Executive Team:
Immed iate Past District Director:
Lynda Hammond, DTM
Finance Manager: Lois Margolin, DTM
Administrative Manager: Rita Pinder
Public Relations Manager: Barry Doctor, DTM
Division A:
Division A Director: Maurice Fuller, DTM
Area 10 Director: Wayne Dawson
Area 11 Director: James Day
Area 12 Director: Victoria Achamizo
Area 13 Director: Veronica Crawford
Division B:
Division B Director: Shakira Taylor, DTM
Area 20 Director: Roosevelt Jean-Francois
Area 21 Director: Bruce Pockey
Area 22 Director: Kenny Davin
Area 23 Director: Shelly Mannan
Division C:
Division C Director: Yulimar Trumbo, DTM
Area 30 Director: Judy Joffe
Area 31 Director: Sarah Bruno
Area 32 Director: Michelle LeWay
Area 33 Director: Austen Canonica
Division D:
Division D Director: Kathy Frazier
Area 40 Director: Maritza Coscarelli
Area 41 Director: Patricia Stevenson
Area 42 Director: Dan Tominovich
Area 43 Director: Frederick Rickmers
Division E:
Division E Director: Sandra Jackson
Area 50 Director: Paul Finkelstein
Area 51 Director: Michael Marich
Area 52 Director: Nadia Usher
Area 53 Director: Gregory Diaz
Area 54 Director: Brenda Ellis
Area 55 Director: Lakeesha Morris
Division F:
Division F Director: Andre Kelly, DTM
Area 60 Director: Lynette Bowleg
Area 61 Director: Garth Jackson
Area 62 Director: Ruthlin Hanna
Division I:
Division I Director: Ivan Thompson, DTM
Area 90 Director: Chervez Brown
Area 91 Director: Tia-Maria Albury
Area 92 Director: Kendra Munroe
D47 - Publications Team:
Jim Saturday
Douglas Shachnow
D47 – Webmaster: Shana Jerman
D47 - Web Support Team:
Jacob Friesen
David Paltanavich
Antoine Rolle
D47 - Social Media Chair: Michelle Balaun
D47 - Logistics Support Team:
Geena Baldi
Patrick Lherisson
D47 - Advisory Council:
Steven Harwood
Kristina Kihlberg
Ed Lamont
D47 – Parliamentarian: Andrew Bern
D47 - Realignment Chair: David Jess
D47 - Audit Committee Chair: Nam Nguyen
D47 - Audit Committee:
Esperenza Mead
Shonell Pinder
Joset Simms
Deborah Young
D47 - Audio- Visual Chair: Jose Alvarado
D47 - Club Coach Chair: Sheree Thomas
D47 - Club Extension Chair: Karen Lake
D47 - Community Outreach Chair: Barbara Strasdas
D47 – Fall Conference Chair: Madhu Akella
D47 – Spring Conference Chair: Jose Alvarado
D47 - Credentials Chair: Samantha O'Neil
D47 - District Leadership Comm. Chair: Francis Molina
D47 - DTM Chair: E. Anita Newman
D47 - Special Projects Chair: Michael Thorn
D47 - Speech Contest Chair: Vanessa Scott
D47 - TLI Chair (FL): David Esposito
D47 - TLI Chair (Bahamas): Tiffany Burrell-Roberts
D47 – Pathways Chief Ambassador: Ana Rezende
Fellow Toastmasters in District 47 ,
Welcome to your district conference “Fiesta!” This is a great opportunity to meet and greet with fellow Toastmasters from throughout the district, to develop new friends and refresh existing ones.
This weekend, I encourage you to take the opportunity to use the skills that have empowered you to develop future leaders.
You are fortunate enough to come together with fellow Toastmasters in your district and celebrate each other’s successes. Now is the best time to start thinking about your district’s long -term goals and selecting the best candidates ava ilable for district officer positions for the year ahead.
Use this conference also to help you identify and cultivate the next group of leaders for your district.
Look for those golden nuggets of learning that you will gain from this conference. And don’t forget that when you return to your respective clubs, to share your experiences with members who could not attend. When they hear about your experiences, they will feel like they were a part of it as well.
As always, thank you for all you do.
I wish I could be with you this weekend to share in your Fiesta! Fiesta means more than just party. In Spanish, a fiesta is an event marked by festivities and celebration. We gather at our District Conferences for networking, business and celebration. Our founder, Dr. Ralph Smedley, said “… we learn best in moments of enjoyment.” Over my nearly 15 years of membership, I have experienced this personally. When meetings, whether at the club or district, are enjoyable, our members seem to get the most out of it. What are you doing to make your meetings enjoyable? I encourage you to learn all you can this weekend, and then take it back to your clubs, areas and divisions.
Most of all, I encourage you to focus on the mission – whether at the club or district level. Your mission is not to be Distinguished or better – that comes as a result of you working to achieve the mission. The club mission is focused on members learning communication and leadership skills, which fosters self-confidence. To do this, the District helps all clubs to achieve excellence and builds new clubs, so more people can have the Toastmasters experience. Don’t confuse your goals to achieve your mission with the results of being Distinguished or better.
Best Regards,
Matt Kinsey, DTM International Director, 2016-2018No, I do not speak Spanish, but with a theme like Fiesta for your District Conference, I believe the greeting is appropriate.
Congratulations on your achievements to date. You have had an eventful year, but you have survived, and are thriving. You have much to celebrate, and I encourage you to use this opportunity to do just that … celebrate each unique club; celebrate each unique member; celebrate each unique interaction at conference.
I recently heard a story about a young man who was given a task. So focused was he in getting the job done that he forgot the last set of instructions … to enjoy the journey! Many of us as Toastmasters have that same mindset: we are so focused on earning the designations that we miss the joy of learning together. In my experience, when we focus on the journey, on helping each other to be our best self, the goals will also be met.
I was privileged to visit your district earlier this year, and I am confident that your members are indeed enjoying the journey. Thank you for your kind hospitality.
I wish you a successful and enjoyable conference, and that you will all be motivated to finish the year strong.
Yours in Toastmasters
Essie M Gardner, DTM Region 8 AdvisorIt is time to FIESTA!!!! We are excited to welcome you to this year’s Spring Conference. If this is your first time at a Toastmasters Conference we promise that you will have a wonderful experience. I still remember my first conference in the Fall of 1999 in Cocoa Beach, Florida. It was a memorable experience. As you enjoy the festivities take time to network and meet other members just like you. This is your time to fellowship while learning and growing. This weekend we will celebrate as the theme Fiesta says: It’s Celebration time. We celebrate with you, our members, for always remaining positive when things are not always perfect, for staying the course when the storms come in. Toastmasters is an awesome organization that has built its legacy on its core values.
This weekend there will be education sessions for you to attend to learn more of this amazing journey you are on and you will meet 1995 World Champion of Public Speaking Mark Brown. You will have an opportunity to meet and speak with our candidates before the District Council meets to elect the upcoming District officers for the 2018/2019 Toastmasters Year.
This is an ever-changing program and Pathways is now on stream. The traditional education program has served Toastmasters for many years. However, much of the communication track hasn’t been updated since the 1970s. The Toastmasters Pathways learning experience is not a departure from the current program, because it builds on the established educational foundation. Pathways is a modernized learning experience suited to our changing global society. It offers you more benefits and more opportunities to learn, grow and meet personal and professional goals. You now have the opportunity to develop additional skills you can use, not just in your club, but at your job or in your community as well.
Oprah Winfrey said, “Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it.” I encourage you as you walk this Toastmasters journey to try and try at it. We will never be perfect at it. Design your own plan, don’t fall into someone else’s plan, the legacy you leave will be your own, so own it and be the best Toastmaster that you can be.
Enjoy the FIESTA.
Celebrating You.
Antionette Fox, DTM, PDG, PRA District 47 Director 2018What do you think of when you hear the word “Fiesta”? Most of us think about a celebration with family, friends, food, and fun. You have all of that here, this weekend!
We have so much to celebrate. Starting with our Hall of Fame that celebrates last year’s leaders for their efforts that gave us a phenomenal start for this year.
We also celebrate our current leadership teams for their contributions to make the District sponsored event experiences so memorable. The District Conference also serves as a welcome celebration for our incoming leaders. From your club officers to the elected District officers, we celebrate the beginning of a new year where they are inspired to learn, grow and assist you in achieving your goals.
As you can see, this Fiesta ultimately celebrates our commitment to you! Please enjoy the opportunities to explore Pathways, leadership options, advanced communication skills, tapas, cantina and more! Meet a World Champion of Public Speaking. Reunite with old friends and make new ones. Refresh an idea or goal with some new spice, then take it home to share with others.
But most of all, have fun. Because “If it isn’t fun, it isn’t Toastmasters!”
Lydia Harris, DTM Program Quality Director, 2017-2018It is an honor to welcome you to this year’s District 47 Spring Fiesta (Conference). I love to boast of the level of talent and diversity that exists in our district and feel privileged that I have the opportunity to serve. From the information I am privy to, this conference experience promises to be exciting, educational and most of all enjoyable.
I celebrate the achievements of our District and welcome the new clubs and new members who have been added to our District 47 family. While we are making steady progress toward building membership and achieving our goals, let us continue to push and strive for excellence.
This Toastmasters year has been filled with many triumphs and extraordinary twists and turns, but ultimately this year has yielded phenomenal results. I encourage you to utilize this occasion to cultivate new relationships and expand your network; embracing our organizations core values of Integrity, Respect, Service & Excellence.
I am confident once we remain unified in our pursuit to fulfil the toastmasters promise and maintain our clubs mission, we will see exponential growth. I entreat you to enjoy this occasion, make it memorable, then take your mind blowing encounter back to your respective clubs.
Leonardo C. Burrows DTM Club Growth Director, 2017-2018Another Spring, another renewal! I love this time of year. Everything is fresh and filled with promises and expectations of bright and beautiful rejuvenation!
It's hard to see the changes of season in our ever-sunny South Florida and Bahamas. It's the reason we are year-round tourist destinations for the rest of the world. At the tail end of summer last year, I had a devastating heart attack on a plane. Fortunately, I was deplaned in Dallas where my friend could take me in during the long recovery. I saw and experienced many things including the physical changes of the seasons. I saw the summer give way to the spectacular fall as the leaves displayed so many beautiful colors before they broke lose to make a bed for the cold, gray and brutal winter. Finally, spring came with its many hues of green and there was bright color again in the blossoms of trees and the flowers where the fall leaves had protected the seeds of spring. Hope was restored and I was finally able to come home. I found though, that my precious District 47 had endured difficult seasons of change as well. But just as this wonderful world has witnessed and survived so many painful seasons of challenges and change please remember that the spring is a time for healing and growing. We need only to open our windows to the renewing breeze of hope and beginning. We need only to open our hearts and heal.
Spring is here for us all!
Lynda Hammond, DTM Immediate Past District Director, 2017-2018¡Bienvenido a la fiesta! - Welcome to the Fiesta! On behalf of our Conference Team, Welcome to the District 47 2018 Spring Conference.
This celebration was created for you to enjoy a weekend of unity and funfiesta style. This international culture of celebration is colorful, enhanced with music, stories, merriment and of course, family. We work to bring you a conference that feels like “a family reunion” while celebrating the hard work and achievements of our family members.
This weekend, I invite you to explore all available activities, reconnect with people that you know, and enjoy opportunities to connect with other members of our Toastmasters family. This allows us to learn from each other, extend our personal networks and often, set new goals for our own professional development.
A special welcome to our First Timers! We especially want your experience to be enjoyable, valuable and inspiring. I look forward to greeting you all during the weekend festivities.
And to all of my returning friends, I am so happy that you chose to spend this weekend with our family. I can’t wait to share more wonderful experiences with you. Let’s Fiesta!
Jose Alvarado 2018 Spring Conference ChairOffice of the Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition
My Fellow Toastmasters:
Congratulations on another successful year!
As you embark on election of officers for the new year, I take this moment to applaud you and the work you have done, and continue to do, in your quest to develop better leaders and communicators.
As a member of this awesome program, I can attest to the personal growth, self -confidence and communication skills I have seen manifested in so many.
Apart from that, the wealth of resources on public speaking, listening skills, meeting protocol, the use of technology in presentations, and effective communication in conferences and meetings continually underpin my daily routine.
I cannot remain reticent to District 47 and hereby convey best wishes to Division F and Division I and the entire District 47. It is my hope that your Spring Conference is a mammoth success and that the 2018 -2019 team continues to achieve and build upon the foundation laid.
Once again, I add my CONGRATULATIONS!
Yours in Service
Hon. Philip E. “Brave” Davis, Q.C., M.P. Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal OppositionIt's my joy and privilege to join you as you celebrate your FIESTA at your 2018 District conference in Fort Lauderdale. Undoubtedly, it will be a time of laughter and learning as you share food, fellowship and FUN!
District conferences are wonderful opportunities for each delegate to derive additional benefit from their Toastmasters membership. The District conference offers the opportunity to get an insider's look at the business of the district, while reconnecting with old friends, and forging new friendships. The educational experiences are quite unlike those which one experiences at club meetings, and it's a chance to connect with some very experienced speakers and leaders, to draw deeply from the well of their experience. For first-time attendees, the experience can be a bit overwhelming. None the less, there are precious few similar opportunities to attend educational sessions, witness or participate in District level speech contests, recognize and acknowledge achievements, learn about the developments of the Toastmasters program, and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow Toastmasters.
For me it is an honor to participate in these events, and even though I have been blessed to attend conferences on five continents, I am thrilled to attend yours. Let's encourage each other, celebrate each other, and inspire each other, all while enjoying the FIESTA!"
(Antionette, Leonardo & Lydia)
"Your Trio"
Have you recently joined Toastmasters?
Did you receive your Competent Communication manual, read it, and feel intimidated?
Have you given a speech, maybe a few, and feel like you’ve run out of things to say?
Congratulations! You’re normal. Welcome to Toastmasters! Many of us have gone through the same thing.
In this interactive workshop, you will learn how to come up with speech topics.
If you find yourself saying:
• I don’t know what to talk about;
• I’m out of ideas;
• No one will be interested in what I have to say;
• I can’t finish my Competent Communication Manual;
• My life is boring.
Then this is the session for you.
• Enough topics to complete your Competent Communication manual
• Methods for generating speech ideas
• A process for using your Competent Communication manual as a development tool
John Schneyer, DTM, is a continuous improvement consultant. Since 1993, John has helped companies in Germany, England and the United States become more effective.
John joined Toastmasters in 2009 and became a Distinguished Toastmaster 2 years later.
John has completed 23 Competent Communication manuals and given presentations in Europe and the United States. John understands how challenging it can be to come up with speech topics and has developed methods to help.
Toastmaster Stephanie L. Foster , ACS, is an accomplished leader with more than twenty-five years of military service Leveraging her expertise in personal leadership , this entrepreneur also serves as a leadership strategist who guides clients to dominance in their chosen fields.
A practitioner and scholar of personal leadership, Toastmaster Foster respects the transformational power of aligned words, intentionality, and consistent decisive action. Bold, relentless, and compassionate, her life reflects two of her life principles: “Do something about it!” and “Success is intentional!”
Success is a common goal . Every day, numerous voices are vying for our attention, claiming their success strategies to be superior. Experts talk, we buy, and success often remains elusive. Why? Because there’s a disconnect between our talk (intentions) and our walk (daily actions). Importantly, our daily actions form paths leading to predictable desti nations. In this dynamic session, you’ll receive a tailorable action plan connecting intentions, daily actions, a nd basic Toastmaster skills. Consistent execution of this action plan will transform you! Leverage your Toastmaster skills and personal strengths to become the best person and leader you aspire to be. You can do it…after all, you’re a Toastmaster!
Workshop Takeaways and Near-term Outcomes:
✓ Tailorable actio n plan to align your daily actions with desired goals
✓ Safe place to share your experiences
✓ Support of others engaged in same journey
✓ Self-reflection and acknowledgment of where your current actions are taking you
✓ Experience of being seen, heard, and valued for your decision to achieve more
Direction - not intention - determines our destination.
- Andy StanleyUse this space to capture your thoughts about the paths you're on.
“The Message Is The Messenger”
Are you creating the right message?
This workshop examines your image as a speaker and the signals that can immediately sabotage your message.
Find out the importance of the “Threshold” effect.
Is your title and introduction tied into your message? Your non-verbal message speaks volumes and can distract from your presentation.
As a messenger are you able to connect with your audience?
What will you take away from this workshop?
A stronger sense of confidence and credibility. You will gain techniques to empower your message, your interaction with your audience and your ability to handle difficult situations
Carolyn Kerner Stein has been a member of the North Miami Beach Toastmasters Club since 1983. She served as club president, an area governor and several club officer positions. She has presented workshops at the Toastmaster International conferences. Carolyn is a published author and professional development coach. Her inter-active high energy keynotes and workshops have been presented to corporations and association throughout the United States, Canada, Southeast Asia, India, China and New Zealand. Originally from Michigan, Carolyn moved to Florida in 1983 because She said, “you don’t have to shovel the sun” Carolyn is an world traveler and has circled the globe twice.
Ana Rezende holds a bachelor’s degree in hotel management and hospitality from her home country, Brazil. She has been working for Carnival Cruise Line since 2004, initially assigned different roles onboard the cruise ships before transferring to a land based position in October 2012. Ana is also a certified Project Manager (PMP)
Ana joined Toastmasters in February 2013 and is so appreciative of all the benefits it brought her in both communication and leadership that she now embraces every opportunity she has to pay it forward. In addition to her multiple terms as club officer, Ana’s previous Toastmasters leadership roles include Area Director, Division Director, Club Sponsor, Mentor and Coach. Ana is currently Pathways Chief Ambassador for District 47. Two time DTM Ana is already working on her 3rd one and looking forward to achieving it through the Pathways system.
This session will take a deeper look into each available path, identifying differences and similarities to help you better understand your options to choose the path that works best for you.
Linda Chapman ACG, ALB, joined Toastmasters on August 1, 2016. She completed her CC in 10 weeks and is currently VP, Public Relations at The Palm Beach Toastmasters Club. She recently founded #ClerkSpeakSquad at her workplace and is their Charter President.
Linda is Supervisor of Operations Systems and Training for the Clerk & Comptroller for Palm Beach County where she manages a team of 6 business analysts and 5 trainers and is responsible for training 400 Operations employees. Previously, Linda worked as an IT Systems Analyst for the Clerk and for the University of the West Indies and as Senior IT Consultant at Ernst & Young. She hails from the beautiful island of Barbados but made Florida her home in 1999.
Linda holds a Bachelors Degree in Computer Science, a Masters in Management Information Systems and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership ABD. She is a certified Project Manager and holds the PMP certification from the Project Management Institute.
Her favorite quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson is “Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel.” Linda fancies herself as a great wordsmith and this quote underpins Linda goal as a toastmaster, to elevate her speaking techniques, both off the cuff and sans notes.
Now as the Pathways Guide Coordinator for District 47, Linda also serves as a Pathways Guide and Ambassador for 4 clubs.
A big challenge for the introduction of Pathways is managing member expectations. As Appointed Special Counsel (panel moderator), I will level “mock charges” at the defendants (panelists) investigating the charge that they are attempting to disrupt Toastmasters by introducing Pathways here in District 47. In this way, we deal with the common charges (concerns) people have about Pathways head on. We get to “debunk” all the “fake news” about meetings being eliminated and completely changed. We address the idea that the value of speeches declines as we move to Pathways. That moving online will get rid of the advanced toastmasters etc.
24-27, 2019
The Florida Storytelling Festival in Mount Dora, Florida, is a premier storytelling event, known nationally for its unique combination of workshops, concerts, youthful voices and sense of community. People come from across the state of Florida and beyond to explore and savor the art of storytelling
Connect with 18 storytelling groups around Florida.
Inside Story Magazine
Calendar of Florida Events
FSA Blog
Jeanine Kinsey Webmaster & District Leadership Committee Char
Francis Molina Credentials Chair
Michael Schoen Parliamentarian
David Jess Realignment Chair
Lydia Harris Chief Pathways Ambassador
Andrew Bern DTM Chair & Sponsorship Committee
E. Anita Newman Educational Awards Manager
Deborah Young TLI Manager - Bahamas
Madhusudan Akella TLI Manager - US
John Schneyer Lead Photographer
Beverly Cordner Club Retention Chair
Phyllis May Compassionate Communicator
Launa Carbonell Speaker Bureau Manager
Lisa Sanchez Contest Manager
Brandon Kinsey Sound Engineer
Curtis Bryan Club Extension Chair - Bahamas
Sheree Thomas Club Extension Chair - Northern Florida
Claudia Pravia Club Extension Chair - Southern Florida
Martha Dresher Audit Committee Chair
Gregory Henry Sponsorship Committee Chair & Audit Committee
Dilcia Morales Audit Committee
David Carr Sponsorship Committee
Jose Alvarado Sponsorship Committee
Kate McClare Sponsorship Committee
Lori Vinikoor Sponsorship Committee
Lois Margolin Sponsorship Committee
Kristina Kihlberg Statistician
Michelle Balaun Media Manager - US
David Esposito Community Outreach Chair
Austen Canonica Volunteer Coordinator
Note to Voting DEC Members, Club Presidents, VPEs & Proxyholders: Ballots are available for pick-up until 1:30
- Continued) WiFi: Sheraton Conference Code: Sheraton521
I don't know what to talk about!
John Schneyer
Saturday Workshops
Storysailing… For Speakers Say it Positively!
Dave Bricker Zeynep Talu-Balci
Facilitator: Ernesto Gongora Facilitator: Zeynep Talu-Balci Facilitator: Dave Bricker
Pages 18-19
Pages 36-37
Pages 46-47
Walking the Talk of Personal Success Tacos, Toasties and TED….oh, my!
Stephanie Foster
Taking this party to the streets
Jim Barber LaKeesha Morris
Facilitator: Rick Rickmers Facilitator: Jeanine Kinsey
Facilitator: Kendra Munroe
Pages 20-21
Pages 38-39
Pages 48-49 8:00-8:40
The Message Is The Messenger
Carolyn Stein
Celebrating a Fiesta Fearlessly Mastering the Language of People
Berta Medina-Garcia
Facilitator: Karen Lake Facilitator: Elizabeth George
Valerie Johnson
Facilitator: Da'Nevia Bethel
Pages 22-23
Pages 40-41
Pages 50-51 8:00-8:40 AM
Where will your Path take you?
Ana Rezende
Facilitator: Linda Chapman
Pages 24-25
Pathways on Trial
Linda Chapman and Panel
Facilitator: Ana Rezende
Pages 24-25
Sunday Workshop
- 11:00 AM
Celebrating Opportunity: A Guide to D47 Leadership
Garth Jackson
Facilitator: Maryann Warren
Page 52
Mark Brown: "Your Life, Your Story, Your Message"
Congratulations: Club V.O.I.C.E. #3278, Area 21, Division B, and District 47 for Accomplishments from your leadership and membership 2017-2018
Area 20- Roosevelt Jean-Francois : Select Distinguished Area 21- Bruce Pockey : President Distinguished Club Voice: Distinguished on its way to Presidential by the end of this fiscal year (by June 30, 2018)
Club Voice meets each Wednesday between 11:45 am and 1:15 pm at the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) 3400 West Commercial Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309. Come join us and have some FUN!
Inspired by true tales of adventure, Dave Bricker spent fifteen years living afloat. He logged thousands of solo sailing miles and an Atlantic crossing in search of stories.
A member of ToastMasters and the National Speakers Association, Dave is an MFA graphic and web designer, an award-winning author of eight books, and a coach and consultant who “helps remarkable people tell remarkable stories.”
His creative disciplines flow together under the umbrella of storytelling—the mechanism through which we create meaning from the mundane. (And he’s a pretty good jazz guitarist, too.)
Dave Bricker’s StorySailing™ approach to speaking, writing, design, publishing, and business will change the way you connect and engage with customers, colleagues, and life.
I use (my magic) to help (these audiences or customers) produce (these meaningful outcomes)
Jim Barber is a two-decades-plus member of Toastmasters, a past president of the Florida Speakers Association, and has spoken professionally in seven countries. Two years ago, Jim gave the closing TED Talk at the 2016 West Broward High TEDx Event.
Jim is a speech coach, entrepreneurial consultant, and the owner of the Speaker Promo online marketing service. You can find out more about Jim at his website, The Barber Shop (thebarbershop.com).
In this session, Jim Barber will examine the TED phenomenon, explore the key differences between a Toastmasters speech and a TED Talk, and investigate how you can expand your horizons by giving a TED Talk.
* Sorry, for promotional purposes only. No tacos will be served at this session.
Berta Medina-Garcia has been a Toastmaster for nearly two years and is currently an Advanced Bronze Communicator. She is a rare breed of speaker and coach – by infusing “classic” coaching with a healthy dose of discovery and adventure with her specialized trademark “comfort zone coaching”, she’s revolutionized the path to growth and change for individuals and team members of great organizations at the forefront of making a positive impact on this world. After years of building, operating and growing her own successful business, she’s taken her experience and love for philanthropy to travel to Africa on a harrowing climb to Mt. Kilimanjaro’s peak as part of a mission trip to change the world for Maasai children.
Berta is a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation, a certified Go-Giver Speaker, author and founder/director of the Dreamers Succeed Series of keynotes, workshops, seminars and retreats which help audiences realize their goals, find new paths to fulfillment, and motivate those who need a little push to change their view of life for the better.
She has been married to her husband Jorge for 30 years, has two amazing children, Jacelyne 29, Jorge Jr. 27 and one adventurous Granddaughter, Khloe who is 6. She enjoys hiking, mountain climbing, skydiving, hang gliding, reading, writing and spending time adventuring with her granddaughter Khloe.
Do you remember your Ice Breaker? What role did fear play in any hesitation with scheduling it or delivering it? What role is it playing in your life today - not only as a Toastmaster but in general? If you feel that you would like to find a way to identify, face and overcome your fears, do not miss this presentation.
In her presentation “Celebrating a Fiesta Fearlessly”, Berta will highlighting:
• The importance of clarity in your Toastmaster goals
• Uncovering how fear is standing in the way of you moving forward to achieve your Toastmasters goals
• Finding the confidence necessary to face any obstacles standing in the way of your message
• Understanding that fear is nothing more than an illusion so that you can overcome any limitations caused by fear
• Overcoming trepidation to serve your audience authentically and bring your message to the world
We meet Tuesday Nights, 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Jim Ward Community Center 301 NW 46th Avenue Plantation, FL 33317
We use language every single day. Language creates the programming of the mind. Even if we are speaking only to ourselves. We speak, we tell stories, to inform, to influence, to inspire. So what could be more important than using language to get the results you want? This is a lenghty and deep conversation. But we can simplify it. Simply by getting into the habit of using positive language, focusing on what we do want, we can increase levels of self esteem, both in ourselves, and our audiences. By the same token, we can learn to establish and maintain rapport with our subconscious minds.
P.S. See if you can not see the blue giraffe.
You will walk out of this session with an increased consciousness of language patterns in creating the outcomes you want from your audiences, friends, family, colleagues and, most importantly, yourself.
Before falling in love with real estate, Zeynep spent several years studying the human mind and subconscious. After completing the NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner courses, she trained to the level of trainer in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). Even if her use of NLP patterns is limited mostly to her girl/boy twins, Zeynep loves the linguistics part of NLP.
LaKeesha joined Toastmasters in 2010 and is an active member of the Cutler Bay Club. Her first officer position was as Club Secretary (201112), and she was honored that same year with the “Toastmaster of the Year” award at the club level. Since this time, she has served in every club officer role.
LaKeesha was the 2013-14 Area Director leading Area 55 to a “Select Distinguished” title and the 2014-15 Division E Coaching Chair. She was honored to be the Division E “Toastmaster of the Year” for 2014-15. This year she returns as the Area 55 Director, and the Secretary for the Cutler Bay Club.
Workshop 4
LaKeesha joined Toastmasters during a time when she was experiencing one of life’s many periods of transition. She shares her story willingly and believes that “Toastmasters gives you the skills to lead and communicate in a way that allows people to see talents in you that sometimes you don’t even see in yourself”. It is this feeling that LaKeesha hopes to share with youth and members of the community.
During the “Taking this Party to the Streets” workshop, attendees will learn about the various ways that Toastmasters allows members to share the gift of effective communication and leadership with the world! We will explore the Youth Leadership Program, Speechcraft, and Gavel Clubs. Whether you are experienced in implementing these programs, or looking for something new to accomplish through Toastmasters, attendees will discuss strategies of success. Finally, we will share how taking this party to the streets will benefit your club and your individual educational goals.
(Source: www.toastmasters.org)
The Speechcraft program allows experienced Toastmasters to present the fundamentals of public speaking to non-members. It can be offered as an integral part of your club meeting or as a seminar-style program presented outside the club. It can be conducted in four, six or eight sessions.
The Youth Leadership Program is a workshop consisting of eight one- to two-hour sessions that enable participants to develop communication and leadership skills through practical experience. The program is presented during or after school, or on weekends. Participants learn to:
• Evaluate present speaking ability
• Organize and give speeches
• Give impromptu talks
• Control voice, vocabulary and gestures
• Give constructive feedback and more
A local Toastmasters club serves as sponsor and provides a coordinator to present the program. The individual coordinator attends each meeting, where he or she will lead most of the presentations and counsel participants. The coordinator assigns an assistant who can fill in for the coordinator should he or she be unable to attend a meeting. Meetings generally follow a format similar to that of a Toastmasters club meeting, including an announced agenda, practice in parliamentary procedure, and the selection of presiding officers.
Gavel clubs are a way of providing the Toastmasters experience to groups who may be ineligible for regular membership due to age, or other circumstances. Following similar Toastmasters club meeting protocols, Gavel clubs use club officer titles and education manuals. However, gavel club members are referred to as “gaveliers”. Gavel clubs also provide Toastmasters members and clubs with an excellent opportunity for community service.
To form a Gavel club, a group must meet one of the following requirements:
• Must not be eligible to charter as a regular Toastmasters club
• Must include members who are under 18
To start a Gavel club, all groups must adhere to the following:
• Must have the approval or endorsement of its host institution
• Must use the program, procedures, materials and services of Toastmasters International
• Must apply to Toastmasters International for a Certificate of Affiliation
For more information about Gavel clubs, contact newclubs@toastmasters.org.
Valerie Johnson, DTM - “Mastering the Language of People”
Whether you are attending this session for Sales or Relationships, is immaterial. Both are exactly the same. Both involve COMMUNICATION SKILLS, CONNECTING. John Maxwell famously said, “To be successful, you have to learn to really communicate with people.” Yes, to be successful in business, or in life, you really do need to communicate with people in a way that you connect with them and they receive your message.
Selling is about leading, it is about moving people into action. You may not realize it, but, you are constantly selling, whether you are selling yourself, a product or a service.
If you sell from honesty, integrity and compassion, you are providing a service to those you connect with.
Tony Robbins teaches “Let your Prospect determine your presentation.” You could easily substitute, Spouse, Child, Friend – just about anyone else, for ‘Prospect’ and that would be true.
In order to really connect with the other person, you must understand them, understand what makes them tick, what turns them off, and craft your communication in tune with their personality values, not yours.
Around 400 BC, Hippocrates recognized the 4 Temperaments and realized that he needed to communicate differently with each. Since then, personality science has evolved. However, always recognizing 4 distinct personality codes. Each code reacts differently from the others. For you to communicate effectively, you need to de-code the ‘other person’ and speak with them in their language, the language they understand, their code By speaking ‘your language’ you are connecting with only approximately 25% of the people you interact with; those with your personality code
A BLUEPRINT PERSONALITY thinks ____ _______ the box.
They need ________, ______________________ and .
They value __________________, _____ __________ and always follow the ________ ______.
Your presentation should be ______________, and within their ________________.
When planning dates or events, plan _____ ____________ and avoid ____________________.
A Blueprint child needs to keep a ________________________ and have clear _______ ______.
A Blueprint Personality I know: _______________________ .
An ACTION PERSONALITY is completely different. They think _____ _____ the box.
They look for _____, ___ __ and love .
They value ____________ , and ________________________.
Sell the _____ _________, get to the _____ ________ _______and skip the _______
Plan dates and events that are and involve _____.
Encourage an Action child to participate in ___ ______________ and allow them _____________.
An Action Personality I know: _____________________ .
They value _________________, ________________ and ____________________
Show you value them by to them. It’s OK to get _______ in public.
Your presentation should be ___________ and maintain _______ __________ ___.
Be sure to tell them __ __ ______ __ _____ at least once a day.
Always speak to a Nurturing child with a , _________ voice.
A Nurturing Personality I know: ____________________
They value _________ ____, _____ and ____ .
Present ______________________, full of ____________________ Provide __________________.
Plan event that are . Spend 1 on 1 time with a Knowledge child discussing their & _.
Provide many - activities.
A Knowledge Personality I know: __________________________ .
Please accept my invitation to crack your personality/communication code in 90 seconds or less Go to http://www.MyBankCode.com/EASY You'll be amazed at what you'll learn about yourself and those around you...all from this simple little exercise. Once you crack your code, you will receive your deciphered BANK Code personality traits, sent directly to you. – My gift to District-47 Toastmasters.
If you are interested in learning more, contact me at:
Valerie P Johnson, DTM Valerie@ValeriePJohnson.com772-475-8545
Garth Jackson is a graduate of the University of the Bahamas, studying Biology while minoring in Chemistry. He is actively serving at the University of the Bahamas in the School of Chemistry and Environmental Life Sciences as a Laboratory Technician. While Garth has a passion for biology, he also has passion for public speaking. He has participated in numerous speech competitions in high school and college. He would eventually find himself involved in Luminaries Toastmasters club at the University. His passion for the club has allowed him to serve in the office of Sargent at Arms, Vice President of Membership, Vice President of Public Relations (two terms) and Area Director. He has been an active member for five years, joining in 2012. He has also represented the club at numerous area and division level speech competitions.
Not only does he use the tools learned in the program at meeting, but also in his personal life. The public speaking skills learned has made way for him to participate in the Bahamas’ National Youth Parliament in 2012 and 2016. Garth had also represented the Bahamas at the Bahamas, Caribbean, America and Atlantic Region at the 41st Regional Conference of the C.P.A as a parliamentarian. His talents also extend as far as the classroom. Garth plays dual roles as an experiential and teaching intern with the Lyford Cay’s Foundation FOCUS programme. The program provides mentorship and tutoring for students from grades 5-12 with hopes of having a greater chance of accessing tertiary education.
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Continue your journey of personal and professional development through Pathways, Toastmasters’ new education program! As the foundation of your Toastmasters experience, Pathways is designed to help you build the competencies you need to communicate and lead.