BRAND STANDARDS GUIDE The # 1 Professional-Grade Trailer
Big Tex Trailers is the largest and most respected professional-grade open trailer manufacturer in North America. Dealers and consumers expect Big Tex to deliver exceptional quality trailers, as they have for more than 35 years. No other manufacturer offers the value that Big Tex offers customers. No one else offers the expertise, the durability or the product availability that Big Tex does. Our trailers are built to last, and so is our company. Leading the industry, inspiring customers and ourselves, we are driven to succeed and to exceed expectations. All of these objectives are central to the Big Tex brand promise. And that brand promise is communicated using the guidelines shared within this book.
CONTENTS BRAND1. ESSENCE... .............................. 6 1.2 Tone of Voice 8 1.3 Tenets of Messaging 9 1.4 Tone of Voice in Practice .................. 10 BRAND2. AESTHETIC ............................12 2.2 Colors & Usage ................................... 14 2.3 Logo Usage .......................................... 16 2.4 Fonts 20 2.5 Photography Guidelines 22 PRINTED3. MATERIAL .........................26 3.2 Advertising 28 3.3 Co-Branded Advertising & Logo Usage................................................ 30 3.4 Point of Purchase ............................. 32 3.5 Corporate Communications... 33 3.6 Merchandise & Apparel. 34 DIGITAL4. COMMUNICATION ........... 36 4.2 Email Marketing... 38 4.3 Digital Ads, Content Sites & Social Media... ................................. 39 Big Tex Brand Standards Guide
Brand Essence Page 7
At its core, the Big Tex brand is defined by a respect for hard work and an appreciation for a job well done — just as it has been for 35 years. Big Tex trailers are built to perform and built to last. They reflect hardearned insights, a deep understanding of the market, a driven mindset and unfailing attention to detail. Because of these values, Big Tex customers can count on exceptional value, unmatched quality and durability, and reliable support. Big Tex is true to its word, ensuring total confidence in its products. Serious business demands a seriousness of purpose; Big Tex is dedicated to the relentless pursuit of excellence.
Along with Look and Feel, Tone of Voice is what helps give a brand its distinctive personality and sets it apart from everyone else. Using a consistent Tone of Voice across all communications helps emphasize the core identity of Big Tex, increasing brand recognition and familiarity.
Brand Essence Page 9
As the leader in the industry, Big Tex provides customers with the emotional benefit of confidence, and the functional benefits that come with a durable, well-made product. Our messaging should demonstrate this.
These principles should be used as a guide for drafting all communications. Distinctive, yet simple enough for everyone to follow, they convey the idea that Big Tex is the #1 manufacturer of professional-grade trailers.
Big Tex Tone of Voice is: Confident, dynamic, authoritative, positive and direct. It shows strength, experience and toughness. It respects its audience and demonstrates honesty. Big Tex Tone of Voice isn’t: Cocky, arrogant or smug. It is not jargon-based, overly technical, overly long, or boring. It isn’t flowery, and it isn’t shy.
Always be personal: So use: We, Us and You Always be confident: We make great things, be proud Always be inspirational: Show the world we build products that last and get the job done Always be simple and clear: Don’t write 5 words when 3 will do Always be progressive: Look for ways to build brand recognition
Headlines should be confident, inspirational and easy to grasp. Be efficient and use familiar words and phrases in a clear, smart way. Secondary copy should provide evidence for the claim made in the headline. It should include the details about the brand and product that are most relevant to the target customer. It should all relate back to the headline, especially the closing sentence. Include a call to action that gives readers a next step to engage further with the brand. (Social media links, website, or similar.)
TOUGHCONFIDENTPROUDTRAILERS CMYK: C:2 M:100 Y:85 K:6 RGB: R:200 G:16 B:46 HEX: C8102E WHEN THE JOB CALLS FOR SOMETHING BIG Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mau ris tincidunt, ipsum ut egestas iaculis, diam ex volut pat mi, a auctor orci turpis ut mi. Pellentesque tincidunt vulputate var ius. Cras sit amet commodo mauris. Mauris felis eros, mollis non dolor ac, finibus tempor metus. Ut pulvinar, eros ac ul tric es pretium, mi arcu molestie dolor, sit amet congue nunc. TRAILERS CMYK: C:2 M:100 Y:85 K:6 RGB: R:200 G:16 B:46 HEX: C8102E WELCOME TO BIG TEX COUNTRY NATDA Sept 17 Spread Ad_V4_Outlined_2.eps 1 7/24/17 4:40 PM COMPANY YOU KEEP JOIN THE WINNER’S CIRCLE Who are you aligned with? When you team up with Big Tex, you’re joining elite American brands like Chevy® and John Deere®. A recent joint press event for more than 40 leading national media outlets will keep Big Tex top of mind for months to come. Big names choose Big Tex when it matters most because no other trailer brand delivers at our level. Take advantage of our incredible exposure and dealer resources and see where Big Tex can take you. On this page, three examples of headlines in print ads.
Our aesthetic reflects our brand Personality: bold, confident, no-nonsense. Using an established set of colors and fonts ensures consistency across all platforms and helps increase brand awareness and familiarity. COLORS, FONTS, LOGOS AND PHOTOGRAPHY
Backgrounds should primarily remain page white. Black and Yellow are the primary colors, with Yellow taking precedence over Black. The 3 secondary colors should be used only in conjunction with the primary colors but can also be used as text colors. The 1 accent colors should be used sparingly as bullet points or to highlight text and the word Trailers under logo.
CMYK: C:61 M:53 Y:48 K:19 RGB: R:100 G:101 B:105 HEX: 646569 GRAY: 75% of Black CMYK: C:26 M:22 Y:22 K:0 RGB: R:189 G:187 B:187 HEX: BDBBBB GRAY: 30% of Black PANTONE® Cool Gray 10 C PANTONE® Cool Gray 4 C PANTONE® Cool Gray 7 C CMYK: C:42 M:35 Y:35 K:1 RGB: R:153 G:153 B:154 HEX: 99999A GRAY: 50% of Black PANTONE® 186 C CMYK: C:2 M:100 Y:85 K:6 RGB: R:200 G:16 B:46 HEX: C8102E SECONDARYUse only in conjunction with our primary colors. These colors are also approved for copy color. Pantone 109 C CMYK: C:0 M:12 Y:100 K:0 RGB: R:255 G:209 B:0 HEX: FFD100 Pantone Black 6 C CMYK: C:60 M:45 Y:45 K:100 RGB: R:16 G:24 B:32 HEX: 101820 PRIMARY Brand Aesthetic Page 15 PANTONE® 109 C PANTONE® Black 6 C Use these colors sparingly. They are meant for small accents only such as bullet points or to highlight a few words of copy. ACCENT
usage only. Use either the
as shown. Always adhere to the guidelines regarding sizing, positioning and placement on backgrounds. TRAILERS®TRAILERS® For
The Brand Signature can be set horizontally one-color solid black or white
Yellow is a key aspect of logo. Yellow text black background Black text yellow background Clear
Yellow logo can only be used for trailer decals on black backgrounds. Big Tex logo can only appear without the word trailers in specific
are the preferred executions. Trailers should be kept in red. TRAILERS TRAILERS TRAILERS Approved Logos, Sizing and
1" / 70 pixels Do not use the legacy, oval logo.Do not change the color of the logo.
WHAT NOT TO DO: Never crowd the Big Tex logo with other visual elements. Give the logo room to breathe and help it stand out. Use the height of the Big Tex “B” as a guide to establish a sufficient yellow or black space around the logo. This is a minimum requirement not restricted by height or width of yellow box.
Brand Aesthetic Page 17
TRAILERS® Do not set the logo as text or in other typefaces. BigTex TRAILERS Do not apply effects to the logo. Do notscaledisproportionatelythelogo.
Big Tex logo should almost always appear inside a box which can be square or rectangle depending on final application. The exception to this rule would be for use on Big Tex Trailers, (sample on left hand page) and unique point of purchase and apparel (see pages 33 & 34)
Minimum size in print is 1 inch wide or 70 pixels wide on the web for the Big Tex logo text.
TRAILERS® TRAILERS® Do not place the logo in any other shape other than a square or rectangle
The logo should always print in a solid-colored background, contained within a box shape. A rectangle or square are preferred. As shown on page 17, use the Big Tex “B” as a guide for horizontal space around the logo. Expand the vertical space as needed. A black “Big Tex” and red “Trailers®” against a Yellow background is the preferred treatment and should be used whenever possible.
WHAT NOT TO DO: Brand Aesthetic Page 19 INSTRENGTHNUMBERS Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mau ris tincidunt, ipsum ut egestas iaculis, diam ex volut pat mi, a auctor orci turpis ut mi. Pellentesque tincidunt vul putate var ius. Cras sit amet commodo mauris. Mauris felis eros, mollis non dolor ac, finibus tempor metus. Ut pulvinar, eros ac ul tric es pretium, mi arcu molestie dolor. HOEKSTRA 7607 U.S. 127 | St Johns, MI 48879 Store Hours: M-F 8-6 | Sat - Sun -9-3 TRAILERS CMYK: C:2 M:100 Y:85 K:6 RGB: R:200 G:16 B:46 HEX: C8102E WHEN THE JOB CALLS FOR SOMETHING BIG Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mau ris tincidunt, ipsum ut egestas iaculis, diam ex volut pat mi, a auctor orci turpis ut mi. Pellentesque tincidunt vulputate var ius. Cras sit amet commodo mauris. Mauris felis eros, mollis non dolor ac, finibus tempor metus. Ut pulvinar, eros ac ul tric es pretium, mi arcu molestie dolor, sit amet congue nunc. TRAILERS CMYK: C:2 M:100 Y:85 K:6 RGB: R:200 G:16 B:46 HEX: C8102E #1 PROFESSIONAL-GRADE TRAILER. TRAILERS Matt Guilford Vice Presidentwww.ATW.comc:o:matt.guilford@atw.comMarketing123.456.7890123.456.7890 Do not place the logo over a photo or patterned background. Keep the logo in a solid-colored box; do not isolate the logo with a transparent background. TRAILERS
Big Tex is a hard-working brand and the the typography should reflect that as well. We use only strong fonts that get the job done. Consistent usage of type helps to form continuity across all communications and to build our brand identity.
Big Tex utilizes 2 typefaces: Tungsten and Forza. Specifically, Tungsten Bold and Black for Headlines or where emphasis needs adding and Forza weights Light through Black for subheads and body copy.
Forza Light Forza Light Italic Forza Book Forza Book Italic Forza Medium Forza Medium Italic Forza Bold Forza Bold Italic Forza Black Forza Black Italic Tungsten Bold Tungsten Black Tungsten Medium
THE PERFECT TIME WILL NEVER HAPPEN. Accaborrum simet, tene eaquisque listis autatem nis ipsam ra nonet et aperis doluptatius sus doluptam, ut ut por simeniaerume corum volupturit, quam dolorum sequatur latquia nis eos. Evelecuptae laciatatur? Tem invent quun dem et lanis re officius esto est, sim est, estem quiatin iatque venist dolla nus. Ur, adiamente et, to mos et, si cuptaturit qui nos eos ea autatemodi nonsequibus nos estotae elest remporia doluptate pa doloribus moditio. Nequi core volo cusdae explant laut laut quas eum esed et ipit liq uunt eum et qui sitaspicid quianda nitatecabo. Ut harchicidel in consequat et aut voloritio es autatis aut autenis modi genihici aborrov idundem porecep eliqui tenda perenis derroritis de dolupta denis sundem quodior ruptae ipsuntus alis ditio. Ebit utem aut aliqui volendu cidusti nis aut alitiore, occaturiam imus eum quiam que od ex explit la consedit harit arum ut as to veliquunt hilique optam idus venihilis.
Use Helvetica and Helvetica Bold for email correspondence. Helvetica Helvetica Italic Helvetica Bold Helvetica Bold Italic Wait.
Ut ant utem que mintemp osander um quae coremolore oditionseque con nos sime doloria spieni cores et volor a qui comnihi taspel il et a volorem dolesed ul lent, sim fugitatem et ut auda inis ea in cianis doloreperiam experemo etum alitis maximintin re sus aut ut aut ea coribus pre, solupis endel ius asi as dunt fugiani mus exeri sit as doluptatibus same mag nis rest, ne seriaspit, sam is ut fugiatios Iquassus. quae dolecearum adist, tores et liq uat et labo. Iliquam illab in commoll up tatatquis ipiet hillore pudias earum non seque porum quaspic tenis vendi dolores cipitatem et quis dene ex ex expedi omni dolum faciis debitatum rem. Bus. Optur ad quist quati re laborae labo. Ut porem dolupta quatur re, Ore nemporepres aspis ati deni doluptatae commolupta volupta tendia parumquia derempo ritibus. Apitatusam faciaspelit officimin ex et occus moluptas expliam ut aditi cum, vit TYPE SPECIMEN
Brand Aesthetic Page 21
Big Tex imagery tells a story through moment-driven photography. It captures the experience of using — and relying on — Big Tex products for big jobs. And while it shows rugged, real-world situations, the imagery is never homespun. Photos reflect high-quality production values and a smart, professional aesthetic. Defining elements are movement, capacity and lifestyle
LIFESTYLE PHOTOGRAPHY Lifestyle photography depicts realistic moments when Big Tex products prove their strength and owners demonstrate confidence. Brand Aesthetic Page 23
Product photography provides real-life context while highlighting key features and product quality. Images must demonstrate meaningful and correct use and accurate components. Wherever possible, a trailer should be shown in motion and should demonstrate a load suitable to the trailer’s capacity, rather than using a static shot of an empty, parked trailer. Big Tex photography should reflect movement, capacity and lifestyle. These attributes demonstrate the deep respect for hard work that we share with our customers, while also distinguishing our photography (and our brand) from the rest of the industry.
STOCK PHTOGRAPHY When it becomes necessary to utilize lifestyle stock art: KEEP IT AUTHENTIC, KEEP IT REAL. Choose background and environmental photos that relate to the occupations of Big Tex owners – soil, concrete, farm fields, barnwood, weathered materials that suggest a time-honored ruggedness. Brand Aesthetic Page 25
Print and corporate materials broadcast the Big Tex brand Personality loud and clear, through clean layouts, straightforward and smart copy, and effective photography. Proper use of colors and logos helps erase any uncertainty about which brand is being featured. PRINT AND COMMUNICATIONSCORPORATE
TRAILERS CMYK: C:2 M:100 Y:85 K:6 RGB: R:200 G:16 B:46 HEX: C8102E BIG DUMPTEX TRAILERS THE # 1 PROFESSIONAL-GRADE TRAILER Big Tex 10SR | Big Tex 10LX | Big Tex 12LX | Big Tex 14LX | Big Tex 14GX | Big Tex 21GX | Big Tex 14OD-GN | Big Tex 14OD | Big Tex 25DU PRINT: ADVERTISINGBROCHURES,ANDDIRECT MAI L These materials must be eye-catching and communicate the brand attributes, even at a glance. Again, the consistent use of color, font, photography and messaging paints a clear picture of Big Tex and its selling points. Bold color and high-quality imagery support the reality that Big Tex is the #1 professional-grade trailer.
Printed Material Page 29 Clean layouts feature hard lines, distinct colors and straightforward copy. Prod ucts are shown excelling at the task at hand. TRAILERS CMYK: C:2 M:100 Y:85 K:6 RGB: R:200 G:16 B:46 HEX: C8102E WELCOME TO BIG TEX COUNTRY TRAILERS CMYK: C:2 M:100 Y:85 K:6 RGB: R:200 G:16 B:46 HEX: C8102E WHEN THE JOB CALLS FOR SOMETHING BIG Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mau ris tincidunt, ipsum ut egestas iaculis, diam ex volut pat mi, a auctor orci turpis ut mi. Pellentesque tincidunt vulputate var ius. Cras sit amet commodo mauris. Mauris felis eros, mollis non dolor ac, finibus tempor metus. Ut pulvinar, eros ac ul tric es pretium, mi arcu molestie dolor, sit amet congue nunc.
CO-BRANDED ADVERTISING Use care when applying the Big Tex logo to co-branded advertising. Materials should not look as if they originated with Big Tex — for example, use the partner brand’s colors and fonts. However, Big Tex logo guidelines should still be followed. Consider headlines that speak to both brands, and copy that explains the benefits of their partnership to the consumer. • Adhere to Big Tex color and logo usage guidelines • Also follow the style guidelines of the Partner brand • Use Big Tex photos for hero images • The presence of each brand should strengthen the appeal of the other • Headline should capture the essence of the partnership WORKING TO MAKE YOUR JOB EASIER. dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mau ris tincidunt, ipsum ut egestas iaculis, diam ex volut orci turpis ut mi. Pellentesque tincid unt vul Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing putate var ius. Cras sit amet commodo mauris. Mauris felis TRAILERS CMYK: C:2 M:100 Y:85 K:6 RGB: R:200 G:16 B:46 HEX: C8102E HOEKSTRA U.S. 127 Johns, MI 48879 Hours: M-F 8-6 & Sun 9-3 ctor orci turpis ut ctor orci turpis ut ctor orci turpis ut
Printed Material Page 31 WORKING TO MAKE YOUR JOB EASIER. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mau ris tincidunt, ipsum ut egestas iaculis, diam ex volut pat mi, a auctor orci turpis ut mi. Pellentesque tincid unt vul Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing cidunt vul putate var ius. Cras sit amet commodo mauris. Mauris felis TRAILERS CMYK: C:2 M:100 Y:85 K:6 RGB: R:200 G:16 B:46 HEX: C8102E HOEKSTRA 7607 U.S. 127 St Johns, MI 48879 Store Hours: M-F 8-6 Sat & Sun 9-3 ctor orci turpis ut ctor orci turpis ut ctor orci turpis ut
POINT OF PURCHASE MATERIALS Color, type, logo: These elements are effective in point of purchase materials, used to call attention to brand strengths and increase brand recognition.
| MM/DD/YYYY CORPORATE Color is downplayed in corporate materials, just enough to convey a serious tone. Email signatures should look consistent across the entire company. Printed Material Page 33
Dear LoremMattipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus non justo. The em ips um dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum tellus felis, tincidunt id fringil la id, euismod in arcu. Quisque vel go blue ligula. Sed eu leo nee ligula ullamcorper pelle ntesque nee a nisl. Ves tibulum euismod sem sit amet pulvinar placerat. Vestibulum elei fend finibus molestie. Pellen tesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et male suada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusee et erat vitae neque lacinia mollis. Vivamus varius, risus quis ultricies soles, justo lorem facilisis purus, id dictum ex arcu a erat. Suspendisse id pretium felis, quis ultrices risus. Ut male suada dino dolor, vel pellentesque nunc suscipit sit amet. Cras non eleifend nulla. Maecenas vestibulum vestibulum porta. Vivamus dolor erat, fermentum a sodales ac, fringilla sit amet nul la. Pellentesque tincidunt erat sed magna ullamcorper dignissim. Maecenas consectetur lectus arc suada dino dolor, vel pellentesque nunc sut sit amet. Cras non eleifend nulla. Sed sit amet tortor a magna accumsan viverra. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin bibendum elit dolor, a rhoncus ligula pretium ac. Sed tincidunt iaculis libero, a ultricies urna conv Nam suscipit lo rem quam, dino volutpat mauris pharetra lobortis. Fusee non phare tra quam. Duis posuere felis a ligula dictum placerat. Etiam temper go blue at tinci ulla ultrices elementum metus sit amet suscipit. Nulla condimentum pharetra posue ur bitur sed mi ipsum. Nullam gravida mi et velit faucibus tincidunt. Phasellus at laoreet elit. Nulla pharetracondimentumposuere Texas 73301
123 Dallas Street | Suite 300
Use of Big Tex branding on merchandise and apparel must be consistent with brand standard guidelines for colors and logo usage. Keep it simple. Do not redraw, reconstruct or modify the logo in any way. Remember that merchandise is a valuable tool for increasing brand recognition and loyalty.
Printed Material Page 35
No surprise here: Digital communications from Big Tex mirror everything else we do. Information should be easy to find. Pages should be clean and uncluttered. Tone should be confident and no-nonsense. EMAIL AND WEB MATERIALS
to keep consumers connected
be used as a delivery method for a variety of content — editorial, promotional, educational, or even just entertainment. Big Tex Sales Campaign Email
Copyright © 2017 All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list Dealer Name (123) 456-1000 00000 N. Drive. Town, State 00000 Hours 8-5, Sat 8-3, Sun Closed CHANGE Ves tibulum euismod sem sit amet pulvinar placera estibu lum elei fend finibus molestie. Ves tibulum euismod sem sit amet p Ves tibulum euVes tibulum euismod sem sit amet p Ves tibulum euismod sem sit amet pulvinar placerat. ulvinar placerat.d sem sit amet pulvinar placerat. ulvinar placerat. marketing is an effective way with the brand. can
TRAILERS CMYK: C:2 M:100 Y:85 K:6 RGB: R:200 G:16 B:46 HEX: C8102E TRAILERS No longer interested in receiving Big Tex Trailers? Unsubscribe Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser BUILT TO WORK AS HARD AS YOU
The em ips um dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum tellus felis, tincidunt id fringil la id. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec that is tetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus non justo. The em ips um dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum tellus felis, tincidunt id fringil la id, euismod in arcu. Quisque vel go blue ligula. Sed eu leo nee ligula ullamcorper pelle ntesque nee a nisl. Ves tibulum euismod sem sit amet pulvinar placerat. Vestibu lum elei fend finibus molestie. Pellen tesque habitant morbi tris tique senectus et netus et male suada fames ac turpis egestas.
SHOP NOW Lorem ipsum dolor sit aet consec tetur adip go iscing elites tibulum eui hard sem sit amet work placerat.
awareness and are a valuable component of any
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dedicated content pages or
— helps to foster
about. Web
Digital Communications Page 39
Digital Communication Page 39 TRAILERS
and provides deeper understanding of
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet sectetur adipiscing eli auris ticidunt, ipsum ut egtas iacul iam ex volut pat mi, a auctor orci turpis ut mi.
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an environment
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in ad effectiveness. Smart,
The # 1 Professional-Grade Trailer ©2017 Copyright Big Tex Trailers.