D47 Sunshiner - November 2014

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THE SUNSHINER Newsletter Title Organization Name

News from Southeast Florida and The Bahamas Volume 1, Issue 1

Newsletter Date

N ove m b e r : A t i m e f o r T h a n k s g i v i n g

B 2014-2015

roadway. WOW! What a production! A huge THANK YOU is extended to you, members and friends for making our Fall Conference a great success. What an awesome event! The Evaluation and Humorous Speech Contests were the highlights of the conference. The speeches were phenomenal and the competition fierce. We are all proud of our contestants who proudly represented their Divisions. Congratulations to our contest winners!

District 47

We were thrilled to have the 2005 World Champion of Public Speaking Lance Miller, DTM as our special guest. His three presentations were life changing!


Club anniversaries

I had the pleasure of meeting many of you as “First Timers” and was pleased to witness your enthusiasm and feel your excitement. We all had a great time! We truly appreciate your support and we hope to see you back next spring. Thank you to all functionaries and kudos to our amazing Conference Chair, Diana Loy, DTM and our dedicated planning teams. Tune in to the District-47 Facebook page to view photos of all the stars, by our award paparazzi team led by District

Division Contests and Fall Conference, Pages 15-18

District Highlights

TLI season is here! Lt. Governor Education and Training Jeanine Kinsey announces the new TLI schedule and training incentives for clubs. Page 4

Lt. Governor Marketing Meet Louis “Lou” Brown, DTM, Pages 6-7

Now you know Meet Aimee Lucas, Area 42 Governor, and learn about her experience in Toastmasters International. Page 10

Learn about Meetup Public Relations Officer Marlene Bryan gives tips on how social marketing can help your club. Page 12

PRO, Marlene Bryan, DTM. Attending District Conferences provides you with the opportunity to meet your District leaders and fellow Toastmasters from other divisions. If you missed our Fall Conference, make plans to attend our Spring Conference, April 24 - 26, 2015 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida under the theme ‘Diamonds Are Forever’. At this conference, we will commemorate the 60th anniversary of District 47. Our Dynamic Spring Conference Chair Lydia Harris, DTM, and her committee including Diamond Jubilee Chair, Hieu Huynh, DTM, are already hard at work knitting together plans for what will be the party of a lifetime. You don’t want to miss it! So what’s next? Beginning December 2014, the District will hold a series of Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) training events for all club officers and members in a location near you. These sessions, which are mandatory for club officers, are designed for all members. Here you can learn something new, share your successes and challenges, then socialize and network with other members. Use the TLIs as opportunities to reflect on the first six months, get ideas for a successful second half of the year, and discuss what went well and what could be improved upon. Remember the commitment you made to your club as an officer or the goals you established for yourself when you joined Toastmasters. Chances are you’ll find the Continued on Page 2

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