Lydia Harris is a member and past Vice President of Public Relations for the Sawgrass Club. DTM Harris is currently President of Beacon Point Advanced Toastmasters Club http://beaconpoint.toastmastersclubs.org where Dr. Soff has visited since earning his Competent Communicator award to hone his comedic skills.
Published by Toastmasters International District 47, Southeast Florida and The Islands of The Bahamas. Submit articles, questions and comments to sunshiner@toastmastersd47.org.
District Governor
Francis Molina, DTM
Lt. Governor Education and Training
Anthony "Tony" Longley, DTM
Lt. Governor Marketing
Damien Miller, DTM
District Public Relations Officer
Douglas Shachnow, ACG/ALB
District Secretary
Gary Sharp, ATMG/ALB
District Treasurer
Greg Henry, DTM
District Sergeant At Arms
Thomas Plant, ACB/ALB
Immediate Past District Governor Matt Kinsey, DTM
Division A: Marlene Bryan, DTM
Division B: Johnny Segarra, ACB/ALB
Division C: Chim Francisco, DTM
Division D: Patricia Vallejo, ACB/ALB
Division E: John Lazar, DTM
Division F: Jason Springer, DTM
Division I: Curtis Bryan, DTM
TLI Training Coordinator: Antionette Fox, DTM
Contest Coordinator: Shantelle Moxie, DTM
Spring Conference Chair: Phyllis May, DTM
Webmaster: David Clarke, DTM
Parliamentarian: Michael Schoen, CTM/ALS
Social Media Chair: Ruth Field Beck, ACB/CL
Sunshiner Editor: Kate McClare, ACB/ALB
Look for more district roles to be filled in the future.
Copy Editor/Proofreader: Lisa Dunham Owers
Welcome to the FUN edition of The Sunshiner! Yes, we can also have fun while participating in the Toastmasters program. While the program is structured, precise and formal, members who have fun stay more engaged and are more likely to progress.
Toastmasters International values the use of humor and supports having fun at our meetings, contests and conferences. Without fun, meetings will be very rigid and members will not feel welcome to make mistakes and learn from failures.
When was the last time you participated in a fun theme meeting? Many of our clubs in District 47 dedicate meetings for the purpose of having fun. As long as the meeting is well prepared, remains organized and encourages a learning environment, do not hesitate to use FUN in your meetings and club events.
are not able to attend, please send a representative from your club using a proxy.
Being a Toastmaster has invaluable benefits! Continue to support each other while developing together and, while you are at it, in the words of Past District 47 Governor Rick Furbush:
On the topic of FUN, are you ready for the 2014 Spring Conference? Our Table Topics and International Speech Contest season is already halfway completed. Winners from all over the district are moving along each contest level with anticipation of the District Conference. Register early!
In addition to our contests, the Spring Conference also showcases two other major Toastmaster events: the Communication and Leadership (C&L) Award and the District business meeting. You can learn more about our C & L honoree, Marcia Barry-Smith, in this issue. And if you are a club president or vice president education, you have the responsibility to attend the business meeting to help elect our incoming district leaders. If you
If it’s not FUN, it’s not Toastmasters!
Francis Molina has been a Toastmaster since 2005, when she joined her corporate club as charter club president. She has held all club officer positions in her home club and has served District 47 as an area governor (President's Distinguished Area Governor 2009-2010), a division governor (President's Distinguished Division Governor and Division Governor of the Year 2010-2011) and High Performance Leadership and Toastmasters Leadership Institute chair.
Contact Francis at fmolina@toastmastersd47.org.
Fellow Toastmasters, I am pleased to announce the winners of the Education & Training Incentive Campaign, which endedonDecember31,2013.
We were very encouraged by the response, particularly by our club leaders who took full advantage of the opportunity to earn additional resource material for their clubs.
Prizes will be given at the district business meeting during Spring Conference. Winning clubs are urged to have representatives present.
Congratulations to all those listed below, andthankyouforyoursupport!
Club CC Challenge: 4 CCs by November 30, 2013
Prize: Five Advanced Manuals
Div.A/Area 10: American Express Tech Talkers
Div. A/Area 13: Universal Toastmasters
Div. B/Area 23: Plantation Toastmasters
Div. C/Area 31: Boca Raton Noon Toastmasters
Div. C/Area 33: 1st U.S. Portuguese Toastmasters
Div. D/Area 43: The Palm Beach Toastmasters Club
Div. E/Area 51: Doral Toastmasters
Div. I/Area 90: First Bahamas Branch
Div. I/Area 91: Scotia Dynasty
Div. I/Area 91: Masters of Excellence
Club AC Challenge: 2 ACs by November 30
Prize: Two Mnuals from Better Speaker Series
Div. A/Area 11: Destino Toastmasters
Div. A/Area 12: Hollywood Toastmasters
Div. A/Area 13: Universal Toastmasters Club
Div. B/Area 21: Great For Lauderdale Toastmasters
Div. B/Area 24: West Broward Toastmasters
Div. C/Area 32: Office Depot Toastmasters
Div. C/Area 32: NCCI Toastmasters
Div. C/Area 32: Boca Raton Toastmasters
Div. C/Area 33: West Boca Toastmasters
Div. C/Area 33: 1st U.S. Portuguese Toastmasters
Div. E/Area 50: Voices of Champions
Div. E/Area 54: Miami Advanced Toastmasters
Div. F/Area 61: Cable Beach West
Div. F/Area 63: Great Persuaders
Div. F/Area 63: BPSU Majestic Marlins
Div. F/Area 90: First Bahamas Branch
Div. F/Area 90 - Destined for Success
Div. I/Area 91 - Scotia Dynasty
Div. I/Area 91: Masters of Excellence
Div. I/Area 93: Freeport Eagles
Club DCP Challenge: 5 DCP Points by November 30
Prize: Seven Advanced Manuals
Div. A/Area 10: Weston Area Toastmasters Club
Div. A/Area 10: American Express Tech Talkers
Div. A/Area 11: Destino Toastmasters Club
Div. A/Area 12: Hollywood Toastmasters
Div. B/Area 21: Great Fort Lauderdale Toastmasters
Div. B/Area 22: Proud Speakers
Div. B/Area 22: Early Bird Club
Div. B/Area 23: Plantation Toastmasters
Div. C/Area 30: Bill Gove Golden Gavel
Div. C/Area 32: Boca Raton Toastmasters
Div. C/Area 31: Boca Raton Noon Toastmasters
Div. C/Area 32: Office Depot
Div. C/Area 32: NCCI TMs
Div. D/Area 43: The Palm Beach TM Club
Div. D/Area 44: Freddy’s Forum TM Club
Div. E/Area 52: Brickell TM Club
Div. E/Area 52: Miami Beach TMs
Div. E/Area 53: Grove Gables
Div. F/Area 60: Healing Communicators
Div. F Area 60: Chickcharney
Div. F/Area 61: Cable Beach West
Div. F/Area 63: Great Persuaders of Atlantis
Div. F/Area 63: BPSU Majestic Marlins
Div. I/Area 90: Destined for Success
Div. I/Area 91: Masters of Excellence
Div. I/Area 92: Cable Revolutionaries
DCP Winners: Continued on Page 14
Damien Miller has been an avid member of Toastmasters clubs in Florida and The Bahamas since June 2002. He was a President’s Distinguished Area Governor for 2006 -2007 and chair of the 2012 Fall Conference, which successfully returned to The Bahamas under his direction and that of dedicated committee members from throughout the district.
Contact Damien at dmiller@toastmastersd47.org
Like most of you, I fill the roles of Toastmaster and general evaluator several times a year. Filling either of these roles typically requires your commenting on the various components of a meeting; it is especially important with visitors present, helping them understand what to expect when they join.
Meeting agendas always follow the same formula, but that’s no reason for you not to vary your monologues, explaining things a little differently every time you fill a particular role. Not only does the mental challenge keep you at the top of your Toastmaster game, but it helps guard against the perils of predictability, audience impatience, even boredom. You must never let this happen.
conditions for the loan
One example: As General Evaluator some weeks ago, I explained how similar our evaluations are to mortgage loan proposals (my previous career in mortgage investment banking). Loan packages for prospective investors always followed the same formula: (1) identification of the property’s value elements making it viable security for the owner’s requested loan, (2) identification of deficiencies for which a portion of loan proceeds might be held in escrow pending cure, and (3) a summary statement of recommendation and possible
Does all this sound familiar? That’s why I like to think of evaluations as appraisals. Little detours add interest to meetings. Don’t be afraid to experiment; you’ll find out soon how enjoyable meetings become when you vary the lyrics.
Douglas Shachnow joined West Boca Toastmasters in February 2010 and has served that club as its vice president public relations and vice president education. Douglas also has been an active member of Sensor Toast.
Contact him at dshachnow@toastmastersd47.org.
I presented a workshop on the topic of social media at a recent Toastmasters Leadership Institute. During the workshop, I asked for those members of our audience who use social media to tell us about the benefits of social media. I had expected bullet-point-type answers, in one or two words or a short sentence. Four or five people shared anecdotes to express the benefit they receive from social media.
The content of the anecdotes reinforced what is often said about social media. Each person who shared an anecdote spoke about how much they treasure their personal relationships. The speakers felt that social media enhanced their relationships, rather than detracted from them. This seemed to be felt most deeply by those who have family and friends across the country or across the world.
book, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, allow the posting of photos and videos. YouTube and Vimeo are designed for the posting of videos. Facebook, Twitter, You Tube and Vimeo have privacy options. Instagram and Pinterest may have privacy options as well. Skype can be used as a one-on-one call or a conference call. Use privacy and respect when posting photos and videos.
It has been said by many social media users, especially Facebook users, that social media reunites people who have been away from each other for a long time. Many social media users also say they use social media, including Skype, to stay in touch with family and friends. The workshop speakers all expressed the importance of visual communication in staying in touch with people they don’t often see in person. With Skype, calls are made while the users see each other. A wide variety of social media sites, including Face-
Facebook: www.facebook.com Keep members up to date on club, Division and district news
During this season of love and friendship, enjoy and maximize your networking experiences.
Ruth Field Beck joined Toastmasters in 2008 and is a member of Boca Raton Advanced Toastmasters. She has served as an officer in various capacities and was Area 30 Governor in 2012-13.
Contact Ruth at rbeck@toastmastersd47.org.
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com Network and share communication and leadership insights MeetUp: www.meetup.com Invite prospects to meetings, events
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com Post photos about meetings and events
Twitter: www.twitter.com
Instantly connect with members using short (140 characters) tweets
Vimeo: www.vimeo.com Post videos and meetings and events
YouTube: www.youttube.com Post videos of meetings and events
“If it isn’t fun, it isn’t Toastmasters
Rick Furbush, Past District 47 Governor
As a young child, I learned many facts and concepts through methods like rhyming and association. I learned how to count by saying, “One-two, buckle my shoe; three-four, shut the door; five-six, pick up sticks; seven-eight, shut the gate; nine-ten, the big red hen.” I learned how to spell the word “arithmetic” by remembering “a rat in the house may eat the ice cream.” I learned proper letter placement by repeating “i before e except after c or when sounding like a as in neighbor and weigh.” As a teenager I trained my fingers to learn every key on the typewriter (think 1980s) by repeatedly typing “the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.” Learning this way was fun and much easier than performing boring memorization exercises.
In Toastmasters, as adults we can continue to have fun and learn all at the same time. This is true even as we learn those facets of the program dealing with professionalism and protocols. For example, when you can’t remember which side of your chest to pin your name badge, on simply say, “To make sure it’s in sight, place the name badge on the right.” When you are the Toastmaster (or in any role in control) “make sure you start the clapping, to keep the crowd from napping.” To remember how to properly turn control over to the next speaker repeat “first shake hands with the speaker, then walk behind, it’s much sleeker.”
As we progress through the communication and leadership projects, fun can be an integral part of the journey. For example, have entertaining themed meetings such as a rhyming meeting, an Olympics meeting, or a backward
meeting. Speeches and table topics leveraging such themes will be even more entertaining. Have focused meetings dedicated to specific speaking engagements such as media communications –one speaker can be the host and the other can be the guest – or awards ceremonies – one speaker presents the award and the other receives it. Break up the usual schedule by dedicating one meeting a quarter to a social activity, such as celebrating member birthdays during that time. The possibilities are endless.
Even educational moments can be fun. I attended a judging workshop which incorporated an American Idol theme. I took part in an evaluation workshop which encouraged audience participation in two ways. First, audience members pieced together an effective evaluation through questions asked by the presenter. Second, attendees delivered key segments of the evaluation through a dramatic exercise - effectively letting out their inner actor.
Becoming an effective leader and communicator is essential to professional and personal success. Learning these important skills can be accomplished in entertaining and fun ways. Indeed, fun is FUNdamental! If it isn’t fun, it isn’t Toastmasters.
Once again, the District 47 training staff went all out to make sure members have top-quality officers leading their clubs. Six Toastmasters Leadership Institutes (TLIs) were held in January and February, from Stuart to The Bahamas. Broward County’s TLI was covered in January; here’s how the other five looked:
District Governor Francis Molina, DTM, has announced that Marcia Barry-Smith, “a fierce advocate against domestic violence and a voice for the voiceless," will be the keynote speaker for the 2014 Spring Conference.
The district also is recognizing Barry-Smith’s lifelong devotion to the disadvantaged by naming her the recipient of the Communication and Leadership Award, which she will receive at the conference.
“There are few persons better qualified or more deserving of one of this organization’s top honors,” Francis said. “Indeed, it would be difficult to locate anyone with as distinguished a record of service.”
The Communication and Leadership Award is given each year to recognize outstanding work benefiting the community.
“Our district strives to recognize non-members who, through outstanding communication and leadership, impact members in the communities we serve,” Francis said. “Marcia’s dedication and untiring work for those less fortunate is an inspiration deserving of this top honor.”
“Throughout her career, Marcia has been a fierce advocate against domestic violence and a voice for the voiceless,” said Francis, a former colleague of Barry-Smith at BankAtlantic and BBX Capital Corporation in Miami. She cited several key leadership roles with which Barry-Smith has made a difference in the lives of South Florida families:
Executive Director of the BankAtlantic Foundation, where she managed all aspects of its efforts to assist charities and community groups with grants and other support. This included outreach programs, employee volunteerism, community investment and civic involvement with non-profits.
Leader of the nationally acclaimed Homeless to Homeowner program, which has helped more than 100 formerly homeless families in Broward, Miami-Dade and Monroe counties to become homeowners. “Were it not for Marcia and her team at BankAtlantic,” Molina said, “thousands of persons in the tri-county area would not be homeowners.”
Board member and avid supporter of Women in Distress; she and her family sponsored the Joshua Room at the new Jim & Jan Moran Family Center Campus. Named for her three-year-old grandson, it accommodates children needing one-on-one counseling after having witnessed domestic violence.
Spring Conference Keynote Speaker Next Page
From previous page
The Communication and Leadership Award is only one of many honors for Marcia-Barry Smith:
Channel 4 Hometown Hero
Recipient of Channel 10 Salute
Broward Council for DV Community Leader Award
25 Most Prominent Black Women Award
South Florida Business Journal 25 Most Influential Business Women
March of Dimes Woman of Distinction
The 2012 Betty Shabazz Dove of Love Community Activist
Homeless Advocate of the Year
Thurgood Marshall Advocacy
Women’s Circle of Excellence Award
Success South Florida Magazine – 25 Most Prominent Black Women
2010 Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Women of Distinction
Mother of the Year – Healthy Mothers-Healthy Babies
Broward Council for Domestic Violence Community Leader Award
September 27, 2013: Marcia Barry-Smith Day, City of Lauderhill
November 1, 2013: Marcia Barry-Smith Appreciation Day, Mayor and Commissioners of Broward County
DCP Winners Continued from Page 5
Club DCP Challenge: 8 DCP Points by November 30
Prizes: Set of 15 Advanced Manuals Plus Chance to Win 1 Free Spring Conference registration
Div. A/Area 12: Gelfand Good Morning Toastmasters
Div. A/Area 13: Universal TMs Club
Div. C/Area 33: West Boca TMs
Div. C/Area 33: 1st U.S. Portuguese Toastmasters
Div. E/Area 50: Voices of Champions
Div. E/Area 51: Doral Toastmasters
Div. I/Area 90: First Bahamas Branch
Div. I/Area 91: Scotia Dynasty
Area Governors with 1 or More Clubs Earning 8 DCP Points
Prize: 25 District Dollars Per Club
Div. A: Area 12 (1 club), Area 13 (1 club)
Div. C: Area 33 (2 clubs)
Div. E: Area 50 (1 club), Area 51 (1 club)
Div. I: Area 90 (1 club), Area 91 (1 club)
Division Governors with 1 or More Distinguished Areas or Divisions by November 30
Prize: 25 District Dollars
Div. A: Chris Shield (A10), Heather Mahoney (A12)
Division Governors with 2 or More Distinguished Areas or Divisions or Select Distinguished Divisions by December 31
Prize: 25 District Dollars
Div. A - 2 Select Distinguished Areas: Chris Shield (A10), Heather Mahoney (A12)
Div. C: - 2 Select Distinguished Areas: Tim Kinzler (A31), Chris Gunning) (A33)
Div. F: 2 Select Distinguished Areas: Denero McIntosh (A60),AntoinetteLotmore(A60)
Training Challenge: First top 3 Division with Majority (Over 85%) of OfficersTrained
Prize: Chance to Win 1 Free Spring Conference Registration
Division C, Division I, Division D Winner of Raffle Draw: Division D
Club AC Challenge: 4 ACs by November 30
Prize: Set of 4 Manuals from Better Speaker Series
Div. A/Area 12: Gelfand Good Morning Toastmasters
Club CL/AL Challenge: Combination of 2 CLs/ALs by November 30
Prize: Set of 5 Manuals from the Leadership Excellence Series
Div. A/Area 10: American Express Tech Talkers
Div. A/Area 10: Beacon Point Advanced
Div. A/Area 11: Destino Toastmasters;
Div. B/Area 21: Proud Speakers, Broward Bi-Lingual
Div. B/Area 22: Friendly Club
Div. B/Area 23: Sawgrass TM Club
Div. B/Area 24: Club VOI, Outspoken TM
Div. C/Area 31: Boca Raton Toastmasters, Boca Raton
Noon Toastmasters, Club Paradise
Div. C/Area 32: Sensor Toast, Office Depot, NCCI TM,
Div. C/Area 33: Coral Springs Chinese Bi-Lingual
Div. D/Area 43: The Palm Beach Toastmasters Club
Div. D/Area 44: Freddy’s Forum Toastmasters Club
Div. E/Area 51: Doral Toastmasters
Div. E/Area 52: Toastmasters Inspiris, Brickell Toastmasters, Miami Beach Toastmasters
Div. E/Area 54: Assurant Toastmasters Club
Div. E/Area 55: Speedway Speakers
Div. F/Area 60: Pinnacle Seekers, Chickcharney
Div. F/Area 61: Cable Beach West, First Exuma
Div. F/Area 62: PTAB
Div. F/Area 63: Great Persuaders of Atlantis, E.T. Communicators;
Div. I/Area 90: First Bahamas Branch, Destined for Success, Action Communicators Extraordinaire, Scotia Dynasty,
Div. I/Area 92: RBC Legends, B.U.T. Nation Builders
Club CL/AL Challenge: 4 CLs/ALs by November 30
Prize: Set of 11 Manuals from the Leadership Excellence Series
Div. A/Area 12: Gelfand Good Morning Toastmasters
Div. A/Area 13: Universal Toastmasters
Div. B/Area 21: Early Bird Toastmasters
Div. C/Area 30 : Bill Gove Toastmasters
Div. C/Area 33: 1st U.S. Portuguese Toastmasters
Div. E/Area 50: Voices of Champions
Div. I/Area 91: Masters of Excellence
Div. I/Area 92: Cable Revolutionaries
Tony Longley joined the First Bahamas Branch of Toastmasters Club 1600 in May 1987. He has been a club officer in various roles and has served as a club president, an area governor and a division governor. He was named District 47 Division Governor of the Year in 2009-2010. Tony was the district's Youth Leadership Program chair for South Florida and The Bahamas in 2010-2011 and public relations officer for 2011-2012.
Contact Tony at tlongley@toastmastersd47.org.
By Lydia Harris, DTM
Ever had a dream come true? Dr. Matt Soff did. It turned out to be really funny because of Toastmasters.
In 2013, Sawgrass Toastmasters was one of several clubs being investigated by this intelligent, well-spoken man with a receding hairline who was looking for a club to join. After just one meeting, Matt decided Sawgrass would be his new home. Few members knew why he came, especially when he introduced himself as a local doctor who had taught for years without fear of public speaking. So why did he come to Toastmasters?
“For as long as I can remember, I have had as a personal goal to do standup comedy,” says Matt, who is a successful gastroenterologist from Fort Lauderdale. “Although I was comfortable delivering professional speeches, a comedic routine was something else.”
Matt wanted to take his natural sense of humor and show the world he was truly funny. And so he did on Thursday, February 13, 2014. On that day he became a graduate of The Improv Stand Up Comedy 101 class at The Hard Rock in Hollywood. He delivered a hilarious five-minute speech on family relationships as a husband, a father and an “out of whack” neighbor.
“A year of giving numerous Toastmaster speeches gave me the confidence to take my public speaking to a new level,” Matt says. “As amateurs we were given five minutes to do our comedy, no different from what we do in our Toastmasters meetings. On the night of my comedic debut, I saw many of my Sawgrass Toastmasters club members in the audience how could I fail? Needless to say, I was awesome! Thanks to Toastmasters International for the training program and support that got me to The Improv!”
What dreams do you have that can come true with the support of a few friends and a great educational program? If Toastmasters can help a “digestive specialist” find the guts to fulfill a lifelong dream, what can be next for you with a little extra time and effort?
Sawgrass Toastmasters (http://sawgrass.toastmastersclubs.org) invites you to visit any Wednesday at 7 p.m. to hear Matt and our other amazing members as they reach for their dreams through engaging speech and leadership development activities.
Does your club have an impressive way of attracting new members? How do you make your meetings fun? Got a special anniversary or other event coming up?
The Sunshiner wants to know.
Send us news and feature articles about your Toastmasters journey so we can share them with the rest of District 47. Submit articles, images and comments to:
Articles: Submit them via email, as Word attachments or in the body of the email. Write “D47 Sunshiner” and the article title in the subject line of your email.
Images: For proper reproduction, we prefer original JPG files rather than links to online photos, which often are so small they get distorted when enlarged. Please try to make the image at least 200K.
Include as much information as you can about the subjects in the image. If you did not shoot the photo, tell us who did so we can give proper credit. For all submissions: Please include your name and phone number, in case we have questions.
A new Toastmasters year starts in July. How can you recruit new officers? What’s up with the new education program?
The Sunshiner is here to help.
In our March issue, look for tips on recruiting quality leaders and a sneek peak at the new education program from Toastmasters International. We’ll also offer the latest news on Spring Conference.
And as always, we want YOUR news! See the deadlines listed below and tell us what’s happening in your club.
July 2013
August 2013
October 2013
November-December 2013
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014
May 2014
June 2014
The Leadership Issue
Finding the Talent Within
Fall Conference: Heroes & Villains
Contest & Conference Review
Resolutions for Results
The FUN Issue
Recruiting Quality Club Leaders
TMI ’s New Education Program
Membership Campaigns That Add Up
2014 Spring Conference
District 47 Year in Review
March 21
April 21
May 21
June 21