D47 Sunshiner - March 2015

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THE SUNSHINER Newsletter Title Organization Name

News from Southeast Florida and The Bahamas Volume 1, Issue 1

Newsletter Date

Facing fear; It’s all in the mind!

F 2014-2015 District 47 March 2015 INSIDE THIS ISSUE

Club Anniversaries Toastmasters across District 47

District Highlights

Moments of Truth Lt. Gov. Education & Training Jeanine Kinsey updates our progress. Pages 4-6

Slate of officers The report of the nominating committee, Page 7.

Spring Training Lt. Gov. Marketing Lou Brown charts club growth. Pages 810

PRO HEADLINE Public Relations Officer Marlene Bryan offers a plethora of tips. Page 12

Division Contests Photos from some Areas on the road to the Spring Conference Contests. Pages 14-18

ear is a crippling phenomenon! Most of us have encountered fear at some point in our lives. Some of us are constantly haunted by a disabling phobia of one kind or another. Amazingly, most of our trepidations are all in the mind and can be rather daunting if we allow them to flourish. Let me share with you my recent encounter with fear. At 9:00 AM on March 23 I showed up at a local hospital to register for what is considered a routine examination but one that most people (especially men) fear – the dreaded colonoscopy. My personal physician advised me to have one done at age 50 and for nearly four years I’ve been “dodging the bullet” - claiming to be too busy. Due to a history of cancer in my family I decided it’s time to “man up” – or so I thought! During the preceding 48 hours known as the prep period, my mind began to play its usual tricks on me. That whispering voice in my head proceeded to tell me every reason why I should not go on with the procedure. It told me everything that could go wrong and practically every good reason why this was a bad idea. Upon arrival at the hospital, I was so happy that the parking lot was full to capacity. Ah, good reason to go back home! This thought was quickly interrupted by a tap on my car window. The security guard directed me to the overflow parking area. As I walked toward the building my fear mounted with each step as the whispering in my head became more intense. When I arrived on the inside I was enthusiastically greeted by a waiting medical team. As if by magic, my anxiety level immediately began to lower. Before they attempted to start any procedures they sat with me and walked me through every step of the process. They knew that if they were to stand a chance of making my fears dissipate they must first show me support and encouragement. Within minutes they had me feeling comfortable. The reassurance that I had the best doctors along with a competent and caring support team at my service reinstated my confidence. They rolled me into the “OR” and the last thing I remembered was the countdown as the anesthesiologist made me repeat after her, 10 – 9 – 8 – 7 – 6…! It’s now 12 hours post procedure and here I am writing this article. Obviously there was nothing to fear; it was just a state of mind! What fears are crippling you from progressing in Toastmasters, in your civic involvements, your relationships, your businesses and in your careers? It took me three years to complete the Competent Toastmaster (CTM) manual, now Competent Communicator (CC) - because of fear! Almost every time the VPE scheduled me to

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