1. What is hegemony 1. Hegemony = how we think and what we do, from individual over social organization to institution.
2. Hegemony is everywhere and touches everything How we think and what we do seeps into everything. Hegemony goes beyond culture and permeates almost every social domain.
3. Hegemonic thinking and acting is for the most part accidental. Hegemony is driven by both "recognition" and "acquiescence”. People recognize and understand the societal values and norms and adjust their thinking and actions accordingly. Mostly unconsciously. We resign ourselves to how things are. Recognition and acquiescence are passive. There is very little conscious decision-making in choosing a particular society or hegemony. For most of us it is a coincidence that we live and work within a certain hegemonic reality. We are born and grow up in a society and consider it normal but rarely is that choice consciously made.
4. Thinking and acting hegemonically happens unconsciously most of the time. We experience hegemony as “this is how it is” rather than “I consciously choose to think or act this or that way”. Consent (assent, acceptance, acquiescence) is key in hegemony, which is different from consensus. A decision made by consensus is supported by those involved. It’s a joint agreement. A hegemony may