D47 Sunshiner - April 1977

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The Sunshiner


COME ONDOWN to Fort Lauderdale for the Spring Convention in May

We have made such plans for your good time

The magnificent Hilton Hotel is on the ocean with every room overlooking the glory of sun, sand and surf There will be food feasts fit for aking and queen Friday night's luau under the stars ocean-side will be entertained by a Hawaiian band. After the luau, meet the candidates and enjoy their hospitality

Support your division's entry in the Saturday afternoon debate and the evening Annual Speech Contest.Take part in the District election. Enjoy the sights of Fort Lauderdale known as the Venice of America Take advantage of the golf, tennis, and fishing

What an Educational Session we will have! Grass Roots Protocol how to handle everyday situations in your club and area with poise because you will know what is correct Evaluation how can we get the most from proper procedures

of evaluating our speeches? Contest Judging . . . always a bone ofcontention. Let's make it easier Club Reference File a useful tool for both new and experienced clubs, do you know how to make good use of yours?

What a bargain! All this for less than $50.00! Send along your hotel reservation and save a stamp Contact:

Virginia Heddinger

2124 NE 60th Street

Ft Lauderdale, Florida 33308 305/772-8358

VolumeXVII, Number9 Official Publication of District 47 April,1977 3 * 3 •* Jr :


Toastmasters and Friends!

The SUNSHINER is your magazine. Please endorse your District magazine, the SUNSHINER, with articles and contributions.

Be listed as a Gold Sponsor bydonating $100 or more Patrons and/or businesses are listed for $25 or more, or for $10.

If your club is not receiving the SUNSHINER MONTHLY, send your subscription list and check to Dave Meeks, DTM — 8303 Millwood Drive, Tampa, 33615

Articles and photos for publication should be sent to Tom Guth, District Editor, 5223 Lawnwood Drive, Temple Terrace, 33617. The 15th is the deadline.



The votes from the NominationCommittee, comprised of Area Governors have been tabulated for the slate of D-47 offices in 1977-78.

District Governor — Floyd Sewell, DTM, by unanimous decision

LGE — Robert Gelfand, ATM, seven votes

LGA — Kenneth Clinton, ATM, ten votes

LGND — Kenneth Kaplan, ATM, by unanimous decision

LGSD — Virginia Heddinger, seven votes

LGED —Valene Croskey, unanimous

LGWD —Daniel Claxton, unanimous.

These results are the official record of District 47, and are based onatotal return of thirteenAG's

Friendly Toastmasters of the Southern Division recently held its annual Talent Night Featured entertainer was Martin McGlamery, baritone and guitarist, who sang a medley of folk songs with a love theme, in honor of St Valentines Day LSGD Bob Gelfand was in attendance with his wife Clara Janet Bigelow, President of Friendly TM Club 3001 received her ATM recently

On March 12 Area 6 held its Annual Speech Contest Thirty-seven were present including DG Dave Meeks, DTM, and Dick Wood, DTM Delivering his winning speech on Jimmy Carter, entitled "Why Not the Best?" Sonny Dixon captured the audience Also speaking were Emmett Clary and John Morse

Jose Gaspar TM Club 3668 won the Area Governor's Trophy for the 1976-77 term


Proxy forms for the Regional and International conferences have been mailedby WHQ to the club presidents of record President Bob Blakely urges the clubs,if they are not going to be represented, to forward their proxy forms to the DG


June 3-4 at the Lake Wright Quality Inn in Norfolk, Virginia is the timeand the place to meet and exchange ideas with Toastmasters from Region 8 You can also meet President Blakely, DTM, I International), and several International Directors, eg P Gregory McCarthy DTM, William Loeble, DTM, J. William Venable, Assistant Executive Director, and the host D-66Chairman Marion Lilienthal, ATM. Loeble will be the Educational Coordinator for the convention

You will be treated to the Regional Speech Contest, the training program for district officers, Business sessions heldfor the region's nomination of International Directorships (including our own Charles Jones), and many new faces


The 46th Annual Convention for Toastmasters International will be held on August 17-20 at the Sheraton Centre

(Continued on Page 3)


April10 Clubs Deadline for Submitting Semi-Annual ReportstoTlandtoDistrict Governor

April15 All Deadlineforthepaymentof income tax

April16 Division Northern Division Annual Speech Contest

April23 Division Southern Division Annual Speech Contest byApril30 Area AG'sholdAreaCouncil Meetings

May13-15 District Spring District Council Meeting to be heldinFort Lauderdale by May 15 Area AG's Submit ClubAssistance Report to Tl andtheDistrict Governor

by May 31 Clubs Nominate and Elect New Club Officers Submit Regional and International ProxiestoDistrict Governor

Page 2 THESUNSHINER April, 1977 100% SUBSCRIPTION CLUBS Palm Beach # 22 CPA Jax #2756 Downtown Ormond Beach #3826 Jacksonville # 297 North Miami #3840 Seminole Chiefs # 736 South Dade #2463 Stonewall # 337 Creative Thought #2484 Golden Gulf # 911 Merrit Island #2537 #2727 Orlando Gold Coast Conquerors #1066 Calliope #2821 Bahama #1095 Gulfbreeze #2824 State Farm #1178 Naples #2835 Eddie Saturday Morning #2840 Rickenbacker #1295 West Broward #2903 Miam Downtown #1323 Friendly #3001 Pan Am #1652 Pompano Beach #3003 Twilight #1669 Titusv lie #3018 Cora Gables #1695 Gainesville #3019 For Myers #1702 Harbour City #3042 i3087 Greater Clearwater Homestead #1967 N Jacksonville £3106 Jupiter Tequesta #1951 Everglades #3112 Great Ft Deerfleld Beach #3299 Lauderdale #2004 Midweek #3397 Charles S Sunshine City #3524 Swan Mem #2084 Sparkling #3602 Bold City #2092 Early Bird #3659 High Noon #2096 Jose Gaspar #3668 Dunedin #2166 Hollywood #3770 Pathfinders #2271 Seminole #3771 Miracle Mile #2283 Orange Park #1980 Noonshiners #3909 Sattelite Beach it 3921 Coral Springs #2445 Tampa #1810 Editor Thomas E Guth CTM Managing Editor David Meeks, DTM Distribution and Circulation Manager Jam.es Bradley CTM Circulation Committee Jos§ Gaspar Photographer Ed Basdekian Deadline for submitting articles Is the 15th of each month GOLD SPONSOR $100 or More JO SWAN (In Memory of Charles Swan) PATRONS $25 or More Richard Bashaw, ATM S R Dunn DTM PDG Robert Gelfand ATM & E F Hutton Gene Lease Dave Meeks DTM DG Veto Melfl Dale Saville Frank Tillman DTM,LGND PATRONS $10 0 More John Barreto DTM PDG Thomas E Guth CTM Charles Jones DTM PDG Scott Leeds DTM LGED Karl Righter DTM,PDG AG-2 Lou Rosa ATM Carlton Smith DTM PDG George Veltman, DTM, LGA Summer Convs ntion Treasury Flip and Be i Donoghue ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 $1.00 after January 1

Advanced Registration


Helpful hints for your 1977 DCP: No pain, no strain, only 10 minutes a week.

1 Assignan interested clubmember as DCP Chairman NOW!

2. Each officer should have his her part of the DCP

3. Each officer does as many of the things called out inhis portion ofthe DCP as possible.

4 EACH MEETING, each officer reports/submits back-up material for those things accomplished

5 The SECRETARYrecords all DCP items (reported in 4 above) into the minutes. THE SECRETARY'S MINUTES ARE AVERY IMPORTANT LINK IN THE DCP REPORT

6 As soon as the minutes are approved, acopy, orthe original, as givento the Club DCP Chairman.

Toastmasters International Meeting

Friday, May 13 — Monday, May 16,1977

Arrival Date Departure Date

Name Address Single$18.00 Double$20.00 Suite$65.00

All Reservations Must Be Received By May 3, 1977.

(Continued from Page 2) Hotel in Toronto, Ontario. Leadership training, "The Human Side of Management," "Communication Today," and effective speech building will be major themes. Check the May issue of the TOASTMASTER magazine

Great news down in Fort Myers is out! Bob Martin is no longer an ATM, but has just received his certificate No. 472 honoring him as one of only 472 Toastmastersout ofamillion whohave received the highest distinction in Tl — the Distinguished Toastmaster

Kennedy Space Center Recognizes Toastmasters

Mr Miles Ross, KSC DeputyDirector, presented Certificates of Appreciationto the following Area 11 Toastmasters for their participation in the KSC Speakers Bureau during last summer's Bicentennial Celebration: Scott Leeds, DTM; Dick Battin, DTM;Virgil Brown, DTM;Ned Wagnon, AG-11 Mike Mogliveski (former member); and Al Kohn (former member)

7 AFTER EACH MEETING (very important) the DCP Chairman (at home) takes the minutes, underlines all DCP material in red ink, page numbers all back-up material including the minutes, and then enters the points and reference page numbers in the DCP

8. Item 7 takes only about 10 minutes! The DCP Chairman now has an up-to-theminute DCP and it has only taken 10 minutes or less.

9 In January 1978, the DCP Chairman takes about 2hours to total his points and submits the DCPwith back-up materialto District.

10. NO PAIN, NO STRAIN. Only 10 minutes at home after each meeting and two hours at the end of the year! Note that the other club officers did not have to do any bookkeeping on the DCP They were the DOERS, not the bookkeepers

11 The President should ask the DCP Chairman for a status every so often (every two months or so) This will allow the President to work with any officer who is not keeping up with the Club's goals

12. This procedure makes it easy for the Club officers and gives the ClubDCP Chairman a sense of accomplishment at the end ofthe year. P.S. It works! That's the wayI doitformyown club! Please see me at the May District Convention for additional details on the above procedure by Dick Battin, DTM, DCP Chairman D-47

April,1977 THESUNSHINER Page3
Address ClubNo Area* Office Number REGISTRATION $ 2.00 BREAKFAST 3.50 LUNCH 4.50 BANQUET 9.00 LUAU-FRIDAY 7.00 KIDDY BANQUET 1.50 PACKAGE PLAN Registration Breakfast, Lunch and Banquet AFTER APRIL15th 18.00
FOR DISTRICT 47 SPRING CONFERENCE Make Checks Payable To: District 47 Convention Committee MailTo:VirginiaHeddinger —2124N.E 60thStreet, Ft Lauderdale, Florida 33308

From The District Governor

"The Spring has Sprung, The Grass has Riz, I wonder where the Flowers is?"

This little poem isn't very grammatical is it? But then those folks who write poems have what is known as poetic license That means that they don't always haveto make their poems or songs grammatical. However, in Toastmasters, especially when Spring is here and the Toastmastersyear is comingto an end, we must make sure we have done everything right We must take our own measure: look back over the last nine months, put ourselves into high gear and bring together allthe projects we have started Make sure they are tied up and accomplished by the end ofthe fiscal year, June 30th Yes, Spring is here and with the work we have done in Toastmasters since last July, the grass is starting to rise When we planted the seed and fertilized it we knew the grass would grow Has the grassbeen fertilized inyour club, area, or division? Are you fulfilling yourcommittment to Toastmasters? The old cliche "which indicates that you only get out of it what you put into it" becomes more poignant in the Spring when the end is near; and when your effort or lack of it effects other people. It certainly does in Toastmasters You either do your job or you let someone else down We allknow those people who let us down Make sure you're not one

If we do our job, we don't have to wonder where the flowers are, because the bouquets will come in July at the Summer Convention to those who have been outstanding in their area and the final bouquets will come at the International Convention in August when District 47 is a President's Distinguished District becauseofthe efforts ofall of you

Words From The West

"Ask not what your country can do for you — but rather what you can do for your country!"

These words spoken by President Kennedy in his Inaugural Address are perhaps the most quoted of all the thoughts ofthis man whowas forcibly and so brutally taken from us so early in his political life They were true when spoken and even more aptly apply today when self-serving at the expense of the nation seems to be so prevalent

We can readily paraphrase these words to applyto our ownToastmaster organization Let's ask for a change not what Toastmasters can do for the individual member rather what the member can do for the Toastmaster program I have learned from personal experience the truth ofthe oldadage, "Youget from any organization only in relationship to what you are willing to give." Ask any Toastmaster who has offered himself in service to his club as an officer, to the Area as an Area Governor, or to the District as a District officer or committee chairman. Yes — ittakes work and timeif the job is to be done properly But the rewards are in direct proportion to the committment and the learning experience is unlimited Any member who restricts himself to basic membership without partaking of the opportunity for personal and professional advancement there for the asking is shortchanging not only himself but the organization of Toastmastering as well I know of no other group where members are so interdependent on each other to really make the Toastmastering experience work When any member becomes more knowledgeable than those with whom they come in contact have a greater opportunity for hisown improvement — and the organization itself gains in strength and stature.

Personally I am glad to see a relatively large slate ofcandidates for District office this year This is a healthy sign — but above all, it signifies that by and large Toastmasters inthe District recognize the leadership training inherent in this organization — and care enough to serve and do their part to keep this District strong and viable Just as it takes two entities — a speaker and an audience —forcommunication, thus it takes both candidates and informed voters to make the elective process work I therefore urge all club Presidents and Educational Vice Presidents to make their club members aware of the District organization and the candidates for office Each office in the District is important to every Toastmaster, for it is only when these positions are held by competent people do we have a Distinguished District Distinguished is as Distinguished does. The better the leadership ofthe District the more you as the individual Toastmaster on the club level will benefit

The May convention to be held in Ft Lauderdale is our opportunity to shape the destiny of District 47 for the coming year Be sure you are represented by voting club officers or their proxies for there is no one event that happent during the year that is more important to allof us

Turn On!

I usually avoid attending breakfast clubs because in my retirement, getting up before eight wrecks the rest of my day from fatigue. But to help build attendance for our Area Speech Contest, I made the effort one week One clubhad moved to an evening meeting the week before and did not let anybody know, and the five or six members in the other club could have been asleep.

Toastmastering comes down to eachof us. It is like a sewer. What you get outof it depends on what you put into it (Make that "like a mirror," for the fussy.) It doesn't matter whether or not everyone else inthe club is a dud, turn yourself on! Be dressed well; by the time you get to the meeting, have some jokes, corney or not, a big grin on the face, a welcoming handshake to friends oldand new, so that certainly and surely, everyone else in the club will turn on and begin to enjoy the meeting And if several of you make it a point to be enjoyable every meeting, attendance will pick up, the club will grow People go where they enjoy themselves You may lose a few sourpusses, but the percentages are on your side

(Continued on Page 5)

Page 4 THE SUNSHINER April,1977

{Continued from Page -4)

The C&L manual doesn't tell the truth It tries to get you into the stream of speaking easily, but the one reason for your successinpublicspeaking is that you entertain others. You may have a dire or dreadfully serious message, but if the listener is not entranced, "entertained" by the enlivenment of his mind, then you've failed Think it over Plan your image to be entertaining, not always by humor (but don't misuse it). The idea is to enable others to "get more" because you were there than ifyou hadn't been And they'll return the favor to make your club meetings exhilarating and intellectually delightful But first it has to start with "Number One." Turn yourself on

Lou Funk Candidate For Sr. Lt. Governor Of Education

Many Toastmasters know about the dedication and hard work put forth by Lou Fink in order to make District 47 a Distinguished District But, for those of you who do not know him

Outstanding Toastmaster of Club 1178 in 1975, Lou was proclaimed Outstanding Area Governor of Area 2 in 1976 For the last two years he has been the D-47 YLP Chairman On his way to soon becoming a DTM, Lou has participated at club, area, division, and at the district level energetically

Lou Funk, ATM, as LGEwill work for:

• Quality Education Programs

• Idea Fairs

• Working Committee Chairmen

• Presentation of all TM programs at the District Conventions

• Multiple Choice Seminors

• Emphasis on Speechcrafts and YLP's

• StimulatingEducational Programs

• Utilization of the talents of ATMs and DTM's.

Above all, Lou wants to help the INDIVIDUAL Toastmaster

What Would You Call It?

The recent suggestion by Able Toastmaster George Wass, to provide a third communication and leadership program complete with a third manual of speeches is welcome news Too often we have seen ATM's waste their talent and finally leave the club due to a lack of direction Not only will the third C&L program provide incentive and instruction to the member participating, but also it will add to the total educational value of the club The ATM will find that there is a real need for an alternative challenge to the Distinguished Toastmaster award

Two names have been proposed for the new program: Outstanding Toastmaster or Master Toastmaster Outstanding, to us, connotes "a select few." We think it is more appropriate for the award for which it is presently being used Master to us, has always represented a high level of craftmanship, attained by a larger number, but only after dilligent labors This is an appropriate name for the award as we understand itspurpose But,isit the most appropriate designation for the third manual?

A master craftsman in the area of the language arts intimes past was known as a rhetorician The definition of rhetoric is, in part, "the art or science of using words effectively in speaking or writing, so as to infulence or persuade "Unfortunately, the term has attained the connotation of insincerity or of the employment of grandiloquent language Perhaps if Toastmasters were to institute the award and disignation of "Rhetorical Toastmaster" for those completing the third communications manual we could restore the word to ots true meaning, while utilizing the most appropriate title for those achieving the ultimate speaking recognition in Toastmastering There may even be a more appropriate title to specify those who have surmounted the ultimate speaking challenge of Toastmasters What would you call it? Send your recommendations to Dave Meeks or to the SUNSHINER along with your supporting material

Allan Toor Candidate For LGSD

Objectives 1977-78

1 Toselect and develop the AG's of the Southern Division

2. Toteach the art of proper communication to each club in the division

3. To increase the standards and quality of each club in an effort to maintain membership

4 To establish a broad base for leadership and bring into focus those Toastmasters willing to be leaders

5 Through publicity in every newspaper in the division to make people curious to attend a Toastmaster meeting

6 More attention to steering each club to put into effect the basic Toastmaster training

7 To see to it that women have the proper recognition in Toastmasters

As a proven leader in the business world, he was number one profit man while employed by the K-Mart Tire Division of U.S Rubber At present he holds number one position for service excellence among 35 Pan American stores in Florida

As the educational officer of the Hollywood Club, Allan put variety in the programs, ideas which were obtained at conventions. Membership for the club increased He excelled in the office of President, padding the treasury and publishing the club newspaper As CoChairman forthe 1975 Hollywood Convention, he succeeded in bringing together the largest turnout in years The office of the Lt Governor ofthe Southern Division belongs to the person that can get the MOST out of people with COMMUNICATION and EXUBERANCE

"I sincerely want to hold this office so that my hopes and dreams of teaching people in Toastmasters to communicate better will become areality.

"Communication is my first objective Proper selecting of people to participate in building leadership inthe South, and then the training of them will be my second most important objective."

April,1977 THE SUNSHINER Page5
Left to righr: Rod Owens, Bill Miller, Reed Sutherland of Imperial Polk TM's

{Continued fromPage 4)

The C&L manual doesn't tell the truth It tries to get you into the stream of speaking easily, but the one reason for your successinpublicspeaking is that you entertain others. Youmay have a dire or dreadfully serious message, but if the listener is not entranced, "entertained" by the enlivenment of his mind, then you've failed Think it over Plan your image to be entertaining, not always by humor (but don't misuse it) The idea is to enable others to "get more" because you were there than if you hadn't been And they'll return the favor to make your club meetings exhilarating and intellectually delightful But first it has to start with "Number One." Turn yourself on

Lou Funk Candidate For Sr Lt Governor Of Education

Many Toastmasters know about the dedication and hard work put forth byLou Fink in order to make District 47 a Distinguished District But, for those of you who do not know him

Outstanding Toastmaster of Club 1178 in 1975, Lou was proclaimed Outstanding Area Governor of Area 2 in 1976 For the last two years he has been the D-47 YLP Chairman On his way to soon becoming a DTM, Lou has participated at club, area, division, and at the district level ener•getically

Lou Funk, ATM, as LGEwill work for:

• Quality Education Programs

• Idea Fairs

• Working Committee Chairmen

• Presentation of all TM programs at the District Conventions

• Multiple Choice Seminors

• Emphasis on Speechcrafts and YLP's

• Stimulating Educational Programs

• Utilization of the talents of ATM's and DTM's

Above all, Lou wants to help the INDIVIDUAL Toastmaster

What Would You Call It?

The recent suggestion by Able Toastmaster George Wass, to provide a third communication and leadership program complete with a third manual of speeches is welcome news Too often we have seen ATM's waste their talent and finally leave the club due to a lack of direction. Not only will the third C&L program provide incentive and instruction to the member participating, but also it will add to the total educational value of the club The ATM will find that there is a real need for an alternative challenge to the Distinguished Toastmaster award

Two names have been proposed for the new program: Outstanding Toastmaster or Master Toastmaster Outstanding, to us, connotes "a select few." We think it is more appropriate for the award for which it is presently being used Master to us, has always represented a high level of craftmanship, attained by a larger number, but only after dilligent labors Thisis an appropriate name for the award as we understand its purpose But, isit the most appropriate designation for the third manual?

A master craftsman in the area of the language arts intimes past was known as a rhetorician The definition of rhetoricis, in part, "the art or science of using words effectively in speaking or writing, so as to infulence or persuade " Unfortunately, the term has attained the connotation of insincerity or of the employment of grandiloquent language Perhaps if Toastmasters were to institute the award and disignation of "Rhetorical Toastmaster" for those completingthe third communications manual we couldrestore the word to ots true meaning, while utilizing the most appropriate title for those achieving the ultimate speaking recognition in Toastmastering There may even be a more appropriate title to specify those who have surmounted the ultimate speaking challenge of Toastmasters What would you call it? Send your recommendations to Dave Meeks or to the SUNSHINER along with your supporting material

Allan Toor Candidate For LGSD

Objectives 1977-78

1 Toselect and develop the AG'sof the Southern Division

2 To teach the art of proper communication to each club in the division

3 To increase the standards and quality of each club in an effort to maintain membership

4. To establish a broad base for leadership and bring into focus those Toastmasters willing to be leaders

5 Through publicity in every newspaper in the division to make people curious to attend a Toastmaster meeting

6 More attention to steering each club to put into effect the basic Toastmaster training

7 To see to it that women have the proper recognition in Toastmasters

As a proven leader in the business world, he was number one profit man while employed by the K-Mart Tire Division of U.S Rubber At present he holds number one position for service excellence among 35 Pan Americanstores in Florida

As the educational officer of the Hollywood Club, Allan put variety in the programs, ideas which were obtained at conventions Membership for the club increased He excelled in the office of President, padding the treasury and publishing the club newspaper As CoChairman forthe 1975 Hollywood Convention, he succeeded in bringing together the largest turnout in years The office of the Lt Governor of the Southern Division belongs to the person that can get the MOST out of people with COMMUNICATION and EXUBERANCE

"I sincerely want to hold this office so that my hopes and dreams of teaching people in Toastmasters to communicate better will become areality.

"Communication is my first objective Proper selecting ofpeople to participatein building leadership inthe South, and then the training of them will be my second most important objective."

April,1977 THE SUNSHINER Page5
Left to righr: Rod Owens, Bill Miller, Reed Sutherland of Imperial PolkTM's

The Candidates of District 47 • •

cided, to stay in Florida at FSU and after graduation, come back to Jacksonville to work for Ford MotorCompany When the opportunity to become a State Farm Agent was presented, he was happy to make the change because he wanted to work with people and to be his own boss. An independent and extrovert by nature, Floyd is thoroughly happy in his work as an independent agent for the State Farm Insurance Company

Charlie Jones, DTM, Past District Governor, is this year's candidate for Director of Toastmasters International.

Charlie began his TM career 9 years ago and before his first year was over was elected AdministrativeVP of his club, State Farm No. 1178 of Winter Haven.

The following year he was elected President and shortly upon completion was appointed to fill an unexpired term as Area Governor The following year he was appointed for a full term and then was elected to Lt Governor of the Western Division

Always in a hurry, the following year he ran for and was elected District Governor Under his leadership, District 47 led the world in most categories including new clubs organized, ATM's and DTM's, and manual completions

He immediately set his sights on International office, but District 47 already had a candidate so he has awaited the opportunity to have full District backing for this high office

Last fall he began his campaign in earnest, attending not only the District 47 convention, but also journeying to Georgia and Virginia for their fall conventions

This spring he plans on attending 5 Region VIII conventions plus the Regional Convention at Norfolk, Virginia in June where the Regional election of candidates takes place Then it is on to Toronto in August for the International Convention

His home is well decorated with plaques and trophies that he has been awarded for excellence in speaking and service to Toastmasters

There is no doubt that District 47has the most qualifiedcandidate in the running this year, one who is filled with both ideas and experience With his unbounded energy and dedication to Toastmasters we know that he will serve us well

Floyd Sewell, The Candidate The ManFor District Governor

Floyd Sewell was born in the great city of Atlanta, Georgia (God's country) and firmly believes that all good people go to Atlanta when they die His father was transferred to Jacksonville, Florida, just in time for Floyd to attend Terry Parker High School Although his family was transferred back to Atlanta, Floyd de-

The State Farm Agency Director, S R Dunn, DTM, PDG, introduced Floyd to Toastmasters and Floyd was immediately hooded After helping the Greater Jax Club die from a lack of membership, he joined the Saturday Morning Club (a 40 member club) and has served as Area Governor, Lt Governor of the Northern Division, Lt Governor of Administration, and is now Senior Lt Governor of Education He hopes soon to be District Governor. Ambitious? Yes, but not because of the prestige and recognition; these are nice Floyd seeks higher office because he believes in the Toastmaster principles and programs and feels that he can serve District 47 Toastmasters by providing the leadership to keep the district in its rightful place —at the top!

Where doyougofrom the top? With his confidence in the abilities of the District 47Toastmasters, Floyd thinksthat we can climb to even higher plateaus His feelings about being an officer inthe Toastmasters organization are perfectly defined in this quote from Terrence McCann, Executive Director ofToastmasters International, "I would like to emphasize that the motivation behind every action in the Toastmasters organization should be SERVICE TO THE MEMBERS Every Toastmaster who holds club office or higher should make the self-development needs of Toastmaster members his or her prime concern." Floyd has always felt that the key to successforthe district is the ability of the district leadership to help satisfy the individual Toastmaster's needs That is, after all, the purpose of the Toastmaster program —individual accomplishment

Floyd's personal accomplishments, which perhaps account for his great faith in the Toastmasters program include: State Topics Winner, ATM,DTM, District Leadership Award, District Enthusiasm Award, District Work-Horse Award, Chairman for 2 State conventions, Sponsor of4new clubs, Coordinator of14 Speechcraft Courses, and 11 Youth Leadership Courses He has also "died" in several speech contests, but we won't mention that

(Continued on Page 7)

Page 6 THE SUNSHINER April,1977 • •

{Continued from Page 6)

Toastmasters is a way of life for Floyd and his wife Hilda, who also recently became an ATM Traveling around the state, renewing friendships and meeting new friends, the campaign trail, trying to submit SUNSHINER articles bythe deadline, answering the Toastmaster information phone for Jacksonville, speech contests, club meetings, and much more take a big chunk out of their leisure time, but it's all so educational and enjoyable that they gladly participate

Now what would Floyd like to accomplish as District Governor? There are several ideas that he would like to implement, among them: Have theWinter Convention in February instead of January so that it doesn't come right after the Christmas holidays (and bills) Revamp the District Chairmanships and coordinate the duties of each, give some new people the opportunity forleadership experience, an important part of the Toastmasters program, and benefit from their fresh ideas Floyd's objectives for 77-78 are numerous, but the most important is that he would like to SERVE YOU, the Toastmasters of District 47

President's Distinguished District is an important objective, but this is an honor that YOU will achieve because the President's Distinguished District Award is only a measure of YOUR accomplishments in Toastmasters

Floyd Sewell is the candidate, the man, who would like to serve as your district governor Your Vote will be most sincerely appreciated.

Lt. Governor For Education

Bob has been a member of Toastmasters since July, 1972. He received his ATM in 1975 and will be eligible for the DTM honor in July, 1977

Bob has held every club office, and was Area 20's Governor. The Co-Chairman of the very successful and well-attended October, 1975 convention, Bob has served the District well. He was the District 47 Speakers Bureau Chairman Of course, in 1976 he was elected by the District 47 Toastmasters to serve in the capacity as Lt Governor of the Southern Division

Three times in his four years in Toastmasters Bob has been a contestant at District Advanced Speech Contests, and he was the winner this year

"I" believe in education. To fully realize our potential as Toastmasters (and in our Business and socialworld), we must strive to improveour communicationand leadership Qualities My goal for the coming year will be to see that educational seminars of the highest quality are made available to all members I WANT TO HELP YOU! I CAN DO THE JOB! ELECT ROBERT GELFAND - SENIOR LT GOVERNOROF EDUCATION FOR DISTRICTS.

sions to 45 minutes

3 Be available after the district business meeting for extra help on an individual basis

4 Continue theme awards

With Scott at the helm as LGA there will be no problems, only opportunities in District 47!

Scott Leeds, DTM — ForLGA

Vote for Scott Leeds as your next Lt Governor of Administration A Toastmaster for 11 years, Scott has been vitally active in building up clubs, areas and the Eastern Division He can be a big asset to District 47 as a part of the District team to make District 47 Number 1 next year

• Toastmaster for 11 years

• Lt Governor ofthe Eastern Division, 1976-77

• Area Governor of Area 11, 1975-76

• Youth Leadership experience with 4-H for the past 10 years

• Motivated NASA management to form a Kennedy Space Center Club

• District Advanced Speech Winner, 1971

Scott's Platform

1. Keep paperwork simple.

2 Limit Area Governor training ses-


Meet Ken ForLGA

Vote For Ken Clinton For LGA!

Many of you have met Ken Clinton Some, though, may not have noticed him due to his unassuming nature But, because of the kind of Toastmaster he is, you all need to meet him

An old front porch philosopher once told me that "You do well to seek those who do well." Seemed rather shallow until I later learned how helpful an association with a dynamic person cab be.

Ken Clinton is one who does well A 1970 graduate of North Carolina A&T University, Ken is employed as a mechanical engineer with Westinghouse in Tampa Hissuccess in life is illustrated by the well-appointedhome he and his lovely wife Barbara share in suburban Tampa

This class and drive carries over into Ken's Toastmaster work Since joining the Calliope (2821) Club 4Vz years ago he has held the top club offices several times As AVP he helped Callipe boost its membership from 23 to 33 in 1973 He distinguished himself further as EVP and President of this fine Orlando Club in 1974 A move to Tampa brought Ken to the Jose Gaspar Club (3668) which he has been most vital in boosting from a lethargic five member club to a vital twenty unit group ranking ninth in total DCP points for District 47 in 1975

Toastmaster Clinton received his ATM acknowledgement in 1976.Hisefforts have not slowed in that he has virtually rebuilt Area 6 as the Governor such that it stands third place in District 47at present These are but samples of a very full slate of successful endeavors Ken Clinton has put together in less than 5 years

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Sonow you've had an introduction You will dowell to get to know one whodoesso well Ken Clinton is neither braggart nor phony He IS a very quiet, unassuming, classy and powerful Toastmaster whogets the job done I think you'll likehim!

LGWD Let's Go With Dan

If elected Lt Governor of the Western Division, I promise to serve by:

1 Coordinating the activities of the area governors in the in the division;

2 Attending area council meetings and assisting in the training and educational programs when called upon;

3 Providing the area governors and other area officers with supervision, counsel, information, and service as needed

4. Coordinating the submission ofsemiannual reports and officer lists by clubsin the division and the completion of area club assistance reports by the area governors

5 Assisting area governors to prepare a list of experienced members in the division to assist with area and division training and educational programs.

6 Fulfilling any assignments made by the District Governor

7. Attending the District, Regional, and InternationalConventions.

Club Offices Held

During 1972 at Skyway Club — Secretary/Treasurer and AdministrativeVice President Sergeant-at-Arms in 1973, Secretary in 1974, Educational Vice President and President in 1975, and Secretary in 1976 at the St Petersburg Club For Golden Gulf in 1975 Dan was EVP and President.. In 1976 President and in 1977 Secretary/Treasurer at the Sparkling TM Club

If, in the course of 4 years, Dan Claxton, ATM, has not demonstrated

gusto and leadership worthy of leading the Toastmasters of the Western Division, as the LGWD, then perhaps the criteria below will settle any doubts.

District Jobs

• Area Governor, Area 2, 1975-76

• D-47 Speechcraft Chairman, 1976-77

• Delegate at 8 District Conventions and at 1Regional

Founded Clubs

• Golden Gulf TM Club No 911

• SparklingTM Club No 3602

Both clubs from charter transfer

TM Education and Awards

Dan Claxton completed the C&LProgram twice; the Basic Manualin 1974 and 1975 and the Advanced in 1974 and 1975 also In 1975 he was honored with Certificate No 3619establishinghim as an ATM. As ofnow Dan has completed all of the requirements to become a DTM except for the minimum continuous five years' membership requirement. From 1974-77 he completed the Reading Program four times


• District 47's MR. ENTHUSIASM in 1976

• Speaker of the Year 1974 in St. Petersburg

• Speaker of the Year 1975 in Golden Gulf

• Toastmaster of the Year 1974 St Petersburg Club

Vote Virginia Lt. Governor For The Southern Division

Toastmasters know that the formula for organizing a speech is simple:

1 Tell them what you are goingto tell them

2 Tell them

3. Tell them what you told them. The formula foa a campaign should be just as concise

Tell them what you are

I teach music in the schools and am a soprano soloist at Deerfield Church

Tell them what you did.

As a member of Early Bird 3659 I have held every office, edited the club bulletin, maintained the DCP, and coordinated Speechcraft and Youth Leadership

Tell them what you are doing.

As Area 4 Governor, I have motivated our clubs to remain top area in the District Monthly Area Council Meetings and Area Bulletins keep members informed of activities and are useful educational tools

As Chairman of the 1977 Spring Convention, I will welcome each of you to Ft Lauderdale in May

Tell them what you will do.

As Lt Governor of the Southern Division, I will ORGANIZE the Division through monthly meetings with the AG's As soon as the District Calendar is received, we will publish the Division Calendar for the year, showing dates of area, division, and district contests as well as host clubs and locations Through a Division bulletin and Area conferences, we will EDUCATE so that each officer knows his job We will MOTIVATE through personal contacts to give each member a reason to produce and finish a project

The Issue.

In this campaign the issue is one of experience It is vital that the Lt Governor first serve as Area Governor, and have learned through success and failure howto administrate a Toastmaster Program.

The Promise.

As LSGD I will give my time, talents, and energies toward the betterment of our Southern Division, District 47, and Toastmasters International Vote Virginia

Page 8 THE SUNSHINER April,1977
The Sunshiner 8303 Millwood Drive Tampa, Florida 33615 NonprofitOrg U S Postage PAID Tampa, Florida Permit No 1759

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