Addendum 2 Questions and answers… New ideas are often a bit strange, especially at first. Here are some questions and answers that can help you frame NARDIS correctly. Some you may have made yourself. Others will be new.
… on NARDIS NARDIS is quite complex, isn’t it? “NARDIS isn’t a simple story, that’s true. But neither are the ecological, economic and social challenges we face. Coming up with new NARDIS ideas does require some thinking and effort, but it is still very doable.”
Why use this strange name "NARDIS"? “NARDIS ultimately made it because SARDIN sounded even sillier. And also because NARDIS is the title of a famous jazz song. Trumpet player Miles Davis composed the song but never recorded it himself. It is said he preferred the interpretation of jazz pianist Bill Evans and his trio.”