot with Chivas Earl on Malibu Beach t-Shot Green Tea Vodka t-Shot Italian Almond Amaretto t Italian t-Shooter Jasmine Green Extra Special with Brandy t-Shot Kahlua Silvertip t-Shot Mandarin t with Orange Maofeng t-shot Orange Liquored Green t-Shot Organic Ceylon t-Shot Pure Mint t-Shooter Rum and Organic Earl Grey t-Shot Rum Vanilla t-Shot Sencha t-Shot Silver Tip t-Shooter Tangy t-Shot Tea 56 Shooter Vodka Ceylon t-Shot Vodka Darjeeling t-Shot Vodka Orange Pear Dragon Double t-Shot Vodka Rosehip Double t-Shot Vodka Vanilla t-Shot


Dilmah Earl Grey Tea Smoked King Prawns Dilmah Jasmine Tea Curd Salmon Dilmah Lapsang Souchong Tea Smoked Seer Pavé on Marinated Avocado and Spicy Berry Tea Vinaigrette Dilmah Vanilla Tea Marbled Eggs Dimbula Flush Soaked Quail Eggs Earl Grey Tea, Tomato & Prawn Shooter Maris Corn and Paprika Gazpacho with Dilmah Ginger & Honey Tea

89 113

121 120 120 121 121 119 119 119 122 120

134 131 130 128 127 129 126 134 125 127 130 126 129 133 127 131 130 132 126 128 133 128 125 125 133 129 132 131 135 132 134 135

143 145 139

144 144 140 144

Prawn in Dilmah Zesty Lemon Tea Aspic Topped with Basil and Fresh Green Tea Leaves Jelly Seared Duck Breast with Dilmah Prince of Kandy Tea Citrus Salsa Stuffed Mushrooms with Dilmah Sencha Green Tea Tea Spiced Crispy Baby Lobster on Tangy Tomato and Dilmah Cinnamon Tea Jam


Chilled Cucumber Soup with Oolong Tea Creamy Mint Chicken Soup Demitasse Duo of Green Herb Cappuccino and Chamomile Vegetable Consommé Prawn & Hibiscus Soup Seafood and Camomile Bouillon

SALADS & DRESSINGS Chicken & Apple Salad with Mint Chickpea & Coriander Salad Honey Apricot Tea Dressing Marinated Cucumber and Mango Ribbon Salad with Ginger Tea Minted Tea Dressing Prawns with Avocado Rosehip and Hibiscus Cream Soya & Ginger Tea Dressing


Dilmah Lemon and Lime Tea Sorbet Dilmah Lychee Tea and Berry Tea Sorbet Mandarin Tea Granite Rosehip & Hibiscus Sorbet


Brown Sugar Rubbed Smoked Beef Tenderloin & Mint Tea Apple Mop Dilmah Ceylon Ginger Tea Flavoured Chicken Confit and Mandarin Tea Scented Sticky Rice Dilmah Organic Rooibos Spiced Chicken Breast Duo of Duck Fillet Steak in Black Tea & Wine Sauce Flamed Prawns with Camomile Beurre Blanc & Lemon Risotto Friccata of Chicken with Hibiscus Sauce Honey Pepper Pork Chops Lamb Chops with Cashew-Coconut Crust, Star Anis, Cinnamon-Tea Jus & Bean Cassoulet Marinated Shrimps and Dilmah Rose with French Vanilla Tea Moroccan Halibut Steak with Dilmah Italian Almond Tea "Mustard and Oats Crusted Lamb Loin Served with Asian Spiced Chicken, Dilmah Almond Tea Infused Heart of Beef, Ratatouille and Mild Dilmah Mint Tea Glaze" Nut, Herb and Mint Tea Crusted Rack of Roast Lamb Poached Chicken Supreme & Spicy Beery Tea, Basisl& Garlic Mojo


145 145 139

148 147 147 148 148

151 151 152 152 153 151 152

155 156 155 155

170 166

165 162 161 160 162 160 170

165 165 173

159 170


RECIPE INDEX Prime Rack with Earl Grey Tea Jus Drizzled with Dilmah Ceylon Gourmet Silver Tip Tea Oil Roast Orange-Tea Chicken Seafood Platter Slow Roasted Beef Tenderloin with Dilmah Nuwara Eliya Pekoe Tea Béarnaise and Sautéed Mushrooms


Almond Tea Ice Cream on Strawberry Tea Romanoff Amaretto Laced Almond Tea Choc Chip Mint Ice Cream Cinnamon T-52 Cinnamon Tea & Black Sesame Crème Brulee; Earl Grey Ice Cream Frozen Curd Lime & Lemon Tea Tart; Iced Dilmah Nuwara Eliya Pekoe & Lychee Bomb with Spicy Ginger Tea Syrup Orange Soufflé with Dilmah Mediterranean Mandarin Tea Raspberry and Dilmah Strawberry Tea Tiramisu Warm Chocolate and Dilmah Mint Tea Pudding

ROBERT SCHINKEL Apple Mocktail Blueberry t-Shake Cinnamon Surprise Dilmah Hot Toddy Dilmah Peach Me Dilmah Raspberry Love Dilmah Tea-ni Earl Grey T-Shake Lemon&Lime Iced Tea Orange Iced Tea Strawberry Iced Tea

ROBERT WEMISCHNER Chocolate Melting Moments Torte, flavoured with Assam tea, served with tea-infused sauce Fresh Peach Ice Cream Nectarine Rosemary Galette Salted Cinnamon Caramel Sauce Stone Fruit and Tea Granita


161 163 166

181 183 175 181 183 175 183 179 176 176 181

186 186 189 189 188 188 188 186 187 187 187

193 192 192 193 192


Courgette Somerset Tea Infused Couscous and Lobster, Butter Poached John Dory, Shaved Abalone and Young Turnips Cardamom and Green Tea Seeped Scallops, Szechuan Pepper and Orange Pressed Duck, Fennel Puree Milk and Jasmine Tea Sorbet, Mandarin Terrine, Orange Blossom White Balsamic Reduction Almond, Rose with French Vanilla Parfait, Chocolate Doughnut, Caramelized Fig and Peppermint and English Toffee Tea Sauce 372





Flying Fish Seafood Consommé Venison Infused with English Breakfast Tea Earl Grey Tea Infused Vanilla Cream with Tea Soaked Cherries, Gingerbread and Raspberry Jelly Mikey’s Mandarin Moment Chloe’s Rabbit and Ceylon Green Tea Soup with Confit Rabbit in Jiaozi Pastry, Chervil and Dill Kangaroo Island Marron with Pan-Fried Potato Terrine, Duck-Skin Salad and Lively Lime & Orange Tea Sauce Honey Babas with Warm Infused Italian Almond Tea Syrup and a Blood Orange Compote Chloe’s Southern Highland Mantra Erskine Beach Resort Spinach and Ricotta Rotolo with Seared Scallops, Sage and Valley of Kings Beurre Blanc Tea Smoked Baby Abalone with Squid Ink Vermicelli, Tomato Confit and Sautéed Garlic and Shallots Tea Crusted Atlantic Salmon with Beetroot, Wasabi and a Soya Caramel Crème Brûlée with Masala Chai and Citrus Biscotti Vodka and Chili Caipiroska with Green Tea and Manuka Honey Ice Pony Lounge & Dining Salad of Toffee Tea-Smoked Trout, Coconut, Orange and Mint Lamb Rump Baked in a Ceylon Tea and Salt Crust Marmalade Bread and Butter Pudding with Earl Grey Infused Prunes Moroccan Mint Mix-up Restaurant Two Rabbit Broth with Italian Almond Tea and Winter Vegetables Confit of Petuna Ocean Trout and Moreton Bay Bug with Ceylon Green Tea Dressing Duck Liver Parfait, Rose with French Vanilla Jelly and Toasted Sour Dough Seared Venison with Celeriac Puree and Valley of Kings Ceylon Pekoe Sauce Vanilla Bean Panacotta with Berry Sensation Jelly, Fresh Berries and Strawberry Sorbet Seared Tuna and Prawns with Mougrabieh, Carrot Puree and Arabian Mint Tea with Honey Dressing Rockpool Tea Smoked Ocean Trout with Poached Egg, Broad Beans and Artichoke Sashimi of Blue Fin Tuna with Green Tea, Camomile and Ginger Jelly Confit of Suckling Pig with Masala Chai Spiced Pears and Chestnut Puree

217 218 221

222 227



232 237


241 242 245

249 250 253 254 259 260 263 264 267


273 274 277

Almond Milk and Berry Sensation Vacherin with a Strawberry Salad Marque IV "Nilagama Single Estate Tea Cured Free Range Pork Belly, Sweet Corn Custard, Pickled Red Cabbage and Crab Apple" "Ceylon Green Tea and Lemon Myrtle Steeped Macquarie Harbour Ocean Trout, Texta Leeks, Shitake and Enoki Mushrooms and Green Tea Noodles" Vanilla Tea, Tonka Bean and Cinnamon Poached Meringue, Toffee Brioche and Cumquat Sabayon. Iced Perfect Ceylon Black Tea, Elderflower, Pepper Berry Gin and Lime







Frank Van Der Zande Orange Blossomed Iced Tea Bonbon of Goat’s Cheese in Phylo Dough Breaded with Roasted Italian Almond Tea and Chopped Almonds - Salad of Italian Spinach - Dressing of Jasmine Tea Lively Lime & Orange Fusion with Prince of Kandy Syrup and a Dash of Vodka Fish - Catch of The Day - Couscous with Papaya - Green Vegetables - Spiced Fish Cookies - Sauce of Vongole Crème brûlée of Dilmah Teas – Vanilla, Italian Almond, Earl Grey with Compote of Bergamot Orange Cake with Jasmine Tea and Espuma from Natural Ceylon Ginger Tea Hot Buttered Ceylon Tea Jarosław Uściński Yata Watte Ice Tea with Caramelised Sultanas, Long Lemon Zest and Fresh Strawberry Flakes Fresh Sea Bass Sashimi with Gelled Salad of Oranges and Nori Flavoured with Dilmah Ginger Tea Foam Beetroot Chilled Sorbet Dressed with t-Series Rosehip and Hibiscus Tea and Candied Rose Flakes Beef Tenderloin Steak Dressed with Blue Cheese served on Green Vegetables, Basmati Rice - Shallot Puree, Yata Watte - Balsamic Sauce and Fresh Rosemary - Strawberry Salad White Chocolate Cheese Cake flavoured with Dilmah Exceptional Lively Lime and Orange Fusion served with Pineapple and Fresh Basil Salsa Mango Gateaux on Crunchy Spoon flavoured with Canella and Spice Touch Mario Holtzem Moroccan Mint and Jasmine Iced Tea Honey and Lime Tuna Ceylon Souchong, Souchong Style Grilled Scallops, Sushi Rice with a Coriander and Wasabi Spaghetti and a Jelly of Dilmah Ginger & Honey Tea.

308 308

308 308


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RECIPE INDEX Vanilla Ceylon and Earl Grey tea with Lychee Fried Duck Breast, Potato Confit, Crème of Carrots with Tandoori Spices, Crunch of Bacon and Salted Cashew Nuts in its Gravy with Honey and Yata Watte Tea. Semifreddo of t-Series Italian Almond Tea, Toffee of White Chocolate and Dilmah Cinnamon Tea, Crumble Belgian Cinnamon Cookies Hot Amaretto Tea served with Muesli Cookies with Cinnamon Tea and Chocolate Matías Palomo Earl Grey Tea with Peach, Molasses and Barley Scallops with Goat Cheese Sauce Ceylon Souchong Gelatine Dilmah Exceptional Gentle Minty Green Tea and Lemon Sorbet Sea Bass with Rock of Curanto and Green Dust Paired with Uda Watte Tea Rice Pudding with t-Series Cinnamon and Ginger Tea Spiced Strawberries Basil and t-Series Green Tea with Jasmine Flowers t-Series Italian Almond Tea Marshmallows Mukul Agarwal Ceylon Souchong Tea and Smoked Ginger ‘Rasam’ Dilmah Moroccan Mint Tea Poached Lobster with Kerala Moilly Sauce Peppered Sugarcane and Ginger Spiced Tea Sorbet Braised Lamb Rogan Josh with Dilmah Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea and Rice Aam Papad with Kalakand, Betel Leaves and Gulkand flavoured with Dilmah Natural Rosehip and Hibiscus Tea Apricot Tikki and Fig Tikki Yata Watte Masala Tea Peter Kuruvita Ginger Liqueur, Double Strength Natural Ceylon Ginger Tea, Vodka Pop Corn Prawn Skewers, Dusted in Gentle Minty Green Tea Arranchini with Galle District OP1 Hot Smoked Salmon and Cucumber Seared Yellow Fin Tuna Crusted in Chilli and Ceylon Young Hyson Tea Salt with Ruby Pomello Black Pepper Caramel and Sweet Pork Crackling Milk and t-Series Vanilla Ceylon Tea Sorbet Fillet of Beef with a Shitake Mushroom and Dilmah Earl Grey Tea Crust, with Braised Beef Cheek Fondant Potato and a Garlic and Dilmah Ceylon Supreme Tea Jus Crème Brûlée with Poached Quince, Vanilla Sable and Almond Ice Cream Sri Lankan love cake, Hot Beverage Tamarama nights

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Radim Gerlich Valley of Kings Iced Tea Ravioli with Aubergine and Uda Watte Tea Butter Sauce Octopus Soup and Frizella Bread Meda Watte Tea and Mint Sorbet Lamb Chop with Dilmah Supreme Ceylon Tea Polenta Pannacotta with Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea Jelly and Apple Foam with Vanilla Ceylon Tea Cantucci Biscuits Paired with t-Series Italian Almond Tea Ceylon Young Hyson Green Tea with Cinnamon & Tarragon Robert Schinkel Ceylon Old-Fashioned Sommerset Estate Martini Dilmah Blazer Pearl Grey Rohan Fernandopulle Lively Lime and Orange Fusion with Grand Marnier and Spices Vanilla Ceylon Tea Smoked Salmon Pavé on Marinated Avocado and Ikura Vanilla Cream Galle District OPI Tea Spiced Crispy Weligama Bay Baby Lobster on Tangy Tomato and Dilmah and Natural Ceylon Ginger Tea Jam Yata Watte Tea Tin Kiri Sorbet Prime Rack of Lamb with Earl Grey Tea Jus Drizzled with Dilmah Ceylon Green Tea with Jasmine Petals Tea Oil Slow Roasted Beef Tenderloin with Dilmah Valley of Kings Ceylon Pekoe Tea Béarnaise and Sautéed Mushrooms Rose with French Vanilla Tea infused Buffalo Curd, Pannacotta Dilmah Moroccan Mint and Green Tea Iced Truffle Warm Chocolate Cheese Pudding Dilmah Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea Cigar Shane Yardley t-Series Vanilla Ceylon Tea Stirred Over Ice with Vanilla Vodka and New Zealand Vanilla Bush Honey King Prawns Roasted with Ceylon Young Hyson Green Tea Accompanied by Mango and Coconut Earl Grey Infused Duck Consommé with Earl Grey Smoked Duck Breast and Red Pepper Noodles Lively Lime and Orange Tea Sorbet Cinnamon Tea and Citrus Crusted Venison Fillet, Roasted Courgettes and Fennel accompanied by a Jus of Cinnamon Tea and Juniper Moroccan Minted Tea Chocolate Marquise, Moroccan Minted Tea Bubbles and IceCream Turkish Delight made with Exceptional Rose with French Vanilla tea and Gentle Minty Green Tea

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Shahid Latif Earl Grey Ice Tea with Ginger and Mint Pan Fried Cinnamon Scallops with Valley of Kings Ceylon Pekoe Jelly Peppermint Tea Sorbet Roasted Pork Loin with Jasmine Tea Sticky Rice and Cherry Salsa White Chocolate Pannacotta with Uda Watte Chai Sauce Masala Chai Tomas Rimydis Iced tea Scallops Marinated with t-Series Italian Almond Tea served with Celery, Dilmah Ceylon Supreme Tea and Ginger Cream, Apple Sauce and Potato Chips, Dried Beetroots Mozzarella Cheese Flavoured Sorbet with t-Series Green Tea with Jasmine Flowers and Tomatoes Flavoured with t-Series Vanilla Ceylon Tea and Fresh Basil Dressing Grilled Chicken Fillet Marinated with Dilmah English Afternoon Tea, Chicken Roll with Ricotta Cheese and Ceylon Cinnamon Spice Tea, Served with Cauliflower Cream, Green Peas and Cedar Nuts Cream, Sweet Pepper Dressing and Black Bread Croutons Pannacotta with Exceptional Rose with French Vanilla Tea, Carrot Crème Brûlée with t-Series Moroccan Mint Green Tea served with Citrus Fruit Salad and Watte Tea Trio Jelly and Sweet Herbs Smoked Chicken Rolls with Lively Lime and Orange Fusion Tea Salmon Rolls Marinated with Darjeeling Tea Blue Cheese, Grapes and Cherry Tomatoes Spit Ceylon Tea Trails Earl Grey Tea Infused Cured Atlantic Salmon Open Sandwich On Multigrain Loaf Ginger Tea Scones Italian Almond Tea Cream Filled Profiteroles Oolong Tea Poached Lobster Medallion on Rye Bread Peppermint Tea Cucumber Kurakkan Bread Sandwich Rosehip & Hibiscus Infused Raspberry Chocolate Swiss Roll Jasmine Tea Infused White Chocolate & Dragon Fruit Mini Tart Lemon and Lime Tea Tartlets Rose with French Vanilla Tea Cream Filled Éclairs Earl Gray Tea Chocolate Ganache

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Dilmah is the world’s genuinely Ethical Tea, going beyond Fair Trade, in that all packaging profits are retained in Sri Lanka and fund the work of the MJF Charitable Foundation for the benefit of our workers, the community and the future of our industry. The Foundation funds and manages over 300 projects, touching the lives of over 10,000 underprivileged people each year. Dilmah Conservation is an extension to our social justice commitment. We recognize that environmental protection is integral to human welfare. Together with its resource partner IUCN, the world’s largest global environmental network, Dilmah is promoting biodiversity, species/habitat protection & awareness of sustainability by encouraging a harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

Business is a Matter of Human Service

MJF Holdings Ltd 111 Negombo Road, Peliyagoda, Sri Lanka. ( +94 11 482 2000 Fax +94 11 482 2001

ISBN 978-955-0081-06-6

76526 00

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