District 47 News and Events
Taking Your Talents to New Heights Cover 201 3 International Convention 1 2 Fall Conference Preview 17 Sharing the Toastmasters Gift 19
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Using their superpowered registration talents at the Division A Evaluation and Humorous Speech Contests, from left: Michelle Washington, Yvonne Chuck Shing,
10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 23
Paulette Harris and Joset Simms.
(Photo by Paul Bonasia)
Taking Your Talents to New Heights By Kate McClare, ACB/CL Editor, The Sunshiner
Toastmaster Tales Page 1 5
This month’s issue of The Sunshiner is dedicated to members who’ve found professional and personal success because of their participation in the Toastmasters program. In our theme feature, you’ll find several personal stories from people who were eager to tell us how the program has helped them to grow on the job and in life, including some who literally found their voice at Toastmasters. But think about it: Couldn’t every article in this newsletter — every article in every issue — be about that very thing?
Visit From the Division A and Division E winners of the Evaluation and Humorous and click Resources for Members Speech Contests to Kendrick Knowles’ insightful account of his performance on the homepage — or click here: at the 201 3 International Convention, this issue is all about taking talents to the next level — or finding talents you may not even know you have. Get ready to be inspired. I know I was!