2017 March-April Sunshiner

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The SUNSHINER News from South Florida and The Bahamas District 47

Candidates Announced

March / April 2017 INSIDE THIS ISSUE District Executive Committee




Leadership Messages

The nominees, listed alphabetically, are:

From the Trio District Director


Program Quality Director


Club Growth Director


PR Corner


Finance Matters


Member Spotlight Cherise A. Williams

Nominees for district elective office for the 2017-2018 program year have been announced by the District Leadership Committee (DLC), which began interviewing candidates February 4. The offices will be decided April 22, during the District Council Business Meeting at the Spring Conference in Miami.


District Director: Chim Francisco Program Quality Director: Lydia Harris, Michael Thorn Club Growth Director: Leonardo Burrows, David Esposito Division Directors Division A: Maurice Fuller Division B: Shakira Taylor Division C: Yulimar Quintero-Trumbo Division D: Kathy Frazier Division E: Sandra Jackson Division F: Andre Kelly Division I: Ivan Thompson Photos and biographies of the candidates are in the Leadership Committee Nominating Report at the district website.

Features 9

Tribute: Damien Miller, DTM Pathways Update Online Presenters Club

10 11

Lifetime Achievements to Be Honored

News Club News


Speech Contests

15 20

TLI Roundup

Education Achievements January




Distinguished Toastmasters


DON’T MISS OUT! Subscribe to The Sunshiner and other district news.

Applications are still being accepted for the appointed roles, including area directors, public relations manager, finance manager and administration manager. You may download the application materials at the website, or nominate someone else by emailing to nominations@toastmastersd47.org.

Toastmasters has been making better leaders for decades, and District 47 has more than a few members who've devoted their lives to the cause of communication and leadership. We want to honor them with the District 47 Lifetime Achievement Award, recognizing our most dedicated Toastmasters. If you know someone in your club or in the district who has made substantial contibutions to our organization, submit their name by April 1. Tell us their home club name, how long they've been in Toastmasters and what offices they've held at the club, division and district level. Then write a brief explanation of why you believe this Toastmaster deserves a Lifetime Achievement Award. Awards will be announced at the Spring Conference, April 22-23. Send nominations to District Director Lynda Hammond, DTM, at lhammond@toastmastersd47.org.

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