Barry Rassin Esther Rassin RI President 2018-19
Month - July 2018 | Issue No.: 1 | Editor: Rtn. Dr. Chandeashekhar Purandare
Rtn. CA Ravikiran J. Kulkarni Ann. Vishakha R. Kulkarni District Governor 2018-19 RI District 3170
From DG’s Desk CA Ravikiran Kulkarni DG 2018-2019
Dear Miracle chasers, As you are busy in welcoming the new Rotary year and with the Club Installation programs, many Clubs have reported that they marked the first day of Rotary year 2018-2019 by dedicating a service project to the community. As our Website – and Mobile app are already operative, I am getting reports that many Rotarians have downloaded the Mobile app and some Clubs even have started reporting their future events on the Website. By the time we dedicate the Website to the RID 3170 and formally launch the same, the Mobile app will be ready for all versions of Mobiles. I am really happy to find that the steps taken by all of us in making the District Paperless have been appreciated by all of you and many Clubs have started reporting their service Projects on our Website. The extensive use of our Website is not only going to save the time and repetitive work of all Rotarians, but it will also result in making the real time data available, which in my opinion is the real benefit for our District. As at DG’s Office and at R C Sangli we gear up to welcome you for the Installation of Team 2018-19 for R C Sangli and for the Installation of myself as DG of our great District 3170 which is so carefully nurtured by my predecessors in the Office, I take this opportunity to once again commit and rededicate myself that in 2018-19 I will leave no stone unturned and try my best. Once the Club Installations are over, let us get back to our core business of strengthening Rotary movement in the District and engaging in more and more service projects. As all of you have committed to engage yourself in building a public image of Rotary, I urge you to move out of the Clubs and approach the non-Rotarians and inform them about the selfless work Rotary is doing Worldwide. We are coming up with a Speakers' Bank which can be used by all the Clubs to make this process easy, as the Speakers’ Bank consists of a good compilation of committed Rotarians across the District who can address on many aspects of Rotary. As committed during the training program, I expect each Club to have at least six such meetings during the year and cover at least 1000 non Rotarians and inform them about the philanthropic work of Rotary. If all Clubs take this as a priority program, by the end of the year we would be covering more than 1,00,000 non Rotarians and indirectly over 5,00,000 members of the community in general. Rotary should be made known in our District like all other established corporate brands. On the eve of the DG Installation, all of us will be meeting in two important programs– PRATIMA–SEMINAR ON Wins and PUBLIC IMAGE wherein we will chart out our way for these programs for the next 12 months. While I look forward to welcome you all for PRATIMA and DG’s Installation at Sangli on 07th and 08th July 2018, I also wish you all a fruitful Rotary Year ahead in BE THE INSPIRATION in changing the communities around us. Yours in Rotary CA Ravikiran Kulkarni DG 2018-2019
Editorial Dr. Chandrashekhar Purandare Editor
It is an honour to be editor of the GML of such a prestigious & trilingual RID 3170. I take this opportunity to thank the D.G & all the Rotarians for the faith reposed in me. As you are all aware, our DG has decided to make the district paperless. Keeping this in mind, we have decided to go paperless in GML issues as well. We plan to prepare the issues before 10th of each month and release them online on the District website. This will save a lot of manpower, money, paper, ink & postage. I am certain that all of you will co-operate with us in this initiative. Dr Monika Kullolli, the DCC of felicitations has already made plans for greeting each and every Rotarian. The events are also available on the website and mobile app, which is really fantastic and gives every Rotarian a chance to greet personally on these event days. So we have decided not to include birthday & anniversary felicitations in GML. DG visit schedule & district event charts are also available in district directory & website, so they also won’t be republished in GML. The GML will have DG’s message, a small editorial, an article pertaining to the Rotary month by an eminent Rotarian, community service and district event photographs, special felicitations, club attendances & other articles as per the necessity. Kindly note that you need to upload GML worthy material of your club on the website as early as possible for it to be visible in GML if chosen. We certainly want not only district ofďŹ cers, but every Rotarian to go through the GML & give your valuable feedback. Please do not hesitate to contact the GML team for your queries or suggestions.
Change is Sanatkumar Arwade PDG
Dear Team mates, “The old order changeth yielding place to new”. That is what the great poet Tennyson wrote. This is also true of Rotary. The leadership at every level- club, district and International - change every year. Change is a sign of life. It is a sign of progress. Change is essence of life. Change is future. No change- no progress. Change is a must, because Rotary does not want us to take the same road, tread the same path in our service activities. This change phenomenon is one of the unique, so be the change you want to see. This is the characteristic of Rotary organization. It is a matter of great jubilation that our member Rtn Ravikiran Kulkarni will be taking the mantle of district leadership from the outgoing District Governor Rtn. Anand Kulkarni on 8th July 2018 at the hands of Rotary luminary Sam Patibandala. We are aware that DG Ravikiran, with his rich background, faith and dedication in the field of Rotary for a long time and Ann Vishakha will take our District to new Zenith of success in the year 2018-19. Rotary lays great emphasis on qualities of leadership. Right from Club President to RI Director, everybody is trained well. This year we saw successful completion of various training seminars as PRE-PETS, PETS-SETS, PRE AGTS, AGTS and District Assembly under the dynamic leadership of DG Ravikiran. In every seminar there was great enthusiasm to learn, dedication and good attendance. Now you are all well equipped with the technique of good club administration and the most effective way of promotion. Rotary has five avenues of service. Now you have the wings to fly as high as you may like. All the best. RI has given much importance to membership development and public relations. A strong and sustainable membership is key to the survival of any organization. It is the life & blood of any organization including Rotary. Without a vibrant and growing membership it will wither and die. Rotary has so much to offer to its members in fellowship and opportunities to serve community. Let us induct young and energetic
members who have innovative ideas and vision to take Rotary ahead in alliance with global trends. Public Relations is also an important aspect of Rotary. We have to devise suitable methods for its development so that our outstanding programmes get good coverage in the news media. “People are our business” - thus professed the first Rotary club of Chicago. In the promotion of Rotary, it is important to reach large numbers of non-Rotarians as well as Rotarians and you can’t reach large numbers privately, thus spoke Paul Harris. Rotary has attained a high place among the leading organizations of the world, and therefore, the necessity for the effective Public Relations at the club and district level. Hope the clubs will device suitable methods to project the proper image of Rotary through service projects to the community at large. During the last more than hundred years Rotary has not remained static but has developed into a unique and complex organization and hence manual operations have become time consuming and difficult. The most outstanding aspect of Rotary year 2018-19 is the adoption of innovative online procedures. It is very convenient and easy to operate. We are heading towards paperless digital district. Credit goes to DG Ravikiran and his team. It will be easy to handle all aspects of club and district administration without any hassles. Congratulations to DG Ravikiran and his team for this new software introduced in our district for the first time. A word of appreciation to IPDG Anand Kulkarni for the splendid and evenful Rotary year 2017-18. It started with big bang and ended on a glorious note. A number of useful activities marked this year. Indeed, it was glorious innings played well and always with a straight bat. And his cheerful wife Ann Dr Rajashree played an important role in encouraging and rendering active support to DG Anand. Hearty congratulations to Anand and his team. At the end I may say that the success of this year 2018-19 is in your hands. This will be your year. It should not happen that the song which you came to sing remained unsung. The opportunity which you have got to serve the cause of Rotary may not be repeated again so be the inspiration and do your best to make this year a memorable one. Let us stop basking in our glorious past or day-dreaming about our magnificent future. Let us do something about dominating today. And that domination starts with Do. Wish you all the best.
Prole of Chief Guest & Installing Ofcer Ÿ Sam was a Pharmacist with a Masters Degree in Pharmacy from
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam. Ÿ Started his career as a lecturer at GSVM Medical College, Kanpur,
before joining Warner Hindustan Limited, Hyderabad in 1975 as an Analytical Chemist. Sam Immigrated to USA in 1977 to start his career as a Research Scientist at Beecham Products Limited, New Jersey. After completing all formalities, he became a Registered Pharmacist from Sam Patibandla PDG RID 3150 New York University and started his own drug store in Manhattan, New York in the Year 1981. After running the business successfully for several years, Sam returned to India for good in 1990 and started Pharmaceutical Marketing. He became a Stock Broker in 1992. He is now the Executive Director of Zen Securities Limited, a leading stock broking firm in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Sam Joined Rotary movement in 1991 when he was invited to Rotary Club of Jubilee Hills. Sam served his club and the district in various capacities and he was the District Governor during 2006-07. Sam is currently E/MGA (Endowment Major Gifts Advisor) for Zone 5 from 2017-2020. Sam is currently the WinS (Wash in Schools) Coordinator for Zone 5 and also the “Chairman – Rotary India WinS Recognition Committee”. Sam was the “Rotary Public Image Coordinator” for Zone 5 from 2014 to 2017. Sam served as one of the members of India National PolioPlus Committee (INPPC) for many years. Sam represented his district 3150 at 2010 Council on Legislation. Sam was a facilitator at RLTI (Regional Leaders Training Institute) during 2017 and 2018 that was held at RI Headquarters, Evanston, where all the incoming RCs (Rotary Coordinators), RRFCs (Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinators) and RPICs (Regional Public Image Coordinators) attend from all over the Rotary world. Sam is invited to be the lead facilitator for 2019 Regional Leaders Training Institute. Sam is invited to be one of the Training Leaders at 2019 International Assembly. Sam is a benefactor and a Level 2 Major Donor. Sam is a member of the Paul Harris Society of District 3150. Sam is the recipient of Rotary International’s highest award - “Service above Self” as well as The Rotary Foundation’s highest award - “Distinguished Service” award. Sam is a life member of Indian Pharmaceutical Association, American Association of Registered Pharmacists, YMCA, Red Cross and Telugu Association of North America. Sam is blessed with two daughters Madhulika and Neelima and one granddaughter Trishika.
Directory Update - District Ofcers Page No. of Directory 126
RC Sangli Page No. of Directory 136
RC Panaji Riviera
RC Karwar
RC Chikodi Page No. of Directory 142
District Events Committee Zonal Officer (Zone - 4) 18/09/1975 0832-2411374 9823109419 Advertising Xpress Printers, Shop No 18, Opp Petrol Pimp, Betim 403101 Goa
RC Karwar Page No. of Directory 147
End Polio Committee Zonal Officer (Zone - 8) 16/05/1981 8382223301, 9448729523 Medicine Dentistry Shanti Dental clinic, Dr.Pikle Road, Karwar 581 Karnataka
RC Dharwad
RC Ratnagiri Midtown
Fellowship Activities Committee Zonal Officer (Zone - 3) 23/03/1970 02352-221690, 9422056985 Advocate A-4, Dhawal Complex, limaye Wadi, Malnaka, Ratnagiri 415612 Mah.
Page No. of Directory 206
Vasant Ramchandra Aminbhavi
RC Dharwad
Four Way Test Zonal Officer (Zone - 7) 26/02/1940 0836- 2442823 , 9844052206 Civil Engineer Consultancy No 43, U B Hill Road, 4th Cross, Malmaddi, Dharwad 580001
Raghavendra Motilalasa Raibagi
RC Gajendragad
Four Way Test Zonal Officer (Zone -2) 09/05/1952 9370694025 Electrical Engineer & Contractor Deccan Electro Works, 2181 C Laxmipuri, Maharana Pratap Rd, Kolhapur 416002
RC Kolhapur
Endowment And Major Gifts Promotion Zonal Officer (Zone - 8) 13/11/1951 9448147106 Plywood Manufacture The Gurdit Institute Pvt. Ltd. Attikolla Dharwad 580007
Avinash Vasudev Raste
Page No. of Directory 206
District Sports Committee Zonal Officer (Zone - 8) 09/12/1966 8382227581, 9845269641 Automobiles dealership Ganga Automobiles Green street karwar 581301Karnataka
Yashkaran Singh Lauly
Page No. of Directory 204
Craft Assembly Zonal Officer (Zone - 5) 14/12/1975 8861761555, 9448349240 Civil Engineer N- Associates. Civil Engineers, Valuers. N-M R Chikodi 591201
Amarnath Ramchandra Shetty
Vinay Vasant Ambulkar
Mahesh Ishwar Nerle
Sameerkumar Timmanna Nayak
Page No. of Directory 202
Convention Promotion, Zonal Officer (Zone - 1) 24/03/1951 233-2376490 9421127823 Medicine General Dentistry Sakar Dental Clinic "Krishnayogini" Dr Ambed, Sangli 416416
Clare Marchon De souza
Page No. of Directory 145
Page No. of Directory 130
Mukund Krishnaji Udgaonkar
Four Way Test Zonal Officer (Zone - 8) 22/06/1970 8381262210, 9448186189 Tort Law Jawali Polt, Near Bus Stand A/p Gajendragad 582114. Karnataka
Directory update - District Ofcer Page No. of Directory 209
RC Gargis Kolhapur Page No. of Directory 212
RC Ponda New Generation
RC Mapuca
RC Ranebennur Page No. of Directory 163
Interact Zonal Officer (Zone-4) 02/03/1983 832-2318990, 9881497637 Structural Refurbishment & renovations Flat No S1, Kaushik Apartments, Jayceenagar Curti Ponda 403401 Goa
RC Hubli West Page No. of Directory 151
Liason With Innerwheel Zonal Officer (Zone - 3) 29/11/1970 0832-2266237, 9822686242 Medical practice 10/f1, Kamat Gardens Dattawadi Mapusa Bardez Mapusa 403507 Goa
RC Belgaum South Page No. of Directory 162
RC Shirol
RC Chikodi
Rotary Community Corps Zonal Officer (Zone-1) 09/12/1980 2322-222007, 9822602811 businessmen Near jain mandir ''ambrai nivas'', Shirol 416103. Maharashtra
Ranjeet Bhauso Shinde
MUNA Zonal Officer (Zone - 5) 01/07/1968 0831-4202132, 9341106334 hardware dealer Casa grande 2, bella vista, Nanawadi, Belgaum 590009 Karnataka
Avinash Mahavir Tare
Page No. of Directory 177
Interact Zonal Officer (Zone-7) 25/11/1959 0836-2355266, 9035158686 Pharmaceutical Distributors Abhishek Agencies, Shop No. Lgf 1 To 4, Diamond Corner, Opp.sawai Gandharva Hall, Deshpande Nagar, Hubballi
Veerdhaval Upadhye
Probus Zonal Officer (Zone-8) 19/07/1960 8373267411, 9448111806 Building materials Ranganath Nagar, Opp: IMA building Ranebennur-581115
Rotary Community Corps Zonal Officer (Zone-4) 11/08/1960 832-2422313, 9822100526 Businessman Yash Bunglow, Nova Cidade Colony 403521 Goa
Gopalakrishna Adiveppa Illur
Sandeep Bharne
RC Porvorim
Page No. of Directory 213
Interact Zonal Officer (Zone-2) 05/11/1974 231-2522050, 9822119999 Foundry and Machine Plot No. 34 , "Soham" Bunglow, Bharat Hou. Soc 8th lane, Rajarampuri, Kolhapur
RC Kolhapur Heritage
Arvind A. Jain
Bharat Parashuram Jadhav
Anagha Sainath Chanekar
Page No. of Directory 159
Human Relations Zonal Officer (Zone - 2) 15/07/1970 0231-2695155, 8007666670 Medical and pshychiatric HR 3 star Aashiyana flat no 407, Rajendra Nagar Kolhapur 416008
Omkar Kamat Sambary
Page No. of Directory 214
Page No. of Directory 211
Run For Cause Zonal Officer (Zone - 6) 24/03/1975 833-8273839, 9448110308 Optometry Shanti Optician KC Road, Chikodi Tal-Chikodi, Dist-Belagavi
Directory update - District Ofcer Page No. of Directory 179
RC Mapuca Page No. of Directory 184
RC Hubli North
RC Belgaum
RC Belgaum
RC Honavar Page No. of Directory 185
Six Areas Of Focus Committee Zonal Officer (Zone - 7) 11/05/1966 8362250199, 9900299199 land developer Shop no 11, D block, 3rd Floor, Hubli 580029 Karnataka
RC Kolhapur Central Page No. of Directory 195
185Skill Development Zonal Officer (Zone-5) 16/02/1972 0831-2481956, 9845273756 Foundry 1622, SAI, Sarvodaya Marg, Hindwadi Belgaum 590011 Karnataka
Skill Development Zonal Officer (Zone-2) 15/01/1971 231-2637005, 9822069723 Structural Engineer 161 Ajab R. K. Nagar, Kolhapur 416013 Maharashtra
Pravin Dagadu Date
RC Vita City
RYLA Zonal Officer (Zone - 8) 18/04/1952 8387220780, 9448893841 Education senior active National awardee principal(rtd) Patanjali, Honnavar 581334
Jiya S. Momin
Umesh Sarnobat
Ganesh Timmann Hebbar
Sachin Balkrishna Sabnis
Page No. of Directory 198
RYLA Zonal Officer (Zone-4) 03/01/1972 9422474768 RMHAMBRE@GMAIL.COM Chartered Accountant, Rituja, House no.1502/68 Madel Hsg. Board Thivim Bardez 403507 Goa
Shivanna Patil
Page No. of Directory 185
Page No. of Directory 180
Rahul Dattatraya Prabhu Mhambre
Wins Committee Zonal Officer (Zone - 1) 26/10/1976 234-7273633, 9422407565 Life Insurance Devlo. Officer Nandadeep, Sambhaji Nagar, Karad Road, Vita 415311
College of Governor Updates: New email address of PDG Sanatkumar Arwade
Yoga Promotion Zonal Officer (Zone - 5) 18/01/1959 2430697, 9448135303 Consulting Civil Engineer Suma 730, Angol Road, Tilakwadi, BELGAUM 590006 Karnataka
New Mobile No. of PDG V. R. Naik (Bhau) 9008807932 Assistant Governor Updates: Correction in Email ID of AG SubhashPatil
Conference Secretary Updates: Conference Secretary Logistics Rtn. ShripadshriKhare Rotary Club of Tasgaon 9822540214
Directory update - Clubs RC DAPOLI
President : Samir Chandrakant Talathi
Change of Secretary : Kaustub Saunshikar
Dob.: 24/04/1972 7588696558 / 9422431408 7744973344 / 02358-284108 20, Mohite Complex, Opp. Swanand Sweets, A/p. Tal. Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri, Pin.415712.
Secretary : Arun Balkrishna Naravankar
06/03/1965 9869225386 / 02358-280139 A-9, Midc Walane, Po. Umbarle, At.po.Tal. Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri, Pin.415712.
R C HONAVAR Change of Secretary : Manvel Stephen A Rodrigues
Treasurer : Tukaram Babu Khot
14/06/1971 9036263312 / 9742422252 Earthmoving Business, Dealer for SANY INDIA 14/1, 2,nd Lane, Deshpande Nagar, Hubli -580029
9886602107 President “ We care” credit Souharda Co-op. Ltd, Bazar Road, Honavar-581334 Spouse : Annie Stephen Rodrigues
Change of Treasurer : Shridhar Bhat
01/06/1962 9890390276 Bala B-5, Dr. Bskkv Quarters, At.po.tal. Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri, Pin.415712.
27th November 08387-221723, 9972712027 Post Honnavar – 581334 Spouse: Uma
R C MAPUCA CITY Change of Secretary : Rtn Robin. D'Souza,
R C Belgaum North Change of President : Prakash Patil @
DOB : 26th Nov 9922233334, Ph Off : 6454575 Willy Villa, H No. 254/C, Near Galaxy Hospital, Xelpem, Duler, Mapusa, Goa Classification : Car Accessories
R C MIRAJ Change of President: Rtn. Rahul R. Bhokare Dob : 1st June 1954 Production – Concrete Bricks and Paver Blocks Plot No. 83, Sector 6, Shri Nagar, Channamma Society, Belgavi. Spouse: Sunita Patil Dob: 24th June 1964 Wedding Anniversary: 10th May
15/10/1977 9970094831 / 9527485401 'Yashodhan' bunglow Somwarpeth, Miraj-416410, Dist.-Sangali, Maharashtra
Directory update - Clubs R C ICHALKARANJI HERITAGE
President : Rtn. Amit Arora
Change of Secretary : Sandeep Patni
17 oct 1976 9421286980 16/591, Sangram Chowk, Near Chougule Hospital Ichalkaranji 416115 Textile Entrepreneur Anniversary - 25 April 2000 Spouse Name - Vanita Arora Spouse bday - 10 April 1976
Secretary : Rtn. Nived Dhandhania
23rd December, 1987 9922966846 Address: 17/439/2, Naivedyam, Shahu Putla ring road, Ichalkaranji Textile business Anniversary Date: 25th Jan., 2014 Spouse Name: Monika Spouse birthday: 30th January
Treasurer : Akhil Bohara
20th NOVEMBER, 1989 9823392616 11/117,BoharaBhawan Near Mahaveer Bhawan, Ichalkaranji Textile business Anniversary Date: 13th March 2017 Spouse Name: Radhika Spouse birthday: 1st Oct 1991
R C KUDAL Change of Designation : Rtn. Sanjay Kesare Ph. 9422436933 Designation as per Directory: Secretary Changed Designation: Treasurer
Date Of Birth30-12-78 Phone : 0230 2427043, Cell No. : 9823029226 10/317, Opp Nahar Sizing, Near Hotel Hirkani City Ichalkaranji - 416115 State : Maharashtra Textiles Manufacturing Name Of Spouse : Suman Marriage Anniversary : 30-06-01 Spouse Birth Date : 08-08-1979
R C KOLHAPUR CITY Change of Treasurer : Akhil Bohara Name -Mahesh Hamlai Designation- Treasurer Email- Mobile No. - 9822119989 DOB :-July 19,1977 Classification:- Business
R C KOLHAPUR MT Change of Secretary : Shrikant Joshi 893,2 1 plot no 11 datta colony, Kolhapur 416007 9422414132, 9588602649 Classification: Corporate branding, Google 360 digree photographer, trade marks, logo, patient registration Dob: 23 Jan 1974
R C Navanagar Hubli Correction in Classication: Mahesh Kale (President) Correct Classification: Structural Engg. & Approved Valuer
Change of Designation : Rtn. Eknath Pingulkar Ph. 9422054652 Designation as per Directory: Treasurer Changed Designation: Secretary
R C Vasco Da Gama Secretary : Amit Tapadia
10Change of Mobile No: 9325126439 / 9822104759
“Shubharambha” 2018-19 Orientation Program for District and Conference Secretaries
PreAGTS “Parichay” & PrePETS “Pehachan”
AGTS “Kaushalya”
PETSETS “Netrutva”
District Training Assembly “Sphurti”
District Training Assembly “Sphurti”
District Team Training Seminar “Ujalani”