D47 Sunshiner - August 1978

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The -Sunshiner

1978-1979 District Installation of Officers and Awards Banquet



FAREWELL, FLOYD PDG Dave Meeks receiving gavel from PDG Floyd Sewell after discharge as DG for 1977-1978 LGE Val Croskey being installed by PDG Dave Meeks AREA GOVERNORS Front: Fred Banfield, (L to R) Sally Corbett, Klaus Walter (hidden), John Evans, Malachi Lundy, Mary Volberding, Eddie Earley, Neil Boynton, Morris Middleton, Allan Toor, Mike Steinberg, Ken Todd, Jack Sanders. Not shown: Bryan McAdams, Ron Bauldree, Charles Deveaux, Scott Miller. THE PAST & THE PRESENT Bob Gelfand presenting plaque from District in appreciation of "A Job Well Done" LGA Virginia Heddinger accepting office of LGA from Dave Meeks DG Bob Gelfand presenting Communications & Leadership Award to Janet Reno, State Attorney for Dade County HELLO, BOB DG receiving gavel from PDG Dave Meeks after being installed for 1978-1979 Lt. Governors being installed by PDG S. R. Dunn. (L to R) Ann Tillman (standing in for husband Frank) — LGND; Bob Schofield — LGWD; Cary Cowan — LGED; James Rahming — LGBD; Joe Alfred — LGSD (L to R) Marilyn Milner, Laurie Milner (Convention Baby Sitter), Loren Milner (Convention Chairman). Thank you, Loren, for making this a super convention and thank you, Marilyn for your cooperation and understanding.


Managing Editor: Clara Gelfand

Subscription Director: Lou Punk

Sponsor Solicitation: Allan Toor

Circulation Manager: June Krzywicki

Circulation Staff: Courthouse TM #3164

District Photographer: Ed Basdekian

Art Work: Pat Floyd and Edna Bornstein


Outstanding Club Chairman • Bernard Key, DCP


Outstanding Club of the Year —• Pompano Beach #3003 —

Accepting: Thomas Moskal, President

'Mr Enthusiasm'" —• Allan Toor

INTERNATIONAL TOP TE N CLUB #1 Club of District 47 —

Orlando Conquerors #1066 •—

Accepting: Ron Hall, President


Win Chesley, DTM, PID


Joe Alfred, ATM, LGSD

Bernice Dunn, ATM &

S. R. Dunn, DTM, PDG

James Rahming, DTM, LGBD

Frank Tillman, ATM, LGND

BOOSTER: Howard Forman,County Commissioner

Scott Hoehn, DTM

George Veltman, DTM


Our list is growing, as you can see above, but — not enough. Add your club's name today!


Gold Sponsor — $100 or more

Silver Sponsor — $50 or more

Patron — $25.00 or more

Booster — $10.00 or more


Outstanding Toastmaster James Rahming


Presidential Citation — Dr Al Nowak

Outstanding Area Governor Sonny Dixon

Outstanding Club Bulletin — "The Communicator" — Club #1702 — Bob Martin, Editor (Also selected as Top Ten in the World by TI)

Speechcraft — Club 2840 (Dave Byrd accepting) DTMS — Jim Rahming, Lester Gibson, Nance Sanders

Outstanding Division Lt Governor — Dan Claxton, DTM( LGWD


1. BANAL (bCC'nal) (bd-n&l) — (a) fresh; (b) ostracized; (c) commonplace

2 CAPTIOUS (kdp-shus) (a) excessively critical; (b) inclined to be a leader; (c) reasonably finding fault

3. COGENT (ko-jent) — (a) inept; (b) concise; (c) convincing force

4. CONTUMILY (kotftu-me-tt) — (a) scornful rudeness; (b) graciousness; (c) rebelliousness

5 DIDACnC (di-dak-tik) — (a) dictate; (b) inflexible; (c) to instruct

6 EUPHONY (iif-fo-m) — (a)untrue; (b) discord; (c) harmony

7. FULSOME (fobl-sum) (ful^sum) — (a) repulsive; (b) moderate; (c) healthy

8 HARANGUE (hh-rUng) (a) oration; (b) songfest; (c) vehement speech

9. INVEIGH (tn-va) — (a) praise; (b) inspect closely; (c) abuse bitterly

10 PROLLX (pro'-liks) (pro-likd) — (a) profuse; (b) to the point; (c) beginning (ANSWERS ON PAGE 6)

— $2.00 per member 100% SUBSCRIPTION CLUBS: 2727 Gold Coast 2821 Calliope 2903 West Broward 3001 Friendly 3101 Imperial Polk 3651 Early Birds 3659 Early Bird 3764 Helmsmen 3770 Hollywood 3771 Seminole 3840 N. Miami Beach 297 Downtown 952 Venetian 1066 Great Ft Laud 1135 DOT 1295 Eddie Rickenbacker 1652 Pan Am 1695 Coral, Gables 1980 Orange Park 2092 Bold City Chall 2346 Century 2508 Davie 2582 Plantation
Mangrum Court
Fla. 33021

Sometimes it's the little things you hear that have a profound affect upon you. At the June 1978 Region VI U Conference in Jekyll Island, Bill Loeble, Sr. International Director, passed out a small folder called "Million Dollar Recipe For SUCCESS". Inside the folder was a billboard inscribed: It hit me like "a ton of bricks" How true! How true!

What is it that made District 47 grow so large so soon? I believe it is because of the wonderful Toastmasters who have the burring desire to serve their fellow Toastmasters Yes, "YA GOTTA WANNA"

How often have you heard people say (when asked to do a job) — '"Uh, uh — I'm too busy" But, there's an old cliche that says — if you want a job done, give it to a busy person If you really want to serve, time can be managed — all you do is arrange your priorities and accept the role of leadership

When you lead, you have to be prepared to sacrifice in terms of time and energy. But, no money can buy the gratification and satisfaction derived from successful leadership

We want to attain the goals to keep District 47 up on top and reach that #1 rung of the ladder — but not at the cost of losing sight of the importance of each club and the individual Toastmaster and having compassion for any problems they may have

By serving in a club or district office, not only will you develop your communication skills, but your selfdevelopment will have a direct bearing on your success in life



Right now — at the very beginning of this administration, take a long look at your Toastmasters Club. What kind of personality does it have? Does it have any personality at all?

Now that you are looking, what should you look for first? Every club has one or two Toastmasters that can be called "Mr. or Ms. Enthusiasm". These people simply ignite the spark that blazes at every club meeting or gathering of Toastmasters. Whenever they are absent, they are missed.

Each of you can perk up your club's personality. All you need to do is to decide now to do it. Begin a "Perked Personality Program". — FU N — From the time club members enter the dcor of the meeting room until they leave, funny things happen or can be made to happen. Help your club laugh together, with each other, but not at anyone! INITIATIVE — Develop the "I'll do it" syndrome. This comes in perfectly when someone asks, Who is suppose to? VITAL PROGRAMMING

Keep suggesting new and different ideas for the meeting program. Stand up and point them out during the meeting. Even if you are ruled out of order, you will keep the program and the meeting alive and full of fun. ENTHUSIASM-EDUCATION — Give even the simplest assignment all the enthusiasm you have I like to see a Toastmaster stand up during Table Topics and really shout out the response, even if it is all wrong

The District Staff will do everything it can to help every club in District 47. The Toastmasters Club is the place where new toastmasters will grow or go. Clubs with personality keep growing. Let's give every club PERSONALITY PLUS!!


Lt Governor-Administration

"Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works."

Matthew 5:16

How satisfying is the result of a job well done, knowing that you have given your best! This is true at all levels of endeavor, be it sports, hobby, job or your Toastmaster experience.

Most Toastmaster officers develop an evangelistic zeal about their organization. It is a desire to "help others help themselves". If we PUSH, if we NAG, if we DEMAND, it is to cause a reaction from you, the member. That reaction is called ACHIEVEMENT. If you in turn PUSH, NAG, and DEMAND of us, we will become better leaders.

The monthly Area Governor Report is an indication of how well we are accomplishing ou" goals The following are two important categories from that report:

1 NUMBER OF MANUAL COMPLETIONS — Use a manual It sharpens your skills through emphasis It gives purpose to your speech It teaches newer members how to handle the project It allows for evaluation in depth rather than a broader general evaluation

2 NUMBER OF ATMs (ABLE TOASTMASTERS) — There are many members who have completed the requirements for an ATM They have but to fill out the forms and send them to California If you have done these "good works", let them be known BONUS We all gain recognition because of you. Your club receives points for the D.C.P. — Distinguished Club Plan. Your Area receives credit and points on the Area Governor'sReport toward Outstanding Area. District 47 receives credit toward becoming a President's Distinguished District. International will move ever closer to fulfilling its goals for this year. The structure of Toastmasters at all levels is one of action and reaction. Challenge us as we will challenge you!

VIRGINIA HEDDINGER, ATM, ATM Lt.Governor-Administration

c R L O E

Meet The "Bahamas


First Lieutenant Governor

A Toastmaster for eight years, Jim Rahming, DTM, first started in the leadership and communication program as a member of the then Undistricted First Bahamas Branch of Toastmasters Club 1600 and received his first executive position in 1971, that of Club Assistant Secretary

Since his early years as a Toastmaster, Jim has served as a coordinator in the formation of all other clubs in The Commonwealth of The Bahamas Other offices held include:

1. Assistant Secretary/Treasurer — First Bahamas Branch Club 1600 1972

2. EVP Club 1600 -1973

3. Gavel Clubs-(Bahamas) 1974

4. Asst. AG-19 .1974-1975

5. President — Club 1600 1975

6 AG-19 1975-1976

7 Dep LGSD .1977-1978


Assisted Chartering of Clubs 1095, 2985, 3154, 2829, 1425, and 3596

Outstanding Toastmaster 1977-1978

Jim Rahming is on the Management Staff of Bahamas Electricity Corporation and lives at "Trystring Place" No

8 Albatross Road, Stapledon Gardens (P.O Box 2034GT), Nassau, Bahamas, with his lovely wife Cynthia and their four children.


Lt Governor — Bahamas Division

A hearty welcome to the newest addition to the Eastern Division and District 47 is extended to the Merritt Moonliter Toastmaster Club #1387. The charter banquet was held July 22nd at the Cocoa Beach Country Club. I'm sure that the concepts and ideas of Toastmasters International will become a valuable part of the lives of each member of the Moonliters. We also extend a warm welcome to the Dew Sweepers Toastmasters Club of Altamonte Springs. Although Club #2055 was chartered in May, the charter banquet was held July 6th at LaBelle Verrieri in Winter Park, Florida. The presentation of the charter was handled by Lt. Governor of Education ValCroskey.

By this time, each club has begun to blaze a new trail with the installation of new officers and innovative ideas which will be a credit to Distirct 47 as a whole. Best of luck to all new officers and I am standing ready to be of service to each of you.

There are many things that I am in hopes of accomplishing this year Many of you share the same thoughts and feelings. We can fulfill these desires by banding together in a total effort in the east. I know the willingness is there because I have been approached time and time again by long-standing Toastmasters as well as newer members in an expression of their desire to become involved. One of the needs at this time is that of bringing back to life some club organizations that have fallen cn hard times. The mentor program is designed to enable an existing Toastmaster become closer to the coveted DTM.

If you have a desire to participate, please let me know so we can put your plan into action Don't forget to support your Area Governors Their success rests squarely on your shoulders. Support in force your upcoming Area Humorous Speech Contests.


Lt. Governor - Eastern Div.

Areas 7, 8 & 12: 10-12 A.M Seaboard Coastline Big o— Rm 905 Jacksonville



& Place info will come from your Area Governor)


On a recent Sunday afternoon Northern Division Head Coach Frank Tillman called the team together First he called out the line-up, dividing up important assignments between seasoned veterans and aggressive rookies He also introduced his back-up coaching staff - a group of names which reads like a District 47 Hall of Fame

10 17

Then Fearless Frank gave the crew the moat important signal for the coma the Northern Division is going to pull pull ourselves up in the standings 1 share the al l important Team Spirit

This Calendar is our first effort in e munications. The ball is your hands r got - because your Areas, your Divisic gain any ground for Toas-fcmasters if yfe .the coach i f you need help

Excellence #2985 1976
Secretary — Club 2985 1976
EVP — Club 2985 1978
Pres. Bahamas Electricity Corp #2829 1978
Speechcraft 1977 Able Toastmaster Award 1977 DTM 1978
9 Pres.—Executives for
Achievements Include:
N O R T H £ R N
17 & 22: 2 ^ P.M Ponce deLeon Hotel O- J U.S 1, St Augustine Area 15: 2-4 P.M O No time and place set yet

This wise old saying is repeated in the Basic Manual Speech, "Establish Your Purpose". Dr. Smedley included this in his original Toastmasters speaking program. This is basic to the entire idea of self-improvement and learning.

We are trying to accomplish some clearly defined goal in whatever we do in Toastmasters. Once the idea gets clear in your mind how much better it is to accomplish clearly defined (as opposed to wishy-washy) goals, you will find yourself seeking the former type in your job and personal life as well. All goals in life are more fun and worthwhile if accomplished for folks and with folks we enjoy being congenial with.

A speaker sets out to display gestures or visual aids or vocal variety

A club president seeks to conduct business, while allowing room for all to speak their mind A contest chairman coordinates the activities of all those running the affair All of these people do their job better by establishing their purpose before they attempt to accomplish their goal

The month of August is upon us and it is none too soon to begin accomplishment of your personal goals Let this be the year you finished the basic or advanced manual. Let this be the year you won a speech contest. Let this be the year you helped a youth group learn to be confident in themselves. Whatever your goals as a speaker, identify them and set out step by step toward their accomplishment.

And to all the folks who came to the convention, good luck, God speed, and "Ya'll come back now, y'hear!"

Why should Toastmasters visit other clubs ?

Several reasons come readily to mind: to boost the morale of the host club to see how others handle a meeting or just for the fun of it. The most important reason for inter-club visitation is for the exchange of ideas

Sometimes the announcement, when I visit new clubs, that I'm a member of clubs 736, 911, 1463, 1485, and 1667 draws a chuckle. Do I really go to five meetings a week? Of course not!

I normally visit 736 and 1667 on a weekly basis and the others as often as possible. The five clubs are scattered over three Toastmaster areas and more than 100 miles of Florida's West Coast.

But each of these clubs does things differently, and with every visit I learn something new For example:

Dees your club have a jokemaster? Club 911 does. One member is designated, as part of the programming, to tell a joke at each meeting.

What happens when somebody appears late for your meeting? At Club 736 — the Seminole Chiefs Toastmasters — the miscreant must rise and give a speech telling why he is late.

Do your members know how to cope with interruptions?

Toastmasters at the Temple Terrace Club (No 1667) have learned by virtue of EV P Sonny Dixon's "ruckus" meeting For about two hours, rudeness ruled and several guests found the spectacle highly amusing and joined the club

At the Charlotte County Toastmasters (Club 1463), evaluation slips are passed to the individual evaluators. The club's theory is that the evaluator can give a better report if allowed to share the other members' perceptui perceptions.

Why visit other clubs? To learn, of course!

• AUGUST 1978 TH E SUNSHINE R PAGE 5 'orthern 3 4 5 6 • LJ |. 11 12 13 K 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 I ' 25 26 27 28 29 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 u 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 so 1 season - C0BMONIC4TION. That's how ogether. That's how we're going to t's how we're al l going to get and ablishing better Northern Division ComDon't drop it Run with al l you've and your District are never going to do nothing but stand there Call on s 0 u T
"Above all else, unto thine own self be true, for thus it follows as the night unto day, thou cannot then be untrue to any man."


Letter to the Editor:

I should like to compliment the editor of the Sunshiner for a truly professional bulletin.

As a former journalist with over ten years experience, I was particularly attracted by the layout and format Your articles showed variety and creativity which was a pleasant innovation

A bulletin is to inform, educate, and keep the members abreast of future happenings. This was done admirably.

Hats off to the editor and publisher for a job well done!

Sincerely, Ed Light (Club 3770)

Administrator, South Broward High School

W *l* ^¥ W*

A Toastmasters Convention is a good learning experience — in what to do and in what not to do.

My congratulations to Ray Floyd for the excellence of the Educational

Sessions The three I attended: (1) Speakers' Bureau, Ray Floyd; (2) Conducting Speech Contests; (3) Membership Retention Ideas, Dave Meeks, were models for education, use of varied techniques, and good toastmastering.

I wish I could offer similar plaudits for the Executive Committee Meeting. I was APPALLED!!! by the lack of seriousness, lack of decorum, and lack of knowledge of parliamentary procedure displayed.

Toastmasters is an educational process The leaders in all levels, particularly, division and district levels, should and must be the models for the general membership. If they cannot control or conduct an effective business meeting after all the time and training they have had, who will?

Toastmasters offers standards of excellance but who will practice them if the leaders don't.

Joan E Altomare, Sgt.-At-Arms

Eddie Rickenbacker Club #1295

Answers to Test Your Word Power (see Page 2)

1. BANAL — (c) commonplace

Made stale by constant use or repetition

2. CAPTIOUS — (a) excessively critical

Quick to take offense or find fault

3 COGENT — (c) convincing force

Having the force to compel, usually by appealing to reason; to the point

4. CONTUMELY — (a) scornful rudeness

Arrogant or humiliating treatment; scornful rudeness in speech or action

5 DIDACTIC — (c) to instruct

Designed to instruct; imparting a lesson

6. EUPHONY —(c) harmony

A pleasing sound; a pleasant effect on the ear produced by words or music

7 FULSOME — (a) repulsive

Offensive (from excess) to good taste or sensibility; hence grossly insincere (used in connection with flattery)

HARANGUE — (c) vehement speech

A long, noisy, vehement public speech (the object being to arouse the feelings of people in the audience)

INVEIGH — (c) abuse bitterly

To speak reproachfully, angrily, or bitterly 10. PROLDC — (a) profuse

Using more words in speaking or writing than necessary; long drawn out


"Be a Friendly Evaluator"

Critic, Critical.Crlticism Let's eliminate these words from our vocabulary Evaluate, Evaluator, Evaluation are better terms An evaluator should be a friend to the speaker His main goal is to help the speaker improve!

Any Toastmaster should be able to offer an excellent evaluation in two minutes There are just five items to cover Allow two sentences per item

1 Did the speaker complete the manual lesson satisfactorily?

2. What stands out as the most favorable aspect of the speech?

3. In what two ways could he/she improve his/her next presentation?

4. What was the overall audience reaction ?

5 Close with a flattering comment There is "good" in every speech It takes courage just to walk to the lecturn

Item #3 is most important It is the evaluator's duty to tell the speaker HOW to improve his presentation It is not sufficiently helpful to say, "You referred to your notes too frequently." The evaluator should suggest to the speaker how to eliminate his need to refer to notes

Don't be a critic Be a friendly evaluator.


As District Governor, I take full responsibility for the conduct of the business session.

I am indeed fortunate to have an excellent elected and appointed staff of dedicated and tireless workers to carry on the day-to-day functions of our District

As for Parliamentary Procedure, it definitely will be improved

Let us never forget the words of our Founder, Dr. Ralph Smedley — "We learn through moments of pleasure."


Ma, What's A Gavel Club or How to Succeed, Even Though Not a Toastmaster

91 ' t 1


The individual Toastmasters, Clubs, and organizational leaders of District 47 makes our District unique in the scheme of the International organization. There is only one word that epitomizes the great organization we have — POTENTIAL. We have the "potential" to be the very best in every category of the Toastmasters Program However, there is one major category where we have been deficient for many years — the number of clubs using and submitting the Distinguished Club Plan (DCP)

In the past years as few as twenty clubs have utilized the DCP. However, the past should remain in the past.


Nance Sanders is originally from Washington, Pennsylvania, but she has been a resident of Florida for 15 years

She is married to Jack Sanders, the current Area Governor of Area 12. They are the proud parents of five children.

Nance is the owner of a Public Relations Firm — Professional Writing Services

We all saw a sample of her talents when she was the Editor of THE SUNSHINER (1975-1976) It received an award as one of the Top Ten by International

The wonderful Toastmasters program should be available bo everyone But, there are many who can't meet the requirements of the TI By-Laws; (1) be 18 years of age or over, and (2) pay fees and dues

The GAVEL CLUB Program extends TM training to those ineligible to join a regular Toastmasters Club. One of the leaders in developing the Gavel Club Program was D-47's beloved, late Charlie Swan, DTM, PID. Charlie really loved his Gaveliers. In his memory, District 47 has created the Gavel Club Extension Committee to create new Gavel Clubs

Any group of 20 or more, which is not eligible to form a TM Club, can form a Gavel Club Many Gavel Clubs have been formed in penal institutions, and some in high schools; but they could be formed in hospitals, nursing homes, retirement centers, etc

There are some costs involved, though less than those for a TM Club a one-time $40 Certification Fee (which pays for Training Manuals and Club Officer Manuals) and an Annual Fee of $36. Additional Training Manuals are $4.75/member The Gavel Club Extension Committee can help pay for % these fees, to a maximum of $50/ club

Helping start a Gavel Club is fun If you would like to serve on this year's Committee — or if you know of a group which would like to start a Gavel Club — write or call me:

Gavel Club

Extension Chairman, D-47

1583 Waterwitch Drive

Orlando, Florida 32806

H: (305 ) 851-8396

B: (305) 646-5144

The most important thing is to concern ourselves with the present and the future performance of our clubs.

The current administration has as its goal a total of 53 clubs submitting the DCP for review. However, as the DCP Chairman, I want to surpass this goal.

The superior performance necessary to surpass this goal can only be accomplished by directing a concentrated program at some of the areas that are vital to our success.

First. Minimize the "negative" image associated with the DCP points. This destroys the effectiveness of the program when it is viewed only as a "points" program.

Second Maximize the "positive" aspect of the DCP as a management tool for effective club operation Each section of the DCP is organized to help the club officers perform their assigned duties effectively.

Third. All new clubs should commence with the DCP before they are chartered By pursuing the DCP as a management tool immediately, the club members and officers develop a positive outlook toward the DCP Fourth The DCP Chairman should provide an organized review format and disseminate this information to the clubs in our District The important thing is that a consistent program exists and that the clubs are informed of it

Fifth. The DCP Chairman should always offer the maximum amount of assistance to the clubs throughout the year not just during the review period. I will accomplish this by publishing articles and providing personal contact with all the clubs in District 47.

The five points outlined above provide a "roadmap" to success

Her talents are many faceted as those who know her are well aware

She joined Toastmasters in October 1972 and is a member of the Bold City Challengers Club 2092 in Jacksonville.

Among her many awards and honors are:

Past President of the Bold City Challengers

1977 Toastmaster of the Year — Bold City Challengers

Runner-up for Area Governor of the Year — 1974-75

Runner-up District Humorous Speech Contest — 1977

But, now she has received a very coveted award — the DTM (Distinguished Toastmaster).

Nance is the first woman in District 47 to receive this well-earned award.

Congratulations, Nance!


Gladys Stanley of Wilton Manors Florist, 2300 NE 11 Street, Ft Lauderdale, presented a program showing the art of floral arrangements

Mrs Stanley (1) with lovely centerpiece won by Laura Boynton (r)

* * * *


W. WHANN, REALTOR 3875 West Broward Blvd Ft. Lauderdale, Florida LEHIGH Land Specialist (305) 584-1630 Ray Pastor Investment Executive Sheanson Hayden Stone Inc 1 704 Harrison Street Hollywood FL 33020 305 921 4900 Broward 305 945 3712 Dade Herman's Photo Copy 409 Sea Breeze Avenu e Ft Lauderdale , Florida 33316 (305 ) 946-5882 SALES AND SERVICE Photo Copiers
47 Summer Convention Re-Cap INCOME Luau $ 800.00 Breakfast 392.00 Luncheon 540.00 Banquet 1,548.00 Children's Banquet 31.50 Late Registration 44.00 Donation (Plantation) 10.00 Bar (12.5%) 38.00 Raffle 147.00 Short Cash (3.30) Bank Error ( .40) TOTAL INCOME $3,517.20 EXPENSE TMI - Mail Labels $ 128.01 Printing 218.56 Postage 97.13 Ceramic Table Gifts 65.00 Gait Ocean Mile Hotel 2,649.15 Refunds (3) 141.00 Babysitting 28.00 $3,341.85 NET INCOME $ 174.95
Reg. Real Estate Broker
WHO WHAT August 1 Clubs AH Humorous Speech Contests Should Have Been Completed August 1 Area Governors Commence Holding Monthly Area Council Meetings August 16-19 International International Convention — Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada By August 31 Area Complete Humorous Speech Contest IMPORTANT Sept. 1 Clubs Begin Collection of Semi-Annual Dues THE SUNSHINER 4310 Mangrum Court Hollywood, Fl. 33021 D B MEEKS , DTM , PD G 8303 MILLWOO D D R TAMPA , FL 3361 5 NON PROFIT TLS. POSTAGE PAID HOLLYWOOD PERMIT NO. 861

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