If-iff wsarf
Past International Director Win Chesley Installing DG Dave Meeks, DTM.
District Governor David Meeks, DTM , was born and grew up i n Tampa, Florida He met his wife Wilma, while he was stationed at Dover AF B i n Delaware, and they were married i n 1957 I n 1960 Dave received his discharge from the Ai r
I P 1
Force, and he left Scott AFB He was employed as a Private Investigator After returning to Tampa i n 1969 where he continued to work as an investigator, Dave joined General Telephone in May, 1971 He was employed as a Communi-
cations Consultant He has four daughters: Stephanie, 17, was born at Scott AF B in Illinois She is now an exchange student in Santiago, Chile Judy, 16, was also born at Scott AFB Mary Beth and (Continued on Page 6)
Palm Beach # 22 Naples #2835
Bahama #1095 Creative Thought #2484
State Farm #1178 West Broward #2903
Eastern Air #1295 Pompano Beach #3003
Pan Am #1652 Harbour City #3042
Ft Myers #1702 North Jax #3106
Ft Lauderdale #2004 Everglades #3112
Bold City #2092 Deerfield Beach #3299
Club #2271 Early Bird #3659
Miracle Mile #2283 Qaspar #3668
St Petersburg #2284 #377 0
Corral Springs #2445
Gold Coast #2727 Seminole #3771
Club #2821 N ° rtr Miami #3840
Gulfbreeze #2824 Noonshiners #3909
Editor Thomas Guth
Managing Ed Dave Meeks, DTM
Distribution and Circulation Joe Gaspar TM Club No 3668
Photographer Ed Basdekian
Deadline for submitting articles is the 15th of each month
GOLD SPONSOR $100 or More
(In Memory of Charles Swan) PATRONS
$25 or More
Richard Bashaw, ATM
S R Dunn, DTM, PDG
Robert Gelfand DTM & E F Hutton
Gene Lease
Dave Meeks, DTM, DG
Veto Melfi
Dale Saville
Frank Tillman PATRONS
$10 or More
John Burretto DTM PDG
Thomas Guth
Charles Jones DTM PDG
Lou Rosa
Carlton Smith, DTM, PDG
George Veltman, DTM
Toastmasters and Friends!
The SUNSHINE R is your magazine
Please endorse your District magazine, the SUNSHINER, wit h articles and contributions
Be listed as a Gold Sponsor by donating $100 or more. Patrons and/or businesses are listed for $25 or more, or for $10
I f your club is not receiving the SUNSHINE R MONTHLY , send your subscription list and check to Dave Meeks, DT M — 8303 Millwood Drive, Tampa, 33615
Articles and photos for publication should be sent to To m Guth, District Editor, 5223 Lawnwood Drive, Temple Terrace, 33617 The 15th is the deadline
District 47 Is The Biggest With 101 Clubs
Welcome Twilight Club No 1669!
If you have completed 4 or more basic speeches, in good active membership standing, hold no offices past the club level, and di d not wi n the District Humorous Speech Contest last year, then you are eligible to compete i n your contests The Humorous Speech Contest calls for a talk of not less than 5 minutes nor more than 7 You wil l be disqualified if you vary the time by 30 seconds over or under these limits You must be ready to deliver an original speech — no skits or comedy routinees please
Biography of An Outstanding Area Governor
I'm thirty-four years old M y wife Pamela and our tw o sons David, aged six and Daniel, aged four months, reside i n Winter Haven, Florida W e wil l be moving to Hollywood, Florida in the near future i n order to assume m y new duties as a Field Claim Representative for State Farm Fire and Casualty Company
I'm a member of State Farm Toastmaster Club No 1178 i n Winter Haven and have been a Toastmaster for two and one half years I held the office of Sergeant-at-Arms prior to becoming Area Governor I've completed my basic manual, am an honorary member of Gavel Club No 16 at Avon Park Correctional Institute, and was named the Outstanding Toastmaster of my club i n 1975
I've been an employee of State Farm Insurance Company since 1968 and have worked as an Underwriter, Senior Underwriter, and Underwriter Specialist M y service in the Navy involved me in the Cuban Conflict i n the early 1960's M y hobby, other than Toastmasters, is antique cars, and currently I am the President of the Florida Region of Packards International, an organization dedicated to the restoration, preservation, and appreciation of the Packard Automobile
I feel that the skills I've developed through Toastmasters have been invaluable to me These certainly played a large role i n my recent promotion to Field Claim Representative
August 18-21 International International Convention New Orleans, Louisiana by August 31 Area Complete Humorous Speech Contest by August 31 Area Area Governors hold Council Meeting
September 1 Clubs Begin collection of semi-annual dues
September 11 Division Northern Division Humorous Speech Contest
September 18 Division Southern Division Humorous Speech Contest
September 25 Division Eastern Division Humorous Speech Contest
September 30 Clubs Submit Manual Completion List to Area Governor
AWARDS And More Awards
The keen spirit seizes the prompt occasion; makes the thought start into instant action, and at once plans, performs, resolves and executes.
Hannah More
The following awards were given at the luncheon on Saturday, July 18, 1976:
No 1652 — Pan A m
No 1135 — Tallahassee DO T
No 3869 — Canaveral Lift-Off
No 3042 — Harbor City
No 0736 — Seminole Chiefs
No 3397 — Midweek
No 3909 — Tampa Noonshiners
No 3668 — Jose Gaspar
No 1178 — State Farm (Winter Haven)
No 2537 — Merritt Island
No 2092 — Bold City Challengers
(President Distinguished Club)
No 3524 — Sunshine City
(President's Select Clubs)
No 1702 — Ft Myers"
No 2284 — St Petersburg 0
No 1066 — Orlando Conquerors
No 0911 — Golden Gulf
* These two clubs were not awarded ribbons at luncheon because of mix-up but should have Bob Gelfand, Speakers Bureau Chairman awarded a trophy to the Toastmaster who made the most outside speeches — this man was not i n attendance, so Da n Claxton accepted i t for him
The Youth Leadership Award was awarded to Cape Canaveral Lift-Of f Club No 3869 wit h seven youth leaderships
First column, from top to bottom: Outstanding Toastmaster, Gene Lease; Outstanding Area Governor, Dan Claxton; Outstanding District Chairman, Emmett Clary — Membership; Outstanding Lieutenant Governor's Leadership Award to George Veltman of the Western Division; Outstanding Contribution to a Non-Toastmaster to Keith Bailey of Golden Gulf TM Club No 911; Workhorse Award to Floyd Sewell, DTM The awards were presented by PDG S. R. Dunn, DTM.
The Speechcraft Award was awarded to Orlando Conquerors No. 1066 with seven speechcrafts
Dan Claxton started the Carl E Miller Memorial Trophy Awarded to Best Club in Area 2
At the Banquet the following awards were given out:
Outstanding Contribution by a Non-Toastmaster
Keith Bailey — No 0911 Golden Gulf Club of the Year — DCP Points (5,040) Orlando Conquerors No 1066
Outstanding District Chairman
Emmett Clary — Membership
Outstanding Toastmaster
Gene Lease
Mr. Enthusiasm
Dan Claxton — Area 2
Outstanding Area Governor
Lou Funk — Area 13
Outstanding Lt. Governor (Leadership Award)
George Veltman, DTM—Wester n Division
Workhorse Award
Floyd Sewell, DT M
The Summer Convention
The Summer District 47 Convention was well-organized and tasteful Officially beginning wit h a delicious barbeque on Friday, July 16, many of us renewed and started friendships The days at Cape Coral wil l be remembered for the fellowship, entertainment, food, and the innovations A brief movie on marine life entertained the families after the meal
Saturday was a time for education, business, and free time I t began wit h the Area Governor's Breakfast Though the continental breakfast started late, i t nearly ended on time because the A G introductions were abbreviated
Next came the Summer Executive Committee meeting The organized group was called to order, followed the agenda, and adjourned i n smooth and quick fashion D G Dave Meeks, DTM , and the District officers were well prepared The most significant conclusion that can be drawn from the meeting is that the intent exists to do the best job possible to make District 47 the finest District in T I again If one is not doing what he is expected to do, some other Toastmaster wit h more desire and time wil l replace hi m (or her)
Later in the morning, LG E Floyd Sewell, DTM , led the two-part education session, calling on the large assembly to provide feed-back and insight concerning the nature of the various District Educational Committees He got lots of feedback, too! Utilizing committee chairmen, hand-outs, clear plastic overhead projector material, and chalk, Floyd led the group in learning about virtually each phase of T M education There were many questions and instructive answers concerning the Distinguished Club Plan, Speechcraft, Speakers' Bureau, Patrick Henry's, and more The first session could
have dragged far beyond the time limit, but Floyd terminated i t nearly on time I n the second part of the Educational Session, also led by LG E Floyd Sewell, DTM , the main emphasis was on the progression of the individual T M through the C& L Program A panel was created on-the-spot I t contained new and old Toastmasters The panel ,and the rest of the gathering discussed the many phases of one's growth i n TMI . The eventual conclusions of the whole assembly were threefold First, a general concurrence was reached that there is no one way to correctly be a Toastmaster Al l of us are Toastmasters for our own reasons, and we utilize the C& L Program i n distinct ways Still there are many patterns that we generally follow i n our growth That is because we are as much a part of the group as we are individuals
Second, the first priority of the new Toastmaster is to give his Icebreaker This is not to say that one wil l or should give i t until he has had a chance to time a meeting, be the Ah-Counter, or be the Grammarian The EVP should schedule the Icebreaker while recognizing that each individual has different needs and levels of shy-ness Give the new member some time to develop at a pace which enables hi m to be comfortable
Finally, club officers should be elected first on the basis" of desire Ability is another basis of selection; however, remember that ability can be learned by those who want to learn, even if they feel ill-equipped to "do the job." Were any of us born wit h the ability to lead meetings and organizations? Or di d we have to be taught by our teachers, parents, and elders? Desire comes first, for without it ability is rarely translated into competent action
The spirits were running high as Saturday morning transformed into Saturday afternoon For those who had attended the A G Breakfast and the Educational Sessions, there was the realization that little time had been wasted There were a lot of Toastmasters and guests i n attendence I t seemed to be a good idea to make the morning compact Unlike in previous years, there would be more free time that afternoon
But, before people took to the tennis courts, swimming, or to the Edison mansion, the District Governor's Luncheon took place There was excellent attendance The President of Edison Community College, Dr . Davi d Robinson delivered the keynote address after he was introduced by the Toastmaster Richard Bashaw, ATM The luncheon was opened by LGW D Dick Wood, DTM , who opened and closed all of the convention functions
Dr Robinson's theme expounded the need for long-range plans i n one's striving for his life's goals Knowledge is increasing faster than ever i n old ways and in new directions There is new understanding of self and self-power which, if one utilizes it, can help hi m cope wit h change. I n this regard, self-education should include the examination of career, personal, social, cultural, and community development These kinds of development are interrelated because mankind is increasingly requiring its members to function i n these areas A thought-out and short address, Dr Robinson supplemented it wit h a form (given to everyone in the room) which was entitled, "Calculate Your Life Expectency." After we figured out how long we would live, we wrote our epitaphs Thus, realizing how short is life and how long are ambitions, we were able to appreciate his stressing the need for long-range plans
Next, some awards were presented by PDG S R Dunn, DTM The rest were yet to be given at the evening banquet. Certainly, the awards highlighted the fine year that District 47 had Appropriately, a major portion of the weekend was spent honoring all i n District 47, especially those who led the way Look for the article on awards (found i n this issue of the SUNSHINER)
When canvassing for comments from Toastmasters and guests on the District Awards and Installation Banquet, the SUNSHINER heard only raves about the New York Strip Steak complete wit h all the trimmings Toastmaster of the festivities was Steve Kakook The fare(Continued on Page 6)
There is a destiny that makes us brothers
None goes his ivay alone
All that we send into the lives of others Comes back into our own — MarkhamTM Steve Kakook tailors his joke for the Audience
(Continued from Page 4) wells by Bernice and Sherly R Dun n visibly touched the large hall Past International Director Wi n Chesley (of our District 47) quickly installed the District officers The awards presentation, begun earlier at the D G Luncheon was completed Door prizes were distributed, and Dick Wood, DTM , closed the banquet and the Summer Convention
If there were ever a good omen, the Summer Convention was like a star shooting above the coming year of our District, portending the best year ever Many thanks go to Convention Chairman, Bernard Key ATM ; Treasurer, Bob Feilder; Registration Chairman, Mike Cooper; Program Planning Chairman, Richard Bashaw, ATM ; Seating and Table Arrangement, Facilities, and Golf and Tennis Chairman, Bob Martin, ATM ; Entertainment Chairman, Steve Kakook; Publicity Chairman, Greg Prince and Convention Coordinator, George Veltman, DT M and LGA
Executive Committee Meeting
The Executive Committee Meeting got off to a fast start and a well-timed end D G Dave Meeks presided over the informal meeting covering an organized agenda Al l who had reports to give were prepared Though the mien of the group was serious, there was much fu n and laughter General highlights of this May 22 meeting can be summed up briefly First, i t is apparent that the District administration intends to see results — jobs are going to be accomplished Secondly, no one Toastmaster in any office or chairmanship is expected to "do everything." The concept of delegation of duties was reiterated to be a fundamental aspect of leadership Thirdly, the Area and Division organization should be patterned after the District organization Items of interest were the announcement of the birth of Twilight Club No. 1669 wit h twenty-two members, and that Speechcraft can now be given away from the clubs There wil l be a number of awards this year from the first 100% Sunshiner Area to the first Division wit h completely submitted Club Officers' Lists
The surroundings and the people made for a very fine afternoon at the Carlton House Though the coffee was expensive, all else was excellent
District Editor
LGA Report District 47 Is Alive And Well
The giant is not sleeping Although the past few months have harbored so-called lame ducks elsewhere, this is not the case in District 47 I t has been amazing to see not only Area Governors, Lieutenant Governors, and other officers and chairmen still functional, but also incoming officers who are actively developing plans for even better Toastmastering
A new tragedy almost ruined plans for a Distinguished District 47 in 1977. O n June 24 your LGA-elect was mugged and robbed of all the training material received at the Orlando Regional Convention District 47 Toastmasters, do not fear! Your District officers are prepared New material is being produced for presentation now
TM I has increased some of our goals for the upcoming year, while others remain the same So as to hold to all promises, our goals wil l be realistic N o one wil l ever forget that 1976 was truly a great year for our District But wit h the enthusiasm some are showing already, there is no doubt that we are going to be outstanding in 1977
No task was ever effectively achieved without teamwork. This is my challenge to you for the coming year — look at our goals; then set your own goals and involve other Toastmasters who can help to accomplish them I already know of two men looking toward their DTM's and see that teamwork wil l enable them to reap that honorable treasure Remember, if you need some help, ask someone because he might just be waiting for the opportunity
George Veltman, DT M LG A District 47
Building The East
wish to thank each of you for your support i n my bi d for Lieutenant Governor of the Eastern Division I n the transition period from Area Governor to Lieutenant Governor, I must extend my personal thanks to Gene Lease for imparting to me a wealth of knowledge that indubitably wil l help our Eastern Division to do as well as it di d last year if not better! (We refuse to retire Gene this year and expect his good works and ideas to continue.)
I hope that our Area Governors promote critic speaker exchanges — not only between clubs, but between areas.
wil l continue to use the ideas formu-
(Continued from Page 1)
Mandy, 14 and 10 respectively, were born in Delaware
David joined Toastmasters in May, 1970 and has held all club offices, including his service several times as President of his club, Jose Gaspar Toastmasters Club No 3668 He was Governor of Area 6 during 1972-73, finishing second for Outstanding Area Governor He was elected Lieutenant Governor of the Western Division for the 1973-74 year and was awarded the Outstanding Lieutenant Governor's Trophy He cosponsored two clubs i n the Western Division: Stonewall Toastmasters at Sumter Correctional Institute and Brandon Toastmasters
Dave has been named an Outstanding Toastmaster for Area 6 and for the Western Division He has held many other offices including Publicity Chairman and Speakers' Bureau Chairman, both i n the Western Division I n 1974-75, he received the "Mr Enthusiasm" award in District 47 while serving i n the capacity of District Secretary He received his AT M Certificate No 1997 i n April, 1973 Elected Lieutenant Governor for Education for the 1975-76 season, he received his Distinguished Toastmasters Certificate No 395 in May, 1975 Davi d Meeks, our new District Governor, having been elected for the 1976-77 term, is a tireless worker for Toastmasters Truly he is one of the outstanding men in a long line of capable and qualified leaders to be developed within District 47
lated last year that were found to work, and recommend that each of our Area Governors try them When the Area Governor's package was left wit h the company official for his study, it produced results One new idea has been to offer to other organizations a mini-Toastmaster program I n this program we plan a twenty-five minute agenda, complete wit h Toastmaster, Topicsmaster and two speakers and evaluators The speakers are preferably a combination of a polished and a newer sp.eaker Table topics are selected to alternate from Toastmasters to members of the organization. A member of the organization is the A h Counter This program always makes us look good in comparison, and it is a member builder We have offered this program through the Chamber of Commerce, and are already committed for two during the coming month Scott Leeds, DT M
Words From The West
"The worth of a man is measured by his commitments." — Anonymous
As we begin a new administrative year in Toastmasters, i t is fitting that we should all review what has been accomplished and plan for the time ahead For time is truly our most precious resource, and the allocation of our given span of time is something that indeed should be planned wisely
The Western Division has accomplished much in the past year — partly to the leadership that has carried us forward But the credit for the records we have set rightly belongs to the individual Toastmaster I f each and every member is committed to the Toastmaster program there is no way that the Club, Area, Division, and District can help but excel — and therein lies the key The
strength or weakness of the club depends on the strength or weakness of the individual member Your Club, your Area, your Division and District can be and will be exactly what you as a club member make it cannot make the West great nor can the able Area Governors who I' m sure wil l be in there pitching to make it so. Only you by your dedication and commitment can do it!
So in this bicentennial year I only ask one thing of each and everyone of you This moment make a commitment to yourself and to your club — to be as dedicated to self-improvement as our forefathers were to the establishment of this land of freedom we all enjoy. Be an AT M — and by that I mean ACTIV E TOASTMASTER Partake fully of all that Toastmasters has to offer you — not only on the club level but at Area,
Division and District functions There is an old saying that you only get from any endeavor what you are willing to give to it — and nowhere is that more true than in Toastmasters
We belong to an organization in which we can justly feel much pride — and I know all of you are as proud of the Western Division as I am The past has been great! Let me help you realize an ever greater future
Dick Wood, DT MMemories and Reflections
District Audit Report - District No. 47 For
The DG Report
We are embarking on another Toastmaster's year wit h new officers and chairmen W e greet this year wit h numerous challenges
Wil l we be another President's Distinguished District?
Wil l we again have a membership and a new club gain? They go together — you know
We wil l be successful only through hard work by dedicated Toastmasters — like yourself
I n order for the District to perpetuate itself and remain strong, we must continually build new leadership You who are the Division Lieutenant Governors should model your staff after the pattern of District 47 Area governors should appoint an area cabinet Train them Motivate them to work They are the future leaders in TI The world is dependent on its youth; Toastmasters is no exception Recruit outgoing club presidents Give them a challenge We shall, in this way, continue to provide the leadership that District 47 has always furnished to the entire Toastmasters organization
I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who so generously gave of your time and talents to District 47 during the past administration I t was a successful year thanks to you
As we move into our new administration, I again ask for your support By combining our talents, we can help the newer members and clubs Ultimately, our district wil l experience the benefits of our teamwork There is no doubt that wit h the experience, enthusiasm, talents, and dedication of our Toastmasters within District 47, we can and wil l — be another President's Distinguished District
Dave Meeks, DT M District Governor