5. From sustainable counter-hegemony towards sustainable hegemony 1. There is no blueprint for a sustainable hegemony. We have no idea what a future sustainable hegemony or sustainable society will look like. There simply is no blueprint and trying to work one out is futile. It is bound to fail. No one has ever written a blueprint for the current hegemony or society nor has there ever been a blueprint in the past that was penciled down in advance and then realized. No ideological, philosophical or religious blueprint for the future has survived the confrontation with reality. Not one has ever materialized. Blueprints are like castles in the sky: it may seem like a useful tool that provides people with a direction but the end station itself will not be reached. As is often the case, "the journey" is more important than the destination. We can, at best, present some high level ideas of what a sustainable hegemony could possibly entail, but no-one knows in advance whether things will pan out this way.
2. In a sustainable hegemony, thinking sustainably happens automatically. What is initially a conscious exercise becomes automatic after a while. The sustainable choice is no longer something we, as individuals, social organizations and institutions, have to think about but something we choose naturally. An obvious choice. The normal way of thinking. Common sense.
3. In a sustainable hegemony, we act sustainably by nature. To act sustainably means that we realize as many activities as possible as sustainably as possible. 50