D47 Sunshiner - February, 2012

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February 2012

Let the CONTESTS Begin! YOU could be our next District 47 Table Topics Champion and/ or International Speech Champion! The road to

World Champion of Public Speaking begins in your club's speech contest.

Inside this Issue Message from the District Governor ..................................................................................................... 3 What are You Getting Out of Toastmasters? ........................................................................................ 4 Toastmasters ... Where Leaders are Made ........................................................................................... 5 Five Ideas on Membership Building ...................................................................................................... 5 New Clubs Need You ........................................................................................................................... 6 Welcome to our Newest Clubs ............................................................................................................. 6 Talk Up Toastmasters! .......................................................................................................................... 7 Open House Showcase ....................................................................................................................... 8 Earn Awards Win Rewards .................................................................................................................... 9 Club Charter Anniversaries ................................................................................................................. 10 District 47 Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) – MIAMI ................................................................11 Tampa TLI at Progressive Insurance .................................................................................................. 12 Toastmasters and Emerge Broward Team-up .................................................................................... 13 How to Nominate Candidates for District Office .................................................................................. 14 District 47 Officer Nominating Form ................................................................................................... 17 TI Officer Agreement and Release Form ............................................................................................. 18 Spring Conference - Circus Circus ...................................................................................................... 19 Division G Speech Contests ............................................................................................................... 20 January Education Awards ................................................................................................................. 21 Mid-Year Club Incentives .................................................................................................................... 25 LGETs’ Education & Training Incentives 2011-2012 (2nd Half) .......................................................... 26 District 47 Public Relations Contest .................................................................................................. 27 Upcoming Events .............................................................................................................................. 28 2

Believe You Can Do All Things What do you believe? Do you believe everything you do and everything you are involved in will be successful, or do you think some things are above your reach? Do you believe your goals are unattainable, or challenges are too great and can hinder you from achieving success? I believe that “Who you are makes a Difference”, and it’s up to you to decide whether you will have a positive or negative impact on the lives of those around you. Believe in Yourself Be positive and have confidence in the things you do. Focus on your strengths rather than on your weaknesses. Concentrate on the areas where you have proven your capability. Be in a positive environment and surround yourself with people you admire and Pamela D. Rolle, DTM with people who admire you. Believe in yourself and you WILL accomplish great things! Believe in Each Other As leaders in our clubs and communities, it is our responsibility to inspire and uplift each other. Members are encouraged to work together to strengthen our clubs and support our officers. Officers are encouraged to work together as a team to support their President and members. There will be differences of opinions, but having differences is what makes us unique. We are all different, but every member of our District has a special skill that no one else has. That skill will make a difference in your club. Communicate effectively and lead impressively. Believe in each other and together we WILL achieve great success! Believe in Our Organization We are Toastmasters working toward one common goal: to become the greatest leaders and communicators of all time. The positioning statement of Toastmasters International is ‘Where Leaders are Made’. Toastmasters is where we have the opportunity to find our voice and make a difference. We are all Public Relations Ambassadors and it is our job to generate positive awareness of the Toastmasters brand to attract and retain members. “Talk up Toastmasters” around the water cooler and in your social media groups. Believe in your organization and our District will be the most powerful in the world! Believe in yourself! Believe in your talents! Give your best at all times and believe in your abilities. Believe you can achieve your goals. Believe that no challenge is too great for you to overcome. Believe that who you are makes a difference!

Kindest regards Pamela D. Rolle, DTM District 47 Governor 3

What are you getting out of Toastmasters? By: Matt Kinsey, DTM - D47 LGET-East

According to research, the vast majority of people join Toastmasters to become better speakers. Some are afraid of speaking, some just found out that they have to make a presentation at work, some are encouraged by their supervisors, and some just want to become better as a speaker. Whatever the reason, is your Toastmaster’s experience fulfilling your needs? I asked this question to a Toastmaster recently and he said that the answer was no. I asked him two questions. First, “When was the last time you gave a prepared speech?” He said it had been six months. The second question was, “How do you expect to improve your speaking when you aren’t speaking?” He said he wanted to make sure he was ready for each speech and it took him time. This story reminds me of the parable of the clay pots. Two groups of Matt Kinsey, D47 LGET-East students were given an assignment to make a clay pot. The first group of students was told that their success would be measured by the quantity of pots they made in three months. They would then select their most beautiful pot for a final contest. The second group of students was told they would be measured only on the quality of the pot in the final contest at the end of three months and nothing else mattered. The first group began making pots. They made hundreds and hundreds of pots. Many were chipped, broken, disfigured and did not even resemble a pot, but they kept working. The second group spent 2 ½ months researching how to make clay pots. They studied clay pots in museums and in art books. They spent time finding the perfect clay, the perfect paints, the perfect designs, the perfect temperature and the perfect team members to take on each part of the project. Then they put together all of these perfect parts and made their entry. When the judges viewed the contest entries they were amazed. The group that spent time making hundreds of pots made the most beautiful pot. In fact, they had made dozens of clay pots that were better than the submission from the second group. So what does this have to do with speaking you may ask? I think the point is to just speak! Darren LaCroix, 2001 World Champion Darren of Public Speaking, has a six word mantra: “Stage time! Stage time! Stage time!” You can spend a lot of time studying and preparing to give a speech, but that won’t help you nearly as much as actually giving a speech. The only way to get better at speaking is to speak! You can’t really get better at speaking by doing an occasional Table Topics, evaluating or filling another role. You get better only by getting up during a meeting and delivering a prepared speech with specific objectives to help you stretch your skills and your comfort level. I encourage you to set a goal to complete your next educational award. If you’re close to your next award, talk to your VP of Education to see if you can finish by the end of the Toastmasters year on June 30th. I guarantee you will become better speakers by working towards your next educational goal! 4

Toastmasters… Where Leaders are Made By: Kathy Furbush, DTM - D47 LGET-West Great leaders are not born, they are made. There is no better example of that than Toastmasters. We make leaders. What other organization in the world turns over its entire leadership every year and continues to expand, year after year? The way we do that is by training and on-the-job apprenticeship. The key is the training. That is why it is so important to attend Officer Training twice a year. The effectiveness of the Officer Training comes from exchanging successful actions with your peers. All the answers are always in the room. The networking, the camaraderie, the insight and the fun are what make Officer Training so effective. You are an integral part of this dynamic we call “Officer Training” because you take the nuggets back to your club membership. Part of the responsibility of a leader is to teach what you know, learn what you don’t.

Kathy Furbush, D47 LGET-West

Be the best leader you can be.

"Five Ideas on Membership Building" By: Hieu Huynh, DTM x2 - D47 LGM-East Do you need help in bringing in members? Here are five ideas on membership building: 1. Consider a booth at a fair, craft show, trade show, or career fair. 2. Appreciation night: Honor a community member at a special meeting. Ask the guest to say a few words promoting Toastmasters. Be sure to have lots of guests to help express your appreciation. 3. Take your show on the road. Schedule your meeting in a new location where it will get new visibility. Suggestions: community center, library, retirement community, bookstore, etc. Get the facility to help promote your special appearance. Invite guests. 4. Ask TI for a list of all your club's former members. Plan a special event and invite them all. Include them in the program, if possible. Send out a press release, and if any of your former members are high profile in the community, be sure to mention this in the press release. 5. Have an occasional social meeting to recognize the family and coHiey Huynh, D47 LGM-East workers of your club members. Remember it is the support of these people who help enable the club member's participation. It's nice to include them once in awhile. You can get as creative as you want. Our main goal is to have an exciting event where everyone would want to come.


New Clubs Need you! By: Ron Rice, DTM - D47 LGM-West Welcome to our newest club: Club #2231493 - Stuart Martin Chamber in Stuart, Florida, Chartered 2/1/2012 in Area D40. Welcome aboard. We look forward to watching you grow! Speaking of new clubs, we have many clubs forming, all around our District, as our district leaders continue to share the benefits of Toastmasters. If you are interested in helping a new club grow a strong foundation, please let us know. We are always looking for good coaches and mentors. The opportunity to guide a club, and the members, to success is one of the most rewarding achievements you can imagine. The friendship and camaraderie developed during their infancy will be long remembered, I assure you. With March on the horizon, and contest season in full swing, I want to thank you in advance for being pro-active with your club’s business. March 1 ,2012, Ron Rice, D47 LGM-West Toastmasters International will open up the dues renewals portion to your club officers. While March 31st is the deadline, we recognize that many of our members plan ahead and want to avoid the possibility of delays as the month end draws near. To show our appreciation, all clubs renewing by March 8th, will receive a voucher (district dollars) for $20 to use towards club materials. Sorry folks, the green beer on St Patrick’s Day will need to be funded elsewhere. In closing, I want to ask you two things: 1. Has Toastmasters helped you to grow? 2. Have you shared that success with a friend? If you have, thanks for sharing the good news about Toastmasters. If you have not, I urge you to do so. Keeping the benefits of Toastmasters to yourself is like being in a desert with friends and finding a spring of fresh water and not telling anyone else. Let’s share the magic of Toastmasters with the world.

Welcome to our Newest Club! The District FAB 5 & the entire leadership team would like to welcome our Newest Club: 6

Club #2231493 - Stuart Martin Chamber Stuart, Florida ~ Chartered 2/1/2012 ~ Area D40.

Congratulations & Best Wishes for a Successful Future! 6

Talk Up Toastmasters! Program Dates: February 1 – March 31 Toastmasters, love to talk? Take advantage of it. During the "Talk Up Toastmasters!" membership contest, you can encourage your members to invite guests to a special meeting where regular procedures are augmented by a discussion of Toastmasters' many benefits. Add five new, dual or reinstated members to your roster between February 1 and March 31 to receive a special "Talk up Toastmasters!" ribbon to display on your club’s banner. Membership applications and payment for members who join between February 1 and March 31 must be received at World Headquarters or online no later than March 31. Each member's join date as listed on the application must be no later than March. Transfer and charter members do not count for credit. In addition to the ribbon, qualifying clubs will also earn a special discount code for 10% off their next club order. Discount code expires six months from date of issue and is not valid with any other offer.

Remember: Adding 4 new members also sa1sfies DCP Goal #7 Adding an addi1onal 4 new members sa1sfies DCP Goal #8


Open House Showcase Â

Hieu Huynh, D47 LGM - East

Ron Rice, D47 LGM – West

Program Dates: January and July

Retaining members is essential to the health of a club, and gaining new members is equally vital to its success. For potential members visiting a club, first impressions are paramount. Toastmasters' new Open House Showcase is a great way for clubs to make that first impression a positive one and to attract new members. Clubs that are successful can earn discounts on useful products. How? Follow these simple steps: Hold a successful Open House in January and/or July. After the Open House takes place, email your complete marketing package to marketing@toastmasters.org with your club name and club number in the subject line and include the following (bulleted items must be included to qualify): A completed, signed guest list Pictures of the event The Open House agenda Sample marketing materials used to host the Open House (e.g. fliers, brochures, guest packets, other promotional items) Your advertising plan You may also send video footage if you'd like. As many as 50 of the clubs that gain the most new members as a result of their Open House events will receive a 30% discount on their next club order. If any ties occur, the quality of the clubs' marketing packages will determine the winner. All new members of a club must have been on the applicable Open House guest list. The member's join date must be in January or February (for the January Open House) and in July or August (for the July Open House). Complete marketing packages must be received by February 7 (for the January Open House) and August 7 (for the July Open House). Membership applications and payment for members must be received at World Headquarters or online no later than February 29 (for the January showcase) and August 31 (for the July showcase). Clubs do not get credit for transfer or charter members. The 30% discount expires six months after the date of issue and is not valid with any other offer.


Earn Awards & Win Rewards D47 MORE MEMBER PROGRAM Individuals who recruit 15 members between January 1 – March 31 will W I N free registration for the

Spring Conference! (Individual must be listed as the sponsor on the membership application).

DISTINGUISHED CLUB PROGRAM Clubs that recruit 8 o r m o r e N E W m e m b e r s between January 22 – March 22 will receive: $25 voucher (District Dollars) towards T.I. merchandise. MEMBERSHIP PIN per qualifying member!

Clubs that P A Y D U E S by March 8 will receive $ 2 0 voucher (District Dollars) towards T.I. merchandise

START NEW CLUBS Clubs chartered by March 31 will receive a free C U S T O M I Z E D C L U B B A N N E R and BANNER BAG!

SPEECHCRAFT & YOUTH LEADERSHIP Clubs that complete a Speechcraft or Youth Leadership Program by May 15 will receive $ 2 5 D i s t r i c t D o l l a r s (limit 1 per Club and redeemable by the District toward purchases at Toastmasters International for Club supplies) 9

Club Charter Anniversaries Congratulations & Happy Anniversary greetings are extended to the following clubs. Thank you for your contribution to the growth & success of District 47. On behalf of District Governor Pamela D. Rolle, DTM and the District Executive Committee and all of our members across South Florida and Islands of The Bahamas, we wish you a successful, President’s Distinguished Year!

February 2012 Anniversaries Club Name......................................................................Club....... Division/Area...........Charter.......Anniversary ........................................................................................ Number..............................................Date................ Number Action For Achievement Club.............................. 1095...............I/83..................2/13/54.................... 58th Bagel Talk Toastmasters Club............................. 3087.............. H/90..................2/1/60.................... 52nd Gelfand Good Morning Toastmasters Club......... 2096.............. B/24...................2/1/69..................... 43rd Bradenton Toastmasters Club............................. 2449.............. F/61...................2/1/83..................... 29th Talk Of The Town Club........................................ 5390.............. D/43..................2/1/84..................... 28th Delray Newsmakers Club.................................... 2225.............. D/43..................2/1/95..................... 17th Vocal Point Toastmasters Club............................ 5985.............. G/74..................2/1/95..................... 17th Miami Advanced Toastmasters Club (CTM's)...... 2798.............. E/55...................2/1/01..................... 11th First Caribbean Toastmasters Assoc. Club........ 753494.............I/81...................2/1/05....................... 7th Palm Beach Outstanding Toastmasters........... 1098551........... D/42..................2/5/08....................... 4th SERO Good Knights........................................ 1289921........... C/30.................2/16/09...................... 3rd MacDill Toastmasters Club............................... 1610255........... H/92.................2/11/11...................... 1st

Happy Anniversary One & All!


District 47 Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) – MIAMI By: Samantha O'Neil

Attendees listen to Shannon Chamberlain, President - Miami Beach Toastmasters on stage at Miami TLI.

Just ask our intrepid attendees from as far as Key West and Palm Beach and they will all tell you, the Mid- Year TLI - Miami held on January 28, 2012 was a success and well worth the mileage. Members and guests started arriving early (following the balloons) and enjoyed the coffee, donuts, and bagels while networking with fellow Toastmasters. We had over 100 Toastmasters attend training along with guests from Miami Dade College (Homestead Campus) who were seeing Toastmasters in action for the very first time. Shannon Chamberlain was a true “Master” of ceremonies.

The workshops and Officers Training were well organized. The most anticipated session was the “High Performance Leadership” workshop delivered to 30 future DTM’s. Mitch McInnis took the stage after training and presented awards to last year’s Division E team and provided Spring Conference updates. Hieu Huynh followed up with Division E current performance statistics and club recognitions. Division E Governor Mitch McInnis

advertising the 2012 District The keynote address was given by Spring Conference. Tony Noisom. His topic was “A Plan for Happiness”; he brought the house down. He was passionate, emotional and humorous all in one speech and received a standing ovation that seemed to last forever. We hope you’ll join us for the next edition of Miami TLI. Hieu Huynh, D47 LGM-East, and Keynote Speaker Tony Noisom at Miami TLI.

Keynote Speaker Tony Noisom (2nd from right) greets inspired attendees at Miami TLI

Hieu Huynh, D47 LGM-East, recognizes Matt Hoelscher, President Doral Club, for achieving District 47 goals.


Miami TLI club members being recognized for membership achievements.

Tampa TLI at Progressive Insurance By: Emily Drenberg, DTM; Photos by Robert Wilson, Area 70 Governor

Weekend sleepers stood united and celebrated the later start time of this TLI (Toastmasters Leadership Institute). While early birds were scurrying around at 8 a.m., these Toastmasters enjoyed some beloved shut-eye time before arriving brighteyed and bushy tailed for the 10 a.m. start time. Keynote speaker Marcey Keynote Speaker Marcey Walsh wasted no Walsh specializes in kinetic, time in getting this crowd of 118 stalwart Toastmasters up and moving. interactive presentations so she kept this eager group of 118 Toastmasters up on their feet, moving, and fully engaged! They may have slept in this morning but they left wide-awake and eager to learn.

A member of the National Speakers Association, Marcey Walsh speaks nationally on the role of REALITY in education, parenting, families and business.

Division C Governor Bett Correa (2nd from the Left) works with three other Toastmasters on one of Marcey's challenges.

Three of the Fab Five were on hand to support TLI Chair, Matt Siewert. They even found time to ham it up a bit with a little help from Tony Correa. From Left to right: TLI Chair, Matt Siewert, Tony Correa, D47 DG Pamela D. Rolle, peeking out from behind Tony, D47 LGETWest Kathy Furbush, and D47 LGM-West Ron Rice.

Hospitality Chair Sherry Xu and her team provided a nutritious fare with lots of variety for all.

Sherry Xu was the "hostess with the mostest" with this extraordinary lunch spread.

Presenter Lynn Perry (center) enjoys lunch with several friends after presenting "Extra, Extra, Read all About IT!" More of the fabulous fare set up for lunch.


Toastmasters and Emerge Broward Team-up @ Leadership Summit By Terrance Conover

On a sunny Ft. Lauderdale Saturday in January 2012, Toastmasters shined at The Sixth Annual Emerge Broward Leadership Summit (http://www.emergebroward.org/) at the Ft. Lauderdale Museum of Science and Discovery (http://www.mods.org/). The Emerge Broward's mission is to identify the emerging leaders and young professionals of Broward County, connect them with each other and current leaders in the community, develop their ability to serve as community trustees, and engage them within the community. To that end, several Area 22 Toastmasters put together a presentation showcasing the importance of leaders becoming public speakers. Toastmaster Leaders Simeone Barrett from First Edition Toastmasters, Linda Sauget and Scott Rosiere from Plantation Toastmasters, Gaia Calcaterra and Area Governor Terry Conover from Toast of Las Olas, Ken Strauss from BDPB Talking Heads, and Past District 47 Governor Kristina Kihlberg answered the call.

Photo Caption (Left to Right): Emerge Broward Participants Bryan Gold, Maria Alexandra Sanchez & Bryan Hughes; Toastmaster Simeone Barrett; Area Governor Terry Conover & Gaia Calcaterra; Emerge Broward Co-Chair Pablo Urquilla, Toastmasters Ken Strauss & Scott Rosiere; Emerge Broward Participant Mark Nichols & Toastmaster Linda Sauget.

Area Governor Terry Conover served as Toastmaster for the presentation. He told the audience what Toastmasters is all about, then introduced Toastmaster Simeone Barrett to deliver her prepared speech from the CC Manual. Simeone Barrett is a Senior Accountant at Autonation in Ft. Lauderdale. She delivered her 1st speech out in the community entitled "Toastmaster Superhero- Simeone Barrett." Great Job Simeone! Clinical Psychologist Dr. Scott Rosiere gave a smooth evaluation of Simeone's speech, emphasizing a Steve Job's pointer - Toastmasters for $6 per month...or 2 cups of Starbucks coffee. Easy Choice! Gaia Calcalterra, proprietor of Architexture and philanthropist with the Hope Floats Project (http:// www.tomorrowsrainbow.org/index.html), served as Table Topics Master, calling on volunteers (and one unwilling volunteer) from the audience to try their hand at impromptu speaking. Well done Gaia! Linda Sauget, recently published author of "If You Think It" (available at Amazon) counted the ballots and awarded the Table Topics participants signed copies of her book (just in case she becomes famous). Highly qualified Ken Strauss, Director of Tax and Personal Financial Planning at Berkowitz, Dick, Pollock, and Brant, performed the role of timer quite competently! And Past District 47 Governor Kristina Kihlberg was project advisor and present at the event in spirit! All told, it was a fun event for us Toastmasters doing our thing at the Emerge Broward Leadership Summit on a beautiful Saturday in South Florida. 13

How to Nominate Candidates for District Office By: Steve Bard, PDG, PID

My Fellow Toastmasters: The Spring Conference is the traditional time for the Toastmasters of District 47 to elect their leaders for the following year. This year we once again change the face of Florida by dividing District 47 into East and West. Your leadership is needed now more than ever as we make Toastmasters history. The Officers we are electing are as follows: District Governor WEST, District Governor EAST, Lt. Governor Education & Training EAST*, Lt. Governor Education & Training WEST*, Lt. Governor Marketing EAST*, Lt. Governor Marketing WEST* and all Division Governors. Please ensure our clubs and members are notified of this information, and let us make certain we have a chance to elect the best possible team to lead us through 2012-2013. Clubs must have representation at the Spring District 47 Conference in order to vote. DEADLINE to submit nomination documents is February 28th. For all who are interested in any of these officer roles, please submit your nomination request to Steve Bard, PDG, PID at bard621@comcast.net Please let me know SPECIFICALLY which office and which District, East or West, for which you have interest. The Nominating Committee will meet on Friday and Saturday, March 9th and 10th at Florida Gulf Coast University, 10501 FGCU Blvd. South, Fort Myers, FL 33965-6565 to interview all nominated candidates for District 47 elected officer roles. This will be a face-to-face interview with the Nominating Committee. If you are a candidate, please make plans to attend.

How do I nominate someone? You need to download the nomination form. However, the candidate must sign the Officer Agreement and Release Form to the Nominating Committee. This documentation will be submitted to the District Secretary as a permanent record.

Can I nominate myself? Yes. Any Toastmaster in good standing may nominate any other Toastmaster in good standing who meets the qualifications for that position. This includes self-nominations.

What else do I need to know? All candidates must sign the Officer Agreement and Release form. The Toastmasters International "District Officer Campaigns and Elections" policy for candidates are located on the home page of the district’s web-site: http://www.toastmastersd47.org/district-resources/ district-officer-roles-a-tools/316-district-officer-nomiation-and-campaign-resources 14

What is the mission of the District? The mission of the District is to enhance the performance and extend the network of Clubs, thereby offering greater numbers of people the opportunity to benefit from the Toastmasters educational program by: • • •

Focusing on the critical success factors as specified by the District educational and membership goals, Insuring that each Club effectively fulfills its responsibilities to its members, Providing effective training and leadership development opportunities for Club and District officers.

What is the vision of Toastmasters International? Toastmasters International empowers people to achieve their full potential and realize their dreams. Through our member Clubs, people throughout the world can improve their communication and leadership skills, giving them the courage to change.

District Officer Responsibilities: DISTRICT GOVERNOR Mission/Purpose As the District’s Chief Executive Officer, directs the District in a way which fosters strong Clubs, produces maximum growth in education completions, Club and membership, and is consistent with the interests of members of Toastmasters International. Responsible for motivating the District to achieve Distinguished District or higher. Achieves the Mission of the District in a manner which motivates volunteer leaders and promotes a standard of excellence in all District activities. Qualifications At the time of taking office, the District Governor shall have served at least six (6) consecutive months as a Club President and at least twelve (12) consecutive months as a Lt. Governor or Division Governor or a combination thereof.

LT. GOVERNOR EDUCATION & TRAINING Mission/Purpose Under the guidance of the District Governor, strives to have every Club and each member reap the benefits of the Toastmasters education program and to have every Club become a Distinguished Club. Responsible for achieving Distinguished District goals for CCs, ACs, and Distinguished Clubs. Provides direction and counsel to Division Governors, Area Governors, and Club officers on the education opportunities in Toastmasters. Responsible for the design and conduct of successful District training programs, conferences, and other District educational events. Qualifications The Lt. Governor Education &Training shall have served at least six (6) consecutive months as a Club President and at least twelve (12) consecutive months as a Lt. Governor, Division Governor, or an Area Governor, or a combination thereof. 15

LT. GOVERNOR MARKETING Mission/Purpose Under the guidance of the District Governor, makes the benefits of Toastmasters membership available to greater numbers of people. Plans, develops, implements, and directs short-term and long-term District marketing objectives. Develops and directs programs for new Club development, Club rescue efforts, Club membership promotion, and membership retention. Responsible for achieving Distinguished District goals for membership and Club growth. Promotes standards of service to the member and to the Club. Qualifications The Lt. Governor Marketing shall have served for at least six (6) consecutive months as a Club President and at least twelve (12) consecutive months as a Lt. Governor, a Division Governor, or as an Area Governor, or a combination thereof.

DIVISION GOVERNOR Mission/Purpose Achieves the Mission of the District within the Division, accomplishing District goals in membership building and retention, Club extension, and educational accomplishments. Ensures that each Club realizes its Mission and fulfills its responsibilities to its members. Responsible for achieving Distinguished Division Program goals and for ensuring that Areas and Clubs within the Division achieve Distinguished status. Serves the Division Clubs by providing District support and resources through the Area Governors. Qualifications A Division Governor shall have served at least six (6) consecutive months as a member of a District Council (e.g. Club President, Vice President Education, Area Governor, District Secretary, and District Treasurer). What about Area Governors? Area Governors are not elected positions. They are appointed by the incoming District Governor each year. If you are interested in being an Area Governor for 2011-2012, please contact your current Area or Division Governor to express your interest. They will forward your information on to the incoming District Governor. * Pending outcome of the Toastmasters Board of Directors and their approval of the Reformation of District 47. They meet during the week of Feb 10th, 2012.


District 47 Officer Nominating Form Are you interested in nominating yourself or someone else for a District Officer position? Please complete the form below and submit it to the Nomination Committee Chair as listed below. If you are nominating someone, you may submit more than one person's name for each position. To be nominated or elected, a person must be a member in good standing of a Toastmaster Club in good standing, meet the qualifications of the position, consent to being nominated and must sign the Officer Agreement and Release Form (available on D47 website at www.toastmastersd47.org) I wish to have the Nominating Committee consider the following person for the office of: □ District Governor WEST □ District Governor EAST □ Lt. Governor Education & Training WEST □ Lt. Governor Education & Training EAST □ Lt. Governor Marketing WEST □ Lt. Governor Marketing EAST □ Division Governor (please specify Division_____) Name: _____________________________________________ □ CC □ AC__ □ CL □ AL__ □ DTM Preferred Phone Number: _____________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________ Club Name ____________________________ Club No ____________ Area ______ Div______ Please describe below any Club and District offices held by nominated individual (include dates of service if possible). Please share with the Nominating Committee why you believe the nominated individual should be considered for the specified position. If there is additional information you would like to include about this candidate that you feel would assist the Nominating Committee in their deliberations, please write it below or attach it to this form.

Submitted by: _________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Email to: Steve Bard, DTM, PDG, PID, Nominating Committee Chair E-mail: bard621@comcast.net For any questions, please call: (954) 540-6263

Deadline for submitting this form February 28, 2012

The Nominating Committee will meet on Friday and Saturday, March 9th and 10th at Florida Gulf Coast University, 10501 FGCU Blvd. South, Fort Myers, FL 33965-6565 to interview all nominated candidates for District 47 elective officer roles. This will be a face to face interview with the Nominating Committee. If you are a candidate, please make plans to attend. 17

Officer Agreement and Release Form Directions: Toastmasters International requires that any candidates running for and/or holding office, whether elected or appointed, agree to and sign the Officer Agreement and Release Statement below. Please submit your signed form to the chair of the nominating committee. Completed release forms will be submitted to the district governor, and then to District Services at World Headquarters (districts@toastmasters.org), to be kept on file. Officer Agreement and Release Statement: Consistent with my desire to take personal responsibility for my conduct, individually and as an officer of Toastmasters International and as a member of a Toastmasters club, I agree to abide by the principles contained in “A Toastmaster’s Promise” and the governing documents and policies of Toastmasters International and my club. I will fully comply with my fiduciary duties to Toastmasters International under its governing documents and the law of the land. I will refrain from any form of discrimination, harassment, derogatory, illegal, or unethical conduct, and I understand that if I engage in such conduct, I may be responsible to reimburse Toastmasters International, my club or other clubs, or other individuals involved with Toastmasters, for any damages, losses, or costs resulting from my conduct. Understanding that Toastmasters programs are conducted by volunteers who cannot be effectively screened or supervised by Toastmasters International or its clubs, I release and discharge Toastmasters International, its clubs, governing bodies, and representatives from any liability for the intentional or negligent acts or omissions of any member or officer of my club or other clubs, or any officer of Toastmasters International. Confirmation: I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of the Officer Agreement and Release Statement Full Name (please print):____________________________Member # _____________________ Officer Position: ________________________________ Area (if applicable) ______ Division (if applicable) ____ District__________ Signature:___________________________________________ Date:_________________________


Division G

Interna.onal Speech & Table Topic Contest Saturday, March17, 2012 10:00am – 1:00pm

Suncoast Hospice The Gathering Place 5771 Roosevelt Boulevard Clearwater, FL 33760-3407

$5 per person or $25 per club

Register at www.toastmastersd47.org 20

Congratulations to these Toastmasters

Who have received Education Awards in the month of January 2012 COMPETENT COMMUNICATORS

Club Award



6796 3518 1575030 3659 1610255 1216688 2284 1187415 1670612 612315 1563570 839960 839960 1051432 1403477 1417483 2835 3466 1261950 1305066 9628 5758 1811702 602900 4698 1667 5933 2284 8437 2835 2652 6026 5222 22 965328 1575030 2266 2096 1450351 6273 6745 1498795

Adderley, Margo Alcalay, Yaniv Aviani, Eyal Barkley, Kip Bender, James Harold Bichara, Sherine Bounds-Knox, Kimberly M. Britton, Vilma F Buckner, Loretta Butcher, Mary Cornejo, Edward V. Dean, Chad H Dorsett, Norel Erukulla, Kartheek Friedman, Meredith Kelsy Furgerson, Sherry Lynn Gaertner, Kathryn A. Gilels, Belinda Goldstein, Gregg M Griffin, William Nathaniel Gropper, Gary B. Haji, Mohamud Hamilton, Patricia Yvonne Haulsee, Michael S Hensley, Claude A. Hill, Brett Howard, Cedric Lamont Howland, Robert C Hylton, Muriel Mae Johnson, Rob A Kent, Benjamin King-Burns, Vickie Yvonne Kuzmick, Wade Michael Lamont, Edwin Lodge Magruder, Julie Maher, Martin J. Malette, Michael J. Marshalleck, Diana Moraes, Nilce Naabe, Cathy Novatne, Joel P Pettway, Estelle L

Cable Beach West Club Sensor Toast Club Singles Toastmasters Early Bird Club MacDill Toastmasters Club WCR Palm Beaches Noon TM St Petersburg Toastmasters Club Wellcare Toastmasters Laughter Masters Toastmasters N Transition SF SUAGM Club Destiny Club Destiny EpiCenter Toastmasters Electric Supply Inc. Fort Pierce Utilities Authority Naples Toastmasters Club Treasure Coast Toastmasters Club Hollywood Toastmasters RBC Legends Naples Sunrise Bay Toastmasters Club Weston Area Toastmasters Club Achievers of Excellence Bay Pines Toastmasters Club Speakeasy Toastmasters Club Suncoast Toastmasters Club STAR Toastmasters St Petersburg Toastmasters Club Port St. Lucie Speakers Naples Toastmasters Club Raymond James Toastmasters Club Sarasota Evening Club Sunset Speakers Toastmasters Club Palm Beach Noon Toastmasters Club Toast 'N Progress Singles Toastmasters Proud Speakers Club Gelfand Good Morning TM Club 1st US Portuguese Toastmasters Honeywell Toastmasters Club Telecom Park Toastmasters Savarese Speakers



595823 2186602 1538207 2903 965328 2652 1824752 5933 7082 2582 6003 587295 1425 9086 595823 8437 8370 6298 777513 2582


Pipkin, Gary A Pritchard, Robyn D. Redwood Creque, Victoria A. Rego, Jonathan P Rodriguez, Kelly D Schrader, Sarah Ann Seavey, Jennifer E. Seay, Sadie Shrivastava, Gaurav Smidl, Matthew W. Spiewak, Paul J. Stein, Shelly Katherine Sweeting, Anissa R. Uppu, Sudhakar Visser, Sandra M Walder, Michele L. Widell, Joel C. Wojtas, Monika Yen, Cheng Huang Zemach, Shoshannah R.

Voices of Manatee County Toastmaster Academy Exquisite Orators Achievers Club Toast 'N Progress Raymond James Toastmasters Club Talk of the Town STAR Toastmasters Voice Of Champions Club Plantation Club Pembroke Pines Club Oldsmar Top of the Morning Club Freeport Eagles Office Depot Toastmasters Club 9086 Voices of Manatee County Port St. Lucie Speakers West Kendall Toastmasters Club 8370 Key West Toastmasters Sarasota Speakers Exchange TM Club Plantation Club


Club 1427169 4392 5985 6818 1361268 1498739 4145 2508 2727 4698 1051432 2166 6796

Award Member ACB Seward, Lisa A. ACB Rizzo, Robert F. ACB Dziubek, Gary Lyn ACB Francisco, Chim ACB Ramirez, Michael Gervais ACB Harwood, Steven ACB Bowman, Jonathan Heller ACB Katz, Chrystina ACB Macaluso, Becky ACB Carroll, Colleen M. ACB Bourdeau, Suzanne ACB Gow, Susanne E. ACB Cooper, Marcia Andreea

Name Tampa Bay Women Speakers Club Collier Communique Club Vocal Point Toastmasters Club Bill Gove Golden Gavel Club Bankers Toastmasters Broward Bilingual Toastmasters Club Toast Of The Bay Toastmasters Club Davie Toastmasters Gold Coast Toastmasters Club Speakeasy Toastmasters Club EpiCenter Toastmasters Donoghue-Dunedin Club Cable Beach West Club

1567808 1600 1670612 3087 9822


Leu, Leah Von Clarke, Troy Lovejoy, Sparkie Howells, Jo Ann Moss, Gary E.

Club Paradise First Bahamas Branch of Toastmasters Laughter Masters Bagel Talk Toastmasters Club Financial Connection Toastmasters Club

1450351 4267 1587757 4267


Amaral, Evaldo B. Stone, Rebecca K. Kest, Deborah Hays, Margaret

1st US Portuguese Toastmasters Toast Of The Gold Coast Club American Express Master Communicators Toast Of The Gold Coast Club


Club Award Member



1427169 5899 3518 965328 965328 965328 965328 965328 2096 1249370 4145 1587757 5222 7719 1358961 9400 8664 3659 1667 9086 5390 6298 1667 4267 22 1307407 1118683 3659 1249370 2903 1358961 1811702


Seward, Lisa A. Zweifel, Dennis Yates, Linda Rodriguez, Kelly D Drenberg, Emily Tuller, Robert Magruder, Julie Ferrara, Michelle Mahoney, Heather Powell, Clara Waterman Gill, Jamie W. Kest, Deborah O'Connor, Jeanne Edith O'Dell Warren, Gina Clarke, Paula Conover, Terrence Leonard Farooq, Umar Whitney, Mary-Helen T. Hamlin, Colin Michael Fletcher, Shela Barto, Paula K. Aguiar, Teresa E. Tofte, Kirsten Hays, Margaret Thomas, Laura L Phelps, Howard F. Aguililla, Hector Barkley, Kip Babst, Mike W Cohen, Mitchell Munroe, Nicole Hamilton, Patricia Yvonne

Club 6745 2096 7362 1600 1600 1415772 1118683 3299 1702 1695 1293723

Award Member ALB Muraki, Suresh Kumar ALB Bryan, Marlene M. ALB Randolph, James M. ALB Palacious, Carlos Emmanuel ALB Brown, Chavez ALB Atienza, Jon P. ALB Lake, Karen A. ALB Schneyer, John J. ALB Paul, John R. ALB Malik, Fasil Sakib ALB Barnes, Jack Kimball

Tampa Bay Women Speakers Club Seminole-SPC Toastmasters Club Sensor Toast Club Toast 'N Progress Toast 'N Progress Toast 'N Progress Toast 'N Progress Toast 'N Progress Gelfand Good Morning Toastmasters Club Homestead Toastmasters Toast Of The Bay Toastmasters Club American Express Master Communicators Sunset Speakers Toastmasters Club FCCI Toastmasters Club B.U.T. Nation Builders Toast of Las Olas RiverWalk Toastmasters Club Early Bird Club Suncoast Toastmasters Club Office Depot Toastmasters Club 9086 Talk Of The Town Club Key West Toastmasters Suncoast Toastmasters Club Toast Of The Gold Coast Club Palm Beach Noon Toastmasters Club Herald-Tribune Advanced Toastmasters Club BDPB Talking Heads Early Bird Club Homestead Toastmasters Achievers Club B.U.T. Nation Builders Achievers of Excellence


Name Telecom Park Toastmasters Gelfand Good Morning Toastmasters Club Highrisers Toastmasters Club First Bahamas Branch of Toastmasters First Bahamas Branch of Toastmasters American Express Communication Club BDPB Talking Heads Boca Raton Toastmasters Ft Myers Club Coral Gables Club Miami Beach Toastmasters


Club Award Member 3659 LDREXC Newcombe, Kirsti 1358961 LDREXC Pinder, Shonell Margo

Name Early Bird Club B.U.T. Nation Builders


AWARDS Member Thomas, William Nelson Aragon, Jairo Brown, Michael Rogero Beckles, Cynthia E. Dunlap, Robin L Schneyer, John J. Drenberg, Emily Lovejoy, Sparkie Rizzo, Robert F. Bennett, Tatanisha L. Fox, Antionette Maria Huynh, Hieu H. Kinsey, Matthew A. Parker, Jerrold Ryan Pritchard, Lori D. Stephens, Lori J. Anthony, Edward Donald Bradshaw, Murphy J. Bryan, Curtis Correa, Elizabeth Rose Davis, Antoinette Cecilia Duncombe, Delmaro C. Fuller, Maurice Michael Hedges, Christopher Hess, Erin E. Hobbs, John R Johnson, Lakeisha Shenique Johnson, Nadia Hope Kest, Deborah Leo, James Robert Moss, Tamar V. Niklas, Edward J Palacious, Carlos Emmanuel Paul, John R. Phelps, Howard F. Pratt, Deborah Y. Pritchard, Christopher David Pritchard, Robyn D. Rahming, Lambert Springer, Jason Edmond Stone, Rebecca K. Thorn, Michael E. Watson, Lavell Joel Wong, Nadia M. Young, Deborah D.



Mid-­‐Year Club Incen1ves Educa1on ~ ~ Leadership

Educa&onal 6 Pack Clubs earning six educa0onal awards BETWEEN

Jan 1st -­‐ March 30th Club will receive $15 Toastmasters GiE Cer1ficate

Submit a *High Performance Leadership Award BETWEEN Jan 1st – May 31st

and earn a High Performance Leadership “Kit” for your club! *Advanced Leader Silver requirement: This five-­‐project program offers instruc0on and prac0ce in such vital leadership skills and ac0vi0es as developing a mission and vision, goal-­‐seEng and planning, iden0fying values and building a team. This kit includes three Guidance CommiJee Handbooks.


Super Seven: Get all 7 club officers trained at BOTH the fall and the spring TLIs to earn this banner patch!

Club Education Excellence Patch:

Achieve the first 6 DCP goals to earn the Club Educa>on Excellence Patch. Deadline for both: 6/30/2012!


District 47 Public Relations Contest 2011-2012 Qualifying Period: August 1, 2011 to March 21, 2012 (Awards to be presented during District 47, Spring Conference in Sarasota, Fl. May 4-6, 2012)

Newsletter Requirements:

Minimum 3 submissions by March 21, 2012; Identify Club, Area, Division and District Name and Number; The Toastmasters Mission; Achievements of Club Members; How to be a Distinguished Club Information; Name and contact information for Club President and VPPR. Newsletter Judging Criteria: Content – 50% (interest, diversity, language/grammar, informative value). Design & Layout – 30% (ease of reading, structure, aesthetic appeal, graphics, etc.). Photos – 20 % (quality, interest, relevance).

Website Requirements:

URL linked to District website ; Uncluttered website; All information current; All links working.


Award Categories: Best Club Newsletter Top 3 prizes (club editor and club); Best Club Website - Top 3 prizes (club webmaster and club).

Contact: Anthony (Tony) Longley, DTM <> District 47 Public Relations Officer (PRO) tlongley@toastmastersd47.org <> Phone: (954) 246 4861 <> Skype: anthony_tony_longley

Upcoming Events February & March

Club and Area level Speech Contests

Talk Up Toastmasters!

Membership Drive Program Dates: February 1 – March 31

March & April

Area and Division level Speech Contests

May 4-6 District 47 Spring Conference

Circus Circus Beat the Clock

Membership Drive Program Dates: May 1 – June 30

The SunShiner Production Team: Publisher: Pamela D. Rolle PRO: Anthony ‘Tony’ Longley Editor: Emily L. Drenberg Proof Reader: Terrance Pratt District 47 Leadership Team 2011-2012 District Governor Pamela D. Rolle LGET East Matt Kinsey LGET West Kathy Furbush LGM East Hieu Huynh LGM West Ron Rice PRO Anthony ‘Tony’ Longley Secretary Susan Phelps Treasurer Anthony Richiez IPDG Rick Furbush District 47 Leadership Support Team District Advisor Steve Bard District Advisor Margaret Wan District Advisor Kristina Kihlberg SAA East Vic Miskanic SAA West Chris Hedges Webmaster Brandon Kinsey District 47 Division Governors Division A Governor Robert Rizzo Division B Governor Jeanine Kinsey Division C Governor Bett Correa Division D Governor Kristin DeLuca Division E Governor Mitch McInnis Division F Governor Lori Stephens Division G Governor Cathy Naabe Division H Governor Sparkie Lovejoy Division I Governor Rachel Ferguson The Mission of the District is to enhance the performance and extend the network of clubs, thereby offering greater numbers of people the opportunity to benefit from the Toastmasters educational program by: • Focusing on the critical success factors as specified by the district educational and membership goals. • Ensuring that each club effectively fulfills its responsibilities to its members. • Providing effective training and leadership development opportunities for club and district officers. The Sunshiner is a publication of District 47 Toastmasters. Reproduction of articles is strictly prohibited without the express permission of the District 47 Governor. Toastmasters International and Toastmasters International emblems are trademarks of Toastmasters International registered in the United States, Canada and many other countries.


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